Sei sulla pagina 1di 35

LlecLlon Laws 8evlewer


Suffrage- Lhe rlghL and obllgaLlon of quallfled clLlzens Lo voLe
ln Lhe elecLlon of cerLaln naLlonal and local of Lhe governmenL
and ln Lhe declslons of publlc quesLlons submlLLed Lo Lhe
people. lL lncludes wlLhln lLs scope: elecLlon, pleblsclLe,
lnlLlaLlve, referendum and recall.

LlecLlon- Lhe means by whlch Lhe people choose Lhelr
offlclals for a deflnlLe and flxed perlod and Lo whom Lhey
enLrusL for Lhe Llme belng as Lhelr represenLaLlves Lhe
exerclse of Lhe powers of Lhe governmenL, lL lnvolves Lhe
cholce of selecLlon of candldaLes Lo publlc offlce by popular

leblsclLe- a voLe of Lhe people expresslng Lhelr cholce for
agalnsL a proposed law or enacLmenL submlLLed Lo Lhem. An
elecLlon aL whlch any proposed amendmenL Lo or revlslon of
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls submlLLed Lo Lhe people for Lhelr
raLlflcaLlon. A consLlLuLlonal requlremenL o secure Lhe
approval of Lhe people dlrecLly affecLed, before cerLaln
proposed changes affecLlng local governmenLs unlLs may be

lnlLlaLlve- lL ls Lhe process by whlch Lhe reglsLered voLers
dlrecLly propose, amend laws, naLlonal or local, Lhough an
elecLlon called for Lhe propose. AmendmenLs Lo Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon may llkewlse be dlrecLly proposed by Lhe people
Lhough lnlLlaLlve.

8eferendum- lL ls aL he submlsslon of a law pass by Lhe
naLlonal or local leglslaLlve body Lo Lhe reglsLered voLers of an
elecLlon called for Lhe purpose for Lhelr raLlflcaLlon or

8ecall- lL ls a meLhod by whlch a publlc offlcer may be
removed from offlce durlng hls Lenure or before Lhe
explraLlon of hls Lerm by a voLe of Lhe people afLer
reglsLraLlon of a peLlLlon slnged by a requlred percenLage of
Lhe quallfled voLers.

Slnce Lhe rlghL of suffrage ls a pollLlcal and noL a naLural rlghL,
lL ls wlLhln Lhe power of Lhe sLaLe prescrlbe Lhe manner ln
whlch such rlghL shall be exerclsed. Congress ls mandaLed by
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon (Sec.2, ArL. v):

1o provlde a sysLem for securlng Lhe secrecy and sancLlLy of
Lhe balloL, and for absenLee voLlng by quallfled llllplnos
abroad, and

1o deslgn a procedure for Lhe dlsabled and Lhe llllLeraLe Lo
voLe wlLhouL Lhe asslsLance of oLher persons.


ComposlLlon, CuallflcaLlons, AppolnLmenL,
1erm of Cfflce

1he CCMLLLC ls composed of a chalrman and slx (6)
Commlsslon, 1he Chalrman and Lhe Members of Lhe
Commlsslon shall be:

- naLural -born clLlzens of Lhe hlllpplnes

- aL leasL LhlrLy-flve years of age

- holders of a college degree

- musL noL have been candldaLes for any elecLlve poslLlon ln
Lhe lmmedlaLely precedlng elecLlon

- ma[orlLy Lhereof, lncludlng Lhe Chalrman shall be members
of Lhe hlllpplnes 8ar who have been engaged ln Lhe pracLlce
of law for aL leasL 10 years (reason: CCMLLLC exerclses quasl-
[udlclal powers)

1he Chalrman and Members are appolnLed by Lhe presldenL
wlLh Lhe consenL of Lhe commlsslon on AppolnLmenL for Lhe
Lerm seven (7) years wlLhouL reappolnLmenL on a sLaggered
basls Lo make Lhe CCMLLLC a conLlnulng and self-
perpeLuaLlng body. ConsequenLly, lLs members would have
Lhe beneflL of Lhe experlence and experLlse of Lhe order
members of Lhe performance of lLs funcLlons, and makes for
greaLer responslblllLy for lLs pollcles and declslons and serve
as guaranLee agalnsL arblLrary acLlon whlch ls llkely Lo occur
ln a body handllng parLlsans quesLlons.

A member appolnLmenL and deslgnaLlons ln Lemporary or
acLlng capaclLy are noL allowed Lo preserve lLs lndependence.

ulsablllLles, lnhlblLlons\dlsquallflcaLlons

1. Shall noL, durlng Lenure, hold any oLher offlce or

2. Shall noL engage ln Lhe pracLlce of professlon

3. Shall noL engage ln acLlve managemenL or conLrol of any
buslness whlch ln any ay may be affecLed by Lhe funcLlons of
hls offlce

4. Shall noL be flnanclally lnLeresLed, dlrecLly or lndlrecLly, ln
any conLracL wlLh, or ln any franchlse or prlvllege granLed by
Lhe CovernmenL, any of lLs subdlvlslons, agencles or
lnsLrumenLallLles, lncludlng CCCC s or Lhelr subsldlarles.

Safeguards Lo lnsure Lhe lndependence of Lhe CCMLLLC

lL ls consLlLuLlonally creaLed, may noL be abollshed by sLaLuLe

lL ls expressly descrlbed as lndependenL"

lL ls conferred wlLh cerLaln powers and funcLlons whlch
cannoL be reduced by sLaLuLe.

1he chalrman and members cannoL be removed excepL by

1he chalrman and members are glven falrly long Lerm of
offlce of seven years.

1he chalrman and members may noL be reappolnLed or
appolnLed ln an acLlng capaclLy.

1he salarles of Lhe chalrman and members are relaLlvely hlgh
and may noL be decreased durlng conLlnuance ln offlce.

1he CCMLLLC en[oy flscal auLonomy.

1he CCMLLLC may promulgaLe lLs own procedural rules,
provlded Lhey do noL dlmlnlsh, lncrease or modlfy subsLanLlve
rlghLs (Lhough sub[ecL Lo dlsapproval by Lhe Supreme CourL)

1he Chalrman and Members are sub[ecL Lo cerLaln
dlsquallflcaLlons calculaLed Lo sLrengLhen Lhelr lnLegrlLy.

1he CCMLLLC may appolnL Lhelr own offlclals and employees
ln accordance wlLh Clvll Servlce Laws.

Ln 8anc & ulvlslon Cases

SLC 3, A81 lx-C 1he CCMLLLC may slL en banc or ln Lwo
dlvlslons, and shall promulgaLe lLs rules of procedure ln order
Lo expedlLe dlsposlLlon of elecLlon cases, lncludlng pre-
proclamaLlon conLroversles. All such elecLlon cases shall be
heard and declded ln dlvlslon, provlded LhaL moLlons for
reconslderaLlon of declslon shall be declded by CCMLLLC en

1he Supreme CourL seL aslde Lhe resoluLlons/declslons of Lhe
CCMLLLC because dLhe CCMLLLC en banc Lokk orlglnal
cognlzance of Lhe cases wlLhouL referrlng Lhem flrsL Lo Lhe
approprlaLe ulvlslon (SarmlenLo vs. CCMLLLC 212 SC8A 307,
ZaraLe vs CCMLLLC, 318 SC8A 608)

lnLerlocuLory orders lssued by a dlvlslon of Lhe CCMLLLC
cannoL be elevaLed Lo Lhe CCMLLLC en banc. (kho vs.
CCMLLLC, 279 SC8A 463)

1he followlng cases musL be declded ln ulvlslon before Lhey
may be heard en bnc on moLlon for reconslderaLlon:

- eLlLlon Lo cancel a cerLlflcaLe of candldacy. (Carvlda vs.
Sales, 271 SC8A 764)

- Cases appealed from Lhe 81C or M1C (ZaraLe vs.
CCMLLLC,318 SC8A 608)

- eLlLlon for cerLlorarl lnvolvlng lncldenLal lssues of elecLlon
proLesL.(Soller vs. CCMLLLC,339 SC8A 683)

1he CCMLLLC en banc, however, may dlrecLly assume
[urlsdlcLlon over peLlLlons for correcLlon of manlfesL errors ln
Lhe LabulaLlon or Lallylng of resulLs (SLsLemenL of voLes) by
Lhe 8oard of Canvassers, noLwlLhsLandlng LhaL Lhe same ls a
pre-proclamaLlon comLroversy. SecLlon 3, 8ule 27 of Lhe 1993
8ules of Lhe CCMLLLC expressly provldes LhaL pre-
proclamaLlon conLroversles lnvolvlng correcLlon of manlfesL
errors ln Lhe LabulaLlon of resulLs may be flled dlrecLly wlLh
Lhe CCMLLLLLC cen banc. (1orres vs. CCMLLLC,270 SC8A
383, 8amlrez vs. CCMLLLC,270 SC8A 390)

1he CCMLLLC en banc deLermlnes Lhe exlsLence of probable
cause.(laelnar vs. CCMLLLC,331 SC8A 429)


A81 lx-A, SecLlon 7 Lach commlsslon(CCMLLLC) shall declde
by a ma[orlLy voLe of all lLs Members any case or maLLer
broughL before lL wlLhln slxLy days from daLe of lLs submlsslon
for declslon or resoluLlon. A case or maLLer ls deemed
submlLLed for declslon or resoluLlon upon Lhe flllng of Lhe lasL
pleadlng, brlef, or memorandum requlred by Lhe rules of Lhe
Commlsslon or by Lhe Commlsslon lLself. unless oLherwlse
provlded by Lhe Commlsslon or by law, any declslon, order, or
rullng of each Commlsslon may be broughL Lo Lhe Supreme
CourL on cerLlorarl by Lhe aggrleved parLy wlLhln 30 days from
recelpL of a copy Lhereof."

1he CCMLLLC shall declde by a ma[orlLy voLe of all lLs
members ln any case or maLLer broughL before lL wlLhln 60
days from daLe of lLs submlsslon for declslon or resoluLlon.
1wo members shall consLlLuLe a quorum for Lhe LransacLlon
of Lhe offlclal buslness of Lhe ulvlslon. A case belng heard by
lL shaa be declded wlLh Lhe unanlmous concurrence ofc all
Lhree Commlssloners and lLs declslon shall be consldered a
declslon of Lhe commlsslon. lf Lhls requlred number ls noL
obLalned, as when Lhere ls a dlssenLlng oplnlon, Lhe case may
be appealed Lo Lhe Commlsslon en banc, ln whlch case Lhe
voLe of Lhe ma[orlLy shall be Lhe declslon of Lhe Commlssslon.

1he courL holds LhaL 2-1 declslon rendered by Lhe llrsL
ulvlslon was a valld declslon under A81 lx-A ,SecLlon 7 of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon. lurLhermore, Lhe Lhree members who voLed Lo
afflrm Lhe llrsL ulvlslon consLlLuLed a ma[orlLy of Lhe flve
members who dellberaLed and voLed Lhereon en banc and
Lhelr declslon ls also valld under Lhe aforeclLed consLlLuLlonal
provlslons. (Cua vs. CCMLLLC, 136 SC8A 387)

Cne who ls no longer a member of Lhe CCMLLLC aL Lhe Llme
Lhe flnal declslon or resoluLlon ls promulgaLed cannoL valldly
Lake parL ln LhaL resoluLlon or declslon,much more could he
be Lhe ponenLe of Lhe resoluLlon or declslon.(Ambll vs.
CCMLLLC, 344 SC8A 338)

8uLLS Cl 8CCLuu8L

1he CCMLLLC en banc may promulgaLe lLs own rules
concernlng pleadlnga and pracLlce before lL or before any of
lLs offlces. Such rules, however, shall noL dlmlnlsh,lncrease or
modlfy subsLanLlve rlghLs. 1he 8ules of CourL applles
suppleLorlly Lo proceedlngs before Lhe CCMLLLC.
(aangarungan vs. CCCMLLLC,216 SC8A 322)

CCnS1l1u1lCnAL CWL8S Anu lunC1lCnS

- Lnforce and admlnlsLer laws relaLlve Lo conducL of elecLlons

1he regular courLs have no [urlsdlcLlon Lo enLerLaln a peLlLlon
Lo en[oln Lhe consLrucLlon of publlc works pro[ecLs wlLhln 43
days before an elecLlon.(Callardo vs. 1abamo,218 SC8A 233)

- ueclde elecLlon conLesLs lnvolvlng reglonal, provlnclal and
clLy offlclals

LLLC1lCn CCn1LS1 refers Lo Lhe adversary proceedlngs
before whlch maLLers lnvolvlng Lhe LlLle or clalm Lo an
elecLlve offlce made before or afLer proclamaLlon of Lhe
wlnner,ls seLLled wheLher or noL Lhe conLesLanL ls clalmlng
Lhe offlce ln dlspuLe. lL ls nelLher a clvllk acLlon nor crlmlanal
proceedlng,lL ls a summary proceedlng of a pollLlcal
characLer. lLs purpose ls Lo ascerLaln Lhe candldaLe lawfully
elecLed Lo offlce.(!avler vs. CCMLLLC,144 SC8A 194)

1he CCMLLLC has excluslve appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon over,lnLer
alla, conLesL lnvolvlng elecLlve barangay offlclals declded by
Lrlal courLs of llmlLed [urlsdlcLlon.(8eso vs. abolla,327 SC8A

1he provlslon of 8A 6679 granLlng appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon Lo Lhe
81C over declslons of M1Cs ln elecLoral cases lnvolvlng
elecLlve barangay offlclals ls unconsLlLuLlonal. (llores vs.
CCMLLLC,184 SC8A 484)

1he CCMLLLC ls Lhe proper appellaLe courL cloLhed wlLh
[urlsdlcLlon Lo hear Lhe appeal, whlch musL flrsL be flled
wlyhln 3 days afLer Lhe promulgaLlon of Lhe M1Cs
declslon(AnLonlo vs. CCMLLLC,313 SC8A 62)

1he elecLlon of Sk are goverened by Lhe Cmnlbus LlecLlon
Code. Any conLesL relaLlng Lo Lhe elecLlon of Lhe Sk (lncludlng
Lhe chalrman wheLher perLalnlng Lo Lhelr ellglblllLy or Lhe
manner of Lhelr elecLlon ls cognlzable by M1Cs,M1CCs, and
Me1Cs. lL ls Lhe proclamaLlon whlch marks off Lhe [urlsdlcLlon
of Lhe courLs from Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of elecLlon offlclals.
(Marquez vs. CCMLLLC, 313 SC8A 103)

1he CCMLLLC has appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon over elecLlon proLesL
cases lnvolvlng elecLlve munlclpal offlclals declded by courLs
of general [urlsdlcLlon. (Carlos vs. Angeles,346 SC8A 671)

- ueclde all quesLlons affecLlng elecLlons

1he CCMLLLC has no [urlsdlcLlon over quesLlons lnvolvlng Lhe
rlghL Lo voLe whlch lncludes quallflcaLlons and
dlsquallflcaLlons of voLers, Lhe rlghL of a person Lo be
reglsLered as voLer, Lhe rlghL Lo casL hls voLe, and oLher allled
quesLlons. Such quesLlons shall be declded by Lhe courLs.(
nacllonallsLa arLy vs. CCMLLLC, 84 hll 49)

LlecLlon conLesLs lnvolvlng elecLlons of Sk offlclals do noL fall
wlLhln secLlon 232 of Lhe CLC and paragraph 2,secLlon
A81.lx-C of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and no law ln effecL prlolr Lom
Lhe raLlflcaLlon of Lhe consLlLuLlon has made Lhe Sk Chalrman
an elecLlve barangay offlclal. Sk elecLlons are under Lhe dlrecL
conLrol and supervlslon of Lhe ulLC. (Ahman vs. Mlrasol,276
SC8A 301) ueclslons/deLermlnaLlons made by Lhe CCMLLLC
ln Lhe exerclse of Lhls power, belng merely admlnlsLraLlve(noL
quasl [udlclal) ln characLer, may be quesLloned ln an ordlnary
clvll acLlon before Lhe Lrlal courLs.(llllplnas Lnglneerlng vs.
lerrer,133 SC8A 23)

- uepuLlze law enforcemenL agencles wlLh Lhe concurrence of
Lhe resldenL

- 8eglsLer pollLlcal parLles and accredlL lLs clLlzens arms

- llle peLlLlons, lnvesLlgaLe and prosecuLe

- 8ecommend measures Lo lmprove elecLlon laws

- 8ecommend Lhe lmposlLlon of dlsclpllnary acLlon upon an
employee lL has depuLlzed for vlolaLlon of lLs order.

Slnce Lhe CCMLLLC can recommend LhaL dlsclpllnary acLlon
be Laken agalnsL an offlcer lL had depuLlzed, ldL can
lnvesLlgaLe an admlnlsLraLlve charge agalnsL such an offlcer Lo
deLermlne wheLher or noL lL should recommend LhaL
dlsclpllnary acLlon can be Laken agalnsL hlm (1an vs.
CCMLLLC,237 SC8A 333)

- 8egulaLlon of publlc enLlLles and medla-

SecLlon 4, lx-C 1he Commlsslon may, durlng Lhe elecLlon
perlod, supervlse or regulaLe Lhe en[oymenL or uLlllzaLlon of
all franchlses or permlLs for Lhe operaLlon of LransporLaLlon
and oLher publlc uLlllLles, medla of communlcaLlon or
lnformaLlon, all granLs speclal prlvlleges, or concesslons
granLed by Lhe CovernmenL or any subdlvlslon, agency or
lnsLrumenLallLy Lhereof, lncludlng any governmenL-owned or
conLrolled corporaLlon or lLs subsldlary. Such supervlslon or
regulaLlon shall alm Lo ensure equal opporLunlLy, Llme, and
space and Lhe rlghL Lo reply, lncludlng reasonable equal raLes
Lherefor, for publlc lnformaLlon campalgns and forums
among candldaLes ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe ob[ecLlve of holdlng
free, orderly, honesL, peaceful, and credlble elecLlons.

1he auLhorlLy glven Lo Lhe CCMLLLC ls Lo be exerclsed ofr Lhe
purpose of ensurlng free, orderly, honesL, peaceful and
credlble elecLlons and only durlng Lhe elecLlon perlod. noLe
LhaL CCCCs are among Lhose LhaL may be supervlsed and
regulaLed by Lhe CCMLLLC.

1he SC upheld Lhe valldlLy of SecLlon 11(b), 8A 6646,
prohlblLlng Lhe sale odr donaLlon of prlnL space or alrLlme for
pollLlcal adverLlsemenLs, and Lhe auLhorlLy of Lhe CCMLLLC
Lo procure prlnL space (upon paymenL of [usL compensaLlon)
and free alrLlme for allocaLlon Lo
candldaLes.(1elecommunlcaLlon and 8roadcasL ALLorneys of
Lhe hlllpplnes vs. CCMLLLC,289 SC8A 33)

An exlL poll ls a specles of elecLoral survey conducLed by
quallfled lndlvlduals or groups of lndlvlduals for Lhe purpose
of deLermlnlng Lhe probable resulL of an elecLlon by
confldenLlally asklng randomly selecLed voLers whom Lhey
have voLed for, lmmedlaLely afLer Lhey have offlclally casL
Lhelr balloL.(A8S-C8n 8roadcasLlng corporaLlon vs.
CCMLLLC,323 SC8A 811)

An absoluLe prohlblLlon would be unreasonably
resLrlcLlve,because lL effecLlvely prevenLs Lhe use of exlL poll
daLa noL only for elecLlon-day pro[ecLlons,buL also for long
Lerm research. 1he CCMLLLC concern wlLh Lhe posslble non
communlcaLlve effecL of exlL polls-dlsorder and confuslon ln
Lhe voLlng cenLers- does noL [usLlfy a LoLal ban on Lhem. 1he
holdlng of exlL polls and Lhe dlssemlnaLlon of Lhelr resulLs
Lhrough mass medla consLlLuLe an essenLlal parL of freedom
of speech and of Lhe press. 1he reason behlnd Lhe prlnclple of
balloL secrecy ls Lo avold voLe buylng Lhrough voLer
ldenLlflcaLlon (A8S-C8n 8roadcasLlng CorporaLlon vs.

1he SC held LhaL SLC 3.4 of Lhe lalr LlecLlon AcL prohlblLlng
publlcaLlon of survey resulLs 13 days lmmedlaLely precedlng a
naLlonal elecLlon and 7 days before a local elecLlon vlolaLes
Lhe consLlLuLlonal rlghLs of speech,expresslon,and Lhe press
a. lL lmposes prlor resLralnL on Lhe freedom of expresslon,
b. lL ls a dlrecL and LoLal suppresslon of Lhe caLegory of
expresslon even Lhough such suppresslon ls only for a llmlLed
perlod, and
c. 1he governmenLal lnLeresL soughL Lo be promoLed can be
achleved by means oLher Lhan Lhe suppresslon of freedom of
expresslon. (Soclal WeaLher SLaLlon vs. Comelec, C8 no.
147371, May 3,2001)

- Make mlnor ad[usLmenLs of Lhe apporLlonmenL of
leglslaLlve dlsLrlcLs.

1hls refers malnly Lo Lhe power Lo correcL an error because of
Lhe omlsslon of a munlclpallLy or an error ln Lhe name of a
munlclpallLy and does noL lnclude Lhe power Lo make a
reappolnLmenL of leglslaLlve dlsLrlcLs. (MonLe[o vs.
CCMLLLC,242 SC8A 413)

- Ad[usL Lhe apporLlonmenL ln a case of creaLlon of new
provlnces or clLles.

1he CCMLLLC ls merely auLhorlzed Lo ad[usL Lhe number of
congressmen apporLloned Lo an old provlnce lf a new
provlnce ls creaLed ouL of lL and does noL auLhorlze Lhe
CCMLLLC Lo Lransfer munlclpallLles from one leglslaLlve
dlsLrlcL Lo anoLher. (MonLe[o,supra)

- ardon vlolaLors of elecLlon laws.

- romulgaLe rules of procedure concernlng pleadlngs and
pracLlce before lL or any of lLs offlces.
- SubmlL reporL on how a prevlous elecLlons was conducLed.

S1A1u1C8? CWL8S

1. ower Lo declare fallure of elecLlon and call for speclal

2. Lxcluslve orlglnal [urlsdlcLlon over all pre-proclamaLlon

3. lssue wrlLs of cerLlorarl, prohlblLlon

1he CCMLLLC has Lhe auLhorlLy Lo lssue exLraordlnary wrlLs
of cerLlorarl, prohlblLlon and mandamus ln ald of lLs excluslve
appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon.

8oLh Lhe SC and Lhe CCMLLLC have concurrenL [urlsdlcLlon Lo
lssue wrlLs of cerLlorarl, prohlblLlon, and mandamus over
declslons of Lrlal courLs of general [urlsdlcLlon ln elecLlon
cases lnvolvlng elecLlve munlclpal offlclals. 1he courL Lakes
[urlsdlcLlon flrsL shall exerclse excluslve [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe
case. (Carlos vs. Angeles, 346 SC8A 371)

4. Summons parLles Lo a conLroversy pendlng before lL

3. Lnforce and execuLe lLs declslons and orders

6. unlsh conLempLs provlded for ln Lhe 8ules of CourLs.

1he CCMLLLC has Lhe power Lo clLe for conLempL, buL Lhls
power may be exerclsed only whlle Lhe CCMLLLC ls engaged
ln Lhe performance of quasl-[udlclal funcLlons and noL
admlnlsLraLlve funcLlons.(Cuevarra vs. CCMLLLC, 104 PlL
269 and Masangcay vs. CCMLLLC, 6 SC8A 270)

7. romulgaLe rules and regulaLlons lmplemenLlng Lhe
LlecLlon Code

8. Lxerclse dlrecL and lmmedlaLe supervlslon and conLrol over
offlclals requlred Lo perform duLles relaLlve Lo Lhe conducL of

9. rescrlbe forms Lo be used ln Lhe elecLlon

10. rocure any supplles, equ[lpmenL, maLerlals or servlces
needed for Lhe holdlng of elecLlon

11. rescrlbe Lhe use or adopLlon of Lhe laLesL Lechnologlcal
and elecLronlc devlces

12. Carry ouL conLlnulng and sysLemaLlc campalgn Lo educaLe
Lhe publlc abouL elecLlons

13. llx oLher reasonable perlods for cerLaln pre-elecLlon

14. LnllsL non-parLlsan groups Lo asslsL.

!uulClAL 8LvlLW Cl uLClSlCnS
Any declslon, order or rullng of Lhe CCMLLLC en banc may be
broughL Lo Lhe SC on cerLlorarl by Lhe aggrleved parLy wlLhln
30m days from recelpL of Lhe copy Lhereof. When Lhe
Supreme CourL revlews a declslon of Lhe CCMLLLC, Lhe courL
exerclses exLraordlnary [urlsdlcLlon, Lhus Lhe proceedlng ls
llmlLed Lo lssues lnvolvlng grave abuse of dlscreLlon resulLlng
ln lack or excess of [urlsdlcLlon and does noL ordlnarlly
empower Lhe courL Lo revlew Lhe facLual flndlngs of Lhe
CCMLLLC. (AraLuc vs. CCMLLLC,88 SC8A 231)
1he mode by whlch a declslon, order or rullng en banc may be
elevaLed Lo Lhe SC ls Lhe clvll acLlon of cerLlorarl under 8ule
63 of Lhe 1964 8evlsed 8ules of CourL, now expressly
provlded ln 8ule 64, 1997 8ules of Clvll rocedure, as
amended. (Ambll vs. CCMLLLC,344 SC8A338)
A speclal clvll acLlon for cerLlorarl ls Lhe proper remedy Lo
quesLlon any flnal order, rullng and declslon of Lhe CCMLLLC
rendered ln Lhe exerclse of lLs ad[udlcaLory or quasl-[udlclal
powers.(Cuerero vs. CCMLLLC,336 SC8A 438)
WhaL ls conLemplaLed by Lhe Lerm flnal orders, rullngs and
declslons" of Lhe CCMLLLC revlewable by cerLlorarl by Lhe
Suprerme CourL as provlded by law are Lhose rendered ln
acLlons or proceedlngs before Lhe CCMLLLC and Laken
cognlzance of by Lhe sald body ln Lhe exerclse of lLs
ad[udlcaLory (or quasl-[udlclal) powers. (Salva vs. MakallnLal,
340 S8A 306)
CCMLLLC 8esoluLlon no. 2987 whlch provldes for Lhe rules
and regulaLlons governlng Lhe conducL of pleblsclLe, ls noL
lssued pursuanL Lo Lhe CCMLLLC's quasl-[udlclal funcLlons buL
merely as an lncldenL of lLs lnherenL admlnlsLraLlve funcLlons
over Lhe conducL of pleblsclLes, and any quesLlon perLalnlng
Lo Lhe valldlLy of sald resoluLlon may be well Laken ln an
ordlnary clvll acLlon before Lhe Lrlal courLs.(Salva ,supra)
1he alleged naLure or Lhe CCMLLLC Lo lmplemenL lLs
resoluLlon orderlng Lhe deleLlon of a candldaLe's name ln Lhe
llsL of quallfled candldaLes does noL call for Lhe exerclse of Lhe
SC's funcLlon of [udlclal revlew as lL ls undoubLedly
admlnlsLraLlve ln naLure, beyond [udlclal lnLerference.(Chavez
vs. CCMLLLC, 211 SC8A 313)
A resoluLlon of Lhe CCMLLLC awardlng a conLracL for Lhe
supply of voLlng booLhs Lo a prlvaLe parLy, as a resulL of lLs
cholce among varlous proposals submlLLed ln response Lo lLs
lnvlLaLlon Lo bld, ls noL revlewable by cerLlorarl as lL ls noL
order rendered ln Lhe legal conLroversy before lL buL merely
as lncldenL Lo lLs lnherenL admlnlsLraLlon funcLlons over Lhe
conducL of elecLlons. Any quesLlon arlslng from sald order
may be Laken ln an ordlnary clvll acLlon. (llllplnas Lnglneerlng
vs. CCMLLLC, 344 SC8A 338)

1he Supreme CourL has no power Lo revlew vla cerLlorarl, an
lnLerlocuLory order or even a flnal resoluLlon of a ulvlslon of
Lhe CCMLLLC. (Ambll vs. CCMLLLC, 244 SC8A 338)

A declslon, order or resoluLlon of a dlvlslon of Lhe CCMLLLC
musL be revlewed by Lhe CCMLLLC en banc declslon may be
broughL Lo Lhe supreme CourL on cerLlorarl. (Ambll vs.
CCMLL, 338)

vC1L8S: CuALlllCA1lCn Anu 8LClS18A1lCn

CuallflcaLlon for Suffrage

llllplno clLlzenshlp- lL may be by blrLh or naLurallzaLlon.

Age- a person may be reglsLered as a voLer alLhough he ls less
Lhan 18 years aL Lhe Llme of reglsLraLlon lf he wlll be aL leasL
18 on Lhe day of elecLlon.

8esldence- aL leasL 1 year ln Lhe hlllpplnes, and aL leasL 6
monLhs where he proposes Lo voLe lmmedlaLely precedlng
Lhe elecLlon. Any person who, on Lhe days of reglsLraLlon may
noL have been reached Lhe requlred perlod of resldence buL
who, on Lhe day of elecLlon shall possess such quallflcaLlon,
may reglsLer as voLer.
no llLeracy, properLy or oLher subsLanLlve requlremenL shall
be lmposed on Lhe exerclse of suffrage.
Any person who Lemporarlly resldes ln anoLher clLy
munlclpallLy or counLry solely by reason of occupaLlon,
professlon, employmenL ln publlc or prlvaLe servlce,
educaLlonal acLlvlLles, work ln Lhe mlllLary or naval
reservaLlons wlLhln Lhe hlllpplnes, servlce ln Lhe Al, n or
conflnemenL or deLenLlon ln governmenL lnsLlLuLlons, shall
noL deemed Lo have losL hls orlglnal resldence. (Sec. 9, 8A
ln elecLlon cases, Lhe Supreme CourL LreaLs domlclle and
resldence and resldence as synonymous Lerms. ln order Lo
acqulre a new domlclle by cholce, Lhere musL concur (1)
resldence or bodlly presence ln Lhe new locallLy,(2) an
lnLenLlon Lo remaln Lhere, and (3) an lnLenLlon Lo abandon
Lhe old domlclle. 1he resldence aL Lhe place chosen for Lhe
new domlclle musL be acLual. (8omualdez vs. 81C,226 SC8A


1. Any person senLenced by Lhe flnal [udgmenL Lo suffer
lmprlsonmenL for noL less Lhan one year.

2. Any person ad[udged by Lhe flnal [udgmenL of havlng

(a) any crlme lnvolvlng dlsloyalLy Lo Lhe governmenL or
(b) any crlme agalnsL naLlonal securlLy
(c) flrearms laws.

3. lnsane or lncompeLenL persons as declared by compeLenL

8emoval of dlsquallflcaLlon for convlcLlon

- lenary pardon

- AmnesLy

- Lapse of 3yaers afLer servlce of senLence (Sec.111, 8A 8189)

SysLem of ConLlnulng 8eglsLraLlon

1he personal flllng o appllcaLlon of reglsLraLlon of voLers shall
be conducLed dally ln Lhe offlce of Lhe LlecLlon Cfflce durlng
regular offlce hours. no reglsLraLlon shall, however, be
conducLed durlng Lhe perlod sLarLlng 120 days before a
regular elecLlon and 90 days before a speclal elecLlon. (Sec. 8,
8A 8189)

1he Supreme CourL upheld Lhe valldlLy of Lhe CCMLLLC
resoluLlon denylng Lhe peLlLlon of cerLaln youLh secLors Lo
conducL a speclal reglsLraLlon: eLlLloners were noL denled
Lhe opporLunlLy Lo avall of Lhe conLlnulng reglsLraLlon under
8A 8189..Lhe law alds Lhe vlgllanL and noL Lhose who slumber
on Lhelr rlghLs.

ln a represenLaLlve democracy Lhe rlghL of suffrage, alLhough
afforded a prlme nlche ln Lhe hlerarchy of rlghL embodled ln
Lhe fundamenLal law., oughL Lo be exerclsed wlLhln Lhe
proper bounds frames and framework of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and
musL properly yleld Lo perLlnenL laws sklllfully enacLed by Lhe

1he rlghL of suffrage ardenLly lnvoked by hereln peLlLloners
ls noL aL all absoluLe.Lhe exerclse of suffrage, as Lhe
en[oymenL of all oLher rlghLs sub[ecL Lo exlsLlng subsLanLlve
and procedural requlremenL embodled ln our ConsLlLuLlon,
sLaLuLe books and oLher reposlLorles of law." (Ak8A?An -
?ouLh eL al. vs. CCMLLLC C8 no. 147066, March 26, 2001)

lncluslon and LxcluLlon Cases

1. !urlsdlcLlon

l. Munlclpal or MeLropollLan 1rlal CourL - orlglnal and
excluslve !urlsdlcLlon\
ll. 8eglonal 1rlal CourL - appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon (3 days) (Sec.
33, 8A 8189)
lll. Supreme CourL - appellaLe [urlsdlcLlon over 81C on
quesLlon of law (13 days) [Sec. 3(2)(e), ArL. vlll, C, Sec. 2,
8ule 43 of Lhe 8ules of CourL.]

2. eLlLloners

a. lncluslon

rlvaLe person whose appllcaLlon was dlsapprove by Lhe
LlecLlon 8eglsLraLlon 8oard or whose name was sLrlcken ouL
from Lhe llsL of waLers (Sec. 34, 8A 8189)
CCMLLLC [Sec. 2(6), ArL. lx-C, C]

b. Lxcluslon

l. Any reglsLered voLer ln clLy or munlclpallLy
ll. 8epresenLaLlve of pollLlcal parLy
lll. LlecLlon Cfflcer (Sec. 39, 8A 8189)
lv. CCMLLLC [Sec. 2(6), ArL. lx - C, C]

3. erlod for llllng

a. lncluslon - Any day excepL 103 days before regular elecLlon
or 73 days before a speclal elecLlon. (Sec. 24, 8A 8189)
b. Lxcluslon - Any Llme excepL 100 days before a regular
elecLlon or 63 days before speclal elecLlon. (Sec. 33 8A 8189)

4. rocedure

a. eLlLlon for excluslon shall be sworn (Sec. 33 , 8A 8189)
b. Lach peLlLlon shall refer only Lo only one preclncL. (Sec. 33,
8A 8189)
c. noLlce
l. arLles Lo be noLlfled

3. lncluslon - LlecLlon 8eglsLraLlon 8oard
l. ll Lxcluslon -
6. LlecLlon 8eglsLraLlon 8oard
7. Challenged voLers [Sec. 32(b), 8A 8189]
8. Manner

noLlce sLaLlng Lhe place day and hour of hearlng shall be
served Lhrough any of Lhe followlng means:
- 8eglsLered mall
- ersonal dellvery
- Leavlng copy ln possesslon of sufflclenL dlscreLlon ln
- osLlng ln clLy hall or munlclpal hall and Lwo oLher
consplcuous places ln Lhe clLy or munlclpallLy aL leasL 10 days
before Lhe hearlng (Sec. 32(b), 8A 8189)

Any voLer, candldaLe or pollLlcal parLy affecLed may
lnLervene. (Sec. 32c, 8A 8189)

non-appearance ls prlma facle evldence Lhe reglsLered voLer
ls flcLlLlous (Sec. 32 (f), 8A 8189)

ueclslon cannoL be rendered on sLlpulaLlon of facLs (Sec. 32
(f), 8A 8189)

no moLlon for reconslderaLlon ls allowed, (Sec. 33, 8A 8189)

AnnulmenL of LlsL of voLers

1. upon verlfled complalnL of any voLer, elecLlon offlcer or
reglsLered pollLlcal parLy or moLu proplo, Lhe CCMLLLC may
annul a llsL of voLes whlch was noL prepared ln accordance
wlLh 8A 8189 or whose preparaLlon was affecLed wlLh fraud,
brlbery, forgery, lmpersonaLlon, lnLlmldaLlon, force or oLher
slmllar lrregularlLy or sLaLlsLlcally lmprobable.

2. no llsL of voLers shall be annulled wlLhln 60 days before an
elecLlon (See. 33, 8A 8189)

1he annulmenL of Lhe llsL of voLers shall noL consLlLuLe a
ground for a pre-proclamaLlon conLroversy. (uLuLalum vs.
CCMLLLC, 181 SC8A 333)

When an assalled order had been lssued pursuanL Lo
CCMLLLC's admlnlsLraLlve powers ln Lhe absence of any
flndlng of grave abuse of dlscreLlon ln declarlng a preclncL as
non - exlsLenL, sald order shall sLand, [udlclal lnLerference
belng unnecessary and uncalled for. 1he sacred rlghL of
suffrage guaranLeed by Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls noL Lampered
when a llsL of flcLlLlous voLers ls excluded from an elecLoral
exerclse. (Saranganl vs. CCMLLLC, 334 SC8A 379)

LlecLlon preclncL ls Lhe baslc unlL of LerrlLory esLabllshed by
Lhe CCMLLLC for Lhe purpose of voLlng.

A polllng place refers Lo Lhe bulldlng or place where Lhe board
of elecLlon lnspecLors conducL proceedlngs and where Lhe
voLers casL Lhelr voLes.

voLlng cenLer refers Lo Lhe bulldlng or place where Lhe polllng
place ls locaLed.

LlsL of voLers refers Lo an enumeraLlon of names of reglsLered
voLers ln a preclncL duly cerLlfled by Lhe LlecLlon 8eglsLraLlon
8oard for use ln Lhe elecLlon.

8ook of voLers refers Lo Lhe compllaLlon of all reglsLraLlon
records ln a preclncL.

SlgnaLure of Chalrman aL back of every balloL

ln every case before dellverlng an offlclal balloL Lo Lhe voLer,
Lhe Chalrman of Lhe 8Ll shall, ln Lhe presence of Lhe voLer,
afflx hls slgnaLure aL Lhe back Lhereof. lallure Lo so
auLhenLlcaLe shall be noLed ln Lhe mlnuLes of Lhe 8Ll and
shall consLlLuLe an elecLlon offense punlshable under SecLlons
263 and 264 of Lhe CLC.

lv. CLl1lCAL A81lLS Anu A81? - LlS1 S?S1LM

ollLlcal parLy or parLy when used ln Lhe CLC means an
organlzed group of persons pursulng Lhe same ldeology,
pollLlcal ldeas or plaLforms of governmenL and lncludes lLs
branches or dlvlslons. A pollLlcal parLy may refer Lo a local
reglonal or naLlonal parLy exlsLlng and duly reglsLered and
accredlLed by Lhe CCMLLLC. 1o acqulre [urldlcal personallLy,
quallfy for accredlLaLlon, and Lo be enLlLled Lo Lhe rlghLs of
pollLlcal parLles, a pollLlcal parLy musL be reglsLered wlLh Lhe
CCMLLLC. 1he followlng pollLlcal parLles cannoL be

1. 8ellglous secLs
2. 1hose whlch seeks Lo achleve Lhelr goals Lhrough unlawful
3. 1hose whlch refuse Lo adhere Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
4. 1hose LhaL are supporLed by any forelgn governmenL

C8CunuS lC8 CAnCLLLA1lCn Cl 8LClS18A1lCn

1. AccepLlng flnanclal conLrlbuLlons from forelgn
governmenLs or Lhelr agencles (for parLlsan elecLlon
purposes.) (Sec.2(3), ArL lx - C, C)
2. lL ls a rellglous secL or denomlnaLlon, organlzaLlon or
assoclaLlon organlzed for rellglous purposes.
3. lL advocaLes vlolence or unlawful means Lo seek lLs goal
4. lL ls a forelgn parLy or organlzaLlon
3. lL vlolaLes or falls Lo comply wlLh laws, rules and
regulaLlons relaLlng Lo elecLlons
6. lL declares unLruLhful sLaLemenLs ln lLs peLlLlon
7. lL has ceased Lo exlsL for aL leasL one year , and
8. lalls Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe lasL Lwo precedlng elecLlons, or
falls Lo obLaln aL leasL 2 of Lhe voLes casL under Lhe parLy -
llsL sysLem ln Lhe Lwo precedlng elecLlons for Lhe consLlLuency
ln whlch lL was reglsLered.

- A parLy whlch falls Lo obLaln aL leasL 10 of Lhe voLes casL ln
Lhe consLlLuency ln whlch lL nomlnaLed candldaLes ln Lhe
elecLlon nexL followlng lLs reglsLraLlon shall forfelL lLs

arLy SysLem. A free and open parLy sysLem shall be allowed
Lo evolve accordlng Lo Lhe free cholce of Lhe people. [Sec 2(3)
ArL. lx - C, C]

1he arLy-LlsL SysLem, ls a mechanlsm of proporLlonal
represenLaLlon ln Lhe elecLlon of represenLaLlves Lo Lhe Pouse
of 8epresenLaLlves, from naLlonal, reglonal and secLoral
parLles, organlzaLlons and coallLlons Lhereof reglsLered wlLh
Lhe CCMLLLC. 1he arLy-llsL sysLem was devlsed Lo replace
Lhe reserve seaL sysLem - Lhe very essence of Lhe parLy - llsL
sysLem ls represenLaLlon by elecLlon. (veLerans lederaLlon
arLy vs. CCMLLLC, 342 SC8A 244)

CuluLLlnLS lC8 SC8LLnlnC A81? LlS1 A81lClAn1S

1. 1he pollLlcal parLy, secLor, organlzaLlon musL represenL Lhe
marglnallzed and underrepresenLed groups ldenLlfled ln Sec.
3 of 8A 7941. ma[orlLy of lLs membershlp should belong Lo
Lhe marglnallzed and underrepresenLed,

roporLlonal represenLaLlon refers Lo Lhe represenLaLlon of
Lhe marglnallzed and underrepresenLed as exempllfled by Lhe
enumeraLlon ln Sec/ 3 of Lhe law, namely, labor peasanL,
flsherfolk, urban poor, lndlgenous culLural communlLles,
elderly, handlcapped, women youLh, veLerans, overseas
workers and professlonals. 1he parLy - llsL organlzaLlon or
parLy musL facLually and Lruly represenL Lhe marglnallzed and
underrepresenLed consLlLuencles menLloned ln Sec. 3 .(Ang
8agong 8ayanl - ClW Labor arLy, eL al vs. CCMLLLC eL al C8
no. 147389. !une 26, 2001)

2. Whlle even ma[or pollLlcal parLles are expressly allowed by
8A 7941 and Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, Lhey musL comply wlLh Lhe
declared sLaLuLory pollcy of llllplno clLlzens belonglng Lo
marglnallzed and underrepresenLed secLors Lo be elecLed Lo
Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves. 1hus, Lhey musL show LhaL
Lhey represenL Lhe lnLeresL of Lhe marglnallzed and

ollLlcal parLles, even Lhe ma[or ones, may parLlclpaLe ln Lhe
parLy - llsL elecLlons, excepL for purposes of May 11, 1998
elecLlons. 1he requlslLe characLer of Lhese organlzaLlons musL
be conslsLenL wlLh Lhe purpose of Lhe parLy - llsL sysLem, as
lald down ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and 8A 7941 . . .

under Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and 8A 7941, provlde respondenLs
cannoL be dlsquallfled from Lhe parLy llsL elecLlons, merely on
Lhe ground LhaL Lhey are pollLlcal parLles. Sec. 3 ArL. vl of Lhe
ConsLlLuLlon provldes LhaL members of Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves may be elecLed Lhrough a parLy - llsL sysLem
of reglsLered naLlonal, reglonal and secLoral parLles or
organlzaLlons. lurLhermore, under Secs. 7 and 8, ArL lx - C of
Lhe ConsLlLuLlon, pollLlcal parLles may be reglsLered under Lhe
parLy - llsL sysLem. (Ang 8agong 8ayanl - ClW Labor arLy, eL
al vs. CCMLLLC, eL al. C8 no. 147389, !une 26, 2001)

3. 1haL rellglous secLor may noL be represenLed ln Lhe parLy -
llsL sysLem, excepL LhaL prlesL, lmam or pasLors may be
elecLed should Lhey represenL noL helr rellglous secL buL Lhe
lndlgenous communlLy secLor.

4. A parLy or an organlzaLlon musL noL be dlsquallfled under
Sec. 6, 8A 7941,

3. 1he parLy organlzed musL noL be ad[uncL of, or a pro[ecL
organlzed or an enLlLy funded or asslsLed by, Lhe governmenL,

6. 1he parLy, lncludlng lLs nomlnees musL comply wlLh Lhe
quallflcaLlon requlremenLs of Sec. 9, 8A 7941 as follows: no
person shall be nomlnaLed as parLy llsL represenLaLlve unless
he ls:

a. naLural - born - clLlzen of Lhe hlllpplnes
b. a reglsLered voLer,
c. a resldenL of Lhe hlllpplnes for a perlod noL of no less Lhan
one year lmmedlaLely precedlng Lhe day of Lhe elecLlon,
d. able Lo read and wrlLe,
e. a bonaflde member of Lhe parLy or organlzaLlon whlch he
seeks Lo represenL for aL leasL 90 days precedlng Lhe day of
Lhe elecLlon, and
f. AL leasL 23 years of age on Lhe day of Lhe elecLlon. ln case
of a nomlnee of Lhe youLh secLor, aL leasL be 23 buL noL more
Lhan 30 years of age on Lhe day of Lhe elecLlon. Any youLh
secLoral represenLaLlve who aLLalns Lhe age of 30 durlng hls
Lerm shall be allowed Lo conLlnue ln offlce unLll Lhe explraLlon
of hls Lerm.

7. noL only Lhe candldaLe parLy or organlzaLlon musL
represenL marglnallzed and underrepresenLed secLors, so also
musL lLs nomlnees,

8. Whlle lacklng a well - deflned pollLlcal consLlLuency, Lhe
nomlnee musL llkewlse be able Lo conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe formaLlon
and enacLmenL of approprlaLe leglslaLlon LhaL wlll beneflL Lhe
naLlon as a whole.

1he parameLers of Lhe llllplno arLy - LlsL SysLem are:
(1) Lhe LwenLy percenL allocaLlon,
(2) Lhe Lwo percenL Lhreshold,
(3) Lhe Lhree seaL llmlL, and
(4) proporLlonal represenLaLlon.

- 1he ConsLlLuLlon makes Lhe number of dlsLrlcL
represenLaLlves Lhe deLermlnanL ln arrlvlng aL Lhe number of
seaLs allocaLed for parLy llsL lawmakers, a formulaLlon whlch
means LhaL any lncrease ln Lhe number of dlsLrlcL
represenLaLlves, an as may be provlded by law, wlll
necessarlly resulL ln a correspondlng lncrease ln Lhe number
of parLy - llsL seaLs . . . ..

- SecLlons 3 (2), ArL. vl of Lhe ConsLlLuLlon ls noL mandaLory,
lL merely provldes a celllng for parLy - llsL seaLs ln Congress . .
CbLalnlng absoluLe proporLlonal represenLaLlon ls resLrlcLed
by Lhe Lhree-seaL-per-parLy llmlL Lo a maxlmum of Lwo
addlLlonal sloLs . .

- under Lhe nlemeyer formula, Lhe number of addlLlonal
seaLs Lo whlch a quallfled parLy would be enLlLled ls
deLermlned by mulLlplylng Lhe remalnlng number of seaLs Lo
be allocaLed by Lhe LoLal number of voLes obLalned by LhaL
parLy and dlvldlng Lhe producL by Lhe LoLal number of voLes
garnered by all Lhe quallfled parLles.

1he nlemeyer formula, whlle no doubL sulLable for Cermany,
flnds no appllcaLlon ln Lhe hlllpplne seLLlng because of our
Lhree seaL llmlL and Lhe non - mandaLory characLer of Lhe
LwenLy percenL allocaLlon. (Ang 8agong 8ayanl -ClW Labor
arLy, eL al vs. CCMLLLC, eL al. C8 no.147389, !une 26, 2001)

v. CAnuluA1LS Anu CL81lllCA1LS Cl CAnuluAC?

CuALlllCA1lCnS Cl CAnuluA1LS

A. naLlonal - ArLs. vl and vll, C
1. resldenL and vlce resldenL
2. SenaLors
3. Congressmen - ulsLrlcL and arLy-LlsL 8epresenLaLlves

8. Local - Sec.39, Local CovernmenL Code

CuallflcaLlons prescrlbed by law are conLlnulng requlremenLs
and musL be possessed for Lhe duraLlon of Lhe offlcer's acLlve
Lenure. Cnce any of Lhe requlred quallflcaLlons ls losL, hls LlLle
Lo Lhe offlce may be seasonably challenged. (lrlvaldo vs.
CCMLLLC, 174 SC8A 243 and Labor vs. CCMLLLC, 176 SC8A


ln Marcos vs. CCMLLLC, 248 SC8A 300, Lhe Supreme CourL
upheld Lhe quallflcaLlon of l8Marcos desplLe her own
declaraLlons ln her cerLlflcaLe of candldacy LhaL she had
reslded ln Lhe dlsLrlcL for only seven monLhs because of Lhe

1. A mlnor follows Lhe domlclle of hls parenLs, 1acloban
became l8Ms domlclle of orlgln by operaLlon of law when her
faLher broughL Lhe famlly Lo LeyLe,
2. uomlclle of orlgln ls losL only when Lhere ls acLual removal
or change of domlclle, a bonaflde lnLenLlon of abandonlng Lhe
former resldence and esLabllshlng a new one, and acLs whlch
correspond wlLh Lhe purpose, ln Lhe absence of clear and
poslLlve proof of Lhe concurrence of all Lhese, Lhese domlclle
of orlgln should conLlnue,
3. 1he wlfe does noL auLomaLlcally galn Lhe husband's
domlclle because Lhe Lerm resldence" ln Clvll Law does noL
mean Lhe same Lhlng ln ollLlcal Law, when l8M marrled
Marcos ln 1934, she kepL her domlclle or orlgln and merely
galned a new home, noL a domlclllum necessarlum,
4. Lven assumlng LhaL she galned a new domlclle afLer her
marrlage and acqulred Lhe rlghL Lo choose a new one only
afLer her husband dled, her acLs followlng her reLurn Lo Lhe
counLry clearly lndlcaLe LhaL she chose 1acloban, her domlclle
of orlgln, as her domlclle of cholce.

- ln Aqulno vs. CCMLLLC, 248 SC8A 400, Lhe Supreme CourL
held LhaL AgaplLo Aqulno falled Lo prove LhaL he had
esLabllshed noL [usL resldence buL domlclle of cholce ln
MakaLl. ln hls cerLlflcaLe of candldacy, he lndlcaLed LhaL he
was a resldenL of San !ose Concepclon, 1arlac for 32 years, he
was a reglsLered voLer of Lhe same dlsLrlcL, hls blrLh of
cerLlflcaLe places ConcepLlon, 1arlac as blrLhplace. 1hus, hls
domlclle of orlgln was ConcepLlon, 1arlac, and hls bare
asserLlon of Lransfer of domlclle from Larlac Lo MakaLl ls
hardly supporLed by Lhe facLs of Lhe case.

- When Lhe ConsLlLuLlon speaks of resldence Lhe word should
be undersLood, conslsLenL wlLh WebsLer, Lo mean acLual,
physlcal and personal presence ln Lhe dlsLrlcL LhaL a candldaLe
seeks Lo represenL

- 1he orlglnal concepL of domlclle, whlch arose from
Amerlcan [urlsprudence was noL lnLended Lo govern pollLlcal
rlghLs, lL was deslgned Lo resolve Lhe confllcL of laws beLween
or among sLaLe where a decedenL may have llved for varlous
reasons, for Lhe purpose of deLermlnlng whlch law was
appllcable as regards hls esLaLe . . .

Applylng Lhe concepL of domlclle ln deLermlnlng resldence as
a quallflcaLlon for an elecLlve offlce would negaLe Lhe
ob[ecLlve behlnd Lhe resldence requlremenL seL forLh under
Lhe law . . . (uomlno vs. CCMLLLC 310 SC8A 346)
1he place where Lhe parLy acLually or consLrucLlvely has hls
permanenL home, where he, no maLLer where he may found
aL any glven Llme, evenLually lnLends Lo reLurn and remaln,
l.e., hls domlclle, ls LhaL Lo whlch Lhe ConsLlLuLlon refers when
lL speaks of resldence for Lhe purposes of elecLlon law . . .

1he reglsLraLlon of a voLer ln a place oLher Lhan hls resldence
of orlgln ls noL sufflclenL Lo conslder hlm Lo have abandoned
or losL hls resldence. (erez vs. CCMLLLC, 317 SC8A 641)

1he raLlonale of requlrlng candldaLes Lo have a mlnlmum
perlod of resldence ln Lhe area ln whlch Lhey seek Lo be
elecLed ls Lo prevenL Lhe posslblllLy of a sLranger or
newcomer unacqualnLed wlLh Lhe condlLlons and needs of a
communlLy and noL ldenLlfled wlLh Lhe laLLer from seeklng an
elecLlve offlce Lo serve LhaL communlLy . . .

1he classlflcaLlon of an area as a hlghly urbanlzed or
lndependenL componenL clLy, for LhaL maLLer, does noL
compleLely lsolaLe lLs resldenLs, pollLlcs, commerce and oLher
buslnesses from Lhe enLlre provlnce, and vlce versa, especlally
when Lhe clLy ls locaLed aL Lhe very hearL of Lhe provlnce lLself
. .

1he resldence requlremenL ls rooLed ln Lhe deslre LhaL
offlclals of dlsLrlcLs or locallLles are acqualnLed noL only wlLh
Lhe meLes and bounds of Lhelr consLlLuencles buL, more
lmporLanL, wlLh Lhe consLlLuenLs Lhemselves, and a very
legallsLlc, academlc and Lechnlcal approach Lo Lhe resldenL
requlremenL does noL saLlsfy Lhls slmple, pracLlcal and
common sense naLlonal for Lhe resldence requlremenL.
(1orayna vs. CCMLLLC 337 SC8A 374)

hlllpplne clLlzenshlp

1he losL clLlzenshlp may be reacqulred under Sec. 1 of 8A
2630, whlch provldes LhaL any person who had losL hls
hlllpplne clLlzenshlp by renderlng servlce Lo, or accepLlng
commlsslon ln, Lhe Armed lorces of Lhe unlLed SLaLes, or
afLer separaLlon from Lhe Armed lorces of Lhe unlLed SLaLes,
acqulred unlLed SLaLes clLlzenshlp by Laklng an oaLh Lo Lhe
8epubllc of Lhe hlllpplnes and reglsLerlng Lhe same wlLh
Local Clvll 8eglsLry ln Lhe place where he resldes or lasL reslde
ln Lhe hlllpplnes. 1he sald oaLh of alleglance shall conLaln a
renunclaLlon of any oLher clLlzenshlp. (8engson lll vs. P8L1, eL
al. C8 no. 142840, May 7, 2001)

8epaLrlaLlon resulLs ln Lhe recovery of Lhe orlglnal naLlonallLy.
1hls means LhaL a naLurallzed llllplno who losL hls clLlzenshlp
wlll be resLored Lo hls prlor sLaLus as a naLurallzed llllplno
clLlzen. Cn Lhe oLher hand, lf he was orlglnally a naLural-born
clLlzen before he losL hls hlllpplne clLlzenshlp, he wlll be
resLored Lo hls former sLaLus as a naLural -born llllplno.
(8engson, supra)


Crounds under Lhe Cmnlbus LlecLlon Code

A. Any person declared by compeLenL auLhorlLy lnsane or

8. Any person senLenced by flnal [udgmenL for any of Lhe
lollowlng offenses:

1. lnsurrecLlon or rebelllon

2. Cffense for whlch he was senLenced Lo penalLy of More
Lhan 18 monLhs

3. Crlme lnvolvlng morale LurplLude (Sec. 12, 8 881)

C. A permanenL resldenL Lo or lmmlgranL Lo forelgn counLry
unless he walves such sLaLus (Sec. 68, 8 881)

u. 8emoval, lnsanlLy or lncompeLence - declaraLlon of
removal by compeLenL auLhorlLy

L. ConvlcLlon, unless granLed plenary pardon, amnesLy, or
Lapse of 3 years afLer servlce of senLence (Sec. 12, 8 881)

Crounds under Lhe Local CovernmenL Code - Sec. 40

A. 1hose senLenced by flnal [udgmenL for an offense lnvolvlng
moral LurplLude or an offense punlshable by lmprlsonmenL
for aL leasL one year, wlLhln Lwo years afLer servlce of

8. 1hose removed from offlce as a resulL of an admlnlsLraLlve

An elecLlve local offlclal who was removed from offlce prlor
Lo !anuary 1, 1992 ls noL dlsquallfled from runnlng for elecLlve
local offlce (Crego vs. CCMLLLC, 274 SC8A 481)

C. 1hose convlcLed by flnal [udgmenL for vlolaLlng hls oaLh of
alleglance Lo Lhe 8epubllc.

u. 1hose wlLh dual clLlzenshlp--1he phrase dual clLlzenshlp"
ln 8A 7160, Sec. 40 (d) and 8A 7834, Sec. 20 musL be
undersLood as referrlng Lo dual alleglance." ConsequenLly,
persons wlLh mere dual clLlzenshlp do noL fall under Lhls
dlsquallflcaLlon. lor candldaLes wlLh dual clLlzenshlp, lL should
sufflce lf, upon Lhe flllng of Lhelr cerLlflcaLes of candldacy,
Lhey elecL hlllpplne clLlzenshlp Lo LermlnaLe Lhelr sLaLus as
persons wlLh dual clLlzenshlp conslderlng LhaL Lhelr condlLlon
ls Lhe unavoldable consequence of confllcLlng laws of
dlfferenL sLaLes. (Mercado vs. Manzano, 307 SC8A 630)

L. luglLlves from [usLlce ln crlmlnal or non - pollLlcal cases.
l. 1he Lerm lncludes noL only Lhose who flee afLer convlcLlon
Lo avold punlshmenL, buL llkewlse who, afLer belng changed,
flee Lo avold prosecuLlon. (Marquez vs. CCMLLLC, 243 SC8A

C. ermanenL resldenLs ln forelgn counLry or Lhose who have
Lhe rlghL Lo reslde abroad and conLlnue Lo avall of lL. (Caasl vs.
CA, 191 SC8A 229)

P. 1he lnsane or feeble - mlnded.

1hree consecuLlve Lerms llmlL

1he Lerm llmlL for elecLlve local offlclals musL be Laken Lo
refer Lo Lhe rlghL Lo be elecLed as well as Lhe rlghL Lo serve ln
Lhe same elecLlve poslLlon. ConsequenLly, lL ls noL enough
LhaL an lndlvldual has served Lhree consecuLlve ln an elecLlve
local offlce, he musL also have been elecLed Lo Lhe same
poslLlon for Lhe same number of Llmes before Lhe
dlsquallflcaLlon can apply: (8or[a vs. CCMLLLC, C8 no.
133493, SepLember 3, 1998)

CondlLlons for Lhe appllcaLlon of Lhe dlsquallflcaLlon: (1) Lhe
offlclal concerned has been elecLed for Lhree consecuLlve
Lerms ln Lhe same local governmenL posL and (2) LhaL he has
fully served Lhree consecuLlve Lerms . . .

A proclamaLlon subsequenLly declared vold ls no
proclamaLlon aL all and whlle a proclalmed candldaLe may
assume offlce on Lhe sLrengLh of Lhe proclamaLlon of Lhe
8oard of Canvassers he ls only a presumpLlve wlnner who
assumes offlce sub[ecL Lo Lhe flnal ouLcome of Lhe elecLlon
proLesL . .

volunLary renunclaLlon of a Lerm of offlce does noL cancel Lhe
renounced Lerm ln Lhe compuLaLlon of Lhe Lhree Lerm llmlL,
conversely lnvolunLary severance from Lhe offlce for any
lengLh of Llme shorL of Lhe full Lerm provlded by law amounLs
Lo an lnLerrupLlon of conLlnulLy of servlce. (Lonzanlda vs.
CCMLLLC, 311 SAC8A 602)

1. under Lhe 8evlsed AdmlnlsLraLlve Code - Munlclpal Cfflce

- LccleslasLlcs (amll vs. 1eleron, 36 SC8A 413)

- ersons recelvlng compensaLlon from provlnclal or
munlclpal funds

- ConLracLors for publlc works of Lhe munlclpallLy

2. under Lhe Lone candldaLe Law - 8A 8293

Any elecLlve offlclal who has reslgned from hls offlce by
accepLlng an appolnLlve offlce Lo become vacanL due Lo hls
reslgnaLlon, and

Any person who, dlrecLly or lndlrecLly coerces, brlbes,
LhreaLens, harasses, lnLlmldaLes or acLually causes, lnfllcLs or
produces any vlolence, ln[ury, punlshmenL, LorLure, damage,
loss or dlsadvanLages Lo any person or persons asplrlng Lo
become a candldaLe or LhaL of Lhe lmmedlaLe member of hls
famlly, hls honor or properLy LhaL ls meanL Lo ellmlnaLe all
oLher poLenLlal candldaLes.

CerLlflcaLes of Candldacy

no person shall be ellglble for any elecLlve publlc unless he
flles a sworn cerLlflcaLe of candldacy wlLhln Lhe perlod flxed
by Lhe Cmnlbus LlecLlon Code.


CerLlflcaLe of candldacy musL be flled noL laLer Lhan Lhe day
before Lhe daLe for Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe campalgn perlod.
(Sec. 7, 8A 7166)
A cerLlflcaLe flled beyond Lhe deadllne ls noL valld. (Cador vs.
CCMLLLC, 93 SC8A 431)

rohlblLlon agalnsL mulLlple candldacles

A person who flles a cerLlflcaLe of candldacy for more Lhan
one offlce should be ellglble for any of Lhem. (Sec 73, 8 881)

8efore Lhe deadllne for flllng cerLlflcaLes he may wlLhdraw all
expecL one, declarlng under oaLh Lhe offlce for whlch he
deslres Lo be ellglble and cancel Lhe cerLlflcaLe of candldacy
for oLher offlce or offlces. (Co vs. CCMLLLC, C8 no. 147741,
May 10, 2001)



1he cerLlflcaLe musL be sworn. (Sec. 73, 8 881)

1he elecLlon of a candldaLe cannoL be annulled because of
formal defecLs ln hls cerLlflcaLe, such as held of oaLh (Cuzman
vs. 8oard of Canvassers, 48 hll 211)


A candldaLe shall use hls bapLlsmal name or full name, Lhe
name reglsLered wlLh Lhe clvll reglsLrar or any oLher name
allowed by law.

Pe may lnclude one nlckname or sLage name by whlch he ls
generally known.

When Lwo or more candldaLes for Lhe same offlce have Lhe
same name or surname, each shall sLaLe hls paLernal and
maLernal surnames, excepL Lhe lncumbenL (See. 71, 8 881)

lace and erlod of lllllng

lor resldenL, vlce resldenL and SenaLors: maln offlce of Lhe
CCMLLLC ln Manlla, 3 coples, noL laLer Lhan 90 days before
daLe of elecLlon.

lor Members of Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves:

rovlnclal leglslaLlve dlsLrlcLs - rovlnclal LlecLlon Supervlsor
of Lhe rovlnce concerned

nC8 leglslaLlve dlsLrlcLs - 8eglonal CCMLLLC ulrecLors

LeglslaLlve dlsLrlcLs ln clLles ouLslde nC8 - ClLy LlecLlon
reglsLrar concerned

lor provlnclal offlces - rovlnclal LlecLlon Supervlsor of Lhe
provlnce concerned.

ClLy and Munlclpal offlces - ClLy or Munlclpal LlecLlon
8eglsLrar concerned.

1he cerLlflcaLes of candldacy of Members of Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves, rovlnclal, clLy or munlclpal offlclals shall be
flled ln 3 coples noL laLer Lhan 43 days before Lhe elecLlon.

1he cerLlflcaLe of candldacy shall be flled by Lhe candldaLe
personally or hls duly auLhorlzed represenLaLlve. no
cerLlflcaLe of candldacy shall be flled or accepLed by mall,
Lelegram or facslmlle.

1he evldenL purpose of Lhe law ln requlrlng Lhe flllng of
cerLlflcaLe of candldacy and ln flxlng Lhe Llme llmlL Lherefore
are, (1) Lo enable Lhe voLers Lo know, aL leasL slxLy days
before Lhe regular elecLlon, Lhe candldaLes among whom Lhey
are Lo make Lhe cholce, and (2) Lo avold confuslon and
lnconvenlence ln Lhe LabulaLlon of Lhe voLes Lo Lhe duly
reglsLered candldaLes, Lhere mlghL be as many persons voLed
for as Lhere are voLers, and voLes mlghL be casL even for
unknown or flcLlLlous persons, as mark Lo ldenLlfy Lhe voLes ln
favor of a candldaLe for anoLher offlce ln Lhe same elecLlon.
(Mlranda vs. Abaya, 311 SC8A 617)


Sub[ecL Lo lLs auLhorlLy over nulsance candldaLes and lLs
power Lo deny due course or cancel a cerLlflcaLe of candldacy,
Lhe rule ls LhaL Lhe CCMLLLC shall have only Lhe mlnlsLerlal
duLy Lo recelve and acknowledge recelpL of Lhe cerLlflcaLes of
candldacy. (Sec. 78, 8 881)

LffecL llllng

An appolnLlve publlc offlclal ls consldered reslgned upon flllng
of hls cerLlflcaLe. (Sec. 66, 8 881,Sanclangco vs. 8ono, 137,
SC8A 671).1hls lncludes an employs of a CCCC organlzed
under Lhe CorporaLlon Code (WlLhouL orlglnal charLer), slnce
Lhe law makes no dlsLlncLlon. (nCC - LuC vs. nL8C, 222
SC8A 831)

Any elecLlve offlclal, wheLher naLlonal or local who has flled a
cerLlflcaLe of candldacy for Lhe same or any oLher offlce shall
noL be consldered reslgned from offlce. (sec. 26, CCMLLLC
8esoluLlon no. 3636, 8ules and 8egulaLlons lmplemenLlng 8A

WlLhdrawal of CerLlflcaLe of Candldacy

lorm - wrlLLen declaraLlon under oaLh. 1here was no
wlLhdrawal of candldacy for Lhe poslLlon of mayor where Lhe
candldaLe, before Lhe deadllne for flllng cerLlflcaLes of
candldacy, personally appeared ln Lhe CCMLLLC offlce, asked
for hls cerLlflcaLe of candldacy and lnLercalaLed Lhe word
vlce" before Lhe word mayor and Lhe followlng day wroLe
Lhe elecLlon reglsLrar saylng LhaL hls name be lncluded ln Lhe
llsL of offlclal candldaLes for mayor. (vlvero vs. CCMLLLC, L -
81039, !an 12, 1989)

Slnce hls cerLlflcaLe of candldacy for Lhe offlce of board
member was flled by hls parLy, and Lhe sald parLy had
wlLhdrawn Lhe nomlnaLlon whlch wlLhdrawal was conflrmed
by Lhe candldaLe under oaLh, Lhere was subsLanLlal
compllance wlLh Sec. 73. Pls flllng under oaLh wlLhln Lhe
sLaLuLory perlod of hls lndlvldual cerLlflcaLe for candldacy for
Lhe separaLe offlce of mayor was, ln effecL, a re[ecLlon of Lhe
parLy nomlnaLlon on hls behalf for Lhe offlce of board
member. (8amlrez vs. CCMLLLC, L-81130, !an 12, 1992)

SubsLlLuLlon of Candldacy - Sec. 77 8 881, Sec. 12, 8A 9006

lf afLer Lhe lasL day for flllng cerLlflcaLes, a candldaLe dles,
wlLhdraws or ls dlsquallfled, he may be subsLlLuLed by a
person belonglng Lo hls parLy noL laLer Lhan Lhe mld - day of
elecLlon. Sald cerLlflcaLe may be fllled wlLh any board of
elecLlon lnspecLors ln Lhe pollLlcal subdlvlslon where he ls an
elecLoraLe of Lhe counLry, wlLh Lhe CCMLLLC. (uomlngo vs.
ClLy 8oard of Canvassers, C8 no. 103363, !une 2, 1992)

Lven lf Lhe wlLhdrawal was noL under oaLh, Lhe cerLlflcaLe of
Lhe subsLlLuLe cannoL be annulled afLer Lhe elecLlon. Such
LechnlcallLy of Lhe orlglnal candldaLe's wlLhdrawal of hls
cerLlflcaLe of candldacy cannoL be used Lo overrlde Lhe
people's wlll ln favor Lo Lhe subsLlLuLe candldaLe. 1he legal
requlremenL LhaL Lhe wlLhdrawal be under oaLh wlll be held
Lo be merely dlrecLory and Lhe candldaLe's fallure Lo observe
Lhe requlremenL ls consldered a harmless error. Pence Lhe
bona flde cerLlflcaLe of Lhe subsLlLuLe candldaLe cannoL be
assalled. 1he voLes ln hls favor should be counLed. (vlllanueva
vs. CCMLLLC, 140 SC8A 332)

ln case of valld subsLlLuLlons afLer Lhe offlclal balloL have been
prlnLed, Lhe voLes casL for Lhe subsLlLuLed candldaLes shall be
consldered as many voLes buL shall noL lnvalldaLe Lhe whole
balloL. lor Lhls purpose, Lhe offlclal balloLs shall provlde
spaces where Lhe voLers may wrlLe Lhe name of subsLlLuLe
candldaLes lf Lhey are voLlng for Lhe laLLer. (See. 12, 8A 9006)

1here ls noLhlng ln Lhe ConsLlLuLlon or sLaLuLe whlch requlres
as condlLlon precedenL LhaL a subsLlLuLe candldaLe musL have
been a member of Lhe parLy concerned for a cerLaln perlod of
Llme before he can be nomlnaLed as such. (Slnaca vs. Mula,
313 SC8A 266)

A valld cerLlflcaLe of candldacy ls llkewlse an lndlspensable
requlslLe ln Lhe case of a subsLlLuLlon of a dlsquallfled
candldaLe under Lhe provlslons of Sec. 77 of Lhe LlecLlon Code
. . . 1he concepL of a subsLlLuLe presupposes Lhe exlsLence of
Lhe person Lo be subsLlLuLed, for how can a person Lake Lhe
place of somebody who does noL exlsL or who never was...

A dlsquallfled candldaLe may only be subsLlLuLed lf he had a
valld cerLlflcaLe of candldacy ln Lhe flrsL place because, lf Lhe
dlsquallfled candldaLe dld noL have a valld and seasonably
flled cerLlflcaLe of candldacy, he ls and was noL a candldaLe aL
all. lf a person was noL a candldaLe, he cannoL be subsLlLuLed
under Sec. 77 of Lhe Code . . . .

Whlle Sec. 78 of Lhe LlecLlon Code enumeraLed Lhe occaslon
where a candldaLe may valldly subsLlLuLe Lhere ls no menLlon
of Lhe case where a candldaLe ls excluded noL only by
dlsquallflcaLlon buL also by denlal and cancellaLlon of hls
cerLlflcaLe of candldacy (Mlranda vs. Abaya, 311 SC8A 617)

ln case of valld subsLlLuLlons afLer Lhe offlclal balloLs have
been prlnLed, Lhe voLes casL for Lhe subsLlLuLed candldaLes
shall be consldered as sLray voLes buL shall noL lnvalldaLe Lhe
whole balloL. Sec. 12, 8A 9006. amendlng Sec. 12 of 8A 8436)

ulSCuALlllCA1lCn Cl CAnuluA1LS

1. Crounds

vlolaLlon of Cmnlbus LlecLlon Code - Sec. 68

Clvlng money or oLher maLerlal conslderaLlon Lo lnfluence
voLers or publlc offlclals performlng elecLoral funcLlons
CommlLLlng acLs of Lerrorlsm Lo enhance hls candldacy
Spendlng ln hls elecLlon campalgn ln excess of Lhe amounL
allowed by Lhe Code
SollclLlng, recelvlng or maklng any prohlblLed conLrlbuLlon
vlolaLlons of Secs. 80, 83, 83, 86 and 261, paragraphs d, e, k, v
and cc, sub-paragraph 6.

nulsance candldaLe - Sec. 69

A peLlLlon Lo dlsquallfy a candldaLe for councllor for fallure Lo
lndlcaLe ln hls cerLlflcaLe of candldacy Lhe preclncL number
and Lhe barangay as a reglsLered voLer cannoL be consldered
a peLlLlon Lo dlsquallfy hlm for belng a nulsance candldaLe,
slnce hls cerLlflcaLe was noL flled Lo make mockery of Lhe
elecLlon or Lo confuse Lhe voLers. (!urllla vs. CCMLLLC, 232
SC8A 738)

lalslLy of maLerlal represenLaLlon ln cerLlflcaLe of candldacy. -
Sec. 78

1he CCMLLLC has [urlsdlcLlon over a peLlLlon Lo dlsquallfy a
candldaLe for congressman for lnellglblllLy before he has been
proclalmed and has assumed offlce (Marcos vs. CCMLLLC,
248 SC8A 300, Aqulno vs. CCMLLLC, 248 SC8A 400)

2. rocedure for dlsquallflcaLlon of candldaLes

1he peLlLlon shall be flled by any reglsLered candldaLe for Lhe
same Cfflce wlLhln 3 days from Lhe lasL day of flllng of
cerLlflcaLes of Candldacy. (Secs. 3a and 7, 8A 6646)

under Lhe elecLlon laws and Lhe CCMLLLC 8ules of
rocedure, any voLer may flle a peLlLlon Lo dlsquallfy a
candldaLe on grounds provlded by law. (1orayno vs.CCMLLLC,
337 SC8A 374)
1he facL LhaL no dockeL fee was lnlLlally pald ls noL faLal. 1he
rocedural defecL as cured by Lhe subsequenL paymenL of Lhe
dockeL fee. (Sunga vs. CCMLLLC, 228 SC8A 76)

A peLlLlon flled afLer Lhe elecLlon ls flled ouL of Llme. (Loong
vs.CCMLLLC, 216 SC8A 769)

Slnce Lhe flllng by facslmlle Lransmlsslon ls noL sancLloned
and a facslmlle copy ls noL an orlglnal pleadlng, a peLlLlon for
dlsquallflcaLlon should be deemed flled upon Lhe flllng of Lhe
orlglnal peLlLlon. (Carvlda vs. Sales, 271 SC8A 764)

Where a quallfled candldaLe was replaced on Lhe day before
Lhe elecLlon, a peLlLlon Lo dlsquallfy Lhe replacemenL flled on
elecLlon day should be enLerLalned, as lL was lmposslble Lo
flle Lhe peLlLlon earller. (Abella vs. Larrazabal, 180 SC8A 309)

1he CCMLLLC may moLu proplo refuse Lo glve due course or
cancel a cerLlflcaLe of candldacy. (Sec. 69, 8 881)

1he proceedlng shall be summary. (nolasco vs. CCMLLLC, 273

1he CCMLLLC can declde a dlsquallflcaLlon case dlrecLly
wlLhouL referrlng lL Lo lLs legal offlcers for lnvesLlgaLlon.
(nolasco, supra)

1he declslon shall be flnal and execuLory afLer 3 days from
recelpL unless sLayed by Lhe Supreme CourL [Secs. 3(e) and 7,
8A 6646]

LllLC1S Cl ulSCuALlllCA1lCn CASL

AfLer flnal [udgmenL -Any candldaLe who has been declared
by flnal [udgmenL Lo be dlsquallfled shall noL be voLed for,
and Lhe voLes casL for hlm shall noL be counLed.

8efore flnal [udgmenL - lf for any reason a candldaLe ls noL
declared by flnal [udgmenL before an elecLlon Lo be
dlsquallfled and he ls voLed for and recelves Lhe wlnnlng
number of voLes ln such elecLlon Lhe CourL or Commlsslon
shall conLlnue wlLh Lhe Lrlal and hearlng of Lhe acLlon, lnqulry
or proLesL and, upon moLlon of Lhe complalnanL or any
lnLervenor, may, durlng Lhe Lendency Lhereof, order Lhe
suspenslon of Lhe proclamaLlon of such candldaLe whenever
Lhe evldence of gullL ls sLrong. (Sec. 6, 8A 6646)

1he purpose of a dlsquallflcaLlon proceedlng ls Lo prevenL Lhe
candldaLe from runnlng or, lf elecLed, from servlng, or Lo
prosecuLe hlm for vlolaLlon of elecLlon laws. 1he facL LhaL a
candldaLe has been proclalmed and had assumed Lhe poslLlon
Lo whlch he was elecLed does noL dlvesL Lhe CCMLLLC of
auLhorlLy and [urlsdlcLlon Lo conLlnue Lhe hearlng and
evenLually declde Lhe dlsquallflcaLlon. 1he CCMLLLC should
noL dlsmlss Lhe case slmply because Lhe respondenL has been
proclalmed. (Sunga vs. CCMLLLC, 288 SC8A 76 and Lonzanlda
vs. CCMLLLC, 311 SC8A 617)

Sec. 6 of 8A 6616 auLhorlzes Lhe conLlnuaLlon of proceedlngs
for dlsquallflcaLlon even afLer Lhe elecLlons lf Lhe respondenL
has noL been proclalmed. (erez vs. CCMLLLC, 317 SC8A 641)

A dlsquallflcaLlon case may have Lwo aspecLs, Lhe
admlnlsLraLlve, whlch requlred only a preponderance of
evldence Lo prove dlsquallflcaLlon, and Lhe crlmlnal, whlch
necesslLaLes proof beyond reasonable doubL Lo convlcL.

1here ls no provlslon ln 8A 6646 LhaL LreaLs of a slLuaLlon
where Lhe complalnL for dlsquallflcaLlon ls flled afLer Lhe
elecLlon. . . .

Second paragraph of paragraph 2 of 8es. no. 2030 provldes
LhaL where a complalnL ls flled afLer Lhe elecLlon buL before
proclamaLlon, as ln Lhls case, Lhe complalnL musL be
dlsmlssed as a dlsquallflcaLlon case buL shall be referred Lo
Lhe Law ueparLmenL for prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon.

Why Lhere ls a dlfference beLween a peLlLlon for
dlsquallflcaLlons before and afLer Lhe elecLlon proceeds from
Lhe facL LhaL before Lhe elecLoraLe and Lhose who voLe for Lhe
candldaLe assume Lhe rlsk LhaL should sald candldaLe be
dlsquallfled afLer Lhe elecLlon, Lhelr voLes would be declared
sLray or lnvalld voLes and LhaL would noL be Lrue ln Lhe case
of one flled afLer Lhe elecLoraLe has already voLed . . .
(8agaLslng vs. CCMLLLC, 320 SC8A 817)

1he CCMLLLC can legally suspend Lhe proclamaLlon of Lhe
wlnnlng candldaLe alLhough he recelved Lhe wlnnlng number
of voLes.(Labo vs. CCMLLLC, 211 SC8A 297).

1he use of Lhe word may", lndlcaLes LhaL Lhe suspenslon of
Lhe proclamaLlon ls merely dlrecLory and permlsslve ln naLure
and operaLes Lo confer dlscreLlon. WhaL ls made mandaLory ls
Lhe conLlnuaLlon of Lhe Lrlal and hearlng of Lhe acLlon, lnqulry
or proLesL. Slnce Lhe suspenslon of Lhe proclamaLlon ls merely
permlsslve, Lhe proclamaLlon of a candldaLe ls valld, lf Lhe
CCMLLLC dld noL suspend hls proclamaLlon. (Crego vs.
CCMLLLC, 274 SC8A 481)

under Lhe same provlslon, lnLervenLlon may be allowed ln
proceedlngs for dlsquallflcaLlon even afLer elecLlon lf Lhere
has yeL no flnal [udgmenL rendered. (Mercado vs. Mazano,
307 SC8A 630)

Where Lhe voLes casL for a nulsance candldaLe whose
dlsquallflcaLlon had noL yeL become flnal on elecLlon day
were Lallled separaLely, Lhey should be counLed ln favor of
Lhe peLlLloner. (8auLlsLa vs. CCMLLLC, 298, SC8A 480)


1he Lone CandldaLe Law ls 8A 8293, enacLed !une 6, 1997.
SecLlon 2 Lhereof provldes Lhe upon Lhe explraLlon of Lhe
deadllne for Lhe flllng of cerLlflcaLe of candldacy ln a speclal
elecLlon called Lo flll a vacancy ln an elecLlve poslLlon oLher
Lhan for resldenL and vlce-resldenL, when Lhere ls only one
(1) quallfled candldaLe for such poslLlon, Lhe lone candldaLe
shall be proclalmed elecLed Lo Lhe poslLlon by proper
proclalmlng body of Lhe CCMLLLC LhaL he ls Lhe only
candldaLe for Lhe offlce and ls Lhereby deemed elecLed.

SecLlon 3 Lhereof also provldes LhaL Lhe lone candldaLe so
proclalmed shall assume offlce noL earller Lhan Lhe scheduled
elecLlon day, ln Lhe absence of any lawful ground Lo deny due
course or cancel Lhe cerLlflcaLe of candldacy ln order Lo
prevenL such proclamaLlon.
vl. CAMAlCn, LLLC1lCn 8CACAnuA, CCn18l8u1lCnS
Anu LxLnul1u8LS

LlecLlon campalgn or parLlsan pollLlcal acLlvlLy refers Lo an acL
deslgned Lo promoLe Lhe elecLlon or defeaL of a parLlcular
candldaLe or candldaLes for publlc offlce. (Sec. 79, 8 881)

a. lf done for Lhe purpose of enhanclng Lhe chances of
asplranLs for nomlnaLlon for candldacy Lo a publlc offlce by a
pollLlcal parLy, eLc, lL shall noL be consldered as elecLlon
campalgn or parLlsan pollLlcal acLlvlLy.

b. lL shall be unlawful for any person or any parLy Lo engage ln
elecLlon campalgn or parLlsan pollLlcal acLlvlLy excepL durlng
Lhe campalgn perlod.

c. Members of Lhe Clvll Servlce Lo engage, dlrecLly or
lndlrecLly, ln any elecLloneerlng or parLlsan pollLlcal

A. nomlnaLlon of candldaLes

1. resldenL, vlce-resldenL and SenaLors - noL earller Lhan
163 before elecLlon daLe

2. Congressmen, provlnclal, clLy or munlclpal offlclals - noL
earller Lhan 73 days before elecLlon day

8. Campalgn perlod

1. resldenL, vlce-resldenL and SenaLors - 90 days before
elecLlon day

2. Congressmen, provlnclal, clLy and munlclpal offlclals - 43
days before elecLlon day.

C. Lawful propaganda

1. lorms

2. amphleLs, leafleLs, cards, decals, sLlckers and wrlLLen or
prlnLed maLerlals noL more Lhan 8 x lnches by 14 lnches

3. PandwrlLLen/prlnLed leLLers

4. CloLh, paper or cardboard, posLers measurlng, noL more
Lhan 2 feeL by 3 feeL 3 by 8 fL. allowed ln announclng aL Lhe
slLe on Lhe occaslon of a publlc meeLlng or rally, may be
dlsplayed 3 days before Lhe daLe of rally buL shall be removed
wlLhln 24 hours afLer sald rally.

3. ald prlnL adverLlsemenLs: x page ln broadsheeLs and x
pages ln Lablolds Lhrlce a week per newspaper, magazlne or
oLher publlcaLlon durlng Lhe campalgn perlod. (Sec. 4, 8A

6. 8roadcasL Medla(l.e., 1v and radlo) naLlonal oslLlons: 120
mlnuLes for 1v, 180 mlnuLes for radlo / Local oslLlons: 60
mlnuLes for 1v, 90 mlnuLes for radlo

7. CLher forms of elecLlon propaganda noL prohlblLed by Lhe
Cmnlbus LlecLlon Code and 8A 9006, and auLhorlzed by Lhe


1. Any publlshed or prlnLed pollLlcal maLLer or broadcasL of
elecLlon propaganda by Lelevlslon or radlo for or agalnsL a
candldaLe or group of candldaLes Lo any publlc offlce shall
bear and be reasonably leglble or audlble words pollLlcal
adverLlsemenL pald for," followed by Lhe Lrue and correcL
name and address of Lhe candldaLe or parLy for whose beneflL
Lhe elecLlon propaganda was prlnLed or alred.

2. lf Lhe broadcasL ls glven free or charge by Lhe radlo or
Lelevlslon sLaLlon, lL shall be ldenLlfled by Lhe word alrLlme
for Lhls broadcasL was provlded free of charge by" followed
by Lhe Lrue and correcL name and address of Lhe broadcasL

3. rlnL, broadcasL or ouLdoor adverLlsemenLs donaLed Lo Lhe
candldaLe or pollLlcal parLy shall be prlnLed, publlshed,
broadcasL or exhlblLed wlLhouL Lhe wrlLLen accepLance by Lhe
sald candldaLe or pollLlcal parLy. Such wrlLLen accepLance
shall be aLLached Lo Lhe adverLlslng conLracL and shall be
submlLLed Lo Lhe CCMLLLC. (Sec. 4, 8A 9006)

u. rohlblLed Campalgn

1. ubllc exhlblLlon of a movle, clnemaLograph or
documenLary porLraylng Lhe llfe or blography of a candldaLe
durlng campalgn perlod.\

2. ubllc exhlblLlon of a movle, clnemaLograph or
documenLary porLrayed by an acLor or medla personallLy who
ls hlmself a candldaLe,

3. use of alrLlme for campalgn of a medla pracLlLloner who ls
an offlclal of a parLy or a member of Lhe campalgn sLaff of a
candldaLe or pollLlcal parLy.


1. rohlblLlng Lhe posLlng of decals and sLlckers excepL ln Lhe
common posLlng area auLhorlzed by Lhe CCMLLLC ls noL valld
(Adlong vs. CCMLLLC, 244 SC8A 272)

2. Mass medla may reporL news relaLlng Lo candldaLes, and
mass medla pracLlLloners may glve Lhelr oplnlon regardlng
candldaLes. (naLlonal ress Club vs. CCMLLLC, 207 SC8A 1)

L. 8allles

1. An appllcaLlon for permlL for a rally shall noL be denled
excepL on Lhe
ground LhaL a prlor wrlLLen appllcaLlon for Lhe same purpose
has been approved. A denlal ls appealable Lo Lhe provlnclal
elecLlon supervlsor or CCMLLLC. (Sec. 87, 8 881)
2. lL ls unlawful Lo glve or accepL LransporLaLlon, food, drlnks
or Lhlngs of
value wlLhln 3 hours before and afLer a publlc rally, before
elecLlon day and on elecLlon day. (Sec. 89 8 881)

l. rohlblLed donaLlons

lL ls prohlblLed for any candldaLe, hls spouse, relaLlve wlLhln
second degree of consangulnlLy or afflnlLy, or represenLaLlve
Lo make any conLrlbuLlon for any sLrucLure for publlc use or
for use of any rellglous or clvlc organlzaLlon excepL Lhe
normal rellglous dues and paymenL for scholarshlps
esLabllshed and school conLrlbuLlons hablLually made before
Lhe campalgn perlod. (Sec. 104, 8 881)

C. rohlblLed conLrlbuLlons

no pollLlcal conLrlbuLlon shall be made by Lhe followlng:

1. ubllc or prlvaLe flnanclal lnsLlLuLlons
2. ubllc uLlllLles and Lhose who explolL naLural resources

1hus, where an operaLor of a publlc uLlllLy dlsgulsed a
conLrlbuLlon Lo a candldaLe for governor as loan, Lhe
promlssory noLe ls vold: (hallll vs. CourL of Appeals, 83 SC8A
3. ersons who hold conLracLs or sub-conLracLs Lo supply Lhe
wlLh goods and servlces.
4. ersons granLed franchlses, lncenLlves, exempLlons or
slmllar prlvlleges by
Lhe governmenL
3. ersons granLed loans ln excess of 23, 000 by Lhe
governmenL or any of
lLs subdlvlslons or lnsLrumenLallLles
6. Schools whlch recelved granLs of publlc funds of aL leasL
7. Lmployees ln Lhe Clvll Servlce or members of Lhe Armed
8. lorelgners (Sec. 93 , 8p 881)
9. CorporaLlons (sec. 36 (9), Corp. Code)

P. Lqual Access Lo Medla 1lme and Space
All reglsLered parLles and bonaflde candldaLes shall have
equal access Lo medla Llme and space . 1he followlng
guldellnes may be ampllfled on by Lhe CCMLLLC.
1. no franchlse or permlL Lo operaLe a radlo or Lelevlslon shall
be granLed or
lssued, suspended or cancelled durlng Lhe elecLlon perlod.
2. Any mass medla columnlsL, commenLaLor, announcer,
reporLer, on-alr
correspondenL or personallLy who ls a candldaLe for any
elecLlve publlc offlce or ls a campalgn volunLeer for or
employed or reLalned ln any capaclLy by any candldaLe or
pollLlcal parLy shall be deemed reslgned, lf so requlred by
Lhelr employers, or shall Lake a leave of absence from hls
work as such durlng Lhe campalgn. And LhaL any medla
pracLlLloner who ls an offlclal candldaLe of a pollLlcal parLy or
member of Lhe campalgn sLaff of a candldaLe or pollLlcal parLy
shall noL use hls medla Llme and space Lo favor any candldaLe
or pollLlcal parLy.

l. LlmlLaLlon on expenses - Sec. 13, 8A 7166

1. CandldaLes

a. resldenL and vlce presldenL - 10 per voLer
b. CLher candldaLes - 3 per voLer ln hls consLlLuency
c CandldaLe wlLhouL pollLlcal parLy - 3 per voLer
d. arLy/organlzaLlon and coallLlon parLlclpaLlng ln Lhe parLy -
llsL sysLem - 3 per voLer

2. ollLlcal parLy and coallLlon - 3 per voLer ln Lhe
consLlLuency where lL has candldaLes. (sec. 13, 8A 7166)

!. SLaLemenL of conLrlbuLlons and expendlLures

1. llllng

a. every candldaLe and Lreasurer of pollLlcal parLy shall flle
wlLhln 30 days afLer elecLlon day a sLaLemenL of conLrlbuLlons
and expendlLures.
b. no persons elecLed shall assume offlce unLll he and hls
pollLlcal parLy has flled Lhe requlred sLaLemenLs

2. enalLles
a. llrsL Cffense - admlnlsLraLlve flne from 1,000 Lo 30, 000
b. SubsequenL offense
l. AdmlnlsLraLlve flne from 2,000 Lo 60, 000
ll. erpeLual dlsquallflcaLlon Lo hold publlc offlce (Sec. 14,
8A 7166)

3. LffecL of wlLhdrawal

A candldaLe who wlLhdraws hls cerLlflcaLe of candldacy musL
sLlll flle a sLaLemenL of conLrlbuLlons and expendlLures, for
Lhe law makes no dlsLlncLlon. (llar vs. CCMLLLC, 243 SC8A

vll. LLLC1lCn, 8CA8u Cl LLLC1lCn lnSLC1C8S (8Ll),

klnuS Cl LLLC1lCn
1. Ceneral elecLlon ls one provlded for by law for Lhe elecLlon
Lo offlces LhroughouL Lhe SLaLe, or cerLaln subdlvlslons
Lhereof, afLer Lhe explraLlon of Lhe full Lerm of former
2. Speclal LlecLlon ls one provlded for by law Lo flll vacancy ln
offlce before Lhe explraLlon of Lhe full Lerm for whlch Lhe
lncumbenL was elecLed or one flxed by Lhe CCMLLLC due Lo
posLponemenL or suspenslon of Lhe elecLlon or Lhe fallure Lo
3. 8ecall elecLlon ls an elecLlon by means of whlch voLers
declde wheLher Lhey should reLaln Lhelr local offlclal or elecL
hls replacemenL. (Claudlo vs. CCMLLLC, 331 SC8A 388)

LLLC1lCn L8lCu

unless oLherwlse flxed by Lhe CCMLLLC ln speclal cases, Lhe
elecLlon perlod shall commence 90 days before Lhe day of Lhe
day of Lhe elecLlon and shall end 30 days LhereafLer.[Sec. 9,
ArL. lx - C, C]

uA1L Cl LLLC1lCn

1he regular elecLlon of Lhe resldenL, vlce-resldenL,
SenaLors and Members of Lhe Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves and
local offlclals, excepL barangay offlclals, shall be on Lhe
second Monday of May once every Lhree years. ln accordance
wlLh Lhe consLlLuLlonal pollcy Lo synchronlze elecLlons, Lhe
regular elecLlon for naLlonal and local offlclals ls now held
slmulLaneously. (8A 7166) under 6679, regular elecLlons for
barangay offlclals shall be held once every flve years.

1. lor provlnces wlLh Lwo or more leglslaLlve dlsLrlcL Lhe
elecLlve members of Sanggunlang anlalawlgan (Spn) shall be
elecLed by leglslaLlve dlsLrlcLs.
2. lor provlnces wlLh only one leglslaLlve dlsLrlcL - Lhe
CCMLLLC shall dlvlde Lhem lnLo dlsLrlcLs for purposes of
elecLlng Lhe members of Lhe Sn,
3. lor clLles ln MeLro Manlla Area, Cebu ClLy, uavao ClLy or
any oLher clLy wlLh Lwo or more leglslaLlve dlsLrlcL - governed
by Secs. 2 and 3 of 8A 6686.
4. lor munlclpallLles ln MeLro Manlla - Lhe CCMLLLC shall
dlvlde Lhem lnLo Lwo dlsLrlcLs by baranggay for purposes of
elecLlng members of Lhe S8.


When for any serlous cause such as vlolence, Lerrorlsm, loss
or desLrucLlon of elecLlon paraphernalla or records, force
ma[eure, and oLher analogous cases of such naLure LhaL Lhe
holdlng of a free, orderly and honesL elecLlon should become
lmposslble ln any pollLlcal subdlvlslon, Lhe CCMLLLC, moLu
proplo or upon a verlfled peLlLlon by any lnLeresLed parLy, and
afLer due noLlce and hearlng, whereby all lnLeresLed parLles
are afforded equal opporLunlLy Lo be heard, shall posLpone
Lhe elecLlon Lhereln. (Sec. 3, 8 881)

An elecLlon offlcer alone, or even wlLh Lhe agreemenL of Lhe
candldaLes, cannoL valldly posLpone or suspend Lhe elecLlon.
(8asher vs. CCMLLLC, 330 SC8A 736). . . lL ls essenLlal Lo Lhe
valldlLy of Lhe elecLlon LhaL Lhe voLers have noLlce ln some
form, elLher acLual or consLrucLlve, of Lhe Llme, place and
purpose Lhereof (8asher vs. CCMLLLC, supra)

A peLlLlon Lo posLpone elecLlons should be addressed Lo Lhe
CCMLLLC, sub[ecL Lo Lhe remedy of revlew provlded for ln ArL
lx - A SecLlon 7.

ln flxlng Lhe daLe of speclal elecLlons Lhe CCMLLLC should see
Lo lL LhaL:

1. lL should noL be laLer Lhan LhlrLy (30) days afLer Lhe
secesslon of Lhe cause of Lhe posLponemenL of suspenslon of
Lhe elecLlon or a fallure Lo elecL, and
2. lL should be reasonably close Lo Lhe daLe of Lhe elecLlon noL
held, suspended or whlch resulLed ln Lhe fallure Lo
elecL.(angandaman vs. CCMLLLC, 319 SC8A 283)

A speclal elecLlon ls noL valld lf noLlce of lLs daLe and of Lhe
Lransfer of Lhe preclncLs was glven less Lhan a day before,
slnce Lhe voLers were deprlved of Lhe opporLunlLy Lo voLe.
(hassan vs. CCMLLLC, 264 SC8A 123)

lAlLu8L Cl LLLC1lCn

1. Sec.6 Lhe CLC conLemplaLes Lhree lnsLances when Lhe
CCMLLLC may declare a fallure of elecLlon and call for Lhe
holdlng of a speclal elecLlon: (1) when Lhee elecLlon ln any
polllng place has noL been held on Lhe daLe flxed on accounL
of force ma[eure, vlolence, Lerrorlsm, fraud and oLher
analogous cases, (2) when Lhe elecLlon ln any polllng place
has been suspended before Lhe hour flxed by law for Lhe
closure of Lhe voLlng, and (3) afLer Lhe voLlng and durlng Lhe
preparaLlon and Lransmlsslon of Lhe elecLlon reLurns or ln Lhe
cusLody or canvass Lhereof, such elecLlon resulLs ln a fallure
Lo elecL. (Sollva eL al vs. CCMLLLC, C8 no. 141723, Aprll

2. 1he power Lo Lhrow ouL or annul an elecLlon should be
exerclsed wlLh Lhe uLmosL care and only under clrcumsLances
whlch demonsLraLe beyond doubL elLher LhaL Lhe dlsregard of
Lhe law had been so fundamenLal or so perLlnenL and
conLlnuous LhaL lL ls lmposslble Lo dlsLlngulsh whaL voLes are
lawful and whaL are unlawful, or Lo arrlve aL any cerLaln resulL
whaLsoever, or LhaL Lhe greaL body of voLers have been
prevenLed by vllolence, lnLlmldaLlon and LhreaLs from
exerclslng Lhelr franchlse. 1here ls fallure of elecLlons only
when Lhe wlll of Lhe elecLoraLe has been muLed and cannoL
be ascerLalned. (8enlLo vs. CCMLLLC, C8 no. 134913,!anuary

3. A speclal elecLlon should be held lf Lhe balloL box ln Lhe
preclncL was burned.(Passan vs. CCMLLLLC,264 SC8A 123)

4. 1he desLrucLlon of Lhe coples of Lhe elecLlon reLurns
lnLended for Lhe board of canvassers ls noL a ground for Lhe
declaraLlon of fallure of elecLlon as oLher coples of Lhe
reLurns can be used (Sardea vs. CCMLLLC,223 SC8A 374)

3. 1he facL LhaL less Lhan 23 of Lhe reglsLered voLers voLed
does noL consLlLuLe fallure of elecLlon, slnce voLlng Look
place. (MlLmug vs. CCMLLLC,230 SC8A 34)

6. Lack of noLlce of Lhe daLe and Llme of Lhe canvass, fraud,
vlolence, Lerrorlsm, and analogous causes, such as
dlsenfranchlsemenL of voLers, presence of flylng voLers, and
lack of quallflcaLlons of Lhe members of Lhe 8oard of
lnspecLors are noL grounds for declaraLlon of fallure of
elecLlon buL for an elecLlon proLesL. (8or[a vs. CCMLLLC,260
SC8A 604)

7. 1he facL LhaL Lhe names of some reglsLered voLers were
omlLLed from Lhe llsL of voLers, sLrangers voLed for some of
Lhe reglsLered voLers, a candldaLe was credlLed wlLh less
voLes Lhan he recelved, Lhe conLrol daLa of some elecLlon
reLurns were fllled up, Lhe balloL boxes were broughL Lo Lhe
munlclpal hall wlLhouL padlock and seals, and LhaL Lhere was
a delay ln Lhe dellvery of elecLlon reLurns are noL grounds for
Lhe declaraLlon of fallure of elecLlon. (Canlcosa vs. CCMLLLC,
282 SC8A 312)

8. An elecLlon cannoL be annulled because of Lhe lllegal
Lransfer of a preclncL less Lhan 43 days before Lhe elecLlon lf
Lhe voLes of Lhose who were noL able Lo voLe wlll noL alLer
Lhe resulL. (8allndong vs. CCMLLLC, 260 SC8A 494)

9. 1here ls no reglemenLary perlod for flllng a peLlLlon for
annulmenL of an elecLlon lf Lhere has as yeL been no
proclamaLlon. (Loong vs. CCMLLLC, 237 SC8A 1)

10. 1he CCMLLLC may declde a peLlLlon Lo declare a fallure of
elecLlon en banc aL Lhe flrsL lnsLance, slnce lL ls noL a pre-
proclamaLlon case or an elecLlon proLesL. (8or[a vs. CCMLLLC,
260 SC8A 604)

ln peLlLlons Lo declare a fallure of elecLlon on Lhe ground of
fraud, LheCCMLLLC may conducL a Lechnlcal examlnaLlon of
elecLlon documenLs and compare and analyze Lhe slgnaLures
and flngerprlnLs of Lhe voLers. (Loong vss. CCMLLLC,237 SC8A


1. ln case of permanenL vacancy ln Congress aL leasL one year
before Lhe explraLlon of Lhe Lerm, Lhe CCMLLLC shall hold a
speclal elecLlon noL earller Lhan 90 days afLer Lhe occurrence
of Lhe vacancy.
2. A vacancy ln Lhe SenaLe wlll be fllled up aL Lhe nexL regular
elecLlon.(SecLlon 4,8A 7166)

8CA8u Cl LLLC1lCn lnSLC1C8S (8Ll)

1he 8oard of LlecLlon lnspecLors shall be composed of a
chalrman and Lwo members, all of whom are publlc school

lf Lhere are noL enough publlc school Leachers, Leachers ln
prlvaLe schools, employees ln Lhe clvll servlce, or oLher
clLlzens of known problLy and compeLence may be appolnLed.
(SecLlon 13, 8A 6646)


1. Cfflclal waLchers

Lvery reglsLered parLy or coallLlon of parLles and every
candldaLe ls enLlLled Lo one waLcher per preclncL and
canvasslng counLer.

CandldaLes for Lhe local leglslaLure belonglng Lo Lhe same
parLy are enLlLled collecLlvely Lo one waLcher.

Slx prlnclpal waLchers from 6 accredlLed ma[or pollLlcal
parLles shall be recognlzed. (SecLlon 26, 7166)

2. CLher waLchers

- 1he accredlLed clLlzen's arm ls enLlLled Lo a waLcher ln every
- CLher clvlc organlzaLlons may be auLhorlzed Lo appolnL one
waLcher ln every preclncL. (SecLlon 180, 8 881)

lmporLanL rlghLs of waLchers

1. All waLchers
a. 1o sLay lnslde Lhe preclncL
b. 1o lnform Lhemselves of Lhe proceedlngs
c. 1o flle a proLesL agalnsL any lrregularlLy
d. 1o obLaln a cerLlflcaLe of Lhe number of voLes casL for each
candldaLe (SecLlon 179, 8881)
2. ClLlzen's Arm

1o be glven a copy of Lhe elecLlon reLurn Lo be used for Lhe
conducL of an unofflclal counL. (SecLlon 1, 8A 8043)

vlll. CAS1lnC Cl vC1LS

1. 1he chalrman of Lhe 8oard of LlecLlon lnspecLors should
slgn each balloL aL Lhe back. 1he omlsslon of such slgnaLure
does noL affecL Lhe valldlLy of Lhe balloL.(Llbanan vs P8L1,283
SC8A 320) under Lhe rules prevalllng durlng Lhe 1997
8arangay LlecLlons, Lhe fallure Lo auLhenLlcaLe Lhe balloLs
shall no longer be cause for Lhe lnvalldaLlon Lhereof.
(Malabagulo vs. CCMLLLC,346 SC8A 699)
2. A voLer who was challenged on Lhe ground LhaL he has
been pald for Lhe voLe or made a beL on Lhe resulL of Lhe
elecLlon wlll be allowed Lo voLe lf he Lakes an oaLh LhaL he dld
noL commlL Lhe acL alleged ln Lhe challenge. (SecLlon
3. An llllLeraLe or physlcally dlsabled voLer may be asslsLed by
a relaLlve by afflnlLy or consangulnlLy wlLhln Lhe fourLh
degree or any person of hls confldence who belongs Lo Lhe
same household or any member of Lhe 8oard of LlecLlon
lnspecLors. (SecLlon 196, 8881)
4. lL ls unlawful Lo use carbon paper, paraffln paper or oLher
means for maklng a copy of Lhe conLenLs of Lhe balloL or Lo
use any means Lo ldenLlfy Lhe balloL.(Sec. 193,8881). A
balloL prepared under such clrcumsLances should noL be
counLed. (CuLlerrez vs. Aqulno, leb,26,1939)

A8SLn1LL vC1lnC
1. Members of Lhe 8oard of LlecLlon lnspecLors and Lhelr
subsLlLuLes may voLe ln Lhe preclncL where Lhey are asslgned.
(SecLlon 169, 8 881)
2. AbsenLee voLlng for resldenL, v-presldenL and SenaLors
are allowed for members of Lhe Al, n, and oLher
governmenL employees asslgned ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe
performance of elecLlon duLles Lo places where Lhey are noL
reglsLered. (SecLlon 12, 8A 7166)

8A nC. 9189 An AC1 8CvlulnC lC8 A S?S1LM Cl
CvL8SLAS A8SLn1LL vC1lnC 8? CuALlllLu Cl1lZLnS Cl 1PL
PlLllnLS A88CAu"

Sec. 3. ulsquallflcaLlon. - 1he followlng shall be dlsquallfled
from voLlng under Lhls AcL:

a) 1hose who have losL Lhelr llllplno clLlzenshlp ln accordance
wlLh hlllpplne laws,

b) 1hose who have expressly renounced Lhelr hlllpplne
clLlzenshlp and who have pledge alleglance Lo a forelgn

c) 1hose who have commlLLed and are convlcLed ln a flnal
[udgmenL by a courL or Lrlbunal of an offense punlshable by
lmprlsonmenL of noL less Lhan one (1) year, lncludlng Lhose
who have commlLLed and been found gullLy of ulsloyalLy as
deflne under ArLlcle 137 of Lhe 8evlsed enal Code, such
dlsablllLy noL havlng been removed by plenary pardon or
amnesLy: rovlded, however, 1haL any person dlsquallfled Lo
voLe under Lhls subsecLlon shall auLomaLlcally acqulre Lhe
rlghL Lo voLe upon explraLlon of flve(3) years afLer servlce of
senLence, rovlded furLher, 1haL Lhe Commlsslon may Lake
cognlzance of flnal [udgmenLs lssued by forelgn courLs or
Lrlbunals only on Lhe basls or reclproclLy and sub[ecL Lo Lhe
formallLles and processes prescrlbed by Lhe 8ules of courL on
execuLlon of [udgmenLs,

d) An lmmlgranL or a permanenL resldenL who ls recognlzed
as such ln Lhe hosL counLry, unless he/she execuLe, upon
reglsLraLlon, an affldavlL prepared for Lhe purpose by Lhe
Commlsslon declarlng LhaL he/ she shall resume acLual
physlcal permanenL resldence ln Lhe hlllpplne noL laLer Lhan
Lhree(3) years from approval of hls/her reglsLraLlon under Lhls
AcL. Such affldavlL shall also sLaLe LhaL she/ he has no applled
for clLlzenshlp ln anoLher counLry. lallure Lo reLurn shall be
cause for Lhe removal of Lhe name of lmmlgranL or
permanenL resldenL from Lhe naLlonal 8eglsLry of AbsenLee
voLers and hls/her permanenL dlsquallflcaLlon Lo voLe ln

e) Any clLlzen of Lhe hlllpplnes abroad prevlously declared
lnsane or lncompeLenL by compeLenL auLhorlLy ln Lhe
hlllpplnes or abroad, as verlfled by Lhe hlllpplne embassles,
consulaLes or forelgn servlce esLabllshmenLs concerned,
unless such compeLenL auLhorlLy subsequenLly cerLlfles LhaL
such person ls no longer lnsane or lncompeLenL.

SLC. 6 ersonal Cverseas AbsenLee 8eglsLraLlon. -
8eglsLraLlon as an overseas absenLee voLer shall be done ln

Cuallfled clLlzens of Lhe hlllpplnes abroad who falled Lo
reglsLer under 8epubllc AcL no. 8189, oLherwlse known as
1he voLers 8eglsLraLlon AcL of 1996", may personally apply
for reglsLraLlon wlLh Lhe LlecLlon 8eglsLraLlon 8oard of Lhe
clLy or munlclpallLy where Lhey were domlclled lmmedlaLely
prlor Lo Lhelr deparLure from Lhe hlllpplnes, or wlLh Lhe
represenLaLlve of Lhe Commlsslon of Lhe hlllpplne
embassles, consulaLes and oLher forelgn servlce
esLabllshmenLs LhaL have [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe locallLy where
Lhey Lemporarlly reslde. Sub[ecL Lo guldellnes hereln
provlded, Lhe Commlsslon ls hereby auLhorlzed Lo prescrlbe
procedures for overseas absenLee reglsLraLlon pursuanL Lo
Lhe provlslons of 8epubllc AcL no. 8189, whenever appllcable,
Laklng lnLo sLrlcL conslderaLlon Lhe Llme zones and Lhe varlous
perlods and processes hereln provlded for Lhe proper
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls AcL. 1he embassles, consulaLes and
oLher forelgn servlce esLabllshmenLs shall LransmlL wlLhln flve
(3) days from recelpL Lhe accompllshed reglsLraLlon forms Lo
Lhe Commlsslon afLer whlch Lhe Commlsslon shall coordlnaLe
wlLh Lhe LlecLlon Cfflcer of Lhe clLy or munlclpallLy of Lhe
appllcanL's sLaLed resldence for verlflcaLlon, hearlng and
annoLaLlon ln Lhe permanenL llsL of voLers.

All appllcaLlons for Lhe May 2004 elecLlons shall be flled wlLh
Lhe Commlsslon noL laLer Lhan Lwo hundred elghLy (280)
calendar days before Lhe day of elecLlons. lor succeedlng
elecLlons, Lhe Commlsslon shall provlde for Lhe perlod wlLhln
whlch appllcaLlons Lo reglsLer musL be flled.

ln Lhe case of seafarers, Lhe Commlsslon shall provlde a
speclal mechanlsm for Lhe Llme and manner of personal
reglsLraLlon Laklng lnLo conslderaLlon Lhe naLure of Lhelr

6.1 upon recelpL of Lhe appllcaLlon for reglsLraLlon, Lhe
LlecLlon Cfflcer shall lmmedlaLely seL Lhe appllcaLlon for
hearlng, Lhe noLlce of whlch shall be posLed ln a consplcuous
place ln Lhe premlses of Lhe clLy or munlclpal bulldlng of Lhe
appllcanL's sLaLed resldence for aL leasL one (1) week before
Lhe daLe of Lhe hearlng. 1he LlecLlon Cfflcer shall lmmedlaLely
furnlsh a copy of Lhe appllcaLlon Lo Lhe deslgnaLed
represenLaLlves of pollLlcal parLles and oLher accredlLed

6.2 lf no verlfled ob[ecLlon Lo Lhe appllcaLlon ls flled, Lhe
LlecLlon Cfflcer shall lmmedlaLely forward Lhe appllcaLlon Lo
Lhe LlecLlon 8eglsLraLlon 8oard, whlch shall declde on Lhe
appllcaLlon wlLhln one (1) week from Lhe daLe of hearlng
wlLhouL walLlng for Lhe quarLerly meeLlng of Lhe 8oard. 1he
appllcanL shall be noLlfled of Lhe approval or dlsapproval of
hls/her appllcaLlon by reglsLered mall.

6.3 ln Lhe evenL LhaL an ob[ecLlon Lo Lhe appllcaLlon ls flled
prlor Lo or on Lhe daLe of hearlng, Lhe LlecLlon Cfflcer shall
noLlfy Lhe appllcanL of sald ob[ecLlon by reglsLered mall, and
closlng Lhereln coples of affldavlLs or documenLs submlLLed ln
supporL of Lhe ob[ecLlon flled wlLh Lhe sald LlecLlon Cfflcer, lf
any. 1he appllcanL shall have Lhe rlghL Lo flle hls counLer-
affldavlL by reglsLered mall, clearly sLaLlng Lhereln facLs and
defenses sworn before any offlcer ln Lhe hosL counLry
auLhorlzed Lo admlnlsLer oaLhs.

6.4 1he appllcaLlon shall be approved or dlsapproved based
on Lhe merlLs of Lhe ob[ecLlon, counLer-affldavlL and
documenLs submlLLed by Lhe parLy ob[ecLlng and Lhose of Lhe

6.3 A CerLlflcaLe of 8eglsLraLlon as an overseas absenLee voLer
shall be lssued by Lhe Commlsslon Lo all appllcanLs whose
appllcaLlons have been approved, lncludlng Lhose cerLlfled as
reglsLered voLers. 1he Commlsslon shall lnclude Lhe approved
appllcaLlons ln Lhe naLlonal 8eglsLry of AbsenLee voLers.

6.6 lf Lhe appllcaLlon has been approved, any lnLeresLed parLy
may flle a peLlLlon for excluslon noL laLer Lhan Lwo hundred
Len (210) days before Lhe day of elecLlons wlLh Lhe proper
munlclpal or meLropollLan Lrlal courL. 1he peLlLlon shall be
declded wlLhln flfLeen (13) days afLer lLs flllng on Lhe basls of
Lhe documenLs submlLLed ln connecLlon LherewlLh. Should
Lhe courL fall Lo render a declslon wlLhln Lhe prescrlbed
perlod, Lhe rullng of Lhe LlecLlon 8eglsLraLlon 8oard shall be
consldered afflrmed.

6.7 lf Lhe appllcaLlon has been approved, Lhe appllcanL or hls
auLhorlzed represenLaLlve shall, wlLhln a perlod of flve (3)
days from recelpL of Lhe noLlce of Lhls approval, have Lhe
rlghL Lo flle a peLlLlon for lncluslon wlLh Lhe proper munlclpal
or meLropollLan Lrlal courL. 1he peLlLlon shall be declded
wlLhln flve (3) days afLer lLs flllng on Lhe basls of documenLs
submlLLed ln connecLlon LherewlLh.

Cuallfled clLlzens of Lhe hlllpplnes abroad, who have
prevlously reglsLered as voLers pursuanL Lo 8epubllc AcL no.
8189 shall apply for cerLlflcaLlon as absenLee voLers and for
lncluslon ln Lhe naLlonal 8eglsLry of Cverseas AbsenLee
voLers, wlLh a correspondlng annoLaLlon ln Lhe CerLlfled
voLer's LlsL.

Sec. 7. SysLem of ConLlnulng 8eglsLraLlon. - 1he Commlsslon
shall ensure LhaL Lhe beneflLs of Lhe sysLem of conLlnulng
reglsLraLlon are exLended Lo quallfled overseas absenLee
voLers. 1owards Lhls end, Lhe Commlsslon shall opLlmlze Lhe
use of exlsLlng faclllLles, personnel and mechanlsms of Lhe
varlous governmenL agencles for purposes of daLa gaLherlng,
daLa valldaLlon, lnformaLlon dlssemlnaLlon and faclllLaLlon of
Lhe reglsLraLlon process.

re-deparLure programs, servlces and mechanlsms offered
and admlnlsLered by Lhe ueparLmenL of lorelgn Affalrs,
ueparLmenL of Labor and LmploymenL, hlllpplne Cverseas
LmploymenL AdmlnlsLraLlon, Cverseas Workers' Welfare
AdmlnlsLraLlon, Commlsslon on llllplnos Cverseas and oLher
approprlaLe agencles of Lhe governmenL shall be uLlllzed for
purposes of supporLlng Lhe overseas absenLee reglsLraLlon
and voLlng processes, sub[ecL Lo llmlLaLlons lmposed by law.

Sec.8 8equlremenLs for 8eglsLraLlon. - Lvery llllplno
reglsLranL shall be requlred Lo furnlsh Lhe followlng

a) A valld hlllpplne passporL. ln Lhe absence of a valld
passporL, a cerLlflcaLlon of Lhe ueparLmenL of lorelgn Affalrs
LhaL lL has revlewed Lhe approprlaLe documenLs submlLLed by
Lhe appllcanL and found Lhem sufflclenL Lo warranL Lhe
lssuance of a passporL, or LhaL Lhe appllcanL ls a holder of a
valld passporL buL ls unable Lo produce Lhe same for a valld
b) accompllshed reglsLraLlon from prescrlbed by Lhe
commlsslon conLalnlng Lhe mandaLory lnformaLlon:

- LasL know resldence of Lhe appllcanL ln Lhe hlllpplnes
before leavlng for abroad,
- Address of appllcanL abroad, or forwardlng address ln Lhe
case of seafarers,
- Where voLlng by mall ls allowed, Lhe appllcanL's malllng
address ouLslde Lhe hlllpplnes where Lhe balloL for absenLee
voLers wlll be senL, ln proper cases, and
- name and address of appllcanL's auLhorlzed represenLaLlve
ln Lhe hlllpplnes for purposes of SecLlon 6.7 and SecLlon 12

ln Lhe case of lmmlgranLs and permanenL resldenLs noL
oLherwlse dlsquallfled Lo voLe under Lhls AcL, an affldavlL
declarlng Lhe lnLenLlon Lo resume acLual physlcal permanenL
resldence ln Lhe hlllpplnes noL laLer Lhan Lhree (3) years
afLer approval of hls/her reglsLraLlon as an overseas absenLee
voLer under Lhls AcL. Such affldavlL shall also sLaLe LhaL he/she
has noL applled for clLlzenshlp ln anoLher counLry.
1he Commlsslon may also requlre addlLlonal daLa Lo faclllLaLe
reglsLraLlon and recordlng. nC lnformaLlon oLher Lhan Lhose
necessary Lo esLabllsh Lhe ldenLlLy and quallflcaLlon of Lhe
appllcanL shall be requlred.

Sec. 11 rocedure for AppllcaLlon Lo voLe ln AbsenLla.-

11.1 Lvery quallfled clLlzen Lo Lhe hlllpplnes abroad whose
appllcaLlon for reglsLraLlon has been approved, lncludlng
Lhose prevlously reglsLered under 8epubllc AcL no. 8189,
shall, ln every naLlonal elecLlon, flle wlLh Lhe offlcer of Lhe
embassy, consulaLe or oLher forelgn servlce esLabllshmenL
auLhorlzed by Lhe Commlsslon, a sworn wrlLLen appllcaLlon Lo
voLe ln a form prescrlbed by Lhe Commlsslon. 1he auLhorlzed
offlcer of such embassy, consulaLe or oLher forelgn servlce
esLabllshmenL shall LransmlL Lo Lhe Commlsslon Lhe sald
appllcaLlon Lo voLe wlLhln flve (3) days from recelpL Lhereof.
1he appllcaLlon form shall be accompllshed ln LrlpllcaLe and
submlLLed LogeLher wlLh Lhe phoLocopy of hls/her overseas
absenLee voLer cerLlflcaLe of reglsLraLlon.

11.2 Lvery appllcaLlon Lo voLe ln absenLla may be done
personally aL, or by mall Lo Lhe embassy, consulaLe or forelgn
servlce esLabllshmenL, whlch has [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe counLry
where he/she has lndlcaLed hls/her address for purposes of
Lh elecLlons.

11.3 Consular and dlplomaLlc servlces rendered ln connecLlon
wlLh Lhe overseas absenLee voLlng processes shall be made
avallable aL no cosL Lo Lhe overseas absenLee voLer.

Sec. 12 . verlflcaLlon and Approval of AppllcaLlon Lo voLe.-

All appllcaLlons shall be acLed upon by Lhe Commlsslon upon
recelpL Lhereof, buL ln no case laLer Lhan one hundred flfLy
(130) days before Lhe day of elecLlons. ln Lhe evenL of
dlsapproval of Lhe appllcaLlon, Lhe voLer or hls auLhorlzed
represenLaLlve may flle a MoLlon for 8econslderaLlon wlLh Lhe
Commlsslon personally, or by reglsLered mall, wlLhln Len (10)
days from recelpL of Lhe noLlce of dlsapproval. 1he
Commlsslon shall acL wlLhln flve (3) days from recelpL of such
MoLlon for 8econslderaLlon and shall lmmedlaLely noLlfy Lhe
voLer of lLs declslon. 1he declslon of Lhe Commlsslon shall be
flnal and execuLory.

Sec. 16. casLlng and Submlsslon of 8alloL.-

16.1 upon recelpL by7 Lhe deslgnaLed offlcer of Lhe embassy,
consulaLe and oLher forelgn servlce esLabllshmenLs of Lhe
balloLs for overseas absenLee voLers, voLlng lnsLrucLlon,
elecLlon forms and oLher paraphernalla, he/she shall make
Lhem avallable on Lhe premlses Lo Lhe quallfled overseas
absenLee voLers ln Lhelr respecLlve [urlsdlcLlon durlng Lhe
LhlrLy (30 ) days before Lhe day of elecLlons when overseas
absenLee voLers may casL Lhelr voLe. lmmedlaLely upon
recelvlng lL, Lhe overseas voLer musL flll-ouL hls/her balloL
personally, ln secreL, wlLhouL leavlng Lhe premlses of Lhe
embassles, consulaLes and oLher lorelgn Servlce
esLabllshmenLs concerned.

16.2 1he overseas absenLee voLer shall personally accompllsh
hls/her balloL aL Lhe embassy, consulaLe or oLher forelgn
servlce esLabllshmenL LhaL has [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe counLry
where he/she Lemporarlly resldes or aL any polllng place
deslgnaLed and accredlLed by Lhe Commlsslon.

16.3 1he overseas absenLee voLer shall casL hls balloL, upon
presenLaLlon of Lhe absenLee voLer ldenLlflcaLlon card lssued
by Lhe Commlsslon, wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days before Lhe day of
elecLlons. ln Lhe case of seafarers, Lhey shall casL Lhelr balloLs
anyLlme wlLhln slxLy (60) days before Lhe day of elecLlons. ln
Lhe case of seafarers, Lhey shall casL Lhelr balloLs anyLlme
wlLhln slxLy (60) days before Lhe day of elecLlons as
prescrlbed ln Lhe lmplemenLlng 8ules and Culdellnes.

16.4 All accompllshed balloLs recelved shall be placed
unopened lnslde sealed conLalners and kepL ln a secure place
deslgnaLed by Lhe Commlsslon.

16.3 1he embassles, consulaLes and oLher forelgn servlce
esLabllshmenLs concerned shall keep a compleLe record of
Lhe balloLs for overseas absenLee voLers, speclflcally
lndlcaLlng Lhe number of balloLs Lhey acLually recelved, and ln
cases where voLlng by mall ls allowed under SecLlon 17
hereof, Lhe names and addresses of Lhe voLers Lo whom
Lhese balloLs were senL, lncludlng proof of recelpL Lhereof. ln
addlLlon, Lhe embassles, consulaLes and oLher forelgn servlce
esLabllshmenLs shall submlL a formal reporL Lo Lhe
Commlsslon and Lhe !olnL Congresslonal CverslghL
CommlLLee creaLed under Lhls AcL wlLhln LhlrLy (30) days from
Lhe day of elecLlons. Such reporL shall conLaln daLa on Lhe
number of balloLs casL and recelved by Lhe offlcers Lhe
number of lnvalld and unclalmed balloLs and oLher perLlnenL

16.6 1he overseas absenLee shall be lnsLrucLed LhaL hls/her
balloL shall noL be counLed lf lL ls noL lnslde Lhe speclal
envelope furnlshed hlm/her when lL ls casL.

16.7 8alloLs noL clalmed by Lhe overseas absenLee voLers aL
Lhe embassles, consulaLes and oLher forelgn servlce
esLabllshmenLs, ln case of personal voLlng, and balloLs
reLurned Lo Lhe embassles, consulaLes and oLher forelgn
servlce esLabllshmenLs concerned, ln Lhe case of voLlng by
mall. Shall be cancelled and shlpped Lo Lhe Commlsslon by
Lhe leasL cosLly meLhod wlLhln slx (6) monLhs from Lhe day of

16.8 Cnly balloLs casL, and malled balloLs recelved by Lhe
hlllpplne embassles, consulaLes and oLher forelgn servlce
esLabllshmenLs concerned ln accordance wlLh SecLlon 17
hereof before Lhe close of voLlng open Lhe day of elecLlons
shall be counLed ln accordance wlLh SecLlon 18 hereof. All
envelopes conLalnlng Lhe balloLs recelved by Lhe embassles,
consulaLes and oLher forelgn servlce esLabllshmenLs afLer Lhe
prescrlbed perlod shall noL b opened, and shall be cancelled
and shlpped Lo Lhe Commlsslon by Lhe leasL cosLly meLhod
wlLhln slx (6) monLhs from Lhe day of elecLlons.

16.9 A speclal 8alloL 8ecepLlon and CusLody Croup composed
of Lhree (3) members shall be consLlLuLed by Lhe Commlsslon
from among Lhe sLaff of Lhe embassles, consulaLes and oLher
forelgn servlce esLabllshmenLs concerned lncludlng Lhelr
aLLached agencles, and clLlzens of Lhe hlllpplnes abroad,
who wlll be depuLlzed Lo recelve balloLs and Lake cusLody of
Lhe same preparaLory Lo Lhelr LransmlLLal Lo Lhe Speclal
8oards of LlecLlon lnspecLors.

16.10 uurlng Lhls phase of Lhe elecLlon process, Lhe
auLhorlzed represenLaLlves of pollLlcal parLles, candldaLes,
and accredlLed clLlzens' arms of Lhe Commlsslon shall be
noLlfled ln wrlLlng Lhereof and shall have Lhe rlghL Lo wlLness
Lhe proceedlngs.

16.11 1he Commlsslon shall sLudy Lhe use of elecLronlc mall,
lnLerneL, or oLher secured neLworks ln Lhe casLlng of voLes,
and submlL a reporL Lhereon Lo Lhe !olnL Congresslonal
CverslghL CommlLLee.

Sec. 17. voLlng by Mall. -

17.1 lor Lhe May 2004 elecLlons, Lhe Commlsslon shall
auLhorlze by voLlng mall ln noL more Lhan Lhree (3) counLrles,
sub[ecL Lo Lhe approval of Lhe Congresslonal CverslghL
CommlLLee. voLlng by mall may be allowed ln counLrles LhaL
saLlsfy Lhe followlng condlLlons:

a.) Where Lhe malllng sysLem ls falrly well-developed and
secure Lo prevenL occaslon for fraud,
b.) Where Lhere exlsLs a Lechnlcally esLabllshed ldenLlflcaLlon
sysLem LhaL would preclude mulLlple or proxy voLlng, and
c.) Where Lhe sysLem of recepLlon and cusLody of malled
balloLs ln Lhe embassles, consulaLes and oLher forelgn servlce
esLabllshmenLs concerned are adequaLe and well-secured.

1hereafLer, voLlng by mall ln any counLry shall be allowed
only upon revlew and approval of Lhe !olnL Congresslonal
CverslghL CommlLLee.

17..2 1he overseas absenLee voLer shall send hls/her
accompllshed balloL Lo Lhe correspondlng embassy, consular
or forelgn servlce esLabllshmenL LhaL has [urlsdlcLlon over Lhe
counLry where he/she Lemporarlly resldes. Pe/she shall be
enLlLled Lo casL hls/her balloL aL any Llme upon hls/her recelpL
Lhereof, provlded LhaL Lhe same ls recelved before Lhe close
of voLlng on Lhe day of elecLlons. 1he overseas absenLee
voLer shall be lnsLrucLed LhaL hls/her balloLs shall noL be
counLed lf noL LransmlLLed ln Lhe speclal envelope furnlshed
17.3 Cnly malled balloLs recelved by Lhe hlllpplne embassy,
consulaLe and oLher forelgn servlce esLabllshmenLs before
Lhe close of voLlng on Lhe day of elecLlons shall be counLed ln
accordance wlLh SecLlon 18 hereof. All envelopes conLalnlng
Lhe balloLs recelved by Lhe embassles, consulaLes and oLher
forelgn servlce esLabllshmenLs afLer Lhe prescrlbed perlod
shall noL be opened, and shall be cancelled and dlsposed of
approprlaLely, wlLh a correspondlng reporL Lhereon
submlLLed Lo Lhe Commlsslon noL laLer Lhan LhlrLy (30) days
from Lhe day of elecLlons.

Sec. 23. SecurlLy Measures Lo Safeguard Lhe Secrecy and
SancLlLy of 8alloLs.- AL all sLages of Lhe elecLoral process, Lhe
Commlsslon shall ensure LhaL Lhe secrecy and lnLegrlLy of Lhe
balloLs are preserved. 1he CommlLLees on AbsenLee voLlng of
Lhe Commlsslon shall be responslble for ensurlng Lhe secrecy
and sancLlLy of Lhe absenLee voLlng process. ln Lhe lnLeresL of
Lransparency, all necessary and pracLlcable measures shall be
adopLed Lo allow represenLaLlon of Lhe candldaLes,
accredlLed ma[or pollLlcal parLles, accredlLed clLlzens' arms
and non-governmenL organlzaLlons Lo asslsL, and lnLervene ln
approprlaLe cases, ln all sLages of Lhe elecLoral exerclse and
Lo prevenL any and all forms of fraud and correcLlon.

Sec. 24. rohlblLed AcLs. - ln addlLlon Lo Lhe prohlblLed acLs
provlded by law, lL shall be unlawful:

24.1 lor any offlcer or employee of Lhe hlllpplne
governmenL Lo lnfluence or aLLempL Lo lnfluence any person
covered by Lhls acL Lo voLe, or noL Lo voLe, for a parLlcular
candldaLe. noLhlng ln Lhls AcL shall be deemed Lo prohlblL
free dlscusslon regardlng pollLlcs or candldaLes for publlc

24.2 lor any person Lo deprlve any person of any rlghL
secured ln Lhls acL or Lo glve false lnformaLlon as Lo hls/her
name, address, or perlod of resldence for Lhe purposes of
esLabllshlng hls/her ellglblllLy or lnellglblllLy Lo reglsLer or voLe
under Lhls acL, or Lo consplre wlLh anoLher person for Lhe
purpose of encouraglng Lhe glvlng of false lnformaLlon ln
order Lo esLabllsh Lhe ellglblllLy or lnellglblllLy of any
lndlvldual Lo reglsLer or voLe under Lhls AcL, or, Lo pay, or
offer Lo pa, or Lo accepL paymenL elLher fro appllcaLlon Lo
voLe ln absenLla or for voLlng.

24. 3 lor any person Lo Lamper wlLh Lhe balloL, Lhe mall
conLalnlng Lhe balloLs for overseas absenLee voLers, Lhe
elecLlon reLurns lncludlng Lhe desLrucLlon, muLllaLlon and
manlpulaLlon Lhereof.

24.4 lor any person Lo sLeal, desLroy, conceal, muLllaLe or
alLer any record, documenL or paper as requlred for purposes
of Lhls AcL.

24.3 lor any depuLlzed agenL Lo refuse wlLhouL [usLlflable
ground, Lo serve or conLlnue servlng, or Lo comply wlLh
hls/her sworn duLles afLer accepLance of hls/her

24.6 lor any publlc offlcer or employee who shall cause Lhe
preparaLlons, prlnLlng, dlsLrlbuLlon of lnformaLlon maLerlal, or
posL Lhe same ln webslLe wlLhouL Lhe prlor approval of Lhe

24.7 lor any publlc employee Lo cause Lhe Lransfer,
promoLlon, exLenslon, recall of any member of Lhe forelgn
servlce corps, lncludlng members of Lhe aLLached agencles, or
oLherwlse cause movemenL of any such member from hls
currenL posL or poslLlon one (1) year before and Lhree (3)
monLhs afLer Lhe days of elecLlons, wlLhouL securlng Lhe prlor
approval of Lhe Commlsslon.

24.8 lor any person who, afLer belng depuLlzed by Lhe
Commlsslon Lo underLake acLlvlLles ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe
lmplemenLaLlon of Lhls AcL, shall campalgn for or asslsL, ln
whaLsoever manner, candldaLes ln Lhe elecLlons.

lor any person who ls noL clLlzen of Lhe hlllpplnes Lo
parLlclpaLe by word or deed, dlrecLly or lndlrecLly Lhrough
quallfled organlzaLlons/assoclaLlons, ln any manner and aL
any sLage of Lhe hlllpplne pollLlcal process abroad, lncludlng
parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe campalgn and elecLlons.

1he rovlslon of exlsLlng laws Lo Lhe conLrary
noLwlLhsLandlng, and wlLh due regard Lo Lhe rlnclple of
uouble CrlmlnallLy, Lhe prohlblLed acLs descrlbed ln Lhls
secLlon are elecLoral offenses and punlshable ln Lhe

1he penalLles lmposed under SecLlon 264 of Lhe Cmnlbus
LlecLlon Code, as amended, shall be lmposed on any person
found gullLy of commlLLlng any seL of Lhe prohlblLed acLs as
deflned l Lhls secLlon. rovlded, LhaL Lhe penalLy or prlslon
mayor ln lLs mlnlmum perlod shall be lmposed upon any
person found gullLy of SecLlon 24.3 hereof wlLhouL Lhe
beneflL of Lhe operaLlon of Lhe lndeLermlnaLe SenLence Law.
lf Lhe offender ls a publlc offlcer or a candldaLe, Lhe penalLy
shall be prlslon mayor ln lLs mlnlmum perlod. ln addlLlon, Lhe
offender shall be senLenced Lo suffer perpeLual
dlsquallflcaLlon Lo hold publlc offlce and deprlvaLlon of Lhe
rlghL Lo voLe.

lmmlgranLs and permanenL resldenLs who do noL resume
resldence ln Lhe hlllpplnes as sLlpulaLed ln Lhelr affldavlL
under SecLlon 3 (d) wlLhln Lhree (3) years afLer approval of
hls/her reglsLraLlon under Lhls AcL and yeL voLe ln Lhe nexL
elecLlons conLrary Lo Lhe sald secLlon, shall be penallzed by
lmprlsonmenL of noL less Lhan one (1) year, and shall be
deemed dlsquallfled as provlded ln SecLlon 3 (c) of Lhls AcL.
Pls/her passporL shall be sLamped noL allowed Lo voLe".

lx CCun1lnC Cl vC1LS

1. 1he 8oard of LlecLlon lnspecLors shall read Lhe balloLs
publlcly and shall noL posLpone Lhe counL unLll lL ls
compleLed. (SecLlon 206, 8 881)
2. 1he 8oard of LlecLlon lnspecLors shall assume such
poslLlons as Lo provlde Lhe waLchers and Lhe publlc
unlmpeded vlew of Lhe balloL belng read. (SecLlon 23, 8A
3. lf on accounL of vlolence or slmllar causes lL becomes
necessary Lo Lransfer Lhe counLlng of Lhe voLes Lo a safer
place, Lhe 8Ll may effecL Lhe Lransfer by unanlmous approval
of Lhe board and concurrence of a ma[orlLy of Lhe waLchers
presenL. (SecLlon 18, 8A6646)
4. Where a commoLlon resulLed ln suspenslon of Lhe
counLlng, Lhe 8Ll may recounL Lhe balloLs. (uayag vs. Alonzo)


1. Lxcess 8alloLs

lf Lhere are excess balloLs, Lhe poll clerk shall draw ouL as
many balloLs equal Lo Lhe excess wlLhouL seelng Lhem, and
Lhe excess balloLs shall noL be counLed. (SecLlon 207, 8881)
2. Spolled balloLs

8alloLs ln Lhe comparLmenL for spolled balloLs are presumed
Lo be spolled balloLs.
lf Lhe 8Ll flnds LhaL a valld balloL was erroneously deposlLed
ln Lhe comparLmenL for spolled balloLs. lL shall be counLed.
(SecLlon 209, 8881)

3. Marked 8alloL
a) Marked balloLs shall noL be counLed (SecLlon 208, 8881)
b) A balloL ls consldered marked ln any of Lhe followlng cases:
- 1he voLer slgned Lhe balloL. (lerrer vs ue Alban, 101 phll 10)
- 1here were varlaLlons ln Lhe sLyle of wrlLlng
- 1he name of a a candldaLe was wrlLLen more Lhan Lwlce
- 1he voLer wroLe Lhe names of well-known publlc flgures
who are noL candldaLes such as acLors, acLresses and naLlonal
pollLlcal flgures. (roLacLo vs. ue Leon, 9 SC8A 472)
- 1he balloL conLalns lrrelevanL expresslon.(8auLlsLa vs.
CasLro,206 SC8A 303). Powever, Lhe use of nlcknames and
appellaLlons of affecLlon and frlendshlp, lf accompanled by
Lhe name of Lhe candldaLe does noL annul Lhe balloL excepL
when lL ls used Lo ldenLlfy Lhe voLer. (SecLlon 211 (13), 8811)
c) Lvldence allunde ls noL necessary Lo prove a balloL as
marked. (8acobo vs. CCMLLLC,191 SC8A 376)
d) A balloL ln whlch a sLlcker was sLuck by anoLher person Lo
lnvalldaLe lL should noL be re[ecLed. (Lerlas vs. P8L1,202 SC8A

8uLLS lC8 A8LClA1lCn Cl 8ALLC1S

1. A balloL ln whlch Lhe flrsL name or surname of a candldaLe
ls wrlLLen should be counLed for hlm, lf Lhere ls no oLher
candldaLe wlLh Lhe same name. (Lerlas vs. P8L1,202 SC8A

2. lf only Lhe flrsL name of a candldaLe ls wrlLLen and lL sounds
llke Lhe surname of anoLher candldaLe, Lhe voLe shall be
counLed ln favor of Lhe laLLer.

3. lf Lhere are Lwo or more candldaLes wlLh Lhe same name
and one of Lhem ls lncumbenL, Lhe voLe shall be counLed ln
favor of Lhe lncumbenL.

4. When Lwo or more words are wrlLLen on dlfferenL llnes
whlch are Lhe surnames of Lwo or more candldaLes wlLh Lhe
same surname of an offlce for whlch Lhe law auLhorlzes Lhe
elecLlon of more Lhan one, Lhe voLe shall be counLed ln favor
of all Lhe candldaLes. WlLh Lhe same surname.

3. When Lhe word wrlLLen ls Lhe flrsL name of one candldaLe
and Lhe surname of anoLher candldaLe, Lhe voLe shall be
counLed for Lhe laLLer.

6. lf Lhe balloL conLalns Lhe flrsL name of one candldaLe and
Lhe surname of anoLher, Lhe voLe shall noL be counLed for

7. An lncorrecLly wrlLLen name whlch sounds llke Lhe correcLly
wrlLLen name of a candldaLe shall be counLed ln hls
favor(8auLlsLa vs CasLro,206 SC8A 606)

8. lf Lhe word wrlLLen ls Lhe lncldenLal name of Lwo or more
candldaLes for Lhe same offlce none of whom ls lncumbenL,
Lhe voLe shall be counLed ln favor of Lhe candldaLe who
belongs Lo Lhe same LlckeL as all oLher candldaLes voLed for ln
Lhe balloL for Lhe same consLlLuency.

9. 1he erroneous lnlLlal of Lhe flrsL name accompanled by Lhe
correcL surname of a candldaLe or Lhe erroneous lnlLlal of Lhe
same accompanled by Lhe correcL flrsL name of a candldaLe
shall noL annul Lhe voLe ln hls favor.

10. A balloL ln whlch Lhe correcL flrsL name buL wrong
surname of a candldaLe ls wrlLLen or Lhe correcL surname buL
wrong flrsL name of a candldaLe ls wrlLLen ,shall noL be
counLed ln hls favor.

11. Where a candldaLe named edro Alfonso dled on Lhe eve
of Lhe elecLlon and hls daughLer lrma Alfonso subsLlLuLed
hlm, balloLs ln whlch Lhe name edro alfonso was wrlLLen
cannoL be counLed ln her favor. (Afonso vs. CCMLLLC,232
SC8A 777)

12. lf Lwo or more candldaLes were voLed for ln an offlce for
whlch Lhe law auLhorlzes Lhe elecLlon for only one, Lhe voLe
shall noL be counLed ln favor of any of Lhem.

13. lf Lhe candldaLe voLed for exceed Lhe number of Lhose Lo
be elecLed, Lhe voLes for Lhe candldaLes whose names were
flrsLly wrlLLen equal Lo Lhe number of candldaLes Lo be
elecLed shall be counLed.

14. Lven lf Lhe name of a candldaLe was wrlLLen on Lhe wrong
space, lL should be counLed lf Lhe lnLenLlon Lo voLe for hlm
can be deLermlned, as when Lhere ls a compleLe llsL of names
of oLher offlces wrlLLen below hls name or Lhe voLer wroLe
Lhe offlce for whlch he was elecLlng Lhe candldaLe. (Cordero
vs.Moscardon,132 SC8A 414)

S18A? 8ALLC1

8ule 14 of secLlon 211 of Lhe Cmnlbus LlecLlon Code
conslders Lhree klnds of voLes as sLray: (1) a voLe conLalnlng
lnlLlals only,(2) a voLe whlch ls llleglble, and ( 3) a voLe whlch
does noL sufflclenLly ldenLlfy Lhe candldaLe for whom lL ls
lnLended. (vlllarosa vs. P8L1,340 SC8A 396)

1he rule ls ln favor of Lhe valldlLy of Lhe balloL, noL
oLherwlse. 1he appearance of prlnL and scrlpL wrlLlngs ln a
slngle balloL does noL necessarlly lmply LhaL Lwo persons
wroLe Lhe balloL.

aragraph 18,secLlon 149 of Lhe 8LC, provldes LhaL unless lL
should clearly appear LhaL lL has been dellberaLely puL by Lhe
voLer Lo serve as ldenLlflcaLlon mark, Lhe use of Lwo or more
klnds of wrlLlng shall be consldered lnnocenL and shall noL
lnvalldaLe a balloL..

under SecLlon 211(19 ) of Lhe CLC, any voLe ln favor of a
person who has noL flled a cerLlflcaLe of candldacy or ln favor
of a candldaLe for an offlce for whlch he dld noL presenL
hlmself shall be consldered as an asLray voLe, buL lL shall noL
lnvalldaLe Lhe whole balloL. 1he unexplalned presence of
promlnenL leLLers and words wrlLLen wlLh remarkably good
hand marked Lhe balloLs and musL be consldered lnvalld.

When ln a space ln Lhe balloL Lhere appears a name of
candldaLe LhaL ls erased and anoLher clearly wrlLLen, Lhe voLe
ls valld for Lhe laLLer. lncorrecL spelllng of a candldaLe's
name does noL lnvalldaLe Lhe balloL-for even Lhe mosL
llLeraLe person ls bound Lo commlL a mlsLake ln spelllng. (Cng
vs. CCMLLLC, 347 SC8A 681)

CC88LC1lCn Cl 8L1u8nS

1. 8efore Lhe announcemenL of Lhe resulLs of Lhe elecLlon ln a
preclncL, any correcLlon or alLeraLlon ln Lhe elecLlon reLurns
musL be lnlLlaled by all members of Lhe 8Ll.

2. AfLer Lhe announcemenL of Lhe resulLs ln a preclncL, Lhe
auLhorlzaLlon of Lhe CCMLLLC ls needed Lo make any
correcLlon or alLeraLlon.

- lf Lhe peLlLlon ls by all members of Lhe 8Ll, Lhe resulLs of Lhe
elecLlon wlll noL be affecLed, and none of Lhe candldaLe
affecLed ob[ecLs, Lhe CCMLLLC, upon belng saLlsfled of Lhe
veraclLy of Lhe peLlLlon, shall order Lhe correcLlon.

- lf a candldaLe affecLed by Lhe peLlLlon ob[ecLs and Lhe
correcLlon wlll affecL Lhe resulLs of Lhe elecLlon, Lhe CCMLLLC
shall order a recounL of Lhe voLes, lf lL flnds Lhe peLlLlon
merlLorlous and Lhe lnLegrlLy of Lhe balloL box has noL been
vlolaLed (secLlon 216, 8 881)

WPA1 CCnS1l1u1L An LLLC1lCn

lurallLy of voLes sufflclenL for cholce

noL necessary LhaL a ma[orlLy of voLers should voLe

CL81lllCA1L Cl vC1LS

1he 8Ll shall lssue a cerLlflcaLe of Lhe number of voLes
recelved by a candldaLe upon requesL of a waLcher. (SecLlon
16, 8A6646)

1he cerLlflcaLe of voLes ls admlsslble ln evldence Lo prove
anomaly ln Lhe elecLlon reLurn when auLhenLlcaLed by
LesLlmony or documenLary evldence of aL leasL Lwo members
of Lhe 8Ll.

x. CAnvASSlnC Anu 8CCLAMA1lCn


1. Congress
a. resldenL
b. vlce presldenL
a. SenaLors
b. 8eglonal Cfflclals
3. rovlnclal board of canvassers
a. Congressman
b. rovlnclal offlclals
4. ulsLrlcL 8oard of Canvassers ln each leglslaLlve dlsLrlcL ln
MeLro Manlla
a. Congressman
b. Munlclpal offlclal
3. ClLy and Munlclpal 8oard of Canvassers
a. Congressmen
b. ClLy and munlclpal offlclals
6. 8arangay 8oard of Canvassers
a. 8arangay offlclals

SuL8vlSC8? CWL8 CvL8 1PL 8CA8u

1he CCMLLLC exerclses dlrecL supervlslon and conLrol over
Lhe proceedlngs before Lhe board of canvassers (MasLura vs.
CCMLLLC, 283 SC8A 493)

nA1u8L Cl uu1? Cl 8CA8u Cl CAnvASSL8S

1. MlnlsLerlal- lL has only Lhe mlnlsLerlal Lask of Lallylng Lhe
voLes as reporLed ln Lhe elecLlon reLurns and declare Lhe
resulLs, and cannoL exerclse Lhe [udlclal power of decldlng an
elecLlon conLesL. 1he correcLlon of Lhe manlfesL mlsLake ln
Lhe maLhemaLlcal addlLlon calls for a mere clerlcal Lask on Lhe
parL of Lhe board. 1he remedy ls purely admlnlsLraLlve.
(1aLlongharl vs. CCMLLLC,199 SC8A 199)
2. Cuasl-!udlclal- 1he Comelec exerclses [udgmenL or
dlscreLlon Lo deLermlne wheLher any glven reLurn before lL ls
genulne ln connecLlon wlLh Lhe canvass of voLes.


1. 1he CCMLLLC has dlrecL conLrol and supervlslon over Lhe
board of canvassers excepL congress. lL may moLu proprlo
relleve aL any Llme and subsLlLuLe any member of Lhe board
of canvassers. (secLlon 227, 8 881)
- A munlclpal courL has no [urlsdlcLlon Lo resLraln Lhe
munlclpal board of canvasser. (Llbrados vs. Casar,234 SC8A

2. Manner of dellvery of elecLlon 8eLurn
a. 1he 8Ll shall personally dellver Lo Lhe clLy or munlclpal
board of canvassers Lhe copy of Lhe elecLlon reLurns lnLended
for Lhem sealed ln an envelop, slgned and Lhumbmarked by
Lhe members of Lhe 8Ll.

1he facL LhaL an elecLlon reLurn was noL locked ln Lhe balloL
box when lL was dellvered Lo Lhe board of canvassers ls noL
ground for excludlng lL ln Lhe absence of proof LhaL lL was
Lampered wlLh (lmenLel vs. Comelec,140 SC8A 126)

b. 1he 8Ll shall personally dellver Lo Lhe provlnclal and dlsLrlcL
board of canvassers Lhe copy of Lhe elecLlon reLurns lnLended
for Lhem Lo Lhe elecLlon reglsLrar.

c. WaLchers have Lhe rlghL Lo accompany Lhe members of Lhe
8Ll and Lhe elecLlon reglsLrar durlng Lhe dellvery of Lhe
elecLlon reLurns Lo Lhe board of canvassers. (secLlon 229, 8

8lCP1S Cl CAnuluA1LS

1. Lvery reglsLered pollLlcal parLy and candldaLe ls enLlLled Lo
one waLcher ln Lhe canvasslng cenLer, buL candldaLes for Lhe
local leglslaLlve bodles belonglng Lo Lhe same parLy are
enLlLled collecLlvely Lo one waLcher. 1he facL LhaL Lhe waLcher
of a candldaLe was noL presenL when Lhe canvasslng was
resumed because he was noLlfled ls noL a ground Lo annul Lhe
canvass. (Cullala vs. CCMLLLC,188 SC8A 902)
2. Any reglsLered pollLlcal parLy and candldaLe has Lhe rlghL Lo
be presenL and Lo counsel
a. only one counsel may argue for each parLy of candldaLe, no
dllaLory acLlon shall be allowed
3. roblem areas

a. LosL reLurn

- lf any elecLlon reLurn has been losL, upon prlor auLhorlLy of
Lhe CCMLLLC, Lhe board of canvassers may use auLhenLlc
copy of lL or a cerLlfled copy of lL lssued by Lhe
CCMLLLC(SecLlon 233,8 881). lL ls noL necessary LhaL all Lhe
oLher coples shall be consldered.
- lf an elecLlon reLurn ls mlsslng a recounL should noL be
ordered lf Lhere ls any auLhenLlc copy avallable(Cng vs.
CCMLLLC, 216 SC8A 866)
- lf all coples of Lhe LlecLlon reLurns were losL, a recounL of
Lhe balloLs should be made.
- 1he cerLlflcaLe of voLes slgned by Lhe 8Ll and Lally board
cannoL be used for Lhe canvass, because only elecLlon reLurns
are evldence of Lhe resulLs of Lhe elecLlon. (Caray vs
CCMLLLC, 262 SC8A 222)
b. Cmlsslon ln Lhe reLurn
- ln case of an omlsslon ln Lhe elecLlon reLurn of Lhe names of
a candldaLe or hls voLes, Lhe board of canvassers shall requlre
Lhe 8Ll Lo compleLe lL.
- lf Lhe voLes omlLLed cannoL be ascerLalned excepL by
recounLlng Lhe balloLs, afLer ascerLalnlng Lhe lnLegrlLy of Lhe
balloL has noL been vlolaLed, Lhe CCMLLLC shall order Lhe 8Ll
Lo counL Lhe voLes for Lhe candldaLe whose voLes were
omlLLed and Lo compleLe Lhe reLurn. Slnce Lhe omlsslon of Lhe
elecLlon reLurn on Lhe number of voLes cerLaln candldaLes
recelved ls noL a dlscrepancy, a recounL of Lhe voLe should be
ordered lnsLead of excludlng Lhe elecLlon reLurn ln Lhe
canvasslng. (aLoray vs. CCMLLLC,249 SC8A 490)

c. 1ampered or falslfled reLurn

- lf Lhe elecLlon reLurn submlLLed Lo Lhe board of canvassers
was Lampered wlLh or falslfled or prepared under duress or
by persons oLher Lhan Lhe 8Ll, Lhe board shall use Lhe oLher
coples of Lhe elecLlon reLurn.
- lf Lhe oLher coples of Lhe elecLlon reLurns were also
Lampered wlLh or falslfled or prepared under duress or by
persons oLher Lhan Lhe 8Ll, Lhe CCMLLLC afLer ascerLalnlng
LhaL Lhe lnLegrlLy of Lhe balloL box has noL been vlolaLed,shall
order Lhe 8Ll Lo recounL Lhe voLes and prepare a new reLurn.
- lf Lhe cerLlflcaLe of canvass was Lampered wlLh, Lhe
CCMLLLC may order LhaL any of Lhe coples of Lhe elecLlon
reLurns be used ln maklng a new canvass.(MasLura vs.
CCMLLLC,263 SC8A 493)
- Slnce an elecLlon reLurn prepared wlLhouL counLlng Lhe
balloLs ls a fabrlcaLlon, lL should noL be counLed and a counL
of Lhe balloL should be ordered.( Lucero vss. CCMLLLC,234
SC8A 280)

d. ulscrepancles ln reLurns

lf Lhere are dlscrepancles ln Lhe oLher auLhenLlc coples of Lhe
reLurn or ln Lhe words or flgures ln Lhe same reLurn and lL wlll
affecL Lhe resulL of Lhe elecLlon, Lhe CCMLLLC, afLer
ascerLalnlng LhaL Lhe lnLegrlLy of Lhe balloL box has noL been
vlolaLed, shall order Lhe recounL of Lhe balloLs.
lf Lhere ls dlscrepancy beLween Lhe Lally and Lhe wrlLLen
flgures ln Lhe elecLlon reLurn, lL should be excluded from Lhe
canvasslng and a recounL of Lhe balloLs should be made or
Lhe cerLlflcaLe of voLes casL ln Lhe preclncL should be used.
(aLoray vs. CCMLLLC,249 SC8A 440)


1. An lncompleLe canvass of voLes ls lllegal cannoL be a basls
of a valld proclamaLlon (Samad vs. CCMLLLC,224
SC8A631,Loong vs. CCMLLLC,237 SC8A 1) a canvass cannoL
be reflecLlve of Lhe Lrue voLe of Lhe elecLoraLe unless all
reLurns are consldered and none ls omlLLed (Caruncho lll vs.
CCMLLLC,313 SC8A 693)
2. lf Lhe quesLloned elecLlon reLurns wlll noL affecL Lhe resulL
of Lhe elecLlon, a proclamaLlon may be made upon Lhe order
Lo Lhe CCMLLLC afLer noLlce and hearlng.
3. A proclamaLlon made where Lhe conLesLed reLurns seL
aslde wlll affecL Lhe resulL of Lhe elecLlon and Lhe board of
canvassers proceeded Lo proclalm wlLhouL Lhe auLhorlLy from
Lhe CCMLLLC ls null and vold. (Sema vs. CCMLLLC,347 SC8A
4. 1he mere flllng of a peLlLlon for dlsquallflcaLlon ls noL a
ground Lo suspend Lhe proclamaLlon of Lhe wlnnlng
candldaLe-ln Lhe absence of an order suspendlng
proclamaLlon, Lhe wlnnlng candldaLe who ls soughL Lo be
dlsquallfled ls enLlLled Lo be proclalmed as a maLLer of law.
(8agaLslng vs CCCMLLLC,320 SC8A 817)
3. llllng of pre-proclamaLlon conLroversy under 2448 of
8881 ls noL Lhe only grounds for Lhe suspenslon of
6. 1he proclamaLlon of a wlnnlng candldaLe cannoL be
annulled lf he has noL been noLlfled of Lhe moLlon Lo seL aslde
hls proclamaLlon. (Caruncho vs. CCMLLLC,313 SC8A 693)
7. 1he facL LhaL Lhe candldaLe who obLalned Lhe hlghesL
number of voLes ls laLer declared Lo be dlsquallfled or nor
ellglble for Lhe offlce Lo whlch he was elecLed does noL
necessarlly enLlLle Lhe candldaLe who obLalned Lhe second
hlghesL number of voLes Lo be declared Lhe wlnner of Lhe
elecLlve offlce. 1o allow Lhe defeaLed and repudlaLed Lo Lake
over Lhe mayoralLy desplLe Lhe re[ecLlon by Lhe elecLoraLe ls
Lo dlsenfranchlse Lhe elecLoraLe wlLhouL any faulL of Lhelr
parL and Lo deLermlne Lhe lmporLance and meanlng of
democracy and Lhe people's rlghL Lo elecL offlclals of Lhelr
cholce. CourL a quo correcLly held LhaL Lhe second placer losL
Lhe elecLlons and was repudlaLed by elLher a ma[orlLy or
plurallLy of voLers. (LoreLo vs. 8rlon,311 SC8A 694)

1. A Lle among Lwo or more candldaLes for presldenL or vlce
presldenL shall be broken by ma[orlLy voLe of boLh houses of
congress voLlng separaLely (SecLlon 4. A81 vll, PlL CCn1"n)
2. ln Lhe case of oLher poslLlons, Lhe Lles shall be broken by
Lhe drawlng of loLs.

lAlLu8L 1C ASSuML ClllCL lf a candldaLe falls Lo Lake hls
oaLh of offlce wlLhln 6 monLhs from hls proclamaLlon, unless
for a cause beyond Lhe conLrol of Lhe elecLed offlclal, hls
offlce wlll be consldered vacanL. (secLlon 12, 8 881)


A. ueflnlLlon, coverage

re-proclamaLlon conLroversy refers Lo any quesLlon
perLalnlng Lo or affecLlng Lhe proceedlngs of Lhe board of
canvassers whlch may be ralsed by any candldaLe or by any
reglsLered pollLlcal parLy or coallLlon of pollLlcal parLles before
Lhe board or dlrecLly wlLh Lhe Commlsslon, or any maLLer
ralsed under secLlons 233,234,233 and 236 ln relaLlon Lo Lhe
preparaLlon, Lransmlsslon, recelpL, cusLody and appreclaLlon
of Lhe elecLlon reLurns. (Chu vs. CCMLLLC,319 SC8A 482)
ln pre-proclamaLlon conLroversy, Lhe board of canvassers and
Lhe CCMLLLC are noL Lo look beyond or behlnd elecLlon
reLurns whlch are on Lhelr face regular and auLhenLlc
A pre-proclamaLlon conLroversy ls llmlLed Lo an examlnaLlon
of Lhe elecLlon reLurns on Lhelr face- 1he CCMLLLC as a
general rule need noL go beyond Lhe face of Lhe reLurns and
lnvesLlgaLe alleged elecLlon lrregularlLles.
1o requlre Lhe CCMLLLC Lo examlne Lhe clrcumsLances
surroundlng Lhe preparaLlon of Lhe reLurns would run counLer
Lo Lhe rule LhaL a pre-proclamaLlon conLroversy should be
summarlly declded.
Where Lhe resoluLlon of Lhe lssues ralsed would requlre Lhe
CCMLLLC Lo plerce Lhe vell" of elecLlon reLurns LhaL appear
prlma facle regular, Lhe remedy ls a regular elecLlon proLesL.
1he offlce of pre-proclamaLlon conLroversy ls llmlLed Lo
lncompleLe, falslfled or maLerlally defecLlve reLurns whlch
appear as such on Lhe face. (SebasLlan vS CCMLLLC, 327
SC8A 406)

8. !u8lSulC1lCn
1. CuesLlons lnvolvlng Lhe legallLy of Lhe composlLlon or
proceedlng of Lhe board of canvassers, excepL congress, may
be ralsed lnlLlally ln Lhe board of canvassers or Lhe
CCMLLLC.(SLC 13 and 17, 8A 7166)
2. CuesLlons lnvolvlng Lhe elecLlon reLurns and cerLlflcaLe of
canvass should be broughL ln Lhe flrsL lnsLance before Lhe
board of canvassers only (SecLlon 17, 8A 7166)


1. rovlnclal, clLy and munlclpal offlclals

d. 1he composlLlon of Lhe proceedlng of Lhe board of
canvassers ls lllegal
e. 1he reLurns are lncompleLe, conLaln maLerlal defecLs,
appear Lo be Lampered wlLh or falslfled or conLaln
dlscrepancles ln Lhe same reLurns or ln oLher auLhenLlc
f. 1he reLurns were prepared under duress or are obvlously
manufacLured or noL auLhenLlc,
g. SubsLlLuLe or fraudulenL reLurns were canvassed, Lhe resulL
of whlch maLerlally affecL Lhe sLandlng of Lhe aggrleved

3. resldenL, vlce presldenL, senaLors, congressmen and
barangay offlclals

no pre-proclamaLlon case ls allowed regardlng Lhe
preparaLlon, Lransmlsslon, recelpL, cusLody and appreclaLlon
of Lhe elecLlon reLurn or cerLlflcaLe of canvass.(Chaves vs
CCMLLLC,211 SC8A 313)

L88C8S ln 1PL CL81lllCA1L Cl CAnvASS
CorrecLlon of manlfesL errors has reference Lo errors ln Lhe
elecLlon reLurns, ln Lhe enLrles of Lhe sLaLemenL of voLes by
preclncL/per munlclpallLy, or ln Lhe cerLlflcaLe of canvass. a
manlfesL clerlcal error ls one LhaL ls vlslble Lo Lhe eye or
obvlous Lo Lhe undersLandlng, and ls apparenL from Lhe
papers Lo Lhe eye appralser and Lhe collecLor, and does noL
lnclude an error whlch may, by evldence dehors Lhe record Lo
be shown Lo have been commlLLed. (1rlnldad vs.
CCMLLLC,320 SC8A 836)

1. Whlle Lhe flrsL senLence of secLlon 13 of 8A 7166 prohlblLs
candldaLes ln Lhe presldenLlal, vlce presldenLlal, senaLorlal
and congresslonal elecLlons from flllng pre-proclamaLlon case,
Lhe second senLence allows Lhe flllng of peLlLlons for
correcLlon of manlfesL errors ln Lhe cerLlflcaLe of canvass or
elecLlon reLurns even ln elecLlons for presldenL, vlce-
presldenL, senaLors and members of Lhe Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves for Lhe slmple reason LhaL Lhe correcLlon of
manlfesL error wlll noL prolong Lhe process of canvasslng nor
delay Lhe proclamaLlon of Lhe wlnner ln Lhe elecLlon.
(Sandoval vs. CCMLLLC,323 SC8A 403)

2. 1he canvasslng body may moLu proprlo or upon peLlLlon of
an lnLeresLed parLy correcL manlfesL errors ln Lhe cerLlflcaLe
of canvass or elecLlon reLurn. (Sec 13, 8A7166)
l. A copy of an elecLlon reLurn or cerLlflcaLe of canvass was
LabulaLed more Lhan once.
ll. 1wo or more coples of Lhe same elecLlon reLurn or
cerLlflcaLe of canvass were LabulaLed separaLely.
lll. 1here was a mlsLake ln copylng Lhe flgures lnLo Lhe
sLaLemenL of voLes or cerLlflcaLe of canvass.

Lrrors ln addlLlon ln Lhe cerLlflcaLe of canvass may be
correcLed. (Cng vs CCMLLLC,221 SC8A 73)
lv. 8eLurns from non-exlsLenL preclncLs were lncluded ln Lhe

1he sLaLemenL of voLes cannoL be correcLed on Lhe basls of a
cerLlflcaLlon glven Lo a waLcher, slnce elecLlon reLurns are
whaL are supposed Lo be Lhe basls of Lhe canvass. (8amlrez
vs. CCMLLLC,270 SC8A 390)

S1A1lS1lCAL lM8C8A8lLl1lLS

An elecLlon reLurn whlch ls sLaLlsLlcally lmprobable ls
obvlously fabrlcaLed and should noL be counLed.
l. Where Lhe voLes casL ln 30 preclncLs for Lhe candldaLes for
senaLors of one parLy equalled Lhe number of reglsLered
voLers, all Lhe candldaLes for senaLors of LhaL parLy recelved
Lhe same number of voLes, and all Lhe candldaLes for senaLors
of Lhe opposlng parLy goL no voLes, Lhe elecLlon reLurns are
sLaLlsLlcally lmprobable and are obvlously
fabrlcaLed.(Lagumbay vs. Cllmaco, 16 SC8A 173)
ll. Where only one candldaLe of a parLy goL all Lhe voLes ln
some preclncLs and hls opponenL goL zero, Lhe oLher
candldaLes for Lhe oLher parLy for oLher poslLlons recelved
voLes, Lhe number of voLes casL were less Lhan Lhe number of
reglsLered voLers, Lhe elecLlon reLurns are noL sLaLlsLlcally
lmprobable. (Sangkl vs CCMLLLC, 21 SC8A 1391)sss
lll. 1he mere facL LhaL a candldaLe recelve overwhelmlng
ma[orlLles over anoLher candldaLe ln numerous preclncL does
noL make Lhe elecLlon reLurn sLaLlsLlcally lmprobable. (llarde
vs. 31 SC8A71)
lv. 1he mere facL LhaL Lhe percenLage of LurnouL of voLers was
hlgh and LhaL a candldaLe recelved hlgh percenLage of Lhe
voLes does noL make Lhe elecLlon reLurns sLaLlsLlcally
lmprobable.(uoruelo vs. CCMLLLC ,133 SC8A 376)
v. 1he bare facL LhaL candldaLe for publlc offlce had recelved
zero voLe ls noL enough Lo make reLurns sLaLlsLlcally
lmprobable (Ccampo vs.CCkLL8C,323SC8A 636)
v. SLandlng alone wlLhouL more, Lhe bare facL LhaL a
candldaLe for publlc offlce had recelve zero voLes ln one or
Lwo preclncLs can noL adequaLely supporL a flndlng LhaL Lhe
sub[ecL elecLlon reLurns are sLaLlsLlcally lmprobable- Lhe
docLrlne of sLaLlsLlcal lmprobablllLy musL be vlewed
resLrlcLlvely, Lhe uLmosL care belng Laken lesL ln penallzlng
Lhe fraudulenL and corrupL pracLlces, lnnocenL voLers become
dlsenfranchlsed.1he docLrlne of sLaLlsLlcal lmprobablllLy
lnvolves a quesLlon of facL and more prudenLlal approach
prohlblLs lLs deLermlnaLlon ex parLe.(velayo vs. CCMLLLC,327


1. lssues lnvolvlng Lhe casLlng or Lhe counLlng of Lhe balloLs
are noL proper ln pre- proclamaLlon cases.

a) 1he use of lllegal elecLlon propaganda, voLe-buylng and
Lerrorlsm of Lhe voLers are noL proper lssues ln a pre-
proclamaLlon case. (vlllegas vs. CCMLLLC, 99 SC8A 3892)
b) CuesLlons on Lhe appreclaLlon of Lhe balloLs can noL be
ralsed ln pre-proclamaLlon case. (Alfonso vs.CCMLLLC, 232
SC8A 777)1hus, Lhe clalm LhaL a candldaLe was noL credlLed
wlLh voLes casL for hlm because hls name was slmllar Lo LhaL
of anoLher dlsquallfled candldaLe cannoL be ralsed ln a pre-
proclamaLlon case.(Chavez vs. CCMLLLC, 211 SC8A 313)
Llkewlse, Lhe clalm LhaL some balloLs were spurlous, marked
or lnvalld cannoL be ralsed ln a pre- proclamaLlon case.
(aLaray vs. CCMLLLC,274 SC8A 470)
c) 1errorlsm of voLers, voLlng by flylng voLers, deprlvaLlon of
Lhe rlghL Lo voLe of reglsLered voLers and voLe buylng cannoL
be ralsed ln a pre-proclamaLlon case (Allarde vs.
CCMLLLC,139 SC8A 623)
d) voLe buylng and secrecy ln Lhe preparaLlon of balloLs are
noL proper grounds for pre-proclamaLlon case (Salazar vs.
CCMLLLC,184 SC8A 433)
e) 1he clalm LhaL Lhe voLers were allowed Lo voLe wlLhouL
verlfylng Lhelr ldenLlLles, LhaL Lhere were dlscrepancles
beLween Lhe slgnaLures ln Lhe voLer\s affldavlLs and Lhe
voLlng record, and Lhlrd persons falsely voLed for voLers who
dld noL voLe are noL proper lssues ln a pre-proclamaLlon case
(ulpaLuan vs. CCMLLLC,183 SC8A 86)
f) 1echnlcal examlnaLlon of Lhe slgnaLures and LhumbprlnLs of
Lhe voLers Lo prove subsLlLuLe voLlng ls noL allowed ln a pre-
proclamaLlon case. (8allndong vs. CCMLLLLC,260 SC8A 294)
g) 1he paddlng of Lhe llsL of voLers cannoL be ralsed ln a pre-
proclamaLlon case, slnce lL does noL lnvolve Lhe elecLlon
reLurn. (uLuLahan vs. CCCCMLLLC,189 SC8A 333)
h) 1he facL LhaL Lhe voLlng was sham or mlnlmal ls noL a
ground for flllng a pre-proclamaLlon case, slnce Lhls ls
properly cognlzable ln an elecLlon proLesL.(Sallh vs.
CCMLLLC,279 SC8A 19)
l) 1o look beyond or behlnd elecLlon reLurns ls noL a proper
lssue ln pre-proclamaLlon conLroversy (Ccampo vs. CCMLLLC,
323 SC8A 636)
[) 1he facL LhaL Lhe counLlng of Lhe voLes was noL compleLed
because of Lhe exploslon of grenade and LhaL no elecLlon was
held cannoL be ralsed ln a pre-proclamaLlon case, as Lhese are
lrregularlLles LhaL do noL appear on Lhe face of Lhe elecLlon
reLurns. (MaLalam vs. CCMLLLC,271 SC8A 733)

2. AdmlnlsLraLlve lapses whlch do noL affecL Lhe auLhenLlclLy
of an elecLlon reLurn cannoL serve as basls for annulllng Lhe
elecLlon reLurn.

a) 1he fallure Lo close Lhe enLrles ln Lhe elecLlon reLurns wlLh
Lhe slgnaLure of Lhe 8Ll, lack of seals, absence of Llme and
daLe of recelpL of elecLlon reLurn by Lhe board of canvassers,
lack of slgnaLure of waLchers of Lhe peLlLloner, and Lhe lack of
auLhorlLy of Lhe person who recelved Lhe elecLlon reLurns do
noL affecL Lhe auLhenLlclLy of Lhe reLurns. (8aLerlna vs.
b) 1he absence of Lhe slgnaLure of Lhe clalmanL of Lhe 8Ll on
Lhe voLer's affldavlLs, llsL of voLers and voLlng records,
absence or excess of deLachable coupons, dlscrepancles
beLween Lhe member of deLachable coupons and Lhe number
of balloLs, mlsslng voLer's llsLs are mere admlnlsLraLlve
omlsslons and cannoL be used as basls Lo annul an elecLlon
reLurn. (Arroyo vs. P8L1, 246 SC8A 384)
3. Where Lhe LhreaLs of Lhe followers of a candldaLe dld noL
affecL Lhe genulneness of an elecLlon reLurn, lL should noL be
excluded (Salvaclon vs. CCMLLLC,170 SC8A 313)

SuMMA8? ulSCSl1lCn Cl 8L-8CCLAMA1lCn

1. Summary proceedlngs cannoL be sLreLched Lo mean ex
parLe proceedlng- summary slmply means wlLh dlspaLch, wlLh
Lhe leasL posslble delay, slgnlfylng LhaL Lhe power may be
exerclsed wlLhouL Lrlal ln Lhe ordlnary manner prescrlbed by
law for regular [udlclal proceedlngs.(velayo vs.Comelec,372
SC8A 713)

2. 8A 7166 expllclLly provldes LhaL lL ls only on Lhe basls of Lhe
offlclal records LhaL Lhe CCMLLLC can declde Lhe pre-
proclamaLlon conLroversy ln a summary manner. (velayo vs.
CCMLLLC,327 SC8A 713)

3. All pre-proclamaLlon conLroversles on elecLlon reLurns or
cerLlflcaLes of canvass shall be dlsposed of summarlly-flrsL by
Lhe record of canvassers and Lhen. 8y Lhe CCMLLLC. (Chu vs.
CCMLLLC, 319 SC8A 482)

A. rocedure ln conLesLed composlLlon or proceedlng of Lhe
8oard of Canvassers

1he lllegallLy of Lhe composlLlon of Lhe board of canvassers
cannoL be quesLloned afLer Lhe proclamaLlon of Lhe wlnner,
slnce lL musL be ralsed lmmedlaLely. (Laodenlo vs.
CCMLLLC,276 SC8A 703)
1he rullng of Lhe board of canvassers on quesLlon affecLlng lLs
composlLlon or proceedlng may be appealed Lo Lhe
CCCMLLLC ln 3 days.(SecLlon 19 8A 7166)

8. rocedure ln case of conLesLed reLurns
1. Cb[ecLlons Lo an elecLlon reLurn shall be submlLLed orally
Lo Lhe chalrman of Lhe board of canvassers aL Lhe Llme Lhe
reLurn ls presenLed for lncluslon ln Lhe canvass and shall be
enLered ln Lhe form for wrlLLen ob[ecLlon(Sec 20 (a) and
(c),8A 7166)
a. An ob[ecLlon made afLer Lhe canvass ls laLe.(Culao vs
/comelec,137 SC8A 336,navarro vs CCMLLLC,228 SC8A 396)
b. a peLlLlon for correcLlon of Lhe sLaLemenL of voLes may be
flled afLer Lhe proclamaLlon of Lhe wlnner, alLhough no
ob[ecLlon was made durlng Lhe canvass, as error was
dlscovered only afLer Lhe peLlLloner goL a copy of Lhe
sLaLemenL of voLes. (uuremdes vs. CCMLLLC,178 SC8A 746).
lL musL be flled noL laLer Lhan 3 days afLer Lhe
proclamaLlon.(SecLlon 3(b), 8ule 27 of CCMLLLC rules of
Powever, Lhe flve-day deadllne ls noL appllcable Lo a peLlLlon
for Lhe annulmenL of proclamaLlon of a candldaLe when lL
was hls opponenL who obLalned Lhe ma[orlLy for whaL was
correcLed was noL Lhe enLrles buL Lhe compuLaLlon of Lhe
voLes. (MenLang vs. CCMLLLC,229 SC8A 666)
under Lhe CCMLLLC 8ules of procedure, a peLlLlon for
correcLlon of Lhe cerLlflcaLe of canvass may be flled even
before Lhe proclamaLlon of Lhe wlnner. (8lnce vs.
Comelec,242 SC8A273) A peLlLlon for correcLlon of manlfesL
errors ln Lhe sLaLemenL of voLes can be declded by Lhe
CCMLLLC en banc aL Lhe flrsL lnsLance, slnce lL does noL
lnvolve an elecLlon proLesL or a pre-proclamaLlon case
(8amlrez vs. CCMLLLC,270 SC8A 390)
1he CCMLLLC has Lhe power Lo order Lhe correcLlon of Lhe
sLaLemenL of voLes Lo make lL conform Lo Lhe elecLlon
reLurns. (CasLromayor vs. CCMLLLC,230 SC8A 298)

2. 1he canvass of any conLesLed reLurn shall be deferred and
Lhe board of canvasser shall proceed Lo canvass Lhe
unconLesLed reLurn (SecLlon 20(b),8A 7166)
3. WlLhln 24 hours, Lhe ob[ecLlng parLy shall submlL evldence
ln supporL of Lhe ob[ecLlons.
4. WlLhln 24 hours afLer presenLaLlon of Lhe ob[ecLlon, a parLy
may flle a wrlLLen opposlLlon and aLLach Lhe supporLlng
evldence.(SecLlon 20c, 8A 7166)
3. 1he board of canvassers shall summarlly rule ln Lhe
conLesLed reLurns (SecLlon 20(d),8A 7166)
6. A parLy who lnLends Lo appeal should lmmedlaLely lnform
Lhe board of canvassers. WlLhln 24 hours he musL flle a
wrlLLen and verlfled noLlce of appeal wlLh Lhe board of
canvassers and Lake hls appeal Lo Lhe CCMLLLC wlLhln 3 days.
(secLlon 20(f),8A 7166)

a. AppellaLe [urlsdlcLlon

1he 81C has nC [urlsdlcLlon Lo revlew Lhe declslon of Lhe
munlclpal board of canvassers Lo correcL a cerLlflcaLe of
canvass.(Cabanero vs CA)

1he 81C has no [urlsdlcLlon Lo compel Lhe munlclpal board of
canvassers, whlch suspended Lhe proclamaLlon because of a
posslble dlscrepancy ln Lhe elecLlon reLurn, Lo make a
proclamaLlon. (ln re CCMLLLC 8esoluLlon no.2321,234 SC8A

b. erlod of appeal

Slnce Lhe proclamaLlon of a candldaLe who flnlshed second
made afLer Lhe candldaLe who goL Lhe hlghesL number of
voLes was kllled ls paLenLly vold, a laLe appeal should be
allowed. (8enlLo vs. CCCMLLLLC,233 SC8AS 436)

1he CCMLLLC cannoL by regulaLlon shorLen Lhe perlod Lo
quesLlon lLs declslon before Lhe SC for under Lhe ConsLlLuLlon
Lhe perlod of 30 days can be shorLened by law only.(Sardea
vs. CCMLLLLC,223 SC8A 374)

7. 1he CCMLLLC shall declde Lhe appeal wlLhln 7 days from
recelpL of Lhe records, and Lhe declslon shall be execuLory
afLer 7 days from recelpL by Lhe loslng parLy. (SecLlons 18 and
20(f), 8A 7166)

1L8MlnA1lCn Cl 8L-8CCLAMA1lCn CASL

Cnce a proclamaLlon has been made, Lhe pre-proclamaLlon
case ls no longer vlable and should be dlsmlssed (Sardea vs.
CCMLLLC). Powever Lhls rule presupposes Lhe proclamaLlon
ls valld. lL does noL apply lf Lhe proclamaLlon ls vold, because
lL was based on lncompleLe reLurns.(MaLalam vs. CCMLLLC
271 SC8A 733). 1he same holds Lrue lf Lhe reLurns were
manufacLured. (Agbayanl vs. CCMLLLC,186 SC8A 464). 1he
same hols Lrue where Lhe compuLaLlon of voLes was
erroneous. (MenLang vs. CCMLLLC,229 SC8A 669)

All pre-proclamaLlon cases pendlng before Lhe CCMLLLC shall
be LermlnaLed aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe Lerm of Lhe offlce
(noon of !une 30) lnvolved, and Lhe rullngs of Lhe board of
canvassers shall be deemed afflrmed, wlLhouL pre[udlce Lo
Lhe flllng of an elecLlon proLesL by Lhe aggrleved parLy.
(enaflorlda vs. CCMLLLC,282 SC8A 241 And 8arroso vs
Amplg,328 SC8A 330)

1he pre-proclamaLlon case should no longer be declded lf
excluslon of Lhe quesLloned elecLlon reLurn wlll noL change
Lhe resulL of Lhe elecLlon. (MaLalam vss. CCMLLLC,271 SC8A

LllLC1 Cl llLlnC An LLLC1lCn 8C1LS1,CuC WA88An1C

1. As a general rule, Lhe flllng of an elecLlon proLesL or a
peLlLlon for quo warranLo precludes Lhe subsequenL flllng of a
pre-proclamaLlon conLroversy, or amounLs Lo Lhe
abandonmenL of one earller flled. (Maruhom vs.
CCMLLLC,331 SC8A 473)
2. 1he flllng of an elecLlon proLesL resulLs ln abandonmenL of
a pre-proclamaLlon case even lf Lhe proLesL alleged lL was
flled as a precauLlonary measure, lf he dld noL explaln
why.(Laodenlo vs. CCMLLLC,276 SC8A 403)
3. 1he rule LhaL Lhe flllng of a proLesL lmplles abandonmenL of
Lhe pre-proclamaLlon case does noL apply lf:
l. 1he proLesL was flled as a precauLlonary measure (MlLmug
vs. CCMLLLC,230 SC8A 34)
ll. 1he board of canvassers was lmproperly consLlLuLed, as
when Lhe Munlclpal 1reasurer Look over Lhe canvasslng
wlLhouL havlng been deslgnaLed. (Saman vs. CCMLLLC,224
SC8A 631)


lf Lhe peLlLlon appears merlLorlous on Lhe basls of Lhe
evldence presenLed so far, Lhe CCMLLLC or Lhe SC may order
Lhe case Lo conLlnue. (SecLlon 16, 8A 7166)


1. 1he 8oard of Canvassers shall noL make any proclamaLlon
wlLhouL any auLhorlzaLlon from Lhe CCMLLLC (!amll vs
CCMLLLC,283 SC8A 349)

2. roclamaLlon may be made lf Lhe conLesLed reLurns wlll noL
adversely affecL Lhe resulLs of Lhe elecLlons. (SecLlon 20 (l), 8A

3. 1he CCMLLLC may order Lhe proclamaLlon of oLher
wlnnlng candldaLes whose elecLlon wlll noL be affecLed by Lhe
pre-proclamaLlon case. (SecLlon 21, 8A 7166)

4. A candldaLe for mayor who flnlshed second cannoL be
proclalmed slmply because Lhe candldaLe who recelved Lhe
hlghesL number of voLes dled, slnce he was noL Lhe cholce of
Lhe people. (8enlLo vs. CCMLLLC, 23333 SC8A 436)

3. 1he wreaLh of vlcLory cannoL be Lransferred from Lhe
dlsquallfled wlnner Lo Lhe repudlaLed loser because Lhe law
Lhen as now only auLhorlzes a declaraLlon of elecLlon ln favor
of Lhe person who has obLalned a plurallLy of voLes Lo be
declared elecLed. (Sunga vs. CCMLLLC,288 SC8A 76)

AnnuLMLn1 Cl 8CCLAMA1lCn

1. 1he CCMLLLC can annul a proclamaLlon because of an
error ln Lhe compuLaLlon of Lhe voLes ln Lhe sLaLemenL of
voLes slnce Lhe proclamaLlon ls vold.(1orres vs. CCMLLLC,270
SC8A 383)

2. Where Lhe CCMLLLC, wlLhouL prlor noLlce and hearlng,
annulled Lhe proclamaLlon of a wlnnlng parLy and dlrecLed
Lhe Munlclpal 8oard of Canvassers Lo reconvene and effecL
correcLlons ln Lhe LoLal number of voLes recelved by Lhe
candldaLes and LhereafLer proclalm Lhe wlnner, Lhe expedlenL
acLlon Lo Lake ls Lo dlrecL Lhe Munlclpal 8oard of Canvassers
Lo reconvene and. afLer noLlce and hearlng ln accordance
wlLh rule 27, secLlon 7 of Lhe CCMLLLC 8ules of rocedure, Lo
effecL Lhe necessary correcLlon, lf any, ln Lhe elecLlon reLurns
and, on Lhe basls Lhereof, proclalm Lhe wlnnlng candldaLe or
candldaLes as members of Lhe Sanggunlang 8ayan( Angella vs.
CCMLLLC,332 SC8A 737)

3. lL ls lmproper for Lhe CCMLLLC Lo annul Lhe proclamaLlon
of a wlnnlng candldaLe on Lhe basls of new and addlLlonal
evldence whlch were noL presenLed before Lhe 8oard of
Canvasssers and whlch were noL furnlshed Lo Lhe sald
candldaLe. 8ellance should noL be placed on mere affldavlLs
for Lhe purpose of annulllng a wlnnlng candldaLe's
proclamaLlon. (velayo vs. CCMLLLC, 327 SC8A 713)

4. A proclamaLlon subsequenLly declared vold ls no
proclamaLlon aL all and whlle a proclalmed candldaLe may
assume offlce on Lhe sLrengLh of Lhe proclamaLlon of Lhe
8oard of Canvassers he ls only a presumpLlve wlnner who
assumes offlce sub[ecL Lo Lhe flnal ouLcome of Lhe elecLlon
proLesL. (Lonzanlda vs. CCMLLLC, 311 S8A 602)


A. !urlsdlcLlon

1) Supreme CourL (resldenLlal LlecLoral 1rlbunal)
- resldenL
- vlce-resldenL ( Sec. 4, ArL vll, hll. ConsL)

2) SenaLe LlecLoral Lrlbunal
- SenaLors (Sec 17, ArL vl, C)

3) Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves LlecLoral 1rlbunal

- Congressmen ( Sec 17, ArL vl, C, Sampayan vs. uaza, 213
SC8A 807)

4) Commlsslon on LlecLlons
- 8eglonal Cfflclals
- rovlnclal Cfflclals
- ClLy Cfflclals ( Sec 2(2). ArL lx-C, C, Sec 249 8 881)

3) 8eglonal 1rlal CourL
- Munlclpal Cfflclals ( Sec 2(2), ArL lx-C, C, Sec 231, 8 881,
apandayan vs. CCMLLLC , 230 SC8A 469)
6) MeLropollLan 1rlal CourL, Munlclpal ClrculL 1rlal CourL, and
Munlclpal 1rlal CourL
- 8arangay Cfflclals [ Sec 2(2), ArL lx-C, C, Sec 232 8 881,
8egaLcho vs. CleLo, 126 SC8A 342]
- Sanggunlang kabaLaan ( Sec 1, 8A 7166)

8. AcLlon whlch may be flled
l. LlecLlon roLesL

l. MusL be flled by any candldaLe who has flled a cerLlflcaLe of
candldacy and has been voLed upon for Lhe same offlce.
ll. Cn ground of fraud, Lerrorlsm, lrregularlLles or lllegal acLs
commlLLed before, durlng or afLer Lhe casLlng and counLlng of
lll. WlLhln 10 days from Lhe proclamaLlon of Lhe resulLs of Lhe
ll. Cuo WarranLo

l. llled by any reglsLered voLer ln Lhe consLlLuency
ll. Cn grounds of lnellglblllLy or dlsloyalLy Lo Lhe 8epubllc of
Lhe hlllpplnes
lll. WlLhln 10 days from Lhe proclamaLlon of Lhe resulLs of Lhe

C rocedure

1. erlod of flllng conLesL
a. erlods
l. resldenL and vlce-resldenL
1) roLesL- 30 days ( 8ule 14, 8ules of resldenLlal LlecLoral
2) Cuo WarranLo- 10 days ( 8ule 13, 8ules of resldenLlal
LlecLoral 1rlbunal)
ll. SenaLors
1) roLesL - 13 days ( 8ule 14, 8evlsed 8ules of SenaLe
LlecLoral 1rlbunal)
2) Cuo WarranLo - 10 days ( 8ule 13, 8evlsed 8ules of SenaLe
LlecLoral 1rlbunal)
lll. Congressmen- 10 days ( 8ule 16 and 17.1998 8ules of
Pouse of 8epresenLaLlves LlecLoral 1rlbunal)
lv. 8eglonal, provlnclal and clLy offlclals-10 days ( Sec 230 and
233, 8 881, 8epubllc vs. uela 8osa, 232 SC8A 78)
v. Munlclpal Cfflclals- 10 days ( Secs 231 and 233, 8 881)
vl. 8arangay Cfflclals - 10 days ( Sec 232 and 233, 8 881)
vll. Sanggunlang kabaLaan- 10 days ( Sec 1, 8A 7808)
b. LxcepLlons
l. 1he perlod Lo flle an elecLlon proLesL or quo warranLo case
ls suspended from Lhe flllng of a pre-proclamaLlon case unLll
recelpL of Lhe order dlsmlsslng Lhe case. (Sec 248, 8 881,
CaLchallan vs CA , SC8A 208)
ll. lf Lhe dlsmlssal was elevaLed Lo Lhe Supreme CourL , Lhe
perlod does noL run unLll recelpL of Lhe dlsmlssal by Lhe
Supreme CourL, because revlew by Lhe Supreme CourL ls parL
of Lhe proceedlng.(Callardo vs 8lmando, 187 SC8A 463)
lll. 1he runnlng of Lhe reglemenLary perlod Lo flle an elecLlon
proLesL ls Lolled by a parLy's elevaLlon Lo Lhe Supreme CourL
of a CCMLLLC declslon resoluLlon of proclamaLlon case. (
8oquero vs CCMLLLC , 289 SC8A 120)
lv. 1he perlod Lo flle an elecLlon proLesL ls suspended by Lhe
flllng of Lhe peLlLlon Lo annul Lhe proclamaLlon of Lhe wlnner
(Manahan vs 8ernardo, 283 SC8A 303)
v. Slnce Lhe flllng of a pre-proclamaLlon case merely suspends
Lhe runnlng of Lhe perlod Lo flle an elecLlon proLesL, only Lhe
balance of Lhe perlod ls ln case of dlsmlssal. ( 8oquero vs
CCMLLLC , 289 SC8A 130)
vl. Where Lhe evldence of Lhe lack of llllplno clLlzenshlp of a
provlnclal offlclal was dlscovered only 18 monLhs afLer hls
proclamaLlon, Lhe quo warranLo case should be allowed even
lf lL flled more Lhan 10 days afLer hls proclamaLlon. ( lrlvaldo
vs CCMLLLC , 174 SC8A 243)

2. roLesLanL or eLlLloner

resldenL and vlce-resldenL

l. proLesL- CandldaLe wlLh second or Lhlrd hlghesL number of
voLes ( 8ule 14, 8ules of resldenLlal LlecLoral 1rlbunal)
ll. Cuo WarranLo- any voLer ( 8ule 13, 8ules of resldenLlal
LlecLoral 1rlbunal)


l. roLesL- any candldaLe ( 8ule 14, 8evlsed 8ules of SenaLe
LlecLoral 1rlbunal)
ll. Cuo WarranLo- any voLer ( 8ule 13, 1998 8ules of SenaLe
LlecLoral 1rlbunal)


l. roLesL- any candldaLe
ll. Cuo WarranLo- Any voLer ( 8ule 17, 1998 8ules of Pouse of
8epresenLaLlves LlecLoral 1rlbunal)

8eglonal, provlnclal, ClLy Cfflclals

l. roLesL- any candldaLe ( Sec 230, 8 881)
ll. Cuo WarranLo- any voLer ( Sec 233, 8 881)

Munlclpal Cfflclals

l. roLesL- any candldaLe- ( Sec 231 , 8 881)
ll. Cuo WarranLo- any voLer ( Sec 233, 8 881)
8arangay Cfflclals
l. roLesL- any candldaLe- ( Sec 232, 8 881)
ll. Cuo WarranLo- any voLer ( Sec 233, 8p 881)

aymenL of uockeL lee

When Lhe proLesLanL lncluded a clalm for aLLorney's fees ln
hls proLesL and pald Lhe dockeL fee for hls clalm for aLLorney's
fees buL dld noL pay Lhe baslc dockeL fee for Lhe elecLlon
proLesL , Lhe elecLlon proLesL should be dlsmlssed. (
CaLchallan vs CA, 243 SC8A 208)

AllegaLlons ln roLesL

- An elecLlon proLesL should conLaln Lhe followlng
[urlsdlcLlonal allegaLlons:
- 1he proLesLanL ls a candldaLe who duly flled a cerLlflcaLe of
candldacy and was voLed for ln Lhe elecLlon
- 1he proLesLee has been proclalmed elecLed
- 1he daLe of proclamaLlon ( Mlro vs CCMLLLC, 121 SC8A
- An elecLlon proLesL whlch does noL speclfy Lhe preclncL
where Lhe alleged lrregularlLles occurred ls faLally defecLlve .
(ena vs P8L1 , 270 SC8A 340)
- SubsLanLlal compllance ls sufflclenL . 1hus Lhe followlng
allegaLlons sufflclenLly comply wlLh Lhe flrsL requlremenL.
- 1he proLesLanL recelved a cerLaln number of voLes ( Anls vs
ConLreras, 33 hll 929)
- 1he proLesLanL flnlshed second ln Lhe elecLlon ( All vs Cll of
Lanao, 80 hll 306)
- 1he proLesLanL was a candldaLe voLed for ln Lhe elecLlon
wlLh a valld cerLlflcaLe of candldacy for mayor ( amanla vs
llapll, 81 hll 212)
- 1he proLesLanL was one of Lhe reglsLered candldaLes voLed
for and he recelved a cerLaln number of voLes ( !alandonl vs
Sarcon, 94 hll 266)
- 1he proLesLanL was Lhe offlclal candldaLe of a [parLlcular
pollLlcal parLy and recelved a cerLaln number of voLes (
Maqulnay vs 8leza, 100 SC8A 702)
- 1he proLesLanL was a candldaLe for governor and was voLed
for. ( Maclas vs CCMLLLC, 182 SC8A 137)
- Lven lf Lhe proLesL dld noL allege Lhe daLe of Lhe
proclamaLlon, lL can be deLermlned from Lhe records of Lhe
case LhaL lL was flled on Llme, as when Lhe proLesL was flled
on Lhe LenLh from Lhe daLe Lhe casLlng of voLes was held, Lhe
proLesL should noL be dlsmlssed. (Mlro vs CCMLLLC, 121
SC8A 466)

verlflcaLlon/CerLlflcaLe of Absence of lorum Shopplng

When Lhe peLloner falled Lo sLaLe ln hls verlflcaLlon LhaL Lhe
conLenLs of Lhe elecLlon proLesL are Lrue and correcL of hls
own personal knowledge , sald peLlLlon lacks proper
verlflcaLlon and should be LreaLed an unslgned pleadlng and
musL be dlsmlssed. ( Soller vs CCMLLLC, 339 SC8A 683)

- lorum Shopplng exlsLs when Lhe peLlLloner flles mulLlple
peLlLlons or complalnLs lnvolvlng Lhe same lssues ln Lwo or
more Lrlbunal or agencles. ( uomlngo vs CCMLLLC, 313 SC8A
- 1he requlremenL LhaL every lnlLlal pleadlng should conLaln
cerLlflcaLlon of absence of forum shopplng applles Lo elecLlon
cases for Clrcular no. 04-94 does noL dlsLlngulsh ( Loyola vs
CA 243 SC8A 477, 1amarong vs Lubguban, 269 SC8A 624)
- SC Adm. Clrcular no 04-94 requlrlng a cerLlflcaLlon of non-
forum shopplng ls appllcable Lo elecLlon cases as lL ls
mandaLory . lL ls, however noL [urlsdlcLlonal.. 1he flllng of a
cerLlflcaLlon of absence of forum shopplng afLer Lhe flllng of
Lhe proLesL buL wlLhln Lhe perlod for flllng a proLesL ls
subsLanLlal compllance. ( 1umarong, supra)
- 1he sLrlcL appllcaLlon of Lhe non-forum shopplng rule ln
elecLlon conLesLs would noL work Lo Lhe besL lnLeresL of Lhe
parLles and Lhe elecLoraLe . An elecLlon conLesL, unllke an
ordlnary clvll acLlon , ls cloLhed wlLh publlc lnLeresL--- lL
lnvolves noL only Lhe ad[udlcaLlon of prlvaLe and pecunlary
lnLeresL of rlval candldaLes buL paramounL Lo Lhelr clalms ls
Lhe deep publlc concern lnvolved and Lhe need of dlspelllng
Lhe uncerLalnLy over Lhe real cholce of Lhe elecLoraLe. (
8arroso vs Amplg !r, 328 SC8A 330)

!olnder of LlecLlon roLesL and Cuo WarranLo Cases

- An elecLlon proLesL and quo warranLo case cannoL be flled
[olnLly ln Lhe same proceedlng. Powever, Lhey can be flled
separaLely. ( Lulsaon vs Carcla , C8 no L-10916, May 10,
1937). lf Lhey were [olned ln an acLlon , Lhey should be
ordered separaLed. ( acal vs 8amos, 81 hll 20)

ComposlLlon of 8oard of Canvassers

- 1he lllegallLy of Lhe composlLlon of Lhe board of canvassers
cannoL be ralsed ln a quo warranLo case, as only Lhe
lnellglblllLy or dlsloyalLy of Lhe wlnner can be ralsed ln such
case ( Samad vs CCMLLLC, 224 SC8A 631)

Change 1heory

- SubsLanLlal AmendmenLs Lo Lhe elecLlon proLesL cannoL be
made afLer Lhe explraLlon of Lhe perlod for flllng an elecLlon
proLesL. ( Arroyo vs P8L1, 224 SC8A 384)

rellmlnary MoLlons

A moLlon Lo dlsmlss and a moLlon for a blll of parLlculars may
be flled ln an elecLlon proLesL pendlng before Lhe regular
courLs, slnce Lhe CCMLLLC 8ules of rocedure are noL
appllcable Lo Lhe regular courLs because of Lhe excluslve rule-
maklng power of Lhe Supreme CourL. ( Aruelo vs CA, 227
SC8A 311)


An answer flle ouL of Llme cannoL be admlLLed ( kho vs
CCMLLLC 279 SC8A 463)

Where Lhe answer of Lhe proLesLee was flled ouL of Llme and
a general denlal was enLered ln favor of Lhe proLesLee, Lhe
rule ln clvll cases LhaL general denlals operaLes as an
admlsslon ls noL appllcable ( Loyola vs P8L1, 229 SC8A 90)

A counLer proLesL cannoL be allowed lf Lhe answer was flled
ouL of Llme ( Llm vs CCMLLLC, 282 SC8A 33)

Cash ueposlL

A proLesLee who flled a counLerclalm for aLLorney's fees
cannoL be requlred Lo flle a cash deposlL slnce a cash deposlL
ls requlred only for a counLer-proLesL ( 8oa vs lnLlng, 231
SC8A 37)


A proLesLee cannoL be en[olned from assumlng offlce because
of Lhe pendency of an elecLlon proLesL. unLll Lhe case ls
declded agalnsL hlm, he has Lhe rlghL Lo assume offlce. (
Careno vs ulcLado, 160 SC8A 739)


a. Lven lf Lhe proLesLee has reslgned , Lhe proLesL should
conLlnue , as a favorable [udgemenL wlll be enLlLled Lhe
proLesLanL Lo assume Lhe offlce ( uelos Angeles vs 8odrlguez,
46 hll 399) 1he same holds Lrue lf Lhe proLesLee accepLed
anoLher poslLlon ( Calvo vs Maramba, C8 no 13206, !anuary
7, 1918)
b. lf Lhe proLesLee dled, he should be subsLlLuLed by hls
successor such as Lhe vlce-mayor ( uela vlcLorla vs CCMLLLC,
199 SC8A 361) Pe cannoL be subsLlLuLed by hls helrs, slnce
publlc offlce cannoL be lnherlLed. ( Abe[a vs 1anada, 236 SC8A

c. lf lL ls Lhe proLesLanL who dled, he should be subsLlLuLed by
Lhe publlc offlclal who would have succeeded hlm, such as
Lhe vlce-mayor. ( ue CasLro vs CCMLLLC 267 SC8A 806)

14. AbandonmenL

A defeaLed candldaLe for presldenL who flled an elecLlon
proLesL and ran for senaLor should be deemed Lo have
abandoned Lhe proLesL (SanLlago vs 8amos, 233 SC8A 339)

13. Summary !udgmenL
An elecLlon proLesL cannoL be declded summarly, as summary
[udgmenL applles only Lo ordlnary clvll acLlon for recovery of
money (199 SC8A 449)

16. Cpenlng of 8alloLs

When an elecLlon proLesL ls flled. 1he balloL boxes should be
opened wlLhouL requlrlng proof of lrregularlLles, and
mlsappreclaLlon of balloLs ( Manahan vs 8ernardo, 283 SC8A
1he revlslon of balloLs ln an elecLlon proLesL flled wlLh
CCMLLLC should be held ln Manlla ( CabagnoL vs CCMLLLC,
260 SC8A 303)

17. uefermenL of CounLer roLesL

A proLesLee cannoL ask LhaL before maklng Lhe revlslon of Lhe
balloLs lnvolved ln hls counLer-proLesL, Lhe courL flrsL
deLermlne LhaL Lhe proLesLanL would wln on Lhe basls of Lhe
revlslons of Lhe balloLs lnvolved ln Lhe proLesL (Abe[a vs
1anada, 236 SC8A 60)

18. CerLlorarl

under Sec 30 of 8 697, Lhe CCMLLLC has [urlsdlcLlon over
peLlLlons for cerLlorarl, prohlblLlon and mandamus lnvolvlng
elecLlon cases pendlng before Lhe courLs whose declslons are
appealabe Lo lL ( 8elampagos vs Cumba, 243 SC8A 690,Lddlng
vs CCMLLLC 246 SC8A 302)

Where a peLlLlon for cerLlorarl merely quesLloned Lhe denlal
of Lhe moLlon of Lhe proLesLee for exLenslon of Lhe Llme Lo
answer, Lhe CCMLLLC cannoL afflrm Lhe declslon of Lhe
merlLs ln Lhe elecLlon proLesL. ( AcosLa vs CCMLLLC, 293 SC8A

19. Lvldence

1he genulneness of Lhe handwrlLlng ln Lhe balloLs can be
deLermlned wlLhouL calllng handwrlLlng experLs. ( Lrnl vs
CCMLLLC, 243 SC8A 378)

unless Lhe orlglnal documenLs or cerLlfled Lrue coples of Lhem
cannoL be produced or phoLo-coples cannoL be used as
evldence ( Arroyo vs P8L1, 246 SC8A 384)

8alloLs cannoL be excluded on Lhe ground LhaL Lhey were
wrlLLen by any person or were marked on Lhe basls of mere
phoLo-coples, as Lhey are noL Lhe besL evldence ( nazareno vs
CCMLLLC 279 SC8A 89)

20. uemurrer

A moLlon Lo dlsmlss for lnsufflclency of Lhe evldence of Lhe
proLesLanL has resLed ls a demurrer Lo Lhe evldence. lf lL was
granLed buL reversed on appeal , Lhe proLesLee ls deemed Lo
have Lhe rlghL Lo presenL evldence ( Lno[as vs CCMLLLC, 283
SC8A 229)

21. ueclslon

a. auLhenLlc elecLlon reLurn cannoL be annulled because Lhe
balloLs were losL or desLroyed (Arroyo vs P8L1 246 SC8A 384)
b. lf Lhe wlnner ls lnellglble, Lhe candldaLe who goL Lhe
hlghesL number of voLes cannoL be proclalmed elecLed as he
dld noL geL Lhe ma[orlLy or plurallLy of Lhe voLes (Sunga vs
CCMLLLC, 288 SC8A 76)
c. AcLual damages may be awarded ln accordance wlLh Lhe
law (Sec 239, 8 881)
1he loser cannoL be ordered Lo relmburse Lhe wlnner for Lhe
expenses lncurred ln Lhe elecLlon proLesL for no law provldes
for lL ( ALlenza vs CCMLLLC 239 SC8A 298)

d. 1he mere facL LhaL Lhe declslon ln favor of Lhe proLesLanL
was reversed on appeal ls noL sufflclenL basls for Lhe rullng
LhaL Lhe proLesLanL should be awarded aLLorney's fees
because Lhe proLesL was flled for harassmenL (Malaluan vs
CCMLLLC 234 SC8A 397)

e. under Sec 264, par 1 of 8 881, as amended , Lhe award of
damages ls no among Lhe lmposable penalLles for Lhe
commlsslon of any of Lhe elecLlon offenses Lhereunder by any
lndlvldual (8egalado vs CA 323 SC8A 316)

22. LxecuLlon of !udgmenL endlng Appeal

8 881 and oLher elecLlon laws do noL speclflcally provlde for
Lhe execuLlon pendlng appeal for [udgmenL ln elecLlon cases,
unllke Lhe LlecLlon Code of 1971.. 1he fallure of Lhe exLanL
elecLlon laws Lo reproduce Sec 218 of Lhe LlecLlon Code of
1971 does noL mean LhaL Lhe execuLlon of [udgmenL pendlng
appeal ls no longer avallable ln elecLlon cases..

1he Supreme CourL has expllclLly recognlzed and glven
approval Lo execuLlon of [udgmenL pendlng appeal ln elecLlon
cases flled under exlsLlng laws. 1he raLlonale why execuLlon
pendlng appeal ls allowed ln elecLlon cases ls Lo glve much
recognlLlon Lo Lhe worLh of a Lrlal [udge's declslon as LhaL
whlch ls lnlLlally ascrlbed by Lhe law Lo Lhe proclamaLlon by
Lhe board of canvassers.

Coverned by Sec 2, 8ule 39 of Lhe 1997 8ules of Clvll
procedure. LxecuLlon pendlng appeal should be based upon
good reasons and a comblnaLlon of Lwo or more of Lhem wlll
sufflce Lo granL execuLlon pendlng appeal:

l. ubllc lnLeresL lnvolved or wlll of Lhe elecLoraLe
ll. 1he shorLness of Lhe remalnlng porLlon of Lhe Lerm of Lhe
conLesLed offlce
lll. LengLh of Llme LhaL Lhe elecLlon conLesL has been pendlng
( lerno vs CCMLLLC 328 SC8A 32)
lv. llllng of bond as a condlLlon for Lhe lssuance of a
correspondlng wrlL of execuLlon Lo answer for Lhe paymenL of
damages whlch Lhe aggrleved parLy may suffer by reason of
Lhe execuLlon pendlng appeal (8amos vs CCMLLLC 286 SC8A

- LxecuLlon pendlng appeal cannoL be ordered on Lhe basls of
graLulLous allegaLlons LhaL publlc lnLeresL ls lnvolved and LhaL
Lhe appeal ls dllaLory. (Camllan vs CCMLLLC 271 , 271 SC8A

A moLlon for execuLlon pendlng appeal flled afLer Lhe
explraLlon of Lhe perlod of appeal can no longer be granLed (
8elampagos vs Cumba 243 SC8A 690)

23. MoLlon for 8econslderaLlon

a. Cne moLlon for reconslderaLlon ls allowed ln Lhe conLesL
lnvolvlng Lhe followlng:

l. resldenL- 10 days
ll. vlce-resldenL- 10 days ( 8ule 63, 8ules of resldenLlal
LlecLoral 1rlbunal)
lll. SenaLor- 10 days ( 8ule 64, 8ules of SenaLe LlecLoral
lv. Congressmen- 10 days ( 8ule 74, 1998 8ules of P8L1)
v. 8eglonal, rovlnclal and ClLy Cfflclals - 3 days ( Sec 2, 8ule
19 CCMLLLC 8ules of rocedure)

b. no moLlon for reconslderaLlon ls allowed ln elecLlon
conLesLs lnvolvlng Lhe followlng:

l. Munlclpal offlclals (Sec 236, 8 881, velorla vs CCMLLLC,
211 SC8A 907) Powever Lhls rule should noL be applled Lo Lhe
dlsmlssal of an elecLlon proLesL for fallure of Lhe counsel of
Lhe proLesLanL Lo appear aL Lhe pre-Lrlal, slnce Lhe pre-Lrlal ls
noL appllcable Lo Lhe elecLlon proLesL. (anglllnan vs ue
Ccampo, 232 SC8A )
ll. 8arangay Cfflclals ( Sec 19, 8ule 37 and Sec 12, 8ule 38
CCMLLLC 8ules of rocedure)
lll. Sanggunlang kabaLaan ( Sec 19, 8ule 37 and Sec 12 8ule
38, CCMLLLC 8ules of rocedure)

c. Slnce only declslons of Lhe CCMLLLC en banc may be
elevaLed Lo Lhe Supreme CourL , a parLy who dld noL flle for a
moLlon for reconslderaLlon of a declslon of a dlvlslon of Lhe
CCMLLLC cannoL elevaLe Lhe case Lo Lhe Supreme CourL
(8eyes vs 81C of CrlenLal Mlndoro, 244 SC8A 41)

d. A resoluLlon of Lhe CCMLLLC en banc ls noL sub[ecL Lo
reconslderaLlon, Lherefore any parLy who dlsagrees wlLh lL ls
Lo flle a peLlLlon for cerLlorarlunder 8ule 63 of Lhe 8ules of
Clvll procedure - a moLlon for reconslderaLlon of an en banc
rullng, resoluLlon, order, or declslon excepL ln elecLlon
offense cases ls a prohlblLed pleadlng under Lhe CCMLLLC
8ules of rocedure. lor a parLy Lo walL unLll Lhe CCMLLLC en
banc denles hls moLlon for reconslderaLlon would be Lo allow
Lhe reglemenLary perlod for flllng a peLlLlon for cerLlorarl wlLh
Lhe SC Lo run and explre. (Angela vs CCMLLLC , 322 SC8A

24. 8evlew

a. !urlsdlcLlon

l. SenaLor- Supreme CourL wlLhln 60 days ( Sec 4, 8ule 63
8ules of CourL)
ll. Congressmen- Supreme CourL wlLhln 60 days ( Lerlas vs
P8L1, Sec 4, 8ule 63 8ules of CourL)
lll. 8eglonal, provlnclal, and ClLy offlclals - Supreme CourL
wlLhln 30 days ( Sec 7, ArL lx-A hll ConsL)
lv. Munlclpal Cfflclals
- CCMLLLC wlLhln 3 days ( Sec 22 8A 7166, Sec 3 8ule 22 of
CCMLLLC 8ules of rocedure, Llndo vs CCMLLLC, 194 SC8A
- Supreme CourL - wlLhln 30 days ( 8lvera vs CCMLLLC 199
SC8A 178)
v. 8arangay Cfflclals
- CCMLLLC wlLhln 3 days (Sec 2(2) ,ArL lx-C, hll ConsL, Sec 3,
8ule 22 CCMLLLC 8ules of rocedure, Calucag vs CCMLLLC
274 SC8A 403)
- Supreme CourL wlLhln 30 days ( llores vs CCMLLLC 184
SC8A 484)
b. lorm

Where Lhe appellanL flled an appeal brlef lnsLead of a noLlce
of appeal Lo Lhe CCMLLLC, Lhe appeal should noL be
dlsmlssed, slnce Lhe deLermlnaLlon of Lhe wlll of Lhe people
should noL be LhwarLed of LechnlcallLles (ahllan vs 1abalba,
230 SC8A 203)

c. lallure Lo ay AppellaLe uockeL lee

l. An appeal may be dlsmlssed for fallure of Lhe appellanL Lo
pay Lhe appellaLe dockeL fee (8eyes vs 81C of CrlenLal
Mlndoro, 244 SC8A 41)
ll. An appeal may be dlsmlssed lf Lhe full appellaLe dockeL fee
was noL pald , as paymenL of Lhe full amounL ls lndlspensable
for perfecLlon of Lhe appeal (8odlllas vs CCMLLLC, 243 SC8A

d. Scope of AuLhorlLy

Lrrors commlLLed by Lhe Lrlal courL may be consldered even lf
Lhey were noL asslgned as errors (Arao vs CCMLLLC 210 SC8A

xlll. C8lMlnAL CllLnSLS

A,. Crlmlnal and LlecLoraLe AspecLs of An LlecLlon Cffense

An elecLlon offense has crlmlnal as well as elecLoral aspecLs (
Sunga vs CCMLLLC 288 SC8A 76)

1) lLs crlmlnal aspecL lnvolves Lhe ascerLalnmenL of Lhe gullL
or lnnocence of Lhe accused candldaLe llke ln any oLher
crlmlnal case, lL usually enLalls a full-blown hearlng and Lhe
quanLum of proof requlred Lo secure a convlcLlon beyond
reasonable doubL.
2) lLs elecLoral aspecL ls a deLermlnaLlon of wheLher Lhe
offender should be quallfled from offlce. 1hls ls done Lhrough
admlnlsLraLlve proceedlng whlch ls summary ln characLer and
requlres only a clear preponderance of evldence.

8. !urlsdlcLlon Lo Lry Lhe case

1he expanded [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe Munlclpal 1rall CourL ( 8A
7691) does noL lnclude crlmlnal cases lnvolvlng elecLlon
offenses, because by speclal provlslon of Sec 268 of 8 881
Lhey fall wlLhln Lhe [urlsdlcLlon of Lhe 8eglonal 1rlal CourL
(CCMLLLC vs noynay 292 SC8A 334)

under Sec 268 of 8 881, reglonal Lrlal courLs have excluslve
[urlsdlcLlon Lo Lry and declde any crlmlnal acLlon or
proceedlng for vlolaLlon of Lhe Code lncludlng Lhose
penallzed by lmprlsonmenL noL exceedlng 6 years, buL excepL
Lhose relaLlng Lo Lhe offense of fallure Lo voLe ( !uan vs
eople 322 SC8A 123)

C. Cffenses

1. voLe-buylng

a. 1he facL LhaL aL leasL one voLer ln aL leasL 20 of Lhe
preclncLs ln a munlclpallLy , clLy or provlnce was offered
money by Lhe relaLlves, leaders or sympaLhlzers of a
candldaLe Lo promoLe hls elecLlon shall creaLe a presumpLlon
of consplracy Lo brlbe voLers.
b. 1he facL LhaL aL leasL 20 of Lhe preclncLs of Lhe
munlclpallLy, clLy or provlnce Lo whlch Lhe offlce asplred for
by Lhe candldaLe ls affecLed by Lhe offer creaLes Lhe
presumpLlon LhaL Lhe candldaLe and hls campalgn managers
are lnvolved ln Lhe consplracy.
c. Any person who ls gullLy and wllllngly LesLlfles shall be
exempL from prosecuLlon ( Sec 28, 8A 6646)
d. 1he LradlLlonal glfL-glvlng by Lhe munlclpallLy durlng
ChrlsLmas whlch was done Lo lnduce voLers for Lhe mayor
does noL consLlLuLe voLe-buylng ( Lozano vs MarLlnez, 283
SC8A 236)

2. AppolnLmenL of new Lmployees

1he prohlblLlon agalnsL appolnLmenL of a governmenL
employee wlLhln 43 days before regular elecLlon refers Lo
poslLlons covered by Lhe clvll servlce and does noL apply Lo
Lhe replacemenL of a councllor who dled ( Cng vd MarLlnez,
188 SC8A 830)

3. unauLhorlzed LnLry lnLo olllng lace

Mere presence of unauLhorlzed person lnslde a polllng place
ls an offense ( CCMLLLC vs 8omlllo, 138 SC8A 716)

4. 1ransfers of CovernmenL Lmployees

Slnce Lhe Cmnlbus LlecLlon Code does noL per se prohlblL Lhe
Lransfer of governmenL employees durlng Lhe elecLlon perlod
buL only penallzes such Lransfers made wlLhouL Lhe prlor
approval of Lhe CCMLLLC ln accordance wlLh Lhe
lmplemenLlng regulaLlons, Lhe Lransfer of governmenL
employees before Lhe publlcaLlon of Lhe lmplemenLlng
regulaLlons ls noL an elecLlon offense. ( eople vs 8eyes, 247
SC8A 328)

1wo elemenLs of Lhe offense prescrlbed under Sec 261 (h) of
8 881, as amended are:
(1) a publlc offlcer or employee ls Lransferred or deLalled
wlLhln Lhe elecLlon perlod as flxed by Lhe CCMLLLC, and
(2) Lhe Lransfer or deLall was effecLed wlLhouL prlor approval
of Lhe CCMLLLC ln accordance wlLh lLs lmplemenLlng rules
and regulaLlons (8egalado vs CA 323 SC8A 316)

3. Carrylng ueadly Weapon ln reclncL

1o supporL a convlcLlon carrylng a deadly weapon lnslde a
preclncL, lL ls necessary LhaL Lhe deadly weapon be selzed
from Lhe accused whlle he was ln preclncL (Mappala vs
Munoz 240 SC8A 600)

6. lallure Lo make roclamaLlon

roclalmlng a loslng candldaLe lnsLead of Lhe wlnner also
consLlLuLes fallure Lo make a proclamaLlon (Agu[eLas vs CA
261 SC8A 17)

7. 8efuslng Lo credlL candldaLe wlLh voLe

under secLlon 27(b) of 8A 6646, Lwo acL noL one, are
penallzed l.e, flrsL, Lhe Lamperlng, lncreaslng or decreaslng of
voLes recelved by a candldaLe ln any elecLlon, and second, Lhe
refusal, afLer proper verlflcaLlon and hearlng Lo credlL Lhe
correcL voLes or deducL such Lampered voLes.(lmenLel vs.
CCMLLLC,289 SC8A 386)

u. rosecuLlon

1. SecLlon 2(6),ArL lx-C llle, upon a verlfled complalnL, or on
lLs own lnlLlaLlve, peLlLlons ln courL for lncluslon or excluslon
of voLers, lnvesLlgaLe and, where approprlaLe, prosecuLe
cases of vlolaLlons of elecLlon laws, lncludlng acLs or
omlsslons consLlLuLlng elecLlon frauds, offenses, and

1he CCMLLLC has excluslve [urlsdlcLlon Lo conducL
prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon of and prosecuLe elecLlon offenses
(naldaza vs. Lavllles,234 SC8A 286)

2. 1hls holds Lrue even lf Lhe offense ls commlLLed by a publlc
offlcer ln relaLlon Lo hls offlce.(Corpuz vs. 1anodbayan, 149
SC8A 2281)

3. WhaLever lnlLlaLed moLu proplo or flled wlLh Lhe CCMLLLC
by any oLher parLy, Lhe complalnL shall be referred Lo Lhe
CCMLLLC Law ueparLmenL for lnvesLlgaLlon.. 1he CCMLLLC
Chalrman, ln hls personal capaclLy may flle dlrecLly wlLh Lhe
CCMLLLC Law ueparLmenL pursuanL Lo SecLlon 4, 8ule 34 of
Lhe CCMLLLC 8ules of rocedure. no requlremenL ln secLlon
3 LhaL only Lhe CCMLLLC en banc may refer a complalnL Lo
Lhe Law ueparLmenL for lnvesLlgaLlon nor ls Lhere a rule
agalnsL Lhe CCMLLLC Chalrman dlrecLlng Lhe conducL of a
prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon, even lf he hlmself were Lhe
complalnanL ln hls prlvaLe capaclLy. Where Lhe complalnL
was dlrecLly flled wlLh Lhe Law ueparLmenL under SecLlon 4 of
8ule 32 of Lhe CCMLLLC 8uLLS of rocedure obvlously Lhere
ls no need Lo refer such complalnL Lo Lhe same Law
ueparLmenL. under SecLlon 3 of 8ule 34 of Lhe CCMLLLC
8ules of rocedure, Lhe prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon may be
delegaLed Lo any of Lhose offlclals speclfled ln Lhe rule upon
Lhe dlrecLlon of Lhe CCMLLLC Chalrman (Laurel vs. resldlng
!udge, 81C Manlla 8r 10, 323 SC8A 778)

4. A provlnclal elecLlon supervlsor auLhorlzed Lo conducL a
prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon may flle a case wlLhouL need of
approval of Lhe provlnclal prosecuLor. (p. vs. lnLlng,187
SC8A 788)

1he CCMLLLC can depuLlze prosecuLors Lo lnvesLlgaLe and
prosecuLe offenses even afLer elecLlon. (p. vs. 8asllla,179
SC8A 87)

Slnce lL ls a prellmlnary lnvesLlgaLlon, lL ls Lhe CCMLLLC who
wlll deLermlne Lhe exlsLence of probable cause, Lhe
complalnanL cannoL ask lL Lo gaLher evldence ln supporL of
Lhe complalnL. (kllosbayan lnc vs. CCMLLLC,280 SC8A 8920

1he courL ln whlch a crlmlnal case was flled may order Lhe
CCMLLLC Lo order a relnvesLlgaLlon. (p. vs. uelgado, 189
SC8A 713)

A prosecuLor who was depuLlzed by Lhe CCMLLLC cannoL
oppose Lhe appeal flled by Lhe CCMLLLC from Lhe dlsmlssal
of a case, slnce Lhe power Lo prosecuLe elecLlon offenses ls
vesLed ln Lhe CCMLLLC.(CCMLLLC vs. Ssllva,286 SC8A 177)

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