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The author has ade every e!!ort to ensure the accuracy o! the in!or ation herein. "o#ever$ the in!or ation in this ebook is sold #ithout #arranty$ either e%pressed or i plied$ and is intended !or in!or ational and educational purposes only. The author accepts no responsibility or liability !or any injuries or da ages !ro !ollo#ing the in!or ation in this ebook. The author is also not obliged to provide !urther support or consulting #ith regards to the contents in this ebook. &ue to the !ast changing 'nternet$ hyperlinks ay beco e broken. All links to online stores are a!!iliate links. This ebook has not been pro!essionally edited so there ay be gra ar and spelling errors.

Table of Contents
Tip 1( )ive "ealth Tips To *oost +our ,nergy.........................................................1 Tip 2( "o# To 'ncrease -etabolis ........................................................................2 Tip .( )ive "eavy -etal To%icity Prevention Tips...................................................2 Tip /( "o# To Avoid 0enetically -odi!ied )oods.................................................... Tip 1( "o# To )ree +our -ind................................................................................. Tip 2( "o# To 3verco e 4icti Consciousness...................................................../ Tip 5( The "ealth ,!!ects 3! )lu 4accine.................................................................1 Tip 6( "ealing , otional Proble s 7ith The Po#er 3! Love................................2 Tip 8( The Core Cause 3! &iseases..........................................................................2 Tip 10( "o# To Appreciate The *eauty 3! Li!e.......................................................5 Tip 11( )ive Tips To 9aise +our ,nergy 4ibration...................................................6 Tip 12( The Cause 3! "eart &isease......................................................................... 8 Tip 1.( "yperther ia Cancer Therapy................................................................... 10 Tip 1/( The "a:ardous Che icals 'n "ousehold Cleaners....................................10 Tip 11( "o# To Choose The *est 4ita in ;upple ent..........................................11 Tip 12( 7hy <nderstanding ,nergy 's ,ssential )or +our 7ell=*eing.................11 Tip 15( 'ntuition And >egative , otions...............................................................12 Tip 16( The *ene!its 3! *reast -ilk.......................................................................1. Tip 18( The >egative ,!!ects 3! ;ubli inal -essages...........................................1. Tip 20( "o# To 3verco e The ,go.......................................................................1/ Tip 21( The "ealth "a:ards 3! "igh=)ructose Corn ;yrup ?")C;@......................11 Tip 22( )ive 9easons 7hy +ou ;hould 'nstall A 7ater Puri!ication ;yste ........11 Tip 2.( )ive >euroto%ins +ou ;hould Avoid..........................................................12 Tip 2/( )ive ;tress 9elie! Tips................................................................................15 Tip 21( "o# To 'ncrease ;el!=, po#er ent........................................................15 -y 3ther *ooks...................................................................................................... 18 About The Author.................................................................................................. 20

Twenty Five Tips To oost !hysical, "motional, #ental $nd %piritual Health

Tip &' Five Health Tips To

oost (our "nergy

1. 9educe stress( *eing stressed all the ti e can tre endously lo#er your energy. 3ne o! the things that akes stress so har !ul to your energy is that it can cause hor onal i balance. This i balance #ill disrupt all the syste s o! your body$ such as the etabolis and i une syste . )or !ive easy ethods on ho# to reduce stress$ please re!er to tip 2/. 2. Positive attitude( 7hen you have a positive attitude$ your body is less stressed out. "aving a positive attitude can cause your body to release certain healing che icals. These healing che icals are great !or increasing your energy. .. Avoid junk !ood( ,ating too uch junk !ood #ill rob your body o! energy$ because junk !ood contains to%ins and has little nutrients. -ost junk !oods are !ull o! re!ined sugar ?table sugar@. ;tudies have sho#n that re!ined sugar is a carcinogen$ because #hen it is consu ed$ it breaks do#n into to%ic etabolite. To%ic etabolite can inter!ere #ith cell respirationA there!ore$ it lo#ers your energy and da ages your health. /. Consu e ore organic plant=based !ood( <nlike junk !ood$ organic plant= based !ood usually does not contain har !ul synthetic che icals and preservatives. 'nstead$ it is !ull o! essential vita ins and inerals$ #hich are needed !or etabolis $ gro#th$ and develop ent. )or best results$ eat organic !ood that is gro#n on soil laced #ith rock dust. 1. &ietary supple ent( &ietary supple ent is ore i portant than ever because o! the lack o! nutrients in todayBs !ood. 3ne o! the ain reasons #hy todayBs !ood lacks nutrients is because it is gro#n on soil that contains little nutrient. The lack o! nutrient in soil is ainly because o! bad !ar ing practices. This is #hy it is a good idea to take dietary supple ent along #ith health !ood. ;o e supple ents that are good !or increasing energy are *= vita in co ple%$ agnesiu citrate or taurate$ thyroid hor one ?natural co ple% version@ and iodine solution that is in the nascent iodine state. Avoid the supple ents that are lo# in Cuality. )or tips on ho# to buy high Cuality supple ents please visit this page.

Tip )' How To *ncrease #etabolism -etabolis is an essential process #ithin cells that converts !oods and nutrients into energy. This process is essential !or your survival because #ithout it you #ill not be able to do #ork and your body cannot gro# properly. -ost o! us have nor al etabolis #hen #e are young$ but our etabolis can drop dra atically in our late 20Ds. A lo# etabolis s is caused by any !actorsA one o! the ajor ones is to%in. To%ins such as heavy etals are very destructive to cells$ because they can disrupt their etabolis process. *elo# is an e%cerpt !ro etabolis . y book Natural Weight Loss Secrets about

'! you are young and have a lo# etabolis $ you ay have a lo# thyroid or too any to%ins in your body. To%ins such as heavy etals are very destructive to cells and can reduce their per!or ance. 7hen your cells are not #orking e!!iciently$ they a!!ect the per!or ance o! your organs. The thyroid is a very i portant organ !or etabolis . '! you have lo# etabolis $ there is a very high chance that you also have lo# thyroid. -ost tests done at clinics are not very good at detecting lo# thyroid. The test that ' reco end is the *arnes *asal Te perature TestA it is easy$ !ast and accurate. To do the test si ply easure your bodyEs te perature in the orning #ith a sensitive digital ther o eter. 7hen you #ake up$ i ediately place the digital ther o eter in your ar pit !or !ive to ten inutes. &uring this ti e$ it is i portant to lie still and be rela%ed. A!ter !ive to ten inutes$ check the te perature on the ther o eter. '! it reads belo# 85.6 F)$ you ay have lo# a thyroid.2 To increase your thyroid per!or ance deto% your body o! to%ins by oral chelation supple ents or chelation therapy. 'n addition$ you should go on a deto% dietA it #ill usually consist o! organic !ruits$ vegetables and herbs. Tip +' Five Heavy #etal Toxicity !revention Tips 1. 'nstead o! drinking tap #ater$ drink #ater !iltered by a high Cuality ho e #ater puri!ication syste $ because tap #ater contains heavy etals. '! you are interested in portable #ater puri!ication syste $ ' reco end the 9oyal *erkey #ith P)=2 !luoride !ilters. 2. Avoid unnecessary vaccines such as the !lu vaccine. -ost vaccines contain

har !ul synthetic che icals and any o! the contain heavy etals. )or proo! o! this$ visit this page. .. ,at !ood !ree o! industrial pollutants ?e.g. pesticide@ because any o! the contain heavy etals. /. Avoid dental a alga s ?silver dental !illings@ because they contain ercury. 1. '! you s oke$ you ay #ant to reduce the a ount o! cigarettes that you s oke or Cuit co pletely$ because cigarettes are !ull o! heavy etals. Tip ,' How To $void -enetically #odified Foods 'ndependent researchers have !ound that ani als !ed #ith genetically odi!ied !oods ?0- !oods@ developed serious health proble s$ such as in!ertility$ birth de!ects$ i une disorders$ gro#th and digestive proble s$ and pre ature aging. These health proble s are the results o! scientists lacking the kno#ledge and technology to e!!ectively create 0- !oods that !lo# #ell #ith the la#s o! nature. '! you live in the <nited ;tates$ there are !ive !oods that are usually genetically odi!ied. They are corn$ soy$ canola$ cottonseed$ and sugar beets. This eans that ost vegetable oil$ and a good portion o! !ast !ood and junk !ood$ are either genetically odi!ied or contain so e type o! genetically odi!ied ingredients. -ost vegetable oils are either genetically odi!ied or contain genetically odi!ied ingredients$ unless they are organic or labeled non=0-3. 3live and coconut oil are great alternatives because there are currently no genetically odi!ied olive and coconut oil. "o#ever$ this ay change in the near !uture. The coconut oil that ' reco end using is called Live ;uper!oods 9a# 3rganic 4irgin Coconut 3il. Avoid junk !oods as uch as possible$ because any o! the contain so e type o! genetically odi!ied ingredient. 7hen buying junk !ood ake sure you read the ingredients list. )or ore speci!ic in!or ation on ho# to look !or invisible 0- ingredients$ please visit this site. -ost o! the !oods !ound in !ast !ood restaurants are genetically odi!ied or contain 0- ingredients$ because they are cooked #ith 0- vegetable oil or have soybean ingredients in the . Tip .' How To Free (our #ind To !ree your ind$ you #ill need to learn ho# to think beyond the conventional

atri%. To do this$ you #ill need to beco e a#are o! the tricks that co panies and your govern ent use to anipulate your ind. ;ubli inal essages are one o! the but they are starting to phase out. They are being replaced by high= de!inition T4s and certain high=tech gadgets that have the ability to send certain !reCuency and energy patterns or codes that can in!luence your thought patterns. These controlling techniCues are all designed to hypnoti:e your ind to a certain degree so they can in!luence ho# you think. 7hy do they #ant to in!luence ho# you thinkG *ecause i! they can in!luence ho# you think$ they can ake you do certain things or buy their products #ithout you even being a#are that you are being anipulated. )ro your perspective$ you think that you are aking the !ree #ill choice$ but at the subconscious level$ your ind has been conditioned to act on certain co pulsive behaviors. This is #hy our society is so addicted to se%$ drug$ !ood$ !ear and violence. This is also #hy it is so hard !or us to !ind inner peace because our inds are al#ays bo barded #ith distractions related to se%$ drug$ !ood$ !ear and violence. -ost o! the ind anipulation techniCues that are used by co panies and our govern ent are har !ul$ because the techniCues dishar oni:e the energies that keep our ind in balance. To reverse this process$ you #ill need to #atch less T4 and listen to less distracting usic. +ou #ill also need to learn ho# to cal and discipline your ind. -editation is one o! the best #ays to cal your ind. &oing things you love to do that do not involve a lot o! negative thoughts are also great !or cal ing your ind. Laying out in the sun !or a !e# inutes$ dra#ing or painting outdoor scenes$ !ocusing your attention to the o ent o! no#$ or directing your thoughts to#ard peace!ul intentions are great #ays to cal your ind. 3nce your ind is cal $ !inding inner peace beco es a lot easier. Tip /' How To 0vercome 1ictim Consciousness -ost o! us do not like to be victi s but yet any o! us are victi s because #e are trapped in a state o! victi consciousness. A ajor reason #hy ost o! us are trapped in this state is because our society teaches us at an early age to think like victi s. This is done purposely to keep us reliant on our govern ent and lock us in a state o! !ear so #e can be controlled. 4icti consciousness is not necessarily a bad thing but it does cause us to lose po#er o! our consciousness by #eakening the connection to our souls.

*elo# is an e%cerpt !ro

y book Staradigm about victi


4icti consciousness dra#s in not only negative e%periences but also the right people to help support these negative e%periences. )or e%a ple$ people #ho have victi attitudes #ill dra# !ello# victi s as #ell as abusers to e%ploit their consciousness. They #ill o!ten #onder #hy they keep attracting abusive partners or !riends. They do not reali:e that they attract abusive partners or !riends because o! the #ay they think. The La# o! Attraction is a universal la# that utili:es thoughts to attract si ilar people #ho #ant si ilar e%periences. 'n other #ords$ i! #e keep thinking that #e are victi s$ the La# o! Attraction #ill keep bringing abusive people or situations into our lives to provide ore victi e%periences until #e learn our lessons or change our thought patterns. Abusers cannot play their roles #ithout the participation o! victi s unless they !orce victi s to participate. 3nce victi s understand this$ they can re ove the selves !ro the situation by changing their attitudes and actions. The solution !or overco ing victi consciousness is personal responsibility. Personal responsibility cal s the overactive hu an ego so that it cannot e po#er itsel! to do certain tasks that it should not be doing. The reason #hy it cal s the ego is because #hen #e beco e ore responsible$ #e take back so e o! the responsibilities that #ere lost to the ego #hen #e beca e irresponsible. ;el!=e po#er ent is also i portant !or overco ing victi consciousness because it strengthens the connection to our souls and reduces !ears. Tip 2' The Health "ffects 0f Flu 1accine The vaccine industry clai s that !lu vaccines are sa!e and they are e!!ective at !ighting the !lu virus. 7hat the vaccine industry does not tell us is that the !lu virus can utate #ithin #eeks. 3nce the !lu virus utates$ the current !lu vaccine designed to target that !lu virus beco es useless. Another proble #ith !lu vaccines is that they only contain one or a !e# di!!erent strands o! the !lu virus. 'n the real #orld$ there are usually ore than a !e# di!!erent strands o! the !lu virus !loating around. )lu vaccines also contain har !ul adjuvants$ such as thi ersol ?a ercury derivative@. ;o e vaccines even contain sCualene. 'ndependent researchers and certain health e%perts believe that the adjuvants

!ound in !lu vaccines are har !ul to the i une syste and ay be the reason #hy children are e%periencing narcolepsy a!ter receiving !lu shots. 'n the )all o! 2011$ the govern ent o! )inland #arned its citi:ens about the hidden dangers in the ;#ine !lu vaccine. 3ther govern ents around the #orld are starting to #arn their citi:ens too. )lu vaccines by the selves are not that har !ul. 't is the adjuvants that ake !lu vaccines and other vaccines har !ul. Tip 3' Healing "motional !roblems 4ith The !ower 0f 5ove , otions are a !or o! energy that contain e otion energy codes. These energy codes are synthesi:ed by your intuition$ allo#ing your body to understand the in a linear !ashion. This process o! synthesi:ing e otion energy codes in a linear !ashion is #hat gives you the perception o! !eeling. , otional proble s usually ani!est #hen these energy codes beco e distorted. "aving an i balanced intuition can also cause e otional proble s to ani!est. 7hen your intuition is i balanced$ e%ploring your e otions can be di!!icult$ con!using and illogical. >egative e otions are one o! the ain causes o! e otional proble s$ because they can disrupt or block the !lo# o! energy that holds your e otion energy codes. *ecause o! this$ #hen you have too any negative e otions$ you tend to have a hard ti e controlling and understanding your e otions. There are any #ays to !acilitate the healing o! e otional and ental proble s$ but the ost e!!ective #ay is to heal the energy distortions that are ani!esting these e otional and ental proble s into your li!e. The best #ay to heal these distortions is by using the in!inite po#er o! genuine love to !acilitate the healing process. 'n ter s o! universal physics$ love is a state o! vibrational har oni:ation that allo#s an energetic connection to occur bet#een individuals and all things. 'n essence$ true love is nothing ore than a state o! per!ect vibrational har oni:ation. "o#ever$ the e otions associated #ith love can take any !or s. 7ithout the !reCuency o! love$ true healing is not possible because there #ill be no #ay to bring the energy distortions back into balance. *ecause o! this$ to be truly healed or beco e great healers$ #e ust learn ho# to tap into the !reCuency o! genuine love. Tip 6' The Core Cause 0f Diseases &iseases are caused by energy blockages or distortions in the original energy

te plate that !or s the blueprint upon #hich the syste s o! the hu an body ani!est into physicality. This energy te plate is kno#n as the Hathara 0rid. All physical and non=physical things$ including diseases are ade o! energy$ because it is the core building block o! atter. )or this reason$ i! you #ant to truly cure diseases$ you ust learn ho# to !i% the distortions or energy blockages in your energy te plate. 3ur society$ especially 7estern society$ has been conditioned !or centuries into believing that treating sy pto s #ill cure diseases. This !alse teaching is deliberately done to prevent us !ro being healthy$ because there is little oney to be ade in a society that is healthy. Treating sy pto s #ill not cure diseasesA it only asks diseases$ giving the illusion that the diseases are gone. This #ay o! diagnosing diseases does not address the underlying cause o! diseasesA rather$ it sets the stage !or the cause to re= ani!est itsel! into other sy pto s. This is #hy any o! the phar aceutical drugs today do not cure diseases. They are only designed to cure the sy pto s so #e keep co ing back !or ore$ aking the phar aceutical industry richer #hile #e get poorer because o! the e%pensive edical bills. Tip &7' How To $ppreciate The eauty 0f 5ife

Appreciating the beauty o! li!e is so ething that ost o! us do not do on a regular basis. This is because #e have been conditioned since the day #e #ere born to #ant ore$ need ore$ consu e ore$ buy ore$ and be good little consu ers. 9arely do #e stop to think about #hat #e already have$ starting #ith the gi!t o! li!e$ the po#er to create$ and the !ree #ill choice to live our lives the #ay #e #ant to. The ore #e allo# our society to in!luence us to #ant ore so that #e can !ul!ill #hat is lacking #ithin us$ #e begin to believe that #e are entitled to so ething$ #e are better than others or that so eone o#es us. 3nce #e !all into this ind trap$ #e set ourselves !or endless !rustration. This !rustration is caused by replacing unrealistic and untrue e%pectations upon li!e$ others$ and ourselves. 7e can also get angry #hen li!e does not turn out the #ay #e #ant or #e do not get #hat #e #ant. 7hen #e believe so eone o#es us so ething$ #e start to lose our appreciation to the beauty o! li!e. 0iving so ething to so eone and e%pecting so ething in return is one o! the greatest sel!=sabotage ga es in the #orld. '! #e give to others and e%pect to receive so ething back and they do not pay us back #hat #e desire$ #e o!ten !eel cheated$ taken advantage o! or o#ed. 0iving should be done !or the

joy o! giving alone and #ithout e%pecting anything in return. 7hen #e approach li!e #ith this ind set$ #e do not !eel cheated$ taken advantage o! or o#ed. 'nstead$ #e begin to appreciate li!e !or #hat it truly is. Tip &&' Five Tips To 8aise (our "nergy 1ibration ,nergy vibration is #hat gives e%pressions to all li!e !or s$ because #ithout it li!e cannot e%ists. '! you #ere able to easure the vibrational rate o! your energies$ you can easily deter ined the state o! your #ell=being. +ou can do this by studying the !reCuencies at #here your energies are vibrating. The !reCuency rate o! the hu an bodyBs energy is usually easured using the acrony -": ? egahert:@. The easure ent is done by using very advanced technologies. The !ollo#ing !ive tips should help raise your energy !reCuency or prevent it !ro decreasing to unhealthy levels. 1. -editation( 3ne o! the cheapest and ost e!!ective #ays to raise your bodyEs !reCuency is editation. -editation helps cal the body by bringing its energy back into balance. 't also reduces stress and helps activate the bodyBs natural healing syste . )or ore in!or ation about editation or to learn ho# to editate$ please visit this page. 2. )ood( Plant=based !ood is one o! the best !oods !or raising your bodyEs !reCuency. Try not to cook it because it #ill destroy a good portion o! its nutrients$ especially the heat sensitive and #ater soluble nutrients. Also$ buy the organically gro#n instead o! the conventionally gro#n plant=based !ood. Avoid junk !ood and !ast !ood as uch as possible because they lo#er your !reCuency due to the lack o! nutrients. They also contain har !ul synthetic che icals and preservatives$ and a great portion o! the contain genetically odi!ied ingredients. -eat=based !ood is not the best !ood !or raising your !reCuency$ because it contains less nutrients than plant=based !ood. *ecause o! this$ try to balance your plant and eat intakes. .. 9adiation( *eing e%posed to radiation can lo#er your bodyEs !reCuency$ even in s all levels. Cathode 9ay Tube ?CT9@ T4s and CT9 co puter onitor can lo#er your !reCuency because they e it radiation. ;hort e%posure to CT9 onitors should not cause signi!icant da age to your health. "o#ever$ it #ould be #ise to replace the #ith LC& or L,& onitors. The re!resh rate o! onitors ay also a!!ect your bodyEs !reCuency$ especially the !reCuency o! the brain. The re!resh rate o! ost onitors is set belo# the reCuired !reCuency !or opti al brain per!or ance.

/. Arti!icial light( Light e itted !ro co pact !luorescent light bulbs or standard light bulbs can lo#er your bodyEs !reCuency. This is #hy you !eel tired #hen you have long e%posure to arti!icial light. 7henever you start !eeling tired #hile being indoor$ go outside and let your body absorb so e sunlight. This #ill #ake you up because sunlight rejuvenates your energies. 1. &>A activation( ;cientists have !ound out that ost o! the hu an bodyEs &>A is not active. *ecause it is not active$ they do not kno# its rolesA there!ore$ they called it Ijunk &>A.J +our junk &>A holds the key to raising your !reCuency$ because #hen activated it allo#s you to access higher !reCuency energies. These energies have incredible healing capabilities and #ill help activate certain senses that are beyond the !ive senses. &>A activation is the best #ay to increase your bodyEs !reCuency. '! #ant to learn ore about &>A activation$ please visit this site. Tip &)' The Cause 0f Heart Disease The conventional edical industry has done such a great job teaching us that heart disease is caused by high cholesterol levels. 'ts teachings are isleading and are done to ostly bene!it itsel! and its a!!iliates. '! high cholesterol is the ain cause o! heart disease$ then #hy do ,ski os have very little cases o! heart diseaseG ,ski os consu e a lot o! #hale and seal blubberA there!ore$ they have high levels o! saturated !at in their bodies. The high levels o! saturated !at also contribute to high levels o! cholesterol. *ecause o! their diets$ ,ski os have very high levels o! cholesterol$ so eti e as high as .$000 gKdl. The conventional edical industry reco endation !or cholesterol level is 200 gKdl. ,ven #ith their high levels o! cholesterol$ ,ski os have very !e# cases o! heart disease. ;o e o! the ain causes o! heart disease are cooking !ood #ith processed polyunsaturated !at$ such as conventional vegetable oils$ and consu ing high levels o! heavy etals$ har !ul synthetic che icals$ and junk !ood. '! you eat !ast !ood$ junk !ood$ and processed !ood on a regular basis$ and have been doing it !or decades$ you are #ell on your #ay to having health proble s related to heart disease. The reason is because you are saturating your body #ith heavy etals$ re!ined sugar$ and other har !ul to%ins. Another co on to%in that is very har !ul to your heart is sodiu !luoride. This to%in is co only !ound in the drinking #ater o! the <;$ Canada and ,urope. 't is also co on in conventional toothpaste. ;odiu !luoride is very har !ul to your heart because in high levels it ay calci!y the arteries o! your heart. The

#ord I!luorideJ is a cover=up ter they use to conceal the dangerous che icals that ake up !luoride$ including but not li ited to arsenic$ lead$ alu inu $ cad iu and !luorosilicic acid. Tip &+' Hyperthermia Cancer Therapy The conventional ethods used !or treating cancer are not very e!!ective at curing cancer. Che otherapy is one o! the ost co on conventional ethods. Che otherapy is very har !ul to your body because it uses har !ul to%ins to destroy cancer cells. These to%ins also destroy healthy cells and #eaken the i une syste . +our i une syste is your best de!ense against cancer. -ost o! us and doctors do not reali:e that pre=cancer cells develop in our bodies on a #eekly basis. The reason #hy #e do not sho# physical sy pto s o! cancer is because our i une syste $ along #ith natural killer ?>H@ cells$ !ind the pre= cancer cells and destroy the be!ore they get out o! control. 7hen #e start sho#ing physical sy pto s o! cancer$ it eans that there is so ething #rong #ith our i une syste s. To cure ourselves o! cancer$ #e #ill need to strengthen our i une syste s$ not #eaken it by using che otherapy. <nlike che otherapy$ #hich uses har !ul to%ins to destroy cancer cells$ hyperther ia therapy uses heat to kill cancer cells in the ain body. )or patients #ith prostate cancer$ heat and speci!ic radio #aves are used to target and kill cancer cells. <sing electro agnetic #aves such as radio #aves to kill cancer is a techniCue that ' support. '! done correctly$ it can kill all kno#n cancers$ bacteria and viruses. ;cientists #ho have #orked in certain top secret projects have kno#n !or a long ti e that the !reCuency o! electro agnetic #aves can be used to kill any icroorganis s #ithout har ing healthy tissues. These #aves can also be used as #eather #eapons. )or ore in!or ation about hyperther ia therapy$ please visit this site. Tip &,' The Ha9ardous Chemicals *n Household Cleaners -ost cleaning products used !or disin!ecting and cleaning bathroo s$ kitchens$ and certain areas o! the house contain ha:ardous che icals that can cause chronic health proble s later on in li!e. -any o! the household cleaners !ound in stores do a great job cleaning stoves$ sinks$ dishes$ countertops$ and bathroo $ but they also do a great job slo#ly destroying our health. ;o e o! these household cleaners are so to%ic that #hen inhaled or s#allo#ed$ they can cause death.

*esides being ha:ardous to our health$ household cleaners are also very bad !or the environ ent. -any o! the che icals in household cleaners are to%ic to the environ ent. 3ne o! the is a class o! che icals called alkylphenol etho%ylates ?AP,s@. AP,s are synthetic sur!actants used in so e detergents and cleaning products. IAP,s are ade !ro and break do#n into alkylphenols.J IAP,s and alkylphenols$ such as nonylphenol and octylphenol$ have been !ound in se#age sludgeJ ?source( 9esearchers believe that nonylphenol and octylphenol are hor one disruptors because they have been sho#n to i ic the hor one estrogen. ;tudies have sho#n that !ishes living in #ater #ith high levels o! these t#o che icals have reproductive proble s. Tip &.' How To Choose The est 1itamin %upplement

There are countless o! vita in supple ents on the arket$ but ost o! the are not as good as clai by supple ent anu!acturers. -ost vita in supple ents on the arket are synthetic and cheaply ade. To !ind the best vita in supple ents !or your health$ you need to purchase vita ins that are as close to their natural state as possible. These vita ins are usually e%tracted !ro natural or #hole !ood sources. +ou #ill also need to learn ho# to tell the di!!erence bet#een natural and synthetic vita in. A vita in supple ent ' reco end is called -ega)ood -en or 7o en &aily -ultivita in. 7hen taking vita in supple ents$ it is also i portant to take ineral supple ents or eat !oods that contain natural inerals$ because so e vita ins need certain inerals to #ork properly. )or e%a ple$ vita in & is needed to assist your body to e!!ectively absorb calciu . 3ne o! the popular ethods o! consu ing calciu is through conventional co# ilk. "o#ever$ this is not the best #ay. The vita in & in conventional co# ilk is usually synthetic$ #hich does little to help your body absorb calciu . &rinking co# ilk does not strengthen the bone as uch as suggested by the dairy industry. '! co# ilk #ere good at strengthening bones$ A ericans #ould have very !e# cases o! osteoporosis because they drink it in abundance. 4isit this #ebsite !or high Cuality inerals. Tip &/' 4hy :nderstanding "nergy *s "ssential For (our 4ell; eing ,nergy is the divine substance that e%ists in all things$ even in the vacuu o! space. ,nergy is conscious o! its e%istence #hich is #hy it can project itsel! into all !or s. This is #hat ost ainstrea scientists !ailed to understand. "o#ever$

Cuantu physicists are on the right track #hen it co es to de!ining energy and atter. All things in the <niverse are nothing but holographic projections o! energy$ even ato s. This eans that atter is also a projection o! energyA there!ore$ its true !or is not solid. +our ind and body are ade o! units o! energy that are intelligently structurali:ed in a #ay that allo#s consciousness to e%press itsel!. The hu an body is also nothing ore than a holographic projection o! energy. 't is not truly ade o! atter$ because atter is ade o! ato s #hich are ostly e pty space. +our soul$ the beingness #ithin you$ is also a holographic projection o! energy but it is ore closer to the pure !or o! energy. *ecause the core structure o! your body$ ind and soul are ade o! energy$ #hen your energy is i balanced or #hen you surround yoursel! #ith negative energy$ you are destabili:ing the energy structure that akes up #ho you are. Tip &2' *ntuition $nd <egative "motions 3ne o! the #ays negative e otions are ani!ested is through the lack o! intuition. 7hen your intuition is #eak$ your body has a harder ti e synthesi:ing the electrical i pulses that contain your e otion codes. This causes an overload in your bio=circuity$ causing distortions to occur because your body cannot e!!ectively synthesi:e the electrical i pulses. At this state$ e%ploring your e otions can be di!!icult$ con!using$ and illogical. "aving a #eak intuition akes you ore vulnerable to negative e otions$ causing you to have sel!=destructive behaviors. '! you do not get yoursel! out o! this state$ your li!e can !eel very chaotic. 'n order !or you to heal your destructive e otions$ you #ill need to increase the strength o! your intuition and teach your ind to direct e otional energies. 9epressing your e otions or using drugs to treat the is not going to solve your e otional proble s. 'n !act$ it #ill ake the #orse. There are any techniCues you can do to help strengthen your e otions and train your ind to direct e otional energies. 3ne o! the ost e!!ective #ays is to sti ulate your Heylonta codes #ithin your body and cells back into balance. Heylonta is the science and language o! light$ sound and energy. 'n other #ords$ it is the science o! CreationA there!ore$ it e%ists every#here. *esides being a language$ Heylonta can also be used !or any other things. Think o! Heylonta as a tool that serves the purpose o! co unication bet#een all things$ allo#ing

reality to be constructed !ro

the Cuantu


and up. reast #ilk

Tip &3' The

enefits 0f

The health bene!its o! breast ilk are so astonishing that it has been used to treat all kind o! diseases. These health bene!its are ade possible because o! its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Plus$ it is !ull o! essential nutrients !or !ighting diseases$ such as cancer. *esides its e!!ectiveness against cancer$ breast ilk is also e!!ective at treating( acne$ pinkeye$ stu!!y nose$ cold sores$ blisters$ burns$ cuts$ insect bites$ ear in!ections$ diaper rash$ sore throat and #arts. *est o! all$ breast ilk gives babies the gi!t o! li!e. >o !ood in the #orld can give a baby the right nutrients$ hor ones and natural prebiotics like breast ilk. Another i portant !act about breast ilk is that each other produces her o#n uniCue ilk designed speci!ically !or her o#n baby. This #ay$ her baby is given the best nourish ent to gro# and evolve. These !eatures ake breast ilk the nu ber one !ood source !or keeping babies healthy. *reast!eeding has great health potentials$ but it is also one o! the ost e!!ective techniCues !or increasing the bond bet#een a other and her baby. The bonding process does not only involve eye contact$ !acial e%pressions$ body language$ touch$ and verbal sounds but also the synchronicity o! the otherBs heart and that o! the in!antBs. *e!ore the birthing process$ the heart o! the other and her in!ant are al#ays synchroni:ing and co unicating #ith each other. This process establishes the !irst bond bet#een the other and her in!ant. A!ter the in!ant is born$ ore bonding occurs during breast!eeding and nurturing. This process o! nurturing is natureBs #ay o! aking sure the in!antBs intelligent heart$ brain$ body and ind develop properly so heKshe is ready !or the ne# #orld. The bonding and nurturing process also pass certain characteristics o! the other and !ather to their in!ant. Tip &6' The <egative "ffects 0f %ubliminal #essages A subli inal essage is a essage designed to sti ulate and reprogra your subconscious ind. *ecause it is designed to target your subconscious ind$ you are usually not a#are o! it. This !eature akes subli inal essages very e!!ective

at controlling your thought patterns. &epending on ho# they are used$ subli inal essage can help you or har you. ;o e o! the ost popular subli inal essages use by corporations and the govern ent involve se%$ drug$ !ood$ !ear and violence. >e%t ti e you #atch T4$ pay very close attention to the sho# or co ercial you are #atching and you ay notice ho# these !ive topics are incorporated in it. This is one o! the ain reasons #hy people are so addicted to se%$ drug$ !ood$ !ear and violence. The reason #hy corporations and the govern ent use these !ive topics the ost is because they are very e!!ective at selling their ideas or products. The #ay corporations and the govern ent use subli inal essages is har !ul to your ind. These controlling essages usually disrupt inner peace$ because they dishar oni:e the energy structures #ithin your ind. 3ut o! !ive topics ' entioned above$ se% is the ost popular because it sells their ideas #ell. This is #hy ost ads or co ercials usually contain so ething that is related to se%. >o# you ay reali:e #hy corporations are #illing to invest illions o! dollars on ads that contain subli inal essages. Tip )7' How To 0vercome The "go 'n order to overco e the ego$ #e need to understand #hat it is and ho# it #orks. *elo# is an e%cerpt !ro y book Staradigm about #hat the ego is. The ego is a section o! our inds that has beco e isolated. This happened during events in our history that caused our &>A to utate. These events also turned o!! ost o! our &>A ?or #hat #e no# re!er to as Ijunk &>AJ@. The junk &>A is essential !or the ego to co unicate to other sections o! the hu an ind because it allo#s access to higher levels o! consciousness. The ego is not an evil entity but a part o! our personalities that has lost a great portion o! its connection #ith Creation. This sense o! separation gives the ego a !alse sense o! !inite li!eA there!ore$ it creates a !alse sense o! !ear and loneliness and the need to consu e #hatever it can to survive. 3ur egos see evil to us because ost o! our egos are out o! balance or overactive. The hu an ego is so out o! balance that it has e po#ered itsel! to do certain tasks that it should not be doing. "ence$ the !alse sel! is created. This !alse sel! then tries to take over the true

sel!$ #hich is the soul. 3nce the !alse sel! is created$ the ego reprogra s the conscious ind to accept denial$ #hich pro otes victi hood and #eakens the connection to the soul. The ego loves putting us in victi hood$ because it decreases sel!=e po#er ent$ #hich increases the egoBs po#er. Another thing that e po#ers the ego is the lack o! personal responsibility. )or these reasons$ i! #e #ant to reduce its po#er and overco e it$ #e need to li!t ourselves !ro victi hood by increasing sel!= e po#er ent and personal responsibility. To learn ho# to increase sel!= e po#er ent$ please re!er to tip 21. Tip )&' The Health Ha9ards 0f High;Fructose Corn %yrup =HFC%> "igh=!ructose corn syrup ?")C;@ is a very popular ingredient in soda ?pop@$ !ruit juice$ ice crea $ cookies and processed bread. 'n general$ any processed !oods contain high=!ructose corn syrup. ")C; is a synthetic sugar that is very destructive to the body and has been linked to heart disease$ liver da age$ cancer$ obesity and diabetes. 3ne o! the dangerous properties o! ")C; is that it ay be genetically odi!ied. -ost o! the corn gro#n in the <nited ;tates ?<;@ is genetically odi!ied. ;ince ")C; is a byproduct o! corn$ i! it is ade in the <;$ there is a very high chance that it is also genetically odi!ied. 0enetically odi!ied !ood has been linked to any chronic diseases$ such as cancer$ sterility$ pre ature aging$ birth de!ects and obesity. Tip ))' Five 8easons 4hy (ou %hould *nstall $ 4ater !urification %ystem 1. >atural ground #ater and tap #ater are not as clean as clai by #ater anu!acturers. They are usually conta inated #ith certain natural i purities$ such as nitrate$ radon$ bacteria$ arsenic and har !ul etals. Consu ing these natural i purities can cause negative e!!ects on your health. 2. 7ithin the past !e# decades$ hu an conta inants$ such as pesticides$ herbicides$ industrial solvents$ phar aceutical drugs and to%ic #aste are conta inating #ater syste s in dangerous levels. These to%ins can cause health proble s$ such as birth de!ects and cancer. '! you drink a lot o! tap #ater$ you are putting yoursel! at a higher risk o! getting these to%ins in your body. .. -ost o! the #ater treat ent syste s used !or cleaning drinking #ater do

not do a good enough job re oving conta inants$ such as pesticides$ arsenic$ lead$ ercury and industrial che icals. Also$ the types o! che icals they use !or cleaning drinking #ater do not ake it that uch sa!er to drink. 'nstead$ they increase the a ount o! pollutants in the drinking #ater$ because these che icals are usually to%ins the selves. /. -ost #ater treat ent syste s in the <nited ;tates add !luoride in their #ater. )luoride #as kno#n as a rat poison$ because it #as used to kill rats be!ore it #as used to treat conta inated #ater. 9esearchers !ound that !luoride is very to%ic to the body. The thyroid gland is one o! the organs that su!!ers the ost because it collects nearly t#ice as uch !luoride. The thyroid gland is needed !or i unity$ etabolis and !or controlling certain hor ones. 't is i portant to kno# that ost ho e #ater puri!ication syste s cannot re ove !luoride. 'n order to e!!ectively re ove !luoride$ you #ill need to use a special !ilter called activated alu ina ?AAL@. The #ater puri!ication syste ' reco end is the 9oyal *erkey #ith P)=2 !luoride !ilters. 1. 7ater has incredible healing capabilities$ #hich is #hy researchers are no# studying ho# #ater can help the body !ight cancer. 3ne o! the ajor di!!erences bet#een a cancer cell and a nor al cell is the state at #here their #ater olecules are vibrating. The #ater in cancer cells is also !u::y instead o! clear like the #ater in nor al cells. *ecause o! #aterBs healing capabilities$ it is i portant to drink #ater that contains little or no conta inants. Tip )+' Five <eurotoxins (ou %hould $void 1. Asparta e ?also kno#n as ,Cual$ A ino;#eet$ >utra;#eet$ ;poon!ul@( 't is very co on in sugar !ree !ood products$ especially sugar !ree gu s and drinks. Asparta e has been kno#n to cause neurological da ages in tissues. 2. -onosodiu gluta ate ?also kno#n as sodiu gluta ate$ -;0@( 't is very co on in chips$ canned !ood$ baby !ood and other junk !ood. 'ndependent researchers believe -;0 is linked to Al:hei erBs disease. .. -etallic alu inu ( 't is co on in drinking #ater$ over the counter antacid and vaccine. Alu inu is hard !or the body to absorb but citrate or citric acid can dra atically increase its absorption. 4accine is one o! the ajor contributors to alu inu to%icity$ because the alu inu is injected directly into the bloodstrea . /. -ercury( Co on in !ish product$ vaccine and a alga !illings ?also

kno#n as silver !illings@. -ercury can be !ound in drinking #ater too. 1. )luoride( 4ery co on in drinking #ater and toothpaste. )luoride #as used to kill rats be!ore it #as introduced into consu er products. The na e I!luorideJ is a cover=up ter !or any o! the dangerous che icals that ake up !luoride$ including arsenic$ lead$ !luorosilicic acid and even radioactive aterials. Tip ),' Five %tress 8elief Tips 1. *reathing e%ercise( ;lo# and deep breathe can help rela% the ind$ increases o%ygen and !ocus$ and sti ulates the brain to produce endorphins. 2. *eing in the present( The present is the o ent o! no#. 7hen #e !ocus on this o ent$ everything beco es clearer and #e tend to lose !ocus o! the past and !uture. The past and !uture is #here stress usually occurs. ;tress cannot occur in the o ent o! no#$ because it is the still point bet#een the conscious and subconscious ind. This o ent o! no# is #here balance can take place. .. ; ile ore o!ten( 7hen #e s ile$ our brain releases endorphins and other healing che icals that can help reduce stress. /. Think positive( Positive thoughts call !orth inner peace and negative thoughts disturb inner peace. As a result$ #hen #e have ore positive thoughts$ our state o! inds are ore at peace$ #hich can reduce stress. 1. Learn to !orgive( 7hen #e !orgive$ it akes easier !or us to release energy blockages that are causing us e otional pains. Tip ).' How To *ncrease %elf;"mpowerment ;el!=e po#er ent is the process o! taking charge o! your li!e by li!ting yoursel! !ro victi hood. 3nce you have achieved this process$ your li!e #ill dra atically change !or the better$ because you #ill begin to live in your realities instead o! living in other peopleBs realities. *elo# are !ive tips to increase sel!= e po#er ent. 1. <nderstand #ho you are( -ost o! us have !orgotten #ho #e truly are. 7e do not understand that #e are spiritual beings #ith in!inite potential. 'nstead$ #e believe #e are physical beings #ith li ited potential. '! #e #ere only physical beings$ #e #ould not be able to observe ourselves and have the i aginations that #e have. The hu an brain cannot tell the di!!erence





bet#een #hat it sees and #hat it re e bers. 'n other #ords$ it #orks si ilar to a co puter and has very little consciousness$ just enough to e%ist. ,ven though our brains #ork like a co puter$ #e all kno# that there is ore to us because #e can observe ourselves. This brings up the Cuestion$ #ho or #hat is the observerG The ans#er to this Cuestion is the soulKspirit. 3nce you understand #ho you truly are$ any o! your !ears #ill be reduced and you increase the po#er #ithin you. &o not be a!raid o! the truth( 't is i portant to seek the truth because it #ill set you !ree !ro victi hood. The truth ay not al#ays be easy because it can threaten your so called nor al realities and belie!s. To !ind truth$ you #ill need to learn ho# to conte plate your thoughts and al#ays Cuestion things. Trust your intuition( +our intuition is the kno#ing !eeling that you have near the pit o! your sto ach but is not li ited to that area. -any o! us like to re!er to intuition as the Igut !eelingJ. The ore you learn to trust and use your intuition$ the ore con!ident you #ill beco e. &o not be a victi ( 7hen you allo# yoursel! to beco e a victi $ you lose physical$ e otional$ ental and spiritual po#er. *eing in this state o! victi hood prevents you !ro understanding #ho you are$ causing you to lose the po#er #ithin you. Personal responsibility( *eing responsible !or your thoughts and actions are very i portant !or increasing sel!=e po#er ent. 7hen you beco e ore responsible$ you are basically telling your soul and the <niverse that you are ready to e%plore the unkno#n. This e%ploration o! the unkno#n #ill help increase your understanding o! the <niverse. The ore kno#ledge and #isdo you have$ the ore you increase the po#er #ithin you.


#y 0ther


;taradig ( A *lueprint !or ;piritual 0ro#th$ "appiness$ ;uccess and 7ell=*eing >atural 7eight Loss ;ecrets( A Luick 0uide to Losing 7eight Per anently -oney &oes 0ro# 3n Trees( Learn ho# to Protect and ,%ponentially 0ro# +our 'nvest ent Port!olio &uring ,cono ic *oo or *ust


$bout The $uthor

Pao L. Chang is the author and !ounder o! ,nergy) $ a co prehensive blog dedicated to teach people ho# to think beyond conventional ethods or Ioutside o! the bo%$J so that they can !ree their inds and beco e e po#ered. The blog !ocuses on educating readers about energy echanics$ !inancial health$ success$ #ellness$ happiness$ inner=peace$ sel!=i prove ent$ natural !ood$ alternative edicine and spirituality ?not associated #ith religions that are !illed #ith dog as@. "e is a certi!ied 9eiki practitioner o! the traditional <sui ;yste and is currently studying the Art o! Hathara *io=;piritual "ealing. "e loves to e%plore the ystery o! alternative edicine$ science o! consciousness$ Cuantu echanics$ sacred geo etry and ho# energy a!!ects the physical$ e otional$ ental and spiritual body. "e is also an investor #ho supports econo ic syste s that use sound oney and #ork #ith people and nature.


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