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Under the name Medelln- a home for life, the Municipal Administration and the Department of Mobility generate

opportunities for participation among our citizens, for their socialization and the dissemination of issues related to traffic and transportation, from pedagogical mechanisms aimed at strengthening Medellin as a smart and sustainable city. ommitted to this !or", the #ecretary of $ransportation organized the %& %'$()'A$%*'A+ M*,%+%$- .*)UM -M(D(++%'/ 0#afe #treets/ (1eryones2 )esponsibility0, !hose main ob3ecti1e is to e4change "no!ledge about mobility and road safety, establishing responsibility agreements bet!een the different participants, go1ernment agencies, uni1ersities and employers. $he De1elopment 5lan/ Medelln- a home for life 6786-6789, states that the state must maintain and increase permanent inter1entions through 1arious training mechanisms, pre1ention, regulation and control, aimed at all of the participants in the dynamics of the streets. %t is also important that citizens ha1e spaces a1ailable to reflect on the importance of self-care on the road, as a pre1enti1e control and social responsibility to promote a decrease in accidents. :i1en these and other factors, the Mobility Department in1ites e1eryone to this academic space, in !hich national and international e4perts !ill share "no!ledge about mobility and road safety, !ith local and regional go1ernmental entities, transit agencies, mayors, councilors, entrepreneurs, teachers and uni1ersity students. Anibal :a1iria orrea Mayor of Medellin +* A+ #5(A;()#/ *MA) A:UD(+* <*+(#/ +a!yer from Medellin Uni1ersity and an Administrati1e +a! #pecialist. <e !as Manager of the 'orth Aburr= )oad oncession and Director of the Metropolitan Area of the Aburr= &alley. <e has ser1ed as an attorney-consultant and is the #ecretary of $ransportation for Medelln. *# A) :*M(> DA&%D 5%'(DA/ +a!yer specialized in Administrati1e, onstitutional and $ransportation +a!. Doctor of +a!, national and international e4pert on mobility rights. Author of the olombian $raffic +egal #ystem and the $ransport +egal #ystem in olombia. 5rofessor, ad1isor for the )oad 5re1ention .und orporation and other public and pri1ate entities.

A+(?A'D)A )(D/ %ndustrial (ngineering from the Andes Uni1ersity and a Master in (conomics from the Uni1ersity of Maryland. (4ecuti1e Director of the )oad 5re1ention .und.

%nternational spea"ers/ @UA' MA'U(+ )(-(# MA)$%'(>/ %llustrious +a!yer from the :ranada la! school, an e4pert in legal practice, insurance mediator, !ith a MasterAs Degree in $echnical Management and %nsurance. o-founder and president of the Mutua Motera, 5resident of the ,i"ers Management ouncil, the ,i"ers %nsurance ,ro"erage, the (uropean ,i"ers Union and #ecretary for the #panish Association of Aniridia. @UA' A)+*# D(?$)(/ i1il (ngineer from the 5ontificia Uni1ersidad atBlica del 5eru, transport Master at Uni1ersity ollege in +ondon, has a diploma in transport at the %mperial ollege of #cience, $echnology and Medicine. %s coordinator of $ransport and hairman of Mobility 5ontifical atholic Uni1ersity of 5eru, founder and chairman of mobility and urbanism of the $)A'#5*)$(M*# .oundation in 5eru. 5A$)% ; Daude/ ,achelor of %nternational )elations C#tate Uni1ersity of Uruguay, #chool of +a!D. Master in (uropean #tudies +abor CUni1ersity of ,remen, :ermanyD. <e has focused on !or"ing !ith international net!or"s of local and regional go1ernments, decentralized cooperation and sustainable urban mobility. oordinator of the :lobal 'et!or" of ities for Mobility #tuttgart, !hich promotes the e4change of e4periences and e4pertise bet!een cities and regions, as !ell as business organizations, research and ci1il society !orld!ide.

Date/ $uesday 'o1ember 8E, 6786 +ocation/ 5laza Mayor - <alls 8, 6, E and F. $ime/ G/77 a.m. to 8/77 p.m. 5)*:)AMM%': $his year, the %nternational .orum of Mobility, !ill ta"e place o1er t!o days, distributed as follo!s/ Morning/ G/77 a.m. to 8/E7 pm :('()A+ *MMU'%$-

%nauguration and presentation G/77 a.m. to H/77 a.m. Attendee )eception H/77 a.m. to H/E7 a.m. %nauguration by the Mayor of Medelln H/E7 a.m. to H/F7 a.m. greeting from the 'ational Director of $raffic and $ransportation, Ministry of $ransportation, Aida +ucy *spina. H/F7 a.m. to I/67 a.m. #pea"er 8/ Mobility 5lan - Dr. *mar <oyos Agudelo. I/67 a.m. to 87/77 a.m. #pea"er 6/ Dr. *scar Da1id :omez 0A legal frame!or" in olombia for road safety0 87/77 a.m. to 87/F7 a.m. #pea"er 6/ Dr. @uan arlos De4tre/ urban mobility and pedestrian road safety. 87/F7 a.m. to 88/77 a.m. ,rea" 88/77 a.m. to 88/F7 a.m. #pea"er E/ Dr. @uan Manuel )eyes - i1il #ociety in )oad #afety CMotorcyclistsD. 88/F7 a.m. to 86/67 p.m. 5resentation F/ Dr. 5atric" Daude - the role that the #tuttgart ity <all plays in road safety education for children and youth, !ith an emphasis on promoting cycling, !al"ing and public transport. 86/67 p.m. to 8/77 pm. +ecture 9/ Dr. Ale4andra )o3as - 0%mpro1ing road safety- a challenge of mutual responsibility0 8/77 pm. to 8/E7 p.m. Juestion and Ans!er session 8/E7 pm to 6/E7 pm 5resentation of certificates and lunch for &%5 guests A.$()'**' 6/E7 p.m. to K/77 p.m. on1ersation L #imultaneous 5lenary #essions. 6/E7 p.m. to 9/E7 p.m.

5lenary #ession 8/ on1ersation !ith councilors, mayors and transit agencies. Moderator/ Dr. *mar <oyos Agudelo 5lenary #ession 6/ on1ersations !ith entrepreneurs. Moderator/ Dr. Ayda +ucy *spina. 5lenary #ession E/ $eachers, AD%DA, Uni1ersities. Moderator/ Ale4andra )o3as 9/E7 p.m. to K/77 p.m. 5ress onference C onclusionsD

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