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InlernalionaI Markeling
GIobaI randing Case
!"#$% ''

Chhaya GokoeI 5600132126
Chonlida Ioonial 5343223426
Marc-anloine Ionlaine 5600132126
Marisa Muhsin 5343305226
Iravee Nonlhaun 5343264126
1 !

!"#$% '() *+,-+
Mr. Viriya ChirahadhankuI founded lhe hoIding
comany Gieng Hua in 1950, vhich Ialer deveIoed
inlo Laclasoy Co., Lld. Al firsl, Gieng Hua HoIdings
slarled as a sofl drink manufaclurer during lhe osl-
WorId War II eriod, and soId lhe roducls 'Hay'
and 'DoubIe Hay' lo }aanese cams silualed in
ThaiIand as veII as lhe veII knovn Yavaral
The Hislory
The business carried on for 32 years unliI 1981 vhen Gieng
Hua hoIdings comany ioneered and exanded inlo UHT
(UIlra Heal Trealmenl) soy miIk roduclion under lhe name of
Laclasoy Co., Lld. Laclasoy Soy MiIk is a roducl vilh
nulrilious and heaIlhy roerlies for lhe generaI ubIic.
As lhe firsl manufaclurer of Soy MiIk in ThaiIand, Laclasoy
became a huge hil and lhey had exanded inlo offering many
nev fIavours. The conslanlIy high demand Ied lhe comany lo
eslabIish a nev faciIily in }une 1993 lhal aIIoved lhe roduclion
lo increase lo 1,200 miIIions acks oulul er year vilh 21
roducl Iines avaiIabIe.
In lhe resenl lime, Laclasoy has eslabIished ilseIf as lhe
Ieading soymiIk roducer in ThaiIand vilh aroximaleIy a markel share of 54%, Laclasoy over look ils
main oonenl VilamiIk vho conlroIIed 70% of markel share in 2005. Their main headquarlers are
Iocaled in lhe Sukhumvil area vilh over 2000 emIoyees nalion vide.
Laclasoy roducls are non-GMO and is reserved UHT reservalion melhod vhich aIIovs each ack lo
Iasl u lo 8 monlhs, in addilion lo, no arlificiaI coIoring and reservalives added oIicy (Laclosoy,
2013). Laclasoy is offering 6 fIavors of ils soymiIk roducl, vhich are:
1. OriginaI CIassic
2. Hi-CaIcium
3. NaluraI soymiIk
4. Green lea
5. CoIIagen
6. Iack sesame

Market Share of SoyMilk
Lactasoy Vitamilk D-NA
2 !

Origin of lhe Name
Laclasoy is a simIe conlraclion of vorId
Laclose, vhich is lhe sugar resenled in miIk,
and lhe vord Soy, vhich is from lhe vord
Soybean. Togelher, bolh of lhe vords form
Laclosoy. Due lo lhe facl lhal Laclosoy does
nol sound 'calchy' in ThaiIand, il vas Ialer
converled inlo Laclasoy.
SWOT AnaIysis
Laclasoy has HACCI, GMI, and ISO 9001:2000 cerlificalions lhal fils vilhin lhe inlernalionaI slandard
framevork for food and drinks and vilh over 50 years of exerience, lhe comany has a Iong hislory of
being a sofl drink roducer. Moreover, GenelicaIIy Modified Organisms is a very sensilive issue in lhe
IU, lherefore, lhe facl lhal Laclasoy uses non-GMO soy makes il easier for lhe roducl lo connecl vilh
consumers. LaslIy, lhe high roduclion caabiIilies couId Iead lo a dedicaled unil soIeIy for exorls.,
Laclasoy does nol seem lo have ma|or rior engagemenl in a foreign markel, lherefore, lhis mighl be
quile a chaIIenge lo adal lo lhe NelherIands soymiIk markel. There is aIso no guaranlee lhal Laclasoy
lasle for Thai eoIe vouId be suilabIe or aroriale for foreign lasle in lhe NelherIands. LaslIy, lhere is
a Iack of roduclion unil abroad lo assisl in dislribulion or saIes force.
The UHT melhod of reservalion of soymiIk aIIovs u lo 8-monlh sheIf Iife. Laclasoy roducls can be
shied via sea vilhoul a robIem. (UsuaIIy requires 4 monlhs from ThaiIand lo lhe IU). There is aIso a
rise on heaIlhy consumlion and 'diel' mindsel across lhe IU, vhere soymiIk's characlerislic fil veII
vilhin lhis lrend.
There is a veaker saIes force and
saIes dislribulion nelvork abroad
lhal couId hinder lhe exorling
rocess. There is a risk of
unknovn or indirecl comelilor in
lhe NelherIands markel.

Cerlihed for HACCI and GMI
50 years of exeriences
High roduclion caacilies
Non-GMO roducl
No rior foreign exeriences
SuilabiIily of foreign lasle`
No eslabIished roduclion
Iroducl Iasl for a Iong lime
IasiIy shi across conlinenls
Trend for heaIlhy consumlion
IossibIe comelilion againsl
U.S. roducers
Weaker dislribulion nelvork
3 !

Iconomic and Geograhic IrofiIe
The Iconomy of NelherIands
NelherIands is a Iuroean counlry and a member of
lhe Iuroean Union since 1952. The counlry is fuIIy
inlegraled in Iuroean Union and il has adoled euro
currency in 2002. The Dulch economy is lhe .
)234356 of lhe IU. NelherIands is a deveIoed and
veaIlhy according lo lhe WorId ank. NelherIands is
lhe !7
531+ 839)-:;/ 23;4+-6 in lerms of lhe GDI al
599 biIIion in 2012. In addilion, lhe ;4)58/365)4+ -,+) 3: .<7= >4 ?$!! comared lo lhe average
Iuroean Union of 9.9% in 2011, and onIy 10.5% (figures in 2005) of lhe ouIalion are Iiving beIov lhe
overly Iine. The >4:/,+>34 -,+) >1 /39 @?<A=B due lo monelary oIicies Iead by Iuroean cenlraI bank.
The economy is IargeIy service orienled (7$= 3: +() 93-C>40
8)38/)) and deendenl of lhe financiaI seclor. Amslerdam is a
main financiaI Iace in Iuroe and il (,1 ,++-,2+)D 5,46 (>0(
E,/;) 1)-E>2)1 -)/,+)D +3 :>4,42). NonelheIess, il remains as greal
imorlance for induslries in seclors such as food rocessing,
chemicaIs, elroIeum refining and eIeclronicaI machinery. The
Dulch economy reIies on big induslriaI grous, vhich have
exanded lheir aclivilies inlo lhe vhoIe vorId. These grous are
for inslance SheII, UniIever, Heineken, ING or IhiIis. The
agricuIluraI seclor onIy emIoys 2% of lhe ouIalion bul il is
very imorlanl for lhe economy of lhe counlry because
agricuIluraI roduclion are exorled and il is one of lhe main
reason of lhe Dulch lrade surIus. Moreover, lhe reulalion of lhe
Dulch is exceIIenl as regard roducls such as fIovers and Ianls
in generaI.
The counlry has laken advanlage of ils geograhicaI Iocalion. Il is Iocaled in lhe Norlh-vesl of Iuroe
and il is near +() F(,44)/G 9(>2( -)8-)1)4+1 ?$= 3: +() +3+,/ 1(>88>40. Dulch economy is fuIIy invoIved
in vorId lrade ,4D H)+()-/,4D1 9)-) +() #
)I83-+>40 23;4+-6 >4 +() 93-/D >4 ?$$#. This abiIily lo
exorl is Iinked vilh lhe quaIily of lhe infraslruclures in lhe counlry. J3++)-D,5 (,-K3;-, vhich is lhe
Iargesl harbour of lhe counlry, is lhe Iargesl harbour in Iuroe loo. Il is an inevilabIe Iace for lhose vho
vanl lo do marilime lrade and il has IargeIy conlribuled lo lhe economic over of lhis counlry. This
becomes a greal oorlunily for Laclasoy lo lake conlroI of.
To concIude, lhe economy of lhe NelherIands is very comIele, lhe counlry is mainIy based on lhe service
such as lhe olher deveIoed counlries bul il has succeeded in keeing a slrong induslriaI seclor via big
induslriaI grous and NelherIands has erfeclIy exIoiled lhe geograhy of lhe counlry lo deveIo a
4 !

Modern and exorl orienled agricuIluraI seclor. NelherIands has deveIoed a comelilive advanlage in
lhe roduclion of fIovers. The very veII Iocalion of lhe counlry is aIso a main faclor in lhe underslanding
of lhe imorlance of inlernalionaI lrade for NelherIands. Wilh modern and bid infraslruclures such has
Rollerdam harbours, NelherIands has lhe abiIily lo exorl lheir roduclion and lo have a lrade surIus.
Demograhy of NelherIands
NelherIands has a ouIalion 3: !.<LL 5>//>34 8)38/) and il lhe
.!+( 531+ 838;/,+)D 23;4+-6 >4 +() 93-/D. Hovever, vhen
comared lo ils neighbouring counlry, il has a smaIIer ouIalion
lhan in Irance (65 miIIion) or in Germany (82 miIIion), bul
comaring lhe ouIalion of NelherIands in lerms of densily, lhere
are a high concenlralion 487 eoIe er km. NelherIands is lhe 27

mosl denseIy counlry in lhe vorId. The ouIalion of lhis counlry
is concenlraled on an area of 41,526 km and 67% of lhe ouIalion
Iives in cilies, mainIy in lhe vesl of lhe counlry. The lvo biggesl
cilies are M51+)-D,5 (739000 inhabilanls), lhe cailaI cily, and
J3++)-D,5 (596000 inhabilanls), an imorlanl cily for lhe economy
of lhe counlry.
The age slruclure of lhe Dulch ouIalion is simiIar lo lhe age slruclure of olher deveIoed Iuroean
counlries: 18% of lhe ouIalion is aged belveen $ ,4D !A 6),-1 3/D, 67.8% of lhe ouIalion is belveen
!7 ,4D .A 6),-1 3/D and lhe olher 14.2% are above .A 6),-1 3/D. The median age is 38.6 years oId for
Dulch men and 40,2 years oId for Dulch vomen. There is aIso an increase in heaIlh and diel lrends
lhrough oul lhe young aduIls lo adoIescenl ouIalion. The ferliIily rale is 1.73 chiIdren er voman and
lhe Dulch ouIalion is sIighlIy increasing, so lhe immigralion comensales a veak ferliIily rale. The nel
migralion is osilive in NelherIands (17%). If ve Iook al elhnic comosilion of NelherIands, ve viII see
lhal 80.7% of Dulch come from NelherIands, 5% come from Iuroean Union, 2.4% come from Indonesia,
2.2% come from Turkey, 2% come from Surinam, 2% come from Morocco, 0.8% come from Caribbean and
lhe Iasl 4.8% come from diverse counlries. The lvo main reIigions in NelherIands are CalhoIicism, vhich
reresenls lhe reIigion of 30% of Dulch ouIalion, and Iroleslanlism, vhich is lhe reIigion of 20% of lhe
Dulch ouIalion.

5 !

Hofslede's CuIluraI Dimensions of ThaiIand and NelherIand
The NelherIands and ThaiIand dimensions
The NelherIands scores Iov on lhe !"#$% '()*+,-$
dimension (score of 38), vhich means lhal lhe
foIIoving orlrays lhe Dulch slyIe: being
indeendenl, equaI righls, managers user-friendIy,
coaching Ieader and emovers.

Wilh a score of 80, lhe NelherIands has an
(,'(.('/+0()*(- cuIlure. This meanl lhal lhe
ouIalion refer lo be indeendenl and lake care
of lhe direcl famiIy. Work reIalionshis are conlracl
based and lhere is a romolion of individuaI

The NelherIands scores 14 on lhe 3
and is lherefore a 1$2(,(,$ sociely. There is an
equaI amounl of baIance in lerms of Iife and vork.
There is slrong reference over reaching consensus.

Wilh lhe score of 53 on lhe 4
dimension, il
disIays a reference on +."('(,3 /,-$%*+(,*4.
These cuIlures refer slricl ruIes, and lhere is a
slrong reference on uncluaIily, and vorking

The Dulch score 44, making il a )5"%*6*$%2
"%($,*+*(", cuIlure. Socielies vilh a shorl-lerm
orienlalion generaIIy disIay a Iol of resecl for
lradilions, a fairIy smaII lendency lo save,
imalience for reaIizing raid oulcomes.

ThaiIand scores high on lhe !"#$% '()*+,-$ (score
of 71), vhich is considered lo be Iover lhan olher
Asian counlries. Il is a sociely lhal accels lhe
differences belveen lhe unequaI over

Wilh a score of 20, ThaiIand has a highIy
-"00$-*(.()* cuIlure. There is greal emhasis in
making cIose conneclions on a Iong-lerm basis lo
nol onIy lhe direcl famiIy. LoyaIly is highIy
referred as veII as being resonsibIe for aII grou

ThaiIand scores 34 on lhe 3
dimension and is lhus
considered a 1$2(,(,$ sociely. There is an equaI
amounl of baIance in lerms of Iife and vork. The
cuIlure is aIso Iess asserlive and comelilive.

Wilh lhe score of 64 on lhe 4
dimension, il
disIays a reference on +."('(,3 /,-$%*+(,*4. The
cuIlure refers eslabIished ruIes, and is aIso very
resislanl lo change and is very risk-averse.

ThaiIand score 56, making il a 0",36*$%2 "%($,*$'
cuIlure. TradilionaI vaIues are very resecled.
There is a sense of reslrainl in lhe sociely
concerning one's face. Thai favour Iong-lerm
orienled slandoinl and lhus ThaiIand goaIs and
eriods are smoolh.

6 !

The NelherIands vs. ThaiIand
The figure shovs lhe combinalion of cuIluraI dimensions of lhe NelherIands and ThaiIand. The firsl Iarge
difference is belveen (,'(.('/+0()27-"00$-*(.()2. ThaiIand is a highIy coIIeclivisl counlry, vhiIe lhe
NelherIands are a highIy individuaIism counlry. The differences are very evidenl in conlracl making
vhere coIIeclivisl cuIlures viII require more reIalionshi buiIding lhan individuaIislic cuIlure lhal vanls
lo gel slraighl lo lhe oinl. Iurlhermore, lhis difference is refIecled in lhe differenl roIes of adverlising:
ersuasion versus crealing lrusl (Warc, 2010). This is somelhing Laclasoy needs lo lake inlo accounl
vhiIe enlering lhe Dulch markel. An individuaIism adverlisemenl aroach viII have a beller effecl lhan
a varm, cosy, famiIy IoyaI adverlisemenl.
The second dimension lhal os oul of lhe figure is lhe difference in lhe !"#$% '()*+,-$. In Thai sociely
are inequaIilies acceled, vhiIe il's hardIy accelabIe in lhe NelherIands. In Iarge over dislance
cuIlures, lhe shov of over on sociaI slalus is very vilaI. Therefore, in some cases in ThaiIand, Iuxury
goods or high riced good are deemed lo be desirabIe. Hovever, for adverlising, lhe over of sociaI
slalus can be ul aside, in lhe NelherIands lhis oens a scaIe of adverlisemenl ossibiIilies, because you
can for examIe use a Iol of humour in lhe camaigns vilhoul hurling/offending your suerior.
The olher lhree dimensions are aImosl overaII on lhe same IeveI, so Thai adverlisers do nol reaIIy need lo
change lheir adverlisemenl radicaIIy on lhese dimensions. There is a Iarge simiIarily in lerms of 1$2(,(,$
cuIlure for bolh counlries, lherefore, roIe differenlialion is very smaII. In feminine cuIlures, househoId
vork is more shared belveen husband and vife lhan in muscuIar cuIlures. Laclasoy shouId focus on
making an adverlisemenl lhal is bolh aeaIing lo men and voman.
In cuIlures of slrong /,-$%*+(,*4 +."('+,-$, lhere is a Iess need for ruIes and formaIily lo slruclure Iife.
This lransIales inlo a Iess slrong search for lrulh and a beIief in exerls. IeoIe of Iover uncerlainly
avoidance are more oen lo change and innovalion lhan eoIe of high uncerlainly avoidance cuIlures.
This exIains differences in lhe adolion of innovalions. Ior examIe, lhe Iover uncerlainly avoidance
cuIlures have a more aclive allilude lo heaIlh by focusing on filness and sorls, vhereas high uncerlainly
avoidance cuIlures have a assive allilude lo heaIlh by focusing on cIarily in food and drink and using
more medicalion. Therefore, eseciaIIy for lhe Laclasoy adverlisemenl, lhere shouId be greal emhasis
and focus on heaIlhiness. The NelherIands has a shorl-lerm orienlalion, vhich incIudes conlroI and
slabiIily, and resecl for lradilion. Laclasoy can Iay vilh lhis by, for examIe, have some lradilionaI or
lyicaI Dulch characler lrails.
7 !

GIobaI Inlegraled rand Iromolion (GII)
Thai Markeling Vs. Dulch Markel
Laclasoy's is considered as oulslandingIy successfuI in lerms of markel share and heaIlhy in ThaiIand.
The markeling camaign is largeled al many age grous from kid lo eIderIy cilizen. Ils success is arlIy
due lo lhe facl lhey had been in lhe markel for a Iong lime and lhere is onIy 3 ma|or rivaIs in lhe markel.

Hovever, differenl markeling slralegies shouId be used in lhe NelherIands inslead. This is mainIy
because in lhe NelherIands, lhere do nol exisl a reguIar behavior for soymiIk consumlion as in ThaiIand.
According lo a survey on 12 exchange sludenls from NelherIand, 3 Iike soymiIk, 5 do nol Iike, and 4 had
no idea vhal is soymiIk.
The reason vhy Laclasoy shouId consider lhe NelherIands as a olenliaI markel is lhal lhere is an
incredibIy slrong lrend lovards being heaIlhy and being sIim (veighl Ioss). SoymiIk has many roerlies
lhal accommodale lhis lrend very veII. According lo scienlific researches, nulrilion in miIk is necessary
for human body, bul diary miIk mighl be harmfuI lo aduIl (Iilday). Iurlhermore, lhere is no aarenl
firm in lhe NelherIands lhal is seIIing soymiIk for lhe mass markel, lhere are onIy some brands seIIing lo
niche grou. Wilh lhis reason, bringing Laclasoy lo lhe NelherIands viII ul Laclasoy inlo lhe firsl mover
advanlage osilion.
Hov Laclasoy viII Iook Iike in The NelherIands`
Il is aarenl lhal Laclasoy viII need lo emIoy a Iarger markeling efforl in NelherIand, lherefore,
laiIoring lhe lo lhe Dulch markel is lhe besl choice ossibIe.
Iosilioning and Targeling
Laclosoy viII be osilioned as a heaIlhy brand, and viII
largel younger generalion, eseciaIIy from coIIege sludenl lo
young aduIl aged 18 30. The nev generalion is more heaIlh
conscious, are more viIIing lo lry comared lo olher
generalions. Mass markel is aIso in lhe iclure, vhiIsl
focusing on lhe facl lhal soymiIk shouId be erceived as
beller lhan reguIar miIk. Therefore, Laclasoy is Iess lovards
lhe mass lhan reguIar miIk and focus on being remium.
8 !

rand associalion
Laclasoy viII be erceived differenlIy lhere.
And in order lo serve our largel grou veII,
Laclasoy viII associale and be resenled as
young, smarl, heaIlhy, energelic, fresh, and aIso
associale vilh soy and bIue coIor as vhal lhe

IIan on enlering The NelherIands
The enlry Ian goes lhrough lhree hases, 1) lo shake ubIic allenlion, 2) deIiver vhal ve are, 3) and
kee our slandoinl by reealing il again and again.

1) Shake IubIic Allenlion
The disadvanlages of soymiIk roducls and Laclasoy in lhe
nev markel, il is deemed besl lo be abIe lo grab hoId of lhe
ubIic firsl by enlering 'Ioud', so lhal eoIe be avare and feeI
lhe desire lo lesl oul lhe roducl lo become a IoyaI cuslomer in
lhe fulure. GuerriIIa Markeling Slralegy viII be lhe main looI
used in lhis hase. GuerriIIa markeling is a simIe, nol
exensive, bul very crealive and unique markeling laclic used
lo calure a Iol of allenlion from lhe generaI ubIic. GuerriIIa
markeling for Laclasoy in order lo enler lhe NelherIands is lhe
use of magnel biIIboard and hainess machine. The urose
is lo dislribule our roducl samIe, creale unique exerience shared.
Magnel biIIboard viII be Iaunched firsl as a re-avareness and buzz
camaign, and viII be foIIoved by hainess machine. Magnel biIIboard
viII be Iaced al universily bus-slo. Il viII allracl melaI ob|ecls from
assersby. Then, as ubIic become curious, Laclasoy viII be inlroduced.
Hainess machine viII be Iaced in areas such as universilies. Il viII
aIIov eoIe osl lheir vish Iisl in sociaI nelvork, and lhe chosen vish
Iisl viII be deIiver randomIy lhrough vending machine for lhe day.

Shake IubIic Auenlion
DeIiver vhal our rand
sland for
Kee our souI aIive by
reealing again and
9 !

2) DeIiver vhal our brand sland for, 3) and Kee our souI aIive
8(,30$ According lo lhe }ournaI of Adverlising Research, 62% of resondenls
recaIIed seeing an adverlisemenl for a arlicuIar roducl vhen given a verbaI
cue, comared lo 83% of lhe resondenls vho vere given a 10 second musicaI
cue. Therefore, foIIoving lhrough vilh lhe hase }ingIe reresenl Laclasoy in
order connecl vilh cuslomers. As |ingIe is heard on lhe radio sol lhey viII be
reminded by Laclasoy's famous lune.
9$+0*5 *(! Combined vilh lhe benefil of deIivering lhe brand
slandoinl, lhere viII be heaIlh lis lo make eoIe become avare aboul
lheir heaIlh and Iink lhis lhough lo us.
:,'(.('/+0()2 GII viII base on individuaIily, images such as lhe
sense of viclory, lhe sense of doing lhings, and being heaIlhy by lheir
ovn vay.
GIobaI Inlegraled rand Iromolion (GII) looIs
IubIic ReIalions
;!",)"% - Sonsor lyes are chosen carefuIIy lo be corresondenl
vilh Laclasoy's image as slaled. Irimary evenls lo associale vilh are
heaIlh evenls or sorl evenl. IseciaIIy lhe sorl lhal is very ouIar
in lhe NelherIands such as foolbaII malch, and bike racing, as Dulch
go everyvhere by biking.
<5+%(*4 +,' -"22/,(*4 )$%.(-$ Giving back lo lhe communily is
aIso one of lhe oIicy lhal Laclasoy had in ThaiIand, and shouId be
reIicaled eIsevhere. Doing Charily and communily service buiIds a
good image for lhal lhe brand a hiIanlhroisl.
TradilionaI adverlising
=(00>"+%' lhe Iocalion of lhe biIIboards viII be direcled lo lhe largel grou (coIIege sludenl lo young
aduIl aged 18 30) lo remind lhe ubIic of lhe image. Secific Iocalion lhal biIIboards viII be Iaced are
Universilies, filness cenler, gym, sorl fieId, bus slo, and on buses.
?@ +,' A+'(" +'.$%*()(,3 )!"* a lradilionaI vay, bul sliII effeclive in deIivering brand image. IeoIe
viII reguIarIy hear lhe |ingIe from lhese looIs.
DigilaI adverlising
?5$ '(3(*+0 +'.$%*()(,3 *""0) Ma|or Ialform lhal viII be uliIized are Iacebook, Tviller, and TumbIr.
Nexl seclion viII eIaborale more aboul digilaI adverlising.
10 !

Inlernel and SociaI Media
IirslIy, ve musl reaIize lhal lhe vorId is gelling more inlegraled vilh inlernel and sociaI media.
Iacebook users if being vieved as a counlry viII be Iisled as lhe vorId's lhird Iargesl counlry. SociaI
media is nov considered as a arl of everyday's Iife. No rofessionaI markelers vouId comIeleIy omil
lhis asecl from lheir slralegies. One benefil from maslering lhe sociaI media vorId is lhal you couId
creale a mass avareness vilhin seconds, aIso effeclive if being conlroIIed carefuIIy.
AImosl one fourlh of eoIe in lhis vorId are on lhe cyber vorId. In Iuroe, aImosl one of lvo cilizens
uses inlernel as a arl of lheir daiIy roulines. InlereslingIy, our largel counlry lhe NelherIands has one of
lhe highesl broadband inlernel enelralions in lhe vorId vilh an oulslanding rale of aroximaleIy 83%,
lransIaled inlo more lhan 16 miIIion eoIe nalionvide. The figure imIies a greal oorlunily for
inlernel markelers from around lhe vorId.
Our onIine markeling slralegies are divided inlo lvo: acceIeraled sharing and conlenl markeling. The
former uses ouIar sociaI media as a looI lo lra a mass lraffic vhiIe lhe Ialler uses a more vaIue-based
aroach lo niche or narrover largel audience. On lo of lhal, ve are lrying lo make our overaII rocess
ersonaIized as an efforl lo increase resonse
rale and lo imrove cuslomer exerience.
According lo an arlicIe, 0*12 (13.+4 )1 (+4,,
around 4 every 10 eoIe buy an ilem afler
sharing or favoriling lhe reIaled roducl
on sociaI media siles. This is lrue nol onIy in
onIine saIes, bul aIso for in-slore urchasing.
To uliIize lhis goIden chance, ve made some
simIe research on vhere mosl eoIe go
vhen lhey are onIine. The grah beIov
shovs lhe slalislics of 5 mosl ouIar
nelvorking siles in lhe NelherIands and lhe
age range of eoIe visiling each sile.
11 !

Iach sile has ils ovn unique vaIues, and aII of lhe menlioned siles are nol necessariIy direcl comelilors.
In facl, any erson couId have many differenl accounls al lhe same lime lo serve differenl uroses. As
ve can observe, Iacebook seems lo have lhe number one osilion in lhe charl, reviousIy, Hyves vas lhe
Ieader of lhe game. Ior lhis case, ve chose Iacebook, Tviller and TumbIr as our focus looIs. LinkedIn is
nol chosen because of ils differenl largel markel and Hyves is omilled due lo ils decIining ouIarily.
Thanks lo Mark Zuckenberg, ve nov have lhe access lo a huge
range of eoIe from around lhe vorId. Hovever, ve reaIized
lhal eoIe don'l go lo Iacebook lo share everylhing or lo Iook
on every loic. There is acluaIIy one mainslream lendency on
hov eoIe uliIize Iacebook. Il vas found lhal lhey acluaIIy
search and Iook for inleresling slories or udales on lhe sluff
lhal lhey are care of. AIso, according lo lhe survey resuIls beIov,
eoIe are acluaIIy very inleresled on informalion reIaled lo
lheir heaIlh or veII-being. Hence, our main Ian is lo broadcasl
our udales and share inleresling slories on lhe reIaled loic.
AIso, ve viII buy some ads sace lo increase lhe lraffic.

Tviller, on lhe olher hand is very usefuI for reaching lhe cuslomer's
idea and exression. We couId aIso connecl eoIe by Ielling lhem
menlion aboul our roducls and camaigns (e.g. hainess
machine), or even lo seak oul lheir ersonaI requesls. To furlher
increase lhe avareness, ve are going lo creale an infIuencer
arlnershi vilh ouIar figures from lhe NelherIands. Ior
examIe, ve mighl seIecl a Svedish Vicloria's Secrel high-end
modeI Doulzen Kroes as our endorser. She has an inlernalionaI,
heaIlhy and remium image vhich couId heI Iifl u our brand
osilioning as lhe firsl mover in lhe markel.

12 !


In addilion, ve viII uliIize TumbIr lo be lhe hosl for bIogging and arlicIe conlesl. This sile, recenlIy
acquired by Yahoo!, |usl exerienced an increase in ouIarily in lhe NelherIand. Irom lhis vay, ve
couId engage bIoggers and vrilers lo creale ouIar conlenl lo lhe audience. To make il even
chaIIenging, ve mighl incIude crealive bIogging conlesl as a arl of our romolionaI camaign

MuIlimedia Ads
In addilion lo lhe above siles, ve aIso lrusl YouTube as our Ialform for sharing rich muIlimedia conlenl
such as recies using Laclasoy and heaIlh lis. eIov is lhe Sis Kilchen rogram of lhe Laclasoy
channeI on YouTube. We beIieve lhal ve couId grab more on niche markel lhroughoul lhis channeI. To
make il even more inleresling, ve aIso execl our channeI lo fealure ouIar YouTube slars/channeIs.
13 !

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