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Primary Health Care

Primary Healthcare
Primary health care is primary care applied on a population level. As a population strategy, it requires the commitment of governments to develop a population-oriented set of primary care services in the context of other levels and types of services.

Primary care is the provision of first contact, person-focused, ongoing care over time that meets the health-related needs of people, referring only those too uncommon to maintain competence, and coordinates care when people receive services at other levels of care.

Why Is Primary are Important!

"etter health outcomes #ower costs $reater equity in health

&vidence for the 'enefits of primary care-oriented health systems is ro'ust across a wide variety of types of studies( -International comparisons -Population studies within countries across areas with different primary care Physician)population ratios - studies of people going to different types of practitioners linical studies-of people going to facilities)practitioners differing in adherence to primary care practices

Primary health care

*he +first, level of contact 'etween the individual and the health system. &ssential health care -PH . is provided. A ma/ority of prevailing health pro'lems can 'e satisfactorily managed. *he closest to the people. Provided 'y the primary health centers.

What is Primary Health are!

PH is essential health care that is a socially appropriate, universally accessi'le, scientifically sound first level care provided 'y a suita'ly trained wor0force supported 'y integrated referral systems and in a way that gives priority to those most in need, maximises community and individual self-reliance and participation and involves colla'oration with other sectors. It includes the following( health promotion illness prevention care of the sic0 advocacy community development

ore Activities for PH

*here is a set of 12& A *I3I*I&4, which were normally defined nationally or locally. According to the 5678 9eclaration of Alma-Ata proposed that these activities should include( 5. &ducation concerning prevailing health pro'lems and the methods of preventing and controlling them :. Promotion of food supply and proper nutrition ;. An adequate supply of safe water and 'asic sanitation <. =aternal and child health care, including family planning >. Immuni?ation against the ma/or infectious diseases @. Prevention and control of locally endemic diseases 7. Appropriate treatment of common diseases and in/uries 8. "asic la'oratory services and provision of essential drugs. 6. *raining of health guides, health wor0ers and health assistants. 5A.2eferral services

*he "asic 2equirements for 4ound PH

-the 8 ABs and the :


8 As Appropriateness Availa'ility Adequacy Accessi'ility Accepta'ility Afforda'ility Assessa'ility Accounta'ility

2 Cs ompleteness ontinuity

8 ABs
Whether the service is needed at all in relation to essential human needs, priorities and policies. The service has to be properly selected and carried out by trained personnel in the proper way.

The service proportionate to re uirement. !u""icient volume o" care to meet the need and demand o" a community

8 ABs
The cost should be within the means and resources o" the individual and the country.

#eachable, convenient services $eo%raphic, economic, cultural accessibility

8 ABs
Accepta'ility of care depends on a variety of factors, including satisfactory communication 'etween health care providers and the patients, whether the patients trust this care, and whether the patients 'elieve in the confidentiality and privacy of information shared with the providers.

Availa'ility of medical care means that care can 'e o'tained whenever people need it.

8 ABs
Assesse'ility means that medical care can 'e readily evaluated.

Accounta'ility implies the feasi'ility of regular review of financial records 'y certified pu'lic accountants.

: Bs

ompleteness of care requires adequate attention to all aspects of a medical pro'lem, including prevention, early detection, diagnosis, treatment, follow up measures, and reha'ilitation.

ontinuity of care requires that the management of a patientBs care over time 'e coordinated among providers.

4olution Proposed

9ifferent way of loo0ing

9ifferent way of loo0ing at the remedies that already exist, and new channels for colla'oration and collective impact among them Preference for admission to education and training courses for doctors and nurses to local students from rural and underserved areas Preference for postgraduate training, financial incentives, communication facilities, and opportunities for linicians wor0ing in underserved areas and education of their children 2eintroduction of compulsory service in underserved areas 'y all medical graduates 9evelop a holistic ecosystem that incorporates the value additions of all sta0eholders simultaneously =a0e wor0ing at PH s more attractive and satisfying. Availa'ility of most critical infrastructure element, electricity &nsuring that doctors are punctual and give more time to their service. &ducation a'out Cirst-Aid. "oundation on foreign practice

Implementation =odel
Innovations in 'usiness, private funding, trained personnel and systems to incentivi?e them to wor0 in areas of need, support from insurance providers, and conducive interaction 'etween the primary level and higher levels of medical care. &xpand our focus 'eyond one particular sta0eholder or institution and view all of these areas as points in a networ0 with the single goal of quality primary healthcare for all Increase the effectiveness of doctors who are willing to wor0 in rural areas 'y a lar%e "actor 2educing the need for doctors in the initial screening of patients, and 'y allocating one physician for every five PH s. Dse either solar panels or diesel %enerators connected to 'atteries for uninterrupted electric power for computers and la'oratory equipment &""ective in"ormation systems 'iometric attendance in PH s PH to 'e taught as sub(ect in school

Advantage over existing system

Increasing and capturing coverage over rural areas. &xploit the opportunities for patient involvement in self care inherent in modern information technology. Attracting and holding 'ac0 doctors and medical practitioners. =ore time can 'e given to patients. Cirst Eaid can prevent from getting more damage to health


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