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TEACHING READING SKILLS AND VOCABULARY IN THE PRIMARY CLASSROOM BRIEFING DATE: 23 UNE 2012 ASSIGNMENT SCHEDULE T!"#" TASK 1 - (30%) Pair work i. ii. Collecting reading materials for rimar! classrooms (1"%) #$stification for selection (1"%) %3 #&'( %01% %) #&*+ %01% C$%%&'(&% &') D!)& S*+%,"",$' D!)&

TASK % - ("0%) ,$al i. ii. iii. *esson lan (%"%) Teac/ing0learning reso$rces (1"%) Teac/ing of 1eading (10%) 11 A&2. %01%

TASK 3 - (%0%) -$al i. Critical 1e.iew (%0%) 1 S(PT. %01%

PROGRAM PENSISWAZAHAN GURU AMBILAN UN 2011 COURSEWORK ASSIGNMENT COURSE CODE/NAME OF COURSE: TSL3106/TEACHING READING SKILLS AND VOCABULARY IN THE PRIMARY CLASSROOM LEARNING OUTCOMES: 1. 3emonstrate an $nderstanding of reading skills and learning of .oca4$lar!. (%.3) %. Select5 ada t and rod$ce acti.ities and materials for teac/ing reading and .oca4$lar!. (6.15 6.3) 3. Plan and teac/ lessons to de.elo reading skills and to 4$ild a re ertoire of .oca4$lar!. (%.35 6.3) 7. &se a ro riate assessment tec/ni8$es and strategies to assess reading skills and .oca4$lar!. (%.7)

COURSEWORK OB ECTIVES: To ena4le st$dents to9 1. read criticall! and select a classroom: %. 3. 7. ".

ro riate information from .ario$s so$rces on

t/e teac/ing and assessing of reading and .oca4$lar! in t/e rimar! select and ada t s$ita4le instr$ctional materials for teac/ing and learning 4ased on t/e KSS10K;S1 (nglis/ *ang$age S!lla4$s write lesson lans according to t/e c$rric$l$m s ecifications of t/e (nglis/ *ang$age rimar! sc/ool s!lla4$s: reflect criticall! on t/e rocess of t/e co$rsework: and colla4orate effecti.el! wit/ eers.

TASK 1 (30%) Pair work i ii Collecting reading materials for rimar! classrooms (1"%) #$stification for selection (1"%) Select a t/eme from t/e K;S10KSS1 s!lla4$s. -dentif! all t/e reading skills to 4e ta$g/t $nder t/at t/eme. Collect s$fficient teac/ing materials from at least t/ree different so$rces to 4e $sed a two week eriod. Pre are e<ercises to teac/ t/e reading s$4-skills identified. =rite a 1000 word essa! to >$stif! !o$r selection of materials and e<ercises 4ased on so$nd edagogical rinci les.

TASK % - ("0%) , Pair work i. ii. iii. *esson lan (%"%) *earning-teac/ing reso$rces (1"%) Teac/ing of 1eading (10%) ;ased on t/e t/eme !o$ selected in Task 15 re are a lan for a 60 min$te lesson. +o$ need to follow t/e format s$ggested. +o$ will need to cond$ct t/e lesson in t/e classroom. Pre are a ro riate reso$rces to s$ ort t/e learning-teac/ing reso$rces. S$4mit e.idence of !o$r teac/ing digitall!.

TASK 3 - (%0%) -$al i. Critical 1e.iew (1"%) =rite a 1000 word critical reflection of !o$r teac/ing and lesson lan after t/e session. Consider t/e strengt/s5 weaknesses and interesting as ects. ?ow wo$ld !o$ im ro.e on t/e lesson lan and teac/ing.

TOTAL MARKS: 100G&'&.!/ I'0$.%!),$' D&)!,/&1 .&2*,.&%&')" 0$. )3& !"",4'%&') 1. %. 3. 7. T/is co$rsework re8$ires !o$ to work$all! and in airs. +o$ are ad.ised to disc$ss !o$r work reg$larl! wit/ !o$r lect$rer to ens$re targets are met. +o$r lect$rer@s signat$res are re8$ired on t/e colla4orati.e forms. Plagiarism in an! form will not 4e tolerated. 1eferences m$st 4e acknowledged (APA S!stem) in articles selected. All 4orrowed ideas m$st /a.e ro er citations. Please ad/ere to t/e deadlines of eac/ stage. *ate s$4mission will 4e enaliAed. +o$r work s/o$ld 4e t! e written wit/ do$4le s acing and font Arial siAe 1%. T/e age s/o$ld /a.e t/e following information9 N!%& I'1&5 '*%+&. !'1 ID C/!"" / 4.$*6 T,)/& $0 )!"# L&()*.&.7" '!%&

". 6. B.

A 4$$1 !"",4'%&') "3$*/1 "3$8: 3ee $nderstanding of t/e rinci les of lesson lanning (.idence of reading from a .ariet! of so$rces. Critical reflection So$nd >$stification Criginalit! in t/e arg$ment and resentation (ffecti.e e< ression and a ro riate lang$age $sage

M!.#,'4 (.,)&.,! T/e assignment will 4e marked against t/e marking criteria set for t/is co$rsework. Pre ared 4!9 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Pens!ara/ Program PensiswaAa/an 2$r$ #a4atan Am4ilan #$n %011 -nggeris -P2F KTTarik/9 11 #&' %01% Ket$a #a4atan ;a/asa Derified 4!9

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