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Welcome Lo San ulego .............................................................................................................................................. ll
CommlLLees, LxecuLlve 8oard, and volunLeer SLaff................................................................................................... vl
asL ASSC MeeLlngs.................................................................................................................................................... vlll
ASSC 17 LxhlblLors...................................................................................................................................................... lx

rogram Cvervlew..................................................................................................................................................... x
venue Maps & LocaLlons .......................................................................................................................................... xl
San ulego SheraLon PoLel and Marlna Wlfl Logln...................................................................................................... xvll
ueLalled rogram ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
LlsL of osLers............................................................................................................................................................. 8

keynoLe LecLures .................................................................................................................................................... 14
Symposla ................................................................................................................................................................. 16
1uLorlals .................................................................................................................................................................. 21

Speclal 8oundLable ulscusslon: uebaLlng Lhe lnLegraLed lnformaLlon 1heory (ll1) of Consclousness.....................


Speclal LvenL: lrom MaLLer Lo Mlnd: 1alks and Muslc ln Ponor of Cerald M. Ldelman, Mu, hu..........................


ConcurrenL Sesslons.................................................................................................................................................. 27

osLers ......................................................................................................................................................................


AuLhor lndex ............................................................................................................................................................



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And welcome Lo Lhe 17Lh Annual MeeLlng of Lhe AssoclaLlon for Lhe SclenLlflc SLudy of Consclousness
(ASSC 17), hosLed Lhls year by 1he neurosclences lnsLlLuLe. AlLhough 2013 doesn'L mark a slngular
benchmark ln Lhe hlsLory of elLher Lhe ASSC or lLs annual meeLlngs, lL ls slgnlflcanL LhaL we flnd ourselves ln
SouLhern Callfornla, noL far from omona and Lhe ClaremonL Colleges, where Lhe laLe, greaL 8lll 8anks and
Lhe lndefaLlgable aLrlck Wllken oversaw Lhe flrsL annual meeLlng and Lhe ldea of Lhe ASSC was born. lL ls
also noLable LhaL ASSC 17 ls convenlng ln San ulego: for many years, a rlch and vlbranL cenLer for
neuroblologlcal research and a verlLable 'hoLhouse' for ldeas abouL Lhe naLure and seaL of consclousness.
1hese ldeas have run Lhe gamuL, from Lhe exclLlng, and groundbreaklng Lerraln of neural correlaLes of
consclousness (nCC) flrsL charLed by lrancls Crlck and a young ChrlsLof koch aL Lhe Salk lnsLlLuLe, Lo Lhe
robusL LheoreLlcal framework lald ouL by Cerald Ldelman and hls colleagues aL 1he neurosclences lnsLlLuLe
ln an aLLempL Lo place consclousness flrmly back lnLo naLure, an amblLlon well ln keeplng wlLh Lhe long
uarwlnlan arc LhaL has Lraced Lhe rlse of all of modern blology.
noL surprlslngly, work presenLed aL Lhe earllesL annual ASSC meeLlngs confronLed Lhe mosL fundamenLal
lssues ln Lhe nascenL sclence of consclousness: namely, Lhe anaLomlcal and physlologlcal underplnnlngs of
consclousness (e.g., Lhe nCC) and even Lhe problem of how Lo apprehend and characLerlze Lhose
underplnnlngs experlmenLally. needless Lo say, Lhese lssues are sLlll aL Lhe core of our annual dlscourse.
8uL, now, Lhe comblnaLlon of ever more sophlsLlcaLed physlologlcal Lechnlques, lmaglng Lechnologles,
modellng paradlgms, and robusL LheoreLlcal frameworks (abouL whlch much wlll be offered and dlscussed
durlng Lhls meeLlng) ls flnally bearlng frulL, and recenL work cerLalnly suggesLs a new and exclLlng phase of
growLh ln Lhe llfe of consclousness sclence. 1he sLudy of consclousness ls no longer an armchalr enLerprlse.
lL has grown sLrong, muscular legs and ls now Lreadlng down boLh baslc and applled paLhs. lrom promlslng
paradlgms for assesslng posslble consclous sLaLes ln non-human anlmals Lo Lhe characLerlzaLlon of
prevlously vexlng neuropsychlaLrlc dlsorders, Lo a profound relnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe dlagnosls of a specLrum
of coma sLaLes, serlous lnroads have been made. Clven perhaps llLLle more Lhan Lhree decades slnce
consclousness galned respecLablllLy as a leglLlmaLe ob[ecL of sclenLlflc lnqulry, progress has been
measureable and ln many ways raLher dramaLlc. And Lhough few would argue LhaL we're on Lhe verge of
unravellng one of Lhe greaLesL of human mysLerles, lL now appears LhaL our armamenLarlum ls well sLocked,
and we're flghLlng Lhe good flghL and galnlng Lhe upper hand.
As ln prevlous years, Lhe breadLh, depLh, and overall quallLy of ASSC 17 wlll resL largely on Lhe efforLs and
lnvolvemenL of ASSC members from around Lhe globe. 1hls year, Lhe SclenLlflc rogram CommlLLee
revlewed a LoLal of 230 absLracLs submlLLed by researchers and scholars from aL leasL 24 counLrles and 146
colleges, unlverslLles, and publlc and prlvaLe research lnsLlLuLlons. 1hough Lhls number doesn'L even
approach Lhe sLunnlng record seL aL lasL year's meeLlng, Lhe breadLh, depLh, and rlchness of sallenL flndlngs
reporLed and sclenLlflc LhoughL represenLed ln Lhls year's submlsslons neverLheless presenLed Lhe SclenLlflc
rogram CommlLLee wlLh a slgnlflcanL challenge, parLlcularly ln selecLlng Lhe rosLer of concurrenL Lalks. As
ln pasL years, neurosclence, psychology, and phllosophy are equally well represenLed Lhls year, moreover,
research from Lhe cllnlcal arena ls ln evldence aL ASSC 17, as Lhls area Lakes lLs place as an esLabllshed
sLaple of Lhe annual meeLlngs.

1he varleLy and subsLance of Lhls year's keynoLe Lalks, symposla, and LuLorlals are LesLamenL Lo Lhe
concluslon LhaL Lhe sclenLlflc sLudy of consclousness ls a robusL and growlng enLerprlse. Moreover, Lhe
sub[ecL maLLer of Lhls year's saLelllLe symposlum, 'AcLlon and ercepLlon ln lmmerslve Worlds,' speaks Lo
whaL wlll be posslble ln Lhe fuLure, as vlrLual, lnLeracLlve sysLems are lncreaslngly lncorporaLed lnLo boLh
experlmenLal research paradlgms and everyday llfe. ln parLlcular, Lhough, we musL Lhank rofessors Clullo
1ononl, ChrlsLof koch, Cary Marcus, and SLuarL llresLeln, and Ms. !ennlfer Coldman, who gave freely of
Lhelr Llme Lo parLlclpaLe ln whaL promlses Lo be a compelllng, splrlLed, and fun roundLable dlscusslon of Lhe
lnLegraLed lnformaLlon 1heory of Consclousness.
And so, we owe a huge debL of graLlLude Lo all of you-speakers and posLer presenLers allke-noL only for
your conLrlbuLlons Lo Lhls and oLher ASSC meeLlngs, buL also for belng Lhe dynamlc and susLalnlng force
behlnd a robusL sclence of consclousness.
As ln prevlous ASSC meeLlngs, sLudenL parLlclpaLlon has been, and wlll be, crlLlcal Lo boLh Lhe quallLy of
sclenLlflc conLenL and Lhe overall flavor and funcLlonlng of ASSC 17. SLudenL posLers and Lalks Lhls year
accounL for a subsLanLlal number of hlgh quallLy submlsslons. under Lhe chalrmanshlp of klngson Man, Lhe
SLudenL CommlLLee has been boLh dellberaLlve and proacLlve ln organlzlng such evenLs as Lhe SLudenL
Soclal, posLer [udglng, and Lhe MenLor Lunch, whlch affords sLudenLs an lmporLanL opporLunlLy Lo lnLeracL
wlLh senlor researchers represenLlng a wlde varleLy of flelds and perspecLlves. Moreover, members of Lhe
SLudenL CommlLLee have been acLlve ln soclal medla, Lhelr onllne [ournal clubs, ln whlch Lhe ldeas and
flndlngs of a number of senlor researchers presenLlng aL ASSC 17 have been dlscussed, ls a shlnlng example
of Lhe lnvolvemenL and earnesL commlLmenL of Lhe SLudenL CommlLLee and, lndeed, sLudenL members of
Lhe ASSC overall.
1hls year, ASSC 17 ls convenlng on Parbor lsland, slLuaLed across from Lhe beauLlful San ulego skyllne and
harbor. noLed for an unmlsLakable naval presence (Lhree super carrlers and a number of Los Angeles
aLLack-class nuclear submarlnes are berLhed mlnuLes from our venue), as well as occaslonal Amerlca's Cup
Lrlals, San ulego Parbor ls boLh a sallor's dellghL and a verlLable playground for waLer sporLs of all Lypes.
8uL mosL noLable for us ls our proxlmlLy Lo greaLer San ulego CounLy and easy access Lo Lhe vlbranL
research communlLy LhaL resldes along 1orrey lnes 8oad, Lhe laboraLorles of Lhe Salk lnsLlLuLe, uCSu, 1he
Scrlpps 8esearch lnsLlLuLe, and 1he 8urnham lnsLlLuLe are a mere 23 mlnuLes away by car. ln Lhls veln, Lhe
!"#$%&'( &"*+,-"#+*.++ /.+.'0,% 1'2, assembled by ASSC CommunlcaLlons ulrecLor, Lynn Chlu, hlghllghLs
local research venues LhaL have flgured promlnenLly ln Lhe sclenLlflc sLudy of consclousness. So, whaL
beLLer Llme Lhan now Lo explore Lhe laboraLorles of colleagues engaged ln Lhe work LhaL propels
consclousness research forward?
ASSC 17 currenLly has a presence on boLh lacebook and 1wlLLer. AparL from dlssemlnaLlng breaklng news
abouL Lhe meeLlng, our lacebook page has hlghllghLed Lhe work of many among our currenL rosLer of
speakers. As well, our 1wlLLer page has been afluLLer wlLh LweeLs provldlng llnks Lo news and commenLary
abouL laLe-breaklng work ln consclousness sLudles, and wlll feaLure llve, on-slLe LweeLs durlng ASSC 17. We
Lhank Lynn Chlu and !ennlfer Coldman ln parLlcular for Lhelr llvely conLrlbuLlons Lo all ASSC 17-relaLed
soclal medla.
lor Lhe pasL year, our Local Crganlzlng CommlLLee has been acLlvely spreadlng Lhe word abouL ASSC 17
LhroughouL Callfornla. Members of Lhe commlLLee have been parLlcularly proacLlve ln securlng Lhe small
army of volunLeers needed Lo run Lhe day-Lo-day operaLlons of Lhe meeLlng. So, our hearLfelL Lhanks Lo
1om AlbrlghL, Cedeon ueak, Sergel CepshLeln, !ennlfer Coldman, Ayse Saygln and Ld vul for Lhelr
lnvaluable help ln dlssemlnaLlng ASSC 17 and recrulLlng our hearLy volunLeer crew. We are especlally
graLeful Lo !ennlfer for her boundless enLhuslasm and lnvaluable help ln coordlnaLlng local arrangemenLs
for Lhe meeLlng. Much of whaL you wlll en[oy ln Lhe way of meeLlng amenlLles are due ln no small measure
Lo !ennlfer's efforLs.
needless Lo say, ASSC 17 owes lLs depLh and breadLh-lndeed, lLs very soul-Lo Lhe work and dlllgence of
Lhe SclenLlflc rogram CommlLLee. WlLhouL Lhe Lough dellberaLlons underLaken and hard declslons made
by members of Lhls commlLLee, Lhe program could noL h

ave assumed lLs currenL form. We Lhank commlLLee members PeaLher 8erlln, Pal 8lumenfeld, Cllvla CarLer,
Shlmon Ldelman, Andreas Lngel, Pakwan Lau, uavld 8osenLhal, Corrado Slnlgaglla, and MasaLoshl ?oshlda
for Lhelr dedlcaLlon and for a [ob well done.
WlLhouL an enLhuslasLlc and hardworklng crew of volunLeers Lo run day-Lo-day operaLlons, lL would be
lmposslble Lo reallze a meeLlng of Lhls scale. We're Lherefore lmmensely graLeful all Lhose who have glven
freely of Lhelr Llme Lo provlde ASSC 17 wlLh a funcLlonlng lnfrasLrucLure. We're parLlcularly graLeful Lo
Amlra Pankln and Lvan 8raun for Lhelr help ln assembllng Lhe graphlcs for Lhe meeLlng posLer, Maggle
Ammons for her work on bulldlng Lhe ASSC 17 aLLendee spreadsheeL, and Lve lsham for her careful
proofreadlng of Lhe meeLlng program book.
Ma[or organlzaLlonal efforLs aL all scales requlre slgnlflcanL flnanclal supporL and, of course, paLrons wlLh
Lhe lmaglnaLlon, vlslon, and generoslLy Lo provlde LhaL supporL. ASSC 17 ls no excepLlon, and would never
have become a reallLy wlLhouL such supporL. llrsL and foremosL, for lLs sLeadfasL commlLmenL Lo seelng
ASSC 17 Lo full frulLlon, we are deeply graLeful Lo our hosL lnsLlLuLlon, 1he neurosclences lnsLlLuLe (nSl). ln
parLlcular, ur. W. Llnar Call, vlce resldenL and 8esearch ulrecLor of Lhe nSl unfllnchlngly provlded Lhe
lnlLlal supporL LhaL allowed us Lo secure as our venue Lhe beauLlfully and convenlenLly slLuaLed San ulego
SheraLon PoLel and Marlna. upon hearlng abouL our plan Lo brlng ASSC 17 Lo San ulego, ur. Call
lmmedlaLely responded wlLh words Lo Lhe effecL of, LeL's flgure ouL a way Lo make Lhls happen." And so,
we Lhank ur. Call for hls broad vlslon and generoslLy, Lhe beneflLs of whlch now redound Lo you, noL only as
ASSC 17 aLLendees, buL also as scholars and researchers of consclousness who wlll galn lnslghLs from whaL
you learn here Loday. Such lnslghLs wlll drlve your work far lnLo Lhe fuLure.
llnally, we owe a deep and endurlng debL of graLlLude Lo 1he Mlnd-Sclence loundaLlon
( and !oseph ulal, SclenLlflc Chalr of Lhe Aspen 8raln lorum (hLLp://aspenbralnforum.
com), noL [usL for Lhelr generoslLy Lhls year, buL for Lhe many years of commlLLed supporL Lhey have
provlded for our annual meeLlng.
1hls year, Lhe Mlnd Sclence loundaLlon (MSl) gave $8,300.00 Lo sponsor Lwo ASSC 17 speclal evenLs: Lhe
evenlng of Lalks and muslc ln honor of ur. Cerald Ldelman and Lhe saLelllLe symposlum, 'ercepLlon and
AcLlon ln lmmerslve Worlds.' needless Lo say, lL would noL have been posslble Lo presenL such lmporLanL
and engaglng fare wlLhouL Lhe generoslLy of Lhe MSl and lLs 8oard of ulrecLors. We are graLeful beyond
words Lo MSl LxecuLlve ulrecLor, Merlam Cood, and vlce Chalr and Chlef Sclence Cfflcer, ur. aul
lngmundson, for Lhelr aLLenLlon, care, and unwaverlng supporL LhroughouL Lhe plannlng and execuLlon of
ASSC 17. ConLlnulng Lhe amblLlous vlslon of phllanLhroplsL and enLrepreneur, 1om Sllck, Lhe MSl has been
.dedlcaLed Lo solvlng one of Lhe ma[or quesLlons of modern sclence - Lhe puzzle of human consclousness"
(hLLp:// Clearly, Lhe mlsslon of Lhe MSl has never been more
crlLlcal Lhan lL ls Loday, parLlcularly when federal fundlng for baslc sclence ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes has been on
Lhe wane for so long. And so, Merlam and aul: for your dedlcaLlon Lo 1om Sllck's vlslon, your boundless
energy, commlLmenL Lo Lhe 'care and feedlng' of so many consclousness researchers, and your supporL of,
ASSC 17, we Lhlnk you serlously rock!
As many of you already know, !oseph ulal has been an unwaverlng supporLer and boosLer of consclousness
research, from hls days as LxecuLlve ulrecLor of Lhe Mlnd Sclence loundaLlon Lo Lhe presenL, ln hls role as
Chalrman of Lhe Aspen 8raln lorum. 1hls year, !oseph made a personal glfL of $3,000.00 Lo subsldlze
sLudenL aLLendance of Lhe ASSC 17 8anqueL, Lo be held aL Lhe legendary uel Coronado PoLel. 1he
lmporLance of fosLerlng lnLeracLlons beLween sLudenLs and senlor researchers cannoL be oversLaLed. 1he
opporLunlLy for boLh populaLlons Lo mlngle ln a less formal and more lnLlmaLe seLLlng over a good meal ls
very preclous lndeed.
lL can be sald wlLhouL lrony or exaggeraLlon LhaL, [usL as 1homas Penry Puxley was 'uarwln's 8ulldog,' so
!oseph ulal has, for many years, been 'Consclousness Sclence's 8ulldog' ln Lhe mosL pracLlcal and maLerlal
sense of LhaL monlker. !oseph has sald LhaL .consclousness research ls one of Lhe mosL lmporLanL
endeavors of modern sclence and Lhe ASSC sLudenLs are Lhe fuLure of [LhaL] research." Who are we Lo
argue? Some monLhs ago, !oseph Lold one of us, l've goL your back, broLher!" Pls generoslLy and supporL
of ASSC 17 ls manlfesL proof of LhaL senLlmenL. 1hank you, !oseph.

We would be remlss lf we dld noL menLlon a generous anonymous conLrlbuLlon of $1,000.00 Lo supporL Lhe
muslcal performance by Lhe PuLchlns ConsorL durlng Lhe speclal evenL honorlng ur. Cerald Ldelman. We
know LhaL Lhls concerL wlll burnlsh Lhe evenL and ls parLlcularly apropos of Lhe breadLh of ur. Ldelman's
muslcal lnLeresLs and LalenL. We hope you all en[oy Lhls speclal muslcal offerlng.
LasL buL noL leasL, we owe Cllvla CarLer a Lremendous debL of graLlLude for her sage advlce, keen problem-
solvlng from afar, and deep commlLmenL Lo geLLlng us across Lhe flnlsh llne. We musL add Lo Lhls a sense of
sadness we feel wlLh Lhe reallzaLlon LhaL Lhls meeLlng wlll be Cllvla's lasL as LxecuLlve ulrecLor of Lhe ASSC.
We know LhaL all of you wlll wlsh her well ln whaLever endeavors she Lakes on, boLh as a member of Lhe
assoclaLlon and as an ouLsLandlng sclenLlsL 'Lolllng ln Lhe vlneyards' of consclousness research.
1o conclude, a hearLfelL Lhanks Lo all of you for Lrekklng Lo San ulego from far-flung parLs of Lhe world and
[olnlng us for Lhls annual [ourney lnLo, and celebraLlon of, Lhe hearL of Lhe sclence of consclousness.

uavld and 1oblas
Co-Chalrs, ASSC 17

Comm|ttees, Lxecut|ve 8oard, and Vo|unteer Staff

ASSC 17 Loca| Crgan|z|ng Comm|ttee
Co-Chalrs uavld Ldelman - Sclence, MaLhemaLlcs, and CompuLlng, 8ennlngLon College, uSA
1oblas SchllchL - lnsLlLuLe of hllosophy ll, 8uhr-unlverslLaL 8ochum, Cermany
CommlLLee Ldward vul - unlverslLy of Callfornla, San ulego, uSA
1homas AlbrlghL - 1he Salk lnsLlLuLe for 8lologlcal SLudles, uSA
Cedeon C. ueak - unlverslLy of Callfornla, San ulego, uSA
Sergel CepshLeln - 1he Salk lnsLlLuLe for 8lologlcal SLudles, uSA
Ayse Saygln - unlverslLy of Callfornla, San ulego, uSA
!ennlfer Coldman - McClll unlverslLy and MonLreal neurologlcal lnsLlLuLe, Canada
volunLeer SLaff Maggle Ammons - 8ennlngLon College, uSA
Lvan 8raun - 8ennlngLon College '13, uSA
huonguyen Chu - Creen neurosclence LaboraLory, uSA
Lauren Curley, unlverslLy of Callfornla, uSA
Allce CepshLeln - unlverslLy ClLy Plgh School, uSA
noah Crelfer - unlverslLy of Callfornla, San ulego, uSA
Amlra Pankln - 8ennlngLon College,'13, uSA
Max Pennlng - unlverslLy of SouLhern Callfornla, uSA
Lve lsham, hu - unlverslLy of Callfornla, uavls, uSA
Aklla kadambl - unlverslLy of Callfornla, San ulego, uSA
8rlLLany klelnschnlLz - 8ennlngLon College, uSA
kang (MaLL) Llao - unlverslLy of Callfornla, San ulego, uSA
lauve LybaerL* - CaLhollc unlverslLy of Leuven, 8elglum
1lng-An Lln- naLlonal ?ang-Mlng unlverslLy, 1alwan
klngson Man** - unlverslLy of SouLhern Callfornla, uSA
Allsa Munoz - Creen neurosclence LaboraLory
Ldward nguyen - unlverslLy of Callfornla, San ulego, uSA
Angela ham - unlverslLy of Callfornla, San ulego, uSA
8en SLlllerman - unlverslLy of Callfornla, San ulego, uSA
Aleah SLewarL-Sourls - 8ennlngLon College, uSA
Carol 1hlvlerge - unlverslLy ClLy Plgh School, uSA
MaLeo vargas - unlverslLy of Callfornla, San ulego, uSA
8ebecca Warzer - 8ennlngLon College, uSA
Audre WlrLanen - 8ennlngLon College, uSA
uavld Zhou* - Carnege Mellon unlverslLy, uSA

*3!!& !$#4.*$ &"55-$$.. 5.56.0+
**&%'-07 3!!& !$#4.*$ &"55-$$..

ASSC 17 Sc|ent|f|c rogram Comm|ttee
Co-Chalrs 1oblas SchllchL - lnsLlLuLe of hllosophy ll, 8uhr-unlverslLaL 8ochum, Cermany
uavld Ldelman- Sclence, MaLhemaLlcs, and CompuLlng, 8ennlngLon College, uSA
CommlLLee PeaLher 8erlln - lcahn School of Medlclne aL MounL Slnal, uSA
Pal 8lumenfeld - ?ale unlverslLy School of Medlclne, uSA
Cllvla CarLer - unlverslLy of Melbourne, AusLralla
Shlmon Ldelman - Cornell unlverslLy, uSA
Andreas k. Lngel - unlverslLy Medlcal CenLer, Pamburg-Lppendorf, Cermany
Pakwan Lau - Columbla unlverslLy, 8adboud unlverslLy & unlverslLy of Callfornla, Los
Angeles, uSA
uavld 8osenLhal - ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork, uSA
Corrado Slnlgaglla - unlverslLa degll SLudl dl Mllano, lLaly
MasaLoshl ?oshlda - naLlonal lnsLlLuLe for hyslologlcal Sclences, !apan

ASSC Lxecut|ve 8oard
resldenL Andreas k. Lngel - unlverslLy Medlcal CenLer, Pamburg-Lppendorf, Cermany
resldenL-elecL uavld !. Chalmers - new ?ork unlverslLy & AusLrallan naLlonal unlverslLy, AusLralla
asL resldenL vlcLor Lamme - unlverslLy of AmsLerdam, 1he neLherlands
Members aL large ned 8lock - new ?ork unlverslLy, uSA
Axel Cleeremans - unlverslLe llbre de 8ruxelles, 8elglum
lrederlque de vlgnemonL - !ean-nlcod lnsLlLuLe, arls, lrance
aula uroege - ennsylvanla SLaLe unlverslLy, uSA
1adashl lsa - naLlonal lnsLlLuLe for hyslologlcal Sclences, !apan
Sld koulder - Lcole normale Superleur, arls, lrance


ast ASSC Meet|ngs

Chalrs: Anll SeLh and ZolLan ulenes, unlverslLy of Sussex, !uly 2-6, 2012, 8rlghLon, u.k.

Chalr: 1adashl lsa, !une 9-12, 2011, kyoLo unlverslLy, !apan
Chalr: Mel Coodale, !une 24-27, 2010, unlverslLy of 1oronLo, Canada
Chalrs: !ohn-uylan Paynes, Mlchael auen and aLrlck Wllken, !une 3-8, 2009, PumboldL-unlverslLaL, Cermany
Chalrs: Allen Poung and 8alph Adolphs, !une 19 - 22, 2008, naLlonal 1alwan unlverslLy, 1alpel
Chalrs: SLephen Macknlk and Susana MarLlnez-Conde, !une 22 - 23, 2007, 1he lmperlal alace PoLel, Las vegas
Chalrs: CeralnL 8ees and aLrlck Wllken, !une 23 - 26, 2006, SL. Anne's College, Cxford
Chalrs: ChrlsLof koch and aLrlck Wllken, !une 24 - 27, 2003, Callfornla lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology, asadena
Chalr: Lrlk Myln, !une 23 - 28, 2004, unlverslLy of AnLwerp, AnLwerp
ASSC 7 Models and Mechanlsms of Consclousness
Chalr: SLan lranklln, May 30-!une 2, 2003, unlverslLy of Memphls, Memphls
ASSC 6 Consclousness and Language: 8eporLablllLy and 8epresenLaLlon ln Pumans and Anlmals
Chalrs: Manuel Carc.a-CarplnLero and !osep Macl, May 31-!une 3, 2002, La Calxa loundaLlon Sclence Museum,
ASSC S 1he ConLenLs of Consclousness: ercepLlon, ALLenLlon, and henomenology
!"#$%&' )*+,- )*.,/0,%, #-0 12- 3#-45-, May 27 - 30, 2001, uuke unlverslLy, uurham
ASSC 4 1he unlLy of Consclousness: 8lndlng, lnLegraLlon, and ulssoclaLlon
Chalr: Axel Cleeremans, !une 29 - !uly 2, 2000, unlverslLe Llbre de 8ruxelles, 8russels
ASSC 3 Consclousness and Self: neural, CognlLlve, and hllo sophlcal lssues
Chalr: Mel Coodale, !une 4 - 7, 1999, unlverslLy of WesLern CnLarlo, London
ASSC 2 neural CorrelaLes of Consclousness: Lmplrlcal and ConcepLual lssues
Chalr: 1homas MeLzlnger, !une 19 - 22, 1998, Panse lnsLlLuLe for Advanced SLudy, 8remen
ASSC 1 WhaL uoes lmpllclL CognlLlon 1ell us AbouL Consclousness?
Chalrs: Wllllam 8anks and aLrlck Wllken, !une 13 - 16, 1997, 1he ClaremonL Colleges, ClaremonL


ASSC 17 Lxh|b|tors
Cn lrlday, !uly 12, exhlblLor dlsplays wlll be locaLed ln Lhe Crande loyer. lrom !uly 13-13,
exhlblLor dlsplays wlll be locaLed ln Lhe Parbor lsland loyer.


1he Ml1 ress publlshes dlsLlngulshed scholarly publlcaLlons ln Lhe cognlLlve and braln sclences. new LlLles lnclude: 8"
32.+ /.'4 1-*4+9 by krlsLen Andrews, 1-*4:'#($+ by 8adu 8ogdan, ;%. &"*+,-"#+*.++ <'0'4"= by 8occo
Cennaro, /'4-,'(->-*? @*',$-:-+5 by uanlel PuLLo and Lrlk Myln, A**.0 @=2.0-.*,. '*4 B.#0"+,-.*,. by uonald rlce
and !ames 8arrell, C2.* 1-*4+ by Wolfgang rlnz, 1-*4+%'2-*? by 1adeusz Zawldzkl.

Company representat|ve: h|| Laugh||n
Senlor AcqulslLlons LdlLor
1: +001 (617) 232 - 1636
L: laughlln[
ConLacL deLalls:
1he Ml1 ress
33 Payward SLreeL
Cambrldge MA 02142


Cxford unlverslLy ress ls a deparLmenL of Lhe unlverslLy of Cxford. lL furLhers Lhe unlverslLy's ob[ecLlve of excellence
ln research, scholarshlp, and educaLlon by publlshlng worldwlde. vlslL Lhe Cxford unlverslLy ress sLand Lo purchase a
range of our LlLles on consclousness aL a speclal conference dlscounL."

Company representat|ve: Mart|n 8aum
Commlsslonlng edlLor
1: 01863 334704
L: MarLln.baum[
sychology and neurosclence
Cxford unlverslLy ress
CreaL Clarendon SLreeL
Cx2 6u


San Diego Sheraton Hotel and Marina

San Diego, CA: July 12-16, 2013


Friday, July 12 Saturday, July 13 Sunday, July 14 Monday, July 15
Tutorials 1-4
(21:15 Start)

(Light Dinner
and Cash Bar)
San Diego Sheraton
Hotel & Marina
ASSC Mentor Lunch
Transport to the
Hotel Del Coronado
Sunset Reception
& Banquet
Ocean View Ballroom,
Hotel Del Coronado
Transport Back to
San Diego Sheraton
Hotel and Marina
Reception (Cash Bar)
Poster Session II
























Opening Remarks
James Prize Lecture
Andreas K. Engel
Keynote I
Itzhak Fried
Keynote III
Sabine Kastner
Keynote IV
Patrick Cavanagh
Symposium IV
Ethical Implications
of Detecting
Owen, Naci, Bor,
young, Peterson &
Symposium III
Beyond the
Contrastive Method
Melloni, Dehaene,
Pitts & Block
Keynote II
Shaun Gallagher
Closing Remarks
Symposium I
Role of the
Prefrontal Cortex
in conscious
brown, malach,
levine & rahnev
Special Event
From Matter
to Mind:

Talks and Music
in Honor of
G.M. Edelman,MD,PhD

Poster Session I
Symposium II
Bodily Consciousness
Blanke, Metzinger,
salomon,serino &
de vignemont
Tuesday, July 16
















Special Roundtable:
Debating the Integrated
Information Theory (IIT)
of Consciousness
G.Tononi, C. Koch,
G. Marcus & J. Goldman
S. Firestein
Tutorials 5-8






Beach Bar
Post-Meeting Satellite









coffee / tea coffee / tea
coffee / tea coffee / tea
coffee / tea
coffee / tea
coffee / tea
coffee / tea

Hosted by The Neurosciences Institute
Satellite Symposium:
Perception and Action
in Immersive Worlds
S. Gepshtein
A. McDowell
Satellite Symposium
Perception and Action
in Immersive Worlds

Venue Maps & Locat|ons

San D|ego keg|on Map


San D|ego D|stance Map

San D|ego Locat|ons |n ke|at|on to the San D|ego Sheraton note| and Mar|na


1he San D|ego Sheraton note| & Mar|na

1he San D|ego Sheraton note| & Mar|na: Meet|ng Venue I|oorp|ans


San D|ego Sheraton note| and Mar|na W|I| Log|n Instruct|ons
SSID: SAv_LvenL_SoluLlons
assword: assc17

When connecLlng Lo Lhe hoLel's neLwork on a moblle phone, Lhe splash page wlll auLomaLlcally
open and prompL you Lo enLer Lhe password. lf logglng ln on a lapLop, you wlll need Lo open a
browser and aLLempL Lo navlgaLe Lo a page-any page. 1he splash page wlll Lhen auLomaLlcally
appear, provldlng you wlLh a fleld ln whlch Lo enLer Lhe password.

NC1L: lease remember LhaL Lhe password ls case-senslLlve, enLer lowercase leLLers only.


Deta||ed rogram
Ir|day, Iu|y 12th
1|me Lvent resenter(s) koom age
9:00 1utor|a| Workshops
M1 uslng 8ayeslan Approaches Lo lnLerpreL non-slgnlflcanL
M2 lnLegraLed lnformaLlon, redlcLlve Codlng and ualla

M3 llrsL-erson MeLhods: hllosophers' ureams or
8esearchers' nlghLmares

M4 Measurlng (un)awareness

ZolLan ulenes

Anll SeLh &
8yoLa kanal

!ennlfer M. WlndL
Sascha 8. llnk

uavld Carmel &
SLephen llemlng

Naut||us 1

Naut||us 2

Naut||us 3

Naut||us 4





12:00 Lunch


1utor|a| Workshops

A1 lnvesLlgaLlng anlmal paln and consclousness

A2 8epresenLaLlonal Lheorles of consclousness

A3 1he lnLegraLed lnformaLlon Lheory of consclousness

A4 ueclpherlng Lhe lnformaLlon conLalned ln paLLerns of
human braln acLlvlLy

aula uroege

8occo !. Cennaro

Clullo 1ononl,
ChrlsLof koch, nao
1suchlya, Masafuml

lrank 1ong

Naut||us 1

Naut||us 2

Naut||us 3

Naut||us 4




16:00 Coffee/1ea


16:30 Cpenlng 8emarks & !ames rlze LecLure Grande
8a||room C

17:13 resldenLlal Address

Andreas k. Lngel 14
18:30 8ecepLlon Lobby

21:13 ASSC SLudenL Soclal 9:,: ;%$/+

Saturday, Iu|y 13th
1|me Lvent resenter(s) koom age


keynote Lecture I
Memorles and vollLlons: lnslghLs from Slngle neuron
8ecordlngs ln Lhe Puman 8raln

lLzhak lrled





narbor Is|.



Sympos|um 1: 1he ro|e of the prefronta| cortex |n
consc|ous exper|ence

Local neuronal lgnlLlons" and percepLual awareness

1hree roblems for Plgher-Crder 1houghL 1heorles

Plgher order aLLenLlonal conLrlbuLlons Lo sub[ecLlve

Consclousness wlLhouL flrsL-order represenLaLlons

Chalr: 8lchard 8rown

8afl Malach

!oseph Levlne

uobromlr 8ahnev

8lchard 8rown








ASSC MenLor Lunch


13:30 Spec|a| koundtab|e D|scuss|on: Debat|ng the Integrated
Informat|on 1heory (II1) of Consc|ousness
Clullo 1ononl,
ChrlsLof koch, Cary
Marcus, !ennlfer

ModeraLor: SLuarL
13:00 Coffee/1ea narbor



Concurrent Sess|ons:

C1.1: Attent|on & 1|me Consc|ousness

ercepLual Load and Lhe awareness of Llme

uanLlfylng 1emporal Consclousness

ShuLLlng down Lhe world (ln your mlnd): sponLaneous mlnd-
wanderlng assoclaLed wlLh and predlcLed by Lhreshold
flucLuaLlons ln consclous percepLlon.

neural slgnaLures of consclous face percepLlon: 1he n170 ls
absenL durlng lnaLLenLlonal bllndness

My fuLure self and me: prospecLlve memory and Lemporal

ALLenLlonal aLLracLors: Lxplalnlng Lhe conLrasLlng effecLs of
dlfferenL numbers of cues aL aLLended and unaLLended

C1.2: Lmbod|ment, Lxtended consc|ousness, and n|gher-
Crder 1heory

1owards a SclenLlflcally 1racLable, ulrecL 8eallsL,
SensorlmoLor AccounL of Lxperlence

Seelng Absence

LxLended CognlLlon, LxLended Consclousness?

uavld !ames

Lve A. lsham

Mlkael 8asLlan

!ulleL ShafLo

?lng-1ung Lln

uavld Carmel

Mlke 8eaLon

Anya larennlkova

1oblas SchllchL

Naut||us 1

Naut||us 2













1ool use modulaLes boLh consclous and unconsclous
represenLaLlons of body shape

1roubles wlLh Plgher-Crder 1houghL 1heorles of
Consclousness: an Cb[ecLlon from Pydranencephaly

SomaLoparaphrenla and Plgher-Crder 1houghLs

C 1.3: Consc|ousness & Unconsc|ousness

lnLeracLlon beLween sponLaneous flucLuaLlon and audlLory
evoked acLlvlLy durlng wakefulness and propofol-lnduced
loss of consclousness: an LLC-fM8l sLudy

SlgnaLures of consclousness and predlcLors of recovery ln
vegeLaLlve and mlnlmally consclous paLlenLs

1he reach of Lhe unconsclous

1hreshold for sub[ecLlve vlslblllLy ls assoclaLed wlLh sLrlaLal
dopamlne u2 recepLor blndlng

neurodynamlcs of LranslLlons beLween sleep and
wakefulness revealed by Cranger causallLy analysls of
lnLracranlal LLC daLa

unconsclous arlLhmeLlc -arlLhmeLlc problems are solved
wlLhouL consclous awareness
Luke L. Mlller

karen ?an

8occo Cennaro

Cllvla Cosserles

!acobo u. SlLL

Axel Cleeremans

llllp van CpsLal

Anll k. SeLh

Asael ?. Sklar & 8an
8. Passln

Naut||us 3











keynote Lecture II
Consclousness ln CuLer Space

Shaun Callagher




Spec|a| Lvent -
Irom Matter to M|nd:
1a|ks and mus|c* |n honor of
Gera|d M. Lde|man, MD, hD

Anll k. SeLh
Cllver Sacks (vldeo)
aul l.M.!.verschure
D=.' <-+).1/5




ost-event: Cpen 8ar kecept|on


Sunday, Iu|y 14th
1|me Lvent resenter(s) koom age


keynote Lecture III
neural neLwork uynamlcs for ALLenLlonal SelecLlon

Sablne kasLner






10:30 Sympos|um II: ro[ect|ng bod||y consc|ousness: now the Chalrs: Claf 8lanke, narbor 17

body affects consc|ousness |n persona|, per|persona| and
|nterpersona| space

8ody-bulldlng-awareness: 8odlly facLors shaplng our

SpaLlal boundarles of 8ody-self Consclousness

Seelng oLher people's bodles
1homas MeLzlnger

8oy Salomon

Andrea Serlno

lrederlque de







oster Sess|on I


4 & S




Concurrent Sess|ons:

C2.1: Iee||ng, Consc|ousness and dec|s|on-mak|ng

ls consclousness lnvolved ln dellberaLe declslon maklng?
Lvldence from lnLracranlal recordlngs

rospecLs for an experlmenLal phllosophy of mlnd:
experlmenLal phllosophy wlLh or wlLhouL lnLulLlons?

venLral SLrlaLum buL noL venLromedlal refronLal CorLex
8epresenLs SLlmulus value wlLhouL ercepLual Awareness

1he mechanlsm of cholce bllndness: clues from paLLerns of
preference alLeraLlon

Why has feellng noL (yeL) been selecLed agalnsL?
PomeosLasls, valence and blologlcal value

uecodlng Lhe dynamlcs of acLlon, lnLenLlon, and error-
deLecLlon for consclous and subllmlnal sLlmull

C2.2: Metacogn|t|on

MeLacognlLlon versus Mlndreadlng, Some ulfferences from
Lrror Awareness SLudles

MeLacognlLlon and Lwo klnds of vlsual awareness

A new MeLhod for ManlpulaLlng MeLacognlLlve Awareness
whlle keeplng erformance ConsLanL

MeLacognlLlon and CognlLlve lnslghL: 1wo sldes of Lhe same

1he effecLs of meLacognlLlve awareness on Lop-down
cognlLlve conLrol

ulssoclable effecLs of aLLenLlon and expecLaLlon on
percepLual declslon and meLacognlLlon

url Maoz

!ennlfer M. WlndL

Lella M. kouhsarl

llya larber

leLro (Cesare
Andrea) Snlder

Lucle Charles

SanLlago Arango-

Pakwan Lau

Man Song

Lmma C. almer

Al kolzuml

Maxlne Sherman

Naut||us 1

Naut||us 2

















C2.3: ercept|on

ulsLlncL MLC correlaLes of consclous experlence, percepLual
reversals and sLablllzaLlon durlng blnocular rlvalry

A cellular mechanlsm for percepLual blndlng

Causal role of gamma osclllaLlons ln blsLable percepLlon
revealed by Lranscranlal alLernaLlng currenL sLlmulaLlon

1ranslenL lnduced gamma-band responses ln MLC durlng
blnocular rlvalry: uo Lhey reflecL percepLual LranslLlons or

Lmergence of lllusory shapes from lnvlslble lnducers

Plgh-level conLexLual lnLegraLlon wlLhouL awareness:
evldence from unconsclous processlng ln vlsual masklng

krlsLlan Sandberg

MaLLhew Larkum

Melanle Wllke

Lalla Pugrass

Mar[an ersuh

Llad Mudrlk

Naut||us 3









keynote Lecture IV
ercelved LocaLlon: A new Measure of ALLenLlon

aLrlck Cavanagh




1ransporL Lo PoLel Coronado

SunseL 8ecepLlon & 8anqueL

1ransporL back Lo 1he San ulego SheraLon PoLel & Marlna


<*+'( F'(

note| De|

Monday, Iu|y 1Sth
1|me Lvent resenter(s) koom age





Sympos|um III: 8eyond the contrast|ve method: now to
separate the neura| corre|ates of consc|ousness from |ts
precursors and consequences

ulsLllllng Lhe neural CorrelaLes of Consclousness

uslng MLC Lo Lrack consclous access and lLs non-consclous

lsolaLlng nCCs LhaL are necessary and sufflclenL for vlsual

Chalr: Lucla Mellonl

Lucla Mellonl

SLanlslas uehaene

Mlchael lLLs

I & II





Core vs. 1oLal nCC ned 8lock 18


Lunch 8reak




Concurrent Sess|ons

C3.1.: Consc|ousness, Access, and Sub[ect|ve Conf|dence

CaLegorlcal [udgmenLs ln vlsual overflow

LxpecLaLlons acceleraLe enLry lnLo awareness

Cenerlc henomenology and arLlal 8eporL aradlgms

Cross-modal predlcLlon changes Lhe Llmlng of consclous
access durlng Lhe moLlon-lnduced bllndness

Subllmlnal oddball L8 effecLs: sychophyslologlcal
evldence for complex unconsclous processlng

1he effecL of sLlmulus sLrengLh on sub[ecLlve confldence

C3.2: Consc|ousness, Se|f and Un|ty

8e-1hlnklng Lhe unlLy of Consclousness

ALLenLlon and Lhe roblem of unlLy

lrom uarwln Lo lreud: ConfabulaLlon as an adapLlve
response Lo dysfuncLlons of self-consclousness

lnLersecLlon of percepLlon and cognlLlon & cross-modal
experlences: new lnslghLs lnLo unlfled consclousness

l am whaL l am

1racklng ersons Cver 1lme ls 1racklng WhaL?

C3.3: M|sce||aneous

uslng 1ralnlng Lo SlmulaLe SynaesLhesla ln AdulLhood

1he corLlcal exclLablllLy and neurochemlcal markers of
vlsual cognlLlon ln synaesLhesla

A neural marker of percepLual consclousness ln lnfanLs

Seelng wlLh your hearL: Can you feel whaL you consclously
do noL noLlce?

uo sub[ecLlve, ob[ecLlve and lndlrecL measures of
percepLlon reflecL quallLaLlvely dlfferenL mechanlsms?

Measurlng Lhe level of consclousness ln flles wlLh
lnLegraLed lnformaLlon

ken Mogl

?alr lnLo

Penry Shevlln

Acer ?u-Chan Chang

8rlan SllversLeln

SLephen M. llemlng

8oberL van Cullck

Carolyn ulcey

aula uroege

Aleksandra Mroczko-

Shlmon Ldelman

Andrew 8rook

uanlel 8or

uevln 8. 1erhune

Sld koulder

loLr Wlnklelman

uomlnlque Lamy

naoLsugu 1suchlya

Naut||us 1

Naut||us 2

Naut||us 3






















14:30 oster Sess|on II

4 & S



Sympos|um IV: Lth|ca| |mp||cat|ons of detect|ng awareness

uslng fM8l Lo assess consclous awareness ln paLlenLs wlLh
dlsorders of consclousness - pracLlcal conslderaLlons

uslng mulLlple neurolmaglng Lechnlques Lo assess Lhe
quallLy of consclous awareness ln uCC paLlenLs

CbsLacles aL Lhe lnLerface beLween advances ln cognlLlve
neurosclence and cllnlcal pracLlce

ConcepLual foundaLlons for assesslng declslon-maklng
capaclLy ln dlsorders of consclousness

navlgaLlng Lhe LranslLlon beLween research and LreaLmenL
when lnLegraLlng novel neurolmaglng Lechnlques ln medlcal

Adrlan M. Cwen &
Andrew eLerson

Lorlna nacl

uanlel 8or

8ryan ?oung

Andrew eLerson

Charles Wel[er









C|os|ng kemarks



ASSC 17 AfLer arLy by Lhe 8each E8.$'-(+ ;F3G


oster Sess|on 1, Sunday 14
, 13:30 - 1S:30 EB'#$-(#+ H I JG

resenter 1|t|e oster age
Dean Iames 8eckw|th Mlnd and self: navlgaLlng sLreams of consclousness Lhrough an
ocean of oLher
1-001 S7
Lmma eng Ch|en lnLeracLlon 1heory, lndlvlduallsm and AuLlsm 1-002 61
Stephen k. De|ss CurrenL sclence of consclousness ls lnconslsLenL or lncompleLe (or
1-003 64
Me||ssa D|xon Carva[a| 8odlly Awareness and Lhe schema/lmage dlsLlncLlon 1-004 S9
Lu|s n. Iave|a uynamlcal SysLems, represenLaLlons, and consclousness 1-003 70
L|u 1zu Ieng 8ody swap llluslon and Lhe flrsL-person pronounces 1-006 70
Steven Gab|e PlsLorlcal consclousness, percepLual blndlng, and Lhe formaLlon of
soclal memory
1-007 73
Shan Gao A quanLum argumenL for hyslcallsm 1-008 73
Stuart nameroff uC1 ls PC1: 1he 'deeper order LhoughL' Lheory of consclousness 1-009 78
Ionas nartmann Consclousness from 8eflexlon - a hypoLhesls regardlng Lhe
emergence of qualla
1-010 78
ao-Wen ns|eh MenLal causaLlon ln Lhe parallel dlsLrlbuLed processlng neural
1-011 80
Shun-|n nsu Changes Lo Lhe phenomenal world: acqulrlng a concepL or a quale? 1-012 80
L|ng-Iang kuo ls free wlll a sLaLe or a process? 1-014 86
ka eung Leung AuLlsm, complex emoLlons, and Lhe symbollc represenLaLlons 1-013 87
|-Chen L|n A new perspecLlve on Lhe debaLe on synaesLhesla 1-016
Ayca Mazman lalse 8ellef ALLrlbuLlon: An lnvesLlgaLlon of Lhe neural paLLern
1-017 92
Nathan|e| A. Mor| AdmlLLlng Lhe pragmaLlc reallLy of mulLlply reallzed menLal sLaLes 1-018 92
Dan|| N. kazeev CognlLlve machlnery and phenomenal flow of consclousness 1-019 102
kateryna Samo||ova lnLrospecLlon of LhoughLs 1-020 104
krant| Saran CognlLlve peneLraLlon: WhaL's under Lhe hood? 1-021 10S
Adam Shr|ver ls Lhere a dlsLlncLlve common quallLy" ln Lhe experlence of
1-022 109
Vas||e|os 1sompan|d|s 8eLween memory Lheorles and speclous presenL Lheorles 1-023 113
Wan[a W|ese MedlLaLlon lmproves preclslon expecLaLlons 1-024 116
Ierry ang A sLudy on Lhe lndependence of Lheorles of menLal sLaLe
lndlvlduaLlon and Lheorles of menLal conLenL lndlvlduaLlon
1-023 119

Neurosc|ence (17)
resenter 1|t|e oster age
Lar|ssa A|bantak|s lnLrlnslc causaLlon and consclousness 1-026 S0
konstant|n Anokh|n llngerprlnLs of sub[ecLlve experlence ln Lhe anlmal braln 1-027 S2
Arnaud De|orme lncreased gamma bralnwaves ampllLude ln dlfferenL medlaLlon
1-028 6S

|ufang Iu neural correlaLes of consclous and unconsclous processlng ln
lmpllclL sequence learnlng
1-029 71
nagar Ge|bard-Sag|v Puman slngle-neuron correlaLes of blnocular rlvalry 1-030 74
Cassandra Gou|d 8CLu acLlvaLlon ln color-selecLlve areas ls modulaLed by sub[ecLlve
experlence ln grapheme-color synaesLhesla
1-032 76
Sara k|mm|ch Sex dlfferences ln Lhe cllnlcal expresslon and resLlng sLaLe braln
connecLlvlLy ln blpolar dlsorder
1-033 81
Stan|ey k|e|n A new Lechnology for sLudylng vlsual qualla 1-033 82
kenr| kodaka SpaLlal aLLracLlon wlLh causallLy percepLlon based on seml-
lnLenLlonal acLlon Lhrough synchronlzed Lapplng exchange beLween
Lwo persons
1-036 83
eter kn|g ercepLual changes and emoLlonal lmpacL of sensory augmenLaLlon 1-037 83
1sutomu Murata Lmergence of consclous percepLs ln degraded lmages:
phenomenology and sLochasLlc model based on feaLure-
comblnaLlon codlng of vlsual ob[ecLs
1-039 93
Ak|h|ko N|kkun| neural mechanlsms of normal and dlsrupLed confldence ln sensory
1-040 94
nyeong-dong ark PearL-braln lnLeracLlons shape vlsual consclousness 1-041 97
Mar|o Mart|nez-Sa|to 8eflecLlons of vlsual uncerLalnLy and sub[ecLlve confldence on
memory load and pupll dllaLlon
1-042 91
koy Sa|omon 8alanclng vlsual consclousness: naLural vesLlbular sLlmulaLlon
modulaLes access Lo vlsual consclousness ln a conLlnuous flash
suppresslon Lask
1-043 103
Wendy k. k|ao A behavloral paradlgm for lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe mechanlsms of
consclous reporL
1-044 117
1oru anagawa LsLlmaLlon of Lhe number of lnLernal sLaLes ln Lhe braln as an
lndlcaLor for Lhe consclous level and conLenL: an LCoC sLudy ln
1-043 118

sycho|ogy (26)
resenter 1|t|e oster age
naze| Anderson PypnoLlc synaesLhesla, ls lL behavlorally slmllar Lo naLural
1-046 S1
Anna Anzu|ew|cz uoes level of processlng lnfluence Lhe LranslLlon from unconsclous
Lo consclous processlng of sLlmull?
1-047 S2
1omoh|sa Asa| lllusory body-ownershlp for Lhe proxy hand causes auLomaLlc
compensaLlve movemenL Loward lL
1-048 S3
Anne Atas Pow does unconsclous lnhlblLlon accumulaLe over Llme? 1he speclflc
role of response laLency and lLs relaLlon wlLh prlme-LargeL delay
1-049 S4
8en[am|n 8a|rd ALLenLlon durlng sponLaneous consclous LhoughL: dlffuse or
1-030 S6
Dam|en 8revers lmpalred meLacognlLlve capaclLles ln lndlvlduals wlLh problem
1-031 S8
Done|son L. Du|any llrsL and Lhlrd person Lheory, Lhlrd person daLa, and meLhodology of
compeLlLlve supporL
1-032 68
Ak|h|ro korek| LxaggeraLed self ln schlzophrenla evaluaLed by Lhe sense of agency
Lask (neo-kelo meLhod)
1-033 84
M|ng-N| Lee lrequency of precognlLlve dreams and lucld dreams: dlfferenLlal 1-034 87

paLLerns of assoclaLlon wlLh consclousness ln lmpacLful dream
Chun-u L|n Pow do calendrlcal savanLs answer daLe quesLlons? 1-033 89
Iean-au| Noe| lull body perlpersonal space as Lhe self's sphere 1-036 9S
Marta koczn|ewska lmpllclL evaluaLlon of compeLences as a funcLlon of goal-pursulL 1-037 103
Sebast|en Mart| lnLrospecLlon reveals coverL lnLenLlons durlng serlal search 1-039 90
1a|suke Mor|ta ulfference beLween Lhe naLure of lnvolunLary and volunLary
memorles for fuLure evenLs
1-060 93
Ldward Nguyen AffecLlve prlmlng by blologlcal moLlon 1-061 94
Iay A. C|son Pow maglclans lnfluence cholce wlLhouL awareness 1-062 96
Anto|ne asqua|| Consclousness dynamlclLy and Lhe duarchlcal model 1-063 98
h|||p rnamets 8laslng moral cholce by lnLerrupLlng gaze - a dynamlcal sysLems
1-064 98
kebecca kab|nov|ch know your feellngs: neural basls of lndlvldual dlfferences ln emoLlon
1-063 101
Samantha S. keeves Comparlng Lhe effecLs of subllmlnal prlmes and phrases on worklng
memory performance: are Lhey medlaLed by moLlvaLlon?
1-066 102
Magda|ena Senderecka Consclous and unconsclous error processlng ln AuPu chlldren: an
evenL-relaLed poLenLlals sLudy of Lhe sLop-slgnal Lask
1-067 107
Iody Stan|ey Color and lumlnance lnfluence, buL cannoL explaln blnocular rlvalry
onseL blas
1-067 110
etra Vetter Consclous percepLlon of apparenL moLlon enhances predlcLablllLy 1-068 11S
Lee-k|eng ang A compuLaLlonal model of Lhe rubber hand llluslon 1-069 119
8reanne erkes ALLenLlon modulaLes audlLory sLream segregaLlon conLexL effecLs 1-070 120
eremen 2|v Measures of consclous and unconsclous percepLlon wlLh percepLual
and aLLenLlonal manlpulaLlon of consclousness
1-071 99

C||n|ca| and M|sce||aneous
resenter 1|t|e oster age
Ne|son Abreu Lvldence and meLhodology for lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe hypoLhesls of Lhe
ouL-of-body experlence as an ob[ecLlve evenL
1-072 49
ke|ko Iu[|| uevelopmenL of mulLlsensory lnLegraLlon and predlcLlon: feLus
slmulaLlon wlLh a corLex model
1-073 118
Irancesco G|or|ando A pracLlcal exploraLlon of lnformaLlon Lheorles of consclousness 1-074 7S
V|rg|| Gr|ff|th An lmproved measure of lnformaLlon lnLegraLlon based on synergy 1-073 77
Sho Mor|guch| ulssoclaLlve dlsorders develop Lhelr sympLoms ln a parLlcular order 1-076 92
Wa|ter Sanchez-Suarez Anxlous anlmals? A novel meLhod for assesslng Lhe awareness of
emoLlons ln nonhuman anlmals
1-078 104
uk| Sato LffecLs of vlbroLacLlle blofeedback devlce on posLural sLablllLy
wlLhouL vlsual lnformaLlon ln healLhy young adulLs
1-079 10S
ke|suke 1akahata AffecLlve modulaLlon of agency and lLs role ln self-servlng and self-
blamlng blas
1-080 112
asunor| amada uoes embodlmenL conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe developmenL of consclousness?
leLus slmulaLlon wlLh a LhalamocorLlcal model
1-081 118

oster Sess|on 2, Monday 1S
, 14:30 - 16:30 EB'#$-(#+ H I JG

resenter 1|t|e oster age
Marcus Abund|s syche as an lnformaLlonal sLraLegy 2-001 49
Car|os Acosta Cn Lhe physlologlcal generaLlon of anLlnomles and paradoxes 2-002 49
Szu-M|n Chan Who has beLLer worklng memory, chlmpanzees or humans? 2-003 60
Ch|eh-L|ng Cheng MenLal 8epresenLaLlon: Symbollc or plcLorlal? 2-004 60
nu|-M|ng Ch|n 1hree levels of self-consclousness 2-003 61
huonguyen Vu Chu 1ales of creaLlvlLy and consclousness 2-006 63
A|ex Lnescu Cnelros sLaLes of sub[ecLlvlLy and Lhelr phllosophlcal lmpllcaLlons 2-007 69
Nem|ra Gas|unas vlsual experlences have graph-llke conLenLs 2-009 74
Iav|er Gomez-Lav|n 1he end of worklng memory 2-010 76
og| n. nend||n 1he case for lnLerspecles dlscourse eLhlcs 2-011 79
atr|ck n|nds Muslc and consclousness: Lhe hard problem of muslcal value 2-012 79
1|ng-An L|n WhaL ls Lhe mosL fundamenLal unlLy of consclousness? 2-013 88
1ed Lougheed aylng aLLenLlon Lo yourself: Lhe relaLlonshlps among eplsodlc
memory, aLLenLlon, and self-consclousness
2-014 89
Lukasz kurowsk| 1aklng a [ab aL Lhe 'hard problem' 2-013 86
nao ang 1wo klnds of concepL relaLed Lo Lhe phenomenal conLenL of
2-016 97
V|ncent |cc|uto 1he emperor ls sLlll naked: Lhere ls no emplrlcal case for
consclousness ln vlrLue of LargeLless PC1s
2-017 100
Iu|||a ||ushch Mlnd wanderlng as a posslble mechanlsm of self-decepLlon 2-018 100
L|sa uadt 1owards a worklng deflnlLlon of soclal cognlLlon 2-019 101
unn Ueng When are we deLermlned? 2-020 114
Mateo Vargas 1he many mlnds of medlLaLlon: a survey of Lhe varled Lechnlques of
modern medlLaLlon research
2-021 11S
M|kke| C. V|nd|ng WhaL do we mean when we ask 'uo we have free wlll'? 2-022 11S

resenter 1|t|e oster age
kerxes D. Ars|wa||a Are resonances ln lnLegraLed lnformaLlon slgnaLures of consclous
2-024 S3
Se|en Atasoy SpecLral Lheory of consclousness 2-023 SS
Cor|nne 8areham Loslng Lhe lefL slde of Lhe world durlng sleep onseL: neglecL-llke
effecLs on a vlsual prlor-enLry Lask ln drowsy normal parLlclpanLs
2-026 S6
1C Ch|ang SLlmulaLlon ln Lhe venLrolaLeral prefronLal corLex lncreases guesslng
responses ln a feaLure blndlng Lask
2-027 62
Iason G. I|e|scher 1he case for uslng braln-based devlces Lo sLudy consclousness 2-029 71
Lou|se Goup|| lnduclng Lask-relevanL responses ln Lhe sleeplng braln 2-030 84
Co||n G. na|es lssues ln neuromorphlc englneerlng as an emplrlcal approach Lo Lhe
sclence of consclousness
2-031 77
kar|n Ludw|g 1he relaLlonshlp beLween depLh of lnLerocular suppresslon and
neural processlng of vlsual ob[ecL sLlmull
2-033 90

Lau M||er Andersen vlsual awareness negaLlvlLy correlaLes wlLh small changes ln
consclous experlence
2-034 S1
Iared L. keser 1he neurologlcal process responslble for menLal conLlnulLy:
reclprocaLlng LransformaLlons beLween a worklng memory updaLlng
funcLlon and an lmagery generaLlon sysLem
2-033 102
Manue| Schabus SpecLral LLC aL resL predlcLs behavloral appearance ln dlsorders of
2-036 106
Adam Sha| 1he neurophyslology of feedback: a mechanlsm for blndlng 2-037 107
ke|suke Suzuk| MulLlsensory lnLegraLlon across lnLerocepLlve and exLerocepLlve
domalns modulaLes Lhe experlence of body ownershlp
2-038 111
8runo van Sw|nderen ercepLual suppresslon mechanlsms ln Lhe fly braln: lnslghLs lnLo
loss of consclousness
2-039 114
osh| 1amor| MulLlmodal relaLlon beLween percepLual slmulLanelLy and neural
2-040 112
A|exandra V|assova unconsclous processlng lmproves sensory declslon-maklng 2-041 116
8ochra Iama| 2are|n| CognlLlve complexlLy and dlsorders of consclousness 2-042 120
Dav|d We| 2hou ercolaLlon model for elecLrophyslologlcal effecLs and loss of
consclousness durlng general anesLhesla
2-043 121

resenter 1|t|e oster age
A|||son k. A||en 1he reflexlve lmagery Lask: unlnLenLlonal lmagery desplLe exLenslve
Lralnlng and volunLary seL selecLlon
2-044 S0
Dar|usz Asanow|cz Cn Lhe llnearlLy of Lhreshold for vlsual awareness ln Lhe laLerallzed
Lwo-sLream 8Sv Lask
2-043 S4
8ert W|ndey vlsual experlence depends on level of processlng 2-046 S8
Lvan Carr 1ransformlng Lhe mlrror: Plerarchlcal 'verLlcallLy' fundamenLally
changes sponLaneous faclal mlmlcry
2-047 S9
|-Chen Chen 1he effecL of elecLro-acupuncLure on vlsual aLLenLlon 2-048 60
kobe Desender 1he power of real-llfe sLlmull ln unconsclously Lrlggered response
2-049 66
M|a uan Dong Measurlng moLor consclousness: developlng a scale for sense of
2-031 67
Andres Gomez Lm||sson 8ulldlng a roadmap of human emoLlon: Lhe blg flve emoLlon clusLers 2-032 76
Nathan Ia|vre MulLlsensory lnLegraLlon wlLhouL awareness: a facLorlal sLudy 2-033 69
Ar|e| Go|dste|n unconsclous movemenL processlng and predlcLlon 2-034 7S
n|sato Ima| When our memory ls sponLaneously reLrleved: a dlary sLudy on
prospecLlve memory
2-033 81
osh|ak| ko A deLecLlon LheoreLlc explanaLlon of bllndslghL suggesLs a llnk
beLween consclous percepLlon and meLacognlLlon
2-037 82
Lara C. kr|sst Subllmlnal prlmlng of sponLaneously experlenced memorles 2-038 8S
M|chae| kubovy Shleldlng consclousness from amblgulLy: we know noLhlng abouL
whaL we dld noL see ln an amblguous dlsplay
2-039 8S
1|mothy Lane SwlLchlng aLLenLlon Lo Lhe rubber hand 2-060 86
1|ngt|ng L| Worklng memory modulaLes consclous and unconsclous cognlLlve
conLrol ln a meLaconLrasL masklng Lask
2-061 88

L|ko Matsuda SynaesLhesla: ConLlnuous or dlscreLe? A sLudy on Lhe prevalence of
number personlflcaLlon ln !apan
2-062 91
uta N|sh|yama uncovered dlscrepancles beLween parL and whole ln soclal
2-063 9S
S|mon nv||d de| |n 1he process dlssoclaLlon procedure ls noL an exhausLlve measure of
2-064 6S
Ayse . Sayg|n unconsclous percepLlon of blologlcal moLlon 2-063 106
Mark Shaw SusLalned elecLrophyslologlcal acLlvlLy reflecLs percepLual awareness
for dlfferenL ob[ecL caLegorles
2-066 108
N|co|as Stefan|ak 1he semanLlc prlmlng effecL: how Lo explaln lndlvldual dlfferences? 2-067 110
1homas Strandberg uslng cholce bllndness Lo slfL pollLlcal aLLlLudes and voLer lnLenLlons 2-068 111
Ioana 1|ncas vlsual sampllng and lnLegraLlon of lnformaLlon ln ob[ecL recognlLlon 2-069 113

C||n|ca| and M|sce||aneous
resenter 1|t|e oster age
neather 8er||n neurolmaglng of olfacLlon ln obsesslve-compulslve dlsorder 2-070 S7
Ian-1|ng Chu aln ln women: Larly percepLual processlng of emoLlonal prosody ln
prlmary dysmenorrhea
2-071 62
Norbert Irstenau SlmulaLlng blsLable percepLlon wlLh perlodlcally lnLerrupLed
amblguous sLlmulus uslng sLochasLlc self osclllaLor dynamlcs wlLh
percepL cholce blfurcaLlon
2-072 72
Loretta Norton lnnovaLlve prognosLlc LesLlng of comaLose paLlenLs uslng fM8l 2-074 96
G||berto de a|va roposal of a paLLern recognlLlon model Lo cognlLlve sclence and
hllosophy of Mlnd
2-073 66
Caro| D| err| vegeLaLlve sLaLe: 1he mlsslng plece of Lhe puzzle 2-076 67
Andrew eterson 1he braln aL war: LplsLemlc and eLhlcal lmpllcaLlons of -blocker
Lherapy for combaL-lnduced 1Su
2-077 99
Max|m Stamenov Lexlcal relaLlons, menLal re-presenLaLlons and Lhe opposlLes of
2-079 109


keynote Lectures

res|dent|a| Address
Andreas k Lnge|
uepL. of neurophyslology and aLhophyslology, unlverslLy Medlcal CenLer Pamburg-Lppendorf, 20246 Pamburg,

lrlday, !uly 12Lh, 17:30 - 18:30 EK0'*4. F'((0""5 &G

Intr|ns|c Coup||ng Modes and Consc|ousness
lL has been proposed LhaL funcLlonal coupllng of neural slgnals may be lnvolved ln several processes lndlspensable for
consclousness, lncludlng lnLegraLlon, selecLlon and rouLlng of relevanL lnformaLlon. Lvldence ls accumulaLlng LhaL
Lhese processes are sLrongly deLermlned by Lhe lnLrlnslc dynamlcs of Lhe braln, reflecLed ln speclflc coupllng paLLerns
LhaL can also be observed ln Lhe absence of sLlmull or Lasks. 1he presenLaLlon wlll dlscuss recenL sLudles on changes of
such lnLrlnslc coupllng modes under anesLhesla and ln blsLable sLlmulus paradlgms. Whlle Lhe former suggesL LhaL
lnLrlnlslc coupllng modes may be lmporLanL ln regulaLlng levels of consclousness, Lhe laLLer demonsLraLe LhaL Lhey also
predlcL changes ln Lhe conLenLs of consclous sLaLes.

keynote Lecture I
Itzhak Ir|ed
rofessor of neurosurgery, unlverslLy of Callfornla, Los Angeles & 1el-Avlv Medlcal CenLer and 1el-Avlv unlverslLy
SaLurday, !uly 13Lh, 9:00 - 10:00 EL'06"0 A+('*4 AA I AAAG
Memor|es and Vo||t|ons: Ins|ghts from S|ng|e Neuron kecord|ngs |n the numan 8ra|n
Slngle neuron recordlngs ln neurosurglcal paLlenLs provlde a rare opporLunlLy Lo examlne Lhe lnner worklngs of Lhe
human mlnd ln consclous sub[ecLs who can reporL Lhelr memorles and vollLlons. neuronal mechanlsms ln Lhe medlal
Lemporal lobe, expllclL aL Lhe slngle neuron level, underlle Lhe LransformaLlon of exLernal lnformaLlon Lo menLal
consLrucLs, whlch wlll laLer be avallable for consclous processlng. AL Lhe same Llme, neuronal mechanlsms ln Lhe
medlal fronLal lobe underlle Lhe LransformaLlon of acLlon programs lnLo consclously recognlzed vollLlons. 1ogeLher
Lhen Lhese neuronal neLworks, accessed by slngle neuron recordlngs, provlde lmporLanL componenLs of Lhe sLream of
consclousness connecLlng pasL and fuLure.

keynote Lecture II
Shaun Ga||agher
ueparLmenL of hllosophy, unlverslLy of Memphls
SaLurday, !uly 13Lh, 17:30 - 18:30 EL'06"0 A+('*4 AA I AAAG
Consc|ousness |n Cuter Space
l'll reporL on a neurophenomenologlcal, slmulaLlon-based lnvesLlgaLlon lnLo Lhe aesLheLlc and splrlLual experlences
had by asLronauLs durlng space fllghL. A Leam of researchers and l have conducLed experlmenLs ln whlch we aLLempL
Lo repllcaLe such experlences uslng lmmerslve mlxed reallLy slmulaLlons. l wlll deLall some meLhodologlcal lssues LhaL
arlse ln Lhe sLudy, and l'll deflne Lwo dlfferenL concepLs of lmmerslon. l wlll reporL prellmlnary resulLs LhaL correlaLe
neurologlcal (LLC and fnl8) and physlologlcal (LkC) measures wlLh evenLs ln Lhe slmulaLed envlronmenL,
phenomenologlcal reporLs deflned across 38 caLegorles of experlence characLerlzed broadly as feellngs of awe and
wonder, and psychologlcal proflles measured by a baLLery of quesLlonnalres. l'll conclude by explorlng some
phllosophlcal lssues connecLed wlLh Lhe speclallzed forms of consclousness under sLudy.

keynote Lecture III
Sab|ne kastner
ueparLmenL of sychology, rlnceLon neurosclence lnsLlLuLe
ulrecLor, neurolmaglng laclllLy, rlnceLon unlverslLy
Sunday, !uly 14Lh, 09:00 - 10:00 EL'06"0 A+('*4 AA I AAAG
Neura| Network Dynam|cs for Attent|ona| Se|ect|on

naLural scenes are cluLLered and conLaln many ob[ecLs LhaL cannoL all be processed slmulLaneously due Lo capaclLy
llmlLaLlons of Lhe vlsual sysLem. SelecLlve aLLenLlon refers Lo a seL of mechanlsms LhaL rouLe behavlorally relevanL
lnformaLlon Lhrough large-scale corLlcal neLworks. l wlll dlscuss sLudles performed ln Lwo prlmaLe braln models, Lhe
human and Lhe macaque monkey, uslng a varleLy of dlfferenL Lechnlques lncludlng fM8l, LCoC and slngle-cell
physlology. llrsL, l wlll dlscuss how large-scale neLworks medlaLlng percepLlon and cognlLlon can be ldenLlfled uslng
funcLlonal braln lmaglng. Second, l wlll dlscuss physlology sLudles reveallng Lemporal dynamlcs ln a dlsLrlbuLed large-
scale neLwork LhaL medlaLes Lhe selecLlon of behavlorally relevanL lnformaLlon. arLlcularly, whlle Lhere ls evldence
LhaL populaLlons of corLlcal neurons synchronlze Lhelr acLlvlLy Lo preferenLlally LransmlL lnformaLlon abouL aLLenLlonal
prlorlLles, lL ls unclear how corLlcal synchrony across a neLwork ls accompllshed. l wlll dlscuss Lhe unlque role of
Lhalamo-corLlcal lnLeracLlons ln lnfluenclng corLlcal neLworks Lo opLlmlze Lhelr communlcaLlon. 1hese sLudles are
complemenLed by LCoC recordlngs from human epllepsy paLlenLs uslng ldenLlcal behavloral paradlgms provldlng a
mechanlsLlc undersLandlng of Lhe codlng prlnclples LhaL besL predlcL behavlor ln boLh prlmaLe specles.

keynote Lecture IV
atr|ck Cavanagh
LaboraLolre sychologle de la ercepLlon, lnsLlLuL neurosclences CognlLlon,
unlverslLe arls uescarLes
Sunday, !uly 14Lh, 17:30 - 18:30 EL'06"0 A+('*4 AA I AAAG
erce|ved Locat|on: A New Measure of Attent|on
Pow do we know where Lhlngs are? 1he sLandard explanaLlon for percelved poslLlon has always been LhaL each
neuron responds only Lo a parLlcular locaLlon on Lhe reLlna so, afLer correcLlng for movemenLs of our eyes and head,
Lhere should really be no problem. Powever, percelved locaLlon can devlaLe dramaLlcally from reLlnal locaLlon,
showlng LhaL Lhls slmple explanaLlon cannoL be Lrue. 1hese devlaLlons arlse when Lhe vlsual sysLem predlcLs where
LargeLs should be and ln Lhls case we see Lhe predlcLed, noL Lhe reLlnal locaLlon. We have found behavloral evldence
of aLLenLlon beneflLs aL Lhese predlcLed locaLlons and we now show LhaL when LargeLs are movlng, Lhey are seen
ahead of Lhelr acLual reLlnal locaLlon because Lhey are seen aL Lhelr predlcLed nexL locaLlon. 1hese resulLs suggesL LhaL
a core funcLlon of vlsual aLLenLlon ls Lo provlde Lhe poslLlon code for aLLended LargeLs and Lhe errors of predlcLlon
Lhen allow us Lo use poslLlon percepLlon as a new Lool for sLudylng aLLenLlon. Lvldence suggesLs LhaL underlylng boLh
Lhe aLLenLlon and poslLlon represenLaLlons are saccade maps acLlng as Lhe masLer map of locaLlons" - for eye
movemenLs, for aLLenLlon, and for percepLlon. lnLeresLlngly, lf Lhe saccade sysLem speclfles percelved locaLlon, lL
reverses Lhe usual assumpLlon LhaL acLlon ls gulded by percepLlon and suggesLs lnsLead LhaL percepLlon ls deLermlned
by acLlon.



Sympos|um I
1he ro|e of prefronta| cortex |n consc|ous exper|ence
Chalr: k|chard 8rown (ueparLmenL of hllosophy, Cun?)
lrlday, !uly 13Lh, 10:30 - 12:30 EL'06"0 A+('*4 AA I AAAG
Cne ma[or dlvlde ln consclousness Lheory ls LhaL beLween hlgher-order and flrsL-order Lheorles. lnLer- preLed
anaLomlcally, flrsL-order Lheorles of consclousness malnLaln LhaL consclousness wlll depend on Lhe acLlvlLy ln Lhe
sensory corLlces alone whlle hlgher-order Lheorles deny LhaL and malnLaln LhaL consclousness wlll be reflecLed, aL
leasL ln parL, ln acLlvlLy of hlgher-order areas of Lhe braln, mosL llkely fronLal-parleLal reglons.
vlrLually all Lheorles of consclousness have a sLake ln Lhls debaLe. lor lnsLance, besldes hlgher-order LhoughL, and self
represenLaLlonal vlews, Clobal Workspace 1heory, and lnformaLlon lnLegraLlon 1heory can be seen as verslons of
hlgher-order Lheory ln LhaL Lhey poslL a role for prefronLal areas ln consclous percepLlon, aL leasL ln some cases. Also
ln addlLlon Lo flrsL-order represenLaLlon vlews, recurrenL feedback, and aLLenLlon-based Lheorles can all be seen as
verslons of Lhe flrsL-order vlew.
1hls symposlum brlngs LogeLher Lwo neurosclenLlsLs and Lwo phllosophers Lo presenL Lhe emplrlcal and phllosophlcal
case for and agalnsL Lhe lnvolvemenL of Lhe prefronLal corLex ln consclous experlence.
Loca| neurona| "|gn|t|ons" and perceptua| awareness
kaf| Ma|ach (ueparLmenL of neuroblology, Welzmann lnsLlLuLe of Sclence, 1el Avlv, lL)
lL ls evldenL LhaL vlsuo-moLor behavlor necesslLaLes a global spread of neuronal slgnals from vlsual corLex Lo fronLo-
parleLal neLworks. Powever, wheLher such spread ls also an essenLlal lngredlenL of human vlsual percepLlon remalns
an open quesLlon. l wlll dlscuss experlmenLal resulLs supporLlng Lhe noLlon LhaL vlsual awareness ls medlaLed by
"lgnlLlon" llke neuronal acLlvlLy-locallzed ln hlgh order vlsual corLex. ln conLrasL, acLlvlLy of fronLo-parleLal neLworks
llkely sub-serves subsequenL posL-percepLual processes such as concepLuallzaLlon, reflecLlon and plannlng.
1hree prob|ems for h|gher-order thought theor|es
Ioseph Lev|ne (uep'L of hllosophy, u. MassachuseLLs, AmhersL)
PC1 makes Lwo commlLmenLs LhaL lead Lo awkward consequences. llrsL, lf belng LargeLed by a hlgher-order LhoughL
ls whaL makes a phenomenal sLaLe consclous, Lhen lL musL be posslble for Lhere Lo be unconsclous phenomenal sLaLes.
8uL we have good reason Lo Lhlnk LhaL's noL posslble. Second, lL musL be posslble for Lhere Lo occur LargeL-less hlgher-
order LhoughLs, and lL would seem LhaL Lhe besL response for Lhe PC1 advocaLe ls Lo say LhaL Lhese would consLlLuLe
full-fledged consclous eplsodes. 8uL Lhen Lhe relaLlonal aspecL of Lhe Lheory ls losL, whlch undermlnes much of Lhe
moLlvaLlon for lL. 1hese Lwo problems, l clalm, are sympLoms of Lhe Lhlrd, fundamenLal one: namely, LhaL
represenLaLlon cannoL reconsLrucL Lhe relaLlon of consclous awareness.
n|gher order attent|ona| contr|but|ons to sub[ect|ve percept|on
Dobrom|r kahnev (ueparLmenL of hllosophy, unlverslLy of Callfornla, 8erkeley)
MosL Lheorles of percepLual declslon maklng assume LhaL sub[ecLlve percepLlon (l.e., vlslblllLy raLlngs) Lracks Lask
accuracy such LhaL Lhe Lwo lncrease or decrease LogeLher. Pere we presenL evldence LhaL aLLenLlon breaks down Lhls
relaLlonshlp: lL appears LhaL aLLenLlon boosLs accuracy whlle also decreases sub[ecLlve raLlngs of vlslblllLy. 1hls
phenomenon ls explalned by a model ln whlch aLLenLlon decreases percepLual nolse. Cur flndlngs suggesL an
explanaLlon as Lo why our vlsual fleld appears unlform even Lhough Lhe represenLaLlon ln Lhe vlsual corLex ls much
rlcher for Lhe fovea and aLLended ob[ecLs compared Lo Lhe unaLLended perlphery.
Consc|ousness w|thout f|rst-order representat|ons
k|chard 8rown (ueparLmenL of hllosophy, Cun?)
Plgher-order Lheorles of consclousness predlcL LhaL we wlll flnd cases where Lhere ls a dlfference ln consclous
experlence whlle Lhere ls no dlfference ln flrsL-order represenLaLlons. 8ecenL emplrlcal work seems Lo bear Lhls
predlcLlon ouL and provlde some reason Lo prefer some klnd of hlgher-order LhoughL Lheory of consclousness. ln
addlLlon reflecLlon on Lhe naLure of phenomenal consclousness suggesLs LhaL awareness ls crlLlcally lnvolved whlch
furLher sLrengLhens Lhe case for Lhe hlgher-order LhoughL Lheory of consclousness.

Sympos|um II
ro[ect|ng bod||y consc|ousness:
now the body affects consc|ousness |n persona|, per|persona| and |nterpersona| space
Chalrs: C|af 8|anke (CognlLlve neurosclence, Lcole olyLechnlque, Lausanne, CP),
1homas Metz|nger (ueparLmenL of hllosophy, unlverslLaL Malnz, uL)
Sunday, !uly 14Lh, 10:30 - 12:30 EL'06"0 A+('*4 AA I AAAG
hllosophy of mlnd, cognlLlve neurosclence, and neurology sLress Lhe lmporLance of bodlly lnpuL ln formlng of Lhe
experlence of self and person. Such bodlly aspecLs of self-consclousness have been shown Lo arlse from Lhe complex
lnLegraLlon of lnLerocepLlve and exLerocepLlve body-relaLed slgnals. An lnLrlgu- lng aspecL of bodlly self consclousness
ls LhaL lL ls noL llmlLed Lo Lhe body lLself, buL also depends on sLlmull relaLed Lo exLernal ob[ecLs and ln Lurn lnfluences
Lhe experlence of Lhe exLernal world. ln Lhls sense, bodlly self-consclousness exLends beyond Lhe llmlLs of our body
over Lhe space around us (l.e. perlpersonal space) and lmpacLs Lhe lnLeracLlon wlLh oLher humans.
1he presenLaLlons of Lhls symposlum wlll hlghllghL complemenLary flndlngs from mulLlsensory, moLor, and affecLlve
approaches and dlscuss Lhelr relavance for self-consclousness. 8oy Salomon wlll focus on how bodlly lnformaLlon, LhaL
has been shown Lo alLer self-consclousness, can also modulaLe vlsual consclousness. Andrea Serlno wlll show how Lhe
boundarles of perlpersonal space adapL when lnLeracLlng wlLh ob[ecLs and oLhers. lederlque de vlgnemonL wlll
exLend Lhe noLlon of embodlmenL Lo Lhe sLudy of soclal lnLeracLlons and lnLersub[ecLlvlLy.
8ody-bu||d|ng-awareness: 8od||y factors shap|ng our consc|ousness
koy Sa|omon (CognlLlve neurosclence, Lcole olyLechnlque, Lausanne, CP)
Cf Lhe mulLlLude of sLlmull bombardlng our senses only a few are selecLed Lo become an ob[ecL of our consclous
awareness. 1he sclenLlflc sLudy of consclous awareness has been domlnaLed by Lhe examlnaLlon of vlsual
consclousness whlle Lhe effecLs of bodlly senses and sLaLes, on consclousness have been frequenLly overlooked. Pere l
reporL on Lhe lnLerplay beLween vlsual consclous awareness and bodlly processlng LhaL ls of releveance for self-
consclousness. l show LhaL bodlly lnpuL, l.e. proprlocepLlon lnfluences Lhe selecLlon of lnformaLlon enLerlng vlsual
consclousness (uslng conLlnuous flash supresslon). We dlscuss how lnLegraLlon of sensory slgnals LhaL modulaLe
bodlly self-consclousness lnLeracL wlLh consclous awareness of Lhe exLernal envlronmenL.
Spat|a| boundar|es of body-se|f consc|ousness
Andrea Ser|no (CognlLlve neurosclence, unlverslLy of 8ologna, l1)
remoLor and posLerlor-parleLal braln reglons responslble for 8odlly-self consclousness lnLegraLe mulLlsensory-moLor
slgnals relaLed Lo our physlcal body and also relaLed Lo a llmlLed porLlon of space lmmedlaLely surroundlng Lhe body,
where Lhe body dlrecLly lnLeracLs wlLh exLernal sLlmull, l.e. Lhe perlpersonal space (S). 1herefore, l propose LhaL Lhe
space of bodlly-self consclousness ls noL llmlLed Lo boundarles of Lhe skln, buL exLends lnLo Lhe S, whlch Lherefore
consLlLuLes Lhe Lrue psychologlcal boundary of Lhe Self. ln a serles of experlmenLs, l wlll show how Lhe llmlLs of S
adapL as a funcLlon of experlence: Lhey exLend afLer LhaL a Lool ls used Lo acL upon Lhe far space, Lhey conLracL ln case
of ampuLaLlon, and furLher accommodaLe afLer prosLhesls lmplanLaLlon, Lhey are senslLlve Lo Lhe presence and Lhe
behavlor of oLhers ln Lhe envlronmenL.
See|ng other peop|e's bod|es
Irdr|que de V|gnemont (lnsLlLuL !ean nlcod/Cn8S, arls, l8)
Mlrrorlng has been almosL excluslvely analyzed ln moLor Lerms wlLh no reference Lo Lhe body LhaL carrles Lhe acLlon.
Powever, one does noL only see movemenLs, one also sees anoLher lndlvldual's body. 1o whaL exLenL does one recrulL
one's body represenLaLlon ln soclal conLexL? And does lL lmply LhaL one has lnLerpersonal body represenLaLlons? 1hls
laLLer quesLlon ls all Lhe more leglLlmaLe LhaL recenL evldence lndlcaLes Lhe exlsLence of shared corLlcal neLworks for
bodlly sensaLlons. 1hose shared represenLaLlons have recenLly been lnLerpreLed ln Lerms of embodled soclal
cognlLlon. 1he sense ln whlch Lhose sLaLes are embodled remalns, however, ofLen obscure. Pere l wlll adopL Lhe
narrowesL lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe noLlon of embodlmenL accordlng Lo whlch soclal undersLandlng ls embodled lf lL
lnvolves body represenLaLlon. We wlll see LhaL Lhere are shared body represenLaLlons, alLhough Lhey are noL
sysLemaLlcally recrulLed each Llme we are ln a soclal conLexL.

Sympos|um III
8eyond the contrast|ve method: now to separate the neura| corre|ates of consc|ousness from |ts precursors and
Chalr: Luc|a Me||on| (ueparLmenL of neurophyslology, Ml lrankfurL, uL/Columbla unlverslLy)
Monday, !uly 13Lh, 09:30 - 11:30 EL'06"0 A+('*4 AA I AAAG
1he mosL prevalenL approach Lo sLudy Lhe neural correlaLes of consclousness (nCC) Loday ls Lo conLrasL condlLlons ln
whlch consclous percepLlon occurs wlLh condlLlons ln whlch lL does noL. Pere, consclousness ls LreaLed as Lhe
dependenL varlable and Lhen correlaLed wlLh braln acLlvlLy. 1hls conLrasLlve meLhod" has broughL abouL lmporLanL
lnslghLs lnLo Lhe nCC. Powever, desplLe Lhls apparenLly sLralghL- forward approach, resulLs are lnconcluslve and
conLradlcLory (e.g., lL ls sLlll debaLed wheLher Lhe nCC occurs early or laLe, or wheLher lL ls expressed ln local or
dlsLrlbuLed braln acLlvlLy). 1hls dlscord can be undersLood when conslderlng a meLhodologlcal plLfall ln Lhe conLrasLlve
meLhod: 1he conLrasL beLween consclous percepLlon and unconsclous processlng confounds Lhe nCC wlLh processes
LhaL necessarlly precede and follow consclous percepLlon (pre-nCC and posL-nCC, respecLlvely) wlLhouL dlrecLly
conLrlb- uLlng Lo sub[ecLlve experlence. lL ls noL sLralghLforward Lo arblLraLe whlch prevlous resulLs address Lhe nCC-
proper and whlch reflecL oLher processes. ln Lhls symposlum we wlll ouLllne Lhe shorLcomlngs of Lhe conLrasLlve
analysls, puL forward a new Laxonomy LhaL dlfferenLlaLes Lhe processes beseLLlng Lhe nCC- proper, and propose novel
experlmenLal approaches Lo dlssoclaLe Lhe nCC-proper from lLs anLecedenLs and consequences. We revlew M-LLC
and LCCC sLudles LhaL have employed Lhese new approaches Lo probe whlch neural process dlrecLly correspond Lo
Lhe nCC. 1hls evldence suggesLs LhaL prevlous resulLs may have lndeed mlssed Lhe nCC and reporLed pre-nCC/posL-
nCCs. llnally, we wlll dlscuss how Lhls new Laxonomy relaLes Lo prevalenL Lheorles of consclousness, argulng LhaL
some Lheorles mlghL be abouL posL-nCCs lnsLead of nCC.
D|st||||ng the Neura| Corre|ates of Consc|ousness
Luc|a Me||on| (ueparLmenL of neurophyslology, Ml lrankfurL/Columbla unlverslLy)
We propose LhaL conLrasLlng consclous wlLh non-consclous forms of lnformaLlon processlng, l.e., Lhe conLrasLlve
meLhod", does noL only reveal Lhe nCC, buL also prerequlslLes and consequences of consclous percepLlon. 1o dlsLlll
Lhe nCC, we have developed new paradlgms ln whlch we manlpulaLe how consclousness comes abouL, l.e., lLs
anLecedenLs (sensory evldence, expecLaLlons), or lLs consequences (encodlng lnLo memory). We use Lhls meLhodology
ln M-LLC and LCCC sLudles Lo LesL ma[or Lheorles of Lhe nCC (local sensory lgnlLlon, laLe wave of acLlvaLlon). We flnd
LhaL prevlous resulLs llkely reflecL prerequlslLes or consequences lnsLead of Lhe nCC proper. lurLhermore, Lhe laLency
of Lhe nCC varles dependlng on how consclousness comes abouL, poslng ma[or challenges for Lhe search of Lhe nCC.
llnally, we propose LhaL narrowlng Lhe search on neural mechanlsm lnsLead of correlaLes and manlpulaLlng Lhe
'emergence' of consclousness Lhrough plasLlclLy may be a more frulLful venue Lo dlscover Lhe neural processes
underlylng consclousness.
Us|ng MLG to track consc|ous access and |ts non-consc|ous consequences
Stan|s|as Dehaene, Luc|e Char|es (lnserm-CLA CognlLlve neurolmaglng unlL, arls, l8)
1he global workspace model predlcLs LhaL, when a plece of lnformaLlon crosses Lhe Lhreshold for consclous access and
ls globally broadcasLed, lL becomes avallable Lo many addlLlonal cognlLlve processes. 1hus, cerLaln processlng sLages
could be deployed only on consclous Lrlals, merely as a laLe and posslbly non-consclous consequence of consclous
access. We LesLed Lhls ldea uslng MLC-LLC. ln a number comparlson Lask, a dlglL was presenLed aL varlable degrees of
masklng, and we examlned lLs capaclLy Lo ellclL consclous as well as unconsclous acLlon, lnLenLlon, and error deLecLlon.
1he resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe errorrelaLed negaLlvlLy (L8n) lndexes a process, whlch ls only presenL when Lhe dlglL ls
consclous seen. MulLlvarlaLe decodlng of braln acLlvaLlon paLLerns reveal Lhe presence of sLlmulus and acLlon codes on
boLh consclous and unconsclous Lrlals, buL of lnLenLlon and error codes only on consclous Lrlals. We argue LhaL Lhe
L8n reflecLs a fasL and auLomaLlc comparlson of Lhe sub[ecL's consclous lnLenLlon wlLh hls or her acLlon -- a non-
consclous consequence of consclous access.
Iso|at|ng NCCs that are necessary and suff|c|ent for v|sua| awareness
M|chae| |tts (ueparLmenL of sychology, 8eed College)
novel experlmenLal paradlgms are requlred Lo lsolaLe nCCs LhaL are boLh necessary and sufflclenL for a parLlcular
vlsual percepL. MosL nCCs proposed so far have Lurned ouL Lo be elLher necessary buL noL sufflclenL (prerequlslLes) or
sufflclenL buL noL necessary (consequences). ln addlLlon, separaLlng neural correlaLes of aLLenLlonal selecLlon from
Lhose of consclous percepLlon has been noLorlously dlfflculL. Pere, l wlll lnLroduce a novel paradlgm ln whlch poLenLlal
nCCs can be dlsLlngulshed from pre- and posL-nCCs boLh Lemporally and funcLlonally. uslng a varlanL of Mack &
8ock's (1998) lnaLLenLlon paradlgm, a bllaLeral-posLerlor L8 negaLlvlLy (200-300ms) was found Lo unlquely lndex
awareness. lmporLanLly, Lwo prevlously-proposed nCCs, Lhe 3 componenL and gamma osclllaLlons, were found Lo be
sufflclenL buL noL necessary for awareness. 1hls experlmenL along wlLh key follow-up experlmenLs wlll be dlscussed

wlLh speclal emphasls on Lhe Lemporal varlablllLy of Lhls poLenLlal nCC and lLs relaLlonshlp Lo aLLenLlonal selecLlon.
Core vs. tota| NCC
Ned 8|ock (ueparLmenL of hllosophy, new ?ork unlverslLy)
hllosophers have made a dlsLlncLlon beLween Lhe "LoLal" nCC, whlch ls a mlnlmal sufflclenL condlLlon for consclous
experlence and Lhe "core" nCC, whlch ls whaL makes Lhe dlfference beLween one consclous conLenL and anoLher. 1hls
Lalk wlll argue LhaL Lhls reconcepLuallzaLlon of Lhe usual caLegorles used ln psychology and neurosclence makes a real
dlfference Lo Lhe emplrlcal research program LhaL should be pursued.

Sympos|um IV
Lth|ca| |mp||cat|ons of detect|ng covert awareness |n d|sorders of consc|ousness
Chalrs: Adr|an M. Cwen (CognlLlve neurosclence and lmaglng, WesLern unlverslLy, CnLarlo, CA), Andrew eterson
(8oLman lnsLlLuLe of hllosophy, WesLern unlverslLy, CnLarlo, CA)
Monday, !uly 13Lh, 16:30 - 18:30 EL'06"0 A+('*4 AA I AAAG
8ecenL flndlngs ln cognlLlve neurosclence (MonLl eL al .2010, Cwen eL al.2006) suggesL LhaL funcLlonal magneLlc
resonance lmaglng (fM8l) may be a vlable means for deLecLlng coverL awareness ln Lhe vegeLaLlve sLaLe (vS). 1hls
research opens a promlslng new avenue for developlng braln-compuLer lnLerfaces (nacl eL al. 2012) LhaL compllmenL
Lhe currenL dlagnosLlc crlLerla of dlsorders of consclousness (uCC), Lhereby lncreaslng Lhe effecLlveness of dlagnosLlc
screenlng ln Lhls paLlenL group. Clven Lhe hlgh raLe of mlsdlagno- sls ln Lhls populaLlon (Andrews eL al. 1996, Chllds eL
al. 1993), acLlvely seeklng ouL paLlenLs, who reLaln consclous awareness desplLe a cllnlcal dlagnosls of vS, ls of Lhe
hlghesL lmporLance. Moreover, Lhls Lech- nlque may also permlL paLlenLs, who are consclously aware and have hlgh
levels of preserved cognlLlon, Lo meanlngfully engage ln Lhe declslon maklng process relaLed Lo Lhelr own medlcal care.
1o daLe, one paLlenL, prevlously dlagnosed as vegeLaLlve for approxlmaLely flve years, was able Lo successfully answer
a serles of auLoblographlcal 'yes' or 'no' quesLlons correcLly overrepeaLed fM8l scannlng sesslons (MonLleLal 2010).
A naLural sLep forward ln Lhls research program, Lherefore, ls Lo apply slmllar neurolmaglng meLhods Lo address
medlcal quesLlons relevanL Lo lndlvldual uCC paLlenLs (eLerson eL al. ln preparaLlon). 1hough Lhese sclenLlflc flndlngs
appear hlghly promlslng ln prlnclple, lncorporaLlng any neurolmaglng--based meLhod lnLo cllnlcal seLLlng wlll requlre
saLlsfacLlon of esLabllshed eLhlcal and legal norms of medlcal pracLlce. ln parLlcular, Lhese concerns lnclude:
deLermlnlng how lnformaLlon acqulred from such Lechnlques wlll be dlsclosed Lo paLlenLs' famllles, whaL Lhe cosL of
runnlng such LesLs wlll be, wheLher any lndlvldual uCC paLlenL ls capable of maklng medlcally relevanL declslons wlLh
Lhese Lechnlques, and whaL Lype of ques- Llons we oughL Lo be asklng Lhls paLlenL populaLlon. We propose a symposlum
LhaL brlngs LogeLher Lhree dlfferenL perspecLlves on Lhls problem: neurosclence, neurology, and cllnlcal eLhlcs. 1he
flrsL perspecLlve, offered by urs. Lorlna nacl hu and uanlel 8or hu, boLh neurosclenLlsLs worklng wlLh Lhese
neurolmaglng paradlgms, wlll shed llghL on pracLlcal obsLacles and ways forward focuslng neurolmaglng Lo assess
resldual cognlLlon ln uCC paLlenLs. 1he second perspecLlve, offered by ur. 8ryan ?oung Mu, a cllnlcal neurologlsL worklng
dlrecLly wlLh Lhls paLlenL group, wlll hlghllghL Lhe dlfflculLles as well as Lhe poLenLlal LhaL neurolmaglng holds for uCC
paLlenLs ln Lhe medlcal seLLlng. llnally, ur. Charles Wel[er Mu, hu and Andrew eLerson MA, boLh medlcal eLhlclsLs and
phllosophers of sclence, wlll offer vlews on Lhe overarchlng eLhlcal sLandards relevanL Lo Lhls research. ur. Adrlan M.
Cwen, a neurosclenLlsL worklng ln Lhls fleld, wlll chalr Lhe sesslon. We hope LhaL Lhls lnLerdlsclpllnary approach wlll
faclllLaLe a novel and producLlve conversaLlon abouL Lhe merlLs of Lhls research and fuLure dlrecLlons for uslng lL ln Lhe
cllnlcal seLLlng.
Us|ng fMkI to assess consc|ous awareness |n pat|ents w|th d|sorders of consc|ousness - pract|ca| cons|derat|ons
Lor|na Nac| (LxperlmenLal sychology, WesLern unlverslLy, CnLarlo, CA)
8ecenL funcLlonal magneLlc resonance lmaglng (fM8l) Lechnlques have allowed behavlorally nonresponslve
paLlenLs, prevlously cllnlcally (mls) dlagnosed as vegeLaLlve sLaLe (vS), Lo communlcaLe (MonLl eL al., 2010). 1hls
work holds greaL promlse for lmprovlng Lhe sLandard of care for any paLlenL wlLh dlsorders of consclousness
(uCC), who reLalns preserved cognlLlon. lmporLanLly, lf any glven paLlenL ls able Lo communlcaLe vla fM8l, lL may
be posslble Lo lnvolve hlm/her ln Lhe cllnlcal declslon--maklng relaLed Lo Lhelr healLhcare. uesplLe lLs promlse, lL ls
lmporLanL Lo acknowledge Lhe llmlLaLlons of Lhls work ln order Lo seL reallsLlc expecLaLlons of famlly members,
oLher proxy declslon makers, cllnlclans/healLhcare provlders, and more generally, Lhe wlder publlc. Speclflcally,
our ablllLy Lo communlcaLe wlLh a proporLlon of uCC paLlenLs wlll be resLrlcLed by several facLors, lncludlng:
paLlenL movemenL ln Lhe scanner, whlch renders Lhe fM8l daLa unusable, lnconslsLenL responses wlLhln Lhe same
or across dlfferenL lmaglng sesslons, Lhe llkellhood of a paLlenL's menLal exhausLlon, whlch llmlLs Lhe number
of quesLlons we can address ln a slngle fM8l sesslon, and, flnally, Lhe hlgh cosL of Lhe M8l Lechnology, whlch wlll
prohlblL access for a number of paLlenLs.
neverLheless, Lhe uLlllLy of Lhese fM8l meLhods ls sLlcklng when appreclaLed ln Lhe conLexL of oLher assessmenL
meLhods avallable, ln parLlcular, wlLh regards Lo Lhe unlque opporLunlLy for reassesslng a paLlenL's level of consclous

awareness, when all cllnlcal bedslde LesLs fall. fM8l remalns Lhe 'gold sLandard' neurolmaglng meLhod for uCC
paLlenLs. M8l scanners consLlLuLe sLandard cllnlcal equlpmenL, Lhus, Lhese Lechnlques can be readlly applled aL
numerous slLes. Moreover, even a slngle fM8l--based communlcaLlon sesslon can be of Lhe hlghesL lmporLance,
as lL may overLurn a paLlenL's dlagnosls. We are hopeful LhaL, wlLh furLher Lechnlcal developmenLs, Lhese meLhods wlll
yleld effecLlve and economlcally susLalnable resulLs, Lhereby mlLlgaLlng Lhe Lechnlcal llmlLaLlons dlscussed above.
Us|ng mu|t|p|e neuro|mag|ng techn|ques to assess the qua||ty of consc|ous awareness |n DCC pat|ents
Dan|e| 8or (CognlLlve neurosclence, Sackler CenLre for Consclousness Sclence, unlverslLy of Sussex, 8rlghLon, u.k.)
1hls Lalk wlll descrlbe Lhe broader areas of research LhaL are perLlnenL Lo eLhlcal quesLlons surroundlng coverL
communlcaLlon wlLh paLlenLs wlLh dlsorders of consclousness. llrsL, maklng an accuraLe assessmenL of Lhe level
of resldual awareness ln Lhese paLlenLs ls of paramounL lmporLance for [udglng Lhe exLenL Lo whlch Lhe paLlenL's
declslons can be relled upon. CuLslde of coverL communlcaLlon lLself as a marker of resldual consclousness,
varlous emerglng lndlrecL Lechnlques have been developed, lncludlng dlffuslon LracLography and measures of
funcLlonal connecLlvlLy. l wlll dlscuss Lhe rellablllLy of Lhese Lechnlques, and how emplrlcal sLudles and LheoreLlcal
models ln Lhe neurosclence of consclousness can lnform Lhls assessmenL, and may lncreaslngly do so ln Lhe
fuLure. llnally, l wlll dlscuss poLenLlal currenL and fuLure LreaLmenLs for Lhls paLlenL group, as an lmporLanL eLhlcal
conslderaLlon for conLlnued assessmenL and care.
Cbstac|es at the |nterface between advances |n cogn|t|ve neurosc|ence and c||n|ca| pract|ce
8ryan oung (neurology and CrlLlcal Care Medlclne, WesLern unlverslLy, CnLarlo, CA)
lL has been shown LhaL a paLlenL LhoughL Lo be vegeLaLlve can poLenLlally dlsplay evldence of cognlLlve awareness,
by modulaLlng braln acLlvlLy ln response Lo quesLlons or commands. WhaL does Lhls lmply for cllnlclans? lor
one, lL suggesLs LhaL we cannoL rely solely on Lhe cllnlcal exam or anaLomlcal lmaglng Lo conclude LhaL a paLlenL ls
vegeLaLlve. lndeed, use of neurolmaglng Lechnlques ln Lhe cllnlc may be yeL anoLher sLraLegy Lo ensure a paLlenL
recelves Lhe mosL accuraLe dlagnosls posslble. 8uL, cllnlclans Lend Lo be skepLlcal. lor example, lL ls ofLen argued
LhaL fM8l evldence doesn'L enLall Lhe rlch menLal experlence consLlLuLlve of healLhy consclousness! Powever,
Lhls aLLlLude may be overly paLernallsLlc, assumlng LhaL Lhe docLor knows besL. 1he lnformaLlon gleaned from
Lhese LesLs has slgnlflcanL cllnlcal relevance and should noL be lgnored. WheLher we are lnLeresLed ln medlcally
relaLed lnformaLlon from Lhe paLlenL, or slmply Lrylng Lo deLermlne how we can lmprove quallLy of llfe, Lhe
knowledge galned from communlcaLlng wlLh Lhls populaLlon, however dlfferenL from our normal means of
communlcaLlon, ls cllnlcally lnvaluable. l Lake Lhe poslLlon LhaL ln maklng prognosLlc and managemenL declslons, lL
ls vlLal Lo have Lhe besL lnformaLlon posslble. 1hls means LhaL for many paLlenLs wlLh severe braln ln[ury lL ls
necessary Lo go beyond Lhe cllnlcal exam and purely anaLomlcal braln scans, Lo examlne wheLher Lhere ls
awareness or a poLenLlal for awareness ln Lhe fuLure. &"?-$" .0?" +#5 by fM8l" could make a dlfference.
Conceptua| foundat|ons for assess|ng dec|s|on-mak|ng capac|ty |n d|sorders of consc|ousness
Andrew eterson (8oLman lnsLlLuLe of hllosophy, WesLern unlverslLy, CnLarlo, CA)
A naLural sLep ln lnLegraLlng Lhese neurolmaglng Lechnlques ln Lhe cllnlcal seLLlng may be Lo allow uCC paLlenLs Lo
parLake ln Lhe declslon--maklng process relaLed Lo Lhelr own care. 8uL, glven Lhe pracLlcal llmlLaLlons of
neurolmaglng ln Lhls paLlenL populaLlon, as well as Lhe resLrlcLed form of blnary (yes/no) communlcaLlon, saLlsfylng
Lhe recelved crlLerla of declslon-maklng capaclLy may be an lnsurmounLable obsLacle. l offer a pracLlcal procedure
for assesslng declslon-maklng capaclLy ln Lhe uCC populaLlon, whlch has been adapLed Lo Lhe neurolmaglng
Lechnlques ln quesLlon. lf Lhese Lechnlques prove successful, modesL dlmenslons of declslon-maklng capaclLy may
be assessed ln Lhls paLlenL group, Lhereby allowlng Lhem Lo express cerLaln medlcal preferences and reclalm
elemenLs of well-belng losL Lo Lhelr lnlLlal ln[ury.
Nav|gat|ng the trans|t|on between research and treatment when |ntegrat|ng nove| neuro|mag|ng techn|ques |n
med|ca| pract|ce
Char|es We|[er (8loeLhlcs, 8oLman lnsLlLuLe of hllosophy, WesLern unlverslLy, CnLarlo, CA)
A cenLral problem ln research eLhlcs ls deLermlnlng whaL concepLually dlsLlngulshes medlcal research from
medlcal LreaLmenL. As Lhe eLhlcal sLandards LhaL govern Lhese respecLlve domalns of medlcal pracLlce are ofLen
radlcally dlfferenL, deLermlnlng wheLher or noL an lnvesLlgaLor-cllnlclan ls, ln facL, conducLlng research ls
valuable for undersLandlng Lhe exacL eLhlcal responslblllLles she has for her paLlenL-sub[ecLs. Clven LhaL Lhls new
work ln cognlLlve neurosclence slLs aL Lhe [uncLure of research and cllnlcal servlce, lL ls lmporLanL Lo reflecL on
Lhe Lype of work LhaL ls belng done, and Lhe preclse eLhlcal framework Lhls work should be governed by.
1oplcs LhaL wlll serve as polnLs of deparLure for Lhls Lalk wlll lnclude Lhe relaLlonshlp cllnlclan-researchers oughL Lo
have wlLh paLlenLs' famllles durlng fM8l Lrlals, and Lhe procedure for consenL Lo use uCC paLlenLs ln cllnlcal



Ir|day, Iu|y 12
, 09:00 - 12:00

M1 GH$-+1(-5 IJ
Us|ng 8ayes|an approaches to |nterpret non-s|gn|f|cant resu|ts
2o|tan D|enes (School of sychology, unlverslLy of Sussex, 8rlghLon, uk)
1he purpose of Lhe LuLorlal ls Lo presenL slmple Lools for deallng wlLh non-slgnlflcanL resulLs. ln parLlcular, people wlll
be LaughL how Lo apply 8ayes lacLors Lo draw meanlngful lnferences from non-slgnlflcanL daLa, uslng free easy-Lo-use
on-llne sofLware: SofLware whlch allows one Lo deLermlne wheLher Lhere ls sLrong evldence for Lhe null and agalnsL
one's Lheory, or lf Lhe daLa are [usL lnsenslLlve, a dlsLlncLlon p-values cannoL make. 1hese Lools have greaLer flexlblllLy
Lhan power calculaLlons and allow null resulLs Lo be lnLerpreLed over a wlder range of slLuaLlons. Such Lools should
allow Lhe publlcaLlon of null resulLs Lo become easler.
Whlle Lhe Lools wlll be of lnLeresL Lo all sclenLlsLs, Lhey are especlally relevanL Lo researchers lnLeresLed ln Lhe
consclous/unconsclous dlsLlncLlon, because lnferrlng a menLal sLaLe ls unconsclous ofLen resLs on afflrmlng a null
resulL. lor example, for percepLlon Lo be below an ob[ecLlve Lhreshold, dlscrlmlnaLlon abouL sLlmulus properLles musL
be aL chance. Slmllarly, for percepLlon Lo be below a sub[ecLlve Lhreshold by Lhe zero correlaLlon crlLerlon, ablllLy Lo
dlscrlmlnaLe one's own accuracy musL be aL chance. 1o lnLerpreL a non-slgnlflcanL resulL, whaL ls needed ls a non-
arblLrary speclflcaLlon of Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of dlscrlmlnaLlon ablllLles glven consclous knowledge. ConvenLlonal sLaLlsLlcs
cannoL solve Lhls problem, buL 8ayes lacLors provlde an easy slmple soluLlon. 1he soluLlon ls vlLal for progress ln Lhe
fleld, as so many concluslons of unconsclous menLal sLaLes rely on null resulLs wlLh no lndlcaLlon of wheLher Lhe non-
slgnlflcanL resulL ls purely due Lo daLa lnsenslLlvlLy.
1he LuLorlal wlll conslsL of lecLures by me, afLer Lhe flrsL hour people wlll be able Lo use Lhelr lnLerneLLed lapLops Lo
work Lhrough examples on Lhe sofLware, and Lhereby lnLeracLlvely follow Lhe polnLs l make, and also explore Lhe Lools
for Lhemselves.

M2 GH$-+1(-5 KJ
Integrated |nformat|on, pred|ct|ve cod|ng and qua||a
An|| Seth & kyota kana| (Sackler CenLre for Consclousness Sclence and ueparLmenL of lnformaLlcs, unlverslLy of
Sussex, 8rlghLon, uk)
CurrenL research ln consclousness sclence musL beLLer lnLegraLe Lheory and experlmenL ln developlng our undersLan-
dlng of qualla [1]. 1wo classes of braln Lheory are now emerglng as leadlng candldaLes. A*$.?0'$.4 -*M"05'$-"* $%."0N
(ll1), [2]) proposes LhaL consclousness has Lo do wlLh Lhe amounL of lnformaLlon generaLed by a neural sysLem as a
whole, compared Lo Lhe sum of lLs parLs. lnLegraLed lnformaLlon ('phl') can be operaLlonallzed as a varlanL of
dynamlcal complexlLy and compared wlLh slmllar measures [3,4]. ll1 Lhus hlghllghLs -*M"05'$-"* $%."0N and ,"52(.=-$N
as key Lools for naLurallzlng consclousness and qualla. <0.4-,$-:. ,"4-*? (C) proposes LhaL percepLlon emerges vla
8ayeslan lnference: ercepLual conLenL ls deLermlned Lop-down predlcLlve slgnals arlslng from generaLlve models of
exLernal causes, whlch are conLlnually modlfled by boLLom-up predlcLlon-error slgnals [3]. C Lhus hlghllghLs 0.O
.*$0'*$ 20",.++-*? and 20"6'6-(-+$-, -*M.0.*,. as key concepLs. Whlle boLh frameworks are powerfully explanaLory, ll1
ls underconsLralned by currenL cognlLlve neurosclence and dlfflculL Lo LesL, whlle for C Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween
consclous and unconsclous percepLlon ls poorly speclfled.
ln Lhls LuLorlal, we wlll flrsL provlde baslc lnLroducLlon Lo ll1 and C wlLh speclal emphasls on Lhelr relaLlonshlp Lo
undersLandlng qualla. 1o faclllLaLe lnLerdlsclpllnary dlscusslon, Lhe LuLorlal does noL assume any maLhemaLlcal
background and we wlll focus on concepLual undersLandlng of Lhe Lheorles raLher Lhan maLhemaLlcal deLalls. ln a laLer
parL of Lhe LuLorlal, we wlll dlscuss how Lhese dlfferenL frameworks mlghL be synLheslzed lnLo a coherenL compuLa-
Llonal framework.

M3 GH$-+1(-5 LJ
I|rst-person methods: h||osophers' dreams or researchers' n|ghtmares
Ienn|fer M. W|ndt (ueparLmenL of hllosophy, unlverslLy of Malnz, uL)
Sascha 8. I|nk (ueparLmenL of CognlLlve Sclence, unlverslLy of Csnabrck, uL)
1he besL way Lo learn abouL Lhe speclflc characLer of consclous experlence ls Lo sLudy whaL people say abouL lL.
lundamenLal feaLures of consclousness (e.g. hollsLlc lnLegraLlon, phenomenal embodlmenL, speclous presence, eLc.)
were only esLabllshed as LargeLs for consclousness research Lhrough flrsL-person meLhods. MosL agree LhaL such
meLhods are lndlspensable for consclousness sLudles. AL Lhe same Llme, phenomena such as change bllndness suggesL
LhaL flrsL-person access Lo phenomenallLy ls noL perfecL. llrsL-person reporLs can be confabulaLed, conLradlcLory, or

lncompleLe. 1hls calls Lhe valldlLy of flrsL-person approaches lnLo quesLlon. ApparenLly, we need flrsL-person reporLs -
buL how far can we LrusL Lhem?
ureams lllusLraLe Lhe problem of flrsL-person reporLs ln a compelllng manner. 8ecause dreams are largely decoupled
from sensory lnpuL and behavloral ouLpuL, dream researchers rely almosL excluslvely on dream reporLs. AL Lhe same
Llme, dream reporLs have ofLen been Laken Lo be parLlcularly unrellable, occaslonally leadlng Lo ouLrlghL skepLlclsm
regardlng Lhe experlenLlal characLer of dreamlng. uesplLe Lhese LheoreLlcal dlsagreemenLs, however, dream research
ls a Lhrlvlng fleld and can provlde a fresh perspecLlve on problems
1he LuLorlal has four goals: (1) rovlde an lnLroducLlon Lo Lhe baslc problems ralsed by flrsL-person reporLs uslng Lhe
example of dreamlng, (2) suggesL speclflc consequences from Lhe phllosophlcal debaLe on dream- lng for Lhe use of
flrsL-person reporLs ln consclousness research, (3) dlscuss phllosophlcal poslLlons on Lhe valldlLy of flrsL-person reporLs
and Lhe rellablllLy of lnLrospecLlon, and (4) dlscuss Lhe role and value of Lhe researcher's own experlence.

M4 GH$-+1(-5 MJ
Measur|ng (un)awareness
Dav|d Carme| (uep'L of sychology, unlverslLy of Ldlnburgh)
Stephen I|em|ng (CenLer for neural Sclence, new ?ork unlverslLy)
MosL research on percepLual awareness aLLempLs Lo undersLand consclousness by lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe Lwln Lhemes of
consclous and unconsclous percepLlon - l.e., whaL percepLual processes are assoclaLed wlLh consclous experlence and
whaL can be accompllshed ln Lhe absence of awareness. 1here ls, however, a greaL deal of confuslon regardlng how Lo
assess and measure each of Lhese modes of percepLual processlng. 1hls LuLorlal wlll offer researchers aL all levels an
overvlew of perLlnenL meLhodologlcal and concepLual lssues, leavlng parLlclpanLs wlLh an undersLandlng of Lhe
quesLlons Lhey need Lo conslder when deslgnlng sLudles, and how Lhe answers Lo Lhese quesLlons consLraln Lhe
concluslons LhaL can be drawn from research flndlngs. lor unconsclous percepLlon, Lhe quesLlons LhaL wlll be
dlscussed lnclude how Lo ensure suppresslon of percep- Lual sLlmull from awareness, how Lo declde whlch
suppresslon Lechnlque ls mosL approprlaLe for a speclflc research quesLlon, and wheLher dlfferenL klnds of
unconsclous processlng lndlcaLe slmllar neural underpln- nlngs.
lor consclous processlng, Lhe quesLlons LhaL wlll be addressed are how Lo measure Lhe level and exLenL of sub[ecLlve
consclous experlence, wheLher dlfferenL ways of assesslng reporLs of awareness (confldence, appearance, wagerlng)
address equlvalenL consLrucLs, and how deLecLlon and ldenLlflcaLlon of percepLual sLlmull dlffer. Several
demonsLraLlons wlll clarlfy Lhe lssues LhaL wlll be dlscussed, and generous provlslon for dlscusslon wlll be made Lo
allow conslderaLlon of speclflc problems or lssues arlslng ln parLlclpanLs' own research.

Ir|day, Iu|y 12th, 13:00 - 16:00

A1 GH$-+1(-5 IJ
Invest|gat|ng an|ma| pa|n and consc|ousness
au|a Droege (uep'L of hllosophy, ennsylvanla SLaLe unlverslLy)
V|ctor|a 8ra|thwa|te (uep'L of llsherles and 8lology, ennsylvanla SLaLe unlverslLy)
neurosclenLlsLs have been maklng remarkable progress ln ldenLlfylng candldaLes for Lhe neural correlaLes of
consclousness (nCC) ln humans. 1hrough careful lnvesLlgaLlon of consclous and unconsclous processes, Lhe role of
LhalamocorLlcal clrculLs and lnformaLlon lnLegraLlon ln Lhe producLlon of consclousness ls becomlng clearer. 8uL whaL
abouL non-human anlmals? Pow can we apply Lhe advances ln consclousness research Lo anlmals (e.g. flsh,
cephalopods) LhaL share few lf any human physlcal and funcLlonal sLrucLures? 1he capaclLy Lo represenL Lhe currenL
envlronmenL ln conLrasL Lo Lhe pasL and fuLure ls essenLlal for consclousness and marks an lmporLanL developmenL ln
cognlLlve sklll. We suggesL Lhls capaclLy for Lemporal represenLaLlon can brlng LogeLher physlologlcal and behavloral
evldence Lo help deLermlne whlch anlmals are consclous and whlch are noL.
1he LuLorlal wlll begln wlLh a dlscusslon of Lhe problems and prospecLs for research on anlmal consclousness,
conslderlng such quesLlons as: ls noclcepLlon sufflclenL for paln? WhaL ls Lhe relaLlon beLween consclousness and self-
consclousness? 1hen we wlll revlew several research paradlgms deslgned Lo assess consclousness ln anlmals. Cne
lmporLanL quesLlon here ls: When ls an explanaLlon ln Lerms of hlgher-level processes such as consclousness and
cognlLlon slmpler Lhan an explanaLlon ln Lerms of assoclaLlve condlLlonlng?

A2 GH$-+1(-5 KJ
kepresentat|ona| theor|es of consc|ousness
kocco I. Gennaro (uep'L of hllosophy, unlverslLy of SouLhern lndlana)
1he noLlon of 'represenLaLlon' ls cenLral Lo many phllosophlcal Lheorles of consclousness and also flgures lmporLanLly

ln psychology and neurosclence. Some quesLlons ralsed by Lhe role of represenLaLlon ln Lhese flelds are: WhaL does lL
mean Lo say LhaL a menLal sLaLe ls 'represenLaLlonal'? WhaL ls Lhe dlfference beLween a flrsL-order represenLaLlon and
a hlgher-order (or meLa-) represenLaLlon? 1hls LuLorlal wlll begln wlLh a dlscusslon of how Lhe concepL 'represenLaLlon'
ls used ln Lhe phllosophlcal llLeraLure on consclousness. ln addlLlon, varlous senses of 'consclous' are dlsLlngulshed and
explalned. 1he key quesLlon Lhen becomes: WhaL makes a menLal sLaLe a consclous menLal sLaLe? We shall survey a
number of leadlng represenLaLlonal Lheorles of consclousness found ln Lhe currenL llLeraLure: llrsL-Crder 8epresen-
LaLlonal 1heory of Consclousness (1ye), Plgher-Crder ercepLlon (PC) 1heory (Lycan), Plgher-Crder 1houghL (PC1)
1heory (8osenLhal), uual ConLenL 1heory (CarruLhers), and Self-8epresenLaLlonal 1heory (krlegel). AfLer Lhe maln
LeneLs of each approach are presenLed, we shall dlscuss Lhe argumenLs for and agalnsL Lhe Lheory ln quesLlon.
SlgnlflcanL aLLenLlon wlll be pald Lo well-known ob[ecLlons Lo each Lheory, for example, Lhe problem of mlsrepresenLa-
Llon, Lhe quesLlon of anlmal consclousness, and how Lhese Lheorles mlghL address Lhe hard problem" of consclous-
ness. llnally, Lhere wlll be some dlscusslon of how Lhese models mlghL be reallzed ln Lhe braln. Also lmporLanL ls Lhe
reducLlonlsL moLlve of mosL represenLaLlonal LheorlsLs: Can any of Lhese Lheorles offer a vlable reducLlonlsL accounL of

A3 GH$-+1(-5 LJ
1he Integrated Informat|on theory of consc|ousness
G|u||o 1onon| (uep'L of sychlaLry, unlverslLy of Wlsconsln)
Chr|stof koch (CognlLlve and 8ehavloral 8lology, Cal 1ech, CSC, Allen lnsLlLuLe for 8raln Sclence)
Nao 1such|ya (Monash unlverslLy, Melbourne, Au)
Masafum| C|zum| (uep'L of sychlaLry, unlverslLy of Wlsconsln)
1he lnLegraLed lnformaLlon Lheory of consclousness (ll1) has recenLly aLLracLed aLLenLlon among consclous- ness
researchers. ll1 sLems from LhoughL experlmenLs LhaL lead Lo phenomenologlcal axloms and onLo- loglcal posLulaLes
(lnformaLlon, lnLegraLlon, excluslon, and composlLlonallLy). Accordlng Lo ll1, an experl- ence ls an lnLegraLed
lnformaLlon sLrucLure, whlch ln prlnclple can be compleLely characLerlzed, boLh ln quanLlLy and quallLy, by deLer-
mlnlng Lo whaL exLenL a sysLem of causal mechanlsms ls lrreduclble Lo lLs parLs. Many observaLlons concernlng Lhe
neural subsLraLe of consclousness fall naLurally lnLo place wlLhln Lhe ll1 framework. Among Lhem are Lhe assoclaLlon
of consclousness wlLh cerLaln neural sysLems raLher Lhan wlLh oLhers, Lhe facL LhaL neural processes underlylng
consclousness can lnfluence or be lnfluenced by neural processes LhaL remaln unconsclous, Lhe reducLlon of
consclousness durlng dreamless sleep and generallzed epllepLlc selzures, and Lhe dlsLlncL role of dlfferenL corLlcal
archlLecLures ln affecLlng Lhe quallLy of experlence. 1he LuLorlal wlll l) lnLroduce Lhe baslc noLlons of ll1 Lo a broad
audlence wlLhouL requlrlng a maLhemaLlcal background, and provlde hands-on examples ln whlch lnLegraLed
lnformaLlon can be compuLed rlgorously, ll) lnLroduce measures of lnLegraLed lnformaLlon LhaL can be applled Lo
emplrlcal daLa and dlscuss how Lhey can be applled Lo evaluaLe Lhe level of consclousness ln wake, sleep, anesLhesla,
and dlsorders of consclousness, lll) demonsLraLe how lnLegraLed lnformaLlon grows ln anlmaLs adapLlng Lo a complex
envlronmenL, Lhereby sheddlng llghL on Lhe evoluLlon of consclousness, lv) conslder LheoreLlcal and pracLlcal aspecLs
of measures of lnLegraLed lnformaLlon, poLenLlal problems, and fuLure developmenLs.
Cur lnLended audlence ls broad. We do noL assume any prlor knowledge of lnLegraLed lnformaLlon Lheory or
lnformaLlon Lheory ln general. ln Lhe flrsL parL of Lhe LuLorlal, we sLarL from Lhe baslcs of Lhe probablllLy Lheory and
lnformaLlon Lheory, whlch are key Lo undersLandlng Lhe Lheory. AfLer Lhe lnLroducLlon of Lhe baslcs, Lhe conLenLs of
Lhe LuLorlal wlll be aL Lhe level of a masLer class.

A4 GH$-+1(-5 MJ
Dec|pher|ng the |nformat|on conta|ned |n patterns of human bra|n act|v|ty
Irank 1ong (uep'L of sychology, vanderbllL unlverslLy)
Surprlslngly deLalled lnformaLlon abouL vlsual and menLal sLaLes can be decoded from non-lnvaslve mea- sures of
human braln acLlvlLy. 8raln decodlng approaches have successfully revealed whaL a person ls seelng, percelvlng,
aLLendlng Lo, or rememberlng. MulLldlmenslonal models can furLher be used Lo lnvesLlgaLe how Lhe braln encodes
complex vlsual scenes or absLracL semanLlc lnformaLlon, and Lo reconsLrucL Lhe sLlmulus LhaL was vlewed. Such feaLs
of braln readlng" or mlnd readlng", Lhough lmpresslve, ralse lmpor- LanL concepLual, meLhodologlcal, as well as
eLhlcal lssues. WhaL does successful decodlng reveal abouL Lhe sensory or cognlLlve funcLlons performed by a braln
reglon? Pow should braln slgnals be spaLlally selecLed and maLhemaLlcally comblned, Lo ensure LhaL decodlng reflecLs
lnherenL compuLaLlons of Lhe braln raLher Lhan Lhose performed by Lhe decoder? WhaL eLhlcal conslderaLlons mlghL
emerge wlLh Lhe advancemenL of Lhese meLhodologles? 1he LuLorlal wlll cover Lhe fundamenLals of braln readlng",
and should be sulLable for people from a broad range of backgrounds, wlLh one componenL emphaslzlng Lhe more
Lechnlcal and maLhemaLlcal aspecLs of paLLern classlflcaLlon. uesLlons and lnLeracLlve dlscusslon wlll be emphaslzed,
especlally when conslderlng Lhe sLrengLhs and llmlLaLlons of fM8l paLLern analysls meLhods.

Spec|a| koundtab|e D|scuss|on: Debat|ng Integrated Informat|on 1heory
G|u||o 1onon|, MD, hD (uep'L of sychlaLry, unlverslLy of Wlsconsln),
Chr|stof koch, hD (CognlLlve and 8ehavloral 8lology, Cal 1ech, CSC, Allen lnsLlLuLe for 8raln Sclence)
Gary Marcus, hD (uep'L of sychology, new ?ork unlverslLy, ulrecLor n?u CenLer for Language and Muslc)
Ienn|fer Go|dman (uep'L of neurology and neurosurgery, MonLreal neurologlcal lnsLlLuLe,
McClll unlverslLy)

Moderator: Stuart IIreste|n, hD (uep'L of 8lology, Columbla unlverslLy)

SaLurday, !uly 13Lh, 13:30 - 13:00 EL'06"0 A+('*4 AA I AAAG

lnLegraLed lnformaLlon 1heory (ll1) was orlglnally proposed by Clullo 1ononl as a quanLlLaLlve deLermlnanL of
consclousness. 1he Lheory was updaLed and expanded ln manuscrlpLs ln 2004, 2008 and 2012, and mosL recenLly ln
hls new book, . Slnce lLs lncepLlon, ll1 has creaLed enormous dlscusslon ln varlous medla lncludlng ChrlsLof koch's
book, Confesslons of a 8omanLlc 8educLlonlsL, 1he new ?orker by Cary Marcus, 1he new ?ork 8evlew of 8ooks by
!ohn Searle, and 1he new ?ork 1lmes by Carl Zlmmer. ln addlLlon Lo proposlng a new and quanLlLaLlve measure LhaL
can be applled Lo descrlblng consclous sLaLes, ll1 could provlde lmporLanL guldellnes for Lhe dlagnosls of dlsorders of
consclousness and yleld lmporLanL eplsLemlc knowledge of 'whaL lL ls llke' Lo be ln a parLlcular sLaLe of consclousness.
8ecenL sLudles by ur. 1ononl and oLhers lndlcaLe LhaL durlng sLaLes assoclaLed wlLh absenL or reduced consclousness
(e.g., n8LM sleep, anesLhesla, and unresponslve Wakefulness Syndrome (vegeLaLlve sLaLe)), LhalamocorLlcal
neLworks, wldely held, buL noL yeL proven, Lo be Lhe seaL of mammallan consclousness, are less lnformaLlonaly
lnLegraLed. 1hls debaLe seeks Lo assess wheLher ls Lhe 'dlfference LhaL makes a dlfference' for consclousness,
addresslng boLh Lhe prowess and Lhe problems of ll1, Lhe quesLlons LhaL remaln open, and Lhe dlfflculLles Lo be solved
for exLendlng experlmenLal valldaLlon. uL slmply, where do we go from here?

Spec|a| Lvent
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Irom Matter to M|nd:
1a|ks and Mus|c |n nonor of Gera|d M. Lde|man, MD, hD
au| I.M.I. Verschure, hD (SLCS, unlverslLaL ompeu labra)
C||ver Sacks, MD, IkC (uep'L of neurology, new ?ork unlverslLy School of Medlclne & unlverslLy of Warwlck
[vlslLlng]) - 3 P-4." ;0-6#$. $" 80Q @4.(5'*
An|| k. Seth, Dh|| (Sackler CenLre for Consclousness Sclence & uep'L of lnformaLlcs, unlverslLy of Sussex)

SaLurday, !uly 13Lh, 20:00 - 22:00 EL'06"0 A+('*4 AA I AAAG

ln a career LhaL has spanned nearly slx decades and more Lhan 600 paper auLhorshlps, Cerald Ldelman has made
semlnal conLrlbuLlons Lo lmmunology, developmenLal blology, and neurosclence. 1hough Lhe 1972 nobel rlze ln
Medlclne or hyslology (shared wlLh 8odney orLer of Lhe u.k.) clLed hls work ln elucldaLlng Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe
human anLlbody, Ldelman ls no mere dabbler ln Lhe mysLerles of Lhe braln. Slnce Lhe publlcaLlon of 1he Mlndful 8raln
(co-edlLed and co-auLhored wlLh vernon MounLcasLle) more Lhan 33 years ago, Ldelman has asslduously and
slnglemlndedly elaboraLed a comprehenslve Lheory of hlgher braln funcLlon LhaL can make sense of Lhe lncreaslngly
rlch neuroanaLomlcal, neurophyslologlcal, and behavloral daLa confronLlng modern neurosclence. 1he Lheory of
neuronal Croup SelecLlon (1nCS) proposes LhaL braln and behavloral sLaLes emerge from Lhe selecLlve sLrengLhenlng
of parLlcular synapLlc connecLlons, among a vasL and heLerogeneous populaLlon of synapses, Lhrough ongolng
lnLeracLlons wlLh a complex and unlabeled world. lrom Lhe earllesL lnsLanLlaLlon of 1nCS, Lwo key predlcLlons
emerged from Ldelman's LheoreLlcal framework: flrsL, no Lwo neuronal groups are Lhe exacLly same, elLher
sLrucLurally or funcLlonally, and 2) Lhe populaLlons of neuronal groups LhaL comprlse neural mapplngs of Lhe world are
never ldenLlcal, even when slmllar, or effecLlvely ldenLlcal, sLlmull are encounLered. Clven LhaL degeneraLe neural
mapplngs have been observed experlmenLally many Llmes over nearly Lhree decades, lL ls easy Lo forgeL LhaL when
Ldelman flrsL proposed 1nCS ln Lhe laLe 1970s, Lhere was scanL evldence for such funcLlonal degeneracy ln Lhe
nervous sysLem.

lor us as humans, Lhe mosL profound lmpllcaLlon of Lhe foregolng ls LhaL each lndlvldual has an absoluLely prlvlleged
hlsLory, LhaL ls, no Lwo lndlvlduals evlnce Lhe same neural mapplngs of Lhe world, nor does any one lndlvldual ever
evlnce Lhe same maps on Lwo dlfferenL occaslons. lundamenLally, sLarLlng from early ln developmenL, no Lwo bralns
are wlred ln preclsely Lhe same manner, noL even Lhose of ldenLlcal Lwlns. As Lrue as lL was when Charles uarwln flrsL
publlshed C* $%. C0-?-* "M !2.,-.+ ln 1839, Lhe prlmacy of Lhe lndlvldual ln blologlcal sysLems-from Lhe lmmune
sysLem Lo Lhe nervous sysLem-can never be oversLaLed. Ldelman's work has Lhus followed essenLlally Lhe same
uarwlnlan prlnclples LhaL sLlll consLlLuLe Lhe bulwark of all of modern blology.

1wenLy years afLer Lhe publlcaLlon of Lhe Mlndful 8raln, Ldelman expanded upon 1nCS by proposlng, wlLh Clullo
1ononl, Lhe uynamlc Core hypoLhesls, whlch malnLalns LhaL consclousness emerges from dynamlc, reenLranL (buL noL
sLrlcLly recurslve) hlgher-order neural maps LhaL blnd oLherwlse dlsparaLe sensory and moLor neural maps. ln
mammals, such reenLranL maps are belleved Lo arlse chlefly ln LhalamocorLlcal and corLlco-corLlcal clrculLrles of Lhe
braln. noLably, Ldelman and 1ononl have argued LhaL, 1) every consclous eplsode ls slmulLaneously lnLegraLed (l.e.,
unlLary, of a plece) and dlfferenLlaLed (l.e., absoluLely unlque), and 2) such slmulLaneously lnLegraLed and
dlfferenLlaLed eplsodes are rlchly lnformaLlve dlscrlmlnaLlons-preclsely Lhose dlscrlmlnaLlons LhaL we commonly
refer Lo as 'qualla.'

Whlle much can be sald of Cerald Ldelman's careers ln Lhree dlsLlncL (Lhough relaLed) areas of blology, Lhe Lhree Lalks
LhaL comprlse Lhls evenL honor and celebraLe hls lmporLanL conLrlbuLlons Lo neurosclence generally and
consclousness Lheory ln parLlcular. Many may dlsagree wlLh Ldelman's ldeas, buL few can dlspuLe wlLh any lnLellecLual
welghL LhaL, over 33 years, he has labored sysLemaLlcally and wlLh commlLLed passlon Lo produce a comprehenslve

global Lheory of hlgher braln funcLlon-lndeed, one of a very few ouL Lhere Loday LhaL LeLhers falLhfully Lo blologlcal

1he Lhree speakers for Lhls evenL have more Lhan a mere acqualnLance wlLh Cerald Ldelman. aul verschure worked
closely wlLh hlm aL 1he neurosclences lnsLlLuLe (nSl) ln lLs very earllesL days as a full-blown research enLlLy ln San
ulego. Anll SeLh arrlved aL Lhe nSl laLer-[usL as lL had esLabllshed lLs repuLaLlon as a place where young sclenLlsLs
could freely ply Lhe mosL creaLlve of research waLers, unfeLLered by Lhe formulalc sLrucLures and resLrlcLlons lmposed
by more LradlLlonal academlc lnsLlLuLlons. 1he dlsLlngulshed neurologlsL and wrlLer, Cllver Sacks, flrsL meL Ldelman 23
years ago, and from early on, became lncreaslngly convlnced LhaL 1nCS and lLs exLenslons were ln beauLlful accord
wlLh all of Lhe rlch and varled observaLlons he had made durlng a nearly 30-year career ln neurology. All Lhree
speakers would cerLalnly acknowledge LhaL Ldelman's perspecLlve on Lhe naLure of consclousness has much Lo offer
Lo a young sclenLlflc enLerprlse sLlll ln search of lLs own core prlnclples and mechanlsms.

Concurrent Sess|ons

Concurrent Sess|on C1.1: Attent|on & 1|me Consc|ousness
SaLurday, !uly 13Lh, 13:30 - 17:30 EB'#$-(#+ RG

1. erceptua| |oad and the awareness of t|me
Dav|d Iames kobertson, N|||| Lav|e
uCL lnsLlLuLe of CognlLlve neurosclence
lL ls well esLabllshed LhaL condlLlons of hlgh percepLual load ln an aLLended Lask lead Lo reduced percepLlon and
awareness for unaLLended vlsual and audlLory sLlmull (see Lavle, 2010 for a revlew). Pere we LesL Lhe effecLs of
percepLual load on people's awareness of Llme. We varled Lhe level of percepLual load ln a rapld serlal vlsual
presenLaLlon (8Sv) Lask, ln whlch sub[ecLs searched a sLream of coloured crosses for a feaLure LargeL (red crosses) ln
Lhe low load condlLlon, or for a con[uncLlon LargeL (an uprlghL yellow or an lnverLed green cross) ln Lhe hlgh load
condlLlon. 1lme esLlmaLlon was elLher obLalned reLrospecLlvely wlLh a surprlse quesLlon aL Lhe end of Lhe sLream
(prompLlng parLlclpanLs Lo reproduce Lhe sLream duraLlon) or prospecLlvely (lnformlng Lhe parLlclpanLs ln advance
LhaL Lhey would be asked Lo reproduce Lhe sLream duraLlon). Plgher percepLual load ln Lhe 8Sv Lask led Lo
shorLenlng of Lhe percelved duraLlons, lncludlng sLreams ln whlch Lhere were no LargeLs presenL, and when measured
boLh prospecLlvely and reLrospecLlvely. Cur conLrol over boLh sLlmulus and response demands as well as over eye
movemenLs allow us Lo rule ouL alLernaLlve accounLs ln Lerms of memory (e.g. wlLh respecL Lo Lhe number of
conLexLual changes) or ln Lerms of Lemporal compresslon durlng saccades. 1hese flndlngs demonsLraLe Lhe crlLlcal role
of percepLual load ln awareness of Llme and supporL a new hypoLhesls llnklng rlghL posLerlor parleLal corLex boLh ln
Lhe effecLs of percepLual load and lnLerval Llmlng.
ConLacL: davld.roberLson.09[

2. uant|fy|ng tempora| consc|ousness
Lve A. Isham [1,2], 1|ffany Wa|| [2], Iarhan Sareshwa|a [2], Ioseph 8ut|er [2], Ia|n M. nar|ow [2],
Andrew . one||nas [1,2], Ioy I. Geng [1,2]
[1] uC uavls CenLer for Mlnd and 8raln
[2] uC uavls sychology ueparLmenL
1emporal awareness lnvolves Lhe deLecLlon and/or Lhe ablllLy Lo arLlculaLe Lhe momenL aL whlch one becomes aware
of an evenL or menLal sLaLe. 1he preclslon of Lhese Llme reporLs ls cruclal especlally when formlng a Lemporal
relaLlonshlp Lo reflecL causallLy or lnLenLlonallLy. asL sLudles however suggesLed LhaL parLlclpanLs ofLen do noL
accuraLely express Lemporal [udgmenLs. lor lnsLance, sLudles uslng a varlanL of Lhe LlbeL paradlgm lllusLraLed LhaL Lhe
momenLs of lnLenL (W) or acLlon (M) are lnfluenced by a posL-acLlon Lone, lmplylng LhaL W and M reporLs are
reconsLrucLed raLher Lhan dlrecLly percelved. MoLlvaLed by Lhese flndlngs, Lhe currenL research alms Lo 1) ldenLlfy
addlLlonal facLors LhaL modulaLe or lnfluence Lemporal reporLs and Lo 2) explore alLernaLlve meLhods LhaL may beLLer
quanLlfy Lemporal awareness. ln supporL of Alm 1, we found LhaL posL-evenL lnformaLlon (Lxp.1), aglng (Lxp.2),
deflclencles ln movemenL-lnlLlaLlon (Lxp.3), and percepLual blases faclllLaLed by Lhe Llmlng devlces (Lxp.4) lnfluence
Lhe percelved Llme of acLlon-relaLed evenLs. 1hese flndlngs emphaslze Lhe perspecLlve LhaL mulLlple facLors lnfluence
Lemporal consclousness such LhaL parLlclpanLs do noL accuraLely express Lhem. 1hese flndlngs also argue for meLhods
LhaL can beLLer quanLlfy Lemporal awareness (Alm 2). 1o saLlsfy Alm 2, we explored alLernaLlve meLhods lncludlng
confldence raLlngs and eye movemenL parameLers. AlLhough our resulLs showed LhaL confldence raLlngs were noL
senslLlve Lo Lemporal [udgmenLs (Lxp.3), our prellmlnary resulLs suggesLed LhaL eye-movemenLs served as a more
accuraLe measure of Lemporal lnLenL Lhan self-reporLs (Lxp.6).
ConLacL: ealsham[

3. Shutt|ng down the wor|d (|n your m|nd): Spontaneous m|nd-wander|ng assoc|ated w|th and pred|cted by
thresho|d f|uctuat|ons |n consc|ous percept|on.
M|kae| 8ast|an [1,2], Va|ent|n Wyart [3], Irme Sackur [1]
[1] LaboraLolre de Sclences CognlLlves eL sychollngulsLlque, cole normale Superleure, arls, lrance
[2] unlverslLe lerre eL Marle Curle-arls6, arls, lrance
[3] LaboraLolre de neurosclences CognlLlves, cole normale Superleure, arls, lrance
When performlng a demandlng Lask, susLalned aLLenLlon ofLen fades and drlfLs Lo personal concerns and LhoughLs. lL
has been suggesLed, prlmarlly on Lhe basls of neurolmaglng sLudles, LhaL such mlnd-wanderlng ls deLrlmenLal Lo

consclous percepLlon, leadlng Lo Lhe noLlon LhaL mlnd-wanderlng ls assoclaLed wlLh percepLual decoupllng". Pere, we
addressed Lhls lssue ln lLs mosL elemenLary form: we concelved of Lhe Lhreshold ln a slgnal deLecLlon Lask as a dlrecL
measure of parLlclpanLs' decoupllng from Lhe envlronmenL. We devlsed a novel psychophyslcal Lask LhaL allowed us Lo
Lrack conLlnuously Lhreshold flucLuaLlons, and found LhaL hlgh Lhreshold perlods were assoclaLed, and even predlcLlve,
of lnclplenL mlnd-wanderlng eplsodes. 1hen, ln a second experlmenL, we exLended our flndlngs and LesLed wheLher
we could enLraln Lhe sponLaneous flucLuaLlons ln mlnd-wanderlng. 1o Lhls effecL we presenLed unpredlcLably hlghly-
vlslble slgnals and found LhaL Lhey can reseL Lhese off-Lask flucLuaLlons. 1o our knowledge, our daLa provlde Lhe flrsL
dlrecL psychophyslcal LesL of Lhe percepLual decoupllng hypoLhesls. ln addlLlon, Lhey consLlLuLe an orlglnal sLarL ln Lhe
elaboraLlon of on-llne deLecLors of mlnd-wanderlng based on behavloral lndlces. lurLhermore, our daLa provlde a llnk
beLween low-level aLLenLlonal flucLuaLlons and hlgh-level sLaLes LhaL are sub[ecLlvely reporLed as mlnd-wanderlng.
1hls conLrlbuLes Lo an lnLegraLed undersLandlng of percepLual awareness and consclous sLreams of LhoughLs.
ConLacL: basLlan.mlkael[

4. Neura| s|gnatures of consc|ous face percept|on: 1he N170 |s absent dur|ng |nattent|ona| b||ndness
Iu||et Shafto, M|chae| |tts
8eed College
1he lnaLLenLlon paradlgm was adapLed for recordlng evenL-relaLed poLenLlals (L8s) ln order Lo examlne Lhe neural
correlaLes of consclous face percepLlon. ln Lhe flrsL phase of Lhe experlmenL, sub[ecLs engaged ln a dlfflculL Lracklng
Lask overlald on changlng conflguraLlons of llne segmenLs. unbeknownsL Lo Lhe sub[ecLs, on half of Lhe Lrlals Lhese llne
segmenLs formed a face for 300ms whlle on Lhe oLher half of Lhe Lrlals Lhe llne segmenLs were arranged randomly. An
awareness assessmenL revealed LhaL nearly half of all sub[ecLs dld noL see Lhe faces and remalned lnaLLenLlonally bllnd
for more Lhan 300 presenLaLlons of Lhe face durlng Lhls flrsL phase. ln Lhe second phase, parLlclpanLs engaged ln Lhe
same Lracklng Lask, buL due Lo Lhe lnLervenlng awareness assessmenL, all parLlclpanLs reporLed seelng Lhe faces durlng
Lhls phase. ln a Lhlrd phase, Lhe sLlmull remalned Lhe same, buL Lhe parLlclpanLs were lnsLrucLed Lo forego Lhe Lracklng
Lask and Lo perform an expllclL face dlscrlmlnaLlon Lask. Comparlsons beLween L8s Llme-locked Lo face and non-face
sLlmull revealed LhaL Lhe face-speclflc n170 was compleLely absenL durlng lnaLLenLlonal bllndness. 1he n170 was
clearly evldenL ln sub[ecLs who happened Lo noLlce Lhe faces ln phase 1, as well as ln Lhe lnaLLenLlonally bllnd sub[ecLs
once Lhey noLlced Lhe faces ln phase 2. AddlLlonally, when Lhe faces became Lask-relevanL ln phase 3, Lhe ampllLude
of Lhe n170 was slgnlflcanLly enhanced. 1hese resulLs suggesL LhaL Lhe n170 ls necessary for Lhe consclous percepLlon
of faces.
ConLacL: [ulleL.shafLo[

S. My future se|f and me: rospect|ve memory and tempora| d|scount|ng
|ng-1ung L|n
!ohannes CuLenberg unlverslLy Malnz
A recenL sLudy (eLers and 8chel, 2010) has shown LhaL menLal Llme Lravel lnvolved ln declslon-maklng reduces
Lemporal dlscounLlng. 1emporal dlscounLlng refers Lo Lhe phenomenon LhaL human belngs ofLen dlscounL Lhe value of
fuLure rewards over Llme. ln Lhls paper, l argue LhaL whaL accounLs for Lhe reducLlon ls a sense of self-conLlnulLy, Lhe
phenomenal experlence of exLendlng Lemporally backwards lnLo Lhe pasL and forwards lnLo Lhe fuLure. l propose LhaL
consLrucLlve eplsodlc slmulaLlon, Lhe common mechanlsm of reLrospecLlve and prospecLlve memory (SchacLer and
Addls, 2007, SchacLer eL al., 2012), enables a sense of self-conLlnulLy, whlch allows our presenL self-model Lo ldenLlfy
Lhe fuLure self-model as Lhe same Lemporally exLended model. llrsL, l wlll analyze Lhe concepL of self-conLlnulLy and
dlscuss Lhe fuLure self-conLlnulLy hypoLhesls" proposed by Lrsner-Pershfleld (2009). nexL, l argue LhaL self-conLlnulLy
beLween a fuLure/pasL self-model and Lhe presenL one, creaLed Lhrough menLal slmulaLlon, ls a maLLer of degree
dependlng on Lhe currenL sLaLe of Lhe self-model. When Lwo lnLerLemporal" self-models are more compaLlble, Lhe
fuLure/pasL self-model can be slmulaLed wlLh a hlgher degree of speclflclLy, and ls easler Lo be ldenLlfled by Lhe
presenL self-model. llnally, compared wlLh 8oyer's (2008) explanaLlon of Lhe funcLlon of menLal Llme Lravel wlLh
emoLlon, Lhe role of memory ln declslon maklng ls addressed. 1hls model of self-conLlnulLy noL only accounLs for Lhe
reducLlon of Lemporal dlscounLlng by menLal Llme Lravel, buL also provldes a new perspecLlve on Lhe LradlLlonal
debaLe of personal ldenLlLy and SchecLman's (1996) narraLlve ldenLlLy.
ConLacL: llny[

6. Attent|ona| attractors: Lxp|a|n|ng the contrast|ng effects of d|fferent numbers of cues at attended and
unattended |ocat|ons
Dav|d Carme| [1], Mar|sa Carrasco [2]

[1] sychology ueparLmenL, unlverslLy of Ldlnburgh, uk
[2] sychology and neural Sclence, new ?ork unlverslLy, uSA
SpaLlal aLLenLlon ls ofLen llkened Lo a spoLllghL, buL Lhls meLaphor ls lnadequaLe: lL cannoL accounL for Lhe reduced
senslLlvlLy aL unaLLended locaLlons LhaL accompanles faclllLaLlon aL aLLended locaLlons, nor for Lhe flexlblllLy of
aLLenLlon, whlch can be dlvlded over several locaLlons. Pere we descrlbe four experlmenLs on exogenous (lnvolunLary)
aLLenLlon, ln whlch we sysLemaLlcally explored Lhe effecLs of Lhe valldlLy and number of perlpheral cues. Cn each Lrlal,
parLlclpanLs reporLed a graLlng's orlenLaLlon. CraLlngs could appear aL varlous locaLlons and were preceded by one or
more cues. lf aLLenLlon draws on llmlLed processlng resources, conLrasL senslLlvlLy aL cued locaLlons should decllne as
Lhe number of cues lncreases. lor uncued locaLlons Lhe predlcLlon ls less sLralghLforward: ModulaLlon may only occur
aL aLLended locaLlons, leavlng senslLlvlLy aL unaLLended locaLlons unchanged, alLernaLlvely, dlvldlng aLLenLlon may
depleLe resources across Lhe vlsual fleld, reduclng senslLlvlLy aL all locaLlons, aLLended and unaLLended, flnally,
dlvldlng aLLenLlon may lmpalr aLLenLlonal speclflclLy, leadlng Lo Lhe counLerlnLulLlve predlcLlon LhaL unllke cued
locaLlons, senslLlvlLy aL uncued locaLlons should lmprove as Lhe number of cues lncreases. lndeed, dlvldlng aLLenLlon
lmpalred senslLlvlLy aL Lhe cued locaLlons, buL lmproved lL aL uncued locaLlons. 1hese flndlngs are conslsLenL wlLh a
model ln whlch aLLenLlonal cues acL as aLLracLors for spaLlally-Luned recepLlve channels: Cuelng alLers channels' spaLlal
Lunlng, lncreaslng Lhelr denslLy near a cue and decreaslng lL elsewhere. MulLlple cues pull ln dlfferenL dlrecLlons,
reduclng boLh of Lhese effecLs. ALLenLlonal aLLracLors Lhus accounL for our resulLs, and offer a vlable mechanlsm for
aLLenLlon's effecLs.
ConLacL: davecarmel[

Concurrent Sess|on 1.2: Lmbod|ment, Lxtended Consc|ousness, and n|gher-Crder 1heory
SaLurday, !uly 13Lh, 13:30 - 17:30 EB'#$-(#+ SG

1. 1owards a sc|ent|f|ca||y tractab|e, d|rect rea||st, sensor|motor account of exper|ence
M|ke 8eaton
lAS 8esearch, uv/LPu, Spaln
1he sensorlmoLor accounL of experlence has arguably noL llved up Lo lLs early promlse. l suggesL LhaL Lhls ls because a
full-blown sensorlmoLor accounL needs Lo re[ecL an assumpLlon shared by mosL consclousness researchers, namely
LhaL flrsL person experlence corresponds Lo processes ln Lhe head. l argue lnsLead LhaL when we are experlenclng an
ob[ecL or properLy ln Lhe world, Lhe experlenced ob[ecL ls llLerally parL of Lhe sub[ecLlve experlence. 1hls ls a form of
dlrecL reallsm. 1he sensorlmoLor accounL shows us (ln ways whlch can be made hlghly analyLlc and maLhemaLlcal)
whaL ob[ecLs are, such LhaL we may enacL Lhem, and whaL experlence ls, such LhaL lL may dlrecLly, consLlLuLlvely
lnvolve Lhese exLernal ob[ecLs. 1hls exLernallsL accounL of experlence maLches our flrsL-person phenomenology much
beLLer Lhan Lhe sLandard, lnLernallsL vlew, lL also makes lL much clearer how we can have genulne knowledge of Lhe
exLernal world. AcLlon-based vlews of percepLlon, such as Lhls one, should respond Lo apparenLly problemaLlc cases
such as locked-ln syndrome, noL by referrlng Lo coverL acLlon, buL raLher by referrlng Lo counLerfacLual llnks Lo overL
acLlon (Lhls use of counLerfacLuals ls compleLely normal ln sclence). ulrecL reallsL vlews should respond Lo argumenLs
from llluslon by noLlng LhaL Lhe deLalled flow of sub[ecLlve experlence ls dlfferenL when we are really encounLerlng an
ob[ecL, and when we only seem Lo be. 8raln dynamlcs remaln a cruclal enabllng parL of experlence, buL noL Lhe only
parL, experlence lLself ls Lhe ongolng, meanlngful relaLlonshlp beLween sub[ecL and world.
ConLacL: m[sbeaLon[

2. See|ng absence
Anya Iarenn|kova
unlverslLy of norLh Carollna aL Chapel Plll
lnLulLlvely, we ofLen see absences. lor example, lf someone sLeals your lapLop aL a cafe, you may see lLs absence from
your Lable. Powever, absence percepLlon presenLs a paradox. Cn prevalllng models of percepLlon, we see only presenL
ob[ecLs and scenes (Marr, Clbson, ureLske). So, we cannoL llLerally see someLhlng LhaL ls noL presenL. 1hls suggesLs
LhaL we never llLerally percelve absences, lnsLead, we come Lo belleve LhaL someLhlng ls absenL cognlLlvely on Lhe
basls of whaL we percelve. 8uL Lhls cognlLlve explanaLlon does noL do [usLlce Lo Lhe phenomenology. Many
experlences of absence possess lmmedlaLe, percepLual quallLles. Cne may furLher argue LhaL Lhe ablllLy Lo deLecL
cerLaln absences confers sLrong adapLlve advanLage and Lherefore musL be as prlmlLlve and fundamenLal Lo humans
as seelng poslLlve Lhlngs. l argue LhaL we can llLerally see absences, ln addlLlon Lo represenLlng ob[ecLs, percepLlon
represenLs absences of ob[ecLs. l presenL a model of seelng absence based on vlsual expecLaLlons and a vlsual
maLchlng process. 1he phenomenon of seelng absence can Lhus serve as an adequacy-LesL for a Lheory of percepLual

conLenL. lf experlences of absence are posslble, Lhen we have anoLher reason (followlng Slegel) Lo re[ecL Lhe vlew LhaL
percepLual conLenL ls resLrlcLed Lo colors and shapes. lurLhermore, lf Lhe proposed accounL ls correcL, Lhen we have
grounds for dlssoclaLlng seelng absence from oLher lmagery-based phenomena Lermed percepLual presence-ln-
absence" (no, Macpherson).
ConLacL: anyavf[

3. Lxtended cogn|t|on, extended consc|ousness?
1ob|as Sch||cht
lnsLlLuLe of hllosophy ll, 8uhr-unlverslLaL 8ochum
lL ls conLroverslal wheLher Lhe mlnd llLerally exLends beyond Lhe braln lnLo Lhe body and Lhe physlcal and soclal
envlronmenL (Clark & Chalmers 1998, Menary 2010). 1he sLrongesL clalm ln Lhls debaLe ls LhaL boLh cognlLlon and
consclousness are exLended (no 2009), Lhe weakesL clalm ls LhaL nelLher cognlLlon nor consclousness ls llLerally
exLended, whlle boLh are supporLed causally by Lhese exLernal facLors (Adams & Alzawa 2008), flnally, Clark (2009)
defends a poslLlon ln-beLween Lhese exLremes, argulng LhaL whlle cognlLlon ls exLended, consclousness ls noL (lLs
supervenlence base ls flrmly placed ln Lhe braln). ln Lhls Lalk lL ls argued LhaL Clark's mlddle poslLlon ls noL plauslble.
lor one Lhlng, lL seems Lo rule ouL cognlLlve Lheorles of consclousness a prlorl, whlle many well-argued phllosophlcal
Lheorles conLaln cognlLlve elemenLs. Moreover, lL ls demonsLraLed, based on Lhe example of CLLo, Lhe paLlenL
sufferlng from Alzhelmer's dlsease, (1) LhaL CLLo's cognlLlve process of rememberlng would noL geL off Lhe ground lf lL
weren'L for Lhe 'feellng of knowlng' (korlaL 2000) LhaL Lhe lnformaLlon he ls looklng for ls conLalned ln hls noLebook
(Lhls lnformaLlon lLself cannoL be ln Lhe noLebook). lL ls Lhen argued (2) LhaL Lhls eplsLemlc feellng ls a consclous
phenomenal sLaLe and (3) LhaL lL ls parLly consLlLuLlve of Lhe cognlLlve process of rememberlng LhaL ensues once CLLo
consulLs hls noLebook. Slnce Lhe cognlLlve process Lhus lnvolves an essenLlally consclous elemenL, Clark musL admlL
LhaL elLher are boLh cognlLlon and consclousness exLended or none of Lhem ls.
ConLacL: Loblas.schllchL[

4. 1oo| use modu|ates both consc|ous and unconsc|ous representat|ons of body shape
Luke L. Mlller [1,2], MaLLhew 8. Longo [3], Ayse . Saygln [1,2]
[1] ueparLmenL of CognlLlve Sclence, unlverslLy of Callfornla, San ulego
[2] kavll lnsLlLuLe for 8raln and Mlnd, unlverslLy of Callfornla, San ulego
[3] ueparLmenL of sychologlcal Sclences, 8lrkbeck College, unlverslLy of London
1ool use can shape menLal represenLaLlons of users' bodles. lor example, uslng a long mechanlcal grabber can exLend
Lhe lengLh of Lhe neural represenLaLlon of Lhe arm wleldlng Lhe Lool (Cardlnall, eL al. 2009). Surprlslngly, mosL research
has focused excluslvely on changes Lo unconsclous represenLaLlons (e.g. body schema). Pere, we lnvesLlgaLed how
Lool use modulaLed boLh unconsclous and consclous body represenLaLlons. ln LxperlmenL 1, we measured
unconsclous hand represenLaLlons uslng a LacLlle slze percepLlon Lask (Longo & Paggard, 2011). arLlclpanLs [udged
Lhe dlsLance beLween palrs of LacLlle polnLs before and afLer Lhe brlef use of a large hand-shaped Lool (abouL 10 mln
of grasplng and movlng balloons). AfLer Lool use, we observed an lncrease ln Lhe wldLh and a decrease ln Lhe lengLh of
Lhe unconsclous hand represenLaLlon. ln LxperlmenL 2, we measured consclous percepLlon of hand shape uslng a
LemplaLe-maLchlng Lask (Longo & Paggard, 2012). We found slgnlflcanL modulaLlon of Lhls hand represenLaLlon
followlng Lool use, whlch mlrrored Lhe resulLs of LxperlmenL 1. AfLer Lool use, we observed an lncrease ln Lhe wldLh
and a decrease ln Lhe lengLh of Lhe consclous hand represenLaLlon. 1o our knowledge, Lhese resulLs are Lhe flrsL emplrlcal
evldence LhaL Lool use leads Lo changes ln noL only unconsclous buL also consclous self-represenLaLlon. lurLher, we found
LhaL Lhe change ln Lhe consclous represenLaLlon mlrrors LhaL observed for Lhe unconsclous represenLaLlon.

ConLacL: lumlller[

S. 1roub|es w|th h|gher-order thought theor|es of consc|ousness: An ob[ect|on from hydranencepha|y
karen an
!ohns Popklns unlverslLy
As a consclous human belng, my consclous experlence has some phenomenologlcal sLrucLure. Cne puLaLlve aspecL of
Lhls phenomenologlcal sLrucLure concerns for-me-ness. lor-me-ness ls consLrued as Lhe relaLlon beLween some
phenomenal characLer (whaL-lL-ls-llke-ness) and Lhe sub[ecL of consclousness, namely, Lhe former ls for Lhe laLLer.
Some phllosophers argue LhaL for-me-ness ls consLlLuLlve of Lhe phenomenologlcal sLrucLure of consclousness. Among
Lhem, one promlnenL group of phllosophers defends Plgher-Crder 1houghL (PC1) Lheorles of consclousness, lncludlng
uavld 8osenLhal's acLuallsL PC1 Lheory, eLer CarruLhers's dlsposlLlonallsL PC1 Lheory, and urlah krlegel's Self-

8epresenLaLlonal PC1 Lheory. 1hese phllosophers employ dlfferenL noLlons of PC1 Lo explaln for-me-ness. ln Lhls
paper, l analyze Lhe ways ln whlch Lhese PC1 LheorlsLs explaln for-me-ness. l argue LhaL Lhey make slmllar assump-
Llons regardlng Lhe funcLlons of PC1s. 1hese assumpLlons commlL Lhem Lo Lhe clalm LhaL some corLlcal mechanlsm ls
consLlLuLlve of consclousness. Pavlng ldenLlfled Lhe assumpLlons, l presenL a case sLudy of hydranencephaly (l.e.,
chlldren born wlLhouL a corLex) Lo challenge Lhe assumpLlons. llnally, l presenL anoLher represenLaLlonal approach Lo
defend Lhe clalm LhaL for-me-ness ls consLlLuLlve of Lhe phenomenologlcal sLrucLure of consclousness. 1hls vlew
employs a seL of body-mapplng processes Lo ground for-me-ness. Pavlng shown LhaL, l argue LhaL lL can accommodaLe
Lhe challenge from Lhe case sLudy l have presenLed.
ConLacL: ryan3[[

6. Somatoparaphren|a and h|gher-order thoughts
kocco Gennaro
ueparLmenL of hllosophy College of Llberal ArLs, unlverslLy of SouLhern lndlana
l defend Lhe hlgher-order LhoughL (PC1) Lheory of consclousness agalnsL Lhe charge LhaL lL cannoL accounL for Lhe
dlsorder known as somaLoparaphrenla, where one denles ownershlp of a llmb. Llang and Lane (2009) have argued
LhaL somaLoparaphrenla LhreaLens PC1 Lheory because lL conLradlcLs Lhe noLlon LhaL when l am ln a consclous sLaLe, l
have Lhe accompanylng PC1 LhaL l am ln menLal sLaLe M." lndeed, lL ls dlfflculL Lo undersLand how one can have a
consclous sLaLe and noL, aL leasL lmpllclLly, aLLrlbuLe lL Lo oneself. ln defense of PC1 Lheory (and ln addlLlon Lo
8osenLhal's 2010 reply), l emphaslze Lhe followlng polnLs (among oLhers): (1) 1haL somaLoparaphrenla ls ofLen
characLerlzed as a deluslon of bellef under Lhe broader caLegory of anosognosla, a condlLlon ln whlch a person wlLh a
dlsablllLy seems unaware of Lhe exlsLence of Lhe dlsablllLy. (2) 1haL Lane and Llang do noL properly recognlze LhaL Lhe
LacLlle sensaLlon ln quesLlon ls sLlll felL by ofLen-clLed paLlenL l8 as her own ln one sense, even Lhough she also
aLLrlbuLes her llmb Lo her nlece and Lhus belleves LhaL Lhe paln ls her nlece's. (3) 1haL Lane and Llang do noL acknow-
ledge LhaL lf some of l8's problemaLlc LhoughLs are noL really even dlrecLed aL menLal sLaLes, Lhen much of whaL Lhey
say ls lrrelevanL wlLh respecL Lo any problem for PC1 Lheory. l wlll also brlefly dlscuss Lo whaL exLenL PC1 Lheory can
make sense of Shoemaker's (1968) well-known lmmunlLy Lo error Lhrough mlsldenLlflcaLlon" (lLM) prlnclple.
ConLacL: r[gennaro[

Concurrent Sess|on 1.3: Consc|ousness & Unconsc|ousness
SaLurday, !uly 13Lh, 13:30 - 17:30 EB'#$-(#+ TG

1. Interact|on between spontaneous f|uctuat|on and aud|tory evoked act|v|ty dur|ng wakefu|ness and propofo|-
|nduced |oss of consc|ousness: An LLG-fMkI study
C. Gosser|es [1], A. Vanhaudenhuyse [1], MA. 8runo [1], k. han-8a [2], C. h||||ps [1], . 8overoux [1,3], V.
8onhomme [3], D. Ledoux [1,4], I.I. 8r|chant [3], M. Schabus [S], L. 8a|teau [1], C. De|gue|dre [1], A. Luxen [1], .
Maquet [1], S. Laureys [1], M. 8o|y [1]
[1] CycloLron 8esearch CenLre, unlverslLy of Llege, Llege, 8elglum
[2] ueparLmenL of neurology, Myelln ulsorder 8esearch 1eam (M?u8LAM), unlverslLy PosplLal of Llege, Llege,
[3] ueparLmenL of AnesLhesla, unlverslLy PosplLal of Llege, Llege, 8elglum.
[4] ueparLmenL of Ceneral lnLenslve Care, unlverslLy PosplLal of Llege, Llege, 8elglum
[3] ueparLmenL of sychology, LaboraLory for Sleep and Consclousness 8esearch and ulvlslon of hyslologlcal
sychology, unlverslLy of Salzburg, Salzburg, AusLrla
Cb[ecLlves: luncLlonal M8l sLudles have ldenLlfled sponLaneous flucLuaLlons ln neural acLlvlLy wlLhln audlLory corLlces.
1he funcLlonal slgnlflcance of Lhe preserved ongolng flucLuaLlons durlng loss of consclousness remalns however poorly
undersLood. We here lnvesLlgaLed Lhe lnfluence of sponLaneous flucLuaLlon ln Lhe audlLory resLlng-sLaLe neLwork on
sLlmulus-evoked audlLory responses under propofol anesLhesla. MeLhods: SlmulLaneous funcLlonal M8l and LLC daLa
were acqulred ln 13 sub[ecLs durlng wakefulness and under anesLhesla where pure Lones were presenLed. AfLer
obLalnlng an audlLory neLwork LemplaLe from awake sLaLes, we ldenLlfled a sponLaneous audlLory braln acLlvlLy map ln
each condlLlon for each sub[ecL. Sounds were Lhen classlfled lnLo Lwo classes: 'up' lf Lhe Lone onseL occurred wlLhln
Lhe upper half sponLaneous audlLory acLlvlLy, and 'down' oLherwlse. 8esulLs: uurlng wakefulness, 'up' Lones lnduced
more wldespread cerebral acLlvaLlon Lhan Lhe 'down' Lones. uurlng deep sedaLlon, Lhe effecL was resLrlcLed Lo
prlmary audlLory corLlces. A correlaLlon was found beLween Lhe lnfluence of sponLaneous flucLuaLlons on Lhe
responses Lo sounds and Lhe level of consclousness. A consclousness-dependenL effecL of sponLaneous acLlvlLy on Lhe
processlng of sLlmull was also found for sLlmulus-lnduced beLa band synchronlsaLlon aL a laLency of 200 ms afLer Lhe
presenLaLlon of sounds. Concluslon: uurlng wakefulness, sponLaneous audlLory corLlces flucLuaLlons ellclLs large dlfferences

ln braln acLlvaLlon and beLa synchronlzaLlon ln laLe laLencles. ln conLrasL, Lhe locallzed effecL of sponLaneous acLlvlLy
durlng loss of consclousness ls unllkely Lo lead Lo changes ln awareness of audlLory sLlmull. Cur daLa suggesL a
correlaLlon beLween Lhe level of consclousness and Lhe lnLeracLlon beLween sponLaneous and sLlmulus evoked acLlvlLy.
ConLacL: ogosserles[

2. S|gnatures of consc|ousness and pred|ctors of recovery |n vegetat|ve and m|n|ma||y consc|ous pat|ents
Iacobo D. S|tt [1,2,3], I.k. k|ng [1,2,3], I. L| karou| [3], 8. kohaut [3,4], I. Iaugeras [3,4], A. Gramfort [2,S], L. Cohen
[3,4,6], M. S|gman [7], S. Dehaene [1,2,8,9], L. Naccache [3,4,6]
[1] CognlLlve neurolmaglng unlL, lnsLlLuL naLlonal de la SanLe eL de la 8echerche Medlcale, u992, l-91191 Clf/?veLLe, lrance
[2] neuroSpln CenLer, lnsLlLuLe of 8lolmaglng CommlssarlaL a l'Lnergle ALomlque, l-91191 Clf/?veLLe, lrance
[3] lnsLlLuL du Cerveau eL de la Moelle plnlere 8esearch CenLer, lnsLlLuL naLlonal de la SanLe eL de la 8echerche
Medlcale, u973 arls, lrance
[4] A-P, Croupe hosplLaller lLle-SalpLrlere, ueparLmenL of neurophyslology, arls, lrance
[3] lnsLlLuL Mlnes-1elecom, 1elecom arls1ech, Cn8S L1Cl
[6] laculLe de Medeclne lLle-SalpLrlere, unlverslLe arls 6, arls, lrance
[7] lnLegraLlve neurosclence LaboraLory, hyslcs ueparLmenL, laculLad de Clenclas LxacLas y naLurales, unlversldad de
8uenos Alres, 8uenos Alres, ArgenLlna
[8] unlverslLe arls 11, Crsay, lrance, [9] College de lrance, l-73003 arls, lrance
ln recenL years, a large seL of elecLrophyslologlcal slgnaLures of consclousness have been proposed. Pere, we perform
a sysLemaLlc analysls of Lhese LLC measures by quanLlfylng Lhelr efflclency ln dlfferenLlaLlng vegeLaLlve sLaLe paLlenLs
from Lhose ln a mlnlmally consclous or ln a consclous sLaLe. 8ased on a revlew of exlsLlng experlmenLs and Lheorles,
we presenL a concepLual framework whlch organlzes Lhese measures along four dlmenslons: (1) evenL-relaLed
poLenLlals versus ongolng LLC acLlvlLy, (2) local dynamlcs versus lnLer-elecLrode lnformaLlon exchange, (3) specLral
paLLerns versus lnformaLlon complexlLy, (4) average versus flucLuaLlons over Lhe LesLlng perlod. We analyzed 181
hlgh-denslLy LLC recordlngs from a 30-mlnuLe paradlgm deslgned Lo efflclenLly esLlmaLe a LoLal of 94 measures.
8esulLs show LhaL average and flucLuaLlons of low-frequency power, measures of LLC complexlLy, and esLlmaLes of
lnformaLlon sharlng, parLlcularly across dlsLanL slLes, besL lndex consclous sLaLes. 1hls resulL ls observed regardless of
eLlology and acuLeness of Lhe paLlenLs. When comblned, Lhese measures enable auLomaLlc classlflcaLlon of paLlenLs'
sLaLe and even predlcL lndlvldual cllnlcal ouLcome. 8eyond lLs hlgh cllnlcal poLenLlal, a key elemenL of Lhls work
conslsLs ln LesLlng properLles of corLlcal processlng dlrecLly relaLed Lo lnfluenLlal Lheorles of consclousness (global
workspace model, lnformaLlon lnLegraLlon Lheory, neural neLwork recurrence Lheory) ln a slngle emplrlcal sLudy.
ConLacL: [dslLL[

3. 1he reach of the unconsc|ous
Axe| C|eeremans [1,2,3]
[1] unlverslLe Llbre de 8ruxelles
[2] CenLer for 8esearch ln CognlLlon & neurosclences
[3] Consclousness, CognlLlon & CompuLaLlon Croup
A greaL concepLual pendulum osclllaLes, wlLh a perlod of abouL 30 or 40 years, over our undersLandlng of Lhe
relaLlonshlps beLween consclous and unconsclous lnformaLlon processlng. lLs paLh dellneaLes Lhe conLours of Lhe
unconsclous mlnd as well as lLs conLenLs: SomeLlmes smarL and deflnlng Lhe very fabrlc of Lhe mlnd, Lhe unconsclous
ls aL oLher Llmes relegaLed Lo Laklng care of llLLle more Lhan our bodlly funcLlons. AL Lhls polnL ln Llme, Lhe pendulum
flnds lLself hoverlng raLher sLeadlly on Lhe slde of Lhose who Lhlnk so many funcLlons are served by Lhe unconsclous
LhaL Lhey even quesLlon Lhe very role LhaL consclousness plays ln shaplng Lhe human mlnd. Pere l wlll suggesL LhaL Lhe
pendulum has swung a llLLle Loo far, and lllusLraLe Lhe argumenL wlLh recenL experlmenLal flndlngs LhaL documenL
how challenglng lL may be Lo arrlve aL a saLlsfacLory concepLlon of Lhe relaLlonshlps beLween consclous and unconsclous
lnformaLlon processlng. l wlll focus on Lhree recenL sLudles - one dedlcaLed Lo percepLual awareness and Lhe oLher
Lwo dedlcaLed Lo soclal cognlLlon. All are suggesLlve LhaL Lhe speclflc meLhods we use, as well as Lhe manner ln whlch
we lnLerpreL Lhe daLa, are of profound lmporLance wlLh respecL Lo Lhe concluslons we draw abouL Lhe power of Lhe
unconsclous. A few general prlnclples emerge from Lhls skepLlcal analysls. llrsL, Lhe unconsclous ls probably overraLed
Loday. Second, Lhere ls a pervaslve and conLlnulng confuslon beLween lnformaLlon processlng wlLhouL awareness and
lnformaLlon processlng wlLhouL aLLenLlon. l suggesL LhaL conslderlng how learnlng and plasLlclLy mechanlsms modlfy
consclous conLenLs can reduce Lhls confuslon.
ConLacL: axcleer[

4. 1hresho|d for sub[ect|ve v|s|b|||ty |s assoc|ated w|th str|ata| dopam|ne D2 receptor b|nd|ng
I|||p Van Cpsta| [1], 1om Verguts [1], N|ck Van Laecken [2], I|||p De Vos [2], Ingeborg Goetha|s [3], W|m I|as [1]
[1] ueparLmenL of LxperlmenLal sychology, ChenL unlverslLy, 8elglum
[2] ueparLmenL of harmaceuLlcal Analysls, ChenL unlverslLy, 8elglum
[3] ueparLmenL of nuclear Medlclne, ChenL unlverslLy, 8elglum
8esearch suggesLed LhaL sLrlaLal dopamlne (uA) acLlvlLy affecLs corLlcosLrlaLal lnformaLlon processlng by dlsrupLlng or
enhanclng Lhe Lransmlsslon of lnpuL slgnals. 1hls process ls referred Lo as 'sensory gaLlng' and ls deflned as a pre-
aLLenLlve ablllLy of Lhe braln Lo modulaLe lLs senslLlvlLy Lo an lncomlng sLlmulus. 1hls lndlcaLes a sLrong relaLlon
beLween sLrlaLal uA and sub[ecLlve vlslblllLy of a sLlmulus. We Lherefore hypoLheslzed LhaL lndlvldual dlfferences ln Lhe
Lhreshold for sub[ecLlve vlsual awareness would be relaLed Lo dopamlnerglc blndlng ln Lhe sLrlaLum. 1he Lhreshold for
sub[ecLlve vlsual awareness was measured ln a behavloral masklng (uel Cul eL al., 2006). ln a separaLe sesslon, Lhe
upLake of dopamlne ln Lhe sLrlaLum was measured wlLh poslLron emlsslon Lomography (L1) and [11C]8acloprlde as a
radloacLlve u2 recepLor anLagonlsL. uanLlflcaLlon of sLrlaLal blndlng was done by applylng a parLlal volume- and
resoluLlon-lndependenL meLhod (1osslcl-8olL, eL al. 2006, CoeLhals eL al., 2007). Slmllar Lo prevlous work
demonsLraLlng a relaLlon beLween sLrlaLal u2 blndlng poLenLlal and cognlLlve performance (e.g., human worklng
memory, Cools eL al., 2008) or personallLy LralLs (e.g., sensaLlon seeklng, C[edde eL al., 2010), resulLs revealed a
slgnlflcanL quadraLlc (u-curve) relaLlon (correcLed for llnear Lrends) beLween sLrlaLal blndlng and Lhe Lhreshold for
sub[ecLlve awareness (p .0006): lndlvlduals wlLh exLreme values of sLrlaLal blndlng had hlgher Lhresholds for
sub[ecLlve vlsual awareness.
ConLacL: flllp.vanopsLal[

S. Neurodynam|cs of trans|t|ons between s|eep and wakefu|ness revea|ed by Granger causa||ty ana|ys|s of
|ntracran|a| LLG data
An|| Seth [1,2], Adam 8arrett [1,2], Andrea |gor|n| [3], L|one| 8arnett [1,2], L|no Nob||| [4], Marce||o Mass|m|n| [3]
[1] Sackler CenLre for Consclousness Sclence, unlverslLy of Sussex, unlLed klngdom
[2] ueparLmenL of lnformaLlcs, unlverslLy of Sussex, unlLed klngdom
[3] ueparLmenL of Cllnlcal Sclences, unlverslLy of Mllan, Mllan 20137, lLaly
[4] CenLre for Lpllepsy Surgery, C. Munarl", nlguarda PosplLal, Mllan 20162, lLaly
An essenLlal sLep Lowards reveallng Lhe neural basls of consclousness ls Lo characLerlze dlrecLed funcLlonal
lnLeracLlons among dlverse braln reglons durlng dlfferenL consclous levels. 1o address Lhls challenge, we applled
Cranger causallLy analysls Lo lnLra-cranlally recorded sLeady-sLaLe LLC daLa from 10 separaLe channels ln a slngle
human sub[ecL, obLalned durlng boLh wakeful resLlng and deep (non rapld-eye-movemenL) sleep. 1he areas we
recorded from lncluded fronLal, pre-cenLral, clngulaLe, lnsular, and Lhalamlc LargeLs. We analysed Cranger causallLy ln
Lhe frequency domaln, uslng palrwlse and condlLlonal lmplemenLaLlons, and applylng rlgorous sLaLlsLlcal conLrols.
8esulLs showed a dramaLlcally lncreased Cranger-causal lnfluence durlng sleep from Lhe Lhalamus Lo all oLher reglons,
concenLraLed ln Lhe low beLa range (10-13 Pz), whlch was apparenL ln boLh palrwlse and condlLlonal analyses. 1hls
flndlng supporLs Lhe noLlon of acLlve Lhalamlc regulaLlon of sleep sLaLes. We also calculaLed neLwork-level dynamlcal
properLles lncludlng causal denslLy" and coallLlon enLropy". Causal denslLy measures Lhe overall level of causal
lnLeracLlvlLy ln a neLwork and has been relaLed LheoreLlcally Lo consclous level, whlle coallLlon enLropy measures Lhe
average enLropy (over Llme) of Lhe consLlLuLlon of ensembles of synchronlzed channels. 8oLh are ln dlfferenL senses
measures of dynamlcal complexlLy of Llme-serles daLa. 8esulLs showed LhaL, surprlslngly, Lhese measures moved ln
opposlLe dlrecLlons: whlle causal denslLy lncreased durlng sleep, coallLlon enLropy decreased. Cur flndlngs have
lmpllcaLlons boLh for Lhe meLhodology of dlrecLed funcLlonal connecLlvlLy analysls of lnLracranlal LLC daLa, and for
complexlLy-based Lheorles of consclous level.
ConLacL: a.k.seLh[

6. Unconsc|ous ar|thmet|c - ar|thmet|c prob|ems are so|ved w|thout consc|ous awareness
Asae| . Sk|ar [1], kan k. nass|n [1,2]
[1] Pebrew unlverslLy of !erusalem, sychology ueparLmenL
[2] Pebrew unlverslLy of !erusalem, CenLer for 8aLlonallLy
1he modal vlew ln Lhe cognlLlve- and neurosclences holds LhaL consclousness ls necessary for absLracL, symbollc and
rule-followlng compuLaLlons. Pence, maLhemaLlcal Lhlnklng ln general, and dolng arlLhmeLlc more speclflcally, ls
wldely belleved Lo requlre consclousness. ln Lhe presenLed research we used conLlnuous flash suppresslon Lo expose
parLlclpanLs Lo exLremely long-duraLlon (up Lo 2000 mllllseconds) subllmlnal prlmes, whlch were composed of
arlLhmeLlc equaLlons (e.g. 9-3-2). AfLer prlme presenLaLlon, parLlclpanLs saw consclous LargeLs, elLher numbers
(whlch parLlclpanLs had Lo read aloud, experlmenLs 1 & 2) or sLaLemenLs (whlch parLlclpanLs had Lo verlfy by key

press, experlmenL 3). ln all experlmenLs LargeLs were elLher congruenL (Lhe LargeL was Lhe equaLlon's resulL) or
lncongruenL. 1haL prlmes were nonconsclous was verlfled uslng boLh sub[ecLlve and ob[ecLlve measures ln each
experlmenL. 1he resulLs of Lhe Lhree experlmenLs show an advanLage for congruenL LargeLs, lndlcaLlng LhaL soluLlons
Lo equaLlons were acLlvaLed even when Lhe equaLlons dld noL reach consclousness. ln oLher words, Lhey show LhaL
arlLhmeLlc can be done unconsclously. 1hese flndlngs lmply LhaL Lhe modal vlews of Lhe unconsclous and
consclousness need Lo be slgnlflcanLly updaLed - consclousness ls noL necessary for absLracL, rule-based manlpulaLlon
of lnformaLlon. 1hus, Lhe answer Lo Lhe quesLlon whaL ls Lhe funcLlon of consclousness cannoL be LhaL consclousness
ls responslble for all sysLem 2" (Morewedge & kahneman, 2010) processes.
ConLacL: asaelsk[

Concurrent Sess|on 2.1: Iee||ng, Consc|ousness and Dec|s|on-Mak|ng
Sunday, !uly 14Lh, 13:30 - 17:30 EB'#$-(#+ RG

1. Is consc|ousness |nvo|ved |n de||berate dec|s|on mak|ng? Lv|dence from |ntracran|a| record|ngs
Ur| Maoz [1], L|ad Mudr|k [1], Shengxuan e [1], Dawn L||ash|v [2], Ieffrey Chung [3], Ian koss [4], Adam Mame|ak
[3], ka|ph Ado|phs [1], Chr|stof koch [1,S]
[1] ulvlslon of 8lology, Callfornla lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology
[2] 8onal 8eagen uCLA Medlcal CenLer
[3] Cedars Slnal Medlcal CenLer
[4] PunLlngLon Memorlal PosplLal
[3] Allen lnsLlLuLe for 8raln Sclence
lnLrospecLlvely, humans feel LhaL Lhey can consclously govern Lhelr declslons and acLlons. 8uL Lhe veraclLy of Lhls
experlence was famously challenged by LlbeL's experlmenL and subsequenL work, whlch suggesLed LhaL lL ls unconsclous
processes LhaL lnlLlaLe acLlon. 1hls prompLed clalms LhaL consclousness ls noL parL of Lhe causal chaln leadlng and
acLlon. Powever, Lhese sLudles focused on random acLlons, such as repeLlLlvely ralslng Lhe lefL or rlghL hand aL wlll,
whlle reasoned, dellberaLe acLlons are aL Lhe hearL of Lhe debaLe on free wlll and moral responslblllLy. Cur sub[ecLs - 8
epllepsy paLlenLs lnLracranlally lmplanLed wlLh elecLrodes for cllnlcal purposes - played a maLchlng pennles game
where, aL Lhe go slgnal LhaL followed a 3s counLdown, Lhey and Lhelr opponenL ralsed one hand. 8oLh sLarLlng Lhe
game wlLh $3, Lhe sub[ecLs won $0.10 off Lhelr opponenLs ln Lrlals where Lhey ralsed Lhe same hand, and losL LhaL
amounL oLherwlse. Sub[ecLs kepL Lhe sum Lhey scored aL Lhe end of Lhe game lf lL was greaLer Lhan Lhelr opponenL's.
So, lmporLanLly, our sub[ecLs' acLlons were reasoned and dellberaLe. ln separaLe Lrlals Lhey reporLed when Lhey
consclously made up Lhelr mlnd. We consLrucLed an onllne sysLem LhaL predlcLed whlch hand sub[ecLs would ralse
above chance sLarLlng 4s before acLlon onseL. lLs accuracy rose Lo abouL 80 and plaLeaued, on average, LogeLher or
afLer sub[ecLs reporLed havlng declded, 2.3s lnLo Lhe counLdown. 1hls suggesLs LhaL consclousness may be more
lnvolved ln dellberaLe acLlons Lhan ln random ones.
ConLacL: urlm[

2. rospects for an exper|menta| ph||osophy of m|nd: Lxper|menta| ph||osophy w|th or w|thout |ntu|t|ons?
Ienn|fer M. W|ndt, 1homas Metz|nger
!ohannes CuLenberg-unlverslLaL Malnz
1he demand for lnLerdlsclpllnarlLy has long been a buzzword ln consclousness research. AL Lhe same Llme,
experlmenLal phllosophy ls currenLly a hoL Loplc, clalmlng Lo revoluLlonlze phllosophlcal meLhodology lLself. WhaL,
Lhen, are Lhe prospecLs for experlmenLal phllosophy of mlnd? MosL exlsLlng sLudles have used quesLlonnalres Lo
lnvesLlgaLe Lhe lnLulLlons of laypeople abouL consclousness. 1hls ls surprlslng for Lwo reasons: Cne, phllosophlcally
relevanL research resulLs from cognlLlve neurosclence go far beyond quesLlonnalre sLudles, so Lhls meLhodologlcal
llmlLaLlon seems exceedlngly narrow. 1wo, lnLulLlons, undersLood as a parLlcular class of menLal sLaLes, are
Lhemselves a LargeL for phllosophy of mlnd. 8ased on a brlef analysls of Lhe concepLs of lnLulLlon and lnLulLlveness as a
phenomenal slgnaLure of knowledge wlLhouL eplsLemlc [usLlflcaLlon, we argue LhaL aL besL, lnLulLlon-based
experlmenLal phllosophy lnvesLlgaLes Lhe phenomenology of lnLulLlveness ln dlfferenL sub[ecL groups, buL has no
consequences for quesLlons concernlng Lhe naLure of consclousness whaLsoever. lnLulLlon-free experlmenLal phllosophy
of mlnd overcomes boLh llmlLaLlons. uslng a slngle example, we argue LhaL lnLulLlon-free experlmenLal phllosophy ls
Lhe ouLcome of an acLlve collaboraLlon beLween phllosophers and cognlLlve neurosclenLlsLs, resulLlng from Lhe
aLLempL Lo operaLlonallze concepLual dlsLlncLlons from phllosophy of mlnd and render Lhem emplrlcally lnvesLlgable.
As such, lL ls noL purely phllosophlcal, buL when successful wlll raLher be an example of genulne lnLerdlsclpllnarlLy. ?eL,
lLs phllosophlcal value ls noL llmlLed Lo Lhe phllosophlcal relevance of speclflc research resulLs, buL lncludes Lhe added

experLlse and deeper undersLandlng of Lhe meLhods used ln cognlLlve neurosclence LhaL phllosophers can galn
Lhrough such collaboraLlons.
ConLacL: wlndL[

3. Ventra| str|atum but not ventromed|a| prefronta| cortex represents st|mu|us va|ue w|thout perceptua| awareness
Le||a M. kouhsar| [1], Chr|stof koch [2,3], ka|ph Ado|phs [1,2,3], Anton|o kange| [1,2]
[1] ulvlslon of PumanlLles and Soclal Sclences, Callfornla lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology, asadena, CA
[2] CompuLaLlonal and neural SysLems, Callfornla lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology, asadena, CA
[3] ulvlslon of 8lology, Callfornla lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology, asadena, CA
revlous research has shown LhaL acLlvlLy ln sLrucLures such as venLromedlal prefronLal corLex (vmlC) and venLral
sLrlaLum (vSLr) correlaLes wlLh sLlmulus value aL Lhe Llme of cholce when sub[ecLs are aware of Lhe sLlmull. Powever,
we ofLen make declslons wlLhouL belng fully aware of Lhe deLalls of Lhe cholce. 1he valuaLlon mechanlsms behlnd such
'unconsclous' declslons are unknown. We used human fM8l Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe lnfluence of percepLual awareness on
value compuLaLlon. Speclflcally, we asked lf percepLual awareness ls necessary for Lhe neural compuLaLlon of sLlmulus
value, and lf noL, wheLher Lhe same braln reglons are lnvolved ln compuLlng sLlmulus value ln boLh Lhe presence and
absence of percepLual awareness. When a vlsual sLlmulus ls preceded and followed by slmllar vlsual sLlmull, lL ls
experlenced as lndlsLlncL or lnvlslble, a phenomenon known as masklng. Pere, we used forward and backward
masklng Lo lnduce percepLual lnvlslblllLy whlle observers vlewed Lhe names of appeLlLlve and averslve food lLems. ln
Lhe flrsL parL of Lhe experlmenL, observers performed a 2AlC word, non-word dlscrlmlnaLlon Lask on masked food
names and random leLLer sLrlngs. 1he dlscrlmlnaLlon performance measured by d' was noL slgnlflcanLly dlfferenL from
chance, lndlcaLlng LhaL observers were noL percepLually aware of Lhe sLlmull. ln arL 2 of Lhe experlmenL, we
measured Lhe parLlclpanLs' preferences slmply by asklng Lhem Lo vlew Lhe names and lndlcaLe how much Lhey would
llke Lo eaL Lhem. llnally, Lhese same food names were presenLed wlLh and wlLhouL masklng whlle Lhe parLlclpanLs
underwenL fM8l, agaln raLlng how much Lhey would llke Lo eaL each food. ConslsLenL wlLh prevlous research, we
found LhaL ln unmasked Lrlals neural acLlvlLy boLh ln vmlC and vSLr correlaLed wlLh each parLlclpanL's sub[ecLlve
preferences collecLed ln arL 2. ln conLrasL, alLhough observers' behavloral raLlngs for masked Lrlals were noL
slgnlflcanLly above chance, neural acLlvlLy ln vSLr buL noL vmlC reflecLed Lhe parLlclpanLs' sub[ecLlve values from arL
2. ln sum, we found LhaL vSLr ls lnvolved ln compuLlng Lhe sLlmulus value aL Lhe Llme of declslon-maklng boLh ln Lhe
presence and absence of percepLual awareness.
ConLacL: lmk[

4. 1he mechan|sm of cho|ce b||ndness: C|ues from patterns of preference a|terat|on
I|ya Iarber [1], Ium|h|ko 1aya [2], Swat| Gupta [1], C'Dhan|e| Mu||ette-G|||man [2,3,4,S]
[1] lnsLlLuLe for Plgh erformance CompuLlng, A*S1A8
[2] SlnASL lnsLlLuLe for CognlLlve Sclence and neuroLechnologles, naLlonal unlverslLy of Slngapore
[3] ueparLmenL of sychology, naLlonal unlverslLy of Slngapore
[4] neurosclence and 8ehavloral ulsorders rogram, uuke-nuS CraduaLe Medlcal School,
[3] neuroblology rogramme, naLlonal unlverslLy of Slngapore
Cholce bllndness challenges deep lnLulLlons abouL lnLenLlon, declslon-maklng and self-knowledge. 8ecenL sLudles have
reproduced Lhe phenomenon ln a wlde varleLy of declslon domalns, buL Lhe underlylng mechanlsm remalns nearly as
obscure as when lL was dlscovered. We here descrlbe a sLudy whlch closely repllcaLes Lhe orlglnal face-cholce
experlmenL (albelL compuLerlzed and uslng an Aslan cohorL), wlLh a few key modlflcaLlons: 1) more Lrlals per sub[ecL,
Lo make posslble analysls of Lhe effecLs of deLecLlon on subsequenL Lrlals, 2) addlLlonal psychomeLrlc evaluaLlons, Lo
supporL lnvesLlgaLlon of Lhe role of lndlvldual dlfferences, and 3) a posL-LesL of aLLracLlveness raLlngs 2 weeks laLer,
whlch allows us Lo use preference alLeraLlon daLa as a wedge" for emplrlcally dlsLlngulshlng hypoLheses abouL Lhe
underlylng mechanlsm(s) of cholce bllndness. We flnd overall deLecLlon raLes sLrlklngly slmllar Lo Lhe orlglnal sLudy,
buL wlLh more manlpulaLlon Lrlals per sub[ecL some lnLeresLlng wlLhln-sub[ecL paLLerns emerge, noLably, even sub[ecLs
who have expllclLly reporLed concurrenL deLecLlon of a manlpulaLlon wlll sLlll mlss abouL half of all subsequenL
manlpulaLlons. We flnd LhaL Lhe cholce process alone produces a Lemporary exaggeraLlon of preferences, cholce +
explanaLlon does so more sLrongly, and non-deLecLed manlpulaLlon Lrlals do (wlLh some caveaLs) reverse Lhls effecL.
1hls suggesLs LhaL sub[ecLs are genulnely adopLlng" Lhe reversed cholce as Lhelr own, raLher Lhan merely produclng
surface-level confabulaLlons ln response Lo a quesLlon for whlch Lhere ls no Lrue answer. llnally, we employ 8ayeslan
model selecLlon Lo lnvesLlgaLe how deLecLed and undeLecLed manlpulaLlon Lrlals modulaLe Lhe preference-alLerlng
effecLs of cholce and explanaLlon.
ConLacL: farberl[


S. Why has fee||ng not (yet) been se|ected aga|nst? nomeostas|s, va|ence and b|o|og|ca| va|ue
|etro (Cesare Andrea) Sn|der
unlverslLe de lrlbourg (SwlLzerland)
CurrenL sclenLlflc consclousness research alms aL undersLandlng Lhe naLure, funcLlon, and underlylng mechanlsms of
consclousness. A cenLral LheoreLlcal and emplrlcal quesLlon regardlng lLs causal funcLlon has however noL recelved
sufflclenL aLLenLlon. AdmlLLlng LhaL feellng (l.e., Lhe quallLaLlve aspecL of experlence) ls a sub[ecLlve blologlcal
phenomenon LhaL has noL been selecLed agalnsL, whaL ls Lhe besL explanaLlon for Lhe perslsLence of feellng
LhroughouL evoluLlon? 1he conLlngency of conslsLenL correlaLlons beLween neural acLlvlLy and feellng, even lf coupled
wlLh an evoluLlonary sLory abouL Lhe flLness advanLage of havlng a neural sysLem, ls noL sufflclenL Lo exclude Lhe
posslblllLy LhaL Lhe very facL of feellng has (or aL leasL has had) some self-sLandlng blologlcal value Loo. l offer a novel
LheoreLlcal perspecLlve suggesLlng an alLernaLlve Lo uamaslo's (2010) vlew on Lhe sub[ecL. urawlng on lnLerdlsclpllnary
research, l clalm LhaL feellng ls a cosL-effecLlve paLLern-deLecLlon sysLem assembllng dlverse lnformaLlon comlng from
a complex lnLerrelaLed mulLl-modal sensory sysLem onLo a welghLed, unlfled rough" sub[ecLlve experlence whlch ls
lnformed well enough Lo drlve selecLlve behavlour. l suggesL LhaL varlaLlons ln Lhe rough valence of Lhe quallLaLlve
aspecL of feellng (feellng good or bad) have been Luned by naLural selecLlon Lo encode pre-concepLual lnformaLlon
abouL how Lo reacL efflclenLly (qulckly and wlLh a beLLer-Lhan-chance success raLe) Lo a counLless number of
poLenLlally llfe-LhreaLenlng slLuaLlons. l clalm LhaL feellng ls a blologlcally efflclenL phenomenon needed Lo prompL
selecLlve behavlour ln belngs havlng Lo deal wlLh a mulLlLude of mulLl-modal sensory lnformaLlon and llvlng under
demandlng envlronmenLal consLralnLs.
ConLacL: pleLro.snlder[

6. Decod|ng the dynam|cs of act|on, |ntent|on, and error-detect|on for consc|ous and sub||m|na| st|mu||
Luc|e Char|es, Iean-km| k|ng, Stan|s|as Dehaene
lnSL8M-CLA CognlLlve neurolmaglng unlL
Pow do we deLecL our errors? 1he comparlson model proposes LhaL Lo evaluaLe Lhe accuracy of our declslons, we
compare Lhe moLor response acLually made Lo Lhe response we belleve we should have made. Such model Lherefore
predlcLs LhaL a cerebral represenLaLlon of Lhe correcL response exlsLs, even when maklng an error. Can we lsolaLe lL ln
braln acLlvlLy? uoes Lhls represenLaLlon need Lo be consclous Lo allow error-deLecLlon? ln Lhe presenL experlmenL we
Look advanLage of decodlng meLhods of llnear classlflers applled on Lhe hlgh Lemporal-resoluLlon magneLo- (MLC) and
encephalographlc (LLC) recordlngs Lo conLrasL paLLerns of braln acLlvlLy and Lrack Lhe neural dynamlcs of Lhelr
assoclaLed cognlLlve processes. ln parLlcular, we examlned correcL and erroneous Lrlals ln consclous and non-
consclous condlLlons Lo reveal braln acLlvlLy relaLed solely Lo Lhe represenLaLlon of Lhe correcL response and noL Lo Lhe
acLual moLor response produced by Lhe sub[ecL. We found LhaL whlle low-level lnformaLlon on Lhe sLlmulus and Lhe
response were avallable ln non-consclous condlLlons, acLlvlLy relaLed Lo Lhe compuLaLlon of Lhe correcL/lnLended
response could be decoded ln braln acLlvlLy only ln consclous condlLlon. Moreover, error could be deLecLed by Lhe
decoder solely for consclous sLlmull, aL a Llme and wlLh a cerLalnLy dependlng on Lhe amounL of evldence on Lhe
correcL response. 1hese resulLs are ln accordance wlLh Lhe dual-rouLe model for consclous versus non-consclous
evldence accumulaLlon accordlng Lo whlch error-deLecLlon resulLs from Lhe comparlson of Lhe ouLpuLs of a fasL
sensory-moLor rouLe and a slow rouLe LhaL compuLes lnLenLlons.
ConLacL: lucle.charles.ens[

Concurrent Sess|on 2.2: Metacogn|t|on
Sunday, !uly 14Lh, 13:30 - 17:30 EB'#$-(#+ SG

1. Metacogn|t|on versus m|ndread|ng: Some d|fferences from error awareness stud|es
Sant|ago Arango-Munoz
lnsLlLuLe of hllosophy ll, 8uhr-unlverslLaeL 8ochum, Cermany
Many psychologlsLs and phllosophers Lend Lo ldenLlfy meLacognlLlon wlLh mlndreadlng. 1hey ofLen clalm LhaL ln order
Lo monlLorlng cognlLlve acLlvlLles (meLacognlLlon) sub[ecLs need Lo form self-ascrlpLlons of menLal sLaLes
(mlndreadlng), ln dolng so Lhey ldenLlfy meLacognlLlon wlLh mlndreadlng (e.g. CarruLhers 2009, 2011). 1hls vlew has
Lwo polemlcal lmpllcaLlons: 1) our knowledge of our mlnd ls grounded ln Lhe same capaclLy Lo know oLhers' mlnds,
and, Lherefore, 2) self-knowledge has noL prlvlleged sLaLus. 1he maln alm of Lhls Lalk wlll be Lo add some evldence for
a funcLlonal dlssoclaLlon beLween meLacognlLlon and mlndreadlng Lo Lhe burgeonlng amounL of evldence (see rousL
2012 for a revlew). 1hls funcLlonal dlssoclaLlon has been malnly unvelled by recenL sLudles on error monlLorlng (e.g.

Logan & Crump 2010, and my own resulLs). 1hey have shown LhaL alLhough lnLrospecLlve reporLs ofLen rely on
envlronmenLal sensory lnformaLlon and, Lherefore, Lhey could easlly be manlpulaLed Lo produce lnLrospecLlve llluslons
of rlghLness (as mlndreadlng LheorlsLs of meLacognlLlon would expecL), sub[ecLs' behavlor remalns unaffecLed by Lhls
sensory lnformaLlon showlng an unaffecLed awareness of error Lhrough lnLernal neural slgnals. ln oLher words,
alLhough sub[ecLs' self-ascrlbe false proposlLlons abouL Lhelr behavlor, Lhelr meLacognlLlve awareness of error remalns
unaffecLed. 1hls suggesLs LhaL our knowledge of our menLal acLlons ls noL necessary based on sensory lnformaLlon (aL
leasL noL Lhe same sensory lnformaLlon used for readlng oLhers' mlnds), and LhaL Lhls knowledge has aL leasL some
prlvlleged sLaLus over our knowledge of oLhers' mlnds (l.e. Lhe knowledge produced by mlndreadlng).
ConLacL: sanLlagoarangom[

2. Metacogn|t|on and two k|nds of v|sua| awareness
nakwan Lau [1,2,3]
[1] Columbla unlverslLy,
[2] uCLA
[3] uonders lnsLlLuLe of 8raln 8ehavlor and CognlLlon
WhaL does lL mean when an observer's percepLual capaclLy (d', or accuracy raLe ln 2-cholce dlscrlmlnaLlon) sLays Lhe
same, buL sub[ecLlve confldence lncreases? We propose a framework Lo dlsLlngulsh beLween Lwo klnds of vlsual
awareness - sLlmulus awareness and meLacognlLlve awareness. 1he former ls whaL mosL currenL sLudles are
concerned wlLh, l.e. keeplng Lhe physlcal sLlmulus consLanL whlle lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe dlfference beLween effecLlve and
lneffecLlve processlng. 8uL we argue LhaL meLacognlLlve awareness, LhaL ls Lhe sub[ecLlve reallzaLlon LhaL a vlsual
process has been effecLlve, ls [usL as concepLually lmporLanL and [usL as emplrlcally LracLable. We furLher dlsLlngulsh
meLacognlLlve awareness from meLacognlLlve capaclLy, and address Lhe concepLual and compuLaLlonal relaLlonshlp
beLween Lhe Lwo. 1hls Laxonomy can help us resolve a number of confuslons ln Lhe currenL llLeraLure. Llke ned 8lock's
lnfluenLlal dlsLlncLlon beLween phenomenallLy and access, our dlsLlncLlon beLween sLlmulus and meLacognlLlve
awareness dellneaLes Lhe sub[ecLlve and ob[ecLlve aspecLs of vlsual percepLlon. Powever, Lhe Lwo dlsLlncLlons are
dlfferenL as Lhey led Lo opposlng vlews regardlng Lhe plauslble neural mechanlsms. MosL lmporLanLly, we argue LhaL
our dlsLlncLlon ls superlor because ln our vlew Lhe Lwo klnds of awareness are operaLlonally deflned, l.e. Lhey are
deLermlned by how we do Lhe experlmenLs. Whereas 8lock's dlsLlncLlon remalns concepLually conLroverslal, and has
ylelded llLLle consensus on how do we measure phenomenal consclousness emplrlcally. Ma[or progress ls
neurosclence ls ofLen drlven by careful concepLual Laxonomy, buL ofLen such Laxonomles are drawn by sclenLlsLs who
are acLlvely engaged ln Lhe emplrlcal work, lL ls our duLy Lo engage ln Lhls klnd of work.
ConLacL: hakwan[

3. A new method for man|pu|at|ng metacogn|t|ve awareness wh||e keep|ng performance constant
Man Song [1], 8r|an Man|sca|co [2], A| ko|zum| [2], nakwan Lau [1,2]
Columbla unlverslLy, sychology ueparLmenL
MeLacognlLlon, Lhe ablllLy Lo dlscrlmlnaLe beLween one's confldenL and unconfldenL declslons, ls an lndlcaLor of
consclous experlence. ln Lhe sLudy of vlsual consclousness, when mosL meLhods manlpulaLe Lhe parLlclpanLs'
meLacognlLlve awareness levels, Lhey also generaLe a change ln a baslc Lask performance. 1he confoundlng of
awareness and Lask performance severely llmlLs Lhe lnLerpreLablllLy of Lhe resulLs. revlous llLeraLures have proposed
meLhods such as meLaconLrasL masklng Lo dlssoclaLe Lhe Lwo facLors.1hey manlpulaLe sub[ecLlve reporLs of
confldence level/ vlslblllLy (l.e. meLacognlLlve awareness) whlle keeplng Lask performance consLanL. Powever lL lacks
Lhe robusLness ln dlfferenL experlmenLal conLexLs. Pere we propose a new behavloral paradlgm LhaL glves much more
robusL resulLs. We manlpulaLe Lhe poslLlve and negaLlve evldence assoclaLed wlLh a vlsual dlscrlmlnaLlon declslon.
oslLlve and negaLlve evldence refer Lo Lhe sLrengLhs of Lhe sLlmulus componenL drlvlng Lhe correcL and lncorrecL
responses, respecLlvely. We show LhaL whereas performance ls drlven by Lhe dlfference of magnlLudes beLween
poslLlve and negaLlve evldence, confldence ls blased ln favor of Lhe absoluLe magnlLude of Lhe poslLlve evldence, such
LhaL when we lncrease boLh poslLlve and negaLlve evldence we can lncrease sub[ecLlvely reporLed levels of confldence/
awareness whlle keeplng Lask performance consLanL. We presenL daLa Lo demonsLraLe Lhe degree Lo whlch Lhese
resulLs are robusL under dlfferenL klnds of performance feedback. We Lhen dlscuss Lhe poLenLlal appllcaLlons of Lhls
new paradlgm ln addresslng lssues such as Lhe funcLlons of consclousness, and ln Lhe search of Lhe neural correlaLes
of consclousness uslng neurolmaglng or elecLrophyslologlcal meLhods.
ConLacL: fel[ue[yeah.neL

4. Metacogn|t|on and Cogn|t|ve Ins|ght: 1wo s|des of the same co|n?

Lmma C. a|mer [1], Anthony S. Dav|d [1], Stephen M. I|em|ng [2]
[1] lnsLlLuLe of sychlaLry, klng's College London, uk
[2] new ?ork unlverslLy
MeLacognlLlon - Lhe ablllLy Lo Lhlnk abouL Lhlnklng - ls a cenLral aspecL of human consclousness. Powever, Lhe llnk
beLween more cllnlcally based consLrucLs ln psychlaLry such as lnslghL (paLlenLs' undersLandlng of Lhelr menLal lllness)
and meLacognlLlon ls unclear. CognlLlve lnslghL (Cl) ls a new concepL from cllnlcal lnslghL research (8eck, 2004), whlch
focuses on Lhe hablLual Lhlnklng sLyles lnvolved ln conslderlng oneself. lL can be spllL lnLo Lwo concepLs, self-reflecLlon
(S8, ablllLy Lo reflecL on wheLher LhoughLs and bellefs abouL ourselves are correcL, or could be changed by someone
else's oplnlon) and self-cerLalnLy (SC, degree of overconfldence we have ln our lnLerpreLaLlons of experlences). Cl may
also be measured ln healLhy adulLs. Pere we examlne Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Cl (as measured on Lhe 8eck CognlLlve
lnslghL Scale, 8ClS) and meLacognlLlon (uslng Lhe Lask deslgned by llemlng eL al (2010, Sclence, 329, 1341-43) ln 30
healLhy adulLs (mean age 40.3 years). We esLlmaLed meLacognlLlve ablllLy uslng Lhe meLa-d' measure developed by
Manlscalco and Lau (2012, Conclousness and CognlLlon, 21, 422-43), whlch conLrols for response blas and Lype 1
senslLlvlLy (Lask performance). A mulLlple regresslon analysls demonsLraLed a slgnlflcanL relaLlonshlp beLween SC and
meLacognlLlve ablllLy ln healLhy parLlclpanLs (p.012). lurLher analysls lndlcaLed a gender*SC lnLeracLlon (p.003),
drlven by sLronger assoclaLlon beLween SC and meLacognlLlon ln male compared Lo female parLlclpanLs. 1here were
no slgnlflcanL assoclaLlons beLween S8 and meLacognlLlon. 1ogeLher our resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL Cl and meLacognlLlon are
lnLer-relaLed consLrucLs, buL LhaL Lhls llnk ls medlaLed by Lhe self-cerLalnLy componenL of lnslghL.
ConLacL: emma.c.palmer[

S. 1he effects of metacogn|t|ve awareness on top-down cogn|t|ve contro|
A| ko|zum| [1,2], 8r|an Man|sca|co [1], nakwan Lau [1,3,4]
[1] ueparLmenL of sychology, Columbla unlverslLy
[2] CraduaLe school of PumanlLles and Soclology, 1he unlverslLy of 1okyo
[3] uonders lnsLlLuLe for 8raln, CognlLlon and 8ehavlor, 8adboud unlverslLy nl[megen, [4] ueparLmenL of sychology,
Cur percepLual declslons are ofLen accompanled by meLacognlLlve awareness, expressed by Lhe confldence ln Lhe facL
LhaL we have made Lhe rlghL percepLual declslons. WhaL ls Lhe funcLlonal consequence of belng meLacognlLlvely aware
of Lhe relevanL vlsual lnformaLlon? Slnce cognlLlve conLrol seems Lo requlre sub[ecLlve efforL, we wondered wheLher
hlgher meLacognlLlve awareness for Lhe relevanL vlsual sLlmull enhances cognlLlve funcLlons such as lnhlblLory conLrol
and Lask preparaLlon. Cne dlfflculLy here was Lo dlssoclaLe Lhe effecL of meLacognlLlve awareness from LhaL of
percepLual accuracy, as Lhey ofLen co-vary. Pere we used a new meLhod based on superlmposlLlon of sLlmull Lo creaLe
seLs of graLlngs whose LllLs were equlvalenL ln dlscrlmlnablllLy, buL dlffered ln reporLed confldence levels. LxperlmenL
1 assessed Lask preparaLlon wlLh a Lask-culng paradlgm. 1he LllLs of graLlngs cued whlch of Lhe Lwo Lasks
(phonologlcal/numerlcal) was Lo proceed. 1he resulLs showed LhaL alLhough Lhe cues percelved wlLh hlgher
confldence modulaLed Lhe Llme course of Lhe cued Lask preparaLlon, lL dld noL enhance preparaLlon overall.
LxperlmenL 2 assessed lnhlblLory conLrol wlLh a Co/no-Co paradlgm. 1he resulLs showed LhaL percelvlng Lhe slgnals
wlLh hlgher confldence dld noL lmprove lnhlblLory conLrol capaclLy, alLhough lL led Lo more llberal respondlng crlLerla.
Cverall, Lhese resulLs suggesL LhaL meLacognlLlve awareness may only glve subLle effecLs on modulaLlng cognlLlve
conLrol, desplLe common Lheorles of consclousness predlcLlng oLherwlse. We hlghllghL several lmporLanL advanLages
of our new approach Lo sLudylng Lhe funcLlons of consclousness, ln comparlson wlLh sLandard subllmlnal prlmlng
ConLacL: bellkolzuml[

6. D|ssoc|ab|e effects of attent|on and expectat|on on perceptua| dec|s|on and metacogn|t|on
Max|ne Sherman [1,2], An|| Seth[1,3], kyota kana| [1.2]
[1] Sackler CenLre for Consclousness Sclence, unlverslLy of Sussex
[2] ueparLmenL of sychology, unlverslLy of Sussex, 8rlghLon, unlLed klngdom
[3] ueparLmenL of lnformaLlcs, unlverslLy of Sussex, 8rlghLon, unlLed klngdom
8oLh aLLenLlon and expecLaLlon faclllLaLe sensory processlng, however how Lhey lnLeracL, especlally wlLh respecL Lo
meLacognlLlon, ls poorly undersLood. We asked wheLher Lop-down expecLaLlon and aLLenLlon acL on sLlmulus
deLecLlon and meLacognlLlve performance dlfferenLlally, by lndependenLly manlpulaLlng aLLenLlon and expecLaLlon ln
a vlsual deLecLlon Lask. arLlclpanLs reporLed, wlLh or wlLhouL a concurrenL cenLral vlsual search Lask (aLLenLlon
manlpulaLlon), Lhe presence or absence of a Cabor paLch presenLed aL 70 conLrasL Lhreshold. 1o equaLe ob[ecLlve
senslLlvlLy across condlLlons, conLrasL Lhresholds were esLlmaLed separaLely for Lhe full and dlvlded aLLenLlon
condlLlons uslng a sLalrcase procedure. 1op-down expecLaLlon was manlpulaLed by lnformlng parLlclpanLs of Lhe
probablllLy of Cabor paLch presenLaLlon ln each block (23, 30 or 73). LxpecLaLlon llberallsed declslon crlLerla yeL

deLecLlon senslLlvlLy d' was kepL equal across levels of expecLaLlon and aLLenLlon. 1hls allowed us Lo examlne
meLacognlLlve performance lndependenLly of ob[ecLlve performance. MeLacognlLlve performance was only affecLed
by expecLaLlon ln full aLLenLlon condlLlons, where lL was lmproved when Lhe reporLed percepL (l.e. presenL or absenL)
was probable relaLlve Lo when lL was lmprobable. 1hls lnLeracLlon was drlven by an effecL on confldence raLlngs.
arLlclpanLs were rellably overconfldenL for lmprobable as compared Lo probable evenLs. lnLeresLlngly, Lhls effecL was
presenL under boLh full and dlvlded aLLenLlon. 1aken LogeLher, our resulLs suggesL LhaL Lop-down expecLaLlon
modulaLes meLacognlLlve performance by lnfluenclng confldence. 1hough confldence ls ad[usLed lndependenLly from
aLLenLlon, Lhe effecL of expecLaLlon on meLacognlLlon ls medlaLed by Lhe avallablllLy of full aLLenLlonal resource.
ConLacL: m.sherman[

Concurrent Sess|on 2.3: ercept|on
Sunday, !uly 14Lh, 13:30 - 17:30 EB'#$-(#+ TG

1. D|st|nct MLG corre|ates of consc|ous exper|ence, perceptua| reversa|s and stab|||zat|on dur|ng b|nocu|ar r|va|ry
kr|st|an Sandberg [1,2], Gareth kobert 8arnes [3], 8ahador 8ahram| [2,4], kyota kana| [2,S], Morten Cvergaard
[1,6], Gera|nt kees [2,3]
[1] CognlLlve neurosclence 8esearch unlL, Aarhus unlverslLy PosplLal
[2] lnsLlLuLe of CognlLlve neurosclence, unlverslLy College London
[3] Wellcome 1rusL CenLre for neurolmaglng, unlverslLy College London,
[4] lnLeracLlng Mlnds ro[ecL, Aarhus unlverslLy
[3] Sackler CenLre for Consclousness Sclence, unlverslLy of Sussex
[6] CognlLlve neurosclence 8esearch unlL, Aalborg unlverslLy
uurlng blnocular rlvalry, vlsual percepLlon alLernaLes sponLaneously beLween Lwo dlfferenL monocular lmages. Such
percepLual reversals are slowed or halLed lf sLlmull are presenLed lnLermlLLenLly wlLh lnLer-sLlmulus lnLervals larger
Lhan 400ms - a phenomenon called sLablllzaLlon. CfLen, Lhe neural correlaLes of reversal and sLablllzaLlon are
sLudled separaLely, and boLh phenomena ln Lurn are sLudled separaLely from Lhe neural correlaLes of percepLlon. 1o
dlsLlngulsh Lhe neural correlaLes of percepLual conLenL, sLablllzaLlon and reversals, we recorded MLC slgnals assoclaLed
wlLh each ln Lhe same group of healLhy humans observlng repeaLed Lrlals of lnLermlLLenL presenLaLlon of a dlchopLlc
sLlmulus. Whlle percepLual conLenL correlaLed malnly wlLh lnhlblLlon of acLlvlLy ln exLrasLrlaLe areas assoclaLed wlLh
Lhe Lo-be-suppressed monocular lmage 140-280ms afLer sLlmulus onseL, sLablllLy of percepLlon reflecLed a gradual
bulld-up of Lhls lnhlblLlon across aL leasL 10 Lrlals and was assoclaLed wlLh fronLo-parleLal acLlvlLy 30-30ms afLer
sLlmulus onseL. ercepLual reversals, ln conLrasL, were assoclaLed wlLh Lemporal and parleLal acLlvlLy around 100-
140ms on Lhe Lrlal before and afLer Lhe reversal and a gradual decrease of lnhlblLlon of Lhe suppressed lmage across
aL leasL 10 Lrlals. MechanlsLlcally, Lhese flndlngs suggesL LhaL sLablllLy of percepLlon durlng rlvalry ls malnLalned by
lnhlblLlon of compeLlng lnLerpreLaLlons, and gradual adapLaLlon of lnhlblLlng neuronal populaLlons leads Lo lnsLablllLy
LhaL ls evenLually resolved by slgnals from laLe sensory and parleLal corLlces.
ConLacL: krlssand[

2. A ce||u|ar mechan|sm for perceptua| b|nd|ng
Matthew Larkum
neurocure ClusLer of Lxcellence, PumboldL unlverslLy of 8erlln, Cermany
Several llnes of evldence suggesL LhaL consclous percepLlon depends on recurrenL connecLlvlLy ln Lhe corLex. Whlle Lhe
lmporLance of long-range feedback Lo lower corLlcal areas ls clear from a greaL number of psychophyslcal
experlmenLs, Lhere ls aL presenL no flrm hypoLhesls abouL whaL speclflc effecLs feedback has on neuronal acLlvlLy nor
why lL should be so cruclal for percepLlon. Pere, a hypoLhesls ls presenLed based on deLalled lnLracellular recordlngs
from neurons ln mammallan corLex LhaL Lhe maln corLlcal exclLaLory unlLs (pyramldal neurons) conLaln an assoclaLlve
mechanlsm bullL ln aL Lhe cellular level. 1hls assoclaLlve mechanlsm ls robusLly Lrlggered by colncldenL lnpuL Lo
opposlLe poles of Lhe pyramldal neuron LhaL perfecLly maLch Lhe anaLomlcal locaLlon of feed forward and feedback
lnpuLs ln Lhe corLex. 1he assoclaLlve mechanlsm depends on lnLrlnslc properLles due Lo volLage-senslLlve lon channels
found ln Lhe aplcal dendrlLes of pyramldal neurons. 1hls mechanlsm can be robusLly Lrlggered and slgnlflcanLly affecLs
boLh Lhe number and paLLern of acLlon poLenLlals generaLed. 1he hypoLhesls predlcLs LhaL Lhe blndlng process
manlfesLs as very Langlble, plauslble, experlmenLally reproduclble and deLecLable evenLs aL Lhe cellular level.

ConLacL: maLLhew.larkum[

3. Causa| ro|e of gamma osc|||at|ons |n b|stab|e percept|on revea|ed by transcran|a| a|ternat|ng current st|mu|at|on
Me|an|e W||ke [1,2], uranny Cabra|-Ca|der|n [1], Carsten Schm|dt-Samoa [1]
[1] ueparLmenL of CognlLlve neurology, unlverslLy of CoeLLlngen, Cermany
[2] Cerman rlmaLe CenLer, Lelbnlz lnsLlLuLe for rlmaLe 8esearch, Cermay
Alpha/beLa (8-30 Pz) and gamma (30 Pz)-band osclllaLlons ln Lhe braln have found Lo be correlaLed wlLh
sponLaneous percepLual reversals durlng amblguous vlsual sLlmulaLlon. Powever, wheLher Lhese osclllaLlons also play
a causal role ln deLermlnlng Lhe percepL remalns an open quesLlon. ln Lhe presenL sLudy, we comblned Lranscranlal
alLernaLlng currenL sLlmulaLlon (LACS) wlLh percepLual reporLs and funcLlonal M8l Lo LesL Lhe causal role of osclllaLory
acLlvlLy ln blsLable percepLlon. Sub[ecLs were reporLlng Lhelr percepLs ln Lhe conLexL of a blsLable sLrucLure-from-
moLlon (SfM) sLlmulus whlle recelvlng LACS ln dlfferenL frequency bands. 8ehavloral resulLs showed LhaL LACS ln Lhe
gamma range (60 Pz) lncreased Lhe number of percepLual reversals. ln conLrasL, LACS ln Lhe alpha (10 Pz) and beLa (16
Pz) frequency ranges dld noL affecL reversal raLes. ln order Lo evaluaLe Lhe lnfluence of LACS-sLlmulaLlon on neural
acLlvlLy, we nexL comblned Lhe SfM sLlmulus wlLh LACS and fM8l. Conflrmlng earller flndlngs, Lhe comparlson beLween
sponLaneous reversals and physlcal replay revealed lncreased 8CLu acLlvlLy ln vlsual corLex, superlor parleLal lobe,
lnsula and anLerlor clngulaLe corLex durlng sponLaneous reversals. MosL lmporLanLly, percepLual reversals durlng 60
Pz LACS sLlmulaLlon were prlmarlly assoclaLed wlLh an lncrease ln 8CLu slgnals bllaLerally ln Lhe superlor parleLal lobe
and Lhe Lemporal occlplLal [uncLlon, whlle 10 Pz sLlmulaLlon resulLed ln fronLal deacLlvaLlon. 1aken LogeLher, our
resulLs provlde evldence for a causal role of gamma, buL noL low frequency osclllaLlons ln vlsual percepLlon and polnL
Lo a crlLlcal lnvolvemenL of gamma osclllaLlons ln Lemporo-parleLal corLex ln resolvlng percepLual amblgulLy.
ConLacL: melanle.wllke[

4. 1rans|ent |nduced gamma-band responses |n MLG dur|ng b|nocu|ar r|va|ry: Do they ref|ect perceptua| trans|t|ons
or m|crosaccades?
La||a nugrass, Dav|d Crewther
Swlnburne unlverslLy of 1echnology, Melbourne, vlcLorla, AusLralla
uurlng blnocular rlvalry, percepLual LranslLlons are assoclaLed wlLh synchronous neural acLlvlLy ln Lhe gamma
frequency band. Lvldence from slngle-unlL sLudles lndlcaLes LhaL gamma-band osclllaLlons are assoclaLed wlLh
consclous awareness, whereas evldence from scalp-recorded LLC sLudles suggesLs LhaL LranslenL gamma-bursLs are
assoclaLed wlLh Lhe lnlLlaLlon of percepLual LranslLlons. ln order Lo address Lhls dlfference, we asked wheLher scalp
recorded gamma bursLs could be aLLrlbuLed Lo mlcrosaccadlc eye movemenLs as opposed Lo percepLual LranslLlons.
We recorded MLC acLlvlLy and eye movemenLs whlle parLlclpanLs experlenced blnocular rlvalry and reporLed Lhelr
percepLual alLernaLlons. As expecLed, when Llme-frequency analyses were performed relaLlve Lo Lhe onseL of
mlcrosaccades, we observed wldespread bursLs of hlgh-frequency acLlvlLy. ConslsLenL wlLh Lhe exlsLlng llLeraLure,
percepLual LranslLlons were preceded by bursLs of synchronous gamma-band acLlvlLy. Powever, Lhe Llmlng of swlLch-
lnduced gamma bursLs maLched peaks ln Lhe probablllLy of mlcrosaccade occurrence surroundlng Lhe swlLch. SeparaLe
analyses were performed for epochs LhaL dld and dld noL lnclude mlcrosaccades wlLhln 300ms prlor Lo Lhe sub[ecLlve
reporL. 8ursLs of gamma synchrony were more promlnenL for percepLual swlLches LhaL were preceded by saccades
Lhan Lhose LhaL were noL. uue Lo Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween mlcrosaccade occurrence and percepLual LranslLlons,
swlLch-lnduced bursLs of gamma synchrony are llkely Lo be obscured mlcrosaccades.

ConLacL: lhugrass[

S. Lmergence of |||usory shapes from |nv|s|b|e |nducers
Mar[an ersuh [1,2], 1aLlana Alol Lmmanoull [2], 1ony 8o [1,2]
[1] rogram ln CognlLlve neurosclence, 1he ClLy College and CraduaLe CenLer, ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork
[2] ueparLmenL of sychology, 1he ClLy College and CraduaLe CenLer, ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork
Several sLudles have clalmed LhaL unconsclous vlslon lnvolves slmpler forms of lnformaLlon processlng compared Lo
consclous percepLlon. Powever, Lo render sLlmull unconsclous, experlmenLers ofLen use brlef sLlmulus presenLaLlon
Llmes and oLher manlpulaLlons LhaL confound awareness wlLh dlfferences ln physlcal sLlmulus aLLrlbuLes. ln Lhe
currenL sLudy, we developed a novel meLhod Lo render vlsual sLlmull lnvlslble for exLended duraLlon Lo assess Lhe
evoluLlon of unconsclous processlng over Llme. We demonsLraLe Lhe valldlLy of Lhe meLhod by showlng LhaL lllusory
conLours are consclously percelved even when Lhe lnduclng elemenLs are rendered lnvlslble, conLrary Lo prevlous
reporLs. ln Lhe flrsL experlmenL we presenLed lnducers, elLher alone or followed by a paLLern mask. We varled Lhe
number of lnducer-mask repeLlLlons and showed LhaL parLlclpanLs percelved sLronger lllusory conLours wlLh more

lnducer-mask repeLlLlons, even Lhough Lhey were compleLely unaware of Lhe lnduclng elemenLs ln Lhe masked
condlLlons. ln Lhe second experlmenL we show LhaL Lhe percepLlon of lllusory conLours ls slmllar regardless of wheLher
Lhe lnducers are masked or noL, even Lhough forced-cholce dlscrlmlnaLlon of Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe lnducers was aL
chance. 1hese resulLs demonsLraLe LhaL wlLh repeaLed presenLaLlons, Lhe processlng of sLlmull presenLed below Lhe
Lhreshold for awareness may be cumulaLlve and more exLenslve Lhan prevlously consldered. Cur sLudy Lhus suggesLs
LhaL consclousness research should lnclude meLhods LhaL effecLlvely block sLlmull from awareness for exLended
perlods of Llme whlle mlnlmally lnLerferlng wlLh Lhelr processlng.
ConLacL: mpersuh[

6. n|gh-|eve| contextua| |ntegrat|on w|thout awareness: Lv|dence from unconsc|ous process|ng |n v|sua| mask|ng
L|ad Mudr|k [1], Chr|stof koch [1,2]
[1] ulvlslon of 8lology, Callfornla lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology, asadena, CA, uSA
[2] Allan lnsLlLuLe for 8raln Sclence, SeaLLle, WA, uSA
lnLegraLlon ls held Lo be a key feaLure of consclous awareness, and some even argue LhaL Lhe laLLer cannoL occur
wlLhouL Lhe former. We LesLed Lhls clalm by presenLlng masked scenes deplcLlng a person performlng an acLlon wlLh a
congruenL or an lncongruenL ob[ecL (e.g., a man pourlng coffee lnLo a mug or lnLo a roll of LolleL paper). 1he masked
scenes were Lhen followed by congruenL and lncongruenL LargeLs, and sub[ecLs were asked Lo [udge Lhelr congruency
as fasL as posslble. 8eacLlon Llmes (81) for LargeLs preceded by lncongruenL buL percepLually lnvlslble scenes were
longer Lhan 81 when Lhe same LargeLs were preceded by congruenL ones. 1hls lmpllclL measure suggesL LhaL sub[ecLs
had Lo compare Lhe ob[ecL wlLh lLs background Lo deLecL wheLher or noL Lhe Lwo were congruenL, even ln Lhe absence
of awareness of boLh. Sub[ecLlve and ob[ecLlve measures ensured LhaL sub[ecLs were lndeed compleLely unaware of
Lhe masked scenes, rullng ouL lnfluences of parLlal awareness. 1hese resulLs demonsLraLe LhaL lncongruency can be
unconsclously deLecLed even aL lmpoverlshed presenLaLlon condlLlons, wlLh reduced conLrasL and exposure duraLlons
as shorL as 33 ms, and provlde furLher evldence for ongolng conLexLual lnfluences of unseen sLlmull on Lhe processlng
of a subsequenL LargeL. 1ogeLher wlLh prevlous flndlngs, Lhey challenge promlnenL Lheorles of consclousness, and call
for an updaLed accounL for Lhe relaLlons beLween consclousness and lnLegraLlon.
ConLacL: lladm[

Concurrent Sess|on 3.1: Consc|ousness, Access, and Sub[ect|ve Conf|dence
Monday, !uly 13Lh, 12:30 - 14:30 EB'#$-(#+ RG

1. Categor|ca| [udgments |n v|sua| overf|ow
ken Mog|
Sony CompuLer Sclence LaboraLorles, 1okyo
1he overflow argumenL clalms LhaL Lhe capaclLy of phenomenal consclousness exceeds LhaL of cognlLlve access (8lock
2011). AlLhough Lhe ldea of phenomenologlcal overflow ls conslsLenL wlLh our (nave) lnLulLlon, argumenLs agalnsL
vlsual overflow have been clalmed Lo be conslsLenL wlLh experlmenLal daLa (Lau and 8onsenLhal 2011, 8rown 2012).
llrsL-order represenLaLlons of Lhe vlsual lnformaLlon are noL sufflclenL Lo glve rlse Lo phenomenal consclousness, and
a second-order represenLaLlon" ls necessary (8osenLhal 2003). ls Lhe apparenL rlchness of phenomenal vlsual
experlence only a refrlgeraLor llghL llluslon" (C'8egan 2011)? 1he llLeraLure on blnocular rlvalry shows LhaL ln order
for Lhe sub[ecL Lo see someLhlng, Lhe sensory represenLaLlon arlslng from v1 should be maLched" wlLh Lhe Lop-down
processes supporLed by hlgher order vlsual areas and prefronLal areas supporLlng sub[ecLlvlLy (e.g., LogoLheLls eL al.
1996). Plgher-order mechanlsms LhaL correlaLe wlLh perpeLual changes are noL conLenL-speclflc, buL are of a more
broad characLer. Pere l explore Lhe posslblllLy LhaL sub[ecLs are able Lo access generlc lnformaLlon ln Lhe vlsual
overflow, whlle belng unable Lo reglsLer more speclflc lnformaLlon (Sperllng 1970). Sub[ecLs were asked Lo walk
Lhrough a Lyplcally consLrucLed space, whlch were new Lo Lhem. AfLer Lhe walk Lhrough, Lhey were presenLed wlLh a
serles of quesLlons, lncludlng Lhose abouL speclflc lnformaLlon as well as generlc and caLegorlcal [udgmenLs abouL Lhe
space. l dlscuss how Lhe apparenL dlscrepancy beLween negaLlve evldence on vlsual overflow and our (nave) lnLulLlon
LhaL we see everyLhlng could be reconclled by a model of heLerogeneous lnformaLlon specLrum handled by human
ConLacL: kenmogl[

2. Lxpectat|ons acce|erate entry |nto awareness
a|r |nto [1], An|| k. Seth [1], S|mon van Gaa| [2], V|ctor A.I. Lamme [2], I|or|s . de Lange [3]

[1] Sackler CenLre for Consclousness Sclence, ueparLmenL of lnformaLlcs, unlverslLy of Sussex, 8rlghLon, uk
[2] 8raln and CognlLlon group, sychology deparLmenL, unlverslLy of AmsLerdam, AmsLerdam, neLherlands
[3] uonders lnsLlLuLe for 8raln, CognlLlon and 8ehavlour. 8adboud unlverslLy, nl[megen, neLherlands
SLlmulus expecLaLlons can speed up sub[ecLs' responses Lo vlsual sLlmull, buL lL ls an open lssue wheLher expecLaLlons
speed up Lhe process of percepLual awareness lLself. uo we become aware of Lhe vlsual world more qulckly when we
have an expecLaLlon abouL lLs conLenLs? We lnvesLlgaLed Lhls baslc quesLlon uslng a breakLhrough" paradlgm. We
employed a blnocular rlvalry seL-up ln whlch a mask (a meanlngless mondrlan paLLern) sLarLed aL full vlslblllLy, and a
LargeL-plcLure sLarLed aL full lnvlslblllLy. Cradually Lhe vlslblllLy (conLrasL) of Lhe mask was dlmlnlshed, whlle Lhe
vlslblllLy of Lhe plcLure was lncreased. arLlclpanLs lndlcaLed when Lhey saw Lhe plcLure appear by presslng a key. We
manlpulaLed parLlclpanLs' sLlmulus expecLaLlon by showlng a cue before Lhe sLarL of Lhe Lrlal. 1hls cue predlcLed (wlLh
70 valldlLy) whlch lmage would llkely appear. We found LhaL expecLed lmages enLered consclousness fasLer Lhan
unexpecLed or neuLral lmages. ln conLrol experlmenLs we conflrmed LhaL Lhls effecL ls noL due Lo response preparaLlon,
auLomaLlc prlmlng or aLLenLlon. lmporLanLly, alLhough prevlous sLudles have shown LhaL Lop-down facLors can
lnfluence domlnance durlng blnocular rlvalry, and boLLom-up facLors can affecL enLry lnLo consclousness, here we
show clear evldence for Lop-down facLors affecLlng enLry lnLo consclousness. 1hese flndlngs lmply LhaL awareness does
noL arlse from sensory lnpuL aL a flxed momenL, raLher, expecLaLlons change Lhe Llme sLamp of consclous awareness.
ConLacL: yalr.plnLo[

3. Gener|c phenomeno|ogy and part|a| report parad|gms
nenry Shev||n
CraduaLe CenLer of Lhe ClLy unlverslLy of new ?ork
ned 8lock (2007) has clalmed LhaL parLlal reporL procedures (e.g., Sperllng 1960) presenL a serlous challenge Lo Lhose
Lheorles LhaL make cognlLlve access a necessary condlLlon of a represenLaLlon's belng consclous (see, e.g., uehaene
and naccache 2001). Sub[ecLs ln Lhese experlmenLs, 8lock clalms, are besL lnLerpreLed as belng phenomenally
consclous of more lLems Lhan Lhey cognlLlvely access, hence demonsLraLlng Lhe overflow of cognlLlve access by Lhe
phenomenal. l provlde an alLernaLlve lnLerpreLaLlon of parLlal reporL paradlgms LhaL makes use of Lhe noLlon of
generlc phenomenology (followlng Crush, 2007). ln parLlcular, l argue LhaL sub[ecLs boLh have cognlLlve access Lo and
are phenomenally consclous of mosL sLlmull only ln respecL of relaLlvely hlgh-level generlc feaLures, such as belng an
alphanumerlc characLer or belng a recLangle aL some orlenLaLlon or anoLher. 1hls enables us Lo reconclle sub[ecLs'
clalm Lo have seen all presenLed lLems wlLh Lhelr havlng been phenomenally consclous of no more Lhan Lhey
cognlLlvely accessed. AddlLlonally, l argue LhaL we have robusL lndependenL reason, boLh lnLrospecLlve and emplrlcal,
Lo Lhlnk LhaL such generlc phenomenology ls an lmporLanL consLlLuenL of our ordlnary consclous llves.
ConLacL: henry.shevlln[

4. Cross-moda| pred|ct|on changes the t|m|ng of consc|ous access dur|ng the mot|on-|nduced b||ndness
Acer u-Chan Chang [1,2], kyota kana| [1,3], An|| Seth [1,2]
[1] Sackler CenLre for Consclousness Sclence, unlverslLy of Sussex, 8rlghLon 8n1 9!, uk
[2] ueparLmenL of lnformaLlsc, unlverslLy of Sussex, 8rlghLon, 8n1 9!, uk
[3] ueparLmenL of sychology, unlverslLy of Sussex, 8rlghLon 8n1 9!, uk
1he ablllLy Lo predlcL fuLure evenLs ls cruclal for survlval. revlous sLudles have demonsLraLed percepLual faclllLaLlon
by predlcLlon. Powever, less ls known abouL how predlcLlon lnfluences consclous awareness. ln Lhls sLudy, we used
moLlon-lnduced bllndness (Ml8) Lo examlne Lhls lssue. arLlclpanLs Look parL ln a Lwo-day experlmenL. Cn each day,
boLh Lralnlng" and Ml8" sesslons were performed. ln Lhe Lralnlng sesslon, parLlclpanLs deLecLed change of colour of
a doL (from blue Lo red or green), whlch was probablllsLlcally cued by Lhe plLch of a precedlng Lone (80 valldlLy). 1he
alm of Lhls sesslon was Lo have sub[ecLs learn Lhe cross-modal probablllsLlc relaLlon beLween Lhe colour change and
plLch. ln Lhe subsequenL Ml8 sesslon, a movlng background lnduced unawareness of a LargeL doL. arLlclpanLs were
asked Lo lndlcaLe Lhe sub[ecLlve dlsappearance (Ml8 onseL) and reappearance of Lhe LargeL by presslng and releaslng a
key. uurlng Ml8, a Lone was presenLed and Lhe LargeL colour gradually changed (from blue Lo red or green), elLher
congruenLly (80) or lncongruenLly (20) wlLh respecL Lo Lhe plLch of Lhe cue. We measured Lhe duraLlon beLween
Lhe Lone onseL and sub[ecLlve LargeL reappearance Lo evaluaLe Lhe lnfluence of cross-modal expecLaLlons on vlsual
awareness. 8esulLs showed LhaL Lhe LargeL galned access Lo consclousnesss fasLer ln congruenL Lrlals Lhan ln
lncongruenL Lrlals, and Lhls effecL only appeared ln Lhe second-day experlmenL. Cur flndlngs esLabllsh LhaL
expecLaLlons learned Lhrough cross-modal Lralnlng can faclllLaLe consclous access Lo vlsual sLlmull durlng Ml8.
ConLacL: ac324[


S. Sub||m|na| oddba|| Lk effects: sychophys|o|og|ca| ev|dence for comp|ex unconsc|ous process|ng
8r|an S||verste|n [1], M|chae| Snodgrass [1], kamesh kushwaha [2], noward Shevr|n [1]
[1] ueparLmenL of sychlaLry, unlverslLy of Mlchlgan PealLh CenLer
[2] ueparLmenL of neurology, unlverslLy of Mlchlgan PosplLal
unconsclous processes are generally belleved Lo be relaLlvely unsophlsLlcaLed, perhaps belng llmlLed Lo slmple, rapldly
decaylng processes such as semanLlc prlmlng (Creenwald, uralne, & Abrams, 1996, uehaene & naccache, 2001).
8elaLedly, many hold LhaL subllmlnal sLlmull should yleld only early evenL-relaLed poLenLlal (L8) componenLs (e.g.,
1, n1) because laLer componenLs (e.g., 3) reflecL more complex sLlmulus evaluaLlon whlch osLenslbly requlres
consclous processlng. Accordlngly, some propose LhaL laLe componenLs may be a marker for consclousness (uel Cul,
8allleL, & uehaene, 2007). Cddball paradlgms, ln whlch larger 3 and even longer-laLency laLe poslLlvlLy (L) compo-
nenLs are rouLlnely found Lo ln response Lo suprallmlnal rare versus frequenL sLlmull (Spencer, ulen, & uonchln, 2001),
provlde a useful vehlcle Lo LesL Lhls hypoLhesls. Pere, we demonsLraLe a clear 3 oddball effecL uslng exLremely
subllmlnal sLlmull. Moreover, Lhls 3 effecL ls maxlmal parleLally, suggesLlng lL ls a 3b componenL reflecLlng clearly
complex unconsclous processlng (vs. less complex 3a componenLs, whlch are maxlmal fronLally). lurLhermore, we
found a sLrong L effecL, furLher lndlcaLlng complex, long-lasLlng unconsclous processlng. CollecLlvely, Lhese flndlngs
closely resemble Lhose found ln correspondlng suprallmlnal oddball paradlgms, suggesLlng LhaL unconsclous proces-
slng can lndeed be complex and durable, conLrary Lo currenLly prevalllng vlews. We Lhen dlscuss posslble reasons why
some lnvesLlgaLors obLaln complex unconsclous effecLs whlle oLhers do noL, lncludlng Lhe counLerlnLulLlve hypoLhesls
LhaL Lhese resulLs may reflecL Lhe lmporLance of achlevlng exLremely sLrlngenL subllmlnal condlLlons (deLecLlon d' 0)
ln order Lo successfully lsolaLe and lndex unconsclous responses Lo sLlmull (Snodgrass, 8ernaL, & Shevrln, 2004).
ConLacL: brlansl[

6. 1he effect of st|mu|us strength on sub[ect|ve conf|dence
Stephen M. I|em|ng [1,2], W.S. Soph|e 1am [3], Laurence 1. Ma|oney [1,3]
[1] CenLer for neural Sclence, new ?ork unlverslLy
[2] ueparLmenL of LxperlmenLal sychology, unlverslLy of Cxford
[3] ueparLmenL of sychology, new ?ork unlverslLy
Sub[ecLlve confldence ln seelng ls a core feaLure of consclous vlslon. lnLulLlvely, sLronger sLlmull produce sub[ecLlvely
greaLer confldence and greaLer clarlLy ln percepLlon. Whlle psychophyslcs has developed a comprehenslve Lheory of
how sLlmulus sLrengLh affecLs behavlour (cholce), how sLlmulus sLrengLh affecLs sub[ecLlve confldence ls sLlll largely
unknown. romlnenL models of declslon-maklng propose LhaL confldence ls proporLlonal Lo Lhe balance of evldence"
beLween chosen and unchosen declslon opLlons (vlckers, 1979). Powever, recenL observaLlons suggesL LhaL only Lhe
sLrengLh of Lhe chosen sLlmulus affecLs confldence [udgmenLs (Zylberberg, 8arLLfeld, and Slgman, 2012). ln a conLrasL-
dlscrlmlnaLlon Lask, we LesLed Lhls clalm by manlpulaLlng Lhe sLrengLh of mulLlple sLlmull across a wlder range Lhan
has been used prevlously. We found LhaL Lhe sLrengLh (conLrasL) of boLh chosen and unchosen sLlmull affecLed
confldence, buL LhaL Lhe sLrengLh of chosen sLlmull had a slgnlflcanLly sLronger lnfluence. ln a second experlmenL we
show LhaL parLlclpanLs reporL lower confldence ln Lhree-cholce compared Lo Lwo-cholce slLuaLlons ln whlch Lhe
conLrasL of Lhe chosen sLlmulus was maLched, conslsLenL wlLh Lhe addlLlon of an unchosen sLlmulus reduclng Lhe
balance of evldence. Cur flndlngs demonsLraLe LhaL evldence boLh for and agalnsL a cholce affecLs sub[ecLlve
confldence, buL conLrary Lo a balance-of-evldence model, evldence ln favor of a cholce ls glven greaLer welghL. We
dlscuss how Lhese regularlLles beLween sLlmulus sLrengLh and confldence are noL accommodaLed by currenL
LheoreLlcal accounLs.

Concurrent Sess|on 3.2: Consc|ousness, Se|f and Un|ty
Monday, !uly 13Lh, 12:30 - 14:30 EB'#$-(#+ SG

1. ke-th|nk|ng the un|ty of consc|ousness
kobert van Gu||ck
hllosophy and CognlLlve Sclence, Syracuse unlverslLy
ln 1he unlLy of Consclousness, 1lm 8ayne argues LhaL phenomenal unlLy ls a dlsLlncL form of consclous lnLegraLlon noL
reduclble Lo represenLaLlonal unlLy. lor 8ayne Lhe cruclal noLlon ls LhaL of Lwo or more experlences belng experlenced
LogeLher by one and Lhe same consclous self. 8ayne denles LhaL unlLy ln Lhls sense can be reduced Lo Lhe
represenLaLlonal lnLegraLlon of conLenLs. Powever, aL a deeper level 8ayne's proposal may reveal LhaL phenomenal

unlLy ls ulLlmaLely grounded ln represenLaLlonal lnLegraLlon, Lhough of a speclal sorL essenLlal Lo consclousness. 1haL
deeper dependence derlves from Lhe naLure of Lhe self. 8ayne (rlghLly) vlews Lhe self as an lnLenLlonal sLrucLure or
vlrLual enLlLy. lL ls noL an lndependenL Lhlng (CarLeslan subsLance or neural sysLem) LhaL has experlences, nor ls Lhe
self a mere bundle of experlences. 1he self ls an lmpllclL perspecLlve bullL lnLo Lhe sLrucLure of experlence much llke
uenneLL's noLlon of Lhe self as Lhe "cenLer of narraLlve gravlLy". 1he llnk can now be spelled ouL. henomenal unlLy
requlres a unlfled self LhaL experlences lLems LogeLher. 1o consLrucL such a self one musL lnLegraLe Lhe relevanL
experlences and Lhelr conLenLs as "belng from Lhe same perspecLlve". ln effecL, Lhe perspecLlve ls creaLed or
consLlLuLed by Lhe facL LhaL Lhe experlences and Lhelr conLenLs cohere "as from a slngle polnL of vlew." lL ls ln LhaL
sense LhaL phenomenal unlLy ls ulLlmaLely grounded ls a speclal form of represenLaLlonal lnLegraLlon. Moral: Models
of consclousness as lnLegraLlon musL lnclude lnLegraLlon from Lhe self-perspecLlve.
ConLacL: 8nvAnCuL[

2. Attent|on and the prob|em of un|ty
Caro|yn D|cey Ienn|ngs
unlverslLy of AnLwerp
1hls paper alms Lo explaln Lhe unlLy of consclous percepLlon. 1he reader may be famlllar wlLh Lhe concepL of unlLy
from oLher work ln phllosophy and cognlLlve sclence. ln phllosophy, 1lm 8ayne's work ls responslble for conslderable
dlscusslon on Lhe unlLy of consclousness. ln cognlLlve sclence, Anne 1relsman's work ls responslble for aL leasL as
much dlscusslon on Lhe unlLy of percepLual ob[ecLs. 1he unlLy of consclous percepLlon ls a form of unlLy ln beLween
Lhese: lL ls Lhe unlLy of Lhe percepLual fleld, dlscoverable Lhrough phenomenologlcal reflecLlon. 1hls paper shows how
aLLenLlon can solve Lhe so-called problem of unlLy" for consclous percepLlon. 1he problem of unlLy ls LhaL of
explalnlng Lhe orlglns of percepLual unlLy, glven lLs absence aL Lhe level of early sensory processlng. 1hls problem ls
based on Lhe presumpLlon LhaL consclous percepLlon shares some sLrucLural correspondence wlLh lLs physlcal
underplnnlngs and LhaL each lnsLance of consclous percepLlon depends for lLs exlsLence on early sensory processlng.
Cnce one accepLs Lhese Lwo clalms, Lhe problem of unlLy LhaL moLlvaLes Lhls paper can Lake hold. ln sum, Lhe problem
of unlLy relles on evldence from phenomenologlcal reflecLlon and emplrlcal sclence, boLh of whlch l revlew ln Lhls
paper. l Lhen propose and defend a unlque soluLlon Lo Lhe problem of unlLy: aLLenLlon provldes Lhe unlLy of consclous
percepLlon by prlorlLlzlng sensory processlng wlLh respecL Lo Lhe currenL lnLeresLs of Lhe sub[ecL.
ConLacL: carolynsd[

3. Irom Darw|n to Ireud: Confabu|at|on as an adapt|ve response to dysfunct|ons of se|f-consc|ousness
au|a Droege
ennsylvanla SLaLe unlverslLy
A puzzllng feaLure of confabulaLlon ls lLs selecLlvlLy: only some people confabulaLe ln response Lo lllness, and only
some people reslsL correcLlon of Lhelr lnvenLlons. So-called Lwo-facLor Lheorles of deluslon accounL for Lhe laLLer sorL
of selecLlvlLy ln Lerms of Lhe fallure of a bellef evaluaLor. 1he flrsL facLor ln deluslon ls a dysfuncLlon ln percepLual or
cognlLlve processlng and lncludes such cases as amnesla, feellngs of unfamlllarlLy Loward loved ones, or audlLory
halluclnaLlons. Slnce flrsL facLor deflclLs do noL always cause deluslons, a second facLor ls posLulaLed Lo explaln Lhe
fallure of deluslonal paLlenLs Lo revlse Lhe faulLy bellefs produced by flrsL-facLor deflclLs. lor some reason - Lheorles
dlffer - deluslonal paLlenLs malnLaln false bellefs ln Lhe face of counLer-evldence. l suggesL LhaL a uarwlnlan vlew of
Lhe mlnd can supplemenL Lwo-facLor Lheorles by arLlculaLlng Lhe funcLlon of self-consclousness. lf we suppose self-
consclousness uLlllzes memorles ln order Lo malnLaln a sense of Lhe self ln Llme, Lhen confabulaLlon ls an adapLlve
response Lo Lhe absence of memorles ln order Lo malnLaln Lhls funcLlon. ueluslonal forms of confabulaLlon dlffer from
Lhe everyday sorL of confabulaLlon LhaL many of us experlence ln LhaL deluslons are accompanled by a second deflclL,
unrelaLed Lo self-consclousness, ln Lhe capaclLy Lo reevaluaLe bellefs ln llghL of conLradlcLory evldence. 8y conslderlng
Lhe funcLlon of raLlonallLy and Lhe funcLlon of self-consclousness, Lhe debaLe beLween explanaLlonlsL and
endorsemenL accounLs can be resolved.

ConLacL: pdroege[

4. Intersect|on of percept|on and cogn|t|on & cross-moda| exper|ences: New |ns|ghts |nto un|f|ed consc|ousness
A|eksandra Mroczko-Wqsow|cz
lnsLlLuLe of hllosophy of Mlnd and CognlLlon, naLlonal ?ang-Mlng unlverslLy, 1alpel, 1alwan
1radlLlonally cognlLlon and consclous percepLlon as well as lLs dlfferenL sense modallLles have been examlned
lndependenLly, as dlvlded and dlfferenL from each oLher. Powever, recenL sLudles elucldaLlng Lhe lmpacL of

percepLlon on cognlLlon, buL also Lhe varlous ways ln whlch consclous percepLual experlences can be peneLraLed and
modlfled by LhoughLs, bellefs, moods, deslres, emoLlons, knowledge and memorles, seem Lo supporL an alLernaLlve
vlew. lnvesLlgaLlons of cross-modal experlences and mulLlmodal lnLeracLlons, ln whlch lnpuL ln one modallLy modu-
laLes conLenL ln anoLher, reveal LhaL such percepLual experlences cannoL be easlly caLegorlzed as belonglng Lo one of
Lhe LradlLlonal flve senses. 1he exlsLence of mulLlsensory lnfluences on percepLlon or cross-domaln lnLegraLlon golng
beyond Lhe senses Lo Lhe domalns of absLracL, concepLually represenLed enLlLles, domalns of bodlly, moLor and
emoLlonal sLaLes, provlde challenges Lo sLandard meLhods lndlvlduaLlng our eplsLemlc ablllLles. 1hls lmplles a need for
a new meLhodology. A full undersLandlng of how Lhe mlnd works requlres conslderlng Lhe complex and LlghL relaLlons
holdlng among Lhese domalns and Lhelr muLual lmpacL. Cur menLal faculLles should noL be sLudled separaLely. 1hey
call for a more hollsLlc approach ln order Lo uncover Lhelr exLenslve capaclLy for lnLeracLlon produclng unlfled consclous
experlences. ueLermlnlng wheLher mulLlsensory processlng resulLs ln a mulLlmodal sLaLe or raLher a decomposable
con[uncLlon would provlde Lhe needed characLerlzaLlon of Lhe baslc unlLs of consclousness.
ConLacL: mroczko-wasowlcz[

S. I am what I am
Sh|mon Lde|man [1], 1omer Iekete [2]
[1] uepL. of sychology, Cornell unlverslLy, lLhaca, n? 14833, uSA
[2] uepL. of neuroblology, Welzmann lnsLlLuLe of Sclence, 8ehovoL 76100, lsrael
A cenLral, non-negoLlable consLralnL on any accounL of phenomenal awareness or experlence ls LhaL lL musL be
lnLrlnslc Lo Lhe experlencer, raLher Lhan dependlng on an ouLslde lnLerpreLaLlon of lLs sLrucLure or funcLlon. When
applled Lo compuLaLlonal accounLs of phenomenal awareness LhaL are based on dynamlcal sysLems Lheory, Lhls
consLralnL ralses serlous concepLual challenges, namely, Lhe need for an lnLrlnslc deflnlLlon of "Lhe" sysLem ln quesLlon
and "Lhe" compuLaLlon LhaL lL reallzes. We dlscuss a number of ldeas LhaL seem relevanL ln Lhls conLexL, lncludlng Lhe
noLlon of a maxlmal complex (ln 1ononl's ll1), exLreme hollsm (exLendlng Chalmers's remarks on Lhe unlLy of
consclousness), and an lnvarlance prlnclple based on relaLlvlsLlc conslderaLlons (Ldelman & lekeLe). More generally,
we propose LhaL a resoluLlon of Lhe sysLem quesLlon wlLh regard Lo phenomenallLy should be rooLed ln examples from
more "mundane" physlcal domalns such as mechanlcs and elecLrodynamlcs. Accordlngly, we conclude by ouLllnlng a
deflaLlonary approach Lo Lhe quesLlons aL hand.
ConLacL: edelman[

6. 1rack|ng persons over t|me |s track|ng what?
Andrew 8rook
hllosophy and CognlLlve Sclence, CarleLon unlverslLy
1he Loplc of consclousness over Llme has noL recelved a loL of aLLenLlon ln recenL work on consclousness, desplLe Lhe
lnLeresL LhaL phllosopher/psychologlsLs have Laken ln lL over Lhe pasL Lhree cenLurles. ?eL Lracklng persons, LhaL ls,
deLermlnlng LhaL a person now ls or ls noL a speclflc earller person, ls usually a maLLer of followlng Lhe hlsLory of a
currenL consclous belng back ln Llme Lo deLermlne lf Lhe hlsLory ends up or does noL end up aL some earller consclous
belng of lnLeresL. 1he lack of aLLenLlon Lo Lhls acLlvlLy ls noL because lL ls noL lmporLanL. lL ls exLremely wldespread and
lmporLanL ln our way of llfe. nor ls lL because Lhe Lechnlques LhaL we use are unproblemaLlc. 1o Lhe conLrary, Lhe
maln Lechnlques, behavloural expresslon of memorles, faclal resemblance and, ln more rlgorous cases, flngerprlnLs
and unA, are all ln one way or anoLher very problemaLlc. So lL would be a good ldea Lo flgure ouL whaL we are Lracklng
when we Lrack a person back ln Llme, l.e., whaL lL ls Lo perslsL as Lhe same consclous person over Llme, and Lo assess
how well our currenL pracLlces do so. ConLrlbuLlng Lo knowledge ln Lhese Lwo areas ls Lhe alm of Lhls paper. (1he
paper wlll lnLroduce a 'Lheme', l.e., an lnLerdlsclpllnary group of papers, on Lracklng persons ln Lhe [ournal, 1oplcs ln
CognlLlve Sclence.)
ConLacL: andrew_brook[

Concurrent Sess|on 3.3: M|sce||aneous
Monday, !uly 13Lh, 12:30 - 14:30 EB'#$-(#+ TG

1. Us|ng tra|n|ng to s|mu|ate synaesthes|a |n adu|thood
Dan|e| 8or [1,2], N|co|as kothen [1,3], Dav|d Schwartzman [1,2], Stephan|e C|ayton [1], Iam|e Ward[1,3], An|| Seth [1,2]
[1] Sackler CenLre for Consclousness Sclence, unlverslLy of Sussex, unlLed klngdom
[2] ueparLmenL of lnformaLlcs, unlverslLy of Sussex, unlLed klngdom

[3] ueparLmenL of sychology, unlverslLy of Sussex, unlLed klngdom
SynaesLhesla ls a condlLlon where presenLaLlon of one percepLual class conslsLenLly evokes addlLlonal experlences ln
one or more dlfferenL modallLles. SynaesLhesla ls wldely consldered a congenlLal condlLlon, alLhough an alLernaLlve
vlew ls LhaL repeaLed exposure Lo mulLlmodal assoclaLlons aL a key developmenLal sLage may be Lhe foundaLlon for aL
leasL some forms of synaesLhesla. unLll now, only clrcumsLanLlal evldence has supporLed Lhls alLernaLlve poslLlon, for
lnsLance, speclflc leLLer-colour palrlngs for some adulL synaesLheLes ls Lraceable Lo Lhelr chlldhood Loys. Pere we show
for Lhe flrsL Llme LhaL ln non-synaesLheLlc adulLs learnlng alone ls sufflclenL Lo creaLe behavloural effecLs and
phenomenology LhaL are dlfflculL Lo dlsLlngulsh from acLual grapheme-colour synaesLheLes. arLlclpanLs engaged ln an
elghL-week Lralnlng reglme LhaL lnvolved a range of memory and readlng Lasks, deslgned Lo cemenL leLLer-colour
assoclaLlons ln a slmllar manner Lo chlldhood experlences. lollowlng Lralnlng, sub[ecLs exhlblLed all Lhe sLandard
markers of synaesLhesla, lncludlng SLroop lnLerference effecLs, conslsLenL leLLer-colour scores (Lagleman baLLery),
decreased reacLlon Llmes on Lhe synaesLheLlc vlsual search Lask, and a condlLlonlng effecL of skln conducLance
response for leLLers when only Lhe assoclaLed colours were palred wlLh an averslve sLlmulus. ln addlLlon, 9 ouL of 14
parLlclpanLs descrlbed synaesLheLlc phenomenology, such as percelvlng colours superlmposed on achromaLlc leLLers,
boLh wlLhln and ouLslde Lhe lab. 1hls sLudy shows LhaL lL ls posslble Lo Lraln non-synaesLheLes Lo dlsplay very slmllar
characLerlsLlcs Lo grapheme-colour synaesLheLes, supporLlng developmenLal accounLs of synaesLhesla and lllumlnaLlng
a prevlously unsuspecLed poLenLlal for new learnlng Lo shape percepLual experlence even ln adulLs.
ConLacL: danlelxbor[

2. 1he cort|ca| exc|tab|||ty and neurochem|ca| markers of v|sua| cogn|t|on |n synaesthes|a
D.8. 1erhune & k. Cohen kadosh
ueparLmenL of LxperlmenLal sychology, unlverslLy of Cxford
rlmary vlsual corLex has been repeaLedly lmpllcaLed ln grapheme-colour synaesLhesla buL Lhe role lL plays ln
supporLlng dlfferenL characLerlsLlcs of Lhls condlLlon, and lLs connecLlon wlLh percepLual awareness, remaln poorly
undersLood. Pere we wlll descrlbe recenL research measurlng corLlcal exclLablllLy and neurochemlcal concenLraLlons ln
prlmary vlsual corLex and Lhelr cognlLlve and phenomenologlcal correlaLes ln synaesLhesla. 8y comblnlng Lranscranlal
magneLlc sLlmulaLlon and Lranscranlal elecLrlcal sLlmulaLlon, we demonsLraLe LhaL corLlcal exclLablllLy ln prlmary vlsual
corLex ls selecLlvely elevaLed ln synaesLhesla and LhaL hyperexclLablllLy covarles wlLh Lhe percelved vlsuospaLlal
locaLlon of colour phoLlsms ln Lhls condlLlon. We furLher show LhaL modulaLlng corLlcal exclLablllLy ln prlmary vlsual
corLex modlfles Lhe synaesLheLlc experlence and lLs behavloural consequences. llnally, we used magneLlc resonance
specLroscopy Lo measure neurochemlcal concenLraLlons ln synaesLheLes and non-synaesLheLes. 1hls approach
comblned wlLh proxy psychophyslcs measures hlghllghLs Lhe dlfferenLlal roles of neuroLransmlLLers LhaL are lnvolved
ln corLlcal lnhlblLlon and exclLaLlon (CA8A and gluLamaLe, respecLlvely) ln prlmary vlsual corLex ln dlfferenL
characLerlsLlcs of synaesLhesla lncludlng enhanced vlsual worklng memory. 1hls research sheds llghL on Lhe role of
prlmary vlsual corLex ln synaesLhesla and provldes valuable lnformaLlon regardlng Lhe neural basls of lndlvldual
dlfferences ln percepLual awareness and vlsual cognlLlon.
ConLacL: devln.Lerhune[

3. A neura| marker of perceptua| consc|ousness |n |nfants
S|d kou|der [1,2], Carsten Stah|hut [2], Sof|e V. Ge|skov [1,3], Leonardo S. 8arbosa [1], M|che| Dutat [1], V|ncent de
Garde||e [1], Anne Chr|stophe [1], Stan|s|as Dehaene [4-7], and Gh|s|a|ne Dehaene-Lambertz [S-7]
[1] LaboraLolre de Sclences CognlLlves eL sychollngulsLlque, LPLSS/Cn8S/LnS-uLC, arls, lrance
[2] SecLlon for CognlLlve SysLems, ueparLmenL of lnformaLlcs and maLhemaLlcal modellng, 1echnlcal unlverslLy of
uenmark, Lyngby, uenmark
[3] uanlsh 8esearch CenLer for MagneLlc 8esonance, Copenhagen unlverslLy PosplLal, Pvldovre, uenmark
[4] College de lrance, 73231 arls, lrance
[3] lnSL8M, u992, CognlLlve neurolmaglng unlL, 91191, Clf-sur-?veLLe, lrance
[6] CLA, neuroSpln CenLer, 91191, Clf-sur-?veLLe, lrance
[7] unlverslLe arls xl, 91403, Crsay, lrance
Sleep ls characLerlzed by a lack of behavloural responses Lo Lhe envlronmenL, buL Lhe exLenL Lo whlch Lhe braln
conLlnues Lo process exLernal sLlmull remalns largely unknown. Pere, by comblnlng a Lask lnducLlon sLraLegy wlLh
elecLroencephalographlc (LLC) measures of response preparaLlon, we sLudled wheLher sleeplng sub[ecLs can perform
declslons on Lhe meanlng of spoken words. Awake sub[ecLs caLegorlsed words as elLher anlmals or ob[ecLs whlle
LranslLlonlng Lowards sleep and Lhen conLlnued belng LesLed for coverL response preparaLlon Lowards Lhe approprlaLe
caLegory durlng early non-8LM sleep. 1wo braln markers of lnLenLlon-Lo-acL, laLerallzed readlness poLenLlals and
effecLor-speclflc desynchronlsaLlon ln mu and beLa bands, revealed LhaL Lhe parLlclpanLs conLlnue Lo Lrlgger caLegory-

speclflc responses even afLer falllng asleep. 1hese flndlngs show LhaL desplLe Lhe absence of awareness and
behavloural responses, lndlvlduals can sLlll exLracL Lask-relevanL lnformaLlon from exLernal sLlmull and prepare Lo
respond durlng sleep.
ConLacL: sld.koulder[

4. See|ng w|th your heart: Can you fee| what you consc|ous|y do not not|ce?
|otr W|nk|e|man [1], 8or|s 8ornemann [2], Andy Arno|d [3]
[1] unlverslLy of Callfornla, San ulego
[2] Max lanck lnsLlLuLe for Puman CognlLlve and 8raln Sclences
[3] 1he Salk lnsLlLuLe
sychologlsLs, phllosophers as well as laypeople belleve LhaL subLle feellngs or hunches" can provlde lnLrospecLlve
access Lo emoLlonal processes LhaL oLherwlse elude consclousness. 1hls noLlon of "seelng wlLh your hearL" flnds
supporL ln phenomena such as affecLlve bllndslghL, where neurologlcal paLlenLs show physlologlcal responses Lo
emoLlonal sLlmull presenLed ln a corLlcally bllnd vlsual fleld. Several psychologlcal phenomena, such as subllmlnal
affecLlve prlmlng and Lhe use of somaLlc markers", also suggesL LhaL unconsclous or lmpllclL emoLlon ellclLors can
manlfesL Lhemselves by blaslng overL preference [udgmenLs and cholces. hyslologlcally, unconsclous emoLlonal cues
can acLlvaLe a varleLy of responses LhaL lndlcaLe Lhe presence of an emoLlonal sLaLe. Powever, Lhe presence of an
emoLlonal response, as revealed ln physlology or ln [udgmenL blases, does noL mean LhaL Lhe emoLlon lLself ls dlrecLly
(lnLrospecLlvely) avallable Lo awareness. 1hls ls Lhe ldea of unconsclous emoLlon", as proposed by Wlnklelman and
hls colleagues (2004, 2011). ln an updaLe on Lhls ldea, l wlll descrlbe several recenL sLudles ln whlch focuslng
parLlclpanLs on lnLrospecLlon of Lhelr fleeLlng emoLlonal experlence falled Lo lmprove Lhe deLecLlon of brlefly
presenLed emoLlonal sLlmull, desplLe Lhe clear presence of physlologlcal responses lndlcaLlng an emoLlonal sLaLe
(8ornemann, Wlnklelman, & van der Meer, 2012). l wlll also show LhaL deLecLlon of subLle emoLlonal cues (subllmlnal
faclal expresslons) ls lnfluenced by Lhe degree Lo whlch Lhese cues lnvoke embodled processes, deflned as acLlvaLlon
of relevanL faclal muscles. 1hls suggesLs LhaL emoLlonal awareness mlghL be lmproved by Lapplng lnLo Lhose embodled
ConLacL: pwlnklelman[

S. Do sub[ect|ve, ob[ect|ve and |nd|rect measures of percept|on ref|ect qua||tat|ve|y d|fferent mechan|sms?
Dom|n|que Lamy
CognlLlve sychology, 1el Avlv unlverslLy
unconsclous percepLlon occurs when a sLlmulus LhaL observers fall Lo percelve consclously ls noneLheless capable of
lnfluenclng Lhelr acLlons. 1here ls currenLly no consensus regardlng Lhe measures LhaL are mosL valld Lo dlssoclaLe
consclous and unconsclous percepLlon or as Lo wheLher Lhe reporLed dlssoclaLlons reflecL quallLaLlve or only
quanLlLaLlve dlfferences beLween Lhe underlylng mechanlsms. vorberg, MaLLler, Pelnecke, SchmldL and Schwarzbach
(2003) used meLaconLrasL masklng and reporLed LhaL varylng Lhe Llme lnLerval beLween Lhe sLlmulus and mask (or
SCA) affecLed consclous and unconsclous processlng, measured ln dlfferenL blocks of Lrlals, ln quallLaLlvely dlfferenL
ways. 1he auLhors concluded LhaL consclous percepLlon, lndexed by forced-cholce dlscrlmlnaLlon performance (l.e., an
ob[ecLlve measure of consclous percepLlon) and unconsclous percepLlon, lndexed by acLlon prlmlng (l.e., an lndlrecL
measure of percepLlon), reflecL quallLaLlvely dlfferenL processes. Pere, we applled Lhe SCA manlpulaLlon Lo a
sub[ecLlve measure of consclous percepLlon (uslng a vlslblllLy scale ranglng from 0 Lo 3), as well as Lo an ob[ecLlve and
an lndlrecL measure of percepLlon, under Lhe same Lask demands. Cur resulLs suggesL LhaL (1) dlrecL (sub[ecLlve and
ob[ecLlve) measures of percepLlon Lap Lhe same mechanlsm buL wlLh dlfferenL senslLlvlLles, (2) SCA effecLs on acLlon
prlmlng are sLrongly lnfluenced by aLLenLlon and should Lherefore be assessed under slmllar condlLlons as Lhelr effecLs
on consclous processlng and (3) acLlon prlmlng remalns slgnlflcanL when vlslblllLy ls null buL dlsappears when ob[ecLlve
performance falls. 1hus, wheLher Lhe mechanlsms underlylng unconsclous processlng, lndexed by lndlrecL measures,
and consclous percepLlon, are quallLaLlvely dlfferenL, remalns an open quesLlon.
ConLacL: doml[

6. Measur|ng the |eve| of consc|ousness |n f||es w|th |ntegrated |nformat|on
Naotsugu 1such|ya [1,6], Dror Cohen [1], Age||que au|k [2], Masafum| C|zum| [3,4], au| Shaw [S], 8runo van
Sw|nderen [2]
[1] Monash unlverslLy, AusLralla
[2] unlverslLy of ueensland, AusLralla
[3] 8lkLn, !apan

[4] unlverslLy of Wlsconsln, uSA
[3] WashlngLon unlverslLy, [6] !apan Sclence and 1echnology Agency, !apan
8ecenLly, lL has become posslble Lo deLecL consclousness ln non-communlcable paLlenLs uslng non-lnvaslve fM8l
(Cwen eL al 2006). lf neuronal recordlng are rellable enough, Lhe same sLraLegy mlghL be appllcable Lo deLecL
consclousness ln non-communlcable anlmals. Such deducLlve sLraLegy for Lhe consclous level mlghL work up Lo
prlmaLes, posslbly mammals. Powever, due Lo gross dlfference ln anaLomy, neuronal acLlvaLlon paLLerns, and
evoluLlonal hlsLory, Lhls approach ls noL posslble for lnverLebraLe specles, such as lnsecLs. An enLlrely dlfferenL
approach Lowards bulldlng a general consclousness meLer" ls a recenL LheoreLlcal framework, called lnLegraLed
lnformaLlon 1heory (ll1), proposed by 1ononl (2004). ll1 proposes LhaL Lhe level of consclousness dlrecLly relaLes Lo
Lhe amounL of lnformaLlon LhaL ls lnLegraLed wlLhln a sysLem. 8ulldlng upon recenL LheoreLlcal developmenL (8alduzzl
& 1ononl 2008, 8arreLL & SeLh, 2011, Clzuml eL al, under revlew), we applled our lmproved esLlmaLe of lnLegraLed
lnformaLlon Lo local fleld poLenLlal daLa from Lhe fly, urosophlla melanogasLer. 1he neuronal daLa was recorded wlLh
16-channel slllcon llnear elecLrodes, whlch spanned across mosL ma[or braln areas ln Lhe flles (aulk eL al, submlLLed).
Sleep-llke sLaLe was lnduced ln flles by expresslng heaL-senslLlve caLlon channels ln neurons, lncludlng Lhose LhaL
pro[ecL Lo dorsal fan-shaped body (uonlea eL al 2011). Cur prellmlnary resulLs show LhaL durlng Lhe sleep" perlod
neuronal acLlvlLy became hlghly synchronlzed across recordlng slLes, whlle lnLegraLed lnformaLlon dropped. 1he
resulLs are conslsLenL wlLh an ldea ln l11 LhaL Loo much synchrony reduces lnformaLlon, and Lhus, degrades Lhe level
of consclousness.
ConLacL: naoLsugu.Lsuchlya[

GH$-+1(-5 M N OJ

Lv|dence and methodo|ogy for |nvest|gat|ng the hypothes|s of the out-of-body exper|ence as an ob[ect|ve event

Ne|son Abreu [1, 2]

[1] lnLernaLlonal Academy of Consclousness
[2] lnLernaLlonal Consclousness 8esearch LaboraLorles

(1-072 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

1he ablllLy of consclousness Lo acqulre lnformaLlon and experlence abouL places and evenLs beyond Lhe usual physlcal
senses has been reporLed slnce Lhe beglnnlng of recorded hlsLory and descrlbed ln many culLural LradlLlons. ln recenL
Llmes, Lhese phenomena have been referred Lo as CuL-of-8ody Lxperlences (C8Ls)," near ueaLh Lxperlences,"
8emoLe ercepLlon," among oLher labels. Whlle sLlll regarded wlLh skepLlclsm by mosL sclenLlsLs, a number of
scholarly sLudles and sub[ecLlve reporLs lnvlLe us Lo conslder LhaL whaL are LhoughL Lo be physlologlcal causes of such
phenomena, may be merely correlaLes and Lhe C8L may be boLh a sub[ecLlve phenomenon and an ob[ecLlve or
verldlcal evenL. 1hls presenLaLlon summarlzes evldence Lo daLe relaLed Lo "pro[ecLlons of Lhe consclousness" and Lhe
argumenLs LhaL challenge Lhe ldea LhaL consclousness emerges from Lhe braln and LhaL C8L's are onelrlc ln naLure. lL
brlefly lnLroduces falslflable hypoLheses and meLhodology (boLh flrsL and Lhlrd-person perspecLlve) for furLher

ConLacL: nelson.abreu[

syche as an |nformat|ona| strategy

Marcus Abund|s [1]

[1] CrganlzaLlonal 8ehavlor (Cl1), CraduaLe School of 8uslness, SLanford unlverslLy

(2-001 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

1hls paper presenLs a reducLlve funcLlonallsL lnformaLlon Lheory" remedy Lo hlsLorlc problems ln modellng Lhe
human syche (consclousness). lL argues LhaL all lnformaLlon, aL a mlnlmum, possesses an lnvlolaLe dual aspecL of
form + conLenL." 1hls dual lnformaLlonal aspecL ls shown (hereln) Lo resolve Lhe duallLy Lyplcal Lo many hlsLorlc vlews
of syche (e.g., Lhe Pard roblem). WlLh Lhls mlnlmal dual aspecL ln mlnd, Lhe paper Lhen compares Lhree recenL
lnformaLlon Lheory approaches Lo modellng syche: 1ononl's lnLegraLed lnformaLlon 1heory (ll1), 1errence ueacon's
common dynamlcal loglc (CuL), and Ceneral lnformaLlon 1heory (Cl1), for a brlef survey of lnformaLlon Lheory
LreaLmenLs of syche.

ConLacL: 33mrcs[

Cn the phys|o|og|ca| generat|on of ant|nom|es and paradoxes

Car|os Acosta [1, 2]

[1] lndependenL scholar of phllosophy and cognlLlon.
[2] Member of Lhe AssoclaLlon for Lhe SclenLlflc SLudy of Consclousness.

(2-002 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

lL ls proposed LhaL subconsclous reLro-predlcLlons ln con[uncLlon wlLh braln sLaLe updaLe cycles are lnsLrumenLal ln
Lhe physlologlcal generaLlon of consclous sensaLlons and percepLlons, and ln all absLracL LhoughL. ln Lhls paper Lhe
hypoLhesls ls supporLed by conducLlng a deLalled a re-evaluaLlon of Lhe self-referenLlal sLaLemenLs ln seL Lheory and
formal loglc known as anLlnomles. 1hls sLudy concludes LhaL Lhe recurslve behavlor exhlblLed by absLracL enlgmas
such as 8ussell's aradox" ls generaLed by a slmllar process, and ls analogous Lo Lhe osclllaLlons Lyplcal of blsLable
percepLual phenomena.



Intr|ns|c causat|on and consc|ousness

Lar|ssa A|bantak|s [1]
Lr|k noe| [1]
Masafum| C|zum| [1, 2]
Chr|stof koch [3]
G|u||o 1onon| [1]

[1] ueparLmenL of sychlaLry, unlverslLy of Wlsconsln, Madlson, Wlsconsln, uSA
[2] 8lkLn 8raln Sclence lnsLlLuLe, Wako-shl, SalLama, !apan
[3] Allen lnsLlLuLe for 8raln Sclence, SeaLLle, WashlngLon, uSA

(1-026 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

8ulldlng upon lnLegraLed lnformaLlon Lheory (ll1) (e.g. 1ononl, 2012), we lnvesLlgaLe parallels beLween
phenomenologlcal axloms of consclousness (exlsLence, composlLlonallLy, lnformaLlon, lnLegraLlon, and excluslon) and
Lhe lnLrlnslc causal sLrucLure of physlcal sysLems. CenLral Lo our approach ls Lhe clalm LhaL causaLlon has an
lnformaLlonal aspecL: a mechanlsm can only have a causal role wlLhln Lhe sysLem, lf lLs presenL sLaLe consLralns Lhe
poLenLlal pasL and fuLure of Lhe sysLem, referenced Lo all posslble counLerfacLuals (sysLem sLaLes). SeLs of mechanlsms
can have a composlLlonal causal role, provlded Lhey are lnLegraLed, meanlng Lhey are lrreduclble Lo Lhe causal roles of
Lhelr parLs. 8y assesslng Lhe amounL of lnLegraLed lnformaLlon speclfled by seLs of mechanlsms, one can assess boLh
Lhe quallLy, or 'causal role', and Lhe quanLlLy, or 'causal power' Lhey exerL wlLhln a sysLem. llnally, seLs of mechanlsms
LhaL generaLe local maxlma of lrreduclble causal lnformaLlon form causal complexes. 1hese exclude oLher, overlapplng
causal enLlLles, and Lhereby avold overdeLermlnaLlon. 1hese causal prlnclples are lllusLraLed ln slmple neLworks of
neuron-llke llnear Lhreshold unlLs. Cur approach has consequences noL only for Lhe fundamenLal relaLlonshlp beLween
lnformaLlon and causaLlon, buL also for our undersLandlng of emergence, adapLaLlon, and meanlng. llnally, Lhls
approach ldenLlfles consclousness wlLh a local maxlmum of causaLlon (a causal complex). 1ononl C (2012) lnLegraLed
lnformaLlon 1heory of Consclousness: An updaLed AccounL. Arch lLal 8lol 130: 36-90.

ConLacL: albanLakls[

1he ref|ex|ve |magery task: Un|ntent|ona| |magery desp|te extens|ve tra|n|ng and vo|untary set se|ect|on

A|||son k. A||en [1]
Chr|st|na Merr|ck [1]
kev|n W||k|ns [2]
Lzequ|e| Morse||a [1,3]

[1] San lranclsco SLaLe unlverslLy
[2] 8osLon College
[3] unlverslLy of Callfornla, San lranclsco

(2-044 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

Some models of consclousness propose LhaL, under cerLaln condlLlons, conLenLs can enLer consclousness ln a
unlnLenLlonal manner resembllng reflexes (PelmholLz, 1836). SLudy 1 (n 32) used Lhe 8eflexlve lmagery 1ask (8l1), a
paradlgm based ln parL on Wegner's (1989) 'lronlc processes' and CollwlLzer's (1999) 'lmplemenLaLlon lnLenLlons,' Lo
demonsLraLe sysLemaLlcally LhaL, when presenLed wlLh a vlsual ob[ecL and lnsLrucLed Lo noL subvocallze Lhe name of
Lhe ob[ecL, unlnLenLlonal subvocallzaLlon ls almosL lnevlLable: Cnly 4 parLlclpanLs experlenced unlnLended lmagery on
less LhaL 90 of Lrlals. 1he unlnLenLlonal condlLlon ylelded slgnlflcanLly longer laLencles, l(1,29) 29.87, p .0001. ln
SLudy 2, prlor Lo performlng Lhe 8l1, parLlclpanLs (n 17) were Lralned exLenslvely on one acLlon seL (e.g., Lo 'color
name') and Lhen, when presenLed wlLh sLlmull, were glven Lhe cholce Lo perform Lhe Lralned acLlon seL or a novel
acLlon seL (e.g., Lo 'counL Lhe ob[ecLs'). AfLer each Lrlal, parLlclpanLs reporLed abouL seL-relaLed and seL-unrelaLed
menLal lmagery (e.g., abouL numbers). ConslsLenL wlLh Lheorles proposlng LhaL Lhe consclous conLenLs represenL
several poLenLlal acLlon plans, parLlclpanLs were equally llkely Lo have seL-relaLed lmagery (60) or seL-unrelaLed
lmagery (31). rellmlnary daLa suggesL LhaL Lralnlng, nor cholce of seL, lnfluenced Lhe Lype of lmagery parLlclpanLs

experlenced across Lrlals, l(1, 13) 0.211, p .632, (hp2 .014), l(1, 13) 0.848, p .372, (hp2 .033), respecLlvely.
We dlscuss Lhe LheoreLlcal lmpllcaLlons of Lhese flndlngs and dellneaLe oLher varlanLs of Lhe 8l1 LhaL could be used Lo
elucldaLe Lhe naLure of consclousness.

ConLacL: alllson.k.mcbrlde[

V|sua| Awareness Negat|v|ty corre|ates w|th sma|| changes |n consc|ous exper|ence

Lau M. Andersen [1]
M|chae| N. edersen [1]
kr|st|an Sandberg [1]
Morten Cvergaard [1]

[1] CognlLlve neurosclence 8esearch unlL, Aarhus unlverslLy, uenmark

(2-034 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

vlsual Awareness negaLlvlLy correlaLes wlLh small changes ln consclous experlence Lau M. Andersen, Mlchael n.
edersen, krlsLlan Sandberg & MorLen Cvergaard 1he vlsual Awareness negaLlvlLy (vAn), an evenL relaLed dlfference
wave, has been proposed as a neural correlaLe of consclousness (nCC) (kolvlsLo & 8evonsuo, 2010) . 1he ercepLual
Awareness Scale (AS) was creaLed by sub[ecLs who were lnsLrucLed Lo develop a scale Lo raLe vlsual experlences
where each polnL reflecLed an experlence quallLaLlvely dlfferenL from any oLher polnL on Lhe scale (8amsy &
Cvergaard, 2004). lL conLalns four polnLs: nL no experlence, WC weak gllmpse, ACL almosL clear experlence, CL
clear experlence. AS has slnce been used ln several experlmenLs (Mellonl eL al. 2011, Cvergaard eL al. 2006, 8uzzoll
eL al. 2010). Some of Lhese experlmenLs suggesL LhaL AS ls a more senslLlve measure of consclousness Lhan oLher
currenL meLhods (Sandberg eL al. 2010) We LesLed Lhe hypoLhesls LhaL vAns would be found beLween AS-raLlngs,
whlch would corroboraLe LhaL vAn ls a candldaLe for an nCC. 1o lnvesLlgaLe Lhls hypoLhesls, we ran an experlmenL
uslng magneLoencephalography (MLC) Lo obLaln evenL-relaLed flelds (L8ls) for each of Lhe AS-raLlngs. 8ased on Lhe
sensor space daLa, we successfully Lralned a classlfler Lo dlscern beLween Lhe four AS-raLlngs. vAns were found for
Lhe planned conLrasLs, and we found suggesLlve evldence for dlfferences beLween raLlngs ln source acLlvlLy and source
locallzaLlon. ln concluslon, we found evldence for vAns beLween Lhe dlfferenL raLlngs, and Lhus evldence for vAn
belng an nCC LhaL does noL only correlaLe wlLh wheLher Lhe sub[ecL ls aware or unaware, buL also wlLh experlenced
dlfferences ln consclous conLenL. 8eferences: kolvlsLo, M., & 8evonsuo, A. (2010). LvenL-relaLed braln poLenLlal
correlaLes of vlsual awareness. neurosclence and blobehavloral revlews, 34(6), 922-34. dol:10.1016/[.neublorev.
2009.12. 002 Mellonl, L., Schwledrzlk, C. M., Mller, n., 8odrlguez, L., & Slnger, W. (2011). LxpecLaLlons change Lhe
slgnaLures and Llmlng of elecLrophyslologlcal correlaLes of percepLual awareness. 1he !ournal of neurosclence: Lhe
offlclal [ournal of Lhe SocleLy for neurosclence, 31(4), 1386-96. dol:10.1323/!nLu8CSCl.4370-10.2011 Cvergaard, M.,
8oLe, !., Mourldsen, k., & 8amsy, 1. Z. (2006). ls consclous percepLlon gradual or dlchoLomous? A comparlson of
reporL meLhodologles durlng a vlsual Lask. Consclousness and cognlLlon, 13(4), 700-8. dol:10.1016/[.concog.2006.
04.002 8amsy, 1. Z., & Cvergaard, M. (2004). lnLrospecLlon and subllmlnal percepLlon. henomenology and Lhe
CognlLlve Sclences, 3(1), 1-23. dol:10.1023/8:PLn.0000041900.30172.e8 8uzzoll, M., Marzl, C. a, & Mlnlussl, C.
(2010). 1he neural mechanlsms of Lhe effecLs of Lranscranlal magneLlc sLlmulaLlon on percepLlon. !ournal of neuro-
physlology, 103(6), 2982-9. dol:10.1132/[n.01096.2009 Sandberg, k., 1lmmermans, 8., Cvergaard, M., & Cleeremans,
A. (2010). Measurlng consclousness: ls one measure beLLer Lhan Lhe oLher? Consclousness and cognlLlon, 19(4), 1069-
78. dol:10.1016/[.concog.2009.12.013

ConLacL: lau.andersen[

nypnot|c synaesthes|a, |s |t behav|oura||y s|m||ar to natura| synaesthes|a?

naze| Anderson [1, 2]
2o|tan D|enes [1, 2]
An|| Seth [1, 3]
Iam|e Ward [1, 2]

[1] Sackler CenLre for Consclousness Sclence, unlverslLy of Sussex
[2] School of sychology, unlverslLy of Sussex
[3] ueparLmenL of lnformaLlcs, unlverslLy of Sussex


(1-046 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

Pypnosls can be used Lo creaLe halluclnaLlons reporLed Lo be phenomenologlcaly slmllar Lo synaesLheLes experlences
however wheLher 'hypnoLlc' and naLural synaesLhesla are funcLlonally slmllar ls undeLermlned. We researched Lwo
Lypes of synaesLhesla, grapheme-colour, when graphemes Lrlgger a colour experlence, and hearlng-moLlon, when
vlewlng movemenL or flashlng llghLs causes a concurrenL audlLory experlence. Crapheme-colour synaesLheLes
ouLperform conLrols for embedded shapes Lasks made of dlglLs as Lhe colours ald ln Lhe deLecLlon of Lhe shape. ln
experlmenL 1, parLlclpanLs hlghly responslve Lo hypnosls compleLed an embedded shapes Lask wlLh and wlLhouL a
hypnoLlc grapheme-colour suggesLlon. arLlclpanLs dld noL perform beLLer ln Lhe hypnosls compared Lo conLrol
condlLlon, buL dld reporL seelng a greaLer percenLage of graphemes as coloured for correcL compared Lo lncorrecL
Lrlals. 1he colours Lherefore seem Lo be added posL-Lrlal uslng menLal lmagery raLher Lhan acLually ald deLecLlon of
Lhe shape. 8ehavloural advanLages have been found for hearlng-moLlon synaesLheLes when maklng same/dlfferenL
[udgemenLs for palrs of flashlng llghL sequences. eople are beLLer aL maklng [udgemenLs for audlLory sequences
(beeps) ln comparlson Lo vlsual sequences (flashlng clrcles). SynaesLheLes beneflL from Lhe concurrenL sound. ln
experlmenL 2, parLlclpanLs compleLed Lwo blocks, basellne and wlLh a posL-hypnoLlc or menLal lmagery suggesLlon Lo
hear beeps when vlewlng flashlng clrcles. osL-hypnoLlc suggesLlon creaLed Lhe phenomenologlcal experlence of
synaesLhesla buL noL behavloural advanLages llke Lhose of naLural synaesLheLes. 1he phenomenologlcal experlence of
synaesLhesla ls Lherefore noL enough Lo behave llke a synaesLheLe suggesLlng LhaL neurologlcal and funcLlonal
processes lnLeracL Lo creaLe synaesLhesla.

ConLacL: h.anderson[

I|ngerpr|nts of sub[ect|ve exper|ence |n the an|ma| bra|n

konstant|n Anokh|n [1, 2]

[1] ueparLmenL of neurosclence, naLlonal 8esearch CenLer "kurchaLov lnslLlLuLe", Moscow, 8ussla
[2] LaboraLory for neuroblology of Memory, .k. Anokhln lnsLlLuLe of normal hyslology, 8usslan Academy of Medlcal

(1-027 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

llngerprlnLs of sub[ecLlve experlence ln Lhe anlmal braln: an lmmedlaLe early gene mapplng approach Consclousness
and memory are LlghLly llnked ln neural mechanlsms of sub[ecLlve experlence. We have prevlously shown LhaL
memory consolldaLlon lnvolves neuronal expresslon of lmmedlaLe-early genes (lLCs) (Maleeva eL aL., 1989) and LhaL lL
can be used Lo map memory assemblles ln Lhe braln (Anokhln, 1989). 8ehavloral lnducLlon of lLCs ls Lrlggered by
sub[ecLlve novelLy (Anokhln & Sudakov, 1993) and occurs ln slngle-Lrlal eplsodlc-llke memory evenLs (Anokhln eL al.,
1991, 8yablnln & Anokhln, 1993). ln exLenslon of Lhls llne of research l propose LhaL lmaglng of behavlorally lnduced
expresslon of lLCs can be used Lo lmage Lhe eplsodes of consclous experlence LhaL are consolldaLed ln long-Lerm
memory ln experlmenLal anlmals. WlLh Lhls purpose we developed Lechnlques Lo vlsuallze acLlvaLlon of lLCs durlng
behavlor ln Cl Lransgenlc mlce (Anokhln eL al., 2012), opLlcal clearlng of a whole mouse braln afLer behavloral
eplsodes of lnducLlon of lLCs (Lflmova & Anokhln, 2009) and whole braln cell-resoluLlon opLlcal Lomography Lo lmage
experlence-drlven dlsLrlbuLed cell assemblles Lagged by lLCs expresslon (Morozov eL al., 2010). l furLher suggesL LhaL
llnklng lLCs promoLers Lo opLogeneLlc Lools wlll allow movlng from correlaLlve Lo causal analysls of neural bases of
sub[ecLlve consclous experlence. SupporLed by 8MSL CranL 11.C34.31.0071 and 8AS "lundamenLal Sclence Lo
Medlclne" CranL

ConLacL: k.anokhln[

Does |eve| of process|ng |nf|uence the trans|t|on from unconsc|ous to consc|ous process|ng of st|mu||?

Anna Anzu|ew|cz [1]
Dar|usz Asanow|cz [1]
M|chaI W|erzchon [1]

[1] Consclousness Lab, lnsLlLuLe of sychology, !aglellonlan unlverslLy, krakow, oland

(1-047 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)


1he neural Clobal Workspace and Lhe 8ecurrenL rocesslng Lheorles puL forward conLradlcLory vlews on Lhe LranslLlon
from unconsclous Lo consclous percepLlon, suggesLlng, respecLlvely, an all-or-none and a gradual paLLern of Lhls
process. 8ecenLly, Wlndey, Cevers, & Cleeremans (2012) proposed LhaL Lhe Lwo vlews may be lnLegraLed lf levels of
processlng (Lo) wlll be Laken lnLo accounL. Accordlngly, low and hlgh Lo should produce, respecLlvely, gradual and
blnary paLLerns. 1o LesL Lhls hypoLhesls, we used classlc osner's paradlgm, ln whlch parLlclpanLs have Lo classlfy palrs
of leLLers as Lhe same or dlfferenL, based elLher on Lhelr physlcal ldenLlLy (e.g. 'AA'), whlch lnvolves low Lo, or on a
rule (leLLers are consonanLs or vowels), whlch lnvolves hlgher Lo. 1o dlfferenLlaLe levels of awareness, Lhe sLlmull
were presenLed for elghL Llme lnLervals (wlLhln 17 - 144 ms range) and Lhen masked. lor sub[ecLlve raLlngs ercepLual
Awareness Scale (AS) was used afLer each Lrlal. 1he resulLs of ob[ecLlve measure of performance, l.e., response
Llmes, showed large dlfferences beLween low and hlgh Lo, closely repllcaLlng Lhe classlc resulLs. 1he sub[ecLlve
measure of awareness showed LhaL when sLlmull exposure Llme was 48 or 64 ms (l.e., Lhose, ln whlch accuracy was
moderaLe), Lhe mlddle AS raLlngs were used more ofLen ln Lhe low Lhan ln Lhe hlgh Lo condlLlon. 1he resulLs
Lherefore conflrm LhaL processlng lnformaLlon aL Lhe lower level mlghL produce more gradual paLLern of raLlngs,
Lhereby suggesLlng LhaL Lo mlghL lnfluence Lhe LranslLlon from unconsclous Lo consclous processlng of sLlmull.

ConLacL: anna.anzulewlcz[u[

Are resonances |n Integrated Informat|on s|gnatures of consc|ous states?

kerxes D. Ars|wa||a [1]
au| I.M.I. Verschure [1, 2]

[1] unlverslLaL ompeu labra, 8arcelona
[2] lC8LA, 8arcelona

(2-024 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

1he lnLegraLed lnformaLlon 1heory of Consclousness proposed by 1ononl eL al (and lLs subsequenL sLochasLlc verslon
by 8arreLL and SeLh) seeks Lo quanLlfy Lhe level of consclousness aLLalnable by any dynamlcal neLwork by esLlmaLlng
Lhe causal lnformaLlon generaLed by Lhe neLwork as a whole over and above LhaL of parLs, ln Lhe course of a
dynamlcal LranslLlon from one sLaLe Lo anoLher. Accordlng Lo Lhls proposal, consclous sysLems are Lhose whlch process
hlgh quanLlLles of lnLegraLed lnformaLlon (denoLed as phl). Powever, we flnd LhaL phl can ln facL be unbounded for a
varleLy of slmple neLworks. More preclsely, we reporL Lhe exlsLence of resonance poles ln lnLegraLed lnformaLlon
(phl), whlch reslde ln Lhe parameLer space of neLwork coupllng sLrengLhs and are sLable under perLurbaLlons of Lhe
soluLlon. 1hese are undamped resonances of phl, whlch arlse when Lhe coupllng sLrengLh approaches any of Lhe
lnverse elgenvalues of Lhe neLwork. CompuLlng phl for several proLoLyplcal neLwork Lopologles, we esLabllsh Lhe
wldespread exlsLence of a neLwork Lopology-speclflc specLrum of phl resonance peaks. lurLhermore, upon addlng
dynamlcs Lo Lhe "synapses" or llnk coupllng sLrengLhs, we flnd LhaL Lhe resonances LranslaLe Lo Lemporal splkes ln phl.
1he phl splke-Lraln Lhus obLalned ls characLerlsLlc of boLh neLwork sLrucLure and dynamlcs. 1hese flndlngs ralse Lwo
lmporLanL quesLlons. llrsLly, ln Lhe llghL of Lhese resonances, ls lL sLlll meanlngful Lo compare lnformaLlon lnLegraLlon
capablllLles of Lwo neLworks based on an absoluLe value of phl aL a slngle lnsLanLlaLlon? We argue LhaL such dynamlc
neLwork comparlsons requlre sysLemaLlc lnformaLlon splke analysls ln much Lhe same way as we perform neural splke
analysls. 1he second quesLlon concerns Lhe lnLerpreLaLlon of Lhe poles Lhemselves. ln Lhe vlclnlLy of Lhese resonances,
Lhe value of phl becomes very large, lmplylng very hlgh neLwork complexlLy. lrom Lhe physlcs of emergenL
phenomena, poles ln observables are assoclaLed Lo crlLlcal polnLs of Lhe sysLem, whlch upon regularlzaLlon, mark Lhe
LranslLlon Lo new phases of maLLer. We are currenLly lnvesLlgaLlng wheLher regularlzlng poles ln phl ylelds phase
LranslLlons Lo new sLaLes of complexlLy. ls lL reasonable Lo ldenLlfy Lhese resonances wlLh consclous sLaLes?

ConLacL: x.d.arslwalla[

I||usory body-ownersh|p for the proxy hand causes automat|c compensat|ve movement toward |t.

1omoh|sa Asa|

n11 CommunlcaLlon Sclence LaboraLorles

(1-048 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

1he sense of body ownershlp lnvolves Lhe lnLegraLlon of vlslon and somaLosensaLlon. 1hls ls evlnced ln Lhe rubber
hand llluslon (8Pl), a phenomenon ln waLchlng a rubber hand belng sLroked synchronously Lo one's own unseen hand,
Lemporarlly causes observers Lo percelve Lhe rubber hand as belonglng Lo Lhelr own bodles. 1he rubber hand llluslon
may ellclL proprlocepLlve drlfL, whereby Lhe observer's sense of hls or her own hand's locaLlon drlfLs Loward Lhe
exLernal proxy hand. 1he currenL experlmenLs examlned noL Lhe proprlocepLlve buL Lhe acLual drlfL movemenL"
Loward Lhe proxy. 1he parLlclpanLs' hands, whlch were locaLed on a horlzonLally movable board, Lended Lo move
Loward Lhe rubber hand only whlle Lhey observed synchronous vlsuo-LacLlle sLlmulaLlon. lurLhermore, even when
parLlclpanLs' hands were locaLed on a flxed, unmovable board (l.e., convenLlonal 8Pl paradlgm), parLlclpanLs were
auLomaLlcally admlnlsLerlng a pushlng force Loward Lhe rubber hand. 1hese flndlngs suggesL LhaL slnce awareness of
our own body (sense of body ownershlp) and acLlon (sense of agency) are fundamenLal Lo self-consclousness, Lhese
componenLs of Lhe mlnlmal self" are closely relaLed and are lnLegraLed lnLo one agenL" wlLh a unlfled awareness of
Lhe body and acLlon.

ConLacL: as[

Cn the ||near|ty of thresho|d for v|sua| awareness |n the |atera||zed two-stream kSV task.

Dar|usz Asanow|cz

lnsLlLuLe of sychology, !aglellonlan unlverslLy, krakow, oland

(2-043 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

SLudles on Lhreshold for vlsual awareness have shown elLher an all-or-none or a gradual paLLern of LranslLlon beLween
unconsclous and consclous processlng of sLlmull. 1he cause of Lhls amblgulLy ls unclear. 1he alm of Lhe presenL sLudy
was Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe role of aLLenLlonal laLerallzaLlon ln Lhresholdlng of vlsual awareness. ALLenLlon ls assumed Lo be
a gaLekeeper selecLlng LargeLs from nolse, and Lhe rlghL hemlsphere has been shown Lo be superlor ln aLLenLlonal
selecLlon. 1herefore, lL ls plauslble LhaL Lhe LranslLlon beLween unconsclous and consclous processlng mlghL be more
gradual for rlghL vlsual fleld (8vl), ln whlch aLLenLlonal selecLlon ls less efflclenLly conLrolled, Lhan for lefL vlsual fleld
(Lvl), ln whlch more efflclenL selecLlon should produce more all-or-none-llke paLLern. 1o meeL Lhe ob[ecLlve, Lhe Lwo-
sLream rapld serlal vlsual presenLaLlon (8Sv) Lask was used, ln whlch parLlclpanLs were asked Lo ldenLlfy and Lhen
raLe awareness of Lwo consecuLlve LargeLs, 11 and 12, embedded ln elLher of Lwo sLreams of successlve dlsLracLors.
lor Lhe sub[ecLlve raLlngs ercepLual Awareness Scale (AS) was used. 1he resulLs showed, flrsL, Lhe expecLed large
Lvl advanLage ln accuracy of Lhe LargeLs ldenLlflcaLlon, and second, a more llnear paLLern of sub[ecLlve raLes,
comblned wlLh a larger varlance of Lhese raLes, for Lhe 8vl sLlmull. 1aken LogeLher, Lhe resulLs seem Lo suggesL LhaL
Lhe rlghL hemlsphere speclallzaLlon for spaLlal aLLenLlon can cause vl asymmeLry ln varlablllLy and quallLy of
sub[ecLlve percepLual experlence, and Lhereby also modulaLe llnearlLy of sub[ecLlve raLes of percepLual awareness.

ConLacL: d.asanowlcz[u[

now does unconsc|ous |nh|b|t|on accumu|ate over t|me? 1he spec|f|c ro|e of response |atency and |ts re|at|on w|th
pr|me-target de|ay

Anne Atas
Axe| C|eeremans

Consclousness, CognlLlon and CompuLaLlon Croup, CenLre de 8echerche CognlLlon eL neurosclences, unlverslLe Llbre
de 8ruxelles

(1-049 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

ls awareness necessary for lnhlblLlon of acLlon? WhaL ls Lhe Llme course of such processes? revlous sLudles on
masked prlmlng have revealed LhaL lnhlblLlon can occur even wlLhouL consclous percepLlon and wlLhouL any volunLary
efforL. AlLhough lL ls now clear LhaL auLomaLlc lnhlblLory mechanlsms need Llme Lo unfold, llLLle ls known abouL how
Lemporal facLors lnfluence such lnhlblLlon. Pere, we hypoLheslzed LhaL boLh prlme-LargeL delay (SCA) and LargeL-
response delay (response laLency) play a role ln auLomaLlc lnhlblLlon. We also expecLed LhaL Lhese Lemporal facLors
are noL purely addlLlve buL lnsLead lnLeracL sLrongly. As expecLed, we found LhaL alLhough lnhlblLlon lncreased across

response laLency for each SCA, Lhe lmpacL of response laLency was slgnlflcanLly sLronger for lnLermedlaLe SCAs (70-80
ms) Lhan for shorL (0 ms) or long SCAs (130 ms). 1hus, when Lhe SCA clearly deLermlnes Lhe dlrecLlon of prlme
lnfluence, as was Lhe case for shorL and long SCAs (sLrong faclllLaLlon or lnhlblLlon), response laLency had buL a weak
lmpacL on prlmlng. Conversely, when Lhe SCA was lnLermedlaLe and could noL unequlvocally deLermlne Lhe dlrecLlon
of Lhe lnfluence of Lhe prlme, response laLency sLrongly lnfluenced prlmlng. lor Lhose SCAs, alLhough prlmlng was
globally absenL, fasL responses resulLed ln faclllLaLory prlmlng and slow responses ln lnhlblLlon. Cur sLudy Lhus
suggesLs LhaL alLhough varlablllLy ln response Llme ls generally Laken Lo be nolse, lL mlghL lnsLead represenL a
meanlngful Lemporal facLor for lnvesLlgaLlng lnhlblLlon mechanlsms ln nonconsclous prlmlng.

ConLacL: aaLas[

Spectra| 1heory of Consc|ousness

Se|en Atasoy
Ioe| earson

earson Lab, School of sychology, unlverslLy of new SouLh Wales

(2-023 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

SpecLral Lheory ls a well-esLabllshed maLhemaLlcal Lool Lo sLudy sLable sLaLes of dynamlc sysLems. 1hese sLable sLaLes
correspond Lo locallzed vlbraLlons or conflned waves wlLh deflnlLe energles and descrlbe a varleLy of physlcal
phenomenon ranglng from Lhe specLrum of llghL emlLLed by of aLoms and molecules, sound creaLed by acousLlc waves
Lo Lhe soluLlons of Lhe wave equaLlon ln quanLum mechanlcs. 8ased on Lhe Lools of Lhe specLral Lheory, we lnLroduce
a new LheoreLlcal model Lo sLudy (Lhe neural correlaLes of) consclousness, l.e. Lhe specLral Lheory of consclousness.
Assumlng LhaL neural represenLaLlons (cerLaln flrlng paLLerns) exlsL whlch correspond Lo dlfferenL consclous
experlences, e.g. dlfferenL qualla, we deflne a dynamlc sysLem based on Lhe Llme evoluLlon of neural acLlvlLy.
Consclous experlence ls assoclaLed wlLh Lhe sLable sLaLes of Lhls complex dynamlc sysLem. 1he model lnLegraLes Lhe
changes caused by exLernal sLlmull as well as by Lhe lnLernal dynamlcs of Lhe (neural) sysLem. 1hus, Lhree cases are
dlsLlngulshed wlLhln Lhe model: 1) sLable (consclous) sLaLes ln presence of exLernal sLlmulus correspondlng Lo
dlfferenL qualla, 2) sLable (consclous) sLaLes ln absence of exLernal sLlmulus and 3) changes ln Lhe lnLernal dynamlcs of
Lhe sysLem leadlng Lo a change ln Lhe sLaLe of consclousness, e.g. sleep sLaLe. We hope LhaL llke ln opLlcs, acousLlcs
and quanLum mechanlcs, Lhe slmple maLhemaLlcal model of specLral Lheory wlll provlde a new perspecLlve Lowards
undersLandlng Lhe naLure of our consclous experlence.

ConLacL: s.aLasoy[

kad|ca| skept|c|sm, the S|eep|ng 8eauty paradox and '|n house' bett|ng.

Uz|e| Awret [1, 2, 3, 4]

[1] 1rlnlLy WashlngLon unlverslLy
[2] Ceorge Mason unlverslLy
[3] Chapman unlverslLy
[4] lnsplre lnsLlLuLe

(2-080 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

l wlll begln wlLh a spaLlal verslon of Lhe 'sleeplng beauLy paradox' (slmllar Lo nlck 8osLrom's) wlLh Lwo ldenLlcal rooms
and Lwo palrs of ldenLlcal parLlclpanLs Mlke, a 'Lhlrder' and 8ob, a 'halfer'. 1he Lwo, who love beLLlng, lmmedlaLely
place a wager on Lhelr credence Lo Lhe coln Loss. 8ob argues LhaL Lhe only way he could lose ls lf he were made Lo
concede LhaL lL ls posslble LhaL he ls really ln Lhe oLher room 'rlghL now' and LhaL he sees no reason for dolng LhaL.
Mlke replles LhaL Lhls ls noL enough and LhaL Lhe onus ls on 8ob Lo prove LhaL radlcal skepLlclsm of ldenLlLy ls false.
8ob replles LhaL accepLlng radlcal skepLlclsm abouL ldenLlLy makes Lhelr beL lmposslble because lf 8ob ls really ln Lhe
oLher room beLLlng wlLh Lhe oLher Mlke Lhan 8ob cannoL owe money Lo 'Lhls' Mlke, addlng LhaL assumpLlons LhaL
undermlne Lhe leglLlmacy of Lhe beL should be avolded. l wlll conclude LhaL Lhls klnd of wager ls noL easy seLLle. lLs noL
clear who wlns (lf only we could do Lhe experlmenL) buL lL seems llke Lhe halfers' poslLlon ls Lenable. 1here ls also Lhe
quesLlon of wheLher Lhls verslon of Lhe S8 makes radlcal skepLlclsm of ldenLlLy less palaLable. l wlll end wlLh
commenLs on Al and synLheLlc lndexlcal caLegorles suggesLlng LhaL ln cerLaln clrcumsLances Lhe S8 can be used as an

alLernaLlve Lo Lhe celebraLed 1urlng 1esL.

ConLacL: uawreL[

Attent|on dur|ng spontaneous consc|ous thought: D|ffuse or decoup|ed?

8en[am|n 8a|rd [1]
Iames L|||ott [1]
Ionathan Sma||wood [2]
M|chae| Irank||n [1]
8arry G|esbrecht [1]
Ionathan W. Schoo|er [1]

[1] ueparLmenL of sychologlcal and 8raln Sclences, unlverslLy of Callfornla, SanLa 8arbara
[2] ueparLmenL of Soclal neurosclence, 1he Max lanck lnsLlLuLe for Puman CognlLlve and 8raln Sclences

(1-030 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

1he mlnd flows ln a sLream of consclousness" whlch ofLen neglecLs lmmedlaLe sensory lnpuL ln favor of focuslng on
lnLrlnslc, self-generaLed LhoughLs or lmages. 1here ls now convergenL supporL for Lhe proposal LhaL percepLual
processlng ls dampened durlng perlods of sponLaneous consclous LhoughL, whlch ls conslsLenL wlLh Lhe hypoLhesls
LhaL aLLenLlon becomes decoupled from Lhe exLernal envlronmenL durlng such lnLernally dlrecLed sLaLes. Powever, a
promlnenL alLernaLlve accounL of Lhese flndlngs ls LhaL sponLaneous LhoughL lnsLead resulLs ln a dlffuse or broadened
aLLenLlonal focus, whlch could plauslbly ald ln monlLorlng Lhe envlronmenL for unexpecLed evenLs whlle Lhe mlnd ls
focused elsewhere. ln Lhe currenL sLudy, we evaluaLed Lhese compeLlng hypoLheses uslng a frequency-Lagged sLeady-
sLaLe vlsual evoked poLenLlal (SSvL) paradlgm. 1he ampllLude of Lhe SSvL ls modulaLed by vlsual spaLlal aLLenLlon
and Lhus provldes a conLlnuous elecLrophyslologlcal measure of aLLenLlonal allocaLlon (e.g., Plllyard eL al., 1996).
arLlclpanLs (n16) compleLed a go/no-go susLalned aLLenLlon Lo response Lask (SA81) whlle 13Pz and 20Pz unlform
vlsual fllcker (fllcker raLe counLerbalanced across blocks) was presenLed conLlnuously aL a cenLral Lask-relevanL and a
perlpheral Lask-lrrelevanL locaLlon. uurlng Lhe Lask, lndlvlduals were lnLermlLLenLly lnLerrupLed by experlence-
sampllng prompLs and asked Lo reporL Lhelr currenL aLLenLlonal sLaLe. 1he resulLs reveal an aLLenuaLlon of Lhe SSvL
response Lo Lhe perlpheral fllcker over Lhe cenLral occlplLal scalp reglon durlng perlods precedlng reporLs of
sponLaneous consclous LhoughL. 1hese resulLs supporL Lhe hypoLhesls LhaL self-generaLed consclous LhoughL ls
assoclaLed wlLh a sLaLe of decoupled raLher Lhan dlffuse aLLenLlon Lo Lhe exLernal envlronmenL.

ConLacL: balrd[

Los|ng the |eft s|de of the wor|d dur|ng s|eep onset: Neg|ect-||ke effects on a v|sua| pr|or-entry task |n drowsy
norma| part|c|pants.

Cor|nne 8areham
1r|stan 8ek|nschte|n
An[|n k|anyu
1om Man|y

M8C - CognlLlon and 8raln Sclences unlL, Cambrldge, uk

(2-026 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

unllaLeral neglecL, a common consequence of sLroke, refers Lo a lack of awareness for lnformaLlon on one slde of
space. lL has been suggesLed LhaL sLaLes of low alerLness may exacerbaLe neglecL for lefL space ln parLlcular. ln a
recenL sLudy uslng an audlLory locallsaLlon Lask, we found LhaL drowsy sleep-LranslLlons ln healLhy volunLeers were
also accompanled by marked shlfLs ln spaLlal awareness Lowards Lhe rlghL - suggesLlng LhaL normal mechanlsms may
be lmpllcaLed ln Lhe dlsorder. SpaLlal neglecL can occur across modallLles. Pere, 26 healLhy parLlclpanLs performed a
laLerallsed vlsual Lemporal order [udgmenL (1C!) Lask wlLh Lhelr eyes closed whllsL LranslLlonlng ln and ouL of sleep. ln
spaLlal 1C! Lasks, sLlmull aL aLLended locaLlons have an earller sub[ecLlve onseL. LefL and rlghL LLus mounLed on
goggles were flashed wlLh lefL-rlghL SCAs of 0, 20, 40, 80 and 160ms. 8eacLlon Llmes averaged over 10 Lrlals were used
Lo deflne relaLlvely drowsy and alerL performance epochs. 1here was a slgnlflcanL alerLness x slde-of-error l(6, 20)
4.878, .003 lnLeracLlon wlLh parLlclpanLs lncreaslng errors on lefL-flrsL Lrlals wlLh drowslness. 1he flndlng ls

conslsLenL wlLh Lhe mechanlsms underplnnlng alerLness-dependenL shlfLs ln spaLlal awareness operaLlng across

ConLacL: corlnne.bareham[

M|nd and se|f: Nav|gat|ng streams of consc|ousness through an ocean of other

Dean Iames 8eckw|th [1]

[1] Muhlenberg College

(1-001 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

Much of cognlLlve sclence sLlll works under Lhe assumpLlon LhaL lndlvlduals (or lndlvldual bralns) are Lhe fundamenLal
unlLs of cognlLlon. Powever, as ls becomlng lncreaslngly clear ln Lhe flelds of psychology, economlcs, soclology and
anLhropology, Lhe soclal, envlronmenLal, and eplsLemologlcal sysLems of whlch organlsms are buL parLs are lnLlmaLely
and lnexLrlcably lnvolved ln so-called lndlvldual menLal processes. urawlng from mulLlple organlsmal models of
collecLlve cognlLlon, l dlscuss how a wlde array of cognlLlve percepLs, from self-consclousness Lo sclenLlflc Lheorles, are
noL only dependenL upon buL emergenL from lnLerpersonal and lnLerorganlsmal lnLeracLlon. 8oLh boLLom-up
compuLaLlonal models and Lop-down LheoreLlcal approaches have lllumlnaLed and lnformed Lhls "ecologlcal"
approach Lowards cognlLlon, suggesLlng LhaL Lhe phenomena of consclousness are exLraordlnarlly malleable,
emergenL noL only from neuronal acLlvlLy buL ulLlmaLely from a planeLary neLwork of mlnds.

ConLacL: uean!ames8eckwlLh[

Neuro|mag|ng of o|fact|on |n obsess|ve-compu|s|ve d|sorder

neather 8er||n [1]
Cheuk 1ang [2]
Iohnny Ng [3]
Wayne Goodman [4]

[1] uepL. of sychlaLry, uepL. of neurosclence, lcahn School of Medlclne aL MounL Slnal, new ?ork, n?
[2] uepL. of 8adlology, uepL. of sychlaLry, lcahn School of Medlclne aL MounL Slnal, new ?ork, n?
[3] uepL. of 8adlology, lcahn School of Medlclne aL MounL Slnal, new ?ork, n?
[4] uepL. of sychlaLry, lcahn School of Medlclne aL MounL Slnal, new ?ork, n?

(2-070 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

8ackground: Cbsesslve-compulslve dlsorder (CCu) ls a common psychlaLrlc lllness. neurolmaglng sLudles show LhaL
CCu paLlenLs have greaLer acLlvaLlon of Lhelr rlghL lnsula Lo dlsgusLlng lmages compared Lo healLhy conLrols (PCs).
CCu paLlenLs may ln facL be more senslLlve Lo unpleasanL sLlmull regardless of Lhe sensory modallLy, whlch may
Lrlgger Lhelr obsesslons and compulslons. MeLhods: We lnvesLlgaLed Lhe funcLlon of Lhe olfacLory sysLem ln response
Lo pleasanL (banana, vanllla, chocolaLe) and unpleasanL (garbage, feces, urlne) odors ln CCu paLlenLs (n7) compared
Lo PCs (n8) uslng fM8l and our speclally developed olfacLomeLer. unscenLed alr was Lhe conLrol sLlmulus. Sub[ecLs
raLed sLlmull on lnLenslLy and valence and compleLed quesLlonnalres measurlng odor ldenLlflcaLlon, CCu sympLoms,
dlsgusL senslLlvlLy, and emoLlon. 8esulLs: Compared Lo PCs, ln response Lo unpleasanL (vs. pleasanL) odors CCu
paLlenLs had lncreased acLlvaLlon of Lhelr rlghL anLerlor lnsular, lefL posLerlor lnsular, and anLerlor clngulaLe
corLex/superlor clngulaLe, and decreased acLlvaLlon of Lhelr lefL laLeral orblLofronLal corLex, lefL dorsolaLeral
prefronLal corLex, and puLamen (bllaLeral). Concluslons: Slmllar Lo resulLs ln Lhe vlsual domaln, people wlLh CCu
appear Lo be more neurally senslLlve" Lo unpleasanL odors. 1helr decreased acLlvaLlon ln prefronLal reglons ln
response Lo unpleasanL odors lmplles LhaL Lhey have less cognlLlve/Lop-down conLrol over Lhelr lncreased unpleasanL
feellngs (lndlcaLed by lncreased lnsula and clngulaLe acLlvaLlon). 1hls ls Lhe flrsL sLudy Lo examlne olfacLlon ln CCu
uslng fM8l and furLher elucldaLes Lhe neural underplnnlngs of CCu, whlch may conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe developmenL of
beLLer LreaLmenLs.

ConLacL: heaLher.berlln[


V|sua| exper|ence depends on |eve| of process|ng

W|ndey 8ert [1, 2]
C|eeremans Axe| [1, 2]

[1] CenLer for 8esearch ln CognlLlon & neurosclences (C8Cn)
[2] uL8 lnsLlLuLe of neurosclences (unl)

(2-046 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

1he naLure of our vlsual experlence of Lhe world has been examlned Lhoroughly ln boLh phllosophy and cognlLlve
psychology, buL a number of lssues remaln Lhe ob[ecL of hoL debaLes. Cne such pendlng lssue ls wheLher our vlsual
experlence ls graded or dlchoLomous. Conslderable evldence has been collecLed for boLh vlews. ln a serles of
experlmenLs, we LesLed wheLher Lhe level of processlng of Lhe presenLed sLlmull can accounL for seemlngly
conLradlcLory resulLs. arLlclpanLs expressed elLher low-level [udgmenLs (color namlng) or hlgh-level [udgmenLs
(number or word caLegorlzaLlon) on Lhe very same sLlmull. We analysed boLh mean performance and mean sub[ecLlve
vlslblllLy raLlngs for sLlmulus duraLlons ranglng from 10 Lo 80 ms. Larller work has shown LhaL psychophyslcal curves
exhlblL a slgnlflcanLly more dlchoLomous LranslLlon ln Lhe hlgh-level Lask Lhan ln Lhe low-level Lask. 1he presenL
research expands upon Lhls work. uslng dlfferenL sub[ecLlve measures, we examlned wheLher parLlclpanLs use more
lnLermedlaLe scale polnLs ln Lhe low-level condlLlon Lhan ln Lhe hlgh-level condlLlon, whlch would suggesL a more
graded percepLlon for low-level sLlmull and Lasks. 8esulLs uslng confldence raLlngs were found Lo conflrm Lhls
predlcLlon. AlLogeLher we propose LhaL wheLher vlsual experlence ls graded or dlchoLomous depends on Lhe level of
processlng of Lhe sLlmull durlng Lask execuLlon. 1hls has lmporLanL lmpllcaLlons for Lheorles of consclousness LhaL
make clalms abouL Lhe graded vs. dlchoLomous naLure of vlsual experlence, such as global workspace Lheory.

ConLacL: bwlndey[

Impa|red metacogn|t|ve capac|t|es |n |nd|v|dua|s w|th prob|em gamb||ng

Dam|en 8revers [1]
Axe| C|eeremans [1]
Anto|ne 8echara [2, 3]
Max Gre|sen [1]
Char|es kornre|ch [1]
au| Verbanck [1]
kav|er No| [1].

[1] unlverslLe Llbre de 8ruxelles
[2] unlverslLy of SouLhern Callfornla
[3] Cllnlcal 8esearch ulvlslon, uouglas MenLal PealLh unlverslLy lnsLlLuLe

(1-031 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

lmpalred lnslghL lnLo behavlor may be one of Lhe cllnlcal characLerlsLlcs of paLhologlcal gambllng. ln Lhe presenL sLudy,
we LesLed wheLher Lhe capaclLy Lo evaluaLe accuraLely Lhe quallLy of one's own declslons durlng a non-gambllng Lask
was lmpalred ln problem gamblers. 1wenLy-flve problem gamblers and 23 maLched healLhy parLlclpanLs performed an
arLlflclal grammar-learnlng paradlgm, ln whlch Lhe quallLy of cholce remalns uncerLaln LhroughouL Lhe Lask. AfLer each
Lrlal of Lhls Lask, parLlclpanLs had Lo lndlcaLe how confldenL Lhey were ln Lhe grammaLlcallLy [udgemenLs uslng a scale
ranglng from 1 (low confldence) Lo 7 (hlgh confldence). 8esulLs showed LhaL (l), problem gamblers' performance on
Lhe grammaLlcallLy LesL was lower Lhan conLrols', (ll) Lhere was a slgnlflcanL correlaLlon beLween grammaLlcallLy
[udgmenLs and confldence for conLrol parLlclpanLs, whlch lndlcaLes meLacognlLlve lnslghL and Lhe presence of
consclous knowledge, (lll) Lhls correlaLlon was noL slgnlflcanL ln problem gamblers, whlch suggesLs a dlsconnecLlon
beLween performance and confldence ln Lhls group. 1hese flndlngs suggesL LhaL problem gamblers are lmpalred ln
Lhelr meLacognlLlve ablllLles on a non-gambllng Lask, whlch suggesLs LhaL compulslve gambllng ls assoclaLed wlLh poor
lnslghL as a general facLor. Cllnlcal lnLervenLlons Lallored Lo lmprove meLacognlLlon ln gambllng could be a frulLful
avenue of research ln order Lo prevenL paLhologlcal gambllng.

ConLacL: dbrevers[


1ransform|ng the m|rror: n|erarch|ca| "vert|ca||ty" fundamenta||y changes spontaneous fac|a| m|m|cry

Lvan W. Carr [1, 2]
|otr W|nk|e|man [1]
Chr|stopher Cve|s [3]

[1] unlverslLy of Callfornla, San ulego, ueparLmenL of sychology
[2] unlverslLy of Callfornla, San ulego, ueparLmenL of CognlLlve Sclence
[3] unlverslLy of Callfornla, San ulego, 8ady School of ManagemenL

(2-047 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

Plerarchlcal verLlcallLy" lnvolves Lhe ablllLy Lo conLrol Lhe acLlons of oLhers-elLher from an lnLernal perspecLlve for
Lhe percelver (l.e., Lhe feellng of power) or exLernally vla cues from Lhe LargeL (l.e., sLaLus wlLhln Lhe soclal ladder)-
and affecLs a varleLy of lnLerpersonal behavlors, lncludlng empaLhy, emoLlon recognlLlon, and self-regulaLlon. ?eL,
research lnLo how boLh percelver and LargeL verLlcallLy lmpacL sponLaneous faclal mlmlcry (an lmporLanL drlver of
afflllaLlon and rapporL) has noL been explored. 1o brldge Lhls gap, we used faclal elecLromyography (fLMC) Lo measure
acLlvlLy from Lwo muscles ln Lhe face: zygomaLlcus ma[or (smlllng muscle") and corrugaLor supercllll (frownlng
muscle"). 1o gauge sponLaneous faclal mlmlcry, sub[ecLs waLched dynamlc vldeos afLer compleLlng a wrlLlng prlme Lo
manlpulaLe Lhem lnLo dlfferenL levels of verLlcallLy (l.e., make Lhem feel powerful or powerless). We Lhen manlpulaLed
LargeL verLlcallLy by havlng Lhese percelvers waLch vldeos of happy and angry expresslons for 4 dlfferenL lACS-coded
LargeLs LhaL were randomly asslgned Lo hlgh- and low-verLlcallLy professlons. Whlle low-verLlcallLy percelvers smlled
Lo all LargeLs and expresslons, hlgh-verLlcallLy percelvers only reLurned smlles Lo low-verLlcallLy LargeLs. Moreover, for
smlllng, hlgh-verLlcallLy percelvers exhlblLed a dlsLlncL counLer-mlmlcry paLLern Lo slmllarly hlgh-verLlcallLy LargeLs.
WlLh frownlng, all parLlclpanLs showed a more lnLense mlmlcry paLLern Lo Lhe frowns of hlgh-verLlcallLy LargeLs.
Cverall, we are Lhe flrsL Lo demonsLraLe LhaL Lhe verLlcallLy of boLh Lhe LargeL and percelver lnLeracL Lo slgnlflcanLly
affecL sponLaneous faclal mlmlcry, reveallng LhaL soclal hlerarchy can dlcLaLe who and whaL emoLlons we mlmlc, even
aL Lhe lowesL level of muscle acLlvaLlon.

ConLacL: ewcarr[

8od||y awareness and the schema]|mage d|st|nct|on

Me||ssa D|xon Carva[a| [1]
Lu|s A|e[andro Mur|||o-Lara [2]

[1] MasLer SLudenL, unlversldad naclonal de Colombla
[2] uocLoral lellow, unlversldad naclonal de Colombla

(1-004 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

8odlly awareness ls amongsL Lhe mosL dlscussed sub[ecLs of sLudy concernlng consclousness. 1he 8ody Schema/8ody
lmage dlsLlncLlon (henceforLh 8S and 8l) ls one of Lhe maln developmenLs ln Lhe sLudy of bodlly awareness. ln Lhls
work, we wlll Lake lnLo accounL Lwo dlfferenL approaches of such dlsLlncLlon: Shaun Callagher's and lrederlque de
vlgnemonL's. We argue LhaL desplLe Lhe facL LhaL Callagher's approach has a phenomenologlcal lnsplraLlon, lL falls Lo
be senslLlve Lo Lhe dlsLlncLlon beLween pre-reflecLlve and reflecLlve consclousness -holdlng lnsLead a dlsLlncLlon
beLween consclousness and 'prenoesls'. We belleve Lhls laLer Lerm, as lnvoluLed as lL ls, ends up belng amblguous
beLween Lhe mere subpersonal and Lhe pre-reflecLlve. Cn Lhe oLher hand, de vlgnemonL's verslon of Lhe 8l/8S
dlsLlncLlon presupposes anoLher qulLe conLroverslal dlvlslon: LhaL beLween percepLlon and acLlon. Powever, lf as
clalmed by sensorlmoLor approaches percepLual experlences and body movemenLs are co-consLlLuLlve, Lhe
percepLlonacLlon dlsLlncLlon would Lurn ouL Lo be unsusLalnable. We suggesL an alLernaLlve readlng accordlng Lo
whlch 8S and 8l are noL well undersLood ln Lerms of separaLe neuropsychologlcal mechanlsms buL of dlfferenL roles,
and LhaL ls sLlll capable of glvlng an accounL of Lhe emplrlcal cases clLed by Callagher and de vlgnemonL. Such
emplrlcal daLa comes from neuropsycologlcal cases such as deaffereLaLlon, numbsense, phanLom llmb syndrome,
neonaLe lmlLaLlon, rubber hand llluslon, eLc. ln conLrasL Lo Callagher's, our vlew of Lhe maLLer ls senslLlve Lo Lhe
dlsLlncLlon beLween pre-reflecLlve and reflecLlve consclousness and, ln conLrasL Lo de vlgnemonL's, lL does noL
separaLe percepLlon from acLlon.

ConLacL: dlxonmellssa[, lulsale[andro.murlllo[


Who have better work|ng memory, ch|mpanzees or humans?

Szu-M|n Chan [1]
A||en . noung [1]

[1]naLlonal ?ang-Mlng unlverslLy

(2-003 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

uo chlmpanzees have beLLer worklng memory Lhan humans? ln Lhls paper, l argue LhaL Lhe dlfferenL performances ln
Lhe "llmlLed-hold memory Lask" beLween chlmpanzees and humans are noL relaLed Lo Lhelr capaclLy of worklng
memory buL caused by Lhelr preferences Lo plcLorlal represenLaLlons or symbollc represenLaLlons. l wlll use vlcLor A.l.
Lamme's Lheory Lo dlsLlngulsh Lhe dlfferenL represenLaLlons.ln Lhe "llmlLed-hold memory Lask", chlmpanzees
ouLperformed humans wlLh hlgher accuracy and speed, Sana lnoue and 1eLsuro MaLsuzawa (2007) Lherefore
lnference LhaL chlmpanzees have beLLer capaclLy of worklng memory Lhan humans. Powever, eLer Cook and
MargareL Wllson dlsprove Lhls argumenL by showlng humans beaL chlmpanzees afLer adequaLe pracLlces. l argue LhaL
chlmpanzees' and humans' dlfferenL performances of Lhe llmlLed-hold memory Lask" are noL because of Lhe capaclLy
of Lhelr worklng memory buL raLher dlfferenL sLages of recurrenL processlng. Lamme (2010) proposes LhaL vlsual
sLlmulus can reach four dlfferenL sLages of neural processlng accordlng Lo dlfferenL depLhs and rouLes of processlng ln
braln. Accordlng Lo hls Lheory, l asserL LhaL Lhe dlglLs were processed as plcLorlal represenLaLlons ln Lhe locallzed
recurrenL processlng (SLage 3) for chlmpanzees whlle Lhey were processed as symbollc represenLaLlons ln Lhe
wldespread recurrenL processlng (SLage 4) for humans. Chlmpanzees prefer Lo use plcLorlal represenLaLlons whlch can
deal wlLh more dlglLs aL once wlLhln shorLer Llme, whlle humans geL used Lo symbollc represenLaLlons whlch needs
more Llme Lo compleLe Lhe wldespread recurrenL processlng. neverLheless, l argue LhaL human can use plcLorlal
represenLaLlons as well as chlmpanzees do Lhrough Lralnlng.

ConLacL: mlne[asmay[

1he effect of e|ectro-acupuncture on v|sua| attent|on

|-Chen Chen[1, 2]
Sh|au-nua L|u [1]

[1] ueparLmenL of Counsellng and Cllnlcal sychology, naLlonal uong-hwa unlverlLy, Puallen 97401, 1alwan
[2] ueparLmenL of Chlnese Medlclne, 8uddhlsL 1zu Chl Ceneral PosplLal, Puallen 97404, 1alwan

(2-048 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

Chlnese acupuncLure has been used Lo LreaL a wlde range of dlsease for approxlmaLely 3000 years. Some cllnlcal
sLudles have shown LhaL Lhe acupuncLure Lherapy could elevaLe Lhe LherapeuLlc effecL for Lhe paLlenL wlLh AuPu (Ll,
?u, & Lln 2010, Ll, 2004). A sLudy employed Lhe vlsual aLLenLlon Lask and showed LhaL elecLro-acupuncLure sLlmulaLlon
resulLed ln slgnlflcanLly beLLer susLalned aLLenLlon performance (Chen, 1hompson, kropoLov, & Cruzeller, 2011).
AlLhough Lhese works revealed LhaL Lhe acupuncLure can lnfluence Lhe aLLenLlon, buL how lL works ls sLlll unknown.
osner and eLersen (1990) proposed Lhree neLworks, alerLlng, orlenLlng, and execuLlve conLrol, as Lhe underlylng
mechanlsms of vlsual aLLenLlon. 1he alm of Lhe presenL sLudy ls Lo evaluaLe Lhe lmpacL of elecLro-acupuncLure on Lhe
efflclency of Lhree aLLenLlon neLworks. llfLeen parLlclpanLs wlll perform Lhe ALLenLlon neLwork 1esL (An1), propose by
lan, McCandllss, Sommer, 8az, & osner (2002), ln Lhe Lhree sLudy phases, before, durlng, and posL elecLro-
acupuncLure sLlmulaLlon. 1he selecLed Lwo acupolnLs of boLh hands, Ll-4 (PeCu polnL) and -6 (nelCuan polnL), were
sLlmulaLed. 1he resulLs wlll reveal Lhe effecLs of elecLro-acupuncLure on lmprovlng whlch aLLenLlon neLwork by
comparlng Lhe reacLlon Llme of Lhe before-sLlmulaLlon and Lhe durlng-sLlmulaLlon sLudy phases. We wlll also explore
Lhe susLalned effecL by comparlng Lhe reacLlon Llme of Lhe durlng-sLlmulaLlon and Lhe posL-sLlmulaLlon phases. Cur
prellmlnary resulLs demonsLraLed LhaL alerLlng neLworks were affecLed by elecLro-acupuncLure sLlmulaLlon.

ConLacL: 610183011[

Menta| representat|on: Symbo||c or p|ctor|a|?

Ch|eh-L|ng Cheng
A||en . noung

naLlonal ?ang-Mlng unlverslLy, 1alwan

(2-004 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

AuLlsm specLrum dlsorder (ASu) has been characLerlzed as a heLerogeneous neurodevelopmenLal condlLlon. ulfferenL
Lheorles Lry Lo explaln ASu ln Lerms of dlfferenL cognlLlve aLyplcallLles, such as deflclLs ln Lheory of mlnd, cenLral
coherence and execuLlve funcLlon. Powever, Lhey end up [usL showlng dlfferenL aspecLs of ASu and Lhus are
lnadequaLe explanaLlons. lf we really wanL Lo undersLand ASu, we need a new framework. l propose LhaL we have Lo
dlsLlngulsh beLween Lwo klnds of menLal represenLaLlon: symbollc represenLaLlon and plcLorlal represenLaLlon. As for
people wlLh ASu, Lhey have deflclLs ln Lhelr symbollc represenLaLlon and Lhelr mlnds operaLe wlLh plcLorlal
represenLaLlon. lcLorlal represenLaLlon ls formed ln vlsual corLex when ouLslde sLlmull are recelved. When Lhe
lnformaLlon ls dellvered Lo prefronLal corLex, Lhe amounL of Lhe lnformaLlon ls decreased. lL ls Lhe way of absLracLlon
and Lhen symbollc represenLaLlon ls formed ln prefronLal corLex. ln Lamme's Lheory, Lhe locallzed recurrenL
processlng and wldespread recurrenL processlng (Lamme, 2010) can be Lhe neural basls of symbollc represenLaLlon
and plcLorlal represenLaLlon. 1hls framework flLs ln well wlLh emplrlcal flndlngs LhaL people wlLh ASu are lmpalred ln
absLracLlon, symbollc Lhlnklng and language whlle havlng powerful vlsuospaLlal ablllLles. lurLhermore, because of Lhe
lmpalrmenL ln symbollc represenLaLlon, people wlLh ASu lack Lhe ablllLy for undersLandlng oLher's symbollc mlnd, fall
Lo grasp Lhe global whole buL focus on deLalled elemenLs, and have lnflexlble behavlors.

ConLacL: ccllng1989[

Interact|on theory, |nd|v|dua||sm and aut|sm

Lmma eng Ch|en [1]

[1] ueparLmenL of hllosophy, unlverslLy of AlberLa, Canada

(1-002 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

lnLeracLlon Lheory ls proposed Lo lnclude whaL Lhe lndlvlduallsLlc approach, Lhe domlnanL vlew ln psychology, falls Lo
lnclude ln Lhe explanaLlons of human mlnds (Callagher, 2004, Clpps, 2004). WhaL lndlvlduallsm falls Lo conslder,
suggesLed by lnLeracLlon LheorlsLs, ls Lhe lnLerpersonal elemenLs, such as lnLeracLlons beLween lndlvlduals, ln
accounLlng human psychology. 8y lncludlng Lhe lnLerpersonal elemenLs ln psychology, lnLeracLlon Lheory shows a
beLLer accommodaLlon of evldences from boLh developmenLal psychology and phenomenology. ln addlLlon, lncludlng
Lhe lnLerpersonal elemenLs ln psychology also helps Lo provlde a more comprehenslve accounL of auLlsm. lnLeracLlon
Lheory can accounL for boLh Lhe soclal and non-soclal LralLs of auLlsm whlle Lhe lndlvlduallsL vlew of auLlsm, Lheory of
mlnd, explalns only Lhe soclal LralLs of auLlsm. 1hese advanLages suggesL LhaL lnLeracLlon Lheory mlghL be a beLLer
Lheory ln psychology Lhan Lhe lndlvlduallsL approach. Powever, l Lhlnk Lhere are Lwo maln problems LhaL Lhe
lnLeracLlon LheorlsLs should worry abouL. llrsL, Lhe evldences used Lo supporL lnLeracLlon Lheory are from
psychologlsLs who belong Lo Lhe camp of Lhe lndlvlduallsL approach. Second, Lhe way lnLeracLlon LheorlsLs undersLand
auLlsm ls sLlll lndlvlduallsLlc. l suggesL LhaL Lhese Lwo problems of lnLeracLlon Lheory musL be solved or lnLeracLlon
Lheory ls [usL anoLher lndlvlduallsL Lheory ln dlsgulse. ln Lhls paper, l wlll dlscuss Lhese Lwo problems of lnLeracLlon
Lheory and propose posslble remedles Lo rescue lnLeracLlon Lheory.

ConLacL: chlen1[

1hree |eve|s of se|f-consc|ousness

nu|-M|ng Ch|n [1, 2]
A||en . noung [1, 2]

[1] lnsLlLuLe of hllosophy of Mlnd and CognlLlon, naLlonal ?ang-Mlng unlverslLy, 1alpel, 1alwan
[2] Consclousness 8esearch Croup, 1alpel, 1alwan

(2-003 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

1here are sLlll hoL debaLes abouL wheLher anlmals or auLlsLlc paLlenLs have self-consclousness. 1he maln reason of
ob[ecLlon ls LhaL anlmals and auLlsLlc paLlenLs are belleved Lo have no, or very llmlLed, ablllLy Lo deploy llngulsLlc
concepLs, whlch are usually presumed Lo be Lhe prerequlslLe of self-consclousness. Lven l also admlL LhaL Lhe ablllLy Lo
use language and concepLs ls lmporLanL for formlng self-consclousness, l clalm LhaL Lhere are aL leasL Lhree levels of
self-consclousness. 1hey are, from Lhe mosL baslc Lo Lhe hlghesL, lmpllclL self-consclousness, non-llngulsLlc self-
consclousness, and quasl-llngulsLlc self-consclousness. 1he confuslon of Lhese levels of self-consclousness generaLes
mosL of Lhe dlsagreemenLs among Lheorles and Lhe lnLerpreLaLlons of experlmenLs. l suggesL LhaL lmpllclL self-
consclousness ls [usL Lhe ablllLy Lo dlsLlncL Lhe sub[ecL from Lhe envlronmenL, and Lhls ablllLy does noL requlre Lhe
concepL of self. neverLheless, Lhe hlgher Lwo levels of self-consclousness requlre Lhe capaclLy LhaL an organlsm can
self-recognlze, and lL ls dlfflculL Lo lmaglne LhaL an organlsm can recognlze lLself wlLhouL havlng Lhe concepL of self.
AgalnsL Lhe malnsLream LhoughL LhaL concepLs are all llngulsLlc, l wlll argue for Lhe ldea of non-llngulsLlc concepLs (of
self) LhaL some anlmals (e.g. apes) and auLlsLlc paLlenLs are able Lo use even Lhey lack llngulsLlc ablllLy, and Lhe non-
llngulsLlc self-consclousness ls sophlsLlcaLed enough Lo meeL many crlLerla LhaL we usually use for self-consclousness,
for example, Lhe mlrror LesL.

ConLacL: vhmchln[

St|mu|at|on |n the ventro|atera| prefronta| cortex |ncreases guess|ng responses |n a feature b|nd|ng task

1zu-Ch|ng Ch|ang [1]
ku-8and Lu [2, 3, 4]
Shu-Lan ns|eh [S]
Wen-1seng Chen [2, 6]
en-kuang ang [2]
o-See Chen [2, 6]
un-nsuan Chang [4]
I-nu| Lee [2]
1zung-L|eh eh [2]

[1] ueparLmenL of sychology, naLlonal Chung Cheng unlverslLy, 1alwan, 621
[2] ueparLmenL of sychlaLry, College of Medlclne, naLlonal Cheng kung unlverslLy & PosplLal, 1alwan, 701
[3] lnsLlLuLe of 8ehavloural Medlclne, College of Medlclne, naLlonal Cheng kung unlverslLy, 1alwan, 701
[4] lnsLlLuLe of Allled PealLh Sclences, College of Medlclne, naLlonal Cheng kung unlverslLy, 1alwan, 701
[3] ueparLmenL of sychology, naLlonal Cheng kung unlverslLy, 1alwan,701
[6] ueparLmenL of sychlaLry, College of Medlclne, naLlonal Cheng kung unlverslLy PosplLal, uoullou 8ranch, 1alwan,

(2-027 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

nelson and narens (1990, 1994) proposed a meLacognlLlon model LhaL dlssoclaLed Lhe ob[ecLlve processlng of
lnformaLlon (ob[ecL-level) and Lhe sub[ecLlve evaluaLlon of Lhe performance (l.e., Lhe meLalevel). neurophyslologlcal
evldence also lndlcaLed Lhe prefronLal corLlces (lC) would be Lhe braln areas Lo perform Lhe meLalevel funcLlon
(lernandez-uuque, 8alrd, & osner, 2000, annu & kasznlak, 2003, SLuss, Callup, & Alexander, 2001). A
correspondlng neural mechanlsm of nelson and narens's model, called dynamlc fllLerlng Lheory (Shlmamura, 1996,
2000), lndlcaLed Lhe ob[ecL-level processlng were dlsLrlbuLed ln Lhe posLerlor corLlces and regulaLed by Lhe prefronLal
corLlces wlLh a fllLerlng or gaLlng mechanlsm Lo selecL approprlaLe slgnals and Lo suppress lnapproprlaLe slgnals and
nolses. 8ased on Lhe model, a hypoLhesls can be developed LhaL, under uncerLaln clrcumsLances of Lhe ob[ecL-level
processlng, Lhe acLlvlLles of Lhe prefronLal corLlces wlll be more acLlve Lo modulaLe slgnals and nolses. 1he lnference
can be supporLed by a recenL fM8l sLudy (Chlang eL al., 2013) LhaL Lhe venLrolaLeral lC was ln acLlvaLlon when
sub[ecLs were noL confldenL abouL Lhelr percepLs of a feaLure blndlng Lask. Pere, we reporLed Lhe guesslng responses
lncreased slgnlflcanLly when applylng r1MS on Lhe venLrolaLeral lC (vllC), compared Lo Lhe oLher Lhree conLrol
condlLlons (l.e., no-1MS, sham 1MS on vllC, and r1MS on Cz). 1he resulLs were compaLlble wlLh Lhe fllLer dynamlc
Lheory and suggesLed LhaL unnecessarlly excess acLlvlLles ln Lhe vllC would lnLerfere wlLh Lhe orlglnal modulaLlon of
slgnals and nosles, and resulL ln Lhe poor quallLy of percepLs and Lhen Lhe lncrease of guesslng responses.

ConLacL: psyLcc[

a|n |n women: Lar|y perceptua| process|ng of emot|ona| prosody |n pr|mary dysmenorrhea


Ian-1|ng Chu [1, 2]
Cheng-nao 1u [2]
ns|ang-1a| Chao [3]
L|-Ien Chen [1, 2, *]
Ien-Chuen ns|eh [1, 2, *]

[1] lnsLlLuLe of 8raln Sclence, School of Medlclne, naLlonal ?ang-Mlng unlverslLy, 1alpel, 1alwan
[2] lnLegraLed 8raln 8esearch unlL, ueparLmenL of Medlcal 8esearch and LducaLlon, 1alpel veLerans Ceneral PosplLal,
1alpel, 1alwan
[3] ueparLmenL of CbsLeLrlcs and Cynecology, 1alpel veLerans Ceneral PosplLal, 1alpel, 1alwan
* Correspondlng auLhor.

(2-071 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

rlmary dysmenorrhea (uM), mensLrual paln wlLhouL pelvlc abnormallLy. We prevlously reporLed funcLlonal and
sLrucLural alLernaLlons of paln-laden braln reglons ln uM. Powever, lL ls unknown how mensLrual paln affecL
percepLual process of emoLlon. ln Lhls magneLoencephalographlc (MLC) work, we sLudled Lhe cenLral processlng of
emoLlonal prosody durlng mensLrual (sLaLe) and perl-ovulaLory (LralL) phases, respecLlvely, Lo lllucldaLe Lhe funcLlonal
reorganlzaLlon of emoLlonal clrculLry ln uMs. All 23 uMs and 23 age-maLched conLrols boLh wlLh regular mensLrual
cycle were enrolled. We lmplemenLed a paradlgm of emoLlonal prosody Lo probe Lhe auLomaLlc braln responses ln
face of dlfferenL emoLlonal volces. 1he braln responses were recorded wlLh a whole-head 306-channel MLC ln boLh
mensLrual (MC) and perl-ovulaLory (Cv) phases as conflrmed by blood LesL of gonardal hormones. We used Lhe
beamformer meLhod for source locallzaLlon (co-reglsLered on 11 M8l lmages) Lo esLlmaLe emoLlon-evoked braln
acLlvlLy.uurlng mensLrual phase, Lhe mosL promlnenL aLLenuaLlon of responses Lo angry emoLlon was found ln prlor
reglons, especlally bllaLeral S1C, anLerlor lnsula, llC, and lL. Slmllar paLLern was revealed ln happy emoLlon. ln Lhe
beLween phase-wlLhln group comparlsons, we observed only mlld dlfferences ln Lhe uM group buL more dlfferences
ln Lhe conLrol group.Slnce our paradlgm ls an lmpllclL deslgn of passlve and lnaLLenLlve llsLenlng Lo emoLlonal prosody,
Lhe processlng ls essenLlally auLomaLlc and lnvolunLary. 8ased on Lhe absence of slgnlflcanL dlfference beLween
phases ln Lhe uM group, Lhe flndlngs should be ascrlbed Lo LralL changes of funcLlonal plasLlclLy under long-Lerm
cycllc paln. Cn Lhe conLrary, Lhe conLrol group manlfesLs phase dlfferences of emoLlonal processlng across mensLrual
cycle, whlch lmplles a sLaLe-relaLed reacLlon. Cur daLa dlsclosed LhaL mensLrual paln could lnLerfere wlLh early
unconsclousness processlng of emoLlonal-laden audlLory neLwork.

ConLacL: lanLlng1027[

1a|es of creat|v|ty and consc|ousness

huonguyen Vu Chu [1]
A||sa kaque| Munoz [1]
Magg|e MacDona|d [2]
L|an L|ss Chayon [1, 3]
Ann Lam [1, 4]

[1] 1he Creen neurosclence LaboraLory, neurollnx 8esearch lnsLlLuLe, San ulego, CA
[2] LnvlronmenLal uefence, 1oronLo, Cn, Canada
[3] 1he Salk lnsLlLuLe for 8lologlcal SLudles, La !olla, CA
[4] unlverslLy of 1oronLo, 1oronLo, Cn, Canada.

(2-006 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

1here was once a lonely glrl who wanLed a frlend, so she bullL a roboL. lL was bullL Lo be llke her, fully funcLlonlng and
creaLlve. Powever, Lhe glrl noLlced LhaL Lhe roboL seemed Lo mlmlc everyLhlng she dld, from drawlng plcLures Lo
sLoryLelllng. 1hls made Lhe glrl quesLlon wheLher her relaLlonshlp wlLh Lhe roboL was as real as oLher frlendshlps she
saw beLween humans. 1he glrl wondered: "ls Lhe roboL really consclous lf lL's [usL copylng me?" Curlous, Lhe glrl asked
Lhe roboL whaL lL was llke Lo be a roboL. lL responded: Why are you asklng me Lhls? WhaL's lL llke Lo be human? 8y
Lhe way, l'm noL a roboL, l'm an auLonomous agenL!" Pere we examlne Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween consclousness and
creaLlvlLy. uo we need Lo be creaLlve Lo be consclous? uo we need Lo be consclous Lo be creaLlve? We survey some
hlsLory on Lhe Loplc Lhen provlde examples showlng LhaL Lhe relaLlonshlp ls complex and LhaL slmply pursulng
necessary and sufflclenL condlLlons may be lnadequaLe. non-consclous cognlLlve processes abound and underlle some

of Lhe mosL complex acLlvlLles from arLlsLlc expresslon Lo problem-solvlng. We conslder Lhe lnLerLwlnlng role of
creaLlvlLy and consclousness ln heurlsLlc Lasks, especlally ln embodled and soclal conLexLs. We also conslder wheLher
quanLlflcaLlon and rlgld deflnlLlon are necessary for undersLandlng Lhese facLors. We furLher suggesL LhaL aLLempLs Lo
lnvesLlgaLe, reduce, and valldaLe uslng sLandard neurosclence meLhods may undermlne Lhe very essence of Lhe
phenomena. We explore Lhe posslblllLy of new narraLlve approaches.

ConLacL: chu[

Neura| s|gnatures of perceptua| trans|t|ons for a nove| b|stab|e aud|tory st|mu|us

Gray Dav|dson
M|chae| |tts

ueparLmenL of sychology, 8eed College, orLland, Cregon, uSA

(2-081 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

MulLlsLable flgures allow Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon of neural processes assoclaLed wlLh consclous percepLlon whlle holdlng
physlcal characLerlsLlcs of a sLlmulus consLanL. uslng an lnLermlLLenL sLlmulus presenLaLlon paradlgm, prevlous evenL-
relaLed poLenLlal (L8) experlmenLs have conslsLenLly reporLed Lwo componenLs assoclaLed wlLh percepLual
LranslLlons of blsLable vlsual sLlmull (e.g. necker cube, face-vase), Lhe "reversal negaLlvlLy" (8n) and Lhe "laLe poslLlve
complex" (LC). 1he 8n, whlch appears over Lhe occlplLal-parleLal scalp aL 230msec posL-sLlmulus ls LhoughL Lo
reflecL changes ln percepLual represenLaLlons ln Lhe venLral sLream, whlle Lhe LC (400msec) ls llkely Lo lndex
worklng memory updaLlng. 8ecause prlor research has focused excluslvely on vlsual sLlmull, lL was unclear wheLher
analogous neural slgnaLures mlghL exlsL ln oLher sensory modallLles. 1he presenL experlmenL uLlllzed a novel blsLable
audlLory sLlmulus based on Shepherd 1ones. alrs of complex Lones wlLh amblguous plLch relaLlonshlps were
presenLed whlle sub[ecLs reporLed wheLher Lhey percelved Lhe Lone-palrs as ascendlng or descendlng ln plLch. L8s
ellclLed by Lhe Lones were compared beLween Lrlals ln whlch percelved plLch-moLlon changed dlrecLlon relaLlve Lo Lhe
prevlous Lrlal versus Lrlals ln whlch percelved plLch-moLlon remalned Lhe same across Lrlals. An audlLory 8n
componenL was evldenL aL slmllar laLencles as Lhe vlsual 8n (210msec) over fronLo-cenLral scalp locaLlons, suggesLlng
sources ln audlLory braln reglons. An audlLory LC componenL was also evldenL aL subsequenL laLencles (330msec).
1hese resulLs suggesL an audlLory analog of Lhe 8n whlch bolsLers Lhe clalm LhaL Lhls L8 componenL may reflecL
LranslLlons beLween neural represenLaLlons LhaL form Lhe momenL-Lo-momenL conLenLs of consclous percepLlon.

ConLacL: gray.davldson.00[

Current sc|ence of consc|ousness |s |ncons|stent or |ncomp|ete (or worse)

Stephen k. De|ss

Applled neurodynamlcs (

(1-003 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

ConLroversy has ofLen followed Lhose who have advocaLed LhaL Codels 1931 proof regardlng llmlLs of formal number
Lheory ls a basls for re[ecLlng maLerlallsm and accepLlng some klnd of duallsm (e.g., enrose). 1here ls a much less
belabored derlvaLlon of how currenL sclenLlflc eplsLemology leads Lo elLher lncompleLeness or lnconslsLency. A
rlgorous lnformal argumenL makes lL clear LhaL sclenLlflc meLhod as usually characLerlzed cannoL help buL exclude Lhe
prlmary phenomena of consclousness. Worse yeL lL LoLally depends upon Lhem. 1he resulL ls a klnd of
unacknowledged schlzold dlssoclaLlon endemlc Lo Lhe way we approach Lhe developmenL of a sclence of
consclousness. We make observaLlons and lnLerpreL Lhem Lo produce a physlcal world vlew whlch Lhen ls challenged
Lo flnd a place for non-mysLerlan verldlcal observaLlon ln Lhe physlcal Lheory. 1hls sLrange-looplness leads Lo vlews of
emergence (l'm Ck, buL slmple sysLems are noL so hoL), reducLlonlsm (denlal), ellmlnaLlve maLerlallsm (don'L Lalk
abouL lL), duallsm or dual aspecL Lheorles (have your cake and eaL lL Loo), or Lhe ever so frlghLful poslLlon of
panpsychlsm (recurslve senLlence). 1he cause of Lhe ongolng conundrum ls Lhe hldden 'axlom' of physlcallsm, Lhe
assumpLlon LhaL Lhere ls no sensaLlon nor cognlLlon nor memory ln slmple physlcal processes. Cnly by boldly
challenglng Lhls assumpLlon wlll we avold anoLher 17 years of AbboL and CosLello Who's on llrsL?" Lype endless
debaLe over Lhe hard problem, and Lhe ongolng embarrassmenL of lacklng a saLlsfylng deflnlLlon of whaL
consclousness acLually ls beyond Lhe Lrlvlal WhaL ls lL llke?"


ConLacL: delss[

Increased gamma bra|nwaves amp||tude |n d|fferent med|tat|on trad|t|ons

Arnaud De|orme [1, 2, 3]
C|a|re 8raboszcz [2, 3]
koma|n Grandchamp [2, 3]

[1] uCSu, La !olla, CA
[2] CerCo, Cn8S, 1oulouse, lrance
[3] CenLre de 8echerche Cerveau eL CognlLlon, unlverslLe aul SabaLler, 1oulouse, lrance

(1-028 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

uesplLe decades of elecLro-encephalography (LLC) research on medlLaLors, Lhe baslc effecLs of medlLaLlon on LLC are
sLlll belng deflned. ln Lhls sLudy, we address Lhe hypoLhesls LhaL dlfferenL Lypes of medlLaLlon can lead Lo slmllar
neural correlaLes. We compare 3 Lypes of medlLaLlon pracLlces and a group of conLrol parLlclpanLs. MedlLaLlon
pracLlces lncluded open awareness medlLaLlon (vlpassana), focused medlLaLlon (Plmalayan ?oga), and "passlve
medlLaLlon" (lsha ?oga). Lach group had 16 gender-maLched parLlclpanLs of slmllar age ranges. arLlclpanLs were
asked Lo pracLlce 20 mlnuLes of medlLaLlon followed or preceded by 20 mlnuLes of lnsLrucLed mlnd wanderlng (lMW).
We dld noL flnd dlfference beLween Lhe medlLaLlon and Lhe lMW Lasks. Powever, medlLaLors of all LradlLlons Lended
Lo show slgnlflcanLly hlgher 60-110 Pz gamma acLlvlLy Lhan conLrol sub[ecLs durlng Lhe medlLaLlon perlod. 1hls gamma
acLlvlLy was lndependenL of muscle acLlvlLy and eye-movemenL acLlvlLy as lsolaLed uslng Lhe lndependenL componenL
analysls algorlLhm. ln addlLlon, we observed hlgher 7-11Pz alpha acLlvlLy for Lhe vlpassana group durlng medlLaLlon
compared Lo all oLher groups. We have shown LhaL regular medlLaLlon pracLlce evokes changes ln Lhe LLC LhaL can be
common Lo all medlLaLlon pracLlces. Cur resulLs emphaslze Lhe need Lo lnclude conLrol parLlclpanLs and groups of
dlfferenL medlLaLlon LradlLlons followlng Lhe same experlmenLal proLocol for sLudles almlng aL characLerlzlng Lhe
neural correlaLes of medlLaLlve sLaLes.

ConLacL: arno[

1he rocess D|ssoc|at|on rocedure |s not an exhaust|ve measure of consc|ousness

S|mon nv||d De| |n [1]
kr|st|an Sandberg [2]
8o Mart|n 8|bby [3]
Morten Cvergaard [1, 2]

[1] Cn8u, uepL. of CommunlcaLlon and sychology, Aalborg unlverslLy
[2] CognlLlve neurosclence 8esearch unlL, Aarhus unlverslLy PosplLal
[3] ueparLmenL of 8losLaLlsLlcs, Aarhus unlverslLy

(2-064 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

Consclousness research cruclally depends upon Lhe valldlLy of Lhe meLhods used for measurlng lL. lor Lhls reason,
several awareness raLlng scales have been compared over Lhe lasL years ln order Lo examlne whlch scale shows Lhe
besL correlaLlon wlLh Lask accuracy. 1he rocess ulssoclaLlon rocedure (u) has been proposed as an ob[ecLlve
measure of unconsclous percepLlon as lL does noL rely on Lhe sub[ecLlve raLlngs of parLlclpanLs. An essenLlal
componenL of u ls Lhe excluslon Lask. Pere, slngle words are presenLed brlefly as prlmes Lo parLlclpanLs, and Lhe
parLlclpanLs are subsequenLly asked Lo compleLe word sLems wlLhouL uslng Lhe prlme. use of Lhe prlme ls Laken as
evldence for subllmlnal percepLlon. Powever, oLher researchers argue LhaL parLlclpanLs may have vague, buL
noneLheless consclous represenLaLlons of Lhe word. We LesLed Lhls clalm ln an experlmenL where 16 parLlclpanLs
performed an excluslon Lask wlLh prlme duraLlons of 0-200 ms. AfLer word compleLlon, parLlclpanLs raLed Lhelr
experlence of Lhe prlme uslng Lhe ercepLual Awareness Scale (AS). 8esulLs showed LhaL parLlclpanLs used Lhe
prlmed word slgnlflcanLly more when prlme duraLlon was around 30 ms compared Lo oLher prlme duraLlons, and LhaL
Lhe prlme was noL only used when parLlclpanLs clalmed Lo have 'no experlence' of Lhe prlme, buL more lmporLanLly
equally ofLen when Lhey clalmed Lo have percelved a 'weak gllmpse'. 1hls flndlng lndlcaLes LhaL u ls noL an
exhausLlve measure of consclous percepLlon and LhaL lL poLenLlally shares some of Lhe flaws wlLh oLher meLhods LhaL

lL was creaLed Lo replace.

ConLacL: slmon.dp[

roposa| of a pattern recogn|t|on mode| to cogn|t|ve sc|ence and ph||osophy of m|nd

G||berto de a|va

CenLro aula Souza, laLec Csasco

(2-073 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

1hls work proposes Lhe concepL of paLLern recognlLlon as a cenLral prlnclple Lo solve Lhe problem of mlnd
represenLaLlon ln cognlLlve sclence and phllosophy of mlnd. 1o address some problems on Lhe deflnlLlon of Lhe
paLLern recognlLlon concepL, one deflnlLlon ls proposed as physlcal quanLlLles varlaLlons. lL ls Lhen proposed a model
Lo bulld deflnlLlons of any cognlLlve funcLlon from slmple physlcal sysLems Lo complex neurologlcal, or compuLaLlonal
sysLems. lL ls glven a clear explanaLlon of how gradual lncreaslng of comblnaLorlal cognlLlve paLLern complexlLy can be
descrlbed from baslc physlcal mechanlsms, Lo blologlcal process, up Lo cognlLlve and neurologlcal funcLlons. lL ls
argued LhaL cognlLlve funcLlons deflnlLlons wlLh maLhemaLlcal and physlcal paLLern recognlLlon sLrucLure are unlversal
and unamblguous. 1he model proposed here allows Lo bulld comprehenslve paLLern mechanlsms explanaLlons from
baslc cognlLlve funcLlons llke lnsLlncLs and learnlng Lo complex funcLlons llke consclousness. A key resulL obLalned
from Lhls model ls one unamblguous and comprehenslve deflnlLlon of Lhe concepL of consclousness. lL ls showed LhaL
Lhls deflnlLlon can be applled Lo explaln boLh human and nonhuman (anlmal or compuLaLlonal) consclousness as a
slmple paLLern recognlLlon funcLlonal mechanlsm. 1he explanaLlon of Lhe consclousness and oLhers cognlLlve concepLs
as used ln varlous cognlLlve sclence relaLed flelds (neurosclence, psychology, and phllosophy of mlnd) are also
dlscussed. 1he fasL Lechnologlcal developmenL and sclenLlflc lmporLance of Lhe paLLern recognlLlon fleld lmplles LhaL
Lhls LheoreLlcal proposal may be sclenLlflc and Lechnologlcally promlslng.

ConLacL: gllberLo.dpalva[

1he power of rea|-||fe st|mu|| |n unconsc|ous|y tr|ggered response |nh|b|t|on

kobe Desender [1]
I|||p Van Cpsta| [2]
Lva Van den 8ussche [1]

[1] vrl[e unlverslLelL 8russel, 8elglum
[2] ChenL unlverslLy, 8elglum

(2-049 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

ln recenL years, a serles of experlmenLs has provlded evldence for Lhe posslblllLy of unconsclous response lnhlblLlon.
lor example, ln Lhe Co/no-Co Lask, even heavlly masked no-Co slgnals proved Lo be efflclenL ln slowlng down
respondlng. Chlu and Aron (2012) recenLly conflrmed Lhls lnLrlgulng observaLlon of unconsclous cognlLlve conLrol, buL
clalmed LhaL lL was heavlly dependenL upon an execuLlve seLLlng. 1he auLhors reasoned LhaL Lhe braln neLwork
responslble for response lnhlblLlon can only be Lrlggered by unconsclous no-Co slgnals when lL ls prlmed by consclous
no-Co slgnals flrsL. Conflrmlng Lhls predlcLlon, when all Co and no-Co slgnals were presenLed heavlly masked, so LhaL
sub[ecLs dld noL had Lhe execuLlve seLLlng for ouLrlghL sLopplng, unconsclous no-Co slgnals were compleLely
lnefflclenL ln Lrlggerlng response lnhlblLlon. ln Lhe currenL sLudy, we examlned wheLher Lhe power of real-llfe sLlmull
mlghL moderaLe Lhls effecL of execuLlve seLLlng. We hypoLheslzed LhaL real-llfe sLlmull whlch have an lnLlmaLe llnk
wlLh sLopplng behavlor (l.e., a sLop slgnal), are so overlearned LhaL Lhey do noL need an execuLlve seLLlng, and can
dlrecLly Lrlgger response lnhlblLlon wlLhouL consclous access. 1o examlne Lhls posslblllLy, we conducLed a Co/no-Co
Lask, once wlLh arblLrary sLlmull and once wlLh real-llfe sLlmull. 8esulLs showed LhaL Lhe real-llfe no-Co sLlmull were
very efflclenL ln slowlng down respondlng when presenLed ln an execuLlve conLexL, however, Lhls effecL vanlshed
compleLely when all no-Co sLlmull were presenLed unconsclously. 1hus, our resulLs seem Lo conflrm LhaL unconsclous
no-Co slgnals requlre an execuLlve conLexL, ln order Lo effecLlvely Lrlgger response lnhlblLlon.

ConLacL: kobe.uesender[


Vegetat|ve State: 1he m|ss|ng p|ece of the puzz|e

Caro| D| err| [1, 2, 3]
Stefano 8ast|ane||o [2]
Andreas I. 8artsch [4, S]
Cater|na |star|n| [6]
G|org|o Magg|on| [6]
Lorenzo Magrass| [7]
koberto Imbert| [8]
Anna |ch|ecch|o [9]
Steven Laureys [1]
Irancesco D| Sa||e [3, 10]

[1] Coma Sclence Croup, CycloLron 8esearch CenLre and neurology ueparLmenL, unlverslLy and unlverslLy PosplLal of
Llege, 4000 Llege, 8elglum
[2] neuroradlology, ueparLmenL of ubllc PealLh, neurosclences LxperlmenLal and lorenslc Medlclne, l8CCS C.
Mondlno naLlonal lnsLlLuLe of neurology" loundaLlon, unlverslLy of avla, lLaly
[3] ueparLmenL of CognlLlve neurosclence, laculLy of sychology and neurosclence, MaasLrlchL unlverslLy,
unlverslLelLsslngle 40, 6200 MaasLrlchL, 1he neLherlands.
[4] ueparLmenL of neuroradlology, unlverslLy of Peldelberg, lm neuenhelmer leld 40069120 Peldelberg, Cermany
[3] luncLlonal M8l of Lhe 8raln, unlverslLy of Cxford, Cxford Cx3 9uu, unlLed klngdom
[6] neurorehablllLaLlon unlL, l8CCS, S. Maugerl loundaLlon, vla Maugerl, avla, lLaly
[7] ueparLmenL of Surglcal Sclences, unlverslLy of avla, londazlone l8CCS, ollcllnlco S. MaLLeo, vlale Colgl 19, avla,
[8] ueparLmenL of AnesLheslology and CrlLlcal Care Medlclne, londazlone l8CCS, ollcllnlco S. MaLLeo, vlale Colgl 19,
avla, lLaly
[9] ueparLmenL of neuroradlology l8CCS C. Mondlno naLlonal lnsLlLuLe of neurology" loundaLlon, unlverslLy of
avla, vla Mondlno 2, avla, lLaly
[10] unlverslLy of Salerno, Medlcal laculLy, vla S. Allende 84081, 8aronlssl (Salerno), lLaly

(2-076 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

vegeLaLlve sLaLe (vS), eLhlcally one of Lhe mosL challenglng condlLlons of modern medlcal care, shows an apparenL
dlssoclaLlon beLween Lhe Lwo cardlnal elemenLs of consclousness: awareness and wakefulness. 8ecenL neurolmaglng
sLudles showed awareness Lo depend on a crlLlcal mlnlmum level of braln corLlcal acLlvlLy, drlven by subcorLlcal
acLlvaLlng clrculLs whose fallure would deLermlne vS. noneLheless, Lhe efforLs Lo cure vS (e.g. ueep 8raln SLlmulaLlon)
by resLorlng corLlcal acLlvlLy have glven lnconsLanL resulLs, suggesLlng LhaL hypoacLlvlLy ls only one aspecL of a
mulLlfaceLed dysfuncLlon. 1hrough neurolmaglng funcLlonal resLlng-sLaLe Lechnlques comblnlng non-lnferenLlal
(lndependenL componenL analysls) and lnferenLlal (seed-based general llnear model) meLhods ln a group of 18
paLlenLs, here we show LhaL hypoconnecLlvlLy ls noL necessarlly a global hallmark of lmpalred awareness ln vS, and
speclflcally LhaL paLlenL's neural hypoconnecLlvlLy ls assoclaLed wlLh emergenL hyperconnecLlvlLy Lo neural sLrucLures
of Lhe llmblc sysLem, hlghly lmpllcaLed ln graLlflcaLlon processlng. Cur flndlngs reveal surprlslng lnformaLlon,
demonsLraLlng LhaL vS bralns hosL hyperacLlve connecLlvlsLlc processes ln dellcaLe yeL powerful neural paLhways,
whlch process graLlflcaLlon and reward. 1helr hyperacLlve neural connecLlvlLy may reflecL Lhe perslsLenL engagemenL
of paLlenLs' resldual neural acLlvlLy ln self-relnforclng, graLlflcaLlon processlng loops. lL could be LhaL Lhls
hyperconnecLlvlLy permanenLly engages paLlenLs' resldual neural acLlvlLy and prevenLs Lhem from regalnlng
consclousness. 1hls evldence ls parLlally convergenL wlLh prevlous knowledge on vS, buL lmplles a profound reanalysls
of vS neuroblology, and has Lhe poLenLlal Lo produce LoLally new LherapeuLlc perspecLlves, LargeLlng Lhe speclflc
neural slLes of dysfuncLlonal hyperconnecLlvlLy.

ConLacL: caroldlperrl[

Measur|ng motor consc|ousness: Deve|op|ng a sca|e for sense of contro|

M|a uan Dong [1]

kr|st|an Sandberg [2]
M|chae| Nygaard edersen [1]
Morten Cvergaard [1, 3]

[1] CognlLlve neurosclence 8esearch unlL, Aarhus unlverslLy, uenmark
[2] CognlLlve neurosclence 8esearch unlL, Aarhus unlverslLy PosplLal, uenmark
[3] Cn8u, uepL. of CommunlcaLlon and sychology, Aalborg unlverslLy, uenmark

(2-031 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

Consclousness ls an lnLrlnslc lnLernal sLaLe, and lL ls dlfflculL Lo know how lL ls besL measured. neverLheless, ln vlsual
percepLlon research, recenL sLudles lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe besL correlaLlons beLween accuracy and awareness are obLalned
uslng a scale LhaL resembles how parLlclpanLs sponLaneously descrlbe Lhelr experlences. ln moLor research, however,
llLLle or no work has focused on examlnlng wheLher some scales are beLLer Lhan oLhers, nor how parLlclpanLs prefer Lo
reporL Lhelr sub[ecLlve experlences of moLor conLrol. 1he presenL sLudy almed Lo develop a parLlclpanL-generaLed
scale LhaL comblnes Lhe sub[ecLlve componenL (lnLernal sLaLe regardlng how Lhe conLrol was experlenced by Lhe
reporLlng lndlvldual) and Lhe ob[ecLlve componenLs (measurable nolse level and Lask performance). 33 arLlclpanLs
compleLed a Lask where Lhey aLLended a LargeL before lLs dlsappearance and subsequenLly moved Lhe cursor on Lhe
screen Lo Lhe remembered LargeL locaLlon as fasL and accuraLely as posslble. 1o manlpulaLe Lhe ob[ecLlve level of
conLrol over Lhe moLlon, nolse was added Lo Lhe cursor movemenL. AfLer each Lrlal, parLlclpanLs recorded Lhelr
sub[ecLlve experlence of moLor conLrol. 1he resulLs showed LhaL Lhe number of scale sLeps preferred by parLlclpanLs
followed a log-normal dlsLrlbuLlon wlLh a 6-polnL scale as Lhe mode. lurLher experlmenLs wlll examlne lf a 6-polnL
scale predlcLs Lask performance beLLer Lhan do Lhose used ln currenL moLor research (dlchoLomous or vlsual analogue
scale). lL wlll also be lnvesLlgaLed wheLher one's naLural scale preference affecLs one's performance uslng a 6-polnL

ConLacL: mla.y.dong[

I|rst and th|rd person theory, th|rd person data, and methodo|ogy of compet|t|ve support

Done|son L. Du|any

ueparLmenL of sychology unlverslLy of llllnols 603 LasL uanlel SL. Champalgn, lL 61820

(1-032 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

lf Lhe sclenLlflc sLudy of consclousness ls Lo have a focus on whaL consclousness explalns ln menLal acLlvlLy-for
example, ln learnlng or reasonlng or vollLlon-- lL should proceed wlLh Lhe phenomenologlcal raLlonale LhaL ls mosL
defenslble LheoreLlcally and meLhodologlcally. We all-wheLher experlmenLers or experlmenLal sub[ecLs-have flrsL
person access Lo consclous sLaLes. As experlmenLers, we have our own (1) flrsL person Lheorles, and so we may
hypoLheslze comparable, or analogous, or even dlsordered, relaLlons among Lhe consclous sLaLes of experlmenLal
sub[ecLs. 1hls ls Lhen our (2) Lhlrd person Lheory of lnLerrelaLlons among our sub[ecLs' consclous sLaLes. Some
consclous sLaLes are bellef or evaluaLlon modes carrylng proposlLlonal conLenLs wlLhln dellberaLlve menLal eplsodes,
and oLhers are percepLual or feellng modes carrylng sub-proposlLlonal conLenLs ln assoclaLlve menLal eplsodes
(uulany, 1997, 2012). AspecLs of Lhese consclous sLaLes may vary quanLlLaLlvely over sub[ecLs and/or occaslons.
AnLecedenLs Lhen have Lhelr locl of effecL, and menLal eplsodes can have Lhelr acLlon consequences. Any phenomenal
reporL of a consclous sLaLe by Lhe sub[ecL provldes (3) Lhlrd person daLa for Lhe lnvesLlgaLor. As wlLh any assessmenL
of whaL ls unobservable by Lhe lnvesLlgaLor, Lhls ls a mapplng of Lhe LheoreLlcal consLrucL Lo a daLa varlable-and such
mapplngs have valldlLy condlLlons: ln Lhls case, lmmedlaLe memory condlLlons for represenLaLlon of Lhe sLaLe ln hlgher
order awareness, expllclL memory condlLlons for any delayed reporLlng, Lhe approprlaLe level of verbal faclllLy, and
Lhe accepLably sLandard level of sub[ecL moLlvaLlon (uulany, 2004). Slnce flrsL order Lheorles of a phenomenon are
common among lnvesLlgaLors,--along wlLh meLaLheoreLlcal or ldeologlcal commlLmenLs-challenges Lo anoLher
Lheory and reporL valldlLy can be common. We Lherefore need (3) a meLhodology of compeLlLlve supporL, wlLh Lhree
parLs we can draw on (uulany, 2012). Cn (a) Lhe uuhem-ulne Lhesls, LheoreLlcal asserLlons, 1, Mapplngs, M, and
Auxlllary condlLlons, A, and [olnLly lmply daLa: (1&M&A) a u . Comblnlng Lhls wlLh (b) 8ayeslan analysls, we have a way
Lo [udge Lhe relaLlve credlblllLy of compeLlng aggregaLes lncludlng valldlLy of reporLs And on Lhe (c) loglc of LheoreLlcal
neLworks, Lhe rlcher Lhe mapped Lheory and lLs lmplled daLa, Lhe less credlble are savlng assumpLlons for lLs
compeLlLors-and Lhus Lhe greaLer Lhe valldaLlon of Lhe reporLs (uulany, 2012). As wlLh any lmperfecL assessmenLs,
Loo, very sLrong relaLlons among awareness measures may have accepLable error varlance, buL LhaL quesLlons clalms
for null awareness." CurrenL braln lmaglng ls also unable Lo reglsLer Lhe parLlcular neural lnLeracLlons LhaL would

permlL Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon of form and conLenL of speclflc consclous sLaLes (uulany, 2011). 1hls sLraLegy wlll be brlefly
lllusLraLed wlLh experlmenLal analyses: examlnlng a Lheory of vollLlonal conLrol wlLh a llnear regresslon model (Wllson
& uulany, 1983), a Lheory of causal reasonlng wlLh a llnear dlfference model (Carlson & uulany, 1988), and Lheory of
lmpllclL and expllclL learnlng (uulany & rlLchard, ln preparaLlon) AlLhough flrsL person daLa for consclous sLaLes has
been proposed from 1lLchener (1912) Lo Chalmers (1996), lL ls lnconslsLenL wlLh a fundamenLal daLa language
requlremenL-repllcablllLy over observers for common experlmenLal condlLlons (uulany, 2009). Lrlcsson & Slmon's
(1980) Lhlnklng aloud" can be LheoreLlcally suggesLlve ln a plloL experlmenL," buL lL does noL provlde Lhe orderly
absLracLlon requlred for Lheory or lawfulness. lurLhermore, hlgher-order awareness has for decades been recognlzed
as a memory consequence of flrsL-order awareness, noL lLs precondlLlon (uulany, 2004). 8oLh Lhls approach and
uenneLL's heLerophenomenology (2003) emphaslze Lhe lmporLance of a Lhlrd person daLa language, buL we also need
a speclflc focus on Lheory of Lhe lnLerrelaLlons of reporLable consclous sLaLes and a meLhodology LhaL can provlde
confldence ln reporL valldlLy. Carlson, 8., & uulany, u.L. (1988). ulagnosLlc reasonlng wlLh clrcumsLanLlal evldence.
CognlLlve sychology, 20, 463-492. Chalmers, u. (1996). 1he consclous mlnd: ln search of a fundamenLal Lheory.
Cxford: Cxford unlverslLy ress. uenneLL, u. (2003). Who's on llrsL? PeLgerophenomenology explalned. !ournal of
consclousness sLudles, (10), 19-30. uulany, u.L. & rlLchard, L. (ln preparaLlon) Awareness and novelLy ln lmpllclL and
expllclL learnlng and Lransfer. uulany, u.L. (2012) Pow should we undersLand lmpllclL and expllclL processes ln
sclenLlflc Lhlnklng? ln 8.W. rocLor & L.!. Capaldl (Lds.) sychology of Sclence: lmpllclL and LxpllclL rocesses (pp. 197-
227). new ?ork, n?: Cxford unlverslLy ress. uulany, u.L. (2011). WhaL should be Lhe roles of consclous sLaLes and
braln sLaLes ln Lheorles of menLal acLlvlLy? Mens Sana Monographs, 9(1), 93-112. (keynoLe Address for lnLernaLlonal
Symposlum, 8raln, Mlnd, and Consclousness). uulany, u.L. (2009). sychology and Lhe sLudy of consclousness. ln 1.
8ayne, A. Cleeremans, & . Wllkens (Lds.) Cxford Companlon Lo Consclousness. (pp. 340-344) Cxford, Lngland: Cxford
unlverslLy ress. uulany, u.L. (2004). Plgher order represenLaLlon ln a menLallsLlc meLaLheory. ln 8.!. Cennaro (Ld.),
Plgher order LhoughL Lheorles of consclousness (pp. 313-338). AmsLerdam & hlladelphla: !ohn 8en[amlns. uulany,
u.L. (1997). Consclousness ln Lhe expllclL (dellberaLlve) and lmpllclL (evocaLlve). ln !. Cohen & !. Schooler (Lds.)
SclenLlflc approaches Lo consclousness (pp.179-212). Mahwah, n!: Lawrence Lrlbaum AssoclaLes. Lrlcsson, k.A. &
Slmon, P.A. (1993). roLocol analysls: verbal reporLs as daLa. Cambrldge, MA: Ml1 ress. Wllson, M.n. & uulany, u.L.
(1983). An analysls of cognlLlve conLrol of self-dlsclosure ln a cllnlcal analogue. CognlLlve 1herapy & 8esearch, 7(4),

ConLacL: ddulany[

Cne|ros states of sub[ect|v|ty and the|r ph||osoph|ca| |mp||cat|ons

A|ex Lnescu

Member Llberal ArLs College aL Concordla unlverslLy, MonLreal, uebec, Canada

(2-007 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

1he sLudy of consclousness can be broken down lnLo Lwo approaches: sub[ecLlve sLaLes of consclousness l.e., dlrecL
experlence and Lhe ob[ecLlve sLudy of Lhose sub[ecLlve sLaLes. 1he second meLhod lnvolves Lhe correlaLlon of dlrecL
experlence wlLh braln, sensory and nervous sysLem acLlvlLy. 1he ob[ecLlve approach has been able Lo explaln Lhe
physlcal expresslon of consclousness buL noL consclousness lLself, or Lhe many eluslve aspecLs of consclousness e.g.,
lmaglnaLlon, lnsplraLlon, creaLlvlLy, knowlngness, undersLandlng, declslon-maklng and meanlng, Lo name buL a few.
1hese aspecLs of consclousness have lead Lo whaL ls known ln phllosophy as Lhe hard problem of consclousness. ln
Lhls paper l wlll show LhaL sub[ecLlve sLaLes of consclousness exLend far beyond Lhe hard problem lnLo whaL l call Lhe
meLaphyslcal problem of consclousness. 1he meLaphyslcal problem ls besL lllusLraLed ln onelros sLaLes of
sub[ecLlvlLy.1o beLLer lllusLraLed Lhe dlfflculLy LhaL Lhese sLaLes presenL l have developed an 11 caLegory worklng
model for exLended sub[ecLlvlLy. 1hese exLended sLaLes are: vague awareness wlLh no lmagery, vague awareness wlLh
sensory lnpuL, seml-consclous awareness of self, awareness of self and sensory lnpuL, deLached consclousness
awareness of sensory lnpuL, lnLegraLed consclous awareness of sensory lnpuL and self l.e., a vlvld onelros sLaLe, seml-
lnLegraLe consclous awareness of self, envlronmenL and locaLlon l.e., a deLached lucld onelros sLaLe, fully-lnLegraLed
consclous awareness of self, envlronmenL, locaLlon and physlcal body l.e., an lnLegraLed lucld onelros sLaLe, and lasLly
an onelros sLaLe LhaL resulLs lnLo auLoscopy l.e., full consclous awareness of self as a dlsLlncL enLlLy from Lhe physlcal
self. 1hese onelros sLaLes form Lhe basls of Lhe meLaphyslcal problem of consclousness.

ConLacL: alexenescu[

Mu|t|sensory |ntegrat|on w|thout awareness: A factor|a| study


Nathan Ia|vre [1]
L|ad Mudr|k [1]
Chr|stof koch [1, 2]

[1] CompuLaLlon and neural SysLems, Callfornla lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology, asadena, CA, uSA
[2] Allen lnsLlLuLe for 8raln Sclence, SeaLLle, WA, uSA

(2-033 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

MulLlsensory lnLegraLlon ls cruclal for undersLandlng our mulLl-modal envlronmenL and lnLeracLlng wlLh lL. Pere, we
addressed ln a full-facLorlal deslgn Lhe role of percepLual awareness durlng Lhe lnLegraLlon of audlo-vlsual semanLlc
lnformaLlon. We asked parLlclpanLs Lo lndlcaLe wheLher a palr of vlsual and audlo leLLers presenLed slmulLaneously
were Lhe same or dlfferenL. 1he leLLers were preceded by a palr of audlo and vlsual prlme dlglLs, whlch could elLher be
boLh suprallmlnal, one suprallmlnal and Lhe oLher subllmlnal, or boLh subllmlnally presenLed uslng masklng. 1hls lasL
experlmenLal condlLlon ls cruclal Lo experlmenLally measure Lhe lnLegraLlon of Lwo unconsclous evenLs of dlfferenL
modallLles lnLo one hlgher-order lnLegraLed represenLaLlon. We hypoLheslzed LhaL ln Lhe presence of audlo-vlsual
lnLegraLlon, responses on same-LargeL leLLer palrs would be fasLer when preceded by same-prlme dlglL palrs. We
dlscuss Lhe lmpllcaLlon of our resulLs ln reference Lo Lhe global workspace and lnformaLlon lnLegraLlon Lheorles of

ConLacL: nfalvre[

Dynam|ca| systems, representat|ons, and consc|ousness

Lu|s n. Iave|a [1, 2]

[1] unlverslLy of ClnclnnaLl ueparLmenL of hllosophy
[2] unlverslLy of ClnclnnaLl ueparLmenL of sychology

(1-003 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

1he cognlLlve revoluLlon can be consldered Lo have been a revolL agalnsL behavlorlsm's commlLmenL Lo Lhe lnablllLy of
Lhe menLal-lncludlng consclousness-Lo generaLe LesLable predlcLlons. WlLhln Lhe cognlLlve sclence lmmedlaLely
followlng Lhe cognlLlve revoluLlon and, ln general, conLlnulng Lo Lhls day, 'cognlLlon' ls deflned ln Lerms of
compuLaLlons acLlng over represenLaLlons of Lhe world. ln Lhls way, represenLaLlons are lnLended Lo play a ma[or role
ln LesLable Lheorles of Lhe cognlLlve and menLal. ln Lhls Lalk, l wlll aLLempL Lo moLlvaLe Lhe clalm LhaL represenLaLlons
have become an explanandum. 1haL ls Lo say, represenLaLlons do noL explaln cognlLlon or Lhe menLal buL requlre
explanaLlons Lhemselves. ln place of explanaLlons LhaL rely on represenLaLlons, l presenL examples of dynamlcal
sysLems accounLs of cognlLlon. 1hese dynamlcal sysLems accounLs can do Lhe work Lo explaln cognlLlve phenomena
LradlLlonally consldered Lo be represenLaLlon-hungry, namely, phenomena belleved Lo be lnexpllcable wlLhouL
lncorporaLlng represenLaLlons as parL of Lhe explanaLlon. A poLenLlal consequence of provldlng non-represenLaLlonal
accounLs of cognlLlon ls wheLher or noL Lerms such as 'menLal'-lncludlng 'consclousness'-refer Lo any LesLable

ConLacL: favelalh[

8ody swap |||us|on and the f|rst-person pronoun

L|u 1zu Ieng [1]
A||en . noung [2]

[1] lnsLlLuLe of hllosophy of Mlnd and CognlLlon, naLlonal ?ang-Mlng unlverslLy
[2] lnsLlLuLe of hllosophy of Mlnd and CognlLlon, naLlonal ?ang-Mlng unlverslLy

(1-006 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

ln Shoemaker's lLM Lheory, he dlsLlngulshes Lwo dlfferenL uses of Lhe flrsL-person pronouns: l" as sub[ecL and l" as
ob[ecL (Shoemaker, 1968). Powever, ln 1lmoLhy Lane and Caleb Llang's arLlcle, Lhey crlLlclze Shoemaker's lLM Lheory

LhaL l" as sub[ecL lsn'L lmmune Lo error (Lane & Llang, 2011). ln Lhls arLlcle, l would llke Lo argue agalnsL Lhls vlew
ralsed by Lane and Llang. l" as sub[ecL, one of Lhe flrsL-person pronouns Shoemaker dlsLlngulshed, ls sald Lo be
lmmune Lo error Lhrough mlsldenLlflcaLlon relaLlve Lo Lhe flrsL-person pronouns," and for Lhe oLher one, l" as ob[ecL,
lsn'L. 8uL ln Lane and Llang's sLance, l" as sub[ecL may be wrong. 1ake Lhe experlmenL of 8ody Swap llluslon for an
example, sub[ecLs ln Lhe experlmenL reporL LhaL whlle shaklng hands wlLh mannequlns ln fronL of Lhem, face-Lo-face,
Lhey experlence Lhe feellng of shaklng hands wlLh Lhemselves. SupporLed by Lhls experlmenL, Lane and Llang clalm
LhaL people may ascrlbe Lhe flrsL-person pronoun, l" as sub[ecL, Lo wrong persons. And so, l" as sub[ecL may error ln
ldenLlflcaLlon. lL ls necessary Lo polnL ouL LhaL Lane and Llang make mlsLake on Lhe dlsLlncLlon Shoemaker advocaLed.
1he error ln Lhe experlmenL ls acLually happened ln l" as ob[ecL, buL noL ln l" as sub[ecL. no maLLer Lhose sub[ecLs
experlence from Lhelr own perspecLlve or from Lhe mannequln's perspecLlve, lL ls Lhe same polnL of vlew sub[ecLs
experlence feellngs. 1here ls no way for ascrlpLlon of l" Lo Lhe wrong person ln Lhe l" as sub[ecL.

ConLacL: zphoeng[

1he case for us|ng bra|n-based dev|ces to study consc|ousness

Iason G. I|e|scher
Ieffrey L. Mck|nstry
Gera|d M. Lde|man

1he neurosclences lnsLlLuLe, 800 Sllverado SLreeL, SulLe 302, La !olla, Callfornla 92037

(2-029 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

ArLlflclal models allow us Lo lnvesLlgaLe consclousness ln ways LhaL are currenLly noL feaslble uslng human sub[ecLs or
oLher anlmals. ?eL a model of consclousness musL Lake lnLo accounL currenL Lheorles of lLs blologlcal bases. CreaL --
and perhaps undue -- emphasls has been placed on purely phenomenologlcal models. We advocaLe for an approach
Lo modellng consclousness LhaL ls based on reallsLlc neural mechanlsms and rlch lnLeracLlons. 1he cornersLone of Lhls
approach, Lhe 1heory of neuronal Croup SelecLlon (1nCS), guldes Lhe creaLlon of synLheLlc neural models LhaL have
many of Lhe same properLles as real nervous sysLems (Ldelman, 1987). 8ecause Lhe braln ls embodled and Lhe body ls
embedded ln Lhe world, lL ls essenLlal LhaL a blologlcally based model of consclousness be embodled ln a roboLlc
devlce capable of rlch auLonomous lnLeracLlons wlLh a non-Lrlvlal envlronmenL. We have creaLed a serles of so-called
8raln-8ased uevlces (88us) over Lhe lasL Lwo decades Lo address how neural mechanlsms may glve rlse Lo elemenLs of
percepLlon, cognlLlon, and moLor conLrol (Ldelman, 2007). Pere we seL forLh a proposal Lo use 88us as a Lool Lo sLudy
consclousness. We argue LhaL embodled splklng neural models wlLh reenLranL connecLlvlLy conslsLenL wlLh 1nCS wlll
ald ln undersLandlng Lhe neural bases of consclousness. We ouLllne how menLal lmagery provldes a benchmark Lask
for examlnlng consclousness ln a 88u, and dlscuss some of Lhe physlcal and neural requlremenLs. Ldelman, C.M.
(1987) neural uarwlnlsm: 1he 1heory of neuronal Croup SelecLlon. Ldelman, C.M. (2007) Sclence 318, 1103-1103.

ConLacL: flelscher[

Neura| corre|ates of consc|ous and unconsc|ous process|ng |n |mp||c|t sequence |earn|ng

|ufang Iu [1]
2o|tan D|enes [2]
I|anhu| Wu [1]
nu|m|ng Sun [1]
k|ao|an Iu [1]

[1] SLaLe key LaboraLory of 8raln and CognlLlve Sclence, lnsLlLuLe of sychology, Chlnese Academy of Sclences, Chlna
[2] School of sychology, unlverslLy of Sussex, unlLed klngdom

(1-029 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

lL ls well documenLed LhaL boLh consclous and unconsclous processes can conLrlbuLe Lo lmpllclL sequence learnlng.
Powever, lL remalns unclear whaL Lhe neural correlaLes of Lhe dlfferenL processes are. 1he presenL sLudy almed Lo
address Lhls quesLlon by dlsLlngulshlng consclous and unconsclous knowledge ln probablllsLlc sequence learnlng.
1hree Lypes of sLlmull were adopLed ln Lhe Lralnlng phase. SLandard sLlmull followed a second order condlLlonal (SCC)
sequence wlLh a probablllLy of .833. 1ransfer sLlmull followed a dlfferenL SCC sequence wlLh a probablllLy of .083,

whlle devlanL sLlmull followed nelLher SCC sequences wlLh a probablllLy of .083. AfLer Lhe Lralnlng, parLlclpanLs were
asked Lo compleLe one lncluslon LesL and one excluslon LesL. L8s were recorded durlng boLh Lralnlng and LesLlng
phases. 1he behavloral resulLs showed LhaL parLlclpanLs unconsclously acqulred knowledge of Lhe dlfferences
beLween sLandard and Lransfer sLlmull (l.e. knowledge of n-grams), buL consclously acqulred knowledge of Lhe
dlfferences beLween Lransfer and devlanL sLlmull (l.e. knowledge of absLracL sLrucLures). 1he L8 resulLs revealed LhaL
Lransfer sLlmull ellclLed greaLer n2 and n400 effecLs Lhan sLandard sLlmull LhroughouL Lhe Lralnlng whlle devlanL
sLlmull led Lo greaLer n2 and 3 effecLs Lhan Lransfer sLlmull ln Lhe second half of Lhe Lralnlng, lndlcaLlng dlfferenL
neural correlaLes for unconsclous and consclous processlng. 1he resulLs conflrmed LhaL Lhe emergence of 3 as an
lndlcaLor of consclous processlng conslsLenL wlLh some prevlous clalms ln subllmlnal percepLlon and lmpllclL sequence
learnlng and flrsL demonsLraLed LhaL Lhe n400 as a correlaLe of unconsclous processlng ln lmpllclL sequence learnlng.

ConLacL: fuqf[

Deve|opment of mu|t|sensory |ntegrat|on and pred|ct|on: Ietus s|mu|at|on w|th a cortex mode|

ke|ko Iu[|| [1]
asunor| amada [2, 3]
asuo kun|yosh| [2]

[1] Crad. School of lnLerdlsclpllnary lnformaLlon SLudles, 1he unlv. of 1okyo, !apan
[2] Crad. School of lnfo. Scl. and 1ech., 1he unlv. of 1okyo, !apan
[3] 8esearch fellow of Lhe !apan SocleLy for Lhe romoLlon of Sclence

(1-073 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

neonaLes and lnfanLs learn relaLlons beLween lnLermodal lnformaLlon assoclaLed wlLh Lhelr own movemenLs, whlch
engenders Lhe developmenL of self. 8ecenL developmenLal sLudles have suggesLed LhaL such lnLermodal lnLegraLlons
and predlcLlons sLarL from Lhe feLal perlod. lor example, feLuses open Lhelr mouLhs before Lhelr hands can reach lL.
uesplLe accumulaLlng knowledge abouL early mulLlsensory developmenL, Lhe neural basls of such developmenL
remalns largely unknown. 1o deepen our undersLandlng of underlylng mechanlsms, we ran compuLer slmulaLlons wlLh
a human feLus model and lnvesLlgaLed wheLher Lhe model can lnLegraLe and predlcL lnLermodal sensory lnformaLlon.
Cur feLus slmulaLlon comprlses a body model and a corLex model. lor Lhe body model, Lhe feLus model has Lhe
followlng Lhree feaLures: l) whole-body movemenLs generaLed by 198 muscles for Lhe whole body, ll) hyslcal
parameLers correspondlng Lhose of feLuses wlLh 30-week gesLaLlonal age, lll) Lhree sensory modallLles of vlslon,
proprlocepLlon, and Louch. 1he corLex model ls a module neLwork represenLlng corLlcal areas such as vlsual corLex,
somaLosensory-moLor corLex and assoclaLlve areas by dense lnLra-connecLlons and sparse lnLer-connecLlons. 1hrough
experlmenLs, we conflrmed LhaL blmodal neurons emerged ln assoclaLlve areas of Lhe corLex model and responded for
mulLlple modallLles lnformaLlon. lurLhermore, we showed LhaL Lhe corLex model can predlcL lnLermodal sensory lnpuL
afLer lnLegraLlng conLlngenL mulLlsensory lnformaLlon. roprlocepLlve lnformaLlon changed corLlcal acLlvlLles ln Lhe
assoclaLlve area before a hand enLered Lhe vlsual fleld. We suggesL LhaL mulLlsensory lnLegraLlon and predlcLlon can
emerge wlLhouL prlor knowledge by explolLlng relaLlonshlps beLween sensory modallLles.

ConLacL: fu[ll[[p

S|mu|at|ng b|stab|e percept|on w|th per|od|ca||y |nterrupted amb|guous st|mu|us us|ng stochast|c se|f-osc|||ator
dynam|cs w|th percept cho|ce b|furcat|on

Norbert Irstenau
Mon|ka M|ttendorf

Cerman Aerospace CenLer, lnsLlLuLe of lllghL Culdance, Puman lacLors ueparLmenL, LlllenLhalplaLz 7, 8raunschwelg,

(2-072 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

lormal modellng of cognlLlve blsLablllLy (e.g.[1][2]) ls an lnLeresLlng problem because a consLanL sLlmulus (e.g. Lhe
necker cube) exclLes quasl perlodlc alLernaLlons beLween only Lwo well deflned percepLlon sLaLes. erlodlc sLlmulus-
off swlLchlng (Loff 1 s, Lon 300 ms) was lnLroduced by Crbach eL al. [3] as experlmenLal paradlgm Lo geL more
lnslghL lnLo Lhe underlylng percepLual dynamlcs. 1helr necker cube experlmenLs showed a maxlmum of Lhe percepL

reversal raLe 8 aL 8max 36 1/mln and Loff ca. 200 ms whlch was conflrmed by recenL experlmenLs [4]. noesL eL al. [3]
demonsLraLed wlLh a low level neural acLlvaLlon model [6] LhaL a blfurcaLlon of Lhe percepL cholce dynamlcs durlng
Lhe amblguous-sLlmulus on-off swlLchlng domlnaLes Lhe sLaLlsLlcs of Lhe reversal Llme serles. Cur slmulaLlons based on
a macroscoplc (behavloral) dynamlcs model [7] (slmllar Lo [1]) supporL Lhls flndlng and show LhaL Lhe measured 8 vs.
Loff-Llme characLerlsLlcs can be flLLed wlLh baslcally Lhree parameLers: aLLenLlon faLlgue ( adapLlve feedback galn)
Llme consLanL of 1 - 2 s, feedback delay 1 ca. 40 ms, galn-nolse power !. SynchronlsaLlon of aLLenLlon faLlgue lnduced
self-osclllaLlons (yleldlng lnLer-sLlmulus LranslLlon Llme ca. 4 - 3 1) wlLh sLlmulus-onseL lnduced percepL blfurcaLlon
appears Lo deLermlne Lhe reversal raLes and Lhe Loff-value aL 8max. A llnear approxlmaLlon allows for an esLlmaLe of
Lhe cognlLlve damplng Llme consLanL (ca. 1 s) whlch by use of Lhe llucLuaLlon-ulsslpaLlon Lheorem vla nolse power !
deflnes an lndex of cognlLlve lnerLla (suggesLed ln [8]) as cruclal parameLer of Lhe slmulaLed dynamlcs. [1] ulLzlnger, 1.,
Paken, P. (1989). CsclllaLlons ln Lhe ercepLlon of Amblguous aLLerns. 8lol. Cybern. ( 61) 279-287 [2] Puys, 8,, !lrsa,
v.k. (2010): nonllnear uynamlcs ln Puman 8ehavlor. Sprlnger verlag, 8erlln Peldelber. [3] Crbach. !., Zucker, L., Clson,
8. (1966). 8everslblllLy of Lhe necker Cube: vll. 8eversal raLe as a funcLlon of flgure-on and flgure-off duraLlons.
ercepL. MoLor Skllls (22), 613-618 [4] kornmeler, !., Lhm, W. 8lgalke, P., 8ach, M. (2007): ulsconLlnuous presenLaLlon
of amblguous flgures: Pow lnLersLlmulus-lnLerval duraLlons affecL reversal dynamlcs and L8's. sychophyslology, 44,
332-360 [3] noesL, A.!., van Le, 8., nl[s, M.M., van Wezel, 8.!.A. (2007) ercepL-cholce sequences drlven by
lnLerrupLed amblguous sLlmull: A low-level neural model. ! of vlslon 7, 1-14 [6] Amarl, S. (1977): uynamlcs of paLLern
formaLlon ln laLeral-lnhlblLlon Lype neural flelds. 8lologlcal CyberneLlcs vol. 27, 77-87 [7] lrsLenau, norberL (2010). A
nonllnear dynamlcs model for slmulaLlng long range correlaLlons of cognlLlve mulLlsLablllLy. 8lol. Cybern., vol. 103. (3)
173-198 [8] Cao, !.8., Merk, l., 1ung W. W., 8lllok v., WhlLe, k.u., Parrls ! C, 8oychowdhury v . (2006). lnerLla and
memory ln vlsual percepLlon. Cogn. rocesslng vol. 7 103-112

ConLacL: norberL.fuersLenau[

n|stor|ca| consc|ousness, perceptua| b|nd|ng, and the format|on of soc|a| memory

Steven Gab|e

1rlnlLy WashlngLon unlverslLy

(1-007 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

1hls paper proposes Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe blndlng force wlLhln soclal consclousness responslble for Lhe formaLlon of
soclal memorles. 1he paper wlll aLLempL Lo apply Wllllam !ames's analysls of Lhe unlLy of consclousness Lo Lhe process
by whlch communlLles creaLe and shape soclal memorles. 1hls aLLempL wlll Lake place wlLhln Lhe conLexL of
Colllngwood's undersLandlng of hlsLorlcal consclousness as a form of soclal consclousness. 1he paper wlll also draw
parallels beLween Lhe formaLlon of soclal memorles and Lhe lnLegraLlve processes lnvolved ln percepLual blndlng.
ulsconnecLed lmages of scenes long pasL, seemlngly drawn from wldely dlfferlng perlods of an lndlvldual's llfe, are
neverLheless unlLed wlLhln Lhe experlenclng sub[ecL of consclousness. Memorles, Lhe shaLLered fragmenLs of llved-
Lhrough eplsodes, are undersLood as belonglng Lo Lhe same experlenclng sub[ecL. 8. C. Colllngwood undersLands
memorles as unmedlaLed represenLaLlons of pasL experlences. 1hese raw lmages musL ulLlmaLely be LhoughL Lhrough,
or lnLerpreLed by, hlsLorlcal consclousness Lo deLermlne Lhe degree Lo whlch lndlvlduals undersLand Lhe llfe-processes
(boLh personal and soclal) Lhrough whlch Lhey have passed. As applled Lo soclal experlence, memorles are bullL upon
Lhe lnLeracLlon beLween shared lnLerpreLaLlons of Lhe pasL and lndlvldual recollecLlons. LvenLually, from compeLlng
models of Lhe hlsLorlcally esLabllshed pasL and Lhe fragmenLs culled from lndlvldual experlences, a sLandard soclal
memory ls formed. 1he paper wlll end by esLabllshlng LhaL percepLual blndlng and Lhe mechanlsms responslble for Lhe
creaLlon of soclal memorles lllumlnaLe each oLher.

ConLacL: CableS[

A quantum phys|ca| argument for panpsych|sm

Shan Gao

lnsLlLuLe for Lhe PlsLory of naLural Sclences, Chlnese Academy of Sclences, 8el[lng 100190, . 8. Chlna.

(1-008 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

lL has been wldely LhoughL LhaL consclousness has no causal efflcacy ln Lhe physlcal world. Powever, Lhls may be noL
Lhe case. ln Lhls Lalk, l wlll show LhaL a consclous belng can dlsLlngulsh deflnlLe percepLlons and Lhelr quanLum
superposlLlons, whlle a physlcal measurlng sysLem wlLhouL consclousness cannoL dlsLlngulsh such nonorLhogonal
quanLum sLaLes. 1he posslble exlsLence of Lhls dlsLlncL quanLum physlcal effecL of consclousness may have lnLeresLlng
lmpllcaLlons for Lhe sclence of consclousness. ln parLlcular, lL suggesLs LhaL consclousness ls noL emergenL buL a
fundamenLal feaLure of Lhe unlverse. 1hls may provlde a posslble quanLum basls for panpsychlsm.

ConLacL: gaoshan[

V|sua| exper|ences have graph-||ke contents

Nem|ra Gas|unas

Columbla unlverslLy

(2-009 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

When we experlence Lhe properLles 'red' and 'square', we may experlence Lhem as belonglng Lo Lhe same ob[ecL. 8uL
we may also experlence Lhose properLles wlLhouL LhaL relaLlon. 8y conLrasL, when l experlence one Lhlng as crlmson
and anoLher as llghL plnk, l auLomaLlcally experlence Lhe flrsL as redder Lhan Lhe second. l can'L experlence Lhose
properLles wlLhouL experlenclng LhaL relaLlon. And Lhls holds for experlences of comparaLlve relaLlons beLween all
klnds of vlsual properLy, noL [usL colors. Pow are we Lo accounL for Lhls phenomenon aL Lhe level of represenLaLlonal
conLenL? ln Lhls paper, l argue LhaL Lhe auLomaLlclLy of comparaLlve experlence lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe conLenLs of
percepLlon are graph-llke. Craphs represenL quanLlLlve lnformaLlon ln vlsual, parLlcularly spaLlal, form. 8y vlrLue of Lhls
spaLlal synLax, Lhe represenLaLlon of any number of ob[ecLs ln a slngle graph space makes expllclL Lhe relaLlons
beLween all of Lhem. l suggesL LhaL we should Lhlnk of each vlsual dlmenslon as funcLlonally equlvalenL Lo a graph
space, and percelved properLles as ob[ecLs represenLed ln LhaL space. 1hls suggesLlon flLs well wlLh oLher feaLures of
percepLual conLenL, such lLs analog naLure. noL only do graph-llke conLenLs provlde an answer Lo Lhe quesLlon 'why do
we experlence comparaLlve relaLlons auLomaLlcally?', Lhey also promlse Lo casL llghL on oLher Lroublesome quesLlons
abouL percepLual represenLaLlon, such as 'whaL ls lL Lo percelve someLhlng as a color?'

ConLacL: nhg2103[

numan s|ng|e-neuron corre|ates of b|nocu|ar r|va|ry

nagar Ge|bard-Sag|v [1]
L|ad Mudr|k [1]
Chr|stof koch [1, 2]
Itzhak Ir|ed [3, 4]

[1] ulvlslon of 8lology, Callfornla lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology, asadena, CA 91123, uSA
[2] Allen lnsLlLuLe for 8raln Sclence, SeaLLle, WA 98103, uSA
[3] ueparLmenL of neurosurgery, uavld Ceffen School of Medlclne and Semel lnsLlLuLe lor neurosclence and Puman
8ehavlor, unlverslLy of Callfornla, Los Angeles, CA, uSA
[4] luncLlonal neurosurgery unlL, 1el-Avlv Medlcal CenLer and Sackler School of Medlclne, 1el-Avlv unlverslLy, 1el-
Avlv, lsrael

(1-030 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

Slngle neurons ln Lhe human medlal Lemporal lobe (M1L) were shown Lo reflecL Lhe phenomenal vlsual experlence
raLher Lhan Lhe acLual vlsual lnpuL uslng boLh flash suppresslon (krelman eL al 2002) and backward masklng (ulroga
eL al 2008). Powever Lhelr posslble role ln generaLlng consclous percepLlon ls sLlll unclear, as ln Lhese paradlgms
percepLlon ls exLernally manlpulaLed raLher Lhan lnLernally drlven. Pere we used a blnocular rlvalry paradlgm, where
Lhe percepLual swlLches are lnLernally drlven, ln epllepsy paLlenLs lmplanLed wlLh depLh elecLrodes (for cllnlcal
purposes). lor each paLlenL we used palrs of lmages found Lo ellclL responses ln hls M1L neurons. aLlenLs were asked
Lo reporL Lhe lnlLlaLlon and Lhe compleLlon of Lhelr percepLual swlLches by presslng and releaslng Lwo buLLons. We
found LhaL Lhe M1L neuronal response sLarLs up Lo 1000ms before paLlenLs reporLed Lhe lnlLlaLlon of Lhe percepLual
swlLch Lo Lhe cells' preferred lmage. 1hls was Lrue boLh for lncreased and decreased flrlng raLe responses. lL appears
LhaL neurons ln dlfferenL areas responded wlLh dlfferenL laLencles relaLlve Lo Lhe reporL of Lhe percepLual swlLch, wlLh

Lhe amygdala generaLlng some of Lhe earllesL responses. Lven afLer accounLlng for moLor response Llme, Lhese
neuronal responses are sLlll qulLe early, especlally glven Lhe Lyplcal laLency of M1L neurons, whlch ls 300-400ms afLer
sLlmulus presenLaLlon. Cur resulLs suggesL LhaL M1L neurons are noL merely reflecLlng consclous percepLlon buL llkely
Lake parL ln Lhe process leadlng Lo a consclous percepL or Lo a swlLch ln percepLlon.

ConLacL: hagar[

A pract|ca| exp|orat|on of |nformat|on theor|es of consc|ousness
Irancesco G|or|ando

ueparLmenL of sychlaLry, unlverslLy of Melbourne

(1-074 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

lnformaLlon Lheorles of consclousness lncludlng 1ononl's lnLegraLed lnformaLlon 1heory and lrlsLon's lree Lnergy
1heory seek Lo explaln phenomenal sLaLes vla Lhelr relaLlonshlp Lo sLaLlsLlcal measures of lnformaLlon denslLy. 1hese
Lheorles rely upon deflnlng boundarles ln Lhlnklng sysLems (prlmarlly lnLernal and exLernal) and poslLlng lnformaLlon
bearlng sLrucLures and complexes. Powever, Lhey are ofLen crlLlclsed for Laklng an ldeallsed form for lnformaLlon lLself
and belng dlvorced from famlllar neuronal sLrucLures. 1he auLhor wlll conLrasL how Lhese Lheorles dlffer ln Lhelr
lnLerpreLaLlon of famlllar neurosclenLlflc LesLs. 1he example experlmenLs are chosen Lo show how lnformaLlon meLrlcs
dlffer. lor lnsLance, Sperllng's (1967) shorL Lerm memory experlmenLs are used as an example of percepLs becomlng
sLored lnformaLlonal sLrucLures, whlle declslon maklng experlmenLs modelled on Lhose of Morrone eL al. 2003 reveal
how Lhe braln conLrasLs lnformaLlon Lo make dlrecLed acLlons. 1he presenLaLlon wlll explaln Lhe maLhemaLlcal
prlnclples uslng pracLlcal examples raLher Lhan complex formulae. 1he auLhor wlll Lhen conslder whaL sorL of physlcal
processes may maLch wlLh Lhe boundarles and lnformaLlonal sLrucLures proposed by Lhe models. ln parLlcular Lhe
reclprocal lnLerchange of lnformaLlon beLween Lhe world and Lhe braln wlll be dlscussed from a dual-aspecL
framework of consclousness. lL ls hoped Lhe audlence wlll galn from a more pracLlcal appralsal of Lhese Lheorles
lnsLead of conslderlng Lhem as dlsembodled maLhemaLlcal arLefacLs.

ConLacL: francesco[

Unconsc|ous movement process|ng and pred|c|ton

Ar|e| Go|dste|n [1]
Ido k|v||n [1]
kan nass|n [1, 2]

[1] ConglLlon SLudles program aL Lhe Pebrew unlverslLy !erusalem
[2] sychology deparLmenL Pebrew unlverslLy !erusalem

(2-034 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

ln our everyday llfe we lmplemenL our ablllLles Lo recognlze Lra[ecLorles of movlng ob[ecLs and predlcL Lhelr fuLure
poslLlons. Powever, lL hasn'L been shown yeL LhaL Lhese Lasks can be performed unconsclously as well. ln our
research, we examlned wheLher lL ls posslble Lo unconsclously recognlze and process movemenL, exLracL Lhe
Lra[ecLory and make a predlcLlon regardlng Lhe locaLlon of a fuLure LargeL on Lhe Lra[ecLory. We conducLed several
experlmenLs ln whlch parLlclpanLs were presenLed wlLh unconsclous movlng probes uslng ConLlnuous llash
Suppresslon. 1he response Llmes Lo consclous LargeLs LhaL were presenLed a shorL Llme afLer Lhe unconsclous
movemenL were measured. ln 30 of Lhe Lrlals Lhe LargeLs appeared ln Lhe predlcLed locaLlon accordlng Lo Lhe
Lra[ecLory of Lhe probes. ln Lhe oLher 30 Lhe LargeLs appeared ln a locaLlon orLhogonal Lo Lhe Lra[ecLory. We made
sure Lhe parLlclpanLs were noL aware Lo Lhe movlng probes uslng ob[ecLlve and sub[ecLlve measures. Cur resulLs show
LhaL when movlng probes are presenLed unconsclously, response Llmes Lo consclous LargeLs ln Lhe conLlnuum of Lhe
Lra[ecLory are fasLer Lhan Lo conLrol sLlmull. 1hese resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL lL ls posslble Lo unconsclously process
movemenL, exLracL lLs Lra[ecLory and make a predlcLlon regardlng Lhe locaLlon of a fuLure LargeL. 1hls allows us Lo add
an lmporLanL ablllLy Lo Lhe unconsclous capablllLles arsenal.

ConLacL: arlel.goldsLlen[


8u||d|ng a roadmap of human emot|on: 1he b|g f|ve emot|on c|usters
Andres Gomez Lm||sson

SLanford unlverslLy

(2-032 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

We lnLulLlvely know LhaL some palrs of emoLlons are more slmllar Lhan oLhers. !oyful" and happy" share more
quallLles Lhan [oyful" and sad." We formallze Lhese slmllarlLles and Lry Lo explaln Lhelr orlgln by analyzlng a large and
comprehenslve daLaseL of emoLlon descrlpLlons. 1he daLaseL conslsLlng of 'mood updaLes' by users of Lhe soclal
neLworklng slLe Lhe Lxperlence ro[ecL. When users slgn ln Lo Lhe slLe Lhey can descrlbe how Lhey feel by selecLlng an
emoLlon from a llsL of 173, an lnLenslLy level ranglng from 1 Lo 3 and a brlef descrlpLlon of Lhelr experlence. 1he
daLaseL conLalns 1.3 mllllon mood updaLes from 290,000 users. We compuLe a LranslLlon probablllLy meLrlc for each
ordered palr of emoLlons by uslng a decay facLor Lo encode Lhe relaLlve Lemporal proxlmlLy beLween enLrles. 1he
resulLlng LranslLlon probablllLy maLrlx summarlzes Lhe overall flow from one emoLlon Lo Lhe nexL. 8ased on Lhls maLrlx
we bulld a 'roadmap of human emoLlon' represenLed by a welghLed graph wlLh dlrecLed edges correspondlng Lo
LranslLlon probablllLles. We clusLer Lhe nodes ln Lhe graph uslng communlLy deLecLlon algorlLhms, and ldenLlfy
emoLlon clusLers. We show LhaL flve clusLers are dlsLlncLly presenL, and Lhey correspond Lo semanLlcally meanlngful
descrlpLlons: poslLlve emoLlons, sexual feellngs, negaLlve emoLlons of low and hlgh arousal (one clusLer each) and
bodlly feellngs. We hypoLheslze LhaL Lhese behavloral clusLers are semanLlcally meanlngful because Lhey are Lhe
phenomenologlcal manlfesLaLlons of dlsLlncL underlylng sLaLes of mlnd, each of whlch generaLes emoLlons of a dlsLlncL
klnd. More here: hLLp://www.kan[[oya-eng/bulldlng-a-roadmap-of-human-emoLlon-parL-1/

ConLacL: algekallpso[

1he end of work|ng memory

Iav|er Gomez-Lav|n

Cun? CraduaLe CenLer

(2-010 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

8ecenL meLa-analyses of dozens of neurolmaglng sLudles of worklng memory (l.e., a shorL-Lerm sLore of lnformaLlon
used Lo gulde behavlor, WM") leads one Lo suspecL LhaL our funcLlonallsL concepL of WM ls lll-sulLed Lo characLerlze
whaL may be a dlverse group of lnLerdependenL neural sysLems engaged ln very baslc and ublqulLous neuro-
compuLaLlonal processes (8oLLschy eL al., 2012). l address Lhls from a phllosophlcal perspecLlve, argulng LhaL Lhe
LradlLlonal, funcLlonallsL, concepL of WM obfuscaLes and homogenlzes relevanL flner-gralned dlsLlncLlons ln Lhe klnds
of neuro-compuLaLlonal processes acLlve ln even Lhe slmplesL WM paradlgm (e.g., Lhe lnLeracLlon of spaLlal aLLenLlon
and pre-moLor lnLenLlons ln a maLchlng Lask) (lkkal & CurLls, 2011). lnsLead, phllosophers and psychologlsLs musL
develop concepLs LhaL reflecL Lhese flner-gralned dlsLlncLlons amongsL whaL are llkely more basal, execuLlve
processes, generallzed ln WM experlmenLs. urawlng from work on pre-moLor lnLenLlons and spaLlal aLLenLlon, l offer
candldaLes for Lhese narrower concepLs. l also defend Lhese narrower concepLs from anLl-reducLlonlsL ob[ecLlons by
appeallng Lo Lhe explanaLory power of mulLl-level mechanlsms ln neurosclenLlflc research (Craver, 2007). LasLly, l
argue LhaL Lhese narrower concepLs (e.g., spaLlal aLLenLlon), glve us beLLer purchase on phllosophlcal lssues Lhan Lhe
broad concepL of WM. 8y vlrLue of Lhelr flne-graln, Lhey help lllumlnaLe Lhe naLure of Lhe lnformaLlon or Lhe
represenLaLlons used ln baslc execuLlve processes, lncludlng Lhose aLLenLlonal processes LhaL may underwrlLe
consclous experlence (CurLls, 2006, uuncan, 2001, rlnz, 2012).

ConLacL: [gomezlavln[

8CLD act|vat|on |n co|our-se|ect|ve areas |s modu|ated by sub[ect|ve exper|ence |n grapheme-co|our synaesthes|a

Cassandra Gou|d [1, 2]
Sarah Garf|nke| [1, 4]
Dan|e| 8or, [1, 2]
Iam|e Ward [1, 3]

An|| Seth [1, 2]

[1] Sackler CenLre for Consclousness Sclence, unlverslLy of Sussex, unlLed klngdom
[2] ueparLmenL of lnformaLlcs, unlverslLy of Sussex, unlLed klngdom
[3] ueparLmenL of sychology, unlverslLy of Sussex, unlLed klngdom
[4] 8rlghLon and Sussex Medlcal School, unlLed klngdom

(1-032 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

ln grapheme-colour synaesLhesla (CCS) Lhe presenLaLlon of leLLers or numbers lnduces a concurrenL experlence of
colour. Larly fM8l lnvesLlgaLlons of CCS reporLed acLlvaLlon ln colour-selecLlve area v4 durlng Lhe concurrenL
experlence. Powever, oLhers have falled Lo repllcaLe Lhls key flndlng. Pere, we address Lhls lssue by examlnlng fM8l
8CLu responses ln a large populaLlon of grapheme-colour synaesLheLes (n20) and maLched conLrols (n20) and
correlaLlng acLlvaLlons wlLh lndlvldual dlfferences ln phenomenology. We used an lndependenL locallser Lo ldenLlfy
colour-selecLlve areas ln boLh groups. AcLlvaLlon ln Lhese areas was assessed durlng verldlcally coloured, achromaLlc
synaesLhesla lnduclng and achromaLlc non-lnduclng condlLlons. AL a group level, synaesLheLes showed slgnlflcanLly
lncreased response Lo verldlcal colour compared Lo conLrols, ln boLh lefL and rlghL hemlsphere colour-selecLlve areas.
Powever wlLhln synaesLheLes we found no lncreased acLlvaLlon ln colour-selecLlve areas ln response Lo achromaLlc
lnduclng leLLers compared Lo achromaLlc non-lnduclng symbols. We nexL used regresslon analysls Lo assess wheLher
lndlvldual dlfferences ln synaesLhesla phenomenology could predlcL Lhe degree of acLlvaLlon ln colour-selecLlve areas.
Pere we found LhaL Lhe auLomaLlclLy" of concurrenLs slgnlflcanLly predlcLed Lhe 8CLu response ln lefL hemlsphere
colour areas, whlle Lhe spaLlal locallsaLlon of Lhe concurrenL (on a pro[ecLor-assoclaLor scale) predlcLed Lhe response
ln rlghL hemlsphere colour areas. 1hls relaLlonshlp was Lrue for boLh verldlcal and synaesLheLlc colour experlences.
Cur resulLs esLabllsh LhaL acLlvaLlon ln colour-selecLlve areas ls modulaLed by lndlvldual dlfferences ln CCS
phenomenology. 1hese flndlngs help reconclle Lhe dlverslLy of prevlous resulLs regardlng colour-selecLlve 8CLu
responses durlng synaesLhesla, and Lhey esLabllsh an lmporLanL brldge beLween neural responses and lndlvldual
synaesLheLlc phenomenology.

ConLacL: c.d.gould[

An |mproved measure of |nformat|on |ntegrat|on based on synergy

V|rg|| Gr|ff|th [1]
Chr|stof koch [1, 2]

[1] CompuLaLlon and neural SysLems, Callfornla lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology ln asadena, Callfornla
[2] Allen lnsLlLuLe for 8raln Sclence ln SeaLLle, WashlngLon.

(1-073 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

ln 8alduzzl, 1ononl (2008) Lhey propose a measure of sLaLe-dependenL lnformaLlon lnLegraLlon called Lhe *effecLlve
lnformaLlon over a parLlLlon *, denoLed el(x_0 - x_1/), whlch calculaLes Lhe lnLegraLlon among Lhe parLs of an
arblLrary parLlLlon . AlLhough concepLually novel, effecLlve lnformaLlon has several counLer-lnLulLlve properLles
lncludlng: (1) can exceed Lhe enLropy of Lhe enLlre sysLem, (2) decreases wlLh lnLra-parL memory, and (3) does noL
correlaLe wlLh "causal cooperaLlon among dlverse parLs". We lnLroduce a novel measure of sLaLe-dependenL
lnformaLlon lnLegraLlon based on *synerglsLlc muLual lnformaLlon* from CrlfflLh, koch (2012) LhaL resolves Lhese
dlfflculLles and compuLe upper and lower bounds on Lhls measure.

ConLacL: vlrgll[

Issues |n neuromorph|c eng|neer|ng as an emp|r|ca| approach to the sc|ence of consc|ousness

Co||n G. na|es

neuroenglneerlng LaboraLory, CenLre for neural Lnglneerlng, ueparLmenL of LlecLrlcal and LlecLronlc Lnglneerlng,
unlverslLy of Melbourne, AusLralla.

(2-031 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)


neuromorphlc englneerlng creaLes lnorganlc subsLraLes capLurlng Lhe deslred feaLures of a blologlcal orlglnal. 1he
neuromorphlc chlp (nC)-based emplrlcal sclence of consclousness conLalns under-examlned amblgulLy wlLh lmporLanL
ramlflcaLlons. lundamenLally, aL lssue ls Lhe level of physlcs-equlvalence LhaL Lhe nC has wlLh Lhe naLural orlglnal.
Weak physlcs-equlvalence ls emulaLlon. 1he chlp lmplemenLs a model of Lhe physlcs ln Lhe orlglnal. SLrong physlcs-
equlvalence ls repllcaLlon. 1he chlp lncludes, llLerally, Lhe physlcs of Lhe orlglnal, lnorganlcally lmplemenLed. Conslder
Lwo braln Llssue chlps, nC_A (emulaLlon) and nC_8 (repllcaLlon). Whlch of Lhe clalms nC_A ls consclous" or nC_8 ls
consclous" ls beLLer [usLlfled? unllke emulaLlon, repllcaLlon requlres no exLra presupposlLlons Lo supporL
consclousness clalms. nC_8 wlns, even lf Lhe prlnclples of consclousness are noL undersLood. Conslder a slmple
analogy: Lhe nC sLudy of flre. nC_A runs a model of combusLlon. nC_8 has Lhe physlcs of combusLlon ln lL. nC_8
llLerally burns. 8raln Llssue ls a subLle klnd of 'flre', buL Lhe loglcal poslLlon ls ldenLlcal. 1he laLesL braln Llssue flndlngs
Lell us Lhere are Lwo klnds of slgnalllng: acLlon poLenLlal (A) and elecLromagneLlc (LM) coupllng. nC sLudles of braln
Llssue can Lherefore emulaLe (nC_A) or lL can conLaln Lhe acLual slgnalllng physlcs lnorganlcally repllcaLed (nC_8).
8oLh can be consLrucLed now, and nC_8 can be clalmed Lo be consclous. 1hls clalm has superlorlLy, even when we
don'L know whaL causes consclousness. nC_8 wlns Lhe argumenL, and Leaches us abouL consclousness, ln Lhe same
way LhaL flylng planes LaughL us abouL Lhe physlcs of fllghL.

ConLacL: cghales[

DC1 |s nC1: 1he 'Deeper Crder 1hought' theory of consc|ousness

Stuart nameroff [1]
aavo y|kkanen [2]
kocco I. Gennaro [3]

[1] ueparLmenLs of AnesLheslology and sychology, CenLer for Consclousness SLudles, 1he unlverslLy of Arlzona
[2] ueparLmenL of CognlLlve neurosclence and hllosophy, unlverslLy of Skovde, Sweden, ueparLmenL of hllosophy,
unlverslLy of Pelslnkl, llnland
!!! #$%&'()$*( +, -./0+1+%.23 4*/5$'1/(2 +, 6+7(.$'* 8*9/&*&

(1-009 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

1he braln can be vlewed as an anaLomlcal hlerarchy, wlLh lower processes (bralnsLem, Lhalamus, prlmary corLex)
ascendlng Lo hlgher execuLlve reglons (e.g. pre-fronLal corLex, fC), whlch Lhen pro[ecL downward. Plgher-order
LhoughL (PC1) Lheorles suggesL menLal sLaLes become consclous when a sulLable PC1 (e.g. from fC) ls dlrecLed
downward aL LhaL sLaLe. PC1 Lheorles offer advanLages buL: 1) fC ls noL always acLlve ln consclousness, e.g. when
humans vlew a movle, or ln young chlldren and presumably consclous anlmals. 2) Pow PC1s and Lhelr consclous
sLaLes dlffer blologlcally (noL [usL anaLomlcally) from noL-PC1 or non-consclous sLaLes ls unspeclfled, 3) 1he 'hard
problem' of why selecLed conLenL would have phenomenal consclous experlence perslsLs. Pere we conslder Lhe
relevanL braln hlerarchy dlsLlngulshlng consclous from non-consclous cognlLlon Lo be noL anaLomlcal, buL scalar, wlLh
consclousness orlglnaLlng ln smaller, fasLer scales - a 'deeper order' wlLhln neurons - whlch pro[ecLs upward ln scale Lo
larger, slower funcLlons. ln recenL years braln lnformaLlon and represenLaLlon have been shown scale-lnvarlanL (1/f,
fracLal-llke) wlLh mulLlple scales of self-slmllar represenLaLlon ln LLC, neuronal dynamlcs, eye movemenLs, memory,
and sLrucLurally ln 'small world' and 'grld cell' neuronal neLworks ln enLorhlnal corLex. Pere we 1) exLend scale-
lnvarlance lnLra-neuronally Lo fasLer, smaller classlcal and quanLum lnformaLlon processlng ln dendrlLlc-somaLlc
mlcroLubules, and 2) suggesL such acLlvlLles consLlLuLe 'deeper order LhoughL' (uC1) pro[ecLlng consclousness upward
Lo membrane and neLwork-based cognlLlon. uC1 can apply Lo PC1, access/phenomenal, lnformaLlon lnLegraLlon, self-
represenLaLlon and oLher approaches. uC1 ls LesLable, falslflable and blologlcally plauslble.

ConLacL: hameroff[

Consc|ousness from ref|ex|on - A hypothes|s regard|ng the emergence of qua||a

Ionas nartmann

Pa[nal LaboraLory, lnsLlLuLe of Molecular Llfe Sclences, unlverslLy of Zurlch, SwlLzerland

(1-010 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

1he noLlon of qualla ls wldely consldered a key aspecL of how human consclousness manlfesLs. Powever, Lhe quesLlon
of how qualla mlghL emerge from Lhe maLerlal world remalns unanswered. l hypoLheslze LhaL qualla arlse whenever a
physlcal sysLem recurslvely reflecLs upon lLs own sLaLe, allowlng lL Lo feel whaL lL ls llke" Lo be ln LhaL sLaLe. 1hus, Lhe
mosL fundamenLal qualla ls LhaL of a slmple feedback loop, as found ln many physlcal sysLems lncludlng all llvlng
belngs. ConsequenLly, wheLher a sysLem experlences qualla ls a quesLlon of scale, slnce small sysLems such as
molecules may reflecL upon Lhemselves and Lhus have qualla, whlle also belng parL of a larger sysLem LhaL performs
no reflexlons and Lherefore ls noL consclous. 1he lnverse also occurs, whenever a non-consclous sysLem ls parL of a
blgger, self-reflecLlng sysLem. lL ls apparenL LhaL Lhe recurslve reflexlons Laklng place ln llvlng belngs, from bacLerla Lo
humans, dlffer from slmple physlcal feedback loops ln LhaL Lhey are complex and regulaLed and ofLen lnclude some
sorL of memory. lf and how Lhese dlfferences lead Lo Lhe emergence of quallLaLlvely dlfferenL qualla ls an open
quesLlon, as ls Lhe emergence of populaLlon-level qualla Lhrough recurslve lnLeracLlons beLween lndlvlduals and
lnsLlLuLlons ln a socleLy. 1he goal of Lhls work was Lo descrlbe Lhe ldea of consclousness from reflexlon and Lo explore
posslble answers Lo Lhese manlfold quesLlons wlLh Lhe lnLenL of maklng Lhe hypoLhesls ellglble for furLher
phllosophlcal or sclenLlflc sLudy and dlscourse.

ConLacL: [onas.harLmann[

1he case for |nterspec|es d|scourse eth|cs

og| n nend||n

ChrlsLlan AlbrechLs unlverslLy of klel, Cermany

(2-011 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

1he posslblllLy for an lnLerspecles dlscourse eLhlc has been shuL-down by many analyLlc phllosophers, who base
lnLelllgenL communlcaLlon on raLlonallLy. uavldson and uenneLL, for lnsLance, are skepLlcal of nonhuman anlmals
havlng consclousness, as Lhey connecL Lhlnklng, speech, and consclousness Lo each oLher. SLeven vogel and 8oberL
8rulle also lnLerpreL Pabermaslan dlscourse eLhlcs Lo be non-appllcable Lo nonhumans due Lo Lhe problems of
verlflable valldlLy clalms and responslblllLy. 1he common llne Laken by mosL envlronmenLal dlscourse eLhlclsLs ls LhaL
nonhuman specles cannoL parLlclpaLe ln Lhe human dlalogue, buL lnsLead nonhumans can only be Lalked abouL, wlLh
oLher humans. 1hls concesslon ls Lhe genesls of Lhe moral paLlenL versus agenL caLegory 1om 8egan ascrlbes Lo
nonhuman anlmals for hls case LhaL anlmals can have rlghLs wlLhouL belng accesslble as lnLelllgenL creaLures deservlng
of sub[ecLhood. noneLheless, sclence sLudles, posLhumanlsm, and posLnormal sclence all conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe ldea LhaL
lnLerspecles communlcaLlon ls lndeed posslble, aL leasL wlLh cerLaln specles and Lo cerLaln degrees. Wldenlng
dlscourse eLhlcs accordlng Lo Lhe hermeneuLlc LradlLlon's meLhod of llsLenlng and undersLandlng-based
communlcaLlon raLher Lhan Lhe speech-based proposlLlonal loglc some sLrands of dlscourse eLhlcs requlre,
lnLerspecles lnLeracLlon as meanlngful dlscourse galns a more accepLable foundaLlon. Surprlslngly perhaps, Lhe besL
evldence for consclousness and lndeed lnLerspecles communlcaLlon comes noL from armchalr phllosophers buL from
naLural sclenLlsLs engaged ln sLudylng anlmals ln Lhelr hablLaLs. 1he acLual fleld experlences of prlmaLologlsLs such as
8arbara SmuLs, Sue Savauge-8ambaugh and lrans de Waal Lell of lnLerspecles communlcaLlon noL based on human
sLandards, buL based on Lhe communlcaLlve capaclLles and convenLlons of Lhe specles Lhey lnLeracL wlLh. 1helr fleld
experlence of meeLlng nonhumans on Lhelr own grounds, so Lo speak, reveals LhaL perhaps dlscourse eLhlcs and lab
experlmenLs aLLempLlng Lo Lraln anlmals Lo perform human language capaclLles has gone abouL lnLerspecles
communlcaLlon ln Lhe wrong dlrecLlon. 8ulldlng on Lhe lnslghLs of Lhese new academlc dlsclpllnes and approaches, l
offer a prellmlnary skeLch of lnLerspecles dlscourse eLhlcs based on deep llsLenlng, meeLlng nonhumans on Lhelr own
Lerms, and unpacked deflnlLlons of responslveness and play.

ConLacL: hendlln[

Mus|c and consc|ousness: 1he hard prob|em of mus|ca| va|ue

atr|ck n|nds

unlverslLy of Surrey

(2-012 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

Consclousness-sLudles mlghL beneflL from lnLerdlsclpllnary lnLercourse beLween muslcologlsLs and phllosophers. ln
Lhls paper l seL ouL, ln a prellmlnary fashlon, a case for lnLrlnslcally menLal properLles by Laklng muslcal experlence as

an exemplar of consclousness. 8orrowlng Chalmers' explanaLory argumenL, l argue for an ldenLlflcaLlon of muslc and
phenomenal consclousness, clalmlng LhaL work ln muslcology, muslc-psychology and aesLheLlcs could lnvlgoraLe and
enrlch Lhe debaLe over qualla by lllumlnaLlng an experlenLlally sallenL phenomenon for whlch explanaLlon seems
consplcuously lacklng ln cerLaln slgnlflcanL respecLs. Muslc ls valued. Lven lf we reslsL Lhe assoclaLlon wlLh
aesLheLlclan's Lerms llke beauLy, or even pleasure, we can say LhaL, aL boLLom, muslcal experlence ls soughL, lL
moLlvaLes llsLenlng. My alm here ls Lo seL ouL a number of deslderaLa a Lheory would wanL Lo fulfll ln order Lo explaln
Lhe value of muslcal experlence, and furLher clalm LhaL fulfllmenL of such deslderaLa appears very unreallsLlc. l suggesL
LhaL analyLlcal dlsclpllnes llke muslc-psychology and muslcology would need Lo reconclle on an overarchlng
explanaLlve model by whlch muslcal value ls engendered (Lyplcally proffered by aesLheLlclans and phllosophers who
do noL favour close formal analysls) LhaL explalns ln Lerms of sLrucLure and funcLlon, l.e. spaLloLemporal sLrucLures and
causal roles ln Lhe producLlon of a sysLems behavlor (Chalmers 2003: 4). WlLhouL such an accounL of whaL would
appear Lhe mosL baslc characLerlzaLlon of muslc, someLhlng Lo whlch l choose Lo llsLen, muslcal experlence sLarLs Lo
look llke a menLal phenomenon LhaL cannoL be physlcally or funcLlonally reduced.

ConLacL: ll31ph[

Menta| causat|on |n the para||e| d|str|buted process|ng neura| network

ao-Wen ns|eh [1, 2]
A||en . noung [1, 2]

[1] lnsLlLuLe of hllosophy of Mlnd and CognlLlon, naLlonal ?ang-Mlng unlverslLy, 1alpel, 1alwan
[2] Consclousness 8esearch Croup, 1alpel, 1alwan

(1-011 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

hllosophers and SclenLlsLs are argulng for Lhe genulne exlsLence of menLal causaLlon for decades, buL [usL as !aegwon
klm's famous causal excluslon argumenL" says, lL ls dlfflculL for us Lo accepL LhaL a physlcal cause and anoLher dlsLlncL
menLal cause could slmulLaneously overdeLermlne a slngle evenL. Cn Lhe oLher hand, we also flnd lL problemaLlc Lo
flnd a sLrlcL law aL Lhe psychologlcal/concepLual level and lL makes menLal causaLlon exLremely puzzllng. l wanL Lo re-
emphaslze klm's dlsLlncLlon beLween level and order, whlle causaLlon can only be dlscussed among levels organlzed ln
parL-whole relaLlons. MenLal properLles, belng reallzed second-order properLles, are Loo flexlble Lo be descrlbed ln
Lerms of physlcal causal laws. My vlew can be supporLed by Lhe Lheory of parallel dlsLrlbuLed processlng (u) Lheory
of neural neLwork. ln Lhe u model, causaLlons occur on Lhe sub-concepLual level are Lhe lnLeracLlons beLween
nodes and unlLs, and Lhese lnLeracLlons are composed of physlcochemlcal reacLlons. 1he synLaxes of neural neLworks
on Lhe sub-concepLual level reallze and secure Lhe semanLlcs on Lhe concepLual level Lhrough Lhe process of
evoluLlon. 8uL Lhe concepLs, alLhough belng useful ln our dally llfe, cannoL supporL counLerfacLual causal laws. We can
descrlbe many correlaLlons among menLal concepLs and physlcal acLlons, buL causaLlon only occurs on Lhe sub-
concepLual level. ln concluslon, l suggesL LhaL by comblnlng my causal Lheory based on Lhe level-order dlsLlncLlon and
Lhe u model, we can dellneaLe a very saLlsflable physlcallsL Lheory for menLal causaLlon.

ConLacL: zechsxle[

Changes to the phenomena| wor|d: Acqu|r|ng a concept or a qua||a?

Shun-|n nsu [1]
A||en . noung [2]

[1] ueparLmenL of MaLhemaLlcs, naLlonal Cheng-kung unlverslLy, 1alwan
[2] lnsLlLuLe of hllosophy of Mlnd and CognlLlon, naLlonal ?ang-Mlng unlverslLy, 1alwan

(1-012 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

henomenal consclousness seems Lo provlde prlmlLlve daLa for hlgh-level cognlLlon. lf so, acqulrlng new concepLs
means LhaL our hlgh-level cognlLlon have more sophlsLlcaLed access Lo Lhe phenomenal world wlLhouL changlng our
phenomenal world. ln Lhls paper, l argue LhaL many dlscusslons ln consclousness sLudles are based on Lhls framework,
buL connecLlonlsm lndlcaLes LhaL cognlLlon and Lhe phenomenal are noL separaLed. ln Lheorles of percepLlon, we
dlscuss wheLher people have new qualla when heshe acqulre a new concepL, and ln Lheorles of emoLlon, we dlscuss

wheLher a complex emoLlon exlsLs or ls an llluslon caused by Lhe acqulslLlon of a new concepL abouL emoLlon. 1hese
clalms are based on a clear" separaLlon beLween concepLs and phenomenal world. Powever, from Lhe connecLlonlsL
perspecLlve, Lhe clalms are un[usLlfled, and acqulrlng a new concepL ls equal Lo a sLrucLural change of Lhe phenomenal
world. 8ased on a connecLlonlsL framework, hlgher-level processes are noL separaLed afLer phenomenal-relaLed
processes, buL a sLrucLural modlflcaLlon of Lhe phenomenal world. Cases of synesLhesla, l argue, provlde a parLlal
evldence for Lhe modlflcaLlon of Lhe phenomenal world. 1he acqulslLlon of a hlgh-level concepL, such as Lhe concepL
of numbers, can lnduce a sLrucLural change of Lhe phenomenal world. SLrucLural changes Lo Lhe phenomenal world do
noL add new qualla, buL form new dlmenslons of phenomenal world as suggesLed by Lhe maLhemaLlcal analyses of
connecLlonlsm. 1hus, Lhls analysls lndlcaLes a phllosophlcal framework of maLhemaLlcal models for more sophlsLlcaLed
explanaLlons of Lhe sLrucLure of consclousness.

ConLacL: hsu.shunpln[

When our memory |s spontaneous|y retr|eved: A d|ary study on prospect|ve memory.

n|sato Ima|
uk|ko Ish||

Cakushuln unlverslLy

(2-033 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

We ofLen have sponLaneous reLrleval of memory ln everyday llfe. ln many cases, Lhls sponLanelLy ls Lrlggered by
exLernal cues, buL ln some cases Lhere are no exLernal cues. SponLaneous reLrleval has been dealL wlLh malnly ln
prospecLlve memory research. MosL of Lhem, however, have focused on Lhe sponLaneous reLrleval enLlrely wlLh
exLernal cues ln Lhelr necesslLy of Lhe research paradlgm and llmlLaLlons. 1herefore, feaLures of sponLaneous reLrleval
wlLhouL exLernal cues have been sLlll unclear. Pow ofLen does Lhe sponLaneous reLrleval occur when Lhere are no
exLernal cues? 1o answer Lhls quesLlon, we conducLed a memory dlary sLudy on prospecLlve memory. lourLeen
undergraduaLes carrled boLh noLebooks and lC recorders for 22 days, and recorded Lhelr sponLaneous reLrleval on
prospecLlve memory wlLh elLher of Lhe Lools. 1hey also recorded whaL Lhey were dolng and wheLher Lhere were
reLrleval cues aL LhaL momenL. As a resulL, a LoLal of 77 eplsodes were collecLed. 1wenLy-elghL eplsodes (36.4) were
wlLhouL exLernal cues, and remalnlng 49 eplsodes (63.6) were Lrlggered by exLernal cues. lurLher analysls of Lhe
former 28 eplsodes revealed LhaL 20 eplsodes (71.4) were accompanled by lnLernal cues, and elghL eplsodes (28.6)
were noL. SponLaneous reLrleval on prospecLlve memory wlLhouL exLernal cues mlghL occur abouL once for Lhree
Llmes, and mosL of Lhem mlghL be also accompanled by lnLernal cues. leaLures of sponLaneous reLrleval on
prospecLlve memory wlLhouL exLernal cues wlll be dlscussed ln Lerms of cognlLlve sub[ecLlvlLy and some klnd of
producL led by lmpllclL and/or expllclL memory processlng.

ConLacL: hlsaLo.lmal[[p

Sex d|fferences |n the c||n|ca| express|on and rest|ng state bra|n connect|v|ty of b|po|ar d|sorder

Sara k|mm|ch [2, 3, S]
L|sa 1. Ly|er [1, 3, 4, S]

[1] uCSu ueparLmenL of sychlaLry
[2] uCSu ueparLmenL of CognlLlve Sclence
[3] veLerans Medlcal 8esearch CenLer
[4] veLerans Affalrs PosplLal
[3] uC San ulego

(1-033 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

1he course and expresslon of blpolar dlsorder (8u) clearly dlffers beLween women and men. Women more ofLen have
a seasonal paLLern of mood dlsLurbance, and are more llkely Lo experlence rapld cycllng Lhan men. Men are more
llkely Lo have a comorbld subsLance use dlsorder, whlle women more frequenLly have comorbld anxleLy dlsorders.
revlous sLudles have observed sex effecLs ln connecLlvlLy of Lhe defaulL mode neLwork (uMn) of healLhy lndlvlduals,
buL more research ls needed Lo see wheLher a slmllar effecLs holds among 8u paLlenLs. 1hls sLudy lnvesLlgaLes 1) how
sex dlfferences ln uMn acLlvlLy among 8u l paLlenLs compared Lo lndlvlduals wlLhouL 8u, and 2) how sex dlfferences

may relaLe Lo cllnlcal or cognlLlve dlfferences ln 8u. We compared 21 euLhymlc paLlenLs wlLh blpolar l dlsorder Lo 29
age and gender comparable healLhy parLlclpanLs uslng funcLlonal magneLlc resonance lmage durlng a perlod of eyes
open resL. Averaged funcLlonal acLlvlLy beLween Lhe nodes of Lhe uMn (medlal prefronLal corLex, posLerlor clngulaLe,
and bllaLeral angular gyrus) revealed LhaL 8u females Lend Lo have greaLer connecLlvlLy wlLhln Lhe defaulL mode
neLwork Lhan male 8us, whlch conLrasLed wlLh Lhe paLLern of greaLer connecLlvlLy among male healLhy parLlclpanLs
compared Lo females (p.08). 1hls lnLeracLlon was slgnlflcanL for Lhe connecLlons beLween Lhe rlghL angular gyrus and
oLher nodes ln Lhe neLwork (p.02). negaLlve psychoLlc sympLoms were more pronounced ln male Lhan female blpolar
parLlclpanLs (p.03). 1here was a Lrend for a negaLlve relaLlonshlp beLween rlghL angular gyrus connecLlvlLy and
negaLlve sympLoms (r(19) -.33, p.11), and a slgnlflcanL negaLlve correlaLlon of average uMn connecLlvlLy wlLh
negaLlve sympLoms (r(19) -.44, p.03). 1hese resulLs suggesL subLle sex dlfferences ln Lhe lnLer-relaLlonshlp of resLlng
braln acLlvlLy wlLhln Lhe uMn LhaL may relaLe Lo cllnlcal dlfferences beLween men and women wlLh blpolar dlsorder,
lncludlng severlLy of negaLlve psychoLlc sympLoms.

ConLacL: sklmmlch[

A new techno|ogy for study|ng v|sua| qua||a

Stan|ey k|e|n
1hom Carney
Aust|n koorda
kamkumar Sabesan

School of CpLomeLry, unlverslLy of Callfornla, 8erkeley

(1-033 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

8reakLhroughs ln undersLandlng complex sysLems are ofLen assoclaLed wlLh new Lechnologles. Cur unlque
comblnaLlon of adapLlve opLlcs wlLh ulLra sLablllzaLlon provldes a new capablllLy for reveallng whaL paLLerns are
accesslble Lo consclous awareness and whaL lnvlslble corLlcal acLlvlLy can lnfluence behavlor. 1hls newly avallable
Lechnology enables one Lo repeaLedly sLlmulaLe Lhe same lndlvldual cones day afLer day, year afLer year. 1hree of
Lhese lnsLrumenLs have been bullL, one for use wlLh prlmaLes Lo sLudy laLeral genlculaLe and corLex, one for sLudylng
cllnlcal reLlnal abnormallLles and one for sLudylng normal and abnormal human percepLlon. Several surprlses
concernlng color namlng wlll be dlscussed. lL has become clear LhaL sLlmulaLlon of a slngle cone Lype, say long
wavelengLh cones, can produce dlfferenL color qualla: red, green, blue, whlLe, based on observers' reporLs of Lhelr
sub[ecLlve experlences. MulLlple hypoLheses regardlng Lhe mechanlsms LhaL produce Lhe surprlslngly dlverse color
percepLs are now belng LesLed and wlll be dlscussed. ln addlLlon our fuLure experlmenLs wlll focus on Lwo addlLlonal
areas: 1) Pow do lnvlslble sLlmulus feaLures affecL percepLlon? 1he new Lechnology sLablllzes foveal paLLerns so
accuraLely LhaL Lhey rapldly dlsappear from consclousness. We expecL Lo flnd condlLlons where Lhe lnvlslble sLlmull
have percepLual consequences. 2) 8y uslng lnformaLlon from Lhe parallel research on prlmaLes we anLlclpaLe belng
able Lo examlne Lhe lmpacL of aLLenLlonal and conLexLual manlpulaLlons on Lhe percepLlon assoclaLed wlLh slngle
laLeral genlculaLe cell acLlvaLlon. We look forward Lo dlscusslng wlLh conference aLLendees oLher posslble experlmenLs
for reveallng Lhe mlcrosLrucLure of qualla.

ConLacL: skleln[

A detect|on theoret|c exp|anat|on of b||nds|ght suggests a ||nk between consc|ous percept|on and metacogn|t|on

osh|ak| ko [1]
nakwan Lau [1, 2]

[1] ueparLmenL of sychology, Columbla unlverslLy, new ?ork, n? 10027, uSA
[2] uonders lnsLlLuLe for 8raln, CognlLlon, and 8ehavlour, 8adboud unlverslLy nl[megen, nl[megen, 1he neLherlands

(2-037 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

8llndslghL refers Lo Lhe rare ablllLy of v1-damaged paLlenLs Lo perform vlsual Lasks such as forced-cholce
dlscrlmlnaLlon, even Lhough Lhese paLlenLs clalm noL Lo consclously see Lhe relevanL sLlmull. 1hls sLrlklng phenomenon
can be descrlbed ln Lhe formal Lerms of slgnal deLecLlon Lheory: (l) bllndslghL paLlenLs use an unusually conservaLlve
crlLerlon Lo deLecL LargeLs, (ll) ln dlscrlmlnaLlon Lasks, Lhelr confldence raLlngs are low and (lll) such confldence raLlngs

poorly predlcL Lask accuracy on a Lrlal-by-Lrlal basls, (lv) Lhelr deLecLlon capaclLy (d') ls lower Lhan expecLed based on
Lhelr performance ln forced-cholce Lasks. We propose a unlfylng explanaLlon LhaL accounLs for Lhese feaLures: LhaL
bllndslghL ls due Lo a fallure Lo represenL and updaLe Lhe sLaLlsLlcal lnformaLlon regardlng Lhe lnLernal vlsual neural
response, l.e. a fallure ln meLacognlLlon. We provlde compuLaLlonal slmulaLlon daLa Lo demonsLraLe LhaL Lhls model
can quallLaLlvely accounL for Lhe deLecLlon LheoreLlc feaLures of bllndslghL. 8ecause such meLacognlLlve mechanlsms
are llkely Lo depend on Lhe prefronLal corLex, Lhls suggesLs LhaL alLhough bllndslghL ls Lyplcally due Lo damage Lo Lhe
prlmary vlsual corLex, dlsLal lnfluence Lo Lhe prefronLal corLex by such damage may be crlLlcal. 8ecenL braln lmaglng
evldence supporLs Lhls vlew.

ConLacL: yoshlakl.d.ko[

Spat|a| attract|on w|th causa||ty percept|on based on sem|-|ntent|ona| act|on through synchron|zed tapp|ng
exchange between two persons

kenr| kodaka
uk| Ish|hara

CraduaLe School of nagoya ClLy unlverslLy of ueslgn & ArchlLecLure

(1-036 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

An lnLenLlonal acLlon naLurally lnvolves an evenL wlLh a varleLy of sensory consequences ln Lhe physlcal world.
1emporal aLLracLlon (Paggard 2002), a sLrlklng dlsLorLlonal effecL verlfled by many researchers, shows our bralns are
prone Lo lnLerpreL LhaL an evenL happens ln close sync wlLh an acLlon Lo sLrengLhen Lhe percepLlon of causallLy.
1urnlng Lo Lhe spaLlal aspecL, some sLudles have shown LhaL a comblnaLlon of muLually causal vlsual evenLs (8uehner
eL al. 2010) or a Louch acLlon gulded by an experlmenLer and Lhe synchronlzed evenL of Lhe sub[ecL belng Louched
(Lhrsson eL al. 2003) can lead Lo a spaLlal aLLracLlon. Powever, weaLher an lnLenLlonal acLlon lnvolves spaLlal
aLLracLlon ls sLlll unclear. 1hls research shows LhaL a causallLy percepLlon LogeLher wlLh an lnLenLlonal acLlon can also
lnduce a sLrong spaLlal aLLracLlon. ln our experlmenL, a bllndfolded sub[ecL Lapped on a lefL hand (LP) of an
experlmenLer wlLh hls/her own rlghL hand (8P) rhyLhmlcally ln Llme Lo successlve Lunes played on a speaker. AfLer Lhe
sub[ecL learned Lo Louch ln a nearly lnLenLlonal way, Lhe experlmenLer 8P Lapped on Lhe sub[ecL's LP, placed on a
sLand 13 cm below from Lhe desk slmulLaneously. AlmosL all of Lhe parLlclpanLs felL as lf Lhey had Louched Lhelr own
hand and esLlmaLed Lhe helghL of own LP Lo be aL a slgnlflcanLly hlgher poslLlon Lhan under Lhe normal condlLlon,
whlch ls evldence of a verLlcal spaLlal aLLracLlon beLween Lhe acLlon plane and Lhe sensory evenL plane. lurLhermore,
we dlscuss a characLerlsLlc 8P movemenL observed durlng Lapplng LhaL may be aLLrlbuLed Lo an acLual body aLLracLlon
Lo Lhe lmaglnary hand.

ConLacL: kenrl[[p

erceptua| changes and emot|ona| |mpact of sensory augmentat|on
eter kn|g [1, 2]
I. Schwandt [1]
kaspar [1]
S.U. kn|g [1]

[1] lnsLlLuLe of CognlLlve Sclence, unlverslLy Csnabrck
[2] lnsLlLuLe of SysLems neurosclence, unlverslLy Medlcal CenLer Pamburg Lppendorf

(1-037 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

LnacLed Lheorles of consclousness con[ecLure LhaL percepLlon and cognlLlon arlse from an acLlve experlence of Lhe
regular relaLlons LhaL are Lylng LogeLher sensory sLlmulaLlon and assoclaLed moLor acLlons. revlous experlmenLs
explored Lhls hypoLhesls employlng Lhe Lechnlque of sensory augmenLaLlon wlLh Lhe feelSpace belL. 1hls belL maps
dlrecLlonal lnformaLlon measured by a compass Lo a seL of vlbraLors by acLlvaLlng Lhe elemenL polnLlng norLh. Pere we
sysLemaLlcally lnvesLlgaLe percepLual changes ln a larger cohorL. A LoLal of 14 sub[ecLs and conLrols Lralned over a
perlod of 7 weeks wlLh/ouL a newly deslgned fM8l compaLlble feelSpace belL. We comblned dally dlarles, weekly
evaluaLlons, and psychomeLrlc LesLs Lo assess changes ln sensory experlences. We flnd LhaL a hlgh appeal and usablllLy
of Lhe feelSpace belL LhroughouL Lhe Lralnlng perlod. Cver Llme Lhe LacLlle percepLlon dlmlnlshed and was less
consclously percelved. hanLom vlbraLlons occurred less frequenLly and Lhe slgnal was more percelved as locaLlon or

dlrecLlonal lnformaLlon. All buL one sub[ecL reporLed quallLaLlve changes ln percepLlon of space. ercelved space was
descrlbed as geLLlng wlder and lncludlng areas LhaL were noL dlrecLly vlslble or Langlble. Sub[ecLs reporLed an lncrease
ln several aspecLs of spaLlal orlenLaLlon, and lmproved Lhelr orlenLaLlon and navlgaLlonal performance ln Lhelr own
esLlmaLlon. lor Lhe sub[ecLs Lhe mosL lmporLanL effecL of Lhe belL was an enhanced feellng of securlLy ln known and
unknown surroundlng. 1he presenLed resulLs are compaLlble wlLh enacLed Lheorles of consclous percepLlon and
demonsLraLe Lhe pragmaLlc uLlllLy of Lhe feelSpace belL.

ConLacL: pkoenlg[

Lxaggerated se|f |n sch|zophren|a eva|uated by the sense of agency task (Neo-ke|o method)

Ak|h|ro korek| [1]
1akak| Maeda [1]
n|rotaka Iukush|ma [2]
1sukasa Ck|mura [1]
ke|suke 1akahata [3]
Satosh| Umeda [4]
Moto|ch|ro kato [1]
Masaru M|mura [1]

[1] ueparLmenL of neuropsychlaLry, kelo unlverslLy School of Medlclne
[2] laculLy of Soclology, kansal unlverslLy
[3] Molecular lmaglng CenLer, naLlonal lnsLlLuLe of 8adlologlcal Sclences
[4] ueparLmenL of sychology, kelo unlverslLy School of Medlclne

(1-033 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

1he sense of agency (SoA) ls Lhe aLLrlbuLlon of oneself as Lhe cause of one's own acLlons and Lhelr effecLs. We have
reporLed LhaL paLlenLs wlLh schlzophrenla demonsLraLed excesslve SoA uslng our orlglnal Lask where parLlclpanLs were
asked wheLher Lhey aLLrlbuLed Lhe self as a cause of change ln a vlsual sLlmulus, whlch exhlblLed a varlable degree of
Lemporal dlscrepancy wlLh Lhelr own acLlons (Maeda eL al., 2012). 1hls Lask could evaluaLe boLh feellng and [udgmenL
componenLs of SoA, and we prevlously dlscussed LhaL [udgmenL componenLs would play a key role ln over-aLLrlbuLlon
of agency. ln order Lo lnLenslvely evaluaLe Lhe conLrlbuLlon of [udgmenL componenLs, we revlsed our former SoA Lask.
1hls sLudy applled an adapLaLlon meLhod" on a Lrlal-by-Lrlal basls. When a parLlclpanL aLLrlbuLed self-agency Lo a
cerLaln Lemporal delay, Lhe delay ln Lhe nexL Lrlal was exLended so LhaL Lhe lndlvldual was less llkely Lo make a self-
aLLrlbuLlon. Conversely, Lhe delay was shorLened when Lhe sub[ecL aLLrlbuLed Lo a non-self" cause. 1hls sLyle makes
Lhelr [udgmenL dlfflculL. Moreover parLlclpanLs were lnsLrucLed Lo make a same sLyled color [udgmenL as conLrol Lask.
1hlrLy paLlenLs wlLh schlzophrenla and 30 conLrols were enrolled ln Lhls sLudy. We found LhaL paLlenLs demonsLraLed
exLremely excesslve SoA even ln longer Lemporal delay. uncerLaln Lask slLuaLlon would lnduce paLhologlcal
conLrlbuLlons of [udgmenL componenL of SoA ln schlzophrenla, resulLlng ln Lhe exaggeraLed self. Cn Lhe oLher hand,
boLh groups showed normal color [udgmenL, whlch means LhaL Lhelr aberranL resulLs are speclflc problem ln sense of

ConLacL: rohlklaklreko[[p

Induc|ng task-re|evant responses |n the s|eep|ng bra|n

Lou|se Goup|| [1, 2]
1r|stan A. 8ek|nschte|n [2]
Leonardo S. 8arbosa [1]
S|d kou|der [1]

[1] LaboraLolre de Sclences CognlLlves eL sychollngulsLlque, Cn8S/LPLSS/uLC-LnS, arls, lrance
[2] CognlLlon and 8raln Sclences unlL, Medlcal 8esearch Councll, Cambrldge, uk.

(2-030 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

Sleep ls characLerlzed by a lack of behavloural responses Lo Lhe envlronmenL, buL Lhe exLenL Lo whlch Lhe braln
conLlnues Lo process exLernal sLlmull remalns largely unknown. Pere, by comblnlng a Lask lnducLlon sLraLegy wlLh

elecLroencephalographlc (LLC) measures of response preparaLlon, we sLudled wheLher sleeplng sub[ecLs can perform
declslons on Lhe meanlng of spoken words. Awake sub[ecLs caLegorlsed words as elLher anlmals or ob[ecLs whlle
LranslLlonlng Lowards sleep and Lhen conLlnued belng LesLed for coverL response preparaLlon Lowards Lhe approprlaLe
caLegory durlng early non-8LM sleep. 1wo braln markers of lnLenLlon-Lo-acL, laLerallzed readlness poLenLlals and
effecLor-speclflc desynchronlsaLlon ln mu and beLa bands, revealed LhaL Lhe parLlclpanLs conLlnue Lo Lrlgger caLegory-
speclflc responses even afLer falllng asleep. 1hese flndlngs show LhaL desplLe Lhe absence of awareness and
behavloural responses, lndlvlduals can sLlll exLracL Lask-relevanL lnformaLlon from exLernal sLlmull and prepare Lo
respond durlng sleep.

ConLacL: lougoupll[

Sub||m|na| pr|m|ng of spontaneous|y exper|enced memor|es

Lara C. kr|sst [1]
A|||son k. A||en [1]
Mered|th Lanska [2]
Lzequ|e| Morse||a [1, 3]

[1] San lranclsco SLaLe unlverslLy
[2] 8lnghamLon unlverslLy
[3] unlverslLy of Callfornla, San lranclsco

(2-038 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

8esearch reveals LhaL consclous conLenLs can be lnfluenced by unconsclous processes (Morsella & 8argh, 2011).
LlmlLed research, however, has lnvesLlgaLed wheLher unconsclous processes lnfluence sponLaneously experlenced
memorles. 1o examlne Lhls phenomenon, we prlmed parLlclpanLs wlLh subllmlnal words uslng backward masklng and
Lhen asked parLlclpanLs Lo reflecL on Lhelr auLoblographlcal memorles. ln SLudy 1, parLlclpanLs (n 38) compleLed
Lhree blocks LhaL prlmed dlfferenL llfe seLLlngs (e.g., lamlllal: e.g., 'PCML', ArLlsLlc: 'Aln1', 8ecreaLlonal: 'CAMlnC').
AfLerwards, parLlclpanLs were asked Lo reflecL brlefly (3 mln) on auLoblographlcal memorles. lollowlng Lhe reflecLlon
perlod, parLlclpanLs raLed on a scale of 1 Lo 8 how represenLaLlve plcLures (from slx dlsLlncL llfe seLLlngs) were of Lhe
memorles Lhey experlenced. CaLegory conLenL relaLed Lo Lhe subllmlnal prlmes was raLed as more represenLaLlve of
Lhe experlenced auLoblographlcal memorles (M 4.29, SLM .29) Lhan unrelaLed conLenL (M 3.41, SLM .21), l(1,
37) 11.83, p .0013 (p2 .24). ln SLudy 2, parLlclpanLs (n 10) compleLed Lwo blocks ln whlch Lhey were prlmed
wlLh words from dlfferenL llfe seLLlngs (l.e., lamlllal and Career). lollowlng each subllmlnal word presenLaLlon,
parLlclpanLs were asked Lo reflecL (13 sec) on auLoblographlcal memorles and Lhen paraphrase whaL Lhey happened Lo
remlnlsce abouL. 1o ensure LhaL sLlmull were rendered subllmlnal, we lncluded a forced-cholce word selecLlon Lask,
reveallng LhaL sLlmulus deLecLlon was aL chance levels (33.89). arLlclpanLs' memorles revealed an effecL from Lhe
famlllal prlmes, L(10) - 2.36, p 0.03. We dlscuss Lhe LheoreLlcal lmpllcaLlons of Lhese flndlngs.

ConLacL: lkrlssL[

Sh|e|d|ng consc|ousness from amb|gu|ty: We know noth|ng about what we d|d not see |n an amb|guous d|sp|ay

M|chae| kubovy

unlverslLy of vlrglnla

(2-039 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

ln a serles of slx experlmenLs wlLh Len observers each of whom parLlclpaLed ln Lwelve hours of daLa collecLlon, l show
LhaL no lnformaLlon ls avallable abouL Lhe unseen verslons of an amblguous sLlmulus. 1he experlmenLs use doL laLLlces
(kubovy, 1994), a class of sLlmull LhaL has proven Lo be a powerful Lool for Lhe quanLlflcaLlon of percepLual
organlzaLlon. 1hese sLlmull are quadrlsLable, and when Lhey are brlefly dlsplayed, noLhlng can be lnferred from whaL
was seen abouL whaL mlghL have been seen. 8ecause Lhey have four alLernaLlves, we can use Lhe second-cholce
Lechnlque flrsL used Lo refuLe Lhe hlgh-Lhreshold Lheory of slgnal deLecLlon slxLy years ago. 1he loglc of Lhe second-
cholce experlmenL runs Lhus: presenL a sLlmulus LhaL offers four muLually excluslve responses, one of whlch ls correcL.
Cn Lrlals durlng whlch observers chose lncorrecLly, glve Lhem a second opporLunlLy Lo ldenLlfy Lhe correcL alLernaLlve
ouL of Lhe remalnlng Lhree. lf Lhey have no lnformaLlon beyond whaL Lhey LhoughL Lhey saw, Lhe probablllLy of a

second-cholce correcL response ls 1/3. uslng Lwo varlanLs of Lhls Lechnlque whlch do noL requlre Lhe exlsLence of a
correcL response, l show LhaL observers know noLhlng beyond whaL Lhey saw. l conclude LhaL ln Lhls slLuaLlon,
consclousness ls shlelded from amblgulLy. l con[ecLure LhaL all consclousness ls shlelded from amblgulLy.

ConLacL: kubovy[

Is free w||| a state or a process?

L|ng-Iang kuo [1]
A||en . noung [1, 2]

[1] Consclousness 8esearch Croup, naLlonal ?ang-Mlng unlverslLy
[2] lnsLlLuLe of hllosophy of Mlnd and CognlLlon, naLlonal ?ang-Mlng unlverslLy

(1-014 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

lree wlll seems Lo be ellmlnaLed by neural-psychologlcal evldence, such as 8en[amln LlbeL's classlc experlmenL (2003).
Powever, Lhese Lheorles presuppose whaL l call a sLaLe-vlew" of free wlll. ln Lhls paper, l argue for Lhe dlsLlncLlon
beLween a sLaLe-vlew versus a process-vlew framework of neural-psychologlcal Lheorles. 1radlLlonally, we regard a
free volunLary acLlon as a momenL of endogenous menLal cholce aL a speclflc Llme sllce. 1hus, researchers sLarLed Lo
answer wheLher we have free wlll by analyzlng Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhose endogenous menLal sLaLes and oLher
sLaLes. lor lnsLance, LlbeL wanLed Lo know Lhe order of free cholce and readlness poLenLlal (8). uanlel Wegner (2002,
2004) almed aL flndlng wheLher Lhere ls a real causal relaLlon beLween consclous wlll and behavlor. l wlll propose a
process-vlew framework, whlch regards free wlll as a process of maklng declslons, Lo relnLerpreL Lhe resulLs of
prevlous sLudles wlLhouL presupposlng Lhe sLaLe vlew. 1hls process lncludes Lhree phases: reacLlng Lo sLlmulus,
slmulaLlon, and predlcLlon and comparlson. 1hls vlew ls conslsLenL wlLh a recenL Lrend Lowards process-orlenLed
Lheorles. Accordlng Lo recenL sclenLlflc sLudles, relaLed Lo free wlll, we reallze LhaL our volunLary acLlons lnvolve
several corLlcal moLor clrculLs. aLrlck Paggard (2008) ralses a naLurallzed model of human vollLlon whlch conLalns flve
sLages. vollLlon happens noL [usL aL any slngle sLage buL ln a whole process. When we adopL Lhe process vlew, lL ls
naLural Lo ask whaL ls golng on when or before 8 happened, whlch can glve us more flne-gralned Lheorles of free wlll.

ConLacL: slerra214133[

1ak|ng a [ab at the 'hard prob|em'
Lukasz kurowsk|

?ork unlverslLy, 1oronLo

(2-013 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

hllosophers and cognlLlve neurosclenLlsLs have been grappllng wlLh Lrylng Lo come up wlLh neurophenomenologlcal
proposals LhaL would crack whaL ls known as Lhe 'hard problem' of consclousness (Chalmers, 1996). Accordlng Lo
Chalmers, Lhe many aLLempLs flgurlng ln llLeraLure provlde answers Lo Lhe 'easy' problems: flgurlng ouL Lhe
mechanlsms of aLLenLlon, memory, self-reflecLlon and lnformaLlon processlng of a cognlLlve sysLem, however, Lhe
'hard' problem ls abouL showlng why Lhese mechanlsms, ln prlnclple, are coupled wlLh feellngs or sensaLlons -
phenomenal consclousness. My proposal ls Lhreefold: flrsLly, l suggesL LhaL Lhe soluLlons musL be locaLed ln neural
mechanlsms, secondly, l conLenL LhaL Lhe besL candldaLe for showlng how sensaLlons and percepLlons are coupled
LogeLher ln psychologlcal Llme ls found ln Lhe re-enLranL neuronal looplng beLween Lhe Lhalamus and wldely
dlsLrlbuLed corLlcal areas, and Lhlrdly, LhaL Lhe bedrock of Lhls mechanlsm ls found ln whaL ls called 'cenLral paLLern

ConLacL: luxLerek[

Sw|tch|ng attent|on to the rubber hand

1|mothy Lane [1, 2, 3]
Su-L|ng eh [4, S, 6]

An-| Chang [4]

[1] CraduaLe lnsLlLuLe of Medlcal PumanlLles, 1alpel Medlcal unlverslLy, 1alpel, 1alwan
[2] lnsLlLuLe of Luropean and Amerlcan SLudles, Academla Slnlca, 1alpel, 1alwan
[3] 8esearch CenLer for Mlnd, 8raln, and Learnlng, naLlonal Chengchl unlverslLy, 1alpel, 1alwan
[4] ueparLmenL of sychology, naLlonal 1alwan unlverslLy, 1alpel, 1alwan
[3] CraduaLe lnsLlLuLe of 8raln and Mlnd Sclences, naLlonal 1alwan unlverslLy, 1alpel, 1alwan
[6] neuroblology and CognlLlve neurosclence CenLer, naLlonal 1alwan unlverslLy, 1alpel, 1alwan

(2-060 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

When Lhe rubber hand llluslon (8Pl) ls lnduced, parLlclpanLs experlence an lmlLaLlon hand as belonglng Lo self.
1yplcally lL ls lnduced by havlng parLlclpanLs look aL Lhe lmlLaLlon whlle lL ls sLoked ln synchrony wlLh Lhe occluded,
real hand. Models purporLlng Lo explaln Lhe llluslon emphaslze mulLlsensory lnLegraLlon and passlve response
(Lhrsson, 2012, Moseley eL al., 2012, 1saklrls, 2010), whlle excludlng execuLlve funcLlons. 8uL Lhese models fall Lo
explaln dlverslLy of reacLlon Lo 8Pl lnducLlon aLLempLs. Seeklng Lo explaln dlverslLy we dlscovered LhaL mlnd
wanderlng negaLlvely correlaLes wlLh Lhe 8Pl, whlle Lask swlLch and shlfL aLLenLlon poslLlvely correlaLe wlLh lL. Mlnd
wanderlng was assessed by a verslon of Lhe SusLalned ALLenLlon Lo 8esponse 1ask, Lask swlLch, by havlng parLlclpanLs
render [udgmenLs when performlng dlsLlncL Lasks, wlLh ablllLy Lo swlLch deLermlned by comparlng swlLch and
repeLlLlon Lrlals, and, shlfL aLLenLlon, by an ALLenLlonal ConLrol Scale. ln llghL of Lhese daLa, we propose LhaL sufflclenL
explanaLlon wlll requlre lncluslon of execuLlve funcLlons LhaL enable swlLchlng from lnLernal LhoughLs and feellngs of
mlnd wanderlng back Lo Lask-relaLed, exLernal sLlmull. Cur flndlngs lmply LhaL Lhe llluslon mlghL need Lo be re-
characLerlzed, such LhaL experlenclng Lhe llluslon lnvolves Lask performance-chooslng beLween Lwo hands when
sensory experlences confllcL. lncluslon of execuLlve funcLlons helps explaln success and fallure Lo experlence Lhe
llluslon, as well as apparenL anomalles, e.g. Lhe feellng LhaL a block of wood belongs Lo self (Armel and 8amachandran,
2003). lL also slLuaLes Lhe 8Pl wlLhln a comprehenslve framework for undersLandlng consclousness.

ConLacL: Llmlane13[

Irequency of precogn|t|ve dreams and |uc|d dreams: D|fferent|a| patterns of assoc|at|on w|th consc|ousness |n
|mpactfu| dreams
M|ng-N| Lee

naLlonal uong-hwa unlverslLy, 1alwan, 8.C.C.

(1-034 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

1here ls evldence LhaL alLered sLaLes of consclousness (ASCs) were found Lo be more conduclve Lo psl funcLlon
(lncludlng precognlLlon) (1arL, 1978). 1here ls also some evldence LhaL a cerLaln amounL of reflecLlve awareness (Lhe
expanslon of consclousness, 8ossl, 1983) may occur durlng dreamlng (Cackenbach, 1991, Creen & McCreery, 1994,
La8erge, 1983). 1he growlng body of research on lucld dreamlng and consclous awareness polnLed ln Lhe dlrecLlon
LhaL, as ullman, krlppner, and vaughan (1973) suggesLed, dreams" should remaln a ma[or focus ln Lhe quesL Lo
undersLand precognlLlve phenomena. erhaps, clarlfylng Lhe slmllarlLles and dlfferences beLween precognlLlve
dreamlng and lucld dreamlng ls crlLlcal ln Lhe early sLage of research ln Lhls mysLerlous realm. 1he presenL research
was lnLended Lo explore Lhe relaLlonshlps beLween frequencles of precognlLlve dreamlng experlences, lucld dreamlng
experlences, and feaLures of consclousness (especlally reflecLlve awareness, Lee, 2010, Lee, kulken, & Czupryn, 2007)
wlLhln reporLed lmpacLful dreams. 1he flndlngs suggesLed LhaL dream recall raLe was assoclaLed wlLh boLh frequencles
of precognlLlve dreamlng experlences and lucld dreamlng experlences ln Lhe pasL one year. Powever, hlgher
frequency of precognlLlve dreams was assoclaLed wlLh lncreased depersonallzaLlon ln a recenL (wlLhln Lhe pasL Lhree
monLhs), mosL lmpacLful dream, ln conLrasL, hlgher frequency of lucld dreams was assoclaLed wlLh lncreased lucld
mlndfulness ln a recenL, mosL lmpacLful dream. 1he lmpllcaLlons of Lhls sLudy wlll be furLher dlscussed.

ConLacL: mlngnl[

Aut|sm, comp|ex emot|ons, and the symbo||c representat|ons

ka eung Leung

naLlonal ?ang-Mlng unlverslLy, 1alpel, 1alwan


(1-013 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

eople wlLh auLlsLlc specLrum dlsorders (ASus) usually have problems wlLh emoLlon expresslons and emoLlon
recognlLlon. ln Lhls paper, l develop a new hypoLhesls of complex emoLlons Lo argue LhaL auLlsLlc paLlenLs have such
klnd of problems due Lo Lhe deflclL ln Lhe ablllLy of symbollc represenLaLlons. Some sLudles assume LhaL auLlsLlc
paLlenLs have problems wlLh soclal-relaLed emoLlons because Lhey lack some ablllLles Lo use language or Lhe ablllLy of
Lheory of mlnd. Powever, Lhere ls no Lheory whlch can fully explaln why auLlsLlc paLlenLs have problems wlLh
expresslons and recognlLlon of soclal-relaLed emoLlons. l argue LhaL Lhe deflclL ln emoLlon expresslons and recognlLlon
of auLlsLlc paLlenLs ls caused by Lhe deflclL ln Lhelr complex emoLlons. Complex emoLlons presuppose Lhe ablllLy of
symbollc represenLaLlon, Lhe ablllLy Lo use absLracL symbols Lo represenL ob[ecLs ln Lhe envlronmenL, whlch ls more
fundamenLal Lhan Lhe ablllLy of Lheory of mlnd and ablllLy Lo use language. AuLlsLlc paLlenLs have deflclL ln Lhelr
ablllLles of symbollc represenLaLlons, and Lhus cannoL develop enough complex emoLlons Lo express and Lo
undersLand oLhers' emoLlon expresslons. lurLhermore, my hypoLhesls can explaln why Lhe Asperger's paLlenLs, who
have beLLer ablllLy of symbollc represenLaLlons Lhan hlgh-funcLlonlng and low-funcLlonlng auLlsLlc paLlenLs, can have
beLLer soclal-relaLed emoLlon expresslons and emoLlon recognlLlon Lhan Lhe oLhers.

ConLacL: gulongol[

Work|ng memory modu|ates consc|ous and unconsc|ous cogn|t|ve contro| |n a metacontrast mask|ng task
1|ngt|ng L| [1]
|ufang Iu [2]
k|ao|an Iu [2]

[1] SLaLe key LaboraLory of 8raln and CognlLlve Sclence, Chlna
[2] lnsLlLuLe of sychology, Chlnese Academy of Sclences, Chlna

(2-061 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

8ecenL sLudles found LhaL cognlLlve conLrol can occur boLh consclously and unconsclously ln a meLaconLrasL masklng
Lask. Powever, lL remalns unclear whaL Lhe roles of worklng memory are ln unconsclous and consclous cognlLlve
conLrol. 1he presenL sLudy almed Lo adress Lhls quesLlon by adopLlng n-back Lasks ln a meLaconLrasL masklng Lask.
uurlng Lhe meLaconLrasL masklng Lask, parLlclpanLs were asked Lo respond Lo Lhe dlrecLlon of LargeLs and lgnore Lhe
prlmes. uurlng Lhe n-back Lask, parLlclpanLs had Lo reporL wheLher Lhe currenLly presenLed leLLer was ldenLlcal Lo Lhe
leLLer Lwo or one Lrlal before ln 2- or 1-back condlLlon, and weaLher Lhe currenL leLLer was x ln 0-back condlLlon.
arLlclpanLs ln Lhe slngle-Lask condlLlon compleLed only Lhe meLaconLrasL masklng Lask, buL parLlclpanLs ln Lhe dual-
Lask condlLlon needed Lo compleLe an n-back Lask precedlng Lhe meLaconLrasL Lask on each Lrlal. Whenever Lhe prlme
was 14 or 126 ms, parLlclpanLs ln boLh condlLlons responded slower Lo lncongruenL (dlrecLlons of prlmes and LargeLs
were opposlLe) Lhan congruenL Lrlals (dlrecLlons of prlmes and LargeLs were ldenLlcal). Powever, Lhe confllcL effecL ln
Lhe slngle-Lask condlLlon was smaller for Lrlals preceded by an lncongruenL Lrlal Lhan Lrlals preceded by a congruenL
Lrlal, buL Lhe confllcL effecLs ln Lhe dual-Lask condlLlon wlLh all n-back Lasks were noL. 1he resulLs flrsL demonsLraLed
LhaL unconsclous and consclous conLrol wlLhln Lrlals was noL lnfluenced by worklng memory load alLhough Lhe confllcL
effecLs beLween Lrlals were. 1he flndlngs help Lo undersLand Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween worklng memory and consclous
and unconsclous cognlLlve conLrol.

ConLacL: llLL[

What |s the most fundamenta| un|ty of consc|ousness?

1|ng-An L|n
A||en . noung

naLlonal ?ang-Mlng unlverslLy

(2-013 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

Accordlng Lo Lhe classlflcaLlons made by 1lm 8ayne (2010), Lhere are four dlfferenL klnds of unlLy of consclousness:
sub[ecL unlLy, represenLaLlonal unlLy, access unlLy, and phenomenal unlLy. Among Lhese unlLles of consclousness,

8ayne asserLs LhaL Lhe sub[ecL unlLy ls Lrlvlal and Lakes Lhe phenomenal unlLy Lo be Lhe mosL fundamenLal one.
Powever, l wlll use Allen ?. Poung's unlfylng rocess Model (uM) of Lhe self (2013) Lo argue LhaL slnce Lhe
phenomenal unlLy presupposes Lhe sub[ecL unlLy, Lhe sub[ecL unlLy ls Lhe mosL fundamenLal unlLy whlch can never be
dlsrupLed. Accordlng Lo Lhe uM Lheory, self ls a dynamlcal unlfylng process for unlfylng Lhe lnLerocepLlve and Lhe
exLerocepLlve sLlmull. 1hrough unlfylng Lhe lnLerocepLlve lnformaLlon, Lhe self Lhen consLrucLs a polnL of vlew whlch
can experlence Lhe world. All Lhe lnformaLlon experlenced by Lhe polnL of vlew ls Lhus unlfled Lo Lhe same sub[ecL and
glve rlse Lo Lhe sub[ecL unlLy whlch makes all Lhe consclous sLaLes are had by Lhe same sub[ecL of experlence aL Lhe
same Llme. 1he formaLlons of oLher unlLes, lncludlng Lhe phenomenal unlLy, are based on Lhe sub[ecL unlLy. 8y
unlfylng more sLlmull, Lhe self Lhen consLrucLs a phenomenal fleld based on Lhe formed polnL of vlew. All Lhe
experlences are subsumed by Lhe phenomenal fleld and Lhus resulL ln Lhe phenomenal unlLy LhaL makes Lhe sub[ecL
has an experlence of someLhlng lL ls llke Lo be ln all Lhe consclous sLaLes aL once". 1he uM Lheory analyzes Lhe cause
of Lhe unlLy of consclousness and shows LhaL Lhe sub[ecL unlLy ls Lhe mosL fundamenLal unlLy.

ConLacL: lsly17[

now do ca|endr|ca| savants answer date quest|ons?
Chun-u L|n
Io-Me| nung
I|a-M|n nong

ueparLmenL of sychology, naLlonal Cheng kung unlverslLy

(1-033 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

Calendrlcal savanLs have Lhe asLonlshlng ablllLy Lo answer Lhe day of Lhe week of a glven daLe wlLhouL Lhe help from
exLernal devlces. lor example, Lhey can Lell you LhaL !uly 14 ln 2020 ls 1uesday wlLhln seconds. lL has been proposed
LhaL Lhey may be memorlzlng Lhe calendars Lhey have seen before Lhrough exLenslve pracLlce and sLudylng, or Lhey
could be calculaLlng Lhe answers by uslng some calendar regulaLlons or rules. 1he exacL meLhod of how Lhey achleve lL
ls sLlll under debaLe. ln a serles of sLudles, we lnvesLlgaLed Lhls lssue ln several 1alwanese calendrlcal savanLs.
LxperlmenL 1 showed LhaL all of our calendrlcal savanLs could answer daLe quesLlons wlLh hlgh speed and accuracy ln
dlfferenL range of daLes. LxperlmenL 2 showed LhaL Lhey could memorlze a year calendar wlLh only shorL exposure Lo
lL. ln LxperlmenL 3 and 4 we also found LhaL Lhey could use some calendar rules and anchor daLe knowledge Lo
calculaLe Lhe answers. ln sum, Lhe resulLs suggesLed LhaL each of our calendrlcal savanLs mlghL use boLh memory and
calculaLlon Lo dlfferenL levels Lo answer daLe quesLlons. CLher savanLs ln Lhe world may also have dlfferenL memory
ablllLles and calendar knowledge, whlch may affecL how Lhey answer Lhe daLe quesLlons. llndlngs from Lhls fleld may
have lmporLanL conLrlbuLlon Lo Lhe undersLandlng of how human memory and cognlLlon work.

ConLacL: glclln[

ay|ng attent|on to yourse|f: 1he re|at|onsh|ps among ep|sod|c memory, attent|on and se|f-consc|ousness.

1ed Lougheed

lnsLlLuLe of CognlLlve Sclence, CarleLon unlverslLy

(2-014 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

Colng back as far as Locke ls Lhe ldea LhaL selfhood depends excluslvely on memory. ln Lhe hlsLory of psychology and
cognlLlve sclence, some have suggesLed LhaL selfhood depends ln parLlcular on eplsodlc memory. 1hls proposal has
recenLly been challenged by a number of sLudles showlng LhaL paLlenLs who lack Lhe ablllLy Lo form new eplsodlc
memorles are able Lo malnLaln some sense of self" llmlLed Lo Lhe presenL. Whlle eplsodlc memorles may be
lmporLanL for malnLalnlng a sense of self exLended ln Llme, l argue LhaL a sense of self plays a key role ln Lhe formaLlon
of such memorles, Lurnlng Lhe dependency clalm on lLs head. 8elaLedly, l malnLaln LhaL aLLenLlonal resources are
requlred Lo malnLaln a sense of self, such LhaL when sald resources are dlrecLed away from self, eplsodlc memory
formaLlon ls reduced. l presenL lnslghLs gleaned from an ongolng sLudy abouL Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween self-
consclousness and eplsodlc memory ln neuroLyplcal parLlclpanLs. l hypoLheslze, flrsL, LhaL self-consclousness requlres
self-dlrecLed aLLenLlonal resources, and secondly, LhaL Lhe encodlng of eplsodlc memory ls slgnlflcanLly reduced ln Lhe
absence of speclflcally self-relaLed LhoughLs. l dlscuss Lhe laLesL resulLs of Lhls sLudy and whaL Lhey suggesL abouL Lhe

llnk beLween an exLended sense of self and eplsodlc memory. l wlll also explore Lhe lmpllcaLlons of Lhese resulLs on
Lhe debaLe abouL wheLher or noL consclousness enLalls or lmplles self-consclousness.

ConLacL: Led_lougheed[

1he re|at|onsh|p between depth of |nterocu|ar suppress|on and neura| process|ng of v|sua| ob[ect st|mu||

kar|n Ludw|g [1, 2]
Norbert kathmann [2]
h|||pp Sterzer [1]
Gu|do nesse|mann [1]

[1] vlsual ercepLlon LaboraLory, ueparLmenL of sychlaLry and sychoLherapy, Campus CharlLe MlLLe, CharlLe -
unlverslLaLsmedlzln 8erlln, Cermany
[2] kllnlsche sychologle, lnsLlLuL fr sychologle, MaLhemaLlsch-naLurwlssenschafLllche lakulLaL ll, PumboldL-
unlverslLaL zu 8erlln, Cermany

(2-033 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

A wldely accepLed Lheory ln vlslon sclence concerns Lhe funcLlonal speclallzaLlon of Lhe prlmaLe vlsual sysLem lnLo a
dorsal ''vlslon-for-acLlon'' and a venLral ''vlslon-for-percepLlon'' sLream. As opposed Lo processlng ln Lhe dorsal
sLream, venLral sLream processes are LhoughL Lo be closely assoclaLed wlLh vlsual awareness. 8ecenL neurolmaglng
work LhaL lnvesLlgaLed Lhls dlfferenLlal llnk Lo consclousness has ylelded conLroverslal resulLs. Cne sLudy reporLed
reduced venLral acLlvaLlon for lnvlslble sLlmull (rendered lnvlslble by conLlnuous flash suppresslon, ClS) compared Lo
vlslble sLlmull whlle dorsal acLlvaLlon appeared unaffecLed by sLlmulus vlslblllLy (lang & Pe, 2003). CLhers found
equally reduced acLlvlLy ln response Lo lnvlslble sLlmull ln boLh sLreams (Pesselmann & Malach, 2011). 1o resolve
Lhese confllcLlng resulLs, we lnvesLlgaLed caLegory-selecLlve blood oxygen level dependenL (8CLu) acLlvlLy ln boLh
vlsual sLreams as a funcLlon of sLlmulus vlslblllLy and depLh of lnLerocular suppresslon. As ln prevlous sLudles, we used
lmages of faces and Lools Lo LargeL venLral and dorsal sLream processlng, respecLlvely. 1argeL sLlmull were shown Lo
one eye whlle Lhe oLher eye was elLher presenLed wlLh ClS masks (lnvlslble condlLlon) or wlLh a blank screen (vlslble
condlLlon). ln Lhe lnvlslble condlLlon, suppresslon sLrengLh was manlpulaLed by varylng Lhe conLrasL of Lhe ClS masks.
AddlLlonally, we asked wheLher dorsal sLream responses Lo Lool sLlmull were relaLed Lo Lhelr connecLlon Lo vlsually
gulded acLlon or raLher Lo Lhelr speclflc (elongaLed) shape. 1o Lhls alm, we compared 8CLu responses Lo Lools LhaL
were clearly manlpulable buL noL elongaLed Lo acLlvaLlon Lo Lools wlLh an elongaLed shape.

ConLacL: karln.ludwlg[

Introspect|on revea|s covert |ntent|ons dur|ng ser|a| search

Sebast|en Mart| [1,2]
Laur|e 8ayet [1,2]
Stan|s|as Dehaene [1,2,3]

[1] lnSL8M, u992, CognlLlve neurolmaglng unlL, l-91191 Clf/?veLLe, lrance
[2] CLA, uSv/l28M, neuroSpln CenLer, l-91191 Clf/?veLLe, lrance
[3] College de lrance, l-73003 arls, lrance

(1-039 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

Pumans have Lhe ablllLy Lo monlLor Lhelr own cognlLlve operaLlons buL Lhls lnLrospecLlon ls Lyplcally LhoughL Lo be
lnaccuraLe. Pere, we challenged Lhls vlew by comparlng ob[ecLlve and sub[ecLlve reporLs wlLhln Lrlals. Sub[ecLs were
asked Lo perform a vlsual search Lask and Lo sub[ecLlvely reporL Lhe Lra[ecLory of Lhelr eye movemenLs. 1he
comparlson of lnLrospecLed eye movemenLs Lo 'real' eye movemenLs revealed LhaL sub[ecLs were able Lo reporL parL
of Lhe sequence of eye flxaLlons. Some eye flxaLlons remalned unnoLlced buL lnLrlgulngly, some lnLrospecLed flxaLlons
were noL relaLed Lo any eye movemenL. 1hese 'lllusory' flxaLlons followed Lhe observer's sLraLegy, predlcLed parL of
Lhe varlance of Lhe reacLlon Llme and were preceded by longer eye flxaLlons. We suggesL LhaL Lhese lllusory flxaLlons
reflecL coverL movemenLs of aLLenLlon durlng serlal search. 1hese daLa allows an esLlmaLlon of Lhe quallLy of
observers' lnLrospecLlon, and reveals experlmenLal effecLs of vlsual search LhaL would be lnaccesslble oLherwlse.


ConLacL: sebasLlen.marLl[

kef|ect|ons of v|sua| uncerta|nty and sub[ect|ve conf|dence on memory |oad and pup|| d||at|on

Mar|o Mart|nez-Sa|to
katsuyuk| Saka|

ueparLmenL of CognlLlve neurosclence, unlverslLy of 1okyo

(1-042 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

upll slze lncreases proporLlonally Lo Lhe cognlLlve load requlred by menLal Lasks and decreases subsequenLly as soon
as Lhe requlred cognlLlve load ls reduced. Moreover, pupll slze also lncreases sllghLly when sub[ecLs are warned Lhey
wlll be asked Lo perform a dlfflculL Lask. 1hus, pupll slze can be used as an lndex of Lhe momenLary memory load on a
sub[ecL. 8ecause consclousness ls by deflnlLlon a sub[ecLlve enLlLy, no ob[ecLlve measure exlsL LhaL can provlde
lnformaLlon on lL. Powever, lL ls posslble Lo Lap lnLo lLs mechanlsm lndlrecLly by means of sub[ecLlve measures such as
confldence and vlslblllLy raLlngs. Clven LhaL Lhe pupll dllaLes wlLh sympaLheLlc acLlvlLy and consLrlcLs wlLh
parasympaLheLlc acLlvlLy and lL ls a measure of Lhe resources lnvesLed ln a Lask, lLs ob[ecLlve accuracy and
unobLruslveness ln comblnaLlon wlLh sub[ecLlve measures have Lhe poLenLlal Lo shed new llghL on Lhe mechanlsms
underlylng sub[ecLlve reporLs. Pere, low-level feaLures of several sLlmull were modlfled creaLlng several verslons of
oLherwlse ldenLlcal sLlmull. 1hese sLlmull were presenLed under dlfferenL Lask condlLlons requlrlng dlfferenL levels of
processlng depLh. lurLhermore, vlslblllLy and confldence raLlngs were also obLalned ln separaLe sesslons. uaLa were
analyzed uslng slgnal deLecLlon Lheory and psychomeLrlc funcLlon flLLlng meLhods. 8eLween Lhe Lwo currenL ma[or
models for second-order [udgmenLs, namely Lhe dual-rouLe and Lhe hlerarchlcal model, Lhe resulLs seem Lo supporL
Lhe former. lndeed, as prellmlnary resulLs suggesL, even a prlorl lrrelevanL for [udgmenL low-level feaLures Lurn ouL Lo
lmplnge on sub[ecLlve measure reporLs.

ConLacL: selcoLslra[

Synesthes|a: Cont|nuous or d|screte? A study on the preva|ence of number person|f|cat|on |n Iapan

L|ko Matsuda [1,4]
1om Iroese [2]
n|deya k|tamura [3]
kazuo n|rak| [1]

[1] CraduaLe School of ArLs and Sclences, 1he unlverslLy of 1okyo
[2] CenLro de Clenclas de la Comple[ldad, unlversldad naclonal AuLnoma de Mexlco
[3] laculLy of Soclology, kansal unlverslLy
[4] !SS research fellow

(2-062 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

SynesLhesla ls LhoughL Lo be found ln [usL a small percenLage of people. lor lnsLance, number-color synesLhesla ls
observed ln only around 1 of Lhe populaLlon (Slmner eL al., 2006). Powever, as addlLlonal Lypes of cross-modal
assoclaLlon are recognlzed as synesLhesla, e.g. ordlnal llngulsLlc personlflcaLlon, a quesLlon arlses regardlng Lhe
evaluaLlon of Lhe overall degree of synesLhesla. We hypoLheslzed LhaL some Lypes of synesLhesla could be conLlnuous,
and LhaL weak forms could be found ln general. ln Lhls research, we focused on number personlflcaLlon, whlch ls
regarded as a Lype of synesLhesla because of lLs auLomaLlclLy and conslsLency (Slmner and PolensLeln, 2007). We
conducLed an onllne quesLlonnalre Lo sLudy lLs prevalence ln a populaLlon of !apanese sLudenLs. We asked our 33
parLlclpanLs Lo choose personallLles (gender, goodness, age and soclablllLy) from glven 3 cholces (e.g. 'male', 'female',
and 'none') for a randomlzed seL of numbers. 1he LesL ls repeaLed agaln afLer more Lhan one monLh Lo calculaLe
conslsLency. We expecLed LhaL Lhe populaLlon ls dlvlded lnLo Lwo dlsLlncL groups, synesLheLes and non-synesLheLes,
where synesLheLes would conslsLenLly choose personallLy aLLrlbuLes, whlle non-synesLheLes would Lend Lo answer
lnconslsLenLly or choose 'none'. Powever, Lhe resulLs show LhaL a large number of non-synesLheLes also chose
personal aLLrlbuLes, wlLh a modesL conslsLency level. 1hls suggesLs LhaL Lhe populaLlon cannoL be neaLly dlvlded lnLo
Lwo dlsLlncL groups. We argue LhaL synesLhesla ln general ls noL only found ln a speclal subseL of people, buL weak

forms of lL are more prevalenL Lhan prevlously expecLed.

ConLacL: elko[[p

Ia|se be||ef attr|but|on: An |nvest|gat|on of the neura| pattern account

Ayca Mazman [1]
Lauren I|nk [2]

[1] hu CandldaLe, ueparLmenL of hllosophy, unlverslLy of ClnclnnaLl
[2] undergraduaLe SLudenL, unlverslLy of ClnclnnaLl

(1-017 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

ln developmenLal psychology, Lhe false bellef Lask ls used Lo measure chlldren's ablllLy Lo aLLrlbuLe bellefs,
lnLenLlonallLy eLc., Lo oLhers. 8ecause chlldren Lyplcally pass Lhls LesL around four years of age, mosL researchers agree
LhaL by 4 years old chlldren possess a Lheory of mlnd (1oM). 1he debaLe ln 1oM research lles ln Lhe dlscrepancles of
lmpllclL vs. expllclL Lask passlng. 8esearchers have reporLed LhaL lnfanLs are passlng Lhe false bellef Lask lmpllclLly, vla
eye gaze measuremenL, as early as 13 monLhs, Lhough Lhey cannoL expllclLly, or verbally, pass lL unLll 3 or 4 years of
age. MulLlple, and ofLen conLradlcLory, Lheorles exlsL ln an aLLempL Lo explaln why Lhere ls Lhls gap, or Lhe llluslon of a
gap, beLween lmpllclL and expllclL passlng, as demonsLraLed by Lhe false bellef Lask. MosL of Lhese accounLs are
psychologlcal ones LhaL use menLal sLaLes, represenLaLlon, bellef and deslre as explanaLory forces. Powever, some
psychologlsLs llke 8uffman and erner (2003), Clemens and erner (1994), and Slrlos and !ackson (2007) have clalmed
LhaL, ln addlLlon Lo Lhese accounLs, Lhere ls a rlval Lheory LhaL supposedly could lncorporaLe braln reglons,
acLlve/laLenL memory sysLems, and/or lnhlblLory mechanlsms, eLc. ln explalnlng 1oM. 1hese psychologlsLs seem Lo
belleve LhaL psychologlcal accounLs of 1oM are separaLe from, and lncompaLlble wlLh, neurosclenLlflc ones. lollowlng
Marr's (1982) orlglnal ldea LhaL Lhere can be levels of explanaLlon ln psychology, we looked lnLo Lhe neurosclenLlflc
accounLs explalnlng Lhe gap ln 1oM acqulslLlon. 1hls paper focuses on Lhe lmpllcaLlons, and ulLlmaLe lnvalldlLy, of a
neural paLLern accounL proposed Lo explaln Lhe lmpllclL passlng/expllclL falllng gap.

ConLacL: aycamazman[

Adm|tt|ng the pragmat|c rea||ty of mu|t|p|y rea||zed menta| states

Nathan|e| A. Mor|

Cordon College

(1-018 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

l argue LhaL radlcal reducLlonlsLs beg Lhe quesLlon ln Lhe debaLe over mulLlple reallzablllLy (M8) by amblguously
argulng wlLh Lhe premlse LhaL dlsLlncL funcLlonal properLles necessarlly enLall dlsLlncL physlcal sLaLes, whlch ls ldenLlcal
Lo Lhelr concluslon. l focus on !ohn 8lckle's rebuLLal Lo kenneLh Alzawa, ln whlch M8 ls lmplled as a posslblllLy by Lhe
use of non-reducLlve ldenLlflers llke memory consolldaLlon", buL ls subsequenLly rendered lmposslble wlLh Lhe
argumenLaLlve clalm LhaL physlcal sLaLes are ldenLlcal Lo Lhelr supervenlng funcLlonal properLles. Speclflcally, 8lckle
observes memory consolldaLlon ln mulLlple specles, buL argues under Lhe preLense LhaL Lhls ls only verlflable when Lhe
funcLlon ls rooLed ln ldenLlcal blochemlcal processes. 1hls paradlgmaLlc lncommensurablllLy endorses Lhe pragmaLlc
value of a plurallsLlc sLance whlch afflrms M8 where anLl-reducLlonlsL Lheorles apply and denles M8 where
reducLlonlsL Lheorles apply.

ConLacL: naLhanlel.morl[

D|ssoc|at|ve d|sorders deve|op the|r symptoms |n a part|cu|ar order

Sho Mor|guch| [1,2]
ke|suke 1akahata [1,2]
1akak| Maeda [1]

Moto|ch|ro kato [1]
Masaru M|mura [1]

[1] ueparLmenL of neuropsychlaLry, kelo unlverslLy School of Medlclne
[2] Molecular lmaglng CenLer, naLlonal lnsLlLuLe of 8adlologlcal Sclences

(1-076 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

Seven paLlenLs are consldered as dlssoclaLlve dlsorder and shown as examples here. When Lhese paLlenLs are
sLressed, Lhey had a Lendency Lo develop Lhelr sympLoms ln a parLlcular order. 1he sympLoms appeared as follows: (1)
AnxleLy (depresslon, hypervenLllaLlon) (2) CognlLlve dysfuncLlon (memory dlsLurbance, vlsual percepLlon dysfuncLlon)
(3) unconsclous behavlor (parasomnla, eLc.) (4) PalluclnaLlon (audlLory halluclnaLlon, opLlcal llluslon) AL level (4),
many paLlenLs are dlagnosed as dlssoclaLlve dlsorder or schlzophrenla. aLlenLs aL level (1) and (2) are dlagnosed
acuLe sLress dlsorder or depresslon, and ofLen vlslL docLors from home. ln our cases, Lhe paLlenLs had a sympLom of
hypervenLllaLlon or sleeplng problems aL Lhe beglnnlng, when Lhey were sLressed. Powever, Lhelr sympLoms gradually
moved on Lo (2), (3) and (4) levels. ulssoclaLlve dlsorder ls very hard Lo dlagnose by psychlaLrlsLs. 1he developmenLal
phase of Lhe dlsorder ls unconsldered as much, whlch may causes Lhe dlagnose lssue. 1he seven cases LhaL show Lhe
serles of sympLoms ln Lhe order should glve an ldea and help very much psychlaLrlsLs Lo dlagnose Lhelr paLlenLs.

ConLacL: rlgu120[

D|fference between the nature of |nvo|untary and vo|untary memor|es for future events

1a|suke Mor|ta

1okyo unlverslLy of Sclence

(1-060 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

1he alm of Lhls sLudy was Lo explore dlfference beLween Lhe naLure of volunLary and lnvolunLary memorles for fuLure
evenLs. ln Lhree experlmenLs undergraduaLe parLlclpanLs performed free assoclaLlon Lasks. ln volunLary condlLlon,
parLlclpanLs were lnsLrucLed Lo remember memorles for fuLure evenLs durlng Lhe performance of Lhe free assoclaLlon
Lasks. ln lnvolunLary condlLlon, Lhey recelved no lnsLrucLlon regardlng rememberlng. lmmedlaLely afLer performlng
each free assoclaLlon Lask, Lhey were asked Lo reporL wheLher Lhey remembered memorles for fuLure evenLs durlng
Lhe performance of Lhe Lask. lurLhermore, Lhe parLlclpanLs who reporLed Lo have remembered memorles for fuLure
evenLs were asked Lo raLe Lhe speclflclLy of Lhe remembered memorles and Lhe exLenL Lo whlch Lhey had lnLended Lo
remember Lhe memorles. 8esulLs from Lhe experlmenLs showed LhaL Lhe number of memorles reporLed ln Lhe
volunLary condlLlon was slgnlflcanLly greaLer Lhan LhaL ln Lhe lnvolunLary condlLlon. Powever,lL also shown LhaL Lhere
was no dlfference ln Lhe speclflclLy of remembered memorles and Lhe exLenL of lnLenLlonallLy beLween Lhe volunLary
condlLlon and Lhe lnvolunLary condlLlon. 1hese resulLs are dlscussed ln Lerms of awareness of lnLenLlon and Lhe
dlfferences ln cognlLlve processes underlylng volunLary and lnvolunLary memory reLrleval.

ConLacL: LmorlLa[[p

Lmergence of consc|ous percepts |n degraded |mages: henomeno|ogy and stochast|c mode| based on feature-
comb|nat|on cod|ng of v|sua| ob[ects

1sutomu Murata [1, 2]
1akash| namada [2]
1etsuya Sh|mokawa [1, 2, 3]
Manabu 1an|fu[| [4]
1osh|o anag|da [1, 3]

[1] CenLer for lnformaLlon and neural neLworks (ClneL), naLlonal lnsLlLuLe of lnformaLlon and CommunlcaLlons
1echnology (nlC1), !apan
[2] Advanced lC1 8esearch CenLer, nlC1, !apan
[3] CraduaLe School of lronLler 8losclences, Csaka unlverslLy, !apan

[4] LaboraLory for lnLegraLlve neural SysLems, 8lkLn 8raln Sclence lnsLlLuLe, !apan

(1-039 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

lL ls well known LhaL recognlLlon of severely degraded lmages such as Lwo-Lone 'Mooney' lmages ls faclllLaLed by Lop-
down processlng, ln whlch prlorly glven lnformaLlon abouL Lhe ob[ecLs hldden ln Lhe lmages play a crlLlcal role ln
performlng segmenLaLlon and lnLerpolaLlon of Lhe defecLlve ob[ecL lmage. Lven ln Lhe absence of any such prlor
lnformaLlon, however, we can sLlll recognlze Lhe hldden ob[ecLs durlng conLlnued observaLlon ln an emergenL manner
LhaL ls frequenLly accompanled by a feellng slmllar Lo Lhe 'Aha!'experlence. neural mechanlsms of Lhls klnd of
emergenL recognlLlon wlLhouL Lhe Lop-down faclllLaLlon are poorly undersLood. Slnce Lhls phenomenon ls
characLerlzed by a long laLency ranglng from seconds Lo mlnuLes, we measured Llme for sub[ecLs Lo recognlze ob[ecLs
hldden ln degraded lmages. We found LhaL Lhe Llme follows a parLlcular exponenLlal funcLlon of parameLers lndlcaLlng
Lhe severlLy of lmage degradaLlon and Lhe sub[ecL's capablllLy, whlch could be deLermlned lndependenLly each oLher.
1hls klneLlc funcLlon was well accounLed for by a LheoreLlcal model based on feaLure-comblnaLlon codlng of vlsual
ob[ecLs, ln whlch Lhe colncldence of sLochasLlc acLlvaLlon of neurons represenLlng Lhe ob[ecL's feaLures removed by
Lhe lmage degradaLlon complemenLs Lhe represenLaLlon of Lhe ob[ecL Lo be recognlzed. 1hese resulLs suggesL LhaL Lhe
sLochasLlc process worklng on feaLure comblnaLlon codlng of ob[ecLs underlles Lhe emergenL recognlLlon.

ConLacL: benmura[nlcL.go.[p

Affect|ve pr|m|ng by b|o|og|ca| mot|on

Ldward Nguyen
Wayne khoe
Aye . Sayg|n

unlverslLy of Callfornla, San ulego

(1-061 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

LmoLlon ls a pervaslve and lmporLanL aspecL of human experlence and consclousness. 8elaLlvely llLLle ls known abouL
Lhe mechanlsms underlylng Lhe percepLlon of emoLlonal body movemenLs, desplLe lLs lnherenL presence and
lnfluence ln our dally llves. Pere, we employed an affecLlve prlmlng paradlgm, where sub[ecLs were prlmed wlLh polnL-
llghL blologlcal moLlon sLlmull (arm movemenLs) conveylng anger, happlness or neuLral affecL. 1hey subsequenLly
were asked Lo make [udgmenLs on LargeL words LhaL were elLher poslLlve or negaLlve ln valence. 8esponses ln
affecLlvely congruenL Lrlals were slgnlflcanLly fasLer Lhan Lhose ln lncongruenL and neuLral Lrlals, lndlcaLlve of a
poslLlve prlmlng effecL. ln a second experlmenL, polnL-llghL dlsplays were spaLlally scrambled Lo dlsrupL Lhe global
form of Lhe prlmes whlle reLalnlng Lhe local moLlon cues. no slgnlflcanL dlfference was found beLween any of Lhe
prlme-LargeL condlLlons, lndlcaLlng a role for global form cues ln drlvlng Lhe affecLlve prlmlng effecL. ln a Lhlrd
experlmenL, we prevenLed Lhe prlmes from reachlng awareness by uslng a sLereoscope. We found a maln effecL of
prlme Lype, responses for Lhe happy prlmes were slgnlflcanLly fasLer Lhan Lhose for angry or neuLral prlmes. 1aken
LogeLher, Lhese daLa show LhaL emoLlon cues conveyed by blologlcal moLlon modulaLe Lhe processlng of lncomlng
affecLlve sLlmull, addlng Lo Lhe llLeraLure on boLh blologlcal moLlon and affecLlve prlmlng research. 8lologlcal moLlon
appears Lo lnfluence affecLlve processlng even when rendered unconsclous, lndlcaLlng fuLure work ls needed Lo
dellneaLe slmllarlLles and dlfferences beLween consclous and unconsclous processlng of affecLlve blologlcal moLlon.

ConLacL: edn002[

Neura| mechan|sms of norma| and d|srupted conf|dence |n sensory awareness

Ak|h|ko N|kkun| [1, 2]
ken[| Numata [1]
utaka komura [2]

[1] lbarakl refecLural unlverslLy of PealLh Sclence, !apan
[2] naLlonal lnsLlLuLe of Advanced lndusLrlal Sclence and 1echnology, !apan

(1-040 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

Sensory awareness has been ofLen suggesLed Lo emerge from Lhe Lhalamo-corLlcal complex. Powever, less ls known
abouL how Lhe Lhalamus funcLlons ln sensory awareness, compared Lo Lhe corLlcal funcLlons. 1he alm of Lhe currenL
sLudy was Lo elucldaLe Lhe Lhalamlc roles ln vlsual awareness. 1he prlmaLe vlsual Lhalamus has Lwo reglons: Lhe laLeral
genlculaLe nucleus (LCn, Lhe relay from Lhe reLlna Lo Lhe prlmary vlsual corLex) and Lhe pulvlnar, Lhe largesL Lhalamlc
area, whlch has markedly expanded durlng prlmaLe evoluLlon and connecLs wlLh mulLlple vlsual corLlces. revlous
sLudles lndlcaLed LhaL vlsual experlence conslsLs of conLenL and confldence ln LhaL conLenL. We hypoLheslzed LhaL
Lhese Lwo Lhalamlc nuclel play dlfferenL roles ln a sub[ecL's vlsual experlence. 1herefore, we flrsL recorded Lhe neural
acLlvlLles ln Lhe vlsual Lhalamus whlle monkeys performed a percepLual caLegorlzaLlon Lask evaluaLlng experlenced
conLenL, and an opL-ouL Lask evaluaLlng Lhe sub[ecLs' confldence levels. We furLher carrled ouL pharmacologlcal
lnacLlvaLlon of Lhe vlsual Lhalamus Lo LesL wheLher Lhe LCn and pulvlnar are funcLlonally llnked Lo percepLual conLenL
and confldence. As a resulL, we found LhaL pulvlnar lnacLlvaLlon affecLed opL-ouL cholces, buL noL vlsual caLegorlzaLlon.
ln conLrasL, LCn lnacLlvaLlon affecLed boLh caLegorlzaLlon and opL-ouL cholces. 1hese flndlngs show LhaL Lhe LCn acLs
upsLream of percepLual caLegorlzaLlon whlle Lhe pulvlnar acLs downsLream of lL and conLrlbuLes Lo percepLual

ConLacL: a.nlkkunl[alsL.go.[p

Uncovered d|screpanc|es between part and who|e |n soc|a| |nferences.

uta N|sh|yama [1]
k|m|ko kato [2]
Masak| Nagasawa [3]
ke|suke kawasak| [2]
Isao nasegawa [1, 2]

[1] nllgaLa unlverslLy, CenLer for 1ransdlsclpllnary 8esearch
[2] nllgaLa unlverslLy, School of Medlclne
[3] nllgaLa unlverslLy, laculLy of LducaLlon

(2-063 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

We reporL LhaL preschoolers and adulLs dlfferenLly response soclal sLlmull ln Lerm of soclal lnferences. Sense-maklng
lnvolves boLh of lndlvldual LralLs and global evaluaLlons ln soclal conLexLs. 1he relaLlonshlp beLween such parL and
whole ls, however, sLlll unclear. 1o undersLand soclal cognlLlon, followlng Lwo sLeps would be requlred. llrsL sLep ls Lo
provlde an experlmenLal framework ln whlch a dlscrepancy beLween parL and whole ls uncovered. nexL one ls Lo flnd
lnLermedlaLes beLween Lhem for coverlng Lhe dlscrepancy. CurrenL sLudy approached Lhe flrsL sLep. We prepared slx
Lypes of scenarlos ln whlch one puppeL wlLh goal-dlsposlLlons was helped or hlndered by anoLher one. 1he slx Lypes of
scenarlos furLher classlfled lnLo Lhree groups accordlng Lo Lhe clearness of global evaluaLlons. 1wenLy preschoolers
and elghLeen adulLs parLlclpaLed ln our experlmenLs. ln prellmlnary sesslons, Lhey vlewed scenarlos and learned Lwo
symbols palred wlLh goodness or badness scenarlos belonglng Lo one group respecLlvely. ln a followlng LesL phase, all
of Lhem asslgned one of learned symbols Lo each scenarlo slmllar Lo learned one or dlfferenL from lL. reshchoolers
showed asymmeLrlcal asslgnmenLs beLween learned and answered symbols only afLer Lhey learned asslgnmenLs Lo
scenarlos wlLh unclear evaluaLlons. 1hls suggesLs LhaL presenL experlmenLal seLLlngs uncover Lhe dlscrepancy beLween
parL and whole ln a conLexL of soclal lnference.

ConLacL: y_nlshlyama[[p

Iu|| body per|persona| space as the se|f's sphere.

Iean-au| Noe| [1]
Luc|o Gen|n| [1]
Chr|st|an fe|ffer [1]
C|af 8|anke [1, 2]
Andrea Ser|no [1].

[1] Lcole olyLechnlque lederale de Lausanne
[2] unlverslLy PosplLal Ceneva

(1-036 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)


erlpersonal space (S) - l.e., Lhe space lmmedlaLely surroundlng Lhe body - has been LradlLlonally concelved as Lhe
space reachable Lhrough llmb movemenLs, and Lherefore, lL remalned cenLered on a speclflc perlpheral exLremlLy
(mosL promlnenLly, Lhe hand and Lhe face). Powever, we do experlence our body ln lLs space as a whole and noL only
as a dlscreLe addlLlon of body parLs, Lhus begeLLlng Lhe quesLlon: ls Lhere a full body represenLaLlon of S? And lf so,
whaL are lLs characLerlsLlcs and boundarles? ln addlLlon, we do percelve our Self wlLhln Lhe S, hence suggesLlng Lhe
quesLlon: WhaL ls Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween self-consclousness and S represenLaLlon? ln a flrsL seL of experlmenLs,
Lhrough Lhe use of a new audlo-LacLlle paradlgm, we (l) esLabllshed Lhe presence of a full body S, (ll) deLermlned lLs
boundary boLh ln Lhe fronL and backspace, and (lll) compared lLs spaLlal exLenL Lo Lhe one of Lhe perl-hand space.
1hen, we used Lhe so-called lull 8ody llluslon (l8l) Lo manlpulaLe bodlly self-consclousness, and LesL wheLher lL
affecLed S represenLaLlon, as measured by Lhe menLloned audlo-LacLlle paradlgm: we hypoLheslzed LhaL an evoked
drlfL ln self-locaLlon and self-ldenLlflcaLlon Lhrough Lhe l8l wlll be reflecLed ln an enlargemenL of Lhe full body S.
Cur resulLs clalm for Lhe exlsLence of a full body S and dlrecLly llnk lL Lo bodlly-self consclousness, suggesLlng Lhe full
body S mlghL be Lhe space of Lhe Self.

ConLacL: [eanpaulnc[

Innovat|ve prognost|c test|ng of comatose pat|ents us|ng fMkI

Loretta Norton [1]
D. Iernndez Lspe[o [1]
Nac| [1]
8. oung [2]
1. Gofton [2]
A. Cwen [1]

[1] unlverslLy of WesLern CnLarlo, London Cn
[2] unlverslLy PosplLal, LPSC, London, Cn

(2-074 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

8ackground: Coma, a sLaLe of profound unconsclousness, ls noL permanenL and so quesLlons arlse abouL how Lo
predlcL Lhe chances of funcLlonal recovery. CurrenL cllnlcal Lools for prognosls are llmlLed and focus only on poor
ouLcome measures whlch make predlcLlons abouL Lhe exLenL of recovery parLlcularly challenglng. luncLlonal magneLlc
resonance lmaglng (fM8l), whlch ls wldely used Lo assess cerebral funcLlon, mlghL be valuable ln Lhls regard. MeLhods:
nlne comaLose paLlenLs and elghLeen healLhy conLrol parLlclpanLs were recrulLed and underwenL fM8l lmaglng. A
passlve audlLory language Lask was used Lo lndependenLly assess sound percepLlon, speech percepLlon and speech
comprehenslon ln an lndlvldual basls. 1wo vollLlonal menLal lmagery Lasks were also employed Lo deLermlne Lhe level
of awareness ln paLlenLs. 8esulLs: 1he Lwo comaLose paLlenLs who showed Lhe mosL robusL acLlvaLlon for boLh
audlLory and speech processlng, slmllar Lo healLhy conLrol parLlclpanLs, had Lhe greaLesL funcLlonal recovery. All nlne
comaLose paLlenLs showed no acLlvaLlon Lo elLher menLal lmagery Lask suggesLlng Lhe lnablllLy Lo command follow
whlch ls ln keeplng wlLh Lhe behavloural characLerlsLlcs of all paLlenLs. Concluslon: 8obusL neural acLlvaLlon durlng
sound and speech percepLlon Lasks may be an early predlcLor or cue for Lhe recovery of consclousness.

ConLacL: lnorLon4[

now mag|c|ans |nf|uence cho|ce w|thout awareness

Iay A. C|son [1]
A|ym A. Am|an| [2]
kona|d A. kens|nk [2]

[1] Slmon lraser unlverslLy
[2] unlverslLy of 8rlLlsh Columbla

(1-062 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

lorclng occurs when a maglclan lnfluences an audlence's declslons wlLhouL Lhelr awareness. We lnvesLlgaLed forclng
ln Lerms of flve sLlmulus characLerlsLlcs: vlslblllLy, memorablllLy, llkablllLy, and vlsual and verbal accesslblllLy (Clson,

Amlanl, & 8enslnk, 2012). We also examlned personallLy measures such as locus of conLrol (uuLLweller, 1984) and
LransllmlnallLy (Lhe exLenL Lo whlch sLlmull enLer consclous awareness, Lange, 1halbourne, Pouran, & SLorm, 2000).
We showed 103 people a maglc Lrlck ln whlch Lhey selecLed a playlng card whlle Lhe maglclan fllpped Lhrough a deck.
Cne card, Lhe LargeL card, was shown longer Lhan Lhe resL. AlmosL all (98) parLlclpanLs chose LhaL card, and mosL
(91) reporLed feellng LhaL Lhey had a free cholce. nexL, we showed 43 parLlclpanLs a sequence of 26 cards (on
average 44 ms/card) on a compuLer wlLh Lhe LargeL card shown for longer (130 ms). arLlclpanLs chose any card Lhey
wanLed Lhen reporLed whaL lL was. Lach parLlclpanL saw 28 Lrlals. AfLerwards, parLlclpanLs were asked wheLher Lhey
noLlced LhaL one card was shown longesL. 8esulLs show LhaL personallLy measures predlcL forclng beLLer Lhan Lhe
physlcal characLerlsLlcs of Lhe cards do. Many observers (41) dld noL noLlce LhaL one card was shown longesL. 1hls
group had a hlgher lnLernal locus of conLrol and a lower LransllmlnallLy score, and spenL less Llme uslng compuLers
each day. 1hese flndlngs conflrm maglclans' lnLulLlons LhaL some Lypes of people are more affecLed by unnoLlced
evenLs and Lherefore may be more suscepLlble Lo maglc Lrlcks.

ConLacL: [o[

1wo k|nds of concept re|ated to the phenomena| content of consc|ousness

nao ang

lnsLlLuLe of hllosophy of Mlnd and CognlLlon, naLlonal ?ang-Mlng unlverslLy

(2-016 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

WheLher Lhe phenomenal conLenL of consclous experlence can be lnfluenced by our cognlLlve sysLem ls Lhe lssue of
cognlLlve peneLrablllLy of percepLlon and has been a long debaLe ln phllosophy and psychology. 8ecenL researches of
synesLhesla seem Lo slde wlLh Lhe vlew LhaL vlsual experlence ls cognlLlve peneLrable. lor example, for Lhe color-
grapheme synesLhesla, a leLLer wlLhln dlfferenL conLexL wlll lnduce dlfferenL colors, llke Lhe leLLer 'c' ln 'cL' and '!ack'.
1here ls also evldence whlch shows LhaL synesLheLe could shlfL Lhe assoclaLlons Lo novel lnducers afLer learnlng new
symbol sysLem. 8oLh cases reveal LhaL Lhe concepLs mlghL play a role ln Lhe conLenL of vlsual experlence. Powever, l
Lhlnk Lhose cases could noL be ob[ecLlons. 8ased on a framework of connecLlonlsm, l argue LhaL we can dlsLlncL Lwo
dlfferenL klnds of concepLs. Cne ls Lhe 'access concepL', whlch ls Lhe Lop-down mechanlsm relaLlng Lo Lhe access of
experlence, and Lhe oLher ls 'phenomenal concepL', whlch ls Lhe lnformaLlon sLored wlLhln synapLlc connecLlons
parLlclpaLlng Lhe consLlLuLlon of phenomenal conLenL. lurLhermore, Lhls dlsLlncLlon of Lwo klnds of concepL ls
supporLed by Lhe dlsLlncLlon of Lwo dlfferenL neural mechanlsms. 1he mechanlsm of prefronLal corLex ls relaLed Lo Lhe
access concepL. 1he funcLlon of phenomenal concepL should be reallzed by Lhe neural connecLlons wlLhln Lhe sensory
corLex. l propose Lhe lssue of cognlLlve peneLrablllLy ls abouL Lhe access concepL. 1he case of synesLhesla ls only
relevanL Lo Lhe phenomenal concepL and cannoL be agalnsL Lhe vlew LhaL experlence ls cognlLlvely lmpeneLrable.

ConLacL: howpan[

neart-bra|n |nteract|ons shape v|sua| consc|ousness

nyeong-dong ark [1]
Sthphan|e Corre|a [1]
Anto|ne Ducorps [2]
Cather|ne 1a||on-8audry [1]

[1] CognlLlve neurosclence LaboraLory, lnSL8M-LnS, 29 rue d'ulm, arls, lrance
[2] Cenlr, Cn8S-uMC- lnSL8M, 47 8d de l'PplLal, arls, lrance

(1-041 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

8eporLlng, "l saw Lhe sLlmulus," ls Lhe hallmark of consclous vlslon, buL where does Lhe "l" come from? llrsL-person
perspecLlve requlres a mlnlmal sense of Lhe self LhaL could be based on Lhe neural represenLaLlons of lnLernal bodlly
slgnals. 1o LesL wheLher consclous percepLlon could be predlcLed from bodlly responses, we measured
magneLoencephalographlc braln responses Lo hearLbeaLs ln parLlclpanLs deLecLlng a vlsual sLlmulus aL Lhreshold. 1rlals
were classlfled as hlLs or mlsses based on parLlclpanLs' responses, and hearLbeaL evoked MLC responses were
compared beLween Lhe Lwo Lypes of Lrlals. 1he ampllLude of neural responses Lo hearLbeaLs before sLlmulus onseL
predlcLed sLlmulus deLecLlon, ln Lhe vlscerosensory lnsula, and ln areas belonglng Lo boLh Lhe self-relaLed and defaulL-

mode neLworks: rlghL lnferlor parleLal lobule and venLro-medlal anLerlor clngulaLe and prefronLal corLlces. LkC acLlvlLy
lLself was noL dlfferenL beLween hlL and mlss Lrlals and correcLlon of cardlac arLefacL uslng lCA dld noL affecL Lhe
resulLs of hearLbeaL evoked MLC responses. CLher measures of auLonomlc arousal and vlsual corLex exclLablllLy such
as pupll dlameLer and parleLo-occlplLal alpha power durlng presLlmulus lnLerval dld noL vary beLween hlLs and mlsses.
SLlmulus deLecLlon subsequenLly slowed down Lhe hearL, and Lhls effecL was predlcLed by presLlmulus dlfferenLlal
hearLbeaL evoked responses ln venLro-medlal clngulaLe and prefronLal corLlces. Consclous vlslon Lherefore appears
assoclaLed wlLh bodlly slgnal monlLorlng ln Lhe corLlcal self-relaLed neLwork.

ConLacL: hyoungdong.park[

8|as|ng mora| cho|ce by |nterrupt|ng gaze: A dynam|ca| systems approach

h|||p rnamets [1]
etter Iohansson [1]
Chr|st|an 8a|ken|us [1]
Lars na|| [1]
M|chea| I. Sp|vey [2]
Dan|e| C. k|chardson [3]

[1] Lund unlverslLy CognlLlve Sclence, Lund unlverslLy
[2] ueparLmenL of CognlLlve Sclence, unlverslLy of Callfornla, Merced
[3] CognlLlve, ercepLual and 8raln Sclences, unlverslLy College London

(1-064 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

An embodled and dynamlcal sysLems vlew of cognlLlon enLalls LhaL sensorlmoLor processes are parL of, and,
reclprocally relnforce, cognlLlve processes such as percepLlon, caLegorlsaLlon and language (Splvey, 2007). ln Lhe
currenL sLudy we adopLed Lhls approach Lo sLudy Lhe moral mlnd. ln parLlcular, we were lnLeresLed ln a poLenLlal
coupllng beLween eye movemenLs and moral declslons. 8ased on earller work on facLual [udgemenLs (8lchardson eL
al. 2009) we ran a serles of experlmenLs Lo gauge Lhe role of gaze ln Lhe moral domaln. arLlclpanLs were asked Lo
respond Lo a number of sLaLemenLs spannlng Lhe breadLh of morallLy wlLh one of Lwo alLernaLlves. SLlmull were based
on Moral loundaLlons 1heory (Craham, PaldL & nosek, 2009). llrsL, we esLabllshed a descrlpLlve and causal llnk
beLween gaze and moral [udgemenL uslng sLandard forced exposure paradlgms (Shlmo[o eL al. 2003). ln our maln
experlmenL, we measured parLlclpanLs' eye movemenLs Lo Lrack Lhe Llme course of Lhelr moral declslons. We
demonsLraLed LhaL by lnLerrupLlng parLlclpanLs' declslon process based on Lhelr gaze poslLlon, we were able Lo
lnfluence whaL Lhey declded. We lnLerpreL our flndlngs as esLabllshlng Lhe exlsLence of a novel llnk beLween gaze and
moral cholce. 1hls coupllng ls sLrong enough Lo allow us Lo blas parLlclpanLs' [udgemenLs. 1he resulLs furLher ralse
quesLlons concernlng Lhe sLablllLy of, and, poLenLlal llmlLs Lo Lhe lnLrospecLlve accuracy of our everyday moral

ConLacL: phlllp.parnameLs[

Consc|ousness dynam|c|ty and the duarch|ca| mode|

Anto|ne asqua||
katsuyuk| Saka|

ueparLmenL of CognlLlve neurosclence, CraduaLe School of Medlclne, 1he unlverslLy of 1okyo, !apan

(1-063 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

lL ls now commonly assumed LhaL, alLhough no Lask ls ever purely lmpllclL or expllclL, unconsclous knowledge can be
capLured separaLely from consclous knowledge when one ls able Lo deLecL, dlscrlmlnaLe or declde, and yeL remalns
unable Lo ldenLlfy, know or [udge. Lvldence of such dlssoclaLlve paLLerns has been revealed ln numerous sLudles under
Lhe assumpLlon LhaL ob[ecLlve and sub[ecLlve measures are Lapplng rlghL lnLo Lhelr respecLlve Lypes of knowledge,
wlLhouL any lnLeracLlon. noneLheless lL has recenLly been dlscussed wheLher some ob[ecLlve measures, such as osL-
ueclslon Wagerlng (uW), could have Lhe power Lo capLure conLenLs of sub[ecLlve knowledge as well, and Lherefore,
wheLher Lhe measures used ln our experlmenLs really besL capLure awareness, excluslvely and exhausLlvely. ln Lhls
sLudy we suggesL LhaL Lhls meLhodology could have lndeed been mlsleadlng, for noL only we sLlll do noL know lf

unconsclous and consclous processes form a serlal hlerarchy (as Lhe Plgher-Crder 1houghL Lheory sLaLes) raLher Lhan
Lwo parallel channels, buL mosL cruclally we sLlll fall Lo see LhaL consclousness ls lnherenLly dynamlcal. We hence
presenL an alLernaLe vlew, based on a hybrld model - so-called duarchlcal for lL lnLegraLes Lwo lndependenL channels
ln a hlerarchlcal manner - able Lo accounL for experlmenLal daLa based on uW. We Lhen LesL Lhe Lhree archlLecLures
(hlerarchlcal, parallel and duarchlcal) ln an unconsclous percepLlon paradlgm, ln whlch Lhe order and Lhe modallLy of
Lhe ob[ecLlve and sub[ecLlve measures are manlpulaLed ln order Lo assess dynamlcal relaLlonshlps beLween consclous
and unconsclous processes.

ConLacL: apasquall[[p

Measures of consc|ous and unconsc|ous percept|on w|th perceptua| and attent|ona| man|pu|at|on of consc|ousness

2|v eremen
Dom|n|que Lamy

1el Avlv unlverslLy, 1el Avlv, lsrael

(1-071 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

Are consclous and unconsclous percepLlon processes quallLaLlvely or only quanLlLaLlvely dlfferenL? revlous sLudles
have examlned Lhls quesLlon by lnvesLlgaLlng how dlfferenL measures of vlsual processlng are affecLed by Lhe Llme
lnLerval beLween Lhe LargeL and a mask durlng meLa-conLrasL masklng. ln parLlcular, eremen and Lamy (under
revlew) have shown LhaL dlrecL measures (sub[ecLlve reporLs and forced-cholce dlscrlmlnaLlon performance) and
lndlrecL measures (acLlon prlmlng) of percepLual processlng follow slmllar Llme courses. ln addlLlon, Lhey showed LhaL
whlle ob[ecLlve performance ls aL chance when sub[ecLlve vlslblllLy ls null, acLlon prlmlng remalns slgnlflcanL.
Powever, lL ls lmporLanL Lo reallze LhaL Lhe dlfferenL ways ln whlch consclous percepLlon ls prevenLed may profoundly
affecL unconsclous processlng. ln parLlcular, lL has been suggesLed LhaL percepLual and aLLenLlonal bllndness should be
dlsLlngulshed. Pere, we examlne wheLher Lhe assoclaLlons and dlssoclaLlons beLween sub[ecLlve reporLs, ob[ecLlve
forced-cholce dlscrlmlnaLlon performance and lndlrecL measures of percepLual processlng demonsLraLed ln earller
research can be generallzed Lo oLher forms of aLLenLlonal bllndness (uslng masklng by subsLlLuLlon) and Lo percepLual
bllndness (uslng backward paLLern masklng). Cur resulLs provlde addlLlonal supporL for Lhe need Lo dlsLlngulsh
beLween aLLenLlonal and percepLual manlpulaLlons of consclous percepLlon ln Lhe sLudy of consclous percepLlon.

ConLacL: zperemen[

1he bra|n at war: Lp|stem|c and eth|ca| |mp||cat|ons of -b|ocker therapy for combat-|nduced 1SD.

Andrew eterson [1,2,3]

[1] 8oLman lnsLlLuLe of hllosophy
[2] 8raln and Mlnd lnsLlLuLe
[3] WesLern unlverslLy, Canada

(2-077 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

CombaL-lnduced posL-LraumaLlc sLress dlsorder (1Su) ln u.S. mlllLary personnel ls a growlng healLh concern for Lhe
u.S. ueparLmenL of uefense (uou). ConservaLlve esLlmaLes suggesL LhaL 29 of u.S. soldlers deployed Lo lraq and
AfghanlsLan have been dlagnosed wlLh 1Su alone (8agalman, 2011). ConsequenLly, sulclde raLes among recenL war
veLerans are markedly lncreased. 1he u.S. Army sulclde raLe (20-30 per 100,000), for example, ls Lhe hlghesL recorded
ln 3 decades (8ush eL al., 2013). Clven LhaL mlllLary operaLlons ln AfghanlsLan wlll end ln 2013, lL ls anLlclpaLed LhaL Lhe
prevalence of psychlaLrlc ln[ury wlll lncrease as young soldlers reLurn home and begln Lo conLemplaLe Lhelr baLLlefleld
experlence. ln response Lo Lhls problem, recenL advances ln psychopharmacology have ylelded drugs LhaL may be an
effecLlve means of aLLenuaLlng anxleLy-lnduclng flashbacks qulnLessenLlal of psychlaLrlc ln[ury (Clles, 2003). 1he use of
Lhe -blocker propranolol, for example, has allowed some mlllLary personnel Lo effecLlvely numb Lhelr anxleLy
response Lo LraumaLlc memorles. uesplLe Lhls success, Lwo emerglng llnes of lnqulry ln 1Su research, namely Lhe
ulssoclaLlve SubLype of 1Su (Lanlus eL al., 2010) and Moral ln[ury (LlLz eL al., 2009), ralse doubLs abouL Lhe
effecLlveness of emoLlonal numblng ln Lhe veLeran populaLlon. ln cases of dlssoclaLlon or moral angulsh, lL ls
suggesLed LhaL -blockers may lnsLead lead Lo an exacerbaLlon of psychlaLrlc ln[ury, raLher Lhan psychlaLrlc heallng.

1hls presenLaLlon revlews Lhe relevanL neuropsychlaLrlc llLeraLure on 1Su ln order Lo ldenLlfy Lhe sallenL eplsLemlc
and eLhlcal problems LhaL emerge from -blocker use ln Lhe veLeran populaLlon. lL ls argued LhaL ln speclal cases of
complex Lrauma and moral ln[ury, pharmacologlcal lnLervenLlon may noL be an approprlaLe LreaLmenL for repalrlng
Lhe psychlaLrlc wounds of war.

ConLacL: apeLer62[

1he Lmperor |s st||| naked: 1here |s no emp|r|ca| case for consc|ousness |n v|rtue of target|ess nC1s

V|ncent |cc|uto

unlverslLy of Maryland, College ark

(2-017 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

Some hlgher-order LheorlsLs have recenLly argued LhaL Lhere are emplrlcal daLa demonsLraLlng sub[ecLs who undergo
phenomenally consclous experlences ln vlrLue of LargeLless PC1s (e.g., 8lchard 8rown, Pakwan Lau, and uavld
8osenLhal). l argue LhaL Lhe daLa can be challenged. 1hey do noL supporL Lhe case for consclousness ln vlrLue of
LargeLless PC1s, also known as Lhe lnLenLlonal lnexlsLenLs verslon of PC1 Lheory. Powever, Lhey do lend some supporL
for whaL Lau calls a "[olnL deLermlnaLlon vlew." !olnL deLermlnaLlon, Lhough, ls amblguous and can be developed ln
dlfferenL ways. l brlefly develop Lhe noLlon of [olnL deLermlnaLlon ln Lerms of a self-represenLaLlonal Lheory, or whaL l
call "lnLrlnslc hlgher-order Lheory" and argue LhaL Lhls lnLerpreLaLlon ls superlor Lo compeLlng lnLerpreLaLlons.

ConLacL: vplccluLo[

M|nd wander|ng as a poss|b|e mechan|sm of se|f-decept|on

Iu|||a ||ushch

ueparLmenL of hllosophy, !ohannes CuLenberg - unlverslLy of Malnz

(2-018 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

Self-decepLlon ls deflned ln Lhls posLer as a moLlvaLed klnd of hypoLhesls-LesLlng LhaL leads Lo a cerLaln level of reallLy
decoupllng and resulLs ln an evldence-lncompaLlble represenLaLlon LhaL has a funcLlonal role of bellef. 1he glven
posLer wlll explore Lhe posslblllLy LhaL mlnd wanderlng, whlch ls characLerlzed by percepLual decoupllng and can be
deflned as engaglng ln cognlLlve processes decoupled from currenL envlronmenL (Schooler, Smallwood eL al. 2011), ls
a mechanlsm of self-decepLlon. ln vlrLue of Lhls alm, deluslon, mlnd wanderlng and medlLaLlon wlll be compared Lo
self-decepLlon aL Lhe concepLual level, as well as aL Lhe level of neuronal sLrucLures. lL wlll be argued LhaL boLh
deluslon (Langdon & ColLhearL 2000, uavles 2009) and mlnd wanderlng bear a concepLual slmllarlLy Lo self-decepLlon,
as well as lead Lo Lhe acLlvaLlon of Lhe defaulL mode neLwork (deluslon: Cerrans 2013, mlnd wanderlng: Schooler,
Smallwood eL al. 2011). MedlLaLlon, on Lhe oLher hand, ls concepLually dlsslmllar Lo self-decepLlon and mlnd
wanderlng and leads Lo reduced acLlvaLlon of Lhe defaulL mode neLwork (8rewer eL al. 2011). 1hus, aL leasL cerLaln
klnds of self-decepLlon may occur as a resulL of Lhe acLlvlLy of defaulL mode neLwork (?amada eL al. 2013). As defaulL
mode neLwork (uMn) lnvolves moLlvaLlonal processlng (Cerrans 2013), lf boLh self-decepLlon and mlnd wanderlng
occur as a resulL of Lhe uMn acLlvaLlon, Lhen, glven Lhe concepLual deflnlLlons of self-decepLlon and mlnd wanderlng,
Lhe posslblllLy for mlnd wanderlng Lo be a mechanlsm of self-decepLlon needs emplrlcal LesLlng. 8eferences: uavles,
M. (2009). ueluslon and moLlvaLlonally blased bellef. Self-decepLlon ln Lhe Lwo-facLor framework. ln 1. 8ayne & !.
lernandez (Lds.): Macquarle monographs ln cognlLlve sclence, ueluslon and self-decepLlon. AffecLlve and moLlvaLlonal
lnfluences on bellef formaLlon, pp. 71-86. new ?ork, n?: sychology ress. Cerrans, . (2013). ueluslonal ALLlLudes
and uefaulL 1hlnklng. Mlnd & Language, 28(1), 83-102. Langdon, 8., & ColLhearL, M. (2000). 1he CognlLlve
neuropsychology of ueluslons. Mlnd & Language, 13(1), 184-218. Schooler, !. W., Smallwood, !., ChrlsLoff, k., Pandy,
1. C., 8elchle, L. u., & SayeLLe, M. A. (2011). MeLa-awareness, percepLual decoupllng and Lhe wanderlng mlnd. 1rends
ln CognlLlve Sclences. dol:10.1016/[.Llcs.2011.03.006 ?amada, M., uddln, L. ., 1akahashl, P., klmura, ?.,
1akahaLa, k., kousa, 8. eL al. (2013). SuperlorlLy llluslon arlses from resLlng-sLaLe braln neLworks modulaLed by
dopamlne. roceedlngs of Lhe naLlonal Academy of Sclences. dol:10.1073/pnas.1221681110

ConLacL: pllushl[


1owards a work|ng def|n|t|on of soc|a| cogn|t|on

L|sa uadt

!ohannes CuLenberg-unlverslLaL Malnz

(2-019 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

1hls paper provldes a prellmlnary worklng deflnlLlon of soclal cognlLlon whlch serves as a basls for a meLa-LheoreLlcal
perspecLlve on currenL research. 1hls perspecLlve ls necessary ln order Lo galn a concepLually coherenL overvlew of
Lhe fleld of sLudy and Lo reveal sLrengLhs and weaknesses of currenL Lheorles. 1here ls a growlng lnLeresL ln Lhe role of
soclal cognlLlon for consclousness research ln boLh phllosophy and neurosclence (1hompson 2001, Adolphs 2007), buL
yeL a clear descrlpLlon of Lhe LargeL phenomenon ls mlsslng. l wlll flrsL argue LhaL such a descrlpLlon ls necessary ln
order Lo deLermlne Lhe common goal and Lhereby Lo make lnLerdlsclpllnary research more frulLful. Secondly, l name
Lhree crlLerla whlch a worklng deflnlLlon should fulflll: (1) encompassmenL, (2) mulLl-dlrecLlonallLy and (3) Lheory-
neuLrallLy. lL wlll be shown LhaL none of Lhe exlsLlng deflnlLlons glven ln Lhe llLeraLure fulfllls Lhese crlLerla. 1hls ls
especlally for Lhe facL LhaL Lhese deflnlLlons already lnhablL sLrong background assumpLlons abouL Lhe naLure of
cognlLlon and can be asslgned Lo elLher Lhe vlew of Classlc CognlLlvlsm or LnacLlve CognlLlvlsm (de 8ruln & kasLner
2012), Lhus precludlng dlrecLlons of research. Lacklng a characLerlzaLlon meeLlng Lhese crlLerla, researchers ofLen end
up Lalklng pasL each oLher and Lhereby hlnderlng lnLerdlsclpllnary work. llnally, l wlll propose a prellmlnary worklng
deflnlLlon whlch does noL presuppose any speclflc Lheory. lL ls broad enough Lo allow for a meLa-LheoreLlcal
perspecLlve and suggesLs ways ln whlch Lhe LargeL phenomenon can be narrowed down.

ConLacL: llsquadL[

know your fee||ngs: Neura| bas|s of |nd|v|dua| d|fferences |n emot|on regu|at|on

kebecca kab|nov|ch [1]
kathr|ne Shepherd [2]
Dav|d M. Iresco [2]
Anthony Iack [3]

[1] unlverslLy of Cambrldge
[2] kenL SLaLe unlverslLy
[3] Case WesLern 8eserve unlverslLy

(1-063 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

1hls work addresses speclallzed recrulLmenL of braln reglons ln response Lo negaLlve emoLlonal provocaLlon.
Speclflcally, we focus on affecL-labellng (descrlblng emoLlons) as an emoLlon regulaLlon sLraLegy. revlous sLudles,
noLably by Llebermann, have locallzed affecL-labellng Lo Lhe rlghL venLrolaLeral prefronLal corLex (8vLlC), afLer
flndlng lncreased 8vLlC acLlvlLy durlng an affecL-labellng Lask. Llebermann furLher reporLed concurrenL amygdala
suppresslon, whlch he suggesLed was Lhe resulL of lnhlblLlon by Lhe 8vLlC and Lhe llkely cause of reduced lmpacL of
negaLlve emoLlon. Cur sLudy lnvesLlgaLed congruence of Lhese flndlngs wlLh lndlvldual dlfferences regardlng affecL-
labellng. lnsLead of cuelng sub[ecLs Lo affecL-label, we observed unlnsLrucLed emoLlon regulaLlon, and explored
lndlvldual dlfferences (uslng well-esLabllshed self-reporL measures). We recorded neural acLlvlLy ln Llmecourses over
Lhe sLlmulus presenLaLlon wlndow, lnvolvlng prlmary-dlsgusL-lnduclng lmages wlLh volce-over descrlpLlons (roLLlng
food, person vomlLlng, eLc.). AlLhough we conflrmed lowered amygdala acLlvlLy ln adepL affecL-labelers, we found LhaL
Lhese lndlvlduals dlsplayed _less_ overall 8vLlC acLlvaLlon ln response Lo negaLlve affecLlve sLlmull Lhan Lhose who
relled on oLher mechanlsms. We speculaLe LhaL, whlle Lhe 8vLlC lndeed suppresses Lhe amygdala, Lhe 8vLlC ls
lmpllcaLed ln a _range_ of emoLlon regulaLlon sLraLegles, raLher Lhan excluslvely ln affecL-labellng. ConcurrenLly, adepL
affecL-labelers have sLronger lnhlblLory paLhways LhaL suppress Lhe amygdala, Lherefore requlrlng less 8vLlC
acLlvaLlon Lo achleve a glven degree of amygdala suppresslon. llnally, as an anLecedenL emoLlon-regulaLlon sLraLegy,
affecL-labellng LargeLs negaLlve emoLlon before lL ls fully formed, Lhereby prevenLlng amygdala acLlvaLlon from
reachlng as hlgh a level as lL would ln laLer mechanlsms. 1hus, adepL affecL-labelers may need less lnhlblLlon Lo reach
approprlaLely low amygdala acLlvaLlon.

ConLacL: rr416[


Cogn|t|ve mach|nery and phenomena| f|ow of consc|ousness

Dan|| kazeev

SL. eLersburg SLaLe unlverslLy, 8ussla

(1-019 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

AbsLracL: lL appears LhaL consclousness sclence ls progresslng deeply, especlally ln lLs search for Lhe neural correlaLes
of consclousness (nCC). Can conLemporary research on nCC glve us a new undersLandlng of Lhe dlfference beLween
cognlLlve machlnery and Lhe phenomenal flow of consclousness? 1here are Lwo maln approaches Lo solvlng Lhls
problem, one ls funcLlonal-based (focuslng on Lhe assumpLlon of ellmlnaLlve maLerlallsm: LhaL consclousness can be
reduced Lo our cognlLlve funcLlons), Lhe oLher ls sLaLe-based (focuslng on Lhe assumpLlon LhaL ln a cerLaln sense
phenomenal consclousness overflows cognlLlve accesslblllLy). l argue LhaL from a concepLual polnL of vlew boLh
approaches are problemaLlc: Lhe funcLlonal-based approach seems Lo seL aslde such cruclal aspecLs of consclousness
as lLs phenomenology, and Lhe sLaLe-based approach seems Lo overesLlmaLe flrsL-person consclous experlence ln
Lrylng Lo demonsLraLe LhaL Lhe core neural bases for phenomenal consclousness and for access consclousness are
locaLed ln anaLomlcally separaLe reglons of our braln. l wlll dlscuss ln deLall Lhe llne of argumenLaLlon of boLh
approaches ln order Lo see wheLher Lhe experlmenLal paradlgms ln a search for Lhe nCC brlng new llghL Lo Lhe
fundamenLal dlfference beLween cognlLlve machlnery and Lhe phenomenal flow of consclousness. keywords: neural
correlaLes of consclousness, Lhe overflow argumenL, awareness, access consclousness, phenomenal consclousness,
8lock, uenneLL.

ConLacL: drazeev[

Compar|ng the effects of sub||m|na| pr|mes and phrases on work|ng memory performance: Are they med|ated by

Samantha keeves

ueparLmenL of Applled Soclal Sclences, CanLerbury ChrlsL Church unlverslLy, CanLerbury, kenL. uk.

(1-066 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

Subllmlnal sLlmulaLlon has been shown Lo enhance mood (Welnberger eL al., 1997) and cognlLlve behavlour (Lowery
eL al., 2007), uslng boLh subllmlnal prlmes (slngle words) and subllmlnal phrases (shorL mulLl-word senLences), yeL
Lhere has been no comparlson beLween Lhese Lwo formaLs Lo ascerLaln whlch may ellclL Lhe more robusL effecL.
Speclflcally, memory research has uLlllsed only subllmlnal prlmes Lo lnfluence memory performance ln boLh young
(MlLchell eL al., 2002, CharLrand & 8argh, 1996) and elderly (Levy, 1996) parLlclpanLs. Pence experlmenL 1 compared
Lhe Lwo formaLs Lo examlne whlch would ellclL Lhe mosL robusL behavloural change on a worklng memory Lask. SlxLy
parLlclpanLs compleLed a ConcepLual Span 1ask (CS1) and were randomly asslgned Lo one of slx condlLlons, 3-prlme
and 3-phrase, durlng whlch Lhey were exposed Lo subllmlnal sLlmull for 10msec. LhlrLy Llmes uslng a Lexlcal ueclslon
1ask (Lu1). Cn compleLlon of Lhe Lu1 parLlclpanLs agaln compleLed Lhe CS1. 8esulLs showed no clear change ln
worklng memory performance. 1here are Lwo plauslble reasons for Lhls null effecL, a lack of moLlvaLlon and a lack of
sLaLlsLlcal power. Accordlng Lo SLrahan eL al. (2002) subllmlnal sLlmulaLlon wlll only be effecLlve ln alLerlng behavlour lf
Lhe parLlclpanL has a goal, or moLlvaLlon Lo change Lhe behavlour. ln addlLlon, power analysls conducLed on
experlmenL 1 lndlcaLed low power as a resulL of Lhe small sample slze. 1hus, experlmenL 2 almed Lo subLly manlpulaLe
parLlclpanLs' moLlvaLlon Lo encourage Lhem Lo lmprove Lhelr worklng memory performance and lncreased Lhe power
of Lhe sLudy by compleLlng Lhe LesL on a larger sample. 8esulLs of Lhls experlmenL are pendlng.

ConLacL: samanLha.reeves[

1he neuro|og|ca| process respons|b|e for menta| cont|nu|ty: kec|procat|ng transformat|ons between a work|ng
memory updat|ng funct|on and an |magery generat|on system

Iared Ldward keser


unlverslLy of SouLhern Callfornla, sychology ueparLmenL, 8raln and CognlLlve Sclence ulvlslon

(2-033 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

A neurologlcal process, suggesLed Lo be lnvolved ln consclousness and Lhe malnLenance of menLal conLlnulLy, ls
dellneaLed here. 1hls process lnvolves reclprocal lnLeracLlons beLween nodes ln hlgher-order assoclaLlon corLex
capable of susLalned flrlng, and nodes ln lower-order sensory corLex capable of generaLlng menLal lmagery ln Lhe form
of Lopographlc maps. nodes ln hlgher-order assoclaLlon areas are mulLlmodal, module lndependenL, and have a
capaclLy for susLalned flrlng allowlng Lhe malnLenance of sallenL, novel or goal-relevanL feaLures Lhrough elapslng
Llme. nodes ln lower-order sensory areas recelve Lop-down lnpuLs from assoclaLlon areas and comblne mulLlple
lndlvldual feaLures lnLo composlLe, Lopographlc maps. 1he hlgher-order nodes selecL new feaLures from each mapplng
Lo add Lo a llmlLed-capaclLy sLore of Lemporarlly malnLalned feaLures. Cradual changes ln Lhls sLore of slmulLaneously
coacLlvaLed nodes occur as assoclaLlon nodes LhaL conLlnue Lo recelve sufflclenL acLlvaLlon energy are malnLalned,
nodes LhaL recelve reduced energy are released from acLlvaLlon, and new nodes LhaL are Luned so as Lo recelve
sufflclenL energy from Lhe currenL consLellaLlon of coacLlvaLes are converged upon, and lncorporaLed lnLo Lhe
remalnlng pool of acLlve nodes from Lhe prevlous cycle. 1hls updaLed seL of feaLures ls agaln fed back lnLo lower-order
sensory nodes where Lhe feaLures are conLlnually used Lo gulde Lhe consLrucLlon of successlve Lopographlc maps. 1he
susLalned and dynamlcally overlapplng acLlvlLy of hlgher-order nodes allows consecuLlve Lopographlc maps: Lo have
dlfferenL buL relaLed conLenL, Lo lmplemenL learned algorlLhms, Lo exhlblL progresslve quallLles, and Lo carry LhemaLlc
conLlnulLy over sequenLlal processlng sLaLes.

ConLacL: [ared[[

Imp||c|t eva|uat|on of competences as a funct|on of goa|-pursu|t

Marta koczn|ewska
A||na ko|anczyk

unlverslLy of Soclal Sclences and PumanlLles, laculLy ln SopoL

(1-037 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

Cb[ecLs relaLed Lo currenL goal pursulL are raLed as more poslLlve whlch allows lncludlng Lhem lnLo aLLenLlon. Cur
prevlous sLudles showed LhaL Lhe above relevance ls asslgned dlfferenLly dependlng on regulaLory focl: boLh
prevenLlve and promoLlve parLlclpanLs raLed ob[ecLs LhaL fulfllled Lask crlLerla as more poslLlve, buL slnce prevenLlon ls
assoclaLed wlLh vlgllance, prevenLlve parLlclpanLs expressed poslLlve aLLlLude also Lowards lmpedlmenLs Lo Lhe goal.
1hese sLudles dealL wlLh ob[ecLs relevanL Lo goal pursulL, buL exLernal Lo Lhe doer. ln currenL sLudy we almed Lo
observe wheLher faclng a Lask brlngs Lo aLLenLlon one's own compeLences by Lemporal changes ln Lhelr value.
arLlclpanLs raLed neuLral hexagrams proceeded by words descrlblng compeLences (presenLed for 73ms) Lwlce -
before and afLer lnLroduclng a manual Lask (consLrucLlng a shape from domlno Llles). 1he llsL of words comprlsed
helpful (e.g. preclse), dlsrupLlve (e.g. lmpaLlenL), poslLlve and negaLlve unrelaLed feaLures (e.g. communlcaLlve, lazy)
and neuLral words (e.g. blll). We observed fasLer reacLlon Llmes ln [udgmenL afLer Lask lnLroducLlon. Whlle boLh
promoLlon- and prevenLlon-orlenLed parLlclpanLs raLed helpful compeLences as poslLlve, and dlsrupLlve as negaLlve,
only for promoLlve parLlclpanLs Lhe [udgmenL dlffered slgnlflcanLly afLer Lask lnLroducLlon. Moreover, Lhe resulLs
showed LhaL promoLlve parLlclpanLs raLed compeLences LhaL can help perform Lhls Lask (e.g. fasL) more poslLlvely afLer
Lask lnLroducLlon, whlle Lhey sllghLly devalued oLher poslLlve compeLences LhaL do noL relaLe Lo Lask performance (e.g.
frlendly). 1he resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL lmpllclL [udgmenLs of self can change Lemporarlly along wlLh currenL goal pursulL.

ConLacL: marLa.rocznlewska[

8a|anc|ng v|sua| consc|ousness: Natura| vest|bu|ar st|mu|at|on modu|ates access to v|sua| consc|ousness |n a
cont|nuous f|ash suppress|on task

koy Sa|omon [1, 2]
Mar||a ka||uzhna [1, 2]
8runo nerbe||n [1]
C|af 8|anke [1, 2, 3]

[1] CenLer for neuroprosLheLlcs, School of Llfe Sclences, Lcole olyLechnlque lederale de Lausanne, SwlLzerland
[2] LaboraLory of CognlLlve neurosclence, 8raln Mlnd lnsLlLuLe, Lcole olyLechnlque lederale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
[3] ueparLmenL of neurology, unlverslLy PosplLal, Ceneva, SwlLzerland

(1-043 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

lnformaLlon from bodlly senses has been shown Lo be of paramounL lmporLance Lo self-consclousness. Powever, Lhe
role of bodlly slgnals ln shaplng our vlsual consclousness has seldom been lnvesLlgaLed. Pere, we demonsLraLe LhaL
naLural vesLlbular sLlmulaLlon lnfluences vlsual consclousness. We lnduced percepLual suppresslon by uslng
conLlnuous flash suppresslon (ClS) whlle sLlmulaLlng Lhe vesLlbular sysLem by roLaLlng parLlclpanLs on a roLaLlng chalr.
arLlclpanLs had Lo [udge Lhe color of Lhe doLs ln an opLlc flow dlsplay whlch could be congruenL or lncongruenL Lo
Lhelr self-roLaLlon. When Lhe opLlc flow was congruenL Lo Lhe parLlclpanLs' roLaLlon percepLual suppresslon was
broken more rapldly Lhan durlng lncongruenL Lrlals. Cur flndlngs provlde evldence of a vesLlbular lnfluence ln vlsual
consclousness, suggesLlng LhaL vesLlbular lnformaLlon noL only lnfluences own body percepLlon and consclousness,
buL also vlsual consclousness.

ConLacL: roy.salomon[

Introspect|on of thoughts

kateryna Samo||ova

8rown unlverslLy

(1-020 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

ln Lhe phllosophlcal debaLe abouL Lhe naLure of lnLrospecLlon, lL ls common Lo examlne Lhe naLure of our access Lo
bellefs. 8uL lL ls much less common Lo propose an accounL of lnLrospecLlve access Lo LhoughLs, Lhe mere enLerLalnlng
of some conLenL, raLher Lhan a commlLmenL Lo lL, as ln Lhe case of bellef. Alex 8yrne has proposed such an accounL
LhaL explalns our lnLrospecLlve access Lo LhoughLs, whlch llnks lnLrospecLlon noL only Lo reasonlng, buL also Lo audlLory
lmaglnaLlon. 1hough lL ls a fasclnaLlng accounL, l argue LhaL lL has Lwo subsLanLlal problems. llrsL, lL cruclally relles on
a clalm abouL Lhe naLure of audlLory lmaglnaLlon and lLs connecLlon wlLh bellef, whlch l show Lo be unmoLlvaLed. And
second, 8yrne needs all LhoughLs Lo be represenLed Lhrough an lnLrospecLlvely recognlzable medlum, or be
symbollzed", ln order for hls accounL Lo explaln our access Lo Lhose LhoughLs. 8uL some daLa from 8ussell PurlburL
show LhaL noL all LhoughLs are symbollzed, whlch undermlnes Lhe generallLy of 8yrne's accounL. ln llghL of Lhese
problems, 8yrne's accounL of lnLrospecLlng LhoughLs ls unLenable, buL perhaps a dlfferenL reasonlng-based accounL of
lnLrospecLlon could work.

ConLacL: kaLeryna.samollova[

Anx|ous an|ma|s? A nove| method for assess|ng the awareness of emot|ons |n nonhuman an|ma|s

Wa|ter Sanchez-Suarez [1]
Me||ssa 8ateson [2]
L||zabeth au| [3]
Georg|a Mason [4]

[1] ueparLmenL of Anlmal and oulLry Sclence, unlverslLy of Cuelph, Cuelph Cn, Canada
[2] CenLre for 8ehavlour and LvoluLlon/ lnsLlLuLe of neurosclence, newcasLle unlverslLy, newcasLle upon 1yne, unlLed
[3] CenLre for 8ehavloural 8lology, School of veLerlnary Sclence, unlverslLy of 8rlsLol, 8rlsLol, unlLed klngdom
[4] ueparLmenL of Anlmal and oulLry Sclence, unlverslLy of Cuelph, Cuelph Cn, Canada.

(1-078 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

Consclously experlenced emoLlons are feellngs or sensaLlons wlLh 'valence' (belng poslLlve/preferred or
negaLlve/averslve). 1ralned raLs and plgs can use emoLlons (e.g. anxleLy, paln) as 'dlscrlmlnaLlve sLlmull' (uSs): sLlmull
LhaL ln operanL paradlgms lndlcaLe whlch acLlon (e.g. presslng a cerLaln lever) wlll yleld reward. 1hey can also

'generallze' from drug uSs wlLh emoLlonal componenLs Lo cerLaln non drug-lnduced sLaLes (e.g., from sLaLes lnduced
by anxlogenlc drugs Lo sLaLes lnduced by elecLrlc shock or by an aggresslve defeaL by an lnLruder male ln raLs). Some
auLhors uslng drug dlscrlmlnaLlon procedures ln humans hypoLheslse LhaL parLlclpanLs' consclous awareness of drug
effecLs ls necessary for Lhe drug Lo funcLlon as a uS. lf correcL, Lhls suggesLs LhaL when anlmals use drug- or
experlence-lnduced emoLlons as uSs, Lhey may also be aware of Lhem. 1o LesL Lhls hypoLhesls, we mlned daLa from 22
experlmenLs on humans who were sub[ecLed Lo drug dlscrlmlnaLlon Lasks and asked Lo self-reporL Lhelr sensaLlons.
We compared Lhe lowesL dose of each drug LhaL could acL as a uS, wlLh Lhe lowesL dose causlng reporLable
sensaLlons. Across all 22 sLudles, we found a LlghL correlaLlon beLween Lhe Lwo Lypes of Lhreshold dose. lurLhermore,
Lhe slope dld noL slgnlflcanLly dlffer from 1, and Lhe Lwo Lhresholds dld noL slgnlflcanLly dlffer. 1hls suggesLs LhaL ln
humans, Lhe ablllLy Lo use lnLernal sLaLes as uSs ls a 1ype-C" process: one dependenL on consclous awareness.
Correspondlngly, anlmals' ablllLles Lo use emoLlons as uSs may Lherefore lndlcaLe awareness of Lhose emoLlons.

ConLacL: wsanchez[

Cogn|t|ve penetrat|on: What's under the hood?

krant| Saran

unlverslLy of uelhl

(1-021 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

WhaL ls cognlLlve peneLraLlon? ln Lhe llLeraLure, 'cognlLlve peneLraLlon' has no esLabllshed usage: for ylyshyn (1999)
lL ls a klnd of raLlonal lnfluence of cognlLlve sLaLes on experlence, for Slegel (2012) lL ls a specles of causal lnfluence of
Lhe cognlLlve on vlsual experlence LhaL meeLs a counLerfacLual consLralnL, for Macpherson (2012) lL ls a raLlonally
expllcable causal lnfluence of cognlLlve conLenLs on vlsual conLenLs, for whlch she proposes a speclflc mechanlsm, for
ueroy (2012) lL ls Lhe lnfluence of concepLual conLenL on percepLual processlng rules, for SLokes (2012) lL ls Lhe causal
lnfluence of a cognlLlve sLaLe on percepLual experlence where Lhe causal rouLe ls approprlaLely lnLernal. 1hus oplnlons
dlverge on Lhe naLure of cognlLlve peneLraLlon: Lhe range of permlsslble peneLraLors, whaL lL ls LhaL geLs cognlLlvely
peneLraLed, and Lhe necessary and sufflclenL condlLlons LhaL musL hold beLween Lhem. l ldenLlfy and crlLlcally assess
Lwo foundaLlonal Lheses, noL LhemaLlsed ln Lhe phllosophlcal llLeraLure, on whlch Lhese proposals dlffer: a Lhesls
abouL Lhe lnLeracLlon beLween levels of explanaLlon ln cognlLlve psychology and a Lhesls abouL Lhe naLure of raLlonal
relaLlons. l furLher ldenLlfy prlma facle reasons for re[ecLlng boLh of Lhese Lheses, Lhereby allowlng a more expanslve
concepLlon of cognlLlve peneLraLlon Lhan has been defended Llll daLe.

ConLacL: saran[

Lffects of v|brotact||e b|ofeedback dev|ce on postura| stab|||ty w|thout v|sua| |nformat|on |n hea|thy young adu|ts

uk| Sato [1]
kazuh|ro asuda [1]
Noyuk| I|mura [2]
n|royuk| Iwata [2]

[1] Clobal 8oboL Academla LaboraLory, Creen CompuLlng SysLems 8esearch CrganlzaLlon, Waseda unlverslLy, 27
Waseda-cho, Shln[uku-ku, 1okyo 162-0042, !apan
[2] CraduaLe School of CreaLlve Sclence and Lnglneerlng, Waseda unlverslLy 3-4-1 Ckubo, Shln[uku-ku, 1okyo 169-
8333, !apan

(1-079 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

Sensory subsLlLuLlon and augmenLaLlon has lncreaslngly galned lmporLance ln cllnlcal seLLlngs and neurosclence
research, because of lLs slgnlflcance ln rehablllLaLlon and undersLandlng Lhe concepLs of consclousness. 1he purpose
of Lhls research was Lo examlne Lhe effecLs of a newly-developed vlbroLacLlle blofeedback devlce on posLural sLablllLy
wlLhouL vlsual lnformaLlon. 1welve healLhy young adulLs parLlclpaLed ln Lhls sLudy. arLlclpanLs were dlvlded randomly
lnLo Lwo groups (experlmenLal and conLrol) and asked Lo malnLaln balance ln Lhe uprlghL poslLlon wlLh Lhelr eyes
closed. 1he blofeedback devlce mapped changes ln Lhe cenLers of pressure (Co) on Lhelr backs, uslng a 2 2 vlbraLor
array. uurlng Lhe basellne phase, posLural sLablllLy (sway area of Co) was measured ln boLh groups. uurlng Lhe LesL
phase, posLural sLablllLy was measured wlLh blofeedback ln Lhe experlmenLal group and wlLhouL blofeedback ln Lhe

conLrol group. 1o deLermlne Lhe exLenL of changes ln posLural sLablllLy, Lhe value of Lhe sway area durlng Lhe basellne
phase was subLracLed from Lhe LesL value. A lower value lndlcaLed LhaL Lhe parLlclpanL's posLure became sLable durlng
Lhe LesL phase. 1he effecLs of Lhe devlce were evaluaLed by comparlng Lhe exLenL of change beLween groups. 1he
exLenL of change was slgnlflcanLly lower ln Lhe experlmenLal group Lhan ln Lhe conLrol group. 1hls resulL suggesLs LhaL
Lhe vlbroLacLlle blofeedback devlce may compensaLe for a loss of vlsual lnformaLlon ln conLrolllng posLural
equlllbrlum, by provldlng addlLlonal sensory lnformaLlon on Co. 1hls devlce may Lhus be used ln Lhe rehablllLaLlon of
paLlenLs wlLh vlsual or neurologlcal dlsorders.

ConLacL: yukl_saLo[aonl.waseda.[p

Unconsc|ous percept|on of b|o|og|ca| mot|on

8ahador 8ahram| [1]
Lauren 8. Cur|ey [2]
Luke M|||er [2]
Chen Song [1]
8|anca van kemenade [3]
Gera|nt kees [1]
Ayse . Sayg|n [2] G>%'5'/+1/@ "-+.*%J

[1] unlverslLy College London
[2] unlverslLy of Callfornla, San ulego
[3] PumboldL-unlverslLaL zu 8erlln

(2-063 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

8lologlcal moLlon processlng ls crlLlcal for survlval and soclal lnLeracLlon, buL wheLher processlng of Lhese sLlmull can
Lake place ouLslde awareness ls unknown. olnL-llghL walkers (LWs) conslsLlng of abouL a dozen markers aLLached Lo
Lhe llmbs of an acLor have been used for decades Lo sLudy Lhe percepLlon of blologlcal moLlon. Pere, we lnvesLlgaLed
wheLher blologlcal moLlon LW sLlmull masked and rendered lnvlslble by lnLerocular suppresslon could lnduce
adapLaLlon for subsequenL unmasked LargeL LWs. llrsL, we esLabllshed LhaL dlscrlmlnaLlon of Lhe dlrecLlon of headlng
of consclously-percelved LWs was fasLer lf Lhey were preceded by an lnvlslble adapLer LW headlng ln Lhe opposlLe
dlrecLlon, lndlcaLlng unconsclous blologlcal moLlon sLlmull can lnduce adapLaLlon. ln a separaLe experlmenL, we
showed LhaL Lhls effecL depended on adapLer duraLlon. Slngle frame (12ms) or 300ms-long LWs dld noL lnduce
adapLaLlon, buL 600ms and 2330ms long lnvlslble adapLers dld. ln all experlmenLs, we ran conLrols Lo ascerLaln Lhe
adapLer LWs dlrecLlon were noL consclously percelved by Lhe observers. lurLher sLudles are explorlng wheLher
adapLaLlon ls drlven by Lhe (global) form lnformaLlon or Lhe (local) moLlon lnformaLlon of Lhe lnvlslble adapLer LW.
Cverall, we showed LhaL percepLual processlng of blologlcal moLlon does noL requlre awareness, and more
speclflcally, LhaL adapLaLlon Lo blologlcal moLlon can occur ouLslde of awareness.

ConLacL: apsaygln[

Spectra| LLG at rest pred|cts behav|ora| appearance |n D|sorders of Consc|ousness

Manue| Schabus [1]
Iu||a Lech|nger [1]
kathr|n 8othe [1]
Gera|d |ch|er [2]
Gabr|e|e M|ch|tsch [3]
Iohann Don|s [3]

[1] ueparLmenL of sychology, LaboraLory for Sleep, CognlLlon and Consclousness 8esearch, Salzburg, AusLrla
[2] Apalllc Care unlL, neurologlcal ulvlslon, AlberL-SchwelLzer-kllnlk, Craz, AusLrla
[3] Apalllc Care unlL, neurologlcal ulvlslon, CerlaLrlezenLrum am Wlenerwald, vlenna, AusLrla

(2-036 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

Cb[ecLlve: aLlenLs sufferlng from a ulsorder of Consclousness sLlll presenL a dlagnosLlc challenge due Lo Lhe facL LhaL
Lhelr assessmenL ls malnly based on behavloural scales wlLh Lhelr moLor responses ofLen belng sLrongly lmpalred. We,

Lherefore, focused on resLlng LLC ln order Lo reveal poLenLlal alLernaLlve measures of Lhe paLlenL's currenL sLaLe
lndependenL of raLher complex ablllLles (e.g. language comprehenslon). MeLhods: 8esLlng LLC was recorded on four
occaslons ln 7 Mlnlmally Consclous SLaLe and 10 vegeLaLlve SLaLe paLlenLs. 8ehavloural assessmenLs were conducLed
uslng Lhe Coma-8ecovery Scale-8evlsed. 1he slgnal was analyzed ln Lhe frequency domaln and assoclaLlon beLween
C8S-8 Score and LLC ampllLude were calculaLed uslng earson correlaLlon and repeaLed measures AnCvAs. 8esulLs:
Analyses revealed remarkably robusL poslLlve correlaLlons (r .70) beLween C8S-8 scores and band ampllLude above
12 Pz as well as negaLlve correlaLlons beLween wlLh frequencles below 8 Pz. lurLhermore, Lhe absoluLe alpha/LheLa
raLlo as well as Lhe specLral peak were hlghly lndlcaLlve of Lhe paLlenL's behavloral sLaLe. Concluslons: 1he sLrong
relaLlonshlp beLween varlous resLlng LLC parameLers and C8S-8 score provlde slgnlflcanL cllnlcal relevance. noL only ls
resLlng acLlvlLy easlly acqulred aL bedslde, buL furLhermore, lL does noL depend on expllclL cooperaLlon of Lhe paLlenL.
Lspeclally ln cases where behavloural assessmenL ls dlfflculL or amblguous, specLral analysls of resLlng LLC could
complemenL cllnlcal dlagnosls and lndlcaLe resldual cognlLlon and consclous awareness.

ConLacL: manuel.schabus[

Consc|ous and unconsc|ous error process|ng |n ADnD ch||dren: An event-re|ated potent|a|s study of the stop-s|gna|

Magda|ena Senderecka [1]
Iakub Szewczyk [2]
krzysztof Gerc [3]
koman Chmy|ak [4]
Anna Grabowska [S]

[1] CognlLlve Sclence unlL, !aglellonlan unlverslLy, Cracow, oland
[2] sychophyslology LaboraLory, !aglellonlan unlverslLy, Cracow, oland
[3] 1he ueparLmenL of uevelopmenLal and PealLh sychology, !aglellonlan unlverslLy, Cracow, oland
[4] nZCZ LLC-C8Al, Cracow, oland
[3] nenckl lnsLlLuLe of LxperlmenLal 8lology, Warsaw, oland

(1-067 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

1he alm of Lhe sLudy was Lo deLermlne wheLher consclous and unconsclous error processlng dlsLlngulshes chlldren
wlLh a dlagnosls of aLLenLlon deflclL hyperacLlvlLy dlsorder comblned Lype from normally developlng chlldren. 40 rlghL-
handed chlldren aged beLween 6.9 and 12.3 years parLlclpaLed ln Lhe sLudy, wlLh 16 boys and 4 glrls ln each of Lhe
conLrol and AuPu groups. Chlldren were lndlvldually age- and gender-maLched. arLlclpanLs performed a sLandard
sLop-slgnal Lask wlLh an audlLory sLop-slgnal sLlmulus whlle Lhe LLC was recorded. 8elaLlve Lo conLrols, Lhe go sLlmulus
reacLlon Llme and Lhe sLop-slgnal reacLlon Llme were prolonged ln chlldren wlLh AuPu. MoLor reacLlon evenL-relaLed
poLenLlals were calculaLed separaLely for correcL and lncorrecL (unsuccessfully lnhlblLed) responses. 8oLh componenLs
assoclaLed wlLh error processlng were markedly reduced ln AuPu chlldren relaLlve Lo healLhy chlldren - Lhe L8n,
reflecLlng error deLecLlon, whlch has been shown Lo be lndependenL of consclous awareness and Lhe e, more
evaluaLlve ln naLure, assoclaLed wlLh consclous awareness or affecLlve processlng relaLed Lo an erroneous response.
1he L8n group effecL had a fronLocenLral dlsLrlbuLlon, belng more pronounced ln Lhe rlghL hemlsphere, whlle Lhe e
group effecL had a cenLroparleLal scalp dlsLrlbuLlon. 1hese resulLs supporL Lhe hypoLhesls of a complex deflclL of error
recognlLlon mechanlsms ln AuPu. 1hls may suggesL LhaL Lhe AuPu chlldren aLLach less slgnlflcance Lo errors, and ln
consequence are less llkely Lo alLer Lhelr Lask-relaLed behavlor.

ConLacL: magdalena.senderecka[

1he neurophys|o|ogy of feedback: A mechan|sm for b|nd|ng

Adam Sha| [1]
Sean Murphy [2]
Costas Anastass|ou [3]
Matthew Larkum [2]
Chr|stof koch [3]

[1] Callfornla lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology
[2] PumboldL-unlverslLaL zu 8erlln

[3] Allen lnsLlLuLe for 8raln Sclence

(2-037 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

8ecurrenL corLlco-corLlcal connecLlons have been lmpllcaLed ln consclous percepLlon ln a varleLy of psychophyslcs
sLudles and Lheorles of consclousness. WhaL are Lhe neural effecLs of such feedback connecLlons? WhaL funcLlonal
roles aL Lhe level of slngle cells, neLworks, and global compuLaLlon, mlghL Lhese connecLlons play? ln Lhls blophyslcal
work, we begln Lo conslder Lhe posslble role feedback plays ln affecLlng Lhe dendrlLlc LufLs of layer 3 pyramldal
neurons ln Lhe neocorLex and Lhe lmpllcaLlons of such a mechanlsm for percepLual blndlng. We explore slngle cell
properLles of pyramldal neurons ln Lhe mouse prlmary vlsual corLex and show how feedback lnpuL conLrols bursL flrlng
ln a model, and dlscuss how concurrenL boLLom-up, feedforward and Lop-down corLlco-corLlcal feedback drlve lnLo a
corLlcal column can acL as a mechanlsm for percepLual blndlng. Alongslde our own experlmenLs ln mouse explorlng
Lhe speclflc physlologlcal effecLs of 1MS on Lhe neocorLex, recenL psychophyslcs work uslng 1MS Lo dlsrupL consclous
percepLlon ls explalned ln llghL of our hypoLhesls.

ConLacL: ashal[

1op-down emot|ona| bra|n modu|at|on |n d|sorders of consc|ousness

nagga| Sharon [1, 2, 3]
otam asternak [2, 3]
Lt| 8en S|mon [2, 4]
M|cha| Gruberger [2, 4]
Ad| Maron-katz [2, 4]
N|r G||ad| [3, S]
1a|ma nend|er [2, 3, 4]

[1] ueparLmenL of lnLernal Medlclne, Sourasky Medlcal CenLer, 1el Avlv, lsrael,
[2]luncLlonal 8raln lmaglng unlL, Wohl lnsLlLuLe for Advanced lmaglng, Sourasky Medlcal CenLer, 1el Avlv, lsrael,
[3] Sackler School of Medlclne, 1el Avlv unlverslLy, 1el Avlv, lsrael,
[4] sychology ueparLmenL, 1el Avlv unlverslLy, 1el Avlv, lsrael,
[3] ueparLmenL of neurology, Sourasky Medlcal CenLer, 1el Avlv, lsrael

(2-082 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

8ackground LmoLlon ls a key feaLure of lnner menLal sLaLes. WheLher paLlenLs wlLh dlsorders of consclousness (uCC)
experlence such sLaLes remalns unknown. 1hus far, acLlve funcLlonal neurolmaglng paradlgms ln uCC paLlenLs have
focused on demonsLraLlng volunLary modulaLlon of braln acLlvlLy Lo a cognlLlve Lask, lmplylng coverL awareness.
Powever, no such sLudy has examlned modulaLlon of emoLlonal braln processlng, whlch may allude Lo emoLlonal
awareness and Lhe exlsLence of sub[ecLlve experlences. MeLhods ln a hlerarchal cognlLlve-emoLlonal fM8l paradlgm
four vegeLaLlve and Lwo mlnlmally consclous paLlenLs and Lwelve healLhy conLrols were asked Lo lmaglne one of Lhelr
parenLs' faces. Analyses focused on acLlvaLlons ln Lhe fuslform face area (llA) and Lhe amygdala. 8esulLs 1wo
vegeLaLlve paLlenLs dlsplayed amygdala acLlvaLlons durlng famlllar face lmagery. Cne of Lhese paLlenLs furLher
dlsplayed llA acLlvaLlon durlng Lhe lmagery condlLlon, resulLlng ln acLlvaLlon maps lndlsLlngulshable from Lhose of
healLhy volunLeers. 8oLh mlnlmally consclous paLlenLs dlsplayed amygdala and llA acLlvaLlons durlng famlllar face
lmagery. lurLhermore, of Lhe four vegeLaLlve paLlenLs, only Lhe Lwo LhaL exhlblLed acLlvaLlons durlng Lhls Lask laLer
lmproved neurologlcally Lo a mlnlmally consclous sLaLe. Concluslons 1hese resulLs suggesL LhaL some paLlenLs wlLh
uCC reLaln a braln ablllLy Lo selecLlvely perform vollLlonal Lop-down emoLlonal braln modulaLlon, supporLlng
emoLlonal awareness. Accordlngly, sub[ecLlve emoLlonal menLal sLaLes ln Lhese paLlenLs may also be drlven by lnLernal
processes. 1he exlsLence of such emoLlonal reacLlvlLy may carry prognosLlc slgnlflcance, Lhough lL remalns Lo be
deLermlned. 1he posslble exlsLence of lnner menLal sLaLes ln uCC, and especlally ln vegeLaLlve paLlenLs, carrles
lmmense slgnlflcance Lo Lhelr care and Lo Lhe sLudy of consclousness ln general.

ConLacL: haggalsharon[

Susta|ned e|ectrophys|o|og|ca| act|v|ty ref|ects perceptua| awareness for d|fferent ob[ect categor|es

Mark Shaw
Lev 1anke|ev|tch

kr|st|n W||son
Carson un
Matthew Lowe
kayan kosn|k
Susanne Ierber

ueparLmenL of sychology, unlverslLy of 1oronLo

(2-083 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

8ecenLly, we have demonsLraLed how a percepL fadlng ln and ouL of consclousness can be Lracked wlLh an
elecLrophyslologlcal correlaLe of vlsual worklng memory (vWM). 1hls parLlcular componenL - Lhe conLralaLeral delay
acLlvlLy (CuA) - Lyplcally Lracks Lhe number of lLems malnLalned ln (vWM), lrrespecLlve of Lhe ldenLlLy of Lhese lLems.
Pere, we manlpulaLe Lhe Lype of ob[ecL whlch parLlclpanLs see ln a bllaLeral shape-from-moLlon dlsplay Lo LesL
wheLher Lhe CuA as a measure of ob[ecL awareness ls conLenL-speclflc or conLenL-lnvarlanL. 1he dlsplay lnvolves a llne
drawlng of an ob[ecL movlng ln counLer-phase Lo randomly orlenLed background llnes. When ln moLlon, Lhe ob[ecL can
be easlly segregaLed from Lhe background. When Lhe moLlon sLops, Lhe percepL perslsLs for a llLLle whlle ln Lhe
observer's consclous experlence before lL fades from awareness. 1he recrulLmenL of Lhe conLralaLeral delay acLlvlLy
durlng Lhe percepLual perslsLence phase suggesLs LhaL vlsual worklng memory may play an lmporLanL role ln
sub[ecLlve awareness. 8y manlpulaLlng Lhe Lype of ob[ecL whlch parLlclpanLs vlew, we demonsLraLe LhaL Lhe
recrulLmenL of Lhls L8 componenL ls lnvarlanL wlLh respecL Lo ob[ecL, anlmal and human face sLlmull. 1hls suggesLs
LhaL Lhe CuA reflecLs wheLher a vlsual lLem moves ln or ouL of consclous awareness, lrrespecLlve of ob[ecL caLegory.


Is there a "d|st|nct|ve common qua||ty" |n the exper|ence of p|easure?

Adam Shr|ver

1he 8oLman lnsLlLuLe of hllosophy and Lhe 8raln and Mlnd lnsLlLuLe aL Lhe unlverslLy of WesLern CnLarlo

(1-022 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

romlnenL eLhlclsLs have clalmed lL ls clear from lnLrospecLlon Lhere ls no experlenLlal quallLy shared by all pleasures.
lor example, arflL has clalmed LhaL Lhe pleasures of, "saLlsfylng an lnLense LhlrsL or lusL, llsLenlng Lo muslc, solvlng an
lnLellecLual problem, readlng a Lragedy, and knowlng LhaL one's chlld ls noL conLaln any dlsLlncLlve common
quallLy," (1984, p. 493). Slmllarly, Crlffln has clalmed LhaL Lhere ls no "homogenous menLal sLaLe" ln common beLween
Lhe poslLlve sLaLes of "eaLlng, readlng, worklng, creaLlng [and] helplng," (1986, p. 8). ln conLrasL Lo Lhese vlews, Crlsp
has argued LhaL all pleasures share Lhe same felL properLy" of en[oyableness (2006, p. 629). Lmplrlcal research has
shown LhaL common pleasure-relaLed braln areas are acLlvaLed across a number of dlfferenL experlences, lncludlng
sexual pleasure, pharmacologlcally lnduced pleasure, and Lhe pleasure of llsLenlng Lo muslc (l.e. sex, drugs, and rock
'n' roll), as well as Lhe pleasures of soclal rewards, humor, and wlnnlng money (SmlLh eL al. 2010). l wlll argue Lhe
followlng: Lhe exlsLence of shared acLlvaLlon paLLerns across dlfferenL Lypes of pleasures does noL seLLle Lhe quesLlon
of wheLher Lhere ls a common phenomenologlcal feaLure of pleasurable experlences, slnce lL ls posslble Lhese braln
areas are noL dlrecLly conLrlbuLlng Lo Lhe phenomenology of pleasure (cf. Lhe dopamlne sysLem). Powever, Lhls
emplrlcal evldence does undermlne Lhe sLrengLh of arflL and Crlffln's lnLrospecLlve argumenLs, and Lhe rlghL
emplrlcal evldence comblned wlLh argumenLs llke Crlsp's could esLabllsh LhaL Lhere ls a shared phenomenologlcal
feaLure of pleasurable experlences.

ConLacL: ashrlver[

Lex|ca| re|at|ons, menta| re-presentat|ons and the oppos|tes of exper|ence

Max|m Stamenov

lnsLlLuLe for 8ulgarlan Language 8ulgarlan Academy of Sclences Sofla, 8ulgarla

(2-079 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

Lexlcal relaLlons are Lhe relaLlons beLween word and word-llke expresslons ln Lhe menLal lexlcon. 1he baslc ones are

Lhose of synonymy, anLonymy, homonymy, hypo- and hyperonymy, eLc. lrom semanLlc polnL of vlew, Lhey could be
envlsaged as speclflc Lypes of relaLlons LhaL are esLabllshed beLween Lhe meanlngs of Lwo or more dlfferenL words.
1he blnary prlnclple of [uxLaposlLlon beLween Lhem ls besL exempllfled by anLonyms as [uxLaposlLlon of Lwo opposlLes
of meanlng. MenLal re-presenLaLlon ls concepLuallzed here as a way Lo develop concepLs LhaL caLegorlze experlence.
ln Lhls way menLal presenLaLlons of dlfferenL Lypes of feellngs, emoLlons, percepLlons and movemenLs become re-
presenLed ln Lerms of concepLs LhaL may become lnLegral parL of Lhe llngulsLlc convenLlon. 1he poLenLlal for
conLrasLlve sLudy of feellngs, eLc. and Lhelr concepLual re-presenLaLlons becomes mosL challenglng when we come Lo
anLonyms ln language llke happy and sad. Whlle on Lhe one hand Lhey are parL of Lhe llngulsLlc convenLlon (ln a
cerLaln language- and culLure-speclflc way), on Lhe oLher hand Lhey have Lo refer Lo 'glvens of experlence'. When Lhe
convenLlonallLy aspecL ls Laken lnLo accounL, Lhe way becomes open for conslderlng words for experlences ln general
and for opposlLes ln experlence ln parLlcular as 'naLural klnds' (unllke Lhe sLance Lo 'folk concepLs' ln conLemporary
psychology of emoLlons). Cne such advanced case wlll be dlscussed ln deLall - Lhe naLure of Lhe relaLlonshlp ln
Cerman of Lhe anLonyms helmllch-unhelmllch and Lhe psychologlcal reallLy Lhey refer Lo.

ConLacL: maxsLam[

Co|or and |um|nance |nf|uence, but can not exp|a|n, b|nocu|ar r|va|ry onset b|as

Iody Stan|ey [1]
I. Iorte [1]
. Cavanagh [2]
C. Carter [1]

[1] Melbourne School of sychologlcal Sclences, unlverslLy of Melbourne
[2] LaboraLolre sychologle de la ercepLlon, unlverslLe arls uescarLes

(1-067 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

When an observer ls presenLed wlLh dlsslmllar lmages Lo Lhe rlghL and lefL eye, consclous awareness of each lmage
wlll alLernaLe every few seconds ln a phenomenon known as blnocular rlvalry. 8ecenL research has suggesLed LhaL Lhe
flrsL consclous experlence, or Lhe lnlLlal 'onseL' perlod of rlvalry, ls noL random and may be dlfferenL ln lLs neural
mechanlsm Lhan subsequenL domlnance perlods. lL ls known LhaL dlfferences ln lumlnance and conLrasL have a
slgnlflcanL lnfluence on Lhe average domlnance durlng susLalned rlvalry and LhaL percepLlon of lumlnance can vary
beLween lndlvlduals and across Lhe vlsual fleld. We Lherefore lnvesLlgaLed wheLher percepLlon of lumlnance conLrasL
plays a role ln onseL rlvalry. 8lval LargeLs were maLched for brlghLness ln each of elghL locaLlons of Lhe near perlphery
for each observer. Cbservers Lhen vlewed Lhe rlval LargeLs for brlef presenLaLlons ln each of Lhe elghL locaLlons and
reporLed Lhe color LhaL was flrsL domlnanL. 8esulLs show LhaL mlnlmlzlng dlfferences ln brlghLness and conLrasL ylelds
a sLronger paLLern of onseL domlnance blas and reveals evldence of monocular domlnance. Speclflcally a slgnlflcanL
advanLage was observed for Lhe Lemporal hemlfleld. 1hese resulLs suggesL LhaL boLh conLrasL and monocular
domlnance play a role ln onseL domlnance, Lhough nelLher can fully explaln Lhe effecL. urawlng from addlLlonal
currenL research, a brlef overvlew of addlLlonal facLors conLrlbuLlng Lo domlnance aL Lhe onseL of rlvalry wlll also be
presenLed. 1ogeLher, Lhese resulLs furLher clarlfy Lhe dlsLlncLlon beLween percepLual domlnance aL onseL and Lhe
domlnance perlods durlng subsequenL alLernaLlons.

ConLacL: [odys[

1he semant|c pr|m|ng effect: now to exp|a|n |nd|v|dua| d|fferences?

N|co|as Stefan|ak [1, 2]
Stphan|e Ca||||es [1]
Chr|ste||e Dec|ercq [1]
I|or|ne reto [1]
1h|erry Meu|emans [2]

[1] unlverslLy of 8elms
[2] unlverslLy of Llege

(2-067 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

Several sLudles have shown LhaL semanLlc prlmlng (S) ls dlrecLly assoclaLed Lo Lhe assoclaLlon sLrengLh beLween Lhe
prlme and Lhe LargeL words (e.g., Chwllla & kolk, 2002). Powever, ?ap eL al. (2010) showed LhaL Lhls phenomenon was
only observed ln people wlLh llLLle vocabulary knowledge. 1hey argued LhaL parLlclpanLs wlLh more vocabulary
knowledge made equally sLrong represenLaLlons for weak and sLrong relaLed sLlmull. Powever, Lhls explanaLlon ls noL
sufflclenL because lndlvldual dlfferences ln S have been shown even when vocabulary ls conLrolled. We hypoLheslze
LhaL Lhe S effecL should be larger for parLlclpanLs who are more able Lo ldenLlfy slmllarlLles beLween words,
lndependenLly of Lhelr vocabulary knowledge, and LhaL Lhls ablllLy would depend on lmpllclL learnlng processes (see
kaufman eL al., 2010). ln LxperlmenL 1, parLlclpanLs performed Lwo Lasks. ln Lhe flrsL one, Lhey were presenLed a palr
of words for whlch Lhey were asked Lo ldenLlfy as many words as posslble whlch could assoclaLe boLh Lhese words. ln
Lhe second one, Lhey performed an S Lask (l.e., a lexlcal declslon Lask ln whlch some prlme and LargeL palrs were
semanLlcally relaLed). ln LxperlmenL 2, Lhey performed an lmpllclL learnlng Lask (l.e, serlal reacLlon Llme Lask) and an
S Lask. 8esulLs show LhaL, when vocabulary ls conLrolled, Lhe S effecL ls deLermlned by Lhe ablllLy Lo ldenLlfy
slmllarlLles beLween concepLs and by lmpllclL learnlng ablllLles. 1hese resulLs are dlscussed ln Lhe conLexL of ullman's
(2001) declaraLlve/procedural model and of dual process Lheory.

ConLacL: nlcolas.sLefanlak[

Us|ng cho|ce b||ndness to sh|ft po||t|ca| att|tudes and voter |ntent|ons

1homas Strandberg [1]
Lars na|| [1]
etter Iohansson [1, 2]

[1] Lund unlverslLy CognlLlve Sclence, Lund, Sweden
[2] Swedlsh Colleglum for Advanced SLudles

(2-068 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

ollLlcal candldaLes ofLen belleve Lhey musL focus Lhelr campalgn efforLs on a small number of swlng voLers open for
ldeologlcal change. 8ased on Lhe wlsdom of oplnlon polls, Lhls mlghL seem llke a good ldea. 8uL do mosL voLers really
hold Lhelr pollLlcal aLLlLudes so flrmly LhaL Lhey are unrecepLlve Lo persuaslon? We LesLed Lhls premlse durlng Lhe
mosL recenL general elecLlon ln Sweden, ln whlch a lefL- and a rlghL-wlng coallLlon were locked ln a close race. Cur
parLlclpanLs sLaLed Lhelr voLer lnLenLlon, and answered a pollLlcal survey of wedge lssues beLween Lhe Lwo coallLlons.
uslng a slelghL-of-hand we Lhen alLered Lhelr replles Lo place Lhem ln Lhe opposlLe pollLlcal camp, and lnvlLed Lhem Lo
reason abouL Lhelr aLLlLudes on Lhe manlpulaLed lssues. llnally, we summarlzed Lhelr survey score, and asked for Lhelr
voLer lnLenLlon agaln. 1he resulLs showed LhaL no more Lhan 22 of Lhe manlpulaLed replles were deLecLed, and LhaL
a full 92 of Lhe parLlclpanLs accepLed and endorsed our alLered pollLlcal survey score. lurLhermore, Lhe flnal voLer
lnLenLlon quesLlon lndlcaLed LhaL as many as 48 were wllllng Lo conslder a lefL-rlghL coallLlon shlfL. 1hls can be
conLrasLed wlLh Lhe esLabllshed polls Lracklng Lhe Swedlsh elecLlon, whlch reglsLered maxlmally 10 voLers open for a
swlng. Cur resulLs lndlcaLe LhaL pollLlcal aLLlLudes can be far more flexlble Lhan whaL ls assumed by Lhe polls, and LhaL
people can reason abouL Lhe facLual lssues of Lhe campalgn wlLh conslderable openness Lo change.

ConLacL: Lhomas.sLrandberg[

Mu|t|sensory |ntegrat|on across |nterocept|ve and exterocept|ve doma|ns modu|ates the exper|ence of body

ke|suke Suzuk| [1, 2]
Sarah N. Garf|nke| [1, 3]
nugo D. Cr|tch|ey [1, 3]
An|| k. Seth [1, 2]

[1] Sackler CenLre for Consclousness Sclence, unlverslLy of Sussex, 8rlghLon, uk
[2] School of lnformaLlcs and Lnglneerlng, unlverslLy of Sussex, 8rlghLon, 8n1 9!, uk
[3] 8rlghLon and Sussex Medlcal School, 8rlghLon, uk

(2-038 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

1he experlence of ownlng and ldenLlfylng wlLh a parLlcular body ls a cenLral aspecL of consclous selfhood. 1hls

experlence ls LhoughL Lo depend on mulLlsensory lnLegraLlon of body-relaLed slgnals across exLerocepLlve and
lnLerocepLlve domalns. revlous work exempllfled by Lhe classlcal rubber hand llluslon" has demonsLraLed LhaL body-
ownershlp can be modulaLed by manlpulaLlng exLerocepLlve (vlsual and LacLlle) feedback. 1he sLrengLh of Lhese
effecLs ls assoclaLed wlLh lndlvldual lnLerocepLlve senslLlvlLy, suggesLlng a llnk beLween exLerocepLlve and
lnLerocepLlve processlng. Powever, a dlrecL connecLlon beLween lnLerocepLlve feedback and Lhe experlence of body
ownershlp has noL prevlously been shown. Pere, we demonsLraLe such a connecLlon by lmplemenLlng a verslon of Lhe
rubber hand llluslon lncorporaLlng vlsual feedback of lnLerocepLlve (cardlac) slgnals, uslng augmenLed reallLy and
physlologlcal monlLorlng. 1hls allows us Lo superlmpose a vlrLual rubber hand" wlLhln a parLlclpanL's vlsual fleld, Lhe
vlsual appearance of whlch can be modulaLed by cardlac slgnals such LhaL Lhe modulaLlon ls elLher synchronous, or
asynchronous, wlLh a parLlclpanL's acLual hearLbeaL. We flnd LhaL synchronous cardlo-vlsual feedback" leads Lo
enhanced ownershlp of Lhe vlrLual hand, when assessed by boLh ob[ecLlve and sub[ecLlve measures. We also repllcaLe
Lhe sLandard vlsuo-LacLlle rubber-hand resulLs wlLhln our vlrLual envlronmenL. llnally, our daLa suggesL poslLlve
correlaLlons beLween lndlvldual lnLerocepLlve senslLlvlLy and Lhe sLrengLh of boLh Lhe cardlo-vlsual and LacLlle-vlsual
llluslons. AlLogeLher, our resulLs esLabllsh LhaL lnLerocepLlve slgnals can dlrecLly lnfluence Lhe experlence of body
ownershlp vla mulLlsensory lnLegraLlon wlLhln lndlvldual sub[ecLs, and Lhey lend supporL Lo models of consclous
selfhood based on lnLerocepLlve predlcLlve codlng.

ConLacL: k.Suzukl[

Affect|ve modu|at|on of agency and |ts ro|e |n se|f-serv|ng and se|f-b|am|ng b|as

ke|suke 1akahata [1, 3]
Moto|ch|ro kato [1]
n|deh|ko 1akahash| [2]
1akak| Maeda [1]
Ak|h|ro korek| [1]
Sho Mor|guch| [1, 3]
1etsuya Suhara [3]
Masaru M|mura [1]

[1] ueparLmenL of neuropsychlaLry, kelo unlverslLy School of Medlclne
[2] ueparLmenL of sychlaLry, kyoLo unlverslLy PosplLal
[3] Molecular lmaglng CenLer, naLlonal lnsLlLuLe of 8adlologlcal Sclences

(1-080 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

1he bellef LhaL acLlons and exLernal evenLs are under conLrol of consclous wlll ls pervaslve, and lL ls rarely doubLed.
1hls bellef ls bullL on a feellng LhaL one's lnLenLlonal acLlons caused speclflc evenLs ln Lhe ouLslde world (sense of
agency). Powever, people ofLen make mls[udgmenL on causallLy dependlng on rewardlng or punlshlng ouLcomes of
acLlon. Cne well-known phenomenon ls self-servlng blas, when one's volunLary acLlon caused negaLlve ouLcome,
sub[ecL Lend Lo bulld a posL-hoc accounL LhaL negaLlve ouLcome was caused by exLernal facLors. ln conLrasL, paLlenLs
wlLh depresslon show opposlLe causallLy blas: Lhey Lend Lo aLLrlbuLe cause of negaLlve evenL more Lo Lhemselves Lhan
exLernal facLors. AlLhough Lhese self-servlng and self-blamlng blases lmply LhaL rewardlng and punlshlng ouLcome of
acLlon exerclse dlfferenL effecLs on agency dependlng on sub[ecL's lnLernal affecLlve sLaLes, emplrlcal evldence Lo Lhls
lssue ls lacklng. ln Lhe presenL sLudy, uslng a varlanL of acLlon-effecL blndlng (lnLenLlonal blndlng) paradlgm comblned
wlLh classlcal condlLlonlng procedures, we lnvesLlgaLed posLdlcLlve lnfluence of affecLlve valence of acLlon on agency
ln healLhy young sub[ecLs and depresslve paLlenLs. We found LhaL non-depresslve and depresslve sub[ecLs showed
dlfferenL paLLern of modulaLlon of acLlon-effecL blndlng by acLlon ouLcomes. ln healLhy sub[ecLs, conslsLenL wlLh self-
servlng blas, acLlon-effecL blndlng was aLLenuaLed when Lhelr acLlon produced negaLlve evenLs. ln conLrasL, depresslve
paLlenLs showed same degree of acLlon-effecL blndlng lrrespecLlve of valence of acLlon ouLcome, posslbly reflecLlng
depresslve reallsm. Cur sLudy provldes a new lnslghL for cognlLlve mechanlsm underlylng human causallLy blas and
psychopaLhology of depresslon.

ConLacL: kskLkhL[

Mu|t|moda| re|at|on between perceptua| s|mu|tane|ty and neura| s|mu|tane|ty

osh| 1amor| [1, 2]

[1] Puman lnformaLlon SysLem LaboraLorles, kanazawa lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology
[2] nC, neurocreaLlve LaboraLory

(2-040 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

1here are several Lypes for Lhe blndlng problem. MulLlmodal percepLual blndlng (M8) lLself ls a puzzllng problem ln
Lerms of cognlLlve blndlng how Lhe several concepLs and Lhe several klnds of percepL are bound LogeLher. 1he
problem of neural blndlng (n8) ls Lhe more puzzllng, whlch ls ofLen argued how Lhe speclally and also Lemporally
separaLe neural acLlvlLles are bound wlLh each oLher. unlfled blndlng problem, ln whlch we would llke Lo undersLand
Lhe relaLlon beLween M8 and n8, has been dlfflculL problem Lo solve. 8elaLlon beLween neural slmulLanelLy and
sub[ecLlve slmulLanelLy for several sLlmull ln Lhe dlfferenL modallLles from each oLher ls consldered Lo be a key lssue
for undersLandlng Lhe unlfled blndlng problem. Audlovlsual slmulLanelLles (sub[ecLlvely slmulLaneous Llme perlod) are
measured uslng Lone sound and flush llghL sLlmull. 1he neural acLlvlLles boLh ln Lhe prlmary vlsual corLex and Lhe
prlmary audlLory corLex are measured by MLC (MagneLo-Lncephalo-Craphy) durlng Lhe audlovlsual experlmenLs.
LsLlmaLed CurrenL ulpole (LCu) laLency analysls wlLhln Lhe sub[ecLlvely slmulLaneous lag shows an exLenslon of vlsual
laLency as lf Lhe vlsual response ls walLlng for Lhe audlLory response. Slnce Lhe vlsual response and Lhe audlLory
response can affecL each oLher only Lhrough Lhe neural lnLeracLlon, Lhere should exlsL a Lransmlsslon lag beLween Lhe
corLlces ln prlnclple. 1herefore, Lhe slmulLanelLy among Lhose mulLlmodal neural responses by Lhe exLenslon of Lhe
vlsual laLency has goL noL Lo be necessary. Such relaLlon beLween sub[ecLlve slmulLanelLy and neural slmulLanelLy
suggesLs LhaL Lhe neural lnLeracLlon requlres bldlrecLlonal relaLlon.

ConLacL: yoshl.Lamorl[

V|sua| samp||ng and |ntegrat|on of |nformat|on |n ob[ect recogn|t|on

Ioana 1|ncas
Vas||e V. Moca
kau| C. Muresan

CenLer for CognlLlve and neural SLudles (Coneural), Clu[-napoca, 8omanla

(2-069 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

Lye movemenL conLrol ls relaLlvely well undersLood ln readlng, buL less so ln ob[ecL recognlLlon, where research has
been focused malnly on percepLlon of scenes conLalnlng mulLlple ob[ecLs. 1he currenL sLudy alms Lo lnvesLlgaLe eye
movemenLs durlng vlsual recognlLlon of lndlvldual ob[ecLs. 1he maln obsLacle ln achlevlng Lhls goal ls Lhe facL LhaL
ob[ecL ldenLlflcaLlon Lends Lo be exLremely fasL (usually wlLhln Lhe Llme-span of a slngle flxaLlon). 1o prolong Lhls
quasl-lnsLanLaneous process and force parLlclpanLs Lo sample and lnLegraLe vlsual lnformaLlon across mulLlple
flxaLlons, we applled Lhe uoLs" meLhod developed ln our laboraLory (Moca eL al., 2011). SLarLlng from a source
lmage, Lhls meLhod ldenLlfles reglons conLalnlng conLour lnformaLlon and Lhen deforms a laLLlce of doLs Lo represenL
Lhese reglons ln a conLrolled fashlon. 1he resulLlng sLlmulus can conLaln an arblLrarlly small amounL of lnformaLlon
abouL Lhe orlglnal lmage, Lhus belng more dlfflculL Lo recognlze. Pere we used phoLographlc source lmages
represenLlng elLher coherenL or scrambled ob[ecLs. 1en healLhy young adulLs were asked Lo dlscrlmlnaLe beLween
Lhese Lwo caLegorles, and Lo correcLly name Lhe coherenL ob[ecLs. 8esulLs lndlcaLe LhaL our meLhod was successful ln
lnduclng parLlclpanLs Lo generaLe a relaLlvely hlgh number of flxaLlons before reachlng a declslon. AddlLlonally,
exploraLlon paLLerns were dlfferenL for Lhe Lwo caLegorles of sLlmull: when vlewlng coherenL ob[ecLs, parLlclpanLs
generaLed a lower number of (longer) flxaLlons, and had a Lendency Lo sample and lnLegraLe less of Lhe laLLlce
deformaLlon, buL more of Lhe underlylng conLour lnformaLlon.

ConLacL: Llncas[

8etween memory theor|es and spec|ous present theor|es

Vas|||s 1sompan|d|s

lnslLuL !ean nlcod, Lcole normale Superleure

(1-023 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

1heorles aLLempLlng Lo explaln Lhe experlence of Lhe passage of Llme Lhrough Lhe human experlence of moLlon or an
audlLory sLream have been classlfled by ualnLon (2008) and oLhers lnLo Lhree broad caLegorles: memory,
reLenLlonallsL and exLenslonallsL Lheorles. l argue flrsL LhaL Lhe currenL concepLlon of audlLory worklng memory as
lnvolvlng phonologlcal loops, and noL a separaLe memory module, casLs doubL lnLo dlsLlngulshlng Lhe flrsL Lwo groups
of Lheorles. 1hen l propose a descrlpLlon of Lhe human cognlLlve archlLecLure LhaL reLalns Lhe lnslghLs of all Lhree
Lheorles wlLhouL puLLlng Lhem lnLo dlrecL compeLlLlon. 1hree separaLe paLhs from sense Lo consclousness are
dlsLlngulshed, each roughly correspondlng Lo one of Lhe Lhree Lheory caLegorles, all of whlch are lnvolved ln normal-
worklng human processlng of change. Moreover, all Lhree can be vlewed as parLs of ob[ecLlve percelvlng, and all Lhree
are needed Lo explaln abnormal cases such as aklneLopsla. l conclude LhaL Lhere ls an argumenL for lncludlng all Lhree
Lheory caLegorles ln a phllosophlcal explanaLlon of our experlence of Lhe passage of Llme.

ConLacL: Lsompas[

When are we determ|ned?

unn Ueng [1]
A||en . noung [2]

[1] ueparLmenL of Llfe Sclences and lnsLlLuLe of Cenomlc Sclences, naLlonal ?ang-Mlng unlverslLy, 1alwan
[2] lnsLlLuLe of hllosophy of Mlnd and CognlLlon

(2-020 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

1he lssue of free wlll and deLermlnlsm keep focuslng on Lhe momenL of declslon maklng Lhrough years. ln Lhls paper, l
argue Lhe lssue could be dlscussed wlLhouL debaLlng on Lhe naLure and Lhe momenL of declslon maklng. 8en[amln
LlbeL (1999) shows LhaL free wlll may noL lnlLlaLe a volunLary acL buL can veLo lL, buL Lhe framework ls based on a
conLroverslal assumpLlon whlch presupposes LhaL free wlll happens aL some speclflc momenLs. uanlel uenneLL Lhus
argues Lhe framework has Lhe problem of CarLeslan 1heaLers LhaL presuppose some mysLerlous momenLs of Lhe
occurrence of free wlll. lurLhermore, aLrlck Paggard recenLly ralses a naLurallzed model of human vollLlon, argulng
LhaL Lhe vollLlon happens ln a whole process, and LhaL Lhe momenL when free wlll occurs cannoL be speclfled. 1he
lssue of free wlll seems Lo become a debaLe abouL Lhe naLure and Lhe momenL of declslon maklng. Powever, by Lhe
neural evldence proposed recenLly, l argue LhaL deLermlnlsm could be supporLed wlLhouL resolvlng such debaLe. A
research performed by o-!ang Psleh (orally presenLed) demonsLraLes LhaL aesLheLlc evaluaLlons of absLracL fracLal arL
can be predlcLed wlLh up Lo 73 accuracy by Lhe 8CLu fM8l lmage of braln sLaLes before Lhe sLlmull were presenLed.
1he lmpllcaLlon of Lhls research lmproves Lhe problem of LlbeL's experlmenL. ln concluslon, l argue LhaL Psleh's
experlmenL shows LhaL neural slgnals exlsL much earller Lhan we expecLed, and lL show more supporL Lo Lhe hard

ConLacL: sophla12313[

erceptua| suppress|on mechan|sms |n the f|y bra|n: |ns|ghts |nto |oss of consc|ousness.

8runo van Sw|nderen

ueensland 8raln lnsLlLuLe, 1he unlverslLy of ueensland, 8rlsbane, Lu. AusLralla

(2-039 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

A reverslble loss of consclousness (LCC) can occur under Lhree dlfferenL condlLlons ln mosL anlmals: sleep, general
anesLhesla, and selecLlve aLLenLlon. Whlle LCC ln sleep and anesLhesla seems obvlous, Lhe facL LhaL humans and mosL
oLher anlmals also become unconsclous whlle awake, namely of unaLLended sLlmull, suggesLs acLlve mechanlsms LhaL
block percepLlon. We propose LhaL undersLandlng percepLual suppresslon mechanlsms ln a slmple anlmal model, Lhe
fly urosophlla melanogasLer, can provlde lnslghL lnLo Lhe mechanlsLlc orlglns of consclousness. llles have a selecLlve
aLLenLlon, dlsplay dlfferenL levels of sleep lnLenslLy, and are rendered unresponslve aL Lhe same general anesLheLlc
concenLraLlons requlred Lo produce LCC ln humans. We descrlbe Lhese Lhree, complemenLary approaches Lo
undersLandlng LCC ln Lhe urosophlla model. 1o sLudy paLLerns of neuronal acLlvlLy and coherence across Lhe fly braln
durlng sleep, anesLhesla, or aLLenLlon experlmenLs, we have developed a mulLlchannel recordlng preparaLlon for
urosophlla. We explolL urosophlla geneLlc Lools Lo LranslenLly conLrol dlfferenL clrculLs ln Lhe fly braln, hlghllghLlng key
neuromodulaLors, neuroLransmlLLers, and braln sLrucLures lnvolved ln regulaLlng neuronal acLlvlLy and coherence

across Lhe fly braln.

ConLacL: b.vanswlnderen[

1he many m|nds of med|tat|on: A survey of the var|ed techn|ques of modern med|tat|on research

Mateo Vargas [1]
Sara k|mm|ch [1, 2]
A|ex Neskov|c [1]
Sof|a Campos [1]

[1] unlverslLy of Callfornla San ulego
[2] La !olla veLerans AssoclaLlon neurolmaglng Lab

(2-021 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

1he neurosclenLlflc sLudy of medlLaLlon has had an lncreaslng focus slnce Lhe early 2000's due Lo sLudles lndlcaLlng lL's
cllnlcal efflcacy ln LreaLmenLs ranglng from soclal anxleLy Lo paln regulaLlon. MedlLaLlon has been shown produce
alLeraLlons ln consclousness characLerlzed by changes ln elecLrlcal acLlvlLy, funcLlonal connecLlvlLy, and Lhe sLrucLures
of braln reglons. uesplLe Lhe progress LhaL has been made ln Lhls fleld, a unlform deflnlLlon of medlLaLlon ls yeL Lo be
developed. lurLhermore, Lhe meLhods used Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe medlLaLlve sLaLe are varled across and wlLhln Lhese
medlLaLlve pracLlces. We have revlewed and evaluaLed Lhe sLrengLhs and llmlLaLlons of recenL medlLaLlon and
mlndfulness sLudles Lo esLabllsh whaL common changes ln consclousness conslsLenLly occur and Lo deflne some besL
pracLlces for fuLure research.

ConLacL: m4vargas[

Consc|ous percept|on of apparent mot|on enhances pred|ctab|||ty

etra Vetter [1, 2]
L|a Sanders [3]
Lars Muck|| [1]

[1] lnsLlLuLe of neurosclence and sychology, unlverslLy of Clasgow, uk
[2] uepL. of neurosclence & CenLre lnLerfaculLalre en Sclences AffecLlves, unlverslLy of Ceneva, SwlLzerland
[3] 8erlln School of Mlnd and 8raln, PumboldL unlverslLy 8erlln, Cermany

(1-068 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

vlewlng Lwo sLlmull flashlng ln rapld successlon creaLes Lhe vlsual llluslon of apparenL moLlon. WhaL ls, however, Lhe
funcLlonal properLy of percelvlng moLlon? 8ecenLly we proposed LhaL percelved moLlon helps Lhe vlsual sysLem Lo
predlcL upcomlng vlsual sLlmull (Allnk eL al., 2010) whlch are Lhen processed more efflclenLly. Pere we lnvesLlgaLe
wheLher vlsual predlcLablllLy effecLs are dependenL or lndependenL of consclous percepLlon. We employed a paradlgm
ln whlch sub[ecLs deLecLed LargeLs on Lhe apparenL moLlon Lrace, elLher occurrlng ln-Llme (predlcLed) or ouL-of-Llme
(unpredlcLed) wlLh Lhe lllusory moLlon Loken. ConslsLenL wlLh earller resulLs (Schwledrzlk eL al., 2007), we found LhaL
whenever sub[ecLs reporLed Lo have percelved moLlon, ln-Llme LargeLs were deLecLed beLLer Lhan ouL-of-Llme LargeLs.
Powever, ln Lrlals where sub[ecLs dld noL percelve moLlon, Lhe deLecLlon advanLage of ln-Llme LargeLs occurred only aL
hlgh apparenL moLlon frequencles, buL noL aL low frequencles. 1hese resulLs suggesL LhaL 1) LargeLs predlcLed by fasL
conLlnuous moLlon are processed more efflclenLly even lf no moLlon ls percelved. 1hus, Lhe lnLernal model of
predlcLlng moLlon may work lndependenLly from consclous percepLlon lf Lhe model ls supporLed by sufflclenL exLernal
moLlon cues. 2) redlcLable LargeLs embedded ln slower moLlon are only processed more efflclenLly lf Lhe llluslon of
apparenL moLlon ls percelved. ln Lhls case, Lhe funcLlon of consclous percepLlon may lle ln Lhe lncrease of

ConLacL: peLra.veLLer[

What do we mean when we ask "Do we have free w|||"?


M|kke| C. V|nd|ng [1]
Morten Cvergaard [1, 2]

[1] Cn8u, Clln, Aarhus unlverslLy, uenmark
[2] Cn8u, uepL. of CommunlcaLlon and sychology, Aalborg unlverslLy, uenmark

(2-022 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

1here are many, someLlmes confllcLlng, deflnlLlons of free wlll. lor a sclenLlflc approach Lo succeed lL should noL begln
by selecLlng one such deflnlLlon, buL sLarL wlLh Lhe deflnlLlons, lncongruenL or noL, and speclfy posslble emplrlcal ways
Lo address Lhese, and Lhe eplsLemologlcal and meLhodologlcal obsLacles. Wlll ls Laken as consclous experlence relaLed
Lo acLlon generaLlon. 1hls glves rlse Lo Lhe same problems and quesLlons as lnvesLlgaLlng Lhe mlnd-braln problem:
Pow wlll relaLe Lo neural sLaLes? 1he flrsL sLep ls Lo lnvesLlgaLe phenomenologlcal experlences relaLed Lo acLlon
generaLlon, uslng flrsL-person perspecLlve meLhodologles, Lhen relaLe Lhese Lo Lhe physlologlcal mechanlsms ln acLlon
generaLlon. 1o answer wheLher wlll ls free demands a dlfferenL approach. lreedom can be deflned ln several ways,
and each deflnlLlon has lLs own meLaphyslcal assumpLlons. lreedom deflned as elLher 'genulne freedom' ln Lhe
meLaphyslcal sense, or as auLonomy ls consldered, lncludlng how Lhe level of analysls (psychologlcal, fundamenLal,
eLc.) affecLs Lhe sclenLlflc answers we can ask. 1ogeLher Lhls leads Lo Lhe problem of menLal causaLlon. lncludlng Lhe
prevlous quesLlons, Lhls goes beyond asklng wheLher menLal sLaLes have causal properLles or are deLermlned. lnsLead
we should vlew acLlon generaLlon as funcLlon of a complex sysLem, lnvolvlng many consclous and unconsclous
processes. Lmplrlcal focus should be on descrlblng causal paLhways ln neural neLworks and relaLe dlfferenL
experlences of wlll Lo Lhese. lor speclflc acLlons we can bulld model of how wlll conLrlbuLe Lo acLlon, and, dependlng
on Lhe deflnlLlon of freedom we choose, sLaLe wheLher lL was a free wlll-acLlon".

ConLacL: mlkkel[

Unconsc|ous process|ng |mproves sensory dec|s|on-mak|ng

A|exandra V|assova
Ioe| earson

School of sychology, unlverslLy of new SouLh Wales

(2-041 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

SclenLlsLs and phllosophers have long been capLlvaLed by Lhe quesL Lo dlscover Lhe posslble funcLlons of consclous
awareness. 8ecenLly, Lhe role of consclousness ln Lhe declslon-maklng process has garnered much aLLenLlon, as
debaLe has cenLered around Lhe conLroverslal clalm LhaL lnformaLlon can be processed and evaluaLed unconsclously
Lo lmprove declslon accuracy. Pere, we address Lhls conLenLlous lssue Lhrough a novel paradlgm LhaL allowed us Lo
manlpulaLe consclous awareness whlle conLrolllng declslon varlables. nolsy vlsual sLlmull, whlch lnvolve lnformaLlon
belng gradually accumulaLed unLll a declslon has been reached, were suppressed from consclous awareness Lhrough
Lhe slmulLaneous presenLaLlon of a dlchopLlc suppresslon sLlmulus. We found LhaL lnformaLlon suppressed from
awareness, when presenLed boLh before and followlng consclously percepLlble lnformaLlon, could be used Lo lmprove
declslon accuracy. We show LhaL Lhls lmprovemenL ln accuracy lncreases wlLh longer suppressed sLlmulus
presenLaLlons, lndlcaLlng LhaL lnformaLlon was belng accumulaLed over Llme. Powever, when consclous lnformaLlon
was removed, Lhe suppressed lnformaLlon could noL be used for declslons. Cur resulLs provlde compelllng evldence
LhaL lnformaLlon can be accumulaLed ln Lhe absence of consclous awareness and used Lo lmprove declslon accuracy.
1hls unconsclous boosL Lo accuracy was noL accompanled by a slmllar boosL Lo confldence, suggesLlng LhaL we are noL
aware of unconsclous lnfluences on our declslons. 1hese flndlngs advance our undersLandlng of unconsclous
lnformaLlon processlng and reveal Lhe llmlLed consclous conLrol and meLacognlLlve awareness we posses when
maklng declslons.

ConLacL: alyavlassova[

Med|tat|on |mproves prec|s|on expectat|ons

Wan[a W|ese

!ohannes CuLenberg unlverslLy Malnz, Cermany

(1-024 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

Lmplrlcal flndlngs show LhaL medlLaLlon can lmprove performance ln Lhe aLLenLlonal bllnk (A8) Lask (SlagLer eL al.
2007). 8ased on Lhe clalm LhaL aLLenLlon can be analyzed as preclslon opLlmlzaLlon (leldman & lrlsLon 2010, Pohwy
2012), Lhls paper explores Lhe hypoLhesls LhaL medlLaLlon lmproves preclslon expecLaLlons. Speclflcally, lL ls argued
LhaL medlLaLlon leads (ln Lhe conLexL of Lhe A8 Lask) Lo (a) hlgher Lemporal preclslon expecLaLlons or (b) lower non-
Lemporal preclslon expecLaLlons. !usLlflcaLlon for Lhls clalm ls provlded by argulng LhaL sub[ecLs wlLh lower Lemporal
preclslon expecLaLlons perform worse ln Lhe A8 Lask, whlle greaLer Lemporal preclslon expecLaLlons lead Lo lmproved
performance (and vlce versa for non-Lemporal preclslons). 1he argumenL ls backed up by reference Lo emplrlcal
sLudles. 1he paper concludes by suggesLlng (l) how Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe mechanlsms Lhrough whlch medlLaLlon can
lmprove preclslon expecLaLlons and (ll) how Lo connecL Lhe presenLed resulLs on preclslon expecLaLlons Lo
phllosophlcal dlscusslons abouL Lhe sub[ecLlve experlence of Llme.

ConLacL: wwlese[

A behav|ora| parad|gm for |nvest|gat|ng the mechan|sms of consc|ous report

Wendy k. k|ao [1]
au| D. Gu|||od [1]
W||||am Chen [1]
keba L. Watsky [1]
Le|se| S. Mart|n [1]
Mark W. oungb|ood [1]
kyan M. Aronberg [1]
Chr|stopher A. 8a||ey [4]
M|chae| I. Crow|ey [4]
kebecca van den nonert [S]
Andrew D. Lnge|| [S]
Iason L. Gerrard [2]
Denn|s D. Spencer [2]
L|nda C. Mayes [4]
Gregory McCarthy [S]
na| 8|umenfe|d [1, 2, 3]

[1] neurology,
[2] neurosurgery,
[3] neuroblology,
[4] ?ale Chlld SLudy CenLer,
[3] sychology, ?ale unlverslLy, new Paven, C1.

(1-044 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

valld and rellable behavloral Lasks are needed Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe neural mechanlsms of consclousness. rlor sLudles on
consclous reporL of sLlmulus percepLlon have demonsLraLed LhaL aLLenLlon can enhance consclous percepLlon.
Powever, few sLudles have lnvesLlgaLed consclous reporL across mulLlple sensory modallLles, wlLh or wlLhouL
aLLenLlonal modulaLlon. We have developed a paradlgm LhaL lmplemenLs sLlmulus-drlven and goal-orlenLed behavlor
Lo rellably sLudy consclous reporL, valldaLed across dlfferenL sensory modallLles. We obLalned behavloral daLa from 11
sub[ecLs cued Lo aLLend elLher Lo vlsual or audlLory sLlmull callbraLed Lo Lhreshold percepLlon levels. 1hey were Lhen
forced Lo ldenLlfy lefL versus rlghL locaLlon of elLher sLlmulus whlle also reporLlng Lhelr sub[ecLlve percepLlon of lLs
presence. We flnd LhaL when sub[ecLs reporL percelvlng sLlmull, locaLlon accuracy ls very hlgh (96 for vlsual, 83
audlLory). 1hls ls slgnlflcanLly hlgher Lhan for sLlmull LhaL Lhey reporL noL percelvlng, whlch have accuracy near chance
levels (34, 31, p0.0001). We also observe LhaL aLLenLlon modulaLes consclous percepLlon of vlsual sLlmull. 1hus,
consclous vlsual percepLlon ls more llkely reporLed wlLh vlsual culng (68) versus wlLhouL vlsual culng (38,
p0.0001), buL Lhls effecL ls noL observed wlLh audlLory sLlmull (33 versus 32, respecLlvely). 1hese flndlngs suggesL
LhaL Lhe currenL paradlgm ls a valld meLhod for LesLlng consclous reporL of slmulLaneous vlsual and audlLory sLlmull.
WlLh Lhe addlLlon of slmulLaneous hlgh-denslLy or lnLracranlal elecLroencephalography (LLC) and funcLlonal magneLlc
resonance lmaglng (fM8l) recordlng ln fuLure sLudles, Lhls paradlgm may allow us Lo lsolaLe neural mechanlsms
occurrlng durlng Lasks LhaL enable subsequenL consclous reporL.


ConLacL: wendy.xlao[

Does embod|ment contr|bute to the deve|opment of consc|ousness? Ietus s|mu|at|on w|th a tha|amocort|ca| mode|

asunor| amada [1, 2]
ke|ko Iu[|| [3]
asuo kun|yosh| [1]

[1] Crad. School of lnfo. Scl. and 1ech., 1he unlv. of 1okyo
[2] 8esearch fellow of Lhe !apan SocleLy for Lhe romoLlon of Sclence
[3] Crad. School of lnLerdlsclpllnary lnformaLlon SLudles, 1he unlv. of 1okyo

(1-081 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

1he quesLlon of how we come Lo be consclous Lhrough developmenLal processes presenLs a daunLlng challenge across
dlsclpllnes. 8esulLs of recenL developmenLal sLudles have suggesLed LhaL a feLus or a neonaLe lnLegraLes mulLlple
sensory lnformaLlon lnLo an organlzed phenomenal experlence, whlch ls Lhe fundamenLal funcLlon of consclousness.
Powever, Lhe underlylng mechanlsm and Lhe facLors whlch conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe developmenL of consclousness remaln
unknown. Pere, we argue LhaL embodlmenL sLrucLures sensory lnformaLlon Lhrough lnLeracLlon wlLh Lhe envlronmenL,
whlch Lhen conLrlbuLes Lo Lhe developmenL of consclousness. 1o Lhls end, we slmulaLed a human feLus wlLh Lhe
followlng feaLures: (l) A musculoskeleLal body of whlch Lhe physlcal parameLers were ad[usLed Lo maLch Lhose of a
feLus, (ll) mulLlsensory organs provldlng funcLlons lncludlng vlslon, Louch, and proprlocepLlon, (lll) a feLal envlronmenL,
(lv) a large-scale nervous sysLem conslsLlng of splnobulbar and LhalamocorLlcal neural neLworks. 1he splnobulbar
model generaLes whole body movemenLs and reproduces Lhe hallmark of sponLaneous movemenLs observed ln
feLuses, whlch are complex and hlghly varlable. 1he LhalamocorLlcal model ls a splklng neural neLwork wlLh splke-
Llmlng-dependenL synapLlc plasLlclLy, whlch enables Lhe neLwork Lo lnLegraLe sensory lnformaLlon. We showed LhaL
Lhe feLus model learned unl-sensory and mulLl-sensory represenLaLlons of lLs own body and Lhe envlronmenL, such as
posLure and perlpersonal space. lurLhermore, resulLs showed LhaL learned neLwork acLlvlLles exhlblLed wldespread
global synchrony and LhalamocorLlcal lnLeracLlons, whlch maLch observaLlons ln exlsLlng neural correlaLes of
consclousness. We also demonsLraLed Lhe lmpacLs of embodlmenL ln shaplng represenLaLlons and characLerlsLlc
neLwork acLlvlLles by changlng Lhelr embodlmenL.

ConLacL: y-yamada[[p

Lst|mat|on of the number of |nterna| states |n the bra|n as an |nd|cator for the consc|ous |eve| and content: An LCoG
study |n monkeys

1oru anagawa [1]
Naoya Csug| [1, 2]
Naom| nasegawa [1]
Naotaka Iu[|| [1]

[1] LaboraLory for AdapLlve lnLelllgence, 8lkLn 8Sl, Wako !apan
[2] ueparLmenL of Llfe Sclence, CraduaLe School of ArLs and Sclences, 1he unlverslLy of 1okyo, komaba, !apan

(1-043 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

Cne key characLerlsLlc of consclousness ls segregaLlon and lnLegraLlon of psychologlcal processes, whlch ls belleved Lo
correlaLe wlLh Lhe neLwork complexlLy of underlylng braln dynamlcs. Pere, our goal was Lo use Lhe LoLal number of
lnLernal sLaLes ln Lhe braln as an lndlcaLor for Lhe neLwork complexlLy, and verlfy lLs llnk Lo Lhe level and/or Lhe
conLenL of consclousness. We recorded elecLrocoLlcographlc (LCoC) slgnals from mosL of Lhe laLeral corLex ln flve
macaques durlng awake (eye-open, eye-closed), sleeplng (slow-wave), and anesLheLlc condlLlons. keLamlne-
medeLomldlne and propofol were used for Lhe anesLheLlc agenLs. LCoC slgnals were blnned by 200ms non-overlapped
wlndows, and Lhe power specLrum was calculaLed for each wlndow and each channel from 3 Lo 100Pz. lor each
frequency band, Lhe number of lnLernal sLaLes was deflned as Lhe number of spaLlal paLLerns ln Lhe powers, whlch was
auLomaLlcally deLermlned by a clusLer analysls. We found Lhe number of lnLernal sLaLes ln gamma frequency band was
slgnlflcanLly greaLer ln Lhe awake condlLlon Lhan ln Lhe anesLheLlc and sleeplng condlLlons. 1he flndlngs suggesL LhaL
non-consclous sLaLe (under anesLhesla or slow-wave sleep), compared Lo Lhe consclous sLaLe (awake), could be

characLerlzed by Lhe decrease of complexlLy ln neural dynamlcs. lurLhermore, Lhe number of lnLernal sLaLes was
calculaLed for each corLlcal reglon. We found a slgnlflcanL dlfference beLween Lhe numbers of lnLernal sLaLes ln Lhe
prlmary vlsual corLex beLween eye-open and eye-closed sLaLes ln Lhe awake condlLlon, whlch suggesLs LhaL Lhe
number of lnLernal sLaLes could also reveal Lhe conLenL of consclousness (vlsual awareness).

ConLacL: Loru-yanagawa[braln.rlken.[p

A study on the |ndependence of theor|es of menta| state |nd|v|duat|on and theor|es of menta| content |nd|v|duat|on

Ierry ang

ueparLmenL of CuluLral vocaLlon uevelopmenL, naLlonal 1alpel unlverslLy of 1echnology

(1-023 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

1he paper ls abouL Lo prove LhaL a consclous menLal sLaLe seems Lo lnclude mulLlple conLenLs ln mulLlple modallLles
and Lo lnclude mulLlple aLLlLudes all aL once. 1hrough a revlew of 8osenLhal's argumenL of reporLlng and expresslng,
we flnd LhaL for 8osenLhal, lL ls Lhe asserLlve force, l.e. Lhe menLal aLLlLude of Lhe hlgher-order LhoughL LhaL makes
menLal sLaLes consclous. 8osenLhal's ob[ecLlon Lo one sLaLe wlLh mulLlple aLLlLudes, however, ls noL agreeable wlLh
boLh Cennaro's wlde lnLrlnslcallLy vlew" and krlegel's cross-order lnformaLlon lnLegraLlon model"(CCl). Pence, lf a
plauslble case can be made LhaL consclous sLaLes have complex sLrucLure wlLh parLs, Lhen Lhe noLlon of mulLlple
aLLlLudes become far more plauslble. 8uL lf Lhe vlew LhaL mulLlple aLLlLudes are lncorporaLed lnLo a consclous sLaLe
wlLh a mulLlple conLenL sLrucLure ln mulLlple modallLles can be esLabllshed, Lhen Lheorles of menLal sLaLe (or acL)
lndlvlduaLlon are orLhogonal Lo Lheorles of conLenL lndlvlduaLlon as Lhe naLure of a Lheory of menLal sLaLe
lndlvlduaLlon ls lndependenL of LhaL of a Lheory of conLenL lndlvlduaLlon. 1he poslLlon held here wlll be relnforced by
an analogy of lrege's ldea of funcLlons ln maLhemaLlcs. 8uL lrege's analogy of funcLlons, l malnLaln, ls lnherenL ln Lhe
common ldea LhaL Lhere ls a large mulLlvarlaLe space of consclous menLal sLaLes. l argue LhaL Lhe mulLlvarlaLe space, a
Lerm from physlcs, ls llke a posslble world, whereln a consclous sLaLe may carry several posslble varlables-one for a
menLal conLenL, anoLher for Lhe aLLlLude Lowards LhaL conLenL, eLc.

ConLacL: [yang[

A computat|ona| mode| of the rubber hand |||us|on

Lee-k|eng ang [1, 2]
1|mothy Lane [2, 3, 4]

[1] ueparLmenL of sychology, naLlonal Chengchl unlverslLy, 1alwan
[2] 8esearch CenLer for Mlnd, 8raln, and Learnlng, naLlonal Chengchl unlverslLy, 1alwan
[3] CraduaLe lnsLlLuLe of PumanlLles ln Medlclne, 1alpel Medlcal unlverslLy, 1alwan
[4] lnsLlLuLe of Luropean and Amerlcan SLudles, Academla Slnlca, 1alwan.

(1-069 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

1he SynchronlzaLlon of vlsual and 1acLlle Slgnals Model (Sv1) enables us Lo produce a compuLaLlonal represenLaLlon
of harmony" beLween dlfferenL sensory modules, as seems Lo occur ln Lhe rubber hand llluslon (8Pl). 1he baslc
prlnclples are sLralghLforward: flrsL, a sensory module recelves lnpuL from Lhe ouLslde and Lransfers LhaL Lo a
synchronlzaLlon mechanlsm. 1hls synchronlzaLlon mechanlsm, or lnner sense, can be represenLed as an acLlvaLlon
maLrlx, a maLrlx LhaL conLalns Lhe acLlvaLlon paLLern of Lhe nodes. Lach layer of nodes can be regarded as a menLal
represenLaLlon for poslLlons on Lhe flnger LhaL are brushed durlng Lhe 8Pl. nexL, Lhe acLlvaLlon paLLern from Lhe vlsual
module ls compared Lo LhaL of Lhe LacLlle module by mulLlplylng Lhe non-dlagonal elemenLs of Lhese Lwo acLlvaLlon
maLrlces. 1hese elemenLs represenL Lhe energy or lnner harmony" of Lhe mechanlsm. When Lhe 8Pl ls lnduced,
durlng Lhe synchronous condlLlon, LacLlle lnpuL generaLes an acLlvaLlon paLLern ldenLlcal Lo LhaL of Lhe vlsual lnpuL (or
vlce versa), Lhereby yleldlng a small amounL of energy ln Lhe synchronlzaLlon mechanlsm. nearness of Lhe energy
represenLaLlons for Lhe Lwo paLLerns ls lndlcaLed by an algorlLhm. 1he less Lhe energy, Lhe more sLable Lhe menLal
sLaLe. uegree of synchronlzaLlon ls compuLed by L- l [ ZL Zv or L- l [ Zv ZL for l[, wlLh as Lhe energy
consLanL. 1he Sv1 model noL only predlcLs LhaL ownershlp wlll be experlenced for Lhe rubber hand, lL also predlcLs
LhaL dlsownershlp wlll be experlenced for Lhe blologlcal hand. Moreover, lL helps explaln how Lhe unlLy of consclous
experlence ls achleved, ln Lhls lnsLance how Lhe vlsual and Lhe LacLlle are lnLegraLed.


ConLacL: lxyang[

Attent|on modu|ates aud|tory stream segregat|on context effects

8reanne erkes
Dav|d We|ntraub
Ioe| Snyder

unlverslLy of nevada, Las vegas

(1-070 !uly 14
, 1330-1330)

AudlLory percepLual awareness can be sLudled uslng Lone sequences of alLernaLlng low-(A) and hlgh-(8) frequency
Lones. Such Lone sequences can be percepLually lnLegraLed lnLo one audlLory sLream or segregaLed lnLo Lwo audlLory
sLreams, wlLh larger frequency separaLlon (f) beLween Lones lncreaslng segregaLlon. 1he percepLlon of Lwo sLreams
lncreases over Llme, a conLexL effecL known as bulld-up. AnoLher conLexL effecL occurs when prevlously hearlng a Lone
sequence wlLh a larger f leads Lo Lhe percepLlon of one sLream for subsequenL Lone sequences. We sLudled how
aLLendlng Lo conLexL sequences lnfluenced Lhe percepL of lnLegraLlon vs. segregaLlon ln a subsequenL LesL sequence
LhaL always had an lnLermedlaLe f. uurlng Lhe conLexL sequence, Lhe f varled from small Lo large and parLlclpanLs
performed one of Lhree Lasks, maklng sLreamlng [udgmenLs, deLecLlng ampllLude-modulaLed Lones and performlng a
[udgmenL on a vlsual sLlmulus. 8esulLs from LxperlmenLs 1 and 2 showed LhaL alLhough Lhe prlor f modulaLed
percepLlon of Lhe LesL sequences for all conLexL-Lask condlLlons, Lhe effecL was reduced when sLreamlng [udgmenLs
were noL made durlng Lhe conLexL. LxperlmenL 1 falled Lo show bulld-up, llkely because of a sllenL gap LhaL was
lnserLed afLer Lhe conLexL. LxperlmenL 2 omlLLed Lhls sllenL gap, whlch allowed us Lo observe bulld-up. rellmlnary
analyses from LxperlmenL 2 show less bulld-up when aLLenLlon ls dlverLed away from Lhe conLexL sLlmulus. 1hese
experlmenLs suggesL LhaL lgnorlng conLexL paLLerns and swlLchlng Lasks modulaLes percepLlon of subsequenL paLLerns.

ConLacL: yerkesb[

Cogn|t|ve comp|ex|ty and d|sorders of consc|ousness

8ochra Iama| 2are|n| [1]
Carsten koch-Iensen [2]
Irgen Ie|dbk [3]
eter Vuust [4]
Lthan Weed [4]
M|chae| Nygard edersen [1]
Morten Storm Cvergaard [1]

[1]CognlLlve neurosclence 8esearch unlL, Aarhus unlverslLy PosplLal
[2] neurosurglcal ueparLmenL Aarhus unlverslLy PosplLal
[3] Pammel neurocenLer
[4] CenLer of luncLlonally lnLegraLlve neurosclence, Aarhus unlverslLy

(2-042 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

revlous experlmenLs reporL slgnlflcanL L8 flndlngs ln paLlenLs wlLh uCC. Larger 3b responses have been found, lf
Lhe sLlmull are connecLed Lo an emoLlonal Lrlgger el. Lhe sound of a famlly member or Lhe paLlenL's own name, when
compared Lo non-emoLlonal sLlmull. (errln eL al., 1999, Lew eL al., 1999) 8raln lmaglng sLudles also show lncreased
acLlvlLy ln audlLory corLex, when hearlng a famlllar volce compared Lo a non-famlllar volce. (errln eL al., 2006)
LxperlmenLs wlLh n400 senLence paradlgm show slgnlflcanL n400 responses ln vegeLaLlve and near vegeLaLlve
paLlenLs. (vanhaudenhuyse eL al., 2008) 1he alm of Lhls sLudy ls Lo lnvesLlgaLe Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween slgnlflcanL
evoked response poLenLlals (L8), malnly focuslng on mlsmaLch negaLlvlLy and n400, and consclousness level ln
paLlenLs wlLh uCC. ls Lhere a correlaLlon beLween Lhe cognlLlve ablllLy Lo evoke a response and consclousness level?
We have consLrucLed 4 audlLory paradlgms wlLh dlfferenL levels of sound and semanLlc comprehenslon, reflecLlng a
hlerarchy of dlfferenL cognlLlve complexlLy. 1hese paradlgms were presenLed Lo 3 dlfferenL Lypes of paLlenLs: coma-
paLlenLs, vegeLaLlve and mlnlmally consclous paLlenLs. All parLlclpanLs ln Lhe vegeLaLlve and mlnlmally consclous sLage
were behavlourally LesLed wlLh Lhe Coma 8ecovery Scale- 8evlsed. Coma paLlenLs were scores by Lhe Clasgow Coma

scale wlLh a value equal Lo or below 9 Lo be lncluded. 8esulLs wlll be analysed wlLh Lhe lnLenLlon Lo flnd slgnlflcanL L8
and ln whaL way (lf LhaL's Lhe case) do Lhey correlaLe Lo Lhe paLlenLs consclousness level.

ConLacL: bochrazarelnl[

erco|at|on mode| for e|ectrophys|o|og|ca| effects and |oss of consc|ousness dur|ng genera| anesthes|a

Dav|d We| 2hou [1]
. ku [2]

[1] Carnegle Mellon unlverslLy
[2] unlverslLy of lLLsburgh Medlcal CenLer

(2-043 !uly 13
, 1430-1630)

LlLLle ls undersLood abouL Lhe sysLems-level mechanlsm of general anesLhesla or Lhe manner wlLh whlch lL achleves lLs
maln cllnlcal effecL - phenomenologlcal loss of consclousness. Pere, we employ a model based on percolaLlon Lheory,
a sLaLlsLlcal mechanlcal process used Lo model flow Lhrough porous medla, Lo generaLe Lhe elecLrophyslologlcal
effecLs seen durlng anesLheLlc lnducLlon. Cur model reproduces four feaLures of elecLroencephalographlc acLlvlLy
durlng general anesLhesla - frequency shlfL, alpha synchronlzaLlon, anLerlorlzaLlon, and bursL suppresslon - aL crlLlcal
levels of lnhlblLlon ln Lhe neLwork. lurLhermore, we Lle such crlLlcal phenomena Lo Lhe dlslnLegraLlon of lnformaLlon
Lransmlsslon Lhrough a neural neLwork. Cur model also reproduces Lhe cllnlcal dose response curve of general
anesLhesla. 1hese flndlngs suggesL neLwork mechanlsms for loss of consclousness durlng general anesLhesla.

ConLacL: davld.wel.zhou[


!""# %&'!(()*+,-./ 01.2-(

",-.33+-. "456)(+75 !"#$ &'(()*+$ ,-.'/0-
,-$ 0$1$.'/( (/&&'., '23

!""# %& ,2/ -8. 9: ;2(-+-7-. <=.(.2-> <.=*.6-+)2 ,2/ !*-+)2 +2 ;55.=(+1. ?)=3/(

".=@.+ A.6(8-.+2B <8:B "#$%#& '(& )#*&(+,(-(./ (' 0,1,($2 34# 56-7 8$1%,%*%#
!3.C D*:)E.33B F:;B 594((- (' ",$#:6%,9 ;&%12 <$,=#&1,%/ (' 5(*%4#&$ "6-,'(&$,6

1hls one-day symposlum wlll celebraLe and promoLe Lhe rapldly growlng lnLeracLlon beLween Lwo communlLles:
researchers engaged ln Lhe sclenLlflc sLudy of human percepLlon and acLlon and Lhe pracLlLloners of lnLeracLlve and
lmmerslve narraLlve medla Lechnologles. Leadlng researchers and arLlsLs wlll dlscuss human behavlor and consclous
experlence vls-a-vls physlcal, soclal, and lmaglned reallLles represenLed ln purely vlrLual worlds, as well as ln Lhe
'mlxed' worlds LhaL lnLerlace physlcal and vlrLual reallLles.
1he symposlum wlll comprlse a serles of sesslons, each feaLurlng Lwo speakers: a sclenLlsL and an arLlsL or lmmerslve-
reallLy pracLlLloner. 1he speakers wlll flrsL presenL Lhelr approaches and Lhen revlew boLh exlsLlng and prospecLlve
llnks beLween Lhelr domalns of experLlse. lollowlng each sesslon, generous Llme wlll be devoLed Lo quesLlons from Lhe


H8)5,( !3I=+@8- - ulrecLor, vlslon CenLer LaboraLory and Conrad 1. rebys Chalr ln vlslon 8esearch, Salk lnsLlLuLe for
8lologlcal SLudles

J)224 /. 3, <.K, - lellow, lnLeracLlve Medla ArLs ueparLmenL, unlverslLy of SouLhern Callfornla, uocumenLary
lllmmaker and !ournallsL

".=@.+ A.6(8-.+2 - CenLer for Lhe neuroblology of vlslon, Salk lnsLlLuLe for 8lologlcal SLudles

<.==4 L)I.=5,2 - CenLer for SLereoscoplc 3u, School for ClnemaLlc ArLs, uSC

:)2,3/ L)MM5,2 - CognlLlve Sclences, unlverslLy of Callfornla, lrvlne

D+*8,.3 N7I)14 - uep'L of sychology, unlverslLy of vlrglnla

A=.@ O422 - ArchlLecLure and urban ueslgn, unlverslLy of Callfornla, Los Angeles, rlnclpal, Creg Lynn lorm

!3.C D*:)E.33 - ulrecLor, World 8ulldlng Medla Lab and CreaLlve ulrecLor, 3u lnsLlLuLe, School of ClnemaLlc ArLs, uSC

L)E,=/ <)+P2.= - lnsLlLuLe for neural CompuLaLlon, unlverslLy of Callfornla, San ulego

!"#$%& ()*+,

Abreu """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$% &'
Abund|s """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% &'
Acosta """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% &'
Ado|phs """""""""""""""""""""""" ()))% *&% *+% #$#
A|bantak|s """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% +$
A|br|ght """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" )))% ()% #--
A||en """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-% +$% ,+
Am|an| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '.% '/
Anastass|ou """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$/
Andersen """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +#
Anderson """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '% +#
Anokh|n """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% +-
Anzu|ew|cz """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '% +-
Arno|d """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &/
Aronberg """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##/
Ars|wa||a """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% +*
Asa| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '% +*
Asanow|cz """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-% +-% +&
Atas """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +&
Atasoy """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% ++
Awret """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ++
8ahram| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *'% #$.
8a||ey """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##/
8a|rd """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '% +.% .-
8a|ken|us """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ',
8a|teau """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *#
8arbosa """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &.% ,&
8areham """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% +.
8arnes """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *'
8arnett """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" **
8arrett """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" **% &,% +*
8artsch """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ./
8ast|an """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -% -/
8ast|ane||o """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ./
8ateson """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$&
8ayet """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '$
8eaton """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -% -'
8echara """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +,
8eckw|th """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% +/
8ek|nschte|n """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +.% ,&
8er||n """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" )(% ()% #*% +/
8|bby """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .+
8|anke """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *% #/% '+% #$*
8|ock """""""""""" ())% +% #'% */% &#% &-% #$-
8|umenfe|d """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" )(% ()% ##/
8o|y """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *#
8onhomme """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *#
8or """""""""""""""""""""""""""" .% /% #'% -$% &+% /.
8ornemann """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &/
8othe """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$.
8overoux """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *#
8raboszcz """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .+
8revers """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '% +,
8r|chant """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *#
8rook """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .% &+
8rown """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -% #.% &#% #$$
8runo """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *#
8ut|er """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -/
Cabra|-Ca|der|n """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &$
Ca||||es """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##$
Campos """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##+
Carme| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #% -% --% -,
Carney """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,-
Carr """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-% +'
Carrasco """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -,
Carter """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" )(% (% ()% ##$
Cavanagh """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +% #+% ##$
Chan, S-M """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% .$
Chang, A- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,/
Chang, -C """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .% &-
Chang, -n """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .-
Chao, n-1 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .*
Char|es """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &% #,% *.
Chen, L-I """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .*
Chen, -S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .-
Chen, W """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##/
Chen, W-1 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .-
Chen, -C """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-% .$
Cheng, C-L """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% .#
Ch|ang """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% .-
Ch|ang, 1-C """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .-
Ch|en """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% .#
Ch|n, n-M """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% .#
Chmy|ak """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$/
Chr|stophe """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &.
Chu """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ()% ##% #*% .*
Chung """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *&
C|ayton """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &+
C|eeremans ())% ()))% -% *-% +#% +*% +&%
+,% .'
Cohen, D """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &/
Cohen, L """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *-
Corre|a """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '/
Crewther """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &$
Cr|tch|ey """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ###
Crow|ey """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##/
Cur|ey """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ()% #$.
Dav|dson """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .&% /'
de Garde||e """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &.
de |a ea """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #--
de Lange """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &#
de a|va """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #*% ..
de V|gnemont """""""""""""""""""" ())% *% #/% +'
De Vos """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" **
Dec|ercq """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##$
Dehaene +% #,% *-% *.% &-% &*% &.% '$
Dehaene-Lambertz """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" &.
De|ss """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% .&
De|gue|dre """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *#
De|orme """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% .+
Desender """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-% ..
D| err| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ./
D| Sa||e """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ./
D|enes """"""""""""""""""""""""" ()))% #% -#% +#% /#
D|xon Carva[a| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% +'
Dong """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-% ./
Don|s """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$.
Droege """""""""""""""""""""""""""" ())% #% .% --% &&
Ducorps """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '/
Du|any """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '% .,
Dutat """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &.
Lde|man, D """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ()
Lde|man, G """"" )% ))% )(% (% *% -+% -.% /#
Lde|man, S """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" )(% ()% &+
L||ash|v """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *&
L|||ott """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +.
Lm||sson """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-% /.
Lmmanou|| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &$
Lnescu """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% .'
Lnge| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" )(% ()% ())% #% #&
Lnge|| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##/
Lspe[o """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '.
Ly|er """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,#
Ia|vre """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-% /$
Iarber """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &% *+
Iarenn|kova """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -% -'
Iaugeras """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *-
Iave|a """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% /$
Iekete """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &+
Ie|dbk """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-$
Ieng, 1 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% /$
Ierber """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$'
I|as """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" **
I|nk """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #% -#% '-
I|reste|n """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" )))% -% -&
I|e|scher """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% /#
I|em|ng """"""""""""""""""""""""""" #% .% --% *,% &*
Iorte """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##$
Irank||n """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ()))% +.
Iresco """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$#
Ir|ed """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #% #&% /&
Iroese """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '#
Iu, """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '% /#% ,,
Iu, k """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" /#% ,,
Iu[|| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$% /-% ##,
Iukush|ma """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,&
Irstenau """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #*% /-% /*
Gab|e """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% /*
Ga||agher """""""""""""""""""""""""""" *% #&% +'% .#
Gao, S """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% /*
Garf|nke| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" /.% ###
Gas|unas """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% /&
Ge|bard-Sag|v """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '% /&
Ge|skov """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &.

Geng """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -/
Gen|n| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '+
Gennaro "" )0% #% -% --% *#% .'% /,% ##'
Gepshte|n """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" )))% ()% #--
Gerc """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$/
Gerrard """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##/
G|esbrecht """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +.
G||ad| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$,
G|or|ando """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$% /+
Goetha|s """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" **
Gofton """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '.
Go|dman """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" )))% ()% -% -&
Go|dste|n """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-% /+
Gomez-Lav|n """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% /.
Goodman """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +/
Gosser|es """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -% *#
Gou|d """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '% /.
Goup|| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% ,&
Grabowska """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$/
Gramfort """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *-
Grandchamp """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .+
Gre|sen """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +,
Gr|ff|th """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$% //
Gruberger """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$,
Gupta """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *+
na|es """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% //
na|| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ',% ###
namada """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '*
nameroff """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% /,
nar|ow """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -/
nartmann """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% /,
nasegawa """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '+% ##,
nass|n """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -% **% /+
nend|er """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$,
nend||n """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% /'
nerbe||n """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$*
nesse|mann """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '$
n|nds """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% /'
n|rak| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '#
noberman """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #--
noe| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +$
noffman """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #--
nong """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,'
noung ()))% .$% .#% /$% ,$% ,.% ,,% ,'%
ns|eh, I-C """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .*
ns|eh, S-L """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .-
ns|eh, -W """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% ,$
nsu, S- """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% ,$% ,#
nugrass """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &% &$
nung """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,'
nv||d de| |n """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #*
I|mura """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$+
Ima| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-% ,#
Imbert| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ./
Isham """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" )(% ()% -% -/
Ish|hara """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,*
Ish|| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,#
Iwata """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$+
Iack """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '/% #$#
Ienn|ngs """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .% &&
Iohansson """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ',% ###
kadosh """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &.
ka||uzhna """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$*
kana| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" #% -#% *,% *'% &-
karou| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *-
kaspar """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,*
kastner """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *% #&
kathmann """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '$
kato """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,&% '*% '+% ##-
kawasak| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '+
khoe """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '&
k|mm|ch """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '% ,#% ##+
k|ng """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *-% *.% *,
k|tamura """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '#
k|e|n """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '% ,-
ko #-% ,-
koch """"" ))% )))% ()))% #% -% -*% -&% *&% *+%
&#% +$% /$% /&% //% #$/% #-$
kodaka """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '% ,*
ko|zum| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &% */% *,
ko|anczyk """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$*
komura """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '&
kn|g """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '% ,*
korek| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '% ,&% ##-
kornre|ch """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +,
kosn|k """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$'
kouhsar| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &% *+
kou|der """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ())% .% &.% ,&
kr|sst """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-% ,+
kubovy """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-% ,+% #--
kun|yosh| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" /-% ##,
kuo, L-I """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% ,.
kurowsk| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% ,.
kushwaha """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &*
Lam """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .*
Lamme """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ())% &#% .$% .#
Lamy """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .% &/% ''
Lane """""""""""""""""""""""""" #-% *#% /$% ,.% ##'
Lanska """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,+
Larkum """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &% *'% #$/
Lau """"" )(% ()% &% #-% */% *,% &#% +#% ,-%
Laureys """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *#% ./
Lav|e """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -/
Lech|nger """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$.
Ledoux """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *#
Lee, I-n """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .-
Lee, M-N """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '% ,/
Leung, k- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% ,/
Lev|ne """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -% #.
L| #-
L|, 1 """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,,
L|n, C- """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$% ,'
L|n, 1-A """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ()% ##% ,,
L|n, -C """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,
L|n, -1 """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -% -,
L|u. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% .$% /$
Longo """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *$
Lougheed """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% ,'
Lowe """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$'
Ludw|g """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% '$
Luxen """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *#
Lynn """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" )))% #--
MacDona|d """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .*
Maeda """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,&% '-% ##-
Magg|on| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ./
Magrass| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ./
Ma|ach """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -% #.% '$
Ma|oney """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &*
Mame|ak """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *&
Man|sca|co """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" */% *,
Man|y """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +.
Maoz """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &% *&
Maquet """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *#
Marcus """"""""""""""""""""""""""" )))% -% ##% -&% &'
Maron-katz """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$,
Mart| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$% '$
Mart|n """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" )0% .+% ##/
Mart|nez-Sa|to """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '% '#
Mason """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ++% #$&
Mass|m|n| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" **
Matsuda """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #*% '#
Mayes """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##/
Mazman """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% '-
McCarthy """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##/
McDowe|| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #--
Mck|nstry """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" /#
Me||on| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +% #,% +#
Merr|ck """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +$
Metz|nger """""""""""""""""""""""""" ()))% *% #/% *&
Meu|emans """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##$
M|ch|tsch """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$.
M|||er """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -% *$% #$.
M|mura """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,&% '*% ##-
M|ttendorf """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" /-
Moca """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##*
Mog| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .% &#
M||er Andersen """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-
Mor| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% '-
Mor|guch| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$% '-% ##-
Mor|ta """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$% '*
Morse||a """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +$% ,+
Mroczko-Wqsow|cz """"""""""""""""""""""" .% &&
Muck|| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##+
Mudr|k """""""""""""""""""""""""" &% *&% &#% /$% /&
Mu||ette-G|||man """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *+
Munoz """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ()% &% *.% .*
Murata """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '% '*
Muresan """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##*
Mur|||o-Lara """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +'
Murphy """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$/
Naccache """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *-% &-% &*
Nac| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" /% #'% '.

Nagasawa """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '+
Neskov|c """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##+
Ng +/
Nguyen """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ()% #$% '&
N|kkun| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '% '&
N|sh|yama """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #*% '+
Nob||| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" **
Noe| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$% '+
No| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +,
Norton """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #*% '.
Numata """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '&
Chayon """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .*
C|zum| """""""""""""""""""""""""" #% -*% &/% &,% +$
C|son """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$% '.
Csug| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##,
Cve|s """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +'
Cvergaard """ *'% +#% .+% .,% ##.% #-$
Cwen """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" /% #'% &,% '.
a|mer """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &% *,
ang, n """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% '/
ark, n-d """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '% '/% ',
rnamets """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$% ',
asqua|| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$% ',
asternak """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$,
au| )(% *% #$% -+% &/% +*% +,% '+% #$&%
au|k """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &/% &,
earson """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ++% #$/% ##.
edersen """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +#% .,% #-$
err| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #*
ersuh """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &% &$
eterson """""""""""""""""""""" /% #*% #'% -$% ''
fe|ffer """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '+
han-8a """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *#
h||||ps """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *#
|cc|uto """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% #$$
|ch|ecch|o """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ./
|ch|er """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$.
|gor|n| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" **
|n """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".+
|nto """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .% &#
|star|n| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ./
|tts """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +% #,% -,% .&
||ushch """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% #$$
o|zner """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #--
reto """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##$
un """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$'
y|kkanen """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" /,
uadt """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% #$#
kab|nov|ch """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$% #$#
kahnev """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -% #.
kange| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *+
kazeev """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% #$-
kees """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ()))% *'% #$.
keeves """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$% #$-
kens|nk """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '.% '/
keser """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-% #$-
k|chardson """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ',
k|v||n """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" /+
ko """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""&$
kobertson """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -% -/
koczn|ewska """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$% #$*
kohaut """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *-
koorda """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,-
Sabesan """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,-
Sacks..................................*% -+% -.
Sackur """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -/
Saka| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '#% ',
Sa|omon """"""""""""""""""""""""""""" *% '% #/% #$*
Samo||ova """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% #$&
Sanchez-Suarez """""""""""""""""""""""""" #$% #$&
Sandberg """"""""""""""""""""" &% *'% +#% .+% .,
Sanders """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##+
Saran """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% #$+
Sareshwa|a """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -/
Sato """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$% #$+
Sayg|n """"""""""""""""" )))% ()% #*% *$% '&% #$.
Schabus """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-% *#% #$.
Sch||cht """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ()% -% *$
Schm|dt-Samoa """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &$
Schoo|er """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +.% .'% #$$
Schwandt """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,*
Schwartzman """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &+
Senderecka """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$% #$/
Ser|no """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *% #/% '+
Seth """" ()))% #% -% *% -#% -+% -.% **% *,%
&#% &-% &+% &,% +#% +*% //% ###
Shafto """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -% -,
Sha| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-% #$/
Sharon """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$,
Shaw """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #*% &/% #$,
Shepherd """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$#
Sherman """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &% *,
Shev||n """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .% &-
Shevr|n """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &*
Sh|mokawa """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '*
Shr|ver """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% #$'
S|gman """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *-% &*
S||verste|n """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .% &*
S|mon """""""""""""""""""""" #*% &#% .+% '.% #$,
S|tt """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -% *-
Sk|ar """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -% **
Sma||wood """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +.
Sn|der """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &% *.
Snodgrass """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &*
Snyder """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-$
Song """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &% */% #$.
Spencer """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &*% ##/
Sp|vey """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ',
Stah|hut """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &.
Stamenov """"""""""""""""""""""""""" #*% #$'% ##$
Stan|ey """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '% #$% ,-% ##$
Stefan|ak """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #*% ##$
Sterzer """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '$
Strandberg """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #*% ###
Suhara """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##-
Sun """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" /#
Suzuk| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-% ###% ##-
Szewczyk """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$/
1akahash| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##-
1akahata """""""""""""""""""""""" #$% ,&% '-% ##-
1a||on-8audry """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '/
1am """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &*
1amor| """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-% ##-
1ang """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +/
1an|fu[| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" '*
1anke|ev|tch """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$,
1aya """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" *+
1erhune """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .% &.
1|ncas """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #*% ##*
1ong """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #% -*
1onon|......)))% #% -% -*% -&% -+% &+% &,%
&'% +$% +*% /+% //
1sompan|d|s """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% ##*
1such|ya """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #% .% -*% &/
1u, C-n """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .*
Ueng, """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% ##&
Umeda """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,&
Van den 8ussche """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ..
van den nonert """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##/
van Gaa| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &#
van Gu||ck """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .% &*
van kemenade """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$.
Van Laecken """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" **
Van Cpsta| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -% **% ..
van Sw|nderen """""""""""""""""""" #-% &/% ##&
Vanhaudenhuyse """""""""""""""""""""" *#% #-$
Vargas """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ()% ##% ##+
Verbanck """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +,
Verguts """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" **
Vernon """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$-
Verschure """"""""""""""""""""""""""" *% -+% -.% +*
Vetter """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$% ##+
V|nd|ng """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##% ##.
V|assova """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-% ##.
Vuust """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-$
Wa|| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -/
Ward """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &+% +#% /.
Watsky """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##/
Weed """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-$
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W|ese """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ,% ##.
W||ke """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" &% &$
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W|ndt """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #% &% -#% *&
W|nk|e|man """""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .% &/% +'
Wu, I """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" /#
Wyart """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -/
k|anyu """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" +.
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ku #-#
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an """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" -% *$
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ang, L-k """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$% ##'
ang, -k """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .-
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eh, 1-L """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" .-
erkes """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #$% #-$
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oung """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" /% #'% -$% '.
oungb|ood """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ##/
2are|n| """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" #-% #-$
2hou """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ()% #-% #-#
2|v #$% ''

Addendum: Lrrata

1. ln Lhe brlef llsL of posLers on pp. 8-13, Lhe LlLle of Lhe absLracL submlLLed by Mlng-nl Lee (p.9) should read,
lrequency of precognlLlve dreams and lucld dreams: ulfferenLlal paLLerns of assoclaLlon wlLh consclousness ln
lmpacLful dreams." 1he 's' ln 'dreams' was dropped from Lhe LlLle. We regreL Lhe error.

2. 1he followlng posLer was noL lncluded ln Lhe brlef llsL of posLers on pp. 8-13, Lhough boLh Lhe absLracL and
deLalled auLhor and afflllaLlon lnformaLlon can be found on p. 64. We slncerely apologlze for Lhe omlsslon.

Neura| s|gnatures of perceptua| trans|t|ons for a nove| b|stab|e aud|tory st|mu|us
Gray Dav|dson, M|chae| |tts (uep'L of sychology, 8eed College orLland)
2-081 !uly 13Lh, 14:30-16:30

3. 1he followlng posLer absLracLs were erroneously omlLLed from Lhe program book. We slncerely apologlze for
Lhese omlsslons.
A new perspect|ve on the debate on synesthes|a
|-Ien L|n [1], A||en . noung [2]
[1] naLlonal 1alwan unlverslLy
[2] naLlonal ?ang-Mlng unlverslLy
1-016, !uly 14
, 13:30 - 13:30
1here exlsLs a hoL debaLe on wheLher synesLhesla ls a percepLual or cognlLlve phenomenon. ln Lhls paper, l wlll
propose a new perspecLlve on grapheme-color synesLhesla, one of Lhe mosL common varlanLs of Lhe
phenomenon, Lo make Lhese Lwo Lheorles compaLlble. ln facL, Lhe Lwo groups are dlscusslng abouL dlfferenL
lssues abouL synesLhesla. 1he percepLual group"(8amachandran and Pubbard, 2001) focuses on how Lhe
synesLheLlc experlence be lnduced" whereas Lhe cognlLlve group", who asserLs LhaL learnlng and cognlLlon
have a profound effecL on synesLhesla (Mroczko eL al.,2009, WlLLhofL and Wlnawer, 2013), focuses on Lhe
llnkage beLween vlsual sLlmull and Lhe synesLheLlc experlence". 1o seL up or ad[usL Lhe llnkage beLween Lhe
vlsual sLlmull and synesLheLlc experlence ls cognlLlon-lnvolved, however, once Lhe llnkage ls connecLed, such
synesLheLlc experlence can be lnduced by percepLlon only. Accordlng Lo vlcLor Lamme's Lheory (2010), Lhe
sLlmull evoke a locallzed recurrenL processlng ln vlsual corLex wlll become phenomenal consclous whlle some
evoke Lhe wldespread recurrenL processlng, lnvolvlng Lhe fronLoparleLal neLwork, wlll become access
consclous. ln Lhe experlmenL performed by Mroczko eL al. (2009), Lhe learnlng of ClagollLlc graphemes ls
cognlLlon-parLlclpaLed, lnvolvlng Lhe acLlvaLlon of fronLoparleLal. 1he llnkage beLween ClagollLlc grapheme and
synesLheLlc experlence ls seL up afLer Lralnlng. 1herefore, when ClagollLlc graphemes were presenLed agaln,
Lhe sLlmull are unnecessary Lo be senL Lo fronLoparleLal area buL belng processed ln Lhe locallzed recurrenL
loop, whlch ls percepLlon-lnvolved only, Lo lnduce Lhe synesLheLlc experlence. WlLh Lhls new perspecLlve on
synesLhesla, Lhe Lwo vlews can be compaLlble, solvlng Lhe problem LhaL exlsL for several decades.

Ironto-par|eta| cortex med|ates perceptua| trans|t|ons |n b|stab|e percept|on
We||nhammer, V. A. [1], Ludw|g, k. [1,2], nesse|mann, G. [1], Sterzer, . [1]
[1] vlsual ercepLlon LaboraLory, ueparLmenL of sychlaLry and sychoLherapy - CharlLe unlverslLaLsmedlzln
8erlln, Cermany
[2] kllnlsche sychologle, lnsLlLuL fur sychologle, MaLhemaLlsch-naLurwlssenschafLllche lakulLaL ll, PumboldL-
unlverslLaL zu 8erlln, Cermany
1-038, !uly 14Lh, 13.30-13.30 (!"#$%&#' ) * +)
uurlng blsLable vlslon, percepLlon osclllaLes beLween Lwo muLually excluslve percepLs whlle Lhe lncomlng
sensory lnformaLlon remalns consLanL. CreaLer blood oxygen level dependenL (8CLu) responses ln fronLo-
parleLal corLex have been shown Lo be assoclaLed wlLh percepLual LranslLlons as compared Lo replay" evenLs
deslgned Lo closely maLch blsLablllLy ln boLh percepLual quallLy and Llmlng. lL has remalned conLroverslal,
however, wheLher Lhls enhanced acLlvlLy reflecLs causal lnfluences of Lhese reglons on processlng aL Lhe
sensory level or, alLernaLlvely, an effecL of sLlmulus dlfferences LhaL resulL, e.g., ln longer duraLlons of
percepLual LranslLlons ln blsLable percepLlon compared Lo replay condlLlons. uslng a roLaLlng Llssa[ous flgure ln
a funcLlonal magneLlc resonance lmaglng (fM8l) experlmenL, we conLrolled for poLenLlal confounds of
dlfferences ln LranslLlon duraLlon and conflrmed prevlous flndlngs of greaLer acLlvlLy ln fronLal and parleLal
braln areas for LranslLlons durlng blsLable percepLlon. ln addlLlon, we applled uynamlc Causal Modellng (uCM)
Lo ldenLlfy Lhe neural model LhaL besL explalns Lhe observed 8CLu slgnals ln Lerms of effecLlve connecLlvlLy. We
found LhaL enhanced acLlvlLy for amblguous evenLs ls mosL llkely medlaLed by a modulaLlon of Lop-down
connecLlvlLy from fronLal Lo vlsual corLex, Lhus argulng for a causal role of fronLo-parleLal corLex ln percepLual
LranslLlons durlng blsLable percepLlon.

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