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coala Gimnazial Bia Teacher: tefoni Andreea Cristina Class: 5th Curriculum area: Lan ua e and communication Te"t#oo$:

: %ath&a' to (n lish Authors: Alaviana Achim, Liana Ca)ot, (caterina Comi!el, *elicia +inu, (lena Teodorescu ,chool 'ear: -./0 -./1

Aviz director,

Aviz !ef catedr,


Runn n! Nu" #$% Un & L$''(n C(n&$n&' S)C)

ANUL COLAR: 2013-2014

T$a*+ n! a*& , & $' Ma&$% a-' In&$%a*& (n A''$'"$n& .(u%' /$$0

SEMESTRUL I /2 3evision 4 all the voca#ular' and rammar studied so far /2/ /2-202/ 0212/202/ 020 121 /2/ /2 4 4 +iscussion *ill in 5ulti)le choice *ormulate sentences 8nitial Test )a)er 3eadin Listenin 4 re)eatin As$ and ans&er e" 6or$sheets T4,, ,, 7ral 8



4 all the voca#ular' and rammar studied so far 4 4 To #e4 ,im)le %resent (")ressin



/ 88


9/: :ello, ever'#od';

Te"t#oo$ %ictures


7ral *ill in e"2

L/: *riendl' faces 12 L-: 3ound the &orld 4 4 4 4

a reement< disa reement =uestion4ta s >to #e> %h'sical a))earance +emonstrative )ronouns As$ and ive )ersonal information

-20 12/2/ /2-20 -21

+escri#in )ictures +escri#e 'ourself Listenin 4 fill in e"2 As$ and ans&er e" ?thin s around@ fill in e" as$ a#out )ersonal information e" 0, ) /5 Listenin 4 fill in e"2 3e)eatin dialo ues 3eadin Com)letin a rid 5atchin e"2 5atchin e"2 Listenin fill in e"2 *ill in e": have, has +escri#e 'ourself, 'our classmate 3ole readin 3e)eatin &ords 8dentif'in )ictures *ormulatin Hs Genitive structures Tal$in a#out FateGs famil' 3eadin ) -5 3i ht, &ron , donGt $no& e"2 Com)arin e"2 *ill in e"2 Ta)e Te"t#oo$

%6 , , %6 %6

+escri#e one of 'our )arents 7ral Com)lete a form &ith )ersonal information

88, 888 888, 8A


L0: Bice to meet 'ou

4 4

Greetin )eo)le 8ntroducin )eo)le

/2/ /2-2/ 02/ 020 -2/ -20

Ta)e Te"t#oo$

, ,<%6 , ,<%6


9-: A *amil' Tree L/: 6hat does she loo$ li$eD

4 4

+escri#in )eo)le :ave< has ot4 ,im)le %resent

Ta)e Te"t#oo$

, , , ,,

7ral 6rite a dialo ue ?introduce sm#2 to 'our mother@ 7ral +escri#e a mem#er of 'our famil'

/ 8A


L-: FateGs *amil'

4 4

*amil' relationshi)s Hs Genitive4 e")ressin )ossessions

02/ 02020

Te"t#oo$ 6or$sheet

, , %6

7ral *ormulate Hs Genitive structures



L0: 6hoGs the tallestD

4 4

Com)arin )eo)le Com)arative and su)erlative of short adJectives



, %6 %6 ,

7ral ("2 0, ) -C Com)are the )airs



90: ,chool L/: 5i$e has to &or$ hard

4 4 4

Tal$in a#out routines ,im)le %resent (")ressin necessit' ?have to@ ,chool su#Jects, activities As$in and tal$in a#out school timeta#les, school su#Jects Com)arative and su)erlative of lon < irre ular adJectives Nmust>4 o#li ation ,chool rules +escri#in feelin s a#out school %ronunciation

/2/ /2-2/ 02/ 02/2/ /2-2/ 02/ 02-

Listenin 4 true< false e"2 *ill in e"2 3i ht &ord order e"2 *ill in the rid *ill in e"2 Listenin 4 re)eatin &ords Com)lete 5i$eGs timeta#le 3eadin Ans&erin Kuestions Com)arin su#Jects 3eadin ans&erin Kuestions ,$immin , scannin the te"t *ill in the rid *ormulate sentences &ith adJectives 3e)eatin &ords *ormulate Kuestion4ta s +escri#e 'ouGre 'our friend Com)lete &ith )ronouns *ill in the dialo ue &ith the ri ht &ords +ra& 'our famil' tree Translate the e")ressions ?Hs enitive@ Com)lete the chart &ith the com)arative and su)erlative forms of the adJectives *ormulate school rules

Ta)e Te"t#oo$

, , %6


L-: ,chool ,u#Jects

4 4

Ta)e Te"t#oo$

T4,, %6 , , ,

7ral (" 0#: &hat do 'ou have to do to #e a #etter studentD 7ral Lour timeta#le Com)are the )airs



4 /02 L0: ,chool 3ules 4 4 4 4

02/ 02-2/ -21


, , %6 %6 ,,

7ral ("21, ) 0O 3ules of 'our school


4=uestion4ta s >to #e> 4%h'sical a))earance 4+emonstrative )ronouns 4Greetin )eo)le 48ntroducin )eo)le 4+escri#in )eo)le 4:ave< has ot4 ,im)le %resent 4*amil' relationshi)s 4Hs Genitive4 e")ressin )ossessions 4Com)arative and su)erlative adJectives 4,im)le %resent 4,chool su#Jects, activities

/202-2-20 021 120



/ M8


4As$in and tal$in a#out school timeta#les, school su#Jects 4Nmust>4 o#li ation 4,chool rules Test )a)er


91: 6ee$ends L/: Great Attractions

4 4 4 4


L-: A +a' 7ut 4 4 4

Advertisements, )laces to #e visited 8nvitin )eo)le to do thin s ?&ould@ Acce)tin and refusin )olitel' ?&ould@ 7fferin )eo)le thin s )olitel' As$in and sa'in -25 &hat )eo)le are doin 02/ ,)are time activities 02%resent Continuous 020 Tense

/202/ 020 121 /2/ /2-2/ -21

Test )a)er

Test )a)er


/ M8

Listenin 4 fill in the rid Thic$ or cross 3e)eatin dialo ues Actin dialo ues Ans&erin Kuestions

Ta)e Te"t#oo$

%6 %6 %6 %6 ,

7ral (" 0#, ) 0I 3ead the conversatio n and fill in the #lan$s 7ral ("-#, ) 1. Grou) the activities: indoor or outdoor 7ral ("1, ) 11

/ M88


L0: 6ee$ends at FateGs rand)arents

4 4 4

5a$in e"cuses %ronunciation %resent Continuous Tense

-2/ -21 020


95: %arties and %resents L/: Letters from Lou

4 4 4

N&ould li$e>4 e")ressin &ishes %resents %ossessives

-25 /2/ /2-21

+iscussion 5atchin e"2 3eadin , ans&erin Kuestions 8dentif'in )ictures4 matchin &ith sentences *ill in e"2 %ictures4 ma$e Kuestions and ans&ers 3e)eatin : )hone conversation Actin the conversation 3e)eatin &ords &ith a:P Q +iscussion 5atchin e"2 Listenin 4 thic$ the &ords


, %6 , %6 ,

/ M88


%6 ,, %6 ,,

/ M888

Ta)e Te"t#oo$

%6 , , %6

7ral ("C, ) 55 Letter for ,anta

/ M888




L-: The Best Time 7f the Lear

4 4 4

*uture &ith N&ill> 6ords referrin to Christmas (")ressin li$es and disli$es

-2/ -21 02/ 02-

Ans&er the Kuestions 3e)eatin &ords *ill in e" ?)ossessives@ 3e)eatin &ords 5atchin e"2 3eadin *ill in e"2 ?future@ As$ and ans&er e"2

,, , Te"t#oo$ T4,, %6 , , T4,, 7ral *ill in ?future@ 5a$e a rid a#out &hat 'ou li$e, hate, have 7ral 5a$e sentences *ill in e"2 / M8A


L0: 6e 6ish Lou a 5err' Christmas

4 4

*uture N#e oin to>4 intention %ronunciation

-2/ -25 -2/


9O: 6eather L/: The *our ,easons

4 4 4

6ords descri#in &eather ,im)le %resent vs2 Continuous ?e")ressin routines vs2 activities in )ro ress@

/212020 12/ 12-

*ill in e"2 ?#e oin to@ 3i ht &ord order 3e)eatin 4 identif'in &ords 3evision: future N&ill> 5a$e sentences Listenin 4 name the season Com)lete the &ord &e#s *ill in the rid +escri#in )ictures 3evision *ormulatin sentences

6or$sheet Te"t#oo$

, , T4,, ,, , , G6 , , ,, %6

/ M8A

Ta)e Te"t#oo$

7ral +escri#e 'our favourite season 0 sentences usin %res2 ,im)le 0 sentences usin %res2 Cont2 7ral (" 5#, ) 1I Learn the )oem 7ral Lour favourite



L-: 6eather *orecast

4 4 4 4


L0: 7n a 6ind' +a'

4 4

+escri#in &eather (")ressin li$es and disli$es a#out &eather AdJective formation 5odal ver#s: can, must ,im)le %resent vs2 Continuous 5odal ver#s: can,

-2/ -20 -2-2/ /2/ /2/ /20

Listenin 4 re)eatin As$ and ans&er e"2 *ill in e"2 3eadin 3e)eatin the )oem %la'in : find someone &ho222 *ill in: must, mustnGt,

Ta)e Te"t#oo$

,, , %6 , ,, ,, %6



/ MA88

must ?)ossi#ilit', o#li ation@ %ronunciation

12/ -2-2/

can, canGt %ut into the ri ht order ?dialo ue@ 5a$e a list of adJectives ?season@ 3eadin 3e)eatin

G6 G6 , ,,

activities in &inter 5a$e sentences usin : )ot, )orts, fo", for$s MA888 7ral (" 1, ) OO Ans&er the Kuestions / M8M

3evision and evaluation

6or$sheets ,,

-nd ,emester
-12 9C: :olida's L/: :olida' %ictures 4 4 4 -O2 L-: A :olida' to 3emem#er 4 4 4 4 Nto #e>4 ,im)le %resent As$in and tal$in a#out )ast events :olida's and recreation activities +escri#in thin s ,im)le %ast4re ular ver#s Li$eR v#4in ?as$in and tal$in a#out li$es and disli$es@ +escri#in )eo)le and )laces -2/ /2/ /2-2/ /2-2/ -25 -21 12-2-2/ /2 3e)eatin 5atchin e"2 Listin &ords e"2 3e)eatin conJu ation *ill in e"2 3e)eatin %la'in : find someone &ho li$es222 As$ and ans&er e" /c *ormulatin sentences e" /a 3eadin 3e)eatin *ill in e"2 listenin 4 fill in the #lan$s e" -a readin re4arran e the )arts of t&o letters e"2 &ith ,im)le %ast Te"t#oo$ ,, , G6 ,, , ,, , ,, , , ,, , Ta)e Te"t#oo$ 6or$sheet , , G6 ,


7ral :&: e"1, ) C. :&: sentences: li$es - sentences: disli$es 7ral :&: e" 1, ) C:&: formulate 5 sentences in the %ast usin : cr', live, travel, sta' and



L0: :olida' Letters

4 4 4

4 ,im)le %ast4re ular /2ver#s +escri#in thin s -2tal$in a#out li$es and /20 disli$es /2-



9E: Choose 'our friend L/: 5' friend

4 4 4

descri#in )eo)le4 )h'sical a))earance com)ound adJectives: #lue4e'ed )ronunciation

-2/ -20 /2/2-2/ -2/ -202-


L-: 5anGs #est friend

4 4 4

e")ressin li$es friendshi) ,im)le %ast4 8rre ular ver#s ?tal$in a#out )ast events@



4 4 4

used to4 to e")ress )ast ha#its contrastin )ast to )resent events )ronunciation

-21 -202-21 -2/ 020 -2/ /2/ /2/202-2/ -202-2/


9I: =uizzes L/: The =uiz ,ho&

4 4 4

,im)le %ast 6h4 Kuestions As$in and tal$in a#out eneral truths ,im)le %ast4 interro ative Les<no Kuestions Great navi ators ("tinct animals %ronunciation

Te"t#oo$ (")lanation ?meanin @ ta)e 3e)eatin +escri#e 'our friend e" /a,# Listenin 4 &ron <ri ht e" Guessin e" 1 3e)eat4 listen Te"t#oo$ Listen and re)eat (")lanation 3eadin 8dentif' the ver#s 5a$in sentences e" O 6or$sheet *ill in e" %ut the &ords ri ht order Te"t#oo$ +iscussion 3eadin Co)' the sentences &ith Nused to> as$ and ans&er e" listen and re)eat re)lace the )ictures &ith &ords Te"t#oo$ 3e)eatin Ta)e 5atchin e" *ill in e" Listenin 4 fill in e" *ind the ans&er Listen and re)eat 3eadin Ans&er the Kuestions e" 1 Com)lete the dialo ue e" 5 Te"t#oo$ &or$sheet

,, , %6 %6 , ,, ,, , %6 , , %6 ,4, , , T4, ,, , ,, %6 %6 , , ,, , , , ,,

visit2 7ral :&: e"O, ) C5 :&: &rite a short descri)tion of 'our friend 7ral :&: e" 1 ) CC :&: e"2 6or$sheet

MM8 MM88

MM88 MM888

7ral :&: (" 1 ) CI

/ MM888


L-: 6hat do 'ou chooseD

4 4 4 4 4

7ral :&: 6rite a Kuestion and the ans&er ?Kuiz@ 7ral :&: e" 0 ) E12 :&: e" 1a ) E0 :&:

/ MM8A


-21 -21


L0: The Grand %rize

4 4 4 4

,im)le %ast4 interro ative 6h4 Kuestions Bames of )lanets %ronunciation

-2/ -21 02020

3e)eatin )ronunciation (")lanation *ormulate Kuestions As$ and ans&er e" Ca Listen and re)eat +iscussion Guess4 find the name e" 5atchin e" 0# +escri#e 'our schoolmate %ut the ver#s into %ast ,im)le *ormulate sentences usin Nused to> *ormulate 6:4 Kuestions usin %ast ,im)le Tense Test )a)er

, %6



,, %6 G6 G6

7ral :&: e" 5 ) EE unscram#le the letters 7ral




descri#in )eo)le4 )h'sical a))earance 4 ,im)le %ast4 8rre ular ver#s ?tal$in a#out )ast events@ 4 used to4 to e")ress )ast ha#its 4 6h4 Kuestions 4 ,im)le %ast4 interro ative Test )a)er

/202-2-20 021 120



/ MMA8


9/.: ,)orts and Games L/: 6hich do 'ou )referD

4 4 4 4

s)orts and ames e")ressin )references as$in for and ivin o)inions a reein and disa reein

/202/ 020 121 -2/ 020 02/ /2/212/ -25

Test )a)er


/ MMA8


L-: The British and Their ,)orts

4 4

)ronunciation ,im)le %resent ?s)orts ver#s@

-2/ -2/ /2/

Listen and re)eat 5atchin e" /a 5a$in - lists: s)orts< ames Listenin 4 com)lete the rid Listenin com)lete the a)s +escri#e &h' do 'ou )refer different s)orts and ames Listen and re)eat %racticin the

Te"t#oo$ ta)e

,, , %6 ,<%6 ,<%6 %6

7ral / :&: e" O# ) I54 &rite MMA88 sentences a#out a s)ort 'ou li$e< donGt li$e and ive 5 reasons 7ral :&: e" -d ) IE / MMA88

Ta)e te"t#oo$

,, %6 ,4,

+escri#in s)orts /202/ 020 -21


L0: 6hat did 'ou do last &ee$endD

,im)le %ast4 re ular and irre ular ver#s ?affirmative, interro ative, ne ative@ )ronunciation

-2/ -2/ /2/ -21 -202-



9//: ,ho))in L/: 8n the ,)orts ,ho)

4 4 4 4 4

sho)s and sho))in discussin )rices )ronunciation clothes num#ers /4/..

-20 /2/ /20 -2-21 -2/ -2/ -2/

conversation Listenin 4 ans&er the Kuestions e" /a identif' the ver#s e" /# readin 4 matchin the )ictures &ith the descri)tions as$ and ans&er Listen and re)eat %racticin the conversation Listenin 4 ans&er the Kuestions As$ and ans&er e" 3eadin *ind the ver#s List the ver#s: re ular< irre ular (")lanation Turn the sentences into ne ative e" 0e fill in e" %ut the sentences into affirmative, interro ative, ne ative2 8dentif'in )ictures Listenin 4 ans&er Kuestions tic$ the true sentences 9nscram#le the dialo ue 3eadin the dialo ue 3e)eatin 5a$in sho))in dialo ues Listen and re)eat %racticin the dialo ue

matchin e" , %6 %6

Te"t#oo$ Ta)e

,, %6 , %6 , %6 , , , ,

7ral :&: e" 0d ) /.*ill in the a)s 7ral :&: e" 1 ) /.0 seven thin s 'ou did< didnGt do 'esterda'

/ MMA888


%ictures Ta)e Te"t#oo$

, , , G6 ,, ,, %6 ,, ,4,

7ral :&: e" 1 ) /.C4 com)lete the commentar ' :&: e" 1 ) /.E4 fill in



L-: %art' Treats

4 4 4

units of food counta#le and uncounta#le nouns as$in and tal$in a#out units and )rices ,im)le %ast %ronunciation

-20 -2-20 020 -21 -25 -2/ -202/ 02-


L0: The' #ou ht Liz a T4shirt

4 4

+escri#in the )ictures 3eadin 8dentif'in )ictures4food 5atchin e" 5a$in dialo ues %la'in Listen and re)eat 3eadin True or false *ind the ver#s4 list them (" /c 5atchin e" Listenin *ind the ans&er *ind the mista$es 1 thin s &e eat at a fair 1 attractions 5a$in sentences Listen and re)eat 3ead the )oem 3e)eatin 3eadin , /st silentl'4 &hat the' reco nize Ans&er the Kuestions 5a$in su estions Listen and )ronounce 3ead the )oem Give instructions e" -a List the instructions 6arn )eo)le e" /# 5a$e sentences usin : donGt ,olvin the e"ercises from


, , , %6 %6 G6 ,, , %6 %6

7ral :&: e" 5 ) ///4 &rite a sho))in list 7ral :&: e" 1 ) //04 fill in :&: e" -a ) //14 re4 order the &ords 7ral :&: e" 5 ) //C4 O thin s 'ou are oin to do &ith 'our friend in the fair 7ral :&: e" O ) /-.4 matchin e" :&: ma$e 5 su estions





9/-: *airs and fanc' dress )arties L/: LetGs o on the #i &heel L-: ,choolGs over

4 4 4

entertainment descri#in )laces e")ressin li$es<disli$es

020 /2/ /2020


4 4 4

ivin su estions NletGs> descri#in )arties )ronunciation

-2/ -2-2/ 0202/ -21

Te"t#oo$ Ta)e

%6 , %6 , , , ,, ,, , ,, , , %6

/ MMM8




L0: Come &ith us

4 4 4

im)eratives si ns and notices )ronunciation

-2/ -2-21 -21


,, , %6 , %6 %6 , %6

7ral / :&: e" O ) /-14 MMM888 matchin e"


3evision and final

voca#ular': s)orts, ames





,im)le %ast4 to #e, re ular ver#s, irre ular ver#s ?affirmative, interro ative, ne ative@

-2-20 021 120

)a es /-O4/-E



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