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By Christie Marie Sheldon Chapter 1 -Higher Vibrations and You Hi, I'm Christie Marie and I'm an intuitive consultant. I look into people's lives and what I notice most is that clients call me for two main reasons. No.1: To et answers, to !e more aware and intuitive for themselves. No.": To shift and chan e somethin in their life. Clients will !e sa#in to me, $If I could %ust shift this one thin then m# life would !e successful&. It's alwa#s that one pro!lem that %ust naws at #ou' and mostl# it's a!out love and relationships and ettin thin s to look a certain wa# with their famil#. More than mone#, this is what people call me a!out. (o if #ou could chan e one thin ri ht now in #our life, what would #ou chan e) I love how smart people are, I do. The people that call for consultation are lookin for real answers. The# are either tr#in to address the real reason the# cannot et their life to !e a certain wa# or the#'re callin to see the future so the# can o that route or the# can chan e it. *ecause #ou can chan e #our future with the ri ht tools + how smart is that) It's also reat that people like #ou know that the place and space to chan e #our life is reall# from the spiritual side. It's the transformational place where real chan e occurs. (o a ain, if #ou could chan e one thin ri ht now, what would it !e) ,hat is the one area of #our life that #ou would like to choose the !est version of) Ma#!e it's to help #our kids and famil# in some wa#. Ma#!e to have a !etter relationship. -r ma#!e it's %ust to open up to the spiritual side and et a deeper, deeper level of happiness and love in #ourself. .nd how a!out !ein more intuitive and aware so that #ou can trust #ourself) That's mainl# wh# I kept ali nin m#self with love, truth and /uestionin ever#thin . I lived m# life intuitivel# !ecause I found that it's the onl# wa# that I can reall# live and !e happ#. I needed to know at the end of the da# that I was makin aware choices that were in m# !est interest and in the hi hest ood of all those around me. (elf0lovin actions came from these in/uiries. .!ove all else I think that's wh# people call me' the# want a fact checker: 1 If I do this or this, does it !rin me m# desired outcome and where does m# life lead) 1 Is m# kid in the !est school for his self0 rowth) 1 If I take this %o! will I like the people I work with) .ll this and more is availa!le !# connectin to #our spiritual side. ,hat happens is the more #ou know, the !etter #our life can !e. (ome people use their spiritual skills to manifest a soul0mate or a life with plent# of a!undance and health, love, wealth and happiness. The one thin I know for sure: that if someone is willin to invest in this series and in themselves to connect to their spiritual nature and et answers for themselves, I know for sure #our life will et !etter. .nd it will !e tremendousl# !etter in some wa# + in three months, in 12 months, and even four #ears down the road. .nd I am so happ# for #ou. *ecause #ou'll !e a!le to trust #ourself with this new awareness + it !ecomes a wa# of

livin that #ou can never o !ack from. Total empowerment for #ou and the people #ou love. I'm oin to assist #ou with what I consider the most important thin #ou can do for #our famil# and #ourself + and I refer to this as raisin #our consciousness. 3our consciousness is the aware part of #ou connected to the hi hest vi!ration #ou can !e in #our !od#. *ein connected to this ives #ou an ed e that #ou ma# not know a!out. If #ou raise #our consciousness #ou et connected to the place where real freedom is. It's a space where all the knowled e, the know0how, the happiness, the %o# and the !liss e4ist + #ou can live that wa#. It's all around #ou' #ou %ust have to know how to access it. . lot of people look at life and o, $-h, I'll !e happ# when I have this or this in m# life.& -r $,hen I have mone#, then I'll !e happ#.& -r $,hen I'm thin, then I'll !e happ#.& -r whatever #our fill0in0the0!lank is. *# the wa#, what is #our fill0 in0the0!lank) 3ou'll !e happ# when what occurs) If I do this or this, does it !rin me m# desired outcome and where does m# life lead) Is m# kid in the !est school for his self0 rowth) If I take this %o! will I like the people I work with) It doesn't work the wa# #ou think it does. 3ou have to !e happ# first and then when all the other thin s happen #ou're alread# happ#. .ll the other thin s will happen and ma neti5e to #ou !ecause #ou are alread# happ#. (o raisin #our consciousness is what ives #ou this happiness, raisin #our vi!ration. 3our life is the effect of #ou either !ein connected to #our spiritual side consciousl#, or oin with the flow, !ein reactive and !ein the effect of all #our e4periences, mindsets and pro rammin . It's onl# reall# two choices: 1 3ou either connect to #our spiritual side and control #our life or 1 3ou o with the flow and have no control. It's a choice to connect and have authorit# in #our realit#' ever#thin else is %ust a choice and it's free will. ,hen #ou connect to the spiritual side of thin s #our vi!ration shifts, #our life ets easier, all those an uishin emotions su!side and #our life !ecomes a lot easier than #ou ma# think. 6reat stuff does not usuall# occur when #ou are fearful, worried and an uished. (o I'm here to assist #ou in choosin the tools and usin these tools that I received and that supported me in ettin pro!lem0free, happ# and reall# reat life. (ince we're oin to !e spendin some time to ether I'd like to share a little !it a!out m#self if that's alri ht with #ou. I have what I consider a fantastic life. I et to make a difference in people's world and their families' life. I am known for helpin people !# usin m# spiritual ifts, m# intuition, raisin their consciousness and awareness. I have a lot of people who come to me for uidance on their pro!lems, help with manifestin a different realit# and in openin and usin their own intuition and spiritual ifts. I look at m#self as a facilitator for consciousness, kind of like a cheerleader and a coach all rolled in one. *ut !asicall# I assist clients in !ecomin who the# reall# are. I am so luck# that I et to see people on a dail# !asis, turn their lives around and receive more of themselves. More %o#, more love, more peace, more lau hter. I receive reat %o# 0 it's m# pleasure in helpin people et their life their wa#. It's also m# pleasure to help #ou create #our life #our wa# so that #ou too can reall#, reall# en%o# the life of #our choosin .

In m# own life I have a rich famil# life, lovin friends and a rewardin and nurturin relationship with a reall# reat man. M# life is !lissful and %o#ful. .ll m# needs are taken care of, usuall# !efore I ask. I set it up that wa#' it's an internal pro ram that I run. I wake up ever# mornin and I'm awed. I look out m# !edroom and I have a view to live for. It's a series of mountains that turns a pink or salmon color each mornin when the sun hits it. I have ancient oak trees and hawks that fl# !# durin the da#. I live in a resort area where people come to vacation. The !each is "2 minutes awa# and the people are friendl#. I've travelled all over the world and had career success. I've !een on top radio shows and done well over 12,222 consultations with people searchin for answers to live the life of their dreams. I have even travelled on private planes with Mrs. 6or!atchev and talked a!out love. I've travelled and en%o#ed the compan# of other famous leaders in the world of spiritual development, relationship success and !usiness success. I manifested this %o#ful, lovin a!undant life all !ecause I was willin to open up to m# intuition and spiritual ifts. M# life wasn't alwa#s this wa#, thou h. 7arl# in life I stru led. I picked horri!le !o#friends, I was !roke and I worked three %o!s to pa# for school. I worked reall# hard and never reall# knew how to et a life I desired. I rew up in a small town' no!od# around me was hu el# successful and a lot of the folks didn't reall# seem that positive. I mana ed to move out of this small town to the cit#. I onl# had 892 in m# pocket. Thou h I stru led and I did lose a lot of faith in m#self sometimes, I eventuall# found m# wa# out. -ne da#, after a heartfelt $M# life has ot to chan e now& kind of pra#er, I walked into a !ookstore' a !ook literall# fell of a !ookshelf, landed at m# feet and tau ht me how to connect to m# spiritual side and manifest. In m# innocence I applied the method in a series of s#nchronicities, opened up to the universe and supplied me with all m# re/uests. I mean, in a little while I had a lu4urious lifest#le. .nd I'm talkin reall# lu4urious, five0star all the wa#, multiple homes, e4pensive cars and lots of fun. I travelled a lot and met man# people well0versed in manifestin principles. I soaked it all up. I met a u# and had a lot of love in m# life. M# manifestin went !e#ond the scope of an#thin I'd ever ima ined, all !ecause I applied certain tools and techni/ues consistentl# and made a heartfelt pra#er one da#. .fter 12 #ears I made a life shift and decided to help more people. The simplest thin s in life, love, and makin a difference in people's lives are reall# what's important to me. :eople started callin me for intuitive uidance and I haven't looked !ack. I started uidin and teachin them and what I learned and what the# learned, their whole life started to !lossom. *efore I knew it I had more clients than I could ima ine and the# all started sendin me their friends !ecause their life si nificantl# improved. Now I'm choosin to reach more people with what I tau ht those clients and this is wh# I'm sharin this series. I trul# !elieve if enou h people raise their consciousness and their vi!ration to self0love and cele!ration we can restore love on this planet. .nd I'm oin to show #ou how and wh# this is so important to #ou and #our famil#. M# reatest desire is for #ou to turn on #our spiritual ifts, !e full# #ou and make #our inner li ht !ri hter, to make #our life fill to the !rim with love, a!undance, %o#, pleasure and fun. 3ou are the reatest ift #ou !rin to the world + #ou are the ift. .fter I received those spiritual ifts one da# I was feelin a little drained and I went to the local chiropractor. He asked me what I did for a livin and I said, $,ell, it's kind of weird, these an els showed up in m# livin room and now I use m# intuition to help

people.& I didn't know at the time !ut he actuall# had some uides. (o he said, $The reason I asked is, m# uides are askin me to send #ou to some!od#. He's !een to all these doctors around here and no!od# can fi4 him.& (o :aul came to me. He had !ack issues for over 12 #ears. In a few seconds, when he came over, I saw what the issue was. I said, $;id #ou smoke pot around 1< and have a weird emotional reaction)& .nd he verified it, he said #es. (o usin m# intuition and spiritual tools I cleared it. I cleared it from his ener # field. .nd I sent him on his wa#. I didn't e4pect an#thin to happen. I %ust said, $=et me know what happens.& 3ou have to understand, he came over and I had no clue what was oin to happen. He called me in a few weeks and told me I had a dream that ni ht after I worked on him. In this dream he saw himself sittin in all kinds of chairs' thrones, stools, dinin chairs, recliners. .nd in the dream his !ack no lon er hurt. (o when he woke up he did what the dream su ested, he sat in a !unch of chairs around the house and lo and !ehold, his !ack didn't hurt. .t the time he had a u# !uildin a shed !ehind the house and this u# was not doin a reat %o! so he fired him. :aul !uilt the whole shed himself, doin the roof and ever#thin . He had said that he had not !een a!le to lift thin s over his head for over "2 #ears. .nd now he %ust !uilt a shed in his own !ack #ard. I have to tell #ou, he was reall# e4cited, ri ht) To him it was like a miracle and for me, it was a hu e >aha' moment !ecause it actuall# verified to me in a reall# !i wa# for the first time that spiritual ifts actuall# reall# work. I'd like #ou to see that is possi!le, so I'm oin to share another stor# with #ou. I was at a Mount (hasta event for healin and well0!ein . I was workin on a lad# usin m# spiritual ifts, uides and an els and I cleared an emotional issue attached to her th#roid that kept it from functionin optimall#. ,hen I came to the emotional issue on wh# her !od# was not reall# functionin , I ot that it had to do with her mom. Her mom tended to !e critical so I asked her a!out it, $How would #ou have liked it to !e with #our mother) How would #ou have liked to have felt from #our mother when #ou rew up)& .nd she started to tear up. I had her feel the feelin of what it would feel like to !e trul# loved, adored, honored and admired !# #our mother. .nd I cleared the ener # that was not lettin this come into her !od#. .fter we were done she felt li ht0headed and happ# all at the same time, she had to sit there for 12 minutes !efore she could move. (he walked over to her !ooth + she had her own !ooth + and her phone was rin in , it was her mother. (he said, $Christie, #ou are not oin to !elieve this. M# mom %ust called me and it's mother's da#. I for ot to call her. (he would normall# lose it, sa# I was reall# rude and inconsiderate and wh# in the heck did I for et Mother's ;a#&. Instead, her whole ener # was different. she said, $Hone#, I %ust called to wish #ou a happ# Mother's ;a#& M# client said, $In all the ?2 #ears that I have lived on this planet, this has never happened !etween her and I so I want to thank #ou&. (o #ou see, this is normal in m# world. .nd I want it to !e normal in #our world. It's the ener # and the emotions that #ou u#s are holdin and ma#!e !lockin that's stoppin #ou from ettin #our life to look a certain wa#. Can #ou ma#!e start to et the picture that invitin in #our spiritual side can literall# rock #our world) In these C;s we're oin to show #ou how to: 0Connect to #our source ener # and use it to raise #our consciousness and #our vi!rations. 03ou're also oin to learn how to attract the perfect life to #ou. 03ou'll learn how to make e4actin and accurate choices from #our intuition.

03ou'll also learn how to clear #our ener # and up rade #our whole !ein and #ou can teach #our famil#. 03ou'll learn how to clear, contain and handle an# ne ative ener ies. 0If #ou've ever wanted help from the other side, we're oin to connect #ou to #our uidance s#stem, to #our uides and an els. Then #ou can make e4cellent choices for #our famil#. (o all this and more is in store for #ou. I read a !ook some #ears !ack that chan ed the focus of m# life. The !ook was called :ower vs. @orce and it's !# ;r. ;avid Hawkins. ;r. ;avid Hawkins tested the consciousness of us as humans. He has a scale of 5ero to 1222. If #our consciousness is the level of 1222, #ou would !e Aesus, a *uddha or a Brishna. .nd if #our level was of shame, #ou would !e close to death, the vi!ration of "2. (hame means #ou are not enou h. 6uilt is a level of 92. 6uilt means that #ou're !ad. To raise #our consciousness level #ou would have to start eliminatin all the uilt and shame from #our life. Aust start with no uilt, fear, worr#, shame and #ou're well on #our wa#. The vi!ration of fear is 122 + it's prett# low. (o fear wouldn't !e in the vi!ration of a *uddha or a Brishna or a Aesus. His level measures 1222, therefore there's no worr#, fear, uilt or shame. The vi!ration of an er is 1C2, coura e "22, neutralit# is "C2, acceptance and for iveness is 9C2, love is the vi!ration of C22. (o it's the halfwa# mark that moves #ou towards the positive polarit# of thin s. I'm not talkin a!out the dramaDtrauma kind of thin either. I'm not talkin a!out the loveDhate pro ram, what some people call love on this planet + #ou love them #ou hate them. That's called drama, it's not love. (o what a!out purified love and li ht for a chan e) Ao# is a vi!ration of CE2, peace and compassion ?22, enli htenment F22 to 1222. ,hen ;r. ;avid Hawkins wrote the !ook 12 #ears a o there were: These are %ust some e4amples of what he muscle tested as to where the planet is at. 3ou can cali!rate the truth a!out reli ions, some are /uite low if 01" individuals at the vi!ration of F22. 0There is currentl# no one vi!ratin at the level of 1222. 0The avera e level of humanit# on the planet is onl# "2F. 0The avera e consciousness of the Gnited (tates is E"1' (o we're operatin a little !it !elow love. 0China is 922 0India 9CC 0The Middle 7ast 1F2 These are %ust some e4amples of what he muscle tested as to where the planet is at. 3ou can cali!rate the truth a!out reli ions, some are /uite low if the# operate from the consciousness of fear and limitation. *asicall#, The Truth with a capital T is a!out connectin to the oneness of it all, connectin to the *uddha nature, the Christ consciousness level and livin in love, oneness, connectedness to the source, !ein source ener #, droppin %ud ments, droppin e4clusion and includin all thin s is reall# what it's all a!out. =ovin thou hts throu hout the da# can counter0!alance a lot of ne ative stuff. Choosin the ener # of =ove and .!ove, %o#, compassion, kindness, peace and conscious enli htenment is choosin the most potent force in the world. The hi hest conscious people on the planet live in the most is truth and awareness and with the least amount of limitation. (o #ou can see the scale and see where #ou and other people are operatin from. If #our vi!ration is hi h #ou'll !e amon the most happ#, %o#ful, peaceful, compassionate, kind

people on the planet. If #our vi!ration is low, #ou'll !e amon the most fearful, an r#, uilt#, ashamed people on the planet. Haisin #our vi!ration moves #ou to the place of most %o#, inspiration and fun. In this course I'm oin to share with #ou wa#s to raise #our consciousness and make hu e leaps forward. :eople who vi!rate at the hi hest consciousness have choice over their thou hts, feelin s and success. If #ou choose to o the route of the hi hest consciousness #ou can !ecome a !i er force of love on the planet. The hi hest conscious people hold a vorte4 of love and make others vi!rate at the level of C22 or a!ove %ust !# !ein themselves + it's in their ener # field. It's what the# e4ude. .nd this is what it means that #ou are the ift. Ii!ratin at the level of love and a!ove is e4actl# what can chan e over FC2 individuals on the planet that are operatin in fear, worr#, uilt, shame and an er. -ne person + %ust one person whose vi!ration is set on the love consciousness of C22 can counter!alance FC2 other people. How ama5in is that) Can #ou see wh# I am so e4cited a!out this) This means #ou can chan e the planet !# full# !ein #ou. 3ou know how sometimes #ou think, $-h, I want to do m# part in this world&) ,ell this is how. *ein a vi!ratin ener # field of love can literall# chan e #our nei h!ors, #our school, #our cit#, #our state and the planet. 3ou teach others how to choose love and a!ove !# !ein #ou + !# !ein so happ# and vi!ratin . .nd the# catch it, the#'re naturall# drawn to it then the# start up radin and start makin conscious choices. It's kind of like a multi0level marketin approach for consciousness. 3ou tell four friends and the# tell four friends and so on and so on. *efore #ou know it there are a million people who are operatin on a different pla#in field %ust !# #ou makin a conscious choice ri ht now to choose a vi!ration of love or a!ove. . whole famil# that vi!rates at the ener # level of C22 can raise the whole famil# vi!ration up to a level of ?22, which is %o#. (o if #ou have four people operatin at the ener # level of C22 individuall#, it actuall# !ecomes e4ponential and it raises the whole roup. The chan e must !e in in #our famil# and it should start with #ou and then #our famil#. Aust #ou startin sets the intent and the ener # in motion for the others to catch the wave, sort of catchin a wave of ener #. 3ou start i nitin all those around #ou. 3ou can !e the model that chan es the planet %ust !# !ein #ou. In a wa# it's like #ou can !e the chan e #ou wish to see in the world + literall#. (ome clients have asked me, $,hat if m# spouse and kids ma# not o alon with this ri ht awa#)& That's an e4cellent /uestion. In m# e4perience what happens is, ever#one in the famil# %umps in, the rest of the famil# catches the wave. 3ou don't push them, #ou let them !e drawn to #our li ht like moths to the flame and the# will desire what #ou are doin !ecause #ou will !e happier, more lovin and more pleasura!le to !e around. That's who #ou'll !e. 3ou will see, when we et to the C; on raisin #our famil#'s consciousness, that #our ener # chan es the rest of the famil#. 3ou will also learn to use #our spiritual ifts to up rade some!od# else's levels !ehind the scenes. (o #ou can raise other people's consciousness !ehind the scenes, so to speak and we're oin to show #ou how to do that. It's a!out deletin the old stuff and invitin the new stuff in. If #ou sit around and wait nothin is oin to chan e. (o #ou have to decide ri ht now, $He#, I'm oin to o for it. I'm oin to !e at this ener # level. I'm oin to raise m# consciousness. I'm oin to raise m# vi!ration.& That's what I decided m#self and from there I learned to use certain tools that up raded m# fre/uenc#.

I'm oin to show #ou techni/ues on how to manifest these thin s in #ou. In the manifest section I'm oin to show #ou how to manifest a happ# famil# life. I have loads of stories of clients %ust like #ou who %ust started on this path throu h m# coachin seminars and one on one. -nce the# started, their famil# %ust came alon . The# saw that their spouse or parent was chan in and the# wanted some !ecause the other person was ettin happier and more !alanced emotionall#. .nd eventuall# the# %ust et it. 3ou %ust lead !# e4ample and !ecause life ets more lorious, people will !e drawn to #ou !# what #ou're doin . It %ust takes one person to stat the !all rollin . 3ou were drawn to these C;s for a reason. 3ou were drawn to this !ecause #ou are read# to hear all this. Throu h the =aw -f .ttraction #ou attracted this information to #ou. 3our soul is callin #ou to do this for #ourself, for #our communit#, for #our famil#, for the world and #ou deserve the rewards offered throu h raisin #our consciousness. 3ou are the ift #ou !rin to the world. .llow #ourself to !lossom into #our hi hest potential. =et's start with the first step. The first step to raisin #our consciousness is: etting into the energy o! gratitude and appre"iation 6ratitude, I muscle tested, can !e as hi h as vi!ratin at the level of J22 when #ou full# claim it in #our ener # field. Now it doesn't necessaril# mean that #ou all of a sudden %ump E22 points and #ou're at the ener # level of J22. ,hat it means is, #ou start usin that force or that ener # and invitin it into #our life and that ener # will chan e #our fre/uenc#. 3ou have to delete some %unk in order to increase #our vi!ration and we're oin to show #ou to do that. 3ou have to em!od# it for lon enou h to reall# chan e #our fre/uenc#. To move to the ne4t level #ou have to em!od# the new fre/uencies as a wa# of !ein . *ut it's eas#. =ove or a!ove, %o#, appreciation, kindness are all ener ies #ou can em!od#. To em!od# it means it !ecomes a part of #ou, it !ecomes who #ou are. The ener # of true heartfelt appreciation is at the level of F<2. Think for a moment of somethin #ou appreciate, like a warm !ed filled with fluff# down comforters or a or eous sunset or a cele!ration or #our child and the moment #ou met him or her for the first time + somethin #ou reall# appreciate. .nd if #ou move this ener # into #our ever#da# life and start appreciatin all the ood in #our life, #ou'll start to chan e #our vi!ration. 3ou can even !e appreciative of the thin s #ou don't prefer in #our life. Now #ou ma# !e thinkin , wh# would I appreciate the thin s I don't like) ,hat if I reframed it and had #ou look at it like this: Thanks for showin up in m# life so I can re0choose somethin !etter for m#self. Thanks for showin me an area of m# manifestin that I have to un0create and delete from m# life. 3ou can !e thankful for si ns and s#m!ols that show #ou thin s #ou need to chan e. .nd the thankfulness is the appreciation, it's a clue. If #ou are in fear and an er, #ou can ask, what little thin can I !e rateful for here) ,hat little part of this can I appreciate) I have clients call me up in the middle of thin s the# do not prefer. .nd most of them can find one ood thin a!out what is occurrin and start !rin in that ener # into the middle of their messes. I had one client for instance who was havin some trou!le with her child's mood swin s. (he felt nothin rateful a!out this when she called me. (o she started to look at all the other ood thin s in her life. (he made a list of all the famil#, friends and love that she

currentl# had in her life and had in the past. This made her seek out some old friends that she hadn't reall# thou ht a!out in a while. That's what the e4ercise did for her. (he called one of these friends and this friend, she found out, had somethin similar oin on with her own son. *ut she had solved it. (o the# talked a!out it, she sent her to the ri ht person and this person helped m# client et her son out of these mood swin s. The# found out he was aller ic to certain foods. (he chan ed the nutrition and within a month the whole dilemma was solved. Now if she hadn't started !ein rateful who knows where this would have ended. It could have !een a lon line0up of mood swin s and torture for the famil#. This new ener # of ratefulness opened doors for more ood to come into her life. This is what ratitude and appreciation does. It moves new ener # and new solutions in. I had another client come to a seminar and she and her hus!and were havin love issues. (he started the rateful e4ercise ri ht in her seat, ri ht awa#. (he started feelin all the ratitude she could a!out her life and asked this ratitude to move into the thin s that she did not like. *asicall# she started with a mantra I ave her: I am so thankful and rateful that this mone# issue is no lon er in m# life + that was one of her mantras. I am so rateful and thankful for new a!undant opportunities showin up in m# life. I am so rateful and thankful m# hus!and and I have solved our a!undance issues and we're ettin alon . (he was not %ust mum!lin these words. (he reall# connected to the li ht 0 and I'm oin to show #ou how to do that + she reall# connected to the li ht and felt this. .nd thin s !e an to chan e. @or her what occurred was ma ical. In a little over month of her invitin this new consciousness in, old ar uments with her hus!and started to soften. Her chan in chan ed how he felt around her. He said he liked her a ain. *ut can #ou see wh#) If #ou and #our spouse are ar uin and doin lower ener # all the time, loveD hate and fear and all those ener ies, the other person is oin to feel this. ,e've all walked into a room and felt u hK when some lower ener # hit us. This is what happened + he felt u h around her. ,hen she chan ed her vi!ration it lifted him, %ust with her ener # field. Can #ou see the possi!ilities here) (he started !ein rateful for him !ein around and he responded. He liked her elevated, heartfelt ener #. It often works that fast. (ometimes the other person is not willin to chan e /uite #et !ut if #ou keep #ourself elevated into ratitude and appreciation the# catch the wave and in the interim #ou'll !e happier and their mood won't affect #ou as much. (ome people fi ht to !e ri ht + it's a ri htDwron issue. Aust !e ri ht for #ou and let the other person have their own ri htness. It's called !ein in allowance of another's choice. .llow them to !e what the# are choosin and sta# rounded in #our choice to !e rateful and appreciative and elevated to the consciousness of love or a!ove. I live m# life in total responsi!ilit# for whatever shows up in m# life. I look at it like I created ever#thin in m# life with m# thou hts, !eliefs and patterns of ener # and m# !ein this. If somethin shows up in m# life that I don't prefer, I look at how did I create this and have it enter m# realit#) Then I ask what new choice can I make to have somethin new show up) -r how do I et rid of the thou ht, feelin or !elief and delete it) I scout around in m# realit# and find the thin s that I need to delete so that I can raise it up. ,e're oin to show #ou how to do that on the third C;.

3ou know, for an#thin to chan e #ou have to actuall# choose the chan e and allow it to show up. *# !ein the field of ener #, !ein the invitation and the open door for chan e, #our life will. 6ratitude is the em!odiment of the attitude of appreciation. That's wh# it's a little !it hi her fre/uenc#. It's like #ou're livin from the soulful ener # of who #ou reall# are + #ou without #our ar!a e and lu a e. It's #our natural state. It's #our ener # field that #ou use to !e !orn into #our !od# + it's a creative ener # force. 3ou know how we all love to hu !a!ies and !e in their ener # field) That's !ecause the# haven't taken on all the fear, an er or worr# thin s #et. Their ener # state is spacious, rateful, lovin . (ure, the# have moods. *ut the ener # field is open and eas# and the# move throu h it rather /uickl#. The# don't sta# stuck and simmer in an er and frustration + unless we as parents train them that wa# or we don't handle them properl#. It's all a!out #ou as a parent openin #our ener # field and movin into love, %o# and appreciation. This allows #our child to move into love or a!ove a ain and a ain and a ain. It's !ein the ener # of ratitude that moves them up the scale. (o how do #ou do this re ularl#) =et's start with allowin the ener # to come into #ou so #ou can feel it. Hecall a time #ou were rateful for somethin + an#thin ' a sunset, #our child, #our mate, #our mate proposin to #ou, !ein rateful for some success #ou had. (o now if #ou have somethin that #ou're rateful for I want #ou to reall# feel that moment, that moment when it happened #ou were so rateful for it, so appreciative. I let that ener # come into m# heart and I ask it to radiate out m# whole !ein . If #ou %ust ask ener # to move it'll do that. (o %ust feel the ener # of ratefulness, feel it coursin out #our heart and radiatin #ou. (ee it fillin #our whole cells. This is the ener # #ou invite into #our da#. 3our mind doesn't know past, present and future, so if #ou think of an ener # or if #ou think of somethin #ou're rateful a!out, #ou've !rou ht the ener # in. . ratitude and appreciation %ournal is a simple wa# to et started feelin the ood consciousness inside of #ou. 3our commitment to this sa#s, $He#, universe, I am choosin to focus m# time on this planet to raisin m# consciousness. I am decidin to focus m# ener # on makin this important in m# life.& ,hatever we focus on increases and attracts to us more of the same. I have seen this one thin , the ratitude %ournal, chan e clients si nificantl#. (o #ou can write in #our %ournal or #ou can lo on to: www. ratitudelo .com + it's in #our work!ook. 3ou can si n up and #ou can even follow me there at ratitudelo .comDchristiemariesheldon + #ou can find it in #our work!ook. The important thin is the commitment to it. (o to et started !e in with this sentence: I am so rateful and thankful + and then fill in the !lank. I like to do these mornin and evenin . (o #ou can ask #ourself ri ht now, when am I committed to doin this m#self to make this a part of m# life) ,hen will I commit to doin this) I like to commit to thin s for 92 da#s and then when it works it !ecomes a part of m# ha!it and a part of me and then I naturall# commit to doin it for ?2 da#s and then J2 da#s. It's #our life' #ou deserve to have this ener # runnin throu h #our !od# ever# da# and eventuall# it !ecomes a part of who #ou are, then #ou naturall# start lookin throu h #our life with this filter of ratitude. I do it throu hout the da# !# !lessin thin s. ,e'll cover this in the upcomin material as well.

The luckiest people I know are also the most rateful. (o write down somethin #ou're rateful for then ask that ener # to turn up in #ou. Aust feel it + I'm so rateful and thankful this is in m# life. 7m!od#in it means feelin this ener # in all parts of #ou + it's attractive ener #. (o sense this ener #' I'm so rateful and thankful. I'm so rateful and thankful I'm here on this earth, I'm rateful and thankful for each !reath + reall# feel it. Now if ratitude had a color, what color would it !e) 3ou cans ask the ratitude in #our !od# to turn to a certain color then #ou can increase it, make it more dense and technicolored. -r #ou can ima ine a dial in front of #ou then %ust start turnin the ener # up. .t first it ma# !e like e4ercisin a new muscle !ut %ust keep at it and #ou'll start to !e a!le to enerate this ener # at an# moment. @or me, I turn it on and it feels like warmth in m# heart that radiates out. I can make it so intense that it feels ecstatic and I start lau hin and i lin . *ut it's a measura!le ener # and once #ou e4ercise the muscle #ou can do it in two seconds. It ma# take a little ener # for some people to %ust reall# do this !ut keep at it. It %ust means #ou have some !locks on feelin and ma#!e some emotional ener # that needs to !e cleared. 3ou ma# have to delete this from #our vi!ration. ,e're oin to cover this on the C; for clearin #our ener # and this is wh# this course is all accumulative + the more #ou do the faster it works and all the tools work to ether. ;o #ou know that it's possi!le to look at some!od# and know e4actl# what their viewpoint of the world is) 3ou can if #ou know how to measure their consciousness level. -n the ;I; that teaches muscle0testin , we're oin into the muscle0testin and how #ou can choose to know the consciousness level of #ou, #our kids and #our famil# so #ou have somethin to o on. 3ou can use this as a truth0teller to see where people are vi!in at. @or instance, #ou want to see where #our !oss is operatin at. .re the# operatin from fear, uilt, an er or are the# operatin from love and a!ove) ,ouldn't this !e helpful to understand where people are comin from) 3ou can also measure at what a es most of their trauma came in their life and actuall# use that piece of information to clear that from them or clear it from #ourself. This is the power of usin muscle0testin and measurin #our consciousness and askin /uestions. 3ou can know all these thin s so #ou can actuall# reshape and remold #our life. I'm so e4cited for #ou !ecause if #ou could o throu h life knowin fact from fiction #ou would never et !am!oo5led into other people's a endas. 3ou could alwa#s choose for #ourself from the ener # of love, %o#, compassion, ratitude, kindness. I !elieve the onl# reason people don't choose those consciousnesses is !ecause the# either don't know it e4ists, the# have not lived it, or ma#!e the# choose it !ecause in the past love was a!usive and the# reall# don't !elieve in love. -n m# %ourne# I su!stitute the word kindness for love so I can reall# et the feelin of what the softer vi!ration of love is. I reali5e a lot of people think of love as unkind. I've seen this in m# practice. .n e4ample of that would !e a parent preventin #ou from doin #our true work in the world !ecause the# think the# know !etter and want #ou to !e somethin else. That's actuall# not reall# kind to #ou. That's usin their authorit# forced upon #our life. . conscious person would instead check inside and sa#, $He#, what's in the !est interest for m# child) ,hat is their true nature, talents, a!ilities) .nd what is their true path)& Then the parent would support this true path. If #ou were not raised like this #ourself, #ou ma# not trust #our knowin as much !ecause #ou've !een pulled off track of it. .nd I'm oin to assist #ou with this. =ove can actuall# reall# !e love.

.nother e4ample mi ht !e a matin issue. . lot of clients call me !ecause thin s have happened !etween their mate and themselves. I show the clients how to use the spiritual tools to lose the emotional and spiritual %unk in their life so that there's space for new lovin thin s to come in. I'm oin to show #ou how to lose the lu a e, so to speak. Helationships can and do chan e for the !etter. I have seen so man# miracles occur %ust !# one person in the relationship focusin on thin s ettin !etter. It's a heartfelt pra#er to the universe for thin s to chan e and it %ust takes one person to catal#5e ever#!od# in the famil#. .t the end of the da#, thou h, it's all a!out choice and action + #ou makin the choice and takin action consistentl#. Hemem!er how I said I was down and out and I made a heartfelt pra#er for m# life to chan e) I made a declarative choice and statement to the universe that m# life has to chan e now. I didn't know what that looked like' I %ust knew it had to chan e. That one choice created actions in the ethers and the spiritual plane that catal#5ed circumstances to chan e in m# world. Then I took uided ph#sical action at %ust the ri ht time for it all to work out. It's !oth choice and action. Haisin #our consciousness !# the mere fact that #our vi!ration is raised makes #ou a !i er ma net for ood thin s to come into #our life. The hi her #our vi!ration the more #ou attract to #ourself. Hi ht now how m# vi!ration is set, I prett# much %ust have to think a thou ht and within a da# or so whatever I asked for usuall# shows up. It can !e that fast. (ometimes it takes a month or two !ut if #ou reall#, reall# want somethin it'll show up. Ima ine for a minute a time when #ou reall# made a choice for somethin to come into #our life. It came into #our life' #ou made the choice from the place that there is no wa# that this is not oin to happen for me. That's the place where real chan e happens. It's not a!out tr#in . It drives me cra5# when people sa# the#'ll tr#. I alwa#s know at that point that the# have not even chosen. The#'re leavin room for the space of failure. >Tr#' sa#s I'll sort of see if it happens !ut not all m# ener # is ali ned for it to occur + that's !asicall# sa#in #ou don't deserve it. (ometimes #ou %ust have to et rid of lu a e !efore it shows up. Then #ou'll fi ure out a wa# that no matter what, #ou're oin to et it done. The universe delivers #ou the tools to make it happen. (ometimes #ou don't know what the route e4actl# is !ut if #ou reall# demand the happ# end result that this is what's oin to happen and then take positive affirmative action, thin s will fall in place. It's the actions that lead to the realit# chan e and I know that people can chan e fast if the# reall# choose to. I teach a lot of classes and I've tau ht a lot of classes on openin up to #our spiritual ifts' it's m# favorite thin to do, watchin people !lossom then use the ifts to chan e their lives then chan e their families' lives. It's m# favorite thin in the whole world. (o I did this class and one al in the class asked for her marria e to !e fi4ed. . month later it showed up in the form of her hus!and apolo i5in to her for !ein stu!!orn and not treatin her so well. (he knew she was at fault too, !ut her hus!and actuall# comin to apolo i5e to her was different. The ift that she had asked for was a fi4ed marria e. (o somethin had to chan e towards the positive' that was her intent. Instead of /uittin on the marria e the hus!and said he would rather see that it could work out. 3ou have to understand this is hu e for her !ecause this is the u# that had turned down counselin . (o she called me and she was !oth e4cited and war# as she had !een down this road !efore. (he wanted it to work out and #et she did not want to put her out a ain if it was false promises. (o she used her spiritual tool!o4 and she started on

keepin herself open to the possi!ilit# of somethin new showin up in her life. (he tau ht her hus!and to do the same, she tau ht her hus!and how to tune in intuitivel# and she helped him see some thin s that he hadn't reall# looked at !efore. In a few months her la!or of love reall# started to pa# off. Now the#'re actuall# still to ether and the#'re far happier than the# ever were. (he sa#s it's fresh, it's like the# ot a clean slate' the# et to start all over a ain. (he thinks that it was all the spiritual help that she received at the workshop alon with usin her ifts, tools, uides and an els ever# da#. These are the same ifts I'm oin to show #ou how to use. .nother woman came to me and we !ecame ood friends. (he came to me !ecause she needed some help with her kids. Her kids were an r# and dis runtled at some thin s that had happened in her marria e, causin the marria e to end. ,e worked with her spiritual nature and we used spiritual tools. ,e tau ht her kids how to use the tools in their tool!o4 as well. The kids were ama5in at it + kids are ver# intuitive, the# et it ri ht awa#. The oldest son, 1?, reall# started to row into himself and he actuall# started to et friends. He had !een a loner. *ut all of a sudden he started ettin reall# friendl# with people and havin a lot more friends, !ecame less mood# and more himself. This mom was reall# smart enou h to work on ettin rid of the %unk she and her hus!and had put !etween them and her son from the past. 7motionall# she reali5ed the mistakes she had made with her child !ut now she could start to see the work pa# off, !ecause now her son was actuall# ettin happ#. (he also tau ht him to work on himself and he could see how he could contri!ute to himself and !uild his confidence !ack up. (o kids and families can use these tools, too. Most people want the !est for their children and the opinion of what that is varies. The main thin I have seen !# tunin into the ener # is that kids %ust want to !e with aware parents who are willin to !e connected to source and ask what is in the !est interest for the child. Think !ack when #ou were rowin up. The thin that pro!a!l# anno#ed #ou most a!out #our parents was when the# were not willin to tune in, to reall# listen and et the download of what was !est for #ou, or intuit what the !est solution for #ou was. Ma#!e the# %ust !arked at #ou or ma#!e the# %ust didn't actuall# listen, instead of checkin in and askin how the# !est uide #ou. -r askin , if m# son or dau hter does this, would it enhance their life) How much !etter would that feel, to !e raised like that) How inspirin to have a parent sa#, $3ou now, what I !elieve the !est solution for #ou is + fill in the !lank& and actuall# know what the solution is. Most parents want their kids to !e happ# for sure. *ut if #our parents were !ein unaware and unconscious instead of aware and conscious, #ou mi ht not reall# learn how to trust #ourself. The most conscious kids I know trust themselves and allow themselves to move forward in life, trustin that the#'re makin ri ht actions !ecause the#'re in tune to what that is. The# don't have to !e fearful and off !alance. (piritualit# is tunin in to the !i est part of #ou that sa#s, $He#, #ou know) 3ou're reat. 3ou're supported, #ou can trust #ourself + here's the answer to #our /uestion&. . lot of kids row up hearin , $Bnock it off& when the#'re tr#in to learn somethin new. How sta!le would that make #ou) The overall thin thou h, trustin #ourself, comes from the deepest part of #ou. It comes from connectin to the hi hest vi!rational fre/uenc# and tunin in to the spiritual side of #ou. . ain, it's %ust a choice + #ou can choose it.

I'm oin to %ust share with #ou a few more stories so #ou can et a real limmer of what's in store for #ou so #ou can actuall# connect and see what's possi!le for #ou. I have a client who is divorced from her son's father. The father and the child had not !een ettin alon as of late, that's wh# she !rou ht him to me. I asked her uides wh# the# thou ht this was happenin . I received a split0 screen ima e of m# client and the father fi htin when the son was two #ears old. He was 12 currentl#. .fter viewin this I asked m# client, $;o #ou remem!er a fi ht when the child was two #ears old)& .nd she said, $-h m# 6od, #eah I do.& It was when the father left for the first time for two months. (he said that the# had had a hu e fi ht a!out him not seein the son. (o I asked the uides what the# su ested we do to clear this old in%ur# of the father leavin the son. ,e called on the uides and an els to clear it from !oth of them and I told her to let me know what happens. I was also instructed to ask her to do this ever# ni ht for a while herself. (he called a month later to report that her son came into the room when she ot home and said, $3ou know) It's reall# weird !ut ;ad called toni ht and he said he was sorr# that he wasn't around like he should've !een and he's reall# like to make it up to me and was there an#thin he could do to do that.& (he was a little startled a!out this !ecause that's prett# fast action, ri ht) (o she asked her son and said, $,ell, what did #ou sa#)& .nd he said, $I told him he could take me to the !ase!all ame tomorrow.& (o that's what the dad was oin to do. (o sometimes this stuff actuall# occurs ri ht awa#. The dad took him to the !ase!all ame, the# had a hu el# fun thin ' he's 12 so he had fun and the dad's actuall# !een stickin around more now. (he called to thank me for this !rand new sense of peace. (he said it felt like somethin had reall# shifted. (ome people think that thin s don't chan e or people don't chan e. .nd #ou know what) (ometimes usin these spiritual tools thin s reall# do happen. I've seen too much of this to know that it's not alwa#s the case that people don't chan e. (o if #ou look into the li ht, connect to the li ht and #ou !e the love and the li ht, this is how #ou're oin to chan e it. I have another client + I'll call her Nina. Aust so #ou know, some of these clients' names have !een chan ed %ust for their privac# and #ou'll see wh# in a minute. Nina owned her own compan# and was lookin for life to !e different. (he had a former hus!and who was not so nice. =eavin out the whole drama part, let's %ust sa# he had uns and he had man# of them and he threatened to use them. (he called me, she was scared and she had tried to et awa# more than one time onl# to !e sucked !ack. (o we used her an els, we connected to the li ht, we ali ned her in love, we repro rammed her ener #, her !eliefs and her thou hts and wh# she was with him in the first place. I asked the universe to ali n and et her a new life that she could en%o# now. ,ithin a few da#s she found a !etter place to sta#. ,ithin two months she met a entleman at a conference. He lived in another state. The# hit it off and within two months of them meetin she moved to this state. The# ot married soon after and she's reall#, reall# happ#. (he trul# knows that her life is different !ecause of makin these chan es and openin up to her spiritual self. (o if #ou could do all of this for #ourself and #ou had some!od# ive #ou the tools, could #ou start to see how this could make #our life easier) Could #ou start to see how this could reall# help #our famil#) M# clients who use their intuition and awareness live more happ# and conscious lives. Their families are more sta!le. The# live from uided truth' life is easier for them. =ookin !ack, the# have no idea how the# could have lived !ein that unaware.

It's true. -nce #ou decide to open up to this life it !ecome a lot easier and more doa!le. Intuitive livin is !ein the !ein #ou are an#wa#. Have #ou ever noticed that if #ou reall# want to !e aware of somethin , the universe will show #ou the answer somehow) ,hat if #ou ot the awareness in two seconds instead of da#s and weeks and #ears) ,hat if #ou need an answer to a /uestion in a second) ,hat if #ou needed to know how to proceed, for instance, on !u#in a car) 3ou can actuall# use #our spiritual tools to !u# a car. 3ou can tune in, check out, find out the lowest amount the dealer would o for !efore even walkin in' that's actuall# how I !u# all m# cars. I tune in, check which dealer will ive me the !est deal, do the# have the car I desire, do the# have all the up rades) .nd in a few minutes I know where to o, at what time with what salesperson and how much the#'re oin to sell it to me for. Ima ine livin that wa#. (mart, #eah) Ima ine how much time #ou could save. ,hat if #ou were tr#in to find the !est trainin for #our child, #ou pulled out the phone !ook, pointed to it and knew + %ust knew intuitivel# it was reall# the !est trainin for #our child) ,hat if #ou could tune into #our mate and know e4actl# what the# were thinkin ) This would !e a lot easier than doin the normal uessin ames that most couples do. ,hat happens is #ou actuall# for ive a lot of thin s' !ecause usuall# the thin s #ou're thinkin that the#'re thinkin the#'re not even thinkin . It saves a lot of time and ener #. =et's %ust sa# #ou were oin on an interview. 3ou could also know how #ou need to present #ourself and what #ou need to sa# in order to land the %o!. -r #ou could know how to talk to #our kids to actuall# et them to do their homework. The spiritual tools are actuall# practical' it's a whole new wa# of livin . Gnlimited possi!ilities open up to #ou. It's %ust a choice' #ou %ust have to make the choice to use it and #ou can choose this on a dail# !asis. @or some people it's all a!out openin #our heart to !ein this powerful. If #ou live #our life like this do #ou think it will !rin #ou the happiest outcome) I mean, reall#. If #ou could teach #ourself to knowin the shortcuts, to knowin the truth, can #ou see how #our life can !e !etter) I've tau ht a four0#ear old how to read people. I took her into a room in front of 92 people to prove that even a four0#ear old can do this. (he's an ama5in little irl. (he's now ei ht and her three si!lin s can all do the same. It's reall# an interestin life skill to have at four, #eah) (he's reall# happ# a!out it. (he looks at life from the viewpoint that life is actuall# prett# doa!le and prett# eas#. Ima ine if #our child could o throu h life consciousl# choosin their life from a totall# aware, truthful place. Can #ou see how much easier #our life would actuall# !e) .nother man came to me and he was desirin to meet his mate. He had !een in a strin of relationships, the# were all prett# much dramaDtrauma' these kinds of women were the ones that he was attractin . His ener # when he came to me actuall# had the ener # of repulsion to women. I mean, if #ou're attractin dramaDtrauma #ou would pro!a!l# want to push those women awa#, ri ht I could see in his field of ener # he was not oin to attract the ri ht one. If #our field of ener # has old %unk from the past stuck in it called thou hts, !eliefs, the wa# #ou internali5e, how #our mom and dad did relationship, #ou ma# !e unintentionall# !lockin the ood thin s that show up in #our life. It's actuall# the =aw -f .ttraction in action + !ut !ackwards. *ecause #ou make these proclamations that ood thin s should and are oin to show up !ut #et if #ou !elieve like he did, that women are not nice to !e around and that women will hurt #ou, can #ou see how this would repel a woman

from even showin up in #our life) -r will actuall# !rin to #ou a woman that will hurt #ou. That's wh# if #ou !reak up with some!od# #ou have to work on #our stuff otherwise #ou're oin to attract the same kind of mate. (o we worked on clearin his stuff and was also empowered to et connected to his uides and an els so he had help ever# da# if he needed it. I have a lot of male clients who use their an els and uides. The# reall# love that ener #. It's kind of like a spiritual !udd# s#stem and it's nice to have friends in hi h places. In a few months he met a woman online and it's a little over a #ear now and the#'re a!out to !e en a ed. He reall# knows that the spiritual ifts I tau ht him to use were the catal#st. He used these tools all #ear lon whenever somethin came up that was old ar!a e. 3ou know, #our stuff is oin to come up. It's oin to come up until it's one. .nd this is what ets in the wa# of #ou u#s raisin #our vi!ration. It's %ust true, so #ou need to know that the tools that can effectivel# enerate a life #ou love are availa!le and #ou have them + #ou're oin to et them. 3our free will, 6od's reatest ift, can move #ou towards or repel #ou from this divinel#0 uided happ# life. It's alwa#s a choice to !e connected or not. .n#wa#, the person he met and is with now is a total em and a sweetheart. He sa#s it's a lot !etter than he had ever manifested !efore. Ironicall#, she also used a list to manifest him and while manifestin she asked for her dream!oat + he owns a !oat. ,hich also shows #ou the importance of what words to use in cultivatin #our life. *ein intuitive is actuall# who #ou are. 3ou're a spirituall# aware !ein in a !od#. . spiritual !ein does four thin s. . spiritual !ein : If #ou are perceivin ener # and receivin ener #, that's called awareness + #ou are !ein aware. If #ou make a choice to !e aware it puts #ou in #our natural spirit self. . ain, it's who #ou are. 3ou are an aware !ein . The onl# thin that can !lock !ein aware is actuall# the choice to not know. *ut the choice to not know is actuall# alwa#s a lie, !ecause somewhere in #our ener # field, whether #ou're conscious of it or not, #ou alwa#s know. ,hen #ou make the choice to not know it's a lie and then #ou !lock it' !ecause somewhere #ou alwa#s know. .nd #ou can choose to un!lock it. (o #ou if #ou chose to !lock it #ou can also choose to un!lock it. (o not knowin is actuall# at the end of the da# a choice. It's like the woman who has a ut instinct that her mate is cheatin on her. If #ou're thinkin the /uestion in the first place #ou're pro!a!l# alread# intuitin the information' !ut if #ou den# it #ou !lock #our awareness and #ou live a life from unconsciousness and unawareness and this can and often does lead to depression. . lot of depressed people that I know have actuall# %ust shut down their awareness and are often the most intuitive people I know. ,hen the# decide to not know it cuts off their ener #, which leads do depressed ener # levels. I have seen hu e success in empowerin depressed people %ust !# showin them how to et spiritual ifts. I mean, reall# look at this. If #ou're !asicall# an antenna for intuitive awareness, it's who #ou are and #ou pretend to not know all that #ou know and shut off half #our senses, shut off #our life switch, !asicall# + can #ou see how this mi ht make #ou depressed) It's like if #ou put #ourself in the dark. I've had teena ers come to m# office and I teach them how to fill up with the li ht. ,hen the# leave the#'re literall# not depressed an#more. I've actuall# seen clients stop on their own + and with their doctor's permission + stop takin an4iet# medication. -r the#

/uit smokin pot or the# /uit doin other dru s !ecause the# started fillin up with li ht ever# da# and connectin to the truth. .nd I'm oin to show #ou this. Bnows :erceives Heceives Makes choices I think I read that one out of five people are depressed and are on some sort of medication for that. Can #ou see how this mi ht chan e #our life) If #ou're connected to the truth, know that #ou can et answers for #ourself, can #ou see how trustin #ourself is this eas#) The cool thin with spiritual ifts is that if #ou turn them on, !ecome totall# aware and operate life from this place, then solutions are actuall# eas# to ather. 3ou %ust have to start tunin in and askin the universe what is is the solution to this issue I'm havin and with awareness + and I'm oin to show #ou how + #ou ather the data and line it up. It's eas#. Then #ou have nothin to worr# a!out. .ll of #our dramaDtrauma oes awa# and life !ecomes rand. .nd here's the trick: can #ou handle !ein that happ#) Can #ou handle it) ;o #ou love #ourself enou h to reall# do this for #ourself) I see people addicted to pro!lems and drama all da# lon . It's fun for them to live in their pro!lems. The constant stress somehow makes them feel alive. *ut the peaceful, happ#, most soulful people I know are intuitive, the#'re hooked up to their spiritual senses, the#'re ali ned in love, the# avoid fear0 !ased thinkin . It's a lot easier to et a life the wa# #ou want it this wa#. 3ou erase the drama, have much more free time to do what #ou reall# en%o# and that's m# reatest hope for #ou. That #ou love #ourself enou h to !e reall# %o#ful and to !e powerfull# full# #ou. Then #ou teach #our famil# how to do this and ever#one rows to ether. -ne of the most important thin s I have seen is that some!od# has to start in the famil#. *ut if the rest of the famil# rows up to ether, it's a much more happ# famil#. Now we're oin to do an e4ercise that #ou can find in #our work!ook. ,e're oin to have #ou do the 92 da# commitment to #ourself to raisin #our consciousness. In the work!ook we have a %ournal so #ou can keep track of all #our whims that #ou're oin to have alon the wa#. -ne of the first steps in doin this is a commitment to #ourself. I've found when I did workshops, I had people si n what I called at the time >a li ht contract' where the# !asicall# decided the# were oin to raise their vi!ration, connect to the li ht, choose love or a!ove as their dail# connectin force. ,hen I had them si n this commitment to themselves, it put actions and forces into the universe. Their intent created a ripple effect so to speak where their manifestations came true e4ponentiall# faster than the# had !efore, includin places where the# were !locked. I et hu e feed!ack from people a!out how much that chan ed their life. (o I've included it for #ou and #ou can find it in the work!ook. 3ou'll also find some other treats there. (o o to the work!ook ri ht now and si n the commitment to #ourself to take lovin action ever# da# for 92 da#s and see at the end of the 92 da#s how #our life has improved. Chapter # -$ntuiti%e Li%ing I was doin a radio show one da# and the host asked me, $How do #ou et answers for #ourself)& The first response that popped into m# head was: I ask /uestions. 3ou see, askin /uestions is a !i door0opener that sa#s -pen (esameK It's the thin that !rin s #ou the most awareness.

Luestions !rin awareness. If I sa#, $,hat is #our name)& and #ou sa# $Aulie&, I've received what) .wareness' 7ven if #ou don't answer me I receive awareness. I mi ht not know what it means !ut I did receive feed!ack. If #ou didn't answer me it could !e that #ou don't want to talk to me or #ou need a hearin aid or #ou hate m# shirt. I ma# not know the e4act reason !ut I receive the awareness of: -B, no answer. ,hich leads me to what) .skin another /uestion which ma# look like: ;id she hear me) Ma#!e no. Then I ot a new awareness + she didn't hear me. (o that's where /uestions lead to awareness. .n e4ample of this is some people mi ht think that earnin certain amounts of mone# is hard. @or some people earnin millions and millions of dollars is %ust actuall# out of their ran e. *ut what if #ou were, for instance, *ill 6ates and #ou had some intuitive awareness, some uidin force and it ot #ou e4cited enou h to proceed with a computer operatin s#stem) ;o #ou think he asked a few /uestions) ;o #ou think he somehow had this in front of him and said, $,owK ,hat would this look like if I took it forward in the world)& .nd somewhere he plucked down from the ethers information, like $-h m# 6od, if I take this forward it could chan e the whole worldK& He asked /uestions. 3ou too can receive this t#pe of information. ;id #ou know that Aack Canfield and Mark Iictor Hanson, who wrote the !ooks Chicken (oup for the (oul series, did to et the name for the title) The# kept sa#in the# wanted a me a !est0sellin title and the# said to the universe, $:lease show us what the me a !est0sellin title is.& ,hat + askin a /uestion + is the me a !est0sellin title) .nd one da#, in meditation, to Aack Canfield the answer appeared 0 it %ust popped in. He ot the heads up for Chicken (oup for the (oul. Gsin the power of his spiritual senses and his intuition he received it. ,hat if the# had /uit and onl# asked once) Ma#!e it would never have showed up. *ut the# %ust kept askin until it showed up. That's the power of askin . It's how I live m# life and it's how I hope #ou would live #our life. 3ou're drivin down the road and #ou ask, $If I drive m# car strai ht, left or ri ht, which one is the shortcut)& ;o #ou see what I mean) It's %ust the choice. It's ama5in how man# /uestions kids ask. Ma#!e #ou stopped askin /uestions !ecause #ou drove #our parents nuts. -ne of the thin s that drove #our parents nuts is the e4act thin that e4pands #our future and opens doors and windows. ,hat if askin /uestions is the ver# tool that can chan e #our whole life) ,hen I'm consultin with a client I'm askin /uestions to m#self or to their uides or the hi her aspect of themselves and I'm oin , $what's up with them) ,hat's their deal) ,hat do the# need to hear) How can their life !e !etter) How can their marria e !e !etter) How can their famil# life !e !etter) If the# take this path where does it lead them)& .nother thin I have noticed. In school, if #ou et a wron answer #ou et a !i , fat red mark on #our pa e so sometimes it makes #ou afraid to ask /uestions. 3ou're afraid to !e wron and so #ou /uit askin /uestions and cut #ourself off from this information. Ma#!e this information could actuall# chan e #our life and ive #ou more choice and e4pansion from which to live. If someone asks me a /uestion I sa#, $6reat. Thank #ou for askin that /uestion&. ,hat if #ou start showin #ourself ratitude for askin /uestions' ratitude for seekin e4pansion and awareness' ratitude for the new possi!ilities #ou are openin ) ,e should !e sa#in to kids, $It's so reat #ou asked that /uestion. 3ou were so smart for askin that /uestion. Thank #ou for askin that /uestion.&

Ima ine if #ou started askin /uestions to #our overnment and reall# sta#ed with it until #ou ot some awareness of what is reall# oin on) ,hat if we all did that) ;o #ou think we could come up with some ama5in possi!ilities on how to et thin s !etter) . /uestion can also !e a door0opener. 3ou can ask a /uestion to the universe and let doors open. @or instance, if #ou're doin a pro%ect #ou can sa#, $,hat would it take for this to show up in m# life) ,hat would it take for this pro%ect to !e eas#) ,hat would it take for m# kid to !e a!le to make the !ase!all team)& If #ou're askin /uestions like >what would it take' or >what could I do' or >what could I !e' or >what do I need to do', can #ou see how askin /uestions like that allows the universe to open doors for #ou so new awareness comes in) The /uestion a ain opens new doors to awareness. (o I use the /uestion >what would it take for !lank0!lank0!lank to happen in m# life)' I ask that /uestion a lot. I mi ht not et the awareness in two seconds. Most times I actuall# do. *ut what if #ou %ust kept askin the /uestion until it popped in) (o what would it take for #ou to have a happ# %o!) ,hat would it take for #ou have a reall# happ# marria e) ,hat would it take for #ou to raise #our vi!ration) .n# of those /uestions are reall# reat /uestions to %ust ask the universe more than one time a da# and see what shows up. (o /uestions are door0openers and can actuall# help #ou manifest thin s. @or this e4ercise I'm oin to ask #ou to write down all the /uestions that #ou would like answered. If #ou could know an#thin and have an# /uestion answered, what would it !e) I would write that at the top of m# paper: If I could know an#thin and have an# /uestion answered what would it !e) Then start %ournalin and writin all the /uestions. This e4ercise ma# !e openin for some of #ou. Ma#!e up until now #ou never knew #ou could have awareness of these thin s. How reat is this, that #ou now have tools to know how to access the insi ht) I am so e4cited for #ou. I remem!er what it was like to feel I finall# ot the Christmas ift I alwa#s wanted + that's what intuition was for me. It was like finall# ettin a Christmas ift and knowin that I could et all the /uestions answered for me. It was so life0chan in . (o shut off the C; and %ust o do that !ecause later on #ou're oin to actuall# et the answers to those /uestions. 3our intuition speaks to #ou all da# lon . It's %ust a matter of tunin into it enou h to trust it all the time. It could !e a hunch or a ut feelin . (ometimes it's even a voice in #our head. 3ou know, the voice that sa#s, $NoK ;on't do that. 3esK 6o for it.& -r $not #et& or $slow down& or $oh, I !etter hurr# up.& It ma# even show up in #our !od#. 3our !od# is like a divinin rod and #ou can use this divinin rod as a tunin fork. 3ou ma# feel oose !umps in #our !od# and that's like, $He#, this is reat, ri ht on the mone#&. -r #ou ma# feel ti htness in #our !od# or a creep# feelin that %ust sort of feels that somethin 's not ri ht. 3ou could also feel open, like #ou could !reathe. -r #ou ma# feel short of !reath as in >no wa#K' :a#in attention to the !od# is a hu e resource for insi ht. 3our intuitive senses include: 1 (i ht : It's reall# like a picture or a vision that #ou see in #our mind's e#e. (ometimes when it first happens #ou mi ht think that #ou're %ust makin it up. 3our intuitive senses are so much a part of #ou that sometimes #ou actuall# think #ou're makin them up, the# come that /uick. 1 @eelin : This is also another intuitive sense. @eelin is the easiest one for ever#one. 3ou could literall# have a sense or a feelin in #our !od#, like the chills.

1 Bnowin : This is the sense where #ou %ust know thin s and #ou don't know wh#. 3ou're %ust like, >I don't know wh# I know, I %ust know'. 1 (ound: This is also a ps#chic sense. It sounds like a mental voice in #our head. It can !e female or male. The first time this sense opened up for me, I remem!er it clear as a !ell. I walked into m# !edroom and I heard this male voice sa# to me, &,elcome !ack&. .nd I'm thinkin , welcome !ack) I didn't o an#where. I could hear him actuall# lau h and he said, $,e're sa#in welcome !ack !ecause #ou can hear us now&.M That was the first time I could actuall# hear m# uides and an els reall# loud. 1 (mell: The other ps#chic sense #ou could have is smell. I have actuall# smelled roses !# walkin into a room when the spiritual !ein called Mother Mar# showed up. I've actuall# even !lessed a friend's ift. I mailed this friend a ift and when she opened it she could smell oran e !lossoms. (o she called me and said, $I don't know what #ou did to the !o4 !ut when I opened it I smelled oran e !lossoms + what did #ou do)& It's reall# funn#. ,hat I actuall# did was I put m# hands around the !o4 and I asked that whenever she opened it she felt love and li ht from me. .nd !asicall# what happened is, it came to her ps#chicall# in the form of smellin oran e !lossoms. (o #ou have an intuitive sense of smell. 1 Taste: 3ou also have an intuitive sense of taste. I actuall# taste restaurant food !efore I order it so I'll actuall# know if I like it. . ain, it's %ust a choice and #ou can live from this awareness or not. (ometimes if I'm cravin su ar# deserts I'll actuall# %ust taste it ps#chicall# so I don't have to eat it. It's a ood little trick to have. 3ou can ask for an# of these ifts and the# will open up for #ou. Aust keep askin until the# open up and release an# fears to them showin up. ,e're oin to show #ou a little !it more how to do this. Now we're oin to talk a!out how to et a #es or a no intuitivel#. 3es will feel a different wa# in #our !od# than no. Here's where that's useful. -ne e4ample would !e that m# hi hest and !est ood is to send m# kid to a friend's house toni ht. If #ou could intuitivel# feel #es or no is in the hi hest !est ood for #our child, that would !e a ood e4ample. Ma#!e that ni ht there's no parental supervision or ma#!e there's drinkin involved. (o this could !e a ood e4ample that #ou could et a #es or a no for. If #ou et the vi!ration of what a #es or no is in an# second of an#where in #our da#, ask a /uestion and et an answer. If I call this person ri ht now will the# !e there) .nd et a #es or a no. If I call this person at two o'clock) If I drive to the rocer# store ri ht now do the# have the item that I need or do I need to o to the other rocer# store) 3ou can ask each /uestion one at a time and et a #es or a no. ,e're oin to start with feelin in #our !od# of what a #es or no feels like. I have tau ht three0#ear olds how to start feelin the #es or a no. (o the# can actuall# feel what #es, #es, #es feels like in their !od#. 3ou can start #oun !ut #ou know where #our kids are at. ,e're oin to start with centerin #ourself. 6et comforta!le. If !# chance #ou're drivin , do it while #ou're drivin . =ater on I encoura e #ou to also do it when #ou're not drivin so #ou can reall# et a sensation. *ut I would rather #ou do it than not do it. 6et comforta!le. I want #ou to %ust think and feel: 3es, #es, #es. 3es, #es, #es. 3es, #es, #es.... Now, for a moment %ust ima ine that #ou have a clothes closet and it's filled with #es, #es, #es t#pe of clothin . ,hen #ou're read# %ust ima ine #ou're oin to ra! somethin out of the closet and #ou're oin to put it on. 3ou're oin to tr# on these #es, #es, #es t#pe of clothin . Aust feel in #our !od# the sensation of #es, #es, #es. ,hat does #es feel like) ;o #ou feel a #es in some particular place in #our !od#) ;oes #es feel open somewhere in #our !od#) If #es had a color, what color would it !e) If #es had a te4ture, what te4ture would it !e) If #es had a sound to it, what kind of sound would #es !e)

Trust whatever comes up first, %ust trust it. If #es, #es, #es had some sort of taste, what taste would #es !e) If #es had a smell, what kind of smell would #es !e) Aust notice in #our !od# an# other sensation that #ou et from feelin #es, #es, #es. Now #ou're oin to take #our #es clothes off, put them !ack in the closet. @or a moment I want #ou to %ust think no, no, no. I want #ou to feel, no, no, no. Now ima ine in front of #ou a clothes closet filled with no, no, no t#pes of clothes. 6ra! one thin out and tr# it on + put on a no, no, no kind of clothes. In #our !od# where do #ou feel no) ;o #ou feel no in a particular place) ;oes some part of #our !od# contract) ;oes some part of #our !od# feel heav#) If no had a color, what color would no, no, no !e) If no had a sound, what kind of sound would no, no, no !e) .nd if no had a taste, what kind of taste would no, no, no !e) If no had a te4ture, what kind of te4ture would no !e) If no had a smell, what kind of smell would no, no, no !e) ,hat other sensation do #ou %ust notice or et from the fellin of no) ,hen #ou're read# %ust take the piece of no clothin off and han it !ack in the closet. Now we're oin to tr# somethin new on. I want #ou to think ma#!e, ma#!e, ma#!e. Ma#!e, ma#!e, ma#!e. Ima ine a clothes closet filled with ma#!e kinds of clothes. Take ma#!e out of the closet and put it on. @eel what ma#!e feels like in #our !od#. ;oes ma#!e contract or open up an# particular place in #our !od#) ;oes ma#!e have a different feelin in #our !od#) If ma#!e had a color what color would ma#!e !e) If ma#!e had a sound what sound would ma#!e !e) If ma#!e had a taste what taste would ma#!e !e) If ma#!e had a te4ture to it what kind of te4ture would ma#!e !e) ,hat smell would ma#!e !e) ,hat other sensation do #ou et from the sensation of ma#!e) Ma#!e, ma#!e, ma#!e. Ma#!e, ma#!e, ma#!e + what sensation) ,hen #ou're read#, take that piece of clothin off and han it !ack up. Now ever# individual is uni/ue and #ou mi ht feel different than ever#!od# else would feel. Now let's switch #our !od# !ack to #es, #es, #es. 3ou alwa#s want to remem!er to keep #our !od# turned to the #es st#le. Turn #our !od# !ack to #es, #es, #es . 3es, #es, #es. 3es, #es, #es. Aust feel what #es is a ain. The reason that #es feels so ood is, #es is reall# who #ou are, to #ou hooked up to the li ht. If #ou've ever !een around some!od# who's a no person, kind of ni4in #our ideas, tellin #ou it can't !e done' can #ou see how that can et a little depressin ) It feels a little weird in #our !od#, ri ht) It ets #ou a little down, ma#!e) Have #ou ever !een around a ma#!e person) 3ou ma# have noticed that it's hard to et thin s accomplished and the ener #'s kind of swirl#) @or me it's kind of swirl#. (o as a courtes# to #ourself, as a !ein reall# nice to #ourself, keep #our vi!e on #es. 3es, #es, #esK That's reat, see how intuitive #ou are) Now #ou know that at the end of the da# #ou can et intuitive answers for #ourself. .ll #ou have to do is start askin /uestions and practice feelin of what #es and no feels like in #our !od# so that in a split second #ou know.

Ma#!e is an interestin thin . I threw that in there. Ma#!e feels as if it's undecided, like ma#!e her future hasn't !een decided or ma#!e #ou have to make a choice for this to occur in #our life. (o I call make ma#!e >make a choice' or >ask a !etter /uestion'. *ecause ma#!e if #ou ask another /uestion #ou can et another awareness a!out ma#!e. This has also occurred in a few classes that I've tau ht so I'm %ust oin to !rin it up. ,hen people think #es, and thou ht of a color, the# actuall# ot red. I thou ht a!out it and I thou ht, -h 6od, wh# is red #es) 3ou know stop li hts are the opposite, ri ht) 3es is reen and it means o. *ut if #ou think of the color red, what is red) @lash# cars, rac# cars, hot rod, o, o, o. (o red can !e the color of #es. I remem!ered readin somewhere that ps#cholo icall# red is #es. This is sometimes wh# people actuall# !low red li hts. *ecause ps#cholo icall# red is #es and reen, which is nature + think pastures, nature, trees, rela4ation0 reen is %ust a ver# rela4in thin . (o in theor#, stop li hts for some people are actuall# ps#cholo icall# !ackwards. That's %ust an interestin @3I if this came up for #ou !ecause the# couldn't understand in the class wh# red was #es. Now if #ou desire, o to #our %ournal and write down an#thin #ou noticed. I like to record all of m# little whims so I can see how far I've come alon the wa#. It's appreciatin m#self. (o I encoura e #ou to appreciate #ourself and write down all #our new awareness. It's like those little con ratulations and attitudes of ratitude that #ou can do for #ourself alon the wa#. I would also encoura e #ou to teach #our children to tr# the clothes on and call it #es and no. Bids love usin their ima ination and then the# can trust themselves. 3ou can pla# with it while drivin in the car. 3ou could pla# with it + is that person happ#, #es or no, ri ht) (tartin at two + four #ears old or so #ou can actuall# start teachin #our child this and teach them how to trust themselves. Now we're oin to do another e4ercise. ,hat I'm oin to do is ask #ou a series of /uestions and now that #ou know how to et a #es or a no, #ou're actuall# oin to feel in #our !od# the #es or the no. I'm %ust oin to ask /uestions, #ou listen and %ust feel what comes up for #ou. .nother thin #ou ma# notice is that usuall# the ver# first response is the actual response, -B) Intuitive awareness usuall# comes within two or three seconds. ,hat happens is, people /uestion what the answer is then the# o into their false sense or their e o. (o reall# %ust trust what the first thin is that comes to #ou. ,e're oin to start with an interestin /uestion. If #ou're drivin , a ain #ou can do this !ut I would also encoura e #ou to do it at home when #ou have a little !it more space so #ou can reall# feel for #ourself what this is. 7ventuall# #ou should !e a!le to et ood enou h at it that #ou can drive an#where and know in two seconds what a #es or no feels like. The first /uestion is this: 1 If I actuall# life) 1 If I actuall# famil#'s life) 1 If I actuall# famil#'s life) 1 If I actuall# famil#'s life) do what Christie is oin to show me on all these C;s, will it improve m# do what Christie is oin to show me on all these C;s, will it improve m# do what Christie is oin to show me on all these C;s, will it improve m# do what Christie is oin to show me on all these C;s, will it improve m#

1 If I add more ratitude to m# life will it help me attract more ood into m# life) 1 .re #ou currentl# feelin that life serves #ou) .re #ou currentl# feelin filled up with life) 1 If #ou have kids, pick one of them. Is this child filled up with life) 1 If #ou have another kid, pick that one. Is this child filled up with life) 1 If #ou have children' is more love and nurturin needed !etween #ou and him) 1 If #ou have a mate' are #ou feelin well cared for from them) 1 ;o #ou have some thou ht or !elief not allowin income to increase) 1 If #ou have a mate are the# feelin well cared for !# #ou) 1 If #ou're lookin for a mate do #ou need to put #ourself out there more in order to meet some!od#) 1 If #ou do that will #ou meet someone special within si4 months) 1 If #ou're lookin for a mate are in #ou in a place to meet them emotionall# ri ht now) 1 If #ou ot a no will #ou chan e it to a #es !# usin the tools on these C;s) 1 If #ou ot a no, do #ou have some !elief, pro ram or !lock that makes #ou not desire a mate) 1 Is it an authentic choice to not want a mate) 1 If #ou add more self0care and love to #our dail# routine will it improve #our life) 1 ;o #ou see #ourself !u#in a new car within two months) 1 .re #ou doin work currentl# that is !ein on #our life purpose) 1 If #ou ot a no, can #ou find somethin !etter within ei ht to ten months pa#in more than #ou currentl# make) 1 .re #ou willin to find somethin !etter within ei ht to ten months) 1 If #ou et rid of some thin s in #our closet will it create more space for somethin new to show up in #our life) 1 :ick some!od# #ou know that #ou're not around currentl#. .re the# outside ri ht now) N3ou can call them later and find outO 1 :ick some!od# else #ou know, some!od# different that #ou're not around ri ht now. .re the# drivin ri ht now) 1 Is there some thou ht and !eliefs that #ou have that are !lockin relationship success) 1 ,ill #ou have more kids) 1 ,ill it increase the famil#'s happiness level if #ou had more kids) If #ou call upon .rchan els dail# will this improve #our life) 1 If #ou connect to the li ht on a dail# !asis doin the e4ercise I'm oin to teach #ou, will this !rin #ou more in harmon# with who #ou reall# are) I %ust picked random /uestions to !rin #ou some awareness. In the C;s comin up we're oin to show #ou how to up rade ever#thin that #ou ma# have preferred not to have as an awareness. 3ou can chan e these thin s once #ou're aware of them. It's %ust an assessment tool. If #ou don't ask /uestions then #ou mi ht not have a clue where thin s are at, how #ou can chan e it and where #ou could o. No %ud in #ourself, %ust lau h a!out it, $-B, so now I ot awareness, now I know what I need to work on&. 6o to #our pla#!ook in #our %ournal. .ll of the /uestions that #ou wrote down !efore, that #ou desire to receive answers to, let's rephrase them now in a wa# that #ou know is oin to et #ou the e4act answer that #ou desire. =et's %ust start pla#in with this techni/ue. 3ou're actuall# oin to et to know what #our answers are to those /uestions. How cool is that) =ater on we're oin to o to more advanced levels so #ou can ask /uestions and actuall# intuit the whole piece of information without oin into the #es or a no. Now I want to talk to #ou a!out a concept that I like to call wron is not wron and ri ht is not ri ht, it's all %ust an interestin point0of0view. If I sa# to #ou, askin a /uestion, $;oes this dress look ri ht)& Hi ht accordin to whom) -r if I sa#, $does this dress make me look fat)& @at accordin to whom) In some places fat is actuall# attractive. (o ma#!e

#ou're not fat enou h. ,ouldn't !e a reat world) How man# pounds does fat make) Is it over 12 or over C2) Can #ou see how this mi ht take some of #our /uestionin ) The whole thin a!out wron is not wron and ri ht is not ri ht, it's all %ust an interestin point0of0view is to show #ou the position %ud ment put #ou in. If #ou're oin to ask a /uestion to et a #es or a no, ma#!e the !etter /uestion would !e $If I wear this to the meetin , will I look professional)& Is it ri ht for me to wear this to the meetin ) Hi ht accordin to whom) ;o #ou see the difference) (o the !etter /uestion: If I wear this to the meetin will I look professional) Ma#!e #ou want to look professional when #ou o to the meetin . -r: If I wear this outfit to the meetin , will I appear in the manner I need to in order to close the deal) That' a different wa# to phrase the /uestion. -r #ou mi ht sa#: $,ould -prah sa# I look ood in this outfit)& Now wh# did I pick -prah) *ecause she's the kind of person who'd pro!a!l# tell #ou if #ou had stuff stuck in #our teeth, like a ood irlfriend. I heard her mention this on the show, !# the wa#, that's wh# I picked her. Ma#!e -prah would sa#, $He#, that color's %ust not #our !est color&. (o !# phrasin it in a different wa# #ou can actuall# et more honest, aware answers. .nother comment a!out !eaut#, !# the wa#, is we're talkin a!out raisin #our vi!rations. *eaut# and or eousness settin s have actuall# a hi h vi!rational field. (o focusin on a !eautiful view or a !eautiful paintin or !eautiful music or dressin up actuall# do have a vi!rational upliftin affect on #ou. *eaut# is upliftin . *eaut# is spiritual. .nother e4ample of how to ask a reall# reat /uestion is, let's %ust sa# #ou're at the store and #ou pick out a hair color. 3ou could %ust sa#, $Is this color ri ht for me)& *ut I wouldn't phrase it like that. If it were me, what I would do is sa#, $I choose this hair color that I'm currentl# holdin in m# hand. ,ill I et so man# compliments that I'll use the color a ain)& That'll tell #ou a lot of information. If #ou use the color a ain #ou must have reall# loved it. -r if #ou ot compliments then people went $,ow, that reall# looks reatK& *ut if #ou %ust ask is it ri ht, a ain, ri ht accordin to whom) 3our mother, #our lover, #our cat) It ets a little limitin . (o all the ri hts or wron s sometimes have the effect of limitin our awareness and actuall# stoppin #ou. In m# dictionar# ri ht and wron , ood and !ad are prett# much eliminated. I %ust see ever#thin as an interestin point0of0view. >Is it ri ht for me to do this) ' can !e phrased >If I do this activit# is it rewardin and nourishin to me)' Think a!out it' don't #ou want to do somethin that's rewardin and nourishin to #ou) ;oesn't that seem more lovel# than askin >is it ri ht for me to do this)' Hi ht puts #ou in %ud ment. If #ou et ood at clarif#in the /uestions #ou'll actuall# et !etter at manifestin thin s !ecause it teaches #ou to et a clear description of the happ# end result. ,e're oin to o into manifestin in a later C; and #ou'll see wh# that's so important. *ut I am reall# ood now at askin >what's m# happ# end result and !ein a!le to sum it up in si4 words. M# happ# end result is, at the end of the da# I et this pro%ect finished. M# happ# end result is m# children row up %o#ful and the# flourish. M# happ# end result is I earn PP amount of dollars per month. M# happ# end result is m# !od# is a health#, happ# si5e filled with love. M# happ# end result is I'm happil# married to a u# who adores me and I have two kids who also adore me. The whole point !ein , if #ou can clarif# what #our happ# end result is then #ou can clarif# also what a /uestion is. It %ust ets #ou in the awareness of >what would a !etter /uestion !e and what would a !etter thin to manifest in m# life !e)' It ets #ou thinkin what the picture is of the happ# end result.

(ome other e4amples could !e, >if I !u# this does it make me mone#)'>If I !u# product P3Q does it actuall# make me mone#)' 3ou can do that. I've actuall# asked clothes, $If I !u# #ou do #ou make me mone#)& and if it doesn't make me mone# I don't !u# it. (ounds reall# funn#, ri ht) >If I move to this new house does it e4pand m# life or contract it + or neither)' Hemem!er, #ou can onl# ask one /uestion at a time for the #es and no. (o it's >If I move to this new house does it e4pand to m# life)'>If I move to this new house does it contract m# life)'>If I chan e %o!s, do I feel more stressed out)'>If I chan es %o!s in two #ears am I happ# I did it)' If I chan e schools for m# child does it make life easier and more %o#ful for them)'>If I chan e schools for m# child does it make it easier and more %o#ful for me and m# hu!!#)' 3ou et the point. =et's talk a!out #our children for a moment. 3ou have to uide #our children ever# da# and #ou're pro!a!l# e4plainin to them all the wron s and the ri hts in the world. =et's consider an e4ample like mone# for instance. If #ou teach #our kids mone# doesn't row on trees, that mone# is hard to et or it's wron to take certain kinds of mone# !ut it's -B to take other kinds of mone#, all these wron s and ri hts create limits for them. If I said to #ou, $I'd like to ive #ou one million dollars' and #ou said to me, $That's not ri ht, I can't accept that&, #ou have a %ud ment on acceptin mone#. .ll of these %ud ments, decisions and realities can create a pro!lem for #ou. It limits #our reach and #our a!ilit# to receive in #our life. 7ver# %ud ment #ou send out creates an ener # field of condensed ener #. ,hen #ou wake up in the mornin and #ou %ud e how #ou look, #ou send an ener # into #our !od# that creates densit#. The more #ou %ud e #our !od#, the more it ets stuck in the position in which #ou're %ud in it. ,hen #ou %ud e #our children and others #ou actuall# send dense ener # towards them. If #ou send ratitude and appreciation towards them or #ourself, it sends a li ht and happ# ener # field towards whatever #ou're pro%ectin upon. Aud ments make thin s worse and are creatin ne ative ener # forces. In #our !od# and ener # s#stems these %ud ments act like doorwa#s. The# are either closed or open to receivin the ood thin s in #our life. If #ou shame and uilt #our kids as a wa# of makin them do thin s, #ou're lockin into them hu e ener # fields of lower consciousness. Aud ments lower #our vi!ration. 3our %o! as a parent is to nurture that li htness and open them to the hi her fre/uencies. (ome children lower their fre/uenc# to et alon with the parents the# are with. (ome kids re!el a ainst lower ener # and act out. The# tr# to push it awa# and re!el a ainst it. (o when #ou %ud e #our kids and #ou throw that ener # at them, the# have a tendenc# to want to re!el and push it !ack. (o ma#!e some of #our re!ellious kids are actuall# feelin #our %ud ments a!out them. Bids want to reach for hi her ener #. .dd positive ener # to the mi4 and uide them towards what is e4pansive for them and the# will !e drawn to it. .ll %ud ments have lower vi!rational fre/uenc#. (ee, If #ou're %ud in somethin #ou're !asicall# decidin it's wron or #ou hate it or #ou don't like it. Hemem!er that hate and fear are all under 122. Aud ments stop #our pro ression from movin up into consciousness. If, for instance, #ou ive #our children half truths or lies it can also lower their consciousness and vi!ration' a lie has a dense ener #. 3ou can onl# live a lie for so lon !efore it manifests in #our ener # field as illness or disease in some wa#. It literall# ets stuck in #our !od#.

3our consciousness surrounds #our !od#. I can look at someone's !od# and I can see where all their %ud ments and dense ener # is. Now if #ou have kids and let's sa# #ou hate some t#pe of food. There a ain is that hate vi!ration from the level of human consciousness. 3ou %ust added a %ud ment, dense ener # and a point0of0view that can ma#!e limit #our child. ,hat if, later for instance, #ou hated a particular food, #ou said $I hate fish.& Ma#!e fish was reall# ood for #our child's !od# !ut the# picked up on #our point0of0view of >I hate'. .nd the# decide that the# hate. That's kind of how it works. ,hat if #ou %ust decided, $I don't prefer this in this moment ri ht now)& Can #ou feel the ener # of that) It's a different ener # field. I don't prefer it ri ht now, it's not m# choice. 3ou're choosin from the moment, #ou're not choosin from a locked0in pro rammer point0of0view I have literall# cleared aller ies out of people's !odies from eliminatin all their %ud ments a!out the food the# were eatin . Ma#!e the# hated it when the# were a kid, ma#!e their mom and dad had a fi ht when the# were eatin a certain kind of food. ,hen we releases these emotions 0 voilaK No more aller ies !ecause the %ud ments were lifted. I'll ive #ou a few more e4amples. ,hat if someone close to #our child disliked sports and this person %ud es all sports people. .nd what if #our child's reatest ift, one of their reatest talents is sports) 3our child overhears this and the# ma# take on the person's point0of0view a!out sports and ma#!e not o as far !ecause of that %ud ment or that opinion that snuck in and %ust sits there. I've seen this happen. Bids know what #ou like and don't like and the# want to please #ou. -r ma#!e #ou don't prefer piano #et #our child's reatest ift is piano. 3et #our repulsin , %ud ment, dense ener # ma# even impact their future. Intuition can show #ou how to nurture and un0frustrate !oth #ou and #our child if #ou start livin more from the space of rantin #our child permission to row and thrive in an environment not so filled with !locks and stops and %ud ments. ,e've all see this happen. ,e've all seen the sports parent make an o!viousl# talented in some other area child do some sport thin that the child doesn't reall# want to do. ,ho does it serve) .ll it causes is ever#one !ein frustrated. .nother wa# to look at %ud ments is this: ,hat if ever# %ud ment #ou were willin to let o of raises #our consciousness point !# point) *ecause this is reall# what occurs. I !asicall# work on eliminatin all m# %ud ments and preferences so that I'm an e4panded, clear ener # field. I'm clear and then I'm free to choose each moment that is rewardin , nurturin and happ# for me, !ut is !ased on present information not past %ud ments. Then I make choices in each moment which I feel are li hter and more openin to me. I choose from awareness and intuitiveness, not from a previous %ud ment. Aud ment can actuall# !lock #our intuition. If #ou have a %ud ment >-h, that could never !e true' #ou won't even see it sometimes in #our intuition. I'll ive #ou another e4ample. =et's sa# #ou're drivin #our car and #ou hate > oin in one particular direction'. 3ou hate it and it never works out for #ou. .nd on one particular da# throu h #our awareness, #our intuition, it tells #ou to drive that wa#. 3et !ecause of all #our %ud ments, #our preconceptions, #ou talk #ourself out of it and #ou land in the middle of a traffic %am or even worse, an accident. It could've !een avoided if #ou had %ust taken the other route and trusted and went with #our intuition. *# the wa#, the earlier lan ua e I %ust used, I spoke a!out hatin drivin ' this also creates an ener # comin into #our consciousness. The words that #ou use have an ener # impact. *ein mindful of #our lan ua e is recommended. If #ou re ularl# sa#, $I'd kill to have that& or $I hate that& or $I'd die !efore I ever...& or $I'm sick and tired of...& :eople sa# these thin s and the# don't pa# attention. .ll these thin s anchor in lower consciousness.

I've cleared hundreds of lower !ack issues from people !ecause their main point0of0view and their main %ud ment was that some!od# was a pain in their #ou know what. I understand that a parent has to uide their child. (o it's easier to %ust sa# that's wron or that's ri ht. *ut what I'm su estin is that #ou limit the %ud ments to onl# those that the# ma# reall# need to thrive. =ike, >The stove is hot, please don't touch it'. .lthou h #ou will notice a difference in this e4ample. 3ou're uidin the child throu h awareness, throu h what is reall# true, not opinion and %ud ment. It is true that the stove is hot versus ma#!e sa#in >It's wron to touch the stove'. This one statement with no awareness to the child or no e4plainin , doesn't necessaril# e4pand their knowled e !ank. Aud e thin s li htl# with awareness and tr# not to stick #our child with a !unch of facts that ma# !e an opinion and could limit their own a!ilit# to enerate their life their wa#. @or a moment think of some %ud ment #ou picked up from #our parents like, >3ou have to work hard' or >3ou can't do that' or >3ou are not ri ht' or >3ou are wron to do + !lank' or >3ou are too oldD too #oun D too whatever to do such and such' or >act #our a e'. ,hat does a e have to do with an#thin ) 3ou can !e <2 and learn somethin or #ou can !e E and learn somethin , it's all su!%ective. -r >-nl# !o#s can do that' or >.ct like a irl' or >(win like a irl'. In #our work!ook there's a section where #ou can o throu h and look at all the %ud ments that #our parents ma# have put on #ou + or other people. .nd we're oin to work on clearin those in the upcomin C;s. (o please o to #our work!ook and there will !e a section in there of these /uestions I %ust asked #ou. 3ou can start listin some of the %ud ments that #ou ma# have picked up in #our life. The ood news is, in the ne4t C; we're oin to !e clearin some of those dense, condensed ener ies that are around those %ud ments. ,e're oin to walk #ou throu h clearin the ener ies that #ou ma# have placed in #our !od# or around #our ener # field that keep those %ud ments in place. Chapter & -Conne"ting to Your Higher Sel! I'd like to talk to #ou a little !it a!out connectin to uides and an els. ,h# connect to a uide or an an el) .ctuall# m# response to that is + wh# not) If there's !enefit and help in the world, wh# not) I ask. M# uides have helped me et reat relationships and have all m# material needs supported. I've otten to meet heads of state, talk a!out life with the wife of the president of a countr#, and !een on ma%or radio shows. (o a ain I ask #ou + wh# not) Thou h the !est fun I have is seein the %o# when clients do the same thin s for themselves and their lives work out + total empowerment, #ou otta love it. .n an el also has a hi her vi!rational field that can assist #ou in transcendin past fear, and more, into the fre/uenc# of love. This hi her vi!rational uplift hei htens #our ener # field. Hemem!er how I said in the !e innin C; that .rchan els are !ein s of love and li ht and their field of e4pertise and specialties can assist #ou) I also stated that their vi!ration is at ver#, ver# hi h fre/uenc#. -n the scale of human consciousness, !# ;r. ;avid Hawkins, 5ero to 1222, the most a person can !e in a !od# is 1222. *ut an .rchan el is wa# out of the !o4. It measures over C2,222. .rchan els are what I use mostl# to help heal emotional issues on clients, to clear !locked manifestations, and to chan e the whole situation. I have literall# seen healin s that should have never occurred on !odies, ri ht !efore m# e#es usin these an els.

I have found when I tune in to people intuitivel#, ever#one has a minimum of two to three an els and uides and sometimes a lot more if the# have a tendenc# to pra# and ask for a lot of thin s. .sk for a lot of uidance and use the li ht fre/uentl#. -ne of the thin s that I commonl# hear is people sa#, $-h, I don't want to pra# for the little thin s.& ,ell pra# for the little thin s + the help is availa!le. The universe is actuall# a!undant and #ou are not takin an#thin awa# from an#one. That's fear0!ased limitin !ehaviour which is a ain, not spiritual. Think cele!ration, a!undance, love, hi her vi!ration. The other wa# of thinkin is actuall# limitin and fear0!ased. If it's not tau ht in #our reli ion, I still see these uides and an els !ehind #ou. I've also found that when clients start usin these uides and an els, their lives can chan e ver# fast + reall# rapidl# in some cases. Those people allowed the chan es to happen that fast. The chan es will happen as fast as #ou'll allow them. 3ou can actuall# ask for help on not allowin . ,e're oin to o into that too. This is all a!out #ou ettin more spiritual help and up radin #our realit# to the one that serves #ou. If #our life is alread# fine and dand#, reat. *ut ma#!e this can help #ou e4plore some other thin s that #ou mi ht not have considered that are possi!le. I'm oin to walk #ou throu h meetin #our uides and council so that #ou can see e4actl# how it works and start receivin messa es from them. This is the part that I told #ou where #ou can actuall# start receivin !i er messa es than %ust the #es or the no. I would also like to clarif#, thou h, in m# e4perience the difference !etween uides and an els. I call a uide a !enevolent !ein from the li ht here to help and serve #ou. In some traditions the# teach #ou to connect to #our ancestors. 3ou see, loved ones can !e uides. .n els are hi her vi!rational fre/uenc# that reall# uplifts #our ener #. Not all deceased loved ones are uides however. It's %ust a choice to !e aware of. 3ou can feel the difference the more #ou open up and ask 0 is this a hi her vi!rational !ein that's with me) ;o I reall# want to receive uidance from them) .n els, !# the wa#, don't %ud e #ou + the# provide total love, compassion and commitment to helpin #ou 0 %ust unconditional love. Their point0of0view is >how can we help #ou raise #our vi!ration and help #ou make aware, lovin choices)' .ll I know at the end of the da# is that it !enefits me, m# famil#, and m# clients. The uide ives me reat advice' I keep it around. It should alwa#s !e a lovin uidin force and if it is not I send it awa#. I have sent uides awa# !efore that were not workin for me. . ain, it's free will on this planet and #ou can choose thin s for #ourself. 3ou're the authorit# in #our own life. The other rule of thum! to keep in mind is: #ou have to ask. 3ou have to ask to et uidance, #ou have to ask for them to !e around #ou and talk to #ou in that wa#. If #ou don't want help the# will not interfere with #our free will and ive #ou advice. (piritual help comes from askin and no re/uest is too small. =et's talk a!out meetin #our uides and an els. The first time I met m# multi0 dimensional uides and an els I was sittin in m# livin room. .ll of a sudden it was like a li ht switch turned on and there were a!out a do5en uides and an els in the room. I felt like I was in universe TI and ever#one was watchin . The# ave me loads of information that later came to pass so I could trust the uidance. The# also started handin me spiritual ifts that came in the form of swords of li ht to et rid of darkness, %ewelled staffs to uplift m# ener #, ro!es of li ht that !ecame part of m# ener # field and even raised m# vi!ration. It felt like that =uck# Charms commercial where #ou et hearts, starts and reen clovers. .n#wa#, it was reall# funn# what I saw in m# vision

when I received these thin s !ut I felt the ener # + the ener # was palpa!le in m# !od#. .nd m# life !ecame !etter so that's how I knew it worked. I could feel it and when I worked on other clients the# could feel it too. (o I ot inside and outside confirmation that these tools and ifts works. (ome clients that I worked on received what I would call 'heart up rades'. These uides and an els would help me fill people's heart chakras with li ht to erase all the old de!ris. ,hen a client calls for a session, I help them receive these ifts %ust like I received so that the# can up rade their software, so to speak. (ometimes these !alls of li ht show up to !e placed in people's chakras to clear them and empower them. The chakras are the ener # centers in #our !od#. The#'re called the spiritual centers where li ht come in. If #our chakras happen to !e a little wo!!l#, #ou can literall# feel a little off in #our life. If #ou o to the work!ook, I'll e4plain a little !it more a!out the chakras and #ou can see where the# are in the !od#. I had one client come to me and her heart was wo!!l#. I could see two cracks in it and she had had two heart!reaks in her life. 3ou can literall# see this in people's ener # field when #ou look. I have even seen clients et an el win s, so to speak, that ifted them with more potential ener #. I uide clients to meet their uides, an els and council and what ends up happenin is m# clients sometimes want to ive their uides and team a name. -ne client calls her an els the . Team. .nother client of mine calls her uides the 6ee 6ees Nshort for the ood u#sO. .nother client calls his team The Three ,ise 6u#s. (o #ou can see that humor is part of the spiritual dimension. Hemem!er, %o# is a hi h vi!rational field entwined with spirit. (ome interestin thin s happen with #our children that #ou ma# not know a!out. . lot of kids are ps#chic. I've had m# friend's four0#ear old trade an els with me + kind of like !ase!all cards. (he said, $M# an el Aoe wants to han out with #ou, can we trade)& I had one niece drivin in the car with m# mom when she was #oun , and she started freakin out in the !ack seat, $6ramm#, 6ramm#, there's an an el fl#in !# the carK& .nd she was happil# freakin out. M# mom didn't see it so m# mom was a little anno#ed. M# other niece saw her newl#deceased randpa holdin on to the car, fl#in out of it. He was fl#in out the moon0roof. (he kept #ellin at m# sister to $(top, stop the car, 6randpa's oin to fl# outK& .nd she was onl# three at the time. (o #our kids are pro!a!l# seein thin s that ma# not !e so ima inar#. *efore #ou start callin them their ima inar# friend and ma#!e shuttin down their senses I would pro!a!l# check inside and sa#, are the# ma#!e seein a uide or an an el or a deceased loved one) (ometimes #our children will !e lookin in a corner of a room and reall# see thin s. I've seen !a!ies do this. *a!ies will look in the corner of the room and when I ps#chicall# tune in I can actuall# see that it's randpa or randma checkin out the new !a!#. The potential for all this information is unlimited. .nd I would hope that #ou would use it ever# da#. =et's start connectin #ou with #our uides then. I'm oin to start with a meditation to connect #ou with lovin , !enevolent !ein s availa!le to assist #ou at an# time. =et's !e in. ,hen #ou're read# et in a comforta!le position and rela4. Take a few deep !reaths and !reathe out #our da#.

Close #our e#es and sense or see the li ht that is the source. Connect to the li ht. *reathe it in. .llow #our !reath to transport #ou there. Take another deep !reath and feel the ener # of this li ht pulsatin and startin to flow into #ou. .llow this li ht to start flowin into #our crown chakra. @eel this li ht fillin up #our head, #our e#es, #our face... feel this li ht flowin into #our neck and #our shoulders. This li ht is a source of rela4ation and peace of mind. @eel this li ht fillin into #our chest, #our heart, #our heart !ehind #our shoulder !lades. =et this li ht move down #our arms and into #our fin ertips. @eel this li ht sourcin #ou and allow it into #our !ell#, #our !ack and into #our hips. *reathe in. .llow this li ht to smooth out #our ener # fields. @eel this li ht !athe awa# all the stress and worr# as it moves down #our hips into #our thi hs, into #our knees and into #our calves and out #our feet. @rom #our hip area and root ener # center, #our root chakra, sense a stead# stream of ener # movin into the center of the planet. This is roundin it to #ou. Connect where #ou feel the happiest. .n# ener ies #ou desire to release now #ou can let o of into the round. The earth loves #ou and completel# supports #ou. Take a deep !reath and feel how much the earth supports #ou. *reathe in the li ht and ask this li ht to support #our life. Take another deep !reath and take in more li ht. -penin to receive love is eas#. .sk the li ht to uide #ou in #our dail# life and infuse all #our dail# interactions with pure love and kindness. (ense the li ht oin !efore #ou, spreadin pure love and kindness out into the world. (ense #our actions !ein uided to !rin in e4actl# what #ou desire.

*reathe in more li ht and ask the da# to !e !ri hter and more lovin . This li ht oes !efore #ou openin the ri ht doors and welcomin #ou. .sk this li ht to !athe #our entire heart chakra. (ense all ener ies releasin into the round that limit #our a!ilit# to ive and receive love. .sk this li ht to fill #our whole !od# with this love, releasin all limits to en%o#in #ourself, releasin all limits to ivin and receivin love. .sk this li ht to ive #ou more than #ou feel #ou deserve, as the li ht is a!undance itself and #ou are made of this same a!undance as well. 7ver# time #ou connect to this li ht it supports and uides #ou. It uides #our decisions, ali nin #ou with the !est choice for #ou. It steers #ou to ama5in opportunities. It steers #ou to !enevolent interactions and #our material needs fulfilled !etter than #ou ever hoped for. .sk that an# help or uidance a mem!er of #our famil# needs to !e iven to them now. If #ou have children ask that an# support or ifts the# need !e iven to them now.

(ense the li ht comin from #ou, out to support them. This li ht is a constant flow in #our life. (ense the ifts oin to them and know the# are !ein uided. @eel the ratitude the# feel as the# receive this support. *reathe in the li ht. =et this li ht uide #ou to meet the perfect windows of opportunit#. (elf0love is desi ned to support #ou, so this li ht can melt awa# an# fears #ou have in the wa# of nurturin and lovin #ourself. 3ou deserve the ood in life. 3ou can have #our life an# wa# #ou want it and #ou deserve to ask it to unfold in this wa#. The li ht can transform an# situation #ou ma# find #ourself in. .ll #ou have to do is ask and allow the li ht to come throu h #our heart. -pen #ourself at an# moment in the da#, knowin #ou can receive ifts from the li ht at an# time. .sk the li ht to follow #ou in #our da# erasin all thou hts of fear, worr# and undesired emotions, as this is not the true nature of this life. @ill #our !od# with this li ht and melt awa# all thou hts, pro%ections and ener ies that are no lon er needed to !e stored in #our !od#. (ense these instantl# transformed and filled with li ht. Thank #ourself for !ein here, as #ou are the ift. 3ou are this li ht. 3ou can !rin this li ht into #ou at an# time and alwa#s have it fill #ou. ,hen #ou're read# we would like to !rin in one of #our uardian uides or an els. .sk #our uardian uide or an el to approach #ou and stand !efore #ou. 3ou ma# onl# see them as li ht at first. Trust however the# appear to #ou. If #ou can, allow the form of the an el or uide to appear. Mentall# ask this uide or an el to help #ou connect to him or her. -pen #our hands and open #our heart to receive and allow this an el or uide to actuall# place a ift in #our hands now. @eel or sense what this ift is. Is it !i er than #our hands or smaller than #our hands) ,hat does this ener # seem like) Mentall# ask the uide, $,hat is this ift for)& *reathe in more li ht at an# time. Bnow that #ou can and should ask for an# ift that can support #ou throu hout the da#. The more #ou ask, the more that comes into #our life. It is safe, ri ht and ood to ask for these thin s. This uide is here to support #ou. If #ou desire to know the uide or an el's name mentall# ask them, $,hat is #our name)& If #ou desire this an el or uide to sharpen #our ps#chic senses, %ust mentall# ask them to do that ri ht now. Notice what #ou notice, what happens to #our !od#'s ener # s#stem when the# do this. Thank them when #ou're read# and if #ou desire, mentall# ask them to make their presence known to #ou throu hout the da#. .sk them to ive #ou si ns that the# are with #ou, make their presence known. Thank the uide and know that at an# time #ou can come !ack to this space and ask this an el or uide for an#thin . ,hen #ou're read# mentall# ask them for an# messa e the# mi ht desire to ive #ou. Thank them and know that this an el or uide will alwa#s support #ou. This uide or an el would now like to help #ou with #our famil# or loved ones. -pen #our heart to receive this an el's love. Connect to an# famil# mem!er #ou ma# want

assistance with. Mentall# ask this uide or an el for an# messa e a!out this loved one or famil# mem!er. .n# other /uestion can !e answered now. Aust mentall# ask this uide or an el. Mentall# ask this uide to make their presence known in #our dail# life, supportin lovin relations with #our loved ones and famil# mem!ers. If there is another famil# issue or loved one #ou would need help with, ask this uide a /uestion a!out it now. Thank this an el or uide for their help, know that this an el or uide can help #ou deal with an# famil# situation or loved one issue with ease and %o#. This an el or uide would love to help #ou feel more comforta!le in #our skin. Mentall# ask them, $How can I feel more comforta!le in m# !od#)& -pen #our heart and hands to receive the ift of feelin more comfort, more life0filled. Notice the ift the#'ve iven #ou, is it !i er than #our hands or smaller than #our hands) It mi ht %ust !e some ener #. .sk this uide or an el what this ener # is for, what this ift is for. ,hen #ou're read# ask this uide, $How do I feel more love in m# !od#) How do I actuall# feel more love)& .sk this uide what is the one thin that #ou can do to add more comfort to #our !od#) Mentall# thank this uide or an el and ask them to stand to the ri ht of #ou and full# support #ou. 3ou're oin to ask for another uide or an el to approach #ou. .sk for the new uide or an el to approach and stand !efore #ou. . ain, #ou ma# onl# see them as li ht at first. Aust allow #ourself to notice what #ou notice and feel what #ou feel. If #ou can, allow the form of this uide or an el to appear. ,hat form are the#) Mentall# ask this uide or an el to help #ou connect to him or her !etter. -pen #our hands and open #our heart to receive this li ht from them and allow this an el or uide to place a ift in #our hands. @eel and sense what this ift is. Mentall# ask this uide, $,hat is this ift for)& *reathe in more li ht at an# time. Bnow that #ou can and should ask for an# ifts that can support #ou throu hout #our da#. The more #ou ask for, the more that comes into #our life. It is safe, ri ht and ood to ask for these. This uide and an el are here to support #ou. If #ou desire to know the uide's name, mentall# ask $,hat is #our name)& If there is an# /uestion #ou have a!out #our life mission and purpose please ask this uide or an el now. This uide would like to ive #ou a ift now to help #ou in #our life mission and purpose. -pen #our heart and hands to receive this ift. (ense or feel the ener # comin from this ift. Mentall# ask, $,hat is this ift for)& If there is an# /uestion #ou have a!out #our work life please ask this uide or an el. Thank this uide and an el and when #ou're read#, let's focus on self0care and self0love. -pen #our heart and hands to receive the ift that supports self0 love, self care and selfnurturin . 3ou deserve it. Notice what this ift is that #ou're receivin . .sk, $How can I use this ift in m# dail# life)&

.sk #our uide what self0nurturin activit# #ou can add to #our life now. .sk this uide, $How else can I add love to m# life)& ,hen #ou're read# thank #our uide and send them some love. Thank #ourself and applaud #ourself for #our increasin a!ilities and !ein willin to add thin s to #our life. If #ou can for a moment, e4pand #our awareness outside the realm of what #ou think is possi!le in #our life. (tretch #our awareness !e#ond #our !od#, !e#ond the !uildin #ou're in, !e#ond what #ou call #our life. 74pand into the space where #ou are connected to all thin s 0 the space where #ou are aware of all possi!ilities. Invite these new possi!ilities into #our life now. Man# !lessin s have !een ifted to #ou and if #ou desire, ask to !e shown all the ifts awaitin #our askin . ,hen #ou're comforta!le with this, ask that these ifts !e !rou ht into #our life now. These ifts are to help uide #ou, keep #ou %o#ful and well cared for. .n# awareness #ou want to receive that #ou haven't received #et, ask for that now. Bnow at an# time #ou can come !ack and visit and meet an# and all of #our an els and uides. 3ou can use this C; a ain and ask for an# other an el or uide to appear. .nd when #ou are read# #ou can !ecome full# aware of #our surroundin s. -pen #our e#es, feelin full# ener i5ed, knowin all is well and ood (o if I were #ou I would consider writin in m# %ournal what information #ou received from that session. It's alwa#s nice to write down what information #ou received so later on #ou can see that thin s have chan ed or, #ou can see that the information that #ou utili5ed came to pass or is %ust a friendl# reminder, some nud es, of thin s that #ou mi ht consider addin to #our life. Now I'd like to help #ou connect to the wisest version of #ourself. (ome call this part the hi h self, some call it #our inner self, some call it #our infinite self. I reall# like callin it the infinite self. 3ou reall# are this infinite self and the more #ou connect to it the more aware #ou !ecome of how ama5in #ou are. ,hen #ou connect to this infinite, wise self #ou actuall# reali5e that #ou ma# have put a lot of limitations on #ou that don't have to !e there. 3ou actuall# et to harness this other F2 to <2percent of #ou that #ou never reall# et to tap in to. It's a lot' there's a lot more to #ou than is showin up. Here's what I know for sure. If #ou connect to this infinitel# wise self #ou'll et reall# happ#. The client and people I have studied that are the happiest completel# !elieve that life supports them and that there is ood in ever#thin . That there is this infinit# wise hi her purpose to them !ein there and this hi her purpose and empowers them, helps them, it works for them. 7ven when it's >!ad' out there, the# know deep inside that this infinitel# wise part of them can tap into the assistance and turn their life around. .nd that's what I desire for #ou, so that #ou know #ou're alwa#s !ein served. The other interestin !enefit to connectin to this infinitel# wise self is it raises #our vi!ration. .nd when #our vi!ration is raised life works out !ecause the vi!ration of love or a!ove smoothes out the road ahead of #ou. Hemem!er how I said I set up m# life so that the universe supports and helps me) This is the one tool for that. The hi hest vi!rational people are happ#. (o when #ou're read# %ust et in a comforta!le position + I would not do this while I'm drivin . ,hen #ou're read# come !ack and push pla#.

6et into a comforta!le position and rela4. (ittin or l#in down is -B. Take a few deep !reaths. *reathe in and release #our da#. *reathe in a ain and release #our da#. *reathe in one more time and rela4 and let #our da# o. Close #our e#es and look up. (ense, feel or see the li ht that is a source and connect to it. .llow this li ht to come into #ou, feelin the ener # of the li ht pulsatin and allow it to fill up #our head and #our ener # field easil#. .llow it to come into #our head, #our e#es, #our ears, #our face, #our skin. .llow it to flow into #our neck and shoulders. This li ht is a source of rela4ation and peace of mind. @eel this li ht flowin into #our chest, into #our heart, fillin #our heart !ehind #our shoulder !lades. Move this li/uid li ht into #our arms and out #our fin ertips. =et this li ht source #ou and rela4 #ou. .llow it to flow into #our !ell#, #our !ack and down into #our hips. This source li ht smoothes out #our ener # field and moves throu h #our !od#. @eel this li ht !athe awa# an# stress and an# worr# as it moves into #our hips, #our thi hs, #our knees, #our calves an out #our feet. .n# and all ener ies #ou desire to release can !e let o of into the round. The earth loves and supports #ou. Take a deep !reath and feel the support from the earth. Take a deep !reath, fill #our heart and feel the li ht support #ou. @ocus on #our !reathin ' rela4, feelin peaceful and focused. ,hen #ou are read# we're oin to call in #our uides and council. These uides and council have !een with #ou for awhile. The#'re here to protect, source #ou and help #ou. The#'re onl# for #our ood. .sk them to %oin #ou and form a circle of love and li ht around #ou. 3ou ma# onl# see them as li ht or #ou ma# see them ver# clearl#. 7ither wa# is -B. (end out love from #our heart and feel a !i hu returned !ack to #ou. ,henever #ou send love from #our heart to these uides and an els the# return a !i hu !ack, overfilled with %o#, peace and love. .sk the uide to the ri ht to send #ou some heart ener # so #ou can feel and connect to them. Move around the circle, sendin and receivin this love to each mem!er in the circle. I'll ive #ou a moment. ,hen #ou're read# ima ine that the circle of these uides or an els opens opposite #ou, makin space for the ener # that is #our true essence to enter. This is #our most divinel# wise self wantin to !e noticed. 3ou ma# onl# see it at first as a shimmerin li ht. However it appears is perfect for #ou. Invite this divinel# wise self to %oin #our circle and sit opposite #ou. Mentall# ask this divinel# wise self to create a stron er connection. .sk this divinel# wise self to send #ou a hu e ust of love ener # and when #ou feel it, send some !ack. ,hen #ou're read#, ask this divinel# wise self to mer e with #ou, creatin a connection, em!od#in the ener # of the divinel# wise self into #ou. It is safe, ri ht and ood to !e this divinel# wise.

3ou are reclaimin this essence and askin it to mer e more full# into #ou. *reathe in and make #ourself more spacious, allowin this divinel# wise self in. @eel #our atoms and #our molecules ener i5in and fillin with this divinel# wise self. .sk this divine essence to make #ou more comforta!le in #our !od#, knowin all is well. ,hen it feels full# mer ed start to ask, $,hat would m# divinel# wise self feel like in this !od#)& Ma#!e #ou notice that #ou feel more confident, more o!servant, more aware, more full of love. Take on the characteristics of #our divinel# wise self and notice how it feels. This divinel# wise self can help #ou with an# situation #ou ma# need uidance on at an# moment, in an# part of #our da#. .sk #ourself as #our divinel# wise self what uidance can the# !rin #ou now) .sk #our divinel# wise self, $,hat do I need to know for m# da# toda#)& .sk #our divinel# wise self are #ou !lockin an# awareness that #ou could receive now) .sk #our divinel# wise self, $How do I open m# heart more)& .sk #our divinel# wise self, $;o I have an# other messa es a!out m# spiritual rowth and hi her purpose)& .sk #our divinel# wise self, $Is there somethin #ou can let me know a!out one of loved ones)& .n# other /uestion #ou would like to ask #our divinel# wise self to ive #ou uidance on, %ust ask ri ht now. Thank #our divinel# wise self. .sk it to !e full# present in #our !od# and in #our life, up radin #our life ever# da# so that #ou can live from this space. ,hen #ou're read# #ou can open #our e#es, feelin full# awake, full# ener i5ed, thankful. I would consider writin in m# %ournal an#thin that #ou have learned, an# new awareness, an# new insi ht and an# new information so that #ou can see how #ou're oin to pro ress over the ne4t 92, ?2 and J2 da#s. Chapter ' -(he Energeti" Soul Cleansing )or*ula 7ner # is ever#thin ' #ou are it. In !etween the spaces of all the molecules, the atoms, the neutrons #ou are ener #, space and consciousness. This ener # has a vi!ration that is either dense, makin all matter like #our ta!le, #our rockin chair, #our !od#. -r the 7ner # is li ht, makin air, sea and clouds. 3our ener # field can !e li ht or heav# dependin on #our choices and what environment #ou are currentl# in. It can also depend on what kind of thou hts, feelin s, emotions #ou're havin . If #ou have a lot of %ud ments on thin s #our ener # will !e more dense than some!od# with fewer %ud ments. If #ou have a stron inner critic, #our ener # will pro!a!l# !e heavier than other people. If #ou do uilt and shame to control #our famil#, #ou're usin emotional !lackmail as a form of control. The ener # of the famil# will !e of a lower vi!ration. This is not lovin consciousness. I know it's easier sometimes' it's not necessaril# the most conscious choice.

Thou hts command #our vi!ration to li htness or heaviness. 3ou can control #our vi!ration and ener # with #our thou hts. Thou hts are thin s. The# have a vi!ration. If #ou're consistentl# pessimistic #ou create the vi!ration around #ou. There's a famous doctor, ;r. 7moto. He wrote a !ook called The Hidden messa es in the ,ater. He had people pro%ect thou hts of fear, worr#, an er and hate into water. Gsin hi h speed photo raph# he took photos of the water cr#stals. the lower vi!rational cr#stals of hate, an er, fear, worr# were ver# u l#. The actuall# created no form, the# %ust looked all !lo!!# and u l#. ,ith people who pro%ected love, peace, wisdom, thanks and love + which is !asicall# appreciation' thank #ou and I love #ou is reall# appreciation 0 harmon# and hi her vi!rational words, the cr#stals looked like ama5in snowflakes' the# were or eous. The# looked like the most or eous thou hts #ou could ever have. (o he concluded that thou hts, intent and words are powerful creative thin s. I consider this intent and the wa# it works as actuall# a !lessin . It's a hu e !lessin that life works this wa#' that choosin the words and thou hts of ener # that #ou wish to create oes out into the ethers in this reall# cool form. 3ou are made of F2percent water so #ou can attune #our !od# to a different vi!ration. .s #ou did on the last C; #ou can !less #our food, #our !od#, #our water, #our car, #our children. 3ou can never et rid of emotions !ut #ou can shift them when #ou catch #ourself !ein ne ative and #ou can start addin the positive. I focused on this for a month a lon time a o so I could reall# et what it feels like. *ut I onl# chose words of comfort, ratitude and love. .nd I did a!solutel# no complainin in m# life. It's kind of hard at first if #ou're not reall# used to it !ut after a while it ets eas# + it feels like !liss. Can #ou see that !lessin and addin love to water, #our !od#, #our house, ever#thin , can reall# move in !etween the space of ever# molecule. This works on ever# o!%ect, not %ust water. 3ou're !lessin the molecules, the atoms, the protons and all the space in !etween. I have helped people's !odies !# releasin their %ud ments, thou hts and decisions a!ut it. I have also helped people's !odies !# healin the emotions stuck in it. -nce the emotion and the feelin of the emotion was deleted from their !odies, their !odies naturall# re!ooted themselves and the# healed. =ook' we all %ud e our !odies. ,e look in the mirror when we et up in the mornin , the first thin we do is %ud e. That's not reall# lovin to #ourself. If #ou have a trauma in #our life and #ou don't deal with it, these emotions can show up in #our !od# 12, "2, 92 #ears later. If #ou %ud e #our !od# da# in da# out, like >I'm so fat, I'm so u l#, I'm so whatever' #ou're askin the ener #, space and consciousness in !etween the molecules in #our !od# to densel# proportion themselves to make it so. If #ou desire to !e thin, think thin. If #ou desire to !e prett# think prett#. *ut think from the hi hest vi!rational place: >I am so rateful and thankful that I am so thin. I am so rateful and thankful that I am so prett#'. .nd when #ou're thinkin a!out it, make certain that #ou're in the space of love and ratitude. >I am so rateful and thankful m# life is workin out for me. I am so rateful and thankful I have an ama5in mate in m# life. I am so rateful and thankful I have a !ri ht, conscious kid. I am so rateful and thankful m# !od# works for me.' I !elieve the ultimate !lessin #ou can do is do !oth kinds of ener # where #ou add the ood stuff and release the old stuff.

I had a new client who phoned me from .ustralia a few weeks !ack. (he had had two operations on her stomach and her intestine had e4ploded. The one operation the first time would not heal so she needed a second operation. (he had a lon time recoverin and she wanted to find out wh# this was oin on in her life. (he was aware enou h to know that emotions can create illness and this was pro!a!l# wh# it wasn't healin . (o I went into the in%ur# and I asked, $,h# does this e4ist in her !od#. The teacher said it was !ecause the !o#)& I heard in m# head, $(he !usted a ut&. I asked her, $,hat does !ustin a ut mean to #ou) Cause I've never heard that term&. (he started to lau h' #ou see, she had !een movin out of her old house a few months !ack. .nd in this house where she had spent 1C #ears with her kids, she was packin up her stuff. The kids were rown up and she didn't need such a lar e space an#more and she had %ust found a new mate. It was hard for her and she didn't have an# help and she had to o throu h all the old memories and et rid of the stuff. (he kept sa#in to ever#one that what she was doin was !ustin a ut to et it all done. In .ustralia I uess it's a term the# use. (o upon further discover# into the ener # field and the !eliefs of what she was carr#in , I noticed that when she was in utero, her mom it seems had wanted to die. Those were the words that kept showin up in the ener # when I wanted to o release it. (o I asked her, $,h# would #our mom want to die when #ou were in her wom!)& and she said that when she was in her wom! her father had actuall# died. Her mother had to ive her up for adoption !ecause she could not care for another !a!# as she alread# had two kids and now work, so she ave her up for adoption. However, when I went into the ener # field I could see that the mom !ein overwhelmed with the sudden turn in her life, felt like she wanted to die too. .nd she was pissed. (he was like, >,h# did he leave me alone and wh# couldn't it have !een me instead)' That was her thou ht. ,eird stuff happens when we et overwhelmed with life. .nd the ener # of that was in m# client still and she's in her C2's now. ,hat's reall# interestin is that over the course of this client's life, she literall# said she kept feelin like she wanted to die at various points in her life. (he even had a hu e panic attack that happened ri ht after a nei h!our died. It put her in a depression and a spin for weeks. 3ou see, events in life can tri er thin s inside of #ou and old emotions and ener # that #ou ma# not even know is still there. This was what was occurrin for her. (o I wanted to show her that some of the stuff she was feelin is not even her own stuff. I wanted to show #ou that some of the stuff #ou're feelin in #our own !od# is not even #our own stuff ori inall#. It ori inated somewhere else. .fter we released this ener # from m# client she reported that she's now healin a lot faster. If she had !een willin to connect to her spiritual side and watch her words prior to this, who knows) Ma#!e it wouldn't have happened. *ut words coupled with stron emotions that are unhealed can have affect on the life all around #ou. =ove is a healer and transformer of ener #. It cuts throu h the emotion called fear that manifests as an er, dou!t, shame, worr#, uilt. 6uilt and shame are the lowest fre/uenc# emotions. Hemem!er, on the scale of 5ero to 1222 uilt and shame are "2 and 92 and love is C22. Havin choice over these emotions comes from feelin lovin emotions. This is mainl# how I was uided to transform people. @ill m#self with li ht and et the feelin in m# !od# of total love and kindness. @or some people who are !eaten up in life, feelin kindness and love is hard. *ut the# can usuall# feel appreciation for somethin in their life. That's wh# keepin a %ournal

filled with all the thin s #ou appreciate can !e a hu e !oost to #our ener # field. (o I would et that ener # in m# field and fill m# whole !ein with it. .nd that's how I use m# ener # to fi4 people. It's reall# a reat cure0all. It's not mental' it's a feelin in the heart that !alances #our emotions. Bids need to know this, too. If the#'re a little crank# or cra5# %ust et them !ack in their heart. Bids can do this in two seconds. The#'re used to oin there. =et's %ust sa# that fear overwhelmed #ou and #ou have a choice on what to do. I choose a totall# different choice than most people. I ask m# lower emotions, m# fear, worr# an er to actuall# intensif# in m# !od#. I remem!er wakin up one mornin and I felt this pure wave of terror in m# !od#. I talked to it. I said, $Can #ou turn #ourself up for a moment so I can reall#, reall# feel #ou) 3ou must reall# want m# attention so I'll pa# attention to #ou. Aust turn it up so I can reall# feel #ou.& Then I use the consciousness of love in m# heart and usin m# li ht ask the fear to turn up. I went into m# heart and transformed and transmuted it with love. =ike a candle !urnin the last !its of flame + poofK It was one. .skin the ener # to work for #ou is how I live m# life. I ask that all thin s in all wa#s n the universe support me. (o if a ne ative ener # comes up, it ma# !e leavin and I'm %ust suddenl# aware of it. I don't %ud e m#self and o, $-h, #ou suck' #ou had a ne ative thou ht, #ou're !ad, #ou did this&... I don't talk to m#self like that an#more. I used to !ut it's much more pleasant in m# head no. I'm much more entle and I love m#self much more than that. I also ask /uestions. *ecause sometimes when #our !od# is doin funn# thin s, sometimes #our !od# %ust wants to cr#. It's like chemical release that #our !od# %ust wants to cr# so don't %ud e it. Aust ask, $.m I releasin somethin )& -r $Is this reall# mine or some!od# else's)& ,hat do #ou need) Heall#, reall# ask then add love and li ht to the thin s and old news that #ou have in #our !od# and ener # fields will start unravellin . ,hen #ou start addin some of this appreciation and a ood vi!e, sometimes what will happen is #our %unk will start leavin . It's %ust turnin up to sa# !#e0 !#e !efore it oes. (o %ust ask, $.re #ou leavin or do I have to do somethin else to pa# attention to #ou)& ,hen m# %unk is leavin sometimes I don't even now what it's a!out so I have to o in and ask. (o sometimes #ou have to et a sense and know e4actl# what it's a!out. The issues people are havin is !ecause the#'re unwillin to o into the ener #, look at it without %ud ment and o, $Hmm... I'm feelin reall# an r#. How cool is this) I can %ust fi ure somethin out toda#&. Notice I'm not pro%ectin m# an er an#where. I'm not shoutin at an#one or dumpin m# crap on another human !ein . I reall# tr# with all m# efforts to never do that + it's !ad manners. Instead, I o into the ener # and o $,owK I'm an r#. ,h# are #ou in m# life) ,hat are #ou tr#in to show me)& *ut a!ove all else, talk to it. I'm oin to share somethin with #ou that I noticed. ,hat if the thou hts, feelin s and sometimes even emotions that are in #our !od# and #our head are not even #our own) ,hat if #ou're sittin at a stopli ht and #ou kept feelin an r# and hurt) .nd what if #ou asked this /uestion: Is this m# ener # or is it some!od# else's) Is this thou ht that I'm havin mine or some!od# else's) ,hat if the hurried, an r# thou ht was actuall# the u# sittin !ehind #ou, pro%ectin upon #ou, wantin #ou to speed up) ,hat if <2 percent or so of the thou hts in #our head are not even #our own) the#'re some!od# else's and like a !i , ps#chic radio antenna #ou're pickin up on it)

I have found that a ood !it of stuff in m# head is not actuall# m# own thou hts. (o whenever #ou're an r#, ma#!e ask, $Is this mine or some!od# else's)& If it's some!od# else's it will feel li ht when #ou acknowled e it. .nd if it's #our own, use the li ht tools I'm oin to share with #ou and add positive char e to it and transmute it. If #ou're around people with sense ener # fields + sometimes referred to as ne ative vi!es + #ou can soak these up. I've had clients call me who were sick and it was !ecause the# were choosin to han out with ne ative folks and the# were not willin to clean up their ener # afterwards. (o if it's heav# #ou're oin to have to clean it up and I'm oin to show #ou how. I'm oin to walk #ou now throu h an e4ercise. 7ven kids can do this. I had a client whose little ?0#ear old was havin meltdowns in school all of a sudden. (he called me and I asked ps#chicall# what's up with her) I ot a picture of a little irl sittin ne4t to an an r# !o# in class. I ot a vision of this poor !o# alwa#s ettin critici5ed !# his parents and emotionall# sucker0punched !# his father. The kid's main feelin s a!out himself and in his ener # field were >I'm alwa#s in trou!le'. That was his main !elief and he was onl# ?. I mean, it was intense. If I was that child I would pro!a!l# !e an r# too. I was so upset with what I saw, that the unconscious parents were %ust takin all the ar!a e out on their kid. The sad thin is that it pro!a!l# happened to them when the# were kids so it's the onl# wa# the# knew to raise a child. .nd that is !asicall#, in a nutshell, wh# I'm doin this series. M# client's dau hter, the ?0#ear old, started havin meltdowns in school where she literall# #elled at the teacher. .nd she had never done this in her whole life. (o I told the client, $.sk if #our dau hter could !e moved to a different seat. .sk the teacher if she recentl# moved her for a reason&. The mom oes to school, asked the teacher wh# she moved her dau hter ne4t to the !o#. The teacher said it was !ecause the !ow was alwa#s a disruption, $(o I fi ured if I moved him ne4t to #our dau hter she would keep him calm !ecause she's such a likea!le kid&. The teacher's instinct was ri ht on the mone#. *ecause m# client's dau hter was as intuitive as the# come and she was usin her !od# to heal the !o# ever# da#, takin in his ener # and processin his emotions. 3ou've alread# !een ifted with tools that #ou can use if #ou or #our child is in this position. 3ou can send the !o# !lessin , !lessin , !lessin , sa#: $I !less #ou with pure love and li ht& until #ou feel the ener # lift. 3ou can ask that the ener # !e transmuted as I'm oin to show #ou in the ne4t !it. -r #ou can call in .rchan els and ask them to transmute or chan e the ener # for #ou. (o #ou alwa#s have options. *ut first #ou should alwa#s ask that #our !od# stop healin the person that #ou're sittin ne4t to. Now I know a lot of #ou mi ht !e thinkin , $This is not m# child, m# child is not that intuitive&. *ut I am here to tell #ou we all have this capa!ilit#, this capacit#. It happens more than #ou think, !ut !ecause #ou mi ht not see ener # and look at the world the wa# I do, #ou think #our pro!lems are caused !# one thin , !ut at the end of the da#, all of #our pro!lems start at the ener # level. .nd unless #ou're willin to !ecome this intuitivel# aware, at some #ou're alwa#s !ein controlled !# other influences. If a parent is cra!!# I can uarantee #ou it will affect the child. The child wants to !e loved, cuddled, cherished and happ#. If #ou're cra!!# #our child will start takin their !od# and their !od#'s ener # s#stems, start takin up all #our stuff and processin #our emotions for #ou. The# do this so that #ou will et over #our stuff and start !ein lovin , kind and fun. Hemem!er, the# still think the#'re infinite !ein s !ein %o#ful and hi h vi!ration and the# reall# !elieve that the# can fi4 #ou cause the#'re infinite !ein s. .nd if the# can't

fi4 #ou then there must !e somethin wron with them and their spiritual ifts must not !e workin . This is how an infinite !ein would reall# think. This is how kids intuitivel# think. Bids think that if parents are not happ#, then its their fault at some level. If #ou ask most children of divorced parents if the# think that at some level it was their fault, F2 to <2 percent of them will sa# #es. This is what I've noticed. If #ou're a parent #ou will have to let them know that this is not true. This is #our stuff and the# don't have to fi4 #ou !ecause #ou're oin to work on it. If I look at a !a!# I can tell in two seconds if the mom is happ#. Its in the !a!#'s ener # field. Hemem!er #our children are infinite !ein s in a !od#. The#'re hu el# aware infinite !ein s who happen to !e in a small !od# for a while. The#'re souls in a !od#, %ust like #ou. The# remem!er more than #ou mi ht what it is like to o from infiniteness into a !od# + the# %ust ot here. I will tell #ou, what I spend most of m# time on with a client: all the issues, emotions, thou hts and feelin s that are creatin their life most likel# occurred !efore the a e of seven. (o if the#'re havin an issue with a mate I know it's usuall# unresolved parent stuff that the# in ested !efore the a e of seven in how to do relationships, or the#'ve seen mom and dad fi ht, or wantin to fi4 it, or some other heartache a!out love. If the# are havin mone# issues, <C to J2 percent of the time it's from how their parents uided them a!out mone#. It's how their parents did mone# or lack of trainin in how to make mone# work for them. If a client has self0worth issues that the#'re manifestin in their life, more than likel# the imprintin of this occurred !efore the# were seven and the# were pro rammed into it when the# were rowin up. Now these clients do no know this is where It tracked to. If the# had the# pro!a!l# would have fi4ed it. *ut I had to show them and then the# knew e4actl# what the incident was or wh# the# have this ener # in their s#stem. .nd once the ener # resolves itself the pro!lem oes awa#. I'm oin to show #ou how to do this. The reatest ift an# parent can ive their children in conscious parentin is to !e aware enou h to ask, $,hat do I need to do in m# child's !est interest)& .nd then keep the famil#'s ener # field so clean that the vi!rational thermostat is set to love and a!ove. Ao#, consciousness and peace. (o the ne4t thin I'm oin to show #ou how to do will !e one of the main thin s that #ou do ever# da# . I don't let m#self feel dense or heav# in an# part of m# da#. I let m#self feel full of li ht. If #ou have to do this "2 or 92 times a da#, %ust do it' it !ecomes a part of #ou. .nd !ecause #ou feel so much !etter #ou will alwa#s do it. I have tau ht kids seven and over to do this' kids will do this. Notice ri ht now an# dense ener # in, on or around #our !od# and ask: is this m# ener #) Then feel a #es or a no response. If it's li ht it's pro!a!l# a #es. If it feels heav# or >no' then it's pro!a!l# not #our ener #. The a ain: is this some!od# else's ener #) feel for a #es or a no.M Is it somethin else) @eel for a #es or a no. 3ou can muscle test it if #ou want !ut what #ou'll reall# et is, if it's like it's true, if it's heav# it's not true.

Is this m# ener #) Is this m# ener # or is it somethin else) -nce #ou have the awareness and it's #ours, connect to the li ht, move the li ht into #our heart, radiate the li ht into the dense ener # until #ou feel it lift. 3ou can alwa#s call upon .rchan el Michael who clears all dense ne ative ener # in !odies and spaces. If #ou desire some assistance call him in and ask him to help #ou release it. If it's some!od# else's ener # connect to the ener #, connect to the li ht, move the li ht into #our heart' radiate the li ht into the dense ener # until #ou feel it lift. If some!od# is connectin to #ou it means the# think that the# need somethin from #ou. (o %ust send them a hi h vi!rational !lessin ' %ust !less them. *less them with pure love and li ht and : &I !less #ou with whatever #ou think #ou need from me&. Aust do this until it lifts. If it's somethin else sometimes it's the earth. The earth %ust wants some ener # from #ou. Connect to the li ht, !reathe it in. Call it into #our heart then radiate this ener # into the earth !# !lessin the earth. Aust sa#, $I !less #ou with pure love and li ht and I !less #ou with whatever #ou feel #ou need from me&. It should feel a lot li hter after #ou do this. I was at the amusement park and a child was standin in front of me' he was a!out 12. He was adora!le. He looked like a little an el. He had little puff# cheeks, he was cute. *ut he was decidedl# unhapp# and he was whinin up a storm. He was with his older !rother, a!out 1" and his mom. I started chattin with them !ecause I could see what was up in the kid's ener # field. .fter I was talkin to the mom for a !it I talked to her "20#ear old and I said, $3ou seem a little tired ma#!e. ,ould #ou pla# a little ame with me for a minute)& He looked at his mom, he looked a little pu55led, she nodded. I said, $3ou now this tiredness, this crankiness #ou're feelin ) Is this #our ener # or is it some!od# else's)& .nd in less than two seconds he look at his !rother, pointed and said, $It's his.& Bids are the# ps#chic. I looked at his !rother and said, $,ere #ou anno#ed with somethin a!out an hour and a half a o)& Hemem!er, I alwa#s ask so I knew ri ht awa# when it happened. I asked in m# head: when did this happen) and I heard reall# /uick: an hour and a half a o. (o I asked the kid, $,hen did this happen) ,ere #ou mad and hour and a half a o)& .nd he said, $3eah. M# dad told me I couldn't !u# somethin &. I asked the !rother, $,ere #ou mad)& and he said, $3eah, I still am&. (o I said to the kids, in the future ask the /uestion: is this m# ener # or is it some!od# else's) when #ou et a itated. Then I looked at the 12 #ear0 old and I told his mom that he tended to take into his !od# all the emotions the famil# was feelin , or healin the entire famil#. His mom a reed that he was like that. (o I told the 120#ear old to %ust sa#, $I return all this ener # to the sender with a !lessin of love and consciousness attached&. Then I told him to ask his !od# to %ust stop healin ever#!od#. 3ou can do that, #ou can talk to #our !od# like that. . ain, there are kids in families who will take on all the d#sfunctional famil# ener # into their !od# in order to fi4 whomever is fearful. (o check inside and ask in #our ener # field: 1Is there some!od# like this in m# famil#) 1,as I the person, rowin up, that did this) 1.m I still doin it)

(o all the places that #ou're doin this, %ust ask #our !od# to please stop healin ever#!od# else. It's a ift and a talent, so it's not somethin that's necessaril# ne ative !ut if #ou want all #our ener # for a while %ust ask that #our !od# heal itself. If #ou were uided to this C; series #ou're pro!a!l# the person in the famil# who does this. :eople drawn to me tend to !e naturall# talented in intuitiveness and healin and knowin what is up on a ver# deep level. I've had parents !rin me their kids who are fre/uentl# ettin sick. The ma%orit# of the reasons was !ecause the# were takin on all the famil# stuff, or the# were stressed out from school and no pla#. -ne little irl could not heal her throat and had to et her tonsils taken out !ecause it was her mom's an er' it tracked to her mom. That's where the an els uided me. ,hen she came to me I showed her how to clean her ener # field and cut cords and return all the ener #. (he was onl# ei ht. I tau ht the mom how to heal her an er and clear her stuff ever# da#. .nd it !ecame a much happier and healthier famil#. It's not a !i deal to clear #our ener #, #ou %ust have to know what to look for then actuall# do it. =et's talk a!out cuttin the cords. ,hat is cord cuttin ) In the ener # world I oftentimes see ener # cords !etween families that contain fear0!ased ener #. @ear, an er, worr# are fre/uencies people tend to pro%ect onto kids in order to protect them. However, if #ou're alwa#s worried, it contains seeds of dou!t that ever#thin is not -B in the world. It sa#s the world is inherentl# unsafe. How man# of #ou have heard the phrase >It's time to cut the cords') ,e use it in our ever#da# lan ua e, so we are aware of it at a ver# deep level' even if #ou haven't thou ht a!out it this wa# #ou're aware of it. (o these ener ies et pro%ected upon people and these sur ical0lookin tu!es of ener # are implanted in families. Man# times #our !odies can !e affected !# this. If #ou have a consistent sore spot in #our !od#, I can uarantee #ou, either have a cord of fear there or a fear0!ased emotion attached to that spot in, on or around #our !od#. That's how I track thin s. Gsuall# in sessions I clear an ener # for a client and I tell them where it was located and the# sa#, $,owK I've !een hurtin there latel#&. I had this happen with a client two da#s a o. I cleared some ener # from the !ack of her heart and she said, $,ow, m# !ack's !een hurtin there&. It was old heartache read# to o. 3ou'd also find pain in the tush, pain in the neck wei ht of the world on our shoulders... I find that most people hide their ener # !ehind their !ack. (o if #ou look at #our !ack's ener # #ou can pro!a!l# find most of #our stuff that #ou don't want to deal with there. ,e >put it !ehind us' so we don't have to look at it. .sk inside ri ht now, how man# emotional are !ehind #our !ack ener eticall# that #ou thou ht #ou dealt with !ut #ou never did) Is the num!er over "22 or under "22) .sk it a ain: how man# emotional wounds are !ehind #our !ack ener eticall# that #ou thou ht #ou dealt with) -ver "22... under "22. How cool is it that #our !od# loves #ou so much that it helps to create pain to show #ou where #our stuff is) I reatl# respect m# !od# for doin this for me. It's like sa#in , $He#, pa# attentionK -ld ener # + can #ou %ust release it)& 3our !od# is ver# kind to #ou that wa#.

If #ou're willin and a!le to !e so clean in dealin with ener # on an ever#da# !asis, it would never manifest in #our !od#. *# the time some ener # hits #our !od# and creates a pain fre/uenc#, #ou have pro!a!l# !een iven the data from #our intuition a!out it for a lon time !ut #ou would not listen. (o then #our !od# takes it on in order to ps#chicall# ive #ou the information. If #ou %ust !ecame more intuitive, aware, #our infinite !ein self, then #ou reall# would not have to let #our ener # sta# in #our !od#. Aust like #ou take a shower ever# da#, #ou mi ht want to consider clearin #our ener # fields ever# da#. :erhaps it's somethin #ou don't normall# do in #our life so %ust ask: $How can I make this eas# to add to m# life now) Can I do it in the shower) Can I do it !efore I o to !ed)& -r how a!out ever# time #ou !rush #our teeth #ou clean #our ener #, #ou infuse love in #ourself and #ou cut #our cords) I know a famil# who does this !efore the# eat dinner as a famil#. Consider incorporatin it into #our dail# routine. Hi ht now I would love #ou to pick a spot in #our !od# that's tender or sore or callin #our attention. Close #our e#es, look up, connect to the li ht, let the li ht in #our heart and !e the love and li ht #ou are. Heall# feel this li ht up in #our whole !od#. Call upon .rchan el Michael. .rchan el Michael carries a sword of li ht and love that clears all fears and lowers dense ener ies. (o we're oin to talk to #our !od#. ,hen #ou're read# %ust sa# to #our !od#: 1In this spot do I have an old emotion stuck here) 1If so, what is it) 1;o I have some %ud ment stuck here) 1If so, what is it) 1Is some!od# else connected to me here) 1If so, whom) 1.s is it male or female and start from there. Is it male or female) #ou attached to an emotional in%ur#) -B, sore spot, what are #ou tellin me) 7ven if #ou think #ou're makin this all up, %ust allow whatever insi ht pops in. 6ot #our messa e) ,e're oin to clear all this ener # in a moment !ut I %ust want #ou to reali5e that what #ou think is up is not alwa#s what is reall# up with #our !od#. =i ht is true, heav# is false. If some!od#'s talkin to #ou and #ou start to feel heaviness, it could !e that the#'re usin lower vi!rations and consciousness. ;ramaDtrauma, or the#'re tellin #ou a lie. 7ver# moment of ever# da# #ou're feelin ener #. If the ener # #ou are feelin is heav#, it's a lie which the person ma# or ma# not know is a lie !ut it's %ust untruth. (o if the ener # #ou're feelin is heav#, it's an untruth or a lie, or it's lower consciousness like uilt, fear, worr#, shame, an st. If #ou were not feelin that ener # until #ou ot around that person, it's pro!a!l# ps#chic information. Think a!out it. Most people on the planet vi!rate under the fre/uenc# of love' under the consciousness of %o#, cele!ration and peace. I'm so sorr#, it's %ust true. That's wh# I feel it's vitall# important for #ou to monitor #our ener # as a wa# of life. 3ou're entrained in lower ener # fields more than #ou can ima ine. These lower ener # fields are dense and #ou'll sense them in #our !od#. 3ou know when #ou walk into a room and it's filled with ne ative vi!es, #ou can feel it) This is dense ener #. It's comin throu h #our ps#chic senses. I use .rchan els and m#

intent to clear this ener #. I've even cleared the ener # of old cemeteries with an els. I've %ust asked to et rid of the rief ener # so I could actuall# %ust stand there. 3ou can o throu h life like this. It's fun and it creates !lessin s for people and the planet. 3ou should also clear the spaces in #our home and office etc. Hi her consciousness feels li ht. (o tr# to live #our life !ein li ht. .nd if it's not li ht turn on #our inner li ht of %o#, love cele!ration and fun and make it so. I'm oin to talk to #ou a little !it a!out how I clear a space. If I walk into an ener # field or room and it feels kind of not so fun, I will ima ine a !i tornado %ust comin into the space + I usuall# ima ine it purple + and I ima ine it suckin up all the dense de!ris ener #. 3ou can do this for an#thin . 3ou can teach #our kids how to do that to their room' suck up the little !o e#men or whatever shows up for them. It's %ust a !i vacuum that comes in. I was drivin and all of a sudden it %ust popped in m# head + purple tornado to clear out m# space. (o that's what I did. .nother thin #ou can do, and I found this out !# stud#in @en (hui is, if #ou walk into #our room and #ou start clappin around the space, #ou'll find places in the room where when #ou clap it's more of a thud instead of a crisp clap. I know it sounds kind of funn#. *ut walk around #our room and clap and #ou'll hear a difference in the tone of #our clap. If it feels more like a thud or a more dense clap, then clap around there until #ou can et it li ht. -r call in the tornado thin and ima ine it %ust suckin up ever#thin in that space. I had a client who alwa#s had issues with her mom. I talked to her a!out cuttin all cords !etween her and her mom ever# da# as an e4periment to see how she feels. There was a lot of drama and neediness !etween them. This client was oftentimes callin me, complainin a!out feelin tired and sick with no ener #. (o I alwa#s cut her cords and she alwa#s felt !etter, I tau ht her to do it #et she would not do it for herself. @inall# one da#, I asked her to %ust humor me and do it for a week, and ask her mom to do it as well. I told her she had nothin to lose. ,ell she actuall# did it this time and somethin wonderful happened. M# client actuall# !ecame happier the more she did it. Her mom !ecame more alert and not so scared of life. M# client reali5ed that part of her life force was oin to holdin her mom up and this is wh# she did not have her own life. (he received her life !ack, she !ecame happ#. (he moved to another state, found a !o#friend and is now totall# happ#. Her mom started ettin out of the house more and started takin real action in her life as well. It was the most transformation I had ever seen in some!od# !etween her and her mom in such a short time %ust from cuttin cords. ,h# did this finall# happen) *ecause she actuall# took action herself. Is there some!od# in #our life that #ou're holdin up) I have noticed that when #ou do more for a person than the# are willin to do for themselves sometimes, it kind of acts as ena!lin . .nd sometimes the#'ll resent #ou. .nd sometimes it will drain #ou. *ut the lon er #ou hold them, the lon er the# do not do it for themselves. Teach them how to do this form themselves, then like a mama !ird with her little chick, throw them out of the ener # nest #ou created for them !ecause the# have alread# !uilt their own. Consider askin /uestions. Is it in m# happiest path to hold this person up) Ma#!e it is for a while, !ut #ou should ask: is this person detractin me from m# life purpose) Can I teach them how to do this for themselves) -r: is this reall# servin me) (o send the love, li ht and !lessin s !ut don't let them drain #ou. (ome depression in m# opinion is %ust life force !ein drained out of #ou and #ou're not fillin up with the ood stuff' life force, love, kindness, %o#. It can happen to an#one. I

have seen miraculous healin take place !# people cuttin out the drainin issues in their life and fillin !ack in with love. Hemem!er, #ou're ener #. .nd %ust like water, #ou can transform ener # into hot, cold, free5in or steamin . (o too can #ou chan e #our life vitalit# to increase it. If #ou consider how much mone# is spent on dru s and depression medicine, can #ou see that mana in #our ener # field ever# da# is vital to health# livin ) The life force drainin can take place from #our thou hts and !eliefs a!out life and #ourself which #ou can chan e with choice and tools. -r #ou could !e drainin #ourself !# ivin #our ener # to some!od# else + like tr#in to make some!od# chan e who doesn't want to. -r tr#in to make somethin happen that won't !ud e. ,h# don't we ask inside ri ht now, or muscle test how man# people are drainin #ou) -ver ten or under 12) How man# people are drainin #ou ri ht now) -ver 12 or under 12) This is where we're oin . ,e're oin to o with an e4ercise a little later to clear these. If #ou're around a sick person and #our !od#'s ener # is healin them, this can !e ver# drainin to caretakers. More often than not, this is the case. I have tau ht nurses and doctors how to keep their ener # filled up. 3ou could %ust !e drained !# not fillin #ourself with peaceful ood ener # ever# da#. Now if #ou want ri ht now, #ou could actuall# check #ourself !# askin + or muscle test0 on a scale of one to 122 N122 !ein totall# filled up, feelin fantastic and alive and 5ero !ein deadO, how filled up with life force am I now) *etween one and 122 how filled up with life force am I now) -ver C2 or under C2) -ver <2 or under <2) Most people read !etween ?2 and <2 percent. The ?2percent is onl# half of #our life force + not so ood. If #ou received a lower num!er, I would ma#!e check inside. Is it in #our hi hest and !est ood to et checked out !# a doctor) 3our !od# mi ht need some help. The cool thin is, the more #ou look up to the li ht, connect to the li ht and let #ourself !e love and li ht, in #our ener # field ever# da#, the more #ou naturall# increase #our vitalit#, start eliminatin depletin attitudes thou hts and !eliefs naturall#, %ust !# addin li ht. .nother client of mine wanted to manifest a mate and was havin no luck. ,hen I looked at her ener # field I noticed two cords of fear from past lovers. -ne in her !ell# !utton in the um!ilical cord area and another in the private area. ,hen we cut the cords one of the e4es called within a week. This is normal, ,hen #ou cut the cords of fear to another person the# can feel this and the# ma# ha!ituall# tr# to reconnect. (o #ou ma# have to do this more than one time. If #ou keep #ourself filled up it pro!a!l# won't happen. The#'re doin this !ecause t feels familiar to !e connected to #ou. ,hat happened to her is she !asicall# ot a mate within four months. (he saw that there was a pattern in the past that had alwa#s occurred !etween the fourth and fifth date when it was time to o to the ne4t step where the# suddenl# !ecame disinterested. I think the men were intuitivel# feelin she was connectin to another man. I've seen this man#, man# times. (o much so that I know it's not a coincidence, it's hi hl# unlikel#. This is wh# I'm oin to share with #ou these tools a!out cuttin the cords. Here's how I look at #ou. I see #ou as an infinite !ein who can know, perceive, receive an#thin #ou want. @or this time I'm oin to uide #ou with #our e#es closed. However, when I teach people on the phone or in class I %ust throw the clients in e#es open !ecause what I know for sure is the#'re alread# ps#chic.

I want #ou to do this on a dail# !asis and I don't want #ou to make a !i deal a!out it. Aust do it when #ou're drivin , takin a walk, takin a shower, whatever. If #ou have the time to lie down and reall# focus, put on the C; and do some deep cleanin . Aust listen to this as #ou o to sleep. If #ou have kids the# can listen to the C; with #ou or #ou can learn how to do it then teach them and show them. Bids are reall# /uick + it's like pla#in video ames in their head' the# reall# et it. Aust uide them throu h it or have them listen to the C;. I know people are !ust and it's more important to do this than not do it. Clients who !ecome empowered are hose who use the tools, empower themselves, turn their li hts on !ri ht and do the thin s I teach them on a dail# !asis and consistentl#. .d that's m# heart's desire for #ou. Close #our e#es, et in a comforta!le position. ,hen #ou're read# %ust take a deep !reath and !reathe out #our da#. Take another deep !reathe, rela4 and !reathe out #our da#. Take another deep !reath, feel #our !od# rela4... peaceful. =ook up and see or sense the li ht. Connect to the li ht and ask it to start fillin #our !od#. =et the li ht come into #our !od#, #our head... it fills #our face, radiates li ht into #our throat, feelin an# denseness instantl# releasin . This li ht oes down and fills #our shoulders and moves into #our heart. @eel this li ht move down #our arms, into #our wrists, #our hands, #our fin ers and out #our fin ertips. .sk the li ht to radiate and fill #our chest cavit#, #our heart, #our ri!ca e, #our a!domen, #our hips. Move the li ht down into #our thi hs, #ou knees, calves and #our feet lettin this ener # move into the round. (ee or sense an ener # comin from #our hips that moves down #our hips, down #our feet, down #our le s and into the round. (ee it connectin to the Center of the planet where it feels the happiest. (ee #ourself radiatin this lovin source li ht all around #our ener # field, so #ou feel and look like a olden sun. If #ou feel drawn to it, invite in an# .rchan els of the hi hest li ht and #our !enevolent uides to assist #ou. ,hen #ou're read#, ask the li ht to shine !ri htl# on an# fear0!ased cords on #our !od#. =ike a flashli ht, ask the li ht to li ht these up. Notice these without an# %ud ment. .nd if #ou have an# sore spots in #our !od# sense if there's a cord there. .sk #our divinel# wise self that is alwa#s with #ou, this divinel# wise self that is alwa#s part of #ou, ask this divinel# wise self for a li ht tool. This li ht tool is oin to !e used to cut an# cords of lower consciousness or fear. If #ou hold #our hand out and open #our heart #ou'll feel the tool !ein placed in #our hand. Ma#!e it's a sword or ma#!e its scissors or ma#!e it's somethin else. ,hen #ou are read# find one of these cords of fear and ima ine cuttin the cord easil#. Aust whooshK .nd see it one. .sk #our an el for assistance. Now ask #our heart to send a pure flame of white li ht to the cord that has !een severed. (ense it sparklin with intense flame of white love and li ht that travel down the cord, !urnin up the cord and all fear0!ased a endas with love. .nd when this flame hits the other person connected to it, it sparks and adds purified love and li ht to that person.

.sk #our heart to send sparks of love to the spot it was attached to in #our !od#, usin the li ht that is radiatin throu h #ou. Turn the ener # to li/uid li ht and fill #our !od# in. This li/uid li ht now transforms and heals #our !od# instantl#. This li/uid li ht creates the !lueprint of the health#, purified !od# in #our !od# ener # s#stems. This li/uid li ht dissolves all %ud ments, thou hts and decisions #ou made, that allowed these fear0 !ased a endas to show up in #our life and it heals ever#thin instantl# now. Notice an# other cord #ou wish to release and a ain, take #our li ht tool and whooshK Cut the cord easil#. .llow #our heart to send aflame of ener #, fl#in the cord !ack with lovin li ht to whomever it is connected. If #ou feel #ou cannot reach it, as #our heart to send a spark to the cord instantl#, severin all ties to #our !od#. .sk #our heart to send sparks of love to the spot it was attached to in #our !od#, usin the li ht that is radiatin throu h #ou, turnin to li/uid li ht and fillin the !od# in. This li/uid li ht transforms and heals the !od# instantl# now. 3ou create the !lueprint of a health#, purified !od# and ener # s#stem. This li/uid li ht dissolves all %ud ments, thou hts and decisions that #ou made that allowed these fear0!ased a endas to show up in #our life and ever#thin heals instantl# now. In a moment I'm oin to ask #ou to %ust notice all other cords that #ou wish to release. ;o #ou have more than 12 or less than 12) Gsin #our li ht tool and #our an el, cut the cords easil#. I'll ive #ou a moment that #ou can cut them all, sendin them !ack in a flame of white li ht from #our heart to the sender. These cords of fear release instantl#, easil#. .sk #our heart to send sparks of love to the spots where these cords are attached to #our !od#. Gsin the li ht that is radiatin throu h #ou, turnin to li/uid li ht and fillin the !od# in. This li/uid li ht transforms and heals the !od# instantl# now, restorin the !lueprint of the health#, purified !od# and !od# ener # s#stems. This li/uid li ht dissolves all %ud ments, thou hts and decisions #ou made that allowed these fear0!ased a endas #ou allowed to show up in #our life. .nd ever#thin heals instantl# now. Thank #our an el. Thank #our divinel# wise self that is alwa#s a part of #ou and when #ou are read#, %ust take #our li ht tool, place it !ack in #our heart so it is alwa#s readil# availa!le to use at an# time. Hemind #ourself that all is well, #ou are freel# a!le to move forward in life, fellin ali ned in love, movin forward racefull# and %o#full#. ,hen #ou are read# #ou can open #our e#es feelin full# ener i5ed, feelin loved in all wa#s. 3ou ma# want to consider %ournalin what came up for #ou and what kind of ener ies #ou've cleared. It's reat to ive #ourself acknowled ment and appreciation for all the ood that #ou're doin for #ourself ri ht now. (o o to #our %ournal, acknowled e #ourself and write down all the winds and cele!rations that occurred in clearin #our ener #. Chapter + -(he Art o! Choosing Your Reality

=et's talk a!out manifestin toda#. =ivin #our dream, choosin #our realit#. ,hat do -prah ,infre#, comedian Aim Carre#, Nicole Bidman, Aack Canfield, Iictor Hanson, Batie Holmes. Michael Aordon, =ouise Ba#, Mariah Care#'s new hus!and Nick Cannon, .rnold (chwar5ene er, Aack Nicholson, Aenn# McCarth# and do5ens of -l#mpic athletes all have in common) The# all !elieve in the power of creative visuali5ation. This power of creative visuali5ation is part of manifestin . Aim Carre# for instance, endorses visuali5ation. He sa#s he used to drive himself atop the Holl#wood hills, sit in his car !# himself and visuali5e, visuali5e, visuali5e. He sa#s he would not let himself o home until he firml# !elieved that the pictures of success that he was pla#in in his mind's e#e were true. .nd when he was feelin euphoric from the success he had pictured, onl# then would he allow himself to o home. He sa#s that the return trip home was wonderful !ecause he felt that all the wonderful thin s he had visuali5ed were a realit# and then he was a happ# camper. -ne of the most le endar# e4amples of Ain Carre#'s devotion to visuali5ation was when he made a check out to himself for 12 million dollars for actin services rendered. In 1JJ2, when he was a relative unknown was when he did it. He posted the check Thanks ivin 1JJC. Here's what happened, He was paid a total of <22,222 for starrin in .ce Ienture :et ;etective and The Mask. He sa#s it was ood pa# for him at the time, especiall# compared to the earlier times when he would drive 122 miles in order to perform for free. *ut the hu e success of .ce Ientura and The Mask /uickl# catapulted him into other multi million dollar pa#checks. He received 8F million for ;um! and ;um!er. *ut the ama5in thin happened %ust !efore 1JJC, he si ned a contract for 812 million. He sa#s he wrote the check as an affirmation of ever#thin he'd ever learned. It wasn't a!out the mone#. He knew that if he made that much mone# He'd !e workin with the !est people and the !est material and that was alwa#s his real dream. If #ou ive up on #our dream he sa#s, what's left) -f course never for a second did Aim Carre# ive up on his dream, even when he was livin in a camper with his famil# after his dad lost his %o!. He had a dream, he visuali5ed his dreams and uess what) The# came true. ,ill (mith' I saw him on 3ouTu!e the other da#. He was talkin a!out how #ou command and demand that the universe !ecomes what #ou want. .uthors Aack Canfield and Mark Iictor Hanson of Chicken (oup for the (oul fame desired to have a me a !est0sellin !ook. That's what the# asked for, that's what the# visuali5ed. .nd look what happenedD The# now have man#, man#, man# !est sellin !ooks. Michael Aordan' he used visuali5ation to !ecome ar ua!l# the reatest !asket!all pla#er in histor#. He used to o to the championship ames in Chica o and he would watch him. It was like this inner li ht !ul! turned on and he said. $I'm oin to do it no matter what. It was powerful. 7llen ;e eneres, winner of over "J 7mm#s for her talk show, five :eople's Choice .wards, not to mention all of her other TI shows, movies, comed# and hostin %o!s, is a fan of creative visuali5ation.

In an interview I read a!out her in , Ma a5ine, she is /uoted a!out a tra ed# in her life that compelled her to ask 6od for help. This led to her writin a comed# sketch a!out what it would look like to call up 6od. .nd after she wrote it she spoke out loud and thou ht, $I'm oin to !e the first woman ever to sit on the sofa with Aohnn# Carson on the Toni ht (how&. Now for a comedian this is like winnin an -scar, it's a !i deal. *ecause if the icon of comed# invited #ou over to the couch, it was !asicall# ivin #ou a !lessin and sa#in , $He#, #ou're it.& Notice I said she spoke it out loud and she %ust knew it was oin to happen !efore it happened. ,hat was e/uall# impressive was that her sense of humor a!out !lessin s, ratitude and love was throu hout the interview. .!out her career come!ack she said, $I want to sa# I'm surprised !ecause at the same time I created it I thou h, I wanted this. (o when I look !ack on it ever# sin le thin I'm doin is what I wanted and I !elieve #ou et what #ou want.& In her whole article she uses words a!out how rateful and happ# she is and that ever#thin in life from the past that was tra ic or not so fun she is rateful for !ecause it propelled her somewhere new. .nd this oes alon with what we're talkin a!out, pullin in hi h vi!rational ener ies to move #ou throu hout #our da# and manifest #our life #our wa#. (he was also /uoted as sa#in , $I want m# show to reach people and to !e somethin positive !ecause the world is full of fear and a lot of ne ativit# and %ud ment. I %ust think people should shift into %o# and happiness. .s corn# as it sounds, we need to make a shift&. .nd that's what 7llen's all a!out. Gsin hi h vi!rational fields and creative visuali5ation and decidin what #ou want in order to manifest and create #our future. Nicole Bidman. I saw her on TI. (he was on a press %unket for the movie *ewitched. Nicole said that when she was a little irl and she watched *ewitched, she used to alwa#s sa# that she wanted to !e (amantha. .nd that's the character she ended up pla#in . Batie Holmes, Tom Cruise's new wife' I saw her on TI sa# that when she was a little irl, she used to visuali5e herself !ein married to Tom Cruise. (he was pla#in , of course, !ut as we know pla#in has a hi h vi!rational field. .nd look what happened. Mariah Care# and Nick Cannon' the# recentl# ot married. -n -prah the other da# Mariah !rou ht her new hus!and. .nd the# %oked a!out how he >spoke her into his life'. ,henever an#one asked who his dream irl was, he replied Mariah Care#. He told his friend this man# times. -ne da# he found himself in the same room with her and he asked her out. .nd of course #ou can uess what happened + she went out with him and within a short time the# were married. .rnold (war5enne er' five times Mr. Gniverse, four times Mr. -l#mpia. He said he used visuali5ation for athletic success !ut he credits it also for success as a movie star. He said when he was ver# #oun he visuali5ed himself !ein and havin whatever he wanted. Mentall# he never had an# dou!ts a!out it. He said, $The mind is reall# incredi!le. *efore I won the Mr. Gniverse I walked around the tournament like I owned it. The titles were alread# mine. I'd won it so man# times in m# mind that there was not dou!t I would win it. Then when I moved on to the movies the same thin happened. I visuali5ed m#self !ein a famous actor and earnin !i mone#. I could feel and taste success. I %ust knew it would happen. Iisuali5ation can practicall# replace ph#sical practice&. That's what he's

!een /uoted as sa#in . He used his power of ima ination to !ecome Mr. -l#mpia, movie star, !usinessman and now overnor. In 1JJ< !ase!all pla#er Mark Ma uire !roke the sin le season home run record !# hittin F2, a feat that he was /uoted as sa#in in The New 3ork Times he did from visuali5ation. -l#mpic champions Carl =ewis, 6re =ou anis, *ruce Aenner, Nanc# Berri an have all stated that usin visuali5ation and seein themselves winnin was what made them win. Aenn# McCarth# the actress, she is an author on kids and autism. (he put on her vision !oard a picture of -prah and her !ook cover when she was writin her !ook called =ouder Than ,ords. (he sa#s she's livin proof that the =aw -f .ttraction works. .fter readin The (ecret, Aenn# descri!ed makin a vision !oard. (he put a picture of -prah and alon with it a fake cover of the !ook she had started writin . Aust one #ear later her dreams !ecame a realit# when she made her first visit to the -prah ,infre# show to talk a!out her son's stru le with autism. =ouder Than ,ords /uickl# !ecame a New 3ork Times !estseller. =ouise Ha#, the founder of Ha# House sa#s a vision !oard can !e a ver# effective tool. It helps #ou focus #our thinkin on what #ou want. ,hen #ou do that it's like the universe ives #ou ideas for how it will show up. .ll this and more is availa!le to #ou. ,e're all made of the same ener #. Its %ust the mindset of !ein willin to em!od# the realit# of what it is that #ou're choosin to manifest. .nd the hi her #our vi!ration, the easier it is. .s a famil# #ou can do these visuali5ations to ether and separate. I know some families have a famil# vision !oard and one for each individual. I would encoura e #ou to teach #our kids how to manifest thin s at a #oun a e. I've witnessed kids under 12 who put thin s on their vision !oards and then manifest fish tanks and thin s for free... a trampoline... another kid I know manifested mone# to !u# a !ike. The nei h!our offered to let him mow the lawn. *ut I would encoura e #ou to %ust pla# with it and see what happens. (ome parents sa#, K,ell, if the# put it on their vision !oard then I'm oin to have to pa# for it&. *ut I've actuall# see the opposite. I've reall# seen thin s that show up. Aust work with it to ether as a famil#. I prett# much manifest an#thin that I've ever placed on a list or a vision !oard. .nd if it doesn't show up I usuall# know wh#. It's usuall# some ener # field that I have in the form of %ud ments, !eliefs, thou hts that limit it from showin up. .nd this creates a vi!rational mismatch of what I desire and where I'm at' or sometimes I trul# don't want it. The thin with manifestin is, if #ou desire to !e wealth# #ou ma# have to /uit the %o! #ou're doin , et a different education, learn new skills or actuall# chan e in some wa#. (ome people are not willin to chan e. I knew someone lookin for a home0!ased !usiness #et I could see in her ener # field there was no wa# she was oin to et the ener # is she sta#ed the same. In her case she was terrified of chan e. .nd when I told her that and I asked her if she wanted some help on it, that we could clear this !elief and she could actuall# chan e + she said no. It's weird, #eah) *ut if #ou look at life it's all a!out chan e. I mean, ood luck keepin a vi!ratin , oscillatin Molecularl# deconstructed and reconstructed realit# in place. 3ou're powerful to hold #our realit# and #our ener # in place. 3ou're also that powerful to %ust mold it into somethin else.

,hat if the wa# to reall# !e, to et thin s done on this planet, is to actuall# !e out of control) ,hen I sa# out of control what I mean is !ein out of !ein controlled, out of all the realities that keep #ou in locked !o4es. Have #ou noticed how the most out of control characters have the most fun, make the most mone# and reall# live life accordin to their rules) ,hen #ou're out of control this wa# #ou're actuall# !ein more #ou. 3ou can still !e #ourself to manifest an# dream !ut #ou ma# have to li hten the load so to speak and chan e the realit# #ou're currentl# in. . lot of the so0called famous people or wealth# people like a Hichard *ranson, a Madonna or an 7llen ;e6eneres, an# of those individuals live outside the !o4 of the normal parameters. The# didn't !u# into what was possi!le from ever#!od# else's viewpoint. The# manifested their dream life (o when I'm talkin a!out !ein out of control, what I'm reall# talkin a!out is %ust !ein out of the norm. If #ou're compl#in to what is normal or what is around #ou, it's reat if that's #our authentic choice. *ut what I'm su estin here is choose to look at if #ou could reall# live #our life #ou wanted with no rules, no parameters, how would #ou reall# want to live #our life) That's what I mean !# !ein out of control. If #ou !u# into the !eliefs and pro rams of ever#!od# that's around #ou, #ou'll et the life that ever#!od# around #ou has. (o it's all a!out choosin new thou hts, !eliefs and pro rams then oin , K,owK ,hat is possi!le here) ,hat new choice can I make to !e more m#self, !e more out of m# !o4)& Those are the thin s I want #ou to start thinkin a!out and lookin at. If #ou could have #our life like #ou reall#, reall# want it, what do #ou want) I look at m# realit# like this. I !elieve it's alread# manifested somewhere, whatever I'm askin for. There's some ener # file that sa#s: Christie, it's alread# done. Then I hook up into the ener #, I pull that ener # to me and I ask that ener # to radiate out into m# life. That's the attitude o throu h in manifestin m# realit#. Ima ine #our realit# as a wardro!e. In this wardro!e #ou could tr# on an# clothes that #ou wanted and #ou could even o shoppin and pick up e4actl# what clothes #ou want to wear. That's what a realit# is. ,hen I sa# that I step into it, what I do is, I connect to the ener etic place where I feel like that wardro!e is alread# there and I o shoppin . (o sometimes, literall#, the ener # ma# !e to the ri ht of me or a!ove me or !elow me. I literall# ask where is this realit# alread# manifested and then I ener eticall# attune to it, which means I %ust kind of feel it in m# !od#. -nce I'm attuned to it I pull the realit# into me. =iterall# it's like I tr# it on, like a wardro!e. -nce this ener # is around me I can feel , %ust as I earlier e4plained a!out Aim Carre#' when he was manifestin his career and he was sittin in the car, he was tr#in it on. He felt the emotions, he felt the ener #, he felt the realit# as if it alread# e4isted. Now I've had clients sa# to me, $,ell, that's kind of like l#in cause #ou don't reall# have it. -r it's like da#dreamin &. No, what it reall# is, is #ou're choosin #our realit#, #ou're choosin the realit# #ou want to manifest and #ou have to tr# it on otherwise #ou're not oin to et it. It's %ust the rules of the ame. (o #ou have choice. 3ou can either pla# !# the rules that reall# work or avoid them. It's %ust a choice. =et's tr# this for a minute. I want #ou to think of one thin that #ou would reall#, reall# love, whatever that is.

If #ou had this thin in #our life, what would #ou !e feelin ri ht now) ,ould #ou !e feelin happ#, e4cited, safe, comfortin ) ,hatever emotion would o with this o!%ect or this idea or this thin that #ou're manifestin . ,hat's the emotion) Now if #ou had this manifestation in #our life, what would it feel like) ,hat would #ou !e doin with it) @or instance, if #ou wanted a new car, what would it !e like to drive that new car) If #ou had a !etter relationship with #our spouse, what would #ou !e feelin ri ht now) Tr# on that feelin . Now what would #ou !e doin ) ,hat actions would #ou !e takin ) Aust da#dream them out. Now if #ou could turn it up so that it's reall# real to #ou, that this is part of #our e4perience, turn them up. ;o that C, 12 minutes ever# da# and prett# soon #ou'll have that in #our life. That's what I mean !# tr#in it on. I met m# mate this wa#. I made a list of all the /ualities, nice ener #, hi h vi!ration, works on himself, attractive, understand healin and ener # stuff so I don't have to edit m# words and e4plain m#self, fun to !e with and please show him up on m# doorstep. .nd then I added the favourite line that I add to all m# manifestations 2 !ecause I fi ure if I was so specific that I didn't leave room for somethin !etter, than I wasn't !ein nice to m#self. (o I alwa#s leave room for somethin a little !etter to show up. .t the end of it I sa#: Gniverse, please !rin me this, make it eas#, make it e4ceed m# e4pectations, make me so %o#ous and happ# when I have it and line it up so that it's so eas# I lau h a!out it. . month later m# mate literall# has a !usiness card of mine fall out of a stack of cards he hadn't looked in for a couple of #ears. He calls me for a session, and !ecause I had heard from m# uides that m# mate would show up in a month, I knew it was him when he called. .nd he's ever#thin on the list + and more !ecause I asked to e4ceed m# e4pectations. Then I take uided action. -ne time I'd asked the universe for some more friends that I reall# loved. .ll m# friends had moved out of town at the same time so I received uidance to o to a local restaurant. It was nine at ni ht. I did not want to o out, truthfull#. *ut !ecause I have trusted m# uides for so lon I went. I waked in and the onl# people there were a nice older couple. ,e started talkin and after a little while the# invited me to their entire !lock part# that was happenin the ne4t weekend. The# had children m# a e and if I went I would meet a!out C2 new friends. .nd that's what I did. (o a ain, if #ou %ust put that ener # out, #ou'll draw it to #ou. This is reall# what self master# is a!out. (elf master# is masterin #our life and makin it #our wa#. It's choosin a life #ou love and allowin it to come into the field of ener #, creatin #our realit#. 3our life is comprised of the points of view that #ou take on as well as the !eliefs and choices #ou make. I can look at what some!od# is oin to manifest in their life !# lookin at their points of view. If #ou think life sucks, uess what #ou'll create) *ecause those opinions and viewpoints make #ou stuck. If #ou un0create and destro# all these viewpoints uess what) Nothin can stick to #ou. 3ou'll love life and #ou'll manifest a life #ou love. 3our oal with this C; should !e to et reall# clear a!out what it is #ou trul# desire in #our life. (o let me ask #ou a /uestion: ,hat do #ou reall#, reall#, reall#, reall# want)

,hat inner nud es are #ou ma#!e refusin to look at !ut if #ou would %ust choose to look at these inner nud es ri ht now, what are the#) Ma#!e it's to manifest more peace and %o# in #our life. Ma#!e it's to manifest a hi her vi!ration. Ma#!e it's a !etter school for #our kids, ma#!e it's a little more e4tra cash. It doesn't reall# matter, the universe is a!undant. 3ou can ask for whatever it is #ou reall#, reall# want. .nd I would %ust start there. I would not limit or inhi!it it at an# level. .nd don't !e va ue. 3ou need to pinpoint e4actl# what #our deal is. ;o #ou want to /uit #our %o!) ;o #ou want to !u# a home) ;o #ou want to travel the world) ;o #ou want to send #our kids to private school) ;o #ou want to !e a philanthropist) Most people, when the# ask for mone# what the#'re reall# askin is for the mone# to do certain thin s in life and have certain lifest#le. .t the end of the da#, the reason wh# an#one is askin for an#thin is: I %ust want to !e happ#. 3ou can trace it all. ,h# do want to send #our kids to private school) *ecause #ou think it'll enhance their life and that makes #ou what) It makes #ou happ#. If #ou want to /uit #our %o!, wh# is that) 3ou think it will ive #ou some level of %o# in #our life. (o let's fi ure out what #our lifest#le is to reall# determine what it is #ou want in #our life. I like to think of it from a holistic view point + the lifest#le. .nd the ener # /ualit# of the lifest#le. -nce #ou've found wh# #our hot !utton is we're oin to start fi urin out e4actl# what #our vision is oin to look like. =et's o with the idea that it's not impossi!le. 3ou don't have to have a clue a!out how #ou're oin to achieve it. =et's %ust o for a while with whatever #ou reall#, reall# want and don't worr# a!out the how. =et's %ust start in some ke# areas of #our life. Aust start thinkin a!out some ke# areas. 3our self view: ,hat traits do #ou desire to add to #our life) More consciousness) How a!out more patience) Ma#!e %ust to totall# accept #ourself' reall#, reall# love #ourself. -r ma#!e it's trottin around the lo!e doin somethin #ou love. This is a section where #ou reall# see #ourself and the wa# #ou want to !e perceived in the world. This stuff works. -nce I was workin out in Chica o at the 7ast *ank Clu!. I was feelin a little under0appraised at the time and I decided that for whatever reason I want to manifest more admiration in m# life. I would work out on the (tairmaster and I would repeat mantras in m# head for whatever I desire to show up. (o !esides visuali5ation I would do mantras. =ater in the da# I was listenin to the top radio station and the# had a preview of the movie :ractical Ma ic with (andra *ullock and Nicole Bidman. He was !ashin the movie as a chick flick. .nd I completel# disa reed with him. (o I fa4ed the radio show with m# opinion of the movie. The# called me the ne4t da# and the# asked me to !e the movie reviewer. That's fast action, ri ht) .t the time I was travellin all over the countr# and I couldn't commit to !ein in a studio ever# week. *ut I received what I asked for + I had asked for admiration. @or the kids and the famil#: :ut happ# interpersonal relationships with ever#one. Bids and famil# ettin alon reat. If #ou're lookin for that special someone, find a picture of a happ# couple holdin hands walkin on the !each. I'd make a list of the t#pe of person I desire to !e in a relationship with. If #ou're currentl# in a relationship put a happ# picture of the !oth of #ou and ma#!e the words of what #ou want it to look like. 3ou can put words on #our vision !oard.

.lso, #ou can pout that #ou have friends that love #ou. I was reali5in at some point in m# life that I needed some new friends that would %ust love me and !e with me. ,ithin a week I was uided to speak somewhere and I met three new friends that are still m# friends to this da#. How a!out addin %o#ful wonderful e4chan es) (ee people as helpful, full of love and alwa#s nice to #ou. I've seen people chan e the statistics on their !usinesses and chan e the num!ers on their !ank accounts to manifest what the desire. This is what Aim Carre# did for the 812 million check. I know some!od# who manifested an e4tra 8E,222 in their safe. =iterall# it came out of thin air. It was not there !efore. I had a client et a career chan e shortl# after askin for a happ# career chan e. I once asked for a si40fi ure income to come in. It took a week for it to show up and it was from a source I had never ima ined would ever pa# me. *ut I put it out there and that's wh# it showed up. ;o #ou now that with ever#thin #ou !u# #ou can ask that more and more mone# come !ack to #ou) If I spend mone# I ask that it come !ack to me e4ponentiali5ed. It's #our realit#, #ou can ask for what #ou desire. I know another person who asked, if I !u# this will it make me mone#) If the answer is no then there's pro!a!l# a !etter deal somewhere else. In the famil# section #ou could put pictures of the famil# !ein deliriousl# happ#, livin their dream life. I know someone who desired a !a!#. ,hen she finall# put the pictures up she ot pre nant. I've had families put that the# reall# desired !ecomin more conscious. 7ver#one works in the famil# in a positive direction. ,hatever #our oal is, put it on #our vision !oard. Health: How do #ou desire #our !od# to work) I know some!od# who wanted to lose wei ht. (he put >motivation' as one of the words under her health, !ecause that's what she was lackin . Her trainer the ver# ne4t da# asked her to tr# a new C; that he'd otten, that au ht her how to !e more focused + /uick action. Instead of worr#in a!out loosin the whole "2, C2 pounds, wh# don't #ou make it a little more fun and %ust focus on some !od# part that #ou reall# want to re%uvenate) Ma#!e %ust visuali5e si4 pack a!s or visuali5e #ourself with reall# !uff !iceps. It doesn't matter, %ust make it somethin that makes it %uic#, emotional and that #ou would love. 3ou should consider doin a section on fun, travel and ho!!#. :ersonal stuff, like learnin how to tan o. I had a client who was uided to look for some new activities. He found a 3o a studio he loved and he can now do a headstand. He also decided to tr# tan o. He's so e4cellent at it and it happened within si4 months. Ma#!e #ou can %ust catch a !i fish somewhere, or et a weekl# massa e, or o to some sort of retreat, or some form of spiritual improvement #ou're lookin for. Aust do whatever makes #ou happ# in that section: fun, travel and ho!!ies. (ee the t#pe of material success #ou desire. ;o #ou like outdoors) Ma#!e #ou desire to fi4 #our #ard up. Ma#!e #ou want a new house and cars. (ome people want a !i house and for some families' lifest#le the#'d rather have a small house and take all the e4tra mone# and o travel. ,hatever it is for #ou, %ust put it up. ;on't %ust put an#thin up there, it has to !e somethin that #ou reall#, reall#, reall# want. Contri!ution: do #ou have a favourite charit#. ,hen #ou do somethin ood it attracts more prosperit# to #ou. I know some people who put 12percent awa#. -ther people pa#

themselves out of the first 12 percent so that the# know the#'re important in their life. The#'re !lessin themselves first. :ut some serious thou ht into it, thou h. *ecause a ain, #ou have to !e a little !it careful a!out what #ou ask for. I know a woman who asked for a man with a lot of hair. Her preference for herself was not !ald men. (he went to the pool with this new u# that she had met, she took off her dress to o into the pool, she turned around and said, ,oohK He was a hair# man. (o she ot e4actl# what she asked for + a u# who had a lot of hair. (o a ain she re0 clarified that and said: I %ust want him to have it on his head... somethin to consider. The vision !oard is !asicall# a tool. It's made out of poster !oard with pictures and words as a s#m!ol of all the desires #ou thou ht of to manifest in #our life. The idea is to surround #ourself with ima es of who #ou want to !ecome, what #ou want #our life to look like includin the material thin s !ut also in relationships and people. . ain, #ou're em!od#in a realit#' that's the important thin . .nd it's %ust a s#m!ol of that #ou're tr#in to em!od#. The reason #ou would have to do this as a reminder is that #ou look at it ever# da# and #ou spend some time in usin #our ener # to manifest this reat life to #ou. Hemem!er we talked a!out how Aim Carre# visuali5ed it and he worked on it and it finall# came to pass) He visuali5ed it until he could feel the euphoria in his !od#. (o #ou et a stack of pictures. 3ou can use 6oo le ima es or #ou can et a !unch of ma a5ines. *asicall# #our intent is this: #ou've alread# thou h of what it is #ou desire in #our life. Aust intuitivel# think of one word that s#m!oli5es the intent of what #ou want to enerate in #our life. It mi ht !e inspiration. It mi ht !e wealth. It mi ht !e %o#. It mi ht !e lots of other thin s. ,hatever #our one word it is, set the intent, o throu h the pictures and %ust intuitivel# tear out what #ou feel #ou want on #our vision !oard. The# mi ht not all make it on there in the end !ut %ust intuitivel# o throu h it. =ook for words #ou mi ht like, ma#!e in the center of it #ou put a heart or a famil# picture or the lo!e or #ourself lookin radiant. Then find other pictures that s#m!oli5e #our famil#, material lifest#le, education, personal rowth. career success, health. ,hen #ou're done with that intuitivel# check in and %ust lue them to the poster !oard then han it where #ou can see it ever# da#. I'm oin to add another thin to this (ome people I know like to actuall# write out how that want their life to look like. The# feel this is the easiest wa# for them to emotionall# connect to it. If #our oal is to /uit #our %o! write out #our resi nation letter. Ma#!e it can !e funn#, somethin that makes #ou lau h. If #our oal is #ou have a new home, have a vision of a housewarmin part#. If #our oal is to have a new car, o test drive it. I've test driven man# cars !efore I ot them. :ut pictures of happ# famil# if that's what #ou're eneratin . ,hatever it is, %ust make it somethin that's real to #ou and #ou can write it out. 3ou can write it out with: I'm so rateful and thankful that I have this in m# life ri ht now. I am so rateful and thankful that I have this new car. I'm so rateful and thankful that I'm a health#, happ# si5e. I'm so rateful and thankful that m# kid ot into the !est school for them. I'm so rateful and thankful that I have all this e4tra time to travel. I'm so rateful and thankful that m# lifest#le looks like this. @or #ou, I would like #ou to %ust check inside and see #our !est wa# to do it. Mostl# what I do !efore I o to !ed, I close m# e#es, I roll m# e#es up, I connect to the li ht and I see a vision of how I want m# life to look. .nd I role pla# . I feel the ener # in m# !od#. .fter I do it I %ust feel the !lessin s and the ood0feelin ener # and I thank 6od this has

manifested in m# life. I !less it and love it with pure %o#, love and li ht. I %ust feel that ener # in m# manifestations. (o for #ou, %ust do it. That's the main thin + %ust do it. .nd #ou do it lon enou h until it shows up. .nd take uided action. 3ou're a creator in a !od#. Creatin comes from the spirit of pla#. (o whenever I'm manifestin some new opportunities in m# life, I'm actuall# uided to o out and pla# and have fun. It's from this pla#ful space that more ood can come into #our life. Hemem!er, %o# is a vi!ration of CE2., so it's a hi her vi!ration. (o I o to the !each or have some sort of fun that manifests new thin s in m# life. I actuall# reali5e I make more mone# when I have more fun. :ure consciousness, pure 6od ener #, is %ust creative ener ies waitin to !e formed into reat thin s in #our life, whatever it is for #ou. If #our vi!e is fear #ou tend to use this creative ener # to create more of what) More fear. Can #ou see how the spirit of pla#, the hi her vi!rations of %o#, pla#, fun is %ust like !reathin ) It's somethin #ou reall# need. 3ou need air, #ou need water, #ou need fun. (o here is m# su estion for #ou. Most clients are uided to add pla# into their lives. -ne client who had the >temporar#' s#mptom of ceaselessness, wanted to pla# !ut she wanted it !e low cost. The reason I said temporar# was !ecause ever#thin that occurs in #our life is %ust that + it's a s#mptom, it's not the cause. ,hen #ou're !ein the creator self connected to the li ht, controllin #our thou hts and #our realit# and radiatin #our hi hest vi!rations and consciousness and take actions from that, #ou create #our whole new world. 3ou are the creator. (o operatin from the hi hest vi!ration #ou have the most pleasant outcomes !ecause #ou're creatin #our life from %o#, love, ease, fun versus an er and fear. *ack to the stor# + this client had chosen to manifest new financial success and it was one of the thin s on her vision !oard, which we will !e talkin a!out in the upcomin C;. she had asked for more financial success. .nd iven where her finances were, she knew she needed to have a hi her vi!ration and some fun to help her manifest it. (he connected to her divinel# wise self and intuitivel# asked: How can I add more fun with 5ero mone#) (he ot the insi ht to o !u# some !u!!le um and some !u!!les. (he pulled out her !est seven0#ear old ener # and she reall# ot into how much %o# it was !ein a dork. @un doesn't necessaril# mean spendin all #our cash and havin !ills to pa# later. It's reall# a!out the spirit of it all, it's a!out the ener # of it all and a!out eneratin a %o#ful feelin in #our !od#. (o it could !e makin love. ,hatever it is that enerates a lot of %o# in #our !od#. *ut it means doin it full out, !ein the ener # of it. Aust !e present, feel the %o# and ratitude and reall# receive the ener # of how much fun it is. 3ou can raise #our vi!ration si nificantl# if #ou do "2 minutes of pure, unadulterated %o#. That's an interestin word I %ust reali5ed + unadulterated. It's like #ou have to take the adult out to et the %o#, purit# and innocence !ack. ;o this full out for three da#s for "2 minutes and #ou can raise #our vi!ration + I muscle tested it for the avera e person doin this pro ram. (ome people are hi her, some people are lower !ut if #ou did this for 92 da#s for "2 minutes, #ou could raise #our consciousness level 92 to ?2 percent. It depends on #ou. 3ou can use #our spiritual tools !ut muscle test and check it out for #ourself. How much more will I raise m# vi!ration if I do this for 92 da#s, "2 minutes a da#) I pla# with ener # for a livin . I spend all m# time assessin vi!ration. It's %ust kind of fun for me to notice what's up in the world. I like to et creative and see what happens. @or instance I ask, KIf I add this ener # to m# life, what comes in) If I add this person to m# life, what does m# life look like)&

I have 5ero stress on manifestin . I %ust ask the ener # of whatever I desire to show up. .nd prett# soon it usuall# shows up in ph#sical form. 3ou can do this, too. . ain, #ou're the creator. This pla#ful approach keeps #ou out of the lower vi!rations of fear, worr# and an4iet#. I had a client who used what I am a!out to teach #ou to pull in her mate and et a reat love life. (he had tried for over a #ear to call her mate #et she was still worried and an4ious a!out it. I asked her uides how to keep her in her creator self and I was told to ive her this e4ercise. I call this the >!lessin !all of li ht'. I have since shown clients how to do this with their families and I have received positive feed!ack. (o let's start with !lessin #our da# and #our kids' da#. . !lessin is a hi h vi!rational ener # that comes from #our heart. It's a!out addin love to the mi4 and seein thin s work out. I cali!rated the ener # of m#self ivin some!od# a !lessin and it cali!rated as hi h as F?2. It all depended on the words and intent that I used. The lowest fre/uenc# was ?"C and that was %ust !# me sa#in , $I !less #ou& to some!od#. It didn't matter who as lon as I had that ener # in me and reall# felt it. It's not %ust words, it's feelin it, >I !less #ou', from m# heart. The F?2 was me sa#in , $I !less #ou with pure love and li ht. I !less #ou with pure source ener #&. . ain, I did this with the feelin of it in m# heart. I !less #ou with pure love and li ht and I !less #ou with pure source ener #. ,hen I measured it the !lessin was hi her than peace and %o#. I do this as soon as I wake up in the mornin . I connect to the li ht, I allow it to come into m# heart, I picture a !all of ener # and I call it m# da#. I pull in it ever#thin I reall# choose for m# da#. Then I place it in m# heart and I send the ener # to m# da#. (moothin ever#thin out with ease and %o# and a!undance. *ecause #ou're a creator creatin #our life, #ou can make chan es to #our da# ahead of time. To do this for another individual like #our children, ive them another !all of ener #. (eparate them !ecause the# have their own life and their own needs. I measured that the avera e child of the people who !ou ht this pro ram is a es 5ero to 11, who did the !lessin and ener # !all with them, it would raise their kids' consciousness 1<2 percent. If the#'re a e 1" to 1F, the avera e was a!out <C percent. 3ou see, after a e 11 kids reall# develop their independence and ener eticall# pull awa# from their parents. It's important that #ou em!race the child around 12 to 11 #ears old and reall# help them !rid e this ap in development. It's one of the most important a es. 3ou can include #our interactions with them in the !all of li ht !ecause the#'re a part of #our da#' the#'re part of #our life. 6ive them their own !all of li ht and their own ener # field when #ou are !lessin them. *etter still of course, teach them how to do it and walk them throu h it. Bids as #oun as E and C can do this. Here's how it works. 3ou can pla# with this !ut most often I do it this wa#: =ook up and connect to the li ht. =et the li ht in, fill #our whole !od# as we did, with #our head, #our shoulders, #our heart, #our torso, #our hips, #our le s. =et a column of li ht form around #ou and let the roundin ener # move into the center of the earth, connectin to the center of the planet. :icture and et a sense of the !all of li ht, it's a!out 12 inches across in !etween #our hands. Bind of push and pull it. 3ou can feel that there's a !all of li ht in #our hands if #ou push and pull it around a little !it. Aust feel this !all of li ht.

:ut a mental la!el on it called: M# ;a# If #ou're doin it for #our child la!el it #our child's name and their da#. =a!ellin it makes it clear to the universe what #ou're creatin . =et whatever color it wants to !e show up. (ome da#s it'll !e different and #ou can ask #our uides what the color means and wh# did it show up in the color) *ut some eneral uidelines are: 1 6reen is for healin and a!undance 1 6old or pink for love 1 6old for #our od self 1 I've seen it !rown sometimes when some!od# needs roundin 1 Hed for material needs !ein helped 1,hite is /uite common and all the colors of the rain!ow are held in the spectrum of white. (ometimes I've seen multi colors or rain!ows. .lwa#s %ust ask what it means, never assume an#thin . The# could !e different on different da#s. 3ou can place #our hands to ether and push and pull and feel the ener # of this ener # !all in #our hands. .fter a !it #ou'll pro!a!l# feel the !all of ener #. Most people do. The wa# to et a visceral feel of the !all and the li ht is to do it this wa#. .fter #ou've la!elled it >M# ;a#' call in #our uides and an els and ask for assistance on what to add. Aust sa#, $ uides and an els, can #ou help me add whatever would !e lovel# to m# da#)& Then %ust start addin what #ou desire #our da# to !e like !oth in ener # and /ualit#, so choose thin s closer to %o#, love, cele!ration, ratitude, !lessin s. (ome ease and nice mi ht !e fun. .n#thin else #ou wish to show up in #our life toda#' people, places, ifts, friendship, lovin comments, compliments, attention. =et all those come into #our awareness and as #ou're ima inin it #ou're creatin it. It's how creation works. Ima ine it lon enou h and it will show up, Ima ine clients' see the kind of ener # #ou need for them for the da#. If #ou need love, add love. (ee ever#one who thinks of #ou receive love, ratitude, %ust !# thinkin of #ou or !ein with #ou. I've !een puttin this in m# ener # field for the last #ear or so. . friend of mine from =... called one da# and said, $The stran est thin happened in meditation this mornin . I sent #ou some ener # and #ou sent it ri ht !ack to me. It felt reat. I've sent a lot of people ener # over the #ears !ut no!od#'s ever returned it. It kind of 5apped me' it felt ood&. . ain that was confirmation to me that m# spiritual ifts work !ecause I'd !een puttin in m# ener # field that ever#one who thinks of me receives love, li ht, peace ratitude from me. If #ou need uidance all da# ma#!e see the word > uidance' o into #our !u!!le. -r see a specific uide and an el do it. If #ou need focus for a test if #ou're a child, add focus. 6ot a !us# da#) .dd completion to #our pro%ect. If #ou need the phone rin in off the hook !rin in #ou mone#, add phone rin in with people wantin to !rin #ou mone#. If #ou have an issue with a person or lon standin unfor iven thin s, see kindness and for iveness oin into #our !u!!le. 3ou can add smooth sails, a smooth road ahead. (ee #ourself havin fun with #our children and #our mate. If #ou need an# help on #our health ask for a health# lifest#le. .sk for reat health to show up and #our !od# to morph into a happ#, health# si5e, whatever #our !od# wants to !e. -r whatever #our !od# sa#s, a happ#, health# whatever man# pounds. 3ou can !less #our space, #ou can !less #our office, #ou can !less #our car, #our home, fill it up with a rain!ow of ood vi!es kind of ener #. 3ou can add e4tra ener # and oomph to #our !od# for the da#. (o keep fillin it with %o#, love, consciousness, plent# of

a!undance and health, wealth and happiness, ease and %o# with #our famil#, friends, and co0workers. (ee people receivin #ou well, see #our mate tellin #ou the# love #ou, see #our children %o# filled. Aust add whatever #our heart desires. .nd when it feels full %ust !e with it for a moment and add the ener # of : I !less m#self with pure love and li ht. I !less m#self with purified source ener #. I !less m#self with pure love and li ht. I !less m#self with purified source ener #. If it's for #our child %ust sa#: 3our child's name and: I !less m# child with pure love and li ht. I !less m# child with pure source ener #. 3ou could even do this while #ou're drivin . I !less stran ers, mail!o4es... #ou name it, I have pro!a!l# !lessed it. ,h# do I do that) *ecause I love the vi!ration in m# !od# and it helps with manifestin and ettin #our life to look a certain wa#. ,hen #ou feel complete, put #our !lessin !all of li ht into #our heart. (ee #our da# radiatin out to #our heart, pro%ectin whatever #ou intend all the wa# around #ou. It's #our realit# comin into #our creator self, emanatin from the heart of the matter. 3ou're the creator that's choosin the matter. I'll ive #ou some other e4amples for the future of thin s #ou can ask for. If #ou know #our child has a particular thin the# need help on, like !ein rounded in the world, have that. If the# need super confidence, add that. Aust see it into the !all of li ht and fillin #our child's !od# with the eli4ir of super confidence and ever#thin oes well. If #our kids need new friends see these friends comin into their lives. I had a mom call me' her child had .;; and could not sit still in class. (he started usin this and in a few da#s she noticed the difference in her kid. (he put a !all of li ht around the child so the child feels focused and peaceful. (he was uided that he needed to e4ercise for half an hour, so she saw him doin that as well. I hear reports that it works for people. I was out of the countr# teachin a class and we did this !lessin . This woman found her lost passport and her lost necklace in a !a and she's looked there five times earlier that da#. It wasn't there earlier and after she did this it was there. ,hat she did was she added findin her passport and her necklace in the !lessin !all of li ht and then she found it. If #ou have a mate, !e uided in how to !less their da#. I !elieve #ou can do this for people. Aust keep it on the side of: what is the happiest and ood for them. 3ou could %ust have a !all of li ht that sa#s happiness, ease and %o#, happ# travels, fun with the famil#, ease with the !oss. -!viousl# the !est thin to do is to ask #our mate to start !lessin their own da#. I had a client who told me there was no wa# her hus!and would do this. I %ust lau hed and had her ask him if he was opposed to usin the li ht in his life. He said no. (o she ot him to push and pull his hands until he could feel thenener # of the !all of li ht. Then she asked him to fill it in with whatever he needed. He did it. He thou ht it was funn# !ut he went alon with it. (he called on her an els and said, $:leaseK =et him know this works&. (o he went to work and he had a !oss who was alwa#s hard on him actuall# compliment him that da#. He called to tell her a!out it. He thou ht it was ver# interestin that the !oss did that. (he reminded him to do it for a while and to visuali5e his da# a success. -ne da# I went to pla# *in o with friends. I like to do it %ust to practice manifestin . I usuall# win. Tr# that sometime. (o we !less this space and we use the ener # of race. 6race is like ,;E2 and it adds to whatever #ou're doin . Hi ht after I finished doin this a man workin for the *in o parlor walks over to me and hands me a !ou/uet of flowers.

.ll he said was, $These are for #ou.& I kind of looked and said, $ThanksK& and I started lau hin . .nd he went !ack to work handin out tickets to ever#one. I asked wh# and he said, $,ell, #ou %ust deserve these.& Head into it whatever #ou will !ut out of C2 other people in the room, ri ht after I sent out race and !lessin s, wh# did he come over and hand me flowers) I !less m# purse and wallet and more mone# seems to show up. Hi ht after I did it one time I walked into m# closet, put on m# %acket to o to the movies' I hadn't worn in a #ear. I put m# hand in the pocket and I pulled out 8"2. It worked that /uickl#. That is m# wish for #ou. That #ou do the !lessin !all of li ht, #ou et more and more !lessin s and hi her vi!rations come into #our life. Chapter , -(he -lanetary Shi!t in Cons"iousness Begins at Ho*e =et's talk a!out raisin #our famil#'s consciousness. ,e've alread# talked a!out how love and a!ove is reall# the wa# to do it ,e've talked a!out the scale of human consciousness, that !asicall# what #ou're oin for is a vi!ration in #our !od# ener # field of C22 or a!ove. Hemem!er, if #ou're at C22, #our ener # field affects FC2 thousand other people who are operatin !elow the vi!ration of "22 of fear, uilt, worr#, an er. 3ou can chan e the world and #our famil# !# !ein at the hi her vi!ration. The reason I chose to focus on famil#, !ecause it's the place where I can create the most chan e. It's also the place where I see the most corruption happen to a person. If #ou remem!er I mentioned that !etween the a es of 5ero and seven #ears old, a child's !rainwave state is mostl# at the level where the# are replicatin the universe around them. *asicall# like a computer the# are downloadin !eliefs so the# can learn how to et alon in the world. If parents are conscious parents and the#'re choosin to make chan es in their life !# makin choices from the vi!ration of %o#, compassion, love, we can reall# help people create a happier future, whatever it that looks like for them. *ut !asicall# we know the world's oin to !e !etter if we're choosin from the vi!ration of %o#, love, compassion and happiness. It would eliminate a lot of the dark stuff on the planet. That's wh# I chose to focus on helpin families %ust like #ou. =et's %ust sa# #ou're a female. 3ou're oin throu h #our life and #ou meet #our mate, then #ou et married. .s soon as #ou et married a whole !unch of other pro rams kick in that sa#s #ou're a wife. Now that #ou're a wife, an# pro rammin that #ou ot from #our mother a!out !ein a wife that #ou accidentall# in ested, that #ou ma# or not want, that doesn't fit the paradise that #ou're lookin for, if those pro rams ot !ooted in, #ou're now !ecomin #our mother. 3ou've heard people sa# this, $I don't know what happened to me' I almost hear m#self sa#in the same thin s, I sound %ust like m# mother&, and #ou wonder what happened. ,hat happened is those pro rams kicked in. The same with talkin a!out !ein a wife !ut it also happens when #ou're !ein a mother. .ll the thin s that #ou swore #ou would never do, and sometimes #ou hear #ourself sa#in the e4act same words and #ou o, $-h m# 6odK ,h# am I doin that) I'm !ein m# motherK& ,e have to et rid of those pro rams so #ou can choose to create #our realit# the wa# that #ou reall# desire it. (o oin forward, I'm oin to talk a!ut some su estions a!out how #ou can raise #our vi!ration to love and a!ove and keep #our famil# on a certain path so that #ou don't imprint #our children with pro rams that ma# or ma# not !e !eneficial to them. f #ou're a parent #ou can't %ust tell them what to do, #ou should !e

the ener # of it. *ecause the onl# wa# the#'re oin to soak it up in the ri ht wa# is if #ou're reall# !ein a role model and !ein the ener # that the# need. @amil# !ondin has !een shown in various studies as one of the top main thin s a child needs from a parent. The onl# wa# to !ond to a parent is throu h love and attention. (tudies have shown that parental !ondin is needed to raise hopeful, confident children who don't do dru s and alcohol. 3ou see, kids are !ondin with these other friends as a makeshift famil#. The# ma# !ecome motivated to follow that crowd. . surve# of C"2 teens a es 1" to 1< showed that the kids who ate with the famil# five times or more a week were more likel# to turn down drinkin , smokin , dru s and were more motivated in school and more optimistic a!out the future. This was versus kids who ate dinner at home three da#s a week on avera e. .n interestin side of that, to makin the effort to eat to ether is that the ener # value and closeness #ou receive from an# mem!er of the famil# that takes care of #ou can affect their emotional level and their happiness level. (tudies have also shown that children unattended, with no touch, love and !ondin have hi her levels of Cortisol, which is a stress hormone in their !od#. These hormones create stress effects on the !rains of children if the#'re under continual stress. The# studied children who row up poor' the# %ust studied poor !ecause there's a lot of stress in those environments. ,hat the found is, it wreaked havoc on their !rains. Their !rains did not develop towards the intelli ence needed to thrive. -ther studies show that !a!ies !orn in orphana es and not touched develop Cortisol increases, a ain indicatin stress. These children were reported to not do so well in life. . ain, it points to choosin love, affection, attention, !ein connected to it. .nother stud# showed that children who rew up in societies where the people ph#sicall# touched and hu ed their kids, and the moms carried them around on their !acks close to the !odies, were overall more peaceful societies. The kids left without hu in , attention and love later !ecame violent in life. It pro rams the child to !elieve that the#'re not important, the#'re not loved, the#'re not wanted. If #ou're not loved, wanted and important how is that oin to make #ou) It's pro!a!l# oin to make #ou feel a little an r#, fearful, worried. (o all the lower ener ies. Choosin to imprint #our child's life with the e4perience of %o# and compassion is an important thin . 3ou #ourself have to !e the ener # #ou e4pect them to !e. 3ou're the role model. Hemem!er, the# imprint #our stuff while the#'re in #our compan#, so offer comfort and a and heart. .!ove all else, this is what the# trul# want. Bids mostl# want to !e with #ou and !e loved. 3ou !ein the ener # of what #ou hope the# will !e will affect them faster than an#thin else #ou could do. That's wh# a lot of thin s I'm showin #ou have to do with !ein the ener # and havin #our ener # cleaned up. :arents have to !e happ# and when the kids see happ# parents the# o, $-h, happ# is normal. I want to !e that&. This is the ultimate choice. 3our !eliefs control #our realit# and if #our !eliefs a!out parentin are somewhere !elow love it's oin to !e harder to function as the parent #ou wish to !e. (o monitor #ourself and see what #our !eliefs are. 3ou can alwa#s connect to the li ht and asked that the !eliefs #ou alread# have !e deleted and replaced with the !elief #ou desire. =et's %ust sa# #ou have a vision !oard' ma#!e #ou don't see #ourself how #ou reall# want to as a parent. @ocus ever# da#, visuali5in and seein #ourself !e the parent that #ou wish to !e. .sked to !e ali ned ever# da# and send !lessin s and love to ever#thin .

.ccordin to the Heart Math Institute, the# have research that shows the power of connectin to the heart, eneratin love ener # !rin s a cohesive field of ener # to the !rain and whole self. The#'ve actuall# seen that the ener # field from the whole heart !rin s a whole cohesion to the s#stem. There's a field of ener # around #our heart that looks like a dou hnut !asicall# That's what a field of ener # is and it looks like a vorte4 from the top down. It acts like a second !rain. *ut this ener # sphere oes out all the wa# around #ou and affects ever#!od# around #ou. The research from the Heart Math Institute indicates that people feel live in the area of the heart, so when #ou focus on the heart that's where #ou feel love. The ph#sical heart responds to this love and it can !e measured !# 7C6 which is an electrocardio ram and a heart rate varia!ilit# rh#thm. ,hen a child or adult feels frustrated, an r#, worried, fearful distressed, their heart rh#thms !ecome un!alanced and disordered. (tress creates Corti5ol, inhi!ition, a shuttin down of the creative facilities that cause the !rain to !e less efficient in makin choices. *# eneratin lovin and appreciative feelin s, heart rh#thms come !ack into !alance and the# re ain their natural harmon#. =earnin and adapta!ilit# !ecomes reinstated. Children have the a!ilit# to move from love to frustrated reall# /uickl#. *ut if stress remains unresolved and heart rh#thms remain disordered, the child's natural adapta!ilit# and hopefulness diminishes. The#'ve even found that there are lots of neurons in the heart. The heart is like a second !rain. -ther research indicates that the .m# dala + it's a portion of the !rain that speciali5es in stron emotional memories such as fear + what happens is, the .m# dala compares what's familiar in memor# with new information comin in. *ut if fear !ecomes a ha!it, a child responds to the new information with fear even if it's not what's actuall# happenin . (o the .!ehaviorm# dala communicates its response to another part of the !rain, the !ottom part of the frontal lo!e and this determines what the !est response or action would !e. The frontal lo!es take a lon time to develop. (o !# 1J, the frontal lo!es are still maturin in a teena er. .nd that's wh# children and teens often feel and act !efore the# think. The choose !ehaviour !ased on what's familiar + !asicall# what the#'ve imprinted + !ecause the# don't know what the !est response is' their !rains haven't formed. If the adult role models don't teach them what the !est response and appropriate !ehaviours are these patterned emotional reactions continue into adulthood. It can override the potential for the frontal lo!es and the# never learn the appropriate response. There's also !een new !rain research that shows that we can row new responses. The Heart Math Institute also has studies on how #our heart and openin it can reduce stress, an4iet#, depression. It can decrease !urnout, fati ue. enhance #our immunit# and hormonal !alance and improve #our co nitive learnin a!ilities. It's even !een found that #our heart has an intuitive knowin in other studies that did. (o intuition is not onl# !rain !ased !ut is heart !ased. ,hen the ph#siolo ical coherence happens when #ou're connected to #our heart, driven !# a positive emotional state, it's called :s#cho0ph#siolo ical coherence. This state of ener # is associated with sustained positive emotion and hi h de rees of mental and emotional sta!ilit#. It creates s#nchroni5ation and harmon# !etween all the !odies, the mental, emotional, ph#sical and spiritual !odies.

(o #ou can see that !ein in #our heart has man# other !enefits that #ou mi ht not have !een aware of. Harmoni5in #our heart and !rain throu h love can esta!lish a complete intelli ence, a complete self where a child can look at life and reali5e there are no dead ends, there are onl# possi!ilities. The reatest ift a parent can ive a child throu hout all the ups and downs of life is love. .s school sometimes have to fill for the disinte ratin families, children often don't e4perience sustained emotional !ondin and the find it harder to learn self control and care. I know a lot of parents feel uilt# and frustrated for the lack of time the# have to commit to their children. (o what !ecomes important is that when #ou do spend time with them that #ou reall# make an effort to commit to connectin in a rateful, heartfelt space. The thin that teena ers and parents complain a lot a!out is communication and misunderstandin . ,ith a lot of families not eatin to ether, not havin lon conversations, it's eas# for these communication c#cles to !reak down. I read one statistic where the# did a surve# and in the last month the teena ers and parents + the ma%orit# of them + did not talk lon er than 12 minutes. In the last monthK *# teachin ever#one to listen to each other intuitivel# and listen with #our heart and #our head connected to source ener #, #ou can chan e a lot of thin s. I call this active listenin . It's where ever# part of #ou is listenin ' where #our intuitive self is listenin and #our ears. It's not %ust #our head. It's where #ou connect to #our child's emotional fields and reall# feel what's oin on !ehind the scenes whenever #ou're communicatin . If #ou reall# communicate from this place and not %ud e #our kids, it makes it easier for #our children to tell #ou more. 3our kids are more intuitive than #ou ma# !e aware of and the# can feel when #ou're %ud in them. (o the# shut down and don't enerall# tell #ou as much as the# should or could. (o make sure #ou're askin if the#'re talkin to #ou, $,h# are the# tellin me this) ,hat does this feel like) The#'re tellin me this thin !ut what's reall# underneath it)& @rom a ood place. Ma#!e the#'re tellin #ou a!out somethin fun that happened with their friend. Ma#!e the#'re also sa#in to #ou, $Mom, I want more fun with #ou&. -r ma#!e the#'re tellin #ou somethin a!out a part# !ut #ou feel some other kind of vi!e oin on so ma#!e there's another stor# there. *ut if #ou're not intuitivel# listenin #ou're not oin to know what's actuall# oin on. There's sometimes more there than meets the e#e. (ometimes #our kids need to talk to #ou !ecause the# need to work throu h emotions. If #ou think of all the emotion overloads kids now et with the Internet and te4tin and friends, the# receive a lot more information that the# have to assimilate than ma#!e #ou did when #ou were a kid. .nd if the# don't have a !i er picture or !i er scope of thin s, it mi ht !e hard for them to see wh# people do certain thin s. The# need to talk to #ou so that the# have some!od# to !ounce thin s off of who has a !i er scope and a !i er picture. If #ou're not reall# talkin to #our kids a lot ri ht now, how the# internali5e this is that ma#!e #ou don't care. ,hen I sa# talkin I mean the tone that #ou use, how much #ou're reall# listenin to them, are #ou half checked out) Communication is a two0wa# street and #ou reall# need to !e present. . child cannot have the ener # around them for too lon without takin it in and oin , $,ow, the#'re not reall# listenin to me. The# must not care. -h, %ust for et it&. If #ou're hearin a lot of >oh, for et its' I !et #ou there's a lot of thin s oin on that #ou mi ht not know a!out. I would consider when I'm talkin to m# kids, %ust do the whole I !less #ou, I love #ou' I !less #ou, I love #ou ' I !less #ou with pure source li ht. 6et in #our heart space and talk to them from there. The#'re oin to feel that #ou're appreciatin them, #ou're lovin them and I know that

when I'm in that space clients tell me ever#thin . It's like their file %ust opens up. *ecause, $,owK some!od#'s actuall# hearin me and lovin me&. 3our kids will open up to #ou more when #ou're in #our heart. The# will feel the care comin throu h #ou and that's a!ove all else what the#'re lookin to feel from #ou. Children desire to know that the# are enou h %ust as the# are. If #our child is appreciated + which a ain is a hi her vi!ration + the# know the# are enou h. It ives them room to flourish. -ne of the ver# simple thin s #ou can do to et into #our heart space... let's %ust sa# #ou have to handle someone who's in front of #ou and #ou're reall# not there and #ou can't leave. -ne of the easiest thin s to do is take #our hand, put it on #our heart, take a deep !reath and push love down from #our heart down into the round and sta!ili5e #ourself. That's one of the easiest thin s to do to et into #our heart space. 1 :ut #our hand on #our heart 1 Take a deep !reath 1 *reathe the ener # down #our feet into the earth That's what #ou can do when some!od#'s ri ht in front of #ou when #ou have to handle somethin in the moment. .t the end of this C; I'm oin to take #ou into a lon er meditation a!out ettin into #our heart space. . child also needs to know that it's -B to make mistakes. I heard this somewhere and I don't know whom to ive credit for it. It takes a new !a!# an avera e of "22 tries !efore the# walk. The# fail "22 times. Most skills ma# take "22 or more tries to et prett# ood at or to et prett# e4cellent at it. M# point !ein , there's never reall# a failure, sometimes it's %ust practice. Michael Aordan was /uoted as sa#in he missed nine thousand shots and lost 922 ames and was entrusted to make the ame0winnin shot "? times and missed. *ut was it more important that he take the shots or not take them !ecause he was afraid to ask /uestions, practice and o for it) I would consider teachin m# kids the power of settin their ener # to #es, #es, #es ever# da#. Aust do it !efore the# o to school: 3es, #es, #esK 3es, #es, #esK -r ma#!e the# could visuali5e a dial turnin up to #es, #es, #es. ,hen emotionall# char ed situations happen, if #ou could teach #our kids to %ust call in the ener # of love or a!ove, connect to the source, connect to their heart, #ou can chan e the wa# the# react. . teen with all those hormones needs to know that the# can connect to the source ener # for calm and uidance. It's the onl# wa# to et them out of reactions and loop# emotions and into their heart. . ain, the field of ener # in #our heart !alances #our whole s#stem. Teens need a lot of love, the#'re oin throu h a lot of chan es. I know a woman who started visuali5in her dau hter when she was 12 #ears old !ein happ# as a teena er. (he started doin this !ecause all she heard from the parents around her was, $-h m# 6od, m# teena erK& (o she didn't have an optimistic viewpoint !ut she was spiritual and connected enou h to know, $I am not oin to let that manifest in m# life&. ,hat she did is, once a month or a couple of da#s a month she would %ust visuali5e her dau hter happ# as a teena er and totall# thrivin and well0 ad%usted as an adult' doin her life purpose, !ein a!undant, !lessed and feelin reat in all wa#s. ,hat happened for her is, she had no pro!lems when her kid was a teena er and all the other parents around her did. (o it's an e4cellent thin to ma#!e do.

I noticed this woman who was a friend in m# life' she had particularl# !lessed life. (o I asked m# an els and uides to tell me' $,h# do #ou think she has such a !lessed life) ,hat's up with that& ,hat the# said was that her mom was actuall# also an e4cellent manifestor and visuali5er. .nd that her mom used to alwa#s pra# for her dau hter and see her happ#, well0ad%usted and successful. I !elieve that when #ou pra# #ou should pra# with the happ# end result in mind. *ecause pra#er's !asicall# like a form of visuali5ation and connectedness and creatin a realit#. :icture the happ# end result a lot more than #ou picture what the pro!lem is. The power of that is, as a parent #ou have this reat caretakin role that if #ou spend five, 12 minutes a da# %ust visuali5in #our kids happ# and well0ad%usted, #ou can reall# chan e their world. .nd #ou can chan e the whole ne4t eneration on this planet if enou h parents do this. I like to look at emotions as a computer. ,hen #ou have too much input in it, it could crash #our s#stem. Bids need to know + and this is a ood visual for teachin #our kids + that if the#'re oin to o towards the ne ative, drainin emotion and it crashes their s#stem, how does that make them feel) .nd from this place ma#!e the# can choose to o the hi her route of, $-h, I don't want to !e mad at m# friend for too lon . I'm oin to o this direction&. If #ou teach them from that one point0of0view, $If I feel this emotion is it oin to crash m# s#stem)& the#'ll pro!a!l# et it ri ht awa# and switch to the other pro ram. I would consider also teachin them that for iveness comes from !ein in #our heart. Aust teach them to o into their heart and reall# let it o. (how them that %ust !ecause some!od# else is doin somethin , $ It reall# has nothin to do with #ou. It's %ust their perception of the world. It's %ust their realit#. 3ou don't have to a ree with it and #ou don't have to move into their realit#. 3ou can take #ourself out of it. 3ou have free will and #ou have choice.& Bids take thin s personall# I understand, cause the#'re learnin how to do personal relationships. *ut if #ou reall# teach them at a #oun a e that it's not personal and it's not reall# their deal' that it's not personal and it's not reall# their fault, people are choosin what the#'re oin to choose, that would !e an e4cellent wa# to start. (elf0 esteem for kids comes from makin choices ali ned in love. The reall# conscious kids I know are uided, ood kids. The# don't have a need to drink and do dru s. I know some kids who are raised in ver# hi h vi!rational families' the# o to parties, it's not like the# avoid the world. The# o to parties, the# have reall# happ# relationships with their friends !ut the# %ust don't choose to indul e in that. Their friends all do it !ut the# don't. I have a friend who has a teena er who sa#s it's %ust kind of dum!, it's a waste of time, she doesn't want to feel !ad in the mornin so she doesn't do it. *ecause she was raised to trust herself, she does not feel the need to o with the crowd. (he is stron in her own ri ht and the reason I feel that she has so man# friends and is popular is !ecause the kids are drawn to her naturall# hi h vi!rational ener # field. 3ou know when #ou're around a confident person and the# e4ude this ma netism that draws #ou in and makes #ou trust them) That's what she has. I've seen a lot of kids in families whose moms and dads live !# the principles I've shown #ou. .nother techni/ue #ou can teach #our child is to think ahead. (o feel the ener #' if I do this activit# or follow this route, in two da#s am I happ# with that) In five da#s am I happ# with that) In si4 months am I happ# with that) If #ou follow the ener # out to the future #ou'll know if it's a ood thin to do. If it feels li ht, o for it. If the ener # feels a little heav#, that's a >no' response so don't o for it. Teach them li ht and heav#, #es and no. ;o it while #ou're drivin with them. Ma#!e #ou're drivin and #ou sa#, $-B, when we pull out of the drivewa# the first color car we're oin to see on the road is...& -r $,hat color shirt do #ou think #our friend's oin to !e wearin

toda#)& (tart teachin them to activel# listen and know what's oin on with some!od# !e#ond what the#'re sa#in , usin their intuition. ,hen #ou're livin in awareness #ou %ust look at the ener # and with a li htness a!out it #ou o, $I like that, that feels li ht&. -r $I don't prefer that, there's a little heaviness there&. 3ou can %ust %ump from one ener # field to the ne4t and follow #our life that wa#. =et's %ust sa# there's a child who picks on #our kid at school. 3ou could teach them to look at the ener # and sa#, $He#, wh# did this person do that) .nd is it in m# !est interest to waste m# time !ein an r# a!out it) Is it reall# worth feelin this ener # in m# !od#)& -r #ou can %ust ask intuitivel# how do I stop this) . !lessin from the heart with pure love and li ht has chan ed a lot of people I have seen from an r# to not so an r#. (o %ust teach #our child to send love to that person, call on the hi her ener ies and sa#, $I !less #ou, I love #ou. I don't know what #our deal is !ut I !less #ou and I love #ou. I !less #ou with pure love and li ht&. -r teach them to call on .rchan el Michael and ask for an assist. Aust tr# to take uided action. I'm well aware that sometimes #ou need other ener ies to stop thin s. *ut alwa#s tr# for the li ht touch first. I'm oin to show #ou a few wa#s that I do !lessin s. Hemem!er, the feelin of love and ratitude is the most powerful thin . If #ou think of somethin #ou are rateful for, #ou move into that ener # field. The first thin I do + step one + is, I think of somethin I'm rateful for a!out the person and mentall# I tell them, $I love #ou and I am so rateful that #ou are in m# life&. -r, $I love #ou and I am so rateful a!out this re ardin #ou&. -r, $I am so rateful and I love this a!out #ou&. @ill in the !lank. *ecause there's alwa#s somethin #ou can find to love a!out some!od#, in m# e4perience. Hemem!er earlier I had spoken a!out the scientist ;r. 7moto' he took the photos of the water samples when the# were startin to cr#stalli5e and for into ice. The# formed the most !eautiful eometrical shapes when #ou said words that were a hi her cali!er. -ne of the photos that was astonishin l# !eautiful had the words under it: >Thank #ou' and >I love #ou'. The ener # of that infused the water and infused the cr#stals. Hemem!er the words that were lower ener #: an er, hate, fear all that kind of stuff) The# didn't even form cr#stals. The# %ust looked like !lo!s of the ener #. (o it's ver# interestin that >thank #ou' and >I love #ou', hi her vi!rational words, formed these ama5in cr#stals. Hemem!er ratitude has a ver# hi h vi!ration, it's over F22. Now it's reall#, reall# eas# to do !lessin s and it's %ust a choice. -ne time I asked m# seven0#ear old niece to use her mind and visuali5e love comin her heart and into her apple %uice. That's how I told her how to !less it + and she did, It took one second. (he took a sip of her apple %uice and she said, $-h m# 6od, this tastes !etterK That's weirdK& (he was super e4cited !ecause it tasted !etter and she showed ever#one. I did not tell her it was oin to taste different or an# such thin , it was naturall# what happened. Here's another t#pe of thankin . 3ou can thanks a happ# outcome for showin up !efore it has show up. 3ou can even thank a person for some /ualit# that has not shown up #et that #ou would desire to see more developed in them. =et's %ust sa# #our child needs some focus. 3ou could sa#, $I am so rateful and thankful that #ou are more focused. I am so rateful and thankful that #ou're oin to et .s on #our test&. I've even done this with clients who come to me and the# want to et over their addictions to either food or alcohol or smokin , an#thin . The first thin s that I do in m#

ener # field is, I %ust think, $I am so rateful and thankful&. *asicall# I %ust do the happ# end result. =et's sa# it's alcohol' what I see is, I visuali5e them drinkin water instead of alcohol, so happ# end result. I am so rateful and thankful that the# are drinkin water instead of alcohol. .nd I see a picture of them pushin awa# the alcohol and sa#in : No, never a ain. (o it's somethin to consider !ut remem!er, think happ# end result. 3ou can't sa#, think of a pink elephant !ecause #ou create a picture of what) . pink elephant. Now this is a muscle #ou ma# have to fle4, !ut remem!er I told #ou it %ust takes a second if #ou focus. It's %ust a matter of choosin to do it. ,hen I did a week of !lessin s cars in front of me, I !lessed the mail!o4, I !lessed ever# person I came across, I !lessed ever# o!%ect I touched and it !ecame more like a communion with the ener # of ratitude. M# whole state of !ein !ecame ratitude. >I am so rateful' was not %ust words' it was the pure force of 6od movin throu h me. I !ecame one with the ratitude for all thin s and all people. .nd when I sent these thin s out miraculous thin s %ust showed up in m# life. This is one thin that if #ou do can raise #our consciousness si nificantl# and that's wh# I'm focusin on it so much. Now #ou can also send !lessin s %ust as an ener #, as a visuali5ation. 3ou can, for instance, see a shower of !lessin s comin over someone. -r, #ou can visuali5e a rain!ow comin into them with !lessin s and %o#. 3ou can also visuali5e a pink !lanket filled with love and co5# !lessin s !ein wrapped around some!od#. 3ou can ima ine a shot of li ht comin from #our heart and into theirs. Make sure if #ou do this from #our heart that #ou're in the state of ratitude !efore #ou do this. Notice >I love #ou'. 6et into #our heart: >I love #ou'. .lso visuali5e an ener # !all in !etween #our hands and ask whatever color wants to come up to come up for this !lessin , and #ou'll see a color. (ense it fillin up with whatever /ualit# #ou desire' focus, love, peace. . ain, whatever the happ# end result it. If #ou're at work and #ou know #our child is havin a pro!lem that da#, check inside what time of the da# and send them some !lessin s. M# sister does this a lot for her dau hter. (he %ust checks in and sends her dau hter some ener # when uided throu hout the da#. Then she later asks, $,hat was oin on at this time)& .nd usuall# when she checks she finds that her dau hter is havin a little trou!le and it helps her. If #ou keep track of this #ou can reall# see somethin is happenin in #our life. M# sister also does it for her famil#. Ima ine a whole famil# that throu hout the da# sends positive, lovin vi!rations to the rest of the famil#. ,hat's oin to happen is that #ou're reall# oin to use this stuff and et so aware of ever#thin that #ou'll know if some!od# needs somethin in two seconds. ,hat's oin to happen is that if #ou use this stiff, #ou're oin to et so frickin' aware of what's oin on #ou'll know ever#thin that's up in a!out two seconds. It's oin to !e fun. 3our child develops their self0esteem !# makin choices that lead to a success. (o think of the ama5in power of havin aware kids who know how to check inside and make ri ht choices. If the# check inside and it feels ood and the# follow throu h, the# feel stron and the# trust themselves more and more. Then all these choices lead to successful actions and the# no lon er have to o throu h life in fear and dou!t. The#'re livin in truth + it's an ama5in feelin . It'll teach them to respect themselves, which also increases their selfesteem. It teaches them t make choices that the# make with the ener #' the follow the ener # and the# alwa#s can trust that it'll lead to success. I reall# !elieve that kids %ust want this, the# %ust want to know what their role is and feel stron and ood in it. It'll teach them to sta# a!ove the crowd, not %ud e other people, reali5e ever#one's ot their own

path and their own thin and the# could %ust o throu h life from a reall# love and a!ove, compassionate, allowance kind of wa#. Ao#ful activities stimulate the !od#'s hormonal s#stem and create endorphins. *ondin with #our children is created !# pla#. -ne of the happiest families I've ever met has a (unda# ni ht famil# ni ht with food, fun and ames. This famil#'s !een doin it for over "2 #ears and the rown0up kids still come visit for ame ni ht. The# do it !ecause the# love it, not !ecause the# have to. ,hat if #ou made #our ever#da# life a little more cele!rator#) I met this healer one time and he had the most ama5in ener #. He was full of life. I asked him, $,hat's #our secret)& He said, $I make ever#one around me, m# famil#, friends, !usiness associates remind me when I am not !ein in m# heart and !ein full# present and full en a ed in life&. He said he was not alwa#s this wa#. He was normall# the !usiness u# kind of checked out in life, alwa#s doin four thin s at once and never reall# !ein present with an#thin . He decided to !e the heartDself u#. He said, $I started !ein reall# present and reall# in m# heart when I communicated with ever#one as m# first task&. (o his first task !efore he did an#thin he thou ht into his heart: reall# !e present. $M# famil# likes me more&, he said, $.nd I've had the most ama5in four #ears with m# teena e son. .nd I'm so lad I did it&. The onl# wa# to secure #our child's future is to help him ri ht now. .ll the pro rammin the# are receivin ri ht now is settin them up for life. 3ou can do this' #ou have the tools and #ou have the will. .nd if there's a willin ness there's a wa#. ,e're oin to o throu h a few /uestions and %ust see where #ou're at with #our child. There's no %ud ment, it's %ust awareness, %ust a check in and it's %ust oin to point #ou on what to ma#!e look for and focus on durin #our da#. 1 .re #ou enerall# reactive to #our child's emotional out!ursts or do #ou consciousl# consider: $Hmm.. what's the !est choice here)& 1 ,hat one !ehaviour can I do that models for them the wa# the# can !e in the world) .s we discussed, children are ver# impressiona!le from !irth until adulthood. The# download how #ou !ehave and mimic. (o o!serve them closel#, look at how the# should respond to their actions, move into a connected space and model the ener # of what #ou e4pect. Here's an interestin thin that I've noticed. I've noticed this in a lot more clients than #ou mi ht ima ine. If #ou tend to sa# in #our famil# that #our child acts like one of the parents. $*ill# acts %ust like dad&. or acts %ust lie mom, #ou're actuall# pro rammin them deeper. This can !e e4cellent or not so e4cellent, it depends on that the ener # is. If the#'re actin up and #ou sa#, $-h, #ou're %ust like #our dad&. That's not so ood. I actuall# corrected one mom on that as I was uided to !# her an els. I said, $The#'re tellin me that #our son prefers it when #ou don't sa# >he#, #ou're %ust like #our dad'. (he went home and she apolo i5ed to him. He said, $3ou know, that reall# does irritate me&. (o she ot her confirmation that he reall# didn't like it. I see this a lot, so %ust an interestin @3I. Gnless it's reall# oo !ehaviour I wouldn't sa# that so much. .nd if the# are actin up what does that mean) It means the#'re ma#!e takin on the emotional ener # from a parent and it's a ood time to call in the an els and clean the ener # up. 1 ,hat kinds of emotions and !ehaviour do #ou model when thin s o wron ) If somethin oes wron in #our life do #our kids see #ou as a victim) ;o #ou !lame and %ud e others) If #ou do that #ou can help their children develop their own inner securit# !# avoidin the tendenc# to !lame when thins o wron . This wa# the# won't !lame others for their pro!lems. *asicall# the#'ll row up and the#'ll !lame #ou for all #our

pro!lems. (o make them totall# self0responsi!le. Bids need to know that the# have a choice in how the# react. The# can control their future and the# can chan e it. Bids need to know that !ein responsi!le means that whatever happens in #our life #ou can take some uided action and make it different. 1 .nother /uestion. How often do #ou use uilt, shame or fear to control #our kids) I had a friend who pointed this out to me. I wasn't reall# seein it. I could see when parents were doin uiltDshameDfear !ut she said, $He#, that's emotional !lackmail&. I was like, $,ow, #ou're ri htK& It's usin uilt shame or feat to threaten the person with $He#, I mi ht take m# love awa# from #ou. If #ou don't do this then I mi ht take m# love awa#&. Can #ou see how that's !asicall# !lackmail) M# friend sa#s that when her kids were rowin up, she wanted to eliminate this as a pattern in the famil#. (o an# time a famil# mem!er used fear uilt or shame to coerce some!od# in the famil# to do somethin or to use it as a controllin mechanism, the# had to put mone# in a mone# %ar. That was her thin s. "C cents, a dollar, ever# time the# did the emotional !lackmail some!od# had to pa# up, includin the parents. If #ou choose this ma#!e #ou %ust take awa# 12 minutes computer time, *ut if #ou do it for #our kids #ou also have to do it for #ourself. Cause #ou're the role model. 1 How often do #ou have structured time with the whole famil# to ether in communication) .s we discussed !efore, that's famil# !ondin . Talkin a!out thin s, creatin thin s, an#thin that's ood to ether as a famil#. Ma#!e it's (unda# ni ht. Aust reall# make the effort to set aside a date ni ht with #our kids and famil#. Now %ust sa# #ou don't reall# know how to make the time, #our schedules are all packed up. ,h# don't #ou ask the universe and put it on #our vision !oard that somethin opens up or somethin chan es or shifts a little !it so that #ou reall# do have famil# time) It could !e a half hour, !ut a half hour of reall# connected ener #. It's completel# different than two hours of unconnected ener #. ;o #ou have conversations with #our children a!out what the#'re e4periencin emotionall# in life) 3ou can ask them a!out their friends, school and famil# and how the# feel a!out thin s. The# need ad%ustin to new e4periences. If the# can talk it out with #ou and assimilate their emotions and feelin s it can ive them perspective. If #ou can !e connected at the time and reall# perceive what's oin on, that's the !est, doin all of this without %ud ment so that the# can learn how to handle all their emotions themselves. Aust uide them to sort it out. I know a famil# that wasn't ettin alon . The# used the active communication where the# let their dau hter %ust vent. The mom had the awareness that she reall# needed to do this. (o the mom asked the child to tell her ever#thin she thou ht a!out life in the famil# and she %ust sat there, didn't %ud e, held her opinion and ever# time the kid said somethin she's o, $-B, is there an#thin else #ou don't like)& (he %ust kept askin her, $.lri ht, is there an#thin else #ou don't like) (he kept doin that until !asicall# the kid let it all out. Bids are reall# resilient' once the kid let it all out she was done with it. Mostl# what the mom learned was that the child wanted to share her feelin s and she didn't have the space in the house to reall# !e heard. Now the# do this ever# (unda#. The# %ust reall# check in with each other: How are #ou, how are #ou reall#) The ke# to doin this and ettin #our kids to do this, is the have to know that #ou're not oin to %ud e them, that #ou're %ust oin to keep #our ener # open and o, $.lri ht, what else)& 1 How often do #ou openl# e4press #our ratitude and appreciation to the children in #our life) I know a famil# who ever# time the# eat to ether, the# make sure to tell each mem!er of the famil# what the# feel !lessed a!out or what the# wish for some!od# else at the ta!le. I'm rateful for #ou and what I reall# wish for #ou is that #our life look like

this. -r, what I reall# wish for #ou is that #ou et this in #our life. -r, what I'm reall# appreciative of and rateful for is... .nd the# do this !# wa# of e4chan in love around the ta!le. 1 ;o #ou have a tendenc# to pro%ect #our !urdens onto the famil# and especiall# #our children) -r do #ou ive them a lift) (o now #ou have some intuitive skills and some spiritual skills in #our toolkit, #ou can use #our intuition to solve a lot of issues and #ou don't necessaril# have to some home with them. .nd #ou can use all #our other time to %ust !e present and have reall# ood, fun conversations with #our kids which will also !rin #ou ali ned with a lot more %o# in #ourself. 1 ;o #ou have a !alanced set of rules desi ned for #our child's !est interest) ;o #ou enforce them consistentl#) -r do #ou find #ourself ivin in to demands and lettin it slide) *alanced discipline is important. Have some !ottom line rules a!out what's appropriate and then %ust reall# !e secure enou h in makin sure #ou enforce them. The# want to know that #ou care enou h to pa# attention. Bindness, carin and love' a ain, those are hi her vi!rational fields of ener # and #our child will feel that from #ou. The# want to !e supported, the# want to learn how to enerate these feelin s for themselves, the# want to love #ou and the# want to !e loved. Thank #ou for takin the time to o throu h that and self0assesment. Aust make a little pact with #ourself: In 92 da#s I'm oin to do it a ain. I !et #ou can see some thin s have chan ed in #our famil#. .nd I !et when #ou come !ack and listen, #our ener # field will !e a lot li hter. This meditation is to open and awaken #our heart center. 6et in a comforta!le position and when #ou are read# close #our e#es. Take a deep !reath and rela4. Take another deep !reath and rela4. =ook up' o up to where #ou can connect and feel the li ht. .llow the li ht to come into #our !od# and fill #our head... fill #our face, fill #ou ears, fill #our !rain... let the li ht move into #our throat, #our shoulders... .llow this li/uid li ht to move throu h #our arms, #our el!ows and out #our hands. .llow this li ht to continue from #our throat and to #our chest and into #our heart space. @eel it oin deep into #our ri! ca e, #our a!domen, fillin up all the nooks and crannies with li ht. .llow this li ht to move into #our hips, #our thi hs, move the li ht into #our knees, #our calves and #our feet. .llow this ener #, this li ht, to move into the round and send a !eam of li ht throu h the earth and connect to the center of the planet where it feels the happiest. @eel this earthl# lovin support and allow the earth to ive somethin !ack to #ou and send the ener # up this !eam of li ht ri ht into #our heart. 3ou're invitin in the hi hest li ht source from !elow and a!ove. It's vi!ratin at the hi hest rate, vi!ratin from pure consciousness. ,hen #ou're read#, connect to #our heart where !oth li hts are meetin and !reathe in li ht throu h the middle of #our heart. .llow this li ht to e4pand out into a !u!!le of li ht fillin #our heart center with pure, lovin consciousness . Connect to #our heart and think: I love, I love I love. I open and receive the ener # of more and more love. Take another deep !reath and !reathe in li ht throu h the middle of #our heart and allow it to e4pand out and around #our !od# into a !u!!le of pure, lovin ener #,

surroundin and encompassin #our !od# and think: I love, I love, I love. I open and receive the ener # of more and more love. *reathe in li ht throu h the middle of #our heart and allow it to e4pand out fillin #our !od# with more and more love. .nd feel: I love, I love, I love. I am open to receivin more and more love. Take another deep !reath and !reath in li ht throu h the middle of #our heart and allow it to fill in the !u!!le of ener # surroundin #our !od#. .llow this ener # to move in !etween the spaces of all the spaces' in !etween the molecules and the cells. In !etween #our ;N., #our HN., #our mitochondria, creatin perfect spheres of love. I love, I love, I love. .llow this li ht to infuse all the atomic and su!0atomic levels, eneratin vitalit# in all wa#s. I love, I love, I love. *reathe in li ht throu h the middle of #our heart and allow it to fill in the ener # that is #ou, fillin #ou with pure, lovin consciousness. I love, I love, I love. I receive more and more love. Bnow that #ou can alwa#s return to this space of love at an# time, #ou %ust have to !reathe it in throu h the center of #our heart and allow it to e4pand within #ou. I love, I love, I love. This is meditation on visuali5in #our perfect famil# life. 6et in a comforta!le position and release an# fears and worries, an# thou hts from #our da#. Take a deep !reath and rela4. Take another deep !reath and rela4, lettin all #our cares and worries melt awa#. Take another deep !reath and rela4. Close #our e#es, look up and connect to the li ht. (ee and feel and sense this li ht. =et the li ht move into #our !od# and start fillin #our head, #our !rain, #our e#es, #our ears, #our mouth, and #our cheeks. .llow this li ht to start fillin in #our throat, #our shoulders and movin into #our heart. .llow this li ht to !urst out #our heart and throu h #our arms and throu h #our hands and out #our fin ertips. .llow this li ht to move into #our ri!ca e, #our torso, fillin in all the nooks and crannies. .llow this li ht to move into #our hips, #our thi hs, #our knees, #our calves, and #our feet. .llow this ener # to move into the round and send a !eam of li ht throu h the earth and into the center of the planet where it feels the happiest. @eel this earthl#, lovin support of consciousness and allow the earth to ive !ack to #ou and send ener # up this !eam of li ht into #our heart, radiatin out #our heart like a sun. 3ou're invitin in the li ht source from !elow and a!ove, vi!ratin at the hi hest and purest consciousness. Ne4t, ima ine a scene in front of #ou, with #ou and #our famil#. Ima ine or a moment that #ou can have the perfect famil# life, one in which all mem!ers of the famil# are feelin e4cellent a!out themselves' happ# and vi!rant and well. Aust et a holistic sense of #ou and #our famil# interactin as a roup. (ense the famil#'s atmosphere as fun, compassionate and %o#ful.

(ee this scene in #our dail# life where ever#one is in the reat atmosphere, interactin with ease and %o# and love. ,hat would these famil# mem!ers !e sa#in to each other if the# were ettin alon ) ,hat would these famil# mem!ers !e sa#in if the# were doin ratitude to each other) ,hat other thin do #ou notice in #our perfect famil# scene) Bnow that the more vi!rantl# #ou ali n this ener #, the !ri hter the colors, the more vi!rant the ener # feelin in #our !od#, that it will easier to manifest. (o ask one mem!er of the famil# to come forward and mentall# ask this person: what do #ou need from me) .fter #ou have received the answer, mentall# show them the wa# #ou would reall# like to see the normal interaction !etween the two of #ou. (how them in a wa# that is clear, !ri ht and !old. Mentall# sa#: let this !e so... now. Thank them for all the !lessin s the# !rin to #ou in #our life. Tell them one thin #ou love a!out them. In return as them what is one thin the# love a!out #ou. ,hen #ou're read# the# can step !ack into the famil# circle and ask another famil# mem!er to step forward. Mentall# ask this person: ,hat do #ou need from me) .fter #ou have received the answer, mentall# show them the wa# #ou would reall# like to see the normal interaction !etween the two of #ou. (how them in a wa# that is clear, !ri ht and !old. Mentall# sa#: =et this !e so now. Thank them for !ein in #our life and tell them one thin #ou are rateful for. .llow them to tell #ou one thin the# are rateful for a!out #ou. ,hen #ou're done, ive them a !i hu and send them !ack to the famil# roup and ask another mem!er of the famil# to come forward. Mentall# ask this person: ,hat do #ou need from me) .fter #ou have received the answer, mentall# show them the wa# #ou would like to see #our normal interaction !etween the two of #ou. (how them in a wa# that is clear, !ri ht and !old. Mentall# sa#: =et this !e so now. Thank them for !ein in #our life and tell them one thin #ou are rateful for a!out them. =et them tell #ou somethin the# are rateful for a!out #ou. ,hen #ou are read# thank them and send them !ack to the famil# roup. Now for a moment I would like #ou to %oin the famil# roup and to ima ine #our perfect famil# life from the holistic viewpoint. (ee all mem!ers of #our famil# interactin with pure love and %o#. .sk that all the resources, all the ener #, all the knowled e, all the tools, all the earthl# thin s #ou need to live this wa# show upon in #our universe now. =et's ask for a releasin of ever#thin in the wa# of this and call in and allow all the ifts and a!undance and tools to !e !rou ht to #ou swiftl#. (ense each mem!er livin in harmon#, ettin all their needs met. .ll mem!ers of the famil# allow all other mem!ers to have that for themselves. (ense prosperit#, a!undance and love in all wa#s, infusin all mem!ers of the famil#. (ense that all

mem!ers live in true wisdom, allowin themselves to have all the ood the# deserve. The# deserve ood in all wa#s. (ense #our famil# makin e4cellent choices that move them to their !ri htest path and most fulfillin life for them. The# make choices that fulfil them. (ense #our famil# mem!ers in e4cellent health, makin dail# choices that keep their !od# fit and #outhful. (ense #our famil# movin in circles of people and friends that add to their life. Makin people connections that serve them is eas#. If #ou are divorced and have children with a former love, sense the ener # !etween ever#one move to the happiest outcome possi!le for all concerned. .sk that this happ# outcome !e !etter than #ou could ever e4pect and make it eas#. .sk that the children are well cared for and loved. .sk that the relationship with this person move to the place where it's eas# and %o#ful, e4pectin the !est possi!le outcomes in all wa#s. .n# pro!lems #ou were havin , ask that the !est possi!le solutions show up now as all is well. (ense this ener # and send it out into the future so that all interactions with #our famil# take place in this !u!!le of %o# and lor# and wisdom. 74ponentiall# amplif# all these intents into the future. (ta# here for a moment feelin all is well. .nd when #ou are read# open #our e#es. R 7N; S

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