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9 Priceless Ways For You To Discover The Untold Secrets Of Attracting Beautiful Women To You. Proudly sponsored by www.the-players-guide.

comLegal warning: Whilst each individual article is the pr operty of the contributing authors' this book in its whole is protected by inter national copyright 2009 and is the property is ofw . Any reproduction, editing, alteration or copying with out the written authority of the publisher is strictly prohibited and will resul t in prosecution to the fullest extent of the law. That said as this is a FREE publication you can share it and give it away but it must remain in its original state and not be edited or altered or copied in any way. The publisher of this book and the contributing article authors claim no re sponsibility for any actions of the reader or any outcome that the reader encoun ters as a result of applying the advice herein. Any use of the information provi de is done so purely at the risk of the reader. Copyright 2009 Contents 1. Introduction 2. 7 Reasons Why You Are Not Attracting Beautiful Women 3. Attract Women Using Personality 4. Can You Become The Kind Of Man That Attracts Women With Ease 5. Ways To Attract Single Women 6. How To Make Women Desire You 7. Dating Advice For Single Men What Not To Do 8. Great Tips To Get A girl To Like You 9. How To Attract Women 6 Proven Strategies 10.How To Attract Beautiful Women 3 Tips You Need To Be Aware Of 11.Conclusion Introduction I am not going to fill out this introduction with fluff about attracting women. I shall let the information speak for itself.

What I shall say is that the contributing authors are experts in their field tha t enjoy sharing their knowledges with others such as you and I. Yes I, started somewhere as I was once shy and frightened. I read up and applied what I read and adapted it to my own personality as you must do. Now I am a man that turns ladies heads wherever I go and no I am not handsome or athletic at a ll. AT least I don't think so. Read through this book and if you like what you r ead good. It is my and the authors wish that you enjoy this book. Through out this book you see reference to ' The Player's Guide' . This is a no nonsense guide that gets direct to the point on how you can be totally irresisti ble to ladies. In fact it so good that all of my lady friends have banned me fro m using it! 7 Reasons Why You Are Not Attracting Beautiful Women! Author: Chris Tyler Article: Fellas, let's admit it. If we could have our way, we would be able to a ttract just about ANY woman that we wanted to. And of course, we wouldn't be going after the ugly Bett y types. No, not at all. Like it or not, as men, we want to be with BEAUTIFUL wo men. Women with sexy curves and pretty faces. Yet, for most guys, this seems to be an impossibility. There are a multitude of reasons for why this is, but I hav e compiled a top SEVEN list that I am sure every man can relate to. So, here it goes: 1. Lack of confidence. This has to be the number one reason. Think about it. If you had all of the confidence in the world, wouldn't you approach any woman that you wanted? Sure, you would. Lacking confidence is not just a turn off for most women, it's also the number one inhibitor between you and the life that you REA LLY want to live. 2. Poor conversation skills with women. If you cannot talk to a woman the right way, you are not going to be able to get much further than a friendly and totall y non-sexual conversation with her. You have to be able to spice it up a little, unless you really BELIEVE that deep down, all women want a boring and bland kin d of guy. (They don't.) 3. Using pickup lines. Sure, there are some guys that claim this is the KEY to a ttracting beautiful women, but in reality, this hardly ever works out all that w ell. Just think about it like this, a beautiful woman gets hit on all of the tim e. And guess what most guys try to use on her? That's right! Pickup lines. so, s he naturally has learned how to shut them out of her head. In short, they won't work on her at all. 4. Following the advice of your buddies. Unless your guy friends are out there p icking up magazine centerfold models, chances are pretty good they don't know mu ch more than you already do. And that's a GOOD reason NOT to listen to them. Aft er all, why get advice from another guy who's no better off than you are? 5. Poor hygiene. You don't have to turn into the pretty boy, almost feminine kin d of guy to attract women. You DO have to be able to look presentable and come a cross as being able to go out in public and make a good impression. A little bas ic hygiene (cologne, clean hair, clean clothes) will go a LONG way! 6. Using gimmicks and routines. This is along the same lines as dropping pick up

lines on a woman. With routines, not only do you have to learn them and memoriz e what to do, they also have to come across natural and most of them do not. Try hypnotizing a woman in a loud nightclub with flashing lights and people bumping into you. It's not going to work. And also, just as with a pick up line, a rout ine or a gimmick can come across as CHEESY just as easily as it can be seen as c ool. 7. Showing desperation. When you give off the vibe that you are desperate t o hook up with a woman or to get attention from her, that is like an instant turn off. Being desp erate to get laid is something that women usually see as PATHETIC and being desp erate for her attention makes you seem like less of a man. Pretty blunt, but als o pretty true. In a little while, I will be posting quite a few more, until then , tackle these 7 and you will be able to improve YOUR success with women. Copyri ght 2009 Chris Tyler All Rights Reserved. About the author: Want to learn more about attracting beautiful women? Get Your FREE Report that Details HOW to Attract and Seduce Women. Click Here Attract Women Using Pure Personality! Author: Robert Buford Unfortunately for them, more than 70% of men will never have the kind of success with women that they should be having, do you realize why that is? The main reason is that they have no clue about to attract women. They keep tryi ng the same techniques over and over that aren't working! This makes them think that attractive women are never going to be interested in them and that they wil l never attract the kind of woman that they think they want, so they settle for who ever will pay attention even if they're not really interested in that partic ular person. The other and most important reason is that they will do absolutely nothing abou t the main reason! They just sit back and trust to luck and the law of averages! Look, I'm telling you, this is the wrong attitude and will surely lead to a less fulfilling life a nd into the hands of a partner who is not as emotionally strong and physically a ttractive as the kind of woman that I'm sure you want to have. If you are now li stening to advice from your friends, no matter how well meaning, they aren't onl y preventing you from getting the results you should have from your time spent t rying to meet and attract women, They are also putting you at high risk of depre ssion and lack of fulfilment that is the final result of having a less than sati sfactory love life. Not to mention the joy and satisfaction, and the great life you'll receive by being with the right woman of your dreams! Do you ask yourself, how does a semi-fat, balding, ugly jerk like me get a gorge ous girl to look at him, much less date him? Well, before you spend too much time being down on yourself, remember this. Ever yone is aware that there are big differences between men and women, but the main one is often over-looked, and that is how women's and men's brains function dif ferently. Reading from the New England Journal of Medicine, they say that a women's brain is more attuned to emotional responses than men's are. And, this is a because of the "maternal" instinct of women. After a woman gives birth, she needs to be ab le to understand the needs of her children, so she is then more attuned to emoti ons of everyone around her.

Without this ability to feel "empathy", she would not be able to properly care f or her child. Men, on the other hand, are more logical. This is the trait that h elped men to provide for the home, and to survive all the dangers they faced in doing so, and it also allowed them to be better at hunting and providing protect ion. This doesn't mean that women aren't logical and men aren't empathetic, but it do es say that we naturally lean one way or the other. Truth is most guys' do all t hey're not supposed to when it comes to attracting women. Then, all they know wh at to say is "what's wrong"? Does any of this sound like something you do? There's looking attractive, and then there's BEING attractive. These are two ver y different things. Besides your personal hygiene and the wardrobe you wear, the re's nothing you can do about your looks. Nature and your parents have decided i f you're stuck being short, bald, or whatever. That's not going to change any ti me soon. But you DO have 100% control over how you act. You have complete contro l over what you do, what you say, and how you perform in front of others! Because women are more driven by their emotions than men, if you are able to evo ke powerful, fun, and exciting emotions in women, they WILL be attracted to you, no matter what you look like. But you DO have everything to do with how you act . You have the last word over what you do, what you say, and how you act in fron t of or treat others! Since women are driven more by their emotions than men are, if you are one who i s able to evoke strong, enjoyable, and exciting emotions in women, they WILL be very much attracted to you, and it makes no difference what you look like. This is called "being attractive, and when you're "being attractive", your looks have absolutely no bearing on the interaction. This is why we tell you to use y our personality to attract women. About the author: If you are one of the countless thousands of men with the "can't meet anyone" pr oblem, the author has come across this site that he believes will be of great he lp to you, and I am sure you will agree. The address is; Can You Become the Kind of Man That Attracts Women With Ease? Author: Chris Tyler Article: For most guys that are reading this article, attracting beautiful women is FAR f rom easy. And that's okay to feel this way. After all, most men are not exactly born to be the next Don Juan or Romeo, are they? However, the art of attracting women is not a skill that you are born with, it is something that you develop ov er time. So, if you get envious of other men that seem to be able to attract a w oman with ease, then it should be reassuring to know that you can enjoy the same success. This does not come without it's price. You will have to take the time to learn what works to make a woman feel that sense of attraction for a man. Here are a couple of tips that should help: 1. When talking to a woman, you have to be able to get the focus off of you and put it on her. When a man is nervous, or unsure of himself, quite often he will find himself doing most of the talking. This is not exactly what you want to do. Dominating a conversation with a woman is NOT going to make you that much more

appealing in her eyes. Being able to include her and involve her in the conversa tion WILL. 2. Flirting is NOT just about getting her phone number or a date. When you flirt with a woman, you have to be able to create a "bond" with her. Generating rappo rt with a woman will allow you to escalate her feelings for you and this will he lp you to get to a place where you can make her feel swept off her feet by you. Want to learn more about how to attract a woman? About the author: Get Your FREE Report that Details HOW to Attract and Seduce Women. Flirting With Women. Copyright 2009 Chris Tyler All Rights Reserved. Guy Gets Girl Review Ways to Attract Single Women! Author: Chris Tyler Article: When you are a single man, one of the most important aspects of your life is you r success with women. After all, what's a better way to end a hard day at work t han to go out with a beautiful woman on your arms? Yet, for many guys, this seems as if it were almost impossible. You might look a t yourself and think that there is NO way at all that you could ever become the kind of guy that can Attract Beautiful Women. But, you can. You have to learn the ways to attract a woman. Here are a few helpful hints that should make YOU more successful with women: 1. When you approach a woman, it should seem casual and not the least bit unusua l for you. Women can spot a man that is uncomfortable in approaching a woman fro m a mile away. And when this happens, she knows exactly what to. And that will l eave you out in the cold. Being able to get comfortable in your own skin is very important when you approach a woman. 2. You have to be able to know what to say to a woman. One of the worst experien ces that any man can have is to start a conversation with a woman, only to find that he doesn't know what to say to her. From my experience, one of the easiest ways to get around this is to become friends with women and learn what topics wo rk with them. Then you know what to say to a woman that you have just met. 3. You have to be able to know where to take a woman. And I don't mean what rest aurant or anything like that. I mean that you have to learn how to lead the dire ction of the conversation and the interaction. 4. Otherwise, you are not going to get the results that you desire. Want to lear n more ways to attract a woman? About the author: Get Your FREE Report that Details HOW to Attr actand Seduce Women.

Attracting Beautiful Women How to Make a Woman Desire You! Author: Chris Tyler Article: When it comes to dating and relationships, it seems as if most men are really on their own. Knowing how to attract a woman and make her desire you is n ot exactly one of those lessons that you will get taught. Instead, you are often left to figure these things out from trial and error and this can lead to a lot of heartache, pain, and rejection. Of course, you can skip all of this by simpl y not trying, but where's the fun in that? Instead, here are some tips that will help you make a woman desire you: 1. Become scarce. One of the biggest mistakes that a man will make with a woman is to become her "shadow" right away. Mostly, the reason for this is insecurity. And guess what? Women will pick up on this insecurity right away and find themselves losing attr action for you. By allowing yourself to be scarce from time to time, you are act ually helping to set yourself up for future success with women. 2. Tantalize her. Most guys are afraid to push a woman's buttons a little. This usually comes from the fear of rejection. You might be afraid that you will cros s the line or do something to put her off, but when done in small amounts, this will help you to increase her attraction and desire for you. 3. Captivate her. W hen you can captivate a woman, she will find herself drawn to you. Though this i s a skill that probably will not be developed overnight, this can be your most p owerful asset when attracting a woman. Want to learn more about how to attract a woman? About the author: Get Your FREE Report thatDetails HOW Attract and Seduce Women. Seduce a Woman Copyright ) 2009 Chris Tyler All Rights Reserved. Guy Gets Girl Review Dating Advice For Single Men What Not to Do! Author: Chris Tyler Article: When it comes to dating advice for single men, it seems like there are a HUGE amount of people that claim to be experts in this category. Some are legi t and others are nothing more than marketers who just happen to want to make mon ey in this market. So, some of the advice that you get is genuine and some of it tends to be fluff that sounds good, but will not really boost your success with women in any way. Here are a few dating tips for men, examples of what NOT to d o: 1. Don't turn into a girlie man. What I mean by this is that there are a lot of guys out there that try to become more successful with women by paying more a ttention to their clothes and their shoes than anything else. One of the reasons why I have been so successful with women is that I DON'T look like one of these guys. Come on fellas, imagine letting a girl know that you take more time to ge t ready than she does. It's not exactly going to be a turn on.

2. Try to become her soul mate. This is where a lot of passive men get it all wr ong with women. They try to instantly become her everything. Not only do most wo men find this suffocating and annoying, it's really not genuine at all. You have to let things run its course and VERY rarely do two people meet and assume that they are soul mates. So, when you try and act like this on the first or second date, you are really coming across as being needy or even fake. 3. Adopt routines and gimmicks that go against your morals. Now, there are some guys that have the mentality that they will do anything to try and get a girl. W hen you act like this, not only are you being false with yourself, you are also really coming across as desperate. Think about it, if you really had choice and selection with women, then you wouldn't have to try and do anything to get a gir l. Want to learn what you SHOULD do to attract Beautiful Women? About the author: G etYour FREE Report that Details HOW to Attract and Seduce Women. Seduce Beautifu l Women Great Tips to Get a Girl to Like You! By Russel Turner Thousands of tips to get a girl are written all over the planet . Here, we will summarize everything you need to know in a few words. Getting gi rls should not be that hard for as long as you are committed and you have the pa ssion to execute and practice what you will learn. Let us begin your journey to the world of pursuing women and get to know the most effective tips to get a gir l. Be Self-Aware The first thing you need to do is to get to know yourself. Unless you know your strengths and weaknesses, you will never know what to capitalize and bank on. If you know what you are good at, you can use this character to impress the woman you like. One of the tips to get a girl is to let this character surface. For ex ample, if you have the ability to connect to empathize and connect to someone's emotions, you can use this strength and build the foundation of a relationship f rom here. Listen to what she says and give comments. You need to develop the abi lity to interact and feel what she feels. Be Social Another one of the greatest tips to get a girl is to be a good conversationalist . You will get a girl bored with flat stories and corny jokes. Learn how to stri ke conversations in a random order and infuse humor. Jokes that are canned are b ad. It would give the impression that you prepared for it. Observe the things ar ound you and talk about these things. Connect these observations to meaningful a nd bright ideas that will let the girl realize that you have something between y our ears. Being dumb is a major turn off because you are likely to give them dum b off springs. Show interest in the things that she talks about. If you do not h ave any idea about them, tell her honestly and ask her to teach you more. Now Pay Close Attention HereAre you looking to Make Wonderful Women Beg You To Date, There is a proven metho d that can help you in dating with a girl - Click Here. How to Attract Women - 6 Proven Strategies!

By Darius Greindl Have you ever had a girl in your life you really liked, but un fortunately she didn't feel anything for you? Or have you ever dated a woman you really liked, but for some reason she was los ing more and more interest in you and the only thing you could do is watch till everything is over? Or maybe you knew a girl you really liked and always had a g ood time with and when you told her about your real feelings for her she said th at in her opinion it would be better if you just stay friends. Perhaps you're in a relationship and can see how your girlfriend gets more and more distant from you, to the point where you get afraid that she might cheat on you. Or you're wa tching other couples walking around and can see how some complete idiots are tog ether with really beautiful women and you ask yourself how that can be, but just don't get it. These are things that happen everyday to thousands of men all ove r the planet because there is one thing they don't know much about and this is t he powerful emotion called ATTRACTION and how to trigger it inside of women. Attraction is probably the most important thing if you want to be successful wit h women and dating. In fact, it's so powerful that you can nearly do EVERYTHING else wrong and still be HIGHLY successful with women if you know how to trigger it and how it works. In this article I'm going to show you some common mistake g uys make when they try to attract women, and I'm going to show you 6 proven ways for how to attract women like a magnet that will help to get the girl you want. Make sure you read it because you don't want to miss that. How To Attract Women - Strategy #1: One of the most powerful ways for how to attract women is to be confident. CONFI DENCE IS THE MOTHER OF ATTRACTION if you want so and if you don't know how to be confident NOTHING is probably working for you even if you know more techniques and methods than any other guy. You need a solid foundation. When most guys talk to a woman they feel attracted to they start to get nervous because they are af raid that she might not like them and reject them. One hint for their nervousness is the movement of their eyes. Instead of looking the woman in her eyes they scan the area around them while they're talking or l ook at certain parts of her body (if you know what I mean) that are definitively NOT her eyes. What I've found out is that the eyes of a person are actually the windows into t he inner world of that person and when we look into someone's eyes for a longer period of time we're actually able to create a very powerful and intimate bond. So a way to attract women is to look them deeply in the eyes while you're talkin g to them. Besides that you will be able to create a powerful bond between the b oth of you, you will also stand out of the crowd because only a few guys are com fortable with doing it, and you will communicate to her that you're a confident guy which is again HIGHLY attractive to women. After you've created some attract ion with this or the following techniques you can take this idea even to the nex t level and touch her while you're talking and looking her in the eyes. I person ally often take her hand after I've created some attraction and when she's flaki ng out I say that I just wanted to check if she has warm hands (this excuse work s of course best in winter). Creating body contact while you're looking her in t he eyes will emphasize the connection you build with her. How To Attract Women - Strategy #2: One of the things I've figured during the last several years is that WOMEN DON'T LIKE AVERAGE GUYS. Average guys are like average cars for beautiful women. They are everywhere, and nothing special. What they're looking for is the FERRARI wh ich is rare and hard to get if not impossible if you don't have a lot of money.

The same happens at a party for example: When a really beautiful woman comes to a party most of the guys are just staying where they are and stare at her with o pen mouths. They are overwhelmed by her beauty and would be willing to do everyt hing she wants from them and of course she knows that. Since there are countless of these guys she meets everywhere and all the time wh erever she goes they are nothing special to her and so she's not interested in t hem. What she's looking for is THE ONE GUY, the guy who's above average. But how do you do that? How do you become an above average guy and what do you h ave to do? I'm glad you asked. The answer is quite simple: DON'T BE IMPRESSED BY HER BEAUTY. Guys who are successful with women and dating have a lot of options and therefor e aren't really impressed when they see a beautiful woman. They know a lot of be autiful women and she's just another one. No big deal. Nothing special. Just normal. Women notice when something like this happens, and what they're thinking then, i s that this guy has a lot of options he's not like all the other ones who faint when I just look at them and is therefore rare and something special. He might e ven be hard to get. So if you want to attract women you know what you have to do the next time. Don't be impressed by their beauty. How To Attract Women - Strat egy #3: Another way for how to attract women is to simply don't give them a lot of atten tion. Beautiful women know how men are working and what they have to do to get w hat they want from them. They're used to be surrounded by guys who are overwhelm ed by their beauty and willing to fulfil all of their wishes. But if a beautiful woman meets someone like you now, who's not overwhelmed by he r beauty and don't gives her a lot of attention she'll be definitively CONFUSED and will ask herself WHY you are NOT acting like all the other guys. You're agai n communicating that you're not an average guy and she will get more and more in terested in you because of the fact that she's not able to look right through yo u. How To Attract Women - Strategy #4: You can take the concept of confusion even one step further and bring it up to t he next level in order to attract women and make them interested in you... That's right, I said bring it up the next level and the way you do this is by BE ING A CHALLENGE TO THEM. You're not only giving her nearly no attention and stay totally unimpressed by her beauty, but also bust on her, tease her or even make some fun of her which is the VERY OPPOSITE of what all the other guys do. They would never dare and even think about busting, teasing or making fun of her. NEVER. But what you'll do with that is that you show her that you're confident and simp ly don't care. She'll be again very confused because very few people have ever d one this with her before. She won't maybe even know if you like her now or not, and will therefore try to win you over which means that you're not any more the pursuer but the pursued one. ATTENTION: If you want to attract women make sure you always do this concept of being a challenge in a playful and funny way. Don't insult or hurt her if you do

n't want to get slapped or have her drink in your face. Some beautiful women are also sometimes very shy and insecure. I know this sound s crazy but that's the truth. So if that's the case you also want to slow down y ou're teasing and busting because in such a case it would be counterproductive. How To Attract Women - Strategy #5: So remember, when we first said that we feel pulled to things that are limited o r a lot of people are competing for. You can use these principles to attract wom en by showing her that you are preselected, which means, showing her that other women like and want you and that you have a lot of options. When she will see that there are a lot of other women (high competition) who thi nk that you are the real deal, she will AUTOMATICALLY assume that you're somethi ng special and will be more likely to be attracted to you. But how do you do that if you're just starting out and don't have a lot of other women? No problem dude. Just talk with a lot of other women in the club or wherever you are and make sur e that she can see it. What I also like to do is to go out with some normal fema le friends (maybe you have one or two) of mine. The women you will see at the club for instance won't know that these girls you' re out with are just normal friends of you and so they will assume that you have a lot of options and are preselected. This method works like a champ and if you want to attract women, a lot of beautiful women, then I highly recommend you ta ke advantage of it. How To Attract Women - Strategy #6: A big mistake that a lot of guys make is, that they go out with the aim of picki ng up women, getting phone numbers, getting laid... They are OUTCOME DEPENDENT. This is a bad thing because with setting yourself an outcome, you put yourself u nder unnecessary pressure. The result will be that you are more likely to get ne rvous now when you're talking to women because you don't want to mess up your ch ances and fail with reaching your outcome. What you should do instead is to go o ut to have fun and good time and be OUTCOME INDEPENDENT where you simply don't c are if you get this one girl or not. This mindset of being outcome independent w ill TAKE AWAY your insecurities you might have around women and will help you to have a good time and when this happens guess what? You will automatically attra ct women and pull them right to you because they will feel the good energy you'r e spreading and want to join your company. If you want to learn more secret strategies that aren't available anywhere else about how attract women, be more confident around women, approach women without getting rejected, get a woman's phone number or how to make them steaming hot th en simply check the following site: Thanks for your time and I wish you the bes t! Your Friend,

Darius G. How To Attract Beautiful Women 3 Tips You Need To Be Aware Of... All right, guys. We all know that for most men, a beautiful woman seems to be WA Y out of their reach. You see them on television, in magazines, and even in the streets from time to time. Yet, it seems like they are miles away from where YOU are. All of this can weigh in heavy on your mind and cause you to feel a bit in secure when it comes to attracting beautiful women. Them, what's worse, is when you see a guy that is no more than average with a really attractive woman hangin g on his arm. You start to wonder, what can it be? What is it about this guy that causes him t o get a woman like that and you, well, it causes you to just WISH that it would happen for you? Here are four tips that can flip the situation around and put th ings squarely in your favor when it comes to attracting beautiful women: 1. A sense of humor will get YOU a long way. If you are the kind of guy that mak es women laugh, that they truly enjoying being around, you will find that all ot her things seem to pale in comparison. There is a reason why some average guys a re able to attract beautiful women, and having a good sense of humor is one of t hem. 2. When you can make a woman feel sexy about herself, then she will feel the sam e about you. Being able to trigger a woman's attraction is very much a mental "g ame." When she feels good about herself when she is around you, this will make h er WANT to be around you more often. Don't think that I mean that you should sud denly dish out compliments left and right to her. This is NOT the case. But, you should be able to make her feel as though she is a sexy woman . 3. Don't worry about other men. One of the things that can easily hold you bac k from attracting beautiful women is if you are insecure around other guys. You have to understand that an attractive woman is going to get attention. And if yo u seem as though you cannot handle this, then she is not going to see you as the kind of man that can handle being with her. Attracting beautiful women is defin itely NOT out of your reach. Being able to see yourself as the kind of man that CAN attract a gorgeous girl is a good way to start. Want to start attracting bea utiful women? Go ahead and get your FREE Report that details how to attract and seduce beautiful women. Copyright 2009 Chris Tyler All Rights Reserved. Conclusion First, I hope that you enjoyed reading the book? I know that it will have given you good solid, expert written advice on how to attract ladies to you. There is a lot of ground covered above and if I listed it all here then it would cover th e the topics again. I really do wish you luck and that you have learnt a lot abo ut how you can attract women to you and make them demand your attention. If you have not already got a copy of 'The Player's Guide' then I must insist th at you DO get a copy now, today! It truly is a no messing about guide on how you can become a magnet to ladies before you finish reading it. It covers the need to generate the attraction and how you can do it, instantly. Everyone that has s imply read this powerful book has found that their friends are now asking them f or advice on how to attract some many ladies. Now that you have your copy of 'The Player's Guide' and this e-book you are prep ared to drastically improve your prowess at attracting really beautiful ladies t hat are desperate for you and your attentions.

Ian David 'The Player's Guide' Copyright 2009

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