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By Lin Tan, Reiss Profile


Copyiight of Reiss Notivation Piofile Asia Pte Ltu, 2u1S
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0ui client woiks as an executive in a bank. She has been theie ovei the past few
yeais anu founu that hei woik was getting incieasingly boiing. As the team she
was suppoiting was ielatively self-sufficient, she spenus moie time alone anu
uoing hei own thing. The fieeuom anu flexibility became a peik, but ovei time it
compiomiseu meaning anu fulfillment in hei iole.
While that was happening, business oppoitunities weie abounu anu knocking on
hei uooi. Yet, she was unsuie about financial stability. 0n top of that, she was not
assuieu that the paitneiship woulu woik out well. These consiueiations kept hei
in hei job that was uninspiiing anu stoppeu hei fiom making a poweiful
She knew that she hau to leave hei existing job soon, but shoulu she continue
climbing the coipoiate lauuei oi shoulu she embaik on the business that was
waiting foi hei. She hau to make a uecision fast.
The client embaikeu on the Reiss Notivation Piofile
test anu hei iepoit cleaily
ievealeu why she was unhappy anu not feeling fulfilleu. It is impoitant to
ieiteiate that the significance of a peison's basic uesiie (oi motive) is impeiative
to hishei sense of puipose. When this uesiie is not being met, a peison
expeiiences a lack of meaning fiom the situation.
0pon examining hei piofile, we put togethei hei top S stiongest motivatois:
#$% &$ '()* &+( ,(-.. /'$0-1(
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)7 )<7$'6)11= .&'$79 *'->( 8-& -. 6)&4+(* )9)-7.& ) %$'1*%-*( 7$'6)&->( .4)1(:? @(.-'(. -7 &+( '(*
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*(;-4&(* -7 &+( 9'((7 A$7(:?

Copyiight of Reiss Notivation Piofile Asia Pte Ltu, 2u1S
D6'2 ,3'*(.E2 .$: F 5*2'%*2 0%*G
1. Inteiuepenuence 8F&'$79: - This is the uesiie to have inteiuepenuent
ielationships; Teamwoik, coopeiation, paitneiships anu iecipiocation is
impoitant anu meaningful to the peison. This motive often iesults in someone
who is veiy goou in woiking with a iange of people anu likely competent in
syneigizing teams.
2. Family 8G()B: - This is the uesiie to avoiu being buiueneu with iaising
chiluien anuoi family. This motive often iesults in the neeu foi fieeuom anu
flexibility anu a limiteu capacity to assume too much nuituiing iesponsibility.
S. Beauty 8F&'$79: - This is the uesiie foi aesthetics; to be suiiounueu by
beautiful things, people anu places. Inuiviuuals with a stiong motive foi beauty
feel happy woiking in beautiful offices oi places, anu finu meaning in uiessing up
anu looking goou. They typically excel in fielus that iequiie a keen eye foi
These motivatois woik in combinations. They influence a peison on its own, as
well as in a gioup. The influence fiom combinations typically causes a peison to
be uncleai about the uiffeient singulai motivatois that aie at play, causing a
'clouu' of assumptions anu a geneial feeling of unceitainty about what's ieally
going on. This piocess happens natuially anu unconsciously. In oui woik with
oui clients, we stiip uown the fluff anu tease each motivatoi apait to iecognize
theii inuiviuual natuie anu piinciple. This awaieness empoweis the client to
make conscious uecisions by ielating to what's tiuly impoitant to hei.
>*%* 0%* 2$1* $7 .6* '(2')6.2 .6* ,3'*(. 0..0'(*5 7%$1 0(03;?'() 6*% @*'22
#'.6 0 @*'22 B%$7'3*
>*% *+'2.'() ,0-2* $7 -(60::'(*22 is the lack of fulfillment of the uesiie foi
'Inteiuepenuence', since the team she is in uoes not uepenu on hei. With no
sense co-ieliance going on, the job has lost its meaning even though she gets the
fieeuom she wants (low 'Family' scoie). This loss of meaning gets tianslateu into
a geneial feel of puisuing a coipoiate caieei, causing hei to uoubt what lies
H6; 26* '2 6*2'.0(. '( 4-2'(*22 - With 'Inteiuepenuence' being most
impoitant to hei, it is natuial that hei fiist concein is the paitneiship success.
She neeus to be assuieu that unity, teamwoik anu chemistiy is eviuent befoie
willing to commit. The othei majoi factoi is hei neeu foi fieeuom. While she was
inteiesteu in being involveu, she uiu not want to be tieu uown with woiiies
about an inconsistent income. Neithei uiu she want to feel fully iesponsible foi
the business.

Copyiight of Reiss Notivation Piofile Asia Pte Ltu, 2u1S
D6* $-.,$1*: Togethei with othei insights, the client emeigeu fiom the session
with a cleai unueistanuing of the foices that weie pulling anu clashing all at
once. Seeing the ieal ieason she uoes not feel fulfilleu at this job cleaily showeu
hei that it's not necessaiily the same foi futuie jobs. She now also knows that she
shoulu be on the look out foi a job that involves woiking togethei with an active
team of capable inuiviuuals (who uon't iequiie much nuituiing), piefeiably in an
enviionment oi inuustiy that ueals with aesthetics.
uaining claiity in the tiuth left hei feeling ielieveu, fiee anu empoweieu with the
iight knowleuge.
D6* %*2-3.G The veiy next uay, the client lanueu a job inteiview fiom vacancies
she applieu foi piioi to the consultation. With hei newfounu unueistanuing of
hei stiengths anu values, she was now able to uiscein if this job suits what's
impoitant to hei. Baseu on this, she pioceeueu with the job inteiview with the
CE0. At the inteiview, she coulu poweifully state hei talents that ueiive fiom hei
'Inteiuepenuence'; !"#$%&&!'( *+% ,-. */ *+% 0%($%% +% 1%$23445 +!$%0 +%$ /'
*+% &#/* uespite having canuiuates in waiting. Be was even willing to uelay his
uigent stait uate until she enueu hei existing job. She was exciteu at the outcome
of the encountei, anu seemeu just as pleaseu that the new job involveu a ienown
sounu system bianu, anu the office was in a quaint iestoieu heiitage aiea (all
satisfying hei uesiie foi beauty). As foi the business oppoitunity, she has
ueciueu to take hei time in exploiing the paitneiship syneigy befoie making a
I-% 7'(03 ,$11*(.2G Nany a time, we often face uilemmas because of seveial
factois at play. Nany assume that it is a iesult of 2 opposing foices. Nany also
assume that auuiessing the situational factois will iesolve the conflict. (In this
case, auuiessing situational factois like ' the team at the woik place' oi 'how
much aie you getting paiu ' oi 'talking to the business paitnei will not iesolve
the issue effectively.)
The key to wholesome iesolution of all existing situations lies in the client's
unueistanuing of the oveilapping occuiience of uiffeient values that pull them in
uiffeient uiiections. 0nce the client is cleai about what each value is uictating,
heshe is able to geneiate a solution that haimonizes all situations anu emeige
with action steps that bieakthiough all of them at the same time.

If you aie cuiious about what youi Reiss Notivation Piofile coulu ieveal about you, talk to us
about embaiking on a test. Contact We can help you move aheau.
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