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Hi everyone,

For those who don't know, a "left brainer" is a person who uses more their left brain (the logical, analytical side of the brain) versus one who uses their right brain (the emotional, intuitive side).

o if you are the scientific type, have a hard time believing and doing this !" pt techni#ue that we see in videos on this website or in the $atri% &nergetics book or think that this whole &nergy Healing stuff is 'ust a big 'oke, go take a coffee, sit tight and read this long thread( )ou'll find a few answers to your #uestions.

* dedicate this thread to +yne(+yne$), ,enis(,olphin Heart) and -eggy(-eggy.) who made me a "/eliever" by making a few !"pts on me and letting me do some on them too. )ou have no idea how this little "/ word" is important because without belief, this whole !"pt thing totally falls apart (i'll e%plain in details later on). 0he belief on the practitioner side is crucial but not on the receiver side (that is why a !"pt works on animals).

1k, let's begin...

ince i'm one of the hardcore left brainer on this board (which is not a good thing and the more right brainer you are, the easier it will be for you to learn this !"pt techni#ue) and that i'm talking to other left brainers, *'ll start with plain simple science so that you can see that this is serious stuff and not 'ust voodoo stuff here.

0he 1bserver &ffect

$atri% &nergetic's ! point, is based on 2uantum -hysic's 1bserver &ffect, but don't worry, to e%plain this, i'm not gonna write 3 black boards of &instein's mathematical e#uations since everybody will be lost here (myself included). *nstead, * will use a simple video (,r.2uantum) to do the work for me.

Here's the link. )14 5&&, to see this clip otherwise you will have trouble following me here so please click the link, go to )outube and watch it.$:vff/;

*f you want to hear a cute story about 2uantum -hysics (&lectron's <ave" -articule ,uality) click this link..>*uv?:

@ust a few decades ago, we thought that this atom model above was the right one. &lectrons moving around the atom nucleus in clearly defined orbits (as the image above shows).

.esearch in 2uantum -hysics proved that the electron is acting more like a cloud (wave function as seen in the image below) and when we look at a specific spot around the nucleus to find where the electron is located, the cloud disappear (or collapse on itself) and the electron appears as a small particule &ABC0+) at the spot we are looking at. 0his is called the 1bserver &ffect in 2uantum -hysics.

*f you saw the ,r. 2uantum clip above, at the end of the clip, he talks about the fact that the electron was about to split in two and enter both slits at the same time (acting as a wave) but the simple act of observing a specific slit would collapse the wave function and make the electron enter 'ust ? slit instead of ! or 3 at the same time.

o basically, our observation affects the behavior of the electron. o now you might be thinking..."pff, so what, what the heck does that change in my life8" well...pretty much everything. DE)

Here's a nice video from @ames Brthur .ay that you can look which will e%plain this better than me why this is so important.

5o need to listen to the entire !F minutes here, 'ust slide the bar until you reach the !!th minute (when you see the magenta background appear) and watch the last G minutes (very interesting stuff).<4I-0'w

*n the movie "<hat 0he /leep ,o <e Hnow888" the 2uantum -hysician, ,r. <illiam 0iller talks about the possibility of meditators to focus on a device which can measure the pH level. He did an e%periment on it and found out that it could be possible to increase or decrease ? pH level inside that device.

o here again you might be thinking so what8 <ell, think of it that way. B normal healthy cell has a pH of G.; while cells that have a pH of J.; are...cancerous(

Bll you have to do to make a solution more acidic, is to...add 'ust 15& electron to an Hydrogen atom (HK)(

o that should ring a bell on how important this 2uantum -hysic's discovery that human consciousness controling the flow of electrons is important here((

Here's another video talking where the 2uantum -hysician ,ean .adin talks about the effect of adding focused intention with human consciousness to a

.andom &vent Lenerator.

Here again, 'ust watch the ?st minute of this little clip. 5o need to watch beyond that.*ed1J+rH*

Facing the problem...

*n .ichard /arlett's book ($atri% &nergetics), .ichard talks about the !"pt techni#ue as an "&asy and .eproducible" method but here's the problem, if it's so "easy" to do, how come every week, we have new members on this forum asking for help on how to do that !"pt888

How come some people do it the ?st time they try it while others can't do it after going to ; seminars8 How come it works better for some people when they do it on others but when they do it on themselves or family members, it doesn't work8

imilarly, if ,ean .adin is right and we can affect a random generator to give us more of the choice we want (e%6 more Meros than ones) then how come we can focus our intention on a casino roulette to get more reds than blacks and we get out of the casinos with mores losses than wins (the roulette gave us more blacks then reds so we lost)8

*n other words, what have we missed here that either doesn't make this "collapsing of the wave" to work (e%6 can't do the !"pt techni#ue) or to make it collapse but not in the direction we wanted (e%6 more blacks than reds on

the roulette) &=&5 if we focused our intention and consciousness on a specific outcome8

ome will say that other people consciousness are entering in the e#uation (e%6 other people who are playing the same lottery than you) but that's not true because you can come really late at the casino where you are the only player at the roulette wheel and still can't make it to fall more on the color that you are betting on (try it if you don't believe me).

Bnother e%ample would be to try to do a !"pt on yourself (with no other people's consciouness present) and still can't make it work.

o now you might be thinking "ok $&rlin, so what you are saying is that our consciouness is 510 affecting the electron path and the reality around us8" and my answer would be "Hold on a second, * didn't say that".

ure our consciousness affects our reality but * strongly think that there is another player in this game that scientist seems to have totally forgotten to consider in this "collapsing of the wave" and it's that thing called.../&+*&F( yup that "/ <ord" again.

Bfter all, if all we needed to do to affect an electron in our body is to observe it using your consciousness, we would all have perfect healthy bodies, we would go to the casino, focus on the red color, bet red, then double our bets on every win and be all millionaires the same day.

<e would all do a !"pt on ourselves and others, it would work &=&.)0*$& on the ?st trial and it would change &ABC0+) what we have placed our intent on.

o why are we struggling so much to make all this work8

* know some will strongly argue with me on this but i'm very convinced that

this / word is the key to B++ our problems...

" *f you can't do a !"pt right now... it's because you don't believe you can do it. $aybe tomorrow it will work but not now.

" )ou may do a !"pt but if you can't straighten up a scoliosis vertebrea instantly like .ichard does at seminars... it's because you don't believe you can do it.

" .ichard can straighten up a scoliosis case but if he can't walk on water... it's simply because * was too busy lately working at */$ and didn't have the time to show him how to do it (don't worry .ichard, it's very easy to do) DE)

eriously, here's my theory on this.

<here the .&B+ power is located...

2uantum -hysics and the &nergy Healing community talks a lot about the effect of "consciousness" on the collapsing of the wave function but * don't think all that happens at the conscious level but rather at the subconscious mind level of the observer.

* think that this is where all the power lies and where the collapsing of the wave function occurs.

,on't know if you read the book "0hink N Lrow .ich" by 5apoleon Hill but what he did was interviewing OII of the most whealthy people at the beginning of the !Ith century and as strange as it can be, he came to the conlusion that in order to attract what you want, you should write down what you desire on a piece of paper((), read it out loud before going to bed and after waking up((() and it should sink into your subconscious mind and attract your desire(((()...*F you have FB*0H in it of course(Faith is one of the chapters

of the book). Bs you might have guessed, * almost threw this book accross the room. E6E)

+ately, the movie "0he ecret" also talks about something similar that what we focus on will materialiMe. @oe vitale even said that to make money, all you have to do is intend it and then he adds "...but the amount should be believable for you". DE)

Here again some people might say "..who cares that the collapse of the wave function occurs at the subconscious level rather than the conscious mind level8" 1h my god, you have no idea how H4L& this is and how complicated all this could get if my theory is right. *'ll e%plain in more details later on.

0his diagram takes the brain and divide it into ! sections. 0he top one represents the conscious mind while the bottom half represents the subconscious mind. 0he red line is what * called the "+ine of /eliefs" acting like a filter where only desires7intentions that you believe crosses the line and enters the subconscious mind.

0his could e%plain why we can't make a simple !"pt work &=&5 when we all know that our conscious mind is there and "observing".

*n fact it only occurs when the practitioner (person who does the !"pt) "/elieves" the !"pt is working. <ith belief, the thought crosses the line and goes into the ubconscious $ind where the collapsing of the wave occurs and the !"pt starts to work.

*f my theory is correct, then many of us left brainers here, are in for a real tough ride in terms of mastering this art of the !"pt.

<hy a tough ride8 imply because many of us don't believe in it.

*n other words, * knew that this !"pt was possible because it has a strong scientific basis attached to it and also, in my heart, * don't think that .ichard /artlett and all the ?IIs of members on this board are all paid actors and liars when they say that they did a !"pt on someone.

,eep down, * knew that this !"pt was possible but * didn't believe that * could do it(

o if the cause of all our problems is a simple matter of faith or belief, how can we believe in it8

<ell hehe, the real #uestion is more like...

How do we believe in something we don't believe8

*'m 3: today and *'ve been asking myself this #uestion since * was !! when * read 0hink N Lrow .ich and couldn't make this systeme to work, because * couldn't believe that 'ust by writing on a piece of paper what * wanted (P?II,III car at the time) could be 0H& way to attract it.

o * continued my #uest on how to believe in something * didn't believe and * think * stumbled into something very interesting. E6E)

0o get the answer to this #uestion above, * needed to understand how the brain, the conscious and subconscious mind work.

Letting access to the ubconscious $ind.

0his is what * learned so far...

* learned that these ! halves of the brain (Conscious7 ubconscious) have ! different phases each. ! for the conscious mind (Blpha and /eta) and ! for the subconscious mind (0heta and ,elta).

&ach one has a specific "brain speed" so to speak. For e%ample, when we are fully awake, we are in the /&0B phase and the speed of the brain varies between ?3 and 3I HM (cycle per second).

<hen we go to bed and start to fall asleep or when we meditate, we enter the B+-HB phase (:"?! H>).

0hen when we are sleeping, we now enter the 0H&0B phase (;"G HM) and then the ,&+0B phase in deep sleep.

Bccording to igmund Freud, the subconscious mind is accessed when the brain is in the 0H&0B phase. )ou can implant in it your suggestion much more easily.

Hypnotist know all about this because when people go on stage, they are put to sleep and are implanted suggestions like "... you are now a chicken" D). 0hose people slowed their brain speed from around !O HM(/&0B) to G": HM which is at the B+-HB"0H&0B phase border.

<hen the brain enters the 0H&0B phase, this is what happen (see image below). Bs you can see, the analytical, critical conscious mind is 010B++) out of the e#uation's asleep.

0his way, you can implant into your subconscious any suggestions (e%6 doing a !"pt is easy) you want to believe but couldn't during the day because your conscious mind didn't believe in it and was laughing at this suggestion.

o now you must be asking yourself.."ok, that's nice but how can * implant my suggestion into my subconscious mind knowing that to arrive there, * need to be...asleep888" and there are ! ways you can do it.

?" 0hrough Hypnosis

!" 4sing Budio messages during the night.

0he ?st one is nice but it cost too much so * decided to focus on the !nd one.

<hat * did was to go to my computer, turn on my headset with a mic on it, opened the <indows ound .ecorder, then said something like..

",oing a !"pt is easy for you now, the resistance goes away".

* have used this method to attract myself many things like a 'ob, money, solve health problems, you name it.

* did the !"pt a few weeks later but i'm not convinced it's due totally to the night audio msg (although it might have helped me to attract what * needed to realiMe that !"pt).

* will test this night audio msg on the !"pt and push it to it's limit and will get back to you on this.

o for those of you who don't want to play with your subconscious mind using night audio msg, here's maybe the fastest method to play with your left brain(conscious mind) and enter the world of "la"la"land" that $atri% &nergetics will take you.

0he fastest way to "/&+*&=&" and do a !"pt...

o here's that shortcut * was talking about that made me do it...

.&C&*=& B !"-0 /) B -.BC0*0*15&. 5&B. )14

5o, don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to sell you anything here D).

<hat * did was call a person who went to a seminar and knew how to do a !" pt and asked her if * could 'ust stop for O minutes so that she could 'ust do that !"pt thing on me or my friend so that * could see that it's real.

0his alone is the best way to tell your left brain to shut the Q7PRS up DE)

Bnd boy did it worked. <e had so much fun we stayed there until O am hahaha (we were J * think that day doing a !"pt on each others falling on the floor).

1nly this way you can shut up your left brain and start to "/elieve" only then you can do it on other people.

)ou might not become a !"pt master but at least your left brain will know that this is .&B+ and this might be what your left brain needed to start to beliebe that you can do it.

*'m sure people will reply to this msg saying that all you have to do is keep on trying again and again until you get it to work but * don't agree with this, here's why...

*n fact, having many unsuccessful attempts can only re"enforce the conscious mind say "see... this stuff doesn't work so stop bugging me with this !"pt thing...dreamer" making it harder and harder to sinc the belief that it works into the subconscious mind.

0his "trying until it works" method could work on people who are FIR there where multiple attempts can "force" their conscious mind to get out of the way and open the door to the subconscious mind to finally get that !"pt techni#ue to work but * don't think this method will work for many hardcore left brainers skeptics. Hey, who knows, give it a try and let me know if it works. * didn't for me.

0o me, falling down on the floor by receiving a !"pt form someone else is much better to impress your left brain, since when * got up, * did it on the person who did it to me and voila( it did the 'ob for me. DE)

Lood luck and have fun(


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