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The Quotations Bible Study: Series I: The Person of Jesus

Robert McAnally Adams, 2009

Week 6. Procession: Jesus the King

Prayer: Father, we praise you, the Rock of our sa !ation. "rant us grace to un#erstan# your Wor# concerning your Son, in Jesus$ %a&e, a&en. Violence, intrigue, plots, narrow escapes Love, death, hate, heroism Utter defeat, reversal of fortune, victory against the odds 'soun#s ike a no!e , a (est)se er right off the pu p fiction rack. *ctua y, it is a in Psa & ++,, which is the first focus of our attention in this stu#y. Whoe!er penne# the ++, th Psa & knew who his ene&ies were. -e a so knew how fortunes cou # (e re!erse# when the . /R0 entere# the picture. So, he waite#, to the point of #eath. The Psa &ist waite# as ong as the . /R0 waite#. *n# in the en#, the !ictory was secure#. Psa & ++, presents a powerfu i&age of spiritua warfare. /ut of that tapestry co&e two %ew Testa&ent 1uotations of enor&ous significance'one uttere# (y the crow# on Pa & Sun#ay an# the other cite# (y Jesus in -is #e(ates in the Te&p e. .et us (egin (y taking a ook at Psa & ++,. ! "# in the name o$ the %&R'( )ocus *assa+es: The stone the (ui #ers re2ecte# has (eco&e the capstone3'Psa & ++,:44 5 esse# is he who co&es in the na&e of the ./R0. Fro& the house of the ./R0 we ( ess you.'Psa & ++,:46 Bac,+round: Psa & ++, The e6act author of Psa & ++, is unknown. -istorica y, it is known that Psa & ++, was use# in Passo!er ce e(rations an# in the Feast of Ta(ernac es, possi( y as ear y as Jesus$ ti&e. It &ay a so ha!e ha# 7essianic i&p ications for +st)century Jews. It is part of a series of psa &s 8Ps. ++9) ++,: that constitute a co ection ca e# the ;gyptian Hallel, <;gyptian= re ating to the #e i!erance of Israe fro& ;gypt, an# hallel &eaning praise. These few facts gi!e us so&e c ue as to the &eaning of the psa &. 5ut we #o not ha!e to get far into the psa & (efore we know what it &eans: <In &y anguish I crie# to the ./R0 >= 8Ps. ++,:?: <It is (etter to take refuge in the . /R0 than to trust in &an. It is (etter to take refuge in the ./R0 than to trust in princes.= 8Ps. ++,:,,@:

Auotations 5i( e Stu#y'Series +, Week 6, Procession <They swar&e# aroun# &e ike (ees>= 8Ps. ++,:+4: <I was pushe# (ack an# a(out to fa >= 8Ps. ++,:+9: <The ./R0 has chastene# &e se!ere y>= 8Ps. ++,:+,: </ ./R0, sa!e us>= 8Ps. ++,:4?: We know who is speaking. This is us'a of us. The i&ages of spiritua warfare here are &ore !i!i# than any historica #etai s cou # pro!i#e. It is the war in which we are engage#. The Psa &ist is first a cheer ea#er, then the ea#ing actor in the #ra&a, then an apo ogist, then a supp icant. -e is a sufferer, first at the han#s of his ene&ies, then at the han#s of the . /R0. -is !ictory is assure#, (ut he prays to (e sa!e#. Fina y, he is a prophet. *t the en#, the Psa &ist returns to his first passion, ea#ing the praises of the . /R0, with that a&aBing 2ustification, <for he is goo#3 his o!e en#ures fore!er.= The ast c ause occurs #oBens of ti&es in the 5i( e, &ost y in the Psa &s 8Ps. +C63 +CD3 +96:, (ut a so e sewhere 8+ Ehr. +6:9F,F+3 4 Ehr. ?:+93 D:9,63 4C:4+3 ;Bra 9:++3 Jer. 99:++:. The idea of "o#$s e!er asting &ercy an# grace is e!en &ore wi#esprea#. It cou # (e thought of as one of the &a2or the&es of the entire 5i( e. The operati!e wor# < o!e= 8%IG: has (een interprete# se!era ways: *G mercy, *SG an# %*S5 lovingkindness, ;SG steadfast love, %.T faithful love. 5ut the &eaning is p ain. It is ta king a(out that attri(ute of "o# that we nee# to re y on. *n# it ne!er changes, which is what we nee# fro& it &ost of a . We are not going to stu#y the entire Psa & ++, in #epth, (ut et us answer a few 1uestions a(out it. Q-: The Psa &ist urge# which three c asses of peop e to affir& that the . /R0$s o!e en#ures fore!erH 8Ps. ++,:4)F: Q2: The Psa &ist was in trou( e. What steps #i# he take, an# what was the resu tH 8Ps. ++,:?: Q.: The Psa &ist affir&e# the ./R0 to (e on his si#e. Then he aske# rhetorica y, what can &an #o unto &e. Who& #oes that soun# ikeH 8Ro&. ,:9+: Q/: What is (etter, trusting in &an or in the ./R0H 8Ps. ++,:,: Q0: 0oes it soun# as though the Psa &ist has ha# so&e (a# e6periences in po iticsH 8Ps. ++,:@: Q1: The Psa &ists ene&ies ha# hi& surroun#e#, an# they were nu&erous, intrusi!e, an# fierce. What spiritua ene&ies #o we ha!e that are ike thatH 8Ps. ++,:+4: Q2: Who wi pro!i#e the !ictoryH 8Ps. ++,:+F)+D: Q3: Whose han# #i# the Psa &ist see (ehin# his #ifficu tiesH 8Ps. ++,:+,: The Psa &ist continue# with f ori# affir&ations of the . /R0$s righteous p an an# -is answer to the Psa &ist$s prayer. 8Ps. ++,:4C,4+: Then, the Psa &ist &a#e an interesting assertion: <The stone the (ui #ers re2ecte# has (eco&e the capstone.= 8Ps. ++,:44: This &arks the re!ersa of fortune. That which was #iscar#e# has (eco&e the &ost i&portant co&ponent. 7oreo!er, 8Ps. ++,:49: this was the resu t of "o#$s so!ereign wi . The ./R0 was in fact responsi( e for a that (rought a(out the #ay of #e i!erance. 8Ps. ++,:4F: Fina y, ha!ing #escri(e# how the ./R0 is going to win the #ay, the Psa &ist #irecte# hi&se f to the ./R0, (eseeching -i& for success 8prosperity:. 8Ps. ++,:4?: Then the Psa &ist re!ea e# the great secret: the sa !ation is co&ing in a Person, 8Ps. ++,:46: one who recei!es the ( essings of "o# an# of -is church. ! "Blessed is he 4ho comes#( )ocus *assa+es: 7att. 4+:@3 49:9@3 7ark ++:@3 .uke +9:9?3 +@:9,3 John +4:+9 8see (e ow:

Auotations 5i( e Stu#y'Series +, Week 6, Procession Bac,+round: 7att. 4+:+)++3 493 7ark ++:+)++3 .uke +9:9F)9?3 +@:4@)FC3 John +4:+4)+? The app ication of Ps. ++,:46 to Jesus occurs in a four "ospe s. The passage is actua y 1uote# si6 ti&es. Four ti&es the !erse was uttere# (y the crow# that greete# Jesus upon -is entry into Jerusa e&. Their greeting was for a king. I5nrichment: E. -. Toy writes that the 1uotations a fo ow the Septuagint, which is har# y #ifferent fro& the -e(rew, on y su(stituting <the .or#= for J-W- in the -e(rew. -e a so points out that the e6c a&ation <-osanna=, which #oes not appear in the / # Testa&ent, is an e&phatic for& of the -e(rew wor# for <sa!e,= a wor# that appears in Psa & ++,:4?.K I5nrichment: There is so&e inconsistency in how the trans ators ren#er <5 esse#= in 7att. 4+:@. *G an# *SG, <5 esse# is >=, 0ar(y an# Toy, <5 esse# be >=, %.T, <5 essings on >=, Joung, *SG, RSG, %IG, %*S5, %;T, an# ;SG, <5 esse# is ...= In "reek, the wor# is a perfect passi!e particip e, which ea!es nu&erous trans ation options open. The sa&e #ifficu ty app ies to the other passages.K * the accounts of Jesus$ triu&pha entry &ention that -e was ri#ing on a #onkey 8*G, ass:. The ;!ange ists a presu&e that we rea#ers un#erstan# what that &eant. That &ight ha!e (een true up unti a coup e of centuries ago. 5ut, as one who has se #o& ri##en a horse an# ne!er use# one to tra!e , an# who is ine6perience# with the po&p, pri!i ege, an# cere&ony of roya ty, the significance of this has a ways gone co&p ete y o!er &y hea#, an# perhaps yours, too. Ri#ing on a #onkey is prophesie# (y Lech. @:@, (ut a #onkey is not the ri#e of a king. That wou # (e a horse, a (att e horse at that, one that wou # #e&onstrate the power an# authority of the con1uering king. * #onkey was hu&( e transportation, unfit for (att e, the sort of transport use# (y an or#inary person on a si&p e, peacefu 2ourney. This sen#s 1uite a #ifferent &essage, #e&onstrating the wi ingness of Jesus to (eco&e the sacrifice. .et us ook (rief y at the passages: A! Matthe46s account o$ 7esus6 trium*hal entry The crow#s that went ahea# of hi& an# those that fo owe# shoute#, <-osanna to the Son of 0a!i#M= <5 esse# is he who co&es in the na&e of the .or#M= <-osanna in the highestM='7att. 4+:@ In his <co!erage= of Jesus$ triu&pha entry into Jerusa e&, 7atthew pro!i#e# another Scripture citation 8Lech. @:@: in support of Jesus$ rightfu kingship, in the inci#ent of the #onkey. Q9: Jesus ga!e specific instructions to the #iscip es a(out the #onkey an# co t. WhyH 87att. 4+:+)?: Q-0: -ow &any peop e showe# up for Jesus$ entry into Jerusa e&H 87att. +F:4+3 +?:9,3 4+:,,@: Q--: Why #i# so&e ay their c oaks on the roa#H 84 Kings @:+9: Q-2: Who #oes the crow# say Jesus isH 87att. 4+:@: Q-.: Why #i# peop e in the city ask who Jesus isH 87att. 4+:+C,++: Q-/: So, who were those in the crow#H 87att. 4+:+C,++:

Auotations 5i( e Stu#y'Series +, Week 6, Procession 7atthew #i# not (other to point out that the #ec aration, <5 esse# is he>=, co&es fro& the Scriptures. ;!i#ent y, e!eryone knew what it &eant, which see&s ike y in !iew of the iturgica use of Psa & ++,. B! 7esus6 lament o8er 7erusalem For I te you, you wi not see &e again unti you say, N5 esse# is he who co&es in the na&e of the .or#.$'7att. 49:9@ 0uring the #ays fo owing Jesus$ triu&pha entry into Jerusa e&, -e taught in the Te&p e. *t the en# of this ti&e, -e a&ente# on the state of Jerusa e& an# its treat&ent of &essengers fro& "o#, pre#icting woe to the scri(es an# Pharisees. .et us ook at a coup e of these state&ents. Q-0: Jesus sai#, rather than (e ca e# Ra((i, father, or &aster, it is (etter to (e known as a ser!ant. What kin# of ser!ant #i# -e &eanH 87att. 49:,)+43 Isa. ?9: Q-1: Jesus accuse# the Pharisees of gree#, se f)in#u gence, an# inwar# #eath. This is strong anguage. Gerse 99 soun#s ike John the 5aptist. 87att. 9:D: What was Jesus$ intentH 87att. 49:4?,4D,99: Q-2: What was Jerusa e&$s &ain pro( e&H 87att. 49:9D: Q-3: What #i# Jesus &ean (y, <...your house is eft to you #eso ate=H 87att. 49:9,: Q-9: The state&ent, < wi not see &e again unti >=, soun#s ike a pre#iction. What is going to happenH 87att. 49:9@: What fo ows is the / i!et #iscourse, as Jesus$ teaching turne# &ore towar#s the future. We can conc u#e confi#ent y that, since Jesus wi return an# since -e wi enter Jerusa e& as eterna King, the peop e of Jerusa e& wi hai -i& again as King with the wor#s of Psa & ++,. 9! Mar,6s account o$ 7esus6 trium*hal entry Those who went ahea# an# those who fo owe# shoute#, <-osannaM= <5 esse# is he who co&es in the na&e of the .or#M='7ark ++:@ 7ark$s co!erage of Jesus$ triu&pha entry into Jerusa e&, fo ows the sa&e for& as 7atthew$s, with these #ifferences: 8+: Jesus specifie# that the co t was one on who& no one ha# e!er sat, 84: 7ark o&itte# the reference to Lech. @:@, an# 89: 7ark inc u#e# the e6perience of those who went to fin# the #onkey. Was Peter, 7ark$s &entor, one of the #iscip es who was sent on that erran#H Perhaps so. Q20: Why #i# Jesus gi!e specific instructions to the #iscip es a(out the #onkey an# co tH 87ark. ++:+)9: Why was the co t to (e one that no one ha# e!er ri##enH 8+ Sa&. 6:D: 8-int: unuse# ani&a s were consi#ere# &ore suita( e for sacre# purposes.: Q2-: Why #i# those who stoo# near(y the co t not o(2ect when the #iscip es ca&e an# took itH 87ark ++:F)6: Q22: Who #oes the crow# say Jesus isH 87ark ++:@,+C: Jesus #i# not spen# the night in Jerusa e&, (ut returne# to 5ethany, perhaps two or three &i es away, where -e ha# frien#s.

Auotations 5i( e Stu#y'Series +, Week 6, Procession '! 7esus6 de$iant 4arnin+ <.ook, your house is eft to you #eso ate. I te you, you wi not see &e again unti you say, N5 esse# is he who co&es in the na&e of the .or#.$='.uke +9:9? .uke +9 (egins Jesus$ teaching a(out "o#$s pro!i#ence an# so!ereignty. This was an, at (est, unco&forta( e &essage for -is au#ience. Then Jesus ta ke# a(out how shocking y few wou # (e sa!e#. .ater on in the #ay, the Pharisees ca&e to warn Jesus to ea!e, for -ero# was hunting -i&. Q2.: Jesus f ung -is #efiance of -ero# (ack in their faces. What #i# Jesus think a(out -ero#H 8-int: <fo6= #i# not ha!e the connotation <s y= as it #oes in our anguage3 rather, its i&p ication was insignificance or weakness.: 8.uke +9:94,99: Q2/: What #i# Jesus &ean (y &entioning the <thir# #ay=H 8.uke +9:94: The passage that fo ows in .uke +9:9F,9? gi!es !irtua y the sa&e for& of wor#s as 7att. 49:9D)9@. In 7atthew, these wor#s were recor#e# as uttere# after Jesus$ triu&pha entry into Jerusa e&. -ere they are recor#e# as ha!ing (een uttere# we (efore, on the way to Jerusa e&, in fact. So&e ha!e seen an anachronis& here, an# they suppose that one or the other of the ;!ange ists got the se1uence of e!ents wrong. Particu ar y in !iew of the use such critics &ake of this, I think that a !ery reasona( e a ternati!e is possi( e. There is no reason to suppose that Jesus, who ha# this su(2ect !ery &uch on -is &in#, cou # not ha!e sai# this twice or &ore, once as in this passage fro& .uke a(out -is first triu&pha entry into Jerusa e&, an# again in 7atthew a(out -is fina triu&pha entry in the ast #ays to co&e. The warning an# 2u#g&ent on Jerusa e& were the sa&e in either case, an# it is a powerfu irony that Jesus$ re2ection as rightfu King &eans -e wi return to Jerusa e& as con1uering King. 5! %u,e6s account o$ 7esus6 trium*hal entry <5 esse# is the king who co&es in the na&e of the .or#M= <Peace in hea!en an# g ory in the highestM='.uke +@:9, .uke$s account of Jesus$ triu&pha entry into Jerusa e& fo ows 7ark$s !ery c ose y, inc u#ing the #iscip es$ encounter with the owner, as he is i#entifie# in .uke, of the co t. 5ut note that .uke eft no #ou(t as to who was co&ing. It was the king. Q20: .uke recor#e# the reason why peop e (egan to re2oice an# praise "o#. What was itH 8.uke +@:9D: Q21: In contrast to 7atthew an# 7ark, .uke #escri(es the crow# as inc u#ing the wor# <king= in their paraphrase of Psa & ++,:46. Is this significantH 8.uke +@:9,: Q22: When so&e of the Pharisees aske# Jesus to re(uke -is #iscip es, what was their reasonH 8.uke +@:9@: Q23: What was Jesus saying in -is responseH 8-a(. 4:++3 .uke +@:FC: )! 7ohn6s account o$ 7esus6 trium*hal entry They took pa & (ranches an# went out to &eet hi&, shouting, <-osannaM= <5 esse# is he who co&es in the na&e of the .or#M= <5 esse# is the King of Israe M='John +4:+9

Auotations 5i( e Stu#y'Series +, Week 6, Procession The account of John on the triu&pha entry into Jerusa e& is (rief in co&parison to 7atthew, 7ark, an# .uke, (ut inc u#es so&e of the sa&e #etai s. John a so a##e# another ine, stating, in effect, that the one who co&es in the na&e of the .or# is the rightfu King of Israe . Q29: -ow &any peop e were thereH 8John +4:+4: Q.0: What were the peop e #oing there in Jerusa e&H 8John +4:+4: Q.-: What was their e6pectationH 8John +4:+9: Q.2: With #e i(erate sy&(o is&, Jesus o(taine# a #onkey an# entere# Jerusa e& ri#ing on it, fu fi ing prophecy, as John points out. What was re1uire# (efore the #iscip es un#erstoo# the &eaning of thisH 8John +4:+F)+6: John inc u#e# the 1uotation fro& Lech. @:@ to co&p ete his account of that e!ent. ! "The stone the builders re:ected #( )ocus *assa+e: 7att. 4+:F43 7ark +4:+C,++3 .uke 4C:+D 8see (e ow: Bac,+round: 7att. 4+:99)F63 7ark +43 .uke 4C In 7atthew, 7ark, an# .uke, Jesus$ entry into Jerusa e& is fo owe# (y an account of -is throwing out the &oneychangers an# &erchants fro& the Te&p e. Then -e (egan to teach an# #e(ate in the Te&p e. It was #uring this coup e of #ays that the other usage of Psa & ++, arose. The si&i e of the cornerstone ca&e at the conc usion of the para( e of the !ineyar#. In short, the a(sentee owner of a !ineyar# #e&an#e# pay&ent fro& the tenants he ha# hire# to run it. They refuse#, (eating so&e &essengers an# ki ing others. Then the owner sent his son, thinking that at east they wi respect hi&. 5ut they see this as the opportunity to take o!er ownership of the !ineyar#, an# so they ki hi&. Jesus conc u#e# the para( e (y asking what the owner wi #o. The answer to -is 1uestion was gi!en, that the owner wi return an# #estroy the&, an# gi!e the 2o( to others who wi operate it proper y. We wi not take the ti&e to ana yBe this para( e in #etai , in its !ariants a&ong the "ospe s. 5ut it is a ( unt picture of the history of Israe an# of what was going to happen. *n# the Pharisees knew it. 87att. 4+:F?: In not hee#ing the warning, they hastene# to (ring it a(out. I5nrichment: /ne note a(out the 1uotation: the *ra&aic for son 8 ben: an# stone 8eben: for& a p ay on wor#s not !isi( e in the "reek. Jesus &ay ha!e (een associating the para( e in which the son is re2ecte# an# the 1uotation in which the re2ecte# stone (eco&es the cornerstone (ecause the p ay on wor#s strengthens the i#entification of one with the other, an# (oth with -i&se f.K A! Matthe46s account o$ the stone the builders re:ected Jesus sai# to the&, O-a!e you ne!er rea# in the Scriptures: NThe stone the (ui #ers re2ecte# has (eco&e the capstone3 the .or# has #one this, an# it is &ar!e ous in our eyes$H='7att. 4+:F4 Jesus conc u#e# the para( e of the !ineyar# (y 1uoting Psa & ++,:44, a passage that a -is isteners were inti&ate y fa&i iar with.

Auotations 5i( e Stu#y'Series +, Week 6, Procession Q..: -ow #oes the passage a(out the stone the (ui #ers re2ecte# su&&ariBe the para( e of the !ineyar#H 87att. 4+:99)F4: Q./: Who was the cornerstoneH Who were the (ui #ersH 87att. 4+:F4: Q.0: What wi happen to those who possess the King#o& of "o# as Jesus speaksH Who are the peop e to who& it wi (e gi!enH 87att. 4+:F9: Q.1: Who are the two c asses of peop e, those who fa on the stone an# those who are crushe# (y itH 87att. 4+:FF: Q.2: What particu ar (e ief of the peop e cause# the chief priests an# Pharisees to fear the conse1uences of taking Jesus into custo#yH 87att. 4+:F6: So, the authorities ha# to et Jesus go, for the &o&ent. 5ut they knew who& Jesus was speaking against. The #irect app ication in 7att. 4+:F9 is on y foun# in 7atthew.

B. Mar,6s account o$ the stone the builders re:ected

<-a!en$t you rea# this scripture: NThe stone the (ui #ers re2ecte# has (eco&e the capstone3 the .or# has #one this, an# it is &ar!e ous in our eyes$H='7ark +4:+C)++ In 7ark$s account of the para( e of the !ineyar#, Jesus answere#, or repeate# the answer to, -is own 1uestion, na&e y, the or# of the !ineyar# wi co&e an# #estroy the tenants, an# gi!e the !ineyar# to others to &anage. Q.3: What source #i# Jesus citeH 87ark +4:+C: Q.9: In this re!ersa of fortune, who has #one itH Is it a&aBingH 87ark +4:++: Q/0: <They= were e!i#ent y the Pharisees an# the Te&p e ru ers. -ow #i# they percei!e the para( eH 87ark +4:+4: Q/-: Why #i# they not si&p y seiBe Jesus i&&e#iate yH 87ark +4:+4: The Pharisees recei!e# the &essage c ear y, 87ark +4:+4: an# they set out to #estroy Jesus, (ut were hin#ere# (y fear of the peop e.

C. %u,e6s account o$ the stone the builders re:ected

Jesus ooke# #irect y at the& an# aske#, <Then what is the &eaning of that which is written: NThe stone the (ui #ers re2ecte# has (eco&e the capstone$H='.uke 4C:+D In .uke$s account of the para( e of the !ineyar#, Jesus answers -is own 1uestion. .uke 1uote# on y the first ha f of Psa & ++,:44. Q/2: *fter Jesus affir&e# the conc usion of the para( e, what response of the peop e #i# .uke recor#H 8.uke 4C:+6: Q/.: 0i# they un#erstan# the para( eH 8.uke 4C:+6: Q//: The peop e$s e6pression, <7ay this ne!er (eM= 8<"o# for(i#=, *G:, shows that they #i#n$t (e ie!e Jesus. -ow #i# -e con!ince the&H 8.uke 4C:+D: Q/0: 0i# what Jesus i&p icit y pre#icte# happenH 8.uke 4C:+,: Jesus$ para( e hit the &ark 8.uke 4C:+@:, (ut the chief priests an# scri(es wou # not hee# the warning. What a #ifference (e ief &akesM

Auotations 5i( e Stu#y'Series +, Week 6, Procession

;! 9onclusion The position of the two e6cerpts fro& Ps. ++, in the "ospe accounts p aces this psa & near the !ery center of Jesus$ &ission. Psa & ++,:46, use# as a greeting for the entering King, is a c ear affir&ation of (oth Jesus$ an# the Psa &ist$s prophetic offices. Just as (eing ca e# <the Son of "o#= &ust (e ( asphe&ous un ess it is true, so (eing greete# as the co&ing King, in pu( ic, as 0a!i#$s heir, is a so ( asphe&ous'unless it is true. Jesus eft no #ou(t that, whi e the triu&pha entry into Jerusa e& was a pro#uct of -is fo owers$ unteste# enthusias&, -e sanctione# it. 5y specifying the e6act con#itions for o(taining -is transport, -e i ustrate# that -e wante# it #one e6act y so, (ecause there was a &essage to (e sent. * few !erses ater, fo owing the para( e of the !ineyar# in the synoptic "ospe s, we rea# that the &essage was recei!e#. So, what was the &essageH It see&s to ha!e se!era co&ponents:

+. 4. 9. F.

The co&ing King right y c ai&e# -is p ace3 -e ca&e in peace3 The King$s right was foreto # in powerfu #etai 3 The ru ers of Israe re2ecte# the rightfu King, foregoing Israe $s ast opportunity to set things right3 ?. Therefore, 2u#g&ent wi co&e3 6. Fina y, the .or# wi inter!ene, an# the re2ecte# son wi ascen# the throne of Israe . For a si&p e psa &, a procession, an# a straightforwar# para( e, these passages ha!e turne# out to (e an enor&ous y significant an# a&aBing y co&p ete state&ent a(out Jesus, Israe , an# "o#$s so!ereignty. The strength of the para( e ies in the para e (etween the son who is ki e# an# "o#$s own Son, who was ki e#. Jesus is the Son whose re2ection an# su(se1uent &ur#er is <the ast straw.= The &ain point to the para( e is that the owner is going to return in !engeance an# righteous 2u#g&ent to #estroy an# replace the tenants. -ere is the &essage of the para( e, an# those who hear# it, knew it. They recogniBe# the&se !es in the para( e an# knew that was e6act y what Jesus inten#e#. Jesus was not the on y prophet to threaten 2u#g&ent for Israe , (ut -e was the ast. When Israe re2ecte# -i&, "o# fu fi e# the prophecy of Psa & ++,, &aking Jesus the foun#ation of a new or#er, (reaking an# crushing whoe!er wou # o(2ect. So, who are the new tenants an# what is the new (ui #ingH For our answer, we to turn to the first epist e of Peter, where he wrote, 81uoting Ps. ++,:44, as you wi see: *s you co&e to hi&, the i!ing Stone're2ecte# (y &en (ut chosen (y "o# an# precious to hi&'you a so, ike i!ing stones, are (eing (ui t into a spiritua house to (e a ho y priesthoo#, offering spiritua sacrifices accepta( e to "o# through Jesus Ehrist. For in Scripture it says: <See, I ay a stone in Lion, a chosen an# precious cornerstone, an# the one who trusts in hi& wi ne!er (e put to sha&e.= %ow to you who (e ie!e, this stone is precious. 5ut to those who #o not (e ie!e,

Auotations 5i( e Stu#y'Series +, Week 6, Procession <The stone the (ui #ers re2ecte# has (eco&e the capstone, < an#, <* stone that causes &en to stu&( e an# a rock that &akes the& fa .= They stu&( e (ecause they #iso(ey the &essage'which is a so what they were #estine# for. 5ut you are a chosen peop e, a roya priesthoo#, a ho y nation, a peop e (e onging to "o#, that you &ay #ec are the praises of hi& who ca e# you out of #arkness into his won#erfu ight. /nce you were not a peop e, (ut now you are the peop e of "o#3 once you ha# not recei!e# &ercy, (ut now you ha!e recei!e# &ercy. 8+ Peter 4:F)+C: Ean we pray this *rayer togetherH Father, we recei!e the ( essing of know e#ge of the King#o&. Increase our (e ief an# &ake us &ore fit to ser!e in the new or#er that your Son is (ui #ing. "rant us ser!ant hearts, in Jesus$ %a&e, a&en.

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