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Sentence Patterns When you use a variety of different sentence patterns, your writing flows more smoothly for

the reader. There are four sentence patterns that you can use: Simple sentences contain one independent clause. An independent clause can stand alone as a complete sentence because it contains both a subject noun! and a predicate verb!. The rat ate the cheese. "ompound sentences contain two or more independent clauses. These clauses are joined either by a semi#colon, or a comma followed by a coordinating conjunction and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet!. The rat ate the cheese, but he did not drin$ the wine. The rat ate the cheese% he did not drin$ the wine. &ndependent clause: &ndependent clause: the rat ate the cheese he did not drin$ the wine

"omple' sentences contain one independent clause, and at least one subordinate clause. The rat ate the cheese because he was hungry. &ndependent clause: Subordinate clause: the rat ate the cheese because he was hungry

"ompound#comple' sentences contain two or more independent clauses, and one or more subordinate clauses. (ather than go hungry, the rat ate the cheese% however, he did not drin$ the wine. Subordinate clause: &ndependent clause: &ndependent clause: rather than go hungry the rat ate the cheese he did not drin$ the wine

Practice Exercise1 &dentify the following sentences as simple, compound, comple', or compound#comple'. ). *ou should leave now, or you will have to wait until tomorrow for the ne't train. +. ,artha presented a new and controversial mar$eting campaign, but when her co# wor$ers objected, she was forced to modify it. -. .o one will be allowed in that class unless he or she has registered in advance for it. /. 0on1t forget to put out fresh food and water for the dog. 2. 3n Tuesday, the Smiths painted the porch, watered their lawn, and bought new summer furniture. 4. 5reg is articulate, but he is very immature. 6. & don1t care what you say% this sentence is boring. 7. &f you cannot send the program to the mainframe, all your hard wor$ will be wasted. 8. 9vangeline was hard at wor$ in her garden while her husband was ta$ing a nap on the couch. ):. While we are waiting, let1s play cards until he returns% it will help pass the time.

Answers ). "ompound &ndependent clause: *ou should leave now. &ndependent clause: you will have to wait until tomorrow for the ne't train. +. "ompound#comple' &ndependent clause: ,arlene presented a new and controversial mar$eting campaign. Subordinate clause: when her co#wor$ers objected &ndependent clause: She was forced to modify it. -. "omple' &ndependent clause: .o one will be allowed in that class. Subordinate clause: unless he or she has registered in advance for it. /. Simple 2. Simple 4. "ompound &ndependent clause: 5reg is articulate. &ndependent clause: ;e is very immature. 6. "ompound &ndependent clause: & don1t care what you say. &ndependent clause: This sentence is boring. 7. "omple' Subordinate clause: &f you cannot send the program to the mainframe &ndependent clause: All your hard wor$ will be wasted. 8. "omple' &ndependent clause: 9vangeline was hard at wor$ in her garden. Subordinate clause: While her husband was ta$ing a nap on the couch. ):. "ompound#comple' Subordinate clause: While we are waiting. &ndependent clause: <et1s play cards until he returns &ndependent clause: &t will help pass the time.

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