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Teacher Candidate: ____ _______ Unit Title: __ ___ Lesson Title/Number Context and Class Pro ile

Date: ____________________________ Subject: _______________ Grade Level:

Grapes of Wrath Inro lesson, showing the meaning of using coding as a reading strategy. This lesson would be at the start of a unit on the Grapes of Wrath, hopefully coinciding with a lesson in a history class about the Great Depression era. In this class, there are 7 females (counting Dr. unt!, so that could be a potential problem, since I am male. I don"t foresee it being one though. #ssessed: 'eadin( Standards or Literature )*%$: $tandard %. &ite strong and thorough te'tual e(idence to support analysis of what the te't says e'plicitly as well as inferences drawn from the te't, including determining where the te't lea(es matters uncertain. $tandard ). Determine two or more themes or central ideas of a te't and analy*e their de(elopment o(er the course of the te't, including how they interact and build on one another to produce a comple' account+ pro(ide an ob,ecti(e summary of the te't. $tandard -. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the te't, including figurati(e and connotati(e meaning+ analy*e the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including words with multiple meanings or language that is particularly fresh, engaging, or beautiful. (Include $ha.espeare as well as other authors.! 'eadin( Standards or !n ormational Text )*%$: $tandard %. &ite strong and thorough te'tual e(idence to support analysis of what the te't says e'plicitly as well as inferences drawn from the te't, including determining where the te't lea(es matters uncertain. $tandard -. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a te't, including figurati(e, connotati(e, and technical meanings+ analy*e how an author uses and refines the meaning of a .ey term or terms o(er the course of a te't (e.g., how /adison defines faction in Federalist 0o. %1!. S"ea&in( and Listenin( Standards )*%$: $tandard %. Initiate and participate effecti(ely in a range of collaborati(e discussions (one2on2one, in groups, and teacher2led! with di(erse partners on grades 11-12 topics, texts, and issues, building on others" ideas and e'pressing their own clearly and persuasi(ely. %. b. 3or. with peers to promote ci(il, democratic discussions and decision2, set clear goals and deadlines, and establish indi(idual roles as needed. %. c. 4ropel con(ersations by posing and responding to 5uestions that probe reasoning and e(idence+ ensure a hearing for a full range of positions on a topic or issue+ clarify, (erify, or challenge ideas and conclusions+ and promote di(ergent and creati(e perspecti(es. Lan(ua(e Standards )*%$: $tandard 6. #pply .nowledge of language to understand how language functions in different conte'ts, to ma.e effecti(e choices for meaning or style,

Common Core Standards Include literacy standards

!nterdisci"linar# Connections

$%st Centur# S&ills

and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening.


!nterdisci"linar# Connections: This topic connects (ery closely with the history department, mainly because the Great Depression is a period in the history of #merica. 3ith this in mind, this lesson would be better taught when the history department was teaching about 3orld 3ar I, 3orld 3ar II, and the Great Depression. The )%st century s.ills of this lesson are: %. &ollaboration (due to group wor., both small and large group!. ). Global #wareness (due to articles commenting on how Great Depression and current recession ha(e started in the 7nited $tates and spread out!. Lesson +bjectives %. $tudents will be able to:
,-loom.s Taxonom#/ Label ,-loom.s Taxonom#/

Must be numbered.

%. ;ecall prior learning about the Great Depression. ). ;ecogni*e similarities between the current economic hardships and economic hardships of the Great Depression. 6. $ummari*e some of the causes of the economic hardships that ha(e occurred in the 7nited $tates. -. Illustrate the coding strategy to gain meaning from reading.

0cce"table 1vidence
8&ould be collected for accountability9auditing purposes.

%. <(idence that students ha(e achie(ed ob,ecti(e = %: %. $tudents will hand in their >uic.write"s (done as bell ringers! and the articles with coding to show 5uestions9new .nowledge (along with ideas95uestions on the paper!. ). $tudents will hand in their articles with coding and a paper with some of the ideas95uestions that their group came up with (all names on the paper!. This paper will show that their coding brought up new 5uestions or ideas about these articles, which in turn shows reading for meaning.

Procedure ?
Teacher input, de(elopment, instructional method(s!, modeling,

8The teacher will:The students will: (chronological! -ell 'in(er:

guided practice, independent practice, and9or acti(ities

Label: ell !inger

#lso may be called: set induction, anticipatory set, introduction9re(iew, Do 0ow, 3rite 0ow, $ilent $tarter

%. The teacher will put the >uic.write 4ower4oint up on the board. ABist fi(e facts you thin. you .now about the Great Depression.C ). The students will ta.e )2- minutes to write fi(e things they .now about the Great Depression, if they can"t thin. of fi(e things, they may write 5uestions instead. Transition to 2odelin( Codin( Strate(#3 2odelin( Strate(#3 and Student Practice: 6. The teacher will transition to teaching reading strategy, AThese are all good ideas, now we"ll read this article and see if there"s anything we didn"t .now. #s we read, I"m going to model a new reading strategy called coding. &oding in(ol(es a reader placing symbols by something in the reading that e( a response (5uestion, (isuali*ation, e'citement, etc.!. 3e mar. when something we read fits into this category.C -. The teacher will model the reading strategy with the first article (about the Great Depression solely!. D. The teacher will stop and as.s for 5uestions after done modeling for the students. E. The students will practice coding on the articles comparing modern times and the Great Depression. 7. The students will discuss in small groups ()26! the coding they ha(e used and why they chose it. F. The teacher will wal. around the class, monitoring who is participating in the small group discussions. G. The students and teacher will then participate in a large class discussion. %1. The teacher will write ideas on the board from the groups, then collect >uic.write and coding articles. Chec&in( or Understandin(: %%. The teacher will end the class with a recap of the coding strategy in the importance of using it to read for meaning. Directions for for understanding: If students ha(e 5uestions, they may raise their hands and as. their 5uestions of me, or the class to find the answer.

Label: "ransitions

Label: #isual, auditory, and $inesthetic #ccommodations for learning modalities

Label: %hec$s for &nderstanding' directions, procedures9routine s, and9or content (formati(e!

<'. (&@7 ? directions!

Label: <(idence of %ogniti#e (tudent )ngagement (&$<!

1vidence o CS1: $tudents are engaged in discussion with groups (nodding, eye contact, facing each other, not interrupting, etc.!. $tudents are using the coding strategy on the article. $tudents are acti(ely writing down new ideas. Closure: Teacher will close lesson with a recap of the coding strategy, why it"s important, and the fact that coding isn"t the only strategy.

Label: &losure

0ssessment 4orms: 0ssessment/ 1valuation Label: formati#e or summati#e, describe purpose, and pro(ide grading9feedbac. method. Technolo(#
Describe type and purpose. Include a bac.2up plan.

%. # >uic.write for a bell ringer ($ummati(e!. ). The articles the students ha(e coded on their own (@ormati(e!. 6. 4articipation points for their comments in their group discussions, ta.en by obser(ation (@ormati(e!.

I will not be using any technology other than a 4ower4oint. I"ll use the 4ower4oint to model the coding strategy I will be e'pecting students to be able to do. If the 4ower4oint doesn"t wor., I will instead read the article and ha(e them follow along while I tell them what I am coding.

0cademic Lan(ua(e 'e5uired or Lesson

4rimarily, the necessary academic language is: &oding: 7sing symbols to mar. importance of a reading. 3ords specific to the articles: <picentre: # point directly abo(e where an earth5ua.e occurs, in this sense, it"s the point where the Great Depression originated. oo(er(illes: ;un down areas during the Great Depression. Bi5uidity: The a(ailability of li5uid assets to a or company. Hirulent: $e(ere or harmful in its effects. In regards to different types of learners, I could use pictures or audio instead of the articles I ha(e chosen. I could also gi(e a hands2on lesson for .inesthetic learners. Depending on the ma.eup of the class (whether students get along or not!, I could ha(e more indi(idual wor. or group wor..

0ccommodations and/or !nteractions 6ith Co*Teachers and/or Su""ort Sta

'esources/ 2aterials

%. Two articles, one on Great Depression and the other comparing Great Depression to modern times. ). 4ens, pencils, and papers. 6. / for the board. -. 4ower4oint for >uic.write. I(erall, this lesson should only ta.e )1 minutes in a whole sense. The >uic.write should ta.e )2- minutes. The modeling of the strategy should ta.e around D minutes, perhaps up to 7 if students need more e'amples. The students doing the strategy on their own should ta.e another D minutes, e'cluding the discussion. The discussion

Time 'e5uired

should be around 6 minutes. ;ecap should ta.e another )2- minutes, depending on 5uestions students may ha(e. 'e lection ,Use 0PP' (uidin( 5uestions/:

Goals and/or Pro essional Develo"ment Needs/!nterests: %. F1J of my students will demonstrate mastery of coding. ). %11J of my students will demonstrate mastery of a democratic and fair discussion en(ironment.

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