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B4 U Text Her


Let me ask you a personal question: Are you textually active? Chances are you and most people you know are. Just check out these statistics: In 2 !" #.$. mo%ile su%scri%ers sent and received more text messa&es than they made mo%ile phone calls. Accordin& to 'ielsen (o%ile )i&ures" a typical #.$. mo%ile su%scri%er sends or receives *+, text messa&es per month" compared to placin& or receivin& 2 phone calls. .http://www.textually.or&/textually/archives/cat0random0stats.htm1 And this is 2ust in the #$ alone. In )act" an estimated one %illion text messa&es .$($1 are %ein& sent every day around the world3 4hat does this mean )or you? It means as people continue to rely more and more on text messa&in& as the central )rom o) communication it is imperative that you master this skill. 4hy? 5ecause hal) o) these people are women and textin& has 2ust %ecame their pre)erred medium o) communication. I) you don6t understand how to properly interact .)lirt" %uild attraction" set up dates" etc1 with a woman over text you are &oin& to %e le)t %ehind allowin& some other &uy .who" let6s %e honest" pro%a%ly isn6t as cool as you1 to win her over. In this system I" alon& with some valua%le insi&hts )rom my &ood )riend" 7elly 7ellam" am &oin& to share with you all the tools necessary to %ecome a textin& wi8ard. 9he responses you will &et )rom &irls will truly seem like ma&ic3 'ow why should you listen to me? :air question. $imple answer: I have %een sendin& and receivin& on avera&e ," texts every month )or more than * years with ;!< o) those recipients %ein& women. $o %elieve me when I say" I have made enou&h mistakes to know what really does work. Luckily you &et to %ene)it %y skippin& all those mistakes and &et ri&ht to the )un stu)). 9he two most important ways to learn a new skill set is %y &ettin& &uidance )rom someone who already has done what you are tryin& to do and then to actually do what they su&&est. 9hat %ein& said" I have tried to make this system as hands on as possi%le so you can %e&in to practice immediately. 'ot only are you &oin& to learn in this system the principles %ehind why these techniques work" so you can create your own style" %ut it is also packed with real world examples strai&ht o)) our phones .the &irl6s name6s have %een chan&ed to protect their identities o) course1.

It is my wish that %y readin& and practicin& the skills you are a%out to learn in this system you not only %ecome a happier" healthier and more success)ul person %ut that you use them to enrich the lives o) the women you interact with. Cheers" =ace de >riest


I sill remem%er receivin& my )irst text %ack in colle&e. It was )rom a &irl I was head over heals with. 9he messa&es %ack and )orth were slow and I wondered why she didn6t 2ust call me? 5ut as they continued alon& into the ni&ht I )ound mysel) waitin& )ull o) anticipation )or each new text. It was like I was in a strate&ic &ame o) ver%al 2oustin&. ?very text she sent was a chance )or me to turn it around and charm her with my style and wit. I relished in each chance to %ait her into respondin& in a certain way. 9hen I would misinterpret it so it seemed she was" in )act" chasin& a)ter me3 5ut she was a worthy challen&er. $he would &ra% onto my %ait" twist it around and throw it %ack in a way I didn6t expect" constantly keepin& me on my toes. 'ow I had to recalculate and try comin& at it )rom a new an&le. 9he lon&er it went the more creative we %ecame. All the while I had a hu&e &rin on my )ace and I can promise you she did too. In other words" we were )lirtin&. $everal years have passed since that ni&ht %ut I will never )or&et the seed that was planted" eventually %lossomin& into many o) the ideas presented in this system. It is the ni&ht I %e&an to learn what is so ama8in& a%out text messa&in&. Let6s %e&in with the o%vious. 4hat at )irst annoyed me" the )act I did not &et an immediate response" turned out to %e one o) textin&s most valua%le traits as a tool o) attraction. 5ecause you do not have to respond immediately" as you do on the phone or in person" you have time to cra)t the per)ect response. It is as i) the conversation has %een slowed down to the point where you can actually see the elements o) attraction )ormin& allowin& you to more easily move the conversation in the direction o) your choosin&. 9his is the per)ect trainin& &round )or %ecomin& a world class )lirter. @ow o)ten have you walked away )rom a conversation with an attractive woman only to have the per)ect thin& to say come to mind. 4hy couldn6t it have come to you when you needed it3 4ell now" with the help o) this system" you can train your %rain to )orm the patterns o) success)ul )lirtin& with the opposite sex throu&h the slowed down process o) textin&. 'ow when you are in a Areal timeB conversation with a %eauti)ul woman it will come e))ortlessly %ecause the patterns have already %een )ormed. In essence" practicin& the principles o) proper textin& you will learn in this system will inadvertently &ive you the skill o) quick wit. 'ot too sha%%y.

Another @#C? %ene)it is that text messa&in& is )ar less invasive than a phone call. #nlike a phone call" a woman does not have to decide ri&ht then and there i) she is &oin& to either answer your call or put you in the same cate&ory o) all those other &uys she i&nores %y sendin& you to voicemail. 4ith a text you &et direct access to her. $he does not have to stop what she is doin& or &o to a quiet place. 9his )lexi%ility means you are considera%ly more likely to &et a response. 9his isn6t to say that you should never call" we will &o over when and how to handle calls later on in this system. #nlike a phone call or in person" you can6t 2ust %a%%le on eventually &ettin& to your point. 9hat would take )ar too lon&. 'ot to mention" some phones have a limit o) DE characters per text. Fou have to )it more meanin& in )ewer words. 9his trains you to )urther improve your a%ility to communicate %y )orcin& you to clari)y your thou&hts. A less apparent advanta&e o) textin& is the elevated level o) %oldness %rou&ht a%out %y anonymity. 5ecause she is not ri&ht there in )ront o) you" she is much more likely to say what is on her mind. As you will see later on" this lack o) social pressure is particularly use)ul when it comes to creatin& a sexual state with her. :inally" text messa&in& allows you to work smarter not harder. 9he a%ility to )lirt with several &irls at once over text messa&in& allows you to maximi8e your time. Coupled with the )act you can do it )rom 2ust a%out anywhere" textin& is no dou%t one o) the most power)ul and versatile tools )or %uildin& and maintainin& attraction with a woman. I hope %y now you are %e&innin& to see why textin& is so ama8in&. Are you ready to learn how to drive a woman wild with your phone? 'ote: It is a &ood idea to contact your mo%ile service provider and add on #'LI(I9?G text messa&in& to your plan A$A>. Gon6t say I didn6t warn you :1


Let6s %e honest. Fou are not &oin& to )orm a deep lastin& relationship throu&h text messa&in& alone. H)ten Cuys think they should constantly %e textin& a &irl as lon& as she is respondin&. $ome o) this stems )rom the )act they thrive o)) the )eelin&s o) validation when she writes %ack. #n)ortunately 2ust %ecause she is writin& %ack does not mean the relationship is movin& )orward. 9extin& is a tool" al%eit a power)ul one" that must %e used with a purpose in mind. 9here is only one main purpose )or sendin& a text: 9o (eet #p 4ith @er #ltimately spendin& )ace time is where the ma&ic o) any relationship occurs. Fou can6t kiss her" &a8e into her eyes" have sex" see her smile" listen to her lau&hter" or touch her so)t skin over text. All other thin&s you accomplish throu&h textin& like %uildin& attraction" com)ort and even

sexual tension are all meant to %rin& her to the conclusion that spendin& time with you is her %est possi%le option. And %elieve me she does have options. I) you are a%out to send a text and it isn6t &oin& to serve this )unctions then do 'H9 send it3 Fou do not want to %ecome the )riendly text %uddy who she never han&s out with. It is %etter to try to move it )orward and it )ail than to constantly %e hopin& and wishin& that %ecause she still texts you %ack there is a chance. 9his does not mean that every text you send should %e an invite to han& out. 9hat would kill attraction and show neediness. It simply means have a purpose in mind when you text and do not send unnecessary texts to a &irl 2ust )or the sake o) textin& her. ?ven i) you are not a%le to han& out with a &irl )or an extended period time you need to text her periodically so you stay on her mind. 9his makes it much easier to han& out with her when the time comes. It is )ar simpler to keep the momentum &oin& than to start all over a&ain. 9his $ystem will teach you all the methods and techniques you will need to accomplish this &oal while havin& more )un than you thou&ht possi%le doin& it.


4hen you have your phone out and are a%out to send a text there are a )ew mindsets that will help you tremendously. :ollow these and you will notice the e))ectiveness o) your texts will skyrocket. I$end it and )or&et it. A)ter you send a text &o on with your li)e and make yoursel) %usy doin& somethin& else. 4e have all sent a text" especially i) it is to some &irl we are especially interested" and then precede to constantly check our phones to see i) she texted %ack. A)ter a )ew minutes we %e&in to dou%t what we sent. As the minutes stretch our mind starts playin& tricks with us. A4hy did I send that? I am so stupid. 'ow I ruined everythin&. 4hat i) I o))ended her? $he must think I am so stupid. (ay%e I should send another text to )ix it" etc" etc" etcB $9H> I93 Just let it &o. 9here have %een countless times when we have send out texts and thou&ht the very same thou&hts only to have the &irl text us %ack hours later with a )un play)ul response. H) course at that time we think" AI knew that was &oin& to work3 I am a &enius.B $top worryin& and 2ust let it &o. I) you are usin& the principles in this system you will %e doin& 2ust )ine. I9he way you word your texts is critical. 5ecause over text she does not have the same social pressure to reply to you as she does in person" each text you send must %e en&a&in& enou&h to evoke a response. Hne way to help you do this is ima&ine she is %ored at work" school" home" etc and it is your 2o% to make her smile. 9his has hu&e implications in the way you word your texts. A@ey what6s upB most likely wont make her smile %ut A4hat6s cookin&? I

think you should draw me a picture todayJI6ve always liked dinosaurs :1 B is sure to make her crack a smile. It takes her out o) the monotony o) everyday li)e. Fou are her sweet escape even i) it is 2ust )or a moment. I'othin& is a %i& deal. 4henever you are in the middle o) a text interaction and start %ecomin& nervous that you mi&ht mess up or do somethin& wron& take a step %ack and take a deep %reath. =elax and smile or take a %reak )or a )ew minutes and do somethin& else. Four texts will %e much more e))ective when you are in a happy" )un" positive mood. I 9ake risks. Gon6t %e a)raid to try somethin& new. 9his is the only way you are &oin& to advance. Fou have nothin& to lose and knowled&e to &ain. 9ake a chance and see what you are capa%le o). 5ecome a social scientist. IGon6t &ive up too easily. Fou may have sent a text and she didn6t respond so you think all is lost. H)ten time6s success is 2ust around the corner. 5elieve in yoursel). I can6t tell you how many times I thou&ht an interaction was lost and a)ter tryin& 2ust one more text she replied and we ended up meetin& havin& an ama8in& time. ICut your loses. I) you have tried everythin& and it 2ust doesn6t work out let it &o and move on. Gon6t waste your ener&y on somethin& that isn6t &ivin& you a return. Like 7enny =o&ers said" AFou &ot to know when to hold Kem and you &ot to know when to )old Kem.B Adoptin& a mindset that incorporates these principles will make your 2ourney to text mastery much smoother" less )rustratin& and way more )un3

A typical #.$. mo%ile su%scri%er sends or receives *+, text messa&es per month" compared to placin& or receivin& 2 - phone calls. Hver hal) these are women3 5ecause you do not have to respond immediately" as you do on the phone or in person" you have time to cra)t the per)ect response. 9his &ives a text messa&e an ed&e over standard phone calls in certain situations. ?specially when you are 2ust %e&innin&. 9ext messa&in& is )ar less invasive than a phone call. 9his )lexi%ility means you are considera%ly more likely to &et a response. 5ecause she is not ri&ht there in )ront o) you" she is much more likely to say what is on her mind. 9he lack o) social pressure is particularly use)ul when it comes to creatin& a sexual state with her. 9he a%ility to )lirt with several &irls at once over text messa&in& allows you to maximi8e your time. 9here is only one main purpose )or sendin& a text: 9o (eet #p 4ith @er A)ter you send a text &o on with your li)e and make yoursel) %usy doin& somethin& else. 9he way you word your texts is critical. A little creativity can &o a lon& way.


As you continue your trainin& to %ecome a stealthy text nin2a you will )ind there are certain underlyin& concepts that &overn all success)ul text interactions. Co over this section several times and re)er %ack to it o)ten as you will %e usin& these concepts in each and every text interaction you have with a &irl you are interested in.


Hne o) the %i&&est mistakes &uys make when textin& a new woman they are interested in is textin& or callin& her way too much. Just %ecause she doesn6t respond immediately to your text messa&es or answer every call doesn6t mean you should 2ust text or call her a&ain. >ersistent text messa&es when there is little or no response communicates neediness and a scarcity mentality. 9his is a &uaranteed way to kill attraction. $o how do you know when you are textin& her the ri&ht amount? @ere are some key indicators that will help you cali%rate. Fou6re haven6t %uild enou&h attraction and are textin&/callin& her too much i): L her response time is consistently slow L she doesn6t en&a&e you in conversation or latch onto your conversational hooks L she consistently &ives you one word/super short replies .ok" sure" yep" etc1 L she doesn6t initiate text/phone call interactions Fou6re textin&/callin& her the ri&ht amount i): L she initiates text/phone call interactions L she responds to text/phone calls quickly L she readily en&a&es you in conversation" latches onto your hooks L $he answers your questions L she propels the interaction )orward %y askin& questions o) her own 7eep these in mind so you6re in tune with whether you are textin& or callin& her too much. 9his will &ive you a &ood idea o) her interest level. I) she stops showin& interest in you" do not 2ust continue to text and call her day a)ter day without a response. 9ake a )ew days o)) )rom contactin& her then try usin& the principles )rom the 4hen $he $tops =espondin& M $endin& 9he =eIen&a&in& 9ext section or contact her throu&h your (yspace or :ace%ook pro)ile usin& the principles )rom #sin& $ocial 'etworkin& $ites to 5oost Attraction and 5uild Com)ort. $end her periodic text messa&es over the course o) a couple weeks. I) she doesn6t respond )avora%ly a)ter this" cut her o)) and move on.

#nless you are in the middle o) emotionally connectin& with a &irl" you should %e CH'$9A'9LF &ivin& o)) a li&hthearted persona a%out your sel). 7eep your text messa&e conversations easy &oin& and )un. @old o)) on tryin& to %uild an emotional connection over text. $ave this )or when you meet up in person where it will %e )ar more e))ective. I) it is somethin& you must discuss and share with each other %e)ore you are a%le to han& out a&ain" CALL @?= and do it over the phone. $ee the @A'GLI'C >@H'? CALL$ section.


9he process o) %uildin& and sustainin& attraction is like a dance. As a man" you are expected to %e the leader. It is sad that most women are tired o) waitin& )or men to step up and lead the interaction. 'ow is the time )or you to step up and lead the interaction every step o) the way. 9his isn6t to say that she cannot make any sort o) decision in the relationship" )ar )rom it. =elationships are a%out compromise and mutual respect. 9his 2ust means that it is up to FH# to &uide it where you %oth want it to &o. Gon6t wait )or her to take the rei&ns and make thin&s happen. 9his is a )undamental component to %ein& a leader in other areas o) your li)e as well.


Gon6t always reply immediately when she texts you. 9akin& some time to respond communicates that you have a lot &oin& on in your li)e and that she is not the most important thin& in your li)e .she doesn6t want to )eel important to you until she has earned it1. I) you are constantly availa%le to respond immediately or are non stop continually textin& her she will wonder why you don6t have anythin& else in your li)e keepin& you %usy. Hn the other hand" don6t take this to the extreme and wait hours to respond to each and every text. (ix it up. 5ottom line is you want to demonstrate to her you have a .pre)era%ly excitin&1 li)e )ull o) )riends" ho%%ies" events" etc M even i) you don6t at the moment. 5esides" soon you will %e extremely %usy havin& )un with all the cool people you have met usin& the principles tau&ht in this system3 Important: I) you are in the middle o) an important conversation topic stay involved with the interaction until the su%2ect chan&es or you indicate you have to &o.


Hne o) the most attractive qualities a person can have is knowin& who they are as a person" what they are all a%out" and what they are or aren6t willin& to a&ree with and accept.

4hat I am tryin& to say plain and simply is: Go not a&ree with everythin& she says 2ust %ecause you like her. 4hether or not she is testin& you" she can tell when you are 2ust a&reein& with her so she6ll like you" or a&reein& %ecause you actually a&ree. Cirls sometimes will ask hard questions to see i) a &uy will stand up to them. Cuys o)ten disre&ard their own %elie)s and pre)erences %y a&reein& with the &irl they are pursuin& in an attempt to create a )ake commonality. 9hey %elieve this will make her like them more. 9his is not the case. $he will )ind you weak and assume she can walk all over you. It is %etter to voice your opinion when you disa&ree. 9here is no need to apolo&i8e )or it. It is not a %i& deal. A&ree to disa&ree or come to a compromise. @owever" do not disa&ree with her 2ust )or the sake o) ar&uin& %ecause then you %ecome annoyin&. 7now what you want" need" and desire and %e ok with voicin& them even i) she disa&rees with your tastes.


I) you don6t already know" attractive women have plenty o) &uys already chasin& a)ter them. 4hat does this mean )or you? It means she is already receivin& countless texts )rom other &uys all day lon&. #n)ortunate )or her and lucky )or you they are all sayin& pretty much the same stu)). 4hy is that lucky )or you? Hver time she %ecomes conditioned to all these texts and they no lon&er have much o) an e))ect on her. 5ut what i) she were to receive a text )rom you that was unique and )un )orcin& her to come out o) her autopilot responses? It is as i) all she has %een havin& is vanilla and you 2ust &ave her chocolate. 'ow you have her curious and attraction %e&ins with curiosity. In order to set yoursel) apart you must demonstrate that you are not &oin& to 2ust put her throu&h the same thin&s she has already experienced. 9here are multitudes o) ways to do this" many o) which are covered in this >ro&ram .'icknames" =oleIplayin&" Cuessin& @er Answer" etc1.

'onIneediness is one o) the most important attri%utes to cultivate. 9hink a%out it" i) you already had a li)e )ull o) ama8in&ly %eauti)ul women would you really care i) an interaction with a new one )ailed? @ell no. Fou have enou&h &oin& on in your li)e that it is ok i) one interaction doesn6t work out3 9his is the type o) attitude that drives women wild. 9his is one o) the ma2or reasons that D < o) &uys are a%le to &et ; < o) the women out there. Fou must come across as nonIneedy and %e willin& to walk away i) she does not live up to your standards and expectations. I cannot emphasi8e this enou&h: you must release your attachment to the out come. 9here are so many opportunities to meet women every day"

you can a))ord to mess up. Just learn )rom it and move on. It is time )or you to see the world as a place with countless opportunities. ?veryday you run across hundreds o) woman many o) which are attracted to you. Adopt an a%undance mentality.


4hen sendin& a text" statements that require an answer are o)ten more power)ul than sendin& actual questions. 4hen you are continuously askin& questions it can come o)) as over%earin& and actually push her away. As trivial as it seems" when you put a question mark at the end o) your statement it evokes a certain response. Fou are now in a position o) needin& somethin& )rom her" namely a response to your question. $ince you are not there in person to deliver your question with a downward vocal tonality indicatin& a statement you have to word it in a way that allows you leave o)) the question mark. $tatin& a question as a statement indicates that you expect an answer. 'ot in a demandin& way %ut in a way that you are used to &ettin& your questions answered. Hne way is to simply replace the question mark with a ellipsis .J1. 9his indicates that the rest o) the statement needs to %e )inished and her answer to the question is that )inish. Another way is to 2ust leave out the question mark alto&ether. Incorrect: AAre you comin& toni&ht?B Correct: A$hall I %e expectin& you this evenin& my dearB Incorrect: A4hat is your )avorite color?B Correct: AAnd your )avorite color would %e JB Another )unny way to counteract this is to &o over%oard in the other direction and make )un o) the )act you are doin& it. @ere is an example )rom a messa&e i actually sent out recently to a new &irl who is tryin& to &et into the police academy. =ace: the police academy? what do you have to do to &et in? 4here are you workin& now? do you have )ace%ook? is this too many questions in a row? should i stop now? lol 'ow remem%er this is a rule o) thum%. Gon6t &o over%oard and never use question marks a&ain. Just make sure you are not usin& them constantly. Htherwise you come o)) as the needy interviewer &uy.


A )alse disquali)ier is simply a play)ul statement that &ives reasons why you wouldn6t %e a%le to move )orward with her. 9he reasons you &ive need to %e silly and outlandish. Fou want to sporadically use )alse disquali)iers in your text messa&es. ?ven thou&h you are o%viously 2okin&" you are conveyin& that you do have standards and i) she meets them" then

you will move )orward. Fou don6t 2ust settle )or anyone. 4hen a &irl )eels like she has %een disquali)ied in your eyes she will start doin& thin&s to try and &et you to accept her M even i) they are silly. 4hile it is possi%le to start a conversation with a disquali)ier" chances are you will &et more consistent results when you use them within the context o) an interaction. A per)ect opportunity to use a )alse disquali)ier is any time she voices her opinion a%out somethin&. ?xample: 4oah woah3 Fou like N00thin& she likes000O? I didn6t know you were that AtypeB o) &irl3 I mi&ht have to &et my moms permission 2ust to kick it with youJ lol :1 4ait" you were %orn in Nany monthO" ri&ht? $o you6re a Nassociated %irth si&nO. Gamn it3 I knew it. Hh well" I &uess i6m 2ust &onna have to %reak up with you now lol


'othin& %rin&s a woman6s &uard down like humor. 4hen she is lau&hin& she is relaxed" com)orta%le and associatin& you with a &ood time. 4hen this occurs" she is no lon&er 2ud&in& or analy8in& you. It also lets her know that you will %e )un to %e around when you han& out a&ain. 4hen asked what they )ind most attractive in men" women consistently rank a sense o) humor as the top attri%ute. 4hy is this? @umor indicates that you take neither yoursel) nor the interaction too seriously" and seriousness is the exact opposite o) the types o) emotions we are tryin& to elicit in order to %uild attraction in the %e&innin&. In )act" there are many examples o) where a woman is not initially attracted to a man" %ut %ecause she )inds his sense o) humor so irresisti%le" ends up )allin& hard.


4ork smarter not harder3 I) you have several &irls in your phone that you are interested in and tryin& to set up dates with" why not save your time and %e more e))icient %y sendin& out a mass text messa&e to several &irls at the same time. @owever" it is important to reali8e that woman are )ar less likely to respond to mass texts %ecause they remove personal responsi%ility o) response. I) she can6t or doesn6t want to come she doesn6t need to respond %ecause it wasn6t to her personally. Hn top o) that" some women actually are put o)) %y mass texts. @ow do you continue to use convenience o) mass text messa&es without the draw%acks?. It is ALL I' 9@? 4H=GI'C3 Fou want to send out a mass text messa&e that makes the person receivin& it )eel like you sent it to them personally. 5ut at the same time it has to %e &eneral enou&h to make sense to all the recipients.

:or instance" i) I want to han& out with any o) - &irls I 2ust met" I would text somethin& like this:

woman head3 4hat kinda trou%le are you &ettin& your sel) into toni&ht? Lol B
or A@ey there my little trou%le maker. 4e are cruisin& down to NeventO with a kick ass &roup o) people i) you wanna 2oin the )un3 Can u keep up thou&h is the question3 :1 what do ya say?B 9he point here is to make it seem personal so she )eels compelled to respond. Important: 5e aware that some people6s phones list the other phone num%ers the text went too. 7eep that in mind dependin& on what kind o) messa&e you are mass sendin&. $ometimes it is smarter to send individual texts.

@olidays &ive you a per)ect opportunity to en&a&e or reIen&a&e a lot o) people at once throu&h mass texts. 4omen will %e much more )or&ivin& o) the idea o) Amass textin&B on these occasions. ?ven thou&h she will %e )or&ivin& o) it" you still want to make her )eel like you sent it 9H @?=" not everyone. ?xample:

happy .what ever holiday1 snu&&le %ear3 did you have a &ood holiday3? Hr did you 2ust
cause a ruckus3?? lol :1B 5y addin& a nickname and a question to the end o) the text messa&e you make it )eel a lot more persona%le. $he is )ar more likely to respond to somethin& like this than to a text messa&e that 2ust states: Ahappy thanks&ivin&3B. $he already &ot + o) those. I) she questions you on whether or not it is a mass text 2ust respond %y sayin&:

Fou cau&ht me3 I sent it to 2"-*E people lol :1 @ow many annoyin& mass texts did you &et
so )ar today? I think I am at *,3B


#sin& all the techniques in this system you will %e&in to %uild attraction really quickly with women. 9hey are not used to this happenin&. 5ecause o) this" they will o)ten test you to see i) you really are the )un" cool" hi&h value &uy that you are portrayin& yoursel) to %e. 5ased on how you react" she will either %ecome )ar more attracted to you or reali8e that it was 2ust too &ood to %e true and move on and stop respondin& to you. 9his does not mean she is %ein& %itchy or mean or doesn6t like you. In )act" it is the exact opposite. I: $@? I$ CIPI'C FH# A 9?$9" 9@A9 (?A'$ $@? I$ $9A=9I'C 9H LI7? FH#3 Cherish the moments a woman suddenly &ives you resistance or &ives you hell a%out somethin& you said. $he has to do this to )ilter out low value men to &et to the quality men.

$o how do you pass a woman6s test and solidi)y in her mind that you are the hi&h quality &uy she wants to %e attracted to? Fou must %e 'H'I=?AC9IP?. Gon6t %uy into the ar&ument or sassy comment. $he is tryin& to &et a rise out o) you and when you don6t stammer to try to explain yoursel)" start apolo&i8in&" or &et upset her attraction to you &oes throu&h the roo). It shows that you truly are an awesome &uy who doesn6t need her acceptance or approval to )eel &ood a%out yoursel). Fou do what you want to %ecause you want to not %ecause o) how others will )orm opinions o) you. 9his is insanely attractive3 Go notJI repeatJGH 'H9 take it personal3 Instead look at it as a )un &ame. It is cute. $he is tellin& you that she likes you and &ivin& you an ama8in& opportunity to make her even more attracted to you. @ere are some o) the main ways to success)ully handle a woman6s tests: I I&nore it. $ometimes the %est way to handle a woman6s test is to simply i&nore it and keep doin& what you are doin& M havin& )un textin& %ack and )orth. 9his let6s her know that you" unlike most &uys" are not &oin& to play her little &ames. I) done correctly" it will %e )or&otten and the conversation will move )orward as i) it never happened. Hnly she will %e way more attracted to you. I $ay: Au r cute :1 B 9his is a &reat way to show her that you are una))ected. Fou )ind it cute that she is tryin& to test you %ecause you now know it 2ust means she likes you. I >lay alon&. Co over the top so she knows you are 2okin& around and you don6t take this seriously at all. ?xample: @er: Ayou are a player aren6t you?B Fou: A@ow rude3J4e pre)er to %e called &i&olosB I :ind out the =?AL issue. I) it is a more serious test stemmin& )rom her insecurities" )ind out what the real issue is and handle that instead. Gon6t &et cau&ht up in a )ake ar&ument. 5e willin& to walk away. 9his is the most important concept you may ever learn a%out interactin& with women. 7now what you want and don6t want. 4hat you are willin& to put up with and what you are not. I) it 2ust doesn6t work out you have to %e ok with that. It doesn6t mean you weren6t &ood enou&h or she wasn6t &ood enou&h )or you" it 2ust means you two are not compati%le. 'o worries. 9here are a million )ish in the sea and you are quite the catch. 'ote: 5ein& a%le to pass a woman6s test is so important I have included extra examples so you can see how to do it in a variety o) di))erent situations. ?xample QD :riday" Gec D2 2 ! at D:+!:*- >( @eidi: 4hat ever happened to pickin& my %rain a%out all the places i have %een? I )eel like

you charmed me into %ed and that makes a &ood story to add to whatever your workin& on. (ay%e im wron& %ut thats in your hands. :riday" Gec D2 2 ! at 2: D:*D >( =ace: 4hat u decide to %elieve o) course is always your decision my dear :1 I have no interest in convincin& u one way or another only in en2oyin& my time with hi&h quality people. :riday" Gec D2 2 same to you. ?xample Q2 (e2/2/ ! -: + >( =ace: did u know it was Croundho&s day??? Chels cute sd ms? 2+2/2/ ! -:D* >( Chelsy: I didn6t. 4ho is this? (e2/2/ ! -:2 >( =ace: Four )uture ex hus%and:I1 Chels cute sd ms? 2+2/2/ ! -:22 >( Chelsy: 4ell that6s )unny cu8 I don6t plan on &ettin& divorced:1 (e2/2/ ! -:2- >( =ace: I know we didn6t plan on it %ut you 2ust weren6t adventurous enou&h )or me in the %edroomJ%ut the passion was de)initely there:I1 Chels cute sd ms? 2+2/2/ ! -:2+ >( Chelsy: 9hat6s hilarious cu8 no%ody else complains3 'ot even your %rother:1 (e2/2/ ! -:2! >( =ace: 4ell I &uess he wouldn6t have %ein& mentally handicapped and allJthat is so sweet o) u:I1 Chels cute sd ms? 2+2/2/ ! -:*E >( Chelsy: Four dad too? Cu8 he seemed 2 like it (e2/2/ ! -:*! >( =ace: I am all a%out keepin& it in the )amilyJthat is why it was so hard to %reak up with you. (ay%e we should &ive it another tryRI1 Chels cute sd ms? 2+2/2/ ! -:*; >( Chelsy: Hnly i) u say please ?xample Q* -/2-/ ! !:+ >( ?mily:# do know &irls ri&ht? ! at 2: +:DE >( @eidi: Cood way to put it. Cuess im in my head. 9hanks )or considerin& me hi&h quality

(e-/2-/ ! !:+D >( =ace: $ounds dan&erousJim scared o) &irls. = u &onna %rin& some o) your )riends or what? =aquel moose head cute-/2-/ ! !:+* >( ?mily: Feah o) course3 Its not a %i& deal i) u don6t want to 2ust thou&ht it could %e )un:1 and come onJ.we love &irlsR1 (e-/2-/ ! !:++ >( =ace: 'au&hty nau&hty J # r &onna &et spanked when I &et %ack =aquel moose head cute-/2-/ ! !:+, >( ?mily: I6m not really sure what I did to deserve that %ut sounds &oodR1 and stop talkin& like a douche %a& lmao (e-/2-/ ! !:+! >( =ace: 7eep it up little missy and see what happens3 @aha =aquel moose head cute-/2-/ ! ;: * >( ?mily: Little missy? # can6t do %etter than that? $o dissapointin&J.:. (e-/2-/ ! ;: - >( =ace: @ey I don6t need your sassJi need your lips on my J =aquel moose head cute-/2-/ ! ;: + >( ?mily: Hn ur lips ri&ht?? #h ur a )a&JI hate chu (e-/2-/ ! ;: , >( =ace: Awwe I miss u too you little cock slave =aquel moose head cute-/2-/ ! ;:D >( ?mily: 9hat was mean ino ur not a )a& %ut u say )a& thin&s sometimesJlike that:1 yeah I don6t think I could miss u any more than I doJ:Ip ?xample QLori thum% wrestle!/D / ! ;:*- >( Lori: HkJ..ur smokin6 hot3 $o I have 2 askI y waste ur time w/ me S all? $houldn6t all ur time % spent dealin& w/ vapid" scantilyIclad sin&le 2+ yr.Iolds? R1 (e!/D / ! ;:+; >( =ace: 4ho says it6s a waste o) my time? Lori thum% wrestle!/D / ! D :** >( Lori: Cood answer3 >erhaps I haven6t &iven u enou&h creditJ..RI1 !/D / ! D :+ >( Lori: >.$JJhope u weren6t o))ended %y my last text. #r not that sensitiveJJr u? (e!/D / ! DD: - >( =ace: @ahaJur cute

Lori thum% wrestle!/D / ! DD: , >( Lori: @ahaJJthanks. I luv %ein& AcuteB3 R1 ?xample Q+ 4ednesday" 'ov D; 2 4ednesday" 'ov D; 2 =ace: 'ot into what? 9hursday" 'ov 2 2 ! at D2: 2:- A( 9ara: 5ein& one o) the &irls )rom your we%site. I was interested in &ettin& to know you %ecause I thou&ht you sounded really )un" so I &uess you6re really &ood at what you do.. 9hursday" 'ov 2 2 ! at D2: +:-; A( =ace: =eally? $o now you don6t want to &et to know me %ecause I write articles on how help &uys develop their personality so they can meet awesome &irls? 9hursday" 'ov 2 2 ! at D2:D-:** A( 9ara: It 2ust sounds like I6m one o) several &irls you6re settin& up a date with this week and accordin& to your p& Aone lucky &irl will &et to sleep w youB 9hursday" 'ov 2 2 ! at D2:D,: D A( =ace: @aha now I &et itJI 2ust want to help people have choices in their datin& lives so they don6t settle %ut are happy..does that make sense? 9hursday" 'ov 2 2 now 9hursday" 'ov 2 2 9hursday" 'ov 2 2 ! at D2:2,:D* A( ! at D2:*;:- A( =ace: $eriously that make me lau&hJ.I wrote the a%out us pa&e :1 read that3 =ace: 5ut hey i) that is reason enou&h not to han& out and have )un &oo)in& around I totally understand. @ave a &ood ni&ht :1 9hursday" 'ov 2 2 ! at D2:-!: 2 A( 9ara: 4ell I6m interested in meetin& u. $o why don6t we 2ust meet up and &et to know each other. Fou6re not )ree till tomorrow pm? ?xample QE (onday" Gec 22 2 ! at ;:*-:*; >( Cindy: $o since i6m stuck in the airport" i6ve %een ponderin&. 9ruth)ullyJhow many &irls have you acted the same as you did with me lately? @onesty is key here lol (onday" Gec 22 2 =ace: Tero ! at ;:*;:-+ >( ! at D2:2 :*, A( 9ara: what a%out the part where you say you were unknown in the online seduction world till ! at DD:+-:2* >( ! at DD:+,:-; >( 9ara: I saw your we%site..sorry" not into that.

(onday" Gec 22 2

! at ;:-D:2! >(

Cindy: =eally? @mJpinky promise? $orry my curiosity is &ettin& the %est o) meJmixed with a hint o) cautiousness :1 (onday" Gec 22 2 (onday" Gec 22 2 (onday" Gec 22 2 (onday" Gec 22 2 (onday" Gec 22 2 (onday" Gec 22 2 (onday" Gec 22 2 ! at ;:++:* >( ! at ;:+,:2* >( ! at D : -:+D >( ! at D :D+:+* >( ! at D :D,:*D >( ! at DD: E:*- >( ! at DD:-!:2* >( =ace: 4ell each person is unique :1 Cindy:Fea" %ut you know what i mean. (ay%eJ Cindy: $o i6m &uessin& it was de)initely not a new experience )or you thenJ =ace: ? what is the real issue here Cindy: 'othin&. I6m 2ust wonderin& i) it was 2ust another weekend in a day in the li)e o) you Cindy: @mJ&uess thats a possi%ilityJsucks =ace: I don6t u )eel like I tricked or deceived you in any way? Gid you not en2oy our time to&ether? (onday" Gec 22 2 ! at DD:+D:D2 >( Cindy: 'o not at all. And han&in& out with you was ama8in&. I think i6m 2ust stuck in an airport and 2ust thinkin& you6re too &ood to %e trueJ 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 o) the airport 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 ! at D2:D-:22 A( ! at D2:D+:2 A( ! at D2:D+:-; A( ! at D2:DE:D! A( ! at D2:DE:+2 A( =ace: @ave a sa)e )li&ht my dear :1 Cindy: 9hanks. :1 see you soon hope)ully. =ace: I6ll cross my )in&ers :1 Cindy:Fou really did make my trip memora%le" so don6t think you didn6t :1 =ace: I wouldn6t dream o) it :> ! at D2:D*:-D A( Cindy: I6m %oardin& )inally3 :1 i6m sad i6m leavin& new yorkJ%ut i6m happy to %e &ettin& out

Just %ecause she doesn6t respond immediately to your text messa&es or answer every call doesn6t mean you should 2ust text or call her a&ain. >ersistent text messa&es when there is little or no response communicates neediness and a scarcity mentality. #nless you are in the middle o) emotionally connectin& with a &irl" you should %e CH'$9A'9LF &ivin& o)) a li&hthearted persona a%out your sel). I) you are constantly availa%le to respond immediately or are non stop continually textin& her she will wonder why you don6t have anythin& else in your li)e keepin& you %usy. Hn the other hand" don6t take this to the extreme and wait hours to respond to each and every text. (ix it up. 'onIneediness is one o) the most important attri%utes to cultivate. Adopt an a%undance mentality. Gon6t ask too many direct questions. A &ood way to ask a question without usin& a question mark is to replace the question mark with a ellipsis .J1 'othin& %rin&s a woman6s &uard down like humor. 4hen she is lau&hin& she is relaxed" com)orta%le and associatin& you with a &ood time. 4hen this occurs" she is no lon&er 2ud&in& or analy8in& you. It also lets her know that you will %e )un to %e around when you han& out a&ain. I: $@? I$ CIPI'C FH# A 9?$9" 9@A9 (?A'$ $@? I$ $9A=9I'C 9H LI7? FH#3 Cherish the moments a woman suddenly &ives you resistance or &ives you hell a%out somethin& you said. $he has to do this to )ilter out low value men to &et to the quality men.

As you can see you have a lot o) )undamental tools and mindsets here to ensure that you continue to create" %uild and maintain attraction once you &et a &irls phone Q. 7eep all these principles in mind and %e&in practicin& them immediately %ecause the sooner they %ecome ha%it the %etter. 9hey will keep you )rom makin& the most common mistakes most &uys make when textin& a &irl. And as always" remem%er that each woman you interact with is unique so treat her as such. 5e willin& to adapt and try new thin&s. 9hese are not rules set in stone %ut &uidelines. @owever" %e)ore you can %e&in to master these skills you must )irst have a woman6s phone num%er to text. :or that check it out at Cettin& @er 'um%er.



5e)ore you can %ecome a super text all star makin& &irls lau&h" swoon" and incredi%ly turned on you have to have num%ers to text. 9he more num%ers you have to practice with the )aster you are &oin& to master the art o) textin&.


9ypically when a &uy )inds himsel) talkin& with a &irl he ends up waitin& until the end o) the conversation to ask )or her Q. 9here are several reasons this is an ine))ective way o) &ettin& a &irls Q. D. 9he end o) the conversation may %e an inopportune time. 4hat i) her )riends come and dra& her away and you don6t have time to &et her Q? 2. 5y waitin& until the end it looks as i) &ettin& her Q was the &oal o) the entire interaction not &enuinely &ettin& to know her. *. 'um%ers &ained at the end o) a conversation are much more likely to )lake %ecause the emotions she was )eelin& when she &ave you her Q were not solidi)ied and are much more likely to wear o)). -. 4aitin& until the end can make you anxious a%out &ettin& the Q" causin& you to act awkward and keepin& you )rom %ein& in the moment and makin& a &enuine connection with her. 9his is not to say that you cannot &et a &irls Q on the )ly. 9here are de)initely circumstances when one or neither o) you has the time to sit around and %uild a connection. >erhaps you met her on the su%way and it is now her stop and she needs to &et o)). 'o worries 2ust &ra% her Q and we6ll show you a trick you can use to %uild and solidi)y those )eelin&s later in the #sin& $ocial 'etworkin& $ites to 5oost Attraction and 5uild Com)ort section.


$o when in the conversation is the %est time to &et a &irls phone Q? 9he truth is you should %e askin& yoursel) a very di))erent question. 9he question you should %e askin& is AGo I like this &irl )rom what I have learned so )ar talkin& to her.B I) the answer is yes then I am assumin& you want to spend more time with her. In which case the next question is" Awhat is somethin& )un we could do to&ether?B Hnce this question is answered then you know it is time to &et her Q. Let me &ive you an example to clari)y. Fou are out at a %ar with your %uddies. Fou see a cute &irl and so you walk up to with con)ident %ody lan&ua&e and %e&in talkin& to her. Fou %anter %ack and )orth" she is

lau&hin&" and her attraction is &rowin& )or you. $he hooks on to the conversation and you %e&in sharin& personal in)o a%out yourselves and askin& unique" open ended questions. $he tells you how much she loves chocolate. Fou tell her you 2ust happen to know the coolest little pastry shop that makes the %est chocolate Uclairs. $he &ets super excited. Fou say" A you know what" you are )un so I am totally &oin& to take you there. Fou6ll love it3B $he responds with" A9hat sounds deliciousB. $o say as you pull out your phone" AAwesome" here &ive me your Q and I6ll text you the detailsB. $he &ives you her Q. 'ote:Concepts like 5ody lan&ua&e" $tartin& a Conversation" $exual ?scalation"etc are %eyond the scope o) this system. :or a complete system o) those concepts check out #n%reaka%le" $ay @ello and Irresisti%le. 'ow this is a simpli)ied version o) how it &oes. 9here is actually a lot more &oin& on here than meets the eye. Let6s %reak it down )arther in the )ollowin& sections.


4hy are you &ettin& a &irl6s num%er anyways? 9he &oal o) any interaction with a &irl you are attracted to .at least in the %e&innin&1 is to continue &ettin& to know each other and see i) you would make a &ood match. 9his can only happens throu&h spendin& time to&ether. $o the o%vious &oal o) &ettin& any &irl6s num%er should always %e to meet up a&ain. 9his is why in the )irst example I &ave where you &ot her Q you did it as a means to an end. Fou did not 2ust &et her num%er to Acall her sometimeB. 9hat is )ar too va&ue and when thin&s are va&ue people tend to )lake %ecause there is nothin& solid to commit to. Fou &ot her Q )or a very speci)ic reason. Fou &ot it to &ive her details on a date you had 2ust set up. Cettin& a &irls Q should almost always %e a side note. It is never the main )ocus. It is a lo&istical tool )or exchan&in& in)ormation on where to meet" time" or i) plans chan&e. H)ten times when a &uy asks )or a &irl6s phone Q several thin&s run throu&h her head:

$hould I &ive this &uy my Q?B A4ill he %e constantly callin& and annoyin& me to &o on
dates with him?B" AI don6t want him to think I am mean so I6ll 2ust &ive it to him and then i&nore his callsB or AI6ll &ive him my Q 2ust so he will leave me aloneB. 4hen you &et her Q as a result o) a speci)ic date you two have planned to&ether in the midst o) your )un conversation you avoid all o) these thou&hts. It makes per)ect sense in this context )or her to &ive you her num%er.


'ow that you know the purpose %ehind &ettin& a &irl6s num%er and when durin& the conversation to &et it let6s &o over some speci)ic techniques to use to ensure she )eels com)orta%le and even excited to &ive it to you.

D. It is only as %i& o) a deal as you make it. A woman will %e lookin& at you to &au&e how com)orta%le she should )eel in the interaction. I) you put a %i& )ocus on and appear nervous when &ettin& her Q she will sense it. As you are &ettin& her num%er keep talkin& a%out whatever you were talkin& a%out. I) you act like it is not a %i& deal it 4H'69 %e a %i& deal. 2. Gon6t ask )or her num%er. 4hen you ask her a question she now has an o%li&ation to answer you. In answerin& she needs to access how she )eels and decide on yes or no. Instead use directive phrases like: ALet6s exchan&e num%ersB" A@ere put your num%er in my phoneB or AFou are so )un" we are totally exchan&in& num%ers3B *. Assume she is &oin& to &ive you her num%er. >eople act in accordance with what is expected o) them. I) you pull out your phone with an air o) con)idence that says you do this all the time she will &o ri&ht alon& with you. 9here is a sayin&: AFour hesitation V her reservationB. 9he second you are unsure or hesitate she will secondI&uess you. @ere is the %asic )ormula )or success)ully meetin& and &ettin& a solid Q )rom a &irl you are interested in: 'ote: 9his is a very %asic outline. 9here are a %unch o) psycholo&ical principles o) attraction that are out o) the scope o) this $ystem. .check out: )or more in)o1 IActually &o talk to her. I) you see a &irl you )ind attractive &o talk to her. Gon6t think a%out it 2ust do it. 9he lon&er you wait the more likely you are &oin& to talk yoursel) out o) it. 4alk up standin& tall and talk with con)idence and a smile. Introduce yoursel) and shake her hand. 4ho cares what you say 2ust say somethin&3 9here is little to risk and a )ortune to &ain. I 9alk to her over your shoulder .side %y side like you are lookin& at a paintin& to&ether1 not )ace to )ace. 7eep the %e&innin& o) the conversation li&ht and play)ul. @AP? :#'3 $mile. 5e in the moment. :lirt %ack and )orth. 9ake a deep %reath and relax. 9his is supposed to %e )un3 >lay)ully nud&e her on the shoulder with the %ack o) your hand. H)ten times i) you do it ri&ht she will %e&in askin& you questions a%out yoursel) like Aso what do you doB or A4hat6s your nameB etc. 9his is a &ood thin&. It means she is interested and you can move to the next step. 'ote: Ask yoursel) i) this is really someone you want to move )orward with? I) so proceed to the next step. I) not M &o talk to another &irl. Gon6t waste each other6s time. Four time is much too valua%le. =espect yoursel) enou&h to a)ter what you want. I A)ter the play)ul" )un conversation &oes on )or a minute or two and you can tell she is en2oyin& it ask her a question that &ets her to tell you somethin& she thinks is positive a%out hersel). ?xample:

Fou seem really )un" what is somethin& cool a%out you that hardly anyone knows?B
Let her answer. @owever she answers %e sure to accept her )or it. In other words" say

somethin& like Athat6s really coolB. I don6t care i) she tells you she is a worldIclass yodeler" you have to accept her. 9his is the &ateway throu&h which she is &oin& to start makin& a &enuine connection with you. It is ok to turn towards her and )ace her now. $he is properly invested in the conversation to earn your positive %ody lan&ua&e. =emem%er to keep her com)ort level &rowin& with your touch. I9his is where you can start )indin& out personal in)ormation a%out her. In &eneral ask more speci)ic questions that make her pause and think. Fou will learn a lot more a%out what type o) person she is )rom A4hat6s the most adventurous thin& you have done so )ar this year?B than A@ow was your day?B. >eople don6t want to )eel like they are sittin& throu&h an interview. =elate what she says to a story )rom your li)e. 9his especially includes what your passions are" thin&s you love to do" dreams" &oals" ho%%ies" travel" etc. ?xample: Fou: A4hat do you do?B @er: AI am an accountantB Fou: A'ot what do you do )or work sillyJwhat do you do )or :#'3B @er: A#mmmJI used to &o horse%ack ridin& all the time when I was youn&er.B Fou: A'H 4AFJthat is so cool3 I don6t know a%out you" %ut the last time I rode a horse it was the most exhilaratin& )eelin&. I )elt so alive3 It was like I was the sheri)) in one o) those old western movies chasin& down the %andit who 2ust ro%%ed the train haha. Gid you ever do anythin& like that?B $he should now %e compelled to open up and share a%out her li)e in return. 'ow actually LI$9?' to her instead o) 2ust waitin& )or your turn to talk. Important: Fou must tell the truth. Go not lie or make up stories at this point. Fou are %ein& open and honest. 9his is where you make a &enuine connection. I) she )inds out you lied later on she will )eel like you tricked her and will have a hard time ever trustin& you a&ain.

@ere is where you don6t leave anythin& to chance %ut man up and lead the conversation.
Introduce any activity you would en2oy doin& with her. It doesn6t have to %e %ased o)) what you have learned )rom her in conversation %ut it helps i) it is tailored to thin&s you think she mi&ht like. ?xample: Fou: A@ave you ever tried hookah?B @er: A'o" what is it?B Fou: AAre you serious?3 Hh man it is awesome3 It6s this (iddle ?astern water pipe that you smoke all kinds o) di))erent )lavors out o) it. Fou can smoke any )lavor ima&ina%le. (y )avorite is chocolate mint. It is like eatin& those Andy6s mints you &et at Hlive CardenJ soooo &ood3 Fou would LHP? it3 Fou know what?3 It6s o))icial" I am totally takin& you.B

@er: A9hat sounds )unB Fou: A@ere let6s exchan&e Q6s and we6ll &o next week sometimeB .as you take out your phone1 @er : A;D,J.B 4hen you are talkin& a%out the activity/location you have in mind to take her make sure you sell it. (ake it sound like the most ama8in& thin&/place ever. #se descriptive words explainin& why you love it and how it makes you )eel. =emem%er" enthusiasm is conta&ious. Con&ratulations you now have a date and a solid phone num%er )rom an attractive woman. 5ut wait there6s moreJ


4hen &ettin& a &irls Q it is a &ood idea to make sure she puts your Q in her phone at the same time. 9his way i) )or some reason a stretch o) time &oes %etween texts you don6t &et the dreaded Awho is this?B text. It also has an e))ect on her psycholo&ically. I) your Q isn6t in her phone you must not have %een worth the e))ort. 'ot to mention most &irls do not answer calls )rom unknown num%ers. 4hen you are saved in her phone you now %elon& to a &roup o) people .)riends" )amily" coIworkers1 who are a re&ular part o) her li)e.


It is important that a)ter you &et her Q you continue the conversation. I) you leave ri&ht a)ter you &et her num%er it will seem like your whole point )or talkin& to her was to &et her Q. And i) that really was your &oal" chances are you are doin& it )or the validation o) knowin& you can &et a &irls Q instead o) &enuinely %ein& interested in meetin& cool women and addin& value to their lives. (ake sure to know what it is that is truly motivatin& you and" i) need %e" take care o) that )irst. 5y continuin& to talk with her" you are accomplishin& several thin&s: IFou solidi)y the connection and attraction you have %een %uildin& with her. 9his has hu&e implications3 I) you are currently &ettin& num%ers that keep )lakin& this is pro%a%ly a %i& reason why. I4hen you text or call her she is :A= more likely to answer. It &ives you more in)ormation to text a%out as well as determines what types o) texts you can send her when startin& out. I Fou will have to put in A LH9 less e))ort maintainin& her attraction to you until your next meet up. ?ach new thread o) conversation weaves a stron&er %ond %etween you. 9he more she invests in you .shares her emotions" dreams" &oals" passions and li)e stories with you1 the more she is &oin& to want a return on that investment .showin& up )or a date1.

I4hy in the world would you leave a conversation that is &oin& well with a woman you are attracted to?3


9his is a &reat little technique to drastically reduce the chances o) her )ailin& to respond to your texts or calls. $imply add in this little statement while you are puttin& her phone num%er in your phone:

4ait you6re not one o) those people who never responds to texts or takes like + years to
write %ack are you? 9hat is $HHHH annoyin&B I) done correctly she will 2ump in and try to convince you she is not that way.

ok cool we will %e text %uddiesJ.%ut you are on pro%ation until I see you can keep up with
meB .smile1 $ince she has put in the e))ort to convince you that she is &ood a%out respondin& to texts she will now want to stay consistent with her word and your expectations o) her.


4hen you %e&in usin& the techniques presented in this %ook you are &oin& to %e &ettin& more num%ers than you can shake a stick at. 9his comes with what we like to call Aa hi&h quality pro%lemB. It is easy to lose track o) who is who. I would hate )or you to score a num%er o) a %eauti)ul woman you were really into then not remem%er which Jessica she was. $o )rom now on every time you &et a &irls Q put in a code word %y her name to remem%er her %y. Fou can put down where you met her" somethin& unique a%out her" or somethin& you talked a%out with her. In )act" it can %e a )un &ame to &et her involved with. Fou: AHk so I need somethin& to remem%er you %yJhow a%out JessicaJGorkalicios?B @er: A@ow a%out Jessica $uper Cool and @otB .she will almost always su&&est somethin& over the top positive ie @ot" Cute" Awesome" etc1 Fou: A4ell I already have * o) those so you are &oin& to have to choose somethin& di))erentB .smile1 AI want it to %e somethin& totally unique to you.B @er: A4ell I am dou%le 2ointed.B Fou: A>er)ect3 Fou are now Jessica Gou%le Jointed cute smileB .it6s nice to add in the cute smile Wie complimentX part %ecause she isn6t expectin& itJCirls love it3 Fou don6t actually have to put it in your phone1 It is )un to see what you %oth come up with. 'ow do the same thin& )or your name. Fou want every time you text or call her )or a )un attri%ute or nickname to pop up. 9his sets you apart and makes her smile" associatin& positive emotions with you. It %ecomes an inside 2oke.

Almost every name in my phone has a code word next to it to help me remem%er who they are. (ake this a ha%it. 'ote: As cool as it seems" you do not want )or your codename to %e somethin& like @andsome" Cute" Awesome or @ot. It is much more e))ective )or it to %e somethin& )unny or unique to you6re interaction with her or even makin& )un o) yoursel). .ie 'erd)ace" 9iny penis" Coo)%all" 9hum%wrestler1


4hen you &et to the point you are &ettin& multiple num%ers every time you &o out it is easy to lose track. A simple solution is to set a reminder in your phone to text all the &irls and &uys you met the next day. :or &uys simply text A@ey man it was super cool meetin& you last ni&ht M .your name1B. :or &irlsJwell we will &et into that next. I can6t tell you how many times I remem%ered I had a date thanks to this simple ha%it. =emem%er she is waitin& )or you to lead. $o even thou&h she a&reed to &o on the date you will have to make sure it happens and you can6t make it happen i) you )or&et.


I) you truly want to master the num%ers &ame you should %e &ettin& num%ers every time you &o out. 9his includes men and women. >ractice %ein& social all the time with all kinds o) people. 4ho knows you mi&ht have 2ust made an important %usiness contact" met someone who can hook you up on air )air" or 2ust made a new )riend. Fou will %e ama8ed at how quickly your social circle will &row and how excitin& your social li)e will %ecome once you really push your sel) socially. Fou will %ecome the &o to &uy when people want to know what is &oin& on.

5y )ollowin& the advice in this section you will quickly %e&in to stock pile solid phone Q6s )rom &irls you are interested in. 'ow that you have )uel )or the )ire" let6s take a look at how to keep these women excited to meet up with you a&ain. :or that &o to 9echniques and 9actics.

4aitin& until the end o) the interaction to &et her num%er is &enerally a %ad idea. Amon& other thin&s" it makes it look like the entire &oal o) the interaction was &ettin& her Q .makin&

you look like a AplayerB1 and you run the risk o) her leavin& %e)ore you &et it .her stop on the su%way" )riends dra& her away" etc. Cet her num%er a)ter you6ve decided you like her enou&h to &et to know her %etter" then invite her to do somethin& you %oth have a common interest in. Cettin& her num%er is a means to an end. I) you have a phone )ull o) num%ers that )lake" it doesn6t do you any &ood. =emem%er to keep the )ocus on seein& her a&ain. 4omen will look to you when decidin& how to )eel a%out and in the interaction. I) you don6t think it6s a %i& deal" neither will she. $he wants you to take the lead. Instead o) sayin&" A$o can I call you sometime?B say A4e should han& out. @ere6s my phone" put you num%er in.B I) you are sure she will &ive you her num%er" she more than likely will. Gon6t &ive her any reason to second &uess your con)idence. (ake sure she has your num%er in her phone as well. 9his way" when you call or text her" she will not ask the dreaded A4ho is this?B A)ter you &et her num%er" %e sure to continue the conversation so you can solidi)y attraction and connection" leadin& to less )lakin&.


In this section you will learn how to success)ully cra)t the per)ect )irst text messa&e that en&a&es her emotions" causes her to reIa))irm her attraction to you and compels her to respond. 'ot only that %ut you will learn what to do i) you &et her num%er on the )ly and why usin& social media as a tool o) attraction is so power)ul.


I) you don6t already know" there are you are not the only &uy &oin& a)ter the &irl.s1 you are interested in. Fou must %e a%le to separate your sel) )rom the norm and display that you are the top pick. A lot o) &uys can &et a &irl6s num%er %ut then &et so excited they completely )or&et how to interact when they are textin& or callin& her. ?ach step you pro&ress you have to con)irm in her mind she made the ri&ht choice to move )orward with you and not the next &uy in line. 9hou&h you are only sendin& DI* lines o) text" you are &ivin& o)) .o)ten unconsciously1 si&nals that tell her a lot a%out what type o) &uy you are.

:or example: Is meetin& women a typical %ehavior )or you? Go you have hi&h $ocial Palue? Are you easily manipulated or do you have a stron& sense o) personal identity? 4hat kind o) personality do you have? 4ill you %e a%le to excite her and make her lau&h3? Are you needy or do you have thin&s &oin& on in your li)e? 9hese are 2ust a )ew o) thin&s she will su%consciously pick up on. 4hen added up" it will determine in her mind i) she is %ecomin& more attracted to you and wants to move )orward with the relationship or i) you are not the type o) &uy worth investin& her time in. 9his seems like a lot pressure to put on a )ew lines o) text %ut don6t worry you are a%out to learn the principles %ehind creatin& incredi%ly success)ul )irst text messa&es that &ive o)) all the ri&ht si&nals. 5ut )irst we need to look at why what most &uy6s do 2ust doesn6t work.


:or many &uys the )irst text can %e stress)ul experience. 9hey will sit there wrackin& their %rains )or hours tryin& to come up with per)ect way to start o)) this new text romance. 9he )unny thin& is a)ter all that thou&ht they almost always end up with somethin& %rilliant like:

hey whats up?B hey cutie" it was nice meetin& you last ni&ht. 4ant to han& out toni&ht?B how is your day &oin&?B what are you up to?B Go you remem%er me? INyour nameOB @ey it6s NnameO )rom the %ar/party/clu% last ni&ht. what6s up?B
9hese types o) texts are typical and there)ore %orin&. Instead o) settin& you apart" they lump you ri&ht into the Lame cate&ory with every other &uy. 'ot only do they not invoke any stron& emotional reaction in her" and there)ore are ine))ective" %ut they kill any initial attraction you %uilt up with her when you &ot her Q.


$o what &oes into a creatin& a )irst text messa&e that sets you apart and makes her excited to text you %ack? 9here are three essential in&redients that your )irst text messa&e needs to have in order to make it most e))ective. D. It needs to en&a&e her emotions" causin& her to reIa))irm her attraction to you 2. It needs to set a )un" play)ul tone )or the interaction to come *. It needs to compel her to respond

I) you can accomplish all o) these in your )irst text you can almost &uarantee she will not only respond positively %ut %e much more willin& to move )orward with you. Let6s take a look how to each element works and how to incorporate them to&ether in your )irst text.


9he most power)ul element o) creatin& an e))ective )irst text is en&a&in& her emotions. 4hen she reads your )irst )ew texts" you want her to reIexperience the )eelin&s o) attraction that you o%viously created when you &ot her num%er. 9he easiest way to do this is %y re)erencin& a topic )rom your conversation to&ether that you connected on or that was very memora%le. 9his will cause her to recall that interaction which" in turn" will cause her to )eel those same emotion she )elt at that point M the very emotions that are the )oundation o) her attraction to you .and you to her as well1. 'ote: I) you &ot her Q on the )ly and didn6t have much time to %uild a connection or come across an interestin& conversation topic it is critical you use the techniques )rom #sin& $ocial 'etworkin& $ites to 5oost Attraction and 5uild Com)ort.


$o how do you &et a &irl you are interested in to respond to your )irst text? 9he same way you &et anyone to respond M %y askin& a question or makin& a statement that requires more in)o. $imple ri&ht? 4ell not exactly. It can6t 2ust %e any old question or statement otherwise A@ey what6s up?B would %e an e))ective )irst text. And you already know why text like that don6t work. 9hey are typical" %orin& and every other &uy is sendin& her the same text. Fes they may occasionally &et a response %ut they wont %uild attraction or move her closer to wantin& to meet up with you a&ain. $o what kind o) question do you ask? 4ell since you asked I )eel compelled to respond. $imply take a %asic question and reIword it so it %ecomes )un and play)ul. ?xample:

4hat6s up?B

4hat kinda mischie) are you causin& today?B

An example o) a )un statement that requires addition in)ormations would %e: AI 2ust )i&ured out what you would %e i) you were an animal.B I) she want6s to know the answer she has to text you %ack. 9he secret is to make the statement %e a%out her personally. 'othin& makes someone more curious than what someone else thinks a%out them.


I) you haven6t )i&ured it out yet" )ourth &rade humor is the underlyin& theme )or most o) your text messa&es" includin& the initial interaction. Li&hthearted" superIsilly 2okes win women over. 9his causes her to constantly associate positive emotions with you. Fou can accomplish this %y usin& many o) the tools presented in this system: nicknames" roleI playin&" teasin&" etc. And" as always" remem%er that the way you word thin&s has a dramatic e))ect on how it is perceived .e&. dancin& vs %ust a move1.


Let6s pretend that durin& a conversation with a &irl she tells you a story a%out how she used to always &o to the 8oo to see the pen&uins. $he was o%sessed with them and went to %ed every ni&ht until she was twelve with her stu))ed pen&uin" Chilly 4illy. H) course you &ot her Q %ecause you read this %ook. 4hen it comes time to text her" you can now draw )rom that story to not only show that you listened .&ood 2o%1 %ut more importantly to evoke all those emotions a&ain. 'ext you need to compel her to respond %y addin& a question or statement that requires more in)ormation. Fou then set a )un and play)ul tone not only %y the way you word the question or statement %ut %y addin& in thin&s like nicknames" roleIplayin&" teasin&" etc. $o i) you put it all to&ether it would look somethin& like this:

hey my little pen&uin princess" what kind o) mischie) are you causin& today3?

hey my little pen&uin princess" I 2ust reali8ed which cele%rity you remind me o)..cra8y
cra8y :1 B As %rie) and silly as this text messa&e seems" it accomplishes a lot. It causes her to recall the positive )eelin&s she had when sharin& that story with you thus reIa))irmin& her attraction to you" it demonstrates you are not like every other &uy" it compels her to respond in a play)ul way which puts her &uard down and sets the tone )or a success)ul interaction. 9he )irst one even lets you know what her plans are )or the day which you can use as in)ormation to move the conversation )orward and perhaps even plan a meet up. 'ot %ad )or a )ew lines o) text. 'ow that you understand the elements %ehind an e))ective )irst text you can easily %e&in creatin& your own. 'ote: I) you are still )ollowin& a * day or any other kind o) rule a%out how lon& to wait until you send the )irst text cut it out already3 4hen it comes to attraction you &ot to strike when the iron is hot. Gon6t &ive her time )or the memory o) your awesomeness to )ade away or

even worse" &et replaced %y another &uy. I almost always text a &irl within hours o) &ettin& her Q and never later than the next day.


$o what do you do i) you happened to &et a &irl6s num%er on the )ly and didn6t have a chance to make any sort o) emotional connection to recall in your )irst text? 5ecause she didn6t have much to &o on )rom your short initial in person interaction" it will take much more e))ort to %uild enou&h attraction and com)ort in order to &et her to a&ree to meet up a&ain. 9hrou&h the use o) $ocial 'etworkin& sites you can lock in a lot o) the attraction that you missed out on durin& the initial interaction and thanks to the popularity o) $ocial 'etworkin& $ites .especially (y$pace and :ace%ook1 almost every &irl has an online pro)ile somewhere. $o how do you &et a &irl6s (y$pace/:ace%ook/$ocial 'etworkin& >ro)ile in)ormation? Fou ask )or it. $imply ask her in the )irst )ew texts or tack it on to end o) your openin& text.

@ey cra8y)ace3 Gidn6t cause any trou%le a)ter I le)t last ni&ht did ya3? M %tw Are you on
myspace/)ace%ook?B 'ote: sometimes she will simply say AyesB. Just tease her and say A4ell how do I look you up sillyB. ?xample: Gec D+ 2 ! at ,:2!: + >( ! at ,:**:22 >( ! at ,:+!:+2 >( 7elly: what r u up to cra8y)ace? Cindy Gec D+ 2 7elly Gec D+ 2 Cindy: who is this? 7elly: 7elly. the ridiculously unattractive &uy who was %orin&.. haha :1 )rom the %ar when u were dressed up as $anta. Cindy Gec D+ 2 7elly Gec D+ 2 Cindy Gec D+ 2 Cindy Gec D+ 2 ! at !:D;:-- >( ! at !:D;:-; >( ! at !:22: >( Cindy: haha hmmmJ.exchan&e %ar? 7elly: Fes ma6am. LHL. 4hat6s ur name I am &onna add you on )ace %ook :1 Cindy: ha. im private %/c Im sorta o) %i& deal to little kids ! at !:22:D+ >( Cindy: whats ur lastname

7elly Gec D+ 2 Cindy Gec D+ 2 7elly Gec D+ 2

! at !:2*:D; >( ! at !:+ :D* >( ! at ;:D2:+E >(

7elly: @ahaha. Cause you6re miss clause. Hr what3 7elly 7ellam Cindy: so i6ll )riend ya %ut no stalkin& haha 7elly: Gamn. It6s &ood u didn6t see me out side your window last ni&ht in the %allerina costume. @aha. LHL Cindy Gec D+ 2 ! at ;:D+:-* >( Cindy: ha" %allerinas can )ly now..hmmm. wait a minute ur the &uy who ran that whole datin& thin&ie downstairs at the %ar?? 7elly Gec D+ 2 ! at D :D-:*! >( 7elly: I was their worst student actually. @aha :1 . And it isn6t datin& it is li)estyle and interaction pumkin head Cindy Gec D+ 2 7elly Gec D+ 2 Cindy Gec D+ 2 ! at D :*2:2 >( ! at D :**: E >( ! at D :*-:+ >( Cindy: so ur way o) interaction is thru )ace%ook?? haha 7elly: @ell yeah3 J/k. It6s 2ust a quick way to stay in touch:1. Cindy: trueJI6ll add ya in a hot secJmysterious man 'ote: this is also use)ul i) you happen to wake up and have num%ers )rom &irls you don6t remem%er in your phoneJ.hey it happens :1


Cettin& a &irl6s (y$pace/:ace%ook/?tc is such a use)ul tool in pro&ressin& the relationship )orward that almost every time I &et a &irl6s phone num%er I soon ask her )or her (y$pace or :ace%ook. 9here are several reasons )or this: IFou &et to reIcon)irm what she looks like IA &irl6s pro)ile &ives you a lot o) in)ormation a%out her. 'ot only do you learn more a%out i) she is the type o) &irl you like %ut now you have a multitude o) new topics to en&a&e her on. I4ith a properly set up pro)ile you &et to demonstrate your positive qualities" social standin& and charm throu&h pictures" text and comments le)t %y )riends. $he &ets to see how awesome you are without you even havin& to tell her3 It is like havin& your own >= )irm sellin& you to her. IIt makes her much more com)orta%le with the idea o) meetin& up with you a&ain %ecause she can see you are a sa)e person %y the comments %y your )riends talkin& a%out recent

times you hun& out and the multitude o) pictures in a various situations with di))erent &roups o) )riends. IH)ten times i) a &irl stops respondin& throu&h text you can &et her to respond throu&h her online pro)ile. =eason %ein& with a text messa&e she has to ima&ine you %ut with your pro)ile she can see ri&ht there who she is talkin& with. 9his makes you more real and once a&ain" i) your pro)ile is set up to tri&&er her attractions switches" it makes you that much more irresisti%le. As you can see usin& social networkin& sites" in com%ination with textin&" is a power)ul com%ination. In )act" there is so much you can do with these sites to meet" attract and date %eauti)ul women that I developed an entire system on it3 It covers everythin& )rom settin& up your pro)ile to how to keep her interested and lau&hin& to the %est way to &et her to meet up. I) you are interested in )indin& out more" email me at racedepriest .at1 &


I) it hasn6t yet" eventually you will send a text to a &irl only to &et %ack these three little words: Awho is this?B 9here can %e many reasons this happens. (ay%e she lost her phone or it %roke and she had to &et a new one. (ay%e she didn6t save your Q or it has %een so lon& since you last text her she deleted it. 4hatever reason it happened" how you respond is &oin& to determine i) she is &oin& to incorporate you %ack into her textin& li)e or leave your Q as unsaved. Fou don6t want to &et the A4ho is this?B response every time you text her do you? $o how do you respond? (ost &uys typical response is to try to remind her o) how she knows him" A@ey this is so and so we met at such and such a place.B 'ow may%e she will remem%er you and may%e she won6t. ?ither way" tryin& to convince someone o) how they know you always put6s you in the position o) chasin& them. Fou remem%er them %ut you have to remind them o) why they know you. Huch. 9he solution is to make her AC9#ALLF want to know who you are. Gon6t 2ust explain who you are and how she knows you ri&ht away. 5y replyin& in a )un way that doesn6t try to explain who you are" you spike her curiosity and make her chase you. 5y the time she )i&ures out who you are she has already associated )un" positive emotions with you ensurin& she will %e savin& your phone Q and %e more than willin& to en&a&e in )uture text interactions. @ere are a )ew example o) )un ways to respond: AHh my dear NnicknameOJI thou&ht my Q was inscri%ed upon your heart???B

Four >rince Charmin&Jduh3B Fou didn6t save my Q?333 I6m so hurtJsni)) sni))..lolB Nyour nameO. the ridiculously unattractive &uy who was %orin&Jhaha :1 B

Four )uture ex hus%and o) course :1 B

In Action: Am%er ms hott?*/E/ ! D: 2 A( Am%er: 9hts sweet %ut who is this R 1 (e*/E/ ! D: * A( =ace: >rince Charmin&Jduh3 Am%er ms hott?*/E/ ! D: - A( Am%er: 9hn why r u not with me (e*/E/ ! D:*D A( =ace: %ecause ur evil step mother had me locked up in the castle3 %ut I %roke )ree and now we can live happily ever a)terJhow excited are you3 :1 'ote: Fou can minimi8e this )rom happenin& %y exchan&in& num%ers instead o) 2ust &ettin& hers as o)ten as possi%le. .see 9H ?YC@A'C? I$ 5?99?= 9@A' 9H =?CI?P?1.


It is very important that you don6t let every conversation you have 2ust dra& on. Fou are supposed to %e demonstratin& hi&h value. I) you are AL4AF$ availa%le to chat what kind o) thin&s will she assume you have &oin& )or you in your li)e? 'ot much. Fou need to &ive her the chance to miss your conversation or wonder what you are thinkin& a%out her. 9he %alance o) %ein& availa%le and %ein& %usy can su%consciously tell her a lot a%out you. $o when" and how do you end a conversation? =emem%er you are the leader. I) at any point in the conversation there is no need )or a response" don6t respond3 Gon6t &ive her the opportunity to &et annoyed or %ored with you. @umans need the validation o) response. 4hen you hold o)) it creates )eelin&s o) uncertainty in her. ?xample: @er: AHk well have )un3B or

have a &ood ni&ht/day3B

9here is no need )or you to reply and say" AHk you too3B. 5y holdin& out on that one last" and seemin&ly unimportant text" she will %e wonderin& why you didn6t respond. 9he next time you do text her it will %e received with excitement and relie). Just think a%out a time when you sent o)) a text to a &irl in the middle o) a conversation and she didn6t respond. A)ter a while you &ot worried. Fou %e&an to wonder i) you said somethin& wron&. Fou &ot the ur&e to text her a&ain 2ust to see i) she would respond so you knew everythin& was ok. :inally she responds and you )eel relieved. 'o )un ri&ht. Fou can

avoid this anxiety %y %ein& the one who ends the text conversation. $omeone always has to %e the last one to text and it shouldn6t %e FH#. 9he last one to text is always the one waitin& on a response. I) you are in an on&oin& conversation with her" let the conversation &o on )or a several messa&es %ack and )orth" )reely respondin& to her. A)ter a short while" or several text messa&es %ack and )orth" hold o)) )or an hour or so to respond. ?ven i) you are in the middle o) a )un conversation3 9his will &ive her a chance to miss the interaction" wonder why you aren6t textin& her %ack" and reali8e that she wants the interaction with you to move )orward.


It is so important it %ears repeatin&. Go 'H9 over text or call her. 4omen are )ilters. 9hey are waitin& every step o) the way to see i) you mess up. Just %ecause she doesn6t respond immediately to your text messa&es or answer every call doesn6t mean you should text or call her a&ain. $he mi&ht %e at work" or not have her phone on her. 9he last thin& you want is )or her to &et %ack to her phone and see three missed texts or three missed phone calls )rom you. 'ot only will this annoy her" it will destroy any attraction you worked to create since this stron&ly communicates neediness. (aintain a care)ul %alance o) how much you text or call her versus how much she is textin& or callin& you.

Four )irst text needs to do three thin&s: =eIen&a&e her emotions" set a )un and play)ul tone )or the interaction" and compel her to respond. Ask )or a &irls social networkin& pro)ile in)o. 4hen she adds you" it can accomplish several thin&s. I) you have a well esta%lished pro)ile on (yspace/:ace%ook/?tc she will see it and have &reater attraction as well as see you as sa)er. Hccasionally you can also reIen&a&e a &irl via a networkin& site. I) you text a &irl and she responds with Awho is this?B it6s important to reply in a way that makes her want to know who you are instead o) 2ust answerin&. 9his is esta%lished %y .you &uessed it1 %ein& )un and play)ul. 4hen she reads your )irst )ew texts" you want her to reIexperience the )eelin&s o) attraction that you o%viously created when you &ot her num%er. 9he easiest way to do this is %y re)erencin& a topic )rom your conversation to&ether that you connected on or that was very memora%le.

Fou want every time you text or call her )or a )un attri%ute or nickname to pop up. 9his sets you apart and makes her smile" associatin& positive emotions with you. It %ecomes an inside 2oke. Almost every name in my phone has a code word next to it to help me remem%er who they are. (ake this a ha%it.

Gon6t )eel the need to reply to every text. I) it doesn6t require a response" don6t reply3 Let her wonder why you didn6t text %ack and what you6re doin&Jthis creates attraction and intri&ue" makin& her excited a%out the next time you text her. :1


'ow that you have a solid )oundation on the underlyin& principles that &overn e))ective text interactions and how to success)ully &et a woman6s phone num%er" it6s time )or you to dive in and &et your thum%s dirty. In this section are the ma2ority o) techniques you will use in your everyday textin&.


=emem%er when you used to play AhouseB with a &irl you like in elementary school? Fou were the hus%and and &irl you had a crush on was the wi)e. Hr perhaps it was doctor and patient or 7ind and Zueen o) the castle .a.k.a. the slide1. Althou&h it may have 2ust seemed like a )un &ame at the time" there was some very power)ul psycholo&ical principles o) attraction &oin& on there. 9he %est part is those principles are )ar more e))ective now that you are older. In )act" the a))ects o) success)ully roleIplayin& with a woman you are interested in are so astoundin& you will wonder why you haven6t %een doin& it all alon&. 9he human %rain has trou%le distin&uishin& %etween ima&ined events and real memories. 9his is si&ni)icant %ecause every time you create an ima&ined event with a woman usin& roleIplayin&" she is in essence creatin& a memory with you. 9he more memories you have with someone the more com)orta%le you )eel around them. A)ter all" are not all the relationships you have in your li)e )ormed )rom the )eelin&s and %onds created throu&h shared memories to&ether? 4hen roleIplayin& with a woman the devil is in the details. 9he more vivid she can ima&ine hersel) experiencin& the events you descri%e the more power)ul and ArealB the memory will %ecome. Fou want to pick roles where you do thin&s to&ether or where she is the one who is lookin& up to or chasin& you. @ere are a )ew examples o) roleIplayin& ideas:

I@us%and and 4i)e .or ex6s1 I9ravel 5uddies .talk a%out all the adventures you are &oin& on to&ether1 I$talker and Pictim .she is the one stalkin& you1 I9eacher and $tudent I=ockstar and Croupie In Action: $aturday" Gec 2, 2 stalker?3 $aturday" Gec 2, 2 $aturday" Gec 2, 2 $elma: 'ice assJ. $aturday" Gec 2, 2 $aturday" Gec 2, 2 ! at !:2 :-+ >( ! at !:2*:2- >( =ace: @ey thanks R1 I6ll let you &ra% it next time we are makin& out $elma: 7 im soo &oin to &ra% it now As you en&a&e her with di))erent roleIplayin& scenarios you are also displayin& an adventurous" excitin&" or even possi%ly a sli&htly romantic side o) your sel). 9hese can %e short little interactions or" to &et the most out o) them" they can %ecome a lon& runnin& theme %etween you two. 9his way when you meet up a&ain you already have a story line %etween you two that you can draw )rom at any time. I cannot stress enou&h how much com)ort this creates3 (e-/D2/ ! +:22 >( =ace: @ey wanna come over here and &ra% some lunch wi)ey? Alicia ms law student?-/D2/ ! +:2- >( Alicia: i would love to %ut im workin& the %on 2ovi concert toni&ht throu&h an a&ency and i have to leave at -3 : . thank you so much tho3 xo (e-/D2/ ! +:2+ >( =ace: 4ell us not seein& each other very o)ten is puttin& a de)inite strain on our marria&e:I. Alicia ms law student?-/D2/ ! +:2! >( Alicia: i know3 i cry mysel) to sleep at ni&htJ. E more days til we &o on our dou%le honeymoon3 ?qually as si&ni)icant" role playin& allows her to let &o o) some o) her insecurities and open up more than usual. 5ecause she is Kplayin& a role6 o) some%ody else she can use that as plausi%le denia%ility. A)ter all it really Kisn6t her6. 4hen in all actuality" the thin&s she 2okes ! at !:D,:+; >( ! at !:D;:-E >( $elma: Fes im watchin u ! at !:D,:D- >( =ace: Gid I 2ust catch you spyin& on me as I was chan&in& into my &ym clothes my little

a%out .)or the most part1 are actually an outlet )or how she really )eels. And a&ain" %ecause it is a role and Anot herB" she isn6t worried a%out %ein& 2ud&ed. $he can pass that o)) to the character she is playin& into.

Fou never want to put a &irl on a pedestal. Fou are startin& out as equals. In )act" it will work %etter i) you come across .in a )un way1 that she is the one chasin& you. @ow do you make it seem like she is chasin& you i) you are the one textin& her? 9hrou&h the power o) misinterpretation you can spin any interaction into one where she is tryin& to pick you up3 Fou can take almost any text a &irl sends you and misinterpret it to seem like she is tryin& to take advanta&e o) you" spend time with you or tryin& to win your approval. ?xample QD 9uesday" Jan E 2 9orri: &uess what? 9uesday" Jan E 2 ; at 2: D:+; >( =ace: Fou wan6t to come have drinks with me and &et me drunk so you can take advanta&e o) me?3 Cirl you are nau&hty3 9uesday" Jan E 2 ?xample Q2 9uesday" 'ov D! 2 ! at D:2D: >( 7elly: I am so excited I &ot a %unch o) movies and I am &onna &ra% some wine and tottally chill and watch movies I think toni&ht R1 9uesday" 'ov D! 2 9uesday" 'ov D! 2 ! at D:2;:2! >( ! at D:* : , >( 'atasha: 9hat sounds like a )un ni&ht to me. I love wine3 7elly: Gamn. Just invite your sel)3 =udeR1. LHL. As lon& as you %rin& the cheese and crackers. I6ll take care o) the wine. Geal3? R1 ?xample Q* Li8 ms? 9winD/* / ! +:+- >( Li8: how old r u and what si&n r u? 9hats cool uv seen a lot o) places. Any reason u move so much? Go u actually like ve&as? (eD/* / ! E: ; >( =ace: = we palyin& 2 queations? Li%ra 2E I move %ecause I &et restless and ve&as is ok )or now:I1 ; at 2: *:DE >( 9orri: Hh man3 Fou totally read my mindJ haha. I6m %ack in new york ; at 2: :D >(

Li8 ms? 9winD/* / ! E:* >( Li8: Lol cool (eD/* / ! E:-E >( =ace: u think I6m cool? @ow sweet:I1 Li8 ms? 9winD/* / ! E:-! >( Li8: R1 I think ur di))erent" which is cool3 (eD/* / ! E:+; >( =ace: 4ell my mom says i6m specialJdoes that count? Li8 ms? 9winD/* / ! ,: D >( Li8: Lol u r special3 R1 I) she is )un" she will %e )eisty ri&ht %ack. 4ith this technique you6re turnin& the ta%les on her. 5ecause you make it seem that she is chasin& you it will cause her to start roleIplayin& which in turn causes her to )eel as thou&h she is chasin& you.


$ince most inIperson communication is done throu&h nonIver%al cues such as %ody lan&ua&e" vocal tonality" )acial expressions" etc. it is critical to use emoticons" acronyms and initialisms .words that descri%e %odily reactions ie lol" haha1 to create the mood you6re intendin& to communicate. As you will see in many o) the examples" we will end a statement with: @ahaJlol" or :1 L(AH3 'ote: Another )unny way to set yoursel) apart now that emoticons have %ecome so popular is to spell them out in parenthesis instead i.e. :1 %ecomes .smiley )ace1 Fou can use any variation o) these. 9hey let a &irl know when you are %ein& play)ul" in a &ood mood" sympathi8in&" are intendin& to %e )unny. 9hey can even lessen the stin& o) an otherwise overly cocky statement. @ere is an example o) a statement that could %e taken the wron& way had the emoticons not %een used:

I could never hand out with you. Fou are 2ust trou%le.B
9hat comes across cold and would not make sense in a conversation. Fou want to ensure that your messa&es are read as you intend them to come across. @ere6s how it would read with emoticons added:

I could never han& out with a &irl like youJ haha :1 you are 2ust trou%le aren6t you33? J/kA
4omen will read your texts throu&h the )ilter o) whatever mood they are in at that moment. Fou don6t want to &ive her the chance to misinterpret a text that was meant to %e )un and play)ul as rude or mean 2ust %ecause she is in a sour mood. Cet used to usin& these mood indicators A LH9. Fou simply cannot text e))ectively with out them. 'ote: Cirls typically use emoticons and shorthand texts so pay attention to how they use them. 9his is a per)ect resource to pull )rom to expand your voca%ulary o) shorthand and emoticons.


9extin& has spawned a whole new voca%ulary o) it6s own. 5ecause it is %ased on short" quick messa&es many rules o) punctuation" &rammar and spellin& no lon&er apply. A lot o) phones also have a limited num%er o) characters allowed. Fou have a lot o) )ree rei&n to come up with creative ways to shorten words as lon& as it makes sense in a sentence. :or instance" instead o) sayin&:

Fou are )unnyB" say A # r )unnyB

A9omorrowB" say AtmrowB AI will see you later3" say A I6ll c u later3 :1 A 9his will make it more convenient )or you as well as &ivin& you more room to write. (any phones are limited to DE characters per text. 9his runs out really quick" so %y shortenin& down your words you can )it a lot more in to each text. #sin& these shortened words and in)ormal lin&o will also li&hten the tone and inadvertently make the messa&es more persona%le. @owever" when you are in the middle o) sharin& a meanin&)ul conversation" it is %est to %e more direct and use )ull words. 'ote: i) the terms like AywiaB or AI(@#B make no sense to you check out a )ree text lin&o translator and dictionary here:http://www.lin&


Another &ood technique is to tease her play)ully every once in a while. 7eep it li&ht and silly. 9his helps lower her de)enses %y showin& you don6t place her up on a pedestal %ut see her on the same level. A typical &uy who was interested in her would never do this. It also makes her have to explain her sel) to you" con)irmin& in her mind that you are someone she )inds valua%le. 5e very care)ul with these when you are 2ust startin& o))" as it is easy to &o over%oard and say somethin& mean. 'ever directly insult a &irl. 9hey are used to that )rom all those other &uys who &et their )eelin&s hurt when she tests them or when she doesn6t

talk to them. Fou are not one o) those &uys. 9his is to %e )un and play)ulJit is )lirtin& not hurtin&. ?xamples:

Fou6re a closet dork aren6t you?..except without the closet R1 [B Come on nowJ you have work today huhJ? $ure it isn6t mandatory community service3?
A cute" yet sassy &al who6s a )elonJ who woulda knew3? @ahah :1 B

Awww you6re kinda cuteJ)or a &irl :1 B

I) she ever has pro%lems with her car" phone" or any thin& she pays monthly )or you can say: AIts cool i) you couldn6t a))ord to pay your %illII6m not 2ud&in& youJ that muchJ hahaha 2/k :1 A I) she ever su&&ests a time to meet up .e& Epm1: Ano that6s too earlyJdont wanna %e stuck with ya that lon&3 Let6s do E: * haha :1 B I) she ever &ives you a compliment: A9hat is the nicest thin& anyone has ever told me J $ince I woke up:I1B In Action: 7atelyn $unday" Gec D- 2 @aha. Clad I6m one o) E 7elly $unday" Gec D- 2 %usiness :1 7atelyn $unday" Gec D- 2 ! at 2:2!:-; >( 7atelyn: I6m the coolest may even top you sir. Feah you shld keep an eye on me most &uys tend to. Cood thinkin&. @aha 7elly $unday" Gec D- 2 kinda adora%le.. :1 A)ter she responds" no matter how she reacts" stay in a li&hthearted manner. 5e sensitive to whether you are o))endin& her or not. $ometimes you can unintentionally strike a nerve and hurt her )eelin&s. I) this happens" don6t %e overly apolo&etic. Casually apolo&i8e" say you were 2okin&" and redirect the )rame o) the conversation %y talkin& a%out somethin& less serious. ! at *:+!:D+ >( 7elly: Fou6re )unny. Gid u have like a %i& stain on your shirt or somethin&?3 @ahaha # r ! at 2:2D:*+ >( \ &irls you talk to %ut really none will compare. ! at 2:2*:** >( 7atelyn: Hhhhhh that6s ri&ht you6re that cool. :or&ot )or a moment who I was talkin& too.

7elly: @ahaha u seem pretty cool :1 . $till &ot my eye on you thou&h. $o no )unny


$ometimes when you are writin& %ack you will %e tempted to send the quick AkB. =esist this temptation and 2ust let her %e the last one to text. I) you a%solutely cannot re)rain yoursel) or it is someone you have %een seein& )or a while and it doesn6t matter send somethin& a %it lon&er. 4hen you answer with a short sin&le letter response like AkB it &ives o))" more o)ten than not" the impression you don6t care. I can6t tell you how many times I have heard )rom &irls that this drives them cra8y and actually upsets them. $illy as it seems" simply replace it with somethin& more play)ul like Aokey dokeyB. Crisis averted.

@ave you ever texted a &irl a lon& involved text only to receive %ack a short oneIword reply? Goes it )eel like you are pullin& teeth to keep the conversation &oin&? 9his can %e very )rustratin&. Chances are you are &ivin& too much too soon and it is killin& her attraction to you. 5y payin& attention to how much a woman is writin& in her messa&es" or talkin& a%out on the phone" you can cali%rate the proper amount o) in)ormation )or you to share. Fou don6t want to %e the one person in an interaction that is &ivin& all kinds o) in)ormation a%out yoursel) i) she is sharin& none or 2ust replyin& with oneIword answers. #ltimately" the person writin& the most in the text interaction" or talkin& the most on the phone is investin& the most in the interaction. 9his has a hu&e e))ect on how each o) you perceives what is &oin& on. 9he one who is investin& the most is seen as the one chasin&. 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 @a. 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 ! at ,:22:2+ >( ! at ,:2,:2; >( ! at ,:-E:2 >( ! at ,:+D: ; >( ! at ,:+*:-2 >( ! at !: 2:-; >( =ace: 'ot that I can think o)..may%e a towel or two? LHL 5ritney: @aha ok. 4hat colors? 5ritney: AlsoI Fou6re a medium ri&ht? =ace: (ost o) the time yes LHL 5ritney: Hk. And what are your )avorite colorsI %lues and &reens ri&ht? =ace: 'o real )avorites ! at ,:D!:*D >( 5ritney: $oJ Can you think o) any care packa&e item that you mi&ht need? I6ve &ot like two.

9uesday" Gec 2* 2

! at !: +:+E >(

5ritney: Lame. Fou make thin&s so di))icult3 Lol i6m determined to )ind some ama8in& stu)) )or your packa&eJ Care packa&e that is ha. Four packa&e is ama8in& on its own. :1 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 ! at !:2D:*E >( ! at !:+E:+E >( =ace: @aha stop it3 I am %lushin& 5ritney: I6m &lad i made you %lush.. It6s )lattery you deserve3 Lol alsoI pick one wine you love. 9he )irst one you can think o)3 4hat is it? Lol3 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 ! at ;: 2:+! >( ! at 2:2E: , A( 5ritney: I apparently love the &ame twenty questions hahaha. 4ednesday" Gec 2- 2 5ritney: (y )avorite picture o) you out o) all the ones i took in ny is when you and i were in times square. Fou look so hot3 And your eyes look ama8in&. :1 2ust thou&ht you should know. Cood ni&ht lol. As you can see )rom this example 5ritney is investin& much more into the conversation. Just %y readin& it you can already tell she is the one chasin&. Fou want to pay attention to this so you can %alance the interaction. Fou don6t want to %e investin& everythin& into an interaction with someone who isn6t &ivin& %ack equally. $he will sense it and %e turned o)). 'ote: this is much more important in %e&innin& o) an interaction when you are still in the A&ettin& to each otherB sta&e.


In addition to mirrorin& the len&th o) the messa&e" it is also P?=F e))ective to mirror her writin& style as well. >ay attention to what kind o) emoticons and expressive lan&ua&e she is usin& such as" @ahaha vs hehehe. As silly as this may seem" it is another way )or her to %uild a sense o) com)ort with you. 9he )act that you are similarly expressive .even over a short text messa&e1 causes her to )orm unconscious rapport with you. Just like the sayin&" A%irds o) a )eather )lock to&etherB" people like to han& out with and )eel more com)orta%le with people who are similar to them. $he mi&ht not know why %ut she will %ecome more relaxed and )eel more connected with you when you mirror her word choice and writin& style. (irrorin& them %ack to her will su%consciously help her )eel like you understand her world and know where she is comin& )rom.


5elieve it or not makin& )un o) yoursel) can actually make you more attractive to women. 4hen you display your silly &oo)y side it shows that you are not tryin& to hold onto some Acool &uyB ima&e. Hnly someone who was solid in their identity would %e com)orta%le enou&h to share their nerdy side and own it. $harin& your nerdy side shows that you are human makin& you much more relata%le. Cuess what? ?veryone has a silly side. 4omen can now )eel com)orta%le knowin& you are not tryin& to hide somethin& or %e someone you are not. 9his is an extremely attractive quality. 9he easiest way to do this is simply call yoursel) out on it. +/2/ ! D :*+ >( =ace: Hkey dokey little pokey .yah I6m a dork like that1 +/2/ ! D :*E >( Am%er: 4ell i dou%t you can top me im the %i&&est dork +/DD/ ! *:-E >( Ashley:Hkie dokie +/DD/ ! *:+* >( =ace: @ahaJthats what I sayJr u a dork like me? +/DD/ ! *:+- >( Ashley:Feppers3 I (e,/2E/ ! +:2, >( =ace: Hkey dokey little pokey .yah I6m a dork like that1 ,/2E/ ! +:*- >( Lauren: It6s alri&t. I like dorks3 R1 I (E/2*/ ! ,:-! >( =ace: Hkey dokey little pokey .ya I6m a dork like that..lol1 E/2*/ ! !:2E >( 7rystal: @ehe its cool so am i . I wont tell i) you wont R1 Hne o) the cool thin&s a%out this is almost every &irl secretly thinks she is a dork/nerd at heart. $he will directly relate with you. 4hen you are com)orta%le showin& your dorky side you provide an atmosphere )or her to let &o and %e dorky too. 9his is hu&e. $he only does this around her closest )riends. $he will )eel like she is %ein& her AtrueB sel) and will love you )or it. 9his accelerated com)ort will make her )eel like she has Aknown you )oreverB.

'ote: 4hen she calls you a AdorkB or AnerdB or any variation it is actually a CHHG thin&.


Hne o) the key principles throu&h out any new interaction with a woman is to create com)ort" trust" and a &enuine connection. 'icknames are one o) the most power)ul textin& tools availa%le )or settin& yoursel) apart" keepin& attraction stron&" %uildin& com)ort and puttin& a smile on her )ace. #$? 9@?(3 4ednesday" $ep 2- 2 4ednesday" $ep 2- 2 evenin& as well R1 ]]]I 9hursday" Hct DE 2 9hursday" Hct DE 2 ! at -: :-+ >( =ace: Can we reschedule )or tomorrow evenin& su&ar %uns? ! at -: +:D* >( Jen: I) I had a nickel )or everytime someone called me su&ar %unsJI6d have a nickel. I can6t tomorrow %ut I6m around $at :1 9hrou&h the use o) a )un nickname you %e&in to create a very play)ul )eel a%out the interaction. @ere are 2ust a )ew o) the e))ects you create %y usin& nicknames: I It makes her smile 'ever underestimate the power o) makin& a &irl smile. 4hen she is smilin& she is lettin& her &uard down makin& it much easier )or you to %uild a solid connection with her. Fou can6t %eat a )un nickname delivered at the ri&ht time. I An accelerated sense o) Intimacy 'icknames create an accelerated sense o) Intimacy. 9hey are usually reserved )or two people who know each other quite well. It is most o)ten a term o) endearment created )rom shared experiences. $o %y usin& nicknames early on you %e&in to su%consciously create )eelin&s o) com)ort. 9he &oal here is to create in her the )eelin&s o) Ayou are so )unB and AI )eel like I have known you )or so lon&3B IGemonstrates Fou are a Leader 5y usin& nicknames you are demonstratin& that you are com)orta%le havin& relationships with %eauti)ul women. A person who creates nicknames )or others is usually the one directin& the interaction and the one who is most com)orta%le. It demonstrates a dominant" teasin& and play)ul )rame. ! at *:+*:+; >( ! at +:D-: * >( =ace: 4ell we6ll have to han& out another ni&ht then..have )un su&ar %uns :1 (andy: 9ellin& u the nicknames u have r sooo )unnyJ. well I hope u have a )a%ulous

ICreates a Joint Conspiracy Another power)ul e))ect o) nicknames is they create a Joint Conspiracy. 4hen you create a nickname )or a &irl it now %ecomes a sort o) inside 2oke %etween the two o) you. 9his is a power)ul %ondin& experience inadvertently creatin& com)ort and trust. $o now that you can see why nicknames are so use)ul let6s &et into how to use nicknames success)ully.


'icknames are &ood to use in A'F I'9?=AC9IH' with a woman you are interested in" %ut especially when you are textin& %ack and )orth. 9o use a nickname it is as easy as 2ust plu&&in& it in at the %e&innin& or end o) your messa&e. ?xample:

hey crackerpants3 Just what kinda trou%le are you &ettin& into today3?B

hello my little mid&et nin2a3B

5ecause these are not like the typical texts she &ets )rom &uys" she will respond in a much more play)ul way" associatin& you with a )un time. Anytime you are play)ully textin& %ack and )orth is the per)ect time to throw in a nickname. 9he only times you avoid usin& them are when you are in the middle o) sharin& meanin&)ul in)ormation with each other or %uildin& a deep sexual state. :eel )ree to make up your own and use them3


Gependin& on what sta&e and the type o) conversation you are havin& throu&h text with a woman determines what type o) nickname to use. @ere is a list o) some o) our )avorite nicknames so you can see what we are talkin& a%out: :un: Htter pop" =u%%er Gucky" $traw%erry $hortcake" Cirl $cout" =ain%ow 9rout" =ain%ow 5rite" 5a%y toe" $mur)ette" $traw%erry poptart" Cookie (onster Cute: >rincess $parkles" $nu&&lers (c&ee" 5utter)ly" Luv (u))in" Lady 5u&" Jelly %ean" @unny 5unny" $u&ar %uns" 5um%le 5ee" honey %iscuit" Little miss pretty )ace 9easin&: 'erd%all" Gork :ish" $assy >ants" >ecker wood" 5utter%ean" :irecracker" Cra8y )ace" Cracker pants" (id&et nin2a" 4oman :ace $exual: Cock 4easel" Cum $mu&&ler" $ex 7itten" $ex puppet" 4iener warmer" >enis pocket" >enis puppet" $ultry temptress 9ip: 9ry rhymin& the end o) you6re texts usin& a nickname. ?xample: Apeace out &irl scoutB or Asee ya soon %a%y %a%oonB.

9he )un and cute cate&ory o) nicknames can %e used at almost any time throu&hout the interaction. #se the teasin& nicknames when she is %ein& sassy or puttin& up a %it o) resistance. 5e care)ul with the sexual ones. $ome &irls love them and some will 2ust %e put o)). :eel it out and in &eneral" save the sexual ones )or a &irl you have advanced the interaction and created at least some sort o) sexual state with her usin& the techniques tau&ht later in this >ro&ram. 9he only rule is that it is )un" play)ul" and cali%rated to your individual interaction with each &irl. $ome &irls can handle very sexually su&&estive nicknames and lau&h with you a%out it .I? cum smu&&ler1" and some &irls have trou%le lau&hin& a%out somethin& as simple as su&ar %uns. #se your discretion %ased on how your interactions have &one up to this point and how sexually su&&estive the su%2ect matter is in your conversations. 4atch )or when a &irl %e&ins to start callin& you nicknames in return. 9his is an excellent indication that she is en&a&in& in the conversation and en2oyin& the nicknames you are &ivin& her. (onday" Gec ! 2 (onday" Gec ! 2 dino6s r %orin& R1 7eep your eyes peeled throu&hout the examples in this $ystem to see how and when we use nicknames. Fou will %e surprised how o)ten they actually are used. 9ip: Cirls like to )eel like they are smaller than you as %oth a sel)Iima&e thin& and %ecause they en2oy lettin& you )ul)ill you &ender role as the AprotectorB. Add AlittleB or Amy littleB or A%a%yB in )ront o) your nicknames to help %olster this )eelin&. ?xample: Amy little =u%%er GuckyB or A%a%y squirrelB. ! at 2:*+:*! >( ! at D : :D >( =ace: @ey nerd%all what6s cookin&? I think you should draw me a pictureJI like dinosaurs :1 7erry: @ello my little meat%allJhow r u? ps: i thou&ht i6d draw u a nice &od8illa" plain ole


Another option when you are askin& a question is to &uess her answer. 'ow you want your &uess to %e a %it on the outra&eous side. 9his su%tly shows that you assume she is a %it odd .in a )un way1 while demonstratin& your creativity and sense o) humor.

4hat are you up to this weekend?B

5ecomes :riday" Jan 2 2 ; at *: E:2D >( =ace: 4hat r u up to this weekend? Let me &uessJtakin& a speed knittin& class so you can make me a scar)3 Fou are sooo sweet :1 'ote: 9his is also a &ood example o) a reIen&a&in& text

:riday" Jan 2 2

; at *:D*:+* >(

Andrea: @aha how did you &uess?? Cuess it6s not &oin& to %e a surprise3 I6m home toni&ht %ut should %e %ack in the city tomorrow :1 9his holds true in every day conversation as well. :or example when a &irl says" ACuess what?B &o ahead and &uess. I usually say somethin& silly like" AFou 2ust reali8ed you are madly in love with me %ut our love must %e a secret %ecause our )amilies )or%id us to %e to&ether? Hh wait that is =omeo and JulietJmy %ad. 4hat?B or AFou 2ust )ound out you are a )em%ot sent %ack )rom the )uture pro&rammed to save the world %y &ivin& me the %est %low 2o% o) all time?B

#se role play to your advanta&e. ?very time you create an ima&ined event with a woman usin& roleIplayin&" she is in essence creatin& a memory with you. 9he more memories you have with someone the more com)orta%le you )eel around them. =emem%er when you text someone" they can6t see your %ody lan&ua&e or hear your voice tonality. 5ecause o) this" emoticons such as :1 " V> RX etc are crucial to &ettin& your messa&e across. 5e play)ul with her to show her you don6t place her on a pedestal. Fou6re di))erent )rom every other &uy who6s interested in her. 9ease her" %ut %e sure she know6s you6re 2okin&. Gon6t reply %ack with one word. 9hink o) how you )eel when someone does it. It6s %est not to reply %ack at all or say somethin& lon&er or silly such as okey dokey. Let her chase you. Gon6t %e the one talkin& the most on the phone or textin& hu&e replies to one or two word texts. $he needs to invest in your interaction so she can )eel worthy o) your validation. (irrorin& her writin& style will help you %uild an unconscious rapport with her %ecause we are attracted to people like us. $he may not know why" %ut she )eels like you understand her. A simple" yet power)ul tool at your disposal )or attractin& women is nicknames. Civin& her a cute nickname like 2elly%ean or %um%le %ee will put a smile on her )ace and %uild attraction. #se them3


:lakin& happens to all o) us. It can %e )rustratin& and can make you want to &ive up. 5e stron& and take hope since this section is &oin& to show you exactly what to do.


I) a woman )lakes don6t take it personally. #ntil you %uild stron& enou&h interest and com)ort you 2ust aren6t the most important thin& in her li)e. 9hat is )ine. $he shouldn6t %e the most important thin& in your li)e either. Fou 2ust met her a)ter all. Cirls are &oin& to )lake. Cet used to it. 9his is why .until you do create a deep enou&h connection with her1 it is wise to always invite her to somethin& you are already doin&. 9his way i) she does not show up it is no %i& deal. Fou were &oin& to %e doin& it anyways.


In the 5oy $couts they have a motto: AAlways 5e >reparedB. Almost every time I am &oin& out" throwin& a party" or 2ust havin& a quiet evenin& in watchin& movies I invite several &irls at the same time. 5ecause o) the nature o) textin& it takes people varyin& times to &et %ack with you. $ome times I will invite + &irls to come over and watch movies and only one can make it and sometimes all + can make it. I pick the one I want to spend time with most and reschedule with all the others. $imply text somethin& like A@ey somethin& came up and I can6t make it toni&ht :. 4hat are you doin& tomorrow .or any other ni&ht you are )ree1 ni&htJCan we han& out then little hen?B 9his is a very e))ective strate&y )or several reasons: II) you have to reschedule with a &irl she is much more likely to commit and show up to the next date you set up %ecause she had 2ust committed to this one. IFou always have options and when you have options you come o)) as nonIneedy which is very attractive. II) some &irl cancels at the last minute you can reIinvite one o) the other &irls who planned on comin& %ut you had to reschedule with. $he is much more likely to show up than i) you had not invited her until that point. $he already had it in her head that she wanted to han& out with you %ut couldn6t. 'ow she can.


@ow do you respond when a &irl )lakes? I know it is hard not to )eel like she has disrespected your time. It is crucial you do not take it personally and &et upset. I) you were out with your )riends havin& )un meetin& people would it really %e that %i& o) a deal i) she didn6t show up? 'ot at all. 9hat is why we tell you to .in the %e&innin&1 invite her to thin&s you are already doin& and not to somethin& that is dependent on whether or not she shows up. 9he simplest solution is to 2ust i&nore it and invite her a&ain in a )ew days to somethin& else.

Incorrect: A@ey what happened to you last ni&ht? I waited all ni&ht )or you3B Correct: A4hat6s up $punky (onkeyJwhatcha doin& (onday ni&ht? I have a super )un idea :1 B


$ometimes a woman will honestly 2ust )or&et. Hther times somethin& mi&ht have 2ust came up in her li)e. Always assume the positive. @owever" i) they continue to )lake .or even once1 they may %e&in to )eel &uilty. It then %ecomes easier )or them to 2ust stop talkin& to you than to )ace that &uilt however silly that may seem. 9here is an easy way to avoid this. Just let her make it up to you. =ace: Aso &uess who &ets to %rin& me a %ottle o) delicious wine since she missed out last han& out session?J.yep it6s you :1 I would say tuesday is lookin& pretty )avora%leB 7erry: Aoh man.. i do i do i do333 R1 mea culpa33J im sooooo sorry333 i lost my phone in a car on the way to the circoloco party on :riday M and stayed at my )riend6s all weekend lon& and didnt have your num%er3333 %ut thats no excuse33 )or&ive me33 R1 J and i would love to treat you to a )a%ulous wine ^ dine evenin& . :riday perhaps? or next week )or sure J tuesday is my %irthday 3 :1 B 'otice how it isn6t a %i& deal. $he is 2ust in)ormed in a )un way that she owes a %ottle o) wine and that there is already a date planned )or her to %rin& it to. 9his demonstrates that your time is valua%le .thus she owes you1" the whole situation isn6t a %i& deal to you and you are takin& control already settin& up the next date.


9here comes a point when you are dealin& with a woman you are super interested in" pro%a%ly more than you should %e. $he continues to )lake and instead o) spendin& less time on her and concentratin& on women who are respondin& you keep investin& hopin& she will meet up. Fou mi&ht even intentionally not invite other &irls who actually want to han& out 2ust in the o)) chance she does show up. $9H> I9. I) you )ind this happenin& AL4AF$ invite other &irls to the same event. @ere is the kicker. I) this is a &irl you are seriously interested in chances are you6re lettin& her &et away with stu)) you wouldn6t normally allow )rom people in your li)e. I) you are sure she is attracted to you and she has )laked several times in a row without a &ood reason it is time you stop lettin& her &et away with it. Luckily you can still do it in a nonIneedy play)ul way.

Hk )laky mc)lakerson what6s the deal? .*1x6s in a row is a %it much. Fou know they have
support &roups )or this kind o) thin& ri&ht? lolJseriously thou&h 2ust let me know i) you6re

not &oin& to %e a%le to make it cause that is not cool and you seem like a cool cat. I would hate to have to divorce you so soon.B 'ote: 9his will work %est with &irls who you know are attracted to you and you have %uilt at least some connection with %ut keep )lakin&. Fou have to do this immediately a)ter she )lakes . i.e. the next mornin&1 )or it to have the proper e))ect. Also make sure i) she a&rees to meet up a&ain you make it a %i&&er deal than normal. Aok cool I6ll see you there. I6m not &oin& to have to send my mid&et nin2as a)ter you )or )lakin& this time am I honey %un? A In a situation like this it is AL4AF$ %etter to draw the line and )ind out i) the relationship is &oin& to move )orward or i) it is 2ust wastin& your time. Four time is valua%le. $pend it on thin&s/relationships that are &oin& to &et you closer to your &oals in li)e.

In our modern world with so many distractions and options availa%le to us it is easy to )lake. I) a woman )lakes on you don6t take it personally. #ntil you %uild stron& enou&h interest and com)ort you 2ust aren6t the most important thin& in her li)e. 9hat is )ine. $he shouldn6t %e the most important thin& in your li)e either. Fou 2ust met her a)ter all. Cirls are &oin& to )lake. Cet used to it. Cet AGate InsuranceB %y textin& several &irls you are interested in and invitin& them to a date .say watchin& a movie1. I) more than one wants to come" pick the one you are most interested in and reIschedule with the other.s1. I) a &irl )lakes on you" don6t make it a %i& deal. Instead" let her make it up to you later" so she can avoid )eelin& &uilty )or )lakin& in the )irst place. 9his demonstrates that your time is valua%le .thus she owes you1" the whole situation isn6t a %i& deal to you and you are takin& control already settin& up the next date. $ometimes" there comes a point where you need to call a &irl out on her )lakiness .play)ully31. $end her a text soon a)ter .like the next mornin&1 and when she a&rees to another date" make sure to make it a sli&htly %i&&er deal than normal . a&ain play)ully31.

It has happened to us all. 4e )eel like our text interaction is &oin& &reat with a &irl and then all o) a sudden she 2ust stops respondin&. 9here are many reasons why this could happen:

$ome sort o) emer&ency happened in her li)e" $he &ets so many texts yours 2ust &ot lost in the shu))le" she is %usy at work and 2ust )or&ot" you said somethin& that she needed to think a%out and )or&ot" you said somethin& that wasn6t sure how to respond to so she 2ust didn6t" she lost interest" etc. Gon6t worry all is not lost. 9here are several ways to recapture a woman6s attention. 9ypically you need to &o %ack and %uild some more attraction. Fou do this %y sendin& a text that is )un" play)ul and nonIneedy that involves her directly in some way either %y doin& somethin& to her or requestin& somethin& outra&eous )rom her. ?xamples:

what the hell are you up to this weekend?Jlet me &uess" )inishin& up your nin2a trainin&.
Hh wait that6s me..hiIya3 $orry didn6t mean to 2udo chop you over txtJhaha

so it6s pretty hot out at the pool .or anywhere1 ri&ht now could you come )an me with a %i&
lea) and )eed me &rapes? 9hanks :1 B

hey cra8y )ace..are you still alive? should I send a search party o) mid&et nin2a6s .or min2a6s
as they pre)er to %e called1 to come rescue you?3 In Action: 9hursday" Hct DE 2 ! at 2:DE:*- A( =ace: A4hat has a %ottom at the top?I=aceB $he Gidn6t =espond to (y :irst 9ext]I J.! days laterJ :riday" Hct 2- 2 ! at 2:*D:+, >( =ace: A$o It is super cold out todayJcould you come knit me a sweater and make me some hot chocolate? 9hanks :1B :riday" Hct 2- 2 ! at 2:*2:+- >( 7ayla: AFes. 5e ri&ht over.B =ace: A?xcellentJyou o)) on any adventures lately?B 7ayla: ACoin& to London toni&htJ Goes that count?B =ace: A9hink I could )it in your suite case?B 7ayla: AAre you %endy?B =ace: AI do yo&a :1 B 7ayla: ACood to know. Are you still en2oyin& 'FC?B =ace: AFes mam I am:1 when are you &ettin& %ack? Fou have to show me a cool spot hereB 7ayla: A9he )irst text you sent me was a riddle" %ut I couldn6t )i&ure it out. Go you remem%er?B =ace: AFepJthe answer is your le&s :1 B 7ayla: AFou6re a dorkJlove itB


Another way is to involver her e&o. I) there is one thin& people love hearin& a%out it is themselves. 9he technique is to say you 2ust saw or met someone or somethin& that reminded you o) her. Like always you want to make it outlandish. Fou want her wonderin& why in the world that would remind you o) her. 9his technique works %ecause we as humans are always curious a%out what other people think o) us and why. ?xamples:

I totally 2ust walked %y &irl who reminded me o) you3 ?xcept she was wearin& a hyper
colored shirt )rom ! 6s M remem%er those3? @ahaB I 2ust saw the cutest little squirrel in the park &atherin& nuts and it made me think o) you :1 B In Action: 4ednesday" Gec * 2 you :1 B 4ednesday" Gec * 2 ! at 2:D;: - >( Janiece: Alol3 ur the %est3 savin& that messa&e3 too cute3B ! at 2:D,:*D >( =ace: AI 2ust saw the cutest little squirrel in the park &atherin& nuts and it made me think o)

As a last resort you can use statements that create ur&ency. 9his will either encoura&e her to respond or push her )arther away. >eople are more compelled %y the )ear o) losin& somethin& they already have than the anticipation o) &ainin& somethin& new.

@aven6t heard )rom you in a while" is this still your num%er? I6m deletin& Qs to clean up my
phone :1 B #se this one as a last ditch e))ort and only a)ter several attempts to en&a&e her )ail over an extended period o) time. 4hen she responds 2ust simply say somethin& like" AFou are alive a)ter allJwhere have ya %een? I thou&ht you mi&ht have run o)) and 2oined the circus as a pen&uin trainer lolB. 9his should 2umpstart the conversation. 'ow use the principles in this system to keep it &oin&.

4hen a woman stops respondin& to you" it6s not the end o) the world. A lot o) the time she meant to reply" %ut )or&ot or somethin& else was keepin& her %usy. 9ypically you need to &o %ack and %uild some more attraction. Fou do this %y sendin& a text that is )un" play)ul and nonIneedy that involves her directly in some way either %y doin& somethin& to her or requestin& somethin& outra&eous )rom her.

5ein& cute and play)ul is the key as usual. $ay somethin& that involves her e&o to catch her attention once a&ain. As a last ditch e))ort you can create a sense o) ur&ency which will either reel her %ack in or push her )urther away.


W9here was no introduction )or this part3X


4ouldn6t you love to %e a%le to turn a woman on to the point o) or&asm usin& only your thum%s? 'ot only is creatin& an intense sexual state possi%le %ut it is one o) the most power)ul applications o) text messa&in&. @ere are 2ust a )ew o) the %ene)its o) usin& text to create and ampli)y a woman6s sexual desire )or you. ILack o) $ocial >ressure A woman is much more likely to open up a%out her sexuality with you )or the )irst time over text messa&es due to the lack o) social pressure. A person6s sexuality is o)ten a very personal su%2ect and held even more so %y the unspoken ta%oo underlyin& our society. :ortunately" over text she does not have you .or anyone else1 ri&ht there in )ront o) her to 2ud&e her. Fou can6t look at her weird and em%arrass her. $he is hidden %ehind the veil o) her phone. It is the same reason why people are a%le to write out a letter sayin& what they were una%le to say in person or why people do cra8y thin&s on @alloween %ehind a mask that they would never re&ularly do. 9his is the )oundation )or why creatin& a sexual state over text is possi%le and so e))ective. I9he >ower o) 4ords 9he most potent sexual or&an in the )emale %ody is her mind. 9he most e))ective way to stimulate a woman6s mind is throu&h the power o) your words. 9he schoolIyard sayin&" A$ticks and $tones may %reak my %ones %ut words can never hurt meB couldn6t %e )urther )rom the truth. 9he truth is" words can cheer up someone6s day" %reak someone6s heart" encoura&e a )riend and even evoke power)ul )eelin&s o) desire and arousal. Just as men have an a))inity towards visual stimulus .a.k.a are easily aroused %y a woman6s physical appearance1 women have a natural indul&ence to the power and charm o) intricately woven words. Gescriptive words en&a&e a woman6s ima&ination allowin& her to envision" and most importantly )eel" what you wish to express. >aintin& a vivid picture with words is the ultimate )orm o) )oreplay.

IA Lon&er 5uild #p 9he %i&&er the %uild up the more power)ul and pleasura%le the release. 5ecause you can %e&in to %uild a woman6s sexual state hours or even days %e)ore you meet up with her when she shows up you are already that much closer to havin& ama8in& sex with her. 9he %est part is the sex will %e )ar more rewardin& and intense than i) you have to start )rom scratch when she shows up. It &ives her time )or her ima&ination to run wild. A)ter all anticipation is hal) the )un3 IIt $ets #p a (arker Hnce you success)ully %uild a sexual state with a woman it sets a marker in place so you can easily return to that point. It is impossi%le to &o %ackwards in a relationship. It is 2ust like %uildin& a %rid&e. Fou may stop usin& that %rid&e to cross over to the other side %ut now that that %rid&e is there you know how and where to &et across. 9his means you 2ust made pro&ressin& sexually with the woman you are interested in much easier )or %oth o) you. IIntensi)ies @er Arousal Creatin& a sexual state with a woman over text is somethin& you can do at any time. H)ten she will %e in a social settin& where experiencin& those )eelin&s is inappropriate. (ay%e she is at %ored at work" school" the airport" a meetin&" or the li%rary. 9hese are places she is not used to )eelin& aroused. 9his si&ni)icantly intensi)ies those )eelin&s. Just like the desire to do somethin& exponentially increases when we are told we can6t do it" leadin& a woman to %ecome aroused and indul&e in sexual thou&hts in these types o) settin&s %ecomes a secret thrill. 9his is a key to unlockin& her secret )antasies. IFou :eel Like a (an Last %ut not least it is incredi%ly )un and makes you )eel like a man. Leadin& woman to explore and express her sexual desires is one o) the most rewardin& and a))irmin& thin&s you can do as a man. As you can see this is some power)ul stu)). $ome o) the concepts in this section are on the advanced side. It takes a certain amount o) cali%ration to pull them o)). Gon6t worry practice makes the master. 5e sure to read over this section several times" take tons o) notes" re)er %ack o)ten and most importantly when you see somethin& you want to try stop and do it ri&ht then. 'ote: Hne thin& to remem%er is you must make sure to carry on the sexual vi%e and undertones you created throu&h text when she shows up. Htherwise you lose all your pro&ress and she will %e disappointed. I) you are unsure how to do this %e sure to check out #n%reaka%le and Irresisti%le over at or take one o) our many individual coachin& options.


Chances are you have missed many opportunities to %ecome sexual with women %ecause you were not sure i) you would o))end her and ruin your chances. Cuess what? 9he exact opposite is true. 5y not tele&raphin& the )act you are a sexual %ein& you actually have ruined your chances with her. $he will )or&ive you )or %ein& a man %ut not )or %ein& a pussy. In other words" when you )ail to express your sexual interest in a woman she loses interest in you as a sexual option. 4omen are not stupid. 9hey know that as men we have sexual desires. 4hen we try to hide it one o) two thin&s happens: D. $he knows she can6t trust you and that you are not com)orta%le with yoursel) M very unattractive 2. $he concludes you are not interested in her as a sexual partner and starts lookin& elsewhere )or the )ul)illment o) her sexual ur&es. 5ut don6t worry you are not &oin& to do this anymore. 9his section will &ive you many tools you can use to display your sexual interest with a woman. Fou will %e astonished at how receptive women are to your sexual advances when done correctly. Fou must %e willin& to push the envelope and try new thin&s. 4e too were nervous the )irst time tryin& some o) this stu)) out. H)ten you don6t know what is possi%le until you 2ust 2ump in and try. 9his is how you learn. 5e %old not %rash. Fou must not %e pushy" rude or over%earin&. Fou cannot %e the mindless horndo& desperate to )uck anythin& that walks. 4hen considerin& how to express your sexuality to a woman try adoptin& the perspective o) appreciation and awe com%ined with overwhelmin& raw animalistic desire )or her. Check out the examples throu&hout this %ook to see what this looks like. 4hen you create and are in a sexual state with a woman" especially over text" you will %e ama8ed at what you can and will say. $ay what you really like. 9ell her what you really want to do with her and to her. 9he secret is to H4' what you say. 'o matter what her response these are your desires and you do not need to apolo&i8e )or them. 9hey are completely natural and are a part o) who you are. 4ednesday" 'ov D; 2 4ednesday" 'ov D; 2 4ednesday" 'ov D; 2 4ednesday" 'ov D; 2 ! at *:D2:-! >( ! at *:*E: - >( ! at *:*E:D >( ! at -:D :++ >( =ace: @mm I sure could use one o) your wonder)ul %low 2o%s a%out now :1 Am%er: no massa&e to &o with it? _A =ace: 4ell i) you are o))erin&Jheck yes3 Am%er: ill %e sure to keep in mind how )ond you are o) those :1 _A

4ednesday" 'ov D; 2

! at -:D2:+D >(

=ace: 4hy thank you my dearJI de)initely want to )uck you In the ass a&ain soon too R1 . 9hat is i) you don6t mind &ettin& ridden a little rou&hJ 4ednesday" 'ov D; 2 ! at -:D-:-+ >( Am%er: i cant remem%er last time someD texted me so up)ront haha i kind o) like it3 _A Fou cannot always %e )ilterin& what you say %ecause o) how you 9@I'7 other people are &oin& to respond to it. 9his is not only sel)ish %ut also very drainin&. $el)ish %ecause you are cheatin& people out o) he opportunity to &et to know the real you and drainin& %ecause you have to always %e on &uard and in your head worryin&. Hn top o) that it is impossi%le to %e in the moment" which is the most meanin&)ul &i)t you can &ive to anyone. 4hen you are not in the moment you cannot notice all the su%tleties that &o on in a conversation. Fou will miss out on the clues she is &ivin& o)) and all su%text o) what she is sayin&. 9his is the )oundation to %ein& success)ul with women. Hwnin& what you say without apolo&y demonstrates you are solid in your own identity and do not rely on others to de)ine who you are. ,/!/ ! +:D, >( 9ayla: @ey my darlin& &utter )loater lol. ,/!/ ! +:2* >( =ace: Fes my little cock weasel? ,/!/ ! +:2- >( 9ayla: ?w dont call me that. ,/!/ ! +:2+ >( =ace: I6ll call u whatever I want my love ,/!/ ! +:2, >( 9ayla: Hh no you wont. Ill hurt you ,/!/ ! +:2; >( =ace: I will pin u down on my %ed and make u moan ,/!/ ! +:* >( 9ayla: >romise. ,/!/ ! +:*2 >( =ace: All u have 2 do is show upJi6ll take care o) the rest ,/!/ ! +:*- >( 9ayla: I %elieve it sweetheart. $orry Ive disappeared lately 2ust &oin& throu&h alot. ,/!/ ! +:*+ >( =ace: 9hursday work - u

,/!/ ! +:- >( 9ayla: Feah ,/!/ ! +:- >( =ace: 4e6ll make up then:I1 ,/!/ ! +:-+ >( 9ayla: $ounds ama8in& I) you happen to truly o))end a woman do not make a %i& deal o) it. $imply apolo&i8e and move on with the conversation. 'ow that you are ready to man up and communicate your sexual desires to the women in your li)e that you are interested in let6s learn the tips and tricks to smoothly transitionin& into a sexual conversation.


It is your 2o% as the man to lead and escalate the conversation. 9he pro%lem &uys o)ten have is how to turn a seemin&ly innocent conversation into somethin& sexual. 9hrou&h every text a woman sends you there are ways to &ra% onto somethin& she says and purpose)ully misinterpret what she is sayin& and turn it sexual. 4e call this directive misinterpretation. -/22/ ! -: ; >( Anthea: ooo my prince charmin& -/22/ ! -:2 >( =ace: Fes my lovely princess? -/22/ ! -:2* >( Anthea: you are rather adora%le -/22/ ! -:2; >( =ace: AwwwJ.2ust )or that I am &oin& to %rin& you home some ma&ic )airy dustRI1 -/22/ ! -:*! >( Anthea: lol.. id rather have a cuddle monkey -/22/ ! -:*; >( =ace: 9hose are extremely rareJ.%ut )or you my love I would search all o) my kin&dom and %eyond3 -/22/ ! -:- >( Anthea: ok seriously u are the sweetest -/22/ ! -:-- >( Anthea: can i keep u

-/22/ ! -:-+ >( =ace: Like in a ca&e? >ro% notJin hancu))s )or a ni&htJmay%eRI1 .here is where I misinterpret it and turn it sexual1 -/22/ ! -:-E >( Anthea: Lol tease -/22/ ! -:+2 >( Anthea: u make a &irls mind wanderJ $imply )ind ways to take what she is sayin& and chan&e it so that it seems like she was insinuatin& somethin& sexual. Four mindset should %e that everythin& she says and does is tryin& to seduce you. 9hinkin& this way will help you %e&in to see what she says in a di))erent li&ht and allow you to easily misinterpret what she is sayin& and direct the conversation in a sexual direction.


A %eauti)ul woman is accustomed to usin& her sexuality as a way o) in)luence to &et what she wants. 9his is not a %ad thin&. 5eauti)ul women learn that when they act a certain way men react in predicta%le patterns. I) she dresses" smiles" walks and talks certain ways she can &et )ree drinks" skip the line" &et out o) speedin& tickets" etc. 9his is extremely use)ul )or her. 4hat does this mean )or you? A %eauti)ul woman will o)ten times use su%tle .or not so su%tle1 hints towards sex to excite you. As soon as she sees you %itin& onto them and &ettin& excited she knows this is a way she can manipulate you. 9his puts you in the cate&ory o) every other horny &uy out there who is desperate to &et laid. A hi&h quality &uy with many opportunities )or sex would not %ecome overly excited %ecause he has no need to. @e sees what is really &oin& on. Instead tease her a%out it or act as i) you don6t understand. 4ednesday" Gec * 2 4ednesday" Gec * 2 4ednesday" Gec * 2 ! at 2:*,:*! >( ! at 2:+*:+, >( ! at 2:+E: ; >( Ganica: Im )eelin& extremely )risky today. =ace: I like the sound o) that..mmmm Ganica: I %et you do. I think a%out you when I touch mysel). $he tries to take control %y sayin& AI %et you doB. @er su% text is that she has the sexual power in the relationship. I simply down play it. 4ednesday" Gec * 2 ! at *:D :-D >( =ace: @aha yah ri&htJisn6t that a son&? LHL

4ednesday" Gec * 2

! at *:DE:+- >(

Ganica: I de)inately do. R1

!..I don6t replyJ..

4ednesday" Gec * 2 4ednesday" Gec * 2 ! at *:2,: ! >( ! at *:2!:+* >( Ganica: Im &oin& to dress up and seduce you on sunday3 =ace: I6ll do my %est to resist :1 and I won6t %e mad i) you happen to send a )ew more Aenticin&B pics my way in the mean time 4ednesday" Gec * 2 ! at *:-2:D+ >( Ganica: 4hy cant &et enou&h? $he wants me to %uy into her )rame that she is irresisti%le and 2ust like every other &uy I am easily manipulated %y her sexual charm. As soon as I do she will unknowin&ly lose attraction )or me.

I don6t reply]I
4hen a &irl initiates sexual talk it is %est )or you to downplay it and )lip the script. Instead in)orm her she is no match )or your sexual prowess. 9his communicates that you are used to and un)a8ed %y a %eauti)ul woman6s sexual advances. 'ote: Hnly a)ter you have pro&ressed the relationship to a certain point can you success)ully )all a willin& victim to the irresisti%le lure o) her sexuality. 9hat" however" is the topic )or another pro&ram alto&ether.


H)ten time6s &uys are unsure o) where a &irl is in re&ard to her sexuality. Is she reserved? Goes she have han& up6s with sex? Is she a strai&ht up nympho waitin& )or you to %rin& it out? 7nowin& where she is at and how she views sex allows you to tailor your approach to make it the %est possi%le experience )or her. In addition it allows you to )i&ure out i) this &irl is compati%le with you sexually. 9his is @#C?. Fou can &au&e a woman6s present sexual radar %y sporadically throwin& out little sexual innuendo hooks to see i) she %ites on or i) they &o over her head. =ace: AI 2ust saw the cutest little squirrel in the park &atherin& nuts and it made me think o) you :1 B .4ednesday" Gec * 2 2:D;: - >(1 Ganielle: A4hy cause 4e %oth like nuts?B .4ednesday" Gec * 2 ! at 2:2 :D2 >(1 As you can see the same text was sent out to %oth &irls %ut the way they responded was completely di))erent. 4hile Janiece thou&ht it was cute" Ganielle de)initely picked up on the ! at 2:D,:*D >(1 ! at Janiece: Alol3 ur the %est3 savin& that messa&e3 too cute3B .4ednesday" Gec * 2

sexual overtones o) the text. It is apparent that Ganielle is much more in tune with her sexuality and com)orta%le expressin& it. Constantly %e droppin& these little hooks to see where a &irl is at. Fou will o)ten notice as the interaction pro&resses and you continue to use the techniques in this %ook to make a &irl )eel more com)orta%le with you her sexual radar will ampli)y and tune in to you. 'ote: Just %ecause a &irl catches on to your sexual overtones does not mean she is easy. It o)ten 2ust means she is more in tune with her sexuality and com)orta%le expressin& it. 9his can %e a si&n o) maturity.

$exual Innuendos are the )oundation to creatin& and %uildin& sexual states easily and com)orta%ly with a woman. 5ecause o) their e))ectiveness and ease o) use we recommend you %e&in to incorporate them into your textin& and realItime interactions with women immediately. Let6s %e&in %y de)inin& a sexual innuendo. $exual Innuendos M statements that talk a%out or descri%e somethin& nonIsexual in a way that alludes to somethin& sexual. 4hat does this mean? A %uddy o) mine" (ayson" shared a %rilliant text he sent a while %ack to a &irl on sexual innuendo. I have hi&hli&hted some o) the sexual innuendos in the text so you can see them at work. 5rid&et: sexual innuendos are )unnyJthere is never a %ad time )or them (ayson: I a&ree it is hard to make most people come to the understandin& that sexual innuendo is an art )orm. I have %een well endowed with a lar&e amount o) skill in this area as well. Hral skills are over looked as many people will stru&&le &raspin& the lin&uistic skills that roll o)) my ton&ue. I am sure you understand this concept %ecause you havetaken your lickin&s in li)e and have learned )rom them. 9hrou&h intimate study one will )ind that penetratin& deepunderstandin& o) oral talents can produce a very climatic )inish3 $exual Innuendos are ama8in& %ecause they introduce sexuality into a conversation in a )un way. 9alkin& a%out sex is in many ways ta%oo in our culture so when you %rin& it out in a )un way women love to hook onto them. =emem%er" women think a%out sex 2ust as much as we do. It also shows you are con)idant and can talk a%out potentially em%arrassin& topics without )ear. It su%consciously puts her at ease %ecause you are &ivin& o)) the si&nals that sex isn6t a %i& deal. 9his does not mean it can6t %e special" meanin&)ul or important %ut that you are com)orta%le when it comes to sex and aren6t &oin& to %e nervous or )reak out when you &et into a sexual situation with her. ?xample QD

2/-/ ! !:-E >( $ara: I have some super excitin& news3 5ut u don6t &et 2 know until thursday cause it is more )un 2 tell in person :1 2/-/ ! !:+D >( =ace: Aww manJnow u &ot me all excited and anticipitory333 .seems like a word to me1 2/-/ ! !:+! >( $ara: It is a word3 Hnly spelled anticipatory. 'ice work :1 %ut now u have somethin& 2 look )orward 2 %esides the noodles and mind%lowin& sex 2/-/ ! ;: 2 >( =ace: 'oodles would have %een enou&h to &et me excitedJ%ut now I am 2ust %rimmin& with enthusiasm3 2/-/ ! ;: + >( $ara: Clad i can make u %rim :1 2/-/ ! ;:DD >( =ace: I dou%t that is a sexual inuendo comin& )rom u %ut I am &oin& to take it as one and &et a nice %i& smirk on my )ace 2/-/ ! ;:D- >( $ara: # don6t think i am capa%le o) sexual innuendos? I am hurt3 :1 2/-/ ! ;:2 >( =ace: In that case I look -ward to hearin& many many more R1 who knows" may%e someday u will %e a%le to keep up w/ me 2/-/ ! ;:2+ >( $ara: # r the the $.I. master. I can %e ur pupil 2/-/ ! ;:2; >( =ace: $tudyin& under me can %e a lot to swallow sometimes .lesson one1 2/-/ ! ;:*D >( $ara: I %ow down %e)ore uJ Hh3 9wo in one ni&ht3 ?xample Q2 4ednesday" Gec D, 2 9hursday" Gec D! 2 9hursday" Gec D! 2 'ikki: @aha nice As you practice usin& $exual Innuendos" you will notice that you %e&in to see the world in a more sexual way. Certain words will 2ump out you" makin& it easier and easier to come up ! at DD:D2:** >( ! at D2: +:D+ A( ! at D2: E:-D A( 'ikki: , inches o) snow today cra8y huh =ace: , inches is quite )ul)illin& I hear :1

with new ones on the )ly. I) you o)ten have trou%le movin& an interaction with &irls in a sexual direction" this is &oin& to do wonders )or you.


Another simple way to 2umpIstart the sexuality in a text is any time she text somethin& that can %e taken as a sexual innuendo 2ust text %ack" A9hat6s what she/he saidB. Lindsey Awow" these are smaller than i expectedB =ace A9hat6s what he saidB Cindy A(an this is so hard3B =ace A9hat6s what she saidB As you can see" this instantly turns a seemin&ly innocent statement into a sexual innuendo. 5e care)ul to not over use this one as it can &et annoyin& i) you do it all the time.


@ere is a )unny little technique a &ood &irl)riend o) mine" Julie" used to say all the time. $he is always sayin& )unny" quirky thin&s that you wouldn6t expect. Anytime we would make plan to do somethin& she would say a little somethin& I )ound really )unny. :or example" i) we decided to &o &ra% some (exican )ood she would say" ALet6s do itJ&o eat I meanJnot sexB. I would always end up lau&hin&. 9his technique assumes that the &irl you are talkin& with is thinkin& a%out havin& sex with you so you have to set her strai&ht. ?xample QD 9uesday" Jan E 2 9uesday" Jan E 2 7assie: I do a&ree 9uesday" Jan E 2 9uesday" Jan E 2 ?xample Q2 (onday" Au& D! 2 (onday" Au& D! 2 (onday" Au& D! 2 ! at E:2*:*D >( ! at E:*2:+ >( ! at ,: 2:*, >( Julie: @ooray )or new stu)) :1 do i still &et to see you thursday? =ace: Let6s do itJhan& out I meanJnot sex Julie: Let6s do it A'G han& out :1 ; at 2:2-: >( =ace: Let6s do itJhan& out I meanJnot sex ; at 2:2+:2; >( 7assie: @aha yes lets. 9he day is up to you ; at 2:DD:-; >( ; at 2:D*: >( =ace: Fay3 $o then it is hi&h time we &et to&ether wouldn6t you say

(onday" Au& D! 2

! at ,: *:-* >(

=ace: I like that plan :1 'ote: Fou can play around with this and add thin&s on the end .i.e. Let6s do it..han& out I meanJnot sex. Cee8e you have a dirty mind31 9his also works &reat in person. I can6t tell you how many )un little techniques I have picked up )rom all o) the ama8in& women I have had the &reat )ortune to spend time with. 7eep an ear out" women are an endless resource )or pickin& up new )un ways to interact with people" especially other women.


It can %e a lot o) )un to &et a &irl thinkin& sexually the day o) your date. 9his allows you %oth the en2oyment o) anticipation. 4ednesday" (ar - 2 4ednesday" (ar - 2 7eiko: 4hat? 4ednesday" (ar - 2 4ednesday" (ar - 2 ; at ;:-2:D- A( ; at ;:-E:+! A( =ace: @ow ama8in& my cock )elt in your mouth. I don6t know what you do %ut 4H43 7eiko: 4ow" i) I wasn6t completely awake I am nowJ $top )latterin& me M I still have a lot to learn and an apt pupil with a willin& teacher 4ednesday" (ar - 2 4ednesday" (ar - 2 %y u toni&ht 4ednesday" (ar - 2 not do it. 4ednesday" (ar - 2 me to &et u o)) 4ednesday" (ar - 2 4ednesday" (ar - 2 ; at D :D;:22 A( ; at -:D*:22 >( =ace: Fou 2ust turned me on %i& time3 7eiko: $o we still on )or lesson Q2 toni&ht? ; at D : *:*D A( 7eiko: @mmm very true M lesson QDJ And u do have a point" it would %e extremely )un )or ; at ;:+E:- A( =ace: 9hat doesn6t sound like an apt pupil to me lol. 5ut hey" i) it6s not )un )or you let6s ; at ;:-;:D A( ; at ;:+-:2! A( =ace: $hall we &et some practice in toni&ht my sultry temptress? 7eiko: $o u &et to have all the )un %e)ore me? >erhaps" depends on how charmed I am ; at ;:2 :*! A( ; at ;:**: D A( =ace: Fou know what I keep thinkin& a%out?

4ednesday" (ar - 2 =ace: Indeed_R1

; at +: 2: D >(


4hen you6re mana&in& multiple relationships" and only selectively seein& some &irls .and even moreso i) you6re sleepin& with them1 they can &et con)used a%out what you want. I6m always honest with the &irls I6m datin& a%out what I can and can6t &ive them. 5ut when their )ears that I don6t truly spend time with them and truly appreciate them rise to the sur)ace M especially late at ni&ht M those )ears need to %e addressed and )ramed throu&h my perspective on our developin& relationship. 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 =ace: Awake? 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 ; D:-,:2; A( ; D:-!:D* A( ; D:-;:*- A( ; D:+ :-D A( ; D:+D: 2! A( ; D:+2:+- A( ; 2:D,:2* A( ; 2:22: ; A( ; 2:2*:2, A( Cindy: Fa im out. . 4hats up =ace: $mokin& hookah at a )riendsJwanna come watch a movie? Cindy: 'o i dont wana )uck =ace: @ahaJu r )unny. Catch ya later alli&ator Cindy: A)ter while crocodile =ace: @ey I am a pen&uin punk3 =ace: >s what6s with the rude remark? Cindy: >s wht with makin& me )eel like a late ni&ht %ooty call? =ace: # work late as a %artender and I stay up late so I )i&ure u r upJdon6t take it personal nerd 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 ; 2:2E:+2 A( ; 2:2;:2+ A( Cindy: 4ell i did. . >lus i am wierd with you and i dont know why =ace: 4ell u r weird true lol 2/kJwhat do u mean weird with me?? ; D:-E:+* A(

4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2

; 2:*2:22 A(

Cindy: Idk u make me act weird and im never weird im )un i swear3 I &uess im 2ust worried that i dont wana %e played. . 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 ; 2:*-:D A( =ace: @aha. #r not a musical instrument silly. 4e r %oth human %ein&s who have the same worries a%out meetin& people we like nerd 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 ; 2:*-:-+ A( ; 2:*;:D; A( Cindy: Hh ya what do u worry a%out? =ace: 'in2as and the %oo&ie man mostly lol seriously I am 2ust tryin& to meet )un" cool people who are interested in &ettin& to know me. Is that so weird? 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 ; 2:-D:*D A( Cindy: 'o i am too %ut u r very charmin& and its rare so it makes me stand o))ish. . I dont wana )all )or a %eauti)ul smile with play)ul intensions. 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 #r very ori&inal. 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 ; 2:--:D, A( =ace: # think I have a %eauti)ul smile?3 $top it I6m %lushin&3 Lol. 4ell I have no intentions o) trickin& u into doin& anythin& u don6t want to do. I) u wanna come play and have )un %ecause u want to 2ust let me know eskimo :1 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 ; 2:-,:2! A( Cindy: 'o i want u to treat me like ur actually intrested in nowin& me %y askin& me to do stu)) with you. 'ot 2ust watch movies and make out. 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 ; 2:-;:-2 A( =ace: 4ell I like watchin& movies and that is what I do o)tenJyep kinda %orin& %ut I like it so that is spendin& time with me. I work all day and most o) my money is tied up in my %usiness so I don6t &o out o)ten unless it is to networkin& events. 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 ; 2:+2:DD A( Cindy: Hk well i dont do cop outs race cu8 i kno i) someones reaalllyy into someone they make time and spare cash so put that in ur lecture. Im no ones Ai dont want a relationshipB &irl. 5ut thank you )or tryin& to %e sweet ; 2:-2:2+ A( Cindy: I dont wana )reak u out with honesty %ut i dont di& &uys like i di& u.

4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2

; 2:++:2 A(

=ace: @aha not what I was sayin& %ut I see what ur sayin&. $ounds like u r a)ter somethin& else. Cood luck. # r an awesome &irl :1 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 ; 2:+E:+, A( Cindy: 'o i dont wana relationship %y any means %ut i am a &irl and it would %e nice to %e treated special once in awhile. 'ot like a %ooty call ya )eel me? =ace: I don6t respond 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 =ace: I don6t respond 4ednesday" :e% 2+ 2 ; *: 2:+; A( Cindy: Listen do u mind i) i come see u i wont %e weird i swear ; 2:+,:2; A( Cindy: Im drunk and im surwe this doesnt make any sense

4hen you %e&in creatin& a sexual )rame with a woman it is important to make sure you provide a space where she knows there is no 2ud&ment. 5ecause a woman6s sexuality can %e such a personal thin& it is much easier )or her to hide it and %e sa)e than share it and &et hurt. Fou must rid yoursel) o) moral 2ud&ment" indi&nation or immaturity. 9his also includes her knowin& that you will not &o %ehind her %ack and %ra& to all your )riends or make )un o) her. I) you still do this it is time to &row up. $unday" Au& *D 2 ! at E:DE:+2 A( 5renda: @ey i heard a 2okeJi wish you were homework cu8 you would %e hard and i would %e doin& you on my desk ri&ht now lol $unday" Au& *D 2 $unday" Au& *D 2 $unday" Au& *D 2 $unday" Au& *D 2 $unday" Au& *D 2 $unday" Au& *D 2 =ace: $o tell me ! at E:D!:+* A( ! at E:D;:+ A( ! at E:22:DE A( ! at E:2!:*E A( ! at E:2;:D2 A( ! at E:* :D, A( =ace: @ahaJlet6s study tomorrow thenR1 5renda: (ay%e a)ter i %eat you at chu&&in& contest 5renda: @ey lets play carpenterJ :irst we &et hammered then ill nail you lol =ace: 9hat sounds like a )un &ameJ 5ut I6ll win R1 5renda: I hope you would :1 i have to tell you somethin& thou&h

$unday" Au& *D 2

! at E:*2:D A(

5renda: I have only %een with one &uy i dont know how you )eel a%out that i was with him )or * years %ut now i )eel like i dont have enou&h experience :/ Fou know )or you $unday" Au& *D 2 ! at E:*E:+, A( =ace: ?xperience has no standin& in my %ookJan open curious mind with a sense o) adventure and willin& to explore who you are is what I value :1 $unday" Au& *D 2 ! at E:*!:22 A( 5renda: 9hats &ood to hearJ Im always willin& to try new thin&s:I1 i hope you are as ama8in& as you sound $unday" Au& *D 2 =ace: (e too lol $unday" Au& *D 2 ! at E:- :-, A( 5renda: Im sure you will %e:I1 ill talk to you tomorrow 4hen providin& a sa)e space )or a woman to open up sexually you will %e surprised at some o) the sexual )antasies women have. 9his does not mean you have to %e the one who )ul)ills her )antasies .it is )un when you do thou&h1 %ut it does mean you have to accept her. 5y providin& a sa)e" 2ud&ment )ree space )or women to explore their own sexuality you will not only make it in)initely easier )or her to open up to you sexually %ut also set yoursel) apart as a world class lover. ! at E:*;:*+ A(


9here will de)initely %e times when you unlock a woman6s sexuality much )aster then anyone else ever has or in ways she has never experienced %e)ore. 9his can %e very )ri&htenin& to her. $he is not used to expressin& and explorin& her sexuality so openly with someone she likes and most certainly not so quickly. Inevita%ly this will cause some o) her insecurities to arise and you must %e a%le to handle them with honesty" con)idence and the utmost care. (eD/D,/ ! ;: - >( =ace: Gid u send me a picture 2day? All my txt &ot erased D/D,/ ! ;: + >( 7erry: Feah you so missed out (eD/D,/ ! ;: ! >( =ace: @ahaJthanks a lot meanie3 D/D,/ ! ;:2D >( 7erry: Fou have new >icture (ail3 Click Co/Piew to see now. .she sends me a picture o) her li)tin& up her turtle neck and )lashin& me her %ra1

D/D,/ ! ;:2; >( 7erry: I sent it (eD/D,/ ! ;:2; >( =ace: = u wearin& a turtleneck?..haha sexy sexy now I know where 2 aim next timeRI1 D/D,/ ! ;:*D >( 7erry: 9hats not nice (eD/D,/ ! ;:-+ >( =ace: 4hich part? D/D,/ ! ;:++ >( 7erry: Fou are &oin& to aim )or my neck. Just not a very sexy thin& to say. Cuess I know what you think o) me. (eD/D,/ ! D : >( =ace: ??? = u )eelin& ok? .instead o) %uyin& into the ar&ument ask a question to &et to the heart o) what she is )eelin&1 D/D,/ ! D : D >( =ace: 'ot your neck ri&ht %etween your %reastsJand I think that6s hotJso %e o))ended i) u will I still like it .I like what I like. I) she is not into it that is ok we won6t do it %ut I will not apolo&i8e )or what I am into.1 D/D,/ ! D : 2 >( 7erry: 'ot really D/D,/ ! D : - >( 7erry: Hh well in that case I cant wait D/D,/ ! D :2+ >( 7erry: $orry im %ein& a little hypersensitive. @ad a lon& day ^ im %ummed a%out somethin&s. .$he isn6t )eelin& well. $omethin& else is %otherin& her and she is takin& it out on me. I can now %etter understand what is causin& her to react this way she is.1 (eD/D,/ ! D :2E >( =ace: 'o worries nerd%all:I1 7ellie ms )un architectD/D,/ ! D :* >( 7erry: I have to ask you somethin& thou&h??? (eD/D,/ ! D :*, >( =ace: Fes I am really a nin2aJnext question

7ellie ms )un architectD/D,/ ! D :-2 >( 7erry: $eriously nin2a ^ %e honest. Are you interested in &ettin& to know me at all or are you more interested in a sex. Gont &et me wron& thats cool i) you are. (eD/D,/ ! D :+E >( =ace: 4hat makes you say that? 7ellie ms )un architectD/D,/ ! DD: 7erry: Just want to know (eD/D,/ ! DD: 2 >( =ace: I know %ut what even makes u )eel like u need to ask that question? D/D,/ ! DD: + >( =ace: 4hat makes u )eel like I am not interested in &ettin& to know you? 7ellie ms )un architectD/D,/ ! DD:*+ >( 7erry: 'othin& you did. 4e seem to have more sexual talk towards one another than &ettin& to know one another. 4hich is super )un %ut I 2ust want to know. D/D,/ ! DD:*, >( 7erry: 9rust me you wont hurt my )eelin&s (eD/D,/ ! DD:*, >( =ace: CottchaJim 2ust a very sexual personJ%ut I6m only that way towards somone when I am interested in them. (ake sense? .Hnce a&ain I have no need to apolo&i8e. I am a sexual person and en2oy sharin& that with a woman I am interested in1 D/D,/ ! DD:-D >( 7erry: Fes. 4e di))er there so I &uess thats why im not sure how to take it. (eD/D,/ ! DD:-+ >( =ace: =eallyJthats weird to meJwho are you sexual towards then? 7ellie ms )un architectD/D,/ ! DD:+* >( 7erry: 4hat do you mean? 4ho? D/D!/ ! D2: * A( 7erry: #ntill you. I have never sent a necked picture" never had text sex. Im really not a sexual person or haven6t %een. I sound like a wet %lanket lol D/D!/ ! D2:*E A( 7erry: Gont &et me wron& its not like you took my vir&inity. Im 2ust a little shy ^ sel) conscience in other areas. $o am I totally )reakin& you out? .'ow we are )inally &ettin& to the %ottom o) the issue1 (eD/D!/ ! D2:*, A( =ace: @ahaJnot at allJ Calm downJ%reathJand let6s en2oy our time 2&ether:I1 >(

.@ow I respond is crucial. $he has opened up and shared somethin& very personal. I) I were to tell her I was upset or concerned or even )reaked out she would have slammed the door %ack closed and it would have %een almost impossi%le to open her up a&ain. 5e very &entle. I let her know it is not a %i& deal. 4e all have our insecurities and I want her to know she is sa)e expressin& them to me without )ear o) me &ettin& mad" hurt or de)ensive.1 D/D!/ ! D: ! A( 7erry: @a ha ha. 9hanks. Just tellin& you a little somethin& somethin& a%out me mr sexual chocolate. (ums the word. Yx (eD/D!/ ! E: , >( =ace: @ey wanna han& out monday ni&ht? D/D!/ ! !:DD >( 7erry: $ure. 4hatcha have in mind? (eD/D!/ ! !:2; >( =ace: 'othin& in mind yet 2ust wantin& to see you:I1 D/D!/ ! !:*D >( 7erry: 4ell alri&hty then. (onday ni&ht we are on like donkey kon&. @ave a &ood ni&ht 4hen delvin& into a woman6s sexuality you must %e very sensitive. $ome women are extremely sel)Iconscious a%out their %ody or have issues with a%andonment or sexual a%use. Fou cannot know this %e)ore hand so 2ust %e prepared to accept her. 9his does not mean you have to now take care o) her or continue the relationship %ut it does mean i) you have lead her to the point where she is openin& up a%out these types o) issues you need to %e a%le to handle them as a mature adult man.


9he easiest way to &et a woman to open up a%out her )antasies is to start %y sharin& one o) yours. 9his works )or several reasons. I) you are open and con)ident enou&h to share one o) your )antasies then she is encoura&ed to do the same or %ecome a part o) yours. Fou were vulnera%le )irst so she )eels sa)er a%out %ecomin& vulnera%le with you. It also invokes the law o) reciprocity. 4hen someone does somethin& )or us" in this case sharin& a )antasy" we )eel o%li&ed to return the &esture. 2:-Dpm 'icole: ahhh i have to &et &ym clothes on..%ut i want to lay in %ed" what opposites 2:-2pm =ace: oh the duality o) the human conditionJ.&et o)) your ass you la8y %um" you can6t &et )at or else we are &oin& to have to cancel our date and &et a divorce3

2:-2pm 'icole: hahahahahaa everyD i live with is secretely + pounds inside.last ni&ht )or instance" i was )ine. and then they %rou&ht out cupcakes )rom ma&nolia. lol how do u say no to those i did )eel proud )or %ein& the only person to have D thou&h lol 2:--pm =ace: did you save me one??3333 2:--pm 'icole: no everyone ate them lol hav u %een to crum%? 2:--pm =ace: man and I thou&ht you truly cared a%out me :. 2:--pm 'icole: ohhhh stop 2:-+pm =ace: no %ut I have %een to the cupcakery and sprinkles 2:-+pm 'icole: whats your )avorite kind 2:-+pm =ace: my )avorite is red velvit 2:-+pm 'icole: ahhhh delicious" unexpected" %ut very impressive response 2:-Epm =ace: one o) my )antasies is to eat one o)) a &irls %ack while doin& her )rom 2:-Epm 'icole: thats a lot o) pleasure at once 2:-Epm =ace: precisely 2:-,pm 'icole: one" the view ur &ettin&" two" hello ur doin a hot &irl .hope)ully1 do&&y style" and *" the cupcake? can u handle that? 2:-!pm =ace: )irst there is no hope)ully and second i only have two hands %ut I6m pretty sure I can handle it :1 2:-;pm 'icole: con)idence is key" haha 2ust &otta &o )or it

2:+2pm =ace: &ood pointJnow where am I &oin& to &et cupcakes at this hour? hmm 2:+*pm 'icole: the hypothetical hour or the current actual hour 2:++pm =ace: which ever one &ets me eatin& a delicious cupcake o)) a %eauti)ul .and adventurous1 woman6s %ack 2:++pm 'icole: my only su&&estion isJkeep one in the )reee8er..2k 2:+Epm =ace: haha..i) only you were %rin&in& cupcakes instead o) %rownies when we han& 2:+!pm 'icole: what r ur plans )or this evenin& 'ote: :eel )ree to make up silly )antasies on the spot that relate to what you are talkin& a%out. ?licitin& a woman6s )antasies is a &reat way to create a sexual state while )ormin& a %ond %etween the two o) you. It also allows you to know what she is responsive to sexually .this includes what types o) ima&es you create throu&h texts to &et her turned on1 and allows her to know what excites you sexually as well. 9his means that the sexual encounters you share with her are &oin& to %e )ar more en2oya%le.


(asterin& the art o) usin& descriptive lan&ua&e is one o) the most valua%le assets you can ever learn. 'ot only does it allow you to tell more en&a&in& stories" more e))ectively communicate your ideas and enrich your day to day experiences %ut it is the key to leadin& a woman6s ima&inations and ultimately drivin& her wild with desire. 9he easiest way to %e&in trainin& yoursel) to use more descriptive lan&ua&e is to start descri%in& thin&s accordin& to how they )eel. 9his can %e %oth emotionally and sensationally M what you are experiencin& with all )ive senses. =ead the )ollowin& two statements:

9his coke is &oodB Hh my this coke is delicious. 9he %u%%les are like little %a%y an&els dancin& on my
ton&ue3B As )unny as that seems" which statement en&a&ed your ima&ination? 4hich one did you visuali8e? 4hich one made you smile? 4hich one are you likely to remem%er?

4omen take notice to how you descri%e experiences" events" people" etc. =emem%er that a woman6s ima&ination is the key to power)ul arousal and ama8in& sex. 9he mind cannot di))erentiate %etween an ima&ined experience and a real experience. 9his is why sometimes you wake up )rom dreams con)used and unsure i) it really happened. 4hen you can lead her to ima&ine kissin&" touchin& and even havin& mind %lowin&" awesome" passionate sex with you &uess what? $he has actually done those thin&s with you and has the memories to prove it. 'ow when it comes time )or the real thin& it will %e a much easier and com)orta%le )or her to do it since she has already rehearsed it in her headJand it was ama8in&3 9he more vivid you can make her ima&ine somethin& the stron&er her experience and the more permanent her )eelin& associated with it %ecome. 9hese are )eelin&s you can now have her recall at any time causin& her to &o into a sexual state much quicker. 9his is awesome )or her3 Are you startin& to see how power)ul descriptive lan&ua&e can %e? 9ake a look %ack throu&h the text examples I have %een &ivin& you and notice how the way we word thin&s make what we are descri%in& much more vivid" memora%le and en&a&in&.


A )un way to start a sexually char&ed conversation is usin& a little technique I developed called 9he Girtiest Gream 9echnique. It &oes a little somethin& like this: 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 ! at +:-;:2 >( =ace: I had the dirtiest dream a%out you last ni&htJ 'ote: Fou can add the H(C at the %e&innin& and a .31 at the end to so)ten it i) you are messa&in& a &irl who you haven6t %uild too solid o) a connection with. 9his shows you are surprised you had a dirty dream a%out her. Fou can also add 594 to make it more nonchalant like it6s no %i& deal._ 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 ! at +:+D:2 >( ! at +:+*:D- >( Julie: =eally?Jdo tellJ =ace: 4ell we were in the woods and it had %een rainin& so we are %oth soakin& wet when you )ell in the mud and we %e&an to mud wrestleJit was $H dirty3 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 ! at E: ;:2D >( Julie: @aha you are a dork to the core. Fou mi&ht want to take a shower a)ter that one Hne o) the %eauties o) this technique is that %y re)erencin& a dream you now %ecome )ree o) responsi%ility. A)ter all you can6t control your dreams. :or that very reason it makes women even more curious3 I) you are in the so called A)riend 8oneB with a &irl you like this can %e the spark that %e&ins her thinkin& o) you in a sexual way.

Another )antastic )eature o) this technique is you lead her into thinkin& sexual then you release it %y usin& the literal meanin& o) AdirtyB. $he isn6t expectin& this and it makes her lau&h. 5ut now when you take her %ack into the sexual state she will %e more relaxed and receptive allowin& her to &et more aroused and invest more in the interaction3 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 ! at E:D2:*! >( =ace: Gid I mention how a)ter I pinned you down mud wrestlin& I picked you up and pushed you a&ainst a tree and slowly %e&an to slide my hand up your ri%s under your clin&in& shirt? 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 ! at E:DE:+, >( ! at E:2 :D* >( Julie: 4ell damnJso you )eel like &oin& hikin& or campin& any time soon? =ace: I haven6t even told you how as I &ently li)ted your shirt over your head I stopped pinnin& your arms up and passionately kissed you usin& your shirt as an um%rella )or usJ I6m tellin& you this dream was GI=9F3 9uesday" Gec 2* 2 ! at E:2+:+- >( Julie: @ow is it that you 2ust per)ectly mixed %ein& a&&ressive with %ein& ama8in&ly passionate and adora%leJthats de)initely a dream that should come trueJ 4ednesday" Gec 2- 2 ! at !:DD:2D A( Julie: $o i6m a%out to &o to sleep )inally and i keep thinkin& a%out the dream you had lol. @ope)ully my dreams are that &oodJit would de)initely %e a %etter ni&ht i) you were actually here thou&h i must say. C6ni&ht peter pan3 :1 As you can see this is a simple yet power)ul technique you can use ri&ht away to move the conversation in a sexual direction. 4omen will not %e a%le to look at you the same way. H)ten times they will continue to %rin& it up over and over. @ave )un with this one :1


Just like the AGirtiest Gream 9echniqueB you can use almost any situation to start o)) the creation o) a sexual state. Just use directive misinterpretation to transition the conversation into somethin& sexual. A simple and )un way to do this is roleplay that she is secretly stalkin& you. 9his automatically puts you in the position where she is chasin& a)ter you. 9his is a )antastic position to %e in. Cirls )ind it incredi%ly )un and it is almost e))ortless to transition it )rom. $aturday" Gec 2, 2 stalker?3 @elp)ul tip: Instead o) 2ust sayin& that I was chan&in& in &eneral" I was more speci)ic and said A&ym clothesB. 9his su%tly shows o)) an attractive element o) who I am as a person. I ! at !:D,:D- >( =ace: Gid I 2ust catch you spyin& on me as I was chan&in& into my &ym clothes my little

take care o) my %ody. 9ry addin& in small thin&s like this that allude to some positive aspect o) who you are as a person. $aturday" Gec 2, 2 $aturday" Gec 2, 2 $elma: 'ice assJ. $aturday" Gec 2, 2 $aturday" Gec 2, 2 $aturday" Gec 2, 2 return the )avor R1 $aturday" Gec 2, 2 $aturday" Gec 2, 2 ! at !:*2:- >( ! at ;:22:+ >( $elma: Co ri&ht ahead =ace: I6m not sure i) that6s a &ood idea cause then I mi&ht %e tempted to slide my hands %ack up your ri%s" )irmly &ra% your hair and pull your head %ack as I &ently kiss your neck $aturday" Gec 2, 2 ! at ;:2E:+E >( $elma: $oooJ. 4hat time r u comin over R1 ! at !:2 :-+ >( ! at !:2*:2- >( ! at !:2;:2, >( =ace: @ey thanks R1 I6ll let you &ra% it next time we are makin& out $elma: 7 im soo &oin to &ra% it now =ace: In that case I mi&ht have to slowly slide my hands down your cute little %ack and ! at !:D,:+; >( ! at !:D;:-E >( $elma: Fes im watchin u


@ere is a prime example o) usin& many o) the principles tau&ht in this section includin&: usin& descriptive lan&ua&e" %uildin& anticipation" ownin& what you say" leadin& a woman6s ima&ination" havin& her arousal hei&htened %ecause it is occurrin& in an inappropriate place" etc. $ee i) you can pick out all the di))erent pieces and how they work to&ether to create a power)ul and lastin& sexual state. +/2!/ ! ,:*- >( 7ara: i will %e in my lsat class until ; %a%y. ive %een in this classroom since D2J im exhausted. &ive me words o) wisdom. +/2!/ ! ,:*, >( =ace: Grink water" take deep %reaths and day dream a%out meJthat should &et u throu&hRI1 +/2!/ ! ,:-* >( 7ara: what should i dream a%outJ? :1 +/2!/ ! ,:+D >(

=ace: Close ur eyes and ima&ine white washed houses w/ %lue roo)s on a cli)) over lookin& %ri&ht &reen sparklin& waterJnow ima&ine standin& on one o) those roo)s +/2!/ ! ,:+* >( =ace: As I come up %ehind u and put my arms around ur waistJu turn look deep into me eyes andJ.ur turn +/2!/ ! ,:+, >( 7ara: noJ keep &oin&. this is turnin& me onJ +/2!/ ! ,:+; >( =ace: $o u want me to &o on a%out how I &ently trace ur lips with my )in&er tips then down ur neck slowly reachin& the small o) ur %ack &rippin& ur hips )irmly? +/2!/ ! !: + >( 7ara: om&J. please keep &oin& raceJ im not kiddin&J +/2!/ ! !:D2 >( =ace: 4ell I suppose I could tell u how I pull u close so that our %odies are pressed ti&htly to&ether the contours )ittin& per)ectly to&ether as i whisper in your ear +/2!/ ! !:D+ >( 7ara: what are you tellin& meJ.? +/2!/ ! !:2 >( =ace: It6s in )rench so u will have to derive its meanin& %y what I start doin& to you nextJ +/2!/ ! !:22 >( 7ara: i need en&lish. you have - mins. %e)ore my test starts :1 +/2!/ ! !:2- >( =ace: you6ll have to read my %ody lan&ua&e and the sli&ht &rin on my )aceRI1 +/2!/ ! !:2, >( 7ara: what are you doin& ri&ht now? please tell me your hand is on your hu&e cockJ it turned me on sooo much &ivin& you a %low 2o%J. +/2!/ ! !:*E >( =ace: u haven6t even &iven me the chance to repay u in my own wayRI1 +/2;/ ! D2:+, A( 7ara: @aha true3

!!.9he 'ext GayJJ

+/* / ! D:2, A( =ace: @ow was class? +/* / ! D:2! A( 7ara: tirin&J ahhhhhhhh. so our conversation was sooo hot last ni&ht race.

9here are several %ene)its to seduction via text. 9hese include the lack o) social pressure" the power your words can have on her mind .the most power)ul sexual or&an a woman has1" creatin& anticipation" settin& up a AplaceholderB you can easily return to whenever you6d like" Intensi)y her arousal %ecause it6s AimproperB )or her to )eel sexual in the settin& she6s in" and o) course" it makes you :??L LI7? A (A'. .:eels &ood" doesn6t it?1 Hwn your manhood. Fou6re a sexual %ein& and she knows it. $he will )or&ive you )or %ein& a man" %ut not )or %ein& a pussy. I) you try to hide it" she either reali8es she can6t trust you or concludes you aren6t interested in her as a sexual partner and )inds someone else. 5e %old %ut not %rash. Fou aren6t a mindless hornIdo&" you are a man with sexual desires. Gon6t %e desperate" %ut %e honest a%out your desires as a man. A &reat way to turn a normal conversation sexual is throu&h directive misinterpretation. $imply take somethin& she says and misinterpret it to %ein& somethin& sexual. Gon6t &ra% onto every hint o) sexuality she drops. 9his puts you into the same cate&ory o) every other male desperate )or sex. Instead" i&nore these tests or act as i) you don6t understand. 9o &au&e a womans sexuality" it is o)ten use)ul to drop a text that could easily" thou&h not %latantly" %e misinterpreted as sexual. @er response will hint at her views toward sexuality. #se sexual innuendos o)ten. 9hey allow you %oth to discuss sex in a )un and nonIta%oo way" increasin& the likelihood she will hook into them. Allow her to )eel your acceptance. =id yoursel) o) all 2ud&ment o) her and her sexuality. 9his will allow her to open hersel) to you in ways you never ima&ined. 4hen delvin& into a woman6s sexuality you must %e very sensitive. $ome women are extremely sel)Iconscious a%out their %ody or have issues with a%andonment or sexual a%use. Fou cannot know this %e)ore hand so 2ust %e prepared to accept her. 9his does not mean you have to now take care o) her or continue the relationship %ut it does mean i) you have lead her to the point where she is openin& up a%out these types o) issues you need to %e a%le to handle them as a mature adult man. ?licitin& a woman6s )antasies is a &reat way to create a sexual state while )ormin& a %ond %etween the two o) you. It also allows you to know what she is responsive to sexually.

'ot everyone is like me %ut I @A9? talkin& on the phoneJunless it is to a lon& term &irl)riend and we have %een apart )or a while. Htherwise I would much rather text or even

%etter han& out in person. 5ut even so" there are times when callin& a &irl on the phone is not only a &ood idea %ut i) you don6t you run the risk o) losin& her. @ere are the main reasons )or callin& instead o) textin&: I $he 'eeds 9o @ear Four Poice 9o :eel $a)e Fou have done everythin& in the C?99I'C @?= 9H (??9 #> section and yet she is still hesitant. $ometimes a woman 2ust need to hear your voice to triple check you are not really some weirdo and that she is makin& the ri&ht decision to come meet up with you. $he wants to make sure you are really the &uy she is havin& so much )un with over text and it isn6t 2ust a show. H)ten times she will call you when you are makin& plans or she is on her way to meetin& you. 9his is usually an indication she 2ust needs to recon)irm in her mind that she is makin& the ri&ht choice to meet up with you. Gon6t worry I will %e &oin& over the principles to keep in mind so she will leave the conversation excited to see you. I>lans 7eep Chan&in& or $he 'eeds Girections $ometimes when you are coordinatin& a meet up plans can keep chan&in&. (ay%e either her or you are runnin& late or your )riends decide to chan&e venues last minute or perhaps it is 2ust a hard place to )ind. In this instance you don6t want her to &et )rustrated tryin& to )i&ure out or wait on texts. 9he last thin& you want is her to show up )lustered and in a ne&ative mood. I) she is lost or you are runnin& late or chan&in& venues simple call her and &uide her throu&h it. H)ten times she will call you. (ake sure to answer. =emem%er we want to make this as easy as possi%le )or her to meet up with you. I9here Is 9oo (uch 9o ?xplain Hver 9ext @ey let6s )ace it" sometimes there is 2ust too much in)ormation to relay across the limited plat)orm o) text messa&in&. In this case" simply shoot her a text sayin&" Ahey too much to around to chat real quick?B. It is important to throw in Areal quickB so she won6t )eel o%li&ated to %e stuck on a lon& %orin& phone call. =emem%er" she doesn6t know yet i) you are &oin& to %e like most other &uys who call her: awkward and dra&&in& out a conversation. :ollow the principles in this section and you will rock it3 I$he Is #pset It is easy to lose somethin& in translation when usin& text messa&in&. (ost )eelin&s &et hurt )rom simple miscommunication. I know you mi&ht %e thinkin& well it isn6t my )ault" I stated it very clearly. @ow in the world did she &et 9@A9 )rom what I was sayin&? 4ell i) you adopt this simple de)inition o) communication you will )orever take responsi%ility and have )ar happier relationships )or it. 9he meanin& o) communication is the response you &et. Go you see how power)ul this is? I) you are not &ettin& the response you intended you are not communicatin& what is in your head clearly. It mi&ht make sense to you %ut &uess

whatJshe isn6t you. And thus she is )ilterin& what you say throu&h her own experiences" %elie)s and values. 'ow this doesn6t mean you are responsi%le )or @H4 she interprets what you say otherwise you would always %e worries a%out what you are sayin&. 5ut you A=? responsi%le to chan&e up what you are sayin& i) it isn6t makin& sense to her. 4hy am I &oin& on a%out all this communication stu))? 4ell my point here is take responsi%ility" know that misunderstandin& are &oin& to happen" )eelin&s are &oin& to &et hurt" &irls are &oin& to &et upset and you are &oin& to have to handle them. 'o need to &et )rustrated or take it personal" a)ter all it is 2ust a misunderstandin&. Fou can handle it. Clear up the misunderstandin& and it6s all &ood. Cet upset or o))ensive and you have already lost. $o i) )or some reason you are &ettin& texts )rom her where you can tell she is upset" cold or distant know it is time to &ive her a call and )i&ure out what is &oin& on. A quick phone call is )ar more e))ective than any text you could possi%le send. $ay )or example she expected you to text her earlier in the day .mind you had no idea she expected that1 and you didn6t. $o she &ot upset with you and made other plans. Fou text her around the time o) the meet up and she responds to you with short" cold or distant response like Amade other plans..sorryB. 9his should throw up a red )la&. Hnce a&ain" instead o) &ettin& mad" o))ensive or reactive reali8e that there is most likely in her head a C=?A9 reason why she is actin& the way she is. Call her up" %e calm and simply )ind out what is &oin& on. 9hen ad2ust accordin&ly. Fou could simply say: Ahey sorry" I thou&ht we already had set plans. Is there any way we can still &et to&ether later toni&ht. I would really love to see you.B I) not" make plans to meet her another time. I) so" awesome3 4hy apolo&i8e i) it wasn6t your )ault? 4ell why is she upset? 5ecause she )elt like you were not valuin& her time. 5e the %i&&er man .even thou&h it wasn6t your )ault1 and make the apolo&y. Is meetin& up with an awesome woman worth makin& an apolo&y or would you rather ar&ue your point and push her away? Fou decide. 9his is 2ust one example. 5ut let me &ive you a rule o) thum% that has literally revolutioni8ed my datin& advice. Listen Close: ; times out o) D i) a woman is upset with you she simply wants to know that you value and truly care a%out her. =ead that a&ain. Look throu&h the details o) the ar&ument and see the )orrest )rom the trees.


:or what ever reason you use phone conversation rather than text you have to %e prepared. It may %e ri&ht away" or it may %e only ri&ht %e)ore you meet her. ?ither way" com)ort and con)idence is the key. 5ein& that you are a man and you are a leader you have to lead her throu&h the conversation and make her com)orta%le throu&h out it. It is important to esta%lish the )rame

o) her %ein& a &irl you have known )or quite some time. 9his will allow )or more com)orta%le and natural conversations %ecause she will take on your )rame and %e&in to )eel as i) you are someone she has known )or a while. 9his will %e a realItime interaction with her and you need to make sure that it is not a %orin& conversation that will 2ust dra& her down. 9hrou&hout the conversation she will su%consciously %e processin& what you say and more importantly" how you say it. $he will also %e testin& you )or con&ruence with who she thou&ht you were" how you have %een portrayin& your sel) until this point" and who you are now. Go your %est to %e consistent with the tone you set previously .i.e. 2oke around the same way" tease her the same" %e li&ht hearted unless she is sharin& somethin& important with you R ie openin& up )or emotional connection1. 9he )ollowin& are some critical points to remem%er durin& the phone call.

=e&ardless o) whether you call her or she calls you" set a time constraint at the %e&innin& o) the conversation. 9his removes any anxiety in relation to how lon& you will want to talk and &ives you control o) the conversation. Hur world is primarily %uilt around convenience these days and it has &otten to the point that phone calls are intrusive and inconvenient" )or the most part. A&ain" you are the leader" lead every aspect o) the conversation to com)ort" )un" and non needy3 ?ven this little step conveys that you are socially aware" and will take her into account consideration when interactin& with her. ?xample: @ey" what6s up N)unny nicknameO? =eal quick. Go you have a second? 9his communicates that you aren6t &oin& to %e a%le to talk lon&" and %y askin& i) she has a second makes her stop whatever she is doin& to &ive you her undivided attention. 4hen she knows it is &oin& to %e a quick conversation it stops the na&&in& voice in her head that is wonderin& the whole time how lon& is she &oin& to have to commit to %ein& on the phone with you. 4ith that out o) the way" she is more relaxed and open to talkin& to you.


5e aware o) her tone on the phone and how she is respondin& so you can end the call %e)ore it %ecomes %orin&" or %e)ore she has to 2ust let you &o %ecause she is %usy and tryin& to &et thin&s done. I) at all possi%le" %e the one who has to &o and end the conversation. 9ry to do this at a hi&h point in the conversation" pre)era%ly when she is lau&hin&. 9his way she is le)t with a positive and )un )eelin& associated with you.

$ometimes it can %ecome awkward when people try to end a phone conversation. As the leader o) the conversation" it is up to you to make her )eel com)orta%le %y %ein& a%le to success)ully end a phone conversation in a smooth and relaxed manor. ?xample: 4ell hey &irly I &otta run. It was )un chattin& with you and I6ll hit you up later.

A lot o) these are the same attraction principles we went over at the %e&innin& o) the %ook. @umor has a pro)ound e))ect on people to let their &uard down and %ecome more com)orta%le with the person they are interactin& with. $o you can use this technique to really start to unlock her &uard and make her %e more com)orta%le with %ein& in an open interaction with you. $tart %y makin& her lau&h. I) you ask what she is doin& and she says she is at work" you can reply with:

is that what you call community service3 4hat ever.. I6m not 2ud&in& you3 @ahaB

Hh yeah" 4hich corner?Jyou %etter not %e stealin& my customers3B

4hat ever you say" GH It I' A >LAF:#L (A''?= A'G LA#C@3 I) she says she is 2ust han&in& out" you reply with" A4ell put it awayJ Cosh. Fou6re an exhi%itionist aren6t you3?B. 9he point here is to initiate the conversation on a )un note and carry that into the rest o) your conversation. Fou are still continuin& to demonstrate how laid %ack" )un" and A99=AC9IP? &uy you are. 5e li&hthearted" and chat with her a%out )un thin&s. =ecall the techniques you used in the Attract sta&e and modi)y them sli&htly to work over the phone.


9here is a lot more that she can read into throu&h your vocal tone" tempo and in)lection you use. Fou need to make sure that you have ener&y in your voice. GH 'H9 5H=? @?=3 Four &oal is to li)t her up not dra& her down3 Four vocal tone can insinuate a lot o) thin&s. 9hrou&h your vocal tone alone" you can make sexual implications" turn an otherwise serious statement into somethin& play)ul" and even imply questions throu&h statements. It is important that you vary your tonality when speakin& to express your points and keep her interest. 'o one wants to talk )or very lon& to someone who sounds like 5en $tein .the economics6 teacher in :erris 5ueller6s Gay H)) 1.

In addition to your tone" %e conscious o) the speed at which you are speakin&. 4hen people are nervous they have a tendency to speak very )ast. 9ake a deep %reath. $peak slowly and pause o)ten. >auses are very power)ul conversational tools. >auses &ive the other person cues as to when to chime in to the conversation and can cause her to anticipate what you are &oin& to say next. 'ote: 9ry lookin& in the mirror when you talk to her and smile. Fou will %e surprised at how your smile comes across in your tonality. $peak up3 Fou don6t want her to %ecome annoyed with tryin& to )i&ure out what you are sayin& as you mum%le. $peak clearly and audi%ly she she can easily understand what you are sayin&. Gon6t &ive her a reason to want to &et o)) the phone or dread talkin& to you. I) you are makin& plans to&ether" %e the one who is actively makin& the decisions 9ell her what you want. Gon6t %e constantly askin& her what she wants to do. $how leadership skills and don6t put the pressure on her to decide what you two are doin&.

=emem%er these are all 2ust &uidelines and principles. 9ake each new conversation as it comes. Allow it to surprise and deli&ht you. 9ake risks and try new thin&s. Li)e is wonder)ul and 4omen are awesome3 @AP? :#'3

I) she doesn6t answer" only leave a oneIline voice messa&e such as" A@ey NpauseO it6s Nyour nameO. 4ill chat with you later &irly3B GH 'H9 &o into detail a%out what you were &oin& to chat a%out. 7eep it short with no in)ormation and imply that you will talk with her later. Fou can also use a tactic o) creatin& ur&ency )or her to call %ack %y addin& AI have the cra8iest story to tell you.. om&.. ok chat soon" later &ator3B 'ow you are &ivin& her an excitin& reason to want to call you %ack and hear this story. It doesn6t matter i) you have a story or not. Fou can make somethin& outra&eous yet $ILLF when she calls %ack" and then let her know you are 2okin&. 9he only &oal here is to make her want to call %ack on her own when she hears this. And remem%er your vocal tone" in)lection" and tempo are all equally important when leavin& voice mails as well3

9he (ain =easons )or callin& instead o) textin& are: $he 'eeds 9o @ear Four Poice 9o :eel $a)e" >lans 7eep Chan&in& or $he 'eeds Girections" 9here Is 9oo (uch 9o ?xplain Hver 9ext" $he Is #pset

9he meanin& o) communication is the response you &et. ; out o) D times when a woman is upset she 2ust wants to know you value" care a%out and respect her 4hen you call her" treat her as i) she is an old )riend you have know )or a lon& time #se time constraints to put her mind at ease 5e sure to keep it li&ht and play)ul and to in2ect humor. $how her you have the same &reat personality over the phone as you do in the texts you are sendin& her. Pary you Pocal 9onality and 9empo. $peak up and slow down. Leave short Poice (ails that encoura&e her to call you %ack @AP? :#'

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