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Welcome to ! BICH 440 (202/502)!

What is Biochemistry? ! Why should you study it?!

Biochemistry is the study of life ! on a molecular level!

Why care?! Biochemists (you) can help solve important problems of society:! Disease ! Aging! Biotechnology (tissue repair, cloning, etc)! Agriculture! Energyetc! Life is mysterious and beautiful:! Biochemistry changes the way you look at the world! What is life?!



physics! chemistry! thermodynamics!

Cell biology! biochemistry!

Cell: structural and functional unit of all known living organisms!

1014 cells in humans!

Homework ! assignment #1:! Describe all the ! organelles present in ! eukaryotes and ! explain their function(s).! Due next Monday.!





Phylogenetic Tree of Life : ! biochemical unity underlies biological diversity!

Bobtail squid

Vibrio Fischeri

E coli

All macromolecules are constructed from a few elements!

Most Abundant Elements in the Human Body!

Biomolecules are organic compounds!

Common Functional Groups and Linkages in Biochemistry!

Common Functional Groups and Linkages in Biochemistry!

All macromolecules are constructed from a few simple coumpounds!

letters! nucleotides! amino acids!

Word! DNA! protein!

from molecules to function to life !

Amino acids! Chemistry! Molecular Biology!

Synthesis ?!
Polypeptide chain!

Thermodynamics! Water and pH! Forces!

Folding ?!

Folded protein!

Kinetics! Regulation! Transport! Chemical modications! Interactions with ! membranes and carbohydrates!

Function ?!

Fact: In science, an observation that has been repeatedly conrmed and for all practical purposes is accepted as "true." Truth in science, however, is never nal, and what is accepted as a fact today may be modied or even discarded tomorrow. ! Hypothesis: A tentative statement about the natural world leading to deductions that can be tested. If the deductions are veried, it becomes more probable that the hypothesis is correct. If the deductions are incorrect, the original hypothesis can be abandoned or modied. Hypotheses can be used to build more complex inferences and explanations. ! Law: A descriptive generalization about how some aspect of the natural world behaves under stated circumstances. ! Theory: In science, a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses.! In science, explanations are limited to those based on observations and experiments that can be substantiated by other scientists. Explanations that cannot be based on empirical evidence are not a part of science.!

Course Objectives!

Factual Knowledge:! Achieving basic biochemical literacy requires familiarity with biochemical terms, structures and symbols. ! Conceptual Understanding:! Learning to visualize, explain and predict the behavior and properties of biochemical molecules on a molecular scale. ! Problem Solving:! Developing problem solving skills in biochemistry involves practicing quantitative calculations and being able to combine and apply different aspects of the concepts acquired to solve specic problems. !

Succeeding in BICH 440!

come to class ! participate in class (paying attention in class can help you signicantly reduce the time you have to study at home)! read the notes before and after class, using the textbook if you need clarication on certain difcult points! practice problems and practice drawing chemical structures ! refresh your memory about the things that you need to memorize every week rather than wait to learn the material just before an exam! seek help when you need it and not at the end of the semester! keep the learning objectives in mind at all times. ! the concepts covered in this class should be useful to you well after the nal exam is over So try to learn the material with this in mind!!

Homework, Exams and Grades!

Homework: Homework assignments (10 total) will be given throughout the semester. Each homework assignment will be worth 10 points, and the grade for each will be 0 (not turned in or no answers), 5 (partial answers), or 10 (completed assignment). ! Exams: Three 50 minute exams (100 points each) will be given in class during the semester. A nal exam (150 points) will cover the material from the entire semester. The exam dates are listed on the schedule included in this package. For each exam, you should provide a Scantron answer sheet. Sample exam questions will be made available online and in class. ! Grading: Grades will be determined by combining the scores of the homework assignments (100 points), mid-term exams (300 points), and nal exam (150 points). "! Letter grades will be assigned as follows: ! 88% A, 77% - 87% B, 65% - 77% C, 56% - 64% D, # 55% F. !

Lectures! 1)! Power point presentations! 2)! Print and bring the notes before each lecture! $ (available on elearning)! 3) Figures might or might not be present in the book ! $(gives you more material to work with)! 4) Keep up by reading material before each class and don t wait until the last day to learn material! 5) Important concepts and learning objectives will be highlighted before each new lectures!

Exams/Homework! 1)! A number usually needs a unit (if it does, an answer without the unit is not the correct answer)! 2)! Use a ruler to draw a straight line ! 3)! Practice drawing structures (bond length, angle, and atom valency)! 4)! A short answer is often better than a redundant and unclear paragraph that lls up spacepartial credit is not about length! 5)! For homework assigments, only look on-line or in books for the information you really need. !

log (axb)=log a + log b! log (a/b)=log a log b! log ab= b log a! ln a=log a/log e= ln 10 x log a = 2.3 log a! a0=1 (a%0) ! a1=a! am= a x a x a(m factors)! a-m= 1/a x 1/a x 1/a(m factors)= 1/am (a%0)! amx bm= (ab)m! am/ bm= (a/b)m=am/ b-m (b%0)! amx ar= am+r! am/ ar= amx a-r= am-r (a%0)! (am)r= (ar)m=amr! (Practice with a = 10)!

10n 106 103 102 101 100 101 102 103 106 109 1012 1015

$Prex $Symbol $ $mega $kilo $hecto $deca $(none) $deci $centi $milli $micro $nano $pico $femto $M $k $h $da !(none) $d $c $m $ $n $p $f

$Decimal! $1000000 $! $1000 $! $100 $! $10 $! !1 !" $0.1 $! $0.01 $! $0.001 $! $0.000001 $! $0.000000001 $! $0.000000000001! $0.000000000000001!

$Million $ $Thousand $Hundred$ $Ten $ !One ! $Tenth $ $Hundredth $Thousandth $Millionth $ $Billionth$ $Trillionth $ $Quadrillionth

Know how to draw a graph!

25 time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [product] 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

20 [product] (mM)



0 0 2 4 6 time (sec) 8 10 12

Know how to draw a structure! bond length! angles ! valency and charge! Stereochemistry! conventions!

+H N 3


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