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Sequncia Didtica 4 Matriz de Referncia

Questo Gabarito



01 02






1.3. - Integrar informao verbal e no-verbal na compreenso global do texto escrito de vrios gneros. 2.1. - Localizar informao especfica (scanning), de acordo com os objetivos de leitura de vrios gneros textuais. 4.1 - Inferir o significado de palavras e expresses desconhecidas com base na temtica do texto, no uso do contexto e no conhecimento adquirido de regras gramaticais (flexes, posies das palavras nas frases, tempos verbais, preposies de tempo e lugar, advrbios de tempo, modo e lugar). 6.1. - Fazer uso, nos textos produzidos, de recursos coesivos gramaticais e lexicais, como, por exemplo, os pronomes, as conjunes, os hipernimos, os sinnimos e os antnimos. 3.1. - Estabelecer relaes entre termos, expresses e ideias que tenham o mesmo referente, de modo a construir os elos coesivos (lexicais e gramaticais) em gneros textuais diferentes. III. - Produzir efeitos de sentidos pretendidos pelo uso de notaes como travesso, aspas, itlico, negrito, letras maisculas, dois pontos e reticncias em textos de diferentes gneros.


The Fox and the Crow

A Crow, having stolen a bit of meat, sat in a tree and held it in her beak. A hungry Fox, seeing this, envied the crow and wished to have the meat for himself. So he came up with a cunning plan. How gracious you are, he exclaimed, how beautifully your feathers shine! Oh, if only your voice were equal to your beauty, you would deserve to be called the Queen of Birds! The Crow was really flattered by these words, so, anxious to be called the Queen of Birds, she gave a loud caw and dropped the meat. The Fox quickly picked it up, and thus addressed the Crow: My dear Crow, you have a nice voice, indeed, but Im afraid you have no wits. Do not trust flatterers. Activities
1- According to the picture: a) b) c) d) The fox took the best. The crow took the best. The meat was spoiled. The crow won the piece of meat.

2- In the text, the first quality of crow, spoken by the fox is: a) b) c) d) Bit. Hungry. Beautifully. Gracious.

3- In the sentence: The Fox quickly picked it up, and thus addressed the Crow... The underlined words gives idea of: a) b) c) d) Doubt. Manner. Intensity. Time.

4- In the sentence: So he came up with a cunning plan. The underlined word can replaceable by: a) b) c) d) Good. Bad. Smart. Unhappy.

5- In the sentence: A hungry Fox, seeing this, envied the crow and wished to have the meat for himself. The underlined words refers to: a) b) c) d) The Fox. The crow. The meat. The Plan.

6- In the sentence: How gracious you are, he exclaimed, how beautifully your feathers shine! Oh, if only your voice were equal to your beauty, you would deserve to be called the Queen of Birds! The exclamation was used to express: a) b) c) d) Emphasis. False admiration. Great admiration. Mood.


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