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Edible Oil Making Plant

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Edible Oil Making Plant (Continuous Type Expeller Extraction and Re ining Plant!

1 Introduction Fats and oils" like proteins and carbo#ydrates" are necessary li e sustaining ingredients in man$s diet% Food use accounts or more t#an t&o't#irds o total &orld consumption o oil% Re ining o (egetable and animal oils impro(es t#eir keeping )uality% T#e separation o oils and ats rom oil'bearing animals and (egetables constitutes a distincti(e and speciali*ed branc# o ood processing

tec#nology% Crude oils and ats are +,- make up o esterstriglycerides and triglycerols% T#ese esters" called neutral oils" are puri ied during t#e edible oil re ining process% T#ere is" #o&e(er" a signi icant amount o nonglyceride impurities suc# as ree atty acids" tocop#erols" sterols" p#osp#atides" #ydrocarbons" pigments" oxides" &axes" moisture" proteins" carbo#ydrates" dirt" bagging iber" cellular tissue" gum and resins t#at need to be remo(ed during processing% T#ese impurities generally ind t#eir &ay into t#e oil during t#e re ining process% T#ey produce t#e dark'color and cause oil to oam" smoke or precipitate &#en #eated% .ubse)uent processing mig#t result in an unpleasant taste and odor &#en t#e oil is exposed to atmosp#eric conditions% Fats and oils are not only essential to t#e diet o man and animals but also play an important role in t#e manu acture o numerous products" suc# as paints" (arnis#es" soap" cosmetics #ardened ats" textiles" leat#er" paper" p#armaceuticals and lubricants% T#ey are also o ten used or con(erted into edible medicinal% T#e &idely di erent c#aracteristics o oil'bearing materials rom di(erse resources #a(e gi(en rise to di erent extraction and re ining processes% /ut t#e system most commonly used in t#e re inement o edible oils today consists o neutrali*ation" &as#ing" bleac#ing" deodori*ation o ot#er processes or special purposes or &#ic# produce ne& products to meet c#anging market demands% Ho&e(er" to c#oose t#e best process or an oil extraction and re inement plant" some common ob0ecti(es must be considered% T#ese include t#e need to obtain unin0ured ats and oils" &#ic# are as ree as possible rom undesirable impurities" to obtain t#e ats and oils in as #ig# a yield consistent &it# economical processing" and to produce an oil cake residue (by'product! o t#e #ig#est (alue% 1n t#e current &orld industrial situation o energy resource s#ortage" rising &ages" demand or #ig#er

)uality rom consumers and sti er competition" in(estors must tread care ully in making t#eir in(estment plans in and management o a &#ole plant business% Ho& to make an economical in(estment" sa(e labor expenses and energy resources" and #o& to produce #ig# (alue products and by'products are points" &#ic# must be considered &#en in(esting in an edible oil plant% T#e in(estor must consider t#at t#ere are many in#erent disad(antages to processing edible oil by t#e sol(ent extraction met#od% T#ese include t#e large amount o in(estment and energy costs" t#e complex and dangerous processing" di icult maintenance and repair o mac#inery and e)uipment" large sol(ent leakage during t#e manu acturing process" and #ig# personnel expenses or #ig#'tec# engineers" all o &#ic# make t#e cost o sol(ent'extracted products at least t&ice #ig#er t#an t#e alternati(e continuous type oil expeller'extraction met#od (alt#oug# t#e ormer extracts about 2'3-more oil!% Today unlike t#e lo& oil content materials suc# as soybeans" oil rom rice bran must be extracted using t#e sol(ent extraction process% Contrarily" or ot#er #ig# oil content materials suc# as peanuts" copra" palm kernel" rapeseed" etc%" t#e continuous type oil expeller process is used to extract oil" so t#at t#e management and pro itability o t#e plant &ill be muc# more e icient and competiti(e% 4mong all kinds o oil extraction plants" t#e continuous type oil expeller'extraction and re ining process is t#e most economical in(estment because5 1.1 The manufacturing process is easy. It is easy to manage and control, and there is a minimal need for high-tech engineering personnel 1. The cost of machinery and e!uipment and the occupation of the plant are not "ery high. 1.# The production capacity is stable, and there is less likelihood of unit e!uipment failure and $ob interruption. 1.% &ue to simple machinery design, it is easier to repair 1.' There is lo(er leakage and loss of ra( materials, Products, and energy during manufacturing 1.) *ecause of the lo( content of gum and (a+, it is easy to refine crude oil from the continuous type oil e+peller-e+traction process, and 1., It is easy and safe to operate the plant because no "olatile materials are in"ol"ed.

-eneral Processing Information .1 .lo( /hart 2%6%6 Expeller Extraction .ection 2%6%6%6 T#e Process or Peanut" Rapeseed" Cotton .eed" and corn palm kernel" copra" .un lo&er .eed" etc%" Material% 2%6%6%2 T#e Process For Palm 7ernel Material 2%6%6%8 T#e Process For Copra Material 2%6%2 Re ining .ection 2%6%2%6 T#e Process o p#ysical Re ining .ystem5

2%6%2%2 T#e Process o /atc# Type Re ining .ystem 2%6%2%8 T#e Process o .emi'Continuous Re ining .ystem

. Process &escription0 2%2%6 Pressing 2%2%6%6 4ny ra& material suc# as peanut" rapeseed" cotton seed" corn" palm kernel" copra" or sun lo&er seed t#at is stored in t#e &are#ouse in bulk orm is loaded by using &#eel loaders and dumped into t#e recei(ing #opper &#ere labor &ill pus# t#e ra& seed grain t#roug# t#e static screen into t#e recei(ing #opper% 2%2%6%2 T#roug# (ibrating eeders" t#e ra& seed grain is ed into t#e bucket ele(ator and transported to t#e (ibrating screen &#ic# magnetically remo(ing part o t#e de#ulling e)uipment% 2%2%6%8 4 ter being crus#ed" t#e de#ulled seeds are separated rom t#e #ulls by a screening de(ice% T#e #ulls t#us remo(ed are sent to storage or e(entual use as roug#ing in animal eeds% 2%2%6%9 T#e seeds are rolled into t#in lakes to make t#em easily permeable to steam in t#e cooking operation and are next cooked or conditioned in a 3'stage automatic steam kettle at 62, or 2, minutes be ore pressing to rupture t#e oil lands and to coagulate t#e proteins% 2%2%6%3 T#e conditioned (egetable seeds are t#en places in an oil pressure expeller" &#ic# remo(e t#e oil rom t#e seeds% T#e oil remo(ed by t#e presses is screened" cooled" iltered and stored or re ining% 2%2%6%: T#e expressed meal cake extruded rom t#e expellers consists o approximately ;'6,- (egetable oil" &#ic# could be reco(ered t#roug# a secondary mec#anical pressure expeller" &#ic# reco(ers up to +3-' +;-o oil rom t#e ra& (egetable seed% T#e cake residue could e(entually be consumed as animal eed% 2%2%2 Re ining5 T#e o(erall re ining process o crude (egetable oil usually in(ol(es neutrali*ation" &ater &as#ing and drying" bleac#ing" and deodori*ation% 2%2%2%6 <eutrali*ation is carried out to remo(e t#e ree atty acid present in t#e oil% T#is is t#e most delicate and di icult stage in t#e re ining cycle because t#is is t#e stage &it# t#e #ig#est loss o neutral oil% 1n t#is process" t#e oil is #eated in 0acketed kettle itted &it# a #eating cell set at a temperature o 3, ':, and agitated% .odium #ydroxide solution is added to t#e oil in excess o stoic#iometric re)uirements% 4gitation is continued &#en t#e soap locks are &ell locculated% .oap stock or oots is settled" and t#en pumped to t#e #olding tank% 2%2%2%2 T#e soap stock is t#en steamed &it# p#osp#oric acid" t#e atty acids and t#e neutral oil t#us liberated rise to t#e sur ace% 4 t#oroug# &as#ing is re)uired to remo(e t#e traces o soap" &#ic# al&ays remain in t#e oil% 4 ter &as#ing" t#e sur ace o t#e oil mass and &ater are settled and drained o separately% 2%2%2%8 T#e de#ydrated oil is broug#t into intimate contact &it# t#e bleac#ing materials% T#e mixture is t#en #eated by steam &#ile t#e contents are maintained under (acuum by t#e barometric condenser and (acuum pump% =#en t#e re)uired temperature is reac#ed" t#e moisture present in t#e oil is completely remo(ed upon completion o bleac#ing> T#e oil'bleac#ed suspension is pumped to t#e iltration section &#ere t#e t&o component are separated% <eutrali*ation" bleac#ing and iltration remo(e coarse suspened ree acids and

coloring matter rom t#e extruded oil% 2%2%2%9 T#e purpose o deodori*ation is to remo(e unpleasant odor and la(our to oils% T#e operation s#ould be operated at lo&er temperatures% T#e deodori*er is itted &it# #eating coils" and a (acuum is applied% Measured amounts o oil are c#arged into it" and t#e oil is #eated to t#e desired temperature at &#ic# deodori*ation is carried out% .team is in0ected in t#e operating coils% 4t t#e end o t#is operation" oil is dumped by gra(ity into a cooling tank" &#ic# is maintained at t#e same pressure as t#e deodori*er% 4 ter t#is inal step o re ining" t#e odorless" transparent and neutrali*ed oil is ready or packaging%

# Plant &escription #.1 Production capacity0 T#e plant e)uipped &it# t#e mac#inery and e)uipment outlined in section 8%9 o t#is proposal" operating 29 #ours (8 s#i ts! a day" 23 days a mont#" is capable o producing 63,,'3,,, tons o #ig# )uality (egetable oil per mont#%

#. 1a( Materials0 Copra" seasame seed" palm ruit" ground nut (peanut!" rapeseed" sun lo&er seed" sa lo&er seed" corngern"cotton and soybean% T#e oil content o t#e oil'bearing (egetable materials is as ollo&s5

Oil *earing Material

Copra .easame .eed Palm 7ernel ?roundnut (Peanut! Rapeseed .un lo&er seed corngern Cotton .eed

Oil content 12
:3':; 3,'33 93'3, 93'3, 9,'93 83'93 83'93 6;'2,

#.# Manpo(er 1e!uired0

1a( Material

Input /apacity 3Tone4 %hrs5 Operator 3 : ; 6, ; 6, 62 69 6, 62 69

Engineer 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Total : @ + 66 + 66 68 63 66 68 63

Palm 7ernel

3, 6,, 63, 2,,


3, 6,, 63, 2,,

Peanut Cotton .eed .un lo&er .eed Castor nut Rapeseed

6,, 63, 2,,

#.% Machinery 7 E!uipment0

Item /ucket Ele(ator Aibrating .creen Aegetable seed Crus#er 3'.tage 4utomatic .team 7ettle Crude Cake or Residue Cooker .cre& Con(eyor Bry Run /in Float Ce(el Control Pump Feed Pump =ater .upply and Brainage Facility Cooling To&er Heating .ystem Hot =ater Tank 4gitator and Motor /elt Con(eyor Electroagnetic Bisc#arge /elt <eutrali*ation Tank Centri ugal .eparator Centri ugal .eparator <eutrali*ed Oil Tank .oap =as#ing Tank =as#ed Oil Tank Aacuum .ystem /leac#ing Tank Filter Press /leac#ed Oil Tank Beaerator Tank Beodori*ation Aessel


2 6 6'2 6 : 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 8 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2 2 6

Item .lurry Tank Birty Oily Tank Beodori*ed Oil Tank 4cid Oil .torage Tank

6 6 6 6

#.' Information 1e!uired for the 6et 8p of 9n Oil 7 .at E+pelling and 1efining Processing Plant0 8%3%6 Ra& material )uality analysis in ormation 8%3%2 T#e plant ci(il structure design dra&ing% 8%3%8 T#e lo& c#art design o manu acturing process% 8%3%9 T#e lo& c#art and storage layout or ra& material and inis#ed products% 8%3%3 T#e layout o &#ole plant e)uipment% 8%3%: T#e electricity supply and installation diagram% 8%3%@ T#e oundation diagram o e)uipment% 8%3%; T#e operation rame mec#anism design% 8%3%+ T#e &ater supply and piping system installation diagram% 8%3%6, T#e steam boiler and system and installation diagram% 8%3%66 T#e manpo&er arrangement in ormation% 8%3%62 T#e electricity po&er arrangement in ormation% 8%3%68 T#e in(estment and cost analysis in ormation% 8%3%69 T#e market analysis in ormation% 8%3%63 T#e operation instruction and trouble s#ooting in processing and tec#nical in ormation% 8%3%6: T#e maintenance tec#nical in ormation% 8%3%6@ To be (isited t#e production plant to understand t#e actual practice%

#.) Plant 6ite Planning0

T#e location o t#e plant can #a(e a crucial e ect on t#e pro itability o t#e pro0ect and t#e scope or uture expansion% Many actors must be considered &#en selecting a suitable site% T#e principle ones to consider are5 8%:%6 Proximity o material supply market and product consumer market% 8%:%2 Transportation acilities% 8%:%8 4(ailability o utilities5 =ater" uel" electric po&er 8%:%9 4(ailability o labor 8%:%3 Cocation not too close to metro area% For t#e purpose o economical in(estment" t#e plant s#ould be built &it# steel rame or &it# concrete but be ready or reconditioning or uture de(elopment% T#e #eig#t bet&een e(ery t&o stairs s#ould consider piping engineering and air lo& system and s#ould be at least 9%3M% 1n order or t#e uture de(elopment" t#e area o t#e oil re ining plant s#ould #a(e enoug# unoccupied area or de(elopment o t&ice o t#e capacity% T#e plant s#ould #a(e good drainage system to a(oid contamination o &ater" good air lo& system to a(oid &etting and a suitable &idt# o aisle space or con(enient processing%

#., Electricity Po(er 1e!uirement0

1a( Material

Input /apacity 3Tons4 %hrs5

Electricity Po(er 3:(5

Palm 7ernel

3, 6,, 63, 2,,

9,3 @,8 +@9 68;6 9:8 +@9 682, 6;,, +68 62:@ 6@23


3, 6,, 63, 2,,

Peanut" Cotton seed .un lo&er seed" Castor nut Rapeseed

6,, 63, 2,,

#.; <ayout for the Package Plant

% 6uppliers Information .#an) Der 1ndustries Co%" Ctd Taiepe =orld Trade Center RM%8C6:"<o%3" .ec%3" Hsinyi Rd%" Taiepei" Tai&an%" R%O%C% Tel5;;:',2'2@2898,," ;;:'2';@;,+,;@ Fax5;;:'2';;:22@28 E'Mail5s#an)Es#an)'0er%com%t& #ttp5FF&&&%s#ang'0er%com%t&

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