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e Program 09/12/12 - Sacramento State College of Continuing Educat


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Crime and Intelligence Analysis Certificate Program Course Descriptions

Basic Elements of Criminal Intelligence
Investigate terrorism, traditional organized crime, gangs, narcotics trafficking, money laundering, and other conspiratorial activities. A detailed look into crimes of conspiracy reveals methods to collect, process and analyze information to establish individual or organizational involvement in illegal activities. Participants learn methods to monitor the progress of a variety of criminal events, including an in-depth look at how to find information with modern technology. POST C ourse C ontrol Number: 7920-32010

Crime Analysis Applications

How do you define "normal" crime levels? How do you create and compare crime rates and prepare strategic and tactical action forecasts? Learn quantitative methods to establish the day, date, time and location of future criminal events. This includes an exploration of future crime numbers, arrests, calls for services and other variables. It is required that students have a Texas Instruments TI-30X IIS Scientific C alculator. POST C ourse C ontrol Number: 792034000.

Crime Analysis Data Analysis

Explore the history of crime analysis in law enforcement and learn the design, development and implementation of a dynamic and fully functioning crime analysis program. Discover the link between crime analysis, community policing and crime prevention programs. Practice creating and using tactical, strategic and administrative crime analysis products including modus operandi (MO) data to determine the likelihood that a criminal will strike again. POST C ourse C ontrol Number: 7920-34010. Please Note: It is required that students have a Texas Instruments TI-30X IIS Scientific C alculator for participation in the C rime Analysis Data Analysis course.

Criminal Intelligence Analysis

Delve further into techniques for analyzing conspiratorial activities. Learn to develop association matrices and telephone toll analyses for establishing relationships between conspirators. Learn to use Visual Investigative Analysis (VIA) charting techniques to display event occurrences. Participants get hands-on experience conducting these types of analysis and work on actual gang and narcotics related cases. POST C ourse C ontrol Number: 7920-32020

Criminal Investigative Analysis: Suspects

Learn to analyze the clues left behind at crime scenes to determine the type of person responsible for rape and homicide offenses. C lassify various types of rape and homicide suspects and determine the pre-offense behavior of each type of murderer. Develop your profiling skills by actually profiling such notorious killers as Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Arthur Shawcross, A. C hikatilo, "Jack the Ripper" and other infamous murderers. POST C ourse C ontrol Number: 7920-31413.

Criminal Investigative Analysis: Violent Crime

Identify the behavioral and personal characteristics of offenders who commit crimes of rape and homicide, particularly serial rape or homicide. Learn the definition of criminal investigative analysis, the uses and misuses of analytical techniques and the role of the investigator and the crime analyst in the case management process. Discussions also cover psychiatric and psychological disorders suffered by offenders, the impact of child abuse in shaping future criminal behavior and the differences between male and female killers. POST C ourse C ontrol Number: 7920-31412.

Law Enforcement Research and Statistical Methods: Forecasting

Acquaints participants with the basic concepts and sources of crime analysis data and information. Practice is provided in collecting data, subjecting it to statistical analysis, developing and testing hypotheses and writing conclusions on findings in a manner that adheres to commonly accepted standards of research. The use of sampling techniques in the preparation of survey research is also explored. POST C ourse C ontrol Number: 7920-22720.

Law Enforcement Research and Statistical Methods: Sampling

Learn how to prepare a number of different types of reports, including feasibility statements, grants and special project reports required by law enforcement. The use of sampling techniques in the preparation of survey research projects is also explored. POST C ourse C ontrol Number: 7920-22730.

Practicum in Crime & Intelligence Analysis

In addition to completing course work, participants are required to complete 400 hours of internship service at a crime and/or intelligence unit within a law enforcement agency. This requirement may only be waived for those participants who have been or are employed full time for one year or more within a law enforcement agency as a crime and/or intelligence analyst. This employment must be verified in writing by a current or past supervisor. The practicum w w w 1/2

intelligence analyst. This employment must be verified in writing by a current or past supervisor. The practicum experience demonstrates the practical application of knowledge and skills gained in the C rime and Intelligence Analysis C ertificate program. To participate in the required practicum, participants are required to undergo a background check (section 13511.5 of the C alifornia Penal C ode).
College of Continuing Education | 3000 State University Drive East | Sacramento, CA 95819-6103 | (916) 278-4433

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