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Could these dormant human powers & Ancient Technologies turn you into a reality-bending superhuman?

Read on to discover the secrets buried in a 12, -year-old ancient symbol! harnessed by the world"s most success#ul people to bend time and space, master the deepest truths o# the universe, & overcome monumental challenges "

$any o# these e%traordinary people are harnessing speci#ic natural phenomena&&& 'nloc(ing certain mind-body "tools" lying dormant within us&&& And even tapping into little-(nown ancient technologies&&& that allow them to bend into the #abric o# reality itsel#)
As a person on your own spiritual journey, Im sure you already know theres a vast expanse of human potential that most of us have not even begun to touch. ut do you know how deep down the rabbit hole really goes! "ocrates once said, "#rue wisdom comes to each of us when we reali$e how little we understand about life, ourselves % the world around us." &ot when you already have your own key to success' an ancient (game plan( that empowers you to bend every rule of reality in your favor... and enrich your life with incredible powers that are already hidden within you... and that others only ever experience in flashes.

This "game plan" is what * want to share with you on this page - but only when you #irst answer me one +uestion&&&

* even spent hours every night poring over ancient scriptures li(e the Abrahamic holy boo(s, the ,hagavad -ita, the .edas, the $ahabharata, the /oga 0utras&&& And devouring esoteric boo(s by ahead-o#-their-time thin(ers li(e 1apoleon 2ill, ,uc(minster 3uller and 1i(ola Tesla&&&
)ith this timeless wisdom as my guide, I plunged myself into the natural phenomena, mysterious human abilities and ancient technologies that straddle the line between the worlds of hard science % metaphysics... And that could supposedly unlock hidden abilities in people. *et what ama$ed me was that for some reason or other, most people know nothing about this powerful stuff. &or is it taught in schools. +ven the media doesn(t cover it, And so I pushed on, not knowing what to expect....

$y big a-ha moment came months later, when * began piecing together a #ascinating truth about how reality wor(s&&&
"ee, pretty much since the dawn of civili$ation, mankind has been caught in a tug of war between two extremes. -n one extreme end you have the ultra rational thin(ers! the scientific proof.comes. first types who oppose religious dogma and . and who reject anything they can(t see with their eyes or prod with their fingers. -n the other end, you have the dreamers! #he mystics, monks, priests and spiritually inclined types who champion collective consciousness and the intangible . and who reject material gain in favor of looking inwards and upwards. &ow if you(re like most people, you(re not totally invested in either side. ut perhaps in moments where you give more energy to one over the other, you(ve noticed the shortcomings of each...

/ike the limitations of observational science. -r the difficulty in creating physical change through purely spiritual actions. And the unshakable feeling that there(s still a missing depth to what could be the greatest, most holistic version of *-0. &ow here(s the kicker...

The people who most consistently live ama4ing lives and leave immortal legacies&&& are the ones who embrace the power in ,5T2 these e%tremes&
#ake, for instance, some of the names I mentioned earlier...

&ikola #esla is one of history(s greatest scientists and inventors. ut one of his less known traits is his belief in a form of intangible ("exual +nergy(, which he claims was responsible for much of his drive and inspiration.

/eonardo 1a 2inci, arguably the most talented person who ever lived, was a rational scientist. *et he also drew (divine( inspiration from his own non.dogmatic interpretation of a 3igher 4ower.

5arl "agan, the great astrophysicist and skeptic, was fascinated by science and even the debunking of superstition. ut one of his core missions was encouraging people to apply a spiritual sense of wonder to life and the cosmos.

6arie 5urie, the &obel pri$e.winning scientist, was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity. ut she was also an avid researcher of paranormal phenomena, and forces invisible to the naked eye.

7rank /loyd )right, the prolific American architect, designed over 8,999 structures in his lifetime. "ome of his most beautiful projects, like the :oshua #ree ;etreat, use "acred <eometry to create a specific sense of energy and attunement with the environment.

3ellen =eller, the blind and deaf political activist, spent her life campaigning for social issues like women(s suffrage and labor rights. 1espite her handicap, she was known to describe profound transcendent mind experiences where she connected with the "flame of eternity" in her soul.

#he 1alai /ama serves as a figurehead for uddhism. ut he also rounds off his spiritual responsibilities by engaging with modern change agents to spark technological, environmental % economic progress.

And when * too embraced this little-(nown sweet spot between science and spirituality&&& * began pulling o## some weird things even * can"t #ully e%plain

)hat are (;eality 3acks(! #hey(re the name I(ve given to these tools, abilities or phenomena that straddle the line between hard science and intangible spirituality... and expose the gaps in our widely accepted version of reality. #hen, once you find these gaps, you(re able to reach into the fabric of reality itself, and bend it towards your will . whether you(re seeking a burst of otherworldly creativity or intuition. A solution to a tricky problem at work. -r even a (weird( coincidence like a chance encounter with an old friend on the street. #hink of it like re.tuning your >spiritual radio for picking up positive outcomes and energy... while tuning out negativity and unwanted static. If you(re like most people, you(ve been unknowingly triggering certain ;eality 3acks from the day you were born . like how I did as a kid with my manifesting and lucid dreams. ut as you progress through this page, you(re going to understand how to identify each of them, consciously harness them... and use them to create transformational results. A superhuman in all o# us? Really? Im not the first and Im definitely not the last person to believe it. )ay back in the 8?99s, legendary thinker and writer ;alph )aldo +merson led a movement known as #ranscendentalism. In a nutshell, #ranscendentalism is about reali$ing that the key to your full intellectual and spiritual potential is by conditioning yourself to become self.reliant by acknowledging your inner greatness. In #ranscendentalism, the concept of <od is actually something that resides in all of us, because collectively, we are A// divine. Ama$ing things happen when you embrace this universal truth, and start tapping into these >divine powers. #rust me @and ;alphA. "ome of them are known as...

"acred <eometry 3eart Intelligence Buantum 6echanics "piral reathing /ucid 1reaming Astrology 7ood 4rogramming 4lanetary freCuencies 5hanting

5hakra 4owers rainwave +ntrainment "exual #ransmutation

IIm positive youve at least heard about . or maybe even tried . some of these tools. )hat you may not know, though, is what theyre really capable of. And thats what Im now going to show you . starting with what I believe is the biggest, most powerful ;eality 3ack of them all...

The world"s most important Reality 2ac( is hidden in this 12, -year-old symbol!

#his is the 0ri /antra! an ancient tantric ritual drawing used for meditation and concentration... that has been revered for thousands of years by both scientists and spiritualists alike. I first began studying the "ri *antra not long after the hacking incident, when I found it printed on the page of a book my mom had brought back from India. A few short weeks after meditating on it, my father, who had been out of a job for D years, finally found one. 5all this coincidence if you will . but I chose to take it as a sign that there was more to this mysterious symbol that meets the eye... "ince then, after hundreds of hours of deep meditations using the "ri *antra, I(ve come to appreciate it as more than just a symbol...

,ecause *"ve discovered how to interpret the 0ri /antra as a (ey #or piecing together every other Reality 2ac( in e%istence, li(e a 6igsaw pu44le&&&
And merging them into one lean, #oolproo# "game plan" that anyone can use to bend reality and create their greatest life. As accurately and reliably as "wiss clockwork. )hen I say anyone, I mean it . no matter what your personal goals are, what spiritual beliefs you have, or what level of experience you have with mind.body.spirit tools. 3as this always been the "ri *antra(s true purpose! I can(t say for sure. ut as you(re about to see . and as countless studies and reports seem to prove . there are certain characteristics within this symbol that make redefining your reality as straightforward as switching on a light.

7 #ascinating #acts about the 0ri /antra and its reality-hac(ing powers

8. An ++< study by ;ussian scientists at 6oscow 0niversity found that the "ri *antra can induce a meditative or hypnoti$ed state of mind . just by looking at it. E. In his paper Art as #echnology, award.winning artist ill )itherspoon recounts how drawing the "ri *antra symbol in an -regon crop field increased its yield, soil fertility and plant nutrients. D. In 8FFG, an Indian researcher by the name of 1r. 4=" 6uthukrishnan used fractal mathematics to claim that the +gyptian 4yramids were engineered with the exact same angular measurements as the "ri *antra.

H. ;esearchers who studied the visual origins of sound and vibration have discovered that the (-m( sound people make when meditating or practicing yoga... is embedded in the geometric design of the "ri *antra.

8'hh&&& but how e%actly can this ancient symbol unloc( my se%y new li#e,8 you as(? 2ere"s how&&&
)hat I(ve found is that virtually all those laws, phenomena and hidden abilities I refer to as ;eality 3acks... are in fact laid out within F specific levels outlined in the "ri *antra'

The 9 levels o# the 0ri /antra :and how each o# them ma(e you a better person;

<ro6ect!/oursel# is a series o# trans#ormational learning sessions based on the 9 levels o# the 0ri /antra
And how it works is simple' twice a week I(ll guide our tribe though a set of immersive training materials and interactive sessions focusing on one of the F levels.

#hink of it like having a personal trainer % friend who stands right by your side as he shows you the exact steps for achieving peak performance of your mind, body % spirit. #his system is designed to give you time to absorb each level, focus on my guidance like a hawk, and get the most kick.ass results possible. And once all the levels have been unlocked, you(re free to revisit them in any order that best serves you. "pecifically, what you(re getting is...

F video training sessions packed with immersive multi.sensory experiences, including deep dive meditations and element infusion exercises that light up your I senses. *our jaw will drop when you feel these tools activating your hidden powers, and channeling your infinite inner energy into your career, wealth, relationships and health. tutorials on how some of history(s greatest achievers . from &apoleon 3ill to "ir ;ichard ranson . use ancient wisdom, natural phenomena and (fringe( science to bend the rules of reality in their favor. 7or instance, in /evel E you(ll learn how to use your raw "exual +nergy to skyrocket your productivity at work. And in /evel G you(ll learn how to harness the "acred <eometry found in nature and human architecture to gain an almost superhuman empathy with the world around you.

)eekly 3A= training sessions to help address the most common Cuestions at each stage of the journey, and ensure youre smoothly and en6oyably progressing in the right direction. An ideal tool to keep you in check, and remove the difficulty and unresolved problems that might usually stop you from completing other programs.

A carefully curated selection of complementing bonus gifts . like interactive workbooks for tracking your progress, interviews with highly successful ;eality 3ackers, and a few surprises in the mail,

2ere"s a sample o# the Reality 2ac(s you"ll learn throughout the <ro6ect!/oursel# e%perience&&&

/ou"ll learn how to supercharge your > senses, so you can soa( in more o# the world around you
#hroughout the program you(ll learn how to invoke your J senses, plus your sixth sense of intuition to achieve a higher state of consciousness . whether it(s at work, in your health or in your relationships. Imagine using specifically engineered audio to drift upwards into a more relaxed state of mind... or using color psychology to focus on an image that puts your entire life into clarity... or honing your intuition to a level that(s so sharp, you know exactly what the person you(re talking to really feels about what you(re saying... and you(ll have an idea of what(s possible when you put your I senses to full use. 3ACT! Corporations use color to ma(e you spend more ;etail stores like =mart have found that the color red makes you spend more. 7ast food chains also use red in their outlets as an appetite stimulant. ut wouldn(t it be interesting to use color psychology on yourself, and reap positive benefits!

/ou"ll gain the ability to rela%, evaporate stress and #eel li(e a million buc(s - 6ust by breathing in a certain way
*es, your breathing reflex can have a profound impact on your life . once you know how to control it. In /evel 8, for instance, you(ll learn a powerful breathing ;eality 3ack that vapori$es your stress and fills you with an instant rush of well being . all through simply breathing slowly and channeling a sense of gratitude. #his ability is priceless for when you(re trying to calm down and get some clarity when things at work or at home are overwhelming you. ,et you didn"t (now the simple act o# breathing could do this&&& 6any medical professionals, including 5leveland 5linic physician 6laden <olubic, now claim that breathing doesn(t just melt away stress and relax you . it even helps relieve serious ailments like asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and even heart failure.

/ou"ll discover how to channel your raw se%ual energy into every area o# your li#e - with surprising results
In /evel E youll learn how to take advantage of one of &ikola #eslas favorite ;eality 3acks' "exual #ransmutation @or in "anskrit, 2airagyaA. #his essentially means going within, drawing on your purest, most primal source of energy, and using that energy to fuel your creative expression . whether youre crafting a work of art. -r studying a particular skill. -r figuring out how to nail a business deal or solve a problem.

3ere Im going to plunge you headfirst into an immersive exercise using your muscles, breath and visuali$ation to focus your energy in your core, amplify it, and then transmute it outwards into anything you want. #his one exercise alone, if you put it to use, is going to give you breakthrough results in whatever you unleash it on. The secret tool o# '&0& <residents? In his book #hink and <row ;ich, &apoleon 3ill claims "exual #ransmutation was used extensively by 4residents such as Abraham /incoln, #homas :efferson and <eorge )ashington... and notable figures like &apoleon onaparte, -scar )ilde, )illiam "hakespeare % ;alph )aldo +merson.

/ou"ll learn how to wor( with your body"s 9 energetic centers whenever you need an e%tra boost
#he key lies in /evel D, where you(ll learn the little.known art of spiral breathing. &ow, I know a lot of meditation and personal growth gurus have their own version of energy. boosting exercises . but just wait till you try this ;eality 3ack, which taps you into the energy centers in your body @also known as your 5hakrasA... And channels more energy into different parts of your life whenever you need a boost . whether it(s sexual, financial, professional, anything. 8?e may de#ine the cha(ra as an energy centre which spins li(e a wheel and opens li(e a #lower& $etaphysical concepts, however, do not belong purely to the world o# spiritual e%perience@ scienti#ic en+uiry has in many cases con#irmed age-old belie#s&8 Ar 2iroshi $otoyama, a prominent researcher who used a special instrument to discover that the energetic centers of a 5hakra healing practitioner show higher activity compared to a non.practitioner.

/ou"ll learn the science o# 2eart *ntelligence #or instantly reducing stress and boosting your immune system
In /evel H we(ll dive into the science known as 3eart Intelligence' which is a tool for evolving your heart(s inner sense of knowing. And no, it(s not about cardiac care or calculus. It(s about how to harness your heart(s "wisdom" . the H9,999 neurons % intuitive signals your heart sends, like love, happiness % care . to balance your emotions, reduce stress hormones, and boost your immune system. ?hy "Bisten To /our 2eart" is more than 6ust a song title&&&

;esearchers at the 3eart6ath Institute have found that the human heart responds to intuitive information like a (hunch( or a (gut feeling( seconds before it actually happens.

/ou"ll learn the ancient practice o# chanting to raise your vibrations and increase your magnetism #or positive outcomes
It may feel a little weird at first using these J999K year old "anskrit chants to focus on specific aspects of life you(d like to strengthen . like health, abundance, and love, to name a few. ut once you see the results in /evel J, you(ll reali$e it(s well worth it. 3ow it works is that the vibration of the chant draws a higher level of people, situation and things to you. And no, you don(t need to sound like Adam /evine or even believe in the pantheon of ancient gods and deities to get it working like gangbusters. 0cienti#ic proponents o# chanting

1r. 3erbert enson, founder of the 6assachusetts <eneral 3ospital 6indL ody Institute, has observed chanting to trigger a "relaxation response" in the human body, which reduces heart beat, brainwaves and respiration. In a study on <regorian 6onk chants, otolaryngologist 1r. Alfred #omatis found that certain chanting sounds were able to positively stimulate and charge the cortex of the brain and nervous system. In his book 4owerful "elf 3ealing #echniCues, 1r. ;anjie "inge found that specific chants cause the release of the hormone melatonin, which in turn may aid in the healing process.

/ou"ll gain the ability to #ully let go o# your #ears, and venture where others wouldn"t dare&&&
Among other things, /evel I will show you how to wholly embrace the concept of being 7earless . so you can unearth all those hidden debilitating beliefs and worries holding you back. 5onfront them head.on. And tap into a new reality. 3ave you ever wondered what kind of mindset someone like 7elix aumgartner has to be in to jump from the edge of space, plunge 8E?,899 feet back down to earth, and break the sound barrier! After this lesson you(ll wonder no more.

/ou"ll #ind out how to "program" your #ood & water to be better #or you)
*es, this might sound a little out there. ut in /evel G, you(ll discover the compelling evidence behind (7ood 4rogramming(' the science of infusing your food, no matter what you eat, with positive intentions to make it better for you. &o, this ;eality 3ack isn(t going to magically make soda and cookies good for you . but it will give you an upper hand in making your already nutritious diet better, so you can stay in sexier % healthier shape, be more energetic, and get more done.

4sychology #oday reported that in a E99G study, researchers found that chocolate (imprinted( with positive intentions through meditation was able to improve people(s moods beyond the norm.

/ou"ll learn how to use your dreams to gain insights and solutions #or your wa(ing reality
Another invaluable skill you(ll learn in /evel G is the much talked about but misunderstood skill of lucid dreaming. I(ll show you how to program your subconscious so you can experience the lucid dreams you want. And you(ll even get powerful 1ream +xercises that help you channel the insights from your lucid dreams into your waking life. Imagine dreaming of a multi.million dollar idea... or of some kind of cra$y invention that changes the course of history... and then waking up, and making it happen in real life. +lias 3owe did exactly that when he invented the sewing machine, and you can do it too, :ust like #homas +dison, "ir ;ichard ranson is known for taking cat naps throughout the day to boost his energy and mind power. 3e describes himself as "a scholar of the subconscious mind".

/ou"ll "wa(e up" to the recurring mathematical symbols and se+uences all around you&&& and learn how to tap into them and rede#ine your reality
#his mysterious ;eality 3ack is known as "acred <eometry . and the basic concept is that there are recurring mathematical symbols and seCuences found everywhere around us' in man made buildings like the 4antheon and even the 0& 3B, in nature like in shells and galactic swirls... and even in you. -nce I show you how to tap into these symbols and seCuences @again in /evel GA, you(ll gain the ability to balance your energy fields. And to access complex information in order to reinvent your reality. 7rank /loyd )right(s famous :oshua #ree ;etreat was built using sacred geometry

/ou"ll master a weird creation s(ill that"s at least C % stronger than the average mani#esting or visuali4ation e%ercise
Imagine becoming a 3uman "atellite 1ish, so you can draw together and amplify all the energy around you for your personal gain. #his /evel G tool is one of my favorites because it does just that. #he 3uman "atellite 1ish is perfect for when you need a surge of creation power just before pulling off something epic at work or in your personal life. And all you have to do

to unlock its power is position your body in a certain way, and focus your thoughts by following a specific number of steps. +asy yet cra$y powerful. #he 3uman "atellite 1ish position

/ou"ll gain a use#ul problem solving tool used by ahead-o#-their-time thin(ers to gain instant ra4or-sharp clarity
In /evel ? you(ll find this highly useful problem solving exercise inspired by &apoleon 3ill, called the ;ound #able +xercise. All you have to do is sit down with someone else, and follow a specific set of brainstorming steps to light up the answer to almost any problem. #his exercise alone is worth its weight in gold because of the clarity and peace of mind it can give you whenever you(re stuck, or even just doubting your path and purpose.

/ou"ll learn how to switch on the part o# your brain that serves as a gateway to a higher state o# consciousness
-ne of the core concepts you(ll learn about in /evel F is what I like to call the (<ateway to 5reation( . the 4ineal <land. "tudies indicate that this gland, which is located in the center of your brain, produces melatonin . and is therefore crucial to accessing an elevated, calmer state of consciousness. According to some, it(s also a "spiritual antenna" or mystical third eye that when activated allows you to tap into alternate versions of reality, detach from your sense of self, and achieve a state of serenity even when faced with the toughest possible challenges. #he exercises you learn for activating and detoxing your 4ineal <land will make all this possible for you. #he ancient +gyptians recogni$ed the 4ineal <land as a "door to consciousness", and seem to have based the +ye of 3orus symbol around it.

/ou"ll discover a controversial science billionaires use to shi#t odds in their #avor
Another lesson you(ll learn in level F is how to use the ancient science of Astrology to tap into the different energy freCuencies of other planets, to give yourself the best possible chance at success. 4erfect whenever you need to stack the odds in your favor . or when you(re looking for that positive coincidence to nudge you over the edge towards a goal. *es, I know not everyone believes in astrology, and it(s a bit of a controversial issue . but as :4 6organ once said... "6illionaires don(t use astrology, billionaires do."

/ou"ll learn how to use =uantum $echanics to "download" in#inite streams o# wisdom #rom the universe
-ne more fascinating ;eality 3ack we(ll touch on in /evel F is Buantum 6echanics, and how to get (downloads( of timeless wisdom from the universe. #rust me, once you follow the mind.body steps to access these downloads, these things are going to come at you uncontrollably. *ou could be meditating or typing out an email, and A6, *ou(re suddenly hit with this reali$ation that puts your entire career or marriage or life philosophy into perspective. 6ultiple consciousness studies, including those by psychiatry expert 1r. ;ick "trassman, show that the human mind tends to receive downloads of otherwise inaccessible information and epiphanies when faced with a &ear 1eath +xperience @and the subseCuent release of the 16# compound in the bodyA. ut what if you could manually trigger this chemical reaction within you, without actually coming close to death!

9 wee(ly <A3 wor(boo(s pac(ed with power#ul e%ercises and progress trac(ing #eatures #or better results
+very good superhero needs a sidekick, which is what these workbooks will be for you throughout your 4roject'*ourself experience. +ach stunningly designed 417 is packed with tools, exercises, checklists and bonus content for every level of the program. :ust print out each one, keep them by your bedside or study, and use them for an even deeper, more transformational learning experience.

An e%perience o# sel# discovery that"s more #le%ible than a Chinese acrobat

ut once you(ve gone through it once, you(ll reali$e 4roject'*ourself is unlike any book, video course or seminar you(ve ever consumed. It(s not designed for you to use once from start to finish, and forget about. Instead, think of it like a treasure chest. ecause after you use it for the first time, you can just reach in and use the part of it that(s most relevant to your life . like if you need to solve a problem at work. -r find a way to grow your bi$. -r solve the disagreement you have with your spouse, kids, boss or employee. In fact, aside from that, it(s even designed for you to use from back to front, #he way you decide to utili$e it all depends on whether you need to "evolve", or "involve" in order to get what you desire. /et me explain...

2ow to get what you want - whether you already (now what it is& 5r i# it"s still your li#e"s greatest mystery&
#here(s no shame in not knowing what makes you happy. It is after all one of the most important . and sometimes tricky . reali$ations of your life. If this describes you, you can keep using 4roject'*ourself the (normal( way . by starting at /evel 8, and gradually getting to the heart of what you desire at /evel F. #his is what we call "involution". ut what if you already know what you want, and you just need some epiphanies % ;eality 3acks to help you get there! In this case, you can just flip around the 4roject'*ourself experience by starting at /evel F... working your way outwards... and uncovering the tangible steps, action plans and tools you need to use to get that ama$ing outcome in your life. )hatever it may be.

<ro6ect!/oursel# is designed #or people who live in the real world& The busy, stress#ul real world&
I(m a busy entrepreneur with hundreds of tasks to juggle each week. And I know you too have your own work commitments. *our family. *our existing mind.body practices like the gym or daily meditations. #hat(s why I dislike long.winded training materials as much as you do. And that(s why I(ve gone out of my way to design 4roject'*ourself as a time.efficient and experience that will fit into your schedule as comfortably as a pair of tailored pants. All you need to do is set aside an hour hour every week to watch or listen to the training material. And another E9 minutes a day to practice and absorb your learnings. 6ake this small commitment, just for a couple of months, and you(ll notice ama$ing changes begin to manifest in your life.

5nline learning& Bi(e you"ve never e%perienced it be#ore&

#he entire 4roject'*ourself experience takes place on the next.generation 4roject'*ourself membership site. After years of trying out other online programs, I(ve found that the average online membership site is ugly. uggy. 3ard to navigate. And sometimes plain boring.

And so for 4roject'*ourself, I hired some of the best programmers, designers and user interface experts in the industry to build a platform that doesn(t just present your content in a clear and intuitive manner . it actually conditions you to enjoy your experience, get more out of it, and even get rewarded for using it.

+njoy an intuitive learning experience with a user interface that(s so crisp and clean, it(s as easy to use as <oogle. Immerse yourself in our engaging social networking features . including forums and message boards . to connect, discuss and forge alliances with the 4roject'*ourself tribe. <et 7;++ 1eep -rigins credits for making friends and taking other actions, which you can use to redeem exclusive content, mini courses and upgrades. It(s like freCuent flyer miles for your self evolution. 5onsume your content from virtually any media device . from your i4ad and i4hone, to your Android device. +njoy the convenience of one login, one site, and all your content in one place. :ust login with your personal account for easy access to 4roject'*ourself and all future additional content or courses. <et accurate, fast and friendly assistance with all your Cuestions and concerns. -ur dedicated customer support tab makes it easy for you to contact us.

7 ways <ro6ect!/oursel# may surprise you i# you"ve used other mind-body programs or tools
1& The sheer amount o# organi4ed variety will give you a big-picture perspective o# your personal evolution

"ome programs spend do$ens of hours diving deep into one discipline, like meditation. -thers give you a varied, but often overwhelming mish.mash of mind.body tools to use in your daily life. I(ve designed 4roject'*ourself to give you the best of both these worlds. "o you get detailed yet instructions for immersing yourself in each ;eality 3ack. 4lus you get an intuitive framework that pieces together all these skills for you . so all you need to do is be present instead of worrying about what to focus on next.
2& /ou"re getting proven #acts and results #or elevating your li#e, not hal#-truths and maybes

"preading hearsay is not my style. "ure, some of the tools and insights I share during 4roject'*ourself may seem a little (out there( to some... ut I guarantee that every claim, statement and exercise has been thoroughly researched and validated either by scientific or spiritual researchers, or through my own extensive experience. #his stuff works. 4eriod.
D& /ou"ll be part o# a deeply involving e%perience with a personal touch

6any other personal growth or spirituality programs you(ll find online are really just glorified 51 courses. *ou buy them, they toss you a daunting set of audios % videos with vague instructions, and then you(re pretty much left to fend for yourself. #his is why I call 4roject'*ourself an intimate experience' because once you book your spot, I(ll be in constant contact with you throughout the E.month process through email and periodical live coaching sessions. It(s almost as good as having me sitting next to you, giving you personali$ed advice and coaching until you can(t help but hit your goals.
7& /ou"ll gain a li#elong spot in a tribe o# li(e-minded people

/ike you, I believe in the power of collective intent. #hat(s why every part of 4roject'*ourself is designed for maximum interaction' from the periodical coaching sessions to the chat and forum features on our online membership site. *ou(ll nurture deep friendships, forge alliances and triumph over challenges with a close. knit tribe of people with a similar worldview, the same passion for life, and an inspiring diversity of passions and opinions.

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