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Bishops Committee Meeting May 19, 2013 In attendance: Johnnette Shane, Kevin Minch, Steve Reiser, Julie Seidler,

Kirsty Imes, Sally West, Krista Baker Meeting called to order at 12:55 pm. Bible study period began the meeting Vicars report: Johnnette attended and gained a lot from the Credo conference and shared some things she learned. The clergy vocational profile, which ten people filled out, was very useful in the self-reflection process she engaged in there. Bishops warden: To be covered under building update. Junior wardens report: Daniel, Ian and Cindys son, is mowing weekly, but we need people to do lighter jobs such as trimming, sweeping up grass cuttings, and weeding. Thank you to Steve for emptying the snow blower so it is safe to stow for the summer. Treasurers report: General fund and building funds are now separate. Krista went over the building account summary. Some categories of the general budget are already over the years allocation (e.g. music). Discussion ensued as to how to oversee expenditures more carefully. We have received $117 for UTO gatherings. The audit should be done by the end of May. We should think ahead about the fall stewardship campaign, especially since we are in a negative budget situation. Minutes from April were approved unanimously. Old Business: Building committee: Plans are back in the hands of the architect to do more detailed blueprints, getting ready for the bidding process. Tim will identify suitable construction companies and solicit bids, rather than having an open bid. Kevin submitted the grant application to the diocese. This was a last-minute application, so the committee thanked Kevin for putting it together at a busy time. Childrens program: We had a meeting with interested parties. There are two new sections to the safeguarding children policies that we all need to take online. Johnnette needs to ask Forrest about doing childcare over the summer. And Steve should find people who would volunteer to go downstairs to accompany Forrest if there are children.

Table program: Diocesan program used as alternative to Facebook. We have not done anything so far on this. New business: Johnnette offered thanks for sponsoring her attendance to the credo conference. She also thanked all those who helped with the rummage sale yesterday (May 18). We raised $1157 for the building fund! Krista and Tim are going to Lui! They will depart in August, and since the diocese encourages the congregation to raise funds, they are thinking of having a pulled-pork meal in July. Johnnette would like to encourage the development of lay Eucharistic visitors for our parishioners in nursing homes. Other implications of Credo: -one of the issues raised in the clergy profile was lack of administrative skills. Johnnette would like to take a time management and administrative class. She would also like to be more involved in diocesan activities which means she might be gone some days during certain weeks. Discussion of who might replace Kirsty when she leaves in June. She will call the people involved. This is Kirstys last bishops committee meeting. We will miss her! Next meeting is June 30 at Steves house. Closing prayer. Meeting adjourned: 2:43 p.m.

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