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Heldermann Verlag ISSN 0940-5151

Economic Quality Control Vol 23 (2008), No. 1, 109 121

Statistical Sampling Strategies for Geometric Tolerance Inspection by CMM

Bianca Maria Colosimo, Ester Gutierrez Moya, Giovanni Moroni and Stefano Petr` o

Abstract: More and more often, procedures for prole/surface monitoring and inspection refer to geometric specications. In fact, the number of form tolerance requirements (such as straightness, roundness, atness, cylindricity, free-form proles and surfaces) are increasingly appearing in technical drawings. Usually, Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs) are used to measure points on the specic feature under study in order to decide whether the machined item is conforming to requirements. In fact, measured points are used to compute the form error which has to be smaller than the tolerance value to avoid scrapping or reworking. The estimated form error is usually aected by uncertainty, which depends on both the sample size (number of points measured on the prole/surface) and the sampling strategy (location of the points on the prole/surface). The present research work focuses on the second issue and investigates the performance of several existing sampling strategies with the ones achieved by two newly presented approaches. These new approaches explore advantages arising by including a statistical analysis of a set of machined features in the sampling strategy design. Throughout the paper, a real case study concerning atness tolerance is used as reference. Keywords : Sampling strategy, geometric tolerance, measuring, CMM, variable selection, PCA.


Inspection of geometric tolerances is a complex task, because geometric errors are related to three-dimensional features and estimation of this type of errors is usually based on a cloud of points that has to be measured on the machined surface. CMMs (Coordinate Measurement Machines) are the most common equipment for 3D measurement in the mechanical eld, because of their accuracy and exibility. Recently, approaches for geometric shape monitoring have been proposed in the SPC (Statistical Process Control) literature [10, 12]. These approaches assume that, for each specic nominal geometry (circle, cylinder, line, plane, etc.), a given set of points is measured via CMM in order to detect an out-of-control state of the manufacturing process, which processed the feature. A second common use of observed data points refers to inspection, where the aim is to decide whether or not the machined item is conforming to requirements (by comparing the actual form error to the tolerance limit). In order to perform monitoring, inspection, or both, a measurement strategy has to be designed. The rst subtask of this strategy consists in selecting the sample size of the


Bianca Maria Colosimo, Ester Gutierrez Moya, Giovanni Moroni and Stefano Petr` o

cloud of points that has to be measured. The second subtask consists in selecting the exact location of each measured point. This paper deals with the second issue, which will be referred to as sampling strategy in the following. Note that the selection of a sampling strategy becomes more and more relevant as the sample size decreases. In fact, when the cloud of points is particularly dense (i.e., thousands of points), the error in question is well estimated independently of the positions of the sampled points. However, on-line applications of tolerance estimation require often a reduced sample size, because measurement costs are directly related to the number of points that have to be measured. When the sample size is reduced, the exact position of the measurement points plays a relevant role. Most of the approaches proposed in the literature and in international standards, e.g., ISO 12781 for atness [16], suggest the use of strategies which are a priori dened, independently of the specic manufacturing process, which has been used to produce the feature. Examples are the uniform, random or quasi-random (e.g., Hammersley sequence [19]) distribution of the sample points on the surface that has to be inspected. All these sampling strategies can be referred to as a-priori strategies. A second approach proposed in the literature consists in adopting adaptive sampling strategies [2, 3, 13, 21]. Adaptive sampling is a multi-step methodology, which starts with a low density, usually uniformly spaced, sampling of the feature of interest. For given information collected in this starting sample, the adaptive algorithm selects the next sampling points. The procedure is iterated until a required precision of the error estimate is achieved. Although eective, adaptive sampling strategies are hard to implement in traditional CMMs, and this is probably why they did not receive great attention in the literature and in industrial practice. Given that each feature is obtained with a specic process, a dierent approach to sampling strategy consists in considering that each particular production process leaves a particular ngerprint on the machined surface. This ngerprint will be referred to as the manufacturing signature. As an example, consider the increase in the diameter of cylindrical parts, which can be observed when workpieces are obtained by turning. This particular signature is due to an inection of the workpiece while the tool is moving far from the spindle. The manufacturing signature can be dened as the systematic pattern which characterizes all the features machined by a given process. This systematic pattern will be obviously masked by additional random noise caused by the natural variability of the process (e.g., due to vibrations, dirt, non homogeneous material, etc.). This is why a statistical analysis of a set of machined features is required to obtain the manufacturing signature estimate. The knowledge of the manufacturing signature can obviously aid the selection of an appropriate sampling strategy. Examples of manufacturing signature estimation can be found in [7, 8], where dierent geometric features are modeled via Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and the identied models are then used to select a sampling strategy. However, these approaches focus mainly on dimensional inspection of geometric features (e.g., the diameter of cylindrical components) and the adopted model, namely DFT, induces a uniformly spaced sampling strategy.

Statistical Sampling Strategies for Geometric Tolerance Inspection by CMM


A true attempt to link the statistical analysis of a set of machined features to sampling strategy design has been proposed in [14, 22]. This method, called the Extended Zone (EZ), is a two-step approach: in the rst step, a parametric model of the signature is identied and estimated by using linear regression. In the second step, sampling points are selected to minimize the variance of the regression model coecients. In this paper we will further investigate the advantages attainable by applying statisticalbased approaches to sampling strategy design. In particular, we will rst explore the use of a technique adopted for variate selection in multivariate statistics. This technique, known as Principal Component Variables (PCV) selection will be adapted to the specic problem at hand (i.e., dening a sampling strategy for geometric tolerances) and is described in Section 2. A second new approach proposed in this paper will be based on the empirical distribution of points that mainly inuence the geometric error estimate. This approach will be referred to as Extreme Points Selection (EPS) and will be presented in Section 3. Eventually, Section 4 will present a comparison of all the dierent approaches (a polar grid which represents the ISO standard, Hammersley sequence, EZ, PCV, EPS) with reference to a real case study related to atness of surfaces obtained by face turning. 1.1 A Case Study Concerning Flatness and the Standard Sampling Strategy

The case study consists of planar surfaces obtained by face turning. The tested items are a set of 130 austempering iron disks of 90 mm diameter each. In particular, for each disk a set of 120 points were measured as shown in Figure 1. This sampling strategy can be considered as a rectangular grid. A Zeiss Prismo VAST HTG CMM was used to measure data points. The main characteristics of this CMM are the specications with respect to volumetric length measuring M P EE and volumetric probing M P EP [15]: Maximum permissible error: M P EE = 2 + L/300 m Maximum permissible error: M P EP = 1.8 m

Figure 1: The original sampling strategy for the manufactured disks.


Bianca Maria Colosimo, Ester Gutierrez Moya, Giovanni Moroni and Stefano Petr` o

Flatness form error



Figure 2: (a) Flatness tolerance requirement in technical drawings, (b) the corresponding atness form error. For each machined feature, the whole set of 120 points was used to estimate the atness form error by using a Minimum Zone (MZ) algorithm. Figure 2 (a) shows the symbol used to specify a atness tolerance of t mm on the upper surface of the prismatic item. The same Figure shows in (b) the form error computation as the distance between two parallel planes, which contain between them all the actual surface. According to the standard, the prismatic item will be conforming to the requirements if the atness form error is lower than the specic tolerance requirement t.

Figure 3: The average surface observed in the real case study (all the dimensions shown are in [mm]). Figure 3 shows the surface obtained by averaging the 130 measured surfaces. The presence of a signature is quite evident: the surface, that nominally should be a at plane, is concave. Some reasons can be suggested for this behavior: the axes of the lathe used to machine the surface were perhaps not perpendicular, or some strange inection of the tool may have happened.

Statistical Sampling Strategies for Geometric Tolerance Inspection by CMM



Sampling Strategy for Flatness: The ISO standard

The international standard ISO 12781 [16] denes requirements for a sampling strategy that is intended to be used for estimating atness. Given that the harmonic content or shape variation is considered the main contributor of the atness error, the standard proposes sampling strategies which are constituted of densely sampled proles (polar grid, rectangular grid, union jack, triangular grid and parallel proles extraction). Depending on the particular geometry, a point extraction strategy is also suggested (for instance, disks should be inspected by means of a polar grid extraction strategy). Unfortunately, prole extraction can not be easily performed when common CMM with touch trigger probe is used. In fact, this solution should require measuring thousands of points, thus causing very long measurement time, a solution which is prohibitive in industrial practice. Therefore, assuming a touch trigger CMM as reference, a polar-like location of measurement points will be considered as a representative of the ISO standard from now on.

A PCA-Based Selection Procedure: The Principal Component Variables (PCV)

Principal Components Analysis (PCA) is a well-known method for reducing the dimensionality of a multivariate data set, while preserving the variability of the original data as much as possible. An exhaustive description of PCA can be found in standard textbooks as [17]. With reference to geometric tolerances, PCA can aid discovering the manufacturing signature, i.e., determining the systematic pattern characterizing a set of machined items [11]. To this aim, the points sampled on a given prole or surface are modeled as a multivariate random vector of size p. Therefore, the p components of the random vector (or p variables) are related to the p locations at which the data are collected on proles and/or surfaces. In particular, with reference to the atness specication, the p-variate random vector shows the values observed along the z direction at p dierent locations in the (x, y ) plane (as the ones shown in Figure 1). Based on PCA, several variable selection methods have been proposed in the literature [4, 18, 20]. The main idea behind these selection procedures is to retain just few variables (i.e., few points) among the initial set of p variables (i.e., an initial set of points sampled with a dense inspection strategy) while retaining most of the variability observed in this initial set. Among the dierent approaches for Principal Component variable selection, it has been shown that the RM method is able to achieve eective results at low computational costs [6] and this is why we will refer to this approach in this paper. The RM method [6, 5] is based on an optimality index aimed at selecting a subset of k variables (i.e., a subset of locations) which can preserve most of the information contained in the whole set of p original variables (locations). In particular, the RM method is based


Bianca Maria Colosimo, Ester Gutierrez Moya, Giovanni Moroni and Stefano Petr` o

on computing a similarity index between the subspace spanned by the original set of p variables and the one spanned by the selected subset of dimension k . This similarity index is based on the denition of angle between two matrices A and B. In particular, the angle cosine can be computed as < A, B > (1) cos (A, B) = ||A|| ||B|| where < A, B >= tr(AT B) is the inner product of two matrices while ||A|| = tr(AT A) is the norm of A [5]. The cosine of the angle between the two matrices given in expression (1) is sometimes called matrix correlation. With reference to a set of geometric features inspected at p locations, let X represent the n p matrix containing in the ith row the set of p data observed on the ith item (i = 1, ..., n). Assume that the matrix X has been column-centered, as usually done in PCA (i.e., assume that the average path observed over the p locations has been subtracted from the original data). Let K denote the matrix obtained by selecting a subset K of k columns of X. The RM indicator is dened as the cosine of the angle between the original data matrix X and the matrix whose columns are obtained by regressing each of the p original columns on K (i.e., orthogonally projecting the original columns in the subspace K of Rn spanned by K ): RM = cos (X, PK X) = tr XT PK X tr XT X (2)

where PK is the matrix of orthogonal projections on K. A dierent meaning of RM can be seen introducing (rm )i as the multiple correlation coecient between the ith PC (computed on the original data matrix X) and the k variables in K :

RM =


i (rm )2 i

(3) i


where i is the eigenvalue of the covariance matrix of X associated to the ith PC (note that the eigenvalue i , for all i, does not depend on the choice of K ). In this case RM can be interpreted as a weighted average of the squares of the multiple correlations between the PCs and the k selected variables, where the weights i s are the PCs variances. An exact identication of the best subset of k variables would require an exhaustive enumeration of all the possible subsets of size k that can be found starting from the original set of p variables. Unfortunately, this exhaustive enumeration requires a prohibitive computational time. Therefore, dierent heuristic algorithms have been proposed [5]. In particular, the present paper will investigate performance obtainable by using a simulated annealing algorithm for subset selection (a freely available software can be found among packages running under R [9]).

Statistical Sampling Strategies for Geometric Tolerance Inspection by CMM


This sampling strategy will be referred to as Principal Component Variables (PCV) in the following sections.

Extreme Points Selection (EPS)

When estimating the form error via the Minimum Zone algorithm (MZ), only few points hold all the information needed, namely the elements of an essential subset [1]. In fact, the MZ form error focusses usually on the extreme bounds of the actual feature measured, since the aim is to compute the maximum deviation from a perfect or ideal geometry. For instance, when the atness error is of interest, the maximum deviation from a perfect plane is represented by the distance between two parallel planes containing between them all the points measured on the actual surface (as shown in Figure 2(b)). Similarly, when the interest is in the circularity form error, the MZ algorithm requires the computation of the radial distance between two concentric circles containing between them all the observed data and having the least radial separation. Therefore, only few extreme points aect the form error computation and these points constitute the essential subset (ES). When there is a manufacturing signature, points in the ES will tend to appear approximately in the same position. In fact, the manufacturing signature is dened as the systematic pattern characterizing all the items produced by a specic process. When all the machined items have the same systematic pattern, it is likely that the ES will be constituted by a specic subset of points which are always in the same positions.

Figure 4: Extreme point histogram. Therefore, the proposed procedure consists in identifying this subset of relevant points


Bianca Maria Colosimo, Ester Gutierrez Moya, Giovanni Moroni and Stefano Petr` o

by using a (dense) sampling strategy on a rst set of machined items. Assuming that n items have been sampled in p locations, dene: 1 if the sampling point corresponding to the j th location belongs eij = (4) to the essential subsets (i.e., it is an extreme point) for the ith part 0 otherwise where i = 1, 2, . . . , n and j = 1, 2, . . . , p. Dene

Ej =


(j = 1, 2, . . . , p)


as a counter for the number of times that the j th location resulted to be an extreme point (thus aecting the form error estimate). Eventually, we can simply rank the Ej s, so that E[1] E[2] . . . E[p] , and given k < p sampling locations have to be selected, locations corresponding to E[1] , E[2] , . . . , E[k] will be chosen. Clearly, this point selection methodology corresponds to choosing the points which correspond to the highest values in an EPS histogram, i.e., an histogram showing the occurrences of extreme points at each location. Figure 4 shows the EPS histogram in the case of our atness case study, where the ordinate represents the number of times each location corresponded to an extreme point (i. e., the point is aecting the form error estimate) in the whole set of n = 130 disks in the reference sample.

Experimental results

With reference to the real case study, ve measuring strategies are compared. The rst two strategies are a-priori strategies, namely the Hammersley (H) and the polar grid (which represents the ISO-like procedure for atness error estimation and will be labeled ISO in the following). The remaining three procedures are all signature-based points extraction strategies: the EZ procedure [14, 22] and the two procedures (PCV and EPS) proposed in this paper. Let i denote the ith atness surface obtained by face turning an austempering iron disk (i = 1, . . . , n = 130). For each surface, a MZ atness form error estimate was rstly computed by using the whole set of p = 120 points represented in Figure 1. For each item i (i = 1, . . . , 130) this value of the form error is taken as reference. As a matter of fact, the estimate of the MZ form error for the same item will be dierent from this reference value when just a subset of k < p = 120 locations are considered in the form error computation. Recall that the MZ estimate depends only on the extreme values of the observed data points. Hence, the estimated error associated to the subset of selected points is usually

Statistical Sampling Strategies for Geometric Tolerance Inspection by CMM


Median performance (95% confidence interval) 0,020




ISO ISO ISO ISO 13 19 25

Figure 5: Performance comparison: Polar (ISO) vs. Hammersley (H) strategies as a function of the number of selected points k . lower than the reference one. In fact, when only few points out of the whole set of data are selected, it is unlikely that these points are just the extreme ones. This is why the performance indicator of the selection procedure is computed as the dierence between the reference form error (computed by using the entire data set) and the error computed by using just the specied subset chosen by the sampling strategy (H, ISO, EZ, PCV, EPS) for each machined item. Obviously the best procedure will be the one corresponding to the minimum performance indicator. Figure 5 shows the performance comparison when the two a-priori strategies are considered, namely the polar strategy (ISO) and the Hammersley procedure (H), for dierent values of the sub-sample size k {9, 13, 19, 25, 33}. For each value k , the dierent sampling strategies are applied to all the at surfaces (i = 1, 2, . . . , n = 130) under study and a nal 95% condence interval of the median performance indicator is computed. Here the median is used because the computed performance indicators are not normally distributed. As shown in Figure 5, the Hammersley sequence induces always a median indicator which is greater than the one obtained by using a polar-grid (ISO) approach. Therefore, the ISO procedure should be preferred to the Hammersleys one in the specic case under study. Figure 6 shows the comparison of this ISO (polar) strategy with the signature-based sampling methods (EZ, PCV, EPS). Here again, the gure reports the 95% condence intervals on the median indicator obtained by using the dierent approaches for a subset size ranging from 9 to 33. Figure 6 shows that, with the exception of samples of sizes 9 and 13, all the signature-based strategies perform better than the ISO-based approach. In particular, the EPS approach proposed in this paper outperforms all the other methods, independently of the actual value of the sample size k {9, 13, 19, 25, 33}.




Bianca Maria Colosimo, Ester Gutierrez Moya, Giovanni Moroni and Stefano Petr` o

Median performance (95% confidence interval) 0,006 0,005 0,004 0,003 0,002 0,001 0,000





Figure 6: Performance comparison: polar (ISO) vs. signature-based strategies (EZ, PCV, EPS) as a function of the number of selected points k .

Figure 7: Pattern of the selected locations with dierent sampling strategies. Eventually, Figure 7 shows the position of the points chosen by the dierent signaturebased sampling strategies (for the sample size k = 33). As it is clear from these pictures, all these sampling strategies tend to concentrate sampling points at the center and at the borders of the machined surface, according to the signature pattern shown in Figure 3. This well-behaved pattern is particularly clear for the EPS algorithm, which resulted to be the best approach. With reference to the PCV strategy, it can be observed that the selected points are mainly concentrated around the center of the surface, paying less attention to the borders. This selection can be explained by considering the way in which PCV works. In fact, PCV tends to select locations (variables) where most of the variability between dierent surfaces is observed. Evidently, this variability is mainly characterizing the central locations while being less evident on the borders. This is likely to have caused the poor performance of the PCV strategy, especially for small sample sizes. (k {9, 13}).


Statistical Sampling Strategies for Geometric Tolerance Inspection by CMM


Conclusions and further remarks

In the present paper, we showed that sampling strategies, which account for the information available by performing a statistical analysis of a set of machined items, can be very eective for inspecting items when geometric form tolerances are of interest. In particular, the collected information is summarized in what we called the manufacturing signature estimate, i.e. the model of the systematic pattern, which characterizes all the features machined by a given process. As a main result of our study, a newly proposed sampling strategy (called Extreme Points Selection) is shown to outperform dierent approaches proposed in the literature and in the ISO standard. Since measurement costs are proportional to measurement time, techniques aimed at obtaining small systematic errors in geometric tolerance estimates while reducing the number of sampled points can be eectively used in industrial practice. The main limitation behind the application of the proposed method concerns situations, in which the signature changes without any advice (for instance because of a sudden change in the machine tool). In fact, signature-based sampling strategy can become dangerous when the signature changes, given that they will go on suggesting measurement point locations, which are no more relevant for describing the systematic pattern of machined items. Therefore, a prole/surface monitoring technique [10, 12] should be always used in conjunction with signature-based sampling strategies. Acknowledgment: This work was carried out with the funding of the Italian Ministry of University and Research.

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Bianca Maria Colosimo, Ester Gutierrez Moya, Giovanni Moroni and Stefano Petr` o

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Statistical Sampling Strategies for Geometric Tolerance Inspection by CMM


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Bianca Maria Colosimo Dipartimento di Meccanica Politecnico di Milano Via la Masa 1 20156 Milano, Italy e-mail: Giovanni Moroni Dipartimento di Meccanica Politecnico di Milano Via la Masa 1 20156 Milano, Italy e-mail:

Ester Gutierrez Moya Dep. Industrial Management University of Seville c/Camino de los Descubrimientos s/n 41092 Sevilla, Spain e-mail: Stefano Petr` o Dipartimento di Meccanica Politecnico di Milano Via la Masa 1 20156 Milano, Italy e-mail:

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