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Introduction 4 Did We Always Dream? 6 Sigmund Freud on Dreams 9 Carl Jung on Dreams 12 dgar Cayce on Dreams 1! "y#es o$ Dreams 1%
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W&y Do We Dream? 1' W&y (emem)er *our Dreams? 19 +ow to (emem)er *our Dreams 21 Inter#reting *our Dreams 22 ,ost Common Dream Images 2% "eet& Falling -ut 26 Flying 2' .eing Caug&t In A "ornado 29 .eing /a0ed 29 .eing C&ased !1 Falling !1 "a0ing an 2am or "est !! Dream Sym)ols !4 Animals !4 3eo#le !4 .a)ies43regnancy !% Se2 !' Sna0es !5 Fire !9 "rains 41

Dri6ing 41 273artners 42 C&eating 4! Sc&ool 44 A +ouse 4% Colors 4' Deat& %1 8o6e48ust %1 Aliens %2 Angels %2 C&ildren %! Dead 3eo#le %! Accidents %4 /ig&tmares %6 Distur)ing Dreams %5 Conclusion %9

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98ast nig&t: I &ad t&e strangest dream;< +ow many con6ersations in your li$e &a6e started t&at way? 3eo#le are $ascinated wit& t&e mo6ies t&at #lay in t&eir &ead w&ile t&ey=re slee#ing> Some )elie6e t&at dreams can #redict t&e $uture> -t&ers say t&at dreams de#ict real li$e> Still ot&ers )elie6e t&at dreams are a mani$estation o$ w&at we want to )e> Inter#reting dreams &as e6ol6ed o6er t&e years to w&at some consider an art $orm> We s#end one7t&ird o$ our li6es slee#ing> In t&e a6erage li$etime: si2 years is s#ent dreaming> "&at=s more t&an 2:111 days s#ent in a di$$erent world; 6ery nig&t: we dream an a6erage o$ one to two &ours dreaming and usually &a6e 47' dreams #er nig&t> Consider some o$ t&ese ot&er $acts a)out dreams and dreaming? 6ery)ody dreams> @ (*.-D*; Sim#ly )ecause you do not remem)er your dream does not mean t&at you did not dream> Dreams are indis#ensa)le> A lac0 o$ dream acti6ity can mean #rotein de$iciency or a #ersonality disorder> ,en tend to dream more a)out ot&er men: w&ile women dream eAually a)out men and women>
4 3eo#le

w&o are gi6ing u# smo0ing &a6e longer and more intense dreams> "oddlers do not dream a)out t&emsel6es> "&ey do not a##ear in t&eir own dreams until t&e age o$ ! or 4> I$ you are snoring: t&en you cannot )e dreaming> .lind #eo#le do dream> W&et&er 6isual images will a##ear in t&eir dream de#ends on w&et&er t&ey w&ere )lind at )irt& or )ecame )lind later in li$e> .ut 6ision is not t&e only sense t&at constitutes a dream> Sounds: tactility: and smell )ecome &y#ersensiti6e $or t&e )lind and t&eir dreams are )ased on t&ese senses> "&e dream world is $ascinating $ull o$ s#eculation: &o#e: and sometimes e6en $ear> We can wa0e u# $rom a good dream $eeling re$res&ed and &o#e$ul> -n t&e ot&er &and: we
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can wa0e u# $rom a )ad dream $eeling tense and a##re&ensi6e> 6er since FreudBs Interpretation of Dreams was #u)lis&ed: t&ere &as )een recognition o$ t&e im#ortance o$ dreams> .ut e6en )e$ore t&at t&ere were dream inter#retations> 3eo#le &ad su#erstitious notions a)out dreams 7 $or e2am#le: CSomet&ing is going to &a##en )ecause I dreamed it was going to &a##en>C "&is is a common misconce#tion> (egardless o$ w&at some #eo#le mig&t say: i$ you dream you are $alling and don=t wa0e u# )e$ore you &it t&e ground in your dream: you will not die> I$ you dream t&at someone close to you dies: t&at=s not an omen to warn you o$ t&eir deat&> Dreams do not #redict t&e $uture> W&at dreams can do is #ro6ide a sense o$ insig&t into oursel6es> "&ey can &el# us co#e wit& situations we=re unsure a)out> "&ey can guide us in a certain direction w&en

$aced wit& uncertainty> "&ey can sim#ly gi6e us an o6erall good $eeling as we dream o$ somet&ing #leasant> "&e dream state is an e2#erimental #layground w&ic& gi6es you a c&ance to e2#lore and e2#ress emotions wit&out t&e usual in&i)itions you may dis#lay in your wa0ing li$e> Dreams #ro6ide an a6enue o$ e2#ression $or t&at #art o$ yoursel$ t&at 0nows )ot& your &istory and your #otential as a s#iritual )eing> "&ey are anot&er way t&e uni6erse #ro6ides guidance a)out relations&i#s: careers: and &ealt& #ro)lems> "&roug& dreams you may $ind answers to your s#iritual Auestions and e6en recei6e encouragement to some c&allenge in your li$e> W&ile some dreams may allow you to release )ottled emotions $rom your dayBs acti6ities: ot&ers can lead to #ro$ound insig&ts in a #syc&ological or s#iritual way> AcAuiring t&e a)ility to inter#ret your dreams is a #ower$ul tool> In analyDing your dreams: you can learn a)out your dee# secrets and &idden $eelings> /o one is a )etter e2#ert at inter#reting your dreams t&an yoursel$> In t&is )oo0: we=ll loo0 at dreams and dreaming as a science as well as t&e 6arious meanings t&at dream content can &a6e> "&is is not meant to )e a de$initi6e guide to dreams> It is sim#ly a starting #oint $or you to loo0 at w&at
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9mo6ies< your su)7conscious is creating at nig&t and &ow you can a##ly it your li$e and a$$ect c&ange i$ needed> (emem)er t&at a dream uni$ies t&e )ody: mind: and s#irit> It #ro6ides you wit& insig&t into yoursel$ and a means $or sel$7e2#loration> In understanding your dreams: you will &a6e a )etter understanding and disco6ery o$ your true sel$> So stay aw&ile 77 e2#lore: disco6er: &a6e $un: and $ind out w&atBs in your dreams;


"&at may seem li0e a silly Auestion: )ut t&in0 a)out early man> +a6e #eo#le always dreamt e6en w&en t&e world around t&em was Auite sim#le and mundane? "&e answer is yes> W&ile we cannot &a6e de$initi6e #roo$ o$ #aleo7man: we can 0now t&at )ac0 in t&e (oman ra: stri0ing and signi$icant dreams were su)mitted to t&e Senate $or analysis and inter#retation> W&at did man do wit& t&ese odd images t&at a##eared during t&eir slee#? Well: t&ey did w&at we do today E tried to inter#ret t&em; Dream inter#retations date )ac0 to !11174111 .>C> w&ere t&ey were documented on clay ta)lets> For as long as we &a6e )een a)le to communicate our dreams: we &a6e )een $ascinated wit& t&em and stri6e to understand t&em> 3eo#le in #rimal societies were una)le to distinguis& )etween t&e dream world and reality> "&ey not only saw t&e dream world as an e2tension o$ reality: )ut t&at t&e dream realm was a more #ower$ul world> .ac0 in t&e Free0 and (oman era: dreams were o$ten seen in a religious conte2t and messages $rom t&e gods> "em#les: called Ascle#ieions were )uilt around t&e #ower o$ dreams> It was )elie6ed t&at sic0 #eo#le w&o sle#t in t&ese tem#les would )e sent cures t&roug& t&eir dreams> In gy#t: #riests also acted as dream inter#reters> "&e gy#tians recorded t&eir dreams in &ierogly#&ics> 3eo#le wit& #articular 6i6id and signi$icant dreams were )elie6ed to )e )lessed and were considered s#ecial> 3eo#le w&o &ad t&e #ower to inter#ret dreams were loo0ed u# to and seen as di6inely gi$ted> In t&e )i)le: t&ere are o6er se6en
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&undred mentions o$ dreams> "racing )ac0 to t&ese ancient cultures: #eo#le &ad always &ad an inclination to inter#ret dreams

Dreams were also seen as #ro#&etic and an omen $rom outside s#irits> 3eo#le o$ten loo0ed to t&eir dreams $or signs o$ warning and ad6ice $rom a deity: $rom t&e dead or e6en t&e wor0s o$ a demon> Sometimes t&ey loo0 to t&eir dreams $or w&at to do or w&at course o$ action to ta0e> Dreams o$ten dictated t&e actions o$ #olitical and military leaders> In $act: in t&e Freen and (oman era: dream inter#reters e6en accom#anied military leaders into )attle to &el#> Some inter#reters aided t&e medicine men in a diagnosis> Dreams o$$ered a 6ital clue $or &ealers in $inding w&at was wrong wit& t&e dreamer> Dreaming can )e seen as an actual #lace t&at your s#irit and soul lea6es e6ery nig&t to go and 6isit> "&e C&inese )elie6ed t&at t&e soul lea6es t&e )ody to go into t&is world> +owe6er: i$ t&ey s&ould )e suddenly awa0ened: t&eir soul may $ail to return to t&e )ody> For t&is reason: some C&inese today: are wary o$ alarm cloc0s> Some /ati6e American tri)es and ,e2ican ci6iliDations s&are t&is same notion o$ a distinct dream dimension> "&ey )elie6ed t&at t&eir ancestors li6ed in t&eir dreams and ta0e on non7&uman $orms li0e #lants> "&ey see t&at dreams as a way o$ 6isiting and &a6ing contact wit& t&eir ancestors> Dreams also &el#ed to #oint t&eir mission or role in li$e> During t&e ,iddle Ages: dreams were seen as e6il and its images were tem#tations $rom t&e de6il> In t&e 6ulnera)le slee# state: t&e de6il was )elie6ed to $ill t&e mind o$ &umans wit& #oisonous t&oug&ts> +e did &is dirty wor0 t&oug& dreams attem#ting to mislead &umans down a wrong #at&> In t&e early 19t& century: dreams were dismissed as stemming $rom an2iety: a &ouse&old noise or e6en indigestion> +ence t&ere was really no meaning to it> 8ater on in t&e 19t& century: Sigmund Freud re6i6ed t&e im#ortance o$ dreams and its signi$icance and need $or inter#retation> +e re6olutioniDed t&e study o$ dreams>

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Sigmun Fr!u on Dr!"m# Sigmund Freud actually called dreams t&e 9royal road to t&e unconscious:< "&at statement will #ro)a)ly remain true in #syc&ology $ore6er> Freud=s classic te2t: The Interpretation of Dreams, contains some o$ &is $inest wor0> Freud )elie6ed e6ery dream is a wis& $ul$illment: and &e 0e#t t&is t&eory to t&e end: e6en t&oug& &e ga6e u# &is initial idea t&at all dreams &a6e a se2ual content> For Freud: t&e conce#t o$ wis& $ul$illment didn=t necessarily im#ly t&at a #leasure was soug&t: )ecause a #erson could Gust as well &a6e a wis& to )e #unis&ed> /e6ert&eless: t&is idea o$ a 9secret< wis& )eing mas0ed )y a dream remains central to classical Freudian #syc&oanalysis> Freud said: 9Dreams are not com#ara)le to t&e s#ontaneous sounds made )y a musical instrument struc0 rat&er )y some e2ternal $orce t&an )y t&e &and o$ a #er$ormerH t&ey are not meaningless: not a)surd: t&ey do not im#ly t&at one #ortion o$ our stoc0#ile o$ ideas slee#s w&ile anot&er )egins to awa0en> "&ey are a com#letely 6alid #syc&ological #&enomenon: s#eci$ically t&e $ul$illment o$ wis&esH t&ey can )e classi$ied in t&e continuity o$ com#re&ensi)le wa0ing mental statesH t&ey are constructed t&roug& &ig&ly com#licated intellectual acti6ity>< It was not until Freud noticed &ow allowing &is #atients to $reely associate ideas wit& w&ate6er came to mind: t&at &e really e2#lored s#ontaneous a)reaction> Freud &imsel$ su$$ered )outs o$ dee# an2iety: and it was #artly t&is t&at led &im to e2#lore t&e connection )etween association o$ ideas and dreams> In 159' &e wrote to &is $riend Wil&elm Fliess? I/o matter w&at I start wit&: I always $ind mysel$ )ac0 again wit& t&e neuroses and t&e #syc&ical a##aratus> Inside me t&ere is a seet&ing $erment: and I am only waiting $or t&e ne2t surge $orward> I &a6e $elt im#elled

to start writing a)out dreams: wit& w&ic& I $eel on $irm ground>= "&is mo6e toward dreams may &a6e come a)out )ecause in allowing &is #atients $reedom to tal0 and e2#lore t&e associations t&at arose 7 $ree association 7 Freud noticed t&at #atients would o$ten $ind a connection )etween t&e direction o$ t&eir associations and a dream t&ey &ad
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e2#erienced> "&e more &e allowed &is #atients to go in t&eir own direction: t&e more $reAuently t&ey mentioned t&eir dreams> Also: tal0ing a)out t&e dream o$ten ena)led t&e #atient to disco6er a new and #roducti6e c&ain o$ associations and memories> Freud )egan to ta0e note o$ &is own dreams and e2#lore t&e associations t&ey aroused> In doing so &e was t&e $irst #erson to consciously and consistently e2#lore a dream into its de#t&s t&roug& unco6ering and $ollowing o)6ious and &idden associations and emotions connected wit& t&e dream imagery and drama> -)6iously #re6ious dream researc&ers &ad noticed &ow t&e dream image associated wit& #ersonal concerns: )ut Freud )ro0e t&roug& into seeing t&e connection wit& se2ual $eelings: wit& early c&ild&ood trauma: and wit& t&e su)tleties o$ t&e &uman #syc&e> +e did t&is to deal wit& &is own neurosis: and &e says o$ t&is #eriod: II &a6e )een t&roug& some 0ind o$ neurotic e2#erience: wit& odd states o$ mind not intelligi)le to consciousness: cloudy t&oug&ts and 6eiled dou)ts: wit& )arely &ere and t&ere a ray o$ lig&t>= Jsing dreams $or &is sel$ analysis: Freud disco6ered t&at #re6iously unremem)ered details $rom &is c&ild&ood were reca#tured along wit& $eelings and states o$ mind w&ic& &e &ad ne6er met )e$ore> +e wrote o$ t&is #eriod: 9Some sad secrets o$ li$e are )eing traced )ac0 to t&eir $irst rootsH t&e &um)le origins o$ muc& #ride and #recedence are )eing laid )are> I am now e2#eriencing mysel$ all t&e t&ings t&at: as a t&ird #arty: I &a6e witnessed going on in my #atients: days w&en I slin0

a)out de#ressed )ecause I &a6e understood not&ing o$ t&e day=s dreams: $antasies: or mood>< Wit&out t&is #ower$ul and #ersonal e2#erience o$ wor0ing wit& &is dreams: meeting emotions and $antasies welling u# $rom t&e unconscious: Freud would not &a6e so #assionately )elie6ed in &is t&eories regarding dreams and t&e unconscious> -$ course: li0e muc& o$ Freud=s t&eories: &e related dreams to se2> -ne o$ &is )asic 6iews o$ dreams was t&at t&e #ur#ose o$ dreams is to allow us to satis$y in $antasies t&e instinctual urges t&at society Gudges unacce#ta)le suc&
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as se2ual #ractices> "&is was #artly t&e reason $or t&e enormous o##osition and criticism t&at &e met> During t&e #eriod o$ &is early li$e: only men were )elie6ed to &a6e #ower$ul se2ual urges> W&en Freud s&owed t&at re#ressed )ut o)6ious se2ual desires were eAually at wor0 in women t&is created a social u#roar> 3er&a#s &is second $inding in regard to se2uality sur#rised e6en &im> During &is analysis o$ women #atients: se2ual ad6ance or assault )y t&e woman=s $at&er was o$ten re6ealed> Freud struggled wit& t&is: wondering w&et&er t&e assault was memory o$ an actual e6ent: or a #syc&ic re#roduction o$ it> +e e6entually came to t&e conclusion t&at &ysterical and neurotic )e&a6ior was o$ten due to t&e trauma caused )y an early se2ual assault )y t&e #arent> W&ere t&ere was not e6idence o$ #&ysical assault: t&en &e saw t&e neurosis as due to se2ual con$lict or a trauma caused )y some ot&er e6ent> "&is con$lict was o$ten mani$ested t&roug& dreams> "&is led to Freud )eing reGected )y uni6ersity colleagues: $ellow doctors: and e6en )y #atients> Anot&er e2#ert in t&e $ield o$ dreams and dream inter#retation was Carl Jung> C"r$ %ung on Dr!"m#

Jung studied under t&e tutelage o$ Sigmund Freud> "&eir di$$ering 6iews on dreams and dream inter#retations led to a #ermanent ri$t t&at led t&em to go t&eir se#arate ways> 8i0e Freud: Jung )elie6ed in t&e e2istence o$ t&e unconscious> +owe6er: &e didnBt see t&e unconscious as animalistic: instinctual: and se2ualH &e saw it as more s#iritual> Dreams were a way o$ communicating and acAuainting oursel6es wit& t&e unconscious> Dreams were not attem#ts to conceal our true $eelings $rom t&e wa0ing mind: )ut rat&er t&ey were a window to our unconscious> "&ey ser6ed to guide t&e wa0ing sel$ to ac&ie6e w&oleness> Dreams o$$ered a solution to a #ro)lem we are $acing in our wa0ing li$e> Jung 6iewed t&e ego as oneBs sense o$ sel$ and &ow we #ortray oursel6es to t&e world> 3art o$ JungBs t&eory was t&at all t&ings can )e 6iewed as #aired o##osites Ki>e>
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good4e6il: male4$emale: or lo6e4&ateL> And t&us wor0ing in o##osition to t&e ego: is t&e Ccounter7egoC or w&at &e re$erred to as the shadow. "&e s&adow re#resents reGected as#ects o$ yoursel$ t&at you do not wis& to ac0nowledge> It is considered an as#ect o$ yoursel$ w&ic& is somew&at more #rimiti6e: uncultured: and aw0ward>< +e said: 9Dreams are t&e main source o$ all o$ our 0nowledge a)out sym)olism>C "&is means t&at t&e messages you recei6e $rom your dreams are e2#ressed sym)olically and must )e inter#reted to $ind t&eir true meanings> Jung says t&at rarely do t&e sym)ols in dreams &a6e Gust one meaning> And w&en inter#reting t&e messages in your dreams: &e suggests going wit& your $irst &unc&: relying on your intuiti6e a)ilities: )e$ore a##lying more rational met&ods o$ dream inter#retation> 3er&a#s one o$ t&e most $ascinating dream t&eorists mig&t )e dgar Cayce> "oday: we would call &im a #syc&ic>

W&en &e was ali6e: &e was a $ascinating indi6idual w&o: it a##eared: could s#ea0 wit& t&e dead: ma0e #redictions a)out t&e $uture: and #ro6ide insig&t into areas w&ere t&e normal #erson couldn=t go> E g"r C"y&! on Dr!"m# Cayce was a)le to o)tain 6irtually an unlimited amount o$ 0nowledge on an unlimited num)er o$ su)Gects> -ne o$ t&ese su)Gects was dreams and dream inter#retation> Cayce was a)le to astound #eo#le )y inter#reting t&eir dreams and gi6ing t&em insig&t into t&eir #syc&e: li6es and e6en #ast li6es> Cayce re6ealed t&at dreams are actually Gourneys into t&e s#irit world> dgar Cayce once said: CDreams: 6isions: im#ressions: to t&e entity in t&e normal slee#ing state are t&e #resentations o$ t&e e2#eriences necessary $or t&e de6elo#ment: i$ t&e entity would a##ly t&em in t&e #&ysical li$e> "&ese may )e ta0en as warnings: as ad6ice: as conditions to )e met: conditions to )e 6iewed in a way and manner as lessons: as trut&s: as t&ey are #resented in t&e 6arious ways and manners>C Cayce )elie6ed t&at our dreams ser6e se6eral $unctions> Somatic dreams 7 dreams re$erring to t&e )ody 7 are e2tremely im#ortant to )e mind$ul o$> @ery o$ten dreams will
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o$$er solutions to &ealt& #ro)lems> For e2am#le: one man was #lagued wit& $ood allergies $or many years: )ut was una)le to $ind t&e source o$ &is discom$ort> "&en one nig&t &e went to )ed and &e dreamed o$ a can o$ co$$ee> +e Auit drin0ing co$$ee and &is sym#toms disa##eared> Cayce also )elie6ed t&at deceased $riends and $amily mem)ers do occasionally 6isit us in our dream state> "&ese occurrences may o$$er direct communication wit& t&ose #eo#le or allow us to resol6e our $eelings a)out t&eir

deat&> "&e #erson may also re#resent some as#ect o$ t&emsel6es> During t&e dreaming state o$ slee#: we e2#erience t&e di$$erent le6els o$ consciousness and recei6e in#ut $rom t&e di$$erent realms o$ t&e s#irit world> "&roug& dreaming: we &a6e s#ecial access to our s#irit wit&in> According to t&e Cayce readings: t&ere is not a Auestion we can as0 w&ic& cannot )e answered $rom t&e de#t&s o$ our inner consciousness w&en t&e #ro#er attunement is made> A dream may )e o$ a #&ysical: mental: or s#iritual nature and may deal wit& all manner o$ #syc&ic mani$estations> "&ese include tele#at&y: clair6oyance: #ro#&etic 6isions: out o$ )ody tra6eling: remem)rance o$ #ast li6es: communication wit& )eings in ot&er realms including deceased $riends and relati6es: s#irit guides: angels: C&rist: and e6en t&e 6oice o$ Fod> Dreams can also gi6e in6alua)le in$ormation on t&e status o$ t&e )ody> Cayce $elt t&at t&ere is no dimension o$ &uman li$e: w&et&er social: $inancial: emotional or #&ysical: mental or s#iritual wit& w&ic& t&e dream may not on occasion deal> Dreams may encourage or re#rimand: instruct or decei6e: ins#ire or seduce: guide or con$use> "&e #otential $or an immense array o$ e2#eriences in consciousness is always t&ere> W&at we actually recei6e de#ends u#on our attitudes: moti6ations: t&e measure o$ our attunement: and t&e e2tent to w&ic& we &a6e made a##lica)le w&at was recei6ed in earlier dreams and in wa0ing e2#eriences> "&e dream world is a strange yet $ascinating #lace; "&ere are se6eral di$$erent 0inds o$ dreams> 8et=s loo0 at t&ose in our ne2t section>
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D"y r!"m# Studies s&ow t&at we all &a6e t&e tendency to daydream an a6erage o$ '17121 minutes a day> Day dreaming is classi$ied as a le6el o$ consciousness )etween slee# and wa0e$ulness> It occurs during our wa0ing &ours w&en we let our imagination carry us away> As our minds )egin to wander and our le6el o$ awareness decreases: we lose oursel6es in our imagined scenario and $antasy> Lu&i Dr!"m# 8ucid dreams occur w&en you realiDe you are dreaming> CWait a second> "&is is only a dream;C ,ost dreamers wa0e t&emsel6es u# once t&ey realiDe t&at t&ey are only dreaming> -t&er dreamers &a6e culti6ated t&e s0ill to remain in t&e lucid state o$ dreaming> "&ey )ecome an acti6e #artici#ant in t&eir own dreams: ma0ing decisions in t&eir dreams and in$luencing t&e dreamBs outcome wit&out awa0ening> Nightm"r!# A nig&tmare is a distur)ing dream t&at causes t&e dreamer to wa0e u# $eeling an2ious and $rig&tened> /ig&tmares may )e a res#onse to real li$e trauma and situations> "&is ty#e o$ nig&tmare $alls under a s#ecial category called 3ost7traumatic Stress /ig&tmare K3S/L> /ig&tmares may also occur )ecause we &a6e ignored or re$used to acce#t a #articular li$e situation> (esearc& s&ows t&at most #eo#le w&o &a6e regular nig&tmares &a6e &ad a $amily &istory o$ #syc&iatric #ro)lems: )ad drug e2#eriences: #eo#le w&o &a6e contem#lated suicide: and4or roc0y relations&i#s> /ig&tmares are an indication o$ a $ear t&at needs to )e ac0nowledged and con$ronted> It is a way $or our su)conscious to ma0e u# ta0e notice> C3ay attention;C

We=ll &a6e more later in t&e )oo0 a)out nig&tmares and ste#s you can ta0e to o6ercome t&em> R!&urring Dr!"m# (ecurring dreams re#eat t&emsel6es wit& little
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6ariation in story or t&eme> "&ese dreams may )e #ositi6e: )ut most o$ten t&ey are nig&tmaris& in content> Dreams may recur )ecause a con$lict de#icted in t&e dream remains unresol6ed or ignored> -nce you &a6e $ound a resolution to t&e #ro)lem: your recurring dreams will cease> H!"$ing Dr!"m# +ealing dreams ser6e as messages $or t&e dreamer in regards to t&eir &ealt&> ,any dream e2#erts )elie6e t&at dreams can &el# us a6oid #otential &ealt& #ro)lems and &el# us to &eal w&en we are ill> -ur )odies are a)le to communicate to us t&roug& our dreams to CtellC us t&at somet&ing is not Auite rig&t wit& our )odies e6en )e$ore any #&ysical sym#toms s&ow u#> Dreams o$ t&is nature may )e telling t&e dreamer t&at &e4s&e needs to go to t&e dentist or doctor Pro'h!ti& Dr!"m# 3ro#&etic dreams also re$erred to as #recogniti6e or #syc&ic dreams are dreams t&at seemingly $oretell t&e $uture> -ne rational t&eory to e2#lain t&is #&enomenon is t&at our dreaming mind is a)le to #iece toget&er )its o$ in$ormation and o)ser6ation t&at we normally o6erloo0 or t&at we do not seriously consider> In ot&er words: our unconscious mind 0nows w&at is coming )e$ore we consciously #iece toget&er t&e same in$ormation Sign"$ Dr!"m# Signal dreams &el# you &ow to sol6e #ro)lems or ma0e decisions in your wa0ing li$e> E'i& Dr!"m#

#ic dreams Kor Freat dreamsL are so &uge: so com#elling: and so 6i6id t&at you cannot ignore t&em> "&e details o$ suc& dreams remain wit& you $or years: as i$ your dreamt it last nig&t> "&ese dreams #ossess muc& )eauty and contain many arc&ety#al sym)ology> W&en you wa0e u# $rom suc& a dream: you $eel t&at you &a6e disco6ered somet&ing #ro$ound or amaDing a)out yoursel$ or a)out t&e world> It $eels li0e a li$e7c&anging e2#erience *ou mig&t )e wondering w&at e2actly is going on in your &ead w&en you dream>
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"&e )rain recei6es stimuli $rom many di$$erent sources all day long> "&ere are $ar too many stimuli $or it to #rocess> "&e mind #rioritiDes t&e stimuli and ma0es you aware o$ t&ose t&at need immediate attention Kt&e crying )a)y: t&e out7o$7control car: your )ossB reAuestL so t&at you may act accordingly> "&e stimuli t&at you are not consciously aware o$ are ne6ert&eless noted )y t&e )rain: )ut on a su)conscious le6el Kt&e dri# o$ t&e )at&room water $aucet: t&e remar0 )y a cowor0er at t&e water cooler w&ile you were on t&e tele#&one>L Furt&ermore: you $eel emotions all day> Some you ac0nowledge and act on Kyou say t&an0 you and smile w&en you are com#limented>L Some you re#ress or do not allow yoursel$ to act on Kyou donBt #unc& your )oss in t&e nose w&en &e tells you t&e re#ort you wor0ed on $or a wee0 is no longer needed>L "raumatic e2#eriences occur t&at you $ace Kyou call t&e #oliceL or i$ it too #ain$ul: you deny t&em &a##ening and send t&em dee# into your su)conscious Kre#ression>L

In addition to all t&ese emotions and stimuli t&e )rain must #rocess daily: it also 0ee#s your )ody $unctioningH it remem)ers names and $acesH it allows you to tal0 and wal0 and c&ew gum Ksometimes all at t&e same timeLH and #er$orms numerous ot&er acti6ities t&at you ta0e $or granted> *ou must admit 77 t&atBs a lot to do> At nig&t: w&en your )ody must rest: t&e mind continues wor0ing> W&en no longer called u#on to ty#e letters and do t&e grocery s&o##ing: t&e )rain concentrates on #rocessing all o$ t&ose su)conscious stimuli and emotions Kw&ile still maintaining )ody tem#erature and )reat&ing: etc>L "&is is w&y we dream> -nly you are not awa0e to recei6e t&e signals at a conscious le6el 77 you can not &ear or see or touc& Kat a conscious le6elL w&ile you are slee#ing> "&e )rain must resort to ot&er means to get t&e signals t&roug& to your conscious mind> "&is is w&y we dream t&e way we do>
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"&e mind uses e6eryt&ing at its dis#osal Kw&ic& is e6eryt&ing it &as e6er )een e2#osed toL to get t&e message across> Sim#ly #ut: dreaming is t&e minds way o$ #rocessing all o$ t&e stimuli and emotions it &as recei6ed during t&e day or re#ressed o6er time: so t&at you may act on t&em> All in all: itBs a #retty neat system> .ut unless you are remem)ering and ma0ing sense o$ your dreams: you are missing out on countless o##ortunities to learn a)out yoursel$ and e2#erience li$e to its $ullest> 6en t&oug& we=6e addressed it )e$ore: it )ears re#eating> W&y s&ould you try and remem)er your dreams?



*our dreaming mind &as access to in$ormation t&at is not readily a6aila)le to you w&en you are awa0e> *our dreams may re6eal your secret desires and su)conscious $eelings> In remem)ering your dreams: you will &a6e an increased 0nowledge a)out yoursel$: )ring a)out sel$awareness and sel$7&ealing> Dreams are an e2tension o$ &ow you #ercei6e yoursel$> "&ey can )e a source o$ ins#iration: wisdom: and Goy> *ou don=t &a6e to inter#ret your dreams in order to sol6e your #ro)lems> .ut Gust as t&ere is t&e saying t&at 9Deat& cures cigarette smo0ing:< you mig&t $ind t&at listening to your dreams may &el# you sol6e your #ro)lems )e$ore you run out o$ time> Dreams are always 9true<Mit=s Gust t&at w&at t&ey mean isn=t always w&at we t&in0 t&ey mean. Sometimes a dream gi6es a warning o$ danger: )ut i$ you #ay attention to t&e dream and c&ange your ways t&e danger won=t necessarily &a##en> And most o$ten a dream=s meaning will )e meta#&orical: not literal> For e2am#le: a woman may dream t&at &er &us)and is &a6ing a se2ual a$$air: )ut it would )e a mista0e to conclude t&at &er &us)and is really &a6ing an a$$air> "&e dream is sim#ly #ro6iding t&e woman gra#&ic e6idence t&at s&e some&ow $eels )etrayed )y &er &us)and> -nce s&e ac0nowledges t&at $eeling: s&e can t&en start e2amining &er
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li$e consciouslyMand &onestlyMto $ind out w&y s&e $eels )etrayed and w&at s&e needs to do a)out it> All dreams essentially tell us one im#ortant t&ing? 9Wa0e u#;< "&at is: Gust as you must wa0e u# $rom a dream to remem)er it: t&e dream itsel$ is telling you to 9wa0e u#< to t&e trut& t&at you try to &ide $rom ot&ersMand $rom yoursel$> -$ course: t&ere is a #ositi6e as well as a negati6e side to remem)ering and inter#reting your dreams>

"&e negati6e side is t&at you may come across a side o$ yoursel$ t&at you really donBt li0e or are a$raid to 0now a)out> *ou may disco6er t&at you arenBt KalwaysL t&e C,iss Foody "wo S&oesC or C,r> /ice FuyC t&at you #ro$ess to )e during t&e day> *ou may disco6er t&at your c&ild&ood was not all ice cream: roller7s0ating and amusement #ar0s> *ou may end u# s&edding lig&t on dar0 #laces and recall secrets long re#ressed> "&is can )e scary stu$$> "&e #ositi6e side is t&at you go t&roug& a metamor#&osis or cat&arsis and )ecome 77 you> *ou )ecome t&e 9you< t&at you were always meant to )e> *ou will )ecome truer to yoursel$ and t&ere$ore: you will $ind t&at you are &a##ier> 8earning to recall your dreams may &el# you )ecome a more asserti6e: creati6e #erson> In remem)ering your dreams: you are e2#ressing and con$ronting your $eelings> (emem)ering your dreams can &el# you come to terms wit& stress$ul as#ects o$ your li6es> .ut t&is may )e easier said t&an done> Fi6e minutes a$ter t&e end o$ t&e dream: &al$ t&e content is $orgotten> A$ter ten minutes: 91N is lost> Dreamers: w&o are awa0ened rig&t a$ter ( , slee#: are a)le to recall t&eir dreams more 6i6idly t&an t&ose w&o sle#t t&roug& t&e nig&t until morning> -)6iously: remem)ering your dreams is 6ital to inter#reting t&em> So: &ow can you )etter remem)er your dreams?


W&en )eginning t&e ste#s towards inter#reting your
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dreams: many #eo#le $ind it &el#$ul to 0ee# a note)oo0 E a dream Gournal: i$ you will E rig&t ne2t to your )ed wit& a #en

or #encil> As soon as you are #&ysically a)le: )egin your Gournal> Write down your dream as soon as you remem)er it> Write down e6eryt&ing you remem)er: e6en i$ it doesnBt ma0e sense> ,ost o$ten: t&e #arts t&at donBt ma0e sense or are out o$ #lace are t&e most 6alua)le> 6ery detail: e6en t&e minutest element in your dream is im#ortant and must )e considered w&en analyDing your dreams> 8oo0 closely at t&e c&aracters: animals: o)Gects: #laces: emotions: and e6en color and num)ers t&at are de#icted in your dreams> As0 yoursel$: CW&at does t&is remind me o$?C Write down t&e $irst t&ing t&at comes to your mind> "&is will li0ely )e t&e real situation in your li$e t&at is sym)oliDed in t&e dream> W&at did t&at real7li$e situation ma0e you $eel li0e? I$ t&is is t&e same $eeling re#resented in your dream: youBre on t&e rig&t trac0> -$ten w&en t&ere is more t&an one #art to your dream Kmore t&an one story lineL t&at usually means t&ere are two t&ings your su)conscious is trying to tell you> (emem)er t&at we &a6e )etween $our and se6en dreams #er nig&t> I$ you wa0e u# $rom a dream: write it down> Don=t roll o6er and go )ac0 to slee#> I$ you don=t write it down: you=ll ne6er remem)er it in t&e morning; At t&e 6ery least: you can Got down t&e )asic #remise o$ t&e dream and go )ac0 in t&e morning to $ill in t&e rest o$ t&e details suc& as $eelings: etc> Suggest to yoursel$ e6ery nig&t as you $all aslee#: CI will remem)er my dreams>C Say t&is o6er and o6er> *our su)7conscious will act on t&is su)tle suggestion> 3ractice 0een o)ser6ation in your dreams t&roug& sel$7suggestion #rior to slee#> W&en a #ro)lem con$ronts you: you mig&t want to as0 )y #rayer $or guidance to )e sent to you t&roug& your dreams> "rust your instincts; I$ somet&ing seems im#ortant: it #ro)a)ly is> "ry not to let your logical side ta0e o6er>

So you=6e got your dreams down on #a#er> W&ere do you go ne2t? "&e ne2t ste# would )e inter#retation>


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Inter#reting your dreams can )e a lot o$ $un> As we=6e said: it can also gi6e you 6alua)le insig&t> Dreams are li0e coded messages $rom your unconscious mind> W&en you decode t&em: you gain access to a wealt& o$ intuiti6e wisdom> (emem)er t&at only you can inter#ret your dreams> ,any #eo#le &a6e #u)lis&ed CDream DictionariesC t&at descri)e w&at eac& #art o$ t&e dream sym)oliDes> Actually: t&e same dream can &a6e in$inite meanings: de#ending on t&e #erson w&o dreamed it> "&e im#ortant t&ing is: w&at does it mean to *-J? Inter#reting dreams isn=t somet&ing you can #ic0 u# and )ecome an e2#ert at rig&t away> It ta0es time and #ractice> First: 0ee# t&e $ollowing t&ings in mind? Dreams are t&e reaction o$ t&e inner sel$ to daytime acti6ity and o$ten s&ow t&e way out o$ t&e dilemma> So relate t&em to current acti6ity: )ecause dreams may )e retros#ecti6e as well as #ros#ecti6e> -)ser6e care$ully recurrent dreams: as well as t&e serially #rogressi6e ones> "&ese o$ten illustrate #rogress or $ailure> .e #ractical in your inter#retations> Always loo0 $irst $or a lesson> W&at &a6e you re$used to $ace or )een ignoring? Dreams come to guide and &el#: not to amuse> "&ey direct your attention to errors o$ omission and commission and o$$er encouragement $or rig&t endea6ors> "&ey also gi6e us t&e o##ortunity to #ray $or ot&ers and to &el# t&em )ear t&eir )urdens>
22 8oo0

$or #ast7li$e e2#eriences in your dreams> "&ese mani$est t&emsel6es not only in color: )ut in t&e #ro#er costume and setting o$ t&eir #eriod> "&ey come to warn you against re#eating t&e same old mista0esH to e2#lain your relations&i# and reactions to certain #eo#le and #lacesH to reduce your con$usionsH to ena)le you to )etter understand li$e> Dreams t&at are unc&anged t&roug& t&e years indicate t&e dreamerBs resistance to c&ange> "&e di$$iculty most #eo#le &a6e wit& inter#reting t&eir own dreams is t&at t&ey arenBt o)Gecti6e enoug&> "&eir
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$amiliarity wit& t&e #eo#le and #laces in t&eir dreams o)scures t&e dreams meaning> 2#erts &a6e come u# wit& t&e 9I A, and I / D< $ormula: de6ised to o6ercome t&is> +ereBs &ow it wor0s> -nce you &a6e your dream written on #a#er: get two di$$erent colored #ens> Jsing one color: underline e6ery negati6e word or #&rase in t&e dream w&ic& indicates limitation: disres#ect: containment: a6oidance or damage> Jsing t&e ot&er color: underline e6ery #ositi6e word or #&rase> *ou now ma0e two lists> 8ist t&e negati6e words and #&rases under a column titled I A,> 8ist t&e #ositi6e words and #&rases under a column titled I / D> *ou are almost ready to inter#ret your dream> Determine t&e su)Gect matter o$ t&e dream> "&e location w&ere t&e dream ta0es #lace is one o$ t&e )est met&ods $or doing t&is> W&en you &a6e determined t&e su)Gect matter ta0e eac& o$ t&e #&rases or words in t&e BI A,B column and $it t&em into t&e $ollowing sentence> Wh!n it &om!# to my )#u*+!&t m"tt!r, I AM )'hr"#! or -!y.or , C&ange t&e #&rase or 0eyword slig&tly to $orce t&e sentence to ma0e sense> I$ you cannot determine t&e su)Gect matter a##ly t&e 0eywords to yoursel$ in general> "&is e2ercise tells you &ow you $eel or react to t&e su)Gect matter o$ t&e dream> W&en you &a6e done t&is read t&roug& t&e BI / DB column to learn w&at you must do to correct

t&e #ro)lem> "o get t&e meaning #ut eac& o$ t&e #&rases or 0eywords into t&e sentence: Wh!n it &om!# to my )#u*+!&t m"tt!r, I NEED )'hr"#! or -!y.or , 8etBs ta0e an e2am#le> Jsing t&e sentence B"&e dead woman lay on t&e cold &ard sla)B> "&e negati6e 0eywords areH dead: cold and &ard> Women: in dreams: can re#resent emotions so in t&is case t&e sentences constructed would )e Wh!n it &om!# to my !motion# I "m !" / Wh!n it &om!# to my !motion# I "m &o$ / Wh!n it &om!# to my !motion# I "m h"r / "&e meaning is o)6ious> Wit& analyDing Gust one sentence $rom a dream we &a6e learned a lot a)out t&e dreamer> Jsing t&is tec&niAue you now &a6e all o$ t&e
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in$ormation you need to start inter#reting your dreams> +owe6er it ta0es #ractice to )e a)le to a##ly w&at you &a6e learned> .e #atient wit& your e$$orts> /ot all dream inter#retations will )e t&at cut and dried: )ut it is a way to remain o)Gecti6e w&en you are analyDing w&at your dreams mean and &ow )est to #ut t&e messages t&ey are con6eying to good use in your li$e> Oee# in mind t&at ,ost dreams are P /-" P #recogniti6e: and once one learns t&e su)tle di$$erences )etween a #recogniti6e dream 6ersus a regular dream: t&ey are easily discerna)le and will #ut your mind at ease> "&e $irst t&ing e6eryone s&ould consider is t&e ty#ical uni6ersal sym)ology o$ t&e dream images> For instance: deat& sym)oliDes t&e end o$ somet&ing t&atBs ready $or c&ange: and a new )eginning> ,ost #eo#le start out &ig&ly resisti6e to c&anges o$ any sort: and see any u#coming c&ange in t&eir li$e as somet&ing $ore)oding and scary> Deat& dreams are usually a)out c&ange> "&e sym)ols and w&at t&ey re#resent is t&e most $ascinating #art o$ dream inter#retation> "&ere are literally &undreds o$ t&em> We don=t &a6e t&e s#ace to address A88 o$ t&em: )ut we will touc& on some o$ t&e most recurring

t&emes in dreams as well as t&e sym)ols o$ t&ose dreams and w&at t&ey mean>


-ne 6ery im#ortant t&ing to 0ee# in mind is to inter#ret sym)ols wit&in t&e conte2t o$ t&e dream t&ey a##ear in: rat&er t&an #iece )y #iece w&ic& would lea6e too muc& room $or error> "&ere are t&ousands o$ sym)ols: and it de#ends u#on t&e conte2t o$ oneBs own #ersonal dream as to w&at t&ey all mean $or &im4&er> 8oo0 at it t&is way>>>a dream is li0e a #uDDle: and alt&oug& t&ere are se6eral #ieces t&at are Auic0ly #ieced toget&er )ecause t&ey are so o)6ious: t&e #uDDle isnBt com#lete until all t&e #ieces are #laced toget&er )it )y )it> "&en you &a6e t&e com#lete #icture>>>until t&en: youBll only &a6e disGointed images t&at donBt add u# to anyt&ing co&erent: and youBll still )e con$used> So #lease remem)er t&at and try not to #iecemeal a
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dream>>>it needs to )e $ully inter#reted or it will most li0ely )e totally wrong> 8et=s loo0 at some o$ t&e more common dream images and w&at t&ey could mean> T!!th F"$$ing Out "&is is #ro)a)ly t&e most #re6alent dream image t&at #eo#le re#ort> It is distur)ing to t&em )ecause it a$$ects 6anity and #ersonal a##earance E )ut only in t&e dream; a dream a)out oneBs teet& $alling out usually sym)oliDes t&at t&e dreamer is &a6ing a c&allenge getting t&eir 6oice &eard: or $eelings ac0nowledged> "&is may )e re$erring to t&eir con6ersations wit& a #articular #erson suc& as t&eir signi$icant ot&er: )oss: or $riendH or can )e generaliDed $or #eo#le w&o are s&y: to include almost e6eryone t&ey come in contact wit&> "&e dreamer needs to )rus& u# on con6ersational s0ills: )elie6e in t&e 6alue o$ t&eir own o#inion: and learn

&ow to )e less intimidated )y aggressi6e #eo#le: and )ecome more asserti6e and ma0e t&eir 6oice &eard> -nce t&ey do t&at: t&is dream Kw&ic& is a common recurring dreamL s&ould e6ol6e Q s&ow im#ro6ement>>>or disa##ear altoget&er> Anot&er t&eory is t&at dreams a)out your teet& re$lect your an2iety a)out your a##earance and &ow ot&ers #ercei6e you> Sadly: we li6e in a world w&ere good loo0s are 6alued &ig&ly and your teet& #lay an im#ortant role in con6eying t&at image> "eet& are used in t&e game o$ $lirtations: w&et&er it is a daDDling and gleaming smile or a$$ectionate nec0ing> "&ese dreams may stem $rom a $ear o$ your se2ual im#otence or t&e conseAuences o$ getting old> "eet& are an im#ortant $eature o$ our attracti6eness and #resentation to ot&ers> 6ery)ody worries a)out &ow t&ey a##ear to ot&ers> Caring a)out our a##earance is natural and &ealt&y> "&ere are cultural inter#retations o$ t&is ty#e o$ dream as well> A scri#tural inter#retation $or )ad or $alling teet& indicate t&at you are #utting your $ait&: trust: and )elie$s in w&at man t&in0s rat&er t&an in t&e word o$ Fod> "&e )i)le says t&at Fod s#ea0s once: yea twice in a dream or a 6ision in order to &ide #ride $rom us: to 0ee# us )ac0 $rom
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t&e #it: to o#en our ears Ks#irituallyL and to instruct and correct us> In t&e Free0 culture: w&en you dream a)out loose: rotten: or missing teet&: it indicates t&at a $amily mem)er or close $riend is 6ery sic0 or e6en near deat&> According to t&e C&inese: t&ere is a saying t&at your teet& will $all out i$ you are telling lies> It &as also )een said t&at i$ you dream o$ your teet& $alling out: t&en it sym)oliDes money> "&is is )ased on t&e old toot& $airy story> I$ you lose a toot& and lea6e it under t&e #illow: a toot& $airy would )ring you money>

F$ying Dreams a)out $lying usually re#resent $reedom $rom t&e #&ysical )ody: as we e2#erience in slee# Q w&ile dreaming w&ere we donBt use our #&ysical )odies )ut instead use our mental Q s#iritual )odies to e2#erience our dreams> ItBs one o$ t&e $irst t&ings #eo#le attem#t to do w&en t&ey gain control o$ t&eir dreams and start lucid dreaming> 6ery)ody seems to &a6e a natural inclination to want to $ly: unless t&at is c&anged )y a $ear o$ $lying due to a $rig&tening incident in t&eir wa0ing li6es> Flying R $reedomH eit&er a desire $or $reedom: an Cesca#eC $rom restraints in your #&ysical li$e Kli0e a mini76acation $or t&e mindL or any num)er o$ #ossi)ilities> "ie it in wit& t&e conte2t o$ your dream>>>w&at were you doing in your dream )esides $lying? +ow did it ma0e you $eel? Also: t&e ty#e o$ $lying &ere is t&e #erson $lying on t&eir own wit&out an air#lane or any aircra$t at all> "&at would )e a di$$erent sym)ol dealing wit& s#iritual awareness: among ot&er t&ings> Flying dreams $all under a category o$ dreams w&ere you )ecome aware t&at you are dreaming: 0nown as lucid dreaming> ,any dreamers &a6e descri)ed t&e a)ility to $ly in t&eir dreams as an e2&ilarating: Goy$ul: and li)erating e2#erience> I$ you are $lying wit& ease and enGoying t&e scene and landsca#e )elow: t&en it suggests t&at you are on to# o$ a situation> *ou &a6e risen a)o6e somet&ing> It may also mean t&at you &a6e gained a di$$erent #ers#ecti6e on
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t&ings> Flying dreams and t&e a)ility to control your $lig&t is re#resentati6e o$ your own #ersonal sense o$ #ower> +a6ing di$$iculties staying in $lig&t indicates a lac0 o$ #ower in controlling your own circumstances> *ou may )e struggling to stay alo$t and stay on course> "&ings li0e

#ower lines: trees: or mountains may $urt&er o)struct your $lig&t> "&ese )arriers re#resent a #articular o)stacle or #erson w&o is standing in your way in your wa0ing li$e> *ou need to identi$y w&o or w&at is &indering you $rom mo6ing $orward> I$ you are $eeling $ear w&en you are $lying or t&at you $eel t&at you are $lying too &ig& t&en it suggests t&at you are a$raid o$ c&allenges and o$ success> In reality: we do not &a6e t&e a)ility to $ly> "&us suc& dreams may re#resent t&at w&ic& is )eyond our #&ysical limitations> In your mind: you can )e any)ody and do anyt&ing> Anot&er way o$ inter#reting $lying dreams is t&at t&ese dreams sym)oliDe your strong mind and will> *ou $eel unde$eata)le and no)ody can tell you w&at you cannot do and accom#lis&> Jndou)tedly t&ese dreams lea6e you a great sense o$ $reedom> B!ing C"ught In A Torn" o "&is sym)ol #oints to emotional turmoil: as in a Cw&irlwind o$ emotionsCH and4or ra#id or sudden c&anges in your li$e> It is a sign to Cget a gri#C on w&at is #ossi)ly s#inning out o$ control Q deal more e$$ecti6ely wit& your emotions> ,editation and $inding some #ri6ate Ct&in0 timeC $or yoursel$ would )e a good idea> B!ing N"-! Dreaming t&at you are com#letely or #artially na0ed is 6ery common> /udity sym)oliDes a 6ariety o$ t&ings de#ending on your real li$e situation> .ecoming morti$ied at t&e realiDation t&at you are wal0ing around na0ed in #u)lic is o$ten a re$lection o$ your 6ulnera)ility or s&ame$ulness> *ou may )e &iding somet&ing and are a$raid t&at ot&ers can ne6ert&eless see rig&t t&roug& you> ,eta#&orically clot&es are a means o$

concealment> Wit& clot&es: you can &ide your identity or )e someone else> .ut wit&out t&em: e6eryt&ing is &anging out
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$or all to see> *ou are le$t wit&out any de$enses> "&e dream may telling you t&at you are trying to )e somet&ing t&at you really are not> -r t&at you are $ear$ul o$ )eing ridiculed and disgraced> I$ you are in a new relations&i#: you may &a6e some $ears or a##re&ension in re6ealing your true $eelings> /udity also sym)oliDes )eing caug&t o$$ guard> Finding yoursel$ na0ed at wor0 or in a classroom: suggests t&at you are un#re#ared $or a #roGect at wor0 or sc&ool> *ou may )e unin$ormed in ma0ing a well7$ormed decision> Wit& all eyes on you: you &a6e t&is $ear o$ &a6ing some deed )roug&t to #u)lic attention> *ou $ear t&at #eo#le will see t&roug& your true sel$ and you will )e e2#osed as a $raud or a #&ony> ,any times: w&en you realiDe t&at you are na0ed in your dream: no one else seems to notice> 6eryone else in t&e dream is going a)out t&eir )usiness wit&out gi6ing a second loo0 at your na0edness> "&is im#lies t&at your $ears are un$oundedH no one will notice e2ce#t you> *ou may )e magni$ying t&e situation and ma0ing an issue o$ not&ing> -n t&e ot&er &and: suc& dreams may mean your desire Kor $ailureL to get noticed> For a small #ercentage o$ you: dreaming t&at you are #roud o$ your na0edness and s&ow no em)arrassment or s&ame: t&en it sym)oliDes your unrestricted $reedom> *ou &a6e not&ing to &ide and are #roud o$ w&o you are> "&e dream is a)out a new sense o$ &onesty: o#enness: and a care$ree nature> B!ing Ch"#! C&ase dreams o$ten stem $rom $eelings o$ an2iety in your wal0ing li$e> "&e way we res#ond to an2iety and #ressure in real li$e is ty#ically mani$ested as a c&ase

dream> (unning is an instincti6e res#onse to #&ysical t&reats in our en6ironment> -$ten in t&ese dream scenarios: you are )eing #ursued )y some attac0er: w&o wants to &urt or #ossi)ly 0ill you> *ou are running away: &iding: or trying to outwit your #ursuer> C&ase dreams may re#resent your way o$ co#ing wit& $ears: stress or 6arious situations in your wa0ing li$e>
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Instead o$ con$ronting t&e situation: you are running away and a6oiding it> As0 yoursel$ w&o is t&e one c&asing you and you may gain some understanding and insig&t on t&e source o$ your $ears and #ressure> "&e #ursuer or attac0er w&o is c&asing you in your dream may also re#resent a #art o$ yoursel$> *our own $eelings o$ anger: Gealousy: $ear: and #ossi)ly lo6e: can assume t&e a##earance o$ t&reatening $igure> *ou may )e #roGecting t&ese $eelings onto t&e un0nown c&aser> /e2t time you &a6e a c&ase dream: turn around and con$ront your #ursuer> As0 t&em w&y t&ey are c&asing you> -ne may )e consumed )y t&eir own anger: Gealousy: lo6e: or sel$7destructi6e )e&a6ior> For e2am#le: you may )e drin0ing too muc& or e2&i)iting o#en &ostility toward ot&ers around you> *ou may su)consciously )e t&reatened )y t&ese actions w&ic& &a6e )een Geo#ardiDing your relations&i#s and4or career> *our dreams are a way o$ calling attention to t&ese sel$7destructi6e actions> A more direct analysis o$ c&ase dreams is t&e $ear o$ )eing attac0ed> Suc& dreams are more common among women t&an men: w&o may $eel #&ysically 6ulnera)le in t&e ur)an en6ironment> "&ese dreams are ins#ired )y $ears o$ 6iolence and se2ual assault in w&ic& we are so o6er7e2#osed $rom t&e media> "&e 6iolence t&at t&e media #ortrays magni$ies our $ears and &ow at ris0 we all are>

F"$$ing Falling dreams are anot&er t&eme t&at is Auite common in t&e world o$ dreams> As we said earlier: contrary to a #o#ular myt&: you will not actually die i$ you do not wa0e u# )e$ore your &it t&e ground during a $all> As wit& most common dream t&emes: $alling is an indication o$ insecurities: insta)ilities: and an2ieties> *ou are $eeling o6erw&elmed and out o$ control in some situation in your wa0ing li$e> "&is may re$lect t&e way you $eel in your relations&i# or in your wor0 en6ironment> *ou &a6e lost your $oot&old and can not &ang on or 0ee# u# wit& t&e &ustle and )ustle o$ daily li$e> W&en you $all: t&ere is not&ing t&at you can &old on to> *ou more or less are $orced toward t&is
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downward motion wit&out any control> "&is loss o$ control may #arallel a wa0ing situation in your li$e> Falling dreams also o$ten re$lect a sense o$ $ailure or in$eriority in some circumstance or situation> It may )e t&e $ear o$ $ailing in your Go)4sc&ool: loss o$ status: or $ailure in lo6e> *ou $eel s&ame$ul and lac0 a sense o$ #ride> *ou are una)le to 0ee# u# wit& t&e status Auo or t&at you donBt measure u#> According to Freudian t&eory: dreams o$ $alling indicate t&at you are contem#lating gi6ing into a se2ual urge or im#ulse> *ou may )e lac0ing indiscretion> Falling dreams ty#ically occur during t&e $irst stage o$ slee#> Dreams in t&is stage are o$ten accom#anied )y muscle s#asms o$ t&e arms: legs: and t&e w&ole )ody> "&ese sudden contractions: also 0nown as myclonic Ger0s> Sometimes w&en we &a6e t&ese $alling dreams: we $eel our w&ole )ody Ger0 or twitc& and we awa0en $rom t&is Ger0> It is t&oug&t t&at t&is Ger0ing action is #art o$ an arousal mec&anism t&at allows t&e slee#er to awa0en and )ecome

Auic0ly alert and res#onsi6e to #ossi)le t&reats in t&e en6ironment> According to )i)lical inter#retations: dreams a)out $alling &a6e a negati6e o6ertone and suggest t&at man is acting and wal0ing according to &is own way o$ t&in0ing and not t&ose o$ t&e 8ord> T"-ing An E0"m or T!#t "o dream t&at you are ta0ing an e2am indicates t&at you are )eing #ut to t&e test or )eing scrutiniDed in some way> Suc& dreams &ig&lig&t your $eelings o$ )eing an2ious and agitated> *ou may $ind t&at you cannot answer any o$ t&e Auestions on t&e test or t&at t&e test is in some $oreign language> Is time running out and you $ind t&at you can not com#lete t&e e2am in t&e allowed time? -r are you late to t&e e2am? Does your #encil 0ee# )rea0ing during t&e e2am? Suc& $actors contri)ute to you $ailing t&is test> "&ese dreams usually &a6e to do wit& your sel$esteem and con$idence or your lac0 o$> *ou are worried t&at you are not ma0ing t&e grade and measuring u# to ot&er #eo#leBs e2#ectations o$ you> *ou may also e2#erience t&e
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$ear o$ not )eing acce#ted: not )eing #re#ared: or not )eing good enoug&> *ou $eel ner6ous: insecure and tend to )elie6e t&e worst a)out yoursel$> "&ese dreams also suggest t&at you may $eel un#re#ared $or a c&allenge> (arely: are t&ese dreams a)out t&e content o$ t&e test: )ut rat&er t&e #rocess and &ow you are $eeling during t&e e2am ta0ing #rocess> Fenerally: you $eel distressed and $rustrated> "&ese $eelings may #arallel &ow you are $eeling in a #articular c&allenge or situation in your wa0ing li0e> Dreams o$ t&is nature are also an indication t&at you are )eing Gudged and t&is dream is a signal $or you to

e2amine an as#ect o$ yoursel$ t&at you may &a6e )een neglecting and need to #ay attention to> *ou may &ar)or some guilt )ecause o$ your neglect in #re#aration $or a sc&ool e2am: meeting: )usiness #roGect: or some c&allenge> ,ost o$ t&e time #eo#le w&o &a6e suc& dreams are unli0ely to $ail a test in real li$e> "&is dream goes )ac0 to t&eir $ear and own an2iety t&at t&ey may not meet ot&erBs standards o$ t&em> "&ey are a$raid to let ot&ers down> /ow let=s loo0 at some s#eci$ic sym)ols t&at a##ear in dreams and w&at t&ey mig&t mean>

Animals "o see animals in your dream re#resents your own #&ysical c&aracteristic: #rimiti6e desires: and se2ual nature: de#ending on t&e Aualities o$ t&e #articular animal> Animals sym)oliDe t&e untamed and unci6iliDed as#ects o$ w&o you are> "&us: to dream t&at you are $ig&ting wit& an animal signi$ies a &idden #art o$ yoursel$ t&at you are trying to reGect and #us& )ac0 into your su)conscious> (e$er to t&e s#eci$ic animal in your dream> "o dream t&at animals can tal0: re#resents su#erior 0nowledge> Its message is o$ten some $orm o$ wisdom> Alternati6ely: a tal0ing animal denotes your #otential to )e all t&at you can )e> "o dream t&at you are sa6ing t&e li$e o$ an animal: suggests t&at you are success$ully ac0nowledging certain emotions and c&aracteristics re#resented )y t&e animal>
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"&e dream may also stem $rom $eelings o$ inadeAuacy or )eing o6erw&elmed> "o see la) animals in your dream: suggests t&at an as#ect o$ yoursel$ is )eing re#ressed> *ou $eel t&at you are not a)le to $ully e2#ress your desires and emotions> Alternati6ely: it suggests t&at you need to e2#eriment wit& your $ears: c&oices: and )elie$s> "ry not to limit yoursel$> 3eo#le

6ery #erson t&at a##ears in a dream is su##osed to re#resent an as#ect o$ ones sel$: and not actually )e a)out t&at ot&er #erson at allH rat&er: it is a Auality or c&aracteristic a)out t&at #erson t&at your dream is $ocusing on: and &ow it a##lies to *-J> "ry to t&in0 a)out w&at as#ectKsL t&is could )e> It can )e somet&ing you admire and wis& to emulate and incor#orate into your own #ersonality: or it could )e a more negati6e c&aracteristic t&at you may disli0e intensely in your wa0ing li$e: )ut w&ic& is telling you somet&ing a)out yoursel$ and your )elie$s: Gudgments: Q attitude> It could )e a call to alter your t&in0ing in some manner: in order to )e more o#en7minded and acce#ting o$ t&is as#ect in t&eir and your own #ersonality: )ecause it is &am#ering your s#iritual growt& Q ma0ing li$e &arder $or yoursel$> "&e ot&er #erson in your dream is always mirroring somet&ing )ac0 to you a)out *-J(S 8F> "ry to disco6er w&at t&at somet&ing is: and go $rom t&ere> -nce you get it t&roug& your &ead t&at t&e ot&er #ersonBs a##earance in your dream is /-" a)out t&em: )ut really a)out *-J: t&en you will get muc& more success$ul inter#reting your own dreams> "&is ta0es constant rein$orcing77I still $ind mysel$ wanting to t&in0 itBs a)out t&at ot&er #erson instead o$ me> "&e only e2ce#tion I 0now o$ is i$ t&e dream is #recogniti6e> .a)ies or 3regnancy "o dream t&at you are #regnant: sym)oliDes an as#ect o$ yoursel$ or some as#ect o$ your #ersonal li$e t&at is growing and de6elo#ing> *ou may not )e ready to tal0 a)out it or act on it> "&is may also re#resent t&e )irt& o$ a new idea: direction: #roGect or goal>
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"o dream t&at you are #regnant wit& t&e )a)y dying inside o$ you suggests t&at a #roGect you &ad #ut a lot o$ e$$ort into is $alling a#art and slowly deteriorating> /ot&ing wor0s out t&e way you want it to>

I$ you are #regnant and &a6ing t&is dream t&en it re#resents your an2ieties a)out t&e #regnancy> In t&e $irst trimester: your dreams usually consist o$ tiny creatures: $uDDy animals: $lowers: $ruit and water> In t&e second trimester: your dreams will re$lect your an2iety a)out )eing a good mot&er and concerns a)out #ossi)le com#lications wit& t&e )irt&> Dreams o$ gi6ing )irt& to a non7&uman )a)y are also common during t&is #eriod o$ t&e #regnancy> Finally: in t&e t&ird trimester: you will tend to dream a)out your own mot&er> For a man to dream t&at &e got a girl #regnant: $orewarns t&at &is indiscriminate se2ual acti6ities may come )ac0 to &aunt &im "o see a )a)y in your dream signi$ies innocence: warmt& and new )eginnings> .a)ies may sym)oliDe somet&ing in your own inner nature w&ic& is #ure: 6ulnera)le: and4or uncorru#ted> .a)ies may re#resent an as#ect o$ yoursel$ t&at is 6ulnera)le and &el#less> I$ you dream t&at you $orgot you &ad a )a)y: t&en it suggests t&at you are trying &ide your own 6ulnera)ilitiesH *ou do not want to let ot&ers 0now o$ your wea0nesses> I$ you dream t&at you are on your way to t&e &os#ital to &a6e a )a)y: t&en it signi$ies your issues o$ de#endency and your desire to )e com#letely care $or> 3er&a#s you are trying to get out o$ some res#onsi)ility> I$ you are #regnant: t&en a more direct inter#retation may sim#ly mean t&at you are e2#eriencing some an2ieties o$ ma0ing it to t&e &os#ital w&en t&e time comes> "o dream o$ a crying )a)y: is indicati6e o$ a #art o$ yoursel$ t&at is de#ri6ed o$ attention and needs some nurturing> Alternati6ely: it re#resents your un$ul$illed goals and a sense o$ lac0ing in your li$e> "o dream a)out a star6ing )a)y: re#resents your de#endence on ot&ers> *ou are e2#eriencing some de$iciency in your li$e t&at needs immediate attention and grati$ication>
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"o dream o$ an e2tremely small )a)y: sym)oliDes your &el#lessness and your $ears o$ letting ot&ers )ecome aware

o$ your 6ulnera)ilities and incom#etence> *ou may )e a$raid to as0 $or &el# and as a result tend to ta0e matters into your own &ands> "o see a dead )a)y in your dream: sym)oliDes t&e ending o$ somet&ing t&at is #art o$ you> "o dream t&at you are di##ing a )a)y in and out o$ water signi$ies regression> *ou are regressing to a time w&ere you &ad no worries and res#onsi)ilities> Alternati6ely: it is reminisce o$ w&en t&e )a)y is in t&e $etus and in its com$ort Done> In $act: some e2#ectant mot&ers e6en gi6e )irt& in a #ool: )ecause t&e en6ironment in t&e water mimics t&e en6ironment in t&e uterus> It is less traumatic $or t&e )a)y as it emerges into t&e world> So #er&a#s t&e dream is your searc& $or your own com$ort Done> Se2 "o dream a)out se2: re$ers to t&e #syc&ological com#letion and t&e integration o$ contrasting as#ects o$ t&e Sel$> *ou need to )e more rece#ti6e and incor#orate as#ects o$ your dream se2 #artner into your own c&aracter> Alternati6ely and a more direct inter#retation o$ t&e dream: may )e your li)idoBs way o$ telling you t&at itBs )een too long since you &a6e &ad se2> It may indicate re#ressed se2ual desires and your needs $or #&ysical and emotional lo6e> "o dream a)out se2 wit& someone ot&er t&an your s#ouse or signi$icant ot&er: suggests dissatis$action wit& t&e #&ysical side o$ your relations&i#> -n t&e ot&er &and: it may )e &armless $antasy> In suc& situations: you may $ind t&at you are less in&i)ited se2ually and you can e6en )ring t&at sense o$ ad6enture to your e2isting relations&i#> "o dream t&at you are &a6ing se2 wit& an e2 or someone w&o is not your current mate: denotes your reser6ations a)out em)ar0ing in a new relations&i# or situation> *ou may $eel ner6ous a)out e2#osing yoursel$ or currently $eel a resurgence o$ t&ose old emotions and $eelings t&at you $elt )ac0 w&en you and your e2 were toget&er>

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.elie6e it or not: it is not uncommon $or #eo#le a##roac&ing t&eir wedding to e2#erience es#ecially erotic ad6entures wit& #artners ot&er t&an t&eir intended s#ouses> "&is may )e due to t&e intensity o$ your se2ual #assion wit& your $iancS> It also relates to t&e new roles t&at you will )e ta0ing on and t&e uncertainty t&at t&at may )ring> I$ you are &eterose2ual and you dream t&at you are &a6ing se2 wit& someone o$ t&e same se2: signi$ies not necessarily &omose2ual desire: )ut an e2#ression o$ greater sel$ lo6e and acce#tance> *ou need to )e in )etter touc& o$ your $eminine or masculine side> "o dream t&at you are t&e o##osite se2: suggests t&at you e2&i)it or need to incor#orate t&ose Aualities o$ t&e o##osite se2> As0 yoursel$: &ow do you $eel )eing a man or a woman? In w&at ways can you incor#orate t&ose $eelings into your wa0ing li$e? Sna0es Sna0es are com#licated dream sym)ols and &a6e )ot& #ositi6e and negati6e meanings> "o see a sna0e or )e )itten )y one in your dream signi$ies &idden $ears and worries t&at are t&reatening you> *our dream may )e alerting you to somet&ing in your wa0ing li$e t&at you are not aware o$ or t&at &as not yet sur$aced> "&e sna0e may also )e seen as #&allic and t&us sym)oliDe dangerous and $or)idden se2uality> "&e sna0e may also re$er to a #erson around you w&o is callous: rut&less: and canBt )e trusted> As a #ositi6e sym)ol: sna0es re#resent trans$ormation: 0nowledge and wisdom> It is indicati6e o$ sel$7renewal and #ositi6e c&anges> Sna0es can also re#resent #rimal energy: tem#tation and e6il> "&ese could )e t&e t&oug&ts and $eelings you may )e trying to su##ress> In constantly su##ressing your $eelings: o6er time it will o6er$low to t&e #oint w&ere you are $orced to con$ront t&em> Fire

De#ending on t&e conte2t o$ your dream: to see $ire in your dream can sym)oliDes destruction: #assion: desire: illumination: trans$ormation: enlig&tenment: or anger> It may suggest t&at somet&ing old is #assing and somet&ing new is entering your li$e> *our t&oug&ts and 6iews are c&anging> In
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#articular: i$ t&e $ire is under control or contained in one area: it is a meta#&or o$ your own internal $ire and inner trans$ormation> It also re#resents your dri6e and moti6ation> "o dream o$ t&at you are )eing )urned )y $ire: indicates t&at your tem#er is getting out o$ control> Some issue or situation is )urning you u# inside> "o dream t&at a &ouse is on $ire indicates t&at you need to undergo some trans$ormation> I$ you &a6e recurring dreams o$ your $amily &ouse on $ire: t&en it suggests t&at you are still not ready $or t&e c&ange or t&at you are $ig&ting against t&e c&ange> Alternati6ely: it &ig&lig&ts #assion and t&e lo6e o$ t&ose around you> "o dream t&at you #ut out a $ire signi$ies t&at you will o6ercome your o)stacles in your li$e t&roug& muc& wor0 and e$$ort> "rains "o see a train in your dream re#resents con$ormity and go along wit& w&at e6eryone else is doing> *ou &a6e t&e need to do t&ings in an orderly and seAuential manner> In #articular: i$ you see a $reig&t train: t&en it re$ers to t&e )urdens and #ro)lems t&at you are &auling around> "o dream t&at you are on a train: is sym)olic o$ your li$eBs Gourney and suggests t&at you are on t&e rig&t trac0 in li$e and &eaded $or t&e rig&t direction> Alternati6ely: you &a6e a tendency to worry needlessly o6er a situation t&at will #ro6e to wor0 out in t&e end> "o see or dream t&at you are in a train wrec0: suggests c&aos> "&e #at& towards ac&ie6ing your goals is not going according to t&e way you #lanned it out> -r you may )e

lac0ing sel$7con$idence and &a6ing dou)t in your a)ility to reac& your goals> "o dream t&at you are t&e engineer signi$ies t&at you are in com#lete control o$ a #articular situation in your wa0ing li$e> "o dream t&at you miss a train denotes missed o##ortunities or nearly esca#ing your deat&> Dri6ing "o dream t&at you are dri6ing a 6e&icle signi$ies your li$eBs Gourney and your #at& in li$e> "&e dream is telling o$ &ow you are mo6ing and na6igating t&roug& li$e>
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I$ you are dri6ing and cannot see t&e road a&ead o$ you: t&en it indicates t&at you do not 0now w&ere you are &eaded in li$e and w&at you really want to do wit& yoursel$> *ou are lac0ing direction and goals> I$ you are dri6ing on a cur6y road: t&en it indicates t&at you are &a6ing di$$iculties in ac&ie6ing your goals and t&e c&anges associated wit& it> "o dream t&at someone else is dri6ing you re#resents your de#endence on t&e dri6er> *ou are not in control o$ your li$e and $ollowing t&e goals o$ ot&ers instead o$ your own> I$ you are dri6ing $rom t&e #assenger side o$ a car: t&en it suggests t&at you are trying to gain control o$ t&e #at& t&at your li$e is ta0ing> *ou are )eginning to ma0e your own decisions> "o dream t&at you are dri6ing a ca) or )us sym)oliDes menial la)or wit& little o##ortunities $or ad6ancement> "o dream t&at you are dri6ing a car in re6erse suggests t&at you are e2#eriencing maGor set)ac0s in your goals> In #articular: i$ you dri6e in re6erse into a #ool o$ water: t&en it means t&at you emotions are literally &olding you )ac0> "o dream t&at you are dri6ing drun0 indicates t&at your li$e is out o$ control> Some relations&i# or some)ody is dominating you> "o dream t&at you dri6e o$$ a mountain road suggests t&at t&e &ig&er you clim) in li$e: t&e &arder it is to stay at t&e to#> *ou $eel t&at your ad6anced #osition is a #recarious one> It ta0es &ard wor0 to remain at t&e to#> *ou may also

$eel t&at you are not a)le to measure u# to t&e e2#ectations o$ ot&ers> Seeing a wrec0 in your dream re#resents o)stacles and )arriers toward your goals> *ou $eel t&at you are )eing &eld )ac0 or t&at you are not ma0ing any #rogress> "&e car or 6e&icle itsel$ is su##osed to sym)oliDe you in your wa0ing li$e: in your #&ysical )ody> *our #&ysical )ody is used )y t&e soul #retty muc& li0e we use a car>>>itBs dri6en $or aw&ile and we gi6e it gas4nouris&ment Q re#airs as needed until it sto#s running: and t&en we go )ac0 &ome> 3ay attention to your car: w&ic& sym)oliDes your #&ysical )ody> Are you )e&ind t&e w&eel: or is someone else in control? *ou want to )e in c&arge o$ your li$e:
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naturally> W&at is t&e color Q condition o$ t&is 6e&icle? Do you seem to )e dri6ing it t&e rig&t way: on a sa$e road in good condition: or is t&e road roc0y: winding: or suddenly ends at a cli$$? "&at would signal you need redirection> "&e )igger t&e 6e&icle: t&e more energy you may )e success$ully using $or your daily lessons: de#ending on t&e conte2t o$ your dream> /ote all clues as to &ow you are $aring: and ma0e adGustments accordingly> 273artners "o dream a)out your e27)oy$riend4girl$riend or e2&us)and4 wi$e or t&at you and your e2 got )ac0 toget&er again: suggests t&at somet&ing or someone in your current li$e t&at is )ringing out similar $eelings you $elt during t&e relations&i# wit& your e2> "&e dream may )e a way o$ alerting you to t&e same or similar )e&a6ior in a current relations&i#> W&at you learn $rom t&at #re6ious relations&i# may need to )e a##lied to t&e #resent one so t&at you do no re#eat t&e same mista0e> Alternati6ely: #ast lo6ers o$ten &ig&lig&t t&e #ositi6e e2#eriences you &ad wit& t&at #erson> In #articular: to see your e27&us)and4wi$e in your dream indicates t&at you are $inding yoursel$ in a situation

t&at you do not want to )e in> It suggests t&at you are e2#eriencing a similar relations&i# or situation w&ic& ma0es you $eel un&a##y and uncom$orta)le> "o see your mateBs e2 in your dream suggests t&at you may )e com#aring yoursel$ to t&e e2> "&e dream is trying to tell you not to ma0e t&e same relations&i# mista0es t&at ended t&at relations&i#> Alternati6ely: seeing your e2 in your dream also signi$ies as#ects o$ yoursel$ t&at you &a6e crossed out or neglected "o see an old e27)oy$riend or girl$riend $rom c&ild&ood in your dream re$ers to a $reer: less encum)ered relations&i#> "&e dream ser6es to )ring you )ac0 to a time w&ere t&e res#onsi)ilities o$ adult&ood Kor marriageL didnBt inter$ere wit& t&e s#ontaneity o$ romance> *ou need to reca#ture t&e e2citement: $reedom: and 6itality o$ yout& t&at is lac0ing in your #resent relations&i#> "o dream t&at your e27)oy$riend or girl$riend is gi6ing
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you ad6ice a)out your current relations&i# suggests t&at you unconscious is telling you not to re#eat t&e same mista0es t&at you &ad made wit& t&is e2> "o dream t&at you are )eing massaged )y your e2 suggests t&at you need to let go o$ some o$ t&at de$ensi6eness t&at you &a6e )een #utting $ort&> *ou may &a6e )een #utting u# a wall or armor around you> *ou need to learn to trust #eo#le again> "o dream t&at you e2 gi6es you a stu$$ed animal suggests t&at you are see0ing $or reassuring and nurturing as#ects o$ a relations&i#> "&is is not to im#ly t&at you want your e2 )ac0> Alternati6ely: t&e dream could re#resent some immature relations&i# w&ic& may Kor may notL descri)e t&e relations&i# you &ad wit& your e2> "o dream t&at you see your e2 dressed in a suit at a &os#ital suggests t&at you &a6e come to terms wit& t&at relations&i# and &a6e com#leted t&e &ealing #rocess> C&eating

"o dream t&at you are c&eating on your s#ouse: mate: $iancS: or signi$icant ot&er suggests $eelings o$ sel$7guilt and sel$7)etrayal> *ou may &a6e com#romised your )elie$s or integrity and4or are wasting your energy and time on $ruitless endea6ors> Alternati6ely: it re$lects t&e intensity o$ your se2ual #assion and e2#loring areas o$ your se2uality> It is actually a rea$$irmation o$ your commitment> Furt&ermore: it is not uncommon $or #eo#le a##roac&ing a wedding to &a6e dreams a)out erotic e2#eriences wit& #artners ot&er t&an t&eir intended s#ouses> ,ost li0ely: suc& dreams re#resent t&e newness o$ your se2ual #assion> It may also signi$y an2ieties o$ c&anging your identity 7 t&at o$ a s#ouse> "o dream t&at your mate: s#ouse: or signi$icant ot&er is c&eating on you indicates your $ears o$ )eing a)andoned> *ou may $eel a lac0 o$ attention in t&e relations&i#> Alternati6ely: you may $eel t&at you are not measuring u# to t&e e2#ectations o$ ot&ers> "&is notion may stem $rom issues o$ trust or sel$7esteem> "&e dream could also indicate t&at you are unconsciously #ic0ing u# &ints and cues t&at your signi$icant ot&er is not )eing com#letely trut& or is not $ully committed in t&e relations&i#>
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"o dream t&at you are c&eating at a game: suggests t&at you are not )eing &onest wit& yoursel$> Sc&ool "&is ty#e o$ dream relates to your current Clesson in li$e:C and i$ you learn &ow to inter#ret it: youBll $ind out &ow you are #rogressing> "&in0 o$ it as ta0ing a test and getting graded on it; -ur Ctrue sel6esC are our souls: and not our #&ysical )odies> *ou are a s#irit4soul &a6ing a #&ysical dream: not t&e ot&er way around> 6er $eel li0e your li$e is li0e a #lay: and you are acting out some role t&at you donBt e6en understand: e6en sur#rising yoursel$ wit& your actions sometimes? .ingo;

W&en we slee#: t&at #ro6er)ial C@eil o$ Forget$ulnessC t&at #re6ents us $rom Cc&eating on t&e testC is li$ted: and we are s&own w&at ty#e o$ #rogress we are ma0ing or not ma0ing and gi6en guidance on w&at to do ne2t> We always &a6e $ree will in our wa0ing #&ysical li6es: t&oug&: and i$ we stu))ornly re$use to $inis& our tests: t&en we &a6e t&at rig&t77)ut we are doomed to re#eat it until we #ass itH and eac& time we turn away $rom it: t&e ne2t time it will )e more un#leasant until $inally we are $orced to ac0nowledge itBs im#ortance $or our growt&> "&e t&ings we consider 6itally im#ortant in our wa0ing #&ysical li6es are not nearly as im#ortant as t&e "(J reason we are &ere: w&ic& is to o6ercome our s&ortcomings so t&at we may get closer to our Source4Fod4+ig&er 3ower> Don=t a6oid learning t&e lesson or you will $ind yoursel$ re#eating t&e same tas0s o6er and o6er again ne6er ma0ing any #rogress> A +ouse Dreams a)out a &ouse sym)oliDe a larger as#ect o$ your Sel$: and t&e as#ects o$ Sel$ w&ic& ma0e t&e w&ole> ac& room is said to sym)oliDe a di$$erent as#ect o$ your Sel$H $or e2am#le? An A""IC sym)oliDes your +ig&er Sel$: and your s#iritual de6elo#ment Q #rogress> 8oo0 at ot&er sym)ols in t&e attic o$ your dream: and try to e6aluate w&at t&ey mean> Also #ay attention to t&e feeling you e2#erience in your dream>>>is it #ensi6e: enlig&tening or w&at: e2actly? All
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t&ese t&ings are clues $or you> A .A"+(--, would sym)oliDe t&e need $or cleansing4#urging4elimination o$ somet&ing in your li$e t&at isnBt Auite wor0ing or t&at &as ser6ed its #ur#ose and now itBs time to mo6e on> A OI"C+ / would sym)oliDe t&e need or act o$ su##lying nouris&ment or $ood $or t&e )ody4mind4soul>>>w&ate6er is currently Ccoo0ingC or de6elo#ing in your li$e> I$ t&e $ood is #lenti$ul: you &a6e w&at

you need> I$ t&e cu#)oard is )are: time to go s&o##ing $or new nouris&ment: and you need to $igure out w&at is needed $or t&at Cs&o##ing list>C A DI/I/F (--, is similar to t&e 0itc&en: )ut &as more to do wit& immediate needs $or su##lying Q utiliDing nouris&ment: and less wit& t&e #re#aration or ta0ing stoc0 o$ t&ose needs> "+ ,AI/ (--, or 8I@I/F (--, sym)oliDes your daily interactions wit& ot&ers: and o$ten you will &a6e ot&er #eo#le a##earing in your dreams in t&is room> (emem)er: t&ey re#resent as#ects o$ yoursel$: and not t&emsel6es> KSee 3 -38 : a)o6eL . D(--,S sym)oliDe t&e unconscious mind as#ect o$ your sel$: rest: dreams: sometimes se2uality issues in your li$e> "+ J3S"AI(S sym)oliDes your s#iritual awareness as#ect o$ sel$: or t&e +ig&er Sel$ t&at &olds all t&e 0eys or 0nowledge to t&is li$eBs role you are acting out: and always &as your &ig&er good loo0ed a$ter: no matter &ow it mig&t seem ot&erwise> "+ D-W/S"AI(S4.AS , /" sym)oliDes your su)conscious mind as#ect o$ sel$: w&ic& deals wit& &a)its: old co#ing s0ills: automation: ego> "&atBs usually t&e #art o$ oursel6es t&at ma0es us $eel CtornC )etween 0nowing we s&ould do one t&ing: and ine2#lica)ly ending u# doing t&e o##osite> -ld )elie$ #atterns Q $ears &a6e to )e corrected: i$ t&at is t&e case> "ac0le Q o6ercome it: and you will $eel muc& more #eace$ul a)out your li$e> "+ F(-J/D F8--( o$ a &ouse re#resents your daily agendaH w&atBs currently going on in your li$e> ( @ISI"I/F -8D +-JS S F(-, C+I8D+--D -(
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A(8I ( "I, S? "&is #oints to issues t&at #ro)a)ly are resur$acing in your current li$e: and need to )e loo0ed at: analyDed: and &ealed so you can mo6e $orward and not loo0 )ac0> I$ you $ind yoursel$ re#eating t&e same old tired

mista0es: or dealing wit& t&e same old tired $ears: c&ances are you will &a6e t&is dream> A +A88WA* sym)oliDes t&at you &a6e reac&ed an area t&at is necessary to Gourney t&roug& in order to get to t&e ot&er side: and it may )e a narrow #at& t&at &as to )e tra6ersed wit& care and awareness> I$ you &a6e t&at Cclosed in: claustro#&o)ic $eelingC t&en you need to e2#and your awareness4o#en your mind to more #ossi)ilities $or com#leting t&is #&ase o$ your Gourney> A 3-(C+ sym)oliDes #er&a#s a meta#&or o$ )eing undecided: suc& as t&e saying: CIBm still on t&e #orc& on t&at decision>C It could )e sym)olic o$ )eing contem#lati6e: or uncommitted or wit&drawn> It could )e somet&ing entirely di$$erent suc& as )eing on t&e t&res&old o$ a new sense or an e2tension o$ sel$> It de#ends on t&e entire conte2t o$ t&e dream> Is it t&e )ac0 or $ront #orc&? Is it screened7in or o#en: messy or neat: s#arse or $urnis&ed? All t&ese details add to t&e o6erall sym)olism> Colors 2#erts )elie6e t&at almost e6eryone dreams in color> I$ a maGor #ortion o$ your dream re$lects a consistent color t&eme: t&is could &a6e some ty#e o$ meaning in inter#reting t&at dream> .elow are t&e maGor colors and w&at t&ey could mean> B$"&.lac0 sym)oliDes t&e un0nown: unconscious: danger: mystery: dar0ness: deat&: mourning: &ate or malice> I$ t&e $eeling in t&e dream is one o$ Goy: )lac0ness could im#ly &idden s#irituality and di6ine Aualities> "o dream in )lac0 and w&ite: suggests t&at you need to )e more o)Gecti6e in $ormulating your decisions> *ou may )e a little too unyielding in your t&oug&t #rocess and t&us need to $ind some sort o$ )alance )etween two o##osing 6iews> Consider t&e 6iews and o#inions o$ ot&ers> Alternati6ely: )lac0 and w&ite dreams are signs o$

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de#ression or sadness> *ou may $eel t&at t&ere is not enoug& e2citement in your li$e B$u! .lue re#resents trut&: wisdom: &ea6en: eternity: de6otion: tranAuility: loyalty and o#enness> "&e #resence o$ t&is color in your dream: may sym)oliDe your s#iritual guide and your o#timism o$ t&e $uture> *ou &a6e clarity o$ mind> De#ending on t&e conte2t o$ your dream: t&e color )lue may also )e a meta#&or o$ C)eing )lueC and $eeling sad Bro.n .rown denotes worldliness: #racticality: domestic and #&ysical com$ort: conser6atism: and a materialistic c&aracter> .rown also re#resents t&e ground and eart& (o$ "&e golden color re$lects your s#iritual rewards: ric&ness: re$inement and en&ancement o$ your surroundings> (r!!n Freen signi$ies a #ositi6e c&ange: good &ealt&: growt&: &ealing: &o#e: 6igor: 6itality: #eace: and serenity> Freen is also sym)olic o$ your stri6e to gain recognition and esta)lis& your inde#endence> ,oney: wealt& and Gealousy are o$ten associated wit& t&is color> Dar0 green indicates materialism: c&eating: deceit: and4or di$$iculties wit& s&aring> *ou need to )alance )etween your masculine and $eminine attri)utes> (r"y Fray indicates $ear: $rig&t: de#ression: ill &ealt&: am)i6alence and con$usion> *ou may $eel emotionally distant or detac&ed> Or"ng! -range denotes $riendliness: courtesy: li6ely: socia)ility: and an out7going nature> *ou may want to e2#and your &oriDons and loo0 into new interests> Pin46

3in0 re#resents lo6e: Goy: sweetness: &a##iness: a$$ection: 0indness> .eing in lo6e or &ealing t&roug& lo6e is also im#lied wit& t&is color>
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Pur'$! 3ur#le is indicati6e o$ de6otion: &ealing a)ilities: lo6ing: 0indness: and com#assion> It is also t&e color o$ royalty: &ig& ran0: and dignity> R! (ed is an indication o$ raw energy: $orce: 6igor: intense #assion: aggression: #ower: courage and #assion> "&e color red &as dee# emotional and s#iritual connotations> (ed is also t&e color o$ danger: s&ame: se2ual im#ulses and urges> 3er&a#s you need to sto# and t&in0 a)out your actions> Whit! W&ite re#resents #urity: #er$ection: #eace: innocence: dignity: cleanliness: awareness: and new )eginnings> *ou may )e e2#eriencing a reawa0ening or &a6e a $res& outloo0 on li$e> +owe6er: in astern cultures: w&ite is associated wit& deat& and mourning Y!$$o. "&e color yellow &as )ot& #ositi6e and negati6e connotations> I$ t&e dream is a #leasant one: t&en t&e color yellow is sym)olic o$ intellect: energy: agility: &a##iness: &armony: and wisdom> -n t&e ot&er &and: i$ t&e dream is an un#leasant one: t&en t&e color re#resents cowardice and sic0ness> *ou may &a6e a $ear or an ina)ility to ma0e a decision or ta0e action> As a result: you are e2#eriencing many set)ac0s Deat& "o dream a)out t&e deat& o$ a lo6ed one: suggests t&at you are lac0ing a certain as#ect or Auality t&at t&e lo6ed one em)odies> As0 yoursel$ w&at ma0es t&is #erson s#ecial or w&at do you li0e a)out &im> It is t&at 6ery Auality t&at you are lac0ing in your own relations&i# or circumstances>

Alternati6ely: it indicates t&at w&ate6er t&at #erson re#resents &as no #art in your own li$e> "o dream t&at you die in your dream: sym)oliDes inner c&anges: trans$ormation: sel$7disco6ery and #ositi6e de6elo#ment t&at is &a##ening wit&in you or in your li$e> Alt&oug& suc& dreams may )ring a)out $eelings o$ $ear and an2iety: it is no cause $or alarm and is o$ten considered a #ositi6e sym)ol> Dreams o$ e2#eriencing your own deat& usually mean t&at )ig c&anges are a&ead $or you> "&ey
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mean you are mo6ing onto new )eginnings and lea6ing t&e #ast )e&ind> "&ese c&anges do not necessarily im#ly a negati6e turn o$ e6ents> ,eta#&orically: dying can )e seen as an end or a termination to your old ways and &a)its> So: dying does not always mean a #&ysical deat&: )ut an ending o$ somet&ing> -n a negati6e note: to dream t&at you die may re#resent in6ol6ement in dee#ly #ain$ul relations&i#s or un&ealt&y: destructi6e )e&a6iors> *ou may $eeling de#ressed or $eel strangled )y a situation or #erson in your wa0ing li$e> 3er&a#s your mind is #reoccu#ied wit& someone w&o is terminally ill or dying> Alternati6ely: you may )e trying to get out o$ some o)ligation: res#onsi)ility or ot&er situation> "o see someone dying in your dream signi$ies t&at your $eelings $or t&at #erson are dead or t&at a signi$icant c&ange4loss is occurring in your relations&i# wit& t&at #erson> Alternati6ely: you may want to re#ress t&at as#ect o$ yoursel$ t&at is re#resented )y t&e dying #erson> 8o6e48ust "o dream o$ lo6e o$ )eing in lo6e suggests intense $eelings carried o6er $rom a wa0ing relations&i#> It im#lies &a##iness and contentment wit& w&at you &a6e and w&ere you are in li$e> -n t&e ot&er &and: you may not )e getting enoug& lo6e in your daily li$e> We naturally long $or t&e sense to )elong and to )e acce#ted> "o see a cou#le in lo6e or e2#ressing lo6e to eac& ot&er: indicates muc& success a&ead $or you>

"o dream t&at your $riend is in lo6e wit& you may )e one o$ wis& $ul$illment> 3er&a#s you &a6e de6elo#ed &a6e de6elo#ed $eelings $or your )est $riend and are wondering &ow &e or s&e $eels> *ou are so #reoccu#ied wit& t&ese t&oug&ts t&at it is e6ita)le t&at it $inds its way into your dreaming mind> -n t&e ot&er &and: t&e dream may also suggest t&at you &a6e acce#ted certain Aualities o$ your )est $riend and incor#orated into your own c&aracter> "o dream t&at you are ma0ing lo6e in #u)lic or in di$$erent #laces: relates to some o6ert se2ual issue or need> *our dream may )e telling you t&at you need to e2#ress yoursel$ more o#enly> Alternati6ely: it re#resents your
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#erce#tions a)out your own se2uality in t&e conte2t o$ #olitic and social norms> *ou may )e Auestioning your $eelings a)out se2: marriage: lo6e: and gender roles> "o dream o$ lust: suggests t&at you are lac0ing or $eeling un$ul$illed in some as#ect o$ your li$e> Alternati6ely: you need to e2ercise some sel$7control> Aliens "o dream t&at you are an alien: sym)oliDes t&e undisco6ered #art o$ yoursel$> *our mani$estation as an alien may )e your way o$ Besca#ingB $rom reality> Dreams o$ t&is nature also sym)oliDe your outlandis& ideas and your wild imagination> "o dream t&at you are )eing a)ducted )y aliens indicates your $ears o$ your c&anging surroundings or your $ear o$ losing your &ome and $amily> *ou $eel t&at your s#ace and4or #ri6acy is )eing in6aded> "o see aliens in your dream signi$ies t&at you are &a6ing di$$iculties ada#ting and adGusting to your new surroundings> *ou are $eeling CalienatedC and in6aded> -n a #syc&ological le6el: seeing aliens may re#resent an encounter wit& an un$amiliar or neglected as#ect o$ your own sel$> Angels

"o see angels in your dream signi$ies an unusual distur)ance in your soul> Angels sym)oliDe goodness: #urity: and #rotection and com$ort and consolation> 3ay care$ul attention to t&e message t&at t&e angels are trying to con6ey> "&ese messages ser6e as a guide toward greater $ul$illment and &a##iness> Angels may a##ear in your dream as a result o$ your wic0ed and mean7&earted acti6ities> "o see an angel &olding a scroll in your dream indicates a &ig&ly s#iritual dream> *our $uture and goals are clearer to you in dreams o$ t&is ty#e> "&e message on t&e scroll is #articularly signi$icant> C&ildren "o see c&ildren in your dream signi$ies your own c&ildli0e Aualities or a retreat )ac0 to a c&ildli0e state> It is an e2tension o$ your inner c&ild during a time o$ innocence: #urity: sim#licity: and a care$ree attitude> *ou may )e
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longing $or t&e #ast and t&e c&ance to satis$y re#ressed desires and un$ul$illed &o#es> "a0e some time o$$ and cater to t&e inner c&ild wit&in> 3er&a#s t&ere is somet&ing t&at you need to see grow and nurtured> "o dream t&at your own grown c&ildren are still 6ery young indicates t&at you still see t&em as young and de#endent> *ou want to $eel needed and signi$icant> "o dream t&at you are watc&ing c&ildren )ut t&ey do not 0now you are t&ere is a meta#&or $or some &idden 0nowledge or some latent talent w&ic& you &a6e $ailed to recogniDe> "o sa6e a c&ild signi$ies your attem#ts to sa6e a #art o$ yoursel$ $rom )eing destroyed> Dead 3eo#le "o see t&e dead in your dream $orewarns t&at you are )eing in$luenced )y negati6e #eo#le and are &anging around t&e wrong crowd> *ou may su$$er material loss> "&is dream may also )e a way $or you to resol6e your $eelings wit& t&ose w&o &a6e #assed on>

"o see and tal0 wit& your dead $at&er in your dream signi$ies t&at you are a)out to enter into an unluc0y transaction or rotten deal> "&oroug&ly t&in0 t&roug& your decisions )e$ore entering into t&em> "o see your dead mot&er in your dream signi$ies your wretc&ed and mean7&earted nature towards ot&ers around you> Seeing your dead #arents in your dreams may mean your $ears o$ losing t&em or your way o$ co#ing wit& t&e loss> *ou may want t&at last o##ortunity to say your $inal good7)yes to t&em> "o see your dead si)ling: relati6e: or $riend in your dream $oretells t&at you will soon )e called on $or aid and assistance> It may also mean t&at you miss t&em and are trying to reli6e your old e2#eriences you &ad wit& t&em> In trying to 0ee# u# wit& t&e #ace o$ your daily wa0ing li$e: you dreams may ser6e as your only outlet in co#ing and coming to terms wit& t&e loss o$ a lo6ed one> Do not $ear con6ersation wit& t&e so7called CdeadC in dreams> I$ t&e communication is one7sided: it denotes tele#at&y> I$ )ot& #artici#ate: it may )e an actual encounter
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o$ )odiless consciousness> Accidents "o dream t&at you are in an accident signi$ies #ent u# guilt and you are su)7consciously #unis&ing yoursel$ o6er it> "o dream o$ a car accident sym)oliDes your emotional state> *ou may )e &ar)oring dee# an2ieties and $ears> Are you Cdri6ingC yoursel$ too &ard? "&is dream may tell you to slow down )e$ore you &it disaster> *ou need to ret&in0 or re#lan your course o$ actions and set yoursel$ on a )etter #at&> "o dream t&at a lo6ed one dies in an accident indicates t&at somet&ing in your own Sel$ t&at is no longer $unctional and is CdeadC> It is also sym)olic o$ your own relations&i# wit& t&at #erson> 3er&a#s you need to let go o$ t&is relations&i#>

Accident dreams may also re#resent your straig&t$orward $ears o$ )eing an actual: #&ysical accident> *ou may )e sim#ly ner6ous a)out getting )e&ind t&e w&eel> "&is dream may )e a clear warning to cautious o$ a##roac&ing 6e&icles> "&is is only a general #artial list E o$ course> 6ery single detail in your dream could &a6e some &idden meaning> "&ere are a lot o$ #laces online to $ind in$ormation a)out t&e s#eci$ic details o$ your dreams and w&at t&ey mig&t mean> *ou need to disco6er t&e lin0 )etween all t&ese images and w&at t&ey mig&t mean> "&is #rocess is a )it li0e t&ose 9connect t&e dots< #uDDles t&at re6eal a &idden #icture> 3syc&ologically: you sim#ly need to understand w&at t&is net o$ associations $rom t&e dream is telling you s#eci$ically: at t&is #recise time o$ your li$e: a)out your current #ro)lems and con$licts> Tuite o$ten: t&ese associations are #urely emotionalH t&at is: you can ta0e a #articularly gra#&ic dream image: e2amine your emotional reactions to it: loo0 )ac0 into your #ast $or times w&en you $elt t&e same emotions: and t&en as0 yoursel$ in w&at way t&ose situations $rom t&e #ast &a6e any )earing on w&at is &a##ening in your li$e now (e#etiti6e dreams indicate t&at you are continuing to miss t&e #oint a)out t&e meaning o$ t&e dream> I$ you don=t
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9wa0e u#< to t&e unconscious meaning o$ t&e dream )ut instead #ersist in seeing it t&roug& your own wis&7$ul$illment needs: you will remain stuc0 in your own sel$7dece#tion> Almost e6eryone &as e2#erienced a nig&tmare at one #oint or time in t&eir li$e>


C&ildren: es#ecially: are #rone to nig&tmares> /ig&tmares are common in c&ildren: ty#ically )eginning at around age ! and occurring u# to age '75> 3eo#le wit& an2iety disorder mig&t also e2#erience w&at e2#erts term 9nig&t terrors<> "&ese are actually #anic attac0s t&at occur in slee#> It is es#ecially di$$icult to remem)er t&ese ty#es o$ dreams since t&ey conGure u# terri$ying images t&at we would Gust as soon $orget> In #oetic myt&: t&e /ig&tmare is actually a 9small nettlesome mare: not more t&an t&irteen &ands &ig&: o$ t&e )reed $amiliar wit& t&e lgin mar)les? cream7colored: cleanlim)ed: wit& a long &ead: )luis& eye: $lowing mane and tail>< +er nests: called mares= nests: 9w&en one comes across t&em in dreams: lodged in roc07cle$s or t&e )ranc&es o$ enormous &ollow yews: are )uilt o$ care$ully c&osen twigs lined wit& w&ite &orse7&air and t&e #lumage o$ #ro#&etic )irds and littered wit& t&e Gaw7)ones and entrails o$ #oets>< "&us: in a #agan world o$ myt& and )lood sacri$ice: t&e /ig&tmare was a cruel: $ear$ul creature> -ur modern word nightmare deri6es $rom t&e ,iddle nglis& nihtmare K$rom niht: nig&t: and mare: demonL: an e6il s#irit )elie6ed to &aunt and su$$ocate slee#ing #eo#le> And so: in today=s world: w&en we s#ea0 o$ a nig&tmare we mean a $rig&tening dream accom#anied )y a sensation o$ o##ression and &el#lessness> "&e )lood7t&irsty as#ect o$ t&e myt&ic /ig&tmare: &owe6er: can gi6e a good clue a)out nig&tmares in general: $or in #syc&odynamic terms nig&tmares are gra#&ic de#ictions o$ raw: #rimiti6e emotions suc& as aggression and rage t&at &a6e not )een incor#orated into t&e conscious #syc&e> "&us we tend to encounter t&ese 9ugly< as#ects o$ our unconscious li6es as terri$ying dream images in w&ose
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#resence we $eel com#letely &el#less> /ig&tmares are Auite common in c&ild&ood )ecause t&is is a time o$ our emotional de6elo#ment w&en we all

&a6e to come to terms wit&: well: raw: #rimiti6e emotions suc& as aggression and rage> "raumatic nig&tmares can also occur as one o$ t&e many sym#toms o$ #osttraumatic stress disorder K3"SDL> (e#etiti6e: intrusi6e nig&tmares $ollowing a trauma o$ten contain sym)olic t&emes t&at mirror t&e original trauma and relate to t&reat to li$e: t&reat o$ a)andonment or deat&: or loss o$ identity> "&ere$ore: traumatic nig&tmares need to )e treated di$$erently t&an ot&er dreams> It=s not enoug& Gust to 90now< intellectually t&e #syc&ological reasons w&y you &a6e t&ese nig&tmares> An e6ent is traumatic )ecause it disru#ts your #re6iously secureMand illusoryMsense o$ 9sel$>< And so: to &eal $rom a trauma: you must ta0e t&e initiati6e to ma0e conscious c&anges in your li$e to accommodate t&e traumatic s&attering o$ your illusions a)out li$e and identity> Some )elie6e t&at nig&tmares &a6e a #&ysiological nature as well> dgar Cayce )elie6ed t&at /ig&tmares: w&ic& )ring wit& t&em an ina)ility to mo6e or cry out: usually indicate t&e wrong diet> "o end t&e nig&tmaris& dreams c&ange your diet> We $ound a tec&niAue online t&at can &el# #eo#le w&o su$$er $rom recurrent nig&tmares> It is not meant to )e a cure7all> It is Gust a suggested treatment to deal wit& $rig&tening nig&tmares> "&e idea is to use t&is t&era#y e6ery nig&t until t&e nig&tmare &as )een resol6ed> It is called Imagery (e&earsal "&era#y> +ere are t&e ste#s o$ Imagery (e&earsal "&era#y? 1. Write out t&e te2t o$ t&e nig&tmare> "ell t&e story: no matter &ow $rig&tening: in as muc& detail as you can remem)er> 2. Create a new ending $or t&e nig&tmare story and write it out> .e care$ul: &owe6er: to ma0e t&e new ending #eace$ul> (emem)er t&at t&e nig&tmare is grounded in emotions suc& as raw anger t&at &a6e )een #ro6o0ed

)y a trauma> "&e #oint o$ a new ending is to 9tame< t&e

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emotions: not merely 6ent t&em in 6iolence and re6enge> 3. (e&earse t&e new 6ersion o$ t&e story in your imagination eac& nig&t Gust )e$ore going to slee#> Do t&is as close as #ossi)le to your $alling aslee# wit&out any ot&er acti6ity )etween t&e re&earsal and slee#> 4. 3er$orm a rela2ation e2ercise> Do t&is immediately a$ter t&e re&earsal: as a way to $all aslee# #eace$ully> *ou may use any tec&niAue wit& w&ic& you are $amiliar> "&is could )e meditation: yoga: or )reat&ing e2ercises> "&e 9cousin< o$ nig&tmares is distur)ing dreams wit& un#leasant images>

Distur)ing dreams aren=t Auite nig&tmares> "&ey may cause you to wonder w&at e2actly your su)7conscious is trying to tell you> First: t&e dreams could )e unconscious ad6ice. ,ay)e in some way you are )etraying yoursel$: $orgetting somet&ing: or not $ul$illing a #otential> For e2am#le: #ersons on t&e edge o$ a midli$e career c&ange may &a6e dreams a)out )eing in sc&ool and searc&ing $or a missing classroom: or t&ey may $ind t&emsel6es in a class a)out to ta0e a $inal e2am w&ile realiDing t&at t&ey com#letely $orgot to attend t&e class all year> "&us t&e $eeling o$ #anic in t&e dream #oints to t&e real $eeling o$ #anic in t&eir current li$e a)out t&e $ailure o$ t&eir #resent career> Second: t&e dreams could )e an admonition: )ased in guilt. Imagine: $or e2am#le: t&at you are em)eDDling t&e )an0 $or w&ic& you wor0> "&en you start &a6ing dreams a)out )urglars )rea0ing into your &ome> Well: t&e dreams are sim#ly a de#iction o$ somet&ing &a##ening to you t&at is similar to t&e &urt or moral inGury you are in$licting on someone else> "&is same dynamic o$ten

occurs in c&ildren=s nig&tmares? in wa0ing li$e: c&ildren o$ten e2#erience angry $eelings toward t&eir #arents and yet lac0 t&e cogniti6e ca#acity to e2#ress t&ese $eelings o#enlyH so: in unconscious guilt: t&e anger )ecomes turned against t&emsel6es as t&reatening nig&tmare images> "&ird: t&e dreams could )e &ints o$ a re#ressed
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trauma. As I say a)o6e: nig&tmares o$ten accom#any t&e emotional #ain o$ a traumatic e6ent e2#erienced in adult&ood> .ut i$ a trauma in c&ild&ood is re#ressed: dreams re$lecting t&e emotional intensity o$ t&e trauma can #ersist t&roug&out li$eMas a re#etition com#ulsionMuntil t&e trauma is e6entually )roug&t to conscious awareness and &ealed> Finally: t&e dreams could )e #syc&ic #remonitions> "&is is a rare #&enomenon: )ut it does &a##en to some #ersons> "&e )est ad6ice we=6e $ound a)out distur)ing dreams is to Gust ignore t&em> *ou can try to analyDe t&e images you $ind: )ut t&at is most li0ely not going to gi6e you t&e answers you need>

Dream analysis and inter#retation isn=t t&e mystical science t&at it seems to )e> It=s sim#ly remem)ering your dreams and t&en $iguring out w&at your su)7conscious is trying to tell you a)out your li$e and anyt&ing t&at mig&t )e &a##ening in your li$e> *ou s&ould 0ee# in mind t&at dream analysis is sim#ly an inter#retation o$ your dreams: not a de$initi6e answer $or all t&at 9ails< you: so to s#ea0> I$ you are &a6ing some maGor li$e #ro)lems: we suggest you see0 t&e assistance o$ a trained #ro$essional> *ou can still: &owe6er: #ay close attention to your dreams and re#ort t&em to your t&era#ist $or some insig&t into your trou)les>

*our dreams are uniAue to you> "&ey can re#resent all t&at is good in you and all t&at you need to im#ro6e u#on> W&en you )etter understand your dreams: you can )etter understand yoursel$> Slee# well;

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