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MEALS PLANNING To maintain a good health ingesting a diet containing the essential nutrients in correct amounts is very important. PRINCIPLES OF PLANNING A MEAT 1. Meeting Nutritional reqmt:A good menu is one which will not only provide adequate clas., fats & proteins but also minerals vitamins essential for the physical well being of each member of a family. 2. Meal pattern must fulfill family needs:-

A Fam meal should cater to the needs of the diff members. A growing adolescent boy may need rich food to satisfy his appetite where as a young child may require soft & bland diet. Pregnant women require more greens in the diet. A heavy worker req. more cals &* B Vit. Than other members of the fam. 3. Meal planning should save time & energy:-

Planning of meals should be done in such a way, that the recipes should be simple & nutritious. By using pressure woker, time & energy can be saved. 4. Economic consideration:-

Meals should be planned within the budget. The cost of meals can be reduced by using (a) seasonal ffods, (b) by bulk purchasing, (c) substituting greens for fruits, (d) combination of foods like cereals & pulses, (e) locally available foods. 5. Meal plan should give max. nutrients:-

Losses of nutrients during processing, cooking should be manimised. Sprouted grams, malted areas, fermented foods enhance the nutritive value. Good quality protein should be distributes in all meals. 6. Consideration for individual likes & dislikes:-

The meal planned should not only meet RDA but also individual preferences, particularly veg or non-veg preferences. I fa person does not like a particular greens, it can be tried in a diff. form or substituted by equal nourishing food. 7. Planned meals should provide variety:If the meals is monotonous it will not be consumed. Var-can be into in colour, texture & taste. 8.. Meals should give satiety:-

Each meal should have some amount of fat, protein & fibre to get satiety. Meals should be planned in such a way that intersals between meals is also considered. 9. Availability of foods:-

In earlier times, the dietany habits depended mainly upon the foods produced in a particular area or community, but today with improved methods of food preservation & distribution even the most perishable foods are available over large areas. The wide variation in dietany paltern through out the world depends largely upon the available food supply. 10. Religion, traditions & customs:-

This is an important factor & food habits must be kept in mind while planning meals because they differ from religion to religion. Muslims cannot eat pork where as Hindus cannot eat beef. Rice is considered an auspicious dish at festivals & marriage Windows are generally not served fish in Bengal. Customs & traditions differ from community to community & hence should be kept in view while planning meals for the family.

IMPORTANCE OF MEAL PLANNING:1. 2. 3. It is important to fulfill the nutritional reqrmts of the family. Food planned should be palatable & appealing to the eye. It economises on time, labour & fuel. While planning meals the methods of woking involved can be carefully thought out, so that, there is max. retention of nutrients & min. loss. Meal planning encourages one to plan within the familys means & helps in max utilization of the money to be spent in the best possible way. A knowledge of the nutritive value of foods is very impt. Because it enables one to make a better choice savoid monotony in the diet. Planning meals before cooking is good as it enables one to include the leftovers from previous meals, instead of it being wasted. (khichdi can be made from leftover rice). A sprouting or fermenting foods reqd. in advance also adds to the nutritive value of the food.




ONE SERVING PORTION OF FOODS:While planning nutritious planned mealiet must be ensured that the correct amount is served depending upon several factors like. 1. Age,Sex & Activity:O.S.P. of diff. foods depends on the age, sex & activity of an individual. e.g., - for a man with moderate activity will require 100 to 120gm ereal whereas a similar woman requires only 80gm. & a 5 yr old child about 40-50gm. Activity wise al,so increase or decrease of serving should take place e.g. - A heavy worker req. Whereas a moderate worker req. 2. Food items used: Depending upon our normally foll eating pallerns the O.S.P differs eg.-for an adult cereals may be 80 to 100gm where a spulses reqd. may be 30-40gm only.


Type of preparation:Same food stuff may be used to prepare diff. items. So O.S.P will vary eg- for normal audlt 30-40gm of pube is reqd. as dal, as soup 15gms reqd. & as dal cutlets 50 to 60gm may be reqd.


Food items used alone or in combination:A food stuft may be used single or with another in combination. Depending on this O.S.P will vary eg.- 60-80 gm panner is an adult serving but when in combination with potats or peas 30-40gm is enough.


Composition of the foods used:Comp of food stuffs vary vuidely specials with respect to their water & fibre content e.g.- those having more moisture like spinach O.S.P may be 150gm. As water is lost during working.


No. of dishes in a meat:When no.of dishes is more O.S.P will be less per dish & when no.of dishes is less O.S.P will be more. E.g.- one kg chana serves 30-35 with 30-35 but with more items it served 40-45. Food as we know is anything solid or liquied which when swallowed, digested & assimilated in the body keeps it well. Several factors are to be kept in mind while planning meals because ultimately it is the food which provides is the nutrients reqd. by the body. Food carries out various functions. They are-


Physiological functions:1. Food provides materials for issue building growth & body repair mainly through proteins & minerals. Different parts of the human body like the muscles, bones & organs are built up & maintained by the proteins supplied by the food. Minerals like iron, ca & Phosphorus affect the formation of the blood & skeletal tissue. Lack of any one of the various types of building nutrients leads to weakening of the body structure. The human body is never at rest. Energy is reqd constantly for the voluntary & invol activities of the body. Even while sleeping the heart beats, digestion & resp. go on & the body temp remains constant. Energy for all this is provided to the body through nutrients like carbohy & facts Protective foods safeguard the body against diseases. Vits. Play a vital role in body processes like growth, eyesight, health of the skin, formation of teeth, govd digestion, excretion, maintenance of body temp & electrolyte balance.


3. 4.


6. 7.


Minerals also control vital physio processes of the body. In their absence body may show deficiency diseases. e.g.- absence of Izin diet may lead to goiter. Water is reqd. in large amounts to regulate body processes such as digestion, excretion, maintenance of the body temp. electrolyte balance.


10. Roughage helps normal bowel mormt.


Psychological functions:-


Food satisfies certain emotional needs of the human being. Adequately nutritions may not always give a sense of genuine satisfaction to the consumer. People traveling to new lands have to adjust to un familiar food customs of those palace. Eating provides an out let for the stresses & strains of life. An exam may make a student eat less or not at all. An adolescent with no friends may try to compensate by eating more. Food is also a sign of security to many eg. A bady feels secure in the arms of its mother when it drinks milk. Food is used as a weapon whn an insecure child refuses to eat & causes concern to its mother. Childern who are ill & lonely may make demand for food upon those caring for them, just to gain attention.


3. 4. 5. 6.



( C)

Socio Cultural functions:1. Food habits among a racial group for centuries may make them reluctant to accept any suggested changes. 2. The social structure, economy, religion, beliefs & attitudes affect the meal patterns of a family. 3. Influence of other cultures has brought about changes in food patgtern. This has led to the enriching of diets while not doing away with the older tradition. 4. Food plays an impt. Role during social meeting both formal & informal. gatherings food serves as an instrument for develgring social relationships. To such

5. Families meet at vario0us mealtimes. Such every day occasion provide opportunities for the degst. At sound family relationships & good food habits.

6. Food is often used to express ones feelings. The sharing of food is a taken of friendship, the serving at special & favorite dishes is an expression of attention & recogution, while the with holding of desired food may be a means of punishment.

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