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Use: Question tags are short questions at the end of statements. They are mainly used in speech when we want to: Confirm that something is true or not, or To encourage a reply from the person we are speaking to. Question tags are formed with the auxiliary or modal ver s from the statement and the appropriate su !ect. " positive statement is followed y a negative question tag. #ack is from $pain, isn't he% &ary can speak 'nglish, can't she% " negative statement is followed y a positive question tag. They aren't funny, are they% (e shouldn't say things like that, should he% )hen the ver in the main sentence is in the present simple we form the question tag with do / does. *ou play the guitar, don't you% "lison likes tennis, doesn't she% +f the ver is in the past simple we use did. They went to the cinema, didn't they% $he studied in ,ew -ealand, didn't she% )hen the statement contains a word with a negative meaning, the question tag needs to e positive (e hardly ever speaks, does he% They rarely eat in restaurants, do they% $ome ver s . expressions have different question tags. 'xample: - I a / + am attractive, aren't +% - !ositive i perative / $top daydreaming, "ill / "on't you% - Negative i perative / 0on1t stop singing, "ill you% - #et's / 2et1s go to the each, shall we% - $ave got %possession& / (e has got a car, hasn't he% There is / are / There aren1t any spiders in the edroom, are there% This / that is / This is 3aul1s pen, isn't it% INTONATION

)hen we are sure of the answer and we are simply encouraging a response, the intonation in the question tag goes down:

This is your car, isn't it% 5*our voice goes down when you say isn1t it.6

)hen we are not sure and want to check information, the intonation in the question tag goes up:

(e is from Chile, isn't he% 5*our voice goes up when you say isn1t he.6

3ut in the correct question tags: 4. $he is collecting stickers. 7. )e often watch T8 in the afternoon. 9. *ou have cleaned your ike. :. #ohn and &ax don1t like math. ;. 3eter played hand all yesterday. <. They are going home from school. =. &ary didn1t do her homework last &onday. >. (e could have ought a new car. ?. @evin will come tonight. 4A. +1m clever. 44. $heBs from a small town in China. 47. They arenBt on their way already. 49. )eBre late again. 4:. +Bm not the person with the tickets. 4;. #ulie isnBt an accountant. 4<. The weather is really ad today. 4=. (eBs very handsome. 4>. They arenBt in &um ai at the moment. 4?. *ou arenBt from CraDil. 7A. #ohnBs a very good student. 74. + like chocolate very much. 77. $he doesnBt work in a hotel. 79. They need some new clothes. 7:. )e live in a tiny flat. 7;. $he studies very hard every night. 7<. 0avid and #ulie donBt take Chinese classes. 7=. + often come home late.

7>. *ou donBt like spicy food. 7?. $he doesnBt cook very often. 9A. )e donBt watch much T8.

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