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HIGH FREQUENCY PLASMOID IN VORTEX AIRFLOW (A.I. Klimov I!"#i#$#% &o' Hi() T%m*%'+#$'% RAS, I-)o'".

+/+ 01203, Mo"4o5, R$""i+ +.lim6o'4.'$ 0. I!#'o7$4#io! There are many reports of the ball lightning (BL) creation in atmosphere during thunderstorm and without it [1]. Famous scientist icola Tesla and obel!s pri"ewinner #ussian scientist $. %apit"a were sure that BL is a long&li'ed high& energetic structural plasma ob(ect (or plasmoid)) [*]. +t is interesting to note that first stable plasmoid in rotated gas flow was obtained by %apitsa $. namely. This plasmoid had unusual physical properties closed to natural BL!s ones, & -elf&organi"ation plasma structure) & & .nomalous optical spectra, & absorption optical lines) dissipation and absence of optical lines of testing gas) considerable optical line broading) /0tremely high plasma parameters, Te1 123%) 13 4 e1 12 cm 5

/lectron temperature& /lectron concentration

/0tremely high 67 radiation power (867 & catastrophe9) and others. -o) study of the physical and power properties of artificial plasmoids in a laboratory conditions is 'ery important. -uccess achie'ed during 42 years in #ussia on the generation and in'estigation of physics of long&li'ed high&energetic plasmoid in atmosphere and in airflow gi'es us new consideration of BL!s problem and e0tra energy release in plasmoid [1]. +n our e0periments it was re'ealed that some plasmoids ha'e the physical properties 'ery closed to the natural ball lightning (BL). . number of such properties were considered in our published wor: [1)*]) namely, ;igh specific energy storage up to 122e7< particle) Long&li'e time up to 2)1&1s) 13 1= Large concentration of e0cited molecules 12 &12 cm4 Large electron concentration >1213 cm4 Large diameter >3 cm Low gas temperature >1222 % +t is well :nown that some unusual e0perimental results on power release in 'orte0 generator were obtained by #an:. ;e re'ealed that there is separation of cold gas flow and hot gas flow in this 'orte0 generator (?a0well!s 8demon9 reali"ation). /0tra power release was obtained in this generator also (about 1*2@). ;owe'er theoretical e0planation of this e0perimental result is absent today. ote that dynamic range of this 'orte0 generator operation (cold&hot gas flow separation) is 'ery small and it eAuals to 12&42% only. ?ain goal of this Bor:, -tudies of energy balance in plasmoid 'orte0 (calorimetric measurements). The following main tas:s are studied in this Bor:, -table plasmoid 'orte0 creation by powerful ;F discharge)

$hysical properties of this plasmoid 'orte0) $hysical properties of the powerful ;F discharge in rotated airflow and non&rotated airflow) Calorimetric measurements in plasmoid 'orte0. 8. A7v+!4%7 *'o*%'#i%" o& HF 7i"4)+'(% i! *l+"m+ +""i"#%7 4om9$"#io!

;F streamer discharge (or ?B discharge) has a number of important positi'e properties (peculiarities) comparing with other types of electric discharges) namely [*& 3], There is group of fast electrons (high&energy electron beam generation5 non& ?a0well!s type electron energy distribution function.). -o) it is possible to generate radicals and e0cited molecule by these fast electrons. 7olume plasma and surface plasma generation in airflow by ;F generator with single electrode (capacity type of ;F discharge) grounded electrode is located in infinity). ;F discharge is ignited and burned near gas mi0ing contact surface between testing gas (et and airflow (near high gas density gradient region) as a rule. ?odulated ;F streamer discharge could disturb the mi0ing contact surface and generate intensi'e acoustic wa'es and gas turbulence. -o) it can stimulate gas mi0ing (ad'anced fuel mi0ing). +t was re'ealed that testing gas could penetrate in trans'erse airflow deeply by ;F plasma streamer. Das transportation through streamer is a 'ery fast process. ?ean 'elocity of testing gas transportation inside ;F streamer channel is about 7fl> 124 m<s) and more. ;F streamer has e0tremely high plasma parameters. .ccording our measurements and estimations electron concentration e are 13 4 +nside streamer e> 12 cm 1* 14 4 Between streamers e> 12 & 12 cm ) -pecific energy A inside streamer about E> 1& 12 F<cm4. Girect measurements of rotation temperature of nitrogen e0cited by ;F streamer discharge in supersonic airflow is about T# > 1*22% (?H1)*&*) $stI1 Bar). -o) ;F streamer is hot high& energetic plasma formation. +t can stimulate chemical reactions in testing gas. 1. HF *l+"moi7 i! 'o#+#%7 +i'&lo5 +!7 !o!: 'o#+#%7 +i'&lo5 /0perimental set up ;BT&* used in this wor: is shown in fig.1. This installation consists of & 7orte0 chamber (1)) & Euart" tube (*)) & ;F electrode (4)) & Compressor (J)) & ;F generator (3)) & Giagnostic instrumentation (K). Airflow parameters in HWT-2 are the followings, & .0ial ?ach number ?"I1)* & -tatic pressure $stI1 Bar & ."imuth ?ach number ?I 2)4 & -tagnation temperature To>*L2&422%

& .irflow rate mairI122g<s $ropane flow rate mprI* g<s +nternal diameter G of Auart" duct is GH J2mm) its length is LH J2&*22 cm. ;F ball electrode (J) is arranged in duct at different distance from its output. Be can change propane in(ector position (11) in the duct. Guct output is connected with 'acuum chamber or open atmosphere.

Fig.1. -cheme of the e0perimental set up ;BT&* with 'orte0 chamber (1), *& no""le) 4& Auart" tube) J& ;F ball electrode) 3& Tesla!s transformer) K& microwa'e interferometer) =& 'ideo camera) L&optical pyrometer) M&pressure sensor) 12& thermocouple HF generator characteristics, & ;F freAuency & ;F power FH2)3 ?;"5 or 14)K ?;" ;FI12 :B5 or I J :B

1. -table longitudinal sub&critical powerful ;F discharge generation. +ts characteristics and properties $owerful streamer HF discharge (mean power is about 12 :B) is used in test section of the ;BT&*. Typical length of ;F streamer generated by this generator in non& rotated airflow is about 42&32 cm at atmospheric pressure. $arameters and physical characteristics of this ;F streamer discharge in cold airflow and hot airflow are studied now. +t was re'ealed that very stable longitudinal sub-critical HF discharge (plasmoid vortex 122& 132 cm length is created in rotated airflow at atmospheric pressure) fig.*. Giameter of this plasma 'orte0 is about 12&13 mm.

Fig.*. -table longitudinal sub&critical powerful ;F discharge in rotated airflow in ;BT&* ?">2.M) $st>1 Bar) Tst>1122 % +t was measured that relati'e ratio %H / crit</ ;F in ;F plasmoid 'orte0 is about %H 12& *2) where /crit N electric brea:down field (estimated on base of $ashen!s law)) /H6<L) 6& output ;F potential. This 'alue % is 'ery small one to create and sustain electric ;F discharge at atmosphere pressure. -o) it is not clear the physical mechanism of this sub&critical 'orte0 ;F discharge creation and propagation in rotated airflow. ote) that this ;F discharge propagates toward incoming airflow. This result is 'ery strange from the point of 'iew of traditional gas dynamics. ote that neutral gas (for e0ample) smo:e) in(ected through ;F electrode is drifted away by this airflow. ;. C+lo'im%#'i4 m%+"$'%m%!#" i! 'o#+#%7 +i'&lo5 +!7 !o!: 'o#+#%7 +i'&lo5 -cheme of calorimetric measurement in ;BT&* is shown in fig.1. Thermocouples are arranged in Auart" duct after plasma formation. Optical pyrometer is used to measure of gas temperature inside plasma formation. ote that there are many erosi'e tungsten clusters created by ;F discharge (electrode erosion). These particles help us to measure gas temperature in plasma by pyrometer. ?easured a'erage gas temperatures behind plasma formation are shown in Table 1. !xperimental conditions, ;F freAuency F;F H 14)1 ?;") /lectric power dH (2)=3. 3)1:7) Cos <*H 1)M :B. -tatic pressure in airflow $st>1 Bar .irflow 'elocity (a"imuthally) 7afI32m<s #adial airflow 'elocity 7rI12m<s "easured parameters of this experiment# Eaf N mass airflow in Auart" tube) T& airflow temperature increase near tube a0is (C) and near tube wall (B) at ;F discharge) Tw& wall temperature) Tel& electrode temperature) Chemical composition of gas flow) ?el& mass of erosion electrode material)

$ower of gas flow heated by electric discharge is /0perimental results are shown in Tabl.1 Table 1 $lasma 'orte0 in slowly rotated airflow Eaf) g<s T) % T)B 14)J C) 342 =222 1J)J C) 3*2 =KJ4 1J)K C) J*2 K*LJ 1J)K3 C) 4K* 3J42 14)L B) J4= K1=J

H Eaf CpT

H T< 4)= J)2* 4)4 *)LK 4)*3


;F streamer discharge in airflow without rotation 1J)K3 C) 4* JL2 2)*3 1=)* C) 44 3L4 2)41 1=)* B) *= J== 2)*3 where C& measurement near duct a0is) B& measurement near duct wall. One can see that airflow heating more effecti'e by plasmoid 'orte0 comparing with ;F streamer discharge heating in non&rotated airflow (at the same ;F power input in plasma). ote that output thermal airflow power e0ceeds the input ;F power (>1)M :B) up to factor 4&J. +t is 'ery interesting unusual result. This result is not clear today. +t is necessary to study this Auestion in detail in our future e0periments. Calibration e0periment is carried out with electric wire heater (wire&tungsten). /0perimental results are shown in Tabl.*. /lectrical 'oltage) current and power were measured in this e0periment. One can see that there 'alue T is 'ery closed to 'alue /. -o) our calorimetric measurements are corrected and accurate ones (heat power losses are small ones in this gas calorimeter). -o) conclusion about e0tra power release in 'orte0 plasmoid is corrected also. Tabl.*. Calorimetric calibration e0periment. /lectric spiral heater) without rotation Eaf) g<s T) C +;).<6;)7 T) B /) B =)11 =3 3JK 13<44 322 3)1=c LJ JJ3 13)3<44)K 3*1 3)1=w =M J1L 1J)3<44)1 JK4)J K)24c =K JKM)4 13<44)1 JMK)3 .nalogous results are obtained in longitudinal GC discharge. ;owe'er the 'alue H T< GC H 1)3&* is less than the one in ;F discharge. Bater calorimeter is used in our e0periment also. +t is re'ealed that e0perimental results obtained in this e0periment are closed to the ones in ;F discharge) Fig.4.

Fig.4. /0perimental set up with water calorimeter. 1&'orte0 chamber) *& water calorimeter) 4& water) J& ;F electrode) T1) T*& thermocouples <. P'o9% +!7 *l+"m+ l$mi!o"i#/ m%+"$'%m%!#". -ingle electric probe is used to measure electric potential inside plasmoid 'orte0) fig.J. .dditional resistance #H12 ?Ohm is connected with this probe. ;F signal is filtered by the capacity C>12 nF. Be can change the probe position in Auart" duct. +t is re'ealed that high negati'e GC potential about 122&422 7 is generated inside plasma 'orte0 top) fig.3. -o) it is possible to accelerate electrons by this GC field and generate electron beam near plasma 'orte0 top. +t is easily to estimate electric field near plasmoid 'orte0 top, /GC> 6GC<#>4227<2)21cm>42 :7<cm where #>2)21 cm& effecti'e plasma 'orte0 top radius. One can see that 'alue / GC is closed to critical 'alue /crit. -o) there are optimal conditions (amplification electric field) for electric brea:down near plasmoid 'orte0 top.

Fig.J. ?easurement electric GC potential on plasma 'orte0 top by electric probe, 1&Auart" duct5 *& electric probe5 4& Tesla!s ball electrode5 J& inductor

Fig.3. $?. signal (1) and probe signal (*). -cale ratio %H6sign, 6hfH1, *1) CH4M pF) #bH12 ? Ohm) +dH2)=3.) mass airflow AHL2g<s One can see that there is modulation of electric GC potential with freAuency F>422 ;" (see fig.K) due to bad Auality rectifier. $lasma luminosity modulation with the same freAuency is recorded by $?. sensor also. The typical $?. signal is shown in fig.3. This $?. is focused on the plasmoid 'orte0 top. -o) plasmoid 'orte0 parameters are modulated by output ;F power. +t is 'ery important to use this GC electric power created by ;F plasmoid 'orte0 in technology. 1. *. 4. J. Co!4l$"io!". ;F plasmid is created in rotated airflow and non&rotated airflow. Das dynamic and plasma parameters are measured in plasmoid 'orte0 and plasma formation in non&rotated airflow. Calorimetric measurements in plasmoid 'orte0 are obtained. /0tra power release about J22@ is measured in this e0periment. GC 'oltage 122&4227 is created by plasmoid 'orte0. +t is possible to use this GC energy in different power supply.

1. *. 4. J.


R%&%'%!4%" Ball Lightning in Laboratory) ?oscow) Chemistry) 1MMJ) $.*3K %apitsa $.) ;F $lasmoid in Das at ;igh&$ressure) F/T$h) 1MKM) 7.3=) o 3=) $.1L21 %limo' ..) Bityurin 7.) 7anBie G.) at.el.) $lasma .ssisted Combustion. .+.. $aper *22*&2JM4) $roc.J2th .+.. .erospace -ciences ?eeting P /0hibit) 1J&1= Fanuary *22*) #eno) 7) $.M. %limo' ..) Bityurin 7.) %u"netso' ..) Tol:uno' B.) 7ysta':in ) -u:o'at:in ) -ero' Qu) -a'ischen:o ) Qurie' ..) /0ternal and +nternal $lasma& .ssisted Combustion .+.. $aper *224&K*J2. $roc. J1st .+.. .erospace -ciences ?eeting P /0hibit) K&M Fanuary *224) #eno) 7) $.M. %limo' ..) Byturin 7.) %u"netso' ..) -u:o'at:in .) 7ysta':in ) 7an Bie G.?.) 44rd .+.. $lasma dynamics and Lasers Conference) 11&1J Fune *22*) ?aui) ;awaii) $.12

K. %limo' ..) Byturin 7) Bro':in 7.) %u"netso' ..) -u:o'at:in .) 7ysta':in ) 7anBie G.) Optimi"ation of $lasma .ssisted Combustion) $roc.J th Bor:shop on ?$.) ?oscow *4&*3 .pril) *22*) +7T. ) $.41.

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