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Branches of Biology

Angiology: This particular branch of biology covers the study of the blood vascular system. Bacteriology: This is the branch of biology that deals with the study of bacteria as well as bacterial infections. Biochemistry: This is the branch of biology that involves the study of the chemistry of living animal and plant bodies. Biogeography: This branch of science covers the study of the geographical distribution of plants and animals on the planet earth. Botany: This is the branch of biology that covers the study of plants. Conchology: This is the branch of biology that covers the study of shells. Cryobiology: This branch of biology deals with the study of the effects of low temperatures on life. Cybernetics: This is the science of neurobiology and endocrinology. Cytology or Cell Biology: Covered in this branch of biology is the study of the structure, function, reproduction and life cycle of the cell. Ecology: Covered in this branch of biology is the study of the relationships between organisms and their living and non living environment. Embryology: This is the study of how the embryo develops from its beginnings as a single cell zygote to the point where the zygote has differentiated and formed into a recognizable baby at the point of birth. Endocrinology: In this branch of biology, the study of hormones and their effects in animals in humans is covered. Enzymology: As the name suggests, this branch of biology covers the study of enzymes. Ethology: This fascinating branch of biology looks into the study of animal behavior and habits. Eugenics: This at times controversial branch of biology covers the science of the improvement of the human race by applying the principles of genetics. 2 !

Euphenics: This is the science of the improvement of the human race by the altering of the proteins synthesized by the body at the protein synthesis level. Euthenics: This is the science of the improvement of the human race through the improvement of the conditions of life. E"olution: This is the study of the way by which new species arise from pre e!isting species due to changes in the genetic make up of the pre e!isting species. It is though to occur through adaptations which have been prompted by factors such as environmental changes. E#obiology: This branch of biology covers the e!citing study of life in outer space. $enetics: This interesting branch of biology covers the study of the process by which offspring inherit their characteristics from their parents. %erpetology: This branch of biology covers the study of reptiles such as lizards and amphibians such as frogs. &mmunology: The study of the process by which organisms become resistant against infection. 'aryology" This branch of biology looks specially into the study of cells. (imnology: This branch of biology covers the study of life in still water bodies such as lakes, ponds, ditches and pools for e!ample. )olecular Biology: This branch of biology covers the study of the structure of the biomolecules that make up living organisms. #f particular interest but not limited to, is the study of the structure and synthesis of nucleic acids $%&A ' (&A), proteins and enzymes. )orphology: The branch of biology that deals with the study of the form, color and structure of living organisms and is divided into two main sub disciplines* e!ternal morphology and internal morphology.
E#ternal morphology deals with the study of the e!ternal features of living organisms and it covers things such as form, size, color, e!ternal structure and the particular positioning of the organs of an organism. &nternal morphology covers the study of the internal structure of living organisms and it is further divided into two fields of study. Anatomy* which primarily deals with the study of organs primarily through dissection and histology* which involves the study of the detailed and minute structure of body tissue through microscopes.

)ammology: Covered here is the study of mammals, one of the most important classes of animals. )ycology: This branch of biology covers the study of fungi. 2 !

*ncology: This particular branch of biology studies cancer. *rnithology: This branch of biology covers the study of birds. +aleobotany or paleontology: This covers the study of the fossils of plants and animals respectively. +arasitology: The study of parasites and parasitism. +hysiology: This branch of biology that is concerned with the study of the processes and functions that are associated with life. That is, the study of things such as nutrition, digestion, respiration and e!cretion. +rotozoology: In this branch of biology, the study of single celled animals. +athology: Covered in this branch of biology is the study of the causes, nature and symptoms of disease and illness. +teridology: This branch of biology covers the study of ferns. ,adiobiology: This is the study of the effects of radiation on plants and animals. -erpentology: This branch of biology studies snakes... those nasty critters+ .a#onomy: The branch of biology that deals with the identification, nomenclature $a particular system of naming) and classification of organisms. .eratology: This is the study of malformations or birth defects. .o#icology: This branch of biology deals with the study of substances that are to!ic to plants and animals. /irology: This is the study of viruses. 0oogeography" This branch of biology covers the study of the way in which animals are distributed on the planet earth. 0oology: This is the branch of biology that covers the study of animals.

,eference: ,ostlethwait, -ohn .., and -anet /. .opson. Modern Biology. #rlando" .olt, (inehart and 0inston, 1223. ,rint. 2 !

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