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Dear Colleagues As part of a review of expenditure in key areas, SMT requested that Expense Redu tion Analysts !

ERA" look at the College#s postage and ourier expenditure a ross $oth a%puses& The purpose of this review was to assess whether we were getting $est value fro% Royal Mail and how we an a hieve $etter value for %oney ' dire tly and(or indire tly& Therefore, $ased on agreed re o%%endations, we will %ove over to Royal Mail )ostage )age *%pression !))*" a ounts with effe t fro% +anuary ,--.& As well as savings on postage harges, there will $e savings on Royal Mail olle tion harges plus savings fro% the eventual dis ontinued use of the franking %a hines& To put these savings into pra ti e, we will need to use overprinted envelopes of various si/es with the !))*, College logo and return address, all in one olour ' $la k" i%%ediately in the 0ew 1ear& Could * therefore request that all ad%in offi es keep sto ks of 2plain# envelopes spe ifi ally used for external post to a %ini%u%& Any plain envelopes still held $y offi es after ,nd +anuary ,--., will need to $e sta%ped with the ))* sta%p, $efore they an $e used& These sta%ps will $e held in Re eption& 3ther postal servi es su h as re orded delivery, spe ial delivery, *nternational DMS and D45 ourier servi es are not affe ted in the hange over, and %ail authorisation slips for these servi es will still apply& )re6paid $usiness post envelopes also re%ain the sa%e and an $e ordered $y ad%inistrators e%ailing Alison +ohnson, re%e%$ering to in lude your $udget ode& To order the new ))* envelopes ad%in offi es will need to advise Alison on quantity and si/es of the new envelopes required so that they an $e delivered to offi es as soon as they arrive fro% the supplier 6 an internal order for% is availa$le on the * drive for this purpose7 *78Servi es to Students8Re eption8))* *nfor%ation and 9or%s8))* E0:E53)E 3RDER 93RM ACADEM1 SECT3R&do & )lease note spe ial envelopes su h as padded, gusseted or over si/ed will not $e provided through Re eption, ad%inistrators will still need to order these via an offi e supplies o%pany& Could * also strongly request that all orders for envelopes are generated $y ad%in offi es rather than individuals& Any individuals sending in requests to Alison will have the% returned& As per the urrent pro edure, Re eption will ontinue to send out all post ,nd lass !ex ept in ex eptional ir u%stan es"& The signifi ant differen e to olleagues is that Re eption has to re ord total nu%$ers of letters sent ea h day& Therefore, any post $rought to Re eption fro% now on will need to $e ounted $y the Centres $efore $eing passed to Re eption& An authorisation slip is availa$le at the following link7 *78Servi es to Students8Re eption8))* *nfor%ation and 9or%s8))* MA*5 A;T43R*SAT*30 ACADEM1&do 9ro% the College#s point of view, Alison +ohnson, our newly appointed Re eption Servi es Manager will $e leading on this pro<e t and working losely with the ERA Consultants to ensure as s%ooth a transition as possi$le& Alison will $e onta ting Centre 3ffi e Managers and si%ilar onta ts in Servi e areas over the next few weeks to arrange so%e $riefing sessions to give further help and guidan e on the hange over and to alleviate any on erns or worries you %ay have a$out your daily %ailings or large volu%e %ailings with this new syste%& *n the %eanti%e if you have any initial on erns please dire t the% to either Alison or * and we will do our $est to help& +a kie Cannell 4ead of Servi es to Students

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