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USE o something happens repeatedly

how often something happens one action follows another First I get up, then I have breakfast. My friend often draws nice posters. things in genera,facts lThe sun rises in the East . future meaning timeta!les, programmes The plane flies to ondon every Monday.

I,!e,"ou,They wor&' #e,she,It wor&s'

Present Simple

"nfinitive he#she#it $ %s

Never changing/always true Sometimes, always, often, us ually ,seldom, never ,eve ry day

o o o

$!#%(O $!#%(OES I,!e,"ou,They #e,she,It

I,!e,"ou,They #e,she,it (ON)T (OESN)T



o after the ver!s of state $to love, to hate, to think, etc.%

I understand English I "ou #e,she,it am are is I "ou #e,she,it am not are not isn)t

Present Progressive

time of spea&ing or around it 'eter is reading a book now.

o something is happening at the same



#appening during a period around now now ,at the moment ,*oo&+ *isten+

o something is happening these days I()playing guitar these se)esetar o future meaning when you have o trends
already decided and arranged fi*ed plan More and )ore people are using their co)puters to listen to )usic. o Result of an action in the past is important in the present I have already eaten so I a) not hungry. Recently completed action #e has +ust played handball. 1ction !eginning in the past and still continuing !e have lived in ,anada since -./0

-am,are,is. $ infinitive $ %ing

am are is I, "ou,they,we #e,she,it



Present Perfect

I,"ou,they,we #e,she,it have#has $ 2ast participle have has I,"ou,they,we #e,she,it

have has I,"ou,they,we #e,she,it have not has not


0ust, yet, never, already, ever, so far, up to now, recently, since, for

o o

gone/' gone'

together with lately, recently, yet

I have been to ondon recently.

Present PerfectProgresive

action started in past and o continuing now I have been waiting for an hour o finished !ut evidence remains

I,!e,"ou,They have #e,she,It has have#has 3ave 3as I,!e,"ou,They #e,she,it

!een wor&ing !een wor&ing/

I have been sunbathing in the garden that(s why )y face so red.

$!een $ inf regular

I,!e,"ou,They haven)t #e,she,It hasn)t

!een wor&ing'

Past Simple
yesterday, last wee&, a month ago, in 4554

I visited 1erlin last week. o

o action too& place in the past

I,!e,"ou,They,#e,she,It wor&ed'


The Simple 2ast interrupted an action which inf$%ed $63.(id I,!e,"ou,They #e,she,it wor&& was in progress in the past' They were playing cards when the irregular telephone rang. I,!e,"ou,They,#e,she,It didn)t wor&' used to indicates so)ething that happened regularly in the past but doesn2 t happen now " used to wor& at night. 34 I often worked at night, so)e ti)e ago% I'm used to working at night. $4 it is nor)al for )e to do this% action going on at a certain time in the past 'eter was reading a book yesterday evening actions ta&ing place at the same time !hile she was driving ,she was tal&ing. action in the past that is interrupted !y another action 6hile we were sitting at the !rea&fast ta!le, the telephone rang'

Past Progresive

I,"ou,they,we #e,she,it was#were 5inf 5 ing were was I,"ou,they,we #e,she,it

were was "ou,they,we I,#e,she,it were not was not wor&ing

6hile,when, as long as

wor&ing/ wor&ing

!hen the light changed ,I crossed the street $first the light change% !hen the light changed ,I was crossing the street $first I was crossing, then light changed%

Past Perfect

already, 0ust, never, not yet, once, until that day,!y'' if sentence type III (If

action ta&ing place !efore a certain time in the past 1y -.// 6prah !infrey had beco)e fa)ouos o relationships !etween two past evants-earlier. $ !hen the show ended,she had left'-first she left. o I saw 1illy Idol last night.I have never seen hi) before.7nn had already seen hi). o tal& a!out an action that was in progress !efore specific time in the past I sow 8ob at 9.#e had !een waiting : hours.

had $ past participle

I,!e,"ou,They,he she had wor&ed

$63.3ad I,!e,"ou,They #e,she,it wor&ed/

I,!e,"ou,They,#e,she,It had not wor&ed' I,"ou,we,they,#e,she,it had !een wor&ing 3ad I,"ou,we,they,#e,she,it !een wor&ing/ I,"ou,they,we,#e,she,it hadn)t !een wor&ing'

Past Perfect Progressive

3ad !een

all day, for 4 years, since 1993, how long?, the whole week

o conclusions a!out past events The streets were wet.It had !een raining. Relationships with other past event

!hen the race started ,it had !een raining .(it wasnt raining during the race) ;!hen the race started ,it was raining (it was still raining)/Past Progressive

predictions FUTURE intentions,plans offers

!e going to He is going to be a new director(100%) Is he going to be a new director? will He will be a new director( aybe). *oo&+3e is going to fall'- NOT 3e will fall. !e going to I going to see !essica tonight will 77decisions at the )o)ent of speaking "here is #arry.I ll go and s$ea% to her. 2resent 8ontinuous-$ti)e reference%,already arranged plans I seeing !essica tonight. will I help you? to orrow. l,you,he she,it,we they will !e wor&ing' will l,you,he she,it,we they !e wor&ing/ I,you,he she,it,we they won)t !e wor&ing'

sheduled future evants 2resent Simple "he train leaves at 10&00 $ Future Continuous o action that is going on at a certain time in the future !hen I co)e to school, the other kids will in one year, next week, will 5 !e 5 !e waiting for )e. tomorrow, for inf5 ing o action that is sure to happen in the near future. !e9ll !e going to the disco on <aturday. Future Perfect To loo& ahead to a time in the future when

I,!e,"ou,They #e,she,It will have wor&ed' will $ have $ past participle 6ill I, "ou,he,she it, !e, ,They have wor&ed/ I,!e,"ou,They #e,she,It will not-won)t. have wor&ed' I,!e,"ou,They #e,she,It will have !een wor&ing' will-;ll.$

o 1n e:pected event or activity will !e in

the past !y$time e:presion already yet ")ll have finished work by five o(clock tonght o Future Perfect Progressive (uration of time will !e in the past

")ll have for !een for a a year in =anuary ' o 6ith to here descri!e period of time which precedes apoint in the future

!e(ll have !een living here or two years in =uly. for o To descri!e an activitywhich leads up to a point in the future

have !een$ ver!<ing

6ill I, "ou,he,she it, !e, ,They have !een wor&ing/

I,!e,"ou,They #e,she,It 6ill not-won)t. have !een wor&ing'

I(ll be dirty because ")llhave !een playing football

F18TU1* !ero

"F 8*1USE present simple progressive

RESU*T 8*1USE present simple

If air e:pands ,it !ecomes lighter. If I(m travellling far,I always fly' "ou can improve >uickly if you practice every day'

8 O N ( " T " O N 1 * S

modilas =eneral truth,scientific facts,ha!its'' Imperative in result clause'to give instru"tions#"ommands#invitations( If you co)e to 1elgrade ,stay with us.

If it snows,planes can)t leave' (oes the airport close if it(s foggy/ !hy does the air get lighter if it e:pands/ "f 1aker wins, he will raise the ta*es. $1 1aker will raise the ta*es "f he wins If 1aker wins he could raise the ta*es'

"F 8*1USE

RESU*T 8*1USE future-=O"N= TO,6"**. MO(1*S


"f $ present simple


If he doesn)t lower ta*es,bussiness wont return. 6hat will happen under certain conditions' instead if,unless,if?not$negative condition% "F 8*1USE RESU*T 8*1USE If he loved Marry, he would marry her. $1ut I don(t love her ,so I wont )arry her% If I had ti)e, I could read )ore. If I were you,I d read @TwighlightA.$giving advice% not I was ! 6ill he lower ta*ses if he wins& !hat will he do if he wins/

UNRE1* Se"ond

"f $past simple )eaning is not pastB

would$inf MO(1*S

If he didn(t love Marry, he wouldn)t marry her.

unreal, untrue, i)agined,or i)possible conditions and their results. o "F 8*1USe RESU*T 8*1USE

6ould he marry Marry If he loved her& If Ceorge had died young,he wouldn t have had children$but he didn(t die,so he had children% If Ceorge had gone to collage,he might have !ecome an architect.

UNRE1* Third

2ast 2erfe&t had$past p'

would have-would)ve. -MO(1*S have. $past participle

2ast unreal conditions and imagined results that never happened' E

6ould you have left if you had had )oney& If I had -not.had )oney, I have-not. moved away.

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