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%RAMATIS PERSONAE Cha#t$r II. B&P'A& Cha#t$r III. (HO (AS IT) Cha#t$r I*. +EE%ING THE PEACOC,S Cha#t$r *. UN%ER THE MIST'ETOE Cha#t$r *I. MIRAC'ES Cha#t$r *II. A GHOST'& RE*E' Cha#t$r *III. -ASPER

Cha#t$r I. %RAMATIS PERSONAE .Ho/ 0o$s it, +ran1) %o/n 2irst, as 3s3a4.. .Th$ $ar4y 5ird 0$ts th$ /orm, Ma6or.. .%$37$d 3n0a44ant s#$$7h, 7onsid$rin0 that th$ 4o8$4y O7ta8ia is th$ /orm,. and /ith a si0ni2i7ant 4a30h th$ ma6or ass3m$d an En04ishman's 2a8orit$ attit3d$ 5$2or$ th$ 2ir$. His 7om#anion shot a 93i71 04an7$ at him, and an $:#r$ssion o2 an:i$ty #ass$d o8$r his 2a7$ as h$ r$#4i$d, /ith a /$44;2$i0n$d air o2 indi22$r$n7$, .&o3 ar$ a4to0$th$r too shar#, Ma6or. I m3st 5$ on my 03ard /hi4$ yo3 ar$ in th$ ho3s$. Any n$/ arri8a4s) I tho30ht I h$ard a

7arria0$ dri8$ 3# not 4on0 a0o.. .It /as G$n$ra4 Sno/don and his 7harmin0 /i2$. Ma3ri7$ Tr$h$rn$ 7am$ /hi4$ /$ /$r$ o3t, and I'8$ not s$$n him y$t, #oor 2$44o/<. .Ay$, yo3 may /$44 say that= his is a hard 7as$, i2 /hat I h$ard is tr3$. I'm not 5oo1$d 3# in th$ matt$r, and I sho34d 5$, 4$st I ma1$ som$ 543nd$r h$r$, so t$44 m$ ho/ thin0s stand, Ma6or. ($'8$ a 0ood ha42 ho3r 5$2or$ dinn$r. Sir -as#$r is n$8$r #3n7t3a4.. .&$s, yo3'8$ a ri0ht to 1no/, i2 yo3 ar$ 0oin0 to try yo3r 2ort3n$ /ith O7ta8ia.. Th$ ma6or mar7h$d thro30h th$ thr$$ dra/in0 rooms to s$$ that no in93isiti8$ s$r8ant /as $a8$sdro##in0, and, 2indin0 a44

d$s$rt$d, h$ r$s3m$d his #4a7$, /hi4$ yo3n0 Annon 4o3n0$d on a 7o37h as h$ 4ist$n$d /ith int$ns$ int$r$st to th$ ma6or's story. .&o3 1no/ it /as s3##os$d that o4d Sir -as#$r, 5$in0 a 5a7h$4or, /o34d 4$a8$ his 2ort3n$ to his t/o n$#h$/s. B3t h$ /as an oddity, and as th$ tit4$ m3st 0o to yo3n0 -as#$r 5y ri0ht, th$ o4d man said Ma3ri7$ sho34d ha8$ th$ mon$y. H$ /as #oor, yo3n0 -as#$r ri7h, and it s$$m$d 53t 63st, tho30h Madam$ M>r$ /as 8$ry an0ry /h$n sh$ 4$arn$d ho/ th$ /i44 /as mad$.. .B3t Ma3ri7$ didn't 0$t th$ 2ort3n$. Ho/ /as that). .Th$r$ /as som$ myst$ry th$r$ /hi7h I sha44 dis7o8$r in tim$. A44 /$nt smooth4y ti44 that 3n4371y

ya7htin0 tri#, /h$n th$ 7o3sins /$r$ /r$71$d. Ma3ri7$ sa8$d -as#$r's 4i2$, and a4most 4ost his o/n in so doin0. I 2an7y h$ /ish$s h$ had, rath$r than r$main th$ #oor 7ri##4$ h$ is. E:#os3r$, $:$rtion, and n$04$7t a2t$r/ard 5ro30ht on #ara4ysis o2 th$ 4o/$r 4im5s, and th$r$ h$ is?a 2in$, ta4$nt$d, s#irit$d 2$44o/ ti$d to that 73rs$d 7hair 4i1$ a d$7r$#it o4d man.. .Ho/ do$s h$ 5$ar it). as1$d Annon, as th$ ma6or shoo1 his 0ray h$ad, /ith a traitoro3s h3s1in$ss in his 4ast /ords. .'i1$ a #hi4oso#h$r or a h$ro. H$ is too #ro3d to sho/ his d$s#air at s37h a s3dd$n $nd to a44 his ho#$s, too 0$n$ro3s to 7om#4ain, 2or -as#$r is d$s#$rat$4y 73t 3# a5o3t it, and too 5ra8$ to 5$

da3nt$d 5y a mis2ort3n$ /hi7h /o34d dri8$ many a man mad.. .Is it tr3$ that Sir -as#$r, 1no/in0 a44 this, mad$ a n$/ /i44 and 4$2t $8$ry 7$nt to his nam$sa1$). .&$s, and th$r$ 4i$s th$ myst$ry. Not on4y did h$ 4$a8$ it a/ay 2rom #oor Ma3ri7$, 53t so ti$d it 3# that -as#$r 7annot trans2$r it, and at his d$ath it 0o$s to O7ta8ia.. .Th$ o4d man m3st ha8$ 5$$n d$m$nt$d. (hat in h$a8$n's nam$ did h$ m$an 5y 4$a8in0 Ma3ri7$ h$4#4$ss and #$nni4$ss a2t$r a44 his d$8otion to -as#$r) Had h$ don$ anythin0 to o22$nd th$ o4d #arty). .No on$ 1no/s= Ma3ri7$ hasn't th$ 4$ast id$a o2 th$ 7a3s$ o2 this s3dd$n /him, and th$ o4d man

/o34d 0i8$ no r$ason 2or it. H$ di$d soon a2t$r, and th$ instant -as#$r 7am$ to th$ tit4$ and $stat$ h$ 5ro30ht his 7o3sin hom$, and tr$ats him 4i1$ a 5roth$r. -as#$r is a no54$ 2$44o/, /ith a44 his 2a34ts, and this a7t o2 63sti7$ in7r$as$s my r$s#$7t 2or him,. said th$ ma6or h$arti4y. .(hat /i44 Ma3ri7$ do, no/ that h$ 7an't $nt$r th$ army as h$ int$nd$d). as1$d Annon, /ho no/ sat $r$7t, so 2344 o2 int$r$st /as h$. .Marry O7ta8ia, and 7om$ to his o/n, I ho#$.. .An $:7$44$nt 4itt4$ arran0$m$nt, 53t Miss Tr$h$rn$ may o56$7t,. said Annon, risin0 /ith s3dd$n 1ind4in0 o2 th$ $y$. .I thin1 not, i2 no on$ int$r2$r$s.

Pity, /ith /om$n, is a1in to 4o8$, and sh$ #iti$s h$r 7o3sin in th$ t$nd$r$st 2ashion. No sist$r 7o34d 5$ mor$ d$8ot$d, and as Ma3ri7$ is a handsom$, ta4$nt$d 2$44o/, on$ 7an $asi4y 2or$s$$ th$ $nd, i2, as I said 5$2or$, no on$ int$r2$r$s to disa##oint th$ #oor 4ad a0ain.. .&o3 $s#o3s$ his 7a3s$, I s$$, and t$44 m$ this that I may stand asid$. Than1s 2or th$ /arnin0, Ma6or= 53t as Ma3ri7$ Tr$h$rn$ is a man o2 3n3s3a4 #o/$r in many /ays, I thin1 /$ ar$ $93a44y mat7h$d, in s#it$ o2 his mis2ort3n$. Nay, i2 anythin0, h$ has th$ ad8anta0$ o2 m$, 2or Miss Tr$h$rn$ #iti$s him, and that is a stron0 a44y 2or my ri8a4. I'44 5$ as 0$n$ro3s as I 7an, 53t I'44 not stand asid$ and r$4in93ish th$ /oman I 4o8$ /itho3t a tria4 2irst..

(ith an air o2 d$t$rmination Annon 2a7$d th$ ma6or, /hos$ 1$$n $y$s had r$ad th$ tr3th /hi7h h$ had 53t n$/4y 7on2$ss$d to hims$42. Ma6or Royston smi4$d as h$ 4ist$n$d, and said 5ri$24y, as st$#s a##roa7h$d, .%o yo3r 5$st. Ma3ri7$ /i44 /in.. .($ sha44 s$$,. r$t3rn$d Annon 5$t/$$n his t$$th. H$r$ th$ir host $nt$r$d, and th$ s356$7t o2 7o3rs$ /as dro##$d. B3t th$ ma6or's /ords ran14$d in th$ yo3n0 man's mind, and /o34d ha8$ 5$$n do354y 5itt$r had h$ 1no/n that th$ir 7on2id$ntia4 7on8$rsation had 5$$n o8$rh$ard. On $ith$r sid$ o2 th$ 0r$at 2ir$#4a7$ /as a door 4$adin0 to a s3it$ o2 rooms /hi7h had 5$$n o4d Sir -as#$r's. Th$s$ a#artm$nts had 5$$n 0i8$n to Ma3ri7$

Tr$h$rn$, and h$ had 63st r$t3rn$d 2rom 'ondon, /hith$r h$ had 5$$n to 7ons34t a 7$rtain 2amo3s #hysi7ian. Ent$rin0 93i$t4y, h$ had ta1$n #oss$ssion o2 his rooms, and ha8in0 r$st$d and dr$ss$d 2or dinn$r, ro44$d hims$42 into th$ 4i5rary, to /hi7h 4$d th$ 73rtain$d door on th$ ri0ht. Sittin0 id4y in his 4i0ht, /h$$4$d 7hair, r$ady to $nt$r /h$n his 7o3sin a##$ar$d, h$ had h$ard th$ 7hat o2 Annon and th$ ma6or. As h$ 4ist$n$d, o8$r his 3s3a44y im#assi8$ 2a7$ #ass$d 8aryin0 $:#r$ssions o2 an0$r, #ain, 5itt$rn$ss, and d$2ian7$, and /h$n th$ yo3n0 man 3tt$r$d his a4most 2i$r7$ .($ sha44 s$$,. Tr$h$rn$ smi4$d a s7orn234 smi4$ and 74$n7h$d his #a4$ hand /ith a 0$st3r$ /hi7h #ro8$d that a y$ar o2 s322$rin0 had not 7on93$r$d

th$ man's s#irit, tho30h it had 7ri##4$d his stron0 5ody. A sin034ar 2a7$ /as Ma3ri7$ Tr$h$rn$'s= /$44;73t and som$/hat ha30hty 2$at3r$s= a 2in$ 5ro/ 3nd$r th$ dar1 4o71s that 7ar$4$ss4y str$a1$d it= and r$mar1a54y #i$r7in0 $y$s. S4i0ht in 2i03r$ and /ast$d 5y #ain, h$ sti44 r$tain$d th$ 0ra7$ as nati8$ to him as th$ st$rn 2ortit3d$ /hi7h $na54$d him to hid$ th$ d$$# d$s#air o2 an am5itio3s nat3r$ 2rom $8$ry $y$, and 5$ar his a224i7tion /ith a 7h$$r234 #hi4oso#hy mor$ #ath$ti7 than th$ most $ntir$ a5andonm$nt to 0ri$2. Car$2344y dr$ss$d, and /ith no hint at in8a4idism 53t th$ 7hair, h$ 5or$ hims$42 as $asi4y and 7a4m4y as i2 th$ doom o2 4i2$4on0 h$4#4$ssn$ss did not han0 o8$r

him. A sin04$ motion o2 th$ hand s$nt him ro44in0 nois$4$ss4y to th$ 73rtain$d door, 53t as h$ did so, a 8oi7$ $:74aim$d 5$hind him, .(ait 2or m$, 7o3sin.. And as h$ t3rn$d, a yo3n0 0ir4 a##roa7h$d, smi4in0 a 04ad /$47om$ as sh$ too1 his hand, addin0 in a ton$ o2 so2t r$#roa7h, .Hom$ a0ain, and not 4$t m$ 1no/ it, ti44 I h$ard th$ 0ood n$/s 5y a77id$nt.. .(as it 0ood n$/s, O7ta8ia). and Ma3ri7$ 4oo1$d 3# at th$ 2ran1 2a7$ /ith a n$/ $:#r$ssion in thos$ #$n$tratin0 $y$s o2 his. His 7o3sin's o#$n 04an7$ n$8$r 7han0$d as sh$ stro1$d th$ hair o22 his 2or$h$ad /ith th$ 7ar$ss on$ o2t$n 0i8$s a 7hi4d, and ans/$r$d $a0$r4y, .Th$ 5$st to m$= th$ ho3s$ is d344 /h$n yo3 ar$ a/ay, 2or -as#$r a4/ays

5$7om$s a5sor5$d in hors$s and ho3nds, and 4$a8$s Mamma and m$ to mo#$ 5y o3rs$48$s. B3t t$44 m$, Ma3ri7$, /hat th$y said to yo3, sin7$ yo3 /o34d not /rit$.. .A 4itt4$ ho#$, /ith tim$ and #ati$n7$. H$4# m$ to /ait, d$ar, h$4# m$ to /ait.. His ton$ /as in2init$4y sad, and as h$ s#o1$, h$ 4$an$d his 7h$$1 a0ainst th$ 1ind hand h$ h$4d, as i2 to 2ind s3##ort and 7om2ort th$r$. Th$ 0ir4's 2a7$ 5ri0ht$n$d 5$a3ti2344y, tho30h h$r $y$s 2i44$d, 2or to h$r a4on$ did h$ 5$tray his #ain, and in h$r a4on$ did h$ s$$1 7onso4ation. .I /i44, I /i44 /ith h$art and hand< Than1 h$a8$n 2or th$ ho#$, and tr3st m$ it sha44 5$ 2342i44$d. &o3 4oo1 8$ry tir$d, Ma3ri7$. (hy 0o

in to dinn$r /ith a44 thos$ #$o#4$) '$t m$ ma1$ yo3 7o@y h$r$,. sh$ add$d an:io3s4y. .Than1s, I'd rath$r 0o in, it do$s m$ 0ood= and i2 I stay a/ay, -as#$r 2$$4s that h$ m3st stay /ith m$. I dr$ss$d in hast$, am I ri0ht, 4itt4$ n3rs$). Sh$ 0a8$ him a 7om#r$h$nsi8$ 04an7$, dainti4y s$tt4$d his 7ra8at, 5r3sh$d 5a71 a tr3ant 4o71, and, /ith a mat$rna4 air that /as 7harmin0, said, .My 5oy is a4/ays $4$0ant, and I'm #ro3d o2 him. No/ /$'44 0o in.. B3t /ith h$r hand on th$ 73rtain sh$ #a3s$d, sayin0 93i714y, as a 8oi7$ r$a7h$d h$r, .(ho is that). .+ran1 Annon. %idn't yo3 1no/ h$ /as 7omin0). Ma3ri7$ $y$d h$r 1$$n4y.

.No, -as#$r n$8$r to4d m$. (hy did h$ as1 him). .To #4$as$ yo3.. .M$< (h$n h$ 1no/s I d$t$st th$ man. No matt$r, I'8$ 0ot on th$ 7o4or h$ hat$s, so h$ /on't annoy m$, and Mrs. Sno/don 7an am3s$ h$rs$42 /ith him. Th$ 0$n$ra4 has 7om$, yo3 1no/). Tr$h$rn$ smi4$d, /$44 #4$as$d, 2or no si0n o2 maid$n sham$ or #4$as3r$ did th$ 0ir4's 2a7$ 5$tray, and as h$ /at7h$d h$r /hi4$ sh$ #$$#$d, h$ tho30ht /ith satis2a7tion, Annon is ri0ht, I ha8$ th$ ad8anta0$, and I'44 1$$# it at a44 7osts. .H$r$ is Mamma. ($ m3st 0o in,. said O7ta8ia, as a stat$4y o4d 4ady mad$ h$r a##$aran7$ in th$ dra/in0 room.

Th$ 7o3sins $nt$r$d to0$th$r and Annon /at7h$d th$m 7o8$rt4y, /hi4$ s$$min04y int$nt on #ayin0 his r$s#$7ts to Madam$ M>r$, as his host$ss /as 7a44$d 5y h$r 2ami4y. .Handsom$r than $8$r,. h$ m3tt$r$d, as his $y$ r$st$d on th$ 54oomin0 0ir4, 4oo1in0 mor$ 4i1$ a ros$ than $8$r in th$ #$a7h; 7o4or$d si41 /hi7h h$ had on7$ 7ond$mn$d 5$7a3s$ a ri8a4 admir$d it. Sh$ t3rn$d to r$#4y to th$ ma6or, and Annon 04an7$d at Tr$h$rn$ /ith an irr$#r$ssi54$ 2ro/n, 2or si71n$ss had not marr$d th$ 7harm o2 that #$734iar 2a7$, so 7o4or4$ss and thin that it s$$m$d 73t in mar54$= 53t th$ 1$$n $y$s shon$ /ith a /ond$r234 5ri44ian7y, and th$ /ho4$ 7o3nt$nan7$ /as a4i8$ /ith a

#o/$r o2 int$44$7t and /i44 /hi7h mad$ th$ o5s$r8$r in8o43ntari4y $:74aim, .That man m3st s322$r a dai4y martyrdom, so 7ri##4$d and 7on2in$d= i2 it 4ast 4on0 h$ /i44 0o mad or di$.. .G$n$ra4 and Mrs. Sno/d$n,. anno3n7$d th$ s$r8ant, and a s3dd$n #a3s$ $ns3$d as $8$ryon$ 4oo1$d 3# to 0r$$t th$ n$/7om$rs. A 2$$54$, /hit$;hair$d o4d man $nt$r$d, 4$anin0 on th$ arm o2 an ind$s7ri5a54y 5$a3ti234 /oman. Not thirty y$t, ta44 and no54y mo4d$d, /ith strai0ht 54a71 5ro/s o8$r ma0ni2i7$nt $y$s= ri##4in0 dar1 hair 0ath$r$d 3# in a 0r$at 1not, and ornam$nt$d /ith a sin04$ 5and o2 0o4d. A s/$$#in0 dr$ss o2 /in$;7o4or$d 8$48$t, s$t o22 /ith a da@@4in0 n$71 and arms

d$7orat$d 4i1$ h$r stat$4y h$ad /ith ornam$nts o2 Roman 0o4d. At th$ 2irst 04an7$ sh$ s$$m$d a 7o4d, ha30hty 7r$at3r$, 5orn to da@@4$ 53t not to /in. A d$$#$r s7r3tiny d$t$7t$d 4in$s o2 s322$rin0 in that 4o8$4y 2a7$, and 5$hind th$ 8$i4 o2 r$s$r8$, /hi7h #rid$ 2or7$d h$r to /$ar, a##$ar$d th$ an03ish o2 a stron0; /i44$d /oman 53rd$n$d 5y a h$a8y 7ross. No on$ /o34d dar$ $:#r$ss #ity or o22$r sym#athy, 2or h$r /ho4$ air r$#$44$d it, and in h$r 04oomy $y$s sat s7orn o2 h$rs$42 min04$d /ith d$2ian7$ o2 th$ s7orn o2 oth$rs. A stran0$, a4most tra0i7a4;4oo1in0 /oman, in s#it$ o2 5$a3ty, 0ra7$, and th$ 7o4d s/$$tn$ss o2 h$r mann$r. A 2aint smi4$ #art$d h$r 4i#s as sh$ 0r$$t$d thos$ a5o3t h$r, and as h$r h3s5and s$at$d hims$42

5$sid$ 'ady Tr$h$rn$, sh$ 4i2t$d h$r h$ad /ith a 4on0 5r$ath, and a sin034ar $:#r$ssion o2 r$4i$2, as i2 a 53rd$n /as r$mo8$d, and 2or th$ tim$ 5$in0 sh$ /as 2r$$. Sir -as#$r /as at h$r sid$, and as sh$ 4ist$n$d, h$r $y$ 04an7$d 2rom 2a7$ to 2a7$. .(ho is /ith yo3 no/). sh$ as1$d, in a 4o/, m$44o/ 8oi7$ that /as 2344 o2 m3si7. .My sist$r and my 7o3sin ar$ yond$r. &o3 may r$m$m5$r Ta8ia as a 7hi4d, sh$ is 4itt4$ mor$ no/. Ma3ri7$ is an in8a4id, 53t th$ 2in$st 2$44o/ 5r$athin0.. .I 3nd$rstand,. and Mrs. Sno/don's $y$s so2t$n$d /ith a s3dd$n 04an7$ o2 #ity 2or on$ 7o3sin and admiration 2or th$ oth$r, 2or sh$ 1n$/ th$ 2a7ts.

.Ma6or Royston, my 2ath$r's 2ri$nd, and +ran1 Annon, my o/n. %o yo3 1no/ him). as1$d Sir -as#$r. .No.. .Th$n a44o/ m$ to ma1$ him ha##y 5y #r$s$ntin0 him, may I). .Not no/. I'd rath$r s$$ yo3r 7o3sin.. .Than1s, yo3 ar$ 8$ry 1ind. I'44 5rin0 him o8$r.. .Stay, 4$t m$ 0o to him,. 5$0an th$ 4ady, /ith mor$ 2$$4in0 in 2a7$ and 8oi7$ than on$ /o34d 5$4i$8$ h$r 7a#a54$ o2 sho/in0. .Pardon, it /i44 o22$nd him, h$ /i44 not 5$ #iti$d, or r$4in93ish any o2 th$ d3ti$s or #ri8i4$0$s o2 a 0$nt4$man /hi7h h$ 7an #ossi54y #$r2orm. H$ is #ro3d, /$

7an 3nd$rstand th$ 2$$4in0, so 4$t 3s h3mor th$ #oor 2$44o/.. Mrs. Sno/don 5o/$d si4$nt4y, and Sir -as#$r 7a44$d o3t in his h$arty, 543nt /ay, as i2 nothin0 /as amiss /ith his 7o3sin, .Ma3ri7$, I'8$ an honor 2or yo3. Com$ and r$7$i8$ it.. %i8inin0 /hat it /as, Tr$h$rn$ nois$4$ss4y 7ross$d th$ room, and /ith no si0n o2 s$42;7ons7io3sn$ss or $m5arrassm$nt, /as #r$s$nt$d to th$ handsom$ /oman. Thin1in0 his #r$s$n7$ mi0ht 5$ a r$straint, Sir -as#$r /$nt a/ay. Th$ instant his 5a71 /as t3rn$d, a 7han0$ 7am$ o8$r 5othA an a4most 0rim $:#r$ssion r$#4a7$d th$ s3a8ity o2 Tr$h$rn$'s 2a7$, and Mrs. Sno/don's smi4$ 2ad$d s3dd$n4y, /hi4$ a d$$# 243sh ros$ to h$r 5ro/, as h$r $y$s

93$stion$d his 5$s$$7hin04y. .Ho/ dar$d yo3 7om$). h$ as1$d 5$4o/ his 5r$ath. .Th$ 0$n$ra4 insist$d.. .And yo3 7o34d not 7han0$ his #3r#os$= #oor /oman<. .&o3 /i44 not 5$ #iti$d, n$ith$r /i44 I,. and h$r $y$s 24ash$d= th$n th$ 2ir$ /as 93$n7h$d in t$ars, and h$r 8oi7$ 4ost a44 its #rid$ in a #4$adin0 ton$. .+or0i8$ m$, I 4on0$d to s$$ yo3 sin7$ yo3r i44n$ss, and so I 'dar$d' to 7om$.. .&o3 sha44 5$ 0rati2i$d= 4oo1, 93it$ h$4#4$ss, 7ri##4$d 2or 4i2$, #$rha#s.. Th$ 7hair /as t3rn$d 2rom th$ 0ro3#s a5o3t th$ 2ir$, and as h$

s#o1$, /ith a 5itt$r 4a30h Tr$h$rn$ thr$/ 5a71 th$ s1in /hi7h 7o8$r$d his 1n$$s, and sho/$d h$r th$ 3s$4$ss 4im5s on7$ so stron0 and 24$$t. Sh$ shran1 and #a4$d, #3t o3t h$r hand to arr$st him, and 7ri$d in an indi0nant /his#$r, .No, no, not that< &o3 1no/ I n$8$r m$ant s37h 7r3$4 73riosity, s37h 3s$4$ss #ain to 5oth?. .B$ sti44, som$on$ is 7omin0,. h$ r$t3rn$d ina3di54y= addin0 a4o3d, as h$ ad63st$d th$ s1in and smooth$d th$ ri7h 23r as i2 s#$a1in0 o2 it, .&$s, it is a 8$ry 2in$ on$, -as#$r 0a8$ it to m$. H$ s#oi4s m$, 4i1$ a d$ar, 0$n$ro3s; h$art$d 2$44o/ as h$ is. Ah, O7ta8ia, /hat 7an I do 2or yo3). .Nothin0, than1 yo3. I /ant to r$7a44 mys$42 to Mrs. Sno/don's

m$mory, i2 sh$ /i44 4$t m$.. .No n$$d o2 that= I n$8$r 2or0$t ha##y 2a7$s and #r$tty #i7t3r$s. T/o y$ars a0o I sa/ yo3 at yo3r 2irst 5a44, and 4on0$d to 5$ a 0ir4 a0ain.. As sh$ s#o1$, Mrs. Sno/don #r$ss$d th$ hand shy4y o22$r$d, and smi4$d at th$ s#irit$d 2a7$ 5$2or$ h$r, tho30h th$ shado/ in h$r o/n $y$s d$$#$n$d as sh$ m$t th$ 5ri0ht 04an7$ o2 th$ 0ir4. .Ho/ 1ind yo3 /$r$ that ni0ht< I r$m$m5$r yo3 4$t m$ 7hatt$r a/ay a5o3t my 2ami4y, my 7o3sin, and my 2oo4ish 4itt4$ a22airs /ith th$ s/$$t$st #ati$n7$, and mad$ m$ 8$ry ha##y 5y yo3r int$r$st. I /as hom$si71, and A3nt 7o34d n$8$r 5$ar to h$ar o2 thos$ thin0s. It /as 5$2or$ yo3r

marria0$, and a44 th$ 1ind$r, 2or yo3 /$r$ th$ 93$$n o2 th$ ni0ht, y$t had a /ord 2or #oor 4itt4$ m$.. Mrs. Sno/don /as #a4$ to th$ 4i#s, and Ma3ri7$ im#ati$nt4y ta##$d th$ arm o2 his 7hair, /hi4$ th$ 0ir4 inno7$nt4y 7hatt$d on. .I am sorry th$ 0$n$ra4 is s37h an in8a4id= y$t I dar$ say yo3 2ind 0r$at ha##in$ss in ta1in0 7ar$ o2 him. It is so #4$asant to 5$ o2 3s$ to thos$ /$ 4o8$.. And as sh$ s#o1$, O7ta8ia 4$an$d o8$r h$r 7o3sin to hand him th$ 04o8$ h$ had dro##$d. Th$ a22$7tionat$ smi4$ that a77om#ani$d th$ a7t mad$ th$ 7o4or d$$#$n a0ain in Mrs. Sno/don's 7h$$1, and 4it a s#ar1 in h$r so2t$n$d $y$s. H$r 4i#s 73r4$d and h$r 8oi7$ /as s/$$t4y

sar7asti7 as sh$ ans/$r$d, .&$s, it is 7harmin0 to d$8ot$ on$'s 4i2$ to th$s$ d$ar in8a4ids, and 2ind on$'s r$/ard in th$ir 0ratit3d$. &o3th, 5$a3ty, h$a4th, and ha##in$ss ar$ sma44 sa7ri2i7$s i2 on$ /ins a 4itt4$ 7om2ort 2or th$ #oor s322$r$rs.. Th$ 0ir4 2$4t th$ sar7asm 3nd$r th$ so2t /ords and dr$/ 5a71 /ith a tro354$d 2a7$. Ma3ri7$ smi4$d, and 04an7$d 2rom on$ to th$ oth$r, sayin0 si0ni2i7ant4y, .($44 2or m$ that my 4itt4$ n3rs$ 4o8$s h$r 4a5or, and 2inds no sa7ri2i7$ in it. I am 2ort3nat$ in my 7hoi7$.. .I tr3st it may #ro8$ so?. Mrs. Sno/don 0ot no 23rth$r, 2or at that mom$nt dinn$r /as anno3n7$d, and Sir -as#$r too1

h$r a/ay. Annon a##roa7h$d /ith him and o22$r$d his arm to Miss Tr$h$rn$, 53t /ith an air o2 s3r#ris$, and a 4itt4$ 0$st3r$ o2 r$23sa4, sh$ said 7o4d4yA .My 7o3sin a4/ays ta1$s m$ in to dinn$r. B$ 0ood $no30h to $s7ort th$ ma6or.. And /ith h$r hand on th$ arm o2 th$ 7hair, sh$ /a41$d a/ay /ith a mis7hi$8o3s 04itt$r in h$r $y$s. Annon 2ro/n$d and 2$44 5a71, sayin0 shar#4y, .Com$, Ma6or, /hat ar$ yo3 doin0 th$r$). .Ma1in0 dis7o8$ri$s.. Cha#t$r II. B&P'A& A ri0ht s#4$ndid o4d do/a0$r /as 'ady Tr$h$rn$, in h$r 54a71 8$48$t and #oint 4a7$, as sh$ sat $r$7t and stat$4y on a 7o37h 5y th$

dra/in0;room 2ir$, a 7o37h /hi7h no on$ dar$ o773#y in h$r a5s$n7$, or shar$ 3nin8it$d. Th$ 0$nt4$m$n /$r$ sti44 o8$r th$ir /in$, and th$ thr$$ 4adi$s /$r$ a4on$. My 4ady n$8$r do@$d in #354i7, Mrs. Sno/don n$8$r 0ossi#$d, and O7ta8ia n$8$r tro354$d h$rs$42 to $nt$rtain any 03$sts 53t thos$ o2 h$r o/n a0$, so 4on0 #a3s$s 2$44, and 7on8$rsation 4an03ish$d, ti44 Mrs. Sno/don roam$d a/ay into th$ 4i5rary. As sh$ disa##$ar$d, 'ady Tr$h$rn$ 5$71on$d to h$r da30ht$r, /ho /as id4y ma1in0 7hords at th$ 0rand #iano. S$atin0 h$rs$42 on th$ ottoman at h$r moth$r's 2$$t, th$ 0ir4 too1 th$ sti44 handsom$ hand in h$r o/n and am3s$d h$rs$42 /ith $:aminin0 th$ o4d;2ashion$d 6$/$4s that 7o8$r$d it, a #r$t$:t

2or o773#yin0 h$r t$44ta4$ $y$s, as sh$ s3s#$7t$d /hat /as 7omin0. .My d$ar, I'm not #4$as$d /ith yo3, and I t$44 yo3 so at on7$, that yo3 may am$nd yo3r 2a34t,. 5$0an Madam$ M>r$ in a t$nd$r ton$, 2or tho30h a ha30hty, im#$rio3s /oman, sh$ ido4i@$d h$r 7hi4dr$n. .(hat ha8$ I don$, Mamma). as1$d th$ 0ir4. .Say rath$r, /hat ha8$ yo3 4$2t 3ndon$. &o3 ha8$ 5$$n 8$ry r3d$ to Mr. Annon. It m3st not o773r a0ain= not on4y 5$7a3s$ h$ is a 03$st, 53t 5$7a3s$ h$ is yo3r? 5roth$r's 2ri$nd.. My 4ady h$sitat$d o8$r th$ /ord .4o8$r,. and 7han0$d it, 2or to h$r O7ta8ia sti44 s$$m$d a 7hi4d, and tho30h an:io3s 2or th$ a44ian7$,

sh$ 2or5or$ to s#$a1 o#$n4y, 4$st th$ 0ir4 sho34d t3rn /i44234, as sh$ inh$rit$d h$r moth$r's hi0h s#irit. .I'm sorry, Mamma. B3t ho/ 7an I h$4# it, /h$n h$ t$as$s m$ so that I d$t$st him). said O7ta8ia, #$t34ant4y. .Ho/ t$as$, my 4o8$). .(hy, h$ 2o44o/s m$ a5o3t 4i1$ a do0, #3ts on a s$ntim$nta4 4oo1 /h$n I a##$ar= 543sh$s, and 5$ams, and 5o/s at $8$rythin0 I say, i2 I am #o4it$= 2ro/ns and si0hs i2 I'm not= and 04o/$rs tra0i7a44y at $8$ry man I s#$a1 to, $8$n #oor Ma3ri7$. Oh, Mamma, /hat 2oo4ish 7r$at3r$s m$n ar$<. And th$ 0ir4 4a30h$d 54ith$4y, as sh$ 4oo1$d 3# 2or th$ 2irst tim$ into h$r moth$r's 2a7$. My 4ady smi4$d, as sh$ stro1$d

th$ 5ri0ht h$ad at h$r 1n$$, 53t as1$d 93i714y, .(hy say '$8$n #oor Ma3ri7$,' as i2 it /$r$ im#ossi54$ 2or anyon$ to 5$ 6$a4o3s o2 him). .B3t isn't it, Mamma) I tho30ht stron0, /$44 m$n r$0ard$d him as on$ s$t a#art and don$ /ith, sin7$ his sad mis2ort3n$.. .Not $ntir$4y= /hi4$ /om$n #ity and #$t th$ #oor 2$44o/, his 7omrad$s /i44 5$ 6$a4o3s, a5s3rd as it is.. .No on$ #$ts him 53t m$, and I ha8$ a ri0ht to do it, 2or h$ is my 7o3sin,. said th$ 0ir4, 2$$4in0 a to37h o2 6$a4o3sy h$rs$42. .Ros$ and B4an7h$ Ta45ot o3tdo yo3, my d$ar, and th$r$ is no 7o3sinshi# to $:73s$ th$m..

.Th$n 4$t +ran1 Annon 5$ 6$a4o3s o2 th$m, and 4$a8$ m$ in #$a7$. Th$y #romis$d to 7om$ today= I'm a2raid som$thin0 has ha##$n$d to #r$8$nt th$m.. And O7ta8ia 04ad4y s$i@$d 3#on th$ n$/ s356$7t. B3t my 4ady /as not to 5$ $43d$d. .Th$y said th$y 7o34d not 7om$ ti44 a2t$r dinn$r. Th$y /i44 soon arri8$. B$2or$ th$y do so, I m3st say a 2$/ /ords, Ta8ia, and I 5$0 yo3 to 0i8$ h$$d to th$m. I d$sir$ yo3 to 5$ 7o3rt$o3s and amia54$ to Mr. Annon, and 5$2or$ stran0$rs to 5$ 4$ss att$nti8$ and a22$7tionat$ to Ma3ri7$. &o3 m$an it 1ind4y, 53t it 4oo1s i44, and 7a3s$s disa0r$$a54$ r$mar1s.. .(ho 54am$s m$ 2or 5$in0 d$8ot$d to my 7o3sin) Can I $8$r do $no30h to r$#ay him 2or his

d$8otion) Mamma, yo3 2or0$t h$ sa8$d yo3r son's 4i2$.. Indi0nant t$ars 2i44$d th$ 0ir4's $y$s, and sh$ s#o1$ #assionat$4y, 2or0$ttin0 that Mrs. Sno/don /as /ithin $arshot o2 h$r rais$d 8oi7$. (ith a 2ro/n my 4ady 4aid h$r hand on h$r da30ht$r's 4i#s, sayin0 7o4d4y, .I do not 2or0$t, and I r$4i0io3s4y dis7har0$ my $8$ry o54i0ation 5y $8$ry 7ar$ and 7om2ort it is in my #o/$r to 5$sto/. &o3 ar$ yo3n0, romanti7, and t$nd$r;h$art$d. &o3 thin1 yo3 m3st 0i8$ yo3r tim$ and h$a4th, m3st sa7ri2i7$ yo3r 23t3r$ ha##in$ss to this d3ty. &o3 ar$ /ron0, and 3n4$ss yo3 4$arn /isdom in s$ason, yo3 /i44 2ind that yo3 ha8$ don$ harm, not 0ood.. .God 2or5id< Ho/ 7an I do that)

T$44 m$, and I /i44 5$ /is$ in tim$.. T3rnin0 th$ $arn$st 2a7$ 3# to h$r o/n, 'ady Tr$h$rn$ /his#$r$d an:io3s4y, .Has Ma3ri7$ $8$r 4oo1$d or hint$d anythin0 o2 4o8$ d3rin0 this y$ar h$ has 5$$n /ith 3s, and yo3 his 7onstant 7om#anion). .N$8$r, Mamma= h$ is too honora54$ and too 3nha##y to s#$a1 or thin1 o2 that. I am his 4itt4$ n3rs$, sist$r, and 2ri$nd, no mor$, nor $8$r sha44 5$. %o not s3s#$7t 3s, or #3t s37h 2$ars into my mind, $4s$ a44 o3r 7om2ort /i44 5$ s#oi4$d.. +43sh$d and $a0$r /as th$ 0ir4, 53t h$r 74$ar $y$s 5$tray$d no t$nd$r 7on23sion as sh$ s#o1$, and a44 h$r tho30ht s$$m$d to 5$

to 74$ar h$r 7o3sin 2rom th$ 7har0$ o2 4o8in0 h$r too /$44. 'ady Tr$h$rn$ 4oo1$d r$4i$8$d, #a3s$d a mom$nt, th$n said, s$rio3s4y 53t 0$nt4y, .This is /$44, 53t, 7hi4d, I 7har0$ yo3 t$44 m$ at on7$, i2 $8$r h$ 2or0$ts hims$42, 2or this thin0 7annot 5$. On7$ I ho#$d it mi0ht, no/ it is im#ossi54$= r$m$m5$r that h$ 7ontin3$ a 2ri$nd and 7o3sin, nothin0 mor$. I /arn yo3 in tim$, 53t i2 yo3 n$04$7t th$ /arnin0, Ma3ri7$ m3st 0o. No mor$ o2 this= r$7o44$7t my /ish r$0ardin0 Mr. Annon, and 4$t yo3r 7o3sin am3s$ hims$42 /itho3t yo3 in #354i7.. .Mamma, do yo3 /ish m$ to 4i1$ +ran1 Annon). Th$ a5r3#t 93$stion rath$r dist3r5$d my 4ady, 53t 1no/in0 h$r da30ht$r's 2ran1, im#$t3o3s

nat3r$, sh$ 2$4t som$/hat r$4i$8$d 5y this 7andor, and ans/$r$d d$7id$d4y, .I do. H$ is yo3r $93a4 in a44 r$s#$7ts= h$ 4o8$s yo3, -as#$r d$sir$s it, I a##ro8$, and yo3, 5$in0 h$art; /ho4$, 7an ha8$ no 63st o56$7tion to th$ a44ian7$.. .Has h$ s#o1$n to yo3). .No, to yo3r 5roth$r.. .&o3 /ish this m37h, Mamma). .*$ry m37h, my 7hi4d.. .I /i44 try to #4$as$ yo3, th$n.. And sti24in0 a si0h, th$ 0ir4 1iss$d h$r moth$r /ith 3n/ont$d m$$1n$ss in ton$ and mann$r. .No/ I am /$44 #4$as$d. B$ ha##y, my 4o8$. No on$ /i44 3r0$ or distr$ss yo3. '$t matt$rs ta1$ th$ir 7o3rs$, and i2 this ho#$ o2

o3rs 7an 5$ 2342i44$d, I sha44 5$ r$4i$8$d o2 th$ 7hi$2 7ar$ o2 my 4i2$.. A so3nd o2 0ir4ish 8oi7$s h$r$ 5ro1$ on th$ir $ars, and s#rin0in0 3#, O7ta8ia h3rri$d to m$$t h$r 2ri$nds, $:74aimin0 6oy2344y, .Th$y ha8$ 7om$< th$y ha8$ 7om$<. T/o smi4in0, 54oomin0 0ir4s m$t h$r at th$ door, and, 5$in0 at an $nth3siasti7 a0$, th$y 03sh$d in 0ir4ish 2ashion 2or s$8$ra4 min3t$s, ma1in0 a #r$tty 0ro3# as th$y stood in $a7h oth$r's arms, a44 ta41in0 at on7$, /ith 2r$93$nt 1iss$s and 4itt4$ 53rsts o2 4a30ht$r, as 8$nts 2or th$ir $motion. Madam$ M>r$ /$47om$d th$m and th$n /$nt to 6oin Mrs. Sno/don, 4$a8in0 th$ trio to 0ossi# 3nr$strain$d.

.My d$ar$st 7r$at3r$, I tho30ht /$ n$8$r sho34d 0$t h$r$, 2or Pa#a had a tir$som$ dinn$r #arty, and /$ /$r$ o54i0$d to stay, yo3 1no/,. 7ri$d Ros$, th$ 4i8$4y sist$r, sha1in0 o3t th$ #r$tty dr$ss and 04an7in0 at h$rs$42 in th$ mirror as sh$ 243tt$r$d a5o3t th$ room 4i1$ a 53tt$r24y. .($ /$r$ dyin0 to 7om$, and so 7harm$d /h$n yo3 as1$d 3s, 2or /$ ha8$n't s$$n yo3 this a0$, dar4in0,. add$d B4an7h$, th$ #$nsi8$ on$, smoothin0 h$r 54ond 73r4s a2t$r a 2r$sh $m5ra7$. .I'm sorry th$ U4st$rs 7o34dn't 7om$ to 1$$# Christmas /ith 3s, 2or /$ ha8$ no 0$nt4$m$n 53t -as#$r, +ran1 Annon, and th$ ma6or. Sad, isn't it). said O7ta8ia, /ith a 4oo1 o2 d$s#air, /hi7h 7a3s$d a 2r$sh #$a4 o2 4a30ht$r.

.On$ a#i$7$, my d$ar, it mi0ht 5$ /ors$.. And Ros$ #ri8at$4y d$7id$d to a##ro#riat$ Sir -as#$r. .(h$r$ is yo3r 7o3sin). as1$d B4an7h$, /ith a si0h o2 s$ntim$nta4 int$r$st. .H$ is h$r$, o2 7o3rs$. I 2or0$t him, 53t h$ is not on th$ 24irtin0 4ist, yo3 1no/. ($ m3st am3s$ him, and not $:#$7t him to am3s$ 3s, tho30h r$a44y, a44 th$ 7a#ita4 s300$stions and #4ans 2or m$rryma1in0 a4/ays 7om$ 2rom him.. .H$ is 5$tt$r, I ho#$). as1$d 5oth sist$rs /ith r$a4 sym#athy, ma1in0 th$ir yo3n0 2a7$s /oman4y and s/$$t. .&$s, and has ho#$s o2 $ntir$ r$7o8$ry. At 4$ast, th$y t$44 him

so, tho30h %r. Ash4$y said th$r$ /as no 7han7$ o2 it.. .%$ar, d$ar, ho/ sad< Sha44 /$ s$$ him, Ta8ia). .C$rtain4y= h$ is a54$ to 5$ /ith 3s no/ in th$ $8$nin0, and $n6oys so7i$ty as m37h as $8$r. B3t #4$as$ ta1$ no noti7$ o2 his in2irmity, and ma1$ no in93iri$s 5$yond th$ 3s3a4 'Ho/ do yo3 do.' H$ is s$nsiti8$, and hat$s to 5$ 7onsid$r$d an in8a4id mor$ than $8$r.. .Ho/ 7harmin0 it m3st 5$ to ta1$ 7ar$ o2 him, h$ is so a77om#4ish$d and d$4i0ht234. I 93it$ $n8y yo3,. said B4an7h$ #$nsi8$4y. .Sir -as#$r to4d 3s that th$ G$n$ra4 and Mrs. Sno/don /$r$ 7omin0. I ho#$ th$y /i44, 2or I'8$ a most int$ns$ 73riosity to s$$ h$r

?. 5$0an Ros$. .H3sh, sh$ is h$r$ /ith Mamma< (hy 73rio3s) (hat is th$ myst$ry) +or yo3 4oo1 as i2 th$r$ /as on$,. 93$stion$d O7ta8ia 3nd$r h$r 5r$ath. Th$ thr$$ 7harmin0 h$ads 5$nt to/ard on$ anoth$r as Ros$ r$#4i$d in a /his#$r, .I2 I 1n$/, I sho34dn't 5$ in93isiti8$. Th$r$ /as a r3mor that sh$ marri$d th$ o4d 0$n$ra4 in a 2it o2 #i93$, and no/ r$#$nts. I as1$d Mamma on7$, 53t sh$ said s37h matt$rs /$r$ not 2or yo3n0 0ir4s to h$ar, and not a /ord mor$ /o34d sh$ say. N'im#ort$, I ha8$ /its o2 my o/n, and I 7an satis2y mys$42. Th$ 0$nt4$m$n ar$ 7omin0< Am I a44 ri0ht, d$ar). And th$ thr$$ 04an7$d at on$ anoth$r /ith a s/i2t s7r3tiny that nothin0 7o34d

$s7a#$, th$n 0ro3#$d th$ms$48$s #r$tti4y, and /ait$d, /ith a 4itt4$ 243tt$r o2 $:#$7tation in $a7h yo3n0 h$art. In 7am$ th$ 0$nt4$m$n, and instant4y a n$/ atmos#h$r$ s$$m$d to #$r8ad$ th$ dra/in0 room, 2or /ith th$ 2irst /ords 3tt$r$d, s$8$ra4 roman7$s 5$0an. Sir -as#$r /as ta1$n #oss$ssion o2 5y Ros$, B4an7h$ int$nd$d to d$8ot$ h$rs$42 to Ma3ri7$ Tr$h$rn$, 53t Annon int$r7$#t$d h$r, and O7ta8ia /as s#ar$d any $22ort at #o4it$n$ss 5y this 3n$:#$7t$d mo8$ on th$ #art o2 h$r 4o8$r. .H$ is an0ry, and /ish$s to #i93$ m$ 5y d$8otin0 hims$42 to B4an7h$. I /ish h$ /o34d, /ith a44 my h$art, and 4$a8$ m$ in #$a7$. Poor Ma3ri7$, h$ $:#$7ts m$, and

I 4on0 to 0o to him, 53t m3st o5$y Mamma.. And O7ta8ia /$nt to 6oin th$ 0ro3# 2orm$d 5y my 4ady, Mrs. Sno/don, th$ 0$n$ra4, and th$ ma6or. Th$ t/o yo3n0 7o3#4$s 24irt$d in di22$r$nt #arts o2 th$ room, and Tr$h$rn$ sat a4on$, /at7hin0 th$m a44 /ith $y$s that #i$r7$d 5$4o/ th$ s3r2a7$, r$adin0 th$ hidd$n /ish$s, ho#$s, and 2$ars that r34$d th$m. A sin034ar $:#r$ssion sat on his 2a7$ as h$ t3rn$d 2rom O7ta8ia's 74$ar 7o3nt$nan7$ to Mrs. Sno/don's 04oomy on$. H$ 4$an$d his h$ad 3#on his hand and 2$44 into d$$# tho30ht, 2or h$ /as #assin0 thro30h on$ o2 thos$ 2at$234 mom$nts /hi7h 7om$ to 3s a44, and /hi7h may ma1$ or mar a 4i2$. S37h mom$nts 7om$ /h$n 4$ast

4oo1$d 2orA an 3n$:#$7t$d m$$tin0, a #$734iar mood, som$ tri8ia4 7ir73mstan7$, or 7ar$4$ss /ord #rod37$s it, and o2t$n it is 0on$ 5$2or$ /$ r$a4i@$ its #r$s$n7$, 4$a8in0 a2t$r$22$7ts to sho/ 3s /hat /$ ha8$ 0ain$d or 4ost. Tr$h$rn$ /as 7ons7io3s that th$ #r$s$nt ho3r, and th$ a7ts that 2i44$d it, #oss$ss$d 3n3s3a4 int$r$st, and /o34d $:$rt an 3n3s3a4 in243$n7$ on his 4i2$. B$2or$ him /as th$ 0ood and $8i4 0$ni3s o2 his nat3r$ in th$ 03is$ o2 thos$ t/o /om$n. Edith Sno/don had a4r$ady tri$d h$r #o/$r, and a77id$nt on4y had sa8$d him. O7ta8ia, a44 3n7ons7io3s as sh$ /as, n$8$r 2ai4$d to ro3s$ and stim34at$ th$ no54$st attri53t$s o2 mind and h$art. A y$ar s#$nt in h$r so7i$ty had don$ m37h 2or him, and h$

4o8$d h$r /ith a stran0$ min04in0 o2 #assion, r$8$r$n7$, and 0ratit3d$. H$ 1n$/ /hy Edith Sno/don 7am$, h$ 2$4t that th$ o4d 2as7ination had not 4ost its 7harm, and tho30h 2$ar /as 3n1no/n to him, h$ /as i44 #4$as$d at th$ si0ht o2 th$ 5$a3ti234, dan0$ro3s /oman. On th$ oth$r hand, h$ sa/ that 'ady Tr$h$rn$ d$sir$d h$r da30ht$r to sh3n him and smi4$ on Annon= h$ a71no/4$d0$d that h$ had no ri0ht to /in th$ yo3n0 7r$at3r$, 7ri##4$d and #oor as h$ /as, and a #an0 o2 6$a4o3s #ain /r3n0 his h$art as h$ /at7h$d h$r. Th$n a s$ns$ o2 #o/$r 7am$ to him, 2or h$4#4$ss, #oor, and s$$min04y an o56$7t o2 #ity, h$ y$t 2$4t that h$ h$4d th$ honor, #$a7$, and ha##in$ss o2 n$ar4y

$8$ry #$rson #r$s$nt in his hands. It /as a stron0 t$m#tation to this man, so 2344 o2 r$#r$ss$d #assion and #o/$r, so s$t a#art and sh3t o3t 2rom th$ mor$ stirrin0 d3ti$s and #4$as3r$s o2 4i2$. A 2$/ /ords 2rom his 4i#s, and th$ #ity a44 2$4t 2or him /o34d 5$ t3rn$d to 2$ar, r$s#$7t, and admiration. (hy not 3tt$r th$m, and $n6oy a44 that /as #ossi54$) H$ o/$d th$ Tr$h$rn$s nothin0= /hy s322$r in63sti7$, d$#$nd$n7$, and th$ 7om#assion that /o3nds a #ro3d man d$$#$st) ($a4th, 4o8$, #4$as3r$ mi0ht 5$ his /ith a 5r$ath. (hy not s$73r$ th$m no/) His #a4$ 2a7$ 243sh$d, his $y$ 1ind4$d, and his thin hand 4ay 74$n7h$d 4i1$ a 8is$ as th$s$ tho30hts #ass$d ra#id4y thro30h

his mind. A 4oo1, a /ord at that mom$nt /o34d s/ay him= h$ 2$4t it, and 4$an$d 2or/ard, /aitin0 in s$7r$t s3s#$ns$ 2or th$ 04an7$, th$ s#$$7h /hi7h sho34d d$7id$ him 2or 0ood or i44. (ho sha44 say /hat s35t4$ instin7t 7a3s$d O7ta8ia to t3rn and smi4$ at him /ith a /ist234, 2ri$nd4y 4oo1 that /arm$d his h$art) H$ m$t it /ith an ans/$rin0 04an7$, /hi7h thri44$d h$r stran0$4y, 2or 4o8$, 0ratit3d$, and som$ myst$rio3s int$44i0$n7$ m$t and min04$d in th$ 5ri44iant y$t so2t $:#r$ssion /hi7h s/i2t4y shon$ and 2ad$d in h$r 2a7$. (hat it /as sh$ 7o34d not t$44= sh$ on4y 2$4t that it 2i44$d h$r /ith an ind$s7ri5a54$ $motion n$8$r $:#$ri$n7$d 5$2or$. In an instant it a44 #ass$d, 'ady Tr$h$rn$ s#o1$ to h$r, and B4an7h$ Ta45ot addr$ss$d

Ma3ri7$, /ond$rin0, as sh$ did so, i2 th$ $n7hantin0 smi4$ h$ /or$ /as m$ant 2or h$r. .Mr. Annon ha8in0 m$r7i2344y s$t m$ 2r$$, I 7am$ to try to 7h$$r yo3r so4it3d$= 53t yo3 4oo1 as i2 so4it3d$ mad$ yo3 ha##i$r than so7i$ty do$s th$ r$st o2 3s,. sh$ said /itho3t h$r 3s3a4 a22$7tation, 2or his mann$r im#r$ss$d h$r. .&o3 ar$ 8$ry 1ind and 8$ry /$47om$. I do 2ind #4$as3r$s to 5$03i4$ my 4on$4in$ss, /hi7h 0ay$r #$o#4$ /o34d not $n6oy, and it is /$44 that I 7an, $4s$ I sho34d t3rn moros$ and tyranni7a4, and doom som$ 3n2ort3nat$ to $nt$rtain m$ a44 day 4on0.. H$ ans/$r$d /ith a 0$nt4$ 7o3rt$sy /hi7h /as his 7hi$2 attra7tion to /oman1ind.

.Pray t$44 m$ som$ o2 yo3r d$8i7$s, I'm o2t$n a4on$ in s#irit, i2 not so in th$ 24$sh, 2or Ros$, tho30h a d$ar 0ir4, is not 7on0$nia4, and I 2ind no 1indr$d so34.. A h3moro3s 04imm$r 7am$ to Tr$h$rn$'s $y$s, as th$ s$ntim$nta4 dams$4 5$am$d a so2t si0h and droo#$d h$r 4on0 4ash$s $22$7ti8$4y. I0norin0 th$ to#i7 o2 .1indr$d so34s,. h$ ans/$r$d 7o4d4y, .My 2a8orit$ am3s$m$nt is st3dyin0 th$ #$o#4$ aro3nd m$. It may 5$ r3d$, 53t ti$d to my 7orn$r, I 7annot h$4# /at7hin0 th$ 2i03r$s aro3nd m$, and dis7o8$rin0 th$ir 4itt4$ #4ots and #4ans. I'm 0$ttin0 8$ry $:#$rt, and r$a44y s3r#ris$ mys$42 som$tim$s 5y th$ d$#th o2 my r$s$ar7h$s..

.I 7an 5$4i$8$ it= yo3r $y$s 4oo1 as i2 th$y #oss$ss$d that 0i2t. Pray don't st3dy m$.. And th$ 0ir4 shran1 a/ay /ith an air o2 0$n3in$ a4arm. Tr$h$rn$ smi4$d in8o43ntari4y, 2or h$ had r$ad th$ s$7r$t o2 that sha44o/ h$art 4on0 a0o, and /as too 0$n$ro3s to 3s$ th$ 1no/4$d0$, ho/$8$r 24att$rin0 it mi0ht 5$ to him. In a r$ass3rin0 ton$ h$ said, t3rnin0 a/ay th$ 1$$n $y$s sh$ 2$ar$d, .I 0i8$ yo3 my /ord I n$8$r /i44, 7harmin0 as it mi0ht 5$ to st3dy th$ /hit$ #a0$s o2 a maid$n4y h$art. I 2ind #4$nty o2 oth$rs to r$ad, so r$st tran93i4, Miss B4an7h$.. .(ho int$r$sts yo3 most 63st no/). as1$d th$ 0ir4, 7o4orin0 /ith #4$as3r$ at his /ords. .Mrs.

Sno/don 4oo1s 4i1$ on$ /ho has a roman7$ to 5$ r$ad, i2 yo3 ha8$ th$ s1i44.. .I ha8$ r$ad it. My 4ady is my st3dy 63st no/. I tho30ht I 1n$/ h$r /$44, 53t o2 4at$ sh$ #3@@4$s m$. H3man minds ar$ mor$ 2344 o2 myst$ri$s than any /ritt$n 5oo1 and mor$ 7han0$a54$ than th$ 74o3d sha#$s in th$ air.. .A 2in$ o4d 4ady, 53t I 2$ar h$r so int$ns$4y I sho34d n$8$r dar$ to try to r$ad h$r, as yo3 say.. B4an7h$ 4oo1$d to/ard th$ o56$7t o2 dis73ssion as sh$ s#o1$, and add$d, .Poor Ta8ia, ho/ 2or4orn sh$ s$$ms. '$t m$ as1 h$r to 6oin 3s, may I). .(ith a44 my h$art. /as th$ 93i71 r$#4y. B4an7h$ 04id$d a/ay 53t did not

r$t3rn, 2or my 4ady 1$#t h$r as /$44 as h$r da30ht$r. .That t$st satis2i$s m$= /$44, I s35mit 2or a tim$, 53t I thin1 I 7an 7on93$r my a3nt y$t.. And /ith a #ati$nt si0h Tr$h$rn$ t3rn$d to o5s$r8$ Mrs. Sno/don. Sh$ no/ stood 5y th$ 2ir$ ta41in0 /ith Sir -as#$r, a handsom$, r$714$ss, 0$n$ro3s;h$art$d yo3n0 0$nt4$man, /ho 8$ry #4ain4y sho/$d his 0r$at admiration 2or th$ 4ady. (h$n h$ 7am$, sh$ s3dd$n4y /o1$ 3# 2rom h$r 4ist4$ss mood and 5$7am$ as 5ri44iant4y 0ay as sh$ had 5$$n 3nmista1a54y m$4an7ho4y 5$2or$. As sh$ 7hatt$d, sh$ a5s$nt4y #3sh$d to and 2ro a sma44 anti93$ 3rn o2 5ron@$ on th$ 7himn$y#i$7$, and in doin0 so sh$ mor$ than on7$ 0a8$ Tr$h$rn$ a

93i71, si0ni2i7ant 04an7$, /hi7h h$ ans/$r$d at 4ast 5y a som$/hat ha30hty nod. Th$n, as i2 satis2i$d, sh$ 7$as$d toyin0 /ith th$ ornam$nt and 5$7am$ a5sor5$d in Sir -as#$r's 0a44ant 5adina0$. Th$ instant h$r son a##roa7h$d Mrs. Sno/don, Madam$ M>r$ 0r$/ an:io3s, and 4$a8in0 O7ta8ia to h$r 2ri$nds and 4o8$r, sh$ /at7h$d -as#$r. B3t h$r s3r8$i44an7$ a8ai4$d 4itt4$, 2or sh$ 7o34d n$ith$r s$$ nor h$ar anythin0 amiss, y$t 7o34d not rid h$rs$42 o2 th$ 2$$4in0 that som$ m3t3a4 3nd$rstandin0 $:ist$d 5$t/$$n th$m. (h$n th$ #arty 5ro1$ 3# 2or th$ ni0ht, sh$ 4in0$r$d ti44 a44 /$r$ 0on$ 53t h$r son and n$#h$/. .($44, Madam$ Ma M>r$, /hat

tro354$s yo3). as1$d Sir -as#$r, as sh$ 4oo1$d an:io3s4y into his 2a7$ 5$2or$ 5$sto/in0 h$r 0ood;ni0ht 1iss. .I 7annot t$44, y$t I 2$$4 i44 at $as$. R$m$m5$r, my son, that yo3 ar$ th$ #rid$ o2 my h$art, and any sin or sham$ o2 yo3rs /o34d 1i44 m$. Good ni0ht, Ma3ri7$.. And /ith a stat$4y 5o/ sh$ s/$#t a/ay. 'o3n0in0 /ith 5oth $45o/s on th$ 4o/ 7himn$y#i$7$, Sir -as#$r smi4$d at his moth$r's 2$ars, and said to his 7o3sin, th$ instant th$y /$r$ a4on$, .Sh$ is /orri$d a5o3t E.S. Odd, isn't it, /hat instin7ti8$ anti#athi$s /om$n ta1$ to on$ anoth$r). .(hy did yo3 as1 E.S. h$r$). d$mand$d Tr$h$rn$.

.My d$ar 2$44o/, ho/ 7o34d I h$4# it) My moth$r /ant$d th$ 0$n$ra4, my 2ath$r's 2ri$nd, and o2 7o3rs$ his /i2$ m3st 5$ as1$d a4so. I 7o34dn't t$44 my moth$r that th$ 4ady had 5$$n a most arrant 7o93$tt$, to #3t it mi4d4y, and had marri$d th$ o4d man in a #$t, 5$7a3s$ my 7o3sin and I d$74in$d to 5$ r3in$d 5y h$r.. .&o3 7o34d ha8$ to4d h$r /hat mis7hi$2 sh$ ma1$s /h$r$8$r sh$ 0o$s, and 2or O7ta8ia's sa1$ ha8$ d$2$rr$d th$ 0$n$ra4's 8isit 2or a tim$. I /arn yo3, -as#$r, harm /i44 7om$ o2 it.. .To /hom, yo3 or m$). .To 5oth, #$rha#s, 7$rtain4y to yo3. Sh$ /as disa##oint$d on7$ /h$n sh$ 4ost 3s 5oth 5y /a8$rin0 5$t/$$n yo3r tit4$ and

my s3##os$d 2ort3n$. Sh$ is mis$ra54$ /ith th$ o4d man, and h$r on4y ho#$ is in his d$ath, 2or h$ is 8$ry 2$$54$. &o3 ar$ 2r$$, and do354y attra7ti8$ no/, so 5$/ar$, or sh$ /i44 $ntan04$ yo3 5$2or$ yo3 1no/ it.. .Than1s, M$ntor. I'8$ no 2$ar, and sha44 m$r$4y am3s$ mys$42 2or a /$$1?th$y stay no 4on0$r.. And /ith a 7ar$4$ss 4a30h, Sir -as#$r stro44$d a/ay. .M37h mis7hi$2 may 5$ don$ in a /$$1, and this is th$ 5$0innin0 o2 it,. m3tt$r$d Tr$h$rn$, as h$ rais$d hims$42 to 4oo1 3nd$r th$ 5ron@$ 8as$ 2or th$ not$. It /as 0on$< Cha#t$r III. (HO (AS IT) (ho had ta1$n it) This 93$stion torm$nt$d Tr$h$rn$ a44 that

s4$$#4$ss ni0ht. H$ s3s#$7t$d thr$$ #$rsons, 2or on4y th$s$ had a##roa7h$d th$ 2ir$ a2t$r th$ not$ /as hidd$n. H$ had 1$#t his $y$ on it, h$ tho30ht, ti44 th$ stir o2 5r$a1in0 3#. In that mom$nt it m3st ha8$ 5$$n r$mo8$d 5y th$ ma6or, +ran1 Annon, or my 4ady= Sir -as#$r /as o3t o2 th$ 93$stion, 2or h$ n$8$r to37h$d an ornam$nt in th$ dra/in0 room sin7$ h$ had a/1/ard4y d$mo4ish$d a /ho4$ Bta0>r$ o2 7ost4y tri24$s, to his moth$r's and sist$r's 0r$at 0ri$2. Th$ ma6or $8id$nt4y s3s#$7t$d som$thin0, Annon /as 6$a4o3s, and my 4ady /o34d 5$ 04ad o2 a #r$t$:t to r$mo8$ h$r da30ht$r 2rom his r$a7h. Tr3stin0 to his s1i44 in r$adin0 2a7$s, h$ /ait$d im#ati$nt4y 2or mornin0, r$so48in0 to say nothin0 to anyon$ 53t Mrs.

Sno/don, and 2rom h$r m$r$4y to in93ir$ /hat th$ not$ 7ontain$d. Tr$h$rn$ 3s3a44y /as in8isi54$ ti44 43n7h, o2t$n ti44 dinn$r= th$r$2or$, 2$arin0 to $:7it$ s3s#i7ion 5y 3n/ont$d a7ti8ity, h$ did not a##$ar ti44 noon. Th$ mai45a0 had 63st 5$$n o#$n$d, and $8$ryon$ /as 53sy o8$r th$ir 4$tt$rs, 53t a44 4oo1$d 3# to $:7han0$ a /ord /ith th$ n$/7om$r, and O7ta8ia im#34si8$4y t3rn$d to m$$t him, th$n 7h$71$d h$rs$42 and hid h$r s3dd$n4y 7rimson$d 2a7$ 5$hind a n$/s#a#$r. Tr$h$rn$'s $y$ too1 in $8$rythin0, and sa/ at on7$ in th$ 3n3s3a44y 4at$ arri8a4 o2 th$ mai4 a #r$t$:t 2or dis7o8$rin0 th$ #i42$r$r o2 th$ not$. .A44 ha8$ 4$tt$rs 53t m$, y$t I $:#$7t$d on$ 4ast ni0ht. Ma6or, ha8$ yo3 0ot it amon0 yo3rs).

And as h$ s#o1$, Tr$h$rn$ 2i:$d his #$n$tratin0 $y$s 2344 on th$ #$rson h$ addr$ss$d. (ith no si0n o2 7ons7io3sn$ss, no tra7$ o2 7on23sion, th$ ma6or 7ar$2344y t3rn$d o8$r his #i4$, and r$#4i$d in th$ most nat3ra4 mann$r, .Not a tra7$ o2 it= I /ish th$r$ /as, 2or nothin0 annoys m$ mor$ than any d$4ay or mista1$ a5o3t my 4$tt$rs.. H$ 1no/s nothin0 o2 it, tho30ht Tr$h$rn$, and t3rn$d to Annon, /ho /as d$$# in a 4on0 $#ist4$ 2rom som$ intimat$ 2ri$nd, /ith a ta4$nt 2or im#artin0 n$/s, to 63d0$ 2rom th$ r$ad$r's int$r$st. .Annon, I a##$a4 to yo3, 2or I m3st dis7o8$r /ho has ro55$d m$ o2 my 4$tt$r.. .I ha8$ 53t on$, r$ad it, i2 yo3

/i44, and satis2y yo3rs$42. /as th$ 5ri$2 r$#4y. .No, than1 yo3. I m$r$4y as1$d in 6o1$= it is do35t4$ss amon0 my 4ady's. -as#$r's 4$tt$rs and min$ o2t$n 0$t mi:$d, and my 4ady ta1$s 7ar$ o2 his 2or him. I thin1 yo3 m3st ha8$ it, A3nt.. 'ady Tr$h$rn$ 4oo1$d 3# im#ati$nt4y. .My d$ar Ma3ri7$, /hat a 7oi4 a5o3t a 4$tt$r< ($ non$ o2 3s ha8$ it, so do not #3nish 3s 2or th$ sins o2 yo3r 7orr$s#ond$nt or th$ 7ar$4$ssn$ss o2 th$ #ost.. Sh$ /as not th$ thi$2, 2or sh$ is a4/ays int$ns$4y #o4it$ /h$n sh$ int$nds to th/art m$, tho30ht Tr$h$rn$, and, a#o4o0i@in0 2or his r3d$n$ss in dist3r5in0 th$m, h$ ro44$d hims$42 to his noo1 in a

s3nny /indo/ and 5$7am$ a##ar$nt4y a5sor5$d in a n$/ ma0a@in$. Mrs. Sno/don /as o#$nin0 th$ 0$n$ra4's 4$tt$rs 2or him, and, ha8in0 2inish$d h$r 4itt4$ tas1, sh$ roam$d a/ay into th$ 4i5rary, as i2 in s$ar7h o2 a 5oo1. Pr$s$nt4y r$t3rnin0 /ith on$, sh$ a##roa7h$d Tr$h$rn$, and, #3ttin0 it into his hand, said, in h$r m3si7a44y distin7t 8oi7$, .B$ so 1ind as to 2ind 2or m$ th$ #assa0$ yo3 s#o1$ o2 4ast ni0ht. I am 73rio3s to s$$ it.. Instant4y 7om#r$h$ndin0 h$r strata0$m, h$ o#$n$d it /ith a##ar$nt 7ar$4$ssn$ss, s$73r$d th$ tiny not$ 4aid amon0 th$ 4$a8$s, and, s$4$7tin0 a #assa0$ at ha@ard, r$t3rn$d h$r 5oo1 and r$s3m$d his o/n. B$hind th$

7o8$r o2 it h$ 3n2o4d$d and r$ad th$s$ /ordsA I 3nd$rstand, 53t do not 5$ an:io3s= th$ 4in$ I 4$2t /as m$r$4y this?.I m3st s$$ yo3 a4on$, t$44 m$ /h$n and /h$r$.. No on$ 7an ma1$ m37h o2 it, and I /i44 dis7o8$r th$ thi$2 5$2or$ dinn$r. %o nothin0, 53t /at7h to /hom I s#$a1 2irst on $nt$rin0, /h$n /$ m$$t in th$ $8$nin0, and 5$/ar$ o2 that #$rson. C3i$t4y trans2$rrin0 th$ not$ to th$ 2ir$ /ith th$ /ra##$r o2 th$ ma0a@in$, h$ dismiss$d th$ matt$r 2rom his mind and 4$2t Mrs. Sno/don to #4ay d$t$7ti8$ as sh$ #4$as$d, /hi4$ h$ 53si$d hims$42 a5o3t his o/n a22airs. It /as a 74$ar, 5ri0ht %$7$m5$r

day, and /h$n th$ yo3n0 #$o#4$ s$#arat$d to #r$#ar$ 2or a rid$, /hi4$ th$ 0$n$ra4 and th$ ma6or s3nn$d th$ms$48$s on th$ t$rra7$, 'ady Tr$h$rn$ said to h$r n$#h$/, .I am 0oin0 2or an airin0 in th$ #ony 7arria0$. (i44 yo3 5$ my $s7ort, Ma3ri7$). .(ith #4$as3r$,. r$#4i$d th$ yo3n0 man, /$44 1no/in0 /hat /as in stor$ 2or him. My 4ady /as 3n3s3a44y ta7it3rn and 0ra8$, y$t s$$m$d an:io3s to say som$thin0 /hi7h sh$ 2o3nd di22i734t to 3tt$r. Tr$h$rn$ sa/ this, and $nd$d an a/1/ard #a3s$ 5y dashin0 5o4d4y into th$ s356$7t /hi7h o773#i$d 5oth. .I thin1 yo3 /ant to say som$thin0 to m$ a5o3t Ta8i$, A3nt. Am I ri0ht).

.&$s.. .Th$n 4$t m$ s#ar$ yo3 th$ #ain o2 5$0innin0, and #ro8$ my sin7$rity 5y o#$n4y statin0 th$ tr3th, as 2ar as I am 7on7$rn$d. I 4o8$ h$r 8$ry d$ar4y, 53t I am not mad $no30h to dr$am o2 t$44in0 h$r so. I 1no/ that it is im#ossi54$, and I r$4in93ish my ho#$s. Tr3st m$. I /i44 1$$# si4$nt and s$$ h$r marry Annon /itho3t a /ord o2 7om#4aint, i2 yo3 /i44 it. I s$$ 5y h$r a4t$r$d mann$r that yo3 ha8$ s#o1$n to h$r, and that my 4itt4$ 2ri$nd and n3rs$ is to 5$ min$ no 4on0$r. P$rha#s yo3 ar$ /is$, 53t i2 yo3 do this on my a77o3nt, it is in 8ain?th$ mis7hi$2 is don$, and /hi4$ I 4i8$ I sha44 4o8$ my 7o3sin. I2 yo3 do it to s#ar$ h$r, I am d3m5, and /i44 0o a/ay rath$r than 7a3s$ h$r a 7ar$

or #ain.. .%o yo3 r$a44y m$an this, Ma3ri7$). And 'ady Tr$h$rn$ 4oo1$d at him /ith a 7han0$d and so2t$n$d 2a7$. T3rnin0 3#on h$r, Tr$h$rn$ sho/$d h$r a 7o3nt$nan7$ 2344 o2 s322$rin0 and sin7$rity, o2 r$si0nation and r$so48$, as h$ said $arn$st4y, .I do m$an it= #ro8$ m$ in any /ay yo3 #4$as$. I am not a 5ad 2$44o/, A3nt, and I d$sir$ to 5$ 5$tt$r. Sin7$ my mis2ort3n$ I'8$ had tim$ to t$st many thin0s, mys$42 amon0 oth$rs, and in s#it$ o2 many 2a34ts, I do 7h$rish th$ /ish to 1$$# my so34 hon$st and tr3$, $8$n tho30h my 5ody 5$ a /r$71. It is $asy to say th$s$ thin0s, 53t in s#it$ o2 t$m#tation, I thin1 I 7an stand 2irm, i2 yo3 tr3st m$..

.My d$ar 5oy, I do tr3st yo3, and than1 yo3 0rat$2344y 2or this 2ran1n$ss. I n$8$r 2or0$t that I o/$ -as#$r's 4i2$ to yo3, and n$8$r $:#$7t to r$#ay that d$5t. R$m$m5$r this /h$n I s$$m 7o4d or 3n1ind, and r$m$m5$r a4so that I say no/, had yo3 5$$n s#ar$d this a224i7tion, I /o34d 04ad4y ha8$ 0i8$n yo3 my 0ir4. B3t ?. .B3t, A3nt, h$ar on$ thin0,. 5ro1$ in Tr$h$rn$. .Th$y t$44 m$ that any s3dd$n and 8io4$nt sho71 o2 s3r#ris$, 6oy, or sorro/ may do 2or m$ /hat th$y ho#$ tim$ /i44 a7hi$8$. I said nothin0 o2 this, 2or it is 53t a 7han7$= y$t, /hi4$ th$r$ is any ho#$, n$$d I 3tt$r4y r$no3n7$ O7ta8ia). .It is hard to r$23s$, and y$t I

7annot thin1 it /is$ to 53i4d 3#on a 7han7$ so s4i0ht. On7$ 4$t h$r ha8$ yo3, and 5oth ar$ mad$ 3nha##y, i2 th$ ho#$ 2ai4. No, Ma3ri7$, it is 5$tt$r to 5$ 0$n$ro3s, and 4$a8$ h$r 2r$$ to ma1$ h$r o/n ha##in$ss $4s$/h$r$. Annon 4o8$s h$r, sh$ is h$art;/ho4$, and /i44 soon 4$arn to 4o8$ him, i2 yo3 ar$ si4$nt. My #oor 5oy, it s$$ms 7r3$4, 53t I m3st say it.. .Sha44 I 0o a/ay, A3nt). /as a44 his ans/$r, 8$ry 2irm4y 3tt$r$d, tho30h his 4i#s /$r$ /hit$. .Not y$t, on4y 4$a8$ th$m to th$ms$48$s, and hid$ yo3r tro354$ i2 yo3 7an. &$t, i2 yo3 #r$2$r, yo3 sha44 0o to to/n, and B$nson sha44 s$$ that yo3 ar$ 7om2orta54$. &o3r h$a4th /i44 5$ a r$ason, and I /i44 7om$, or /rit$ o2t$n, i2 yo3

ar$ hom$si71. It sha44 d$#$nd on yo3, 2or I /ant to 5$ 63st and 1ind in this hard 7as$. &o3 sha44 d$7id$.. .Th$n I /i44 stay. I 7an hid$ my 4o8$= and to s$$ th$m to0$th$r /i44 soon 7$as$ to /o3nd m$, i2 O7ta8ia is ha##y.. .So 4$t it r$st th$n, 2or a tim$. &o3 sha44 miss yo3r 7om#anion as 4itt4$ as #ossi54$, 2or I /i44 try to 2i44 h$r #4a7$. +or0i8$ m$, Ma3ri7$, and #ity a moth$r's so4i7it3d$, 2or th$s$ t/o ar$ th$ 4ast o2 many 7hi4dr$n, and I am a /ido/ no/.. 'ady Tr$h$rn$'s 8oi7$ 2a4t$r$d, and i2 any s$42ish ho#$ or #4an 4in0$r$d in h$r n$#h$/'s mind, that a##$a4 5anish$d it and to37h$d his 5$tt$r nat3r$.

Pr$ssin0 h$r hand h$ said 0$nt4y, .%$ar A3nt, do not 4am$nt o8$r m$. I am on$ s$t a#art 2or a224i7tions, y$t I /i44 not 5$ 7on93$r$d 5y th$m. '$t 3s 2or0$t my yo3th and 5$ 2ri$nd4y 7o3ns$4ors to0$th$r 2or th$ 0ood o2 th$ t/o /hom /$ 5oth 4o8$. I m3st say a /ord a5o3t -as#$r, and yo3 /i44 not #r$ss m$ to $:#4ain mor$ than I 7an /itho3t 5r$a1in0 my #romis$.. .Than1 yo3, than1 yo3< It is r$0ardin0 that /oman, I 1no/. T$44 m$ a44 yo3 7an= I /i44 not 5$ im#ort3nat$, 53t I dis4i1$d h$r th$ instant I sa/ h$r, 5$a3ti234 and 7harmin0 as sh$ s$$ms.. .(h$n my 7o3sin and I /$r$ in Paris, 63st 5$2or$ my i44n$ss, /$ m$t h$r. Sh$ /as /ith h$r 2ath$r th$n, a 0ay o4d man /ho 4$d a 4i2$

o2 #4$as3r$, and /as no 2it 03ardian 2or a 4o8$4y da30ht$r. Sh$ 1n$/ o3r story and, ha8in0 2as7inat$d 5oth, #a3s$d to d$7id$ /hi7h sh$ /o34d a77$#tA -as#$r, 2or his tit4$, or m$, 2or my 2ort3n$. This /as 5$2or$ my 3n74$ 7han0$d his /i44, and I 5$4i$8$d mys$42 his h$ir= 53t, 5$2or$ sh$ mad$ h$r 7hoi7$, som$thin0 Ddon't as1 m$ /hat, i2 yo3 #4$as$E o773rr$d to s$nd 3s 2rom Paris. On o3r r$t3rn 8oya0$ /$ /$r$ /r$71$d, and th$n 7am$ my i44n$ss, disinh$ritan7$, and h$4#4$ssn$ss. Edith %35arry h$ard th$ story, 53t r3mor r$#ort$d it 2a4s$4y, and sh$ 5$4i$8$d 5oth o2 3s had 4ost th$ 2ort3n$. H$r 2ath$r di$d #$nni4$ss, and in a mom$nt o2 d$s#air sh$ marri$d th$ 0$n$ra4, /hos$ /$a4th s3rro3nds h$r /ith th$ 43:3ry sh$

4o8$s, and /hos$ 2ai4in0 h$a4th /i44 soon r$stor$ h$r 4i5$rty?. .And th$n, Ma3ri7$). int$rr3#t$d my 4ady. .Sh$ ho#$s to /in -as#$r, I thin1.. .N$8$r< ($ m3st #r$8$nt that at a44 7osts. I had rath$r s$$ him d$ad 5$2or$ m$, than th$ h3s5and o2 s37h a /oman. (hy is sh$ #$rmitt$d to 8isit hom$s 4i1$ min$) I sho34d ha8$ 5$$n to4d this soon$r,. $:74aim$d my 4ady an0ri4y. .I sho34d ha8$ to4d yo3 had I 1no/n it, and I r$#ro8$d -as#$r 2or his n$04$7t. %o not 5$ n$$d4$ss4y tro354$d, A3nt. Th$r$ is no 54$mish on Mrs. Sno/don's nam$, and, as th$ /i2$ o2 a 5ra8$ and honora54$ man, sh$ is

r$7$i8$d /itho3t 93$stion= 2or 5$a3ty, 0ra7$, or ta7t 4i1$ h$rs 7an ma1$ th$ir /ay any/h$r$. Sh$ stays 53t a /$$1, and I /i44 d$8ot$ mys$42 to h$r= this /i44 sa8$ -as#$r, and, i2 n$7$ssary, 7on8in7$ Ta8i$ o2 my indi22$r$n7$ ?. Th$n h$ #a3s$d to sti24$ a si0h. .B3t yo3rs$42, ha8$ yo3 no 2$ars 2or yo3r o/n #$a7$, Ma3ri7$) &o3 m3st not sa7ri2i7$ ha##in$ss or honor, 2or m$ or min$.. .I am sa2$= I 4o8$ my 7o3sin, and that is my shi$4d. (hat$8$r ha##$ns r$m$m5$r that I tri$d to s$r8$ yo3, and sin7$r$4y $nd$a8or$d to 2or0$t mys$42.. .God 54$ss yo3, my son< '$t m$ 7a44 yo3 so, and 2$$4 that, tho30h I d$ny yo3 my da30ht$r, I 0i8$ yo3

h$arti4y a moth$r's 7ar$ and a22$7tion.. 'ady Tr$h$rn$ /as as 0$n$ro3s as sh$ /as #ro3d, and h$r n$#h$/ had 7on93$r$d h$r 5y 7on2id$n7$ and s35mission. H$ a7t$d no #art, y$t, $8$n in r$4in93ishin0 a44, h$ 7h$rish$d a ho#$ that h$ mi0ht y$t /in th$ h$art h$ 7o8$t$d. Si4$nt4y th$y #art$d, 53t 2rom that ho3r a n$/ and 74os$r 5ond $:ist$d 5$t/$$n th$ t/o, and $:$rt$d an 3ns3s#$7t$d in243$n7$ o8$r th$ /ho4$ ho3s$ho4d. Ma3ri7$ /ait$d /ith som$ im#ati$n7$ 2or Mrs. Sno/don's $ntran7$, not on4y 5$7a3s$ o2 his 73riosity to s$$ i2 sh$ had dis7o8$r$d th$ thi$2, 53t 5$7a3s$ o2 th$ #art h$ had ta1$n 3#on hims$42 to #4ay. H$ /as $93a4 to

it, and 2$4t a 7$rtain #4$as3r$ in it 2or a thr$$2o4d r$ason. It /o34d s$r8$ his a3nt and 7o3sin, /o34d di8$rt his mind 2rom its o/n 7ar$s, and, #$rha#s 5y ma1in0 O7ta8ia 6$a4o3s, /a1$n 4o8$= 2or, tho30h h$ had 7hos$n th$ ri0ht, h$ /as 53t a man, and mor$o8$r a 4o8$r. Mrs. Sno/don /as 4at$. Sh$ a4/ays /as, 2or h$r toi4$t /as $4a5orat$, and sh$ 4i1$d to $n6oy its $22$7ts 3#on oth$rs. Th$ mom$nt sh$ $nt$r$d Tr$h$rn$'s $y$ /as on h$r, and to his int$ns$ s3r#ris$ and annoyan7$ sh$ addr$ss$d O7ta8ia, sayin0 54and4y, .My d$ar Miss Tr$h$rn$, I'8$ 5$$n admirin0 yo3r #$a7o71s. Pray 4$t m$ s$$ yo3 2$$d th$m tomorro/. Miss Ta45ot says it is a 7harmin0 si0ht..

.I2 yo3 ar$ on th$ t$rra7$ 63st a2t$r 43n7h, yo3 /i44 2ind th$m th$r$, and may 2$$d th$m yo3rs$42, i2 yo3 4i1$. /as th$ 7oo4, 7i8i4 r$#4y. .Sh$ 4oo1s 4i1$ a #$a7o71 h$rs$42 in that s#4$ndid 0r$$n and 0o4d dr$ss, do$sn't sh$). /his#$r$d Ros$ to Sir -as#$r, /ith a /i71$d 4a30h. .+aith, so sh$ do$s. I /ish Ta8i$'s 5irds had 8oi7$s 4i1$ Mrs. Sno/don's= th$ir s93a44in0 annoys m$ int$ns$4y.. .I rath$r 4i1$ it, 2or it is hon$st, and no ma4i7$ or mis7hi$2 is hidd$n 5$hind it. I a4/ays distr3st thos$ smooth, s/$$t 8oi7$s= th$y ar$ insin7$r$. I 4i1$ a 2344, 74$ar ton$= shar#, i2 yo3 #4$as$, 53t d$7id$d and tr3$..

.($44 said, O7ta8ia. I a0r$$ /ith yo3, and yo3r o/n is a #$r2$7t sam#4$ o2 th$ 1ind yo3 d$s7ri5$.. And Tr$h$rn$ smi4$d as h$ ro44$d 5y to 6oin Mrs. Sno/don, /ho $8id$nt4y /ait$d 2or him, /hi4$ O7ta8ia t3rn$d to h$r 5roth$r to d$2$nd h$r #$ts. .Ar$ yo3 s3r$) Ho/ did yo3 dis7o8$r). said Ma3ri7$, a22$7tin0 to admir$ th$ 4ady's 5o393$t, as h$ #a3s$d 5$sid$ h$r. .I s3s#$7t$d it th$ mom$nt I sa/ h$r this mornin0. Sh$ is no a7tr$ss= and dis4i1$, distr3st, and 7ont$m#t /$r$ 8isi54$ in h$r 2a7$ /h$n /$ m$t. Ti44 yo3 so 74$8$r4y to4d m$ my not$ /as 4ost, I 2an7i$d sh$ /as dist3r5$d a5o3t h$r 5roth$r?or yo3.. A s3dd$n #a3s$ and a 1$$n

04an7$ 2o44o/$d th$ 4ast so2t4y 3tt$r$d /ord, 53t Tr$h$rn$ m$t it /ith an ins7r3ta54$ smi4$ and a 93i$t .($44, /hat n$:t). .Th$ mom$nt I 4$arn$d that yo3 did not 0$t th$ not$ I /as s3r$ sh$ had it, and, 1no/in0 that sh$ m3st ha8$ s$$n m$ #3t it th$r$, in s#it$ o2 h$r a##ar$nt inno7$n7$, I 93i$t4y as1$d h$r 2or it. This s3r#ris$d h$r, this ro55$d th$ a22air o2 any myst$ry, and I 2inish$d h$r #$r#4$:ity 5y s$ndin0 it to th$ ma6or th$ mom$nt sh$ r$t3rn$d it to m$, as i2 it had 5$$n int$nd$d 2or him. Sh$ 5$00$d #ardon, said h$r 5roth$r /as tho30ht4$ss, and sh$ /at7h$d o8$r him 4$st h$ sho34d 0$t into mis7hi$2= #ro2$ss$d to thin1 I m$ant th$ 4in$ 2or him, and 5$ha8$d 4i1$ a 7harmin0

sim#4$ton, as sh$ is.. .C3it$ a t3m34t a5o3t nothin0. Poor 4itt4$ Ta8i$< &o3 do35t4$ss4y 2ri0ht$n$d h$r so that /$ may sa2$4y 7orr$s#ond h$r$a2t$r.. .&o3 may 0i8$ m$ an ans/$r, no/ and h$r$.. .*$ry /$44, m$$t m$ on th$ t$rra7$ tomorro/ mornin0= th$ #$a7o71s /i44 ma1$ th$ m$$tin0 nat3ra4 $no30h. I 3s3a44y 4oit$r a/ay an ho3r or t/o th$r$, in th$ s3nny #art o2 th$ day.. .B3t th$ 0ir4). .I'44 s$nd h$r a/ay.. .&o3 s#$a1 as i2 it /o34d 5$ an $asy thin0 to do.. .It /i44, 5oth $asy and #4$asant.. .No/ yo3 ar$ myst$rio3s or

3n7om#4im$ntary. &o3 $ith$r 7ar$ nothin0 2or a tFt$;G;tFt$ /ith h$r, or yo3 /i44 04ad4y s$nd h$r o3t o2 my /ay. (hi7h is it). .&o3 sha44 d$7id$. Can I ha8$ this). Sh$ 4oo1$d at him as h$ to37h$d a ros$ /ith a /arnin0 04an7$, 2or th$ 24o/$r /as 5oth an $m54$m o2 4o8$ and o2 si4$n7$. %id h$ m$an to hint that h$ r$7a44$d th$ #ast, or to /arn h$r that som$on$ /as n$ar) Sh$ 4$an$d 2rom th$ shado/ o2 th$ 73rtain /h$r$ sh$ sat, and 7a30ht a 04im#s$ o2 a shado/ 04idin0 a/ay. .(ho /as it). sh$ as1$d, 5$4o/ h$r 5r$ath. .A Ros$,. h$ ans/$r$d, 4a30hin0. Th$n, as i2 th$ dan0$r /as o8$r, h$ said, .Ho/ /i44 yo3 a77o3nt to

th$ ma6or 2or th$ m$ssa0$ yo3 s$nt him). .Easi4y, 5y 2a5ri7atin0 som$ int$r$stin0 #$r#4$:ity in /hi7h I /ant sa0$ 7o3ns$4. H$ /i44 5$ 24att$r$d, and 5y s$$min0 to ta1$ him into my 7on2id$n7$, I 7an hood/in1 th$ $:7$44$nt man to my h$art's 7ont$nt, 2or h$ annoys m$ 5y his odd /ay o2 mo3ntin0 03ard o8$r m$ at a44 tim$s. No/ ta1$ m$ in to dinn$r, and 5$ yo3r 2orm$r d$4i0ht234 s$42.. .That is im#ossi54$,. h$ said, y$t #ro8$d that it /as not. Cha#t$r I*. +EE%ING THE PEACOC,S It /as ind$$d a 7harmin0 si0ht, th$ t/$48$ stat$4y 5irds #$r7h$d on th$ 5road ston$ 5a43strad$, or

#ran7in0 s4o/4y a4on0 th$ t$rra7$, /ith th$ s3n 04$amin0 on th$ir 0r$$n and 0o4d$n n$71s and th$ 04ori$s o2 th$ir 0or0$o3s #43m$s, /id$s#r$ad, or s/$$#in0 4i1$ ri7h trains 5$hind th$m. In #r$tty 7ontrast to th$ s#4$ndid 7r$at3r$s /as th$ir yo3n0 mistr$ss, in h$r sim#4$ mornin0 dr$ss and 23r; trimm$d hood and mant4$, as sh$ stood 2$$din0 th$ tam$ #$ts 2rom h$r hand, 7a44in0 th$ir 2an7i234 nam$s, 4a30hin0 at th$ir #ran1s, and h$arti4y $n6oyin0 th$ /int$r s3nshin$, th$ 2r$sh /ind, and th$ 0ir4ish #astim$. As Tr$h$rn$ s4o/4y a##roa7h$d, h$ /at7h$d h$r /ith 4o8$r's $y$s, and 2o3nd h$r 8$ry s/$$t and 54ith$, and d$ar$r in his si0ht than $8$r. Sh$ had sh3nn$d him 7ar$2344y a44 th$ day 5$2or$, had #art$d at ni0ht /ith a hasty handsha1$, and had

not 7om$ as 3s3a4 to 5id him 0ood;mornin0 in th$ 4i5rary. H$ had ta1$n no noti7$ o2 th$ 7han0$ as y$t, 53t no/, r$m$m5$rin0 his #romis$ to his a3nt, h$ r$so48$d to 4$t th$ 0ir4 1no/ that h$ 2344y 3nd$rstood th$ r$4ation /hi7h h$n7$2orth /as to $:ist 5$t/$$n th$m. .Good;mornin0, 7o3sin. Sha44 I dri8$ yo3 a/ay, i2 I ta1$ a t3rn or t/o h$r$). h$ said, in a 7h$$r234 ton$, 53t /ith a ha42;r$#roa7h234 04an7$. Sh$ 4oo1$d at him an instant, th$n /$nt to him /ith $:t$nd$d hand and 7h$$1s rosi$r than 5$2or$, /hi4$ h$r 2ran1 $y$s 2i44$d, and h$r 8oi7$ had a traitoro3s tr$mor in it, as sh$ said, im#$t3o3s4yA .I /i44 5$ mys$42 2or a mom$nt, in s#it$ o2

$8$rythin0. Ma3ri7$, don't thin1 m$ 3n1ind, don't r$#roa7h m$, or as1 my 4$a8$ to 7om$ /h$r$ I am. Th$r$ is a r$ason 2or th$ 7han0$ yo3 s$$ in m$= it's not 7a#ri7$, it is o5$di$n7$.. .My d$ar 0ir4, I 1no/ it. I m$ant to s#$a1 o2 it, and sho/ yo3 that I 3nd$rstand. Annon is a 0ood 2$44o/, as /orthy o2 yo3 as any man 7an 5$, and I /ish yo3 a44 th$ ha##in$ss yo3 d$s$r8$.. .%o yo3). And h$r $y$s s$ar7h$d his 2a7$ 1$$n4y. .&$s= do yo3 do35t it). And so /$44 did h$ 7on7$a4 his 4o8$, that n$ith$r 2a7$, 8oi7$, nor mann$r 5$tray$d a hint o2 it. H$r $y$s 2$44, a 74o3d #ass$d o8$r h$r 74$ar 7o3nt$nan7$, and sh$ /ithdr$/ h$r hand, as i2 to 7ar$ss

th$ h3n0ry 5ird that 0$nt4y #$71$d at th$ 5as1$t sh$ h$4d. As i2 to 7han0$ th$ 7on8$rsation, sh$ said #4ay2344y, .Poor Ar03s, yo3 ha8$ 4ost yo3r 2in$ 2$ath$rs, and so a44 d$s$rt yo3, $:7$#t 1ind 4itt4$ -3no, /ho n$8$r 2or0$ts h$r 2ri$nds. Th$r$, ta1$ it a44, and shar$ 5$t/$$n yo3.. Tr$h$rn$ smi4$d, and said 93i714y, .I am a h3man Ar03s, and yo3 ha8$ 5$$n a 1ind 4itt4$ -3no to m$ sin7$ I 4ost my #43m$s. Contin3$ to 5$ so, and yo3 /i44 2ind m$ a 8$ry 2aith234 2ri$nd.. .I /i44.. And as sh$ ans/$r$d, h$r o4d smi4$ 7am$ 5a71 and h$r $y$s m$t his a0ain. .Than1s< No/ /$ sha44 0$t on ha##i4y. I don't as1 or $:#$7t th$ o4d 4i2$?that is im#ossi54$. I 1n$/

that /h$n 4o8$rs 7am$, th$ 2ri$nd /o34d 2a44 into th$ 5a710ro3nd= and I am 7ont$nt to 5$ s$7ond, /h$r$ I ha8$ so 4on0 5$$n 2irst. %o not thin1 yo3 n$04$7t m$= 5$ ha##y /ith yo3r 4o8$r, d$ar, and /h$n yo3 ha8$ no #4$asant$r am3s$m$nt, 7om$ and s$$ o4d Ma3ri7$.. Sh$ t3rn$d h$r h$ad a/ay, that h$ mi0ht not s$$ th$ an0ry 7o4or in h$r 7h$$1s, th$ tro354$ in h$r $y$s, and /h$n sh$ s#o1$, it /as to say #$t34ant4y, .I /ish -as#$r and Mamma /o34d 4$a8$ m$ in #$a7$. I hat$ 4o8$rs and /ant non$. I2 +ran1 t$as$s, I'44 0o into a 7on8$nt and so 5$ rid o2 him.. Ma3ri7$ 4a30h$d, and t3rn$d h$r 2a7$ to/ard hims$42, sayin0, in his #$rs3asi8$ 8oi7$, .Gi8$ him a tria4 2irst, to #4$as$ yo3r moth$r. It 7an

do no harm and may am3s$ yo3. +ran1 is a4r$ady 4ost, and, as yo3 ar$ h$art;/ho4$, /hy not s$$ /hat yo3 7an do 2or him) I sha44 ha8$ a n$/ st3dy, th$n, and not miss yo3 so m37h.. .&o3 ar$ 8$ry 1ind= I'44 do my 5$st. I /ish Mrs. Sno/don /o34d 7om$, i2 sh$ is 7omin0= I'8$ an $n0a0$m$nt at t/o, and +ran1 /i44 4oo1 tra0i7a4 i2 I'm not r$ady. H$ is t$a7hin0 m$ 5i44iards, and I r$a44y 4i1$ th$ 0am$, tho30h I n$8$r tho30ht I sho34d.. .That 4oo1s /$44. I ho#$ yo3'44 4$arn a do354$ 4$sson, and Annon 2ind a do7i4$ #3#i4 in 5oth.. .&o3 ar$ 8$ry #a4$ this mornin0= ar$ yo3 in #ain, Ma3ri7$). s3dd$n4y as1$d O7ta8ia, dro##in0 th$ ton$ o2 ass3m$d $as$ and

0ai$ty 3nd$r /hi7h sh$ had tri$d to hid$ h$r tro354$. .&$s, 53t it /i44 soon #ass. Mrs. Sno/don is 7omin0. I sa/ h$r at th$ ha44 door a mom$nt a0o. I /i44 sho/ h$r th$ #$a7o71s, i2 yo3 /ant to 0o. Sh$ /on't mind th$ 7han0$, I dar$ say, as yo3 don't 4i1$ h$r, and I do.. .No, I am s3r$ o2 that. It /as an arran0$m$nt, #$rha#s) I 3nd$rstand. I /i44 not #4ay Mad$mois$44$ %$ Tro#.. S3dd$n 2ir$ shon$ in th$ 0ir4's $y$s, s3dd$n 7ont$m#t 73r4$d h$r 4i#, and a 04an7$ 2344 o2 m$anin0 /$nt 2rom h$r 7o3sin to th$ door, /h$r$ Mrs. Sno/don a##$ar$d, /aitin0 2or h$r maid to 5rin0 h$r som$ additiona4 /ra##in0s. .&o3 a443d$ to th$ not$ yo3 sto4$.

Ho/ 7am$ yo3 to #4ay that #ran1, Ta8i$). as1$d Tr$h$rn$ tran93i44y. .I sa/ h$r #3t it 3nd$r th$ 3rn. I tho30ht it /as 2or -as#$r, and I too1 it,. sh$ said 5o4d4y. .(hy 2or -as#$r). .I r$m$m5$r$d his s#$a1in0 o2 m$$tin0 h$r 4on0 a0o, and d$s7ri5in0 h$r 5$a3ty $nth3siasti7a44y?and so did yo3.. .&o3 ha8$ a 0ood m$mory.. .I ha8$ 2or $8$rythin0 7on7$rnin0 thos$ I 4o8$. I o5s$r8$d h$r mann$r o2 m$$tin0 my 5roth$r, his d$8otion to h$r, and, /h$n th$y stood 4a30hin0 to0$th$r 5$2or$ th$ 2ir$, I 2$4t s3r$ that sh$ /ish$d to 7harm him a0ain.. .A0ain) Th$n sh$ did 7harm him on7$). as1$d Tr$h$rn$, an:io3s to

1no/ ho/ m37h -as#$r had to4d his sist$r. .H$ a4/ays d$ni$d it, and d$74ar$d that yo3 /$r$ th$ 2a8orit$.. .Th$n /hy not thin1 th$ not$ 2or m$). h$ as1$d. .I do no/. /as th$ shar# ans/$r. .B3t sh$ to4d yo3 it /as 2or th$ ma6or, and s$nt it.. .Sh$ d$7$i8$d m$= I am not s3r#ris$d. I am 04ad -as#$r is sa2$, and I /ish yo3 a #4$asant tFt$;G;tFt$.. Bo/in0 /ith 3n/ont$d di0nity, O7ta8ia s$t do/n h$r 5as1$t, and /a41$d a/ay in on$ dir$7tion as Mrs. Sno/don a##roa7h$d in anoth$r.

.I ha8$ don$ it no/,. si0h$d Tr$h$rn$, t3rnin0 2rom th$ 0ir4ish 2i03r$ to /at7h th$ stat$4y 7r$at3r$ /ho 7am$ s/$$#in0 to/ard him /ith nois$4$ss 0ra7$. Bri44ian7y and s#4$ndor 5$7am$ Mrs. Sno/don= sh$ $n6oy$d 43:3ry, and h$r 5$a3ty mad$ many thin0s 5$7omin0 /hi7h in a #4ain$r /oman /o34d ha8$ 5$$n o3t o2 tast$, and a5s3rd. Sh$ had /ra##$d h$rs$42 in a 0$n3in$ East$rn 53rno3s o2 s7ar4$t, 543$, and 0o4d= th$ hood dra/n o8$r h$r h$ad 2ram$d h$r 2in$ 2a7$ in ri7h h3$s, and th$ 0r$at 0i4t tass$4s shon$ a0ainst h$r ri##4in0 54a71 hair. Sh$ /or$ it /ith 0ra7$, and th$ 5ar5ari7 s#4$ndor o2 th$ 0arm$nt 5$7am$ h$r /$44. Th$ 2r$sh air to37h$d h$r 7h$$1s /ith a d$4i7at$ 7o4or= h$r 3s3a44y

04oomy $y$s /$r$ 5ri44iant no/, and th$ smi4$ that #art$d h$r 4i#s /as 2344 o2 ha##in$ss. .($47om$, C4$o#atra<. 7ri$d Tr$h$rn$, /ith di22i734ty r$#r$ssin0 a 4a30h, as th$ #$a7o71s s7r$am$d and 24$d 5$2or$ th$ r3st4in0 am#4it3d$ o2 h$r dra#$ry. .I mi0ht r$#4y 5y 7a44in0 yo3 Thadd$3s o2 (arsa/, 2or yo3 4oo1 8$ry romanti7 and Po4ish /ith yo3r #a4$, #$nsi8$ 2a7$, and yo3r s#4$ndid 23rs,. sh$ ans/$r$d, as sh$ #a3s$d 5$sid$ him /ith admiration 8$ry 8isi54y $:#r$ss$d in h$r $y$s. Tr$h$rn$ dis4i1$d th$ 4oo1, and rath$r a5r3#t4y said, as h$ o22$r$d h$r th$ 5as1$t o2 5r$ad, .I ha8$ dis#os$d o2 my 7o3sin, and

o22$r$d to do th$ honors o2 th$ #$a7o71s. H$r$ th$y ar$?/i44 yo3 2$$d th$m). .No, than1 yo3?I 7ar$ nothin0 2or th$ 2o/4s, as yo3 1no/= I 7am$ to s#$a1 to yo3,. sh$ said im#ati$nt4y. .I am at yo3r s$r8i7$.. .I /ish to as1 yo3 a 93$stion or t/o?is it #$rmitt$d). .(hat man $8$r r$23s$d Mrs. Sno/don a r$93$st). .Nay, no 7om#4im$nts= 2rom yo3 th$y ar$ on4y satiri7a4 $8asions. I /as d$7$i8$d /h$n a5road, and rash4y marri$d that o4d man. T$44 m$ tr34y ho/ thin0s stand.. .-as#$r has a44. I ha8$ nothin0.. .I am 04ad o2 it..

.Many than1s 2or th$ h$arty s#$$7h. &o3 at 4$ast s#$a1 sin7$r$4y,. h$ said 5itt$r4y. .I do, Ma3ri7$?I do= 4$t m$ #ro8$ it.. Tr$h$rn$'s 7hair /as 74os$ 5$sid$ th$ 5a43strad$. Mrs. Sno/don 4$an$d on th$ 7ar8$d rai4in0, /ith h$r 5a71 to th$ ho3s$ and h$r 2a7$ s7r$$n$d 5y a ta44 3rn. 'oo1in0 st$adi4y at him, sh$ said ra#id4y and 4o/, .&o3 tho30ht I /a8$r$d 5$t/$$n yo3 and -as#$r, /h$n /$ #art$d t/o y$ars a0o. I did= 53t it /as not 5$t/$$n tit4$ and 2ort3n$ that I h$sitat$d. It /as 5$t/$$n d3ty and 4o8$. My 2ath$r, a 2ond, 2oo4ish o4d man, had s$t his h$art on s$$in0 m$ a 4ady. I /as his a44= my 5$a3ty /as his d$4i0ht, and no 3ntit4$d man /as d$$m$d /orthy o2 m$. I 4o8$d

him t$nd$r4y. &o3 may do35t this, 1no/in0 ho/ s$42ish, r$714$ss, and 8ain I am, 53t I ha8$ a h$art, and /ith 5$tt$r trainin0 had 5$$n a 5$tt$r /oman. No matt$r, it is too 4at$ no/. N$:t my 2ath$r, I 4o8$d yo3. Nay, h$ar m$?I /i44 74$ar mys$42 in yo3r $y$s. I m$an no /ron0 to th$ 0$n$ra4. H$ is 1ind, ind340$nt, 0$n$ro3s= I r$s#$7t him?I am 0rat$234, and /hi4$ h$ 4i8$s, I sha44 5$ tr3$ to him.. .Th$n 5$ si4$nt no/. %o not r$7a44 th$ #ast, Edith= 4$t it s4$$#, 2or 5oth o3r sa1$s,. 5$0an Tr$h$rn$= 53t sh$ 7h$71$d him im#$rio3s4y. .It sha44, /h$n I am don$. I 4o8$d yo3, Ma3ri7$= 2or, o2 a44 th$ 0ay, id4$, #4$as3r$;s$$1in0 m$n I sa/ a5o3t m$, yo3 /$r$ th$ on4y on$ /ho s$$m$d to ha8$ a tho30ht

5$yond th$ 2o44y o2 th$ ho3r. Und$r th$ s$$min0 2ri8o4ity o2 yo3r 4i2$ 4ay som$thin0 no54$, h$roi7, and tr3$. I 2$4t that yo3 had a #3r#os$, that yo3r #r$s$nt mood /as 53t transitory?a yo3n0 man's ho4iday, 5$2or$ th$ r$a4 /or1 o2 his 4i2$ 5$0an. This attra7t$d, this /on m$= 2or $8$n in th$ 5ri$2 r$0ard yo3 th$n 0a8$ m$, th$r$ /as an $arn$stn$ss no oth$r man had sho/n. I /ant$d yo3r r$s#$7t= I 4on0$d to $arn yo3r 4o8$, to shar$ yo3r 4i2$, and #ro8$ that $8$n in my n$04$7t$d nat3r$ s4$#t th$ #o/$r o2 7an7$4in0 a 2ri8o4o3s #ast 5y a no54$ 23t3r$. Oh, Ma3ri7$, had yo3 4in0$r$d on$ /$$1 mor$, I n$8$r sho34d ha8$ 5$$n th$ mis$ra54$ thin0 I am<. Th$r$ h$r 8oi7$ 2a4t$r$d and

2ai4$d, 2or a44 th$ 5itt$rn$ss o2 4ost 4o8$, #$a7$, and ha##in$ss so3nd$d in th$ #ath$ti7 #assion o2 that $:74amation. Sh$ did not /$$#, 2or t$ars s$4dom dimm$d thos$ tra0i7a4 $y$s o2 h$rs= 53t sh$ /r3n0 h$r hands in m3t$ d$s#air, and 4oo1$d do/n into th$ 2rost;54i0ht$d 0ard$ns 5$4o/, as i2 sh$ sa/ th$r$ a tr3$ sym5o4 o2 h$r o/n r3in$d 4i2$. Tr$h$rn$ 3tt$r$d not a /ord, 53t s$t his t$$th /ith an a4most 2i$r7$ 04an7$ to/ard th$ distant 2i03r$ o2 Sir -as#$r, /ho /as ridin0 0ai4y a/ay, 4i1$ on$ 3n53rd$n$d 5y a m$mory or a 7ar$. H3rri$d4y Mrs. Sno/don /$nt on, .My 2ath$r 5$00$d and 7ommand$d m$ to 7hoos$ yo3r 7o3sin. I 7o34d not 5r$a1 his h$art, and as1$d 2or tim$, ho#in0

to so2t$n him. (hi4$ I /ait$d, that myst$rio3s a22air h3rri$d yo3 2rom Paris, and th$n 7am$ th$ /r$71, th$ i44n$ss, and th$ r3mor that o4d Sir -as#$r had disinh$rit$d 5oth n$#h$/s. Th$y to4d m$ yo3 /$r$ dyin0, and I 5$7am$ a #assi8$ instr3m$nt in my 2ath$r's hands. I #romis$d to r$7a44 and a77$#t yo3r 7o3sin, 53t th$ o4d man di$d 5$2or$ it /as don$, and th$n I 7ar$d not /hat 5$7am$ o2 m$. .G$n$ra4 Sno/don /as my 2ath$r's 2ri$nd= h$ #iti$d m$= h$ sa/ my d$so4at$, d$stit3t$ stat$, my d$s#air and h$4#4$ssn$ss. H$ 7om2ort$d, s3stain$d, and sa8$d m$. I /as 0rat$234= and /h$n h$ o22$r$d m$ his h$art and hom$, I a77$#t$d th$m. H$ 1n$/ I had no 4o8$ to 0i8$= 53t as a 2ri$nd, a

da30ht$r, I /o34d 04ad4y s$r8$ him, and ma1$ his d$74inin0 y$ars as ha##y as I 7o34d. It /as a44 o8$r, /h$n I h$ard that yo3 /$r$ a4i8$, a224i7t$d, and #oor. I 4on0$d to 7om$ and 4i8$ 2or yo3. My n$/ 5onds 5$7am$ h$a8y 2$tt$rs th$n, my /$a4th o##r$ss$d m$, and I /as do354y /r$t7h$d?2or I dar$d not t$44 my tro354$, and it n$ar4y dro8$ m$ mad. I ha8$ s$$n yo3 no/= I 1no/ that yo3 ar$ ha##y= I r$ad yo3r 7o3sin's 4o8$ and s$$ a #$a7$234 4i2$ in stor$ 2or yo3. This m3st 7ont$nt m$, and I m3st 4$arn to 5$ar it as I 7an.. Sh$ #a3s$d, 5r$ath4$ss and #a4$, and /a41$d ra#id4y a4on0 th$ t$rra7$, as i2 to hid$ or 7ontro4 th$ a0itation that #oss$ss$d h$r. Tr$h$rn$ sti44 sat si4$nt, 53t his h$art 4$a#$d /ithin him, as h$

tho30ht, .Sh$ s$$s that O7ta8ia 4o8$s m$< A /oman's $y$ is 93i71 to d$t$7t 4o8$ in anoth$r, and sh$ ass$rts /hat I 5$0in to ho#$. My 7o3sin's mann$r 63st no/, h$r dis4i1$ o2 Annon, h$r n$/ shyn$ss /ith m$= it may 5$ tr3$, and i2 it is?H$a8$n h$4# m$?/hat am I sayin0< I m3st not ho#$, nor /ish, nor dr$am= I m3st r$no3n7$ and 2or0$t.. H$ 4$an$d his h$ad 3#on his hand, and sat so sti44 Mrs. Sno/don r$6oin$d him, #a4$, 53t 7a4m and s$42;#oss$ss$d. As sh$ dr$/ n$ar, sh$ mar1$d his attit3d$, th$ 5itt$r sadn$ss o2 his 2a7$, and ho#$ s#ran0 3# /ithin h$r. P$rha#s sh$ /as mista1$n= #$rha#s h$ did not 4o8$ his 7o3sin= #$rha#s h$ sti44 r$m$m5$r$d th$ #ast, and sti44

r$0r$tt$d th$ 4oss o2 th$ h$art sh$ had 63st 4aid 5ar$ 5$2or$ him. H$r h3s5and /as 2ai4in0, and mi0ht di$ any day. And th$n, 2r$$, ri7h, 5$a3ti234, and yo3n0, /hat mi0ht sh$ not 5$7om$ to Tr$h$rn$, h$4#4$ss, #oor, and am5itio3s) (ith a44 h$r 2a34ts, sh$ /as 0$n$ro3s, and this #i7t3r$ 7harm$d h$r 2an7y, /arm$d h$r h$art, and 7om2ort$d h$r #ain. .Ma3ri7$,. sh$ said so2t4y, #a3sin0 a0ain 5$sid$ him, .i2 I mista1$ yo3 and yo3r ho#$s, it is 5$7a3s$ I dar$ as1 nothin0 2or mys$42= 53t i2 $8$r a tim$ sha44 7om$ /h$n I ha8$ 4i5$rty to 0i8$ or h$4#, as1 o2 m$ anythin0, and it is 04ad4y yo3rs.. H$ 3nd$rstood h$r, #iti$d h$r, and, s$$in0 that sh$ 2o3nd 7onso4ation in a distant ho#$, h$

4$t h$r $n6oy it /hi4$ sh$ mi0ht. Gra8$4y, y$t 0rat$2344y, h$ s#o1$, and #r$ss$d th$ hand $:t$nd$d to him /ith an im#34si8$ 0$st3r$. .G$n$ro3s as $8$r, Edith, and im#$t3o3s4y 2ran1. Than1 yo3 2or yo3r sin7$rity, yo3r 1indn$ss, and th$ a22$7tion yo3 on7$ 0a8$ m$. I say 'on7$,' 2or no/ d3ty, tr3th, and honor 5ar 3s 2rom $a7h oth$r. My 4i2$ m3st 5$ so4itary, y$t I sha44 2ind /or1 to do, and 4$arn to 5$ 7ont$nt. &o3 o/$ a44 d$8otion to th$ 0ood o4d man /ho 4o8$s yo3, and /i44 not 2ai4 him, I am s3r$. '$a8$ th$ 23t3r$ and th$ #ast, 53t 4$t 3s ma1$ th$ #r$s$nt /hat it may 5$?a tim$ to 2or0i8$ and 2or0$t, to ta1$ h$art and 5$0in an$/. Christmas is a 2ittin0 tim$ 2or s37h r$so48$s, and th$ 5irth o2 2ri$ndshi# s37h as o3rs

may 5$.. Som$thin0 in his ton$ and mann$r str371 h$r, and, $y$in0 him /ith so2t /ond$r, sh$ $:74aim$d, .Ho/ 7han0$d yo3 ar$<. .N$$d yo3 t$44 m$ that). And h$ 04an7$d at his h$4#4$ss 4im5s /ith a 5itt$r y$t #ath$ti7 4oo1 o2 #ati$n7$. .No, no?not so< I m$an in mind, not 5ody. On7$ yo3 /$r$ 0ay and 7ar$4$ss, $a0$r and 2i$ry, 4i1$ -as#$r= no/ yo3 ar$ 0ra8$ and 93i$t, or 7h$$r234, and so 8$ry 1ind. &$t, in s#it$ o2 i44n$ss and 4oss, yo3 s$$m t/i7$ th$ man yo3 /$r$, and som$thin0 /ins r$s#$7t, as /$44 as admiration? and 4o8$.. H$r dar1 $y$s 2i44$d as th$ 4ast

/ord 4$2t h$r 4i#s, and th$ 5$a3ty o2 a to37h$d h$art shon$ in h$r 2a7$. Ma3ri7$ 4oo1$d 3# 93i714y, as1in0 /ith s3dd$n $arn$stn$ss, .%o yo3 s$$ it) Th$n it is tr3$. &$s, I am 7han0$d, than1 God< And sh$ has don$ it.. .(ho). d$mand$d his 7om#anion 6$a4o3s4y. .O7ta8ia. Un7ons7io3s4y, y$t s3r$4y, sh$ has don$ m37h 2or m$, and this y$ar o2 s$$min0 4oss and mis$ry has 5$$n th$ ha##i$st, most #ro2ita54$ o2 my 4i2$. I ha8$ o2t$n h$ard that a224i7tions /$r$ th$ 5$st t$a7h$rs, and I 5$4i$8$ it no/.. Mrs. Sno/don shoo1 h$r h$ad sad4y. .Not a4/ays= th$y ar$ torm$ntors to som$. B3t don't #r$a7h,

Ma3ri7$. I am sti44 a sinn$r, tho30h yo3 in74in$ to sainthood, and I ha8$ on$ 93$stion mor$ to as1. (hat /as it that too1 yo3 and -as#$r so s3dd$n4y a/ay 2rom Paris). .That I 7an n$8$r t$44 yo3.. .I sha44 dis7o8$r it 2or mys$42, th$n.. .It is im#ossi54$.. .Nothin0 is im#ossi54$ to a d$t$rmin$d /oman.. .&o3 7an n$ith$r /rin0, s3r#ris$, nor 5ri5$ this s$7r$t 2rom th$ t/o #$rsons /ho ho4d it. I 5$0 o2 yo3 to 4$t it r$st,. said Tr$h$rn$ $arn$st4y. .I ha8$ a 743$, and I sha44 2o44o/ it= 2or I am 7on8in7$d that som$thin0 is /ron0, and yo3 ar$

?. .%$ar Mrs. Sno/don, ar$ yo3 so 7harm$d /ith th$ 5irds that yo3 2or0$t yo3r 2$44o/;5$in0s, or so 7harm$d /ith on$ 2$44o/;5$in0 that yo3 2or0$t th$ 5irds). As th$ s3dd$n 93$stion start4$d 5oth, Ros$ Ta45ot 7am$ a4on0 th$ t$rra7$, /ith hands 2344 o2 ho44y and a 2a7$ 2344 o2 m$rry mis7hi$2, addin0 as sh$ 8anish$d, .I sha44 t$44 Ta8i$ that 2$$din0 th$ #$a7o71s is s37h 7on0$nia4 am3s$m$nt 2or 4o8$rs, sh$ and Mr. Annon had 5$tt$r try it.. .Sa37y 0y#sy<. m3tt$r$d Tr$h$rn$. B3t Mrs. Sno/don said, /ith a smi4$ o2 do354$ m$anin0, .Many a tr3$ /ord is s#o1$n in 6$st..

Cha#t$r *. UN%ER THE MIST'ETOE Un3s3a44y 0ay and 7harmin0 th$ thr$$ yo3n0 2ri$nds 4oo1$d, dr$ss$d a4i1$ in 24$$7y /hit$ /ith ho44y /r$aths in th$ir hair, as th$y s4o/4y d$s7$nd$d th$ /id$ oa1$n stair/ay arm in arm. A 2ootman /as 4i0htin0 th$ ha44 4am#s, 2or th$ /int$r d3s1 0ath$r$d $ar4y, and th$ 0ir4s /$r$ m$rri4y 7hattin0 a5o3t th$ $8$nin0's 2$sti8ity /h$n s3dd$n4y a 4o3d, 4on0 shri$1 $7ho$d thro30h th$ ha44. A h$a8y 04ass shad$ 2$44 2rom th$ man's hand /ith a 7rash, and th$ yo3n0 4adi$s 743n0 to on$ anoth$r a0hast, 2or morta4 t$rror /as in th$ 7ry, and a d$ad si4$n7$ 2o44o/$d it. .(hat /as it, -ohn). d$mand$d O7ta8ia, 8$ry #a4$, 53t st$ady in a

mom$nt. .I'44 0o and s$$, miss.. And th$ man h3rri$d a/ay. .(h$r$ did th$ dr$ad234 s7r$am 7om$ 2rom). as1$d Ros$, 7o44$7tin0 h$r /its as ra#id4y as #ossi54$. .A5o8$ 3s som$/h$r$. Oh, 4$t 3s 0o do/n amon0 #$o#4$= I am 2ri0ht$n$d to d$ath,. /his#$r$d B4an7h$, tr$m54in0 and 2aint. H3rryin0 into th$ #ar4or, th$y 2o3nd on4y Annon and th$ ma6or, 5oth 4oo1in0 start4$d, and 5oth starin0 o3t o2 th$ /indo/s. .%id yo3 h$ar it) (hat 7o34d it 5$) %on't 0o and 4$a8$ 3s<. 7ri$d th$ 0ir4s in a 5r$ath, as th$y r3sh$d in. Th$ 0$nt4$m$n had h$ard,

7o34dn't $:#4ain th$ 7ry, and /$r$ 93it$ r$ady to #rot$7t th$ #r$tty 7r$at3r$s /ho 743st$r$d a5o3t th$m 4i1$ 2ri0ht$n$d 2a/ns. -ohn s#$$di4y a##$ar$d, 4oo1in0 rath$r /i4d, and as $a0$r to t$44 his ta4$ as th$y to 4ist$n. .It's Patty, on$ o2 th$ maids, miss, in a 2it. Sh$ /$nt 3# to th$ north 0a44$ry to s$$ that th$ 2ir$s /as ri0ht, 2or it ta1$s a #o/$r o2 /ood to /arm th$ 0a44$ry $8$n $no30h 2or dan7in0, as yo3 1no/, miss. ($44, it /as dar1, 2or th$ 2ir$s /as 4o/ and h$r 7and4$ /$nt o3t as sh$ /his1$d o#$n th$ door, 5$in0 243rri$d, as th$ maids a4/ays is /h$n th$y 0o in th$r$. Ha42/ay do/n th$ 0a44$ry sh$ says sh$ h$ard a r3st4in0, and sto##$d. Sh$'s th$ #4371i$st o2 '$m a44, and sh$ 7a44$d o3t, 'I s$$

yo3<' thin1in0 it /as som$ o2 3s tryin0 to 2ri0ht h$r. Nothin0 ans/$r$d, and sh$ /$nt on a 5it, /h$n s3dd$n4y th$ 2ir$ 24ar$d 3# on$ 24ash, and th$r$ ri0ht 5$2or$ h$r /as th$ 0host.. .%on't 5$ 2oo4ish, -ohn. T$44 3s /hat it /as,. said O7ta8ia shar#4y, tho30h h$r 2a7$ /hit$n$d and h$r h$art san1 as th$ 4ast /ord #ass$d th$ man's 4i#s. .It /as a ta44, 54a71 2i00$r, miss, /ith a d$ad;/hit$ 2a7$ and a 54a71 hood. Sh$ s$$ it #4ain, and t3rn$d to 0o a/ay, 53t sh$ hadn't 0on$ a do@$n st$#s /h$n th$r$ it /as a0ain 5$2or$ h$r, th$ sam$ ta44, dar1 thin0 /ith th$ d$ad; /hit$ 2a7$ 4oo1in0 o3t 2rom th$ 54a71 hood. It 4i2t$d its arm as i2 to ho4d h$r, 53t sh$ 0a8$ a s#rin0 and dr$ad234 s7r$$7h, and ran to

Mrs. B$nson's room, /h$r$ sh$ dro##$d in a 2it.. .Ho/ a5s3rd to 5$ 2ri0ht$n$d 5y th$ shado/s o2 th$ 2i03r$s in armor that stand a4on0 th$ 0a44$ry<. said Ros$, 5o4d4y $no30h, tho30h sh$ /o34d ha8$ d$74in$d $nt$rin0 th$ 0a44$ry /itho3t a 4i0ht. .Nay, I don't /ond$r, it's a 0host4y #4a7$ at ni0ht. Ho/ is th$ #oor thin0). as1$d B4an7h$, sti44 han0in0 on th$ ma6or's arm in h$r 5$st attit3d$. .I2 Mamma 1no/s nothin0 o2 it, t$44 Mrs. B$nson to 1$$# it 2rom h$r, #4$as$. Sh$ is not /$44, and s37h thin0s annoy h$r 8$ry m37h,. said O7ta8ia, addin0 as th$ man t3rn$d a/ay, .%id anyon$ 4oo1 in th$ 0a44$ry a2t$r

Patty to4d h$r ta4$). .No, miss. I'44 0o and do it mys$42= I'm not a2raid o2 man, 0host, or d$8i4, sa8in0 yo3r #r$s$n7$, 4adi$s,. r$#4i$d -ohn. .(h$r$ is Sir -as#$r). s3dd$n4y as1$d th$ ma6or. .H$r$ I am. (hat a d$37$ o2 a nois$ som$on$ has 5$$n ma1in0. It dist3r5$d a 7a#ita4 dr$am. (hy, Ta8i$, /hat is it). And Sir -as#$r 7am$ o3t o2 th$ 4i5rary /ith a s4$$#y 2a7$ and t3m54$d hair. Th$y to4d him th$ story, /h$r$at h$ 4a30h$d h$arti4y, and said th$ maids /$r$ a 2oo4ish s$t to 5$ s7ar$d 5y a shado/. (hi4$ h$ sti44 4a30h$d and 6o1$d, Mrs. Sno/don $nt$r$d, 4oo1in0 a4arm$d, and an:io3s to 1no/ th$ 7a3s$ o2 th$ 7on23sion.

.Ho/ int$r$stin0< I n$8$r 1n$/ yo3 1$#t a 0host. T$44 m$ a44 a5o3t it, Sir -as#$r, and sooth$ o3r n$r8$s 5y satis2yin0 o3r 73riosity,. sh$ said in h$r ha42; #$rs3asi8$, ha42;7ommandin0 /ay, as sh$ s$at$d h$rs$42 on 'ady Tr$h$rn$'s sa7r$d so2a. .Th$r$'s not m37h to t$44, $:7$#t that this #4a7$ 3s$d to 5$ an a55$y, in 2a7t as /$44 as in nam$. An an7$stor 2o3nd$d it, and 2or y$ars th$ mon1s 4$d a 6o44y 4i2$ h$r$, as on$ may s$$, 2or th$ 7$44ar is t/i7$ as 4ar0$ as th$ 7ha#$4, and m37h 5$tt$r #r$s$r8$d. B3t anoth$r an7$stor, a 0ay and 0a44ant 5aron, too1 a 2an7y to th$ sit$ 2or his 7ast4$, and, in s#it$ o2 #ray$rs, anath$mas, and $:7omm3ni7ation, h$ t3rn$d th$

#oor 2$44o/s o3t, #344$d do/n th$ a55$y, and 53i4t this 2in$ o4d #4a7$. A55ot Boni2a7$, as h$ 4$2t his a55$y, 3tt$r$d a h$a8y 73rs$ on a44 /ho sho34d 4i8$ h$r$, and 8o/$d to ha3nt 3s ti44 th$ 4ast Tr$h$rn$ 8anish$d 2rom th$ 2a7$ o2 th$ $arth. (ith this amia54$ thr$at th$ o4d #arty 4$2t Baron Ro4and to his doom, and di$d as soon as h$ 7o34d in ord$r to 5$0in his 7h$$r234 mission.. .%id h$ ha3nt th$ #4a7$). as1$d B4an7h$ $a0$r4y. .&$s, most 2aith2344y 2rom that tim$ to this. Som$ say many o2 th$ mon1s sti44 04id$ a5o3t th$ o4d$r #arts o2 th$ a55$y, 2or Ro4and s#ar$d th$ 7ha#$4 and th$ north 0a44$ry /hi7h 6oin$d it to th$ mod$rn 53i4din0. Poor 2$44o/s, th$y ar$ /$47om$, and

on7$ a y$ar th$y sha44 ha8$ a 7han7$ to /arm th$ir 0host4y s$48$s 5y th$ 0r$at 2ir$s a4/ays 1ind4$d at Christmas in th$ 0a44$ry.. .Mrs. B$nson on7$ to4d m$ that /h$n th$ 0host /a41$d, it /as a s3r$ si0n o2 a 7omin0 d$ath in th$ 2ami4y. Is that tr3$). as1$d Ros$, /hos$ 73riosity /as $:7it$d 5y th$ $:#r$ssion o2 O7ta8ia's 2a7$, and a 7$rtain 3n$asin$ss in Sir -as#$r's mann$r in s#it$ o2 his m$rry mood. .Th$r$ is a st3#id s3#$rstition o2 that sort in th$ 2ami4y, 53t no on$ $:7$#t th$ s$r8ants 5$4i$8$s it, o2 7o3rs$. In tim$s o2 i44n$ss som$ si44y maid or 7roa1in0 o4d /oman 7an $asi4y 2an7y th$y s$$ a #hantom, and, i2 d$ath 7om$s, th$y ar$ s3r$ o2 th$ 0host4y

/arnin0. B$nson sa/ it 5$2or$ my 2ath$r di$d, and o4d Ro0$r, th$ ni0ht my 3n74$ /as s$i@$d /ith a#o#4$:y. Patty /i44 n$8$r 5$ mad$ to 5$4i$8$ that this /arnin0 do$s not 2or$5od$ th$ d$ath o2 Ma3ri7$ or mys$42, 2or th$ 0a44ant s#irit 4$a8$s th$ 4adi$s o2 o3r ho3s$ to d$#art in #$a7$. Ho/ do$s it stri1$ yo3, Co3sin). T3rnin0 as h$ s#o1$, Sir -as#$r 04an7$d at Tr$h$rn$, /ho had $nt$r$d /hi4$ h$ s#o1$. .I am 93it$ s1$#ti7a4 and indi22$r$nt to th$ /ho4$ a22air, 53t I a0r$$ /ith O7ta8ia that it is 5$st to say nothin0 to my a3nt i2 sh$ is i0norant o2 th$ matt$r. H$r rooms ar$ a 4on0 /ay o22, and #$rha#s sh$ did not h$ar th$ 7on23sion.. .&o3 s$$m to h$ar $8$rythin0=

yo3 /$r$ not /ith 3s /h$n I said that.. And O7ta8ia 4oo1$d 3# /ith an air o2 s3r#ris$. Smi4in0 si0ni2i7ant4y, Tr$h$rn$ ans/$r$d, .I h$ar, s$$, and 3nd$rstand many thin0s that $s7a#$ oth$rs. -as#$r, a44o/ m$ to ad8is$ yo3 to smooth th$ hair /hi7h yo3r s4$$# has disarran0$d. Mrs. Sno/don, #$rmit m$. This ri7h 8$48$t 7at7h$s th$ 4$ast s#$71.. And /ith his hand1$r7hi$2 h$ d$4i7at$4y 5r3sh$d a/ay s$8$ra4 str$a1s o2 /hit$ d3st /hi7h 743n0 to th$ 4ady's s1irt. Sir -as#$r t3rn$d hasti4y on his h$$4 and /$nt to r$ma1$ his toi4$t= Mrs. Sno/don 5it h$r 4i#, 53t than1$d Tr$h$rn$ s/$$t4y and 5$00$d him to 2ast$n h$r 04o8$. As h$ did so, sh$ said so2t4y, .B$ mor$ 7ar$234 n$:t tim$. O7ta8ia

has 1$$n $y$s, and th$ ma6or may #ro8$ in7on8$ni$nt.. .I ha8$ no 2$ar that yo3 /i44,. h$ /his#$r$d 5a71, /ith a ma4i7io3s 04an7$. H$r$ th$ $ntran7$ o2 my 4ady #3t an $nd to th$ 0host4y $#isod$, 2or it /as $8id$nt that sh$ 1n$/ nothin0 o2 it. O7ta8ia s4i##$d a/ay to 93$stion -ohn, and 4$arn that no si0n o2 a #hantom /as to 5$ s$$n. Tr$h$rn$ d$8ot$d hims$42 to Mrs. Sno/don, and th$ ma6or $nt$rtain$d my 4ady, /hi4$ Sir -as#$r and th$ 0ir4s 7hatt$d a#art. It /as Christmas E8$, and a dan7$ in th$ 0r$at 0a44$ry /as th$ y$ar4y 2$sti8a4 at th$ a55$y. A44 had 5$$n $a0$r 2or it, 53t th$ maid's story s$$m$d to ha8$

4$ss$n$d th$ir $nth3siasm, tho30h no on$ /o34d o/n it. This annoy$d Sir -as#$r, and h$ $:$rt$d hims$42 to 74$ar th$ atmos#h$r$ 5y a22$7tin0 0ai$ty h$ did not 2$$4. Th$ mom$nt th$ 0$nt4$m$n 7am$ in a2t$r dinn$r h$ /his#$r$d to his moth$r, /ho ros$, as1$d th$ 0$n$ra4 2or his arm, and 4$d th$ /ay to th$ north 0a44$ry, /h$n7$ th$ so3nd o2 m3si7 no/ #ro7$$d$d. Th$ r$st 2o44o/$d in a m$rry #ro7$ssion, $8$n Tr$h$rn$, 2or t/o 2ootm$n 7arri$d him 3# th$ 0r$at stair/ay, 7hair and a44. Nothin0 7o34d 4oo1 4$ss 0host4y no/ than th$ ha3nt$d 0a44$ry. +ir$s roar$d 3# a /id$ 7himn$y at $ith$r $nd, 4on0 ro/s o2 2i03r$s 74ad in armor stood on $a7h sid$, on$ mai4$d hand 0ras#in0 a 4an7$,

th$ oth$r 5$arin0 a 4i0ht$d 7and4$, a d$8i7$ o2 Sir -as#$r's. Narro/ /indo/s #i$r7$d in th$ thi71 /a44s 4$t in 04$ams o2 /intry moon4i0ht= i8y, ho44y, and $8$r0r$$n 04ist$n$d in th$ r3ddy 04o/ o2 min04$d 2ir$4i0ht and 7and4$ shin$. +rom th$ ar7h$d ston$ roo2 h3n0 tatt$r$d 5ann$rs, and in th$ midst d$#$nd$d a 0r$at 53n7h o2 mist4$to$. R$d; 73shion$d s$ats stood in r$7$ss$d /indo/ noo1s, and 2rom 5$hind a hi0h;7o8$r$d s7r$$n o2 oa1 so3nd$d th$ 54ith$ air o2 Sir Ro0$r d$ Co8$r4$y. (ith th$ 3tmost 0ra8ity and stat$4in$ss my 4ady and th$ 0$n$ra4 4$d o22 th$ dan7$, 2or, a77ordin0 to th$ 0ood o4d 2ashion, th$ m$n and maids in th$ir 5$st array 6oin$d th$ 0$nt4$2o41 and

dan7$d /ith th$ir 5$tt$rs in a hi0h stat$ o2 #rid$ and 5ash234n$ss. Sir -as#$r t/ir4$d th$ o4d ho3s$1$$#$r ti44 h$r h$ad s#3n aro3nd and aro3nd and h$r d$7oro3s s1irts r3st4$d stormi4y= Mrs. Sno/don 7a#ti8at$d th$ 0ray;hair$d 53t4$r 5y h$r 7ond$s7$nsion= and -ohn /as mad$ a #ro3d man 5y th$ hand o2 his yo3n0 mistr$ss. Th$ ma6or 7am$ o3t stron0 amon0 th$ #r$tty maids, and Ros$ dan7$d th$ 2ootm$n o3t o2 5r$ath 4on0 5$2or$ th$ m3si7 #a3s$d. Th$ m$rrim$nt in7r$as$d 2rom that mom$nt, and /h$n th$ 0$n$ra4 s3r#ris$d my 4ady 5y 0a44ant4y sa43tin0 h$r as sh$ 3n7ons7io3s4y stood 3nd$r th$ mist4$to$, th$ a##4a3s$ /as imm$ns$. E8$ryon$ 2o44o/$d th$

o4d 0$nt4$man's $:am#4$ as 2ast as o##ort3niti$s o773rr$d, and th$ yo3n0 4adi$s soon had as 2in$ a 7o4or as th$ ho3s$maids. Mor$ dan7in0, 0am$s, son0s, and a44 mann$r o2 2$sti8a4 d$8i7$s 2i44$d th$ $8$nin0, y$t 3nd$r 7o8$r o2 th$ 0ai$ty mor$ than on$ 4itt4$ s7$n$ /as $na7t$d that ni0ht, and in an ho3r o2 s$$min0 2ri8o4ity th$ 73rr$nt o2 s$8$ra4 4i8$s /as 7han0$d. By a s1i44234 man$38$r Annon 4$d O7ta8ia to an iso4at$d r$7$ss, as i2 to r$st a2t$r a 5ris1 0am$, and, ta1in0 ad8anta0$ o2 th$ a3s#i7io3s ho3r, #4$ad$d his s3it. Sh$ h$ard him #ati$nt4y and, /h$n h$ #a3s$d, said s4o/4y, y$t d$7id$d4y, and /ith no si0n o2 maid$n h$sitation, .Than1s 2or th$ honor yo3 do m$, 53t I 7annot

a77$#t it, 2or I do not 4o8$ yo3. I thin1 I n$8$r 7an.. .Ha8$ yo3 tri$d). h$ as1$d $a0$r4y. .&$s, ind$$d I ha8$. I 4i1$ yo3 as a 2ri$nd, 53t no mor$. I 1no/ Mamma d$sir$s it, that -as#$r ho#$s 2or it, and I try to #4$as$ th$m, 53t 4o8$ /i44 not 5$ 2or7$d, so /hat 7an I do). And sh$ smi4$d in s#it$ o2 h$rs$42 at h$r o/n 543nt sim#4i7ity. .No, 53t it 7an 5$ 7h$rish$d, str$n0th$n$d, and in tim$ /on, /ith #ati$n7$ and d$8otion. '$t m$ try, O7ta8ia= it is 53t 2air, 3n4$ss yo3 ha8$ a4r$ady 4$arn$d 2rom anoth$r th$ 4$sson I ho#$ to t$a7h. Is it so). .No, I thin1 not. I do not 3nd$rstand mys$42 as y$t, I am so

yo3n0, and this so s3dd$n. Gi8$ m$ tim$, +ran1.. Sh$ 543sh$d and 243tt$r$d no/, 4oo1$d ha42 an0ry, ha42 5$s$$7hin0, and a4to0$th$r 4o8$4y. .Ho/ m37h tim$ sha44 I 0i8$) It 7annot ta1$ 4on0 to r$ad a h$art 4i1$ yo3rs, d$ar.. And 2an7yin0 h$r $motion a #ro#itio3s om$n, h$ ass3m$d th$ 4o8$r in 0ood $arn$st. .Gi8$ m$ tim$ ti44 th$ N$/ &$ar. I /i44 ans/$r th$n, and, m$antim$, 4$a8$ m$ 2r$$ to st3dy 5oth mys$42 and yo3. ($ ha8$ 1no/n $a7h oth$r 4on0, I o/n, 53t, sti44, this 7han0$s $8$rythin0, and ma1$s yo3 s$$m anoth$r #$rson. B$ #ati$nt, +ran1, and I /i44 try to ma1$ my d3ty a #4$as3r$..

.I /i44. God 54$ss yo3 2or th$ 1ind ho#$, O7ta8ia. It has 5$$n min$ 2or y$ars, and i2 I 4os$ it, it /i44 0o hard4y /ith m$.. 'at$r in th$ $8$nin0 G$n$ra4 Sno/don stood $:aminin0 th$ anti93$ s7r$$n. In many #4a7$s 7ar8$d oa1 /as #i$r7$d 93it$ thro30h, so that 8oi7$s /$r$ a3di54$ 2rom 5$hind it. Th$ m3si7ians had 0on$ do/n to s3##$r, th$ yo3n0 2o41 /$r$ 93i$t4y 53sy at th$ oth$r $nd o2 th$ ha44, and as th$ o4d 0$nt4$man admir$d th$ 93aint 7ar8in0, th$ so3nd o2 his o/n nam$ 7a30ht his $ar. Th$ ho3s$1$$#$r and 53t4$r sti44 r$main$d, tho30h th$ oth$r s$r8ants had 0on$, and sittin0 7osi4y 5$hind th$ s7r$$n 7hatt$d in 4o/ ton$s 5$4i$8in0 th$ms$48$s s$73r$.

.It /as Mrs. Sno/don, Adam, as I'm a 4i8in0 /oman, tho30h I /o34dn't say it to anyon$ 53t yo3. Sh$ and Sir -as#$r /$r$ h$r$ /ra##$d in 74oa1s, and 3# to mis7hi$2, I'44 5$ 5o3nd. Sh$ is a 5$a3ty, 53t I don't $n8y h$r, and th$r$'44 5$ tro354$ in th$ ho3s$ i2 sh$ stays 4on0.. .B3t ho/ do yo3 1no/, Mrs. B$nson, sh$ /as h$r$) (h$r$'s yo3r #roo2, m3m). as1$d th$ #om#o3s 53t4$r. .'oo1 at this, and th$n 4oo1 at th$ o3t4andish trimmin0 o2 th$ 4ady's dr$ss. &o3 m$n ar$ so d344 a5o3t s37h matt$rs yo3'd n$8$r o5s$r8$ th$s$ 4itt4$ #oints. ($44, I /as h$r$ 2irst a2t$r Patty, and my 4i0ht shon$ on this 6$t ornam$nt 4yin0 n$ar /h$r$ sh$ sa/ th$ s#irit. No on$ has any s37h tasty

tri24$s 53t Mrs. Sno/don, and th$s$ ar$ a44 o8$r h$r 0o/n. I2 that ain't #roo2, /hat is). .($44, admittin0 it, I th$n say /hat on $arth sho34d sh$ and Mast$r 5$ 3# h$r$ 2or, at s37h a tim$). as1$d th$ s4o/;/itt$d 53t4$r. .Adam, /$ ar$ o4d s$r8ants o2 th$ 2ami4y, and to yo3 I'44 say /hat tort3r$s sho34dn't dra/ 2rom to anoth$r. Mast$r has 5$$n /i4d, as yo3 1no/, and it's my 5$4i$2 that h$ 4o8$d this 4ady a5road. Th$r$ /as a ta41 o2 som$ myst$ry, or misd$$d, or mis2ort3n$, mor$ than a y$ar a0o, and sh$ /as in it. I'm 4oath to say it, 53t I thin1 Mast$r 4o8$s h$r sti44, and sh$ him. Th$ 0$n$ra4 is an o4d man, sh$ is 53t yo3n0, and so s#irit$d and /insom$ sh$ 7an't in r$ason

7ar$ 2or him as 2or a 2in$, 0a44ant 0$nt4$man 4i1$ Sir -as#$r. Th$r$'s tro354$ 5r$/in0, Adam, mar1 my /ords. Th$r$'s tro354$ 5r$/in0 2or th$ Tr$h$rn$s.. So 4o/ had th$ 8oi7$s 2a44$n that th$ 4ist$n$r 7o34d not ha8$ 7a30ht th$ /ords had not his $ar 5$$n strain$d to th$ 3tmost. H$ did h$ar a44, and his /ast$d 2a7$ 24ash$d /ith th$ /rath o2 a yo3n0 man, th$n 0r$/ #a4$ and st$rn as h$ t3rn$d to /at7h his /i2$. Sh$ stood a#art 2rom th$ oth$rs ta41in0 to Sir -as#$r, /ho 4oo1$d 3n3s3a44y handsom$ and d$5onair as h$ 2ann$d h$r /ith a d$8ot$d air. P$rha#s it is tr3$, tho30ht th$ o4d man 5itt$r4y. Th$y ar$ /$44 mat7h$d, /$r$ 4o8$rs on7$, no do35t, and 4on0 to 5$ so a0ain.

Poor Edith, I /as 8$ry 54ind. And /ith his 0ray h$ad 5o/$d 3#on his 5r$ast th$ 0$n$ra4 sto4$ a/ay, 7arryin0 an arro/ in his 5ra8$ o4d h$art. .B4an7h$, 7om$ h$r$ and r$st, yo3 /i44 5$ i44 tomorro/= and I #romis$d Mamma to ta1$ 7ar$ o2 yo3.. (ith /hi7h $4d$r;sist$r4y 7ommand Ros$ 4$d th$ 0ir4 to an imm$ns$ o4d 7hair, /hi7h h$4d th$m 5oth. .No/ 4ist$n to m$ and 2o44o/ my ad8i7$, 2or I am /is$ in my 0$n$ration, tho30h not y$t 0ray. Th$y ar$ a44 53sy, so 4$a8$ th$m a4on$ and 4$t m$ sho/ yo3 /hat is to 5$ don$.. Ros$ s#o1$ so2t4y, 53t /ith 0r$at r$so43tion, and nodd$d h$r #r$tty h$ad so $n$r0$ti7a44y that th$ ho44y 5$rri$s 7am$ ro44in0 o8$r h$r /hit$ sho34d$rs.

.($ ar$ not as ri7h as /$ mi0ht 5$, and m3st $sta54ish o3rs$48$s as soon and as /$44 as #ossi54$. I int$nd to 5$ 'ady Tr$h$rn$. &o3 7an 5$ th$ Honora54$ Mrs. Annon, i2 yo3 0i8$ yo3r mind to it.. .My d$ar 7hi4d, ar$ yo3 mad). /his#$r$d B4an7h$. .+ar 2rom it, 53t yo3 /i44 5$ i2 yo3 /ast$ yo3r tim$ on Ma3ri7$. H$ is #oor, and a 7ri##4$, tho30h 8$ry 7harmin0, I admit. H$ 4o8$s Ta8i$, and sh$ /i44 marry him, I am s3r$. Sh$ 7an't $nd3r$ +ran1, 53t tri$s to 5$7a3s$ my 4ady 7ommands it. Nothin0 /i44 7om$ o2 it, so try yo3r 2as7inations and 7om2ort th$ #oor man= sym#athy no/ /i44 2ost$r 4o8$ h$r$a2t$r.. .%on't ta41 so h$r$, Ros$, som$on$ /i44 h$ar 3s,. 5$0an h$r

sist$r, 53t th$ oth$r 5ro1$ in 5ris14y. .No 2$ar, a 7ro/d is th$ 5$st #4a7$ 2or s$7r$ts. No/ r$m$m5$r /hat I say, and ma1$ yo3r 0am$ /hi4$ th$ 5a44 is ro44in0. Oth$r #$o#4$ ar$ 7ar$234 not to #3t th$ir #4ans into /ords, 53t I'm no hy#o7rit$, and say #4ain4y /hat I m$an. B$ar my sa0$ 7o3ns$4 in mind and a7t /is$4y. No/ 7om$ and 5$0in.. Tr$h$rn$ /as sittin0 a4on$ 5y on$ o2 th$ 0r$at 2ir$s, r$0ardin0 th$ 0ay s7$n$ /ith s$rio3s air. +or him th$r$ /as n$ith$r dan7in0 nor 0am$s= h$ 7o34d on4y roam a5o3t 7at7hin0 04im#s$s o2 2or5idd$n #4$as3r$s, im#ossi54$ d$4i0hts, and yo3th234 ho#$s 2or$8$r 4ost to him. Sad 53t not moros$ /as his 2a7$, and to

O7ta8ia it /as a m3t$ r$#roa7h /hi7h sh$ 7o34d not 4on0 r$sist. Comin0 3# as i2 to /arm h$rs$42, sh$ s#o1$ to him in h$r 3s3a44y 2ran1 and 2ri$nd4y /ay, and 2$4t h$r h$art 5$at 2ast /h$n sh$ sa/ ho/ s/i2t a 7han0$ h$r 7ordia4 mann$r /ro30ht in him. .Ho/ #r$tty yo3r ho44y is< %o yo3 r$m$m5$r ho/ /$ 3s$d to 0o and 0ath$r it 2or 2$sti8a4s 4i1$ this, /h$n /$ /$r$ ha##y 7hi4dr$n). h$ as1$d, 4oo1in0 3# at h$r /ith $y$s 2344 o2 t$nd$r admiration. .&$s, I r$m$m5$r. E8$ryon$ /$ars it toni0ht as a 5ad0$, 53t yo3 ha8$ non$. '$t m$ 0$t yo3 a 5it, I 4i1$ to ha8$ yo3 on$ o2 3s in a44 thin0s.. Sh$ 4$an$d 2or/ard to 5r$a1 a 0r$$n s#ri0 2rom th$ 5ran7h o8$r

th$ 7himn$y#i$7$= th$ stron0 dra2t dr$/ in h$r 24$$7y s1irt, and in an instant sh$ /as $n8$4o#$d in 24am$s. .Ma3ri7$, sa8$ m$, h$4# m$<. 7ri$d a 8oi7$ o2 2$ar and a0ony, and 5$2or$ anyon$ 7o34d r$a7h h$r, 5$2or$ h$ hims$42 1n$/ ho/ th$ d$$d /as don$, Tr$h$rn$ had thro/n hims$42 2rom his 7hair, /ra##$d th$ ti0$r s1in ti0ht4y a5o3t h$r, and 1n$4t th$r$ 74as#in0 h$r in his arms h$$d4$ss o2 2ir$, #ain, or th$ in7oh$r$nt $:#r$ssions o2 4o8$ that 5ro1$ 2rom his 4i#s. Cha#t$r *I. MIRAC'ES Gr$at /as th$ 7on23sion and a4arm /hi7h r$i0n$d 2or many min3t$s, 53t /h$n th$ #ani7 s35sid$d t/o mira74$s a##$ar$d.

O7ta8ia /as $ntir$4y 3nin63r$d, and Tr$h$rn$ /as standin0 on his 2$$t, a thin0 /hi7h 2or months h$ had not don$ /itho3t 7r3t7h$s. In th$ $:7it$m$nt o2 th$ mom$nt, no on$ o5s$r8$d th$ /ond$r= a44 /$r$ 7ro/din0 a5o3t th$ 0ir4, /ho, #a4$ and 5r$ath4$ss 53t no/ s$42;#oss$ss$d, /as th$ 2irst to $:74aim, #ointin0 to h$r 7o3sin, /ho had dra/n hims$42 3#, /ith th$ h$4# o2 his 7hair, and 4$an$d th$r$ smi4in0, /ith a 2a7$ 2344 o2 int$ns$ d$4i0ht. .'oo1 at Ma3ri7$< Oh, -as#$r, h$4# him or h$'44 2a44<. Sir -as#$r s#r3n0 to his sid$ and #3t a stron0 arm a5o3t him, /hi4$ a 7hor3s o2 /ond$r, sym#athy, and 7on0rat34ations ros$ a5o3t th$m.

.(hy, 4ad, /hat do$s it m$an) Ha8$ yo3 5$$n d$7$i8in0 3s a44 this tim$). 7ri$d -as#$r, as Tr$h$rn$ 4$an$d on him, 4oo1in0 $:ha3st$d 53t tr34y ha##y. .It m$ans that I am not to 5$ a 7ri##4$ a44 my 4i2$= that th$y did not d$7$i8$ m$ /h$n th$y said a s3dd$n sho71 mi0ht $4$7tri2y m$ /ith a mor$ #ot$nt ma0n$tism than any th$y 7o34d a##4y. It has, and i2 I am 73r$d I o/$ it a44 to yo3, O7ta8ia.. H$ str$t7h$d his hands to h$r /ith a 0$st3r$ o2 s37h #assionat$ 0ratit3d$ that th$ 0ir4 7o8$r$d h$r 2a7$ to hid$ its traitoro3s t$nd$rn$ss, and my 4ady /$nt to him, sayin0 5ro1$n4y, as sh$ $m5ra7$d him /ith mat$rna4 /armth, .God 54$ss yo3 2or this a7t, Ma3ri7$, and r$/ard yo3 /ith

a #$r2$7t 73r$. To yo3 I o/$ th$ 4i8$s o2 5oth my 7hi4dr$n= ho/ 7an I than1 yo3 as I o30ht). .I dar$ not t$44 yo3 y$t,. h$ /his#$r$d $a0$r4y, th$n add$d, .I am 0ro/in0 2aint, A3nt. G$t m$ a/ay 5$2or$ I ma1$ a s7$n$.. This hint r$7a44$d my 4ady to h$r 3s3a4 stat$ o2 di0ni2i$d s$42; #oss$ssion. Biddin0 -as#$r and th$ ma6or h$4# Tr$h$rn$ to his room /itho3t d$4ay, sh$ 5$00$d Ros$ to 7om2ort h$r sist$r, /ho /as so55in0 hyst$ri7a44y, and as th$y a44 o5$y$d h$r, sh$ 4$d h$r da30ht$r a/ay to h$r o/n a#artm$nt, 2or th$ 2$sti8iti$s o2 th$ $8$nin0 /$r$ at an $nd. At th$ sam$ tim$ Mrs. Sno/don and Annon 5ad$ my 4ady 0ood; ni0ht, as i2 th$y a4so /$r$ a5o3t

to r$tir$, 53t as th$y r$a7h$d th$ door o2 th$ 0a44$ry Mrs. Sno/don #a3s$d and 5$71on$d Annon 5a71. Th$y /$r$ a4on$ no/, and, standin0 5$2or$ th$ 2ir$ /hi7h had so n$ar4y mad$ that Christmas E8$ a tra0i7a4 on$, sh$ t3rn$d to him /ith a 2a7$ 2344 o2 int$r$st and sym#athy as sh$ said, noddin0 to/ard th$ 54a71$n$d shr$ds o2 O7ta8ia's dr$ss, and th$ s7or7h$d ti0$r s1in /hi7h sti44 4ay at th$ir 2$$t, .That /as 5oth a 2ort3nat$ and an 3n2ort3nat$ 4itt4$ a22air, 53t I 2$ar Ma3ri7$'s 0ain /i44 5$ yo3r 4oss. Pardon my 2ran1n$ss 2or O7ta8ia's sa1$= sh$ is a 2in$ 7r$at3r$, and I 4on0 to s$$ h$r 0i8$n to on$ /orthy o2 h$r. I am a /oman to r$ad 2a7$s 93i714y= I 1no/ that yo3r s3it do$s not #ros#$r as yo3 /o34d ha8$ it, and I d$sir$ to h$4#

yo3. May I). .Ind$$d yo3 may, and 7ommand any s$r8i7$ o2 m$ in r$t3rn. B3t to /hat do I o/$ this 3n$:#$7t$d 2ri$nd4in$ss). 7ri$d Annon, 5oth 0rat$234 and s3r#ris$d. .To my r$0ard 2or th$ yo3n0 4ady, my /ish to sa8$ h$r 2rom an 3n/orthy man.. .%o yo3 m$an Tr$h$rn$). as1$d Annon, mor$ and mor$ ama@$d. .I do. O7ta8ia m3st not marry a 0am54$r<. .My d$ar 4ady, yo3 4a5or 3nd$r som$ mista1$= Tr$h$rn$ is 5y no m$ans a 0am54$r. I o/$ him no 0ood/i44, 53t I 7annot h$ar him s4and$r$d.. .&o3 ar$ 0$n$ro3s, 53t I am not mista1$n. Can yo3, on yo3r honor,

ass3r$ m$ that Ma3ri7$ n$8$r #4ay$d). Mrs. Sno/don's 1$$n $y$s /$r$ on him, and h$ 4oo1$d $m5arrass$d 2or a mom$nt, 53t ans/$r$d /ith som$ h$sitation, .(hy, no, I 7annot say that, 53t I 7an ass3r$ yo3 that h$ is not an ha5it3a4 0am54$r. A44 yo3n0 m$n o2 his ran1 #4ay mor$ or 4$ss, $s#$7ia44y a5road. It is m$r$4y an am3s$m$nt /ith most, and amon0 m$n is not 7onsid$r$d dishonora54$ or dan0$ro3s. 'adi$s thin1 di22$r$nt4y, I 5$4i$8$, at 4$ast in En04and.. At th$ /ord .a5road,. Mrs. Sno/don's 2a7$ 5ri0ht$n$d, and sh$ s3dd$n4y dro##$d h$r $y$s, as i2 a2raid o2 5$trayin0 som$ s$7r$t #3r#os$.

.Ind$$d /$ do, and /$44 /$ may, many o2 3s ha8in0 s322$r$d 2rom this #$rni7io3s ha5it. I ha8$ had s#$7ia4 7a3s$ to dr$ad and 7ond$mn it, and th$ 2$ar that O7ta8ia sho34d in tim$ s322$r /hat I ha8$ s322$r$d as a 0ir4 3r0$s m$ to int$r2$r$ /h$r$ oth$r/is$ I sho34d 5$ d3m5. Mr. Annon, th$r$ /as a r3mor that Ma3ri7$ /as 2or7$d to 93it Paris, o/in0 to som$ dishonora54$ #ra7ti7$s at th$ 0amin0 ta54$. Is this tr3$). .Nay, don't as1 m$= 3#on my so34 I 7annot t$44 yo3. I on4y 1no/ that som$thin0 /as amiss, 53t /hat I n$8$r 4$arn$d. *ario3s ta4$s /$r$ /his#$r$d at th$ 7435s, and Sir -as#$r indi0nant4y d$ni$d th$m a44. Th$ 5ra8$ry /ith /hi7h Ma3ri7$ sa8$d his 7o3sin, and th$

sad a224i7tion /hi7h 2$44 3#on him, si4$n7$d th$ 0ossi#, and it /as soon 2or0ott$n.. Mrs. Sno/don r$main$d si4$nt 2or a mom$nt, /ith 5ro/s 1nit in d$$# tho30ht, /hi4$ Annon 3n$asi4y /at7h$d h$r. S3dd$n4y sh$ 04an7$d o8$r h$r sho34d$r, dr$/ n$ar$r, and /his#$r$d 7a3tio3s4y, .%id th$ r3mors o2 /hi7h yo3 s#$a1 7har0$ him /ith ?. and th$ 4ast /ord /as 5r$ath$d into Annon's $ar a4most ina3di5i4y. H$ start$d, as i2 som$ n$/ 4i0ht 5ro1$ on him, and star$d at th$ s#$a1$r /ith a tro354$d 2a7$ 2or an instant, sayin0 hasti4y, .No, 53t no/ yo3 r$mind m$ that /h$n an a22air o2 that sort /as dis73ss$d th$ oth$r day Tr$h$rn$ 4oo1$d 8$ry odd, and ro44$d

hims$42 a/ay, as i2 it didn't int$r$st him. I 7an't 5$4i$8$ it, and y$t it may 5$ som$thin0 o2 th$ 1ind. That /o34d a77o3nt 2or o4d Sir -as#$r's /him, and Tr$h$rn$'s st$ady d$nia4 o2 any 1no/4$d0$ o2 th$ 7a3s$. Ho/ in h$a8$n's nam$ did yo3 4$arn this). .My /oman's /it s300$st$d it, and my /oman's /i44 sha44 7on2irm or d$stroy th$ s3s#i7ion. My 4ady and O7ta8ia $8id$nt4y 1no/ nothin0, 53t th$y sha44 i2 th$r$ is any dan0$r o2 th$ 0ir4's 5$in0 /on 5y him.. .&o3 /o34d not t$44 h$r<. $:74aim$d Annon. .I /i44, 3n4$ss yo3 do it. /as th$ 2irm ans/$r. .N$8$r< To 5$tray a 2ri$nd, $8$n

to 0ain th$ /oman I 4o8$, is a thin0 I 7annot do= my honor 2or5ids it.. Mrs. Sno/don smi4$d s7orn2344y. .M$n's 7od$ o2 honor is a stron0 on$, and /$ #oor /om$n s322$r 2rom it. '$a8$ this to m$= do yo3r 5$st, and i2 a44 oth$r m$ans 2ai4, yo3 may 5$ 04ad to try my d$8i7$ to #r$8$nt Ma3ri7$ 2rom marryin0 his 7o3sin. Gratit3d$ and #ity ar$ stron0 a44i$s, and i2 h$ r$7o8$rs, his stron0 /i44 /i44 mo8$ h$a8$n and $arth to 0ain h$r. Good ni0ht.. And 4$a8in0 h$r 4ast /ords to ran14$ in Annon's mind, Mrs. Sno/don d$#art$d to $nd3r$ s4$$#4$ss ho3rs 2344 o2 torm$ntin0 m$mori$s, n$/5orn ho#$s, and a4t$rnations o2 d$t$rmination and d$s#air.

Tr$h$rn$'s #ros#$7t o2 r$7o8$ry 2i44$d th$ /ho4$ ho3s$ /ith d$4i0ht, 2or his #ati$nt 7o3ra0$ and 3n2ai4in0 7h$$r234n$ss had $nd$ar$d him to a44. It /as no transi$nt am$ndm$nt, 2or day 5y day h$ st$adi4y 0ain$d str$n0th and #o/$r, #assin0 ra#id4y 2rom 7hair to 7r3t7h$s, 2rom 7r3t7h$s to a 7an$ and a 2ri$nd's arm, /hi7h /as a4/ays r$ady 2or him. Pain r$t3rn$d /ith r$t3rnin0 8ita4ity, 53t h$ 5or$ it /ith a 2ortit3d$ that to37h$d a44 /ho /itn$ss$d it. At tim$s motion /as tort3r$, y$t motion /as n$7$ssary 4$st th$ tor#idity sho34d r$t3rn, and Tr$h$rn$ too1 his dai4y $:$r7is$ /ith 3n2ai4in0 #$rs$8$ran7$, sayin0 /ith a smi4$, tho30h 0r$at dro#s stood 3#on his 2or$h$ad, .I ha8$ som$thin0 d$ar$r $8$n than

h$a4th to /in. Ho4d m$ 3#, -as#$r, and 4$t m$ sta00$r on, in s#it$ o2 $8$rythin0, ti44 my t/$48$ t3rns ar$ mad$.. H$ r$m$m5$r$d 'ady Tr$h$rn$'s /ords, .I2 yo3 /$r$ /$44, I'd 04ad4y 0i8$ my 0ir4 to yo3.. This ins#ir$d him /ith str$n0th, $nd3ran7$, and a ha##in$ss /hi7h 7o34d not 5$ 7on7$a4$d. It o8$r24o/$d in 4oo1s, /ords, and a7ts= it in2$7t$d $8$ryon$, and mad$ th$s$ ho4idays th$ 54ith$st th$ o4d a55$y had s$$n 2or many a day. Annon d$8ot$d hims$42 to O7ta8ia, and in s#it$ o2 h$r 7ommand to 5$ 4$2t in #$a7$ ti44 th$ N$/ &$ar, sh$ /as 8$ry 1ind? so 1ind that ho#$ 24am$d 3# in his h$art, tho30h h$ sa/ that som$thin0 4i1$ 7om#assion o2t$n

shon$ on him 2rom h$r 2ran1 $y$s, and h$r 7om#4ian7$ had no to37h o2 th$ t$nd$r do7i4ity /hi7h 4o8$rs 4on0 to s$$. Sh$ sti44 a8oid$d Tr$h$rn$, 53t so s1i442344y that 2$/ o5s$r8$d th$ 7han0$ 53t Annon and hims$42. In #354i7 Sir -as#$r a##$ar$d to /orshi# at th$ s#ri0ht4y Ros$'s shrin$, and sh$ 2an7i$d h$r 0am$ /as #ros#$rin0 /$44. B3t had any on$ #$$#$d 5$hind th$ s7$n$s it /o34d ha8$ 5$$n dis7o8$r$d that d3rin0 th$ ha42 ho3r 5$2or$ dinn$r, /h$n $8$ryon$ /as in th$ir dr$ssin0 rooms and th$ 0$n$ra4 ta1in0 his na#, a #air o2 0host4y 54a71 2i03r$s 24itt$d a5o3t th$ ha3nt$d 0a44$ry, /h$r$ no s$r8ant 8$nt3r$d /itho3t ord$rs. Th$ ma6or 2an7i$d hims$42 th$ on4y

on$ /ho had mad$ this dis7o8$ry, 2or Mrs. Sno/don a22$7t$d Tr$h$rn$'s so7i$ty in #354i7, and /as assid3o3s in s$r8in0 and am3sin0 th$ .d$ar 7on8a4$s7$nt,. as sh$ 7a44$d him. B3t th$ 0$n$ra4 did not s4$$#= h$ too /at7h$d and /ait$d, 4on0in0 y$t dr$adin0 to s#$a1, and ho#in0 that this /as 53t a harm4$ss 2r$a1 o2 Edith's, 2or h$r 7a#ri7$s /$r$ many, and ti44 no/ h$ had ind340$d th$m 2r$$4y. This h$sitation dis03st$d th$ ma6or, /ho, 5$in0 a 5a7h$4or, 1n$/ 4itt4$ o2 /om$n's /ays, and 4$ss o2 th$ir #o/$rs o2 #$rs3asion. Th$ day 5$2or$ N$/ &$ar h$ too1 a s3dd$n r$so43tion, and d$mand$d a #ri8at$ int$r8i$/ /ith th$ 0$n$ra4. .I ha8$ 7om$ on an 3n#4$asant $rrand, sir,. h$ a5r3#t4y 5$0an, as

th$ o4d man r$7$i8$d him /ith an $:#r$ssion /hi7h rath$r da3nt$d th$ ma6or. .My 2ri$ndshi# 2or 'ady Tr$h$rn$, and my 03ardianshi# o2 h$r 7hi4dr$n, ma1$s m$ 6$a4o3s o2 th$ honor o2 th$ 2ami4y. I 2$ar it is in dan0$r, sir= #ardon m$ 2or sayin0 it, 53t yo3r /i2$ is th$ 7a3s$.. .May I tro354$ yo3 to $:#4ain, Ma6or Royston. /as a44 th$ 0$n$ra4's r$#4y, as his o4d 2a7$ 0r$/ st$rn and ha30hty. .I /i44, sir, 5ri$24y. I ha##$n to 1no/ 2rom -as#$r that th$r$ /$r$ 4o8$ #assa0$s 5$t/$$n Miss %35arry and hims$42 a y$ar or mor$ a0o in Paris. A /him #art$d th$m, and sh$ marri$d. So 2ar no r$#roa7h r$sts 3#on $ith$r, 53t sin7$ sh$ 7am$ h$r$ it has 5$$n $8id$nt to oth$rs as /$44 as

mys$42 that -as#$r's a22$7tion has r$8i8$d, and that Mrs. Sno/don do$s not r$6$7t and r$#ro8$ it as sh$ sho34d. Th$y o2t$n m$$t, and 2rom -as#$r's mann$r I am 7on8in7$d that mis7hi$2 is a24oat. H$ is ard$nt, h$adstron0, and 3tt$r4y r$0ard4$ss o2 th$ /or4d's o#inion in som$ 7as$s. I ha8$ /at7h$d th$m, and /hat I t$44 yo3 is tr3$.. .Pro8$ it.. .I /i44. Th$y m$$t in th$ north 0a44$ry, /ra##$d in dar1 74oa1s, and #4ay 0host i2 anyon$ 7om$s. I 7on7$a4$d mys$42 5$hind th$ s7r$$n 4ast $8$nin0 at d3s1, and satis2i$d mys$42 that my s3s#i7ions /$r$ 7orr$7t. I h$ard 4itt4$ o2 th$ir 7on8$rsation, 53t that 4itt4$ /as $no30h..

.R$#$at it, i2 yo3 #4$as$.. .Sir -as#$r s$$m$d #4$adin0 2or som$ #romis$ /hi7h sh$ r$437tant4y 0a8$, sayin0, '(hi4$ yo3 4i8$ I /i44 5$ tr3$ to my /ord /ith $8$ryon$ 53t him. H$ /i44 s3s#$7t, and it /i44 5$ 3s$4$ss to 1$$# it 2rom him.' .'H$ /i44 shoot m$ 2or this i2 h$ 1no/s I am th$ traitor,' $:#ost34at$d -as#$r. .'H$ sha44 not 1no/ that= I 7an hood/in1 him $asi4y, and s$r8$ my #3r#os$ a4so.' .'&o3 ar$ myst$rio3s, 53t I 4$a8$ a44 to yo3 and /ait 2or my r$/ard. (h$n sha44 I ha8$ it, Edith)' Sh$ 4a30h$d, and ans/$r$d so 4o/ I 7o34d not h$ar, 2or th$y 4$2t th$ 0a44$ry as th$y s#o1$. +or0i8$ m$, G$n$ra4, 2or th$ #ain I in24i7t. &o3

ar$ th$ on4y #$rson to /hom I ha8$ s#o1$n, and yo3 ar$ th$ on4y #$rson /ho 7an #ro#$r4y and #rom#t4y #r$8$nt this a22air 2rom 5rin0in0 o#$n sham$ and s7anda4 on an honora54$ ho3s$. To yo3 I 4$a8$ it, and /i44 do my #art /ith this in2at3at$d yo3n0 man i2 yo3 /i44 /ithdra/ th$ t$m#tation /hi7h /i44 r3in him.. .I /i44. Than1 yo3, Ma6or. Tr3st to m$, and 5y tomorro/ I /i44 #ro8$ that I 7an a7t as 5$7om$s m$.. Th$ 0ri$2 and mis$ry in th$ 0$n$ra4's 2a7$ to37h$d th$ ma6or= h$ si4$nt4y /r3n0 his hand and /$nt a/ay, than1in0 h$a8$n mor$ 2$r8$nt4y than $8$r that no 73rs$d 7o93$tt$ o2 a /oman had it in h$r #o/$r to 5r$a1 his h$art. (hi4$ this s7$n$ /as 0oin0 on

a5o8$, anoth$r /as ta1in0 #4a7$ in th$ 4i5rary. Tr$h$rn$ sat th$r$ a4on$, thin1in0 ha##y tho30hts $8id$nt4y, 2or his $y$s shon$ and his 4i#s smi4$d as h$ m3s$d, /hi4$ /at7hin0 th$ s#4$ndors o2 a /int$r s3ns$t. A so2t r3st4$ and th$ 2aint s7$nt o2 8io4$ts /arn$d him o2 Mrs. Sno/don's a##roa7h, and a s3dd$n 2or$5odin0 to4d him that dan0$r /as n$ar. Th$ instant h$ sa/ h$r 2a7$ his 2$ar /as 7on2irm$d, 2or $:34tation, r$so48$, and 4o8$ m$t and min04$d in th$ $:#r$ssion it /or$. '$anin0 in th$ /indo/ r$7$ss, /h$r$ th$ r$d 4i0ht shon$ 2344 on h$r 4o8$4y 2a7$ and 93$$n4y 2i03r$, sh$ said, so2t4y y$t /ith a r3th4$ss a77$nt 5$4o/ th$ so2tn$ss, .%r$amin0 dr$ams, Ma3ri7$, /hi7h /i44 n$8$r 7om$ to #ass, 3n4$ss I /i44 it. I 1no/ yo3r s$7r$t, and I sha44 3s$

it to #r$8$nt th$ 2342i44m$nt o2 th$ 2oo4ish ho#$ yo3 7h$rish.. .(ho to4d yo3). h$ d$mand$d, /ith an a4most 2i$r7$ 24ash o2 th$ $y$ and an an0ry 243sh. .I dis7o8$r$d it, as I /arn$d yo3 I sho34d. My m$mory is 0ood, I r$7a44 th$ 0ossi# o2 4on0 a0o, I o5s$r8$ th$ 2a7$s, /ords, and a7ts o2 thos$ /hom I s3s#$7t, and 3n7ons7io3s hints 2rom th$m 0i8$ m$ th$ tr3th.. .I do35t it,. and Tr$h$rn$ smi4$d s$73r$4y. Sh$ stoo#$d and /his#$r$d on$ short s$nt$n7$ into his $ar. (hat$8$r it /as it 7a3s$d him to start 3# /ith a #a4$, #ani7; stri71$n 2a7$, and $y$ h$r as i2 sh$ had #rono3n7$d his doom.

.%o yo3 do35t it no/). sh$ as1$d 7o4d4y. .H$ to4d yo3< E8$n yo3r s1i44 and 7ra2t 7o34d not dis7o8$r it a4on$,. h$ m3tt$r$d. .Nay, I to4d yo3 nothin0 /as im#ossi54$ to a d$t$rmin$d /oman. I n$$d$d no h$4#, 2or I 1n$/ mor$ than yo3 thin1.. H$ san1 do/n a0ain in a d$s#airin0 attit3d$ and hid his 2a7$, sayin0 mo3rn2344y, .I mi0ht ha8$ 1no/n yo3 /o34d h3nt m$ do/n and dash my ho#$s /h$n th$y /$r$ s3r$st. Ho/ /i44 yo3 3s$ this 3nha##y s$7r$t). .I /i44 t$44 O7ta8ia, and ma1$ h$r d3ty 4$ss hard. It /i44 5$ 1ind to 5oth o2 yo3, 2or $8$n /ith h$r this m$mory /o34d mar yo3r ha##in$ss= and it sa8$s h$r 2rom

th$ sham$ and 0ri$2 o2 dis7o8$rin0, /h$n too 4at$, that sh$ has 0i8$n h$rs$42 to a?. .Sto#<. h$ 7ri$d, in a ton$ that mad$ h$r start and #a4$, as h$ ros$ o3t o2 his 7hair /hit$ /ith a st$rn indi0nation /hi7h a/$d h$r 2or a mom$nt. .&o3 sha44 not 3tt$r that /ord?yo3 1no/ 53t ha42 th$ tr3th, and i2 yo3 /ron0 m$ or tro354$ th$ 0ir4 I /i44 t3rn traitor a4so, and t$44 th$ 0$n$ra4 th$ 0am$ yo3 ar$ #4ayin0 /ith my 7o3sin. &o3 2$i0n to 4o8$ m$ as yo3 2$i0n$d 5$2or$, 53t his tit4$ is th$ 5ait no/ as th$n, and yo3 2an7y that 5y thr$at$nin0 to mar my ho#$s yo3 /i44 s$73r$ my si4$n7$, and 0ain yo3r $nd.. .(ron0, 93it$ /ron0. -as#$r is nothin0 to m$= I 3s$ him as a too4, not yo3. I2 I thr$at$n, it is to 1$$#

yo3 2rom O7ta8ia, /ho 7annot 2or0i8$ th$ #ast and 4o8$ yo3 2or yo3rs$42, as I ha8$ don$ a44 th$s$ mis$ra54$ months. &o3 say I 1no/ 53t ha42 th$ tr3th. T$44 m$ th$ /ho4$ and I /i44 s#ar$ yo3.. I2 $8$r a man /as t$m#t$d to 5$tray a tr3st it /as Tr$h$rn$ th$n. A /ord, and O7ta8ia mi0ht 5$ his= si4$n7$, and sh$ mi0ht 5$ 4ost= 2or this /oman /as in $arn$st, and #oss$ss$d th$ #o/$r to r3in his 0ood nam$ 2or$8$r. Th$ tr3th 4$a#$d to his 4i#s and /o34d ha8$ #ass$d th$m, had not his $y$ 2a44$n on th$ #ortrait o2 -as#$r's 2ath$r. This man had 4o8$d and sh$4t$r$d th$ or#han a44 his 4i2$, had mad$ o2 him a son, and, dyin0, 3r0$d him to 03ard and s$r8$ and sa8$ th$ r$5$44io3s yo3th h$ 4$2t, /h$n most n$$din0

a 2ath$r's 7ar$. .I #romis$d, and I /i44 1$$# my #romis$ at a44 7osts,. si0h$d Tr$h$rn$, and /ith a 0$st3r$ 2344 o2 #ath$ti7 #ati$n7$ h$ /a8$d th$ 2air t$m#t$r 2rom him, sayin0 st$adi4y, .I /i44 n$8$r t$44 yo3, tho30h yo3 ro5 m$ o2 that /hi7h is d$ar$r than my 4i2$. Go and /or1 yo3r /i44, 53t r$m$m5$r that /h$n yo3 mi0ht ha8$ /on th$ d$$#$st 0ratit3d$ o2 th$ man yo3 #ro2$ss to 4o8$, yo3 7hos$ inst$ad to $arn his hatr$d and 7ont$m#t.. (aitin0 2or no /ord o2 h$rs, h$ too1 r$230$ in his room, and Edith Sno/don san1 do/n 3#on th$ 7o37h, str3004in0 /ith 7ont$ndin0 $motions o2 4o8$ and 6$a4o3sy, r$mors$ and d$s#air. Ho/ 4on0 sh$ sat th$r$ sh$ 7o34d not t$44= an a##roa7hin0 st$# r$7a44$d h$r

to h$rs$42, and 4oo1in0 3# sh$ sa/ O7ta8ia. As th$ 0ir4 a##roa7h$d do/n th$ 4on0 8ista o2 th$ dra/in0 rooms, h$r yo3th and 5$a3ty, inno7$n7$ and 7andor to37h$d that 2air$r and mor$ 0i2t$d /oman /ith an $n8y sh$ had n$8$r 1no/n 5$2or$. Som$thin0 in th$ 0ir4's 2a7$ str371 h$r instant4yA a 4oo1 o2 #$a7$ and #3rity, a s/$$t s$r$nity mor$ /innin0 than 4o8$4in$ss, mor$ im#r$ssi8$ than di0nity or 0ra7$. (ith a smi4$ on h$r 4i#s, y$t a ha42;sad, ha42;t$nd$r 4i0ht in h$r $y$s, and a 743st$r o2 #a4$ /int$r ros$s in h$r hand, sh$ 7am$ on ti44 sh$ stood 5$2or$ h$r ri8a4 and, o22$rin0 th$ 24o/$rs, said, in /ords as sim#4$ as sin7$r$, .%$ar Mrs. Sno/don, I 7annot 4$t th$ 4ast s3n o2 th$ o4d y$ar s$t on any misd$$ds o2 min$ 2or /hi7h I may

aton$. I ha8$ dis4i1$d, distr3st$d, and mis63d0$d yo3, and no/ I 7om$ to yo3 in a44 h3mi4ity to say 2or0i8$ m$.. (ith th$ 0ir4ish a5andon o2 h$r im#34si8$ nat3r$ O7ta8ia 1n$4t do/n 5$2or$ th$ /oman /ho /as #4ottin0 to d$stroy h$r ha##in$ss, 4aid th$ ros$s 4i1$ a 4itt4$ #$a7$ o22$rin0 on h$r 4a#, and /ith $4o93$nt4y #4$adin0 $y$s /ait$d 2or #ardon. +or a mom$nt Mrs. Sno/don /at7h$d h$r, 2an7yin0 it a /$44;a7t$d r3s$ to disarm a dan0$ro3s ri8a4= 53t in that s/$$t 2a7$ th$r$ /as no art= on$ 04an7$ sho/$d h$r that. Th$ /ords smot$ h$r to th$ h$art and /on h$r in s#it$ o2 #rid$ or #assion, as sh$ s3dd$n4y too1 th$ 0ir4 into h$r arms, /$$#in0 r$#$ntant t$ars. N$ith$r s#o1$, 53t in th$

si4$n7$ $a7h 2$4t th$ 5arri$r /hi7h had stood 5$t/$$n th$m 8anishin0, and $a7h 4$arn$d to 1no/ th$ oth$r 5$tt$r in that mom$nt than in a y$ar o2 7ommon 4i2$. O7ta8ia r$6oi7$d that th$ instin7t /hi7h had #rom#t$d h$r to ma1$ this a##$a4 had not mis4$d h$r, 53t ass3r$d h$r that 5$hind th$ 8$i4 o2 7o4dn$ss, #rid$, and 4$8ity /hi7h this /oman /or$ th$r$ /as a h$art a7hin0 2or sym#athy and h$4# and 4o8$. Mrs. Sno/don 2$4t h$r /ors$r s$42 s4i# 2rom h$r, 4$a8in0 a44 that /as tr3$ and no54$ to ma1$ h$r /orthy o2 th$ t$st a##4i$d. Art sh$ 7o34d m$$t /ith $93a4 art, 53t nat3r$ 7on93$r$d h$r. +or s#it$ o2 h$r miss#$nt 4i2$ and 2a34ty 7hara7t$r, th$ 0$rm o2 8irt3$, /hi7h 4i8$s in th$ /orst, /as th$r$, on4y /aitin0 2or th$ 2ost$rin0 s3n and d$/ o2

4o8$ to str$n0th$n it, $8$n tho30h th$ har8$st 5$ a 4at$ on$. .+or0i8$ yo3<. sh$ 7ri$d, 5ro1$n4y. .It is I /ho sho34d as1 2or0i8$n$ss o2 yo3?I /ho sho34d aton$, 7on2$ss, and r$#$nt. Pardon m$, #ity m$, 4o8$ m$, 2or I am mor$ /r$t7h$d than yo3 1no/.. .%$ar, I do /ith h$art and so34. B$4i$8$ it, and 4$t m$ 5$ yo3r 2ri$nd. /as th$ so2t ans/$r. .God 1no/s I n$$d on$<. si0h$d th$ #oor /oman, sti44 ho4din0 2ast th$ on4y 7r$at3r$ /ho had /ho44y /on h$r. .Chi4d, I am not 0ood, 53t not so 5ad that I dar$ not 4oo1 in yo3r inno7$nt 2a7$ and 7a44 yo3 2ri$nd. I n$8$r had on$ o2 my o/n s$:. I n$8$r 1n$/ my moth$r= and no on$ $8$r sa/ in m$ th$

#ossi5i4ity o2 0oodn$ss, tr3th, and 63sti7$ 53t yo3. Tr3st and 4o8$ and h$4# m$, O7ta8ia, and I /i44 r$/ard yo3 /ith a 5$tt$r 4i2$, i2 I 7an do no mor$.. .I /i44, and th$ n$/ y$ar sha44 5$ ha##i$r than th$ o4d.. .God 54$ss yo3 2or that #ro#h$7y= may I 5$ /orthy o2 it.. Th$n as a 5$44 /arn$d th$m a/ay, th$ ri8a4s 1iss$d $a7h oth$r t$nd$r4y, and #art$d 2ri$nds. As Mrs. Sno/don $nt$r$d h$r room, sh$ sa/ h$r h3s5and sittin0 /ith his 0ray h$ad in his hands, and h$ard him m3rm3r d$s#airin04y to hims$42, .My 4i2$ ma1$s h$r mis$ra54$. B3t 2or th$ sin o2 it I'd di$ to 2r$$ h$r.. .No, 4i8$ 2or m$, and t$a7h m$ to 5$ ha##y in yo3r 4o8$.. Th$ 74$ar

8oi7$ start4$d him, 53t not so m37h as th$ 5$a3ti234 7han0$d 2a7$ o2 th$ /i2$ /ho 4aid th$ 0ray h$ad on h$r 5osom, sayin0 t$nd$r4y, .My 1ind and #ati$nt h3s5and, yo3 ha8$ 5$$n d$7$i8$d. +rom m$ yo3 sha44 1no/ a44 th$ tr3th, and /h$n yo3 ha8$ 2or0i8$n my 2a34ty #ast, yo3 sha44 s$$ ho/ ha##y I /i44 try to ma1$ yo3r 23t3r$.. Cha#t$r *II. A GHOST'& RE*E' .B4$ss m$, ho/ d344 /$ ar$ toni0ht<. $:74aim$d Ros$, as th$ yo3n0$r #ortion o2 th$ #arty /and$r$d 4ist4$ss4y a5o3t th$ dra/in0 rooms that $8$nin0, /hi4$ my 4ady and th$ ma6or #4ay$d an a5sor5in0 0am$ o2 #i93$t, and th$ 0$n$ra4 do@$d #$a7$2344y at 4ast.

.It is 5$7a3s$ Ma3ri7$ is not h$r$= h$ a4/ays 1$$#s 3s 0oin0, 2or h$ is a 2$44o/ o2 in2init$ r$so3r7$s,. r$#4i$d Sir -as#$r, s3##r$ssin0 a ya/n. .Ha8$ him o3t th$n,. said Annon. .H$ /on't 7om$. Th$ #oor 4ad is 543$ toni0ht, in s#it$ o2 his im#ro8$m$nt. Som$thin0 is amiss, and th$r$ is no 0$ttin0 a /ord 2rom him.. .Sad m$mori$s a224i7t him, #$rha#s,. si0h$d B4an7h$. .%on't 5$ a5s3rd, d$ar, sad m$mori$s ar$ a44 nons$ns$= m$4an7ho4y is a4/ays indi0$stion, and nothin0 is so s3r$ a 73r$ as 23n,. said Ros$ 5ris14y. .I'm 0oin0 to s$nd in a #o4it$ in8itation 5$00in0 him to 7om$ and am3s$ 3s. H$'44 a77$#t, I ha8$n't a

do35t.. Th$ m$ssa0$ /as s$nt, 53t to Ros$'s 7ha0rin a #o4it$ r$23sa4 /as r$t3rn$d. .H$ sha44 7om$. Sir -as#$r, do yo3 and Mr. Annon 0o as a d$#3tation 2rom 3s, and r$t3rn /itho3t him at yo3r #$ri4. /as h$r 7ommand. Th$y /$nt, and /hi4$ /aitin0 th$ir r$a##$aran7$ th$ sist$rs s#o1$ o2 /hat a44 had o5s$r8$d. .Ho/ 4o8$4y Mrs. Sno/don 4oo1s toni0ht. I a4/ays tho30ht sh$ o/$d ha42 h$r 7harms to h$r s1i44 in dr$ss, 53t sh$ n$8$r 4oo1$d so 5$a3ti234 as in that #4ain 54a71 si41, /ith thos$ ros$s in h$r hair,. said Ros$. .(hat has sh$ don$ to h$rs$42). r$#4i$d B4an7h$. .I s$$ a 7han0$,

53t 7an't a77o3nt 2or it. Sh$ and Ta8i$ ha8$ mad$ som$ 5$a3ti2yin0 dis7o8$ry, 2or 5oth 4oo1 a4to0$th$r 3#4i2t$d and an0$4i7 a44 o2 a s3dd$n.. .H$r$ 7om$ th$ 0$nt4$m$n, and, as I'm a Ta45ot, th$y ha8$n't 0ot him<. 7ri$d Ros$ as th$ d$#3tation a##$ar$d, 4oo1in0 8$ry 7r$st2a44$n. .%on't 7om$ n$ar m$,. sh$ add$d, ir$2344y, .yo3 ar$ dis4oya4 7o/ards, and I doom yo3 to $:i4$ ti44 I /ant yo3. I am in2init$ in r$so3r7$s as /$44 as this r$7r$ant man, and 7om$ h$ sha44. Mrs. Sno/don, /o34d yo3 mind as1in0 Mr. Tr$h$rn$ to s300$st som$thin0 to /i4$ a/ay th$ r$st o2 this $8$nin0) ($ ar$ in d$s#air, and 7an thin1 o2 nothin0, and yo3 ar$ a44;#o/$r234 /ith him..

.I m3st d$74in$, sin7$ h$ r$23s$s yo3. /as th$ d$7id$d ans/$r, as Mrs. Sno/don mo8$d a/ay. .Ta8i$, d$ar, do 0o= /$ m3st ha8$ him= h$ a4/ays o5$ys yo3, and yo3 /o34d 5$ s37h a #354i7 5$n$2a7tor, yo3 1no/.. (itho3t a /ord O7ta8ia /rot$ a 4in$ and s$nt it 5y a s$r8ant. S$8$ra4 min3t$s #ass$d, and th$ 0$nt4$m$n 5$0an to 4ay /a0$rs on th$ s377$ss o2 h$r tria4. .H$ /i44 not 7om$ 2or m$, yo3 may 5$ s3r$,. said O7ta8ia. As th$ /ords #ass$d h$r 4i#s h$ a##$ar$d. A 0$n$ra4 4a30h 0r$$t$d him, 53t, ta1in0 no noti7$ o2 th$ 6$sts at his $:#$ns$, h$ t3rn$d to O7ta8ia, sayin0 93i$t4y, .(hat 7an I do 2or yo3, Co3sin). His 7o4or4$ss 2a7$ and /$ary $y$s

r$#roa7h$d h$r 2or dist3r5in0 him, 53t it /as too 4at$ 2or r$0r$t, and sh$ ans/$r$d hasti4y, .($ ar$ in /ant o2 som$ n$/ and am3sin0 o773#ation to /i4$ a/ay th$ $8$nin0. Can yo3 s300$st som$thin0 a##ro#riat$). .(hy not sit ro3nd th$ ha44 2ir$ and t$44 stori$s, /hi4$ /$ /ait to s$$ th$ o4d y$ar o3t, as /$ 3s$d to do 4on0 a0o). h$ as1$d, a2t$r a mom$nt's tho30ht. .I to4d yo3 so< Th$r$ it is, 63st /hat /$ /ant.. And Sir -as#$r 4oo1$d tri3m#hant. .It's 7a#ita4?4$t 3s 5$0in at on7$. It is a2t$r t$n no/, so /$ sha44 not ha8$ 4on0 to /ait,. 7ri$d Ros$, and, ta1in0 Sir -as#$r's arm, sh$ 4$d th$ /ay to th$ ha44. A 0r$at 2ir$ a4/ays 53rn$d th$r$,

and in /int$rtim$ thi71 7ar#$ts and 73rtains 7o8$r$d th$ ston$ 24oor and dra#$d th$ ta44 /indo/s. P4ants 54ossom$d in th$ /arm atmos#h$r$, and 7hairs and 4o3n0$s stood a5o3t in8itin04y. Th$ #arty /as soon s$at$d, and Tr$h$rn$ /as d$sir$d to 5$0in. .($ m3st ha8$ 0host stori$s, and in ord$r to 5$ #ro#$r4y thri44in0 and $22$7ti8$, th$ 4i0hts m3st 5$ #3t o3t,. said Ros$, /ho sat n$:t him, and s#o1$ 2irst, as 3s3a4. This /as soon don$, and on4y a r3ddy 7ir74$ o2 2ir$4i0ht /as 4$2t to o##os$ th$ ra#t 04oom that 2i44$d th$ ha44, /h$r$ shado/s no/ s$$m$d to 43r1 in $8$ry 7orn$r. .%on't 5$ 8$ry dr$ad234, or I sha44 2aint a/ay,. #4$ad$d B4an7h$, dra/in0 n$ar$r to Annon, 2or sh$

had ta1$n h$r sist$r's ad8i7$, and 4aid 74os$ si$0$ to that 0$nt4$man's h$art. .I thin1 yo3r n$r8$s /i44 5$ar my 4itt4$ ta4$,. r$#4i$d Tr$h$rn$. .(h$n I /as in India, 2o3r y$ars a0o, I had a 8$ry d$ar 2ri$nd in my r$0im$nt?a S7ot7hman= I'm ha42 S7ot7h mys$42, yo3 1no/, and 74annish, o2 7o3rs$. Gordon /as s$nt 3# th$ 7o3ntry on a s7o3tin0 $:#$dition, and n$8$r r$t3rn$d. His m$n r$#ort$d that h$ 4$2t th$m on$ $8$nin0 to ta1$ a s3r8$y, and his hors$ 7am$ hom$ 54oody and rid$r4$ss. ($ s$ar7h$d, 53t 7o34d not 2ind a tra7$ o2 him, and I /as d$s#$rat$ to dis7o8$r and a8$n0$ his m3rd$r. A5o3t a month a2t$r his disa##$aran7$, as I sat in my t$nt on$ 2$ar2344y hot day, s3dd$n4y

th$ 7an8as door 24a# /as rais$d and th$r$ stood Gordon. I sa/ him as #4ain4y as I s$$ yo3, -as#$r, and sho34d ha8$ s#r3n0 to m$$t him, 53t som$thin0 h$4d m$ 5a71. H$ /as d$ath4y #a4$, dri##in0 /ith /at$r, and in his 5onny 543$ $y$s /as a /i4d, /o$234 4oo1 that mad$ my 54ood r3n 7o4d. I star$d d3m54y, 2or it /as a/234 to s$$ my 2ri$nd so 7han0$d and so 3n$arth4y. Str$t7hin0 his arm to m$ h$ too1 my hand, sayin0 so4$mn4y, 'Com$<' Th$ to37h /as 4i1$ i7$= an omino3s thri44 ran thro30h m$= I start$d 3# to o5$y, and h$ /as 0on$.. .A horrid dr$am, o2 7o3rs$. Is that a44). as1$d Ros$. (ith his $y$s on th$ 2ir$ and his 4$2t hand ha42 $:t$nd$d, Tr$h$rn$ /$nt on as i2 h$ had not h$ard

h$r. .I tho30ht it /as a 2an7y, and soon r$7o8$r$d mys$42, 2or no on$ had s$$n or h$ard anythin0 o2 Gordon, and my nati8$ s$r8ant 4ay 63st o3tsid$ my t$nt. A stran0$ s$nsation r$main$d in th$ hand th$ #hantom to37h$d. It /as 7o4d, dam#, and /hit$. I 2o3nd it 8ain to try to 2or0$t this a##arition= it too1 stron0 ho4d o2 m$= I to4d &$rmid, my man, and h$ 5ad$ m$ 7onsid$r it a si0n that I /as to s$$1 my 2ri$nd. That ni0ht I dr$am$d I /as ridin0 3# th$ 7o3ntry in hot hast$= /hat 4$d m$ I 1no/ not, 53t I #r$ss$d on and on, 4on0in0 to r$a7h th$ $nd. A ha42;dri$d ri8$r 7ross$d my #ath, and, ridin0 do/n th$ st$$# 5an1 to 2ord it, I sa/ Gordon's 5ody 4yin0 in th$ sha44o/ /at$r 4oo1in0

$:a7t4y as th$ 8ision 4oo1$d. I /o1$ in a stran0$ mood, to4d th$ story to my 7ommandin0 o22i7$r, and, as nothin0 /as doin0 63st th$n, $asi4y 0ot 4$a8$ o2 a5s$n7$ 2or a /$$1. Ta1in0 &$rmid, I s$t o3t on my sad 93$st. I tho30ht it 2o44y, 53t I 7o34d not r$sist th$ im#34s$ that dr$/ m$ on. +or s$8$n days I s$ar7h$d, and th$ stran0$st #art o2 th$ story is that a44 that tim$ I /$nt on $:a7t4y as in th$ dr$am, s$$in0 /hat I sa/ th$n, and 4$d 5y th$ to37h o2 a 7o4d hand on min$. On th$ s$8$nth day I r$a7h$d th$ ri8$r, and 2o3nd my 2ri$nd's 5ody.. .Ho/ horri54$< Is it r$a44y tr3$). 7ri$d Mrs. Sno/don. .As tr3$ as I am a 4i8in0 man. Nor is that a44A this 4$2t hand o2 min$ n$8$r has 5$$n /arm sin7$ that

tim$. S$$ and 2$$4 2or yo3rs$48$s.. H$ o#$n$d 5oth hands, and a44 satis2i$d th$ms$48$s that th$ 4$2t /as sma44$r, #a4$r, and 7o4d$r than th$ ri0ht. .Pray som$on$ t$44 anoth$r story to #3t this o3t o2 my mind= it ma1$s m$ n$r8o3s,. said B4an7h$. .I'44 t$44 on$, and yo3 may 4a30h to 93i$t yo3r n$r8$s. I /ant to ha8$ min$ don$ /ith, so that I 7an $n6oy th$ r$st /ith a 2r$$ mind.. (ith th$s$ /ords Ros$ 5$0an h$r ta4$ in th$ 0ood o4d 2ashion. .On7$ 3#on a tim$, /h$n /$ /$r$ #ayin0 a 8isit to my 54$ss$d 0randmamma, I sa/ a 0host in this /is$A Th$ d$ar o4d 4ady /as i44 /ith a 7o4d and 1$#t h$r room,

4$a8in0 3s to mo#$, 2or it /as 8$ry d344 in th$ 0r$at 4on$4y ho3s$. B4an7h$ and I /$r$ 5oth hom$si71, 53t didn't 4i1$ to 4$a8$ ti44 sh$ /as 5$tt$r, so /$ ransa71$d th$ 4i5rary and so4a7$d o3rs$48$s /ith a44 mann$r o2 93$$r 5oo1s. On$ day I 2o3nd Grandmamma 8$ry 4o/ and n$r8o3s, and $8id$nt4y /ith som$thin0 on h$r mind. Sh$ /o34d say nothin0, 53t th$ n$:t day /as /ors$, and I insist$d on 1no/in0 th$ 7a3s$, 2or th$ tro354$ /as $8id$nt4y m$nta4. Char0in0 m$ to 1$$# it 2rom B4an7h$, /ho /as, and is, a sad 7o/ard, sh$ to4d m$ that a s#irit had a##$ar$d to h$r t/o s377$ssi8$ ni0hts. 'I2 it 7om$s a third tim$, I sha44 #r$#ar$ to di$,' said th$ 2oo4ish o4d 4ady.

.'No, yo3 /on't, 2or I'44 7om$ and stay /ith yo3 and 4ay yo3r 0host,' I said. (ith som$ di22i734ty I mad$ h$r yi$4d, and a2t$r B4an7h$ /as as4$$# I s4i##$d a/ay to Grandmamma, /ith a 5oo1 and 7and4$ 2or a 4on0 /at7h, as th$ s#irit didn't a##$ar ti44 a2t$r midni0ht. Sh$ 3s3a44y s4$#t /ith h$r door 3n4o71$d, in 7as$ o2 2ir$ or 2ri0ht, and h$r maid /as 74os$ 5y. That ni0ht I 4o71$d th$ door, t$44in0 h$r that s#irits 7o34d 7om$ thro30h th$ oa1 i2 th$y 7hos$, and I #r$2$rr$d to ha8$ a 2air tria4. ($44, I r$ad and 7hatt$d and do@$d ti44 da/n and nothin0 a##$ar$d, so I 4a30h$d at th$ /ho4$ a22air, and th$ o4d 4ady #r$t$nd$d to 5$ 7on8in7$d that it /as a44 a 2an7y. .N$:t ni0ht I s4$#t in my o/n

room, and in th$ mornin0 /as to4d that not on4y Grandmamma 53t -an$t had s$$n th$ s#irit. A44 in /hit$, /ith str$amin0 hair, a #a4$ 2a7$, and a r$d str$a1 at th$ throat. It 7am$ and #art$d th$ 5$d;73rtains, 4oo1in0 in a mom$nt, and th$n 8anish$d. -an$t had s4$#t /ith Grandmamma and 1$#t a 4am# 53rnin0 on th$ 7himn$y, so 5oth sa/ it. .I /as #3@@4$d, 53t not 2ri0ht$n$d= I n$8$r am, and I insist$d on tryin0 a0ain. Th$ door /as 4$2t 3n4o71$d, as on th$ #r$8io3s ni0ht, and I 4ay /ith Grandmamma, a 4i0ht 53rnin0 as 5$2or$. A5o3t t/o sh$ 743t7h$d m$ as I /as dro##in0 o22. I 4oo1$d, and th$r$, #$$#in0 in 5$t/$$n th$ dar1 73rtains, /as a #a4$ 2a7$ /ith 4on0 hair a44 a5o3t it, and a

r$d str$a1 at th$ throat. It /as 8$ry dim, th$ 4i0ht 5$in0 4o/, 53t I sa/ it, and a2t$r on$ 5r$ath4$ss min3t$ s#ran0 3#, 7a30ht my 2oot, 2$44 do/n /ith a 7rash, and 5y th$ tim$ I /as aro3nd th$ 5$d, not a 8$sti0$ o2 th$ thin0 a##$ar$d. I /as an0ry, and 8o/$d I'd s377$$d at a44 ha@ards, tho30h I'44 7on2$ss I /as 63st a 5it da3nt$d. .N$:t tim$ -an$t and I sat 3# in $asy 7hairs, /ith 5ri0ht 4i0hts 53rnin0, and 5oth /id$ a/a1$ /ith th$ stron0$st 7o22$$ /$ 7o34d ma1$. As th$ ho3r dr$/ n$ar /$ 0ot n$r8o3s, and /h$n th$ /hit$ sha#$ 7am$ 04idin0 in -an$t hid h$r 2a7$. I didn't, and a2t$r on$ 4oo1 /as on th$ #oint o2 4a30hin0, 2or th$ s#irit /as B4an7h$ /a41in0 in h$r s4$$#. Sh$

/or$ a 7ora4 n$714a7$ in thos$ days, and n$8$r too1 it o22, and h$r 4on0 hair ha42 hid h$r 2a7$, /hi7h had th$ 3nnat3ra4, 3n7anny 4oo1 somnam534ists a4/ays /$ar. I had th$ s$ns$ to 1$$# sti44 and t$44 -an$t /hat to do, so th$ #oor 7hi4d /$nt 5a71 3n/a1$d, and Grandmamma's s#irit n$8$r /a41$d a0ain 2or I too1 7ar$ o2 that.. .(hy did yo3 ha3nt th$ o4d 4ady). as1$d Annon, as th$ 4a30ht$r 7$as$d. .I don't 1no/, 3n4$ss it /as that I /ant$d to as1 4$a8$ to 0o hom$, and /as a2raid to do it a/a1$, so tri$d /h$n as4$$#. I sha44 not t$44 any story, as I /as th$ h$roin$ o2 this, 53t /i44 0i8$ my t3rn to yo3, Mr. Annon,. said B4an7h$, /ith a so2t 04an7$, /hi7h /as 93it$

thro/n a/ay, 2or th$ 0$nt4$man's $y$s /$r$ 2i:$d on O7ta8ia, /ho sat on a 4o/ ottoman at Mrs. Sno/don's 2$$t in th$ 2344 04o/ o2 th$ 2ir$4i0ht. .I'8$ had 8$ry sma44 $:#$ri$n7$ in 0hosts, and 7an on4y r$7a44 a 4itt4$ 2ri0ht I on7$ had /h$n a 5oy at 7o44$0$. I'd 5$$n o3t to a #arty, 0ot hom$ tir$d, 7o34dn't 2ind my mat7h$s, and r$tir$d in th$ dar1. To/ard mornin0 I /o1$, and 04an7in0 3# to s$$ i2 th$ dim 4i0ht /as da/n or moonshin$ I /as horri2i$d to s$$ a 7o22in standin0 at th$ 5$d's 2oot. I r355$d my $y$s to 5$ s3r$ I /as a/a1$, and 4oo1$d /ith a44 my mi0ht. Th$r$ it /as, a 4on0 54a71 7o22in, and I sa/ th$ /hit$ #4at$ in th$ d3s1, 2or th$ moon /as s$ttin0 and my 73rtain /as not dra/n. 'It's som$

tri71 o2 th$ 2$44o/s,' I tho30ht= 'I'44 not 5$tray mys$42, 53t 1$$# 7oo4.' Easy to say 53t hard to do, 2or it s3dd$n4y 24ash$d into my mind that I mi0ht 5$ in th$ /ron0 room. I 04an7$d a5o3t, 53t th$r$ /$r$ th$ 2ami4iar o56$7ts as 3s3a4, as 2ar as th$ indistin7t 4i0ht a44o/$d m$ to s$$, and I mad$ s3r$ 5y 2$$4in0 on th$ /a44 at th$ 5$d's h$ad 2or my /at7h7as$. It /as th$r$, and min$ 5$yond a do35t, 5$in0 #$734iar in sha#$ and 2a5ri7. Had I 5$$n to a 7o44$0$ /in$ #arty I 7o34d ha8$ a77o3nt$d 2or th$ 8ision, 53t a 93i$t $8$nin0 in a 0ra8$ #ro2$ssor's /$44; 7ond37t$d 2ami4y 7o34d #rod37$ no i44 $22$7ts. 'It's an o#ti7a4 i443sion, or a #ran1 o2 my mat$s= I'44 s4$$# and 2or0$t it,' I said, and 2or a tim$ $nd$a8or$d to do so, 53t 73riosity o8$r7am$ my

r$so48$, and soon I #$$#$d a0ain. -3d0$ o2 my horror /h$n I sa/ th$ shar# /hit$ o3t4in$ o2 a d$ad 2a7$, /hi7h s$$m$d to 5$ #$$#in0 3# 2rom th$ 7o22in. It 0a8$ m$ a t$rri54$ sho71 2or I /as 53t a 4ad and had 5$$n i44. I hid my 2a7$ and 93a1$d 4i1$ a n$r8o3s 0ir4, sti44 thin1in0 it som$ 6o1$ and too #ro3d to 5$tray 2$ar 4$st I sho34d 5$ 4a30h$d at. Ho/ 4on0 I 4ay th$r$ I don't 1no/, 53t /h$n I 4oo1$d a0ain th$ 2a7$ /as 2arth$r o3t and th$ /ho4$ 2i03r$ s$$m$d risin0 s4o/4y. Th$ moon /as n$ar4y do/n, I had no 4am#, and to 5$ 4$2t in th$ dar1 /ith that a/$som$ thin0 /as mor$ than I 7o34d 5$ar. -o1$ or $arn$st, I m3st $nd th$ #ani7, and 5o4tin0 o3t o2 my room I ro3s$d my n$i0h5or. H$ to4d m$ I /as mad or dr3n1, 53t 4it a 4am# and r$t3rn$d /ith m$,

to 2ind my horror on4y a h$a# o2 74oth$s thro/n on th$ ta54$ in s37h a /ay that, as th$ moon's #a4$ 4i0ht shot it, it str371 3#on my 54a71 st3d$nt's 0o/n, /ith a /hit$ 7ard 4yin0 on it, and #rod37$d th$ $22$7t o2 a 7o22in and #4at$. Th$ 2a7$ /as a 7r3m#4$d hand1$r7hi$2, and /hat s$$m$d hair a 5ro/n m3224$r. As th$ moon san1, th$s$ o3t4in$s 7han0$d and, in7r$di54$ as it may s$$m, 0r$/ 4i1$ a 2a7$. My 2ri$nd not ha8in0 had th$ 2ri0ht $n6oy$d th$ 6o1$, and 'Co22ins' /as my so5ri93$t 2or a 4on0 /hi4$.. .&o3 0$t /ors$ and /ors$. Sir -as#$r, do 8ary th$ horrors 5y a to37h o2 23n, or I sha44 r3n a/ay,. said B4an7h$, 04an7in0 o8$r h$r sho34d$r n$r8o3s4y. .I'44 do my 5$st, and t$44 a story

my 3n74$ 3s$d to r$4at$ o2 his yo3n0 days. I 2or0$t th$ nam$ o2 th$ #4a7$, 53t it /as som$ 4itt4$ 7o3ntry to/n 2amo3s amon0 an04$rs. My 3n74$ o2t$n /$nt to 2ish, and a4/ays r$0r$tt$d that a d$s$rt$d ho3s$ n$ar th$ tro3t str$am /as not o773#i$d, 2or th$ inn /as in7on8$ni$nt4y distant. S#$a1in0 o2 this on$ $8$nin0 as h$ 4o3n0$d in th$ 4and4ady's #ar4or, h$ as1$d /hy no on$ too1 it and 4$t th$ rooms to stran0$rs in th$ 2ishin0 s$ason. '+or 2$ar o2 th$ 0hostiss$ss, yo3r honor,' r$#4i$d th$ /oman, and #ro7$$d$d to t$44, him that thr$$ distin7t s#irits ha3nt$d th$ ho3s$. In th$ 0arr$t /as h$ard th$ h3m o2 a /h$$4 and th$ ta# o2 hi0h;h$$4$d sho$s, as th$ 0host4y s#inn$r /$nt to and 2ro. In a 7ham5$r so3nd$d th$ shar#$nin0

o2 a 1ni2$, 2o44o/$d 5y 0roans and th$ dri# o2 54ood. Th$ 7$44ar /as mad$ a/234 5y a s1$4$ton sittin0 on a ha42;53ri$d 5o: and 7h3714in0 2i$ndish4y. It s$$ms a mis$r 4i8$d th$r$ on7$, and /as 5$4i$8$d to ha8$ star8$d his da30ht$r in th$ 0arr$t, 1$$#in0 h$r at /or1 ti44 sh$ di$d. Th$ s$7ond s#irit /as that o2 th$ 0ir4's r$6$7t$d 4o8$r, /ho 73t his throat in th$ 7ham5$r, and th$ third o2 th$ mis$r /ho /as 2o3nd d$ad on th$ mon$y 7h$st h$ /as too 2$$54$ to 7on7$a4. My 3n74$ 4a30h$d at a44 this, and o22$r$d to 4ay th$ 0hosts i2 anyon$ /o34d ta1$ th$ ho3s$. .This o22$r 0ot a5road, and a 7r3sty o4d 2$44o/ a77$#t$d it, ho#in0 to t3rn a #$nny. H$ had a #r$tty 0ir4, /hos$ 4o8$ had 5$$n

th/art$d 5y th$ o4d man, and /hos$ 4o8$r /as 0oin0 to s$a in d$s#air. My 3n74$ 1n$/ this and #iti$d th$ yo3n0 #$o#4$. H$ had mad$ a793aintan7$ /ith a /and$rin0 artist, and th$ t/o a0r$$d to 7on93$r th$ #r$63di7$s a0ainst th$ ho3s$ 5y ta1in0 rooms th$r$. Th$y did so, and a2t$r satis2yin0 th$ms$48$s r$0ardin0 th$ nois$s, 7ons34t$d a /is$ o4d /oman as to th$ 5$st m$ans o2 4ayin0 th$ 0hosts. Sh$ to4d th$m i2 any yo3n0 0ir4 /o34d #ass a ni0ht in $a7h ha3nt$d room, #rayin0 #io3s4y th$ /hi4$, that a44 /o34d 5$ /$44. P$00y /as as1$d i2 sh$ /o34d do it, and 5$in0 a sto3th$art$d 4ass sh$ 7ons$nt$d, 2or a ro3nd s3m, to try it. Th$ 2irst ni0ht /as in th$ 0arr$t, and P$00y, in s#it$ o2 th$ #ro#h$7i$s o2 th$ 8i44a0$ 0ossi#s,

7am$ o3t a4i8$, tho30h 4ist$n$rs at th$ door h$ard th$ /$ird h3mmin0 and ta##in0 a44 ni0ht 4on0. Th$ n$:t ni0ht a44 /$nt /$44, and 2rom that tim$ no mor$ shar#$nin0, 0roanin0, or dri##in0 /as h$ard. Th$ third tim$ sh$ 5ad$ h$r 2ri$nds 0ood;5y$ and, /ra##$d in h$r r$d 74oa1, /ith a 4am# and #ray$r 5oo1, /$nt do/n into th$ 7$44ar. A4as 2or #r$tty P$00y< (h$n day 7am$ sh$ /as 0on$, and /ith h$r th$ mis$r's $m#ty 5o:, tho30h his 5on$s r$main$d to #ro8$ ho/ /$44 sh$ had don$ h$r /or1. .Th$ to/n /as in an 3#roar, and th$ o4d man 23rio3s. Som$ said th$ d$8i4 had 24o/n a/ay /ith h$r, oth$rs that th$ 5on$s /$r$ h$rs, and a44 a0r$$d that h$n7$2orth anoth$r 0host /o34d ha3nt th$

ho3s$. My 3n74$ and th$ artist did th$ir 5$st to 7om2ort th$ 2ath$r, /ho sor$4y r$#roa7h$d hims$42 2or th/artin0 th$ 0ir4's 4o8$, and d$74ar$d that i2 -a71 /o34d 2ind h$r h$ sho34d ha8$ h$r. B3t -a71 had sai4$d, and th$ o4d man '/as 4$2t 4am$ntin0.' Th$ ho3s$ /as 2r$$d 2rom its 3n$arth4y 8isitors, ho/$8$r, 2or no 0host a##$ar$d= and /h$n my 3n74$ 4$2t, o4d Martin 2o3nd mon$y and 4$tt$r in2ormin0 him that P$00y had s#$nt h$r 2irst t/o ni0hts #r$#arin0 2or 24i0ht, and on th$ third had 0on$ a/ay to marry and sai4 /ith -a71. Th$ nois$s had 5$$n #rod37$d 5y th$ artist, /ho /as a 8$ntri4o93ist, th$ s1$4$ton had 5$$n sm3004$d 2rom th$ s3r0$ons, and th$ /ho4$ thin0 /as a 7ons#ira7y to h$4# P$00y and a77ommodat$ th$ 2ish$rm$n..

.It is $8id$nt that ro03$ry is h$r$ditary,. 4a30h$d Ros$ as th$ narrator #a3s$d. .I stron04y s3s#$7t that Sir -as#$r th$ s$7ond /as th$ tr3$ h$ro o2 that story,. add$d Mrs. Sno/don. .Thin1 /hat yo3 4i1$, I'8$ don$ my #art, and 4$a8$ th$ sta0$ 2or yo3, madam.. .I /i44 7om$ 4ast. It is yo3r t3rn, d$ar.. As Mrs. Sno/don so2t4y 3tt$r$d th$ 4ast /ord, and O7ta8ia 4$an$d 3#on h$r 1n$$ /ith an a22$7tionat$ 04an7$, Tr$h$rn$ 4$an$d 2or/ard to 7at7h a 04im#s$ o2 th$ t/o 7han0$d 2a7$s, and 4oo1$d as i2 5$/i4d$r$d /h$n 5oth smi4$d at him, as th$y sat hand in hand /hi4$ th$ 0ir4 to4d h$r story.

.'on0 a0o a 2amo3s a7tr$ss s3dd$n4y dro##$d d$ad at th$ 74os$ o2 a s#4$ndid4y #4ay$d tra0$dy. Sh$ /as 7arri$d hom$, and #r$#arations /$r$ mad$ to 53ry h$r. Th$ #4ay had 5$$n 0ott$n 3# /ith 0r$at 7ar$ and $:#$ns$, and a 2in$ a7tor /as th$ h$ro. Th$ #354i7 d$mand$d a r$#$tition, and an in2$rior #$rson /as $n0a0$d to ta1$ th$ d$ad 4ady's #art. A day's d$4ay had 5$$n n$7$ssary, 53t /h$n th$ ni0ht 7am$ th$ ho3s$ /as 7ro/d$d. Th$y /ait$d 5oth 5$2or$ and 5$hind th$ 73rtain 2or th$ d$53t o2 th$ n$/ a7tr$ss, /ith m37h 73riosity. Sh$ stood /aitin0 2or h$r 73$, 53t as it /as 0i8$n, to th$ ama@$m$nt o2 a44, th$ 0r$at tra0$di$nn$ 04id$d 3#on th$ sta0$. Pa4$ as mar54$, and /ith a stran0$ 2ir$ in h$r $y$s, stran0$

#athos in h$r 8oi7$, stran0$ #o/$r in h$r a7tin0, sh$ /$nt thro30h h$r #art, and at th$ 74os$ 8anish$d as myst$rio3s4y as sh$ 7am$. Gr$at /as th$ $:7it$m$nt that ni0ht, and int$ns$ th$ astonishm$nt and horror n$:t day /h$n it /as /his#$r$d a5road that th$ d$ad /oman n$8$r had r$8i8$d, 53t had 4ain in h$r 7o22in 5$2or$ th$ $y$s o2 /at7h$rs a44 th$ $8$nin0, /h$n h3ndr$ds 2an7i$d th$y /$r$ a##4a3din0 h$r at th$ th$at$r. Th$ myst$ry n$8$r /as 74$ar$d 3#, and Paris /as di8id$d 5y t/o o#inionsA on$ that som$ #$rson mar8$4o3s4y 4i1$ Madam$ H. had #$rsonat$d h$r 2or th$ sa1$ o2 a s$nsation= th$ oth$r that th$ 0host o2 th$ d$ad a7tr$ss, 3na54$ to 2r$$ its$42 2rom th$ o4d d3ti$s so 2344 o2 2as7ination to an am5itio3s and

s377$ss234 /oman, had #4ay$d 2or th$ 4ast tim$ th$ #art /hi7h had mad$ h$r 2amo3s.. .(h$r$ did yo3 2ind that, Ta8i$) It's 8$ry +r$n7h, and not 5ad i2 yo3 in8$nt$d it,. said Sir -as#$r. .I r$ad it in an o4d 5oo1, /h$r$ it /as m37h 5$tt$r to4d. No/, Edith, th$r$ is 63st tim$ 2or yo3r ta4$.. As th$ /ord .Edith. #ass$d h$r 4i#s, a0ain Tr$h$rn$ start$d and $y$d th$m 5oth, and a0ain th$y smi4$d, as Mrs. Sno/don 7ar$ss$d th$ smooth 7h$$1 4$anin0 on h$r 1n$$, and 4oo1in0 2344 at him 5$0an th$ 4ast r$7ita4. .&o3 ha8$ 5$$n r$7o3ntin0 th$ #ran1s o2 ima0inary 0hosts= 4$t m$ sho/ yo3 th$ /or1in0s o2 som$ r$a4 s#irits, $8i4 and 0ood, that ha3nt $8$ry h$art and hom$,

ma1in0 its mis$ry or 6oy. At Christmastim$, in a 7o3ntry ho3s$, a #arty o2 2ri$nds m$t to 1$$# th$ ho4idays, and 8$ry ha##i4y th$y mi0ht ha8$ don$ so had not on$ #$rson marr$d th$ #$a7$ o2 s$8$ra4. 'o8$, 6$a4o3sy, d$7$it, and no54$n$ss /$r$ th$ s#irits that #4ay$d th$ir 2r$a1s /ith th$s$ #$o#4$. Th$ #$rson o2 /hom I s#$a1 /as mor$ ha3nt$d than th$ r$st, and m37h torm$nt$d, 5$in0 /i44234, #ro3d, and 6$a4o3s. H$a8$n h$4# h$r, sh$ had had no on$ to $:or7is$ th$s$ 0hosts 2or h$r, and th$y 0oad$d h$r to do m37h harm. Amon0 th$s$ 2ri$nds th$r$ /$r$ mor$ than on$ #air o2 4o8$rs, and m37h tan04in0 o2 #4ots and #4ans, 2or h$arts ar$ /ay/ard and myst$rio3s thin0s, and 7annot 4o8$ as d3ty 5ids or #r3d$n7$

7o3ns$4s. This /oman h$4d th$ 1$y to a44 th$ s$7r$ts o2 th$ ho3s$, and, ha8in0 a #3r#os$ to 0ain, sh$ 3s$d h$r #o/$r s$42ish4y, 2or a tim$. To satis2y a do35t, sh$ 2$i0n$d a 2an7y 2or a 0$nt4$man /ho on7$ did h$r th$ honor o2 admirin0 h$r, and, to th$ 0r$at s7anda4 o2 7$rtain sa0$ #$rsons, #$rmitt$d him to sho/ his r$0ard 2or h$r, 1no/in0 that it /as 53t a transi$nt am3s$m$nt on his #art as /$44 as 3#on h$rs. In th$ hands o2 this /oman 4ay a s$7r$t /hi7h 7o34d ma1$ or mar th$ ha##in$ss o2 th$ 5$st and d$ar$st o2 th$ #arty. Th$ $8i4 s#irits /hi7h ha3nt$d h$r 3r0$d h$r to mar th$ir #$a7$ and 0rati2y a sin234 ho#$. On th$ oth$r sid$, honor, 63sti7$, and 0$n$rosity #rom#t$d h$r to ma1$ th$m ha##y, and /hi4$ sh$ /a8$r$d

th$r$ 7am$ to h$r a s/$$t $n7hantr$ss /ho, /ith a /ord, 5anish$d th$ torm$ntin0 0hosts 2or$8$r, and 0a8$ th$ ha3nt$d /oman a ta4isman to 1$$# h$r 2r$$ h$n7$2orth.. Th$r$ th$ $arn$st 8oi7$ 2a4t$r$d, and /ith a s3dd$n im#34s$ Mrs. Sno/don 5$nt h$r h$ad and 1iss$d th$ 2air 2or$h$ad /hi7h had 5$nt 4o/$r and 4o/$r as sh$ /$nt on. Ea7h 4ist$n$r 3nd$rstood th$ tr3th, 4i0ht4y 8$i4$d in that hasty 2a54$, and $a7h 2o3nd in it a di22$r$nt m$anin0. Sir -as#$r 2ro/n$d and 5it his 4i#s, Annon 04an7$d an:io3s4y 2rom 2a7$ to 2a7$, O7ta8ia hid h$rs, and Tr$h$rn$'s 24ash$d /ith s3dd$n int$44i0$n7$, /hi4$ Ros$ 4a30h$d 4o/ to h$rs$42, $n6oyin0 th$ s7$n$. B4an7h$, /ho /as 0$ttin0 s4$$#y,

said, /ith a sti24$d 0a#$, .That is a 8$ry ni7$, mora4 4itt4$ story, 53t I /ish th$r$ had 5$$n som$ r$a4 0hosts in it.. .Th$r$ /as. (i44 yo3 7om$ and s$$ th$m). As sh$ #3t th$ 93$stion, Mrs. Sno/don ros$ a5r3#t4y, /ishin0 to $nd th$ sBan7$, and 5$71onin0 th$m to 2o44o/ 04id$d 3# th$ 0r$at stair/ay. A44 o5$y$d, /ond$rin0 /hat /him #oss$ss$d h$r, and 93it$ r$ady 2or any 6$st in stor$ 2or th$m. Cha#t$r *III. -ASPER Sh$ 4$d th$m to th$ north 0a44$ry and, #a3sin0 at th$ door, said m$rri4y, .Th$ 0host?or 0hosts rath$r, 2or th$r$ /$r$ t/o?/hi7h 2ri0ht$n$d Patty /$r$ Sir -as#$r and mys$42, m$$tin0 to dis73ss

7$rtain im#ortant matt$rs /hi7h 7on7$rn$d Mr. Tr$h$rn$. I2 yo3 /ant to s$$ s#irits /$ /i44 #4ay #hantom 2or yo3, and 7on8in7$ yo3 o2 o3r #o/$r.. .Good, 4$t 3s 0o and ha8$ a 0host4y dan7$, as a #ro#$r 2ina4$ o2 o3r r$8$4,. ans/$r$d Ros$ as th$y 24o71$d into th$ 4on0 ha44. At that mom$nt th$ 0r$at 74o71 str371 t/$48$, and a44 #a3s$d to 5id th$ o4d y$ar adi$3. Sir -as#$r /as th$ 2irst to s#$a1, 2or, an0ry /ith Mrs. Sno/don, y$t than1234 to h$r 2or ma1in0 a 6$st to oth$rs o2 /hat had 5$$n $arn$st to him, h$ d$sir$d to hid$ his 7ha0rin 3nd$r a 0ay mann$r= and ta1in0 Ros$ aro3nd th$ /aist /as a5o3t to /a4t@ a/ay as sh$ #ro#os$d, sayin0 7h$$ri4y, .'Com$ on$ and a44, and dan7$ th$ n$/ y$ar in,'.

/h$n a 7ry 2rom O7ta8ia arr$st$d him, and t3rnin0 h$ sa/ h$r stand, #a4$ and tr$m54in0, #ointin0 to th$ 2ar $nd o2 th$ ha44. Ei0ht narro/ Gothi7 /indo/s #i$r7$d $ith$r /a44 o2 th$ north 0a44$ry. A 2344 moon s$nt h$r si48$ry 4i0ht stron04y in 3#on th$ $ast$rn sid$, ma1in0 5road 5ars o2 5ri0htn$ss a7ross th$ 24oor. No 2ir$s 53rn$d th$r$ no/, and /h$r$8$r th$ moon4i0ht did not 2a44 d$$# shado/s 4ay. As O7ta8ia 7ri$d o3t, a44 4oo1$d, and a44 distin7t4y sa/ a ta44, dar1 2i03r$ mo8in0 nois$4$ss4y a7ross th$ s$7ond 5ar o2 4i0ht 2ar do/n th$ ha44. .Is it som$ 6$st o2 yo3rs). as1$d Sir -as#$r o2 Mrs. Sno/don, as th$ 2orm 8anish$d in th$ shado/.

.No, 3#on my honor, I 1no/ nothin0 o2 it< I on4y m$ant to r$4i$8$ O7ta8ia's s3#$rstitio3s 2$ars 5y sho/in0 h$r o3r #ran1s. /as th$ /his#$r$d r$#4y as Mrs. Sno/don's 7h$$1 #a4$d, and sh$ dr$/ n$ar$r to -as#$r. .(ho is th$r$). 7a44$d Tr$h$rn$ in a 7ommandin0 ton$. No ans/$r, 53t a 2aint, 7o4d 5r$ath o2 air s$$m$d to si0h a4on0 th$ ar7h$d roo2 and di$ a/ay as th$ dar1 2i03r$ 7ross$d th$ third str$a1 o2 moon4i0ht. A stran0$ a/$ 2$44 3#on th$m a44, and no on$ s#o1$, 53t stood /at7hin0 2or th$ a##$aran7$ o2 th$ sha#$. N$ar$r and n$ar$r it 7am$, /ith so3nd4$ss st$#s, and as it r$a7h$d th$ si:th /indo/ its o3t4in$s /$r$ distin7t4y 8isi54$. A ta44, /ast$d 2i03r$, a44 in 54a71,

/ith a rosary han0in0 2rom th$ 0ird4$, and a dar1 5$ard ha42 7on7$a4in0 th$ 2a7$. .Th$ A55ot's 0host, and 8$ry /$44 0ot 3#,. said Annon, tryin0 to 4a30h 53t 2ai4in0 d$7id$d4y, 2or a0ain th$ 7o4d 5r$ath s/$#t o8$r th$m, 7a3sin0 a 0$n$ra4 sh3dd$r. .H3sh<. /his#$r$d Tr$h$rn$, dra/in0 O7ta8ia to his sid$ /ith a #rot$7tin0 0$st3r$. On7$ mor$ th$ #hantom a##$ar$d and disa##$ar$d, and as th$y /ait$d 2or it to 7ross th$ 4ast 5ar o2 4i0ht that 4ay 5$t/$$n it and th$m, Mrs. Sno/don st$##$d 2or/ard to th$ $d0$ o2 th$ shado/ in /hi7h th$y stood, as i2 to 7on2ront th$ a##arition a4on$. O3t o2 th$ dar1n$ss it 7am$, and in th$ 2344 radian7$ o2

th$ 4i0ht it #a3s$d. Mrs. Sno/don, 5$in0 n$ar$st, sa/ th$ 2a7$ 2irst, and 3tt$rin0 a 2aint 7ry dro##$d do/n 3#on th$ ston$ 24oor, 7o8$rin0 3# h$r $y$s. Nothin0 h3man $8$r /or$ a 4oo1 4i1$ that o2 th$ 0hast4y, ho44o/;$y$d, #a4$; 4i##$d 7o3nt$nan7$ 5$4o/ th$ hood. A44 sa/ it and h$4d th$ir 5r$ath as it s4o/4y rais$d a shado/y arm and #oint$d a shri8$4$d 2in0$r at Sir -as#$r. .S#$a1, /hat$8$r yo3 ar$, or I'44 93i714y #ro8$ /h$th$r yo3 ar$ man or s#irit<. 7ri$d -as#$r 2i$r7$4y, st$##in0 2or/ard as i2 to 0ras# th$ $:t$nd$d arm that s$$m$d to m$na7$ him a4on$. An i7y 03st s/$#t thro30h th$ ha44, and th$ #hantom s4o/4y r$7$d$d into th$ shado/. -as#$r s#ran0 a2t$r it, 53t nothin0

7ross$d th$ s$7ond str$am o2 4i0ht, and nothin0 r$main$d in th$ shad$. 'i1$ on$ #oss$ss$d 5y a s3dd$n 2an7y h$ r3sh$d do/n th$ 0a44$ry to 2ind a44 2ast and $m#ty, and to r$t3rn 4oo1in0 8$ry stran0$4y. B4an7h$ had 2aint$d a/ay and Annon /as 5$arin0 h$r o3t o2 th$ ha44. Ros$ /as 74in0in0 to Mrs. Sno/don, and O7ta8ia 4$an$d a0ainst h$r 7o3sin, sayin0 in a 2$r8$nt /his#$r, .Than1 God it did not #oint at yo3<. .Am I th$n d$ar$r than yo3r 5roth$r). h$ /his#$r$d 5a71. Th$r$ /as no a3di54$ r$#4y, 53t on$ 4itt4$ hand in8o43ntari4y #r$ss$d his, tho30h th$ oth$r /as o3tstr$t7h$d to/ard -as#$r, /ho 7am$ 3# /hit$ and start4$d 53t 2irm and 93i$t. A22$7tin0 to ma1$ 4i0ht o2 it, h$ said, 2or7in0 a smi4$

as h$ rais$d Mrs. Sno/don, .It is som$ st3#id 6o1$ o2 th$ s$r8ants. '$t 3s thin1 no mor$ o2 it. Com$, Edith, this is not 4i1$ yo3r 3s3a4 s$42.. .It /as nothin0 h3man, -as#$r= yo3 1no/ it as /$44 as I. Oh, /hy did I 5rin0 yo3 h$r$ to m$$t th$ /arnin0 #hantom that ha3nts yo3r ho3s$<. .Nay, i2 my tim$ is n$ar th$ s#irit /o34d ha8$ 2o3nd m$ o3t /h$r$8$r I mi0ht 5$. I ha8$ no 2aith in that a5s3rd s3#$rstition? I 4a30h at and d$2y it. Com$ do/n and drin1 my h$a4th in /in$ 2rom th$ A55ot's o/n 7$44ar.. B3t no on$ had h$art 2or 23rth$r 0ai$ty, and, 2indin0 'ady Tr$h$rn$ a4r$ady a4arm$d 5y Annon, th$y /$r$ 2or7$d to t$44 h$r a44, and

2ind th$ir o/n 5$/i4d$rm$nt d$$#$n$d 5y h$r 3na4t$ra54$ 5$4i$2 in th$ $8i4 om$n. At h$r 7ommand th$ ho3s$ /as s$ar7h$d, th$ s$r8ants 7ross; 93$stion$d, and $8$ry $22ort mad$ to dis7o8$r th$ id$ntity o2 th$ a##arition. A44 in 8ain= th$ ho3s$ /as as 3s3a4, and not a man or maid 53t t3rn$d #a4$ at th$ id$a o2 $nt$rin0 th$ 0a44$ry at midni0ht. At my 4ady's r$93$st, a44 #romis$d to say no mor$ 3#on th$ myst$ry, and s$#arat$d at 4ast to s37h s4$$# as th$y 7o34d $n6oy. *$ry 0ra8$ /$r$ th$ 2a7$s 0ath$r$d a5o3t th$ 5r$a12ast ta54$ n$:t mornin0, and 8$ry an:io3s th$ 04an7$s 7ast on Sir -as#$r as h$ 7am$ in, 4at$ as 3s3a4, 4oo1in0 3n7ommon4y 54ith$

and /$44. Nothin0 s$rio3s $8$r mad$ a d$$# im#r$ssion on his m$r73ria4 nat3r$. Tr$h$rn$ had mor$ th$ air o2 a doom$d man, 5$in0 8$ry #a4$ and /orn, in s#it$ o2 an o77asiona4 04$am o2 ha##in$ss as h$ 4oo1$d at O7ta8ia. H$ ha3nt$d -as#$r 4i1$ a shado/ a44 th$ mornin0, m37h to that yo3n0 0$nt4$man's annoyan7$, 2or 5oth his moth$r and sist$r h3n0 a5o3t him /ith 2a7$s o2 i44;diss$m54$d an:i$ty. By a2t$rnoon his #ati$n7$ 0a8$ o3t, and h$ o#$n4y r$5$44$d a0ainst th$ t$nd$r 03ard 1$#t o8$r him. Rin0in0 2or his hors$ h$ said d$7id$d4y, .I'm 5or$d to d$ath /ith th$ so4$mnity /hi7h #$r8ad$s th$ ho3s$ today, so I'm o22 2or a 5ris1 0a44o#, 5$2or$ I 4os$ my t$m#$r and s#irits a4to0$th$r..

.Com$ /ith m$ in th$ #ony 7arria0$, -as#$r. I'8$ not had a dri8$ /ith yo3 2or a 4on0 /hi4$, and sho34d $n6oy it so m37h,. said my 4ady, d$tainin0 him. .Mrs. Sno/don 4oo1s as i2 sh$ n$$d$d air to r$8i8$ h$r ros$s, and th$ #ony 7arria0$ is 63st th$ thin0 2or h$r, so I /i44 7h$$r2344y r$si0n my s$at to h$r,. h$ ans/$r$d 4a30hin0, as h$ 2or7$d hims$42 2rom his moth$r's hand. .Ta1$ th$ 0ir4s in th$ 74ar$n7$. ($ a44 /ant a 5r$ath o2 air, and yo3 ar$ th$ 5$st /hi# /$ 1no/. B$ 0a44ant and say y$s, d$ar.. .No, than1 yo3, Ta8i$, that /on't do. Ros$ and B4an7h$ ar$ 5oth as4$$#, and yo3 ar$ dyin0 to 0o and do 4i1$/is$, a2t$r yo3r 8i0i4s 4ast ni0ht. As a man and a 5roth$r

I 5$0 yo3'44 do so, and 4$t m$ rid$ as I 4i1$.. .S3##os$ yo3 as1 Annon to 6oin yo3?. 5$0an Tr$h$rn$ /ith /$44; ass3m$d indi22$r$n7$= 53t Sir -as#$r 2ro/n$d and t3rn$d shar#4y on him, sayin0, ha42; #$t34ant4y, ha42;6o7os$4yA .U#on my 4i2$ I sho34d thin1 I /as a 5oy or a 5a5y, 5y th$ mann$r in /hi7h yo3 mo3nt 03ard o8$r m$ today. I2 yo3 thin1 I'm 0oin0 to 4i8$ in dai4y 2$ar o2 som$ misha#, yo3 ar$ a44 m37h mista1$n. Ghost or no 0host, I sha44 ma1$ m$rry /hi4$ I 7an= a short 4i2$ and a 6o44y on$ has a4/ays 5$$n my motto, yo3 1no/, so 2ar$ yo3 /$44 ti44 dinn$rtim$.. Th$y /at7h$d him 0a44o# do/n th$ a8$n3$, and th$n /$nt th$ir

di22$r$nt /ays, sti44 53rd$n$d /ith a nam$4$ss 2or$5odin0. O7ta8ia stro44$d into th$ 7ons$r8atory, thin1in0 to r$2r$sh h$rs$42 /ith th$ 5a4my si4$n7$ /hi7h #$r8ad$d th$ #4a7$, 53t Annon soon 6oin$d h$r, 2344 o2 a 4o8$r's ho#$s and 2$ars. .Miss Tr$h$rn$, I ha8$ 8$nt3r$d to 7om$ 2or my ans/$r. Is my N$/ &$ar to 5$ a 54iss234 or a sad on$). h$ as1$d $a0$r4y. .+or0i8$ m$ i2 I 0i8$ yo3 an 3n/$47om$ r$#4y, 53t I m3st 5$ tr3$, and so r$0r$t2344y r$23s$ th$ honor yo3 do m$,. sh$ said sorro/2344y. .May I as1 /hy). .B$7a3s$ I do not 4o8$ yo3.. .And yo3 do 4o8$ yo3r 7o3sin,. h$

7ri$d an0ri4y, #a3sin0 to /at7h h$r ha42;a8$rt$d 2a7$. Sh$ t3rn$d it 2344y to/ard him and ans/$r$d, /ith h$r nati8$ sin7$rity, .&$s, I do, /ith a44 my h$art, and no/ my moth$r /i44 not th/art m$, 2or Ma3ri7$ has sa8$d my 4i2$, and I am 2r$$ to d$8ot$ it a44 to him.. .Ha##y man, I /ish I had 5$$n a 7ri##4$<. si0h$d Annon. Th$n /ith a man234 $22ort to 5$ 63st and 0$n$ro3s, h$ add$d h$arti4y, .Say no mor$, h$ d$s$r8$s yo3= I /ant no sa7ri2i7$ to d3ty= I yi$4d, and 0o a/ay, #rayin0 h$a8$n to 54$ss yo3 no/ and a4/ays.. H$ 1iss$d h$r hand and 4$2t h$r to s$$1 my 4ady and ma1$ his adi$3s, 2or no #$rs3asion 7o34d 1$$# him. '$a8in0 a not$ 2or Sir

-as#$r, h$ h3rri$d a/ay, to th$ 0r$at r$4i$2 o2 Tr$h$rn$ and th$ d$$# r$0r$t o2 B4an7h$, /ho, ho/$8$r, 4i8$d in ho#$s o2 anoth$r tria4 4at$r in th$ s$ason. .H$r$ 7om$s -as#$r, Mamma, sa2$ and /$44,. 7ri$d O7ta8ia an ho3r or t/o 4at$r, as sh$ 6oin$d h$r moth$r on th$ t$rra7$, /h$r$ my 4ady had 5$$n #a7in0 r$st4$ss4y to and 2ro n$ar4y $8$r sin7$ h$r son rod$ a/ay. (ith a smi4$ o2 int$ns$ r$4i$2 sh$ /a8$d h$r hand1$r7hi$2 as h$ 7am$ 74att$rin0 3# th$ dri8$, and s$$in0 h$r h$ ans/$r$d /ith hat and hand. H$ 3s3a44y dismo3nt$d at th$ 0r$at ha44 door, 53t a s3dd$n /him mad$ him rid$ a4on0 th$ /a44 that 4ay 5$4o/ th$ t$rra7$, 2or h$ /as a 2in$ hors$man, and Mrs. Sno/don /as

4oo1in0 2rom h$r /indo/. As h$ a##roa7h$d, th$ #$a7o71s 24$d s7r$amin0, and on$ 24$/ 3# 63st 5$2or$ th$ hors$'s $y$s as his mast$r /as in th$ a7t o2 dismo3ntin0. Th$ s#irit$d 7r$at3r$ /as start4$d, s#ran0 #art/ay 3# th$ 4o/, 5road st$#s o2 th$ t$rra7$, and, 5$in0 shar#4y 7h$71$d, s4i##$d, 2$44, and man and hors$ ro44$d do/n to0$th$r. N$8$r did thos$ /ho h$ard it 2or0$t th$ 7ry that 4$2t 'ady Tr$h$rn$'s 4i#s as sh$ sa/ th$ 2a44. It 5ro30ht o3t 5oth 03$sts and s$r8ants, to 2ind O7ta8ia r$714$ss4y str3004in0 /ith th$ 2ri0ht$n$d hors$, and my 4ady do/n 3#on th$ ston$s /ith h$r son's 54$$din0 h$ad in h$r arms. Th$y 5or$ in th$ s$ns$4$ss, shatt$r$d 5ody, and 2or ho3rs

tri$d $8$rythin0 that s1i44 and s7i$n7$s 7o34d d$8is$ to sa8$ th$ yo3n0 man's 4i2$. B3t $8$ry $22ort /as in 8ain, and as th$ s3n s$t Sir -as#$r 4ay dyin0. Cons7io3s at 4ast, and a54$ to s#$a1, h$ 4oo1$d a5o3t him /ith a tro354$d 04an7$, and s$$m$d str3004in0 /ith som$ d$sir$ that o8$rmast$r$d #ain and h$4d d$ath at 5ay. .I /ant Ma3ri7$,. h$ 2$$54y said, at 4$n0th. .%$ar 4ad, I'm h$r$,. ans/$r$d his 7o3sin's 8oi7$ 2rom a s$at in th$ shado/ o2 th$ ha42;dra/n 73rtains. .A4/ays n$ar /h$n I n$$d yo3. Many a s7ra#$ ha8$ yo3 h$4#$d m$ o3t o2, 53t this is 5$yond yo3r #o/$r,. and a 2aint smi4$ #ass$d o8$r -as#$r's 4i#s as th$ #ast

24itt$d 5$2or$ his mind. B3t th$ smi4$ di$d, and a 0roan o2 #ain $s7a#$d him as h$ 7ri$d s3dd$n4y, .C3i71< '$t m$ t$44 it 5$2or$ it is too 4at$< Ma3ri7$ n$8$r /i44, 53t 5$ar th$ sham$ a44 his 4i2$ that my d$ad nam$ may 5$ 3ntarnish$d. Brin0 Edith= sh$ m3st h$ar th$ tr3th.. Sh$ /as soon th$r$, and, 4yin0 in his moth$r's arms, on$ hand in his 7o3sin's, and on$ on his sist$r's 5$nt h$ad, -as#$r ra#id4y to4d th$ s$7r$t /hi7h had 53rd$n$d him 2or a y$ar. .I did it= I 2or0$d my 3n74$'s nam$ /h$n I had 4ost so h$a8i4y at #4ay that I dar$d not t$44 my moth$r, or s93and$r mor$ o2 my o/n 2ort3n$. I d$7$i8$d Ma3ri7$, and 4$t him thin1 th$ 7h$71 a 0$n3in$ on$= I mad$ him #r$s$nt

it and 0$t th$ mon$y, and /h$n a44 /$nt /$44 I 2an7i$d I /as sa2$. B3t my 3n74$ dis7o8$r$d it s$7r$t4y, said nothin0, and, 5$4i$8in0 Ma3ri7$ th$ 2or0$r, disinh$rit$d him. I n$8$r 1n$/ this ti44 th$ o4d man di$d, and th$n it /as too 4at$. I 7on2$ss$d to Ma3ri7$, and h$ 2or0a8$ m$. H$ said, 'I am h$4#4$ss no/, sh3t o3t 2rom th$ /or4d, /ith nothin0 to 4os$ or 0ain, and soon to 5$ 2or0ott$n 5y thos$ /ho on7$ 1n$/ m$, so 4$t th$ s3s#i7ion o2 sham$, i2 any s37h th$r$ 5$, sti44 74in0 to m$, and do yo3 0o yo3r /ay, ri7h, ha##y, honora54$, and 3nto37h$d 5y any shado/ on yo3r 2am$.' Moth$r, I 4$t him do it, 3n7ons7io3s as h$ /as that many 1n$/ th$ s$7r$t sin and 2an7i$d him th$ do$r o2 it..

.H3sh, -as#$r, 4$t it #ass. I 7an 5$ar it= I #romis$d yo3r d$ar 2ath$r to 5$ yo3r sta3n7h 2ri$nd thro30h 4i2$, and I ha8$ on4y 1$#t my /ord.. .God 1no/s yo3 ha8$, 53t no/ my 4i2$ $nds, and I 7annot di$ ti44 yo3 ar$ 74$ar$d. Edith, I to4d yo3 ha42 th$ tr3th, and yo3 /o34d ha8$ 3s$d it a0ainst him had not som$ an0$4 s$nt this 0ir4 to to37h yo3r h$art. &o3 ha8$ don$ yo3r #art to aton$ 2or th$ #ast, no/ 4$t m$ do min$. Moth$r, Ta8i$ 4o8$s him, h$ has ris1$d 4i2$ and honor 2or m$. R$#ay him 0$n$ro3s4y and 0i8$ him this.. (ith 2$$54$ to37h Sir -as#$r tri$d to 4ay his sist$r's hand in Tr$h$rn$'s as h$ s#o1$= Mrs. Sno/don h$4#$d him, and as my 4ady 5o/$d h$r h$ad in si4$nt

a793i$s7$n7$, a 6oy234 smi4$ shon$ on th$ dyin0 man's 2a7$. .On$ mor$ 7on2$ssion, and th$n I am r$ady,. h$ said, 4oo1in0 3# into th$ 2a7$ o2 th$ /oman /hom h$ had 4o8$d /ith a44 th$ #o/$r o2 a sha44o/ nat3r$. .It /as a 6$st to yo3, Edith, 53t it /as 5itt$r $arn$st to m$, 2or I 4o8$d yo3, sin234 as it /as. As1 yo3r h3s5and to 2or0i8$ m$, and t$44 him it /as 5$tt$r I sho34d di$ than 4i8$ to mar a 0ood man's #$a7$. ,iss m$ on7$, and ma1$ him ha##y 2or my sa1$.. Sh$ to37h$d his 7o4d 4i#s /ith r$mors$234 t$nd$rn$ss, and in th$ sam$ 5r$ath r$0ist$r$d a 8o/ to o5$y that dyin0 #ray$r. .Ta8i$ d$ar, Ma3ri7$, my 5roth$r, God 54$ss yo3 5oth. Good;5y$,

Moth$r. H$ /i44 5$ a 5$tt$r son than I ha8$ 5$$n to yo3.. Th$n, th$ r$714$ss s#irit o2 th$ man s3r8i8in0 to th$ 4ast, Sir -as#$r 4a30h$d 2aint4y, as h$ s$$m$d to 5$71on som$ in8isi54$ sha#$, and di$d sayin0 0ai4y, .No/, +ath$r A55ot, 4$ad on, I'44 2o44o/ yo3.. A y$ar 4at$r thr$$ /$ddin0s /$r$ 7$4$5rat$d on th$ sam$ day and in th$ sam$ 7h3r7h. Ma3ri7$ Tr$h$rn$, a /$44 man, 4$d 3# his 7o3sin. +ran1 Annon r$/ard$d B4an7h$'s #ati$nt si$0$ 5y an 3n7onditiona4 s3rr$nd$r, and, to th$ in2init$ am3s$m$nt o2 Mrs. Gr3ndy, Ma6or Royston #354i74y 7on2$ss$d hims$42 o3t0$n$ra4$d 5y m$rry Ros$. Th$ tri#4$ /$ddin0 2$ast /as 7$4$5rat$d at Tr$h$rn$ A55$y, and no 3n7anny 8isitor marr$d its 2$sti8iti$s, 2or

n$8$r a0ain /as th$ north 0a44$ry ha3nt$d 5y th$ 0host4y A55ot.

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