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UNIVERSITY OF THE VISAYAS DALAGUETE Poblacion, Dalaguete, ebu Date of Observation:_______________

Name of Teacher Subject Time and Day SY and Semester : _______________________________ : _______________________________ : _______________________________ : _______________________________

Direction: This instrument measures your teachers performance and describes his/her observable behavior in the classroom. Your assessment will help your teacher in enhancing the teaching learning process. Be fair and honest in your rating. Rate him/her on each item using the criteria below. 1 Poor 2 air ! "ood # $ery "ood % &'ce((ent

)rite your ratin* after each item+ ,f you decide to chan*e your ratin* of a -articu(ar item. cross out your -revious ratin*. initia( it. and /rite another ratin* beside it+ 0+ P&1SON02 0ND P1O &SS,ON02 3402,TY The Teacher: 1+ Possesses a /ho(esome and -(easin* -ersona(ity 55555 2+ 6ommands the res-ect of others 55555555555++ !+ Dresses -ro-er(y and neat(y 55555555555++ #+ %+ 9+ :+ <+ >+ 1?+ Observes -ro-er behavior in dea(in* /ith students 5+++ 7as a *ood and /e((8modu(ated voice 55555555+ 7as mastery of the medium of instruction 55555 7as mastery of subject matter;(esson of the day 55555 =aintains order and disci-(ine in the c(ass 55555 ,s -unctua( in re-ortin* to c(ass 55555555555++ 6omes to c(ass re*u(ar(y 55555555555+++ % % % % % % % % % % # # # # # # # # # # ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

@+ ,NST146T,ON02 SA,22S The Teacher: 1+ 6omes to c(ass -re-ared /ith his;her (esson 55555+ 2+ Or*aniBes the (esson /e(( 55555555555+++ !+ &'-(ains the (esson c(ear(y 55555555555+ #+ =otivates students to -artici-ate active(y in the (esson 55 and *ives them o--ortunities to thinC critica((y and creative(y 555555555555555555+ %+ 4ses varied teachin* techniDues 555555555555 9+ 1e(ates subject matter;(essons to other fie(ds 55555+ :+ "ives and checCs assi*nments re*u(ar(y 55555555++ <+ "ives DuiBBes re*u(ar(y and informs students of resu(ts 55+ >+ ,nte*rates va(ues education in the (esson 555555555 1?+ Provides *uided activities to ensure studentEs mastery of the (esson 5555555555555555555 6+ 74=0N 1&20T,ON SA,22 1+ Treats students fair(y 555555555555555++ 2+ ,s fair in *ivin* *rades 555555555555555++ !+ ,nform students of their -ro*ress in the c(ass 55555++ #+ 1es-ects studentEs vie/s and o-inions 555555555 D+ )ou(d you (iCe to be under the same teacher in your other subjectsF Y&S _______ NO ________ &+ 6O==&NTS % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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