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Adelaide June 2013 Ravin Patel Clinical 1.

Endo: Chair side viva only How many canals are there in ma illary molar! How many did u "et! How will u classi#y! Easy$ medium or hard #or RC%! &answer u' to us( Pain a#ter 2 days o# o)turation and 2 yrs a#ter o)turation. Reasons and solutions *urin" endo 't #eels )ad taste$ why! &lea+ o# hy'ochlorite #rom dam( 2. Pedo viva: Pt #ell and )ro+e ma anterior with 'ul' e 'osure. % $ and wt i# 't 'resent a#ter a wee+! ,rom the 'icture tell the a"e o# 't and tell the teeth no in ,*-. .how caries #rom )itewin". Picture o# cellulites wt will u do! -mmediate re#erral co/ 't mi"ht have )reathlessness due to res'iratory o)struction Pul'otomy 'rocedure 3. Perio viva: Accordin" to your case only no theory. 0ts chie# com'lain$ wts your dia"nosis$ wt is treat 'lan 'lan$ when u will recall$ will u do scalin" at once or each 1uadrant at an a''ointment! 2P3 o# same 't and 1uestions on that. 4. 2.: 5iva on 't medical history 0t will u consider in dia)etes! 6ana"ement o# hy'o"lycaemia. Pro'hyla is .how -A78 -nstruments re"ular #orce's and elevators only Alveo"el 2P3 anat landmar+s$ resor'tion o# teeth

9. 26R: Pics o# candida$ mucositis in a child a#ter cancer thera'y$ e ternal root resor'tion in a cric+et 'layer due to trauma$ amal"am tattoo$ a'thaus ulcer Radio"ra'hs: caries$ attrition$ anat landmar+s :. Amal"am and com'osite and ,P*: Evans caries mana"ement$ remineralisation$ #luoride treat 'lan$ sandwich techni1ue and draw it how u will do$ reasons o# #ailure o# com'osite$ advanta"es o# com'osite over amal"am$ when u will reduce cus' in cavity

're'!$ how will u #luoride reach inter'ro imally!$ 't "ot sensitivity a#ter com'osite$ reasons and mana"ement! 0t u will consider )e#ore selectin" case o# ,P*$ when u do elective endo$ wt you will do i# u "et 'ul' e 'osure while 're'arin" a crown and how u will tem'orise your crown! 0ill u do endo #rom your tem'orary )rid"e!

;; 3ot my results in 10 days$ C*1 and 3 'assed$ .u''le C* 2 and Radiolo"y .u''lementary e am Adelaide C*2 and Radiolo"y .e' 2013 %heroy RP* 1. Patient wearin" 20 year old denture. Com'lainin" o# loose and dis'lasin" while eatin". Patient has class 2 occlusion. 0hat e aminations will you 'er#orm! 0hat are the reasons #or loose denture$ what treatments will you consider! 2. Patient come with old worn out RP*. -n#lammation under the dentures )earin" area$ #ew restorations. 0hat treatment will you 'rovide to relieve the discom#ort immediately! <ist clinical ste's in chronolo"ical manner. 3. RP* desi"n. 6a illa missin" teeth: 19$14$12$11$21$22. 4. *e#ine indirect retention. .how which is indirect retention in a 'icture "iven o# RP*! Periodontia 1. Patient: %6J 'ain$ 'icture "iven o# ,P* 3 teeth )rid"e. 0hat 'erio relavant #eatures you see in the 'icture! -n "eneral 0hat are the reasons #or %6J 'ain! 0hat will you e amine #or %6J 'ain! 2. 0rite down ,eatures o# chronic "eneralised 'eriodontitis. 3. 0rite down #eatures o# localised severe &Advanced( 'eriodontitis 4. write down treatment #or "rade 2 #urcation &list the names only( 9. write down treatment #or 6o)ility :. =0 year old 'atient with acute 'eriodontal a)scess relation with 2=. %reatment >. 8itewin" 'icture with overhan"in" restorations$ 'atient has "in"ival in#lammation$ descri)e the treatment in a chronolo"ical manner #or ne t 3 months #or this 'atient. Radiolo"y 1. Anat landmar+s: coronoid 'rocess$ root ti'$ )ony se'ta in sinus$ /y"omatic 'rocess$ identi#y tooth in ,*-&19($ rid"e$ sinus #loor 2. 8itewin" 'icture: identi#y caries 3. Errors radio"ra'hs. 2P3: 'atient too #ar )ac+$ -2PA: elon"ation$ shortenin"$ cone cut 4. 6atch the columns #or radio"ra'hic #eatures and lesions: 6ulti'le myloma$ Peria'ical cemental dys'lasia$ 'eria'ical cyct$ 2?C$ 2steomyelitis$ Amelo)lastoma$ 6etastatic tumor 9. 2P3 'icture. E 'lain lesion and one most 'ossi)le dia"nosis: 2steomyelitis Clinical:

C* 2 Patient 34 yr old #emale$ chie# com'laint o# @aw oain while )ite. Clinical #eatures: attrition and #ew caries$ no medical history$ 'revious ortho treatment. *ia"nosis: 7octurnal )ru ism$ "eneralised attrition$ caries$ chronic "en 'la1ue induced "in"ivitis$ #rictional +eratosis )ilateral retrimolar area due to chee+ )ite. 5iva on reasons #or )ru isam &stress #or this 'atient($ t 'lan Radio 2P3: radicular cyst$ multilocular lesion 8itewin": Caries$ )one level -2PA: 'eria'ical lesion and di##erential dia"nosis

HINTS: Read clinical things only and answer only if you have done it in practise. Dont be afraid to as for second opinion. Ti!e is sufficient for all tas s. "eep speed in a!alga! tas . #e cal!. If anything goes wrong dont spoil rest of e$ercise. %eave it rather to !a e it correct. &$a!iners will give u opportunity to !a e co!!ent about your wor before they !ar u.

'((D %)*"

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