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Focus Theme Topic Content Standard

Learning Standard


Day 1 Listening & Speaking World of Knowledge Unit 8 - Growing Plants 1.1 y t!e end of t!e "-year pri#ary s$!ooling% p&pils will 'e a'le to prono&n$e words and speak $onfidently wit! t!e $orre$t stress% r!yt!# and intonation. 1.( y t!e end of t!e "-year pri#ary s$!ooling% p&pils will 'e a'le to listen and respond appropriately in for#al and infor#al sit&ations for a )ariety of p&rposes. 1.1.1 *'le to listen and respond to sti#&l&s gi)en wit! g&idan$e+ ,g- oral 'lending and seg#enting 1.1.. *'le to talk a'o&t a sti#&l&s wit! g&idan$e. 1.(.( *'le to listen and follow+ ,a- si#ple instr&$tions in t!e $lassroo#. y t!e end of t!e lesson% p&pils will 'e a'le to+



Added value / Cross-curricular lements Teaching Aids Focus Theme Topic Content Standard Day ( - /eading World of Knowledge Unit 8 - Growing Plants (.1 y t!e end of t!e "-year pri#ary s$!ooling% p&pils will 'e a'le to apply knowledge of so&nds of letters to re$ogni0e words in linear and non linear te1ts. (.( y t!e end of t!e "-year pri#ary s$!ooling% p&pils will

Learning Standard


'e a'le to de#onstrate &nderstanding of a )ariety linear and non-linear te1ts in t!e for# of print and non-print #aterials &sing a range of strategies to $onstr&$t #eaning. (.2 y t!e end of t!e "-year pri#ary s$!ooling% p&pils will 'e a'le to read independently for infor#ation and en3oy#ent. (.1.1 *'le to re$ogni0e and arti$&late initial% #edial and t!e final so&nds in single sylla'le words wit!in gi)en $onte1t+ ,$- ear% air% &re% er (.1.( *'le to 'lend p!one#es into re$ogni0a'le words and read t!e# alo&d. (.1.2 *'le to seg#ent words into p!one#es to spell. (.(.2 *'le to read and &nderstand si#ple senten$es in linear and non-linear te1ts. (.2.1 *'le to read si#ple te1ts wit! g&idan$e+ ,'- non-fi$tion y t!e end of t!e lesson% p&pils will 'e a'le to+



Added value / Cross-curricular lements Teaching Aids Focus Theme Topic Content Standard Learning Standard Objectives Day 2 - Writing World of Knowledge Unit 8 - Growing Plants 2.1 y t!e end of t!e "-year pri#ary s$!ooling% p&pils will 'e a'le to for# letters and words in neat legi'le print in$l&ding $&rsi)e writing. 2.1.1 *'le to write in neat legi'le print+ ,$- si#ple senten$es y t!e end of t!e lesson% p&pils will 'e a'le to+



Added value / Cross-curricular lements Teaching Aids

Focus Theme Topic Content Standard Learning Standard Objectives

Day . Lang&age *rts World of Knowledge Unit 8 - Growing Plants ..1 y t!e end of t!e "-year s$!ooling% p&pils will 'e a'le to en3oy and appre$iate r!y#es% poe#s and songs% t!ro&g! perfor#an$e. ..1.( *'le to sing a$tion songs and re$ite 3a00 $!ants wit! $orre$t pron&n$iation% r!yt!# and intonation. y t!e end of t!e lesson% p&pils will 'e a'le to+



Added value / Cross-curricular lements Teaching Aids

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