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Scheme of Work Chemistry

This is an exem lar scheme of !ork !hich s" orts the teachin# an$ learnin# of the Chemistry s ecification

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

GCE Chemistry
Contents Page
Introduction 1 Unit AS 1: Basic Concepts in hysical and Inor!anic Chemistry " Unit AS #: $urther hysical and Inor!anic Chemistry and #% Introduction to &r!anic Chemistry Unit A# 1: eriodic 'rends and $urther &r!anic( hysical and )1 Inor!anic Chemistry Unit A# #: Analytical( 'ransition *etals( Electrochemistry and +, $urther &r!anic Chemistry

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

CCEA has de-eloped ne. GCE specifications for first teachin! from Septem/er #00+1 'his scheme of .ork has /een desi!ned to support you in introducin! the ne. specification and .as produced /y practicin! teachers .ho .ill /e teachin! the specification1 'he scheme of .ork pro-ides su!!estions for or!anisin! and supportin! students2 learnin! acti-ities1 It is intended to assist you in de-elopin! your o.n schemes of .ork and should not /e considered as /ein! prescripti-e or exhausti-e1 lease remem/er that this scheme of .ork is intended only as a path.ay throu!h the content of the specification( not as a replacement1 It is the specification on .hich assessment is /ased and .hich details the kno.led!e( understandin! and skills that students need to ac3uire durin! the course1 'his scheme of .ork should therefore /e used in con4unction .ith the specification1 u/lished resources and .e/ references included in the scheme of .ork ha-e /een checked and are correct at the date of issue /ut may /e updated /y the time that the specification is introduced1 5ou should therefore check .ith pu/lishers and .e/sites for the latest -ersions1 CCEA accepts no responsi/ility for the content of listed pu/lications or .e/sites1 CCEA .ill /e makin! Word -ersions of this scheme of .ork a-aila/le on the su/4ect micro6site1 'his .ill ena/le you to use them as a foundation for de-elopin! your o.n schemes of .ork .hich are matched to your teachin! and learnin! en-ironments and the needs of your students1 CCEA ha-e de-eloped a num/er of .e/6/ased support materials to support you introducin! the ne. specification( includin! oint presentations( case studies and pod casts1 'hese ha-e /een referred to throu!hout the scheme of .ork1 We hope that you find this aspect of our support packa!e useful in your teachin!1 Best .ishes

7o/ert *a!uire Su/4ect &fficer Chemistry E6mail rma!uire8ccea1or!1uk 'elephone 0#+ ,0 #)1#00

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Unit AS : !asic Concepts in Physical and Inorganic Chemistry

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen 11111 Students *illto &e % recall and /e a/le .rite /alanced sym/ol e3uations for reactions (ionic 1111# equations covered in 1.6 and 1.7) 11119 % understand and recall that atomic masses of elements are measured relati-e to car/on61#;

" #ormulae$ E%uations and Amounts of Su&stance

Suggested +eaching Strategies

'esources Calculations for A6le-el Chemistry E1@1 7amsden ***"teachmetu ition " co"uk,Chemistr y,C alcs,calcspagei ntro" htm good practice calculations with solutions for moles ***"creati-e. chemistry"org" uk,al e-el,module ,d ocu ments,/. ch .01"pdf handy mole calculations worksheets

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

% 7e-ision from >S: ? formulae from ions( /alancin! e3uations % Writin! /alanced sym/ol e3uations from .ord e3uations % ractice calculatin! 7**<7$* from 7A* % 7elate mole to 7** % 7emind students that from >S: of 1mol of any su/stance contains )10#x10#9 atoms<molecules<ions % Simple con-ersion of moles into masses and -ice -ersa



% .ork out 7A*<7**<7$*; % understand concept of mole( molar mass and A-o!adro2s num/er; 1111"


% calculate moles and masses from chemical e3uations usin! moles=mass<molar mass;


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e 1111) % calculate moles of .ater Acont1B of crystallisation from experimental data1

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Pupil expt record chan!e in mass durin! heatin! of hydrated CuS&:1xC#& ? pupils to .ork out -alue of Dx2 % Eiscuss possi/le experimental errors

'esources % CuS&:1"C#& % Balance % Boilin! tu/es % 'est6tu/e holders % Bunsen /urner

'isk,Safety Assessment ossi/le risk of /urnin! from hot apparatus ? allo. apparatus to cool /efore .ei!hin! and handlin!


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen 11#11 11#1# 11#19

"2 Atomic Structure

(earning )utcomes

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ision from >S: of /asic atomic structure % Use eriodic ta/le to re-ise atomic num/er and mass num/er % 'alk a/out masses of atoms ? too small to !i-e in !rammes ? compared to C61# % 7e-ise isotopes ? similarities and differences % Gi-e definition of relati-e isotopic mass % Class discussion on ho. .e kno. isotopes exist % We/ link to mass spec ? ho. it .orks (students do not need to know working !ut useful !ackground) ? detection of positi-e ions % Sho. simple monoatomic elements ?

'esources eriodic ta/les

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

Students &e % recall location( *ill char!es and masses of protons( neutrons and electrons; % define mass and atomic num/er and use to calculate p(e and n; % define 7A*<7** ? .hy compared to C61#;

11#1: % recall definition of isotope;

11#1" % interpret mass spectra of elements; 11#1) % calculate 7A* from mass spectra; % deduce 7** from molecular ion peaks;

***"col&y"edu ,che mistry,)Chem, 3E 4)S,4assSpec "ht ml internal working of mass spectrometer ***"chemguid e"co" uk,analysis,ma sspe c,elements"htm


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students &e 11#1) % understand the*ill concept Acont1B of ener!y le-els .ithin an atom; 11#11# % kno. that electrons exist in discrete ener!y le-els that !et closer to!ether the further they are from the nucleus; % understand ho. the Cydro!en spectrum arises; 11#119 % reco!nise that lines on spectrum !et closer to!ether and .hy; % kno. .hich ener!y le-el transitions are responsi/le for spectrum in UF( -isi/le and I7 re!ion;

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Introduce term Dener!y le-els2 link to Dshells2 from GCSE % !round state as lo.est ener!y le-el closest to nucleus % idea that if electrons !ain ener!y( they can 4ump to hi!her ener!y le-el( /ut fall /ack do.n % link to E=h% Cydro!en emission spectrum ? link to transitions /et.een ener!y le-els % Gyman( Balmer aschen series ? transitions to n=1 in u-( n=# in -isi/le re!ion etc1 % 7easonin! for lines on spectrum !ettin! closer to!ether

'esources ***"chemguid e"co" uk,atoms,prop ertie s,atomor&s"ht ml shows shapes of or!itals and electrons in !oxes " well explained ***"iun"edu,5 cpa nhd,C 6 *e&n otes, modern. atomic. theory,auf&au. principle"html #lear diagram of energy levels$ su!%shells and atomic or!itals$ leading to !uilding%up principle ***"chem&oo k"co" uk,chap2"htm &ld$ !ut effective

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1Hhrs




% understand that con-er!ence of lines may /e interpreted as con-er!ence

% 7e-isit atomic spectra ? link .here lines con-er!e to .here electron lea-es

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen *ill &e 11#11) % use Students flame colours to identify metal ions GiI( @aI( >I( Ca#I( Ba#I and Cu#I; understand that flame colour arises from electronic transitions .ithin the cation; 11#11% % deduce electronic confi!urations of atoms and ions usin! spdf confi!uration;

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Co. flame colours arise ? transitions /et.een ener!y le-els ? ener!y fallin! into -is re!ion of spectrum % Pupil expt flame test of -arious metal ions % Su/6shells ? e-idence from atomic spectra % Introduce spdf su/6shells and ho. many electrons each hold % Atomic or/itals as area electr!ns occupy .ithin su/6shells ? electrons in /oxes notation % Exceptions of Cu and Cr due to added sta/ility of half6filled or fill 9d su/ shell % Sho. shape of s and p or/itals

'esources EJ ' Sheet ? $lame 'ests Conc1 CCl( chlorides of potassium( copper( /arium( sodium( lithium( calcium1 ***"s. cool"co"uk,topi c7%u icklearn"asp8 loc9%l :topic7id92:% uick learn7id9 :su& ;ect7 id9<:e&t9 2= :e&n 9:e&s9:e&l9: elc 9 > very clear pictures of s and p or!itals$ concise notes Come.ork:

'isk,Safety Assessment Usin! conc1 CCl ? keep in fume cup/oard( .ear !lo-es and safety !o!!les .hen handlin!



11#1+ % descri/e the shape of s and p or/itals;

11#1, % recall definition of first and



CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e 11#110 % explain trend in IE of atoms do.n !roup and across periods in terms of nuclear char!e( distance of outer electron from nucleus and shieldin! and sta/ility of half6filled and full su/ shells; and

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Eiscuss factors affectin! ionisation ener!y ? !et students to deduce trend in IE do.n !roup ? distance from nucleus and shieldin! effect of shells % Eiscuss IE across period ? !et students to predict trend % ut up !raph! trend of IE across period ? discuss Gp# and " as exceptions ? WhyK


'isk,Safety Assessment


11#111 % understand that !raphs of first IE of elements up to krypton( and successi-e IE of an element pro-ide e-idence for the existence of the main ener!y le-els and spd or/itals1

% Added sta/ility of full s su/ shell and half6filled p su/ shell as explanation for hi!h IE in Gp#L" % Gook at !raph for successi-e IE for Al % Class discussion on .hy 4ump after first 9 electrons and then after next

***"creati-e. chemistry"org" uk,al e-el,module ,t rend s="htm clear graph of '( across period ) Come.ork: Students could sketch !raph of successi-e IE of !i-en elements and explain each section



CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &efrom 11911 % recall definition of ion >S:; % recall that ionic compounds are formed /y transfer of electrons .here the resultin! ions ha-e no/le !as confi!uration; 1191# % dra. dot and cross dia!rams for ionic compounds; % descri/e lattice structure of sodium chloride; % explain the characteristic physical prop of ionic compounds; % recall co-alent /ondin! from >S:( includin! dot and cross dia!rams;

"> !onding and Structure

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ision from >S: ? ionic /ondin! of atoms in-ol-es transfer of electrons to !i-e atoms no/le !as confi!uration % Students to dra. dot and cross dia!rams to represent structure of compounds formed from Gp I( II .ith Gp FI and FII % Eiscuss prop1 of ionic compounds and explanations ? idea of re!ular crystalline structure( usin! structure of @aCl as example

'esources Worksheet: DBondin! Muestions2 ? re-ises all >S: and allo.s students to make o.n notes on topic ? co-ers ionic( co-alent and metallic /ondin!

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr


1191: 1191"




% 7e-ise dot6cross dia!rams! outer electrons only ? students dra. dia!rams for simple % understand that atoms in co-alent compounds to co-alent /onds share include C&#( @#( C#C# electrons to !ain full outer % Eefinition of octet rule shell ? octet rule; % Sho. exceptions to octet rule usin! B$9 and BeCl# % !i-e exceptions to octet rule;

Worksheet from a/o-e

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen 1191% Acont1B

(earning )utcomes Students *ill &e

Suggested +eaching Strategies .hat differences /et.een these and simple molecular compounds are ? more atoms in molecules( so stron!er FdW forces % Sho. formation of ammonium and hydroxonium ions from ammonia and .ater % Idea that one atom donates /oth electrons in a coordinate /ond % 7e-ise structure and prop of diamond and !raphite ? link to uses % 7ecap metallic structure >S: % Students use structure to explain prop % Gi-e definition of e6 ne!ati-ity


'isk,Safety Assessment



% understand the term Dcoordinate /ond2( .ith examples;

1 hr

119111 11911#

% recall the structure and prop of diamond and !raphite !iant co-alent compounds; % re-ise and recall structure of metals as lattice of positi-e ions surrounded /y a sea of delocalised electrons; % explain the physical prop of metals; % define the term electrone!ati-ity in terms of the a/ility of an atom in a co-alent /ond to attract electrons to it; % deduce the trend in electrone!ati-ity across periods and do.n !roups;

1191, 119110 119119


***"creati-e. chemistry"org" uk,al e-el,module ,t rend s<"htm clear graph of electronegativ ity across period ) ***"creati-e. chemistry"org" uk,al e-el,module ,t

1 hr


% Get students to split into !roups and discuss ho. e6ne!ati-ity chan!es

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen 11911" Acont1B % 11911)

(earning )utcomes Students *ill &e

Suggested +eaching Strategies nei!h/ourin! molecules ? permanent dipole6 dipole attractions % Gook at exceptions ? not all atoms .ith different e6 ne!ati-ities in molecules are polar ? compare C&# .ith C#& Possi!ly !etter to cover in 1.*

'esources electronegativity in +p)

'isk,Safety Assessment


understand that polar /onds may or may not !i-e rise to a molecule .ith permanent dipole( e! C&#( C#&1


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen 11:11 Students *ill % explain in terms of &e electron pair repulsion theory the shapes( and /ond an!les of molecules and ions .ith up to ) pairs of electrons around the central atom;

"0 Shapes of 4olecules and Ions

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Introduce idea of electron pairs repellin! each other % Co. .ill electron pairs arran!e themsel-es around central atomK Get as far apart as possi/le from each other ? use /alloons as example ? al.ays arran!es themsel-es as far apart from each other as possi/le ? same !eometric arran!ement as electron pairs in a molecule around a central atom % Sho. .orked example on /oard ? C&# % Gi-e students other structures to .ork out ? B$9( CC:( Cl"1 S$) % Introduce names of shapes ? linear( tri! planar( tetrahedral( tri!onal /ipy( octahedral

'esources Come.ork: !i-e students list of other similar molecules to .ork out and dra. shapes of e1!1 C#S( @C I( Cl ( S& ( C ( : 9 # 9 I Cl ( : BeCl

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 16#hrs

11:1# % /e a/le to predict and explain shapes of @C9 and C#& as departure from the expected shape; and % kno. the difference in repulsion /et.een /onded

Ad-anced Chemistry /y *1Clu!ston L 71$lemmin! ? p!)% ractice Mu !+06+1 ractice Exam Mu


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen 11"11 Students *ill &e % descri/e intermolecular forces as Fan der Waal2s( permanent dipole attractions and hydro!en /ondin!; 11"1# % understand ho. the a/o-e forces affect physical properties ? /oilin! points( solu/ility of simple molecular su/stances; and % deduce .hy density of ice is different to that of .ater1

"1 Intermolecular #orces

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Eefine difference /et.een inter and intramolecular forces % Idea that co-alent /onds are /et.een atoms in molecules( /ut ho. do molecules stay to!ether % Introduce Fan der Waal2s forces ? due to mo-ement of electrons( partially positi-e and ne!ati-e parts in molecule ? attract molecules next to it % Idea that they are temporary<instantan eous ? introduce term Ddipole2 % Introduce electrone!ati-ity ? use CCl as example ? !et students to look at .hich atom .ill attract electrons more ? electrone!ati-ity as a/ility of atom in co-alent /ond to attract electrons to it % aulin! scale of electrone!ati-ity ? discuss .hat happens if t.o atoms

'esources ***"ithacascie nce? one"com,chem? one , lessons,6>&ondi ng , mlee&onding,an7 der7*aals7forc es"ht m good animation to represent ,d- forces " shows electron movements

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime :hrs



CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen 11"19 Acont1B

(earning )utcomes Students *ill &e

Suggested +eaching Strategies stron!er ? WhyK Gar!e difference in electrone!ati-ities % Pupil (xpt Polar or .on% polar sample of li3uids /oth polar and non6polar in /urettes ? use char!ed polythene rod to determine .hether molecules polar or non6polar ? class discussion on .hy polar molecules affected /y rod % Conditions for C6/ondin! ? C attached to $( & or @ % Eiscuss stren!th of C6 /onds<permanent dipoles<FdW ? .hich stron!estK Gink to properties of -arious molecules ? e1!1 ethane( chloroethane( ethanol ? types of intermolecular forces in each and conse3uent /oilin! points and solu/ility


'isk,Safety Assessment


*ixture of li3uids /oth polar and non6 polar e1!1 hexane( ethanol( propanone( .ater; /urettes( polythene rods( dusters

***"-isionlear ning" com,li&rary,mo dul


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen 11)11 Students *ill &e for % deduce oxidation states elements in compounds or 11)1# ions;

"= 'edox

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7ecap oxidation and reduction from >S: in terms of oxy!en and hydro!en loss and !ain % Eiscuss reactions ? idea that oxidation and reduction occurs in other reactions( /ut can2t al.ays /e explained in terms of oxy!en and hydro!en % Introduce idea of oxidation num/ers from >S: ? iron AIIIB chloride etc1 % Gi-e rules of ho. to calculate from molecules( compounds and ions % Sho. .orked examples % Students to .ork throu!h list % Explain redox reactions in terms of oxidation num/ers % 7ecap redox in terms of oxidations num/ers from last lesson

'esources Worksheet: &xidation @um/ers Exercise ? makes a good /Calculations for A6 Ge-el Chem1 E1@17amsden

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

11)19 % explain oxidation and reduction in terms of electron transfer and chan!es in oxidation state;


% com/ine ionic e3uations to !i-e /alanced redox

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen *ill &e 11)19 % use Students redox e3uations to Acont1B calculate concentrations of thiosulphate and iodine solutions in redox titrations usin! starch as indicator1

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Gi-e students half6 e3uations for iodine6 thiosulphate reaction ? pupils to com/ine % Introduce mol = -olxconc<1000 for calculatin! moles of solutions % 7ecap techni3ue of titration from >S: % Eiscuss ho. titration could /e carried out ? .hat indicator could /e usedK Students should remem/er starch < iodine test from >S: ? What .ould colour chan!e /e at end pointK % Eiscuss !ood practice durin! titration ? .ashin! out /urette and pipette .ith solutions to /e used etc1 % Pupil expt titration of 010"* iodine solution to determine conc1 &f thiosulphate % Pupil expt titration ? reactin! iodate .ith sulphuric acid to


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime #hrs

EJ ': Iodine 'itration 010"*#I soln 011* @a#S#&9 soln /urettes 10ml pipettes conical flasks .hite tiles starch indicator EJ ': Iodate6 thio titration >I&9 AsolidB >I AsolidB C#S&: 1* 011* @a#S#&9 soln /urettes #"ml pipettes


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen 11%11 Students *ill &e % re-ise or!anisation of elements in eriodic 'a/le ? !roups and periods( ho. elements are arran!ed; 11%1# % classify element as /elon!in! to s( p or d /lock of ta/le; and

"< +he Periodic +a&le

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Brainstorm of .hat students remem/er from >S: ? periods and !roups % 7e-ise !roups ? names and properties % Sho. dia!ram of periodic ta/le split into s( p( d and f ? idea that all elements /elon! to one of these /locks and /lock !i-es su/6 shell in .hich outer electrons are found % Gi-e out !raphs<ta/les of trends ? split class into !roups % Group to discuss reasonin! for trend ? each !roup to present to

'esources oint: eriodic 'rends " clear graphs of all trends required " can !e printed out and given to groups

'isk,Safety Assessment


11%191 % deduce and explain trends in physical properties across period from sodium to ar!on ? meltin! points( atomic radius( electrical conducti-ity and first ionisation ener!ies1


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen 11+11

"@ Group AII

(earning )utcomes Students &e % explain trends *ill .ithin !roup: & colour; & physical state; & meltin! L /oilin! points; & first ionisation ener!ies; & /ond ener!ies of halo!en molecules; & /ond ener!ies of hydro!en halides;

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise material co-ered at >S: throu!h class discussion ? colours of halo!ens % Importance of halo!ens ? uses % Split class into " !roups ? each !roup to take one property ? discuss and come up .ith explanation for chan!e do.n !roup % Come /ack as .hole class ? each !roup explains reasonin! to others % Pupil expt test solu/ility of chlorine( /romine and iodine in .ater and hexane % Eiscuss .hy more solu/le in hexane ? like dissolves like ? re-ise FdW attractions from intermolecular forces % Fideo clips from internet to sho. exothermic nature of chlorine reactions


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

11+1# % deduce and descri/e solu/ilities of halo!ens in .ater and in non6 a3ueous sol-ents e1!1 hexane; 11+19

Chlorine and /romine .ater( iodine crystals1 Cexane EJ ': Solu/ility of Calo!e ns ***"popsci"co m,p opsci,ho*26,> aBa< 1<>>cf6e6 6-g n-cm 666660eec&ccd

% descri/e reacti-ity of halo!ens .ith hydro!en( phosphorus and sodium;

$umes from /romine and chlorine poisonous 6 use -ery small amount ? 16#cm9 6 keep lids on /ottles and /un!s on test tu/es 6 solutions to /e disposed of do.n sink in fume cup/oard


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill of &e 11+1: % descri/e reactions halo!ens .ith cold and hot conc1 @a&CAa3B; % explain disproportionation in the a/o-e reactions;

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Sho. e3uations for reactions of chlorine( /romine and iodine .ith hot and cold conc1 a3ueous solution % Students to .ork out oxidation states of halo!ens in each e3uation ? idea of simulataneous oxidation and reduction of halo!ens as disproportionation % Pupil expt displacement reactions of chlorine( /romine and iodine % 7e-ision of e3uations from >S: % Students to .rite /alanced redox e3uations for displacement reactions ? .ork out oxidation states and discuss oxidisin! stren!th % Eiscuss reacti-ity of halo!ens ? .hy displacement occurs ? re-ise from periodic ta/le


'isk,Safety Assessment


11+1" 11+1) % recall reaction of chlorine .ith .ater; % descri/e displacement reactions of the halo!ens .ith other halides in solution;

EJ ': Calo!en Eisplacement Solns of >I( >Br( >Cl Cl#( Br# and I# .ater

16# hrs


1 hr EJ ': 7eaction of halo!ens .ith $eAIIB and $eAIIIB

% recall reactions of halo!ens .ith iron AIIB and iron AIIIB ions as

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill 11+1+ % understand trend in&e thermal sta/ility of hydro!en halides related to /ond enthalpies; 11+1, % relate the a/o-e property to relati-e stren!th of acids ? C$( CCl( CBr and CI; 11+110 % understand reactions /et.een solid halides .ith conc C#S&: in relation to relati-e reducin! a/ility of the hydro!en halides<halide ions; 11+111 % use of A!I ions to distin!uish /et.een halide ions;

Suggested +eaching Strategies % re-ise trend and explanation for thermal sta/ilities of hydro!en halides % discuss acid stren!th ? recap from >S: ? a/ility to dissociate into CI ions ? relate /ond enthalpy to acid stren!th


'isk,Safety Assessment





% experimentally distin!uish /et.een halides( usin! acid1 Sil-er nitrate solution and ammonia; and

% 0emo expt reaction of halides .ith conc1 C#S&: % Sho. students e3uations ? !et them to note do.n o/ser-ations includin! testin! for S&# and C#S % Work out oxidation num/ers of sulphur ? discuss oxidisin! stren!th % Eiscuss tests for halide ions( includin! distin!uishin! .ith @C9 and effect of u- li!ht on halides ? link to photo!raphy % 1tudent expt students !i-en three .hite solids

EJ ': 'estin! for Calide Ions Come.ork: Calo!ens ast aper Mu


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen 11,11 Students *ill &e % carry out experimentally acid6/ase titrations in-ol-in! stron! acid<stron! /ase;

"B +itrations

Suggested +eaching Strategies 7ecap titration techni3ue and calculations usin! mol = -xc<1000 % 7ecap !ood techni3ue for titration % 'erms associated .ith titration ? standard solution( titre( end point etc1 % Pupil expt simple acid6 /ase titration of CCl and @a&C to calculate conc in moldm69 ? idea that moldm69 = * % Eiscuss choice of indicator % upils to complete calculation for CW %

'esources 011* @a&C 011* CCl phenolphtha lein /urettes pipettes L fillers .hite tiles

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1Hhr



% recall names and colour chan!es of suita/le indicators for these titrations; % calculate conc and -ol for reactions in solution for structured titration calculations; % /e familiar .ith the units of conc e1!1 moldm69 as molarity( and !dm69 ; % carry out experimentally acid6/ase titrations in-ol-in! stron! acid<stron! /ase;

11,1" 11,11


Fine!ar A1*B @a&C A011*B Folumetric flasks % Go o-er calculation from #"ml pipettes L pre-ious lesson fillers % Pupil expt analysis of phenolphthalein -ine!ar to determine conc /urettes of -ine!ar in !dm69 .hite tiles % upils to make up diluted

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen 11,11 Acont1B

(earning )utcomes Students *ill &e

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Pupil expt determine .ater of crystallisation for hydrated @a#C&9 ? pupils use titration -alues to calc conc @a#C&9 usin! standard CCl and conse3uently calc num/er of moles of .ater attached

1 @a C& 110C & # 9 # crystals CCl A011*B *ethyl oran!e White tiles Burettes 10ml pipettes L fillers

'isk,Safety Assessment EJ ': Water of Crystallisation 'itration



% understand the method of /ack titration e! to determine purity of GpII metal( oxide or car/onate1


Contaminated CaC&9 % Pupil expt calculatin! CCl A110* L 011*B purity of *ethyl oran!e CaC&9 usin! /ack White tiles titration % Eiscuss method and use to 10ml pipette L fillers calculate N purity of


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Unit AS 2: #urther Physical and Inorganic Chemistry and Introduction to )rganic Chemistry

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen #1111 Students *ill &e % demonstrate an understandin! of the terms empirical and molecular formula and the relationship /et.een them;

2" #ormulae and Amounts of Su&stance

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7ecap mole calculations from *od1 1 ? mol = !<7** % Celp students understand the formula of a compound<molecule !i-es the ratio in .hich the atoms are present

'esources Calculations for A6le-el Chemistry E1@1 7amsden ***"teachmetu ition " co"uk,Chemistr y,C alcs,calcspagei ntro" htm good practice calculations with solutions for moles ***"creati-e. chemistry"org" uk,al e-el,module ,d ocu ments,/.

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

#111# % calculate empirical and molecular formula usin! data( !i-in! composition /y mass;

% Worked examples of calculatin! empirical formulae and further to calculate molecular formulae % Sho. use of same


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students &e of #1119 % understand the*ill concept molar !as -olume;

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Idea that from .hat .e ha-e co-ered so far( .e can .ork out moles of !as if mass is kno.n % Introduce idea that one mole of any !as occupies the same -olume at room temperature and pressure ? #:dm9 % Sho. simple calculations on /oard ? allo. them to .ork out e3uation mol = -ol<#: % Sho. con-ersion to cm9 % Worked examples ? allo. students to try some pro/lems % Introduce A-o!adro2s principle ? state that only

'esources Worksheet: 7eactin! Folumes of Gases Worksheet: ro/lems on A-o!adro2s rinciple

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr


% deduce reactin! !as -olumes from chemical e3uations;


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e #111" % calculate the percenta!e yield of the product of a reaction;

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Eiscuss chemical reactions ? ho. some product may /e lost ? class discussion on ho. product lost Application to lar!e6scale industrial production ? economic -ia/ility of process depends on cost and percenta!e yield of product Introduce e3uation ? .orked example Nyield = actual<theor x 100 Students to try some simple examples Extend to rearran!e e3uation to calculate amount of reactant needed .hen actual( theoretical and Nyield are !i-en in 3uestion 3u on limitin! reactant ? one reactant in excess

'esources Worksheet: ro/lems on ercenta!e 5ield Worksheet: Gimitin! 7eactant ro/lems

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1 hr

#111) % use percenta!e yield to determine the amount of rea!entAsB needed for a reaction; and #111% % understand the concept of atom economies1

% % %

Ad-anced Chemistry( A*1Clu!ston L 71$lemmin!B !1:061:1 ***"en"*ikipe dia"o rg,*iki,Atom economcy 6 !ood definition and sho.s calculation method

H hr

% Concept of atom economy as the con-ersion efficiency of a chemical process in terms of all

***"rsc"org,Ed uca tion,CElecturer

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen #1#11 Students &e % understand the*ill terms empirical( molecular and structural formulae( homolo!ous series and functional !roups;

2"2 /omenclature and Isomerism in )rganic Compounds

Suggested +eaching Strategies


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

#1#1# % apply IU AC rules to namin! or!anic compounds .ith up to six car/on atoms and containin! up to t.o functional !roups; % descri/e and explain structural isomerism for aliphatic compounds containin! up to six car/on atoms; and % understand that

% 7ecap or!anic from >S: ? alkanes and alkenes as simplest or!anic family % 7ecap definition of homolo!ous series ? same !eneral formula( similar chemical properties and !radation in physical properties % Get students to recall first four mem/ers of alkanes 6 use to demonstrate differences /et.een empirical( molecular and structural formulae % Gi-e out molecular modellin! kits and !et students to /uild simple strai!ht6chain alkanes from methane to hexane ? recap namin! from >S: % Get them to rearran!e /utane ? introduce idea of structural isomerism and rules for namin! % 7epeat .ith pentane and hexane ?



***"antoine"fr ost&u rg"edu,cgi. &in,senese,tuto rials , isomer,index"cg i8 n90:list9162D 166D1 6 D useful if no molecular modelling kits availa!le " allows

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning Suggested +eaching ion )utcomes Strategies 'eferen #1911 Students *ill &e % .rite the !eneral formula for % 7ecap alkanes from >S: ? alkanes !eneral formula and names and structures of C C ; #191# n #nI# first ) mem/ers % understand that alkanes are % 7ecap term Dsaturated2 saturated hydrocar/ons; #1919 % recall the molecular and structural formulae for alkanes containin! up to #191: % Go o-er namin! alkanes six car/on atoms; from pre-ious topic ? !i-e % use IU AC rules to name students list to name alkanes( includin! #191" /ranched structures; % Gook at physical properties of alkanes ? meltin! and /oilin! points( physical % explain( in terms of FdW state ? !et them to forces( the -ariation in su!!est reason for /oilin! points; chan!es in properties ? recall FdW forces ? .hy are these molecules non6 #191) polarK % recall that crude petroleum is the source of alkanes and that they are o/tained /y fractional distillation and understand thermal crackin!; % What is /i!!est source of or!anic chemicalsK Crude oil ? animation of fractionatin! column on internet ? they come up .ith definition

2"> Cydrocar&ons E Alkanes


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1Hhrs

***"ho*stuff* orks" com,oil. refining0"htm good animation of fractional distillation$ showing different lengths of car!on chains ***"science"ho *stu ff*orks"com,oil. refining1"htm detailed description of how cracking works ***2"**norto n"co m,college,chem istr y,gil&ert,tutoria

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e #191% % descri/e the com/ustion of alkanes in limited and plentiful supply of air;

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 'alk a/out main uses of alkanes ? fuels % Students to .rite fully /alanced e3uations for complete com/ustion % What2s formed .hen incomplete com/ustionK % ractice .ritin! e3uations for incomplete com/ustion % Idea that alkanes fairly unreacti-e ? only react if -ery reacti-e species in contact ? introduce Dradicals2 ? !i-e definition


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1Hhrs


% descri/e su/stitution reactions of alkanes /y chlorine and /romine;

#191, % explain ho. homolytic fission leads to mechanism for the photochemical reaction /et.een methane and chlorine

% Gook at tetra-alent car/on ? idea that reaction has to /e su/stitution % Gook at diatomic chlorine


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen #191, Acont1B

(earning )utcomes Students *ill &e

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Sho. !eneral e3uation for reaction of methane .ith chlorine( then mechanism ? .ay of descri/in! .hat2s happenin! in detail durin! reaction % 7ecap mechanism to name as photochemical free radical su/stitution % If time( allo. students in !roups of O9<: to research separate topics: pro/lems associated .ith spilla!e( com/ustion of hydrocar/ons( en-ironmental dama!e caused /y -ehicle emissions and .ays of reducin! -ehicle emissions( includin! catalytic con-erters % Groups to present to rest

'esources ***"teachmetu ition " co"uk,Chemistr y, )rganic,free7ra dica l7su&stitution"h tm clear explanation of mechanism$ showing structures

'isk,Safety Assessment



% discuss the en-ironmental pro/lems associated .ith spilla!e and com/ustion of hydrocar/ons; and % !i-e a simple account of role of catalytic con-erters in reducin! the en-ironmental dama!e due to -ehicle emissions1



Candout: Com/ustion of Alkanes ? ollution


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

2"0 Cydrocar&ons E Alkenes

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen #1:11 Students *ill &e % .rite the !eneral formula for alkenes as CnC#n ; #1:1# % understand that alkenes are unsaturated hydrocar/ons and that they decolourise /romine .ater; Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise alkenes from GCSE ? !eneral formula ? difference in structure from alkanes ? dou/le /ond % 7e-ise terms unsaturated as molecules containin! one or more dou/le /onds % Pupil (xpt 0istintinguishing !etween alkanes and alkenes ? students !i-en small samples of hexane and hexane ? to distin!uish /et.een /y /urnin! " drops on .atch !lass and also /y shakin! .ith /romine .ater % Pupil (xpt: 0egree of 2nsaturation !etween 3argarine and 4utter % Eiscuss .hy alkenes /urn .ith more sooty flame ? idea of .hy not used as fuels ? could /e extended to .orkin! out N 'esources 'isk,Safety Assessment +ime #hrs Ad-anced Chemistry( *1Clu!ston L 71$lemmin! !:0,L:11 6 Muestions

***"creati-e. chemistry"org" uk,al e-el,module>,d ocu ments,/. ch>. 6"pdf practical sheet with all requirements for 3argarine and

ossi/ility of lar!e 3uantities of alkanes<alkene s catchin! fire ? keep a.ay from naked flame( ensure only "drops i!nited( carry out in .ell -entilated room


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e #1:19 % recall the molecular and structural formulae for alkenes containin! up to ) car/on atoms; #1:1: % use IU AC rules to name alkenes containin! up to t.o C=C /onds; #1#1: % understand that stereoisomers A!eometricalB exist AalkenesB in cis and trans AE6PB forms due to the ener!y /arrier to rotation in these compounds;

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Era. structure of ethene ? discuss -alency of car/on ? !et students to dra. structures of alkenes up to hexane % @amin! alkenes ? structural isomerism % Get students to /uild model of ethene and ethane usin! molecular modellin! kits ? idea that atoms can2t rotate around dou/le /ond % Introduce this as !eometric isomerism


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

Worksheet: @amin! Alkenes

***"chemguid e"co" uk,&asicorg,iso mer ism,geometric" html good we!site explaining cis%trans isomerism ***"creati-e. chemistry"org"


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning Suggested +eaching ion )utcomes Strategies 'eferen &e to #1:1" % use Students si!ma and *ill pi /onds % Gook at structure of ethene explain ? discuss difference /et.een the relati-e /ond stren!th this and len!th of the C=C /ond; and ethane ? idea that dou/le /ond #1:1) = hi!h electron density ? pi % kno. that C=C is centre /ond of hi!h electron density and use this to explain % Eiscuss type of su/stance difference in reacti-ity that .ould /e attracted to /et.een alkenes and dou/le /ond ? introduce term alkanes; Delectrophile2 ? idea that su/stances #1:1% add across dou/le /ond % Eiscuss .hy alkanes more % descri/e catalytic reacti-e than alkenes ? hydro!enation of alkenes Candout ? 5eactivity of usin! finely di-ided nickel 6lkenes and its application to hardenin! of oils; % Gook at chemical reactions of alkenes ? hydro!enation ? !et #1:1+ students to predict product of hydro!enation of ethene % descri/e reaction of Cl#( % Use of hydro!enation in Br#( CCl( CBr .ith simple hardenin! of -e! oils ? alkenes A*arko-nikoff2s discuss .hy some doctors


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

***"en"*iki&o oks"o rg,*iki,Image:E thy lene.C)4). >3. &alls"png good diagram showing electron density of #7#

Candout: 7eacti-ity of Alkenes


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen #1:1+ Acont1B

(earning )utcomes Students *ill &e

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Idea that all four ACl# etcB are electrophiles % Get students to su!!est ho. molecules split ? one part must /e positi-ely char!ed if to attack dou/le /ond % Introduce split as heterolytic fission % Sho. mechanism of CBr .ith ethene on /oard ? introduce car/ocation and sho. its formation % Curly arro. to denote mo-ement of an electron % Get students to dra. mechanism of propene .ith CBr and name product % 7ecap polymerisation from >S: ? addition across dou/le /ond % Uses and structure of


'isk,Safety Assessment


Ad-anced Chemistry( *1Clu!ston L 71$lemmin!B !:0, L:11 ? ractice Muestions !:#0 good practice exam questions


% explain mechanism of reaction /et.een CBr and ethene -ie.ed as electrophilic addition1 Understand the term heterolytic fission; and


% descri/e the addition polymerisation of alkenes e! ethene and propene1

***"mp. docker"demon" co"uk , chains7and7rin gs, mechanisms,el ec7a dd"html


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen #1"11 Students *ill &e % .rite the !eneral formula for halo!enoalkanes as CnC#nI1J( .here J is a halo!en atom; #1"1# % recall molecular and structural formulae of halo!enalkanes .ith up to t.o halo!en atoms and up to six car/on atoms; #1"19 % use IU AC rules to name halo!enalkanes containin! up to t.o halo!en atoms and up to six car/on atoms;

2"1 Calogenoalkan

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Gook at common halo!enoalkanes and their uses ? e1!1 chloroform % Gi-e !en1 formula of halo!enoalkane ? dra. structures

'esources Worksheet: @amin! Calo!enoalkanes

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

ractice namin! on /oard ? !i-e students practice ? use .orksheet( D@amin! Calo!enoalkanes2 rimary( secondary and tertiary halo!enoalkanes

% #1"1: % comment on the -ariation of /oilin! points of the halo!enoalkane;

Ad-anced Chemsitry A*1Clu!ston L 71$lemmin!B CW: p!:9% ? ractice Mu

% Gook at structure of halo!enoalkanes ? polarity of C6J /ond ? !et students to decide % What forces .ill /e present /et.een

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e #1"1" % Eescri/e the la/ preparation of halo!enoalkane from correspondin! alcohol( .ith specific reference to refluxin!( usin! a separatin! funnel( remo-al of acidic impurities( dryin! simple distillation;

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise structure of ethanol from >S: ? ho. can this /e con-erted to /romoethaneK Introduce Dsu/stitution2 % 7eaction .ith CBr ? idea that has to /e made Din6 situ2 .ith @aBr and conc1 C#S&: % Gook at 3uick6fit apparatus and explain procedure ? refluxin! as continuous e-ap and condensation .ithout loss of -olatile product % Eiscuss addition of C#S&: ? exothermic nature ? use of droppin! funnel to add % Gook at t.o layers ? discuss .hy present ? introduce separatin! funnel ? densities of a3ueous and or!anic layers % &r!anic layer impurities ?

'esources EJ ': rep of Bromo/utane Muick6fit apparatus Butan616ol @aBr Conc1 C#S&: @a#C&9 A01"*B @a#C&9 Aanhydrous solidB Separatin! funnels $ilter funnels $ilter paper Ceatin! mantles

'isk,Safety Assessment $lamma/le /utan616ol ? use heatin! mantle rather than naked flame to reflux Corrosi-e nature of conc1 C#S&: ? .ear safety !lasses and !lo-es throu!hout use

+ime #hrs


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e #1"1) % descri/e su/stitution reactions of halo!enoalkanes .ith a3ueous alkali( ammonia and cyanide ions; #1"1% % explain the mechanism for reaction of primary and tertiary /romoalkanes .ith hydroxide ions -ie.ed as nucleophilic su/stitution;

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Gook at e3uations for reactions ? idea that one atom<!roup of atoms /ein! su/stituted for another ? su/stitution % Example of primary and tertiary halo!enoalkanes ? .hy don2t they react in same .ayK Get them to think a/out siQe of !roups around car/on .ith halo!en attached ? steric hindrance % @ame as S@1 and S@# mechanisms ? difference /ein! num/er of reactants in-ol-ed in rate6 determinin! step % Students to try .ritin! mechanisms for -arious tert and primary halo!enoalkanes


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

***"&cs"*hfre eman " com,-ollhardts chor e0e,pages,&cs. main"asp8 -9:s96<6 66:n9666 6:i 96<6 6"6 :o = % 1n1 mechanis m animation ***"&cs"*hfre eman " com,-ollhardts chor e0e,pages,&cs. main"asp8 s96=666: n9666 6:i96= 6 6"6


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e #1"1+ % compare ease of hydrolysis of primary halo!enoalkanes related to /ond enthalpy and /ond polarity; and

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Gook at /ond enthalpy and polarity of chloro6( /romo6 and iodo6alkanes ? discuss ho. this .ill effect /reakin! of C6J /ond % Cydrolysis as replacin! halo!en atom .ith &C !roup % $ormation of halide ions in process ? ho. can these /e detectedK 7e-ision from halo!ens *od11


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1Hhr

Ad-anced Chemistry A*1Clu!ston L 71$lemmin!B ! :::6::" ? ast aper Muestions


% descri/e elimination of CBr from /romoethane usin! ethanolic potassium hydroxide1

% Pupil (xpt /ydrolysis of Primary /alogenalkanes % Idea that different product formed .hen ethanolic >&C used % Alkene formed ? !et

EJ ' Sheet ? Cydrolysis of rimary Calo!enoalkanes Ethanol Iodo6( /romo6 and chloro/utane A!@&9 C@&9 AdilB stopclocks

Safety !lasses and exercise caution sufficient


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

2"= Alcohols
Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen #1)11 Students *ill &e % .rite the !eneral formula for alcohols as CnC#nI1&C; #1)1# % recall molecular and structural formulae of alcohols .ith up to six car/on atoms; % use IU AC rules to name alcohols containin! up to t.o hydroxyl !roups and up to six car/on atoms Arefer to primary( secondary and tertiary structuresB; % refer to effect of hydro!en /ondin! on /oilin! point and misci/ility .ith .ater; Suggested +eaching Strategies % Gook at common alcohols and their uses ? e1!1 ethanol( ethan61(#6 diol in anti6 freeQe etc1 % Gi-e !en1 formula of alcohol ? dra. structures up to hexanol 'esources Ad-anced Chemistry A*1Clu!ston L 71$lemmin! B ! :"1 M1L# 'isk,Safety Assessment +ime 1hr



ractice namin! on /oard ? !i-e students practice rimary( secondary and tertiary alcohols ? namin! etc1 Candout: hysical rop of Alcohols

% Gook at structure of alcohols ? polarity of &C !roup ? !et students to decide % What forces .ill /e present /et.een

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e #1)1" % recall preparation of alcohols from halo!enoalkanes; #1)1) % recall industrial preparation of ethanol from iB fermentation of su!ars and iiB reaction of steam .ith ethene in presence of C9 &:; #1)1% % descri/e com/ustion of alcohols and their use as an alternati-e fuel; #1)1+

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise su/stitution reactions of halo!enoalkanes .ith a3ueous alkali % 7e-ise from >S: ? industrial ethanol produced from reactin! ethene .ith steam ? catalyst etc % roduction of consuma/le alcohol /y fermentation of su!ars 6 e3uation and conditions % Get students to .rite e3uations for com/ustion of ethanol ? discuss .hy possi/le to use as fuel ? cleaner % Candout ? Uses of Alcohols ? discusses ad-anta!es of usin! alcohol as fuel % Eiscuss reactions and .rite e3uations ? fission of &C /ond .hen


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime Hhr

Candout: Uses of Alcohols # hrs

% descri/e reaction of primary alcohols .ith sodium( hydro!en /romide( phosphorus pentachloride and thionyl chloride;


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning Suggested +eaching ion )utcomes Strategies 'eferen Students *ill &e of #1)1, % comment on oxidation % Gook at simple 1o alcohols alcohols usin! acid1 ? oxidation to aldehyde otassium dichromate .ith and then to car/oxylic ref to aB formation of acid ? oxidisin! a!ent and aldehydes and car/oxylic conditions acids from primary alcohols % #o alcohols ? .hy and isolation of each different product in dependin! on reaction oxidation to primaryK conditions /B formation of osition of &C !roup ketones from leadin! to ketone secondary alcohols cB formation resistance to % Co. to con-ert /ack to 1o oxidation of tertiary alcohols; and #o alcohols ? reduction .ith lithal in #1)110 dry ether % Gook at structure of 9o alcohols ? .hy no oxidationK % descri/e esterification reactions of alcohols .ith % 7e-ise simple formation car/oxylic acids and of ethyl ethanoate from ethanoyl chloride; >S: ? condition etc1 % Introduce other alcohols and acids ? namin! esters


'isk,Safety Assessment


Ad-anced Chemistry A*1Clu!ston L 71$lemmin!B !:"+ M1( : L


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen #1)110 Acont1B

(earning )utcomes Students *ill &e

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Uses of esters % Pupil (xpt 6lcohol 5eactions 6 look at reaction of alcohols .ith sodium( Cl"( ethanoic acid( acid1 Eichromate % Get students to look at oxidation reaction ? .hy used to distin!uish /et.een 1o( #o and 9o alcohols

'esources Expt: Alcohol 7eactions Ethan ol Sodiu m Cl" CC9C&&C Acid1 >#Cr#&%

'isk,Safety Assessment Conc1 acid may cause se-ere /urns ? .ear !lo-es and safety !lasses throu!hout Ceat ester mixture in .ater /ath as ethanol hi!hly flamma/le Cl" hi!hly corrosi-e ? .ear !lo-es and keep in fume cup/oard Corrosi-e nature of @a&C and @a&Cl ? use !lo-es and .ear safety !lasses .hile handlin!



% prepare iodoform and kno. its uses to distin!uish /et.een alcohols containin! CC9CCA&CB and other alcohols .ith specific reference to recrystallisation and meltin! points; and


% 'alk a/out use of iodoform test to distin!uish secondary alcohols and ethanol from other alcohols % Pupil (xpt Prep and Purification of 8riiodomethane % Eiscuss process of recrystallisation ? .hy min amount of

EJ ': Iodoform reparation >I AsolidB @a&C A#*B @a&Cl A#*B Ethanol Buchner funnel Eroppin! funnel *eltin! point apparatus


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e in #1)11# % discuss use of ethanol alcoholic drinks and its use as recreational dru! .hich can ha-e /eneficial and harmful effects1 'he idea of safe limits of Dunits2 of alcohol1

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Students to research this in pairs on internet % roduce informati-e leaflet on positi-e and ne!ati-e effects( safe limits etc1

'esources ***"patient"co" uk, sho*doc,2>6= B @B, good we!site for info on alcohol and safe limits

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen #1%11 Students *ill &e % understand that !roups of atoms .ithin a molecule a/sor/ I7 radiation at characteristic fre3uencies; #1%1# % explain that the a/sorption of radiation arises from molecular -i/rations; #1%19 % use I7 spectroscopy to elucidate molecular structure /y identifyin! functional !roups usin! characteristic .a-e num/ers; and % identify the presence of impurities in a sample of a compound usin! I7 spectra1

2"< Spectroscopy

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Eiscuss uses of I7 spectroscopy to identify functional !roups ? may/e recap limitations of mass spec for identifyin! molecules % Co. I7 .orks ? idea that co-alent /onds can -i/rate( /end and ? idea that throu!h these -i/rations( they .ill a/sor/ characteristic fre3uencies of I7 radiation( dependin! on the functional !roup

'esources ***"chemguid e"co" uk,analysis,ir,& ack ground"htmlFt op good we!site explaining '5 and giving links to !anks of '5 spectra Candout: Intro to I7

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime #hrs


***"riod&6 "i& ase"a ist"go";p,sd&s,c gi. % Sho. example of I7 &in,direct7fram spectra and ta/le of e7to p"cgi .a-enum/ers data!ase for spectra " any % Gi-e pupils examples to analyse and find functional molecule9 !roups present Ad-anced Chemistry % Idea that /ank of spectra AClu!ston( * for pure compounds and $lemmin!( exists ? if impurities

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen #1+11 Students *ill &e % understand that chemical reactions are accompanied /y enthalpy chan!es Ausually heatB and that these may /e exothermic or endothermic;

2"@ Energetics

Suggested +eaching Strategies


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

% 7e-ise ener!etics from >S: Worksheet 1: Intro to ? .hat is meant /y Ener!etics exothermic and endothermic % Go throu!h .hat has to happen for reaction to occur ? /ond6 makin! as exothermic and /ond6 /reakin! as endothermic % 7e-ise acti-ation ener!y as min ener!y re3uired to /reak the /onds in the reactants % Eiscuss ener!y in and ener!y out in exothermic and endothermic reactions


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e #1+1# % discuss the concept of enthalpy chan!e( RC; #1+19 % explain the term enthalpy of reaction and standard enthalpy conditions .ith specific reference to com/ustion( formation and neutralisation;

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Introduce enthalpy chan!e as a measure of the chan!e in heat durin! a reaction % 'ake fuels as examples ? to /e a/le to compare( need for them to /e measured under standard conditions ? standard enthalpy chan!es % Units of kSmol61 ? definitions of enthalpy of com/ustion( reaction( neutralisation and formation ? handout ? (nthalpy 8erms


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1Hhr

#1+1: % recall experimental methods to determine enthalpy chan!es; % calculate enthalpy chan!es from experimental data includin! the use of E = mcR';


% Gook at measurin! enthalpy of com/ustion of ethanol ? pupils to desi!n expt % Introduce e3uation E = mcR' to calculate enthalpy of com/ustion % Units ha-e to /e kSmol61 ? ho. con-ertedK % Pupil expt 3easuring

Candout: Enthalpy 'erms Candout: Eeterminin! Enthalpy of Com/ustion Worksheet #: Calculatin! Enthalpy of Com/ustion ? good /omework Ethanol Spirit /urners < .atch !lass Boilin! tu/e

$lamma/le ethanol ? keep lid on /ottle to pre-ent /ottle catchin! fire( ensure small amounts

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e #1+1) % continuin! experimental methods for determinin! enthalpy chan!es and usin! E = mcR'

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Pupil expt 3easuring (nthalpy of neutralisation

'esources Expt: Enthalpy of @eutralisation

'isk,Safety Assessment


#1+1% % appreciate the principle of conser-ation of ener!y and construct simple ener!y cycles; % state Cess2s Ga. and use it to calculate enthalpy chan!es indirectly; and % 7e-ise rinciple of Conser-ation of Ener!y from >S: hysics ? !i-e definition % Gink to Cess2s Ga. ? enthalpy change for converting set of reactants into products is same no matter what route is taken % Gook at simple Cess2s cycle ? idea that more than one .ay to !et from reactants to products % Worksheet :: Calc1 RCf from RCc

Corrosi-e nature 1hr of 1* @a&C and CCl ? safety !o!!les .orn durin! expt 1Hhr and all spilla!es to /e mopped up promptly


Worksheet : L Worksheet " ? finish for Come.ork

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e #1+1, % explain the concept of the a-era!e /ond enthalpy of co-alent /onds and use -alues of /ond enthalpy to estimate the enthalpy chan!e in reactions1

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Introduce idea of /ond enthalpy ? !i-es idea of stren!th of /ond % Calculations from /ond enthalpies ? WS)L% % Go throu!h .orked examples % Eiscuss .hy enthalpies calculated from /ond

'esources Worksheet ) L % in class( Worksheet Come.ork ? extension 3u on Bond Ener!ies Ener!etics 7e-ision Muestions ? good prep for test Ad-anced

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen #1,11 Students *ill &e % appreciate that many chemical reactions are re-ersi/le; #1,1# % understand the dynamic nature of the e3uili/rium state;

2"B E%uili&rium

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise re-ersi/le reactions from >S: ? formation of @C9 from C# and @# % Introduce idea of dynamic e3uili/rium as .here rate of for.ard and /ack.ard reaction is e3ual % Eiscussion ? ho. .ill this affect amount of reactant /ein! formedK


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

#1,19 % deduce the 3ualitati-e effects of chan!es in temperature( pressure( concentration and catalysts on the position of e3uili/rium for a closed homo!eneous system;

% Idea that reaction has to /e pushed to !o in for.ard direction ? introduce Ge Chatelier2s rinciple % Gook at ho. different factors affect

Candout: $actors Effectin! E3uili/ria


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning Suggested +eaching ion )utcomes Strategies 'eferen Students *ill &e #1,1: % descri/e and explain the % 7e-ise e3uation for conditions used in industrial formation of processes such as the Ca/er @C9 in Ca/er process process for the formation of ammonia and the Contact % Exothermic reaction ? process for sulphuric acid; .hat temperature and and pressure .ould they expect to use( usin! Ge #1,1" Chatelier2s principle % discuss the importance of a compromise /et.een e3uili/rium and reaction rate in the chemical industry1 % Gook at actual reaction conditions ? discuss .hy used ? rate and e3uili/rium need to /e considered % Eo same .ith Contact process ? !et students into !roups and compare

'esources ***"patana"ac" th,p arents,curricul um, Chemistry,unit s,( ' <6 "html animated flow scheme for /a!er Process

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

***"patana"ac "th,p arents,curricul um,


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen #11011 Students *ill &e % state the factors .hich control the rate of a chemical reaction ie concentration( pressure( temperature and catalyst; #1101# % use collision theory to 3ualitati-ely explain ho. these factors affect the reaction rate;

2" 6 Ginetics

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise rates from >S: ? .hat factors affectK % 7e-ise collision theory ? idea that particles ha-e to collide .ith enou!h ener!y to cause /onds in reactants to /reak ? acti-ation ener!y % Get students into !roups to discuss( usin! collision theory( ho. one factor affects rate of reaction ? to report /ack to class and allo. colla/oration to

'esources Candout: *od # >inetics

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e #11019 % sho. a 3ualitati-e understandin! of the *ax.ell6BoltQmann distri/ution of molecular ener!ies in !ases and interpret cur-es for different temperatures; % understand the concept of acti-ation ener!y and its relationship to *ax.ell6 BoltQmann distri/ution; and % kno. the function of a catalyst1

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Sho. *ax.ell6BoltQmann cur-e ? discuss .hat area under cur-e represents % What happens .hen temp1 increasesK ? look at ener!y chan!es in particles ? sho. ho. shape chan!es ? lar!er num/er of particles ha-e acti-ation ener!y % Co. does catalyst .orkK Gook at ho. this can /e represented on *ax.ell6 BoltQmann distri/ution % Gook at .hat is meant /y hetero and homo!eneous catalysts ? examples % Catalytic con-erters( oQone layer depletion and enQymes as uses of


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1Hhr

Candout: Catalysts


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen #11111 Students *ill % state .hy these are&e re!arded as s6 /lock elements; #1111# % recall and explain trends .ithin !roup( limited to electronic confi!uration( atomic radius and first #11119 ionisation ener!y; % recall the trends in the reaction of the elements .ith oxy!en( .ater and dilute acids;

2" Group II Elements and their Compounds

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise spdf confi!uration from module 1 ? apply to elements from GpII ? idea that all outer electrons are in s su/6shell % Gook at trends ? split class into !roups and !i-e them ta/le of trends ? assi!n each !roup trend and !et them to discuss and present explanation to class % 0(3& 5eaction of calcium with cold water and magnesium with steam % upils to .rite e3uations and record o/ser-ations from a/o-e reactions ? apply to all GrII


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

Candout: 'rends of Group II *etals

Ad-anced Chemistry A*1Clu!ston L 71$lemmin!B ! #+" M1L#

% 7eactions .ith oxy!en % 7ecall reaction of metals


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen #1111: %

(earning )utcomes Students *ill &e descri/e the /asic nature of oxides and their reactions .ith .ater and dilute acids;

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ision from >S: ? metal oxides as /ases % 7e-ise reactions of oxides .ith .ater and dilute acids ? e3uations for reactions % Gook at trend for thermal sta/ilities for hydroxides and car/onates ? /oth /ecome more thermally sta/le as !roup descended % Introduce factors affectin! ? cation siQe and lattice enthalpy of oxide % Gook at solu/ility trend for sulphates ? decreases and for hydroxides ? increases


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr


% explain thermal sta/ility of car/onates and hydroxides related to char!es and siQe of cations; and

Candouts: Chemical 'rends for GpII ? 'hermal Sta/ility Chemical 'rends for GpII ? Solu/ility ***"chemguid e"co" uk,inorganic,gr oup 2menu"html good explanations of trends in +r''

#1111) % recall solu/ility trend of the sulphates and hydroxides1


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

2" 2 Hualitati-e Analysis

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen #11#11 % use Students a chemical*ill test &e for the !ases C#( &#( Cl#( C&#( S&# Ausin! acidified dichromateB( CCl( @C9 ; #11#1# % use flame colours to identify the metal ions GiI( @aI( >I Ausin! /lue !lassB( Ca#I( and Cu#I;

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise !as test from >S: ? introduce ne. tests for S&# and possi/ly Cl# % 7e-ise flame colourations from *od11 ? correct procedure etc1


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1Hhr

% use Ba

to test for S& ( *!#I to distin!uish /et.een 6CC&9 and C& #6; A!I to distin!uish /et.een Cl6 9 ( Br6 and I6 Afollo.ed /y a3ueous : ammoniaB; and



% Gook at am/i!uity of CC& 6 and #6 C&9 .ith dil CCl % 7e-ise halide ion tests from Candout: *od11 Identifyin! Inor!anic Compounds Expt: % Candout: Identifyin! Expt Sheet A( G Inor!anic L* Compounds 7e3uirements Sheets: A( G L * Safety !lasses to /e .orn throu!hout Glo-es also .hen conc1 acid /ein! handled1

% use potassium chromate solution to test for Ba#I; a3 ammonia to test for Cu#I( @a&C to test for @C I(


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Unit A2 : Periodic +rends and #urther )rganic$ Physical and Inorganic Chemistry

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen :1111 Students *ill % explain and use the&e term lattice enthalpy Are!arded as the enthalpy of lattice /reakin!B;

0" (attice Enthalpy

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise lattice enthalpy from *od1# and Cess2s la. as ener!y chan!es for any reaction is same no matter .hat route is taken % Introduce Born6Ca/er cycle ? define enthalpy of atomisation( formation( electron affinity( /ond enthalpy and ionisation ener!y

'esources Ad-anced Chemistry( A*1Clu!ston L 71$lemmin! B !1)9 M"L) Calculations for A6 Ge-el Chemistry ? E1@ 7amsden ! 1))61)% ? pro/lems to try oint: Born6 Ca/er Cycles Candout: Born6

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime #hrs



% construct Born6Ca/er cycles and carry out associated calculations e1!1 the halides of Gp I and II; and % explain the enthalpy

% Sho. example of construction for Gp I chloride % Get students to calculate RCGE


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen :1#11

0"2 Enthalpy$ Entropy and #ree Energy

(earning )utcomes

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise Cess2s cycle from *od1 # ? idea that used to determine unkno.n enthalpies for reactions % 7e-ise calculations % Explain .hat is meant /y spontaneous chan!e ? chan!e that has natural tendency to occur and that causes ener!y and<or matter to spread out % Idea that if .e look purely at enthalpy chan!e to decide .hether reaction occurs or not( that spontaneous endothermic reactions shouldn2t happen( /ut they do ? use e1!1 ammonium car/onate and ethanoic acid % Another term needed to explain ? entropy ? measure of the de!ree of disorder of a system ? sym/ol DS2 % Use tidy and untidy /edroom as example ? hi!h entropy = untidy

'esources Ad-anced Chemistry( A*1Clu!ston L 71$lemmin! B Ch1: p! #:1

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

Students *ill &e % calculate the standard enthalpy chan!e ARCTB in a chemical reaction usin! Cess2s la.; % explain that RC is not sufficient to explain spontaneous chan!e e1!1 the endothermic reactions /et.een e1!1 ammonium car/onate .ith ethanoic acid; % understand that /alance /et.een entropy and enthalpy determines feasi/ility of reaction;




% understand that entropy is measure ASB of disorder;

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e :1#1" % calculate the standard entropy chan!e ARSUB in a chemical reaction usin! standard entropy data ASUB; :1#1) % use the e3uation RGU = RCU ? 'RSU to calculate standard free ener!y chan!es; :1#1% % recall that processes are spontaneous .hen RGU is ne!ati-e;

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Introduce e3uation for calculatin! U RSU = S ? U S prod


'isk,Safety Assessment


:1#1+ % recall that .here enthalpy chan!e ne!ati-e and entropy chan!e positi-e( process is feasi/le AspontaneousB at all temp; % recall that .here enthalpy chan!e positi-e and entropy chan!e ne!ati-e( process is not feasi/le at



Calculations % Units in Smol61>61 for A6 Ge-el % Sho. .orked example Chemistry ? ? allo. students to try E1@1 7amsden % Calculations in /ook listed ? !1), M16# students can try % Introduce Gi//s free ener!y as com/ination of effect of entropy and enthalpy on system ? ***"**norton" sym/ol RGU com % Get students to pick , -alues for entropy and college,chemist enthalpy .here reaction ry, likely to occur ? students gil&ert,tutorials, to deduce that RGU for ch spontaneous reaction >"htm al.ays ne!ati-e ? fantastic reactants hi!her than interactive products tutorial explaining 1 and % If RGU is positi-e( reaction + with examples$ needs ener!y input to animations and proceed calculations for students to try % Sho. animated tutorial ? allo. students to chan!e Calculations


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen :1#110 Acont1B

(earning )utcomes
U *ill use Students e3uation for RG&e to calc1 temp in > at .hich these

Suggested +eaching Strategies


'isk,Safety Assessment



CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

0"> Ginetics
Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen :1911 *ill &e % use Students simple rate e3uations on the form rate = kVAWxVBWy ; :191# % explain and use the terms rate of reaction( order and rate constant; Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise >inetics from *od1 # ? ho. different factors affect rate % Introduce rate e3uation ? define terms % Eiscuss a/sence of pressure( surface area( temperature etc1 in e3uation ? .hat term must chan!e in e3uation if rate is to /e increasedK % Gook at rate experiment data % Introduce order of reaction % Sho. ho. rate e3uation can /e deduced from experimental data % Sho. ho. units can /e deduced from rate e3uation % Pupil (xpt 0etermining 5ate of 5eaction !etween /.&) and .a:1:&)

'esources Candout: *od : >inetics notes ? covers !asic necessary theory

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1Hhrs

:1919 % deduce simple rate e3uations from experimental data; oint: >inetics

:191: % deduce( from a concentration6time !raph( the rate of a reaction;

Worksheet 1 01"* C@&9 1* sodium thiosulphate stop6clock measurin! cylinder<pip ette


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen :191" %

(earning )utcomes Students *illa &e deduce( from rate6 concentration !raph( the order .ith respect to a reactant;

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise .ork from pre-ious lesson on order of reaction ? .hat effect does concentration of reactant ha-e if 0 < 1st < #nd orderK % Apply this to !raph ? try to !et students to predict shape ? sho. on o.erpoint Athis is in handout ? *od : >inetics @otesB % Pupil expt 0etermining &rder of 5eaction !etween iodine and propanone % 7e-ise S@1 and S@# mechanisms from *od1# ? hydrolysis of halo!enoalkanes ? .hat is meant /y S@1 and S@#K % Introduce idea of slo.est step of reaction determinin! rate ? rate% determining step % 7e-ise expt methods from >S: ? chan!e in reactants < chan!e in products etc1


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1Hhr

Chemistry in Context Ga/ *anual ? ractical 1" ? Eeterminin! &rder of a 7eaction 1hr

:191) % recall that there is a relationship /et.een the rate e3uation and mechanism Alimited to alkaline hydrolysis of primary and tertiary alkyl halidesB; % explain and use the term rate determinin! step; % su!!est experimental methods suita/le for the study of the rate of reaction; % explain( 3ualitati-ely( the



Worksheet: 7ates ast aper Muestions M:L"



Worksheet: 7ates ast

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e :19110 % recall that reactions .ith a lar!e acti-ation ener!y ha-e a small rate constant Asimple !raphical interpretation in terms of molecular kinetic ener!iesB1

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Idea that rate constant must increase .hen temp is increased % 7ecall kinetic sta/ility from *od # ? idea that hi!h kinetic sta/ility = hi!h acti-ation ener!y % Gink to rate of reaction ? if hi!h kinetic sta/ility(


'isk,Safety Assessment



CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e :1:11 % understand and use the terms: concentration( mole fraction and partial pressure; :1:1# % calculate e3m concentrations and partial pressures !i-en suita/le :1:19 data Aincludin! >c and >pB; % deduce e3m expressions for the e3m constants >c and >p from !i-en chemical e3uations and calculate the numerical -alues of these 3uantities( .ith units( !i-en suita/le data; :1:11 ? :1:19 % continue calculations on >c < >p ;

0"0 E%uili&rium

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise E3uili/rium from *od1 # ? ho. different factors affect e3uili/ria % Introduce e3m constant ? define terms ? e3m la. % Sho. calculation of units A.orksheet in handoutB % Sho. .orked example of calculatin! >c ? initial moles( moles reactin! and moles at e3m ? encoura!e students to sho. .orkin! out % Students to try calculations in handout ? M16+ % Introduce >p ? expression % Gink /et.een pressure and concentration ? introduce idea of mole fraction and partial pressure defined as pressure that each !as contri/utes to the total pressure in a mixture of

'esources Candout: E3uili/rium >c>p ? notes covers !asic necessary theory

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1Hhrs

$inish > calculations c for CW Info and calculations on handout


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen

(earning )utcomes Students *ill &e

Suggested +eaching Strategies % $urther calculation of mole fraction( partial pressure and >p % Students to .ork throu!h % Gook at -alues of >c ? link to amount of product formed ? hi!her conc1 product( hi!her >c % 7ecap Ge Chatelier2s from *od1# % Gook at effect of chan!in! pressure( concentration and pressure on >c and >p ? use fi!ures to pro-e no effect .ith pressure and concentration % Gook at temperature ? re-ise exo and endo reactions ? effect of increasin! temp1 % 'alk a/out sol-ent extraction ? solu/ility of non6polar solutes ? more solu/le in or!anic non6 polar sol-ents ? used to separate or!anic products from a3ueous reaction

'esources $inish >p calculations for CW Use handout

'isk,Safety Assessment



% relate the -alue of >c to extent of reaction; % understand the 3ualitati-e effects of chan!es in temperature and pressure on the position of e3m; and



Extra .orksheets: Extra Muestions on e3m >c and >p

:1:1) % carry out simple calculations in-ol-in! partition coefficients A>EB includin! examples in-ol-in! successi-e extractions1

1hr Candout ? Sol-ent Extraction ? calculations included >E .orksheet


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen :1"11 %

0"1 Acid.&ase E%uili&rium

(earning )utcomes

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise from >S: ? all acids contain CI ions ? rename as protons due to lack of e6 % Introduce idea of acids and proton donors( /ases as proton acceptors % Introduce con4u!ate acid6/ase pairs ? .orked example % Students to do Worksheet 1 of examples in handout % 7e-ise .hat is meant /y stron! and .eak acids and /ases in terms of extent of dissociation % 7e-ise ions makin! up .ater ? introduce ionisation of .ater ? !et students to .rite e3m expression for this % Idea that concentration of .ater as constant ? introduce >. % Gook at effect of temperature on >. ? !et students to .ork out .hether dissociation of

'esources Candout: Acid6Base E3uili/ria ? notes covers necessary theory with worksheets

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1Hhrs

Students *ill &e use the BrXnsted6Go.ry theory of acids and /ases to descri/e proton transfer in acid6/ase e3uili/ria;

:1"1# :1"19

% understand the terms Dstron!2 and D.eak2 as applied to acids and /ases; % define the terms >. and >a and recall the associated units;

:1"1: :1"1" % define the terms p>. and p>a (p;a


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e :1"1) % carry out calculations in-ol-in! pC for stron! acids( stron! /ases and .eak acids;

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Introduce pC expression ? simple calculations % 7e-erse to .ork out VCIW from pC % Introduce p&C ? calculations around % Eefine stron! acid: VacidW = VCIW % Gook at example of ho. acid conc1 chan!es .hen alkali added % Worksheet # % Gook at .eak acids ? difference /et.een .eak and stron! % Idea that VacidW not e3ual to VCIW % Introduce expression for >a % Students to try calculations % Use of p>a ? easier num/ers to .ork .ith % Idea of acid stren!th from -alues of p>a % Worksheet 9 ? .eak acid calculations % Eefine /uffer ? look at importance


'isk,Safety Assessment


Worksheet # in handout

:1"1) % continue calculations usin! >a;

Hhr Candout ? Acid6Base E3uili/ria Worksheet : as CW ? re-ision of all co-ered so far 1hr Candout ? Worksheet " calculations on /uffers

:1"1% % explain the meanin! of the term D/uffer solution2 and !i-e a 3ualitati-e explanation of ho. /uffer solutions .ork;

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students &e :1"1+ % calculate pC of*ill a /uffer solution made from a .eak mono/asic acid and sodium hydroxide;

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Sho. effect of addin! alkali to .eak acid % Students to .ork throu!h Worksheet " L ) % Gi-e examples of /uffers in /iolo!ical systems ? sho. ho. they .ork .hen small amounts of acid<alkali added % Blood /uffers ? e3uations % Pupil expt (xpt 8itration #urves % Students use datalo!!ers and pC pro/es to plot titration cur-es for SA6SB( WA6SB( SA6WB( WA6WB % Introduce term e3ui-alence point % Idea of choosin! indicators /ased on chan!es in pC durin! -ertical section of titration cur-e % 'a/le of indicators ?

'esources Come.ork: Worksheet ? Calculations for Stron! and Weak Acids

'isk,Safety Assessment


:1"1, % recall ho. titration cur-es are determined /y expt;

1hr Expt Sheet: EJ ' 'itration Cur-es

:1"110 % use titration cur-es to explain the choice of indicator; and :1"111 % predict .hether a salt



CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students &e :1)11 % reco!nise that *ill structural isomerism can exist /et.een molecules .hich /elon! to different families of compounds e1!1 aldehydes<ketones and car/oxylic acids<esters; :1)1# % recall that an asymmetric centre !i-es rise to optical isomers .hich exist as non6 superimposa/le mirror ima!es; % dra. 9E representations of optical isomers; % recall that optical isomers rotate plane polarised li!ht in opposite directions; % explain the term Doptically acti-e2; and % explain .hy mixture of

0"= Isomerism

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise structural and cis<trans isomers from *od1# % Gook at examples of structural isomers in terms of car/oxylic acids<esters ? same molecular formula /ut different arran!ement of atoms % Introduce optical isomerism ? as another example of steroisomerism


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

:1)19 :1)1:

:1)1" :1)1)

***"creati-e. chemistry"org"u k,m olecules,optical "htm good % Eefinition of optically examples of acti-e and chiral centre optical isomers " % Idea that optical isomers can !e rotated to rotate the plane of show non% polarised li!ht ? re-ise .hat is meant /y polarised superimposa!le li!ht % Get students to make Candout: models of optical isomers


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e :1%11 % .rite the !eneral formula for simple aldehydes and ketones( CnC#n&; :1%1# % recall the molecular and structural formulae of simple aldehydes and ketones Aincludin! :1%19 /ranched structuresB .ith up to six car/ons in the main chain; % use IU AC rules to name simple aldehydes and :1%1: ketones Aincludin! /ranched structuresB .ith up to ) car/on atoms in main chain; :1%1" % explain the physical properties A/oilin! points and solu/ilityB of simple aldehydes and ketones /y makin! reference to intermolecular attractions; % recall that simple aldehydes and ketones can /e made from the correspondin! primary or secondary alcohols;

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise functional !roups from *od1# % 7e-ise namin! a!ain ? !i-e examples on /oard % Students to name compounds ? slides in oint ? namin! and! structures

'esources oint : Car/onyl Compounds

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

% Gook at functional !roup ? polarity ? discuss physical properties ? solu/ility L /oilin! points ? compare to alcohols<alkanes of similar siQe % 7e-ise Alcohols from *od1# ? oxidation of 1o and #o alcohols to aldehydes and ketones



CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e :1%1) % recall the reaction of simple aldehydes and ketones .ith :1%1% hydro!en cyanide; % descri/e the mechanism for the nucleophilic addition reaction of hydro!en cyanide and :1%1+ propanone; :1%1, % recall reaction of simple aldehydes and ketones .ith #(:6E@ C; % recall la/ prep of #(:6 dinitrophenylhydraQones for IE purposes .ith reference to recrystallisation and m1pt determination; % recall the fact that oxidation can /e used to distin!uish /et.een aldehydes and ketones( usin! acid1 otassium dichromate( $ehlin!2s( 'ollen2s rea!ent; and

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Eiscuss reactions of car/onyl compounds due to polarity of C=& ? nucleophilic addition Gook at mechanism for reaction and namin! products Students to try mechanism .ith -ariety of aldehydes and ketones Eiscuss appearance of aldehydes and ketones ? colourless li3uids ? difficult to distin!uish from alcohols etc1 Introduce #(:6E@ C as method for identifyin! ? deri-ati-e of car/onyl compound ? m1pt to identify


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

% %


Worksheet: Aldehydes and >etones Worksheet

% Co. can you tell difference /et.een aldehyde and ketoneK Both colourless ? re-ise reacti-ity ? aldehydes can /e oxidised( ketones can2t % Sho. 'ollen2s and

EJ ' Sheet: EJ ' Identifyin! Car/onyl Compounds

Ethanal toxic ? small samples used in .ell6 -entilated room and keep in fume cup/oard as


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen

(earning )utcomes Students *ill &e

Suggested +eaching Strategies

'esources $ehlin!2s A and B #(:6E@ C sil-er nitrate A01"*B ammonia A1*B ethanol methanol Worksheet: AldehydesI>eto nes Summary Muestions < AldehydesL>eto

'isk,Safety Assessment Wear !oo!les and !lo-es throu!hout



CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen :1+11 Students *ill &e % .rite the !eneral formula for simple car/oxylic acids( CnC#n&#; :1+1# % recall molecular and structural formula of simple :1+19 car/oxylic acids .ith up to six car/ons in the main chain; :1+1: % use IU AC rules to name simple car/oxylic acids .ith up to six car/on atoms in the main chain; % explain physical properties :1+1" of simple car/oxylic acids /y makin! reference to intermolecular attractions; :1+1) % recall that car/oxylic acids can /e formed from primary alcohols and aldehydes; % recall the preparation of an a3ueous solution of the acid from the correspondin! alcohol;

0"@ Car&oxylic Acids

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise functional !roup from *od1# % 7e-ise namin! ? include /ranched structures % Gi-e students structures to name and selection of molecular formulae .here they ha-e to dra. structure Gook at structure ? polarity ? !et students to explain solu/ility and /oilin! points % Eimers ? effect on /oilin! points % % 7e-ise oxidation of primary alcohols and aldehydes to car/oxylic acids usin! acid potassium dichromate % Pupil (xpt reparation Car/oxylic Acid

'esources oint: Car/oxylic Acids

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr


EJ ': reparation otassium dichromate Car/oxylic Acid toxic ? use in fume otassium cup/oard dichromate Eilute C#S&: Wear !o!!les Ethanol and !lo-es Muickfit apparatus .hen handlin!




CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen :1+1% Acont1B

(earning )utcomes Students *ill &e

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Can /e made into sodium salt of acid and alcohol ? /ase hydrolysis % Cydrolysis of nitriles usin! reflux .ith dil1 acid as another method for preparin! car/oxylic acids % Gi-e students examples of nitriles and esters ? predict structure of car/1 acid formed from their hydrolysis % 7e-ise car/1 acids as .eak acids ? partial dissociation in solution % Under!o normal acid reactions ? re-ise from >S: % Pupil (xpt Car/oxylic Acids % Co-ers all reactions of car/1 acids % Students to .rite structural e3uations for reactions .ith teacher2s help


'isk,Safety Assessment


:1+1+ :1+1,

% recall that car/oxylic acids are .eak acids; % recall that car/oxylic acids form salts .ith /ases such as sodium car/onate( sodium hydroxide and ammonia; and

EJ ': Expt Car/oxylic Acids

Cl" and conc1 C#S&: hi!hly corrosi-e ? .ear !lo-es and safety !lasses .hile handlin!


:1+110 % recall the reaction of car/oxylic acids .ith alcohols( Cl"( S&Cl# and GiAlC: ? e3uations in-ol-in! VCW are accepta/le1

Ethanoic acid Cl" Cu& @a#C&9 Conc1 C#S&: Ethanol Sodium hydroxide A1*B


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e :1,11 % .rite the !eneral formula for simple monoesters CnC#n&#; :1,1# % recall simple molecular and structural :1,19 formulae of simple monoesters; % use IU AC rules to name :1,1: simple monoesters; % explain the physical properties of simple monoesters /y makin! reference to intermolecular attractions; % recall that esters can /e formed from alcohols usin! car/oxylic acids or acyl chlorides;

0"B Esters$ #ats and )ils

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise functional !roup from *od1# % Go throu!h namin! esters ? look at parent alcohol and car/oxylic acids % Get students to dra. structures from names and name esters from structures % Gook at structure of ester ? relate to /oilin! points and solu/ility ? compare to alkanes( alcohols etc1 of similar mass %

'esources oint ? esters( fatsIoils ***"&&c"co"uk, dna , h2g2,A@06> 22 good explanation for naming esters

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr



% recall the la/oratory preparation of a li3uid ester

7e-ise from *od1# ? formation of esters from alcohols and car/oxylic acids % Gook at alternati-e method from acyl chlorides ? compare methods ? acyl chlorides !o to Conc1 C#S&: completion Ethanol and ester only li3uid Ethanoic acid product

Use of corrosi-e 1hr C#S&: ? .ear !lo-es and safety !lasses throu!hout

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students &e :1,1% % recall acid and *ill /ase catalysed hydrolysis of esters; :1,1+

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Go o-er con-ersion of esters to correspondin! alcohol and either car/1 acid or sodium salt usin! acid</ase hydrolysis % Examples of reactions ? soap makin! % Pupil expt *akin! Soap % Gook at structure of !lycerol and oleic<stearic acids ? ester /ond formed to make into fat ? sho. example ? oint slide % Get students to dra. structure of ester resultin! from each of these


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1Hhr

% recall structure of fats as esters of propane61(#(96 triol A!lycerolB and fatty acids;

Corrosi-e @a&C ? .ear !lo-es and !o!!les Candout: $ats and throu!hout Ethanol ? &ils hi!hly soap method in flamma/le ? this keep a.ay *ethylated spirits from naked A1#1"mlB flames ropan6#6ol A1#1"mlB Sodium hydroxide pellets A110!B Suet A11"!B Glycerol A#mlB Sodium chloride A"!B Uni-ersal indicator A#6 9 dropsB Ceatin! mantle Condenser and tu/in! 7etort stand and clamp 100ml pear6 shaped flask # x #"0ml /eakers # x spatulas measurin!


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill fats &e can :1,1, % recall that oils and /e hardened /y catalytic hydro!enation; :1,110 %

Suggested +eaching Strategies


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

:1,111 :1,11# % % :1,119

% :1,11: :1,11" %

% 7e-ise from *od# ? catalytic hydro!enation due to C=C ? re-ise saturated and unsaturated ? discuss define the term Diodine health issues -alue2 and appreciate its % Eefinition of iodine -alue ? si!nificance in terms of relate to /romine addition structure; across dou/le /ond from *od1# % Iodine -alues !i-in! idea recall experimental of de!ree of saturation of determination of iodine fat<oil -alues; % Go throu!h experimental calculate iodine -alues method !i-en appropriate ? see handout experimental data; % Calculations in-ol-in! iodine -alues ? !i-e .orked example( then define term saponification let students .ork at -alue and appreciate its si!nificance in terms of % Introduce saponification structure; -alues as num/er of m! of >&C needed to neutralise the fatty acids formed /y calculate saponification complete hydrolysis of 1! -alues !i-en appropriate of fat or oil

Candout: $ats and &ils

Candout: $ats and &ils



CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen

0" 6 Periodic +rends

(earning )utcomes

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise trends across period from AS *od11 ? electrone!ati-ity( m1pt( electrical conducti-ity( atomic and ionic radius etc1 % Students to split into small !roups ? each to take trend and .ithin !roup( explain( then explain to class % 7e-ise reactions of eriod 9 elements .ith .ater ? students to .rite e3uations % Get students to .rite e3uations for formation of eriod 9 oxides % Pupil (xpt In-esti!atin! eriod 9 oxides % Students to carry out ran!e of tests to determine -ariety of properties ? solu/ility( pC of solution etc1 % Students to .rite

'esources Candout: hysical 'rends across eriod 9

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

Students *ill &e % 7ecall -ariation in the character of oxides and chlorides across third period( sodium to chlorine


% &xides: @a#&( *!&( Al#&9( Si&#( :&10( S&#( S&9 and Cl#&% limited to formulae( type of /ondin!( structures Aexcludin! :&10B( classification as acidic( /asic or amphoteric and the reaction of the compounds .ith .ater Aif anyB1 Write e3uations for reactions .hich occur /et.een these oxides and !i-en simple acids and /ases; and

Chemistry in Context Ga/ *anual ? ractical 1, Expt B


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen :1101# Acont1B

(earning )utcomes Students *ill &e

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Students to .rite e3uations for formation of chlorides % Pupil (xpt In-esti!atin! eriod 9 Chlorides % Students to .rite e3uations for reactions % Eiscuss structure and relate to properties ? electrical conducti-ity

'esources ***"popsci"co m,p opsci,ho*26,> aBa< 1<>>cf6e6 6-g n-cm 666660eec&ccd rcrd"h tml8 s7prop =9 I26' SS:ho*2 fantastic video of .a#l formation to

'isk,Safety Assessment



CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e 6ir pollution % recall that the :11111 DGreenhouse Effect2 of a !as Ae1!1 C&#B depends on its atmospheric concentration and a/ility to a/sor/ I7 radiation; :1111# % descri/e and explain ho. conc1 of C&# in atmosphere depends on natural processes includin! photosynthesis( respiration and sol1 of !as in surface :11119 .aters; % recall that com/ustion of non6 rene.a/le hydrocar/on

0" En-ironmental Chemistry

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise DGreenhouse Effect2 from >S: ? ho. it .orks ? sho. animation ? students to make notes /ased on animation % Gook at car/on cycle ? production of C&# and intake in natural processes should /alance le-els ? fossil fuel com/ustion leadin! to lar!e increase in C&#


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

***"earthguid e"ucs d"edu,earthgui de,d iagrams,greenh ouse , animations of how +reenhouse (ffect works ***"elmhurst" edu, 5chm,-chem&o


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e Pollution of water :1111" % recall that nitrates are source of .ater pollution; :1111) % recall that used of fertilisers in a!riculture can /e a source of .ater pollution;

Suggested +eaching Strategies


'isk,Safety Assessment


% 7e-ise .ater pollution Candout: from >S: ? fertilisers and Water deter!ents ? nitrates and ollutio phosphates content lead n to plant ! in .ater % Eiscuss .hat pro/lems this could cause ? re6introduce eutrophication definition as vigorous plant growth owing to the decay of dead matter$ leading to lower oxygen levels in the water % If time( students could look at local .ater supplies ? test nitrate and phosphate le-els usin! testin! kits

:1111% % descri/e ad-anta!es and disad-anta!es of usin! artificial and natural fertilisers; :1111+

% In-esti!ate .hat is safe le-el ? compare to findin!s % Eiscuss use of natural and mad6 made fertilisers ? tie in to N composition calculations % Gook at ad-anta!es and

***"en"*ikipe dia"o rg,*iki,Eutroph ica

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e -aste disposal % recall that solid :1111, domestic and industrial .aste contains hi!h percenta!e of :111110 polymers; % descri/e ad-anta!es and disad-anta!es of landfill and .aste incineration; and % recall strate!ies to control( reduce and mana!e the amount of polymer .aste Aincludin! recyclin!B1

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Students to research amount of household .aste dumped each year ? hi!hli!ht importance of recyclin! .here possi/le % Eiscuss pro/lems .ith polymers<plastics ? non6 /iode!rada/le % Eiscuss ho. most plastic .aste is disposed ? landfill and incineration % If time( students could research in small !roups and de/ate landfill -s incineration ? .e/sites


'isk,Safety Assessment


Candout: lastics Eisposal


***"foe"co"uk, pu& sinfo,&riefings, htm l,266 226 11 1<"ht ml simple facts of plastics disposal and environmental effects " covers


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Unit A2 2: Analytical$ +ransition 4etals$ Electrochemistry and #urther )rganic Chemistry

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen "1111 Students *ill of &eand to % recall the meanin! identify /ase peak( molecular ion peak( *I1 peak and fra!mentation ions in a mass spectrum;

1" 4ass Spectrometry

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise mass spectrometry from *od11 ? .hat used for( detection of positi-e ions % 7e-ise calculation of 7A* from spectrum % Gook at molecular spectrum e1!1 ethanol ? features( .hy peak at :% etc1 ? name /ase peak( *( *I1( ho. *61 occurs etc1 % Gook at simple mass spec ? pentane !i-en in handout ? students to deduce ions fra!ments that are responsi/le for la/elled peaks % Gook at isomers ? fra!mentation pattern can /e used to distin!uish ? examples in handout % Eiscuss chromato!raphy from >S9 ? used to separate su/stances ? GC .orks in same .ay( mass spec allo.s


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1Hhrs

Candout: *ass Spec A# Come.ork: ro/lems on *ass Spectra

"111# % su!!est formulae for the fra!ment ions in a !i-en mass spectrum; "1119 % distin!uish /et.een molecules of similar 7** usin! hi!h res mass spec and -ery accurate 7A*; and

% explain the reasons for linkin! mass spectrometer to GGC1

***"unsol-ed myste ries"oregonstat e"edu

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen "1#11 Students &e % understand the*ill difference /et.een lo. and hi!h resolution @*7; "1#1# % understand the reasons for use of '*S as a standard;

1"2 /4' Spectorscopy

Suggested +eaching Strategies


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

"1#19 % reco!nise chemically e3ui-alent hydro!en atoms AprotonsB;


% understand that chemical shifts depend on chemical en-ironment of hydro!en atoms;

% use inte!ration cur-es to

% Gook at limitations of mass spec ? difficult to tell Candout: @*7 Intro .hat2s /onded to .hat ? introduce @*7 as .ay of tellin! .hat en-ironment hydro!ens are in % Go throu!h /riefly ho. it .orks ? spin of nuclei in 1C % 7emind students of standard used in mass spec ? importance ? introduce '*S as standard here ? dra. structure ? can they see anythin! in particularK #hemically equivalent hydrogens % All others compared<measured relati-e to this % Explain .hat Dchemically e3ui-alent hydro!ens2 mean ? !i-e simple examples e1!1 propanone etc1 % Sho. @*7 spectrum lo. res1 for ethanol ? series of peaks relati-e to '*S peak ? introduce chemical shifts

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen "1#1" Acont1B "1#1"

(earning )utcomes Students *ill &e % apply the nI1 rule to analyse spin6 spin splittin!( limited to sin!lets( dou/lets( triplets( 3uartets .here n is the num/er of hydro!en atoms on an ad4acent car/on atom; and

Suggested +eaching Strategies hydro!ens<protons in each en-ironment ? sho. examples ? students to try % Gook at limitations of lo. res @*7 in determinin! structure % Sho. hi!h res spectrum % Explain spin6spin splittin! ? effect of nei!h/ourin! protons on other protons % Introduce nI1 rule ? sho. examples % Gi-e students different @*7 spectra to interpret ? in handout


'isk,Safety Assessment


"1#1) % deduce a molecular formula from an @*7 spectrum( limited to simple or!anic compounds1

***"chemistry 2"csu dh"edu,ne*stuf f,st artnmrexplorer "html god exercises allowing students to assign peaks to different proton groups " all high res ***"chem"pur due"e du,gchelp,nmr, eto ac0"html examples of .35 % easily put into word documents



CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

1"> Aolumetric Analysis

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen "1911 Students *ill &e % titrate edta .ith ma!nesium and calcium ions usin! eriochrome /lack '; Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise !ood titration techni3ue from AS *od11 % Gook at structure and use of edta:6 in shampoos etc1 to soften hard .ater % 7e-ise ions causin! hard .ater ? Ca#I<*!#I 6 complexes .ith edta to remo-e % Introduce ne. indicator ? eriochrome /lack ' ? colour chan!e from red to /lue at end point % Pupil (xpt Eetermination1 of *a!nesium ions usin! edta % Eiscuss use of /uffer % 7e-ise redox titrations usin! iodine and thiosulphate ions from AS *od11 % Go o-er choice of indicator ? point .hen added durin! titration % Pupil (xpt to determine conc1 of


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

EJ ': Eetermination1 of *!#I usin! edta edta solution A010"*B eriochrome /lack ' indicator /uffer solution ApC 10B Wear safety *!S&:solution !lasses A01"*B

"191# % titrate iodine .ith sodium thiosulphate ions usin! starch as an indicator and estimate oxidisin! a!ents such as hydro!en peroxide and iodate ions /y their reactions .ith JS potassium iodide;


Chemistry in Context Ga/ *anual

Irritant ? clean up spilla!es strai!ht a.ay and .ear safety

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning Suggested +eaching ion )utcomes Strategies 'eferen Students &e "1919 % titrate acidified*ill potassium % Gook at un!alanced ionic half e3uations for reaction man!anate AFIIB .ith iron AIIB of $e#I .ith and other reducin! a!ents; 6 "191: *n&: ? !et students to % deduce titration e3uations com/ine !i-en the half e3uations for % Eiscuss colour chan!e of the oxidant and reductant; potassium man!anate and AFIIB ? used as indicator for reaction % Pupil (xpt 'itration of $e#I .ith *n& 6 to calculate stoichiometry : of reaction % upils titrate iron AIIB "191" a!ainst potassium % e-aluate the techni3ues man!anate AFIIB ? used in experimental kno.n conc1 of /oth acti-ity and reco!nise the % 'o use titration -alues limitations of these1 o/tained to .ork out

'esources EJ ': 'itration of Iron AIIB .ith otassium *an!anate AFIIB >*n& 6 A010#moldm B : Ammonium iron AIIB sulphate solution A010"moldm69B C S& A110moldm6 9 B# : 'itration apparatus

'isk,Safety Assessment Wear safety !o!!les and clean up spilla!es strai!ht a.ay

+ime 1Hhr

1"0 Colorimetry E to &e co-ered in transition metal 1"1 Chromatography E to &e co-ered in amines"


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

1"= +ransition 4etals E General Properties

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen "1)11 Students *ill &e % recall that transition metals or their ions ha-e an incomplete d6shell( -aria/le oxidation states( catalytic acti-ity and form coloured complexes; and Suggested +eaching Strategies % Gook at transition metals on eriodic 'a/le ? !et students in !roups to discuss and list as many uses of them as they can ? should come up .ith se-eral as catalysts ? Ca/er rocess( Contact rocess( Cydro!enation of -e!1fats etc1 Come /ack and discuss as class % Eefine transition element as one .hich has partially filled d su/6 shell % Get students to !i-e electronic confi!urations from Scandium to Qinc % 7e-ise spdf from AS *od11 ? :s /efore 9d ? exceptions in Cr and Cu % Why are Sc and Pn not defined as transition metals % Gook at ion formation ? s lost first( then d electrons


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1Hhrs


% deduce the electronic confi!uration of transition metals and their ions and explain their sta/ilities /ased on the fillin! of the su/6shells1

Ad-anced Chemistry ? *1Clu!ston L 71$lemmin! ! #": ? 'a/le of -aria/le ox1states Worksheet:

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen "1%11 Students *ill &e % understand that complexes consist of a central metal atom or ion surrounded /y a num/er of li!ands( defined as anions or "1%1# molecules possessin! lone pairs of electrons; % explain that li!ands are molecules or atoms that "1%19 contain a lone pair of electrons .hich can /e donated to transition metal "1%1: atom or ion; % explain the meanin! and deduce coordination num/ers in complexes; "1%1) % deduce the oxidation num/er of transition metals in complexes and "1%1, use them to explain redox and disproportionation reactions; "1%111 % understand the distinction /et.een monodentate( e1!1 Cl6( C &( @C # 9 and /identate( e1!1 @C#CC#CC#@C# AenB and polydentate li!ands AedtaB;

1"< +ransition 4etals E Complexes

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Introduce term Ycomplex ionZ ? define as central metal ion surrounded /y anions or molecules Ali!andsB % Eefine li!and ? neutral molecule or ion that possesses lone pairs of electrons that it donates -ia dati-e /ond ? !i-e examples ? C#&( @C9( Cl6( C@6 etc1 % Gi-e examples of formulae ? coordination num/er as num/er of coordinate /onds from li!ands to central metal ion ? namin! complexes % Get students to .ork out oxidation num/ers % Eiscuss examples of li!ands ? num/ers of lone pairs of electrons mean some can form more than one coordinate /ond ? introduce terms monodentate( /identate(


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1Hhrs

Ad-anced Chemistry ? *1Clu!ston L 71$lemmin! ! #": ? 'a/le of -aria/le

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e "1%1% % explain the relati-e stren!ths of li!ands and to demonstrate them experimentally; and "1%1+ % explain li!and replacement in terms of positi-e entropy chan!es( e1!1 a /identate li!and displacin! t.o monodentate li!ands1

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Pupil (xpt Copper Complexes % upils carry out series of experiments /y addin! different li!ands to VCuAC##I &B)W % Gook at e3uations for li!and replacement ? students to .rite e3uations for -arious li!and replacement reactions % Gi-e examples of li!and replacement reactions ? recap entropy ? reaction

'esources EJ ': Copper Complex es Cu & Eil1 C#S&: @a&C A1*B @C9 A1*B Conc1CCl Iron filin!s

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

1"@ +ransition 4etals E )xidation States

Specificat (earning Suggested +eaching ion )utcomes Strategies 'eferen "1+11 Students *ill % Gi-e out ta/le of % recall the colours of&e the 9I colours of a3ueous a3ueous complexes of Cr ( complexes CrAFIB( *n#I( $e#I( $e9I( Co#I( #I #I #I 9I @i ( Cu ( F ( F ( FAIFB( % Pupil (xpt Complex FAFB; 7eactions .ith @C9 and "1+1# % use as 3ualitati-e detection @a&C tests the formation of % Students to look at precipitates of the Aa3B reactions of hydroxides of Cr9I( *n#I( a3ua complexes .ith @a&C $e#I( $e9I( Co#I( @i#I( Cu#I and @a&C and @Cof "1+19 % .ith recall the reduction F&# ( /y Qinc 9Aa3B @C9 # and( .here appropriate( % Write e3uations for their dissolution; reactions I % Gook at li!and in the presence of acid( to "1+1: displacement and form #I 9I #I colours F& ( F and F ; % Gook at colour chan!es of F& I .hen reduced % deduce( !i-en appropriate usin! Qinc in conc1CCl ? EU -alues( rea!ents for the colour chan!es from intercon-ersion of "1+1" yello. to /lue to /lue6 -anadium /et.een its !reen to -iolet oxidation states; and % 8o !e covered in electrode potentials( "111 % prepare chrome alum /y the reduction of potassium dichromate and prepare potassium dichromate


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hrs

Ad-anced Chemistry ? *1Clu!ston L 71$lemmin! ! 9)" ? reduction of -anadium usin! Qinc ***"chemguid e"co" uk,inorganic,tr ansi tion,-anadium" html Ftop good explanation of reduction of vanadium using <inc Worksheet: '*

'oxic nature of >#Cr#&% 6 carry out in fume cup/oard conc1 C#S&: -1corrosi-e ? .ear !lo-es .hen handlin!


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen "1,11 Students &e % explain the use*ill of transition metals as hetero!eneous catalysts( /ased on mechanisms in-ol-in! chemisorption; and

1"B +ransition 4etals E Catalytic !eha-iour

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7ecap homo!eneous and hetero!eneous catalysis from AS *od1# % Introduce method for ho. catalyst .orks ? chemisorption as reactants /ein! held to surface of catalyst /y chemical forces ? .eakens /onds in reactants( so Ea % Go o-er examples of transition metals as catalysts ? @i in hydro!enation of -e! oils( iron in Ca/er( F#&" in Contact process


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime Hhr


% recall use of transition metals( such as nickel in the hydro!enation of C=C( platinum6rhodium in the oxidation of ammonia( iron in the formation of ammonia and -anadium

***"chemguid e"co" uk,physical,cat alysi s,introduction"h tml how heterogeneous catalysis works " good diagrams explaining chemisorption


CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen "11011 Students *ill &e % recall the use of and outline the mode of action of cisplatin as an anti6cancer dru!;

1" 6 +ransition 4etals E Applications of +ransition 4etal Complexes

Suggested +eaching Strategies


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime Hhr


% explain role of ironAIIB in haemo!lo/in in the transportation of oxy!en in /lood and the poisonous nature of car/on monoxide; and

WS: Worksheet 9 % 7e-ise shape of cis6platin and look at ho. it .orks as anti6cancer dru! % Idea that /y /ondin! to E@A( inhi/its replication of cancerous cells % Students could research this at home ? su!!ested .e/sites % Idea that haemo!lo/in is complex ion .ith $e#I at centre % &xy!en attaches itself -ia a coordinate /ond in lun!s to form oxyhaemo!lo/in % C& and C@6 .ill /ond more stron!ly than &# ? effecti-e poisons ? &# can2t !et to cells % 7e-ise edta reaction .ith Ca#I to soften .ater from -olumetric analysis earlier in module % Get students to research ***"u%"edu"au, -du , C3UAnticoagul an ts"htm we!site

"11019 % explain role of edta in se3uesterin! calcium ions and thus pre-entin! the clottin! of /lood and the softenin! of .ater1

10 0

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e can "1:11 % explain ho. colorimetry /e used to determine the formula of a coloured cmplex such as 9I V$eASC@BAC#&B and "W #I VCuA@C9B:AC#&B W ; #

1"0 Colorimetry

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Idea that techni3ue is used( like titration( to .ork out concentrations % Specifically used for coloured solutions<reactions .here colour chan!es steadily as reaction proceeds ? link to transition metals % Gike all instruments( needs to /e cali/rated ? idea of cali/ration !raph of num/er of standard solutions( then unkno.n measured and plotted on !raph % Pupil expt Eeterminin! iron conc1 in aluminium foil % Students to complex ironAIIB to thiocyanate ? measure ran!e of solution of kno.n conc1 % *ake up aluminium foil and students use its intensity -alue to .ork out conc1 of iron in aluminium
10 1

'esources oint ? Aromatic Chemistry Aincludes amines( nitriles and amidesB

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime Hhr

1hr Colorimeters Ammonium iron AIIIB sulphate 01+)"!<l otassium thiocyanate #0N @itric acid :10* Aluminium foil sample solution AEissol-e "10! of kitchen foil in a litre /eaker .ith #"0ml of conc1CCl 6 add

% continuin! colorimetry; and

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen

(earning )utcomes Students *ill &e

Suggested +eaching Strategies

'esources C@&9( /oil for a further four minutes and cool1 'ransfer to a "l -ol1flask and dilute .ith dist1C#&B Ammonium sulphate #10* Copper sulphate 011* Ammonia

'isk,Safety Assessment


% continuin! colorimetry1

% Pupil (xpt students to use So/2s method to .ork out stoichiometry of li!and replacement of hexaa3ua copperAIIB and @C9Aa3B

10 #

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen "11111 Students *ill &et.o % appreciate that .hen dissimilar metals are connected /y a .ire are dipped into a conductin! li3uid( an electric current .ill flo. in the .ire;

1" Electrode Potentials

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise redox reaction of metals ? /ased on reacti-ity ? idea that one metal stron!er than other( so one .ill tend to lose electrons ? this can /e sho.n /y 4oinin! t.o half6 cells % If difference measured( emf -alue o/tained % 'he more positi-e the emf -alue( the more reacti-e the species % Co. these -alues can /e used to predict .hether reaction .ill occur ? if ne!ati-e( does not occur( positi-e( .ill occur % 'alk a/out set6up ? salt /rid!e used ? discussion .hy this and not electrical .ire % Pupil (xpt Electrochemical cells

'esources Candout: Electrode otentials @otes ? .orksheet attached

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1Hhrs

"1111# "1111: % use emf measurements to construct a reacti-ity series; % use ta/les of standard electrode potentials to predict feasi/ility and direction of reactions and to calculate the emf; and

Chemistry in Context Ga/ *anual ? ractical 11 Pn Cu $e electrodes Pn#I( $e#I( Cu#I

10 9

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e "11119 % define standard electrode potentials and explain the construction and si!nificance of the hydro!en electrode1

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Idea that to compare electrode potential -alues( ha-e to /e measured relati-e to standard ? hydro!en half6cell used % What are standard conditionsK 7e-ision from AS *od1# Ener!etics % Sho. hydro!en electrode ? !et students to discuss .hy platinum used as electrode


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

Worksheet ? at /ack of handout

10 :

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen "11#11 Students *ill &e % explain structure and shape of /enQene molecule .ith reference to delocalised [ electrons;

1" 2 Arenes

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Get students to find examples of aromatic compounds that they ha-e heard of /efore ? '@' etc1 % Go throu!h namin! aromatic compounds % Introduce /enQene as simplest aromatic structure ? talk a/out disputed structure % Get them to predict reactions of >ekule structure ? alkene re-ision from AS *od#1 % Gook at e-idence for delocalised structure ? x6 ray diffraction( enthalpy for hydro!enation( addition reaction .ith /enQene % Sho. tutorial from internet % Why delocalised structure resist additionK 'alk a/out sta/ility of delocalised rin!

'esources oint ? Aromatic Chemistry Aincludes amines( nitriles and amidesB Come.or k: Workshee t1

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr


% explain the reacti-ities of /enQene and alkenes related to the relati-e sta/ilities of the pi electron systems( e! resistance of /enQene to addition of /romine;


% explain the mechanism of the monohalo!enation of /enQene /y /romine and a catalyst;

***2"**norto n"co m,college,chem istr y,gil&ert,tutoria ls,c h 2"htm excellent interactive tutorial of !en<ene


10 "

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen "11#19 Acont1B

(earning )utcomes Students *ill &e

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Get students to think a/out mechanism ? if electrophilic( needs to /e a positi-e species to attack /enQene ? /romine non6 polar % Idea of $eBr9 as catalyst( /ut also polarises halo!en molecule % 'alk a/out formation of nitronium ion from conc1 C@&9 and C#S&: % Go throu!h mechanism ? .hy temp kept under )0oC ? pre-ent formation of tri6su/stituted rin!s % Pupil (xpt @itration of methyl696 nitro/enQoate


'isk,Safety Assessment




% explain the mechanism of mononitration of /enQene /y conc1C@&9 and conc1C#S&: -ie.ed as electrophilic su/stitution /y addition of nitronium ion and elimination of hydro!en ion; and % prepare methyl696 nitro/enQoate from methyl /enQoate to illustrate nitration of the /enQene rin!1

***"cem"msu"e du, 5reusch,Airtua l+ex t,&en?rx "htm good animation of mechanism

EJ ': rep of methyl696 nitro/enQoat e *ethyl /enQoate Conc1 C@&9 Conc1 C#S&: Ethanol

Corrosi-e nature of conc1 nitric and sulphuric ? .ear !lo-es and keep in fume cup/oard .here possi/le $lamma/le ethanol ? do not heat directly ?


10 )

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning Suggested +eaching 'esources ion )utcomes Strategies 'eferen "11911 oint ? Students *ill &e % .rite the !eneral formula for % 7e-ise amine functional Amines !roup from AS *od1# ? amines( CnC#nI1@C#; 7@C# % recall the molecular and "1191# % Sho. example of amines structural they formulae of amines .ith up mi!ht meet 6 to six car/ons Arefer to phenylalanine( primary( secondary and adrenaline( putrescine tertiary structureB; etc1 ? structure ? point "11919 out amine functional !roup ? .hat other % use IU AC rules to name functional !roups are amines containin! up to presentK six car/on atoms; % Go throu!h namin! amines "1191: ? idea that like alcohols and halo!enoalkanes( % refer to the effect of there are primary( hydro!en /ondin! on secondary and tertiary /oilin! point and amines ? sho. structure "1191" misci/ility .ith .ater; % Gook at amine functional !roup ? !et students to .orks out % recall formation of primary polarity aliphatic amines /y ? .hat properties .ould reduction of nitriles and the they expect amines to reaction of ammonia on ha-e( /ased on @\66 C\I "1191) alkyl halides; % 7e-ise formation of amines from AS *od1# ? halo!enoalkanes .ith
10 %

1" > Amines

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen "1191) Acont1B

(earning )utcomes Students *illsalt &e and phenylammonium li/eration of the free amine /y addition of alkali; % recall formation of salts /y reaction of amines .ith mineral acids and li/eration of amines .ith their salts usin! alkali;

Suggested +eaching Strategies that reaction .ith tin and conc1 CCl produces ammonium chloride salt( .hich has to /e reacted .ith alkali to release amine % 7elate amines to ammonia reactions ? act as /ases as they are electron donors due to lone pair of e6 on nitro!en % Gook at reactions of amines .ith dil1CCl and C#S&: ? students to .rite e3uations % 7ecap .hat is meant /y /ase accordin! to theory ? electron pair donors ? a-aila/ility of electron pair !o-erns ho. stron! /ase is ? compare ammonia( primary aliphatic amines and phenylamine ? look at e6! of aromatic rin! % Gook at amine functional !roup ? as .ell as /ase( !et students to decide else ? they act as nucleophiles
10 +


'isk,Safety Assessment





% explain relati-e /asic stren!th or ammonia( primary aliphatic amines and phenylamine usin! the a-aila/ility of the lone pair of electrons on nitro!en;

Candout: Comparin! the Stren!th of Amines

"119110 % recall reactions of amines .ith ethanoyl chloride and use this reaction to identify unkno.n amines;

Chemistry in Context Ga/ *anual ? ractical 9: ?

Corrosi-e nature of ethanoyl chloride ? .ear !lo-es .hen handlin! 'oxicity of @a@&# ? do .hole of

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen "119110 Acont1B

(earning )utcomes Students *ill &e

Suggested +eaching Strategies identifyin! amines % Gook at nitrous acid reaction % Co. nitrous acid is formed ? reaction .ith C@&# ? fiQQin! etc1

'esources Butylamine Uni-ersal indicator Eil1 CCl CuS&: solution @C9 A1*B @a@&# Eil CCl A1*B

'isk,Safety Assessment



explain the reaction of ethylamine and phenylamine .ith nitrous acid and to compare the sta/ility of the diaQonium ions formed;


% explain the formation of /enQene diaQonium chloride from phenylamine and its con-ersion to phenol and to iodo/enQene; % recall the couplin! of diaQonium ions .ith phenol;

% Gook at reaction from pre-ious lesson of /utylamine .ith nitrous acid ? compare .ith aromatic amine ? added sta/ility of /enQene rin! means /enQene diaQonium ion sta/le at ]"oc % Gook at reactions of /enQene diaQonium ion ? reaction to form iodi/enQene and phenol ? see po.erpoint % Gook at couplin! reactions as 4oinin! of rin!s /y aQo !roup ? sho. phenol and phenylamine as example % Pupil (xpt makin! aQo dyes % Eue to toxicity of phenol and ohenylamine(
10 ,

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e "119111 % recall use of aQo compounds Acont1B such as dyestuffs and indicators; and % explain colour of compounds such as dyestuffs and indicators /ased on extent of delocalisation of electrons

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Where used ? indicators ? !i-e structure of methyl oran!e as example % Why so colouredK 'ransitions due to delocalisation of electrons across aQo n=n to /oth rin!s

'esources Worksheet: Amines 7e-ision Muestions Worksheet: Amines Muick 'est

'isk,Safety Assessment


11 0

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning Suggested +eaching ion )utcomes Strategies 'eferen "11:11 Students *ill &e % .rite the !eneral formula for % Introduce amide functional amides( 7C&@C#( .here 7 is !roup ? link /ack to amine an alkyl !roup; deri-ati-es .ith % recall molecular and ethanoyl chloride structural formulae of amides .ith the % Uses of amides ? polymers ? >e-lar and @ylon( 7 !roup containin! up to lidocaine dental fi-e car/on atoms; anaesthetic % Gook at functional !roup ? students to predict solu/ility etc1 ? .hy hi!h compared to other % use IU AC rules to name molecules of similar 7**K amides .ith up to six % Eemonstrate namin! car/on atoms per 7 !roup from structure etc1 ? present; students to try % recall the preparation of examples amides -ia the reaction of % Gook at preparation of car/oxylic acids .ith amides from car/oxylic ammonia and the reaction acids ? makin! of amines .ith acyl ammonium salt( then chlorides; heatin! to make amide % Get students to .rite e3uation for ethanamide ? "11:1) .hat acid usedK % Addition of conc1@C9 to acyl chloride to make amide and CCl
11 1

1" 0 Amides

'esources oint ? Amides

'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e "11:1% % explain /asicity of amides relati-e to amines /y referrin! to delocalisation of the lone pair on the nitro!en atom1

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Amides as neutral molecules ? -ery lo. tendency to attract electrons % Why so different from amines in /asic characterK C=& pi /ond o-erlaps .ith lone pair of

'esources ***"chemguid e"co" uk,organicprop s,a mides,other"ht mlFt op good explanation

'isk,Safety Assessment


11 #

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen "11"11 Students *ill &e % recall the formula of !lycine and alanine;

1" 1 Amino Acids

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Gook at structure ? com/ination of car/oxylic acid and amine !roups % Gi-e students structure of !lycine and amino acids % 7e-ise optical acti-ity ? four different !roups around car/on % Idea that all amino acids( except !lycine( are optically acti-e % Get students to talk a/out prop of ?@C# and ?C&&C ? attracted to each other ? form dipolar ions ? <witterions ? leads to electrostatic attraction /et.een amino acid molecules ? also explains .hy solid at room temperatures % Pupil (xpt Amino acids % Students test !lycine2s solu/ility in .ater and reaction .ith CuS&: solution and sodium car/onate % Eiscuss results and .rite e3uations for reactions
11 9


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1hr

Candout: Amino Acids


% explain the optical acti-ity of amino acids; % explain the solu/ility of amino acids in .ater and their relati-ely hi!h meltin! points; % explain the formation of dipolar ions AQ.itterionsB from amino acid molecules; % recall the reactions of amino acids .ith sodium car/onate( copperAiiB sulphate and nitrous acid;

"11"19 "11"1:


"11"1) % recall the primary structure of a protein as a se3uence of amino acids 4oined /y peptide links;

EJ ': Amino Acids Expt Glycine CuS&: A1*B @a#C&9 @a@&# CCl A1*B Amino acids /ooklet

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat ion 'eferen "11"1) Acont1B

(earning )utcomes Students *ill &e

Suggested +eaching Strategies .hat molecule is eliminatedK Idea of condensation polymerisation ? re-ersal /y hydrolysis .ith dil1 acid % Eescri/e .hat is meant /y secondary structure AC6/ondin!B and tertiary structure Afoldin! of protein ? creation of acti-e sitesB % 7ecap catalyst definition from AS *od1# ? lo.ers acti-ation ener!y /y pro-idin! alternati-e path.ay for reaction % EnQymes as natural catalysts ? acti-e sites on enQymes specific to su/strate molecules e1!1


'isk,Safety Assessment



% explain the secondary and tertiary structure of proteins; % define enQymes as /iolo!ical catalysts and use a lock and key theory to explain enQyme action; % explain that enQyme is a protein .ith an acti-e site and pro-ides a path.ay of acti-ation ener!y1 *echanisms of

***"chemguid e"co" uk,organicprop s,a minoacids,prot einst ruct"htmlFtop good explanation of primary$ secondary and tertiary structure of proteins

11 :

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students &e "1"11 % descri/e and*ill explain ho. paper Aone6.ay and t.o6.ayB( thin6 layer and !as6li3uid chromato!raphy is carries out "1"1# 3ualitati-ely; % explain the terms 7f -alues( retention "1"1: time( partition and adsorption as related to chromato!raphy; % interpret one6.ay and t.o6.ay paper and 'GC chromato!rams; and

1"1 Chromatograph

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise chromato!raphy from >S9 ? use to separate mixtures % Idea of mo/ile and stationary phase ? look at paper chromato!raphy from >S9 ? mo/ile phase as sol-ent % Adsorption defined as one su/stance formin! some sort of /ond to the surface of another % Eefine 7f -alues ? sho. calculation % Use of t.o6.ay chromato!raphy to !i-e /etter separation ? allo.s su/stances .ith similar 7f -alues to /e distin!uished /et.een % Pupil (xpt Separation of amino Acids % upils !i-en mixture of amino acids ? to run chromato!ram and compare 7f -alues to data ta/les to identify % Use of ninhydrin to de-elop % *o/ile phase as !as ? usually


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1Hhrs

"1"19 % interpret GGC data in terms of percenta!e composition of a mixture1

***"chemguid e"co" uk,analysis,chr oma tography,paper "htm l explains how chromatogr ams are interpreted EJ ': Chromato!raphic Separation of Amino Acids in a *ixture ***"chemguid e"co"

11 "

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen "11)11 Students *ill &e % understand that addition polymers are formed from molecules containin! C=C /onds and a/le to dra. polymer structures from monomers and -ice -ersa; % recall the rea!ents and conditions for production of GE and CE polythene; % relate the flexi/ility and softenin! temp of GE and CE polythene to /ranchin! and crystallinity; % recall that polythene is chemically inert( its non6 /iode!rada/ility leadin! to need to de-elop .aste mana!ement strate!ies includin! landfill and incineration; % understand that condensation polymers are formed from molecules containin! C&&C( &C and @C# !roups and /e a/le to dra. polymer structures

1" = Polymer Chemistry

Suggested +eaching Strategies % 7e-ise polymer formation from AS *od11 6 alkenes % Sho. examples of addition polymerisation ? students to dra. polymer e1!1 polythene( polypropene( FC( polystyrene % Gook at differences in used of GE and CE polythene ? !et students to propose properties and structure /ased on uses % Go throu!h rea!ents and conditions re3uired ? handout % Gook at structure ? explanation of properties related to structure % 'alk a/out pro/lems .ith plastics ? disposal ? re-ise from A# *od1# ? landfill and incineration ? ad-anta!es and disad-anta!es % Gook at other polymers formed /y condensation ?
11 )


'isk,Safety Assessment

+ime 1Hhrs

Candout: olythene Chemistry in Context Ga/ *anual ? ractical 9" ? prep of condensation polymer Eecanedioyl chloride 1()6 diaminohexan e cyclohexane ***"chemguid

Corrosi-e acyl chloride ? .ear !lo-es( keep in fume cup/oard initially

CCEA Exemplar Scheme of Work: GCE Chemistry

Specificat (earning ion )utcomes 'eferen Students *ill &e "11)11 % recall that polyesters and Acont1B polyamides can /e hydrolysed and thus are /iode!rada/le1

Suggested +eaching Strategies % Get students to dra. structure % 7elate holes in nylon<polyester .hen acid is spilled ? hydrolysis of polymer ? easily /roken do.n


'isk,Safety Assessment


11 %

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