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Compressibility of Soil
A stressincrease causedby thc constructionof foundationsor other loacls comprcsses s o i l l a y e r sT . he compression iscaused b y ( a ) d e f o r m a t i o no f s o i l p a r t i c l e s ( .b) relocations of soil particles,and (c) expulsion of water or air from thc void sperct;s. In gcneral, the soil settlementcausedby loads may be divided into three brcladcatcgorics: l. Immediutesettlemcnt (or elasticsettlemcnt). which is causcd by thc elasticdeformation of dry soil and of moistand saturated s o i l sw i t h o u t a n y c h a n g ei n t h e m o i s t u r ec o n t e n t .I m m c d i a t c s e t t l e m e n t calculations a r e g c n e r a l l yb a s e d on equations derived from the thcory of elasticity. 2. Primarv consolidationsettlement, which is the result of a volume changein saturated cohesive s o i l sb e c a u s e o f e x p u l s i o no l ' t h c w a t e r t h a t o c c u p i e s the void spaces. 3. Secondury consoliclatkntsettlemanLwhich is observcd in saturatcd cohesive s o i l sa n d i s t h e r e s u l to f t h e p l a s t i ca d j u s t m e n to f s o i l f a b r i c s .I t i s a n a d d i t i o n a l form of compressionthat occurs at constant effectivestrcss. T h i s c h a p t e rp r e s e n t s t h e f u n d a m c n t a lp r i n c i p l c sf o r c s t i m a t i n gt h c i m m c d i a t e and consolidation settlemenlsof soil laycrs under supcrimposedloaclings. The total settlementof a foundation can then be given as 57:S,+S.+S, where Sr : S,.: ,S.: S,,: total settlement primary consolidationsettlement secondaryconsolidationsettlemcnt immediate scttlement

When foundations are constructed on very compressibleclays, the consolidation settlementcan be severaltimes greater than the immediate scttlement.



Contact Pressureand Settlement Profile

Immediate, or elastic,settlementof foundations (S") occursdirectly after the application of a load, without a changein the moisture content of the soil. The masnitude

Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil

Table 10.1 InfluenceFactorsfor Foundations [Eq. (10.2)]


Circle Rectanglc

I 1.5 2 3 -5 l0 20

1.00 1.12 1.36 1..53 1.78 2.10 2.99 3.57 4.01

0.64 0.56 0.68 0.77 0.u9 1.0-5 1.27 1.49

-s0 l(x)


0.79 0.it8 1.0'7 1.21 1.42 1.70 2.10 2.46 3.0

-). +-l

Table 10.1 givesthe influcncefactors for rigid and flexible foundations.Repreratio for different types of sentativevaluesof the modulus of elasticityand Poisson's r e s p e c t i v c l y . s o i l sa r c g i v e ni n T a b l e s 1 0 . 2a n d 1 0 . 3 . Ao is applied that the prcssure . ) i s b a s c do n t h e a s s u m p t i o n N o t e t h a t E q . ( 1 t )I placed at a ccrtain depth below arc In practicc, l'oundations at the ground surl'ercc. the magnitude tends to reduce embedmcnt Deepcr foundation the ground surlarcc. (lt). to calculate settlel) is uscd However, if Eq. o[ tlre foundertionsettlententS,.. m c n t " i t r e s u l t si n a c o n s e r v a t i v e s t i m a t e .

of Soil ol'Elasticity Values ol the Modulus Table 10.2 Rcprcsentativc

E, Soil type Soft clay Hard clay Loclse sand Dense sand
kN/m2 lb / in.2

-3.-5(X) I ,t3(X) 6,(XD 14,000 r 0.000,28,0(x) -70,000 35.0(X)

250-500 -2,(XX) t350 - 4,000 1,-s00 - 10.(xx) -5.000

Ratio Table 10.3 Reoresentative Values of Poisson's Type of soil Loose sand Medium sand Dense sand Silty sand Soft clay Mcdium clay Poisson'sratio, p,

0.2,0.4 - 0.4 0.25 0.3- 0.4-5 0.2-0.4 -0.25 0.1-5 0.2 0.5

10.3 lmproved Relationship for lmmediate Settlement

E x amp l e1 0 .1
Estimatethe immediatesettlement of a columnfooting 1.5m in diameterthat is constructed on an unsaturated clay layer,giventhat the total load carriedby the column footing = 150kN, E. : 7000kN/m2,and p, :0.25. Assumethe footing to be rigid. Solution UsingEq. (10.1), we have s" , - AoB [,s-: 1J E In

( 1"s' 0 \t ) :84.9kN/mr

[o sY
: 0.79, From Table10.1, for a circularrigid foundation,l,, so * n r s l I Ir

s" : (84,9)(1 5)l-

: 0.013-s m : L3.5 mm 7000-lto.zo)


Improved Relationship for lmmediate Settlement

M a y n e a n d P o u l o s( 1 9 9 9 )r e c e n t l yp r e s c n t e da n i m p r o v c c lr c l a t i o n s h i p for calculatl'his i n g t h e i m m e d i a t es e t t l e m e n to l I ' o u n d a t i o n s' . r e l a t i o n s h i pt a k e s i n t o a c c o u n t t h e r i g i d i t y o f t h e l o u n d a t i o n , t h e d c p t h o f c m b e d m e n t o [ t h e l o u n d a t i o n .t h e i n c r e a s ci n t h e m o d u l u so f c l a s t i c i t yo f s o i l w i t h d c p t h , a n d t h e l o c a t i o no l ' r i g i d l a y e r s a t l i m i t e d d e p t h . I n o r c l e rt o u s e t h i s r e l a t i o n s h i po , n c n e e d st o d c t e r m i n et h e c q u i v a l e n t d i a m e t e ro f a r e c t a n g u l a r f o u n d a t i o n .w h i c h i s

B ,- , i
where B - width of foundation L : length of foundation For circular foundations,



( I{).3a )

8,,: B


where B : diameter of foundation. Figure 10.3showsa foundation having an equivalentdiameter of 8,. located at a depth Dlbelow the ground surface.Let the thicknessof the foundation be r and the modulus of elasticity of the foundation material be Er. A rigid layer is located at a depth ft below the bottom of the foundation. The modulus of elasticity of the compressiblesoil layer can be given as


E,,* kz.

( 10.4)

Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil

R + AO l l Y Y Ilt

t I

/ '... A '

' '"'" "f"

C o m p r e s s i b ls eo i l l a y e r



' .

I I I v

R i"'-" gidlaycr

,: .

Figure 70.3 lmprovcd relationship for inrmcdiatescttlcment

= 0.2 hlB,,

., , Figure 10.4 Yariation of 1.r with B

Eo kB,,

70.3 rmproved Retationship for rmmediate setttement


with the preceding parameters dellned. the immediate settlement can be given as


LoB*!!t(r pi)


where 1,; : influence t'actor fbr the variation of E, with clepth : f (L:,,,k, 8", anc] h) 1e : foundation rigidity correction factor : ./o foundation embedment correction factor F i g u r e l 0 . 4 s h o w s t h e v a r i a t i o n o f1 . , w i t h B: ity correction factor can be expressed as
, - T , tr '. - 4 t


46r )( #t-)w
/u \


Similarly, the embedmcnt crtrrection facl.oris

Ir - I -

- 0 . 4 ) l r* ,,0,,| 3.5 exp(t.22p",



Figures 10.-5 and 10.6 showthc variations ol /0,and 1r.exprcssedb y E q s .( 1 0 . 6a ) nd


+ o.t{5

r' = ( - + \ / : : \
\u,, + *^) \ t )
= F l e x i b i l i t yf : r c r o r

0.1 0.001 2

4 6 80.01

0.I Kt..


I 00.0

Figure 10.5 Variation of rigidity correction f'actor, 1r, with flcxibility

factor, Ko.. [Eq. (rr.r.6)J

Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil


-s 0.1t5


t\.1 0



8,, Figure 70.6 Vrriation ol'crnbcdmcnt corrcction faclor. /,. IEq. ( l{).7)]

10.2 Example
Refer to Figure 10.3.For a shallowfoundationsupportedby a silty clay,the following are given: Length:L:1.5m Width: B - 1m Depth of foundation : D/ : 1 ill Thickness of foundation : / : 0.23m Load per unit area: Ao : 190kN/m2 Er:15 x 106 kN/m2 The silty claysoil had the followingproperties: h-2m &, : 0'3 E = 9000kN/m2 k : 500kN/m2/m of the foundation. Estimatethe immediatesettlement

10.3 lmproved Relationship for lmmediate Settlement


Solution From Eq. (10.3a), the equivalent diameter is

1.38 m Ao : 190 kN/m2

-_,,11 :_ '^^:13.0.1 kB,. (sooxt.38)



h B"

2 : 1.39

1 4 5

From Figure 10.4,f o r B : 1 3 . 0 4 a n dh / 8 , , : 1 . 4 5 , t h e v a l u e o f 1 r , . : 0 . 7 4T . hus, from Eq. (10.6), I' r : L4+

: 0.781

[0,,t, (f)rr*r]L
From Eq. (10.7), Ir: 1* * 3.5 exp(\.22p.,
- It

r38 l

,.r(* + 1 6 )
I = 0.907

- oof(f 3.5 expi(1 .22)(0.3)

From Eq. (10.5), ^ ' L,oB,Ir;l1ls,_ E n = 0.014 m * 14 mm

+ 1.6)

jr (re0)(1.38x0.74X0.787)(0.90f) r I _n r lz ) \"'"


Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil



Fundamentals of Consolidation
the pore water pressure When a saturatedsoil layer is subjectedto a stressincrease. soils that are highly permeable.the drainagecaused is suddenly increased.In szrndy by the increasein the pore water pressure is completed immcdiately. Pore water drainageis accompaniedby a reduction in thc volumc of thc soil mass,which results immediate in settlement.Becauseof rapid drainageof thc porc watcr in sandy sclils, o c c u rs i m u l t a n c o u s l y . s e t t l e m e n ta n d c o n s o l i d a t i o n When a saturatedcompressible clay lzryer is subjectedto a strcssincrcasc,elastic settlement occurs immcdiately. Becausethe hydraulic conductivity of clay is sigpore water pressuregeneratedby loadnificzrntly smaller than that of sand,thc cxcess o v e r a l o n g p e r i o d .T h u s . t h e a s s o c i a t e v do l u m e c h a n g e( t h a t i n g g r a d u a l l yd i s s i p a t c s i n t h e c l a y m a y c o n t i n u el o n g a f t e r t h e i m m e d i a t cs c t t l c m e n t . is,thc consolidation) Thc settlementcausecl by consolidationin clay mary bc scvcraltimcs grcater than the selllemcnt. immcdilrlc d e l i r r m a t i o no f s a t u r a t e dc l a y e ys o i l c a n b c s t b c u n d e r Thc timc-dependent o [ a c y l i n d e rw i t h a s p r i n g a t i t s s t o o d b y c o n s i d c r i n ga s i m p l e m o d e l t h a t c i l n s i s t s 'l'he s c c t i o no f t h e c y l i n d e rb e e q u a lt o A . cylinc e n t e r .L e t t h c i n s i d oa r r : a of thecross w a t e r t i g h tp i s t o na n d v a l v ea s s h o w ni n d e r i s f i l l e d w i t h w a t c r a n d h a sa f r i c t i o n l c s s and keep F i g u r c 1 0 . 7 aA . t t h i s t i m c . i [ ' w e p l a c ea l o a d P o n t h e p i s t o n( F i g u r e 1 0 . 7 b ) t h c v a l v c c l o s e c lt,h c e n t i r e l o a d w i l l b e t a k e n b y t h e w a t e r i n t h e c y l i n d c r b c c a u s e Thc cxcess watcr is intrtmprassible. The spring will not go through zrnydcf'ornraticln. hydrostaticpressureat this tirne can be given as P A This value can be obscrvcd ir.r thc prcssurcgaugeattachedto the cylinder. . c c l r nw r i t c I n g e n c r a lw P : P,-l P,, (10.9)

( 10.8)

where P, : load carricd by the spring and P,,,- lcladcarried by the water. From the preceding discussion, we celnsee that when the valve is closed after the placement of the load I P, : 0 and P,,,: P

This flow will Now, if the valve is opened, the water will flow outward (Figure 10.7c). hydrostaticpressureand an increasein be accompaniedby a reduction of the excess the compressionof thc spring. So, at this time" Eq. ( lt).9) will hold. However, P.>0 a n d P , ,1 ,P (that is, L,tt < PIA)

After some time, the excesshydrostatic pressurewill become zero and the system will reach a state of equilibrium, as shown in Figure 10.7d.Now we can write P,: P and P,": t)

10.4 Fundamentals of Consolidation

Valve I closed



l# , :
(a) Art = aA
. p (D)



....: 't

Vrlvc opcn

rit;,i;ir:i;ri:ii:::iri;*:ii:i:lriii:i: ::1: lr:ltlil

oPcll ---*-l I ::t;it!ii:!:ii:ri:$l:j.itit;.*t*lii:i:ilr:{; SXIljllti ' . -.J''


Figure 10. 7 Spring-cylinclcr modcl

and P:P,tP,,, W i t h t h i s i n m i n d , w e c a n a n a l y z et h e s t r a i no f a s a t u r a t e cc l l a y l a y e rs u b j e c t e d to a stressincrcase(Figure 10.8a). Consider the casewherc a layer of saturatedclay of thickness Hthatisconfinedbetwecntwolayersof s a n c il s b e i n g s u b j e c t e d t o a n instantaneousincrease of tolul r'/re.r.r o[ Ao. This incremental total stress will be transmitted to the pore water and the soil solids.This meansthat the total stress, Ao, will be divided in some proportion betwcen effectivcstressand pore water pressure. The behavior of the cffectivestrcsschangewill be similar to that of the spring in Figure 10'7,and the behavior of the pore water pressurechangewill be similar to that of the excesshydrostatic pressurc in Figure 10.7.From the principle of effective stress(Chapter tt). it follows that Ao: Ao' * Arl


where Arr' : increasein thc effective stress Alz : incrcasein the pore water pressure



Pore water Total stressincreasc

plcssure lncrelse-

ElI'ectivc strossincrerse

'fotal stressincrcasc

(c)Attime0<r<)<tre wttcr pressure increase

Total stress increase

Eflective \tressincrease

Depth (d)At timet = Depth


Figure 10.8 Variation of total stress.pore water pressure, and effective stress in a clay layer drained at top and bottom as the result of an added stress,A<r


10.5 One-DimensionalLaboratory Consolidation Test


Becauseclay has a very low hydraulic conductivityand water is incompressible as compared with the soil skeleton,at time r : 0, the entire incremental stiess.Ao, will be carried by water (A,r : A,) at all depths (Figure will be carried by the soil skeleton - that is, incremental effectiveitress (A,ri) : (t. After the application of incremental stress.-\u. to thc clay layer, the water in the void spaces will start to be squeezecl out anciwill drain in botl directionsinto the sand layers.By this process,the cxcesspore water pressureat any depth in the clay layer willgradually decrease. and the stresscarried by the soil solids(eiTective stress) will increase.Thus, at time 0 < r < m.

Ao:Arr'*Arr (Ao'>0 and Arr<Arr) However' thc magnitudesof Arr' and Arr at various depthswill change(Figurc 1O.gc), dependingon the minimum disternce of thc drainagepath to either rhe top 9r bettom sand layer. Theoretically' at timc 1 : oo, the entirc excesspore water prcssurewcluld bc .. dissipatedby drainage from erllpoints of the clay layer; thus, A4 : 0. Now the total stressincreasc,A.', will be carricd by thc soil structurc (Figurc 10.ltcl). Hcncc, : Arr Arr'
T h i s g r a d u a lp r o c e s s o1'drainage u n d e r a n a c l d i t i o n a l o a d a p p l i c a t i o na n d t h e associatedtransfcr of excesspore water prcssureto efTective slresscilusc thc timed e p e n d e n ts e t t l e m e n ti n t h c c l a y s o i l l a y e r .


one'Dimensional Laboratory consolidation Test

The one-dimensionalconsolidation lesting procedure was first suggested by Terzaghi. This test is perlbrmed in a consolidometer (sornctimesrefcrred to as eln oedometer).The schematicdiagrant of a consolidometeris shown in Figure 10.9a. Figure 10.9b.shows a photograph of a consolidomcter.The soil ,p".i-"n is placJi inside a metal ring with two porous stones,onc at the top of the specimen and an_ o t h e r a t t h e b o t t o m .T h e s p e c i m c n s a r e u s u a l l y6 4 m m ( : 2 . 5 i n . ) i n d i a m e t e ra n d 2 - 5 m m . ( : I i n . ) t h i c k . T h e l o a d o n t h e s p c c i m e ni s a p p l i c c lt h r o u g h a l e v e r arm, and compressionis mcasured by a micrometer dizrlgauge.Thc spccimcn is kept unilcr water during the test. Each load is usually kept for 24 hours. After that, the load is usually doublcd, which doubles the pressureon the specimen.and the compression measurementis continued.At thc end of the test,the dry weight of the test spccimen is determined. Figure 10.9cshowsa consolidationtest in p.o!res, (right-hand sicle). The general shapeof the plot of cleformationof the specimenagainst time for a given load increment is shown in Figure 10.10.From the piot, we can observethree distinct stages, which may be describedas follows: stage I stage II Initial compression, which is causedmostry by preloacring. Primary consoliclation, during which exceir po." water pressureis gradually transferred into effectivestressbecauseof the expulsion of pore water. Secondaryconsolidation,which occursafter completedissipationof the excess pore water pressure, when some deformation of the specimen takes place becauseof the plastic readjustment of soil fabric.



Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil




i$ilr.' ,;ng
4:!.:l M!*si!;
ittritii :i!g!:ti:i .:i!it!:t.;tj

Figure 10.9 (a) Schematiccliagramo[ a consolidonrcter; ( b ) p h o t o g r a p ho l a c o n s o l i d o r n c t c r (,c ) a c o n ( r i g h t - h a n cs lidc) s o l i d a l i o nt c s t i n p r o g r c s s

10.6 Void Ratio-Pressure Plots


S e c o n d a rc yo n s o l i d a t i o n

Time (log scale)

Figure 10.10 Time-deformation plot during consolidationfor a given load increment


Void Ratio-Pressure Plots

After the time-dcformation plots for various loadings are obtained in the laboratory, it is necessary to study the change in the void ratio of the specimenwith pressure. Following is a step-by-step procedure for doing so: 1. Calculatc the height of solids,H., in the soil specimen(Figure 10.11)using the equation H. 'where lV. : M, : A : G, : 7,,,: p,,,w' AG,7,,, Jt4, AG.,P*


dry weight of the specimen dry massof the specimen area of the specimen specificgravity of soil solids unit weight of water density of water

2. Calculate the initial height of voids as

H,,: H - H, whereH : initial heightof the specimen. 3. Calculate the initial void ratio,e,r,of the specimen, usingthe equation
r r t :



V, V,


H, H,



Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil

Initial h e i g h to f speclmen =H


t I I I



. --Lu,


Figure 10.11 C.hange of height of spccimcn in onc-dimensionalconsolidationtest 4. For the first incremenlal loading,o1 (total load/unit area o[ specimen),which the cherngi e n the void ratio as causes a d e f o r m a t i o nA H , . c a l c u l a t e L C I: LII, H*

(r 0 . 1 4 )

( A H , i s o b t a i n e df r o m t h c i n i t i a l a n d t h e l l n a l d i a l r e a d i n g s lor the loading). It is important to note that. at the end of consolidation,total stressrrl is equal to effective strcssrri. causedby the pressureincrethe new void ratio aftcr consoliclation 5. Clalculate ment as cr - ae Ar, (10.15)

Fcrrthe next loading, o1 (note: o2 cquals thc cumulative load per unit area of a d d i t i o n a ld e f o r m a t i o n A H r , t h e v o i d r a t i o a t t h e e n d o f specimen), which causes as consolidation can be calculatecl (t: cr LI12 H, (10'16)

At this time. o2 : cffcctive stress,rr!. Proceedingin a similar manner, one can obtain the void ratios at the end of the consolidationfor all load increments. The efTectivc strcsso' and the correspondingvoid ratios (c) at the end of consolidation are plotted on semilogarithmicgraph paper. The typical shape of sucha p l o t i s s h o w ni n F i g u r e 1 0 . 1 2 .


Normally Consolidated and Overconsolidated Clays

Figure 10.12showsthat the upper part of the e-log a' plot is somewhatcurved with a flat slope, followed by a linear relationship for the void ratio with log o' having a steeper slope. This phenomenon can be explained in the following manner: A soil in the fleld at some depth has been subjected to a certain maximum effective past pressure in its geologic history. This maximum effective past pressure may be equal to or less than the existing effective overburden pressure at the time of sampling. The reduction of effective pressure in the field may be caused by natural

10.7 Normally Consolidated and Overconsolidated Clavs




E l l e c t i v c p r c s s u r c .o ' ( l o g s c a l c )

Figure 10.12 Typicalplot of c against log o'

geologic processes or humernprocesses. During the soil sampling,the existingeffective overburdcn pressureis also released, which resultsin some expansion.When this specimenis subjectedto etconsolidationtest,a small amount of compression(that is, a small changein v<tidratio) will occur when thc effectivepressureapplied is lessthan the maximum cffective overburden prcssure in the field to which lhe soil has been subjectedin the past. When the effectivepressureon the specimenbecomesgreater than the merximum efTective past pressure, the changein the void ratio is much larger, and the e-log o' relationship is practically linear with a steeperslope. This relationship can be verillcd in the laboratory by loading the specimento exceedthe maximum effectiveoverburdenpressure, and then unloading and reloading again.The e-log '' plot for such cases is shown in Figure 10.13,in which cd representsunloading and dfg representsthe reloading process.

d .E

Elfectivepressurer o'(log scale)

Figure 10.13 Plot of e against log a' showing loading, unloading, and reloadingbranches

Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil

o 'E

scalc) Prcssurc. o' (log procedurc preconsolidation pressure Figure 10.14 Graphic l'ordetelmining

This leads us to thc two basicdcfinitions of clay basedon stresshistory: l. Normally utrtsolidated, whose present effective overburden pressure is the maximum pressurethat the soil was subjectedto in the past. 2. Overconsolidaterl, whose present effectiveoverburden pressureis lessthan that which the soil experiencedin the past.The maximum effcctivc past pressure is called the pressure. a simple graphic construction to determine the Casagrande(1936) suggested preconsolidationpressurerri.from the labclratorye-log o' plot. The procedure is as f o l l o w s ( s e eF i g u r e 1 0 . 1 4 ) : By visual observation,establishpoint a, at which the e-log rr' plot has a minimum radius of curvature. ) Draw a horizontal line ob. 3. Draw the line ac tangent at d. 4. Draw thc line ad, which is the bisector of the angle bnc. 5 . Project the straight-lineportion gh of the e-logo' plot back to intersectline ad at I The abscissa of point./is the preconsolidationpressure,aj.. The overconsolidationratio (OCR) for a soil can now be defined as

OCR: n L (r'
where oi : preconsolidation pressure of a speclmen o' : Dresent effective vertical Dressure


10.8 Effect of Disturbance on Void Ratio-Pressure Relationship



Effect of Disturbance on Void Rati o - Pressure ReIati on sh ip

A soil specimenwill be remolded when it is subjectedto some degreeof disturbance. This remolding will result in some deviation of the e_log o' plot as observedin the laboratory from the actual behavior in the field. The field e-log a' plot can be reconstructed from the laboratory test results in the manner describedin this section (Terzaghi and Peck, 1967). Normally Consolidated Clay of Low to Medium Plasticity (Figure tO.IS)

1. ln Figure 10.l-5,curve 2 is the laboratory e-log o' plot. From this plot, determine the prcconsolidationpressure(rrj) : o',, (that is, the present effective ovcrburden pressure).Knowing where c', : ol1, draw verticalline ab. 2 . C a l c u l a t et h e v o i d r a t i o i n t h e f i c l d . e , , [ S c c t i o n1 0 . 6 , . raw horiEq. (10.13)]D zontal line c'r1. 3. Calculat.e 0.4c, and draw line e.f.(Note:.l'is the point of intersectionof the line w i t h c u r v e2 . ) 4. Join points.f and g. Notc that g is the point of intcrsectionof lines ab and cd. This is thc virgin cornpressioncurvc. I t i s i m p o r t a n tt o p o i n t o u t t h t t t i f a s o i l i s c o m p l e t e l y r c m o l d e d ,t h e g e n e r a lp o s i t i o n o f t h e c - l o g r . r 'p l o t w i l l b c a s r e p r c s s n t e d b y c u r v e3 .



I --

Vtrgtn consolidation

curve; slope= C,

Consolidation curve for rernoldedspecimen

Latloratory consolidation curve

o'o = o',' Pressure, o' (logscale) Figure 10. 15 Consolidation characteristics of normally consolidated clay of low to medium sensitivity


Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil


Laboratory rebound curve; slope = C" = swell index




Pressure o.' ( l o g s c a l e ) Figure 70. 16 Consolidation characteristics of overconsoliclated clay of low tcr

nredium scnsitivity


CIay of Low to Medium

Plasticity (Figure 10.16)

1. In Figure 10. 1 6 ,c u r v c 2 i s t h c l a b o r a t o r ye - l o g o ' p l o t ( l o a d i n g ) ,a n d c u r v e3 i s thc laboratory unloading,or rebound, curve. From curve 2, determine the preconsolidationpressurerrj..Draw the vertical line ab. 2. Determine the field effectiveoverburden pressureoi;. Draw vertical line cd. 3. Determine the void ratio in the field. er. Draw the horizontal line fg. The point of intersectionof lines /! and cd is h. 4. Draw a line hi, which is parallel to curve 3 (which is practically a straight line). The point of intersectionof lines hi and ab is j. 5. Join points 7 and k. Point k is on curve 2, and its ordinate is 0.4e6. The field consolidationplot will take a path hjk. The recompression path in the fiefd is hj and is parallel to the laboratory rebound curve (Schmertmann,1953).

Example 10.3
Following are the resultsof a laboratory consolidationtest on a soil specimen obtainedfrom the field: Dry massof specimen= L28g, height of specimen at = the beginning of the test : 2.54 cm, G,:2.75, and areaof the specimen cm2. 30,68

10.8 Effect of Disturbance on Void Ratio-Pressure Relationshio

Final height of specimen at the end of consolidation (cm)

Effeetive pressure,o' (ton /ft2)

(.) 0.5 I 2 4 8 16

2.540 2.488 2.465 2.431 2.389


2.225 2.115

Make necessary calculations and drawan e vs.log o, curve. Solution F r o mE q . ( 1 0 . 1 1 ) - 1.52 cm (30.68 cmr)(2.75)(1g/cm3) Now the followingtablecanbe prepared: AG,T,,
Effective pressure, rr' (ton /ft2l Height at rhe end of consolidation, H (cm) Hn = H - H" (cml

H '' .:


M, AC.,p,,


e = HulH"

o 0..5 1 2 4 8 l6

2.540 2.488 2.465 2.431 2.389


2.225 2.175

1.02 0.968 0.94-s 0.911 0.ti69 0.804 0.705 0.595

0.671 0.637 0.622 0.599 0.572 0.529 0.464 0.390

The e vs.log o' plot is shownin Figure10.17.

r t,..\
! a

0.3 I 3 l0 30 Ellective pressure. o'(ton/ft2)log scale

Figure 10,17 Variationof void ratio with effect ive Dressure


Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil

Cross-sectional area= A { Votume A y l


l l


A y l



l l L

v'r, ulr, t l

1 l

Figure 10.18 Settlementcausedby onc-dimcnsionalconsolidation

v. i


Calculation of Settlement from One-Dimensional Primary Consolidation

With the knowledgc gaincd from thc analysisof consolidation test results,we can now proceed to calculatethc probablc scttlement causedby primary consolidation i n t h e { i e l d ,a s s u m i n g one-dimensiona cl o n s o l i d a t i o n . area.4 Let us considera saturatcdclay layer of thicknessH and cross-sectional under an existing averagccfTcctivc overburden pressureoir. Becauseof ernincrease Thus, the changein volof effectivepressurc,Arr', lct the primary settlementbe S,.. ume (Figure 10.1t3) can bc given by L . V : V 1 1 -V t : H A - ( H - S . ) A : S , A


However, the change whcre l/,, and I/1 are the initial and final volumes,rcspectivcly. Hence, in the total volume is equal to the changein thc volumc of voids, Atr/,,. LV : S,A : V,s - V,,,: LV,, (10.19)

where /,,1;and V,,, are the initial and linal vclid volumes, rcspectively.From the definition of void ratio. it follows that

LV,,- L,eV, whereAe - change of void ratio.But

( 10.20)

v' . ' :





( 10.21)

where eo : initial void ratio at volume V,,.Thus, from Eqs (10.18)through (10.21),

L V - S,A= LeV,:

,Tr ,,O,

S' , . : H

A.e Ile,l


10.10 Compression lndex (C")and Swell lndex (C")


For normally consolidatedclaysthat exhibit a linear e-logo' relationship(see Figure 10.15). Ae - C,.[log(o'o+ L,o') - log oi,] (10.23) where c. : slope of the e-log o' plot and is defined as the compressionindex. Substitution of Eq. (10.23)into Eq. (10.22)gives



In overconsolidatcdclays (sce Figure 10.16), for o|, + Ao' < oj , field e-logo, variation will be along the line hj, the slope of which will be approximately equal to that for the laboratory rebound curve. The slclpcof the rebound curve C" is referred to as the swell index; so Ac : C,!og(ol1+ L,c') logoi,,) ( lo.2s) F r o m E q s . ( l t . l 5 ) a n d ( l J . l 8 ) ,w e o b r a i n

l[ tr',, + Ltr' - rrj . thcn




Howevcr, if the e-log rr' curve is givcn, one can simply pick Ae off the plot for the appropriate range of pressurcs. This number may be substitutedinto Eq. (I0.22) for the calculation o f s e t t l e m e n tS . ..


Compressron lndex (C") and Swell lndex (C,)

The compressionindex for the calculation of field settlement causedby consolidation can be determined by graphic construction (as shown in Figure 10.15)after one obtains the laboratory test resultsfor void ratio and pressure. Skempton (1944) suggestedthe following empirical expressionfor the compressionindex for undisturbed clays:



where LL : liquid limit. Several other correlations for the compression index are also available. They have been developed by tests on various clays. Some of these correlations are given in Table 10.4.

Chapter l0

Compressibility of Soil

Index.C.* for Compression Table 10.4 Correlations

Equation Reference Regionof applicability Remolded clays Chicago clays All clays Inorganic cohesivcsoil: silt, silty clay,clay Organic soils,peats,organic silt, and clay Brazilian clays Soils with low plasticity Chicago clays All clays

S k e m p t o n( 1 9 4 4 ) c, - 0.0()'7(LL 7) C, : 0.01u,,y -, 0 . 2 7 ) N i s h i d a( 1 9 5 6 ) C,.: l.15(e, Hough (1957) C , : 0 . 3 0 ( e o- 0 . 2 7 ) C, - 0.01l5r.r.'' c,:0.0046(LL-9) C,:0.75(co-0.-5) C..:0.208cr2+0.0083 + (.).0107 C, = 0.156c,,

'kAlter Renclon-Hcrrero ( 1980) -- in siluvoid ratio:toa: in.rilttwatercontcnt. Note:a71 l a t u r a l c l a y s ,R e n d o n - H e r r e r o( 1 9 8 3 ) sn s e v e r a n O n t h c b a s i so f o b s e r v e l t i o no gave the rclationship for thc compressionindex in tlre form
. -/ | + c,,\23r1

c. : 0.r4lci'[ q, )

( r0.29)

indexas th l e compression N a g a r a ja n d M u r t y ( 1 9 u 5 )c x p r e s s e c

.1", c, : 0.23431 ,ou



( l0.30)

in rnagnitudethan thc compressionindex and swell index is apprcciablysmurller c a n g e n e r a l l vb e d c t c r m i n e d l r o m l a b t t r a t o r vt c s t s .I n m o s t c a s e s ,

Thc swell index was cxpressedby Nagaraj and Murty (l9lt5) as

( 1 0 .r3 )

ILL(v"\l c, _ {).04631 l()() ]c,


E xa mp l e1 0 .4
If a uniformly diSributed load, Ao, is apA soil profile is shownin Figure 10^19. by priplied at the groundsurface, what is the settlement of theplay layercaused if maryconsolidation a. The clayis normally consolidated (oL) :190 kN/m2 pressure b. The preconsolidation c' o',: 170kN/m2 UseC.:IC,.

10.10 Compression lndex (C")and Swell lndex (C,)

a o = 1 0 0k N / m j

{, }
..= l4 kN/ml Y,iry 1' Cround water table Sand %*r = 18 kN/m3

''','::r". .'' : l:.: :'.'.iClay"".'.i ; " ".''

Figure 10.19

Solution a. Theaverage effective stress at themiddleof theclaylayeris


* y,o] * -* + 4lTruqsonay z4 TrrJ l7sar1"roy;

* e.81) - 9.81) : 79.1,4 os : (z)Qa)+ 4(18 + 2(19 kN/mz FromEq. (10.24), * A'') s', : - c : H r o n ( o b "\
l*e,, o6 )

From Eq. (10.28), * I0) :0.27 C" : 0.009(Lr * 10) = 0.009(40 So ^ r.: (0.27)(4) + 100 . / 79.14 \ : rrl3m :2l3mm log\ I + os 7e.14 )

b. os + Lo' :79.74 + L00= 179.14 kN/mz o',: 190kNlmz Because a'6 * A,cr') ol, useEq. (10.26)to get i ;

s.:l+eo,"t(?) ^ c" 0.27 c,:;:;:0.04s



( tg.t++ 100 ^ (0.04sX4) \ = . s : ros( 0.036 m : 36mm il 0*: ,q11 )

Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil ob:79.14 kN/m2 Ao':I79.14kN/m2 o ' , : 1 7 0k N / m 2 C"H o'C ,H / 6',, + L,o'\

c. o'si

Because vb < oL< (rb + Ao', useEq.(10.27), 1*",l"c .b* r +"rloe( 4 / ( (0.27)(4) (0.045X4) ( t7e.14\ t70 \ . . : 0.0468 + m '"t[ tos[ffi/ s':


'^ /

: 46.8mm

E xa mp l e1 0 .5
The laboratory consolidation data for an undisturbed clay specimen are as follows: o't : 95kN/m2 et : l.l ez: 0.9 oz : 4 7 5k N / m z o f 6 0 0 k N / m 2 I ( N o t e :o i < 9 . 5k N / m 2 . ) What will be the void ratio for a pressure


,175600 ,+75 95 Pressure )kN/ml) o,' ( l o g s c a l e (

Figure 10.20

$olution From Figure L0.20, C, =


1.1- 0.9 ; : 0.286 * logd? logdl: log . -475 log$ -: z : C.(log600 - log 95)
(t-ez 3

: t

600 Cloe "= 9 5

= 1.1- 0.286 log S

: o.rt

10.11 Secondary Consolidation Settlement


loJ I

Secon dary Con soIi dati o n Settlem ent

Section 10.5showedthat at the end of primary consolidation(that is, after complete dissipation of excesspore water pressure)some settlement is observedbecauseof the plastic adjustment of soil fabrics. This stage of consolidation is called secondary consolidation. During secondary consolidation the plot of deformation against the log of time is practically linear (seeFigure 10.10).The variation of the void ratio, e, with time t for a given load increment will be similar to that shown in Figure 10.10. This variation is shown in Figure 10.21.From Figure 10.21,the secondarycompression index can be defined as


A,e log 12- log r,

Ae l"g(t/,)

( 10.3-1)

where C,, : secondarycompressionindex Ae : changeof void ratio / p ,/ 2 - t i m e The magnitude of the secondaryconsolidationcan be calculatedas

s" : clH

/t,\ '"r(. i/


Time,r (logscale) Figure 10.21 Yariatton of e with log / under a given load increment and definition of secondary consolidation index


Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil where

c'-: Th:


e,, : void ratio at the end of primary consolidation(seeFigure 10.21) H : thicknessof clay layer The generalmagnitudesof Ci as observedin various natural depositsare as follows: . . . Overconsolidatedclays : 0.001or less Normally consolidatedclays : 0.005to 0.03 Organic soil : 0.04or more

Secondaryconsolidationsettlementis more important than primary consolidainorganic inorganicsoils.In overconsolidated tion in organicand highly compressible index is very small and of lesspracticalsignificance. clays,the secondarycompression

10.6 Example
claylayerin the field, the followingvaluesare given: For a normally consolidated r . r o r r of claylayer : 8.5ft thickness Void ratio (es) : 0.8 index (C.) : 0.2S Compression pressure on the claylayer (ob) :2650lblf9 Averageeffective Atr' :970lblft2 index (C") : 0,42 compression Secondary

What is the total consolidation settlement of the clay layer five years after the completion of primary consolidationsettlement?(Note: Time for completion of

= 1.5years.) primary settlement

Solution FromEq.(10.35),
C'* = The valueof eocan be calculated as
. ep : o Aepri_ury

; co 1* e,

10.12 TimeRateof Consolidation Combining Eqs.( 10.22) and (10.23). we findrhat"


ob * 26s9,1,e70 L e: C - , ,rcn( "o\ ,oo' ) : o.r ) " . - ' ., "r " on( \
os / 2650 )

: 0.038 Primary consolidatior, s" ' : ++ 7*eo

It is givenlhat es - 0.8,and thus, eo*0.8*0.038:0.762 Hence,

(0'03qx8'l J( 12): 2.15 in.


c -a- :
From Eq. (10.34),

| + 0.162

s, : c"H'"r(f) = (0.011)(8.s x 12) ros(*) = o.rn,n

Total consolidation settlement: primary consolidation (S.) + secondary settlement (S").So :2.15 + 0.59: 2.74in. total consolidation settlement r


Time Rate of Consolidation

The total settlement causedby primary consolidationresulting from an increasein the stresson a soil laycr can be calculatedby the use of one of the three equations(10.24),(10.26),or (10.27) givcn in Section 10.9.However,they do nor provide any information regarding the ratc of primary consolidation.Terzaghi (1925) proposed the first theory to consider the rate of one-dimensionalconsolidation for saturated clay soils.The mathematicalderivationsare basedon the following six assumptions (also see Taylor, 1948): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The clay-water systemis homogeneous. Saturation is complete. Compressibilityof water is negligible. Compressibilityof soil grains is negligible (but soil grains rearrange). The flow of water is in one direction only (that is,in the direction of compression). Darcy's law is valid.

Figure 10.22ashows a layer of clay of thickness 2H,,,thatis located between two highly permeable sand layers.If the clay layer is subjectedto an increasedpressure of Aa, the pore water pressure at any point,4 in the clay layer will increase.For onedimensionalconsolidation,water will be squeezed out in the vertical direction toward the sand laver.


Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil

:"i 1 r

dz.) d,r d)'

, l t)


Figure 10.22 (a) Claylayerundergoing (b) flow consolidation; of water at -4 during consolidation

Figure I022b showsthe flow of water through a prismatic element at,4. For shown, the soil element
Rate of outflow of water Rate of inflow o[ water Rate of volume change

Thus, 6u. \ / lu.+:dz. l \ 3 2 /



10.12 Time Rate of Consolidation where V : volume of the soil element velocitv of flow in z direction or


oa, av dx dl 'lz ;t7 7

Using Darcy's law, wc have , dh l'; -- Kt - -* ;,r.-k itrr y,,.i



where u : excess pore water pressurecausedby the increascof stress. F r o m E q s . ( 1 0 . 3 6 )a n d ( 1 0 . 3 7 ) ,

l a v : y,,.or.t ax ly az at
K d-u.

( 10.38)

Duringconsolidation, the raLe of change in the volumeof the soilelement is equal to the rateof changc in the volurne of voids. Thus.

dv : ilv, : !Uti:y)
at al
i)t w h e r c / , : v o l u m e o f ' s < l is l olids 7,, - volume ctl'voicls

!lv' + V' .aY V t + , da At t


But (assuming t h a t s o i l s o l i d sa r c i n c o m p r e s s i b l e )

!!r: u
dt and V lla,, dx dv dz. l+e,,,


Substitution for itV.littand V, in Eq. ( 10.39) yiclds aV _ dx dy dz ;te

at lle6 at whcre co : initialvoid ratio. C o m b i n i n g E q s . ( 1 0 . 3 8 )a n d ( 1 0 . 4 0 ) gives
K (t-Ll | (le

( 10.40)

y,, oz2

| + eo at


The change in the void ratio is causedby the increaseof effectivestress(i.e., a decreaseof excesspore water pressure).Assuming that they are linearly related, we have -o,1u i)e - tr,.O(L,o, (r0.42) ) : whered(Aa') o,, change in effective pressure coefficient of compressibility(a,.can be considered constantfor a narrow range of pressureincrease)


Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil

givcs and(10.42) Eqs.(10.a1) Combining

k i)2Lt 0,, ilu




r.t,,: coefficient of volumc compressibility a,,l(l + e7) or.

( 10.43)

,):l :

(l- ll o1.

( 10.44)

wht:re : kl(y,,,m,.) t l'consolidation c , , : c c r e l l i c i c no Thus. u,




( 10.46)

theory so n s o l i d a t i o n r c n t i a l c q u a t i o no f ' T c r z a g h i ' c E q . ( l { ) . a a )i s t h c b a s i cd i l l ' e t h e f o l l o w i n gb o u n d a r yc o n d i t i o n s : a n d c a n b c s o l v e dw i t l - r

z-0. rr-0 u, : 0 7,:21t,1,

/ : 0 , L t : u 1 1

1'hc solution yiclcls


( 10.47)

wherem:anintegcr M:Qrl2)(2m+t) pore watel prcssure Ilo : initial excess

r .' : : + :


time faclor


The time factor is a nondimensionalnumber. pore water presby thc dissipationof excess Becauseconsolidationprogresses sure. the desree of consolidationat a distancez at anv time r is

u- " -



' - l -





pore water pressureat time 1. where u: : excess

10.12 Time Rate of Consolidation


(). I



0.'t 0.5 0.(r O.1 I)egrec of consolidalion. t/-

Figure 10.23 Yariation of U- with 7',.and z./l!,1,

E q u a t i o n s( l 1 . 4 l ) a n d ( 1 0 . 4 9 )c a n b e c o m b i n e d t o o b t a i n t h e d c g r e eo f c o n s o l i d a t i o na t a n y d e p t h z . T h i s i s s h o w n i n F i g u r e 1 0 . 2 3 . The averagedcgree of consolidation for the entire depth of thc clay laycr at any time / canbe written front Eq. (10.49) as

U : ?_ 1

/ r \ ftn,,, u,dz l.- ll

\zHd,/ Jo ur)

( r0.s0)

where IJ : averagedegree of consolidation : settlementof the layer at timc t S,1,y S,.: ultimate settlementof the layer from primary consolidation Substitution of the expression for excess pore water pressure a_ given in Eq. (10.47)into Eq. (10.50)gives


'f 2-",,,

(10.-5 r)

The variation in the averagedegree of consolidationwith the nondimensionaltime factor, I,,, is given in Figure 10.24,which represents the casewhere r.r., is the same for the entire depth of the consolidatinglayer.


Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil



> i:

r E l .=

o l bol

= e40
o Ot,

A ;

H ,

1'., :




O ! Y



0..1 0.6 Tinrelactor, 7',.


typcs of' drainage Di f}'erent with &., constilnt Figure 10.24 Yariation of avcrage degrcc of consolidation with time factor, 7',, (r2,, constant

with depth)

The valuesof thc time ferctorand their corrcspondingaveragedegreesof consolidation for the casepresented in Figure 10.24may also be approximated by the following simple rclationship:

/ ttot^\2

F o r U : 0 t o 6 0 % ,' 7 , . : + ( = ) 4\100/ * U"/.) log(100 ForIJ 7 60o/o,T, * 1.78I* 0.933

(10.s2) (10.s3)

Table 10.5givesthe variation of ?',,with U on the basisof Eqs. (10.52) and (10.53).


Coefficient of Consolidatio n
as the liquid limit of soil inThe coef{icientof consolidation cu generally decreases The range of variation of cufor a given liquid limit of soil is wide. creases. For a given load increment on a specimen,two graphical methods are commonly used for determining cu from laboratory one-dimensionalconsolidation tests.The first is the logarithm-of-time methodproposed by Casagrandeand Fadum (1940), and the other is the square-root-of-time method given by Taylor (1942). More recently, at least two other methods were proposed. They are the hyperbola method (Sridharan and Prakash, 1985) and the early stagelog-t method (Robinson and Allam, 1996).The general procedures for obtaininB cu by these methods are described in this section.

10.13 Coefficient of Consolidation

Table 10.5 Variation of f,, with U


u (%l

0 0.00008 0.0003 0.00071 0.(n126 0 . 0 09 I6 0.00283 0.003u.5 0.00-502 0.00636 0.007ft.5 0.(x)9-5 0.01 l3 0.0I 33 0.01-54 0.0t77 0.0201 0.0227 0.02.54 0.02rJ3 0.03I4 0.0346 0.03t30 0.041.5 0.0452 0.0491 0.053I 0.0572 0.06 l-s 0.0660 0.07('t7 0.0754 0.01103 0.08-5-5

U lo/"1


68 69 70 7l 72 74 75 76 71 7t3 l()

T, 0.377 0.390 0.403 0.411 0.431 0.446 0.461 0.477 0.493 0.-51 I 0.529 0.547 0..s67 0.5t3u 0.6I0 0.633 0.65u 0.61J4 0.712 0.742 0.174 0.u09 0.t348 0.139I 0.93u 0.993 1.055 |.129 t.219 1.336 1.500 I.7ul



2 3 1 5 6 7

37 3tt 39 40 4l

9 l0 lt t2 l3 l4 l-5 l6 l7 Iti I9 20 2l 22

43 41 4.5 46 41 4u 49

-s0 5t

53 -54

56 57 5f,i .59 60 6l 62 63 64 6.5

24 25 26 27

29 30 3t



0.0907 0.0962 0.1 02 0.1 07 0.1l3 0.1 l9 0.126 0.132 0.1 38 0.145 0.1.52 0.t -59 0.1 66 0.173 0 .t t 3 l 0.I8[t 0.t97 0.204 0.212 0.221 0.230 0.239 0.24tt 0.257 0.261 0.276 0.2u6 0.291 0.307 0.3r8 0.329 0.304 0.3-52 0.364

u0 ul
82 lJ3


u6 ti7 utt

90 9l 92 93 94




Lo ga rith m -of-Ti me M eth od For a given incremental loading of the laboratory test, the specimen deformation against log-of-time plot is shown in Figure 10.2-5. The following consrrucrlonsare needed to determine c,,: 1. Extend the straight-lineportions of primary and secondaryconsolidationsto intersectat ,4. The ordinate of ,4 is representedby d,uu - that is, the deformation at the end of 100% primary consoliclation. 2. The initial curved portion of the plot of deformation versus log r is approximated to be a parabola on the natural scale.Selecttimes /, and /, on the curved portion such that t2: 4t1.Let the differenceof specimendeformation durins time (1, - r1)be equal to x.

Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil

a a





-l'irne (logscalc)

method lirr dctcrmining coeflicicntol'consolidation Figure 10.25 Logztrilhrn-of-tirnc

Draw a horizontal line DE such thal the verticirl distancc BD is equal tor. The t o t h e l i n c D E i s r / , ,( t h a t i s , d c f o r m a t i o na t 0 % d e f o r m a t i o nc o r r c s p o n d i n g consolidation ). curvc rcpresentsthe deformation The clrdinatcof point f on thc consoliclation rcprcsentsthe corresponding at 50% primary consolidation,and its abscissa time (rr,,). of consolidation,I,, : 0.191(seeTable 10.5),so, For -50'/o averageclegree


4.,, :

( 10.54)

: avcragclongestdrainagepath during consolidation. where 11,1,. For specimensdraincd at both top and bottom, H,1,equals one-half the averdrained on only one age height of the specimenduring consolidation.For specimens side, H,,, equirlsthe avcrageheight of the specimenduring consolidation. Squ a re-Ro ot-of -Ti m e M eth od In the square-root-of-timemethod, a plot of deformation againstthe squareroot of time is made for the incremental loading (Figure 10.26).Other graphic constructions required are as follows: 1. Draw aline AB through the early po419n of the curve. of point D, which is the 2. Draw aline AC such that OC : 1.1508. The abscissa intersectionof AC and the consolidationcurve, givesthe squareroot of time for 90o/o consolidation 1f,4,).

10.13 Coefficient of Consolidation


B C 'tr-\ I iltt(t /

Figure 10.26 Scluare-root-ol-time fittingmethod

3. For 907o consolidation, f,rn: 0.1't4U (sce Table 10.-5), so

!+ : {).t{4tt: 7i,,

fI ,,,



H,1,in Eq. ( I0.-5-5) is detcrmincd in a manncr sintilar to that i n t h e l o g a r i t h m of-time method. Hyperbola Method ln the hyperbola method, thc following procedure is recommencled for the determinationof c,,: l. obtain the time l and the specimendeformation (AH) from the laboratory consolidatiot ne s t . 2. Plot the graph of tlL,H against/ as shown in Figure 10.27.

Figure 10.27 Hyperbolamethodfor determination of c.,

Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil 3. Identify the straight-lineportion hc and project it back to point d. Determine the intercept D. 4. Determine the slope m of the line bc. 5. Calculatec,,as


. ^/ mII),\


Note that becausethe unit of D is time/length and the unit of m is (time/length)/ time - 1i length. thc unit of c,,is

(# *)""ngth) 2
/ time \ \ l e n g t h/

(length)2 time

The hyperbola method is fairly simple to use.and it givesgood resultsfor U = 60"/" to 90"/". Early Stage log-t Method The early stagelog-r method, an extcnsionof the logarithm-of-timemethod, is based Accordon specimcndeformation againstlog-of-time plot as shown in Figure 10.2U. ing to this methocl,follow steps2 and 3 describcdfor the logarithm-of-time method Draw a horizontal line DE through d,,.Thcn draw a tangent through to determinc r1,,. thc point of inflection, f, The tangent intersectsline DE at point Ci. Determine the . Sct time 1correspondingto G, which is the time at U - 22.14"/"
c,, :


( Io.-s7)

ln most cases,for a given soil and pressurerange, the magnitude of c,.determined by using the logarithm-o,f-timemethod provides ktwest value.The highest value is ob' tained frcrm the early stogelctg-tntethod. The primary reason is becausethe early stage log-/ method usesthe earlier part of the consolidationcurve,whereasthe logarithmof-time method uscs the lower portion of the consolidation curve. When the lower

l o


EI ; l

Time, t (log scale)

Figure 10.28 Early stagelog-rmethod

10.13 Coefficient of Consolidation


portion of the consolidation curve is taken into account, the effect of secondary consolidation plays a role in the magnitude of c,,.This fact is demonstrated for several soils in Table 10.6. Several investigators have also reported that the c,, value obtained from the field is substantiallyhigher than that obtained from laboratory tests conducted by using conventional testing methods (that is, logarithm-of-time and square-root-oftime methods). Hence, the early stage log-/ method may provide a more realistic value of fieldwork. of c,.Obtaincdfrom VariousMethods* Tahle 10.6 Comparison
cu x 104 cm2/sec

Rangeof pressureo' (kN/m'zl Red earth

Logarithmof-time method

Square-rootEarly stage of-time method log t method

Brown soil

Black cotton soil



Chicago clay (Taylor, 1948)

25-50 -50 t(x) t(x)-200 200- 400 400-800 25-50 50-100 -20t) 100 200- 400 4(X)-U00 --50 2-5 50-100 -2(x) 100 200- 4(x) 400- 800 25-50 .50 I(X) l(n-200 200-'100 400- 80t) -.50 2-s 50-100 100-200 200- 400 4(X) 800 r2.5-25 25-50 50-100 -20t) 100 200-400 400- 800 800-1 600

4.63 6.43 t 3 .4 1 u .I 0 3.13 t 3.02 2.86 2.09 1.30 5.07 3.06 2.00 l.l5 0.-56 1.66 1.34 2.20 3 .l 5 4.l-5 0.063 0.046 0.044 0.021 0.01-5 25.10 20.70 t3;70 3.18 4.56 '7.09


.5.4-5 1.98 9.99 10.90 I 1.99 4.45 3.77 3.4t) 2.21 1.4-s 6.-5-5 3.69 2.50 1.57 0.64 2.25 3 .l 3 3 .l 8 ,1.59 5.82 0.130 0.100 0.052 0.022 0.017 45.50 23.90 17.40 4.71 4.40 6.44 8.62

6.12 9.00 I 1.43 t2.56 t 2.ttO


3.n0 3.52 2.74 t.36 9;73 4.78


2.03 0;79 2.50

-).) L

3.6-5 5.14 6.45 0.t62 0.130 0.081 0.040 0.()22 46.00 31.-50 20.20 4.97 4.91 7.41 9.09

* After a table from "Determination of Coefficient of Consolidation from Early Stage of Log r Plot," by R. G. Robinson and M. M. Allam, L996,Geotechnical TestingJournal, 19(3) pp. 3 16-320. Copyright O 1996 American Society for Testing and Materials. Reprinted with permission.

Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil

10.7 Example
of a 25-mm-thick claylayer (drainedat The time requiredfor 50% consolidation in the laboratory is 2 min. 20 sec. How long (in days)will it both top and bottom) the samepreslayer of same clay in the field under take for a 3-m-thickclay the In field, there is a rock layer at increment to reach 50% consolidation? the sure the bottomof the clay. Solution
L',./loh ')rr LJz r r dr(lal') ('rlti.l,l u2 r, ,/rltield)

flrb HtarQort)




(3 rn)t 7on2s;T: t _ l

t 'field


8,064,000 sec : 93.33days

Exa mp l e1 0 .8
Refer to Example10.7. How long (in days)will it take in the field for 30% primary consolidation to occur?Use Eq. (10.52). Solution From Eq. (10.52),
crJii.t,t :T",xlJ2 H'artlah)

t x(Jz





502 302

/e * 33.6days

10.13 Coefficient of Consolidation


Example 10.9
A 3-in.-thicklayer (doubledrainage)of saturated clayunder a surcharge loading underwent90% primary consolidation in 75 days.Find the coefficient of consoli_ dation of clay for the pressure range. $olution : Tun ., c "t!'
H rd,

hastwo-way drainage, Ha,: 3 m/2 = 1.5m. Also. Z*, = P:"1u1"the claylayer 0.848 (see Table 10.5). So c"(75x 24 x 6o x 6o) 0.848 ( 100)2

: = 0.00294cm2/sec ",, s1lli?lrioo 75 x 24 x 60 x OO

Example 10.10

For a normally consolidatecl laboratoryclayspecimen drainedon both sides, the fbllowing are given: ni2:30001b/ft2 = e 7 1 -l . l . o'r,* Ao' : 60001b/ft2 e : 0.g Thickness : 1 in. of clay specimen Time for 50% consolidation : 2 min a. Determinethe hydraulicconductivity(frlmin) of the clayfor the loading range. b. How long (in days)will it take for a 6-ft claylayerin the field (drained on one side)to reach60% consolidation? Solution Part A The coefficient of compressibility is Q,, tn..: " 7*eo.,, / A u \ \ G'/

: )

A e = L . 1- 0 . 9 : 0 . 2

Ac' = 6000- 3000: 30001b/ft,


1.1 + 0.9


Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil

So 0.2 3000 m,: ffi: x 1 05 f t 2 / l b 3.33

for U : 504/", Z, : 0.197; thus, FromTable10.5,

(0.1e?) (r*)'

: 1.71x l0 4fr2lmin

x 10-sft?lb)(6z.4lbltf) k: c.m,y,,,-(l.i\ x 10-1ft2/min)(3.33 : 3.55x l0 7ftlmin PartB

'f lAtr L - t '^rl n a,

H!,, TnuHl,,

, * t60

From Table 10.5, for U : 60o/o and 76u= 0.2t16, teo: {0.286)(6)l :60.211min :41.8days ,r, *ffi


Calculation of Consolidation Settlement under a Foundation

Chapter 9 showed that the increasein the vertical stressin soil causedby a load applied ovcr a limited area decreases with depth z measuredfrom the ground surface downward. Hence to estimate the one-dimensionalsettlement of a foundation. we However,the increaseof effectivestress, Aa', can use Eq. ( lU.2a),( 10.26), or ( 10.27). in theseequationsshould be the averageincreasein the pressurebelow the centerof the foundation. The valuescan be determined by using the procedure describedin Chapter 9. rule, Assuming that the pressureincreasevariesparabolically,using Simpson's we can estimate the value of Aoj,,.as


A,rr',+4Acr'^* Ltr'6

( 10.s8)

where L,o',, Lrr',,,and Aoi, represent the increase in the effective pressure at the top, middle, and bottom of the layer, respectively.

10.14 Calculation of Consolidation Settlement under a Foundation

Ex amp l e1 0 .1 1
Calculatethe settlementof the 10-ft-thickclay layer (Figure 1A.29) that will result from the load carried by a S-ft-squarefooting. Tire ciay-isnormaliy consolidated. use the weightedaverage method [Eq. (10.5s)]to ca]culate rhe average increase of effectivepressurein the clay layer.

ilr , I +
_ DrY sand l

+ '+
| l 5 {t

r l
eootins size





%at= 120 Pcf

Figure 1A.29 $olution For normally consolidated clay,from Eq. (70.24), tn" : where - 1.0)= g.y1 C. = 0.009(Lr - 10) = 0.009(40 11:10X12:120in. eo: 1.0 ob:


o'0 + L,o'ou



rf $

- 62.4]+ loft x ydry(sand) + l0ftl7,o,1,u"d) fgly,u,i.ruy )- 62.4]

: l 0 x 1 0 0+ 1 0 ( t 2 0 - 62.4) + 5(lt0 - 62.4) : 1814lblft2


Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil

From Eq. (f0.58),




A{r',,L.o'^,andAaibelow the centerofthefootingcanbe obtainedfromEq. (9.33). Now we canpreparethe followingtable (note:LIB = 5/5 = 1):
fttl (ft)

b= Bl2
(ft) ht = zlb

cl {kip/ft'?}


L,c' = qlt {kip/lt'?l

r t 1 So

l 2

s 0 25

2 2

. . 2.5

5 5

6 8 10

200 5 x 5 8 8


0.408- Aol

0.o29 0.019

= Lo'^ 0.232 = LoL 0.152

LoL,: Hence,

+ 0.152 + (4)(0.232) 0.408 :

0.248 kip/ft2:24Blblft2

o.ein t.- q1+P,o*s1r*1#:

Methods for Accelerating Consolidation Settlement
In many instances,santl drains and prefubricated verticul drains are used in the field to acceleratcconsolidationsettlementin soft, normally consolidatedclay layersand to achievc precompressionbefore the construction of a desired foundation. Sand drains are constructedby drilling holes through the clay layer(s)in the field at regular intervals.The holes are then backfilledwith sand.This can be achievedby several means,such as (a) rotary drilling and then backfilling with sand; (b) drilling by continuous flight auger with hollow stem and backfilling with sand (through the hollow stem); and (c) driving hollow steelpiles.The soil inside the pile is then jetted out, and the hole is backfilled with sand. Figure 10.30shows a schematic diagram of sand is applied at the ground drains.After back{illingthe drill holeswith sand,a surcharge surface.This surchargewill increasethe pore water pressurein the clay.The excess pore water pressurein the clay will be dissipatedby drainage-both vertically and settlementof the clay layer.In Figure radially to the sand drains - which accelerates note that the radius of the sand drains is r,,,.Figure 10.30bshowsthe plan of 10.30a, the layout of the sand drains. The effective zone from which the radial drainage will be directed toward a given sand drain is approximately cylindrical, with a diameter of d". The surcharge that needs to be applied at the ground surface and the length of time it has to be maintained to achieve the desired degree of consolidation will be a d", and other soil parameters.Figure 10.31showsa sand drain instalfunction of r,,,, lation in progress.

10.15 Methods for Accelerating Consolidation Settlement


'j..:".t.':.". "'

t t




brouno -g-I|aleltlble**

l *

verilcxr dralnage


. . ' - , - ., '. . . :
i Sand drain; I radius = r,n. : : Radial (rrarnage


I .

Radial drainage ,


I Clav


- : ,i : V , : . .-.


I tuv.t

, ,Ver1!9q!.dra!ng9
Santl (a) Scction

(b) l'lan

Figure 70.30 Sanddrains

Figure 10.31 Sanddraininstallation irr progress (courtesy of E. C. Shin, University of Inchon, SouthKorea)


Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil

Polypropylenc core

S;;;1J1:;J g;j:j;;;1:g:;r

Ceotextile litbric

Figure 10.32 Prctabricatedvertical drain (PVD)

Figure 10.33 I n t a l l a t i o no 1 ' P V D si n progrcss(courtesyof E. C. o[ Inchon, S h i n .l . l n i v e r s i t y SouthKorea)

prelabricatcd vertical drains (PVDs). which are also referred to as wlck or strip tlruins, were originally developedas etsubstitutefor thc commonly used sand drain' With the advent of msterials scicnce,these drains are manufacturedfrom synthetic polymcrs such as polypropylene anclhigh-densitypolyethylene.PVDs are normally syntheticcore enclosedby a geotexmanufactured with a corrugated or chernneled lnstallation rates reported in the 10.32. in Figure schematically tile filter, as shown equipment mobilization and excluding m/s, 0.3 0.1 to of order literature are on the past for expedientconsolidation in the extensively used have been setup time. PVDs advantageof PVDs over main The surcharge. surface under of low permeability soils is much faster. installation thus, and, drilling require not do sand diains is that they in the field. PVDs of installation Figure 10.33showsthe


Summary and General Comments

In this chapter we discussedthe fundamental concepts and theories for estimating elasticand consolidation (primary and secondary)settlement.Elastic settlementof a foundation is primarily a function of the size and rigidity of the foundation, the modulus of elasiicity, the Poisson'sratio of the soil, and the intensity of load on the foundation. Consolidation is a time-dependent process of settlement of saturated clay laybelow the ground water table by extrusion of excesswater pressure genlocated ers

erated by application of load on the foundation. Total consolidationsettlemerr. clay fbundation is a function of compressionindex (C.), swell index (C"), initial voratio, (e,,) and the average stressincrease in the clay layer. The degree of consolidation for a given soil layer at a certain time after the load application depends on its coefficient of consolidation (c,,) and also on the length of the minimum drainage path. Installation of sand drains and wick drains helps reduce the time for accomplishing the desired degree of consolidationfor a given constructionproject. There are severalcasehistoriesin the literature for which the fundamentalprinciples of soil compressibilityhave been used to predict and compare the actual total settlement and the time ratc of settlementof soil profiles under superimposedloading. In some cases. the actual and predictedmaximum settlements agreeremarkably; in many others, the predicted settlementsdeviate to a large extent from the actual settlementsobserved.The disagreementin the latter casesmay have severalcauses: 1. Improper evaluation of soil properties 2. Nonhomogeneity and irrcgularity of soil profiles 3 . E r r o r i n t h c e v a l u a t i o no f t h c n c t s t r e s s increase w i t h d e n t h .w h i c h i n d u c e s settlement The variation betwcen the predictcd and clbserved timc rate o1 settlementmav also be due tcr a . I m p r o p e r e v a l u a t i o no f c , .( s e eS e c t i o n1 0 . l3) b. Presenceof irrcgular sandy seamswithin the clay laycr, which reducesthe length of the maximum drerinage path, H,1,.

l0.l Estimate the immcdiate settlemcnt of a column footing 4.-5 it in diameter that is constructedon an unsaturatedclay layer.The column carries a load of 2 0 t o n s ,a n d i t i s g i v e nt h a t E , : 1 5 0 0l b / i n . 2a n d g . , : 0 . 2 5 .A s s u m et h e f o o t ing to be rigid. [Use Eq. ( 10.1).] Refer to Figure 10.3.For a square foundation measuring3 m X 3 m in plan supported by a layer of sand and givcn thal D, - 1.5m, t : 0.25 tn, E,, : 16,000 k N / m 2 ,k : 4 0 0k N / m 2 / m ,/ r , : 0 . . 1n , - Z0 m. Er: 15 x 106 kN/m2, a n d A o : 1 0 0k N / m 2 .c i t l c u l a t e t h e i m m e d i a t es e t t l e m e n t .


10.3 Following are the-'J,;jdjonsolidation test:

1.1 1.085 1.055 1.01 0.94 0.'79 0.63 0.2-5 0..5 l.t) 2.0 4.0 8.0 16.0

a. Plot the e-log o' curve. b. Using Casagrande's method, determine the preconsolidationpressure. c. Calculate the compression index C. from the laboratory e-log a' curve.


Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil 10.4 Repeat Problem 10.3.using the following values:
e Pressure,a' (kN/m2)

r.2l 1.195 1.1-5 1.06 0.98 0.925

25 50 100 200 400 500

Thc uniformly distributed load on the 10.5 A soil profile is shown in Figure 10.34. primary settlementof the normally conEstimate the ground surfaceis Arr. given that solidatedclay layer, Hr:4tt,H,:6ft,H.-411 G, - 2.67 For sand,c - 0.-58, : l . l F o r c l a y ,c , G , : 2 . 1 2 .L L : 4 5 lft(X)lh/ltr Aa using thc following data: 10.6 Repeat Problem 10.-5, I 11 : 2 ' 5 m ' H z : 2 ' 5 m ' H 1 : 3 r n F o r s a n d ,a : 0 . 6 4 .G , - 2 . 6 5 F o r c l a y ,c - 0 . 9 ,G , - 2 . 7 5 ,L L : 5 5 A t r - 1 0 0k N i m r using the l'ollowingdata: 10.7 Repeat Problem 10.-5, A r r - 9 ( )k N / n r r I I ' : 2 m ' I 1 2: 2 m ' I I l : l " 5 m kN/ml F o r s a n d . 7 , 1 ,-u 1 4 . 6k N / m r , y , , , r : 1 7 . 3 1N / m r . L L : 3 8 , e - 0 ' 1 5 F o r c l a y , 7 , u ,: 1 9 . - k

A o r I


I v


Figure 10.34


1 1 1
: : : 1 : : : :: [ : '

l0 fr I f "t ""- -

Dry sand e=0.6 C,=2.65

Sand e=0.6

y Croundwater tabfe

l0 ft

Figure 10.35 10.8 A soil profile is shown in Figure 10.35. The preconsolidationpressureof the clay is 3400 lb/ft2. Estimate the primary consolidationsettlementthat will take place as the result of a surchargeequal to2200 lb/ft2. Assume C. : JC,. 10.9 Refer to Problem 10.6.Given that c,, : 2.8 X 10 6 m2/min,how long will it take for 60% primary consolidationto take place'? 10.10 The coordinatesof two points on a virgin compressioncurve are as follows: er : l.lt2 u ' t - 2 0 0k N / m 2 c; 1.54 o'2 = 400 kN/m2 a. Determine the coefficientof volume compressibilityfor the pressure range stated above. b. Given that c,, : ().003 cmr/sec, determine k in cm/seccorrespondingto the averagevoid ratio. 10.11 For the virgin curve stated in Problem 10.10, what would be the effective pressureo' correspondingto e : 7.7? 10.12 For the virgin curve stated in Problem 10.10,what would be the void ratio corresponding to an effective pressure o' that is equal to 500 kN/m2? 10.13 Following are the relationships of e and o' for a clay soil: e 1.0 0.9'7 0.8-5 o.'75 r' (ton/ft2l 0.2 0.5 1.8

For this clay soil in the field, the following values are given: H : 4.5 ft, o'u : 0.1 tonlft2,ando6 * Ao' :2tonlft2. Calculatethe expectedsettlement caused by primary consolidation. 10.14 During a laboratory consolidation test, the time and dial gauge readings obtained from an increase in pressure on the specimen from 50 to 100 kN/m2 are given in the following table:


Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil

Dial gauge reading (mm) Dial gauge reading (mm)

Time (min)

Time (min)

0 0.10 0.25 0.60 1.0 2.0 4.0 8.0

3.98 4.08 4.10 4.13 4.r7

/ 1 1

4.30 4.42

16.t) 30.0 60.0 120.0 240.0 480.0 960.0 t440.0

4.57 4.74 4.92 5.08 -s.2 I 5.28 5.33 5.39

a. Find the time for 50% primary consolidation (rr,,)using the logarithm-oftime method. b. Find the time for 90% primary consolidation (rr,,)using the square-rootof-time method. c. If the averageheight of the specimenduring consolidationcausedby this incremental loading was22 mm and it was drained at both the top and the bottom, calculatethe coefficientof consolidation using /r,,and /r,,obtained from parts (a) and (b). 10.15 Refer to the laboratory tcst rcsults givcn in Problem 10.14. Using the hyperbola method, determine r:,.. The averageheight of the spccimenduring consolidation was22 mm, and it was drained at the top and bottom. 10.16 The time for 50% consolidationof a 2-5-mm-thick clay layer (drained at top (in days) will it take for a is How long and bottom) in the laboratory l-50sec. in field under the same pressureincre3-m-thick laycr of thc samc clay the There is rock layer at the bottom of the ment to reach 50% consolidation'l a clay in the field. 10.17 For a normally consolidatedclay,the following valuesare given: ( - (.- l.2l o',t:2 ttln/ftr 6',,1 L.rr' 4 trln/l't2 r, - 0.96 The hydraulic conductivity k of the clay for the precedingloading range is 1 . 8 x 1 0 - 4f t l d a y . a. How long (in days) will it take for a 9-ft-thick clay layer (drained on one side) in the held to reach 60% consolidation'? b. What is the settlementat that time (i.e.,at 60"/"consolidation)? 10.18 A 1O-ft-thicklayer (two-way drainage) of saturatedclay under a surcharge loading underwent 90% primary consolidationin 100 days. a. Find the coefficient of consolidation of clay for the pressure range. b. For a 1-in-thick undisturbedclay specimen,how long will it take to undergo 90% consolidationin the laboratory for a similar consolidation pressure range? The laboratory tests'sspecimen will have two-way drainage. L0.19 Laboratory tests on a 25-mm-thick clay specimen drained at the top only show 50% consolidationtakes place in 11 min. a. How long will it take for a similar clay layer in the field, 4 m thick and drained at the top and bottom, to undergo 50% consolidation? b. Find the time required for the clay layer in the field, as described in part (a), to reach 10"/" consolidation.

Load = 0




%at' l8 kf{/lu3


10.20 For a laboratory consolidationtest on a clay specimen(drained on both sides),the following resultswere obtained: Thicknessof the clay soil - 2-5mm r r i : ' 5 1k 1N / m ) t ' 1- 0 ' 9 2 tr'2 l20 kN/m: c2- {).713 Time for -507o consolidation : 2.5 min Determine the hydraulic conductivity of the clay fbr the loading range. 10.21 Refer to Figure 10.36. Given that B : 1.5 m, L - 2.5 m, and O : 120 kN, calculatethc primary consolidationsettlementof the foundation. 10.22Redo Problem 10.21 w i t h B : I m , L : 3 m , a n d Q : 1 1 0k N .

Cnsecn'rNoe, A. (1936). "Determination of the PreconsolidationLoad and Its Practical Significance." Proceedings,1st International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering,Cambridge, Mass.,Vol. 3, 60-64. casac;naNoE, A. and Faouv, R. E. (1940). "Notes on Soil resting for Engineering purposes," Harvard University Graduate School of Engineering publication No. 8. Houcs, B. K. (19-57). Basic SctilsEngineering, Ronald Press,New york. MavNE, P. w., and Pour-os, H. G. (1999). "Approximate Displacement Influence Factors for Elastic Shallow Foundations," Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,ASCE, Vol. 125,No. 6, 453-460.


Chapter 10 Compressibility of Soil

Na.canar, T., and MuRrv, B. R. S. (1985)."Prediction of the PreconsolidationPressureand Recompression Index of Soils," Geotechnical TestingJournal, Vol. 8, No. 4, 199-202. Ntsstoe, Y. (1956). "A Brief Note on Compression Index of Soils," Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, ASCE, Vol. 82, No. SM3, 1027-1-1027-I4. JourRENooN-HEnneno, O. (1983)."Universal CompressionIndex Equation," Drscusslon, nal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 109, No. 10, 1349. ReNpoN-HERRe,no, O. (1980). "Universal Compression Index Equation," Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering D ivision, ASCE, Vol. 106, No. GT1 1, 1779-1200. RoerNSON, R. G., and Ar.t-err, M. M. (1996)."Determination of Coefflcientof Consolidation from Early Stage of log r Plot," Geotechnical TestingJournal, ASTM. Vol. 19, No. 3,

B ScnrEtcrspR,F.(1926)."ZurTheoriedesBaugrundes, "u u i n g , e n i e u r , Y o l . T . 9 3 l - 9 3 5 , 9 4 9 952. ScHvEnrnrnNN, J. H. (1953). "Undisturbed Consolidation Behavior of Clay," Transactions, A S C E , V o l . 1 2 0 ,1 2 0 1 . Sre naproN, A. W ( 1944). "Notes on the Comprcssibility of Clays." Quarterly Jotrrnal of the Geological Society o.f'London, Vol. 100, I 19-13-5. SRIosa.RaN,A., and PnRrnsu, K. (1985). "Improved Rcctangular Hyperbola Method for the Determination of Cocfficient of Consolidalion," Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM. Vol.8, No. 1,37-40. 'frryr-on, D. W. (1942)."Research on Consolid:rtionof Clays," Serial No.82, Department of lnstitute of Technology, Cambridge, Civil and Sanitary Engincering, Massachusetts Mass. TnyLon, D. W. ( l94u). Fundamentals of Soil Mechanlcl, Wiley, New York. TI-:Rz-I.<;tl, K. (192-5). Erdbattmechanik auf Bodenphysikalischer Grundlager, Deuticke, Vienn:r. rc,R. B. (1967). Soil Mechanicsin EnginaeringPructice,2ndcd., WiT'enz-ncur, K., and Pr,.c ley, New York.

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