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Pope Francis, Eucharistic Miracle in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Posted on March 28, 2013 by Fr. Maximilian

When we meditate on the primacy of hrist in all creation we cannot help b!t mar"el at how #e draws all thin$s to #imself when #e is lifted !p in the #oly %!charist where #e is really present with #is body, blood, so!l and di"inity. &ltho!$h s!bstantially present, nonetheless the appearance or accidents of bread and wine mirac!lo!sly remain. 'n this way we eat of #is flesh and drin( of #is blood in #oly omm!nion and #e tr!ly becomes o!r food and drin( in the #oly )acrifice of the Mass. *n rare occasions *!r +ord wor(s what is called a e!charistic miracle whereby not only the s!bstance chan$es , transubstantiation b!t e"en the accidents. 'n 1--. in the &rchdiocese of /!enos &ires, &r$entina, when the present Pope Francis was &!xiliary /ishop !nder ardinal 0!arracino, an ama1in$ e!charistic miracle too( place. #e himself had it photo$raphed and in"esti$ated and the res!lts are astonishin$. 2he "ideo below draws this o!t3 #ere is a se$ment describin$ the e"ent written by Fr. M. Piotrows(i3 Eucharistic Miracle in Buenos Aires 2he wea(enin$ of faith in the real presence of the 4isen hrist in the %!charist is one of the most si$nificant aspects of the c!rrent spirit!al crisis. 5es!s wants to stren$then o!r faith in #is %!charistic presence. 2hat is why from time to time in the history of the atholic h!rch #e $i"es !s si$ns,%!charistic miracles that clearly !nderscore the fact

that #e, the 4isen +ord #imself in the mystery of #is 6i"inity and $lorified h!manity, is tr!ly present in the %!charist. 2he most recent %!charistic miracle reco$ni1ed by the h!rch a!thorities occ!rred in 1--. in the capital of &r$entina,/!enos &ires. A consecrated Host becomes flesh and blood &t se"en o7cloc( in the e"enin$ on &!$!st 18, 1--., Fr. &le8andro Pe1et was sayin$ #oly Mass at a atholic ch!rch in the commercial center of /!enos &ires. &s he was finishin$ distrib!tin$ #oly omm!nion, a woman came !p to tell him that she had fo!nd a discarded host on a candleholder at the bac( of the ch!rch. *n $oin$ to the spot indicated, Fr. &le8andro saw the defiled #ost. )ince he was !nable to cons!me it, he placed it in a container of water and p!t it away in the tabernacle of the chapel of the /lessed )acrament.

*n Monday, &!$!st 2., !pon openin$ the tabernacle, he saw to his ama1ement that the #ost had t!rned into a bloody s!bstance. #e informed ardinal 5or$e /er$o$lio 9&!xiliary /ishop at that time, now Pope Francis:, who $a"e instr!ctions that the #ost be professionally photo$raphed. 2he photos were ta(en on )eptember .. 2hey clearly show that the #ost, which had become a fra$ment of bloodied flesh, had $rown si$nificantly in si1e. For se"eral years the #ost remained in the tabernacle, the whole affair bein$ (ept a strict secret. )ince the #ost s!ffered no "isible decomposition, ardinal /er$o$lio decided to ha"e it scientifically analy1ed. *n *ctober ;, 1---, in the presence of the ardinal7s representati"es, 6r. astanon too( a sample of the bloody fra$ment and sent it to <ew =or( for analysis. )ince he did not wish to pre8!dice the st!dy, he p!rposely did not inform the team of scientists of its pro"enance. *ne of these scientists was 6r. Frederic >!$iba, the well?(nown cardiolo$ist and forensic patholo$ist. #e determined that the analy1ed s!bstance was real flesh and blood containin$ h!man 6<&. >!$iba testified that, @the analy1ed material is a fra$ment of the heart m!scle fo!nd in the wall of the left "entricle close to the "al"es. 2his m!scle is responsible for the contraction of the heart. 't sho!ld be borne in mind that the left cardiac "entricle p!mps blood to all parts of the body. 2he heart m!scle is in an inflammatory condition and contains a lar$e n!mber of white blood cells. 2his indicates that the heart was ali"e at the time the sample was ta(en. 't is my contention that the heart was ali"e, since white blood cells die o!tside a li"in$ or$anism. 2hey reA!ire a li"in$

or$anism to s!stain them. 2h!s, their presence indicates that the heart was ali"e when the sample was ta(en. What is more, these white blood cells had penetrated the tiss!e, which f!rther indicates that the heart had been !nder se"ere stress, as if the owner had been beaten se"erely abo!t the chest.B 2wo &!stralians, 8o!rnalist Mi(e Willesee and lawyer 4on 2esoriero, witnessed these tests. Cnowin$ where sample had come from, they were d!mbfo!nded by 6r. >!$iba7s testimony. Mi(e Willesee as(ed the scientist how lon$ the white blood cells wo!ld ha"e remained ali"e if they had come from a piece of h!man tiss!e, which had been (ept in water. 2hey wo!ld ha"e ceased to exist in a matter of min!tes, 6r. >!$iba replied. 2he 8o!rnalist then told the doctor that the so!rce of the sample had first been (ept in ordinary water for a month and then for another three years in a container of distilled waterD only then had the sample been ta(en for analysis. 6r. >!$iba7s was at a loss to acco!nt for this fact. 2here was no way of explainin$ it scientifically, he stated. *nly then did Mi(e Willesee inform 6r. >!$iba that the analy1ed sample came from a consecrated #ost 9white, !nlea"ened bread: that had mysterio!sly t!rned into bloody h!man flesh. &ma1ed by this information, 6r. >!$iba replied, @#ow and why a consecrated #ost wo!ld chan$e its character and become li"in$ h!man flesh and blood will remain an inexplicable mystery to scienceEa mystery totally beyond her competence.B *nly faith in the extraordinary action of a Fod pro"ides the reasonable answerEfaith in a Fod, who wants to ma(e !s aware that #e is tr!ly present in the mystery of the %!charist. 2he %!charistic miracle in /!enos &ires is an extraordinary si$n attested to by science. 2hro!$h it 5es!s desires to aro!se in !s a li"ely faith in #is real presence in the %!charist. #e reminds !s that #is presence is real, and not symbolic. *nly with the eyes of faith do we see #im !nder appearance of the consecrated bread and wine. We do not see #im with o!r bodily eyes, since #e is present in #is $lorified h!manity. 'n the %!charist 5es!s sees and lo"es !s and desires to sa"e !s. 'n collaboration with 4on 2esoriero, Mi(e Willesee, one of &!stralia7s best?(nown 8o!rnalists 9he con"erted to atholicism after wor(in$ on the doc!ments of another %!charistic miracle: wrote a boo( entitled 4eason to /elie"e. 'n it they present doc!mented facts of %!charistic miracles and other si$ns callin$ people to faith in hrist who abides and teaches in the atholic h!rch. 2hey ha"e also made a doc!mentary film on the %!charistEbased lar$ely on the scientific disco"eries associated with the mirac!lo!s #ost in /!enos &ires. 2heir aim was to $i"e a clear presentation of the atholic h!rch7s teachin$ on the s!b8ect of the %!charist. 2hey screened the film in n!mero!s &!stralian cities. 2he showin$ at &delaide drew a crowd of two tho!sand "iewers. 6!rin$ the commentary and A!estion period that followed a "isibly mo"ed man stood !p anno!ncin$ that he was blind. #a"in$ learned that this was an exceptional film, he had "ery m!ch wanted to see it. 5!st before the screenin$, he prayed fer"ently to 5es!s for the $race to see the film. &t once his si$ht was restored to him, b!t only for the thirty? min!te d!ration of the film. Gpon its concl!sion, he a$ain lost the ability to see. #e confirmed this by describin$ in min!te detail certain scenes of the film. 't was an incredible e"ent that mo"ed those present to the core of their bein$.

2hro!$h s!ch wondro!s si$ns Fod calls so!ls to con"ersion. 'f 5es!s ca!ses the #ost to become "isible flesh and blood, a m!scle that is responsible for the contraction of a h!man heartEa heart that s!ffers li(e that of someone who has been beaten se"erely abo!t the chest, if #e does s!ch thin$s, it is in order to aro!se and A!ic(en o!r faith in #is real presence in the %!charist. #e th!s enables !s to see that #oly Mass is a re? presentation 9i.e. a ma(in$ present: of the entire drama of o!r sal"ation3 hrist7s passion, death, and res!rrection. 5es!s says to his disciples, @Gnless yo! people see si$ns and wonders, yo! will not belie"eB 95n H3 H8:. 2here is no need to acti"ely see( o!t wondro!s si$ns. /!t if 5es!s chooses to $i"e them to !s, then it behoo"es !s to accept them with mee(ness and see( to !nderstand what #e desires to tell !s by them. 2han(s to these si$ns, many people ha"e disco"ered faith in FodEthe *ne Fod in the #oly 2rinity, who re"eals #is )on to !s3 5es!s hrist, who abides in the sacraments and teaches !s thro!$h #oly )cript!re and the Ma$isteri!m of the atholic h!rch.


What are Eucharistic Miracles Throughout the histor! o" the Catholic Church, #esus has pro$en %e!on& an! &ou%t that He is trul! present in the Hol! Eucharist' Wh! &i& He ha$e to pro$e this to us It is %ecause at certain ti(es in histor!, there )ere heresies that &enie& the Real Presence in the Sacra(ent o" the Hol! Eucharist' *n other occasions, so(e priests &ou%te& the Real Presence o" #esus in the Hol! Eucharist' An& !et, on other occasions, the Hol! Eucharist )as a%use& %! %elie$ers an& non+ %elie$ers ali,e' What "ollo)s are so(e o" the Eucharistic Miracles that too, place throughout the histor! o" the Catholic Church' All o" these ha$e recei$e& the "ull appro$al o" the Catholic Church' Please clic, on the lin,s to o%tain &etails a%out each Eucharistic Miracle'
-EAR . r& + / th Centur! SCETE, Eg!pt 0 th Centur! #*R1A23ARABIA2 1ESERT + St' Mar! o" Eg!pt, Eg!pt

4 th Centur! R*ME, Ital! 5part 67 4 th Centur! R*ME, Ital! 5part 87 489 A'1' :ALE2CIA, Spain 5part 67 5The Hol! ;rail7 489 A'1' :ALE2CIA, Spain 5part 87 5The Hol! ;rail7 4/9 A'1' LA2CIA2*, Ital! 5part 67 4/9 A'1' LA2CIA2*, Ital! 5part 87 6969 A'1' I:*RRA, Spain 5part 67 6969 A'1' I:*RRA, Spain 5part 87 69// A'1' WEI2;ARTE2 5part 67, ;er(an! 69// A'1' WEI2;ARTE2 5part 87, ;er(an! 66 th Centur! SAI2T PETER 1AMIA2, Ital! 66 th Centur! TRA2I, Ital! 6646 A'1' FERRARA, Ital! 66<= A'1' AU;SBUR;, ;er(an! 668/ A'1' BETTBRU22, ;er(an! 689. A'1' BRU;ES, Belgiu( 6860 A'1' BE22I2;E2, ;er(an! 6888+6=0/ A'1' MEERSSE2, 2etherlan& 688/ A'1' SA2TAREM, Portugal 5*r 68=47 6884 A'1' RIMI2I, Ital! 688> A'1' ALATRI, Ital! 68.9+6/</ A'1' FL*RE2CE, Ital! 68.6 A'1' CARA:ACA 1E LA CRU?, Spain 68.< A'1' 1AR*CA, Spain 5part 67 68.< A'1' 1AR*CA, Spain 5part 87 68=9 A'1' ASSISI 5Saint Clare7, Ital! 68=4 A'1' SA2TAR@M, Portugal 5part 67 68=4 A'1' SA2TAR@M, Portugal 5part 87

68/6 A'1' SAI2T #*H2 *F THE ABBESSES, Spain 68/= A'1' 1*UAI, France 68// A'1' RE;E2BUR;, ;er(an! 68/4 A'1' 2EU:- SAI2T S@PULCRE, France 680= A'1' B*LSE2A, Ital! 5part 67 680= A'1' B*LSE2A, Ital! 5part 87 684.+68>9 A'1' *FFI1A, Ital! 68>9 A'1' ARA2E2BUR;, 1istrict o" Ale$e, ;er(an! 68<9 A'1' ;L*T*W*, Polan& 68<9 A'1' PARIS, France 5part 67 68<9 A'1' PARIS, France 5part 87 68<= A'1' ;RUAR* 5:al$asone7, Ital! 68<4 A'1' ;ER*2A, Spain 6.99 A'1' BRE1A+2IER:AART, 2etherlan& 6.99 A'1' *BCEBREIR*, Spain 6.69 A'1' FIECHT, Austria 6.64 A'1' HERAE2R*1E+HASSELT, Belgiu( 6..9 A'1' WALL1UR2, ;er(an! 6..9 A'1' CASCIA, Ital! 6..6 A'1' BLA2*T, France 6.=8 A'1' STIPH*UT, 2etherlan& 6.=/ A'1' ARAA*W, Polan& 6.=/ A'1' AMSTER1AM, 2etherlan& 5part 67 6.=/ A'1' AMSTER1AM, 2etherlan& 5part 87 6.=> A'1' ALB*RA-A+ALMACERA, Spain 5part 67 6.=> A'1' ALB*RA-A+ALMACERA, Spain 5part 87 6./0 A'1' MACERATA, Ital! 6.49 A'1' BRUSSELS, Belgiu(

6.49 A'1' CIMBALLA, Spain 6.4= A'1' LUTTICH 5Corpus 1o(ini7, Belgiu( 6.4= A'1' MI11LEBUR;+L*:A2I*, Belgiu( 6.>9 A'1' B*CTEL+H**;STRATE2, 2etherlan& 6.>. A'1' WILS2ACA, ;er(an! 6.>= A'1' SEEFEL1, Austria 6.<8 A'1' M*2CA1A, Spain 6.<< A'1' P*?2A2, Polan& 6=99 A'1' B*CMEER, 2etherlan& 6=9/ A'1' B*IS+SEI;2EUR+ISAAC, Belgiu( 56=9/7 6=66 A'1' WEITE2+RACE21*RF, Austria 6=66 A'1' LU1BRE;, Croatio 6=66 A'1' LU1BRE;, Croatio 6=68 A'1' HERE2TALS, Belgiu( 6=68 A'1' BA;2* 1I R*MA;2A, Ital! 6=64 A'1' ER1I2;, ;er(an! 6=89 A'1' ;UA1ALUPE, Spain 6=86 A'1' BER;E2, 2etherlan& 6=84 A'1' ?ARA;*?A, Spain 6=8< A'1' ALAMAAR, 2etherlan& 6=.9 A'1' 1I#*2, France 6=.. A'1' A:I;2*2, France 5part 67 6=.. A'1' A:I;2*2, France 5part 87 6==4 A'1' ETTISWIL, S)itDerlan& 6=/. A'1' TURI2, Ital! 5part 67 6=/. A'1' TURI2, Ital! 5part 87 6=06 A'1' LA R*CHELLE, France 6=48 A'1' :*LTERRA, Ital!

6/.. A'1' MARSEILLE+E2+BEAU:AIS, France 6/.. A'1' P*2FERRA1A, Spain 6/./ A'1' ASTI, Ital! 6/09 A'1' M*RR*:ALLE, Ital! 6/0> A'1' ALC*-, Spain 6/49 A'1' :ER*LI, Ital! 6/48 A'1' ;*RAUM+EL ESC*RIAL, Spain 6/<4 A'1' ALCALA, Spain 6/<4 609= A'1' M*;*R*, Ital! 609> A'1' FA:ER2E-, France 6069 A'1' R*ME, Ital! 60.9 A'1' CA2*SI*, Ital! 60.6 A'1' 1R*2ER*, Ital! 60.6 A'1' SA2 MAUR* LA BRUCA, Ital! 60=9 A'1' TURI2, Ital! 60=. A'1' PRESSAC, France 60=< A'1' ETE2, Peru 60/0 A'1' CA:A 1EI TIRRE2I, Ital! 60/4 A'1' M*2TSERRAT, Spain 600> A'1' LES ULMES, France 646> A'1' ASTI, Ital! 64.9 A'1' SIE22A, Ital! 64.8 A'1' SCALA, Ital! 64/9 A'1' SIE2A, Ital! 6448 A'1' PATIER2* 52aples7, Ital! 6>88 A'1' B*R1EAUC, France 6>8= A'1' *2IL, Spain 5part 67 6>8= A'1' *2IL, Spain 5part 87

6<98 A'1' M*R2E+R*U;E, Carri%ean Islan& o" MartiniEue 6<98 A'1' SAI2T A21R@ 1E LA R@U2I*2, Islan& o" La RFunion' 6<90 A'1' TUMAC*, Colu(%ia 6<94 A'1' SILLA, Spain 6<=> A'1' R*SA2*, Ital! 8996 A'1' CHIRATTAA*2AM, In&ia

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