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"And may the God of" peace Himself sanctify you through and throughthat is, separate you

from profane things, make you pure and

wholly consecrated to God. And may your spirit and soul and "body he preserved sound and complete, blameless at the coming, of our Lord Jesus Christ." I Thess. 5:25

SUMSiiiT Bj^aCH, HAWaII January, 1969

Life is rich and rewardingas we, serve the Lord with ooy. It is my prayer that v:o Christians vjill show a joyful heart and counten ance as we witness our faith this hew year. Our 16ib year of- school started with 76 students---miiny of these are new. My teaching ho.s bct.n lightened by dividing the' first and

Malabe^cl. from Aparri,' in_tM


training in Oincimiati Bible Seminary answered our cail for the"

second grade teacher. Her children have learned to sing many songs in the Ilacano dialect. Julie, one of her students, was looking for her one day and she came into my room, "hiss Floyd, Where's my teacher?
VJhere ' s Mss Flowerbed?"

have only 1$ students this year and I've never had so-much fun

teaching. First graders arc delightful and each day I learn something new. They love to praythey are mindful of our brave men in Vietnam, our blessings of good health, Chris prayed one morning"Thank you for our eyes, our ears, and our stomachs so we can breathu," Sheryl knows the value of being truthful"We must not tell big lies, or little
liesnot even middle sized lies." She also loves her mother"I

wouldn't trade my mommynot uVcn for a horse."

"Because we have electric stoves."

I loved Chris


he answered my question"Why don't we use altars in worship today?" Another blessing this year has been Hick Hahn, our 7- and 8^ grade teacher, who is talcing Allene filler's place until she returns next year, iflfe nood a man on our faculty and I hope when Rick leaves
we can find such a fine Christian man as a principal. ]yir. and Mrs. Owen Still have moved to Sunsot Beach and are working witn us xn moxiy ways.

This past summer was wonderfulthe Junior Girls camp was a high light with 28 girls running to kecip on schedule. We used local church
women as teachers and they were priceless. I loved to watch them

change from the fun and frolic in the tents to morning v;atch and evening ve-=^pers on the beach. One of the most gratifying experiences was my Wednesday morning Bible classes for children^ A highlight was in August when Kuby iiaggard taugl^xclass and when th^y sang

"God is the Great Creator" for Laverne Karns, the composer.

children are continuing to come to church.


I have an active Junior

youth group meeting Sunday evenings. They are learning to conduct youth meetings and th^y love it. Near Thanksgiving I fixed a real
chicken dinner for them.

My visit to Havjaii, Fiaui and Lanai with Christian friends was perfect. The volcano s-fcopped its activity the week I arrived on the

Bip Island.
same area.

My friends live in the middle of a cane field not far

Another one of our church families has moved to the

from the- volcano.

On liaui, I visited a former student who was in a Honor

Prison camp.

He gave me beautiful pieces of monkey podhis own

The day after Christmas he ruceived his

handworkmade into bowls.

pardon and is novj at work on Maui.

person now.

I havc been very close to him,

these past 7 years and I have confidence th.t he is a new and better

I consider this event one of the richest blessings of the

We experienced a big thrill December 28i!J when we went to Hickam

to watch our 3 astronauts change from a little shuttle plane to a big Air Force plane carrying them to Houston. The great and small of Hawaii were there to welcome them to "land" again. One sign r^ad

Aloha Mb6'6^n men.

Their message was humble and simple, thanking the


people for their cooperation, making their trip a success. dependence on God as the Great Creator was most touching.

than we arc giving to th^ir way of lif api;; more crowdod th^n tho ohnr'rh,>Q

and norwe^Lrstill''h!ro

services of Buddhists, Catholics ind'-hv'^ The 10 independent Chilrch rv,? +thcir own.

stores, as well arrocre tion^?^^ l=undays. Clothing and food

Kanoohe r?.ob

q' ^ as if tho -boachcs

"haoles" (caucasians) the Hawaiians


some gaining in membership -nd i^ rLt"

Sundays. Union in<^r^asing.

5^?i3Hig^s destroyed 3 year old December 29; waliiawa h-s by n ftre i f tMs , ^/:^lolo burned its mortgage acquired a Clori-iHiH School from the Luth^ra^ church!'' - It is so easy to live in this beautiful Aloha Land. It is easy:
to lovo the people who are so full of love.

Pearl Harbor

property in a new location:

to tL-ach little children about a loving Father and the

Lord Josus,

to go to church and sing and pray and worship^ to live day by cay, fulfilling our duties in the Christian '
School. ' . '

to enjoy the peace and security here.

But it is hard;

to win the people away from old family ties and idol worship.
. to remember that time is short and the work of showing them
Christ is why we. are here. to be on firo for the Lordc

to bo freed irom ourselves and our pleasures,

- --to_be. complo-hr.Ty Hi,?. -

and LovL^'''''

in His Faith, Hope

(Lk <(_

^ Jessica Floyd


' '

'-fi:- , /
I. :


Sunset Beach Church of Ciirist

and Christian School

Haleiwa, Hawaii

59-578 Xam Highway 96712

Non Profit Organization U. S. Postage Paid

Permit No. 3

Haleiwa, Hi.


f 6^
6 0


APRIL, 1969

May 1, 1969
10:00 a.m.




Debra Catalfano Sharon Wheeler

Jay Osborne
Patrick O'Brien

Ann Haginaka
Faye Shomote
Melinda Viernes

David Otake Russell Saito

Terry Shintaku
Arthur Rada Joe Niimi

Jayne Morita
a Gieser

ower Girl n Bearer

Wendell Greenleaf

Renee Chung .
Darrell Cavaco

Conch Blower

Jay Oshorne

liiiil.Ai COLImiCTXOijUCOiiT^T-

Prizes will again be av/arded to

the persons bringing

the prettiest

and most original leis and the best

collection - shells, stamps, coins,

etc. for judging on May Day. We will have some ladies visiting from
Pearl Harbor Christian Church as judges.


Grade 1 - Walea Constantinau
Lori Trende

Mary-Anne Good Sheryl Wiese

Grade 2 - Kathy Hope


for registering

Lee Colburn Liza Faufata

April 21 - 25




the days set

Kenlyn Ching


come between 8:00 and 3:00 if poss ible. Call 658-274 to make arrange
ments to come after hours

next school year.



Grade $ - Tommy Strickland

Grade 4 John Niimi
Luana Trende

Please bring birth certificate.

Re-enrollment forms enclosed with this paper should be returned
as, soon as possible.

Grade 5 -

David Vollrath Wendell Greenleaf Lisa Niimi John Gieser

Grade 6 Grade 8 -



BIBLi. K..:.Jl.';G CH.,iP^L - April 25 j-^ach spring the school has a chapel service centered around Bible reading. ..i class represent ative chooses a passage to read to the school. Iiany are familiar pass ages, some are uiif ...iiiilijr, but ^dl are beautiful. This year it will be'

The fifth and si^ctli tjraders en joyed the Honolulu Symphony Concert last month. This month, we are planning to have a U. 3. .Liibtorical
tarty "Decause a kind friond sent us some patriotic p.^ty f^^.vors, George

vvashington, Clara L...rton, and others \jxll he "guests" ' at our


During art period vje have "been learning to use good lettering on

on Friday, .x^ril 25 at 8:00 a.m. >.11 parents are invited t6 co^ae to

this int;pir--.tion.-il. progr<5m.
SPELLliG .CO..;T-^.-To

posters. It ta-^es time and p&tience

but xve like the i?esults.




ochool in

Sunset Beach Christian

"wO.RLj^Y.> Don and I'larrilyxx gave the fifth and sixth gr.,'des of iounset 3each Christian Scnool a new

the Central District opelling Contest on April 13 at ...iea Inter

mediate ochool.

Our school spellin;_^ content v/ill

set of world Book . encyclopedias. Tne students, are very thanicful for them. &ays one: I am very pleased with the en cyclopedias. T..ey are full of info and pictures. Thaiih you.
The David Vollrath other nine students and

be ueld



..]jril 22


iliach cl>^^s v7ill have 2 re

presentatives. The champion speller and runner up will be- avrarded : our
School honor liibbon,

I'lOTH^x-iD.-T.OGrIT.jiv B '-i"! -^UjjT

teacuer felt the Swuiie v/ay.


.-i banquet honoring .?.ll mothers and daughters will be held on Fri

day night, Ttay 9 at tne school. If . you don't have a daughter borrow the Bishop
one or come jloix^ Tou are request

One day v/e

huseum. V7e liked



I t vfas fun over there and it. Our class had fun. We

saw a whale. It was hanging up on the wall. It was spooi^y. we saw

the war god.

the crown.




Vie saw

ed to bring chicken, prepared your favorite way, and one other dish. Dress will be casu.::l. ,a good x^rogram of "music, inspiratiOxi, fun and'" fellov7ship has been planned.

throne and the queen's one.

I t was Dice. i'oah liahi

Grade 3 ,
Grades 5 and 4 are to the

Our school annual,





every year; '

You may




honolulu Youth

Theatre. There vie Yrill pee the play "William Tell". \;e ej:e going on .--pril 16. VJe- hope to have fun there,
Luana Trende Grade 4
A x-iii-iY-jH ii'iiGii ,o_jCOj.:D GxLiDjj

reserve this year's copy now by paying >^1.50 at the school office. They v^ill be arriving shortly be
fore the end of school.

GOLD iiOJ^D CHAl..d^i.iN

Mrs. .lita Chang " has volunteered to be the chairman in charge of our

Our i'ather in heaven, v;e thank you that we are not poor. I'.e are sorry that. President
j^isenhower died.

Vje are glad taat uesus Christ died but got up from the dead,
Julie Lester

hUSIC NIGHT A oaccess

aj?e re placing the lrge yellow c..rds. The new one is a small red "punch" C-;,rd. '.-e vjant to get one to every parent as soon as possible. There will be a separate card for e-^ch supermarii.eto They are small and easy to carry. Only ,/j> purcnase is neces sary to have the c^rd punched. You may continue to return fill
ed caras to the school office and

Gold'^x^ond otamp program. New Group rroject c.-rds

Our first annual husic ...ight was one of the loveliest programs the
school has ever had. Hiss Otak^

tirs. Chang v/ill pick them up. Thank 'you,i-irs. Chang, for this service.

and the choir

captivotea the audi My Renau and I he is Daddy is a brave man. S. Hsgt P. Constantinau is my Daddy love him very much, because brave and kind and good.
vv'alea Constantinau
Grade 1

ence's mood with songs and settings from the oound of hnt^ic, iLa^.jaiiana, the life of Jesus and our ^oy as Christians, and finally through a group of favorite ^egro spirituals.

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