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The Road to

Volumes 1-4

By G. Steve Turner
The Road to Wisdom-Vol. 1-4

On the road with God, 287 miles

per night, over a period of six
years…in a UPS tractor pulling
a set of double trailers…
An ordinary soul in search of
God’s Wisdom, cried out for all
God has. After seven years of
being silenced, the following
“diamonds” can now bear witness
of one man’s continuing journey
on The Road to Wisdom- gst
We cannot orchestrate life,
But we can perform
in the orchestra.
When we are not learning,
we begin to forget
what we already know.
With God it is co-in-ci-dence,
NEVER coincidence.
Valleys are only
those little spaces
between blessings.
Experience is the best teacher
only when it is
teaching the TRUTH.
If your heart's growing dim,
it's not really growing at all.
Everything we do
is either for God or against
KNOW in between.
We turn off God with sin.
We turn on God with prayer.
Together, with God,
we can turn off sin with prayer.
Prayer can be the difference
between being
in Satan's chains or
in God's protective custody.
True faith reveals itself in
the fog and darkness.
Satan never shows the price tag.
When we get down to business
for God,
He proves we have no business
getting down at all!
People are dying from
the poison of sin,
yet we stand around arguing
over the packaging
of the ANTIDOTE.
Dear God,
Every minute of
hour time together
is so exciting;
I believe I'll have seconds!
There's no doubt about it!
We can't MULTIPLY with
To start without Jesus
is to fail from the beginning.
We're running the race
and we'll cross the finish line
as we burst through the invisible
and explode into eternity!
God has to show us who we are
before He can show us
who we can be.
I had to learn to tune to the
Now that I've learned to tune to
the Father,
I have to tune
to learn from the Father.
No matter how great the pain,
a heart can't burst when God has
His arms around it.
If His return took place
in the next moment
how many left behind
would hold us personally


I recognize the taste of sin,
but sometimes
I can't help swallowing it,
and that's what
makes me so sick.
Satan throws stumbling blocks
in our way
to stop us from
"running the race".

God places stumbling blocks

in our way to bring us
"back down to earth."
Unbelief in ourselves is the first
step towards belief in Jesus,,

belief in Jesus is the first step

toward the knowledge of God,

but without the Holy Spirit we

can't even take the first step!
Living the Christian life is
comparable to backing a trailer...
If you stop and admire what a
good job you are doing,
you usually have to stop
and start over again.
When something comes between
us and God's Son,
the darkness can only cast
shadows of doubt.
Which Bible?
The only one authorized
by the Author's eyes!
We should never elect
to proclaim ourselves Christians
by secret ballot.
We don't mind children
being here
and from the looks of things;
the children don't mind us either.
If there's anything negative about
a Christian
it’s sin.
God deserves more
than a lifetime of praise...
that's why He created eternity.
Equal time for opposing views
will remain unchanged
throughout eternity.
Groping in spiritual darkness
makes us unable to
comprehend the truths
which can only be seen
in the spiritual realm.
If zeal is broken...
check contents
before receiving.
Listening to God's thoughts
should become so super-natural
to us that we shouldn't have to
stop and think about it!
The Heart of God
provides the tempo
of music that every Christian
should perform in concert
with His Holy Spirit.
The distance between
Heaven and hell
is the greatest distance
that could ever be measured
between two destinies,
yet there will never
be enough time in eternity
to measure that distance.
God knows exactly
what our faithfulness will be,
But He would still like for us to
have the blessing
of being able to prove it
to Him.
are robbing
the church blind
right before our eyes.
Are we more concerned
about being spiritually fit,
or how we fit spiritually?
The blinders of tradition
are blocking our vision
of God's total panoramic
view of the spiritual universe.
In the Highest court of Law
a witness must first commit
to the telling of truth
and then he must take
the stand necessary
to reinforce his testimony.
The heart feeds the brain,
both will flourish.
the brain feeds the heart,
both malnourished.
The expectation of miracles
doesn't take away
our amazement
when they arrive.
Jesus is the Highest
fire escape.
God spoke the world into
and it immediately appeared
to be billions of years old.
The mirror-like image of Christ
will reflect when we put our
lives in reverse.
The thoughts of God are
sometimes limited
by our own imagination.
We shouldn’t come to the foot of
the cross
in someone else's shoes.
Mankind involves himself
in such righteous causes,
and often leaves out
the most Righteous One of all.
If we’re not singing
songs of truth,
that's where our
talent lies.
Having God's heart
is the only place
we can begin
to have God's mind.
The more we become like Jesus;
the more likely we are
to be crucified
by "religious" people.
Religion is when man
tries to describe something
that can only be explained by
Why is it so much easier
for Christians
to go against God
than to go against
their own traditions?
The millstone of stress is
what someone hangs
around your neck when
they don't have time
to continually stay on your back!
Our names are written
in the Lamb's Book of Life
with a permanent marker,
not a piece of chalk,
or a pencil for those
who would be led astray.
Our shortcomings of pride
are the tallest stumbling blocks
on the path to righteousness.
God can look over His shoulder
and see our future!
Some churches have
business meetings
that could only be recorded
on friction tape.
The easiest thing
for God to do
is to prove He has
more power
than Satan.
Jesus built His church
upon the rock,
not under one!
The same power that
calmed the storm
is capable of transforming us
into see-worthy vessels.
Satan is a veteran
of every war...
and we continue
to decorate him
each and every time we sin.
Jesus wrote everyone a check
for eternal life,
yet many fail to endorse it.
Sin is so taxing
we can't write it off.
And that, my friend,
is a brilliant deduction!
Jesus has nothing to do
with man's religion.
When are your church members
too big for their britches?
When they're splitting
and no one notices!
Let's start a new tradition
of allowing God to use
whatever He needs to use
to supply our needs.
All roads of sin lead
from the beginning of pride.
To understand what God
is whispering in our ear,
we must get closer
to His Word.
For the faithful,
the last piece completing the puzzle
will be spelled P-E-A-C-E.
Can we look God straight in the
God will never set a goal for me
that He and I can't reach
Why does man have a mind
to block the greatest wisdom?
When we do something
we want an I witness
to share it with us...
so does God!
When God created the earth,
He took Sunday off...
and the rest is history.
Satan will do everything
within his power
to cause us to stop short
of accepting Jesus completely.
In America, ones who threaten
to take away our freedom
Are likely to be killed...
including little ones in the womb.
Thousands are arriving in Heaven
who have never set
foot on this earth.
Abortion takes away
a child's freedom
to choose their own
to get to
the top of
we must build an ark,
and then we must
survive the flood.
God always spoke to Adam in the
first person.
Listen to the beat
of the heart that loves you.
Jesus walked the waters
His Father created,
but their message won't be found
in a bottle...
that's for shore!
Wonders will never cease
for those who continue
to seek
God's Wisdom.
When we lose our temper
it makes us mad!
Being so heavenly minded
that we're no earthly good
is forgetting how
Jesus performed His ministry
upon this
Arriving in a stable
was God's idea
of a Grand Entrance.
When we fight by faith
and not by sight...
we can't see
what we're up against
because it's so small!
Christians don't deserve
what they've got coming to them!
If it isn't a blessing
to God
it can never
bless anyone.
There are many good causes
in the world,
but there is only ONE
Who causes good in the world.
We ran out of "luck"
a long time ago...
to be closer to God.
Our right to choose
is wasted
when we make
the wrong choice.
The majority of people
in the world
have always elected
follow Satan.
Worship without Lordship
becomes warship.
Some churches
are so alive
the dead bolts move!
the mind of Christ...
the Body of Christ
is brain-dead.
Forsake not
the assembling…
so let's get it together!
God wants 100% of us,
and that's the
hardest part to get.
We need to speak
fewer cross words
speak more words
about the cross!
There is so little right
before our eyes.
Stand up for Jesus,
even when you're in
the line of fire.
In case of Sudden Death,
will you be off
playing in the world?
Sin deceives us
with immediate results,
then surprises us
with hidden consequences.
Your victory over sin
is guaranteed
by surrendering to Jesus.
If you really want to get to the
bottom of things,
then go ahead
and let depression sink in.
When we are on the wrong road,
it will always be God
who throws up the roadblock.
When we choose
to doubt God,
there is no benefit
of the doubt.
We don't know what to believe
until God teaches us.
We’ll never be over the hill
as long as God gives us
new mountains to climb.
The celebration of life in Heaven
is an eternal extravaganza…
Won’t you join us in the
Death without Jesus
is for certain
Life without Jesus
is impossible.
Dying without Jesus
is the point of no return.
Time will never stop...
it will simply cease to exist.
We sometimes need to
look up the mountain
to appreciate
the climb ahead.
Satan sees
"suitable for framing"
written on every
unfaithful Christian.
Faith means
trusting God enough
to wait on all
He is
going to do.
When God gives us
concrete evidence,
it is so solid
we can put our initials in it.
When we rely on physical sight
we don't see near
as well.
Faith is not an option
for true believers,
it is standard
When we take
our eyes off Jesus,
our faith
goes on the blink.
We're running the race
and we'll cross the finish line
as we burst through the invisible
and explode into
God will present
the winners of His race
with trophies
out of this world!
Only follow the crowd
when the crowd
is following Jesus.
Here's a tip
for those who have been saved......
keep the change!
When a Christian's work is done
It’s time to go Home.
God's PLAN is so heavyweight
it will never fall through
as long as we are
holding up our end of it.
When Jesus is allowed
to live in our homes,
we can be positive
the negatives will move out.
Forgiveness is God's
gift of spring
after a
long hard winter.
Our arms
aren't large enough
to carry God's Blessings
without dropping our grudges.
to ask God's forgiveness
is a sin.
Future exists only
in the acceptance
of Jesus Christ.
The faithful
measure today's blessings
by the length and depth
yesterday's valley.
God hasn't forgotten the future.
Our aim should always be from
God's point of view.
Those who race away
from the track record of God
could finish in a dead heat.
Having God for an advisor
is like having our own attorney
who not only KNOWS the law,
but also WROTE the law!
We are the only creation of God
who tries to limit His Creativity.
All the hate in the world
cannot get to life
LOVE is protecting it.
Thank God for being the
Thank Jesus for bringing the
Thank His Holy Spirit
for allowing us to feel the
The Power in God's timing
is never minute,
and it never comes second hand.
The flame of Jesus
in our heart
should match
the temperature
of God's power
on His throne.
God is transforming us
into the next
of reality.
are the perfect opportunity
for God to prove Himself.
Of all the creations
on the face of God’s earth,
God never forgets a face He
God specializes in the impossible!
"All" is only a fraction of what
God can do.
Not only should we
recognize the voice of God,
we should also recognize
the tone in which He is speaking.
There's only one thing
worth accomplishing
in this world
and that's God's Will.
Where there is God's will,
there is always a way.
God's will
is located
His Truth
and our faith.
When we are in the will of God,
we are in the right place
at the right time.
Trying to live without the Word
of God
is like trying to put a puzzle
without the picture.
You should not leave your Bible
lying around,
because the TRUTH should
never lie.
God's answers to all your
questions never lie in the Bible.
When we hold God's Word,
we are taking the LAW
into our own hands.
The Bible is written in code,
and it can only be decoded
by God’s Holy Spirit.
Staying steadfast
in God's Will
always depends
upon our willingness
to be moved by His Word.
The Truth of God's Word
will never be subject
to majority vote.
Study the Bible
and read
the mind of God.
People that
try everything in the book
usually have the wrong book in
For our safe keeping,
God always keeps His Word
on His Timetable.
In the desert,
God always leads us to an Oasis,
never a mirage.
Don't bypass God's Heart!
God's throne is so large
it provides front row seating
for every individual
who worships Him
in spirit and truth.
We must
"go out on a limb"
with God
produce more fruit.
We must let God
break us in two
He can
make us whole.
The pure and faithful heart
is the womb in which
a perfect idea must grow
until God gives birth to it.
We've been chiseled...
We've been smoothed...
We've been molded...
Now, let us be drawn...
closer to
the likeness of God.
We may leave
but we cannot grow
away from God's Word.
Walk with Jesus.
Walk in Jesus.
Hand in hand.
Step in step.
Heartbeat in heartbeat...
The world can only sing
in perfect harmony
when God is allowed
to take the lead.
The perfect harmony
of God’s Music
proves we can work together
still keep our composure.
Heaven will surely be worth the
We can dream of Heaven
knowing it's reality.
The statute of limitations
will run out on us
when we get to Heaven!
Life is a school
that allows Christians
to prepare for heaven...
because hell has no class.
All hell will never break loose.
The door to eternity
swings one way only.
Oh! The Gift of His Presence!
All we can do is imagine another
God's Holy Spirit makes it
What is God's Holy Spirit to you?
Past tense?
Present tense?
Future tense?
The Holy Spirit
is the
God's Holy Spirit guides us
through the secret passages
beneath the written
Word of God.
The Light of Jesus
continues to be shed
through the darkest
age on earth.
There is only one tool
in the Holy Spirit's chest..
and that's His Heart.
The greatest attraction on earth
is a magnified God.
The built-in
guidance system
of God's Holy Spirit
is our Power Steering.
Human nature
always influences us
to first choose
the things that never last.
Drink gravity...
it will keep you down to earth.
In order to achieve greatness in
God's eyes,
we have to be so small
in our own eyes
that only He
can see us.
God is the only One
Who can fill a cup
when it's face down.
A man who
talks about
his integrity
usually has none
to speak of.
I.Q. will never stand for I Quit!
Because of Jesus
we can meet God in person.
jesus christ...
If our standard
is not
Jesus Christ,
then our standards
are set too low.
Every word Jesus gave birth to
on earth
is still giving life today.
Jesus is the perfection
we should see
when we stand before
the mirror of our lives.
Jesus is Satan's worst nightmare.
Accept no substitutes.
Don't let your religion come
between you and Jesus.
for the man who thinks
he has everything!
Ready or not, here HE comes!
When we follow Jesus
God is behind us
all the way!
Until you meet Jesus,
You cannot know God…
Only Jesus
can turn a deathbed
into a launching pad.
Jesus saves...God invests...


What Jesus said
is equal to
the Life He led.
We must walk
in the footsteps of Jesus
if we’re going to follow God.
Jesus rose to the occasion!
Jesus came to know us
so we might
come to know God.
When we take a back seat
to Jesus,
we're already ahead
of everyone else!
spiritual combustion
can only be sparked
the matchless love of Jesus.
Satan's game
will be REIGNED out
when Jesus returns.
you're caught up with Jesus,
you have a lot of
catching up to do.
is our searchlight
on the paths of
earthly darkness.
To accept
the fantasies of Satan
is to deny the reality
of Jesus Christ.
Oh! The Depths of God's
What are we wading for?
We could learn to be willing..
If we would only be
willing to learn.
When we are born again,
we give up our only chance to die.
We cannot live life to its' fullness
until we can include Jesus
in every moment.
If we can't hear God whisper,
then our environment
is too noisy.
The heart speaks love
when the mouth
can only talk about it.
A mind is not capable of the belief
God requires...
it takes a heart.
No one can minister to the soul
like the Creator of the soul.
Are we giving the people what
God wants,
or are we giving God what the
people want?
When we look at someone's sin.
Help rub it out...Don't rub it in!
God is perfectly capable of
performing miracles by Himself,
but many times
He chooses to involve us!
If you can't dodge the bullet...
jump the gun.
When we obey God,
Satan will try to make us
but when we disobey God,
Satan will point us out
to the whole world!
Without God
the "American Dream"
becomes a nightmare.
When God waits until the last
it’s perfect timing.
When we wait until the last
it’s neglect
Holy ground is truly
the land
of opportunity.
When GOD opens the door of
We've got it KNOCKED!
When given the opportunity to
love will provide the growth for
more opportunities.
Not all "wait" can slow us down.
Patience is a JOB well done!
God can come in at the last
and still be ahead of schedule.
Forever is only a moment
on God's timetable.
Job had the patience of God.
Finding the answer is sometimes
more wait than we can bear.
The devil is a perfectionist
when it comes to imperfection.
Our aim should be the goal of
perfection in Jesus Christ.
The only thing standing
between us and Perfection
is our unforgiven sin.
Those who have the most
potential to be pure gold
must still go through the fire.
Even the man in the moon
sings praises to his Creator!
When you are on a
spiritual carpet ride,
don't let Satan pull the rug out
from under you.
As long as you are
praising the Lord,
you can count on one to be there
and that's Him.
If we do not sing about Jesus,
He will continue to be
unsung Hero.
To stay in tiptop shape,
exercise your right to pray.
An instrument improperly tuned
is an instrument incapable
of serving its' purpose.
We can never place our best foot
without first
dropping to our knees.
Jesus teaches us to pray,
Satan teaches us to prey
If you are spinning your wheels
for dear life...
Let prayer give you traction.
It takes a prayer chain
to hold on
to the Anchor.
It's better to fall and pray to God
than to fall prey to Satan.
Thank God prayer
isn't man-made!
Prayer is lubrication
for the mechanics of ministry.
Let's all go to our Lord in
and this time...let's stay there!
Without Jesus there can be no
We turn on the power of God
with prayer...
We turn off the power of God
with sin..
But, together with God,
we can turn off sin
with the power of prayer.
The Holy Trinity
Me, Myself, and I.
don't swallow your pride!
When we kick pride out
it makes us more like God.
Satan gets a kick out of your
Jealousy and envy
are the children of pride.
It is impossible
to see God's Son
when we are blinded
by our own brilliance.
If you are walking on water,
it's probably because
you’re so far beyond lukewarm,
it's frozen.
The drug of pride
numbs the nerves
of our conscience.
The person who thinks he has the
answer for everything
doesn’t come close to God.
It's more difficult to take a stand
when it's displaying fruit.
We can't carry our faith into
the room of pride and
Don't be mad
when a chained dog bites you.
If God is your guard....
don't let your Guard down.
PRAY or prey.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness
because cleanliness
comes from God.
You can never truly find yourself
until God reveals where you are.
Sacrifice only counts
when it is
required by God.
Jesus paid the ultimate price
and wants to make certain
we get all He paid for.
In order for us to realize we are
on top of the world
we sometimes have to feel
let down by God.
God thought it perfect to imagine
the plan of salvation
into the reality of Jesus Christ.
Satan created the need for
and Jesus still fulfills the need.
The time is takes to accept Christ
and the time it takes to die
are exactly the same...
And the difference is an eternity.
Jesus died to give us salvation....
He lives to continue the giving.
Trying to earn salvation will
never work.
Where Jesus made a statement in
our lives,
Satan could only give a death
Satan loves Halloween
because he loves trying to trick us
out of receiving
God's treat.
Satan's hands are tied with the
very rope
that he tries to hang us with.
Satan can cause turbulence
only because
God created the wind.
When Satan copies perfection,
it will never be copied perfectly.
When we give Satan enough
He'll tie us in nots.
Satan is our enemy...
but the only way he can beat us is
if we forfeit.
The ones who do not line up
behind Jesus...
are automatically behind Satan.
Unconditional surrender means
giving your SELF up.
God is truly put off by
Those who finish the race
God sets before them
can never lose.
We only need to outperform the
person we were yesterday.
Are you just an armchair general
in God's army?
R-U-N the race?
Without God's blessing it is
impossible to make LOVE.
If we party with the devil,
guess who's gonna pay the bill.
The weight of sin
drags us down
to the level of being human.
The return of Christ will mark the
end of an error...
Man's error!
Sin always follows the path
of least resistance.
Christ died for our sins,
not for the sake of our
Sin without forgiveness is
perpetual destruction.
The destruction of Eve caused the
splitting of the Adam.
Don't make the mistake of
preparing for a sprint
when you are running a
Success means doing what God
wants you to do
to the best of His ability.
If you've chosen to
walk without Jesus...
you're the one who keeps yourself
in a world of hurt.
God's time for us is unlimited,
yet He remains timeless.
It's OK to run behind
as long as we're running behind
Make sure you're in the right
before you start looking
for the needle.
God never fumbles,
so why don’t we
give Him the ball?
It is more difficult to give away
in a world that is sold on
believing nothing but lies.
In order to boldly proclaim
Jesus Christ,
we must be equipped with
shy of the truth.
Nothing could be further from the
truth than a lie.
The Living Waters of Truth
can only spring
from Holy Ground!
Nothing about God's Truth is
Only when we are singing
with the gospel truth
will we be in perfect pitch.
In order to see the sights
we must be on target.
Please give us a liberal dose
of your conservative truth.
God is telling the truth
about His plumb line...
and Satan is
just plumb lyin'.
God cannot change His Truth
to accommodate our
misconceptions of it.
One reason God made truth so
powerful is because
He knew so few would be
practicing it.
Crucifixion....not crucifiction.
A heart will remain broken
until it accepts the whole truth.
Has God taken you under His
It is better to see things
that are yet to be
than to imagine things
that never were.
When God gives spiritual sight to
the blind,
Satan's always there to hand out
the blinders.
We are so near-sighted
because our sight
so far from
If you think reflection
is only on the surface
of God's living water,
then think a little deeper.
A brain is merely a good start
toward having a mind.
The ones receiving their education
from God
are in a class by themselves.
Please God...
Knock the fool out of us!
If we continue to learn by our
own thinking,
we'll never learn wisdom
from God
and He knows it.
All Christians have a grave
an empty grave responsibility!
Be a witness, for Heaven's Sake!
Heaven grows through referrals.
We must sing the name of Jesus
in the perfect timing of
His Holy Spirit.
Jesus is perfect,
but is He perfectly seen by those
who see us?
Hate makes us go into places we
and fear makes us afraid to go
into places we should.
God is the only One
who can back up
what He says spiritually
and we are the only ones
who can back up
what He's saying physically.
Jesus never said,
"Don't quote me on that."
Satan wants to put us out of
....and sow forth!
How can you tell people
about God
unless God has told you
about Himself?
the first outreach program.
God didn't just send us His
He sent His own Son
to deliver it personally!
Being like Jesus will cause us to
work for Him...
working for Him will not
cause us to be like Him
Why worry about not being able
to handle things
When things are out of our
We're admiring You from a fire!
The Holy Spirit will provide
"blind spot mirrors" for Christians
to enable us to see things
that we otherwise would be
unaware of.
While it is true some numbers are
greater in value than others;
without the involvement of the
smaller numbers,
the greater numbers would lose
their overall value.
Please clear the clouds
from my heart
so people can see
Your Son in me.
A thought
given to me by God
is my idea of POWER.
Man's limitations
are the seeds of God's potential,
but they can only grow
when they are being watered
by the moisture of
our faith in God.
Our ultimate riches can be found
stored in the banks of the shores
on the river of truth.
While the majority of people
are busy planning their
God and I are staying busy
planning our future together!
Imagine a nation under God
Satan wants us to be a failure,
so he can bring us down to his
To overcome hate,
we must first come over to
The only word that
has enough power
to reach both God and Satan
is the name of JESUS.
Satan's ultimate inadequacy
is obvious in the fact of
his only being able to offer
eternal death
as the substitute for eternal life.
We cannot outrun the devil,
but when we're in
the arms of Jesus
he won't be able to
keep up with us.
God's PLAN is so heavyweight it
will never fall through
as long as we are holding up our
end of it.
No matter where God sends us,
He is always waiting there
with success.
Many people are
standing up for
we shouldn't sit still for.
According to my calculations,
we can always count on God.
Why don't you look into the
mirror and fix your faith?
Increasing our faith in God
gives His Holy Spirit
more room
to breathe in our lives.
People who are knocking on
the door of success
must be careful not
to knock God
for taking too long to
open the door.
God will never stop short
of giving us everything we need
for the long run.
The Law that is written in stone
should never be taken for
The Bible's a sleeping giant
until we wake up and read it!
Christ isn't too busy at Christmas
to sign His Name,
are we?
Until we have died for people,
we don't have the right to
judge their salvation.
As followers of Christ,
we are still searching for more of
what we've found.
…and even if God did create
it was all good in the
Jesus won the fight
so that eternal life could be a
Adam and Eve ate the forbidden
and the world is still trying
to digest it.
People who leave
church services early
are ducking out on a lot of
goose bumps.
Let's grow up quick
so we can go up quick!
we are so worn out
from carrying
unnecessary burdens
we can't carry out our mission.
Choose a Team
Good or Evil
Or be back-drafted by one
at the end of the game.....
If you are found lost
at the midnight hour
it will be your
favorite past time.
In this age of secrets
only Time will tell......
Darkness grows
when the fire is not stirred.
Satan has always protested
the war on evil.
Are you willing to take the
and land on Holy Ground?
If you think you can learn
without learning how to think…
you better think again.
© 2003- 2 ½ Publishing
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