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Poster Connotations:

The genre to this film is social realism which explores social issues throughout. Micro elements from the category mise-en-scene are used to create a macro meaning by the lighting ratio, this is used on the poster above to represent a two sided personality of the character, it also suggests the character has a dark side to her. The costume of a hoody and hooped earring gives a representation to the stereotype of a chav, it also shows the ill looking figure. The costume also represents the girl as working class. The orange title Fish Tank is the expected colour of a fish, this connotes the character is trapped in imprisonment. The background of an urban area suggests the girl is towering over her economic class. The slight reveal of skin presents the girl in a sexual way. Conventions: Title Picture that relates to the film Talent Quotes Rewards Crew/Actor Production logos e.g. And the, presented by = smaller font production, title, main actors, A film by an academy reward winner > states the film.

Poster Connotations:
Reviews Tone: 23% is tone 70% non-verbal communication 7% through the words used Tone of humorous, solemn, laddish, coy, sentimental Urban atmosphere and ambiguous tone (read more than one way) Register Refers to the vocabulary style grammar used by speakers and writers according to a certain situation There are thus degrees of formality, bloke man, guy, gentleman, geezer, dude. Intertextual and intermedial references Having many chains of signification in which media texts make references to one another. Where one media text refers to another it is called intertextual. Intermedial describes a media form which relies on understanding and experience of another media (e.g. film and music) to make meaning. Evaluation question How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? Target audience Clear on who the target audience is and clear within the product Your answer may refer to age, gender, socioeconomic, status, religion or nationality, sub culture or even personality type. Analysis of posters and consider context such as genre and classification, for an indication of target audience. Representation Consider images/portrayals of groups, individuals, types, places and events in society. Posters, by dint of limitations of space, time and the need to make an impact, tend to trade in simplifications. Close cousins of this are the concepts ideology and values, which refer to ideas about the way the world is and ought to be. At their most effective, ideologies assume the status of common sense, natural explanations of the world. Part of your job is to identify any social assumptions contained in the texts you are analysing. Social assumption of chav from make up and costume, ill health. Effect and effectiveness

Poster Connotations:
To what extent does the poster achieve its purpose? Distributors will employ a battery of market research techniques to measure the audience and market response from sales figures, surveys and focus group gatherings. Film producers are likely to mount test screenings to test audience reaction. What is your own response to your poster?

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