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Curso de Ingls -- Present Continuous Tense

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Home > Idiomas > Cursos > Ingls Avanado > Present Tense >

Present Continuous
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Theory you need to know! Teoria que voc precisa saber!

O Present Continuous usado para expressar a idia de que algo est ocorrendo ou no neste exato momento, indicar algo em andamento, em progresso, e normalmente alguma ao ou evento temporrio. I am speaking to you guys right now. We are studying. What are they doing? (now, right now) She isn't working. Algumas vezes, "now" se refere a um perodo de tempo no qual a ao ou evento est acontecendo, portanto podemos usar o Present Continuous para expressar algo em processo. Contudo, a ao pode no estar ocorrendo neste exato momento, ou seja, o perodo de tempo no coincide com o tempo gramatical. (1 of 3)08-11-2005 21:18:33

Curso de Ingls -- Present Continuous Tense

I'm also studying Spanish. => Significa que o curso de Espanhol est em andamento, mas no necessariamente que eu estou estudando neste exato momento. My friend isn't working because he's a student. She is reading the book "The Beauty and the Beast". Are you reading many books? The baby is growing. Em algumas situaes, para expressar um sentimento negativo ou opinio, podemos usar o Present Continuous. Neste caso, este tempo verbal usado para reforar a idia de rotina, repetio. The neighbour's dog is always barking. It's always raining in England. She is constantly complaining about the weather. O Present Continuous pode tambm expressar a idia de que algo ir ou no ocorrer no futuro prximo. He isn't joining us for the football match tonight. Is she going to the picnic this afternoon? I am not doing any more work today. Existem algumas expresses indicadoras deste tempo verbal, sendo as mais comuns: now, right now, at this moment, at this very moment. Para formar sentenas no Present Continuous, usamos as seguintes regras: Afirmativa: I am verbing, You are verbing, He/She/it is verbing I am watching my favorite program on TV right now. (2 of 3)08-11-2005 21:18:33

Curso de Ingls -- Present Continuous Tense

She is looking for a new job. Interrogativa: Inverta o verbo auxiliar e o sujeito. Where are you going right now? What are they doing? Is she eating a chocolate now? Negativa: Adicione not depois do primeiro verbo auxiliar. I am not working on that project. She isn't listening to you. We are not studying properly.

Exercises on the above theory Exerccios sobre a teoria acima

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