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The New Dark Ages Conspiracy: Britain's Plot to Destroy Civilization

by Carol White

The New Benjamin Franklin House Publishing Company, New York Copyright 1 !" by Carol #hite, First e$ition %esigne$ by Pamela &ol$man' Co(er by Christopher )loan Front *o(er photo+ Philip ,lanowsky- Ba*k *o(er photo, Bertran$ .ussell+ &lobe Photos

Acknowledg ents
This book was /irst *ommissione$ by 0yn$on H, 0a.ou*he, 1r- in the winter o/ 1 2!31 2 , when it *ame to his attention that the 4l$ermaston nu*lear weapons laboratory in Britain ha$ a team o/ e5perts assigne$ to sear*hing out appli*ations o/ the work o/ the great nineteenth3*entury mathemati*al physi*ist Bernhar$ .iemann to the problems pose$ by plasma physi*s0a.ou*he6s own major breakthroughs, in the /iel$ o/ e*onomi* s*ien*e, ha$ been base$ upon his appli*ation o/ the method o/ .iemann to that /iel$The parti*ular irony in(ol(e$ is that the British ha(e been /oremost in bla*k3 ening the reputation o/ the .iemannian ten$en*y in s*ien*e, whi*h *an be sai$ to start with &ott/rie$ #ilhelm 0eibni7, in /a(or o/ a man who $are$ to boast that he $i$ not make hypotheses, 8saa* Newton- For years, 0a.ou*he an$ his asso*iates ha$ *laime$ that British empiri*ism was a /orm o/ brain3 washing that $estroye$ the *apa*ity /or s*ienti/i* thought- Now we were to learn that the British themsel(es re*ogni7e$ this an$ were se*retly poring o(er the works o/ .iemann to learn, not his metho$, but any use/ul lea$s that they *oul$ apply to *o(er the po(erty o/ their own la*k o/ in(enti(eness8n$ee$ the 9mpire was without its *lothes0yn$on 0a.ou*he not only *ontribute$ the inspiration /or this book, but pro(i$e$ a $etaile$ outline whi*h has pro(e$ an in(aluable gui$e- :u*h o/ the $o*umentation use$ in the book was pro(i$e$ by a sta// o/ resear*hers /rom the Fusion 9nergy Foun$ation, the Executive Intelligence Review, an$ the 8nternational Cau*us o/ 0abor Committees- But the book woul$ not ha(e been written without the assistan*e o/ Carol Cleary, who *ollaborate$ on e(ery le(el to ensure that the story be tol$- 0astly, 8 wish to thank 0in$a $e Hoyos, who was more a *ollaborator than an e$itor o/ this book-

Preface------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; 1- Bertran$ .ussell #alks <ut---------------------------------------------------1= =- The <pen Conspira*y------------------------------------------------------------->! >- ?#e Can6t :ake the )ame :istake?--------------------------------------2= ;- The Truth 4bout Hitler---------------------------------------------------------1=> @- %ropshot+ #orl$ #ar 888 Has Begun-----------------------------------1@A A- The British Cult o/ )*ien*e--------------------------------------------------1 > 2- The British %on6t 8n(ent, They Copy-----------------------------------==2 !- The .oots o/ British .a$i*alism------------------------------------------=@! - )*ien*e, Philosophy an$ .epubli*anism-----------------------------= A Notes----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->1!

"It is just that unwillingness to think evil - - - that may presently erase the British from the scroll of living significant peoples !lowness to think evil, do I say" #here is worse to it than that #here is a slowness to think hard #here is a slowness to think at all ? $% & 'ells 8n 1 2 Benjamin Franklin House publishe$ (ope, Inc , whi*h be*ame an o(ernight bestseller- Parents, e$u*ators, an$ *lergymen who ha$ been tormente$ by the sprea$ o/ $rug abuse among s*hool3age *hil$ren Bwith sometimes as many as hal/ o/ an eighth gra$e regularly taking $rugsC, were /inally able to rise abo(e the misery o/ the problem as it appeare$ lo*ally an$ reali7e that the $rug tra$e is an international *riminal *onspira*y that *an be $ealt with e//e*ti(ely by e5isting poli*e metho$s- %rug use is no more a ?so*iologi*al phenomenon? or *hoi*e o/ li/estyle than (i*timi7ation by the/t an$ mur$er, only in this *ase its young (i*tims are /irst robbe$ o/ the use o/ their min$s an$ then $ri(en to premature $eath%rug tra//i* is not stoppe$ /or one reason only+ be*ause in/luential /or*es $o not wish to stop it- 8t is a /a*t that the last ,-)- Presi$ent who mo(e$ e//e*ti(ely against %ope, 8n*- was .i*har$ Ni5on- )in*e then, the liberal 9astern 9stablishment, most popularly represente$ by the Denne$y ma*hine, has sprea$ the lie that *hanging the law to $e*riminali7e marijuana, heroin, an$ *o*aine is the only way to en/or*e $rug laws4s (ope, Inc $o*umente$, the lu*rati(e E="" billion a year international $rug tra$e is run *entrally+ through the City o/ 0on$on- 8t is more than a prop to the otherwise ailing British e*onomy- 8t is a tool o/ so*ial *ontrol wiel$e$ by the British aristo*ra*y sin*e at least as early as 1!>! when the British lan$e$ troops in China on the e(e o/ their /irst <pium #ar to open the $oors o/ that *ountry to the $ebilitating $rug- 4 $rug3using population is a subje*te$ populationThe *ase against the British is so thoroughly $o*umente$ in (ope, Inc that no rea$ers o/ whom 8 ha(e hear$ ha(e Fuestione$ British responsibility /or this hi$eous sla(e3making tra$e- The Fuestion people $o raise again an$ again is #hyG 4s (ope, Inc re(eals, the tra$e is not run by an isolate$ /ew rotten apples /rom among the British elite- From the top to the bottom, the British tra$e

an$ banking *ir*les ha(e been inter*onne*te$ with $rug3running- The Fuestion au$ien*es raise again an$ again, when the book is $is*usse$, is ?How *an people be that e(ilG? 8n the sense that 8 ha(e trie$ to answer that Fuestion, this book *an be *onsi$ere$ a seFuel to (ope, Inc But the real Fuestion goes $eeper- For the 4meri*an who is o(er /orty years ol$, there has been a *omplete break /rom the gut assuran*e he or she grew up with that progress, patriotism, an$ morality are ine5tri*ably asso*iate$ with something (aguely *hara*teri7e$ as the 4meri*an #ay o/ 0i/e- No Presi$ent has e(er been su*h a /igure o/ national an$ international *ontempt as the $e*eit/ul, (a*illating 1immy Carter- 8n the 1 >"s the *ountry was staggere$ to /in$ itsel/ in the &reat %epression' to$ay Carter is $eliberately $ri(ing the *ountry into an e(en worse $epression in or$er to shut $own in$ustry an$ tea*h 4meri*ans the lesson that they *an no longer e5pe*t progress as their birthright- The nation is to be plunge$ into the he$onism o/ the $rug *ounter*ultureThis is the British %ark 4ge /or the ,nite$ )tates- 8t is perhaps best typi/ie$ /or the 4meri*an rea$er by the a*ti(ities o/ the Denne$y ma*hine, in*lu$ing its support /or the presi$ential aspirations o/ Denne$y an$ o/ Barry Com3 moner, an$ o/ the terrorist en(ironmentalist mo(ement whi*h has alrea$y su**ee$e$ in aborting more than hal/ o/ the ,nite$ )tates6 nu*lear *apability /or the ne5t $e*a$es- The *laim o/ these anar*hists is that they are ?*on3 *erne$? /or the ?Fuality o/ li/e?Ha slogan that barely $isguises its intention o/ geno*i$eH/rom la*k o/ the material basis to sustain li/eHto e(en the most *re$ulous:orality itsel/ is un$er atta*k- The Denne$y Center /or Bioethi*s is busy selling 4meri*ans staggering un$er a rapi$ly $iminishing stan$ar$ o/ li(ing the hi$eous $o*trine o/ the ?right to $ie-? Ieterans, the el$erly, an$ the poor are to be kille$ o// as (ital me$i*al ser(i*es are *ut ba*k- But these are only the /irst to be jettisone$ in the Na7i s*ramble to get ri$ o/ the ?useless eaters-? To *on(in*e the 4meri*an people to a**ept this monstrousness the sa*re$ ties between parent an$ *hil$ must /irst be ero$e$- )o we /in$ that at a re*ent *on/eren*e on the /amily, Presi$ent Carter is sponsoring nationwi$e *on/eren*es to pro$u*e a ?new $e/inition o/ the /amily? as any *ombination o/ two people who *hoose to li(e together- Presi$ent Carter thus joins the ranks o/ ?*onser(ati(e? libertarian #illiam F- Bu*kley, who a$(o*ates that

pe$erasts be permitte$ to tea*h in New York City publi* s*hools pro(i$e$ only that they $o not *onsummate their se$u*tions on s*hool propertyThe morality o/ the ,nite$ )tates has *ollapse$ eFually $rasti*ally on the /oreign poli*y area- This *ountry has always been the inspiration an$ mo$el /or e(ery *ountry seeking to break the yoke o/ *olonial oppression, just as it was the wel*oming homelan$ /or all who *hose to emigrate to this lan$ to hit*h themsel(es to the ?train o/ the 4meri*an $ream,? as 0yn$on 0a.ou*he has put it in his presi$ential *ampaign spee*hesNow the likes o/ Denne$y an$ .amsey Clark ha(e *oine$ a new wor$+ ethno*i$e- )u$$enly 4meri*a6s pri$e in *i(ili7ing ba*kwar$ nations has be*ome a *rime- 8t has be*ome a *rime to e5port 4meri*an know3how an$ te*hnology to $e(eloping nations, e(en at the reFuest o/ their go(ernments, be*ause the intro$u*tion o/ te*hnology will *hange the ?li/estyle? o/ their immiserate$, illiterate populations- )o we are tol$- 8t is inappropriate /or ?in/erior ra*es? to aspire to the 4meri*an way o/ li/e- 4n$ ra*ism has re3 emerge$ at homeHwith #illiam )ho*kley6s announ*ement that he is *reating a master ra*e through his parti*ipation in a /ro7en sperm bank an$ his assertion o/ the geneti* in/eriority o/ the negro population to the ?4ryan? ra*eBut the most heinous e5ample o/ the immorality an$ $egra$ation the Carter a$ministration has impose$ on the ,nite$ )tates is the *ase o/ 8ran- 8t was the Carter a$ministration that took the key role in toppling the go(ernment o/ the )hah o/ 8ran, at the point where that otherwise ina$eFuate ruler was mo(ing to implement an ambitious program to in$ustriali7e his *ountry in *ooperation with Fran*e an$ #est &ermany, an$ then in toppling the mo$erate go(ernment o/ )hahpur Bakhtiar whi*h su**ee$e$ him- )tep by step, the Carter a$ministration mo(e$ to bring about the *ut3o// o/ 8ranian oil, the $ismantling o/ in$ustry by /anati* hor$es, an$ /inally the *apturing o/ 4meri*a6s own *iti7ens as hostages o/ the monster Dhomeini go(ernmentCarter6s blatant sabotage o/ :i$$le 9ast stability an$ o/ his own *ountry has *on(in*e$ the majority o/ the major nations in the worl$ that Carter is insane- But the patheti* psy*hopath 1immy Carter is no e(il genius- He is a puppet put in pla*e by the Trilateral Commission8t was the 0a.ou*he *ampaign that /irst i$enti/ie$ the Trilateral Commission to the 4meri*an people as early as 1 2A- )in*e then, between thirty3/i(e an$ /orty books ha(e been *ir*ulate$ by a (ariety o/ organi7ations an$ institu3

tions taking up the atta*k on the Commission- The re*ent upset (i*tories o/ .onal$ .eagan are *orre*tly a*knowle$ge$ as stemming /rom popular outrage at this e(il *onspira*y with whi*h .eagan6s opponents Bush an$ 4n$erson were wi$ely asso*iate$But the Trilateral Commission is only one o/ the more open operations /or the real *onspira*y- The Commission was /orme$ in 1 2> with %a(i$ .o*ke/eller an$ Henry Dissinger as its out3/ront spokesmen to bring together in/luential in$i(i$uals /rom North 4meri*a, 9urope, an$ 1apan who hel$ a share$ allegian*e to Britain- 8ts purpose was to *arry out the $estabil3 i7ation o/ the ,nite$ )tates, Fran*e, #est &ermany, an$ 1apanHthe poli*ies that ha(e gui$e$ the Carter a$ministration- Behin$3the3s*enes, this poli*y was $etermine$ by the Coun*il on Foreign .elations8n the same year as the Commission was /oun$e$, the Coun*il on Foreign .elations began its )*+,s Project, whi*h pro$u*e$ a series o/ thirty books publishe$ by :*&raw3Hill in 1 2 - The )*+,s Project, sai$ the Coun*il, ?is the largest single e//ort in our @@3year history- - - - 8t is aime$ at $es*ribing how worl$ tren$s might be steere$ towar$ a parti*ular $esirable /uture out*ome-? )e*retary o/ )tate Cyrus Ian*e, National )e*urity Coun*il a$(iser Jbigniew Br7e7inski, %e/ense )e*retary Harol$ Brown, ,n$erse*re3 tary o/ the Treasury 4nthony )olomon all *ollaborate$ in this stu$y as mem3 bers o/ the Trilateral Commission an$ the Coun*il on Foreign .elations- 8/ the Trilateral Commission $e*i$e$ that 1immy Carter woul$ be the Presi$ent o/ the ,nite$ )tates, it is the )*+,s Project that $etermine$ what he woul$ $oThe obje*ti(es lai$ out in the thirty3(olume Proje*t *an be summari7e$ thus+ impose a worl$wi$e regime o/ e*onomi* ?*ontrolle$ $isintegration?' im3 pose throughout the un$er$e(elope$ se*tor the Cambo$ia mo$el an$ now the 8ran mo$el o/ $estru*tion o/ the *ities an$ rurali7ation' restore an ol$3 style *olonial worl$ through the $o*trine o/ limite$ so(ereignty' /orm an allian*e with *ommunist China an$ the ?#est? in or$er to implement this perspe*ti(e in the un$er$e(elope$ worl$' /or*e the )o(iet ,nion to *hoose between a treaty agreement to limit the growth o/ s*ien*e an$ te*hnology, or general thermonu*lear war' $e(elop a series o/ alternate paths /or arri(ing at these spe*i/ie$ obje*ti(es' *on$u*t ,-)- /oreign poli*y /or the purpose o/ *ompelling all other nations to *hoose among these ?alternate paths-? 4gain, we are le$ to ask, #hyG

The Coun*il on Foreign .elations was /oun$e$ in 1 =1, as the 4meri*an bran*h o/ the .oyal 8nstitute o/ 8nternational 4//airs, with its name *hange$ only as a *on*ession to 4meri*an sensibilities- The late Fre$ Hirs*h, e$itor o/ the 0on$on Economist, authore$ one o/ the Proje*t (olumes, -lternatives to .onetary (isorder, in whi*h he makes *lear that the *entral target o/ the Coun*il on Foreign .elations is not Communism or any other popular *on*eption o/ the ?enemy? but the 4meri*an )ystem o/ e*onomi*sHthat system $e(ise$ by 4le5an$er Hamilton an$ Henry C- Carey o/ go(ernment3 sponsore$ *re$it to in$ustry, resear*h an$ $e(elopment, an$ internal im3 pro(ements that ma$e the ,nite$ )tates the greatest in$ustrial power on earth- #hat Hirs*h /ears is that the 4meri*an )ystem ten$en*y in the )o(iet ,nion an$ #estern 9urope, as well as in the ,nite$ )tates, will gain hege3 mony- ,n$er the label ?neo3mer*antilism,? he i$enti/ies the poli*ies o/ Hamilton as the greatest $anger /or the oligar*hy /or whi*h he speaksHirs*h says+ ?4 *ommon threa$ that runs through $iagnosis o/ *urrent tren$s in the international e*onomy is the theme o/ in*reasing politi*i7ation- - - :ainstream li/eral thoughtHpre(alent in the ,nite$ )tates an$ most o/ the #estern worl$H tra$itionally regar$s the politi*i7ation o/ e*onomi* issues as both an ine//i*ient way to *reate an$ allo*ate wealth an$ a potentially $estru*ti(e in/luen*e on harmonious relationships, both in $omesti* a//airs an$ among nations- 8t there/ore ought to be minimi7e$- - - ?4nother normati(e approa*h that now has strong appeal in the $e(eloping worl$ has its intelle*tual roots in .arxist an$ in neo0mercantilist thought- - - - The per(asi(eness o/ these per*eptions helps to e5plain the remarkable unity o/ the less $e(elope$ worl$ an$ also in some $e(elope$ states whose perspe*ti(es are :ar5ist or mer*antilist- Politi*i7ation to them means an open *hallenging o/ politi*al relationships pre(iously only impli*it in e*onomi* a*ti(ities- The analyti*al basis o/ this *hallenge lies in the politi*al roles embo$ie$ in e*onomi* relations, whi*h are in prin*iple two/ol$- First, e*onomi* e5*hange *an always be use$ as a tool o/ politi*al power through boy*otts, bribery, an$ manipulation o/ tra$e in*enti(es)e*on$, e*onomi* relationships *an operate on a more /un$amental le(el, shaping the politi*al e*onomi* /oun$ations o/ a weaker, less $e(elope$ e*onomy through the opportunity o//ere$ to it in the /orm o/ tra$e an$ /inan*e- The weaker *ountry in an e*onomi* relationship, like a weaker *lass, then be*omes not just a group o/ assorte$ in$i(i$uals but a parti*u3 lari7e$, isolate$, an$ $epen$ent parti*ipant in the worl$ e*onomyHe-g-, a

single *rop pro$u*er3e5porter, an e*onomy split into largely sel/3*ontaine$ e5port an$ $omesti* se*tors, or a 6hewer o/ woo$-6 :er*antilists see nations, as :ar5ists see *lasses, be*oming alienate$ in the pro*ess o/ pro$u*tion an$ e5*hange?These normati(e nationalist *on*erns are /ar /rom new' they were elo3 Fuently a$$resse$ by Hamilton in his Report on .anufactures o/ 12 ", in whi*h he e5presse$ the opposition o/ 4meri*an nationalists to their *ountry6s assuming the role o/ a raw materials e5porter to Britain- Nationalists /eare$ an$ oppose$ two aspe*ts o/ this role+ the tying o/ 4meri*an e*onomi* $e(elopment to the British e*onomy an$ the growing $epen$en*e on Britain /or goo$s (ital to national $e/ense- Frie$ri*h 0ist, inspire$ by Hamilton6s obser(ation o/ 4meri*an tra$e poli*y, outline$ in -merican Political Economy what he saw as the proper obje*t /or a $e(eloping nation6s *ommer*ial poli*y+ ? 6This obje*t is not to gain matter, in e5*hanging matter /or matter, as it is in in$i(i$ual an$ liberal e*onomy, an$ parti*ularly in the tra$e o/ the mer*hantBut it is to gain productive and political power by means o/ e5*hange with other nations' or to pre(ent the $epression o/ pro$u*ti(e an$ politi*al power, by restri*ting that e5*hange-6 ?These :ar5ian $o*trines are plainly e(i$ent in the $e(elopment strategies o/ the )e*on$ #orl$ o/ .ussia, 9astern 9urope, an$ China- 4n$ in the First #orl$, mer*antilism inspire$ $e &aulle6s *hallenge to the $ominan*e o/ the $ollar- Both these stran$s o/ thought /in$ pla*e in the $e(elopment programs an$ *ampaigns o/ Thir$ #orl$ lea$ers in the postwar worl$-? Hirs*h6s theme is *lear+ the pro3in$ustrial republi*an ten$en*yHwhether represente$ by #est &erman Chan*ellor Helmut )*hmi$t, Fren*h Presi$ent &is*ar$ $69staing, the 2" per*ent o/ the 4meri*an population that /orme$ the base o/ the Ni5on a$ministration, or )o(iet hea$ o/ state 0eoni$ Bre7hne(H must be $estroye$, i/ the hegemony o/ the British oligar*hy an$ the ,-)liberal 9astern 9stablishment is to be maintaine$This book has been written to e5pose the men behin$ this *onspira*y- To show how they operate, an$ also how they think- The story takes pla*e mainly in 9nglan$, be*ause in the /inal analysis the treasonous liberal 9astern 9stablishment is only the /lunky o/ the British oligar*hyThe British poli*y o/ *lassi/ying all s*ien*e un$er the *o(er o/ its 4l$er3 maston #eapons 8nstitute is but one e5ample o/ this group o/ e(il men at the

hea$ o/ the British oligar*hy to keep s*ien*e as the pri(ate property o/ the ruling elite, while submerging the broa$er population in a new wa(e o/ me$ie(al superstition through the sprea$ o/ $rug use an$ the proli/eration o/ $ionysian pagan *ultsYet, law/ully $i//eren*es emerge among the top le(els o/ the *onspira*y, as they work out their plots an$ *ounterplots- This is to be e5pe*te$- These men are parasites whose sur(i(al $epen$s, in the /inal analysis, upon their skewe$ relationship to a reality prin*iple- They *annot *ompletely $estroy the host whi*h /ee$s them, parti*ularly while they are using that host to atta*k healthier organismsPre*isely that problem is *reating the most bitter /a*tional $i//eren*es in Britain to$ay- Controlle$ $isintegration, yes, but not at the *ost o/ gi(ing hegemony to the pro3in$ustrial blo* being wel$e$ together by )*hmi$t an$ &is*ar$' not at the *ost o/ sure $e/eat in an a**i$entally triggere$ #orl$ #ar 888Yet, these $i//eren*es are themsel(es put to use by the *onspira*y- Thus Bertran$ .ussell an$ H-&- #ells were publi* spokesmen /or ?le/t so*ial /as*ism? while their asso*iates in the Cli(e$en )et Bin*lu$ing 1oseph Denne$yC were open ba*kers o/ 4$ol/ Hitler- .ussell6s $i//eren*es o(er war poli*y were put to use to gi(e him *re$ibility as a pa*i/ist' #ells6s *on*ern /or British military prepare$ness allowe$ him to appear as an anti/as*ist, $espite his relationship to the /as*ist Pan39uropean ,nion- To the rea$er o/ this book, the libertarian *on(ergen*e in (iew between ?right3wing? #illiam F- Bu*kley an$ ?le/ty? 9$war$ Denne$y will then *ome as no surprise)u*h $i//eren*es are, a/ter all, all in the /amily.ussell an$ #ells were two o/ the most e(il men ali(e in this *enturyThrough their own writings, they re(eal how they were instrumental in shaping a /as*ist sub*ulture an$ *arrying out the most e(il a*ts o/ menti*i$e an$ geno*i$e in human history- Thus, it has been appropriate to pla*e them at the *enter o/ this storyBut their e(il is only a part o/ the greater e(il o/ a /eu$al $espotism, *ompose$ o/ men an$ women born to a position in aristo*rati* /amilies rather than the human ra*e- These are in$i(i$uals whose sel/3i$entity is lo*ate$ not in their human soul, but in their pla*e as members o/ a group o/ sel/3perpetuating /eu$al $ynasties- The human spirit is *rushe$ early in

these people- Barely *an they *omprehen$ that the $ark ages they are plotting will $estroy them as well4s the rea$er sees how these men plotte$ #orl$ #ar 8, then #orl$ #ar 88, an$ now #orl$ #ar 888, it is hope$ that a new Fuestion will be raise$ in the min$ o/ the rea$er+ how is it that these men *oul$ rule so long without being *hallenge$ by the (ast majority o/ moral republi*an human beings in the worl$G 4n$ how *an they be $estroye$ now on*e an$ /or allG

!N": Bertrand #$ssell Walks !$t

"#he idea of dining and gathering and entertaining each other and talking things over was a very -nglo0!axon idea It was a good old 1i/eral idea - - - !ome of us nowadays are /eginning to reali2e certain unprecedented things that have /een happening to .ankind - - - 'e must go to the logical conse3uences and reali2e that we can only adapt ourselves to the new conditions /y a complete revolution in our political ideas and economic ideas - century and a half ago - - - we were all for li/erty, and li/erty ran wild, industry, freed from direction or restraint, ran wild and particularly the iron and steel industries ran wild " $% & 'ells ?8t6s o$$ how warm an$ goo$ the so*ial atmosphere o/ these gatherings has be*ome,? muse$ H-&- #ells to himsel/ as he lit a *igar *ontente$ly- ?Kuite a step up /or the son o/ a gar$ener an$ a ser(ant girl-? He sur(eye$ the ten men sitting aroun$ a shining, long white table *o(ere$ with ho*k an$ burgun$y bottles, bottles o/ Perrier an$ )t- &almier- The Coe//i*ients Club was hol$ing its monthly meeting in the pri(ate $ining room at )t- 9rmin6s Hotel)ir 9$war$ &rey was speaking, but #ells let his min$ wan$er- ?#hy $oesn6t he talk about /ly /ishing, a subje*t in whi*h he at least has some e5pertiseG 4 bin$ing allian*e with Fran*eL The man is ma$- Here6s another brain in*re$ibly /i5e$ an$ unaware o/ the (iolent mutability o/ things- 4 man is not /it to lea$ unless he himsel/ is in motion- But what $o 8 e5pe*tG &rey was born to wealth an$ prominen*e' he inherite$ his baronet*y an$ estates at the age o/ twenty, an$ he entere$ Parliament with the appro(al o/ e(eryone, the ni*est o/ ni*e young men-? ?There/ore, we liberals are $eman$ing o/ the *onser(ati(es that they mo(e now to /inali7e a bin$ing pa*t with Fran*e,? &rey was saying- ?<ur poli*y will be the poli*y o/ 9ntente, but we must not wait until we ha(e taken go(ernment to hol$ the reins o/ poli*y- Thank you-? He was tall an$ ha$ what #ells thought o/ as a /ine immobile han$some3 ness- He sat $own, *ons*ious o/ ha(ing a*Fuitte$ himsel/ well in a $eli*ate situation- 4/ter all, 0or$ .obert Ce*il, *ousin o/ 4rthur Bal/our, the Conser(ati(e prime minister, was present- 8t was impossible e(er to be sure what Bal/our, or Ce*il /or that matter, were thinking, but they were the ones who *ounte$-

.-B- Hal$ane lumbere$ to his /eet- ?)plen$i$, my $ear *hap- The essential point is to reorgani7e the army- 8/ the king o//ers me the #ar <//i*e in the ne5t ele*tion, 8 shall be sublimely happy-? #ells wat*he$ with $is$ain- ?Tubby,? the ni*kname gi(en Hal$ane by Bal/our in the )ouls Club to whi*h they both belonge$, ?is at it again- That man /loats on strange *ompensatory *lou$s o/ his own e5halation-? 0eo :a5se ha$ been gi(en a gol$en opportunity to speak his min$- This $inner was a monthly o**urren*e o/ a pri(ate *lub *alle$ the Coe//i*ients, whi*h ha$ been meeting sin*e the pre(ious year, 1 "=- )*ar*ely a month went by that :a5se $i$n6t blurt out rhetori*ally, ?This *ountry nee$s a &reat #ar- #e *an take no *han*es' we must $estroy the &erman peril-? He rose to the o**asion now4n$ 0eo 4mery, his eyes gleaming+ ?Yes, yes, the key is to arm the whole population- #e *oul$ ha(e ha$ a splen$i$ mobili7ation against the 4meri3 *ans i/ the Iene7uela in*i$ent ha$ turne$ out right-? 0or$ 4l/re$ :ilner leane$ o(er to his neighbor- His /eeble but /or*e/ul (oi*e *oul$ be hear$ plainly a*ross the room- ?:a*kin$er, /or &o$6s sake, man, take *ontrol-? His rigi$ /a*e an$ wrinkle$, narrow brow seeks to throw the sha$ow o/ the illimitable (el$t a*ross the table, thought #ells- :ilner, re*ently ba*k /rom )outh 4/ri*a, where he was High Commissioner, was a bitter, obsessi(e man, obsesse$ with a (ision o/ a*hie(ing a nonparty go(ernment, without $e(ising any in(ention to se*ure it- He blame$ the /ailures o/ the Boer #ar, its $ragging out, an unsatis/a*tory settlement, a barely a(erte$ $isaster, all on party politi*s- ?Politi*ians,? he muttere$, ?they gi(e you no ba*king- 8t6s asses like &rey who lea(e you in the lur*h e(ery time-? Hal/or$ :a*kin$er rose to his /eet, embarrasse$, but sel/3assure$- He ha$ just been appointe$ $ire*tor o/ the 0on$on )*hool o/ 9*onomi*s- Now in his early /orties, he was re*ogni7e$ as the lea$ing theoreti*ian o/ the new $is*ipline o/ geopoliti*sCoughing slightly, he began+ ?Yes, yes, i$ealists are the salt o/ the earth-? He smile$ (aguely, pausing /or e//e*t-

?But we must ha(e organi7ers- 8t is the /un*tion o/ the organi7er to keep the running so*ial ma*hine in repair an$ to see to its lubri*ation- #e ha(e a &oing Con*ern here, an$ we must not let it run $own- #e must ha(e an e//e*ti(e lan$ army in or$er to *ontrol the seas- But we must look at the situation globally, gentlemen- 8t is the heartlan$ whi*h is *riti*al- 4ny instability in 8n$ia, an$ we allow the .ussian hor$es /ull sway- #e must be prepare$ to a*t, an$ a*t e//e*ti(ely, Fui*kly an$ e//e*ti(ely-? He poun$e$ his /ist on the table lightly, an$ /or on*e :ilner smile$?Nor *an we o(erlook &ermany- #e know what their 4ultur is,? :a*kin$er *ontinue$, looking pointe$ly at Hal$ane, an amateur philosopher who *laime$ to *ommune /reely with the Hegelian 4bsolute- ?There is a human /eeling an$ a &erman /eeling- 8n the years between 1!"A an$ 1!1>, the *lose *onne*tion between the army, the bureau*ra*y, an$ the s*hools was establishe$, or in other wor$s, between the nee$s o/ the go(ernment an$ the means o/ its su**ess- Prussia is a *amp3state, in the mi$st o/ a plain, without the natural bulwarks o/ a )pain, a Fran*e, or a Britain- The en$ $etermines the means, an$ sin*e the Prussian en$ is military strength, base$ o/ ne*essity on stark $is*ipline, their means are ine(itably materialisti*- 1u$ge$ /rom the stan$point o/ Berlin, it is a won$er/ul thing to ha(e impresse$ 4ultur, or strategic mentality, on the e$u*ate$ *lass o/ a whole people- 8/ we allow war between &ermany an$ .ussia, an$ $o not inter(ene, &ermany will *rush .ussia-? He pause$ $ramati*ally- ?But &ermany will *ome out o/ that war in *ontrol o/ the heartlan$, an$ we shall ha(e lost our 9mpire-? For the /irst time #ells joine$ the $is*ussion- ?:a*kin$er, i/ you $on6t min$ my saying so, your own logi* $e/eats you- You, an$ 1oseph Chamberlain, propose to turn the British 9mpire into the &erman Joll(erein- You an$ :ilner are ba*king Chamberlain6s prote*tionist s*heme /or a British *ustoms union- Talk about 4ultur5 &i(en your approa*h, we will bring 4ultur here to 9nglan$- You will open the $oor to un*ontrolle$ in$ustrialism- 8n the en$, not only &ermany, but this *ountry will be run by the little people, the :orlo*ks-? #ells6s (oi*e be*ame shrill' his $eli(ery was $epre*atory an$ mu//le$, but he hel$ e(eryone6s attention?The British 9mpire must be a worl$3state or nothing- You speak o/ geography, but geography speaks against you- 8t is possible /or the &ermans

an$ 4ustrians to hol$ together in their Joll(erein be*ause they are pla*e$ like a *len*he$ /ist in the *enter o/ 9urope- But the British 9mpire is like an open han$ all o(er the worl$?#e must ha(e an aristo*ra*yHnot o/ pri(ilege, but o/ un$erstan$ing an$ purposeHor mankin$ will /ail- - - - 4n$ here my pe*uliar $i//i*ulty as against $emo*ra*y an$ 4ultur *omes in- 8/ humanity at large is *apable o/ that high e$u*ation an$ those *reati(e /ree$oms our hope $eman$s, mu*h more must its better an$ more (igorous types be so *apable- 4n$ i/ those who ha(e power an$ leisure now, an$ /ree$om to respon$ to imaginati(e appeals, *annot be won to the i$ea o/ *olle*ti(e sel/3$e(elopment, then the whole o/ humanity *annot be won to that- The solution $oes not lie in $ire*t *on/rontation- #e *an $e/eat 4ultur be*ause we un$erstan$ the workings o/ the human min$, the mental hinterlan$s hi$$en behin$ the persona-? He warme$ to his theme+ ?#e nee$ *onstru*ti(e imagination working upon the (ast *omple5 o/ power/ul people, *le(er people, enterprising people, in/luential people, ami$st whom power is $i//use$ to$ay, to pro$u*e that sel/3*ons*ious highly sele*ti(e, open3min$e$, $e(ote$ aristo*rati* *ulture, whi*h seems to me to be the ne*essary ne5t phase in the $e(elopment o/ human a//airs- 8 see human progress, not as the spontaneous pro$u*t o/ *row$s o/ raw min$s swaye$ by elementary nee$s, but as a natural but elaborate result o/ intri*ate human inter$epen$en*ies, o/ human energy an$ *uriosity liberate$ an$ a*ting at leisure, o/ human passions an$ moti(es mo$i/ie$ an$ re$ire*te$ by literature an$ art-? 8t was to Bertran$ .ussell whom #ells turne$ /or agreement- They ha$ only met o(er the past year at these $inners, but /oun$ themsel(es sharing the same point o/ (iew- There was ne(er a Fuestion o/ intima*y- .ussell, /asti$iously aware o/ his uniFueness, an aristo*rat who ha$ ne(ertheless re*ei(e$ a*a$emi* $istin*tion as a /ellow o/ Trinity College, Cambri$ge, /elt $is$ain /or the *ir*les into whi*h his politi*al organi7ing took him- #ells, on the other han$, e5*epte$ .ussell /rom the lo(e3hate $uality that *olore$ his /eelings towar$ the aristo*ra*y he hope/ully atta*he$ himsel/ to.ussell *arrie$ the threa$ o/ the argument /orwar$+ ?Broa$ly speaking, we are in a ra*e between human skill as to means an$ human /olly as to en$s:a*kin$er, what you la*k is real *ourage- 8t is ner(ous ol$ women,? an$ here he looke$ at &rey an$ Hal$ane who share$ li(ing Fuarters, ?who will get us nee$lessly into a war whi*h we *an win without risking one British sol$ier- #hen &ermany an$ .ussia go to war, they will be shattere$ by

re(olution- They will $estroy ea*h other- 4n$ i/ we are /or*e$ to inter(ene, we *an always rely upon the Na(y-? :a*kin$er angrily interje*te$+ ?#e nee$ a realisti* war poli*y run by *ompetent organi7ers, not (isionaries-? ?Platitu$es, /ine3soun$ing platitu$es,? .ussell replie$ sti//ly- ?Be/ore the war 8 went along with you an$ Hewins- But the Boer #ar ma$e me a *on/irme$ pa*i/ist- #e ha$ $i//i*ulty enough han$ling a /ew )outh 4/ri*an /armers- 8t woul$ be a sui*i$al strategy to in(ol(e oursel(es in a protra*te$ lan$ war against a highly in$ustriali7e$ &ermany?Chamberlain6s *ustoms union is the /a*ile solution- 8t lines up the *olonies soli$ly, but limits our /le5ibility in 9urope- #ith a poli*y o/ /ree tra$e applie$ appropriately, we will maintain our hegemony- Tari//s, tari//sL )in*e #illiam :*Dinley has gi(en up the *ause?Hhere, e(en in the tense atmosphere, there was appre*iati(e laughter at the allusion to :*Dinley6s assassinationH?e(en our great o(erseas *ousins are $ropping prote*tionism<ur metho$s are trie$ an$ teste$-? ?8/ you people ha(e your way,? .ussell *ontinue$, ?we will be $rawn into a war- Con*ei(ably a (ery humiliating war /or 9nglan$ may o**ur at no (ery $istant $ate, but 8 $o not think there is any su*h heroi* Fuality in our go(erning *lass as will make that war *atastrophi*-? ?<utrageousL? ?Ca$L? ?4re you suggesting that we a**ept $e/eatG? 4 number o/ (oi*es broke out at on*e?Ii*tory, $e/ine your terms please-? Now .ussell was in his element, going to the /oun$ations o/ their argument with a sure, *ool pre*ision- )light, $ark3haire$, with a prominent /orehea$, bright eyes, an$ strong /eatures with the e5*eption o/ a retreating *hin, in manner, $ress, an$ outwar$ bearing he is most *are/ully trimme$, *on(entionally *orre*t, an$ pun*tiliously polite8n spee*h, he has an almost a//e*te$ *lear enun*iation o/ wor$s an$ pre*ision o/ e5pression- ?8/ &ermany an$ .ussia are ble$, that is (i*tory4nything else is sham- Your war an$ your (i*tory are *himera-? :ilner, his (oi*e *ra*king with the intensity o/ his emotion, *alle$ out+ ?.ussell, this is treason- 8 am an imperialist be*ause 8 am a ra*e patriot- #e must maintain our honor, or we are through as a nation- #e will lose the respe*t o/ the *olonies-?

Hewins raise$ his (oi*e to be hear$, ?8 lo(e my *ountry-? .ussell, Fuietly, sel/3possesse$, aske$, ?#hyG? Hewins sputtere$, ?8 *an no more say why than 8 *an say why 8 lo(e my wi/e-? .ussell gathere$ his belongings, preparing to lea(e, ?:y 9mpire, right or wrong, you say- There are a multitu$e o/ things 8 (alue be/ore 9mpire- 8 woul$ rather wre*k the 9mpire than sa*ri/i*e /ree$om- 8/ this $e(otion is what the Club means, 8 must say goo$ e(ening, gentlemen-? #ith that, he went, ne(er to return to another meeting?%amn him,? thought #ells, ?ego3*entere$ #hig, lea(ing me to the /ight alone- There6s your typi*al aristo*rat- )poile$ *hil$ren all o/ them- Din$ly, goo$3tempere$, an$ at bottom utterly sel/ish, pampere$ *hil$ren-? ?4re you lea(ing too, #ellsG? Hewins aske$ hope/ully?No, no, 8 $on6t *hoose to be an e5ile,? he replie$, ?but 8 hol$ with .ussellThe 9mpire is a *on(enien*e, not a &o$- Nothing en$ures- Nothing is *ertain e5*ept the min$ o/ a pe$ant- There is no being, but a uni(ersal be*oming o/ in$i(i$ualities- Plato turne$ his ba*k on truth when he turne$ towar$ his museum o/ spe*i/i* i$eals- There is no abi$ing thing in what we know- #e *hange /rom weaker to stronger lights an$ ea*h more power/ul light pier*es our hitherto opaFue /oun$ations an$ re(eals /resh an$ $i//erent *apa*ities below?You *all .ussell an$ mysel/ i$ealists an$ yoursel(es realists- Your realities are names, mere names- &i(e me /a*ts, not airy generalities an$ mu$$y sentimentality- 8/ you are realists, than we are the nominalists-? The British Dile a

Years later, H-&- #ells in his autobiography *hara*teri7e$ the *on/li*t in the Coe//i*ients Club /airly a**urately, albeit through the prism o/ his own point o/ (iew-1 ?The un$eniable *ontra*tion o/ the British outlook in the opening $e*a$e o/ the new *entury is one that has e5er*ise$ my min$ (ery greatly- - - - &ra$3 ually, the belie/ in the possible worl$ lea$ership o/ 9nglan$ ha$ been $e/la3 te$, by the e*onomi* $e(elopment o/ 4meri*a an$ the militant bol$ness o/

&ermany- The long reign o/ Kueen Ii*toria, so prosperous, progressi(e, an$ e//ortless, ha$ pro$u*e$ habits o/ politi*al in$olen*e an$ *heap assuran*e4s a people we ha$ got out o/ training, an$ when the *hallenge o/ these new ri(als be*ame open, it took our breath away at on*e- #e $i$ not know how to meet it- - - ?#e ha$ e$u*ate$ our general population relu*tantly' our uni(ersities ha$ not kept pa*e with the nee$s o/ the new time' our ruling *lass, prote*te$ in its a$(antages by a uni(ersal snobbery, was broa$3min$e$, easy3going, an$ pro/oun$ly la7y- The 9$war$ian monar*hy, *ourt, an$ so*iety were amiable an$ sla*k- 69//i*ien*y6Hthe wor$ o/ 9arl .osebery an$ the #ebbsHwas /elt to be rather priggish an$ (ulgar- <ur liberalism was no longer a larger enterprise, it ha$ be*ome a generous in$olen*e- But min$s were waking up to this- <(er our table at )t- 9rmin6s Hotel wrangle$ :a5se, MCarlyonN Bellairs, Hewins, 4mery, an$ :a*kin$er, all stung by the small but humiliating tale o/ $isasters in the )outh 4/ri*a war, all sensiti(e to the threat o/ business re*ession, an$ all pro/oun$ly alarme$ by the na(al an$ military aggressi(eness o/ &ermany, arguing *hie/ly against the liberalism o/ .ee(es an$ .ussell an$ mysel/, an$ pulling us $own, whether we like$ it or not, /rom large generalities to *on*rete problems-?= 8t woul$ be possible to rearrange the seating at the Coe//i*ients Club $inner table to /orm a gra$uate$ spe*trum- 4t one en$ o/ the rainbow woul$ be .ussell, glaring $own at :a5se an$ 4mery seate$ at the other en$- 8n the *enter, 0or$ .obert Ce*il, with Hal$ane, &rey, :ilner, an$ :a*kin$er seate$ ne5t to him towar$ 4mery6s $ire*tion, with #ells an$ Beatri*e an$ )y$ney #ebb on the other si$e- %espite their $i//eren*es, all were agree$ on the ne*essity /or British Bby whi*h they all un$erstoo$ the British oligar*hyC worl$ suprema*y- To $o this, the ,nite$ )tates must be *apture$ as Britain6s $umb giant, to /ight its wars, pay its bills, an$ strongarm Britain6s anti3 4meri*an )ystem poli*ies on the rest o/ the worl$- To$ay6s wret*he$ Carter a$ministration signi/ies the su**ess o/ that aspe*t o/ the poli*y)e*on$, &ermany, Fran*e, an$ .ussia must be playe$ o// against ea*h other in *on/li*ts that were e5pe*te$ to erupt into war- This balan*e3o/3power stratagem ha$ been British /oreign poli*y sin*e the time the Ce*ils assume$ *ontrol, with the ba*king o/ the 8talian 1esuit Palla(i*ini /amily in the time o/ Tu$or 9nglan$8t was here that the $i//eren*es o/ the .ussell /a*tion, *orre*tly $epre*ate$ as kooks by the just as e(il realist :ilner3:a*kin$er34mery /a*tion, emerge$-

.ussell belie(e$ that Britain *oul$ a(oi$ being $rawn into #orl$ #ar 8, an$ a**omplish its aims through psy*hologi*al war/are run through the intelligen*e ser(i*esThis is not to say that 0or$ .obert Ce*il an$ the realists reje*te$ the use o/ psy*hologi*al war/are- 8t was #illiam Ce*il, who as Kueen 9li7abeth 86s )e*retary o/ )tate, ha$ establishe$ the British )e*ret 8ntelligen*e )er(i*e Bin opposition to humanist intelligen*e networks run by the %u$ley /amily an$ 1ohn %eeC- <ne o/ the )8)6s /irst operations was to /or*e the su**ession to the throne o/ 1ames 8, using the 9sse5 *oup as its springboar$Now, the Ce*ils *ounte$ on the .ussian .e(olution, whi*h they were engage$ in plotting, in their plans- But they were *orre*tly *on(in*e$ that Britain *oul$ not a*hie(e its aims without being able to ba*k up its *laims with a *re$ible military inter(ention, /or two relate$ reasons- 8n a war between &ermany an$ .ussia, &ermany was the assure$ winner' Fran*e brought in against &ermany woul$ balan*e the o$$s, but without Britain supporting Fran*e, both Fran*e an$ &ermany woul$ with$raw Fui*kly /rom a no3win situation- Furthermore, without Britain in the /ight, the ,nite$ )tates *oul$ not be brought into an essentially 9uropean *on/li*t- 4s it happene$, H-&- #ells a$mitte$ in his autobiography, 0or$ &rey starte$ the First #orl$ #ar by allowing the &erman go(ernment to belie(e that the British woul$ not enter the war e(en i/ the &ermans $i$- But as 0or$ 0ouis :ountbatten6s biographer *on/irms, :ountbatten6s /ather, in his *apa*ity as se*on$ 0or$ o/ the 4$miralty, ha$ put the British /leet in battle rea$iness the week be/ore war broke out- ?:y /ather,? sai$ :ountbatten, ?was able to tell the king, 6#e ha(e the $rawn swor$ in our han$-6 ?> .obert Ce*il e5pe*te$ the aura o/ power, represente$ by the British Na(y, to *arry the $ay:a*kin$er an$ :ilner, on the other han$, with their re*ent $ire*t e5perien*e o/ the Boer #ar, $eman$e$ *ompetent military3in$ustrial ba*kup /or war, whi*h meant an e*onomi* poli*y o/ go(ernment support to key in$ustries an$ raw materials se*tors at home an$ in the *olonies- Thus, .ussell an$ the Ce*ils line$ up /or a ?/ree3tra$e? poli*y against the relati(ely $irigist outlook o/ the realists who supporte$ ?prote*tionism-? 4s the war approa*he$, #ells shi/te$ his support to the :ilner si$e, while, howe(er, remaining as a *entral /igure in )8) intelligen*e operations both behin$3the3s*enes an$ as a ?so*ial3 ist? propagan$istThe *lub name$ the ?Coe//i*ients?Hperhaps as a joke on the e//i*ient #ebbs, *onsi$ering the ob(ious $i(ersity o/ opinion represente$Hmet at

monthly $inners /rom 1 "= through 1 "!- :ost o/ the people who (ariously atten$e$ the $inners Bat whi*h only between ten an$ /ourteen people woul$ be present at one timeC later /orme$ the British .oun$ Table, more in/ormal3 ly known as the Cli(e$en )etThese were the *ir*les who argue$ out the poli*ies /or #orl$ #ar 8 an$ #orl$ #ar 88 an$ to$ay are planning out #orl$ #ar 888- Ne(er $o they $isagree on /un$amental goals' ne(ertheless, the split between the realist an$ kook3nominalist /a*tions has remaine$ o/ su//i*ient intensity to o**asion the assassination o/ 0or$ 0ouis :ountbatten, *ousin to the Kueen, when he atta*ke$ the /a*tion pushing /or $ire*t military *on/rontation with the )o(iet ,nion last year- ?0imite$ wars *annot be *ontaine$,? he warne$ months be/ore his $eath- ?8t is an illusion to suppose that ta*ti*al nu*lear war/are will not lea$ to total nu*lear war-?; The Cecils To gi(e :a*kin$er more o/ his $ue in the $ebate, he was not only arguing the ne*essity o/ British inter(ention in the First #orl$ #ar- He was also speaking $ire*tly to military ,topians su*h as 0or$ .obert Ce*il, men who re/use$ to a**ept the lessons o/ the Boer #ar an$ belie(e$ that they woul$ be baile$ out by the na(y, or in a later perio$, by tanks, an$ airplanes, or to$ay by ta*ti*al nu*lear weapons, without an a$eFuate lan$ /or*e or in$ustrial home base to sustain it8n*re$ibly, 0or$ Ce*il, in *harge o/ the military blo*ka$e o/ &ermany $uring #orl$ #ar 8, belie(e$ the war woul$ be o(er in a /ew months-@ 4t the beginning o/ the /our3year3long *ampaign o/ attrition that was the First #orl$ #ar, Ce*il $ine$ in Fran*e with the Comman$er3in3Chie/ o/ the British 95pe$itionary For*e, who note$ their *on(ersation+ ?He went on to emphasi7e that the &ermans ha$ been *ompletely beaten in the #est an$ that they knew it- He was also (ery sanguine about Polan$ an$ e(i$ently thought that the &ermans woul$ (ery soon begin to ask /or terms o/ pea*e whi*h both he an$ his sta// were e5tremely an5ious shoul$ be e5tremely mo$erate-?A %uring the war, the /irst tanks were se*retly teste$ at Ce*il6s estate,2 o(er the opposition o/ the war $ire*tor 0or$ Dit*hener, whose e5perien*e ha$ been gaine$ in 8n$ia an$ the )u$an- Hal$ane ha$ be*ome hea$ o/ the #ar <//i*e an$ ha$ been partially su**ess/ul in re/orming an$ mo$erni7ing the army o(er the protests o/ *olonial o//i*ers like Dit*hener, but was /ire$ /rom the

*abinet at the beginning o/ the war, ostensibly out o/ suspi*ions that he was not totally line$ up with the war /a*tion- Hal$ane6s reorgani7ation o/ the army in 1 "@ ha$ steppe$ on the toes o/ the military-! The *ombination o/ an o//i*er *orps whose mettle was teste$ in mo*k heroi* battles against the 4/ri*an Julus an$ the 9gyptian $er(ishesHlet6s not mention the Boer #ar, $arling, that was just an unpleasant episo$eHan$ o(erbur$ene$ with $ea$3 weight aristo*rati* younger sons /oreor$aine$ that on*e /ully embroile$ in the war, the British $esperately nee$e$ the 4meri*ans to inter(ene on their behal/The state o/ the o//i*er *orps is illustrate$ by the *areer o/ .obert Ce*il6s younger brother, 9$war$- He /aile$ the entran*e to the .oyal :ilitary College, an$ e(ery other e5amination that /a*e$ him therea/ter, but a military *areer was by no means *lose$ to him- There was another way to be*ome part o/ the o//i*er *orps- 4 *an$i$ate *oul$ be appointe$ to the militia or lo*al (olunteer /or*e, the only Fuali/i*ation being the appropriate so*ial *onne*tions- 4/ter /our years o/ ser(i*e the *an$i$ate *oul$ then trans/er to the regular army an$ stan$ on the same /ooting as a )an$hurst gra$uateFighting un$er Dit*hener6s *omman$ in 9gypt, 9$war$ Ce*il wrote his brother this $es*ription o/ his /irst battle in 1! A+ ?#e /ought the %er(ishes the other $ay- - - - 8 was not in hal/ su*h a /unk as 8 e5pe*te$- 8 was mu*h more a/rai$ o/ being a/rai$- 8t was (ery e5*iting an$ not a bit brutali7ing, as one $oes not at all reali7e the enemy are men#e, howe(er, were (ery little e5pose$ or rather /ire$ at, so perhaps 8 better not talk-? Dit*hener6s /ighting /or*e is e5pose$ in a still more re(ealing letter, written by 9$war$ to his wi/e Iiolet :a5se- 8t goes+ ?The %er(ishes $i$ /ight won$er/ully, walking about per/e*tly Fuietly un$er the /ire o/ two briga$es in line at >"" yar$s $istan*e- 8t takes many (olleys to kill or hurt one man, espe*ially as the smoke hung- The 9gyptian an$ bla*k troops /ought eFually well an$ they a$(an*e$ so regularly, that it looke$ like a Hy$e Park /iel$ $ay- 9(en when *harge$, they kept up their (olleys well an$ *ertainly they are e(en better than hope$- </ *ourse, we outnumbere$ the enemy hea(ily, but still we atta*ke$ a strongly hel$ position o(er a plain an$ without *o(er an$ it was a (ery *re$itable per/orman*e- There was no /uss, no hurry, no hanging ba*k, an$ 8 was

astonishe$ at their or$erliness an$ han$ling- No white was hurt e5*ept 0egge, who got *ut in the han$ but is $oing (ery well- - - ?Then we ro$e home, ha$ a bottle o/ *hampagne at $inner, an$ tumble$ into be$ an$ slept-?1" The Ce*il /amily, $ating ba*k to the in/amous #illiam Ce*il, 0or$ Burleigh, an$ his nephew, the $ishonest pe$erast Fran*is Ba*on, 0or$ Ierulam, was at the e(il *enter o/ power in &reat Britain- .obert Ce*il6s /ather, 0or$ )alisbury, was prime minister in three Tory go(ernments, stret*hing /rom 1!!@ to 1 "=, to be su**ee$e$ by *ousin 4rthur Bal/our-11 0or$ .obert6s brother Hugh was also a member o/ Parliament, as was brother 1ames, be/ore su**ee$ing to the title an$ joining the House o/ 0or$s- The )alisbury go(ernment was in power $uring the Boer #ar, with 0or$ )alisbury a*ting as his own /oreign ministerThe /la(or o/ the /amily is *apture$ by a /ew in*i$ents worth relating, not only be*ause o/ the /amily6s *entral role in the politi*s o/ 9nglan$, but be*ause the Ce*ils epitomi7e the oligar*hi*al outlook0or$ .obert6s younger brother Hugh was not in the Coe//i*ients Club, but he was a $e$i*ate$ kook- 4n e(en more e5treme utopian than .obert, he was in(ol(e$ in the *reation o/ the air /or*e, that bran*h o/ the ser(i*e most sus*eptible to utopian wunderwaffen s*hemesHugh ha$ oppose$ military *ons*ription be/ore the First #orl$ #ar, an$ to justi/y his position wrote a memoran$um in whi*h he $e*lare$ that preparation /or war was largely a waste o/ time, as the unknown /a*tor o/ generalship pra*ti*ally $e*i$e$ the issue' that in any *ase, $e/eat was less serious that it seeme$, /or it ne(er really $estroye$ a nation' that &reat Britain ha$ always /lourishe$ in spite o/ ina$eFuate military preparations' an$ that national ser(i*e woul$ ha(e a preju$i*ial e//e*t on the *hara*ter o/ the British people#hen remin$e$ o/ this position eighteen months into the war, as the *asualties were mounting, he *ountere$ *oolly+ ?There is nothing /ine in killing, but there is something /ine in being kille$, an$ *ons*ription takes that away-? #hen his opponent shoute$, ?9pi*ureL %o you want boys o/ eighteen slaughtere$ to satis/y your aestheti* gree$G? Hugh shrugge$-l=

4n in*i$ent /rom his *hil$hoo$ is just as re(ealing o/ what it means to be a Ce*il- 0iberal :inister &la$stone was a guest at Hat/iel$, the /amily *astle, in 1!2"- 4t the time he was supporting Home .ule /or 8relan$, an$ a**or$ing to the Ce*ils, $i$ not ha(e su//i*ient regar$ /or the position o/ the ,lster Protestants- BThe *riti*ism was also le(ele$ at the late 0or$ 0ouis :ountbatten be/ore his mur$er-C Hugh, then a small boy, met &la$stone in the hall, an$ rebuke$ him, saying, ?You are a ba$ man-? &la$stone replie$, ?8/ 8 were a ba$ man your /ather woul$ not ha(e aske$ me here-? Hugh stoo$ his groun$+ ?:y /ather is *oming to kill you in a Fuarter o/ an hour-?1> His /ather ne(er *arrie$ out that threat, but he was British prime minister when the irritating :r- :*Dinley was remo(e$ by an anar*hist a*ting on or$ers /rom 9mma &ol$man, whose *onne*tions *an be tra*e$ to 0or$ .oths*hil$.obert Ce*il /oun$ the *ompany o/ men like #ells an$ :a*kin$er intolerable on the basis o/ *lass preju$i*e- 4lthough /or*e$ to hi$e it, in or$er to turn the Coe//i*ients an$ the later .oun$ Table group into e//e*ti(e instruments, he *oul$ yet *on/i$e to his wi/e in an 1! > letter+ ?86m $own here with a thoroughly mi$$le *lass manHnot a ba$ /ellow an$ $e*i$e$ly intelligent- - - - 8 $on6t think 8 shall stay with the mi$$le *lasses anymore- 8 $on6t $eny their intelligen*e, nor e(en in the *ase o/ my Norwi*h host, *ulture, but they are sFuali$ somehow, an$ 86m ne(er at my ease with them- 4n$ then they ha(e su*h un*om/ortable /urniture-?1; He was a bitter anti*apitalist, later gra(itating to the 0abour Party an$ the pea*e mo(ement, where at a higher le(el, he *oor$inate$ the same networks orbiting aroun$ Bertran$ .ussell- He wrote in another letter about a peer at whose house he was a guest+ ?4n ass, but a gentleman, a Tory o/ the ol$ s*hool, /ull o/ a sense o/ $uty- They6re all right, unlike these miserable :i$$le Class employers- - - -?1@ The /amily e(en looke$ $own on 4rthur Bal/our, whose mother was 0or$ )alisbury6s sister, be*ause his paternal gran$/ather ha$ been in tra$e, making his /ortune by supplying pro(isions to the .oyal Na(y $uring the Napoleoni* #ars- ?<$$ how the mi$$le *lass bloo$ will out,? 0a$y .obert obser(e$ to her husban$ in 1 "2, when she was o//en$e$ at Bal/our6s $ri(ing his motor *ar at the then3high spee$ o/ /orty miles an hour- B.obert Ce*il was presi$ent o/ the Pe$estrians6 4sso*iation-C1A

0eo 4mery was an important member o/ the later .oun$ Table group, as well as a Coe//i*ient- #ells *lasse$ 4mery with #inston Chur*hill- #hile a Ce*il woul$ not ha(e bri$ge$ the *lass gap in that way, their own (iew o/ Chur*hill was similar- #ells begins a $is*ussion o/ 4mery an$ Chur*hill in his -uto/iography by re/eren*ing his own *hil$hoo$+ ?8n those $ays 8 ha$ i$eas about 4ryans e5traor$inarily like :r- Hitler6sThe more 8 hear o/ him the more 8 am *on(in*e$ that his min$ is almost the twin o/ my thirteen3year3ol$ min$ in 1!2 ' but hear$ through a megaphone H an$Himplemente$, 8 $o not know /rom what books 8 *aught my /irst glimpse o/ the &reat 4ryan People going to an$ /ro in the mi$$le plains o/ 9urope, sprea$ing east, west, north, an$ south - - - whose ultimate triumphs e(erywhere sFuare$ a**ounts with the 1ews- - - - 8 ha(e met men in responsible positions, 0-)- 4mery, /or e5ample, #inston Chur*hill, &eorge Tre(elyan, C-F-&- :asterman, whose imaginations were mani/estly built upon a similar /ramework an$ who remaine$ puerile in their politi*al outlook be*ause o/ its persisten*e-?12 &rante$ that .obert Ce*il an$ his wi/e who atta*ke$ Chur*hill, the relati(e realist, were a*ti(ely in(ol(e$ in bringing Hitler to power along with the rest o/ the Cli(e$en )et, they ne(ertheless were *orre*t in their assessment o/ Chur*hill- ?Nothing woul$ suit #-C- better than to be the :ussolini o/ 9nglan$,? 0a$y Ce*il wrote bluntly8n 1 =; 0or$ .obert was in the *abinet with major responsibility /or setting up the 0eague o/ Nations, but resigne$ in 1 =A while retaining his asso*iation with the 0eague Ban$ a/ter #orl$ #ar 88 be*oming hea$ o/ the ,nite$ Nations 4sso*iation-C Presumably his resignation was o**asione$ by his /ear that Britain, by breaking its treaty agreements with the ,nite$ )tates at the Na(al %isarmament Con/eren*e, woul$ /or*e a brea*h between the two nations an$ en$anger the strategy /or #orl$ #ar 88- <n the nee$ /or another worl$ war, Ce*il an$ Chur*hill were in /un$amental agreement- But history repeats itsel/ to those who will ne(er learn- Thus Ce*il wrote to Chur*hill in 1 =A+ ?You belie(e that /uture war is pra*ti*ally *ertain, that the best way o/ a(oi$ing it is the ol$ pres*ription o/ prepare$ness, an$ that in any *ase the /irst $uty o/ the &o(ernment is to *olle*t su*h armaments as may be ne*essary to pre(ent $e/eat-

?8 regar$ a /uture war on a big s*ale as *ertainly /atal to the British 9mpire whether we win it or lose it, an$ probably also to 9uropean *i(ilisation- 8 think there/ore that the /irst $uty o/ the &o(ernment is to throw their whole strength into the e//ort to substitute some other metho$ o/ settling international $isputes- - - ?Perhaps our $i//eren*es may be put in this wayHyou hol$ the ol$ ma5im 6si vis pacem para /ellum56 8 woul$ rather say7 6si vis pacem para pacem 6 ?1! 4lrea$y in 1 =A, Chur*hill was preparing /or #orl$ #ar 88, in whi*h history repeate$ itsel/ with the same ol$ /a*tional $i//eren*es asserting themsel(esThe Hitler proje*t was a *ollaboration e//ort that in(ol(e$ the entire spe*trum o/ the oligar*hy an$ its agents- Chur*hill, .ussell, #ells an$ the Ce*ils *reate$ Hitler- How he was to be *ontaine$ an$ $ire*te$ against the )o(iet ,nion was another matter- 9arly in the game, Chur*hill warne$ that Britain woul$ be *ompelle$ to /ight #orl$ #ar 88' .ussell again espouse$ British neutrality%espite the $i//eren*es o/ tone, Chur*hill, himsel/ o/ aristo*rati* lineage, always maintaine$ the *losest ties with the Ce*il /amily, politi*ally as well as personallyChur*hill ha$ his /irst meeting with Hugh Ce*il in 1! !- 4s he later $es*ribe$ it, the sel/3assuran*e he ha$ a*Fuire$ in Cuba, on the North3#est Frontier o/ 8n$ia, an$ at <m$urman was no prote*tion against the $iale*ti* o/ Hugh Ce*il an$ his /rien$s- He wrote+ ?They were all intereste$ to see me, ha(ing hear$ o/ my a*ti(ities, an$ also on a**ount o/ my /ather6s posthumous prestige- Naturally 8 was on my mettle, an$ not without en(y in the presen*e o/ these young men only two or three years ol$er than mysel/, all born with sil(er spoons in their mouths, all highly $istinguishe$ at <5/or$ or Cambri$ge, an$ all ens*on*e$ in sa/e Tory *onstituen*ies, 8 /elt in$ee$ 8 was the earthen pot among the brass- - - ?The *on(ersation $ri/te$ to the issue o/ whether peoples ha(e a right to sel/3go(ernment or only to good go(ernment, what are the inherent rights o/ human beings an$ on what are they /oun$e$G From this we pushe$ on to sla(ery as an institution- 8 was mu*h surprise$ to /in$ that my *ompanions ha$ not the slightest hesitation in *hampioning the unpopular si$e on all these issues' but what surprise$ me still more, an$ e(en (e5e$ me, was the $i//i*ulty 8 ha$ in making plain my righteous an$ in$ee$ ob(ious point o/

(iew against their /alla*ious but most ingenious arguments- They knew so mu*h more than 8 $i$, that my bol$ generalities about liberty, eFuality, an$ /raternity got seriously kno*ke$ about- 8 entren*he$ mysel/ aroun$ the slogan 6No sla(ery un$er the ,nion 1a*k-6 )la(ery, they suggeste$, might be right or wrong' the ,nion 1a*k was no $oubt a respe*table pie*e o/ bunting+ but what was the moral *onne*tion between the twoG 8 ha$ the same $i//i*ulty in $is*o(ering a /oun$ation /or the assertions 8 so *on/i$ently ma$e, as 8 ha(e /oun$ in arguing with the people who *ounte$ that the sun is only a /igment o/ our imagination- MThe re/eren*e here is to .ussell6s nominalist s*hool-HC- #-N 8n$ee$, although 8 seeme$ to start with all the a$(antages, 8 soon /elt like going out into )t- 1ames6s )treet or Pi**a$illy an$ setting up without more a$o a barri*a$e an$ rousing a mob to $e/en$ /ree$om, justi*e an$ $emo*ra*y-?1 Ne(ertheless, Chur*hill at on*e enrolle$ in the small ban$ o/ Ce*il /ollowers, ni*kname$ the Hughligans- Here he was traine$ to a**ept the *omplete amorality $eman$e$ o/ Britain6s most elite ruling *ir*les- They, like the Coe//i*ients, met o(er $inner- .obert Ce*il6s $es*ription o/ one su*h $inner is interesting not only /or its e(aluation o/ Chur*hill but /or the attitu$e towar$ Chur*hill hel$ by the /amily well into the 1 @"s- Chur*hill, $espite his pe$igree, position, or perio$s when he got out o/ line, was their man- 0or$ Ce*il writes to his wi/e+ ?#e all talke$ at times so lou$ly as to remin$ me o/ Puys in the ol$ $ays4n$ we all argue$, #inston more or less contra mundum #ith mu*h o/ what he sai$ 8 agree$- But he has not properly speaking any opinions- - - #inston is a journalist an$ he a$opts a (iew be*ause it woul$ look well in print- ,nless he *an *orre*t this it will ultimately be /atal to him in politi*s<n the other han$, he is (ery young an$ may *hange greatly- He has none o/ 0inkey6s MHugh Ce*ilN subtlety o/ min$ or $e5terity o/ e5pression- But he has *onsi$erable /or*e an$ 8 think *ourage- He is both original an$ re*epti(e- His worst $e/e*t mentally is that he is a little shallowHsatis/ie$ with a phrase-?=" 0ater, $espite the opposition o/ Chur*hill, the Ce*ils $e*i$e$ that 9$war$ the I888, the late %uke o/ #in$sor, ha$ to be remo(e$ /rom the throne when it be*ame *lear that his too openly e5presse$ /as*ist sympathies woul$ pro(e an embarrassment in the in*reasingly likely situation o/ a war between &ermany an$ Britain- The :arFuess o/ )alisbury, 1ames Ce*il, hea$e$ the #at*hing Committee, *ompose$ mostly o/ Ce*ils, that a**omplishe$ the shi/t an$ pla*e$ Chur*hill in the prime ministryH$espite his short*omings-

The Anglo%&es$it 'ink The Ce*il /amily has been *onne*te$ to networks establishe$ by the )o*iety o/ 1esus sin*e at least the reign o/ 9li7abeth 8- #hile their power base is the British 9mpire, they, like the openly Catholi* Howar$ an$ Per*y /amilies, *an also rely on *onne*tions to the Hapsburg an$ 8talian oligar*hies to pla*e themsel(es abo(e the British monar*hy- B&wen$olyn Ce*il almost marrie$ into the Howar$ /amily at the turn o/ the *entury-C 4lthough the /amily was establishe$ un$er 1esuit patronage, the Ce*ils maintain loyalty to Protestantism- Yet, sin*e the 1esuit or$er is itsel/ an oligar*hist intelligen*e implant into the Catholi* Chur*h, an$ not a religious or$er, this is no test o/ their *ontinue$ 1esuit *onne*tions, whi*h remain an open FuestionHugh Ce*il e5presse$ the /amily6s *yni*ism, $espite its stri*t outwar$ a$heren*e to the Chur*h o/ 9nglan$, in the /ollowing repartee with *ousin 4lgernon, a *on(ert to .oman Catholi*ism an$ thereby a $ire*t link to the British 1esuit *ir*les to whi*h Phillip Derr, 0or$ 0othian, o/ the .oun$ Table belonge$?4lgernon, why ha(e you grown that absur$ bear$G? ?<ur 0or$ grew a bear$-? ?<ur 0or$ was not a gentleman-?=1 4lgernon $es*ribe$ the Ce*il /amily philosophy to Beatri*e #ebb, who re*or$e$ it in her $iary+ ?Young Ce*il was interesting, be*ause he was able to $es*ribe or imply the Ce*il philosophy o/ li/e- For him so*iety was *lo(en in twoHthe Chur*h an$ the worl$- The Chur*h was go(erne$ by spiritual illumination' the worl$ outsi$e o/ this ra$ius was e5*lusi(ely $ominate$ by the moti(e o/ pe*uniary sel/3interest- To attempt to run the se*ular worl$ on any other moti(e was not only *ontrary to the *omman$ment 6&i(e unto Caesar the things whi*h are Caesar6s6 but was almost blasphemy- 4ll real progress was confined to progress of the individual soul under the influence of the 8hurch 4ny in*rease o/ honesty or kin$liness, o/ honor, publi* spirit or truth3seeking brought about otherwise, was merely a higher stage o/ sel/3 interest BeFually $amnable as the lower stagesCHmerely the $is*o(ery by ea*h in$i(i$ual that those Fualities pai$ better- 4**ompanying, an$ to some

e5tent *oin*i$ing with this *lea(age, was that between the here$itary an$ lan$e$ aristo*ra*y represente$ by the Ce*ils, an$ 6the others-6 The Ce*ils go(erne$ by spiritual illumination Binherite$ through a long line o/ noble an*estorsC an$ were to $ire*t the poli*y o/ the state, making use o/ the lower moti(es o/ (ulgar /olk to keep the state going on its material si$e- The o// part o/ the whole s*heme was the almost /anati*al obje*tion to any attempt to alter the moti(es o/ human nature, otherwise than by the a*tion o/ the Chur*h on the in$i(i$ual soulHan$ a *omplete *ompla*en*y with the one se*ular moti(e o/ enlightene$ sel/3interest as the basis o/ e(ery$ay li/e- 8t was almost as wi*ke$ to tamper with this moti(e by intro$u*ing other *onsi$erations into the in$ustrial or politi*al organisation o/ the state, as it was to intro$u*e the pe*uniary moti(e into the Chur*hHas /or instan*e in the sale o/ in$ulgen*es or simony-?== The "((icients Beatri*e #ebb, the $aughter o/ a su**ess/ul railroa$ spe*ulator asso*iate$ with the .oths*hil$s, un$erstoo$ the aristo*ra*y in a way that was impos3 sible /or poor #ells, the son o/ a ser(ant in the employ o/ another ser(ant /ortunate enough to marry into the lesser nobility but snubbe$ a**or$ingly#here #ells *oul$ $elu$e himsel/ that he was so*ially a**epte$ by his $inner partners at the Coe//i*ients, Beatri*e ha$ no su*h $elusions an$ was mortally o//en$e$ when she *ame /a*e to /a*e with her oligar*hi*al *ontrollers- Her $iary is /ull o/ sel/3*onsoling *omments su*h as+ ?%ine$ with Hugh Ce*il- 8t is goo$ to be in our mi$$le3*lass home again-? Yet, like 4lgernon Ce*il, she $es*ribes her an$ her husban$6s asso*iates as ?the stage army o/ the goo$,? in keeping with &eorge Bernar$ )haw6s parable about the Fabian )o*iety, .ajor Bar/ara, in whi*h they are the )al(ation 4rmy-=> )i$ney #ebb is gi(en *re$it as the organi7er o/ the Coe//i*ients- 8t is ob(ious that $espite his pretensions, the group that he assemble$Ha *ross3 se*tion o/ the British elite an$ its *lose asso*iatesHwas only brought together un$er .obert Ce*il6s $ire*tion.ussell, Hal$ane, an$ &rey were here$itary peers- :ilner was ma$e a 0or$Hal$ane, &rey, an$ Ce*il were to be in the 0iberal go(ernment when it *ame to power in two years time-=; 0eo :a5se6s sister, Iiolet, was the wi/e o/ .obert Ce*il6s brother 9$war$ an$, a/ter his $eath, o/ 0or$ :ilner- Hal/or$ 1- :a*kin$er ha$ just be*ome $ire*tor o/ the 0on$on )*hool o/ 9*onomi*s an$ his reputation as a geopoliti*ian ha$ sprea$ to &ermany where :ajor3 &eneral Darl Hausho/er, the ghost writer o/ Hitler6s .ein 4ampf, a*know3

le$ge$ :a*kin$er as the sour*e o/ his i$eas- 1osiah #e$gwoo$, owner o/ the /amous pottery works, another member o/ the Coe//i*ients, ha$ a lineage as a politi*al agent rea*hing ba*k to the beginning o/ the nineteenth *entury when his /amily sponsore$ the ra$i*al libertarian 1eremy BenthamThe #ebbs, like #ells, were use/ul to the Ce*ils- #hat they la*ke$ in /lair was *ompensate$ /or in in$ustry, as they lai$ the groun$work /or the *olle*ti(ist si$e o/ /as*ism- #ells $es*ribe$ the #ebbs in #he 9ew .achiavelli, thinly $isguise$ as 4litora an$ <s*ar Bailey- He wrote+ ?<s*ar ha$ none o/ the /ine appearan*e o/ his wi/e' he was a short, stur$y /igure with a roun$e$ protru$ing ab$omen an$ a *urious, broa$, /lattene$, *lean3sha(en /a*e that seeme$ nearly all /orehea$- He was o/ 4nglo3 Hungarian e5tra*tion, an$ 8 ha(e always /an*ie$ something :ongolian in his type- He peere$ up with re$$ish swollen3looking eyes o(er gilt3e$ge glasses that were $i(i$e$ hori7ontally into portions o/ $i//erent re/ra*ti(e power, an$ he talke$ in an ingratiating un$ertone, with busy thin lips, an eager lisp an$ ner(ous mo(ements o/ the han$- - - - He ha$ a Fuite astoun$ing memory /or /a*ts an$ a mastery o/ $etaile$ analysis, an$ the time a//or$e$ s*ope /or these gi/ts- The later eighties were /ull o/ politi*o3so*ial $is*ussion- - - - He won the immense respe*t o/ e(eryone spe*ially intereste$ in so*ial an$ politi*al Fuestions' he soon a*hie(e$ the limite$ $istin*tion that is awar$e$ su*h *apa*ity, an$ at that 8 think he woul$ ha(e remaine$ /or the rest o/ his li/e i/ he ha$ not en*ountere$ 4ltiora?But 4ltiora :a*(itie was an altogether e5*eptional woman, an e5traor$in3 ary mi5ture o/ Fualities, the one woman in the worl$ who *oul$ make something more out o/ Bailey than that- - - - )he was entirely un/itte$ /or her se56s sphere- - - - Yet, you mustn6t imagine she was an inelegant or unbeauti3 /ul woman, an$ she is in*on*ei(able to me in high *ollars or any sort o/ mas*uline garment- But her soul was bone, an$ at the base o/ her was a (anity gaunt an$ gree$yL - - - The lurking woman in her nature was /as*in3 ate$ by the ease an$ pre*ision with whi*h the little man rolle$ o(er all sorts o/ imaginati(e bigness in his still growing min$, the /orehea$ perhaps *arrie$ him o// physi*ally, an$ she took o**asion to meet an$ subjugate him, an$, so soon as he ha$ su//i*iently re*o(ere$ /rom his abje*t humility an$ a *ertain pani* at her attentions, marry him?This ha$ opene$ a new phase in the li(es o/ Bailey an$ hersel/- The two supplemente$ ea*h other to an e5traor$inary e5tent-?=@

8n the same book, #ells put in the mouth o/ a *hara*ter partly base$ upon .ussell+ ?Your 4ltiora6s just the politi*al eFui(alent o/ the la$ies who sell tra*e$ *loth /or embroi$ery' she6s a $ealer in .e/ine$ )o*ial .e/orm /or the Parlour' - - - it6s /oolery, it6s prigs at play-?=A .ussell himsel/ ga(e mu*h the same a**ount in his -uto/iography, writing+ ?#ebb was originally a se*on$ $i(ision *lerk in the *i(il ser(i*e, but by immense in$ustry su**ee$e$ in rising to the /irst $i(ision- He was some3 what earnest an$ $i$ not like jokes on sa*re$ subje*ts su*h as politi*al theory- <n one o**asion 8 remarke$ to him that $emo*ra*y has at least one merit, namely, that a :ember o/ Parliament *annot be stupi$er than his *on3 stituents, /or the more stupi$ he is, the more stupi$ they were to ele*t him?#orship o/ the state- This last was o/ the essen*e o/ Fabianism- 8t le$ both the #ebbs an$ also )haw into what 8 thought an un$ue toleran*e o/ :usso3 lini an$ Hitler- - - ?Both o/ them were /un$amentally un$emo*rati*, an$ regar$e$ it as the /un*tion o/ a statesman to bamboo7le or terrori7e the popula*e-?=2 .ussell, o/ *ourse, is more $eli*ate about his own /as*ist pre$ile*tions- ?4ll think it /olly an$ (ery unpopular,? wrote .ussell /rom Cambri$ge right be/ore the First #orl$ #ar, ?Tories as well as 0iberals' an$ they har$ly realise that we are being $rawn in-? .ussell *ontinue$, a**or$ing to his biographer .onal$ Clarke, by making a *ase /or British neutrality, en$ing with a plea /or &erman le/ensraum7 ?#hen they try to prote*t their homes an$ their wi(es an$ $aughters against (ast hor$es o/ .ussian sa(ages, we $o our best to pre(ent their e//orts /rom being su**ess/ul, an$ to threaten them with star(ation i/ war breaks out-?=! The Na7i language o/ the letter is re(ealing, but .ussell lies when he preten$s sympathy /or &ermany- 8n his -uto/iography, .ussell wrote o/ his /eelings at the beginning o/ the war+ ?8 was mysel/ torture$ by patriotismThe su**esses o/ the &ermans be/ore the battle o/ the :arne were horrible to me- 8 $esire$ the $e/eat o/ &ermany as ar$ently as any retire$ *olonel0o(e o/ 9nglan$ is (ery nearly the strongest emotion 8 possess, an$ in appearing to set it asi$e at su*h a moment, 8 was making a (ery $i//i*ult renun*iation-?= 8n *ollaboration with 0or$ 1ames )alisbury, *hairman o/ the Cons*ientious <bje*tors6 Boar$, .ussell was at the time, beginning to *reate the pa*i/ist mo(ement, whi*h was an$ *ontinues to be a han$y instrument o/ British

sub(ersion- Pa*i/ism allowe$ Britain to penetrate &ermany $uring the war an$ the )o(iet ,nion therea/ter- 8n the perio$ o/ the Ne(ille Chamberlain appeasement poli*y, it was psy*hologi*ally use/ul as a way o/ turning &ermany east rather than westH?0ook, 9nglan$ will ne(er /ight again? was the message- But while .ussell was su//ering publi* opprobrium /or his stan$ $uring #orl$ #ar 8, he was still a wel*ome guest at aristo*rati* *ountry houses at parties atten$e$ by 4sFuith, the British prime minister->" The #ace ) perialists #hat o/ the other members o/ the Coe//i*ients ClubG 0or$ :ilner, appointe$ to the peerage $uring his li/etime, be*ame a *i(il ser(ant upon lea(ing <5/or$ ,ni(ersity- Be/ore being assigne$ to )outh 4/ri*a, he ser(e$ as /inan*e minister in 9gypt Ban important post subse3 Fuently hel$ by 9$war$ Ce*ilC- He was re*ruite$ to the i$eas o/ empire, as was imperialist Ce*il .ho$es, by the <5/or$ 0e*turer 1ohn .uskin, me$i3 e(alist an$ guil$ so*ialist- 4/ter lea(ing his post as high *ommissioner o/ )outh 4/ri*a in 1 "@, :ilner be*ame the a$ministrator o/ the .ho$es TrustHe $ie$ in the 1 ="s, a/ter again joining the go(ernment $uring the war:ilner6s 8redo, written at the en$ o/ his li/e, e5presses the belie/ stru*ture o/ an imperialist who atta*he$ himsel/ to an aristo*ra*y into whi*h he was not born- To him the /lag was no mere bunting:ilner writes that he is a ?nationalist, not a *osmopolitan- - - - 8 am a British Bin$ee$ primarily an 9nglishC nationalist- 8/ 8 am also an 8mperialist, it is be*ause the $estiny o/ the 9nglish ra*e - - - has been to strike /resh roots in $istant parts- - - - :y patriotism knows no geographi*al but only ra*ial limits- 8 am an 8mperialist an$ not a 0ittle 9nglan$er, be*ause 8 am a British .a*e Patriot- - - - 8t is not the soil o/ 9nglan$, $ear as it is to me, whi*h is essential to arouse my patriotism, but the spee*h, the tra$ition, the prin*iples, the aspirations o/ the British ra*e- - - ?The wi$er patriotism is no mere e5alte$ sentiment- 8t is a pra*ti*al ne*essity- - - - 9nglan$, nay more, &reat Britain, nay more, the ,nite$ Ding$om is no longer a power in the worl$ whi*h it on*e was- - - - But the British %ominions as a whole are not only sel/3supporting- They are more nearly sel/3su//i*ient than any other politi*al entity - - - i/ they *an be kept an entity- - - -

?This brings us to our /irst great prin*iple- - - - The British state must /ollow the ra*e, must *omprehen$ it where(er it settles in appre*iable numbers as an in$epen$ent *ommunity- 8/ the swarms *onstantly being thrown o// the parent hi(e are lost to the )tate, the )tate is irreparably weakene$- #e *annot a//or$ to part with so mu*h o/ our best bloo$- #e ha(e alrea$y parte$ with mu*h o/ it, to /orm the millions o/ another separate but /ortunately /rien$ly state- #e *annot a//or$ a repetition o/ the pro*ess-?>1 :ilner6s mentor, Ce*il .ho$es, was also a protOgO o/ 0or$ )alisbury- The works o/ .uskin an$ so*ial %arwinist Charles %ilke, who was ele*te$ a 0iberal member o/ the Parliament in the 1!!"s, were /reely *ir*ulate$ at the turn o/ the *entury- These mani/estos *reate$ the mental *limate in whi*h #ells, .ussell, .ho$es, an$ :ilner were nurture$- 4 generation later, it was #ells an$ .ussell to whom young people woul$ turn8n his book &reater Britain, %ilke ha$ written+ ?8n 4meri*a we ha(e seen the struggle o/ the $ear ra*es against the *heapH the en$ea(ors o/ the 9nglish to hol$ their own against the 8rish an$ Chinese8n New Jealan$, we /oun$ the stronger an$ more energeti* ra*e pushing /rom the earth the shrew$ an$ laborious $es*en$ants o/ the 4sian :alays' in 4ustralia, the 9nglish triumphant, an$ the *heaper ra*es e5*lu$e$ /rom the soil not by $istan*e merely, but by arbitrary legislation' in 8n$ia, we saw the solution o/ the problem by the o//i*ering o/ the *heaper by the $earer ra*e9(erywhere, we ha(e /oun$ that the $i//i*ulties whi*h impe$e the progress to uni(ersal $ominion o/ the 9nglish people lie in the *on/li*t with the *heaper ra*es- The result o/ our sur(ey is su*h as to gi(e us reason /or the belie/ that ra*e $istin*tions will long *ontinue, that mis*egenation will go but a little way towar$s blen$ing ra*es, that the $earer are on the whole likely to $estroy the *heaper peoples an$ that )a5on$om will rise triumphant /rom the $oubt/ul struggle-?>= .uskin e5presse$ the same i$eas in a spee*h that Ce*il .ho$es *arrie$ with him as a treasure$ possession, gi(en in his inaugural le*ture as )la$e Pro/essor o/ 4rt at <5/or$ in 1!2"+ ?4 $estiny is now possible to us, the highest e(er set be/ore a nation to be a**epte$ or re/use$- #ill you youths o/ 9nglan$ make your *ountry again a royal throne o/ kings, a s*eptre$ isle, /or all the worl$ a sour*e o/ light, a *enter o/ pea*eG This is what 9nglan$ must $o or perish- )he must /oun$ *olonies as /ast an$ as /ar as she is able, /orme$ o/ the most energeti* an$

worthiest men' sei7ing any pie*e o/ /ruit/ul waste groun$ she *an set her /oot on, an$ then tea*hing her *olonists that their *hie/ (irtue is to be /i$elity to their *ountry an$ that their /irst aim is to be to a$(an*e the power o/ 9nglan$ by lan$ an$ sea-?>> 4s a *olonist to )outh 4/ri*a, .ho$es answere$ .uskin6s *all, *reating the *ountries o/ )outh 4/ri*a an$ .ho$esia with the support o/ )alisbury- 4s a major partner in the %eBeers $iamon$ mining *ompany an$ Consoli$ate$ &ol$3/iel$s, whi*h he /oun$e$ with .oths*hil$ /inan*ial ba*king, he was brought into the $arker si$e o/ the 9mpire as well, the openly a*knowle$ge$ ?se*ret? British opium tra$e /rom 8n$ia an$ China- B%iamon$s ser(e as a me$ium o/ e5*hange at the top le(els o/ the opium tra$e, an$ in normal perio$s o/ *urren*y e5*hange, (ariations in gol$ an$ $iamon$ pri*es are *losely tie$ to /lu*tuations in the opium markets-C>; .ho$es was $ea$ by the time o/ the )t- 9rmin6s $inner, yet his was the spirit that /ire$ the 9mpire men, transmitte$ through :ilner- .ho$es ha$ /ormulate$ the i$ea /or an elite se*ret so*iety, to be mo$ele$ on the 1esuits, whi*h woul$ organi7e a /i/th *olumn in the ,nite$ )tates, &ermany, an$ .ussia, an$ open pro39mpire so*ieties in the *olonies- The Coe//i*ients, the .oun$ Table, an$ its o//shoots, the .oyal 8nstitute o/ 8nternational 4//airs, whose /irst presi$ent was Cli(e$en6s #al$or/ 4stor, an$ New York City6s Coun*il on Foreign .elations, are all pro$u*ts o/ his original inspiration4//li*te$ with a heart *on$ition, .ho$es wrote numbers o/ wills assigning his /ortune to trustees who woul$ *arry out his purpose- 0or$ :ilner was the /irst trustee, 0or$ 0othian his su**essor- The .ho$es s*holarship, whi*h sele*ts 4meri*an gra$uate stu$ents /or postgra$uate training at <5/or$, is subsi$i7e$ by the Trust- 8n its time it has re*ruite$ a number o/ lea$ing 4meri*an renega$es to the ser(i*e o/ the 9mpire->@ .ho$es6s /irst will, written at the age o/ twenty3/our, in*lu$e$ the /ollowing passage $ire*ting that his /ortune /orm the en$owment o/ a ?se*ret so*iety? $e(ote$ to+ ?The e5tension o/ British rule throughout the worl$, - - - the *oloni7ation by British subje*ts o/ all lan$s where the means o/ li(elihoo$ are attainable by energy, labour, an$ enterprise an$ espe*ially the o**upation by British settlers o/ the entire Continent o/ 4/ri*a, the Holy 0an$, the Ialley o/ the 9uphrates, the islan$s o/ Cyprus an$ Can$ia, the whole o/ )outh 4meri*a, the islan$s o/ the Pa*i/i* not hereto/ore possesse$ by &reat Britain, the

whole o/ the :alay 4r*hipelago, the seaboar$ o/ China an$ 1apan, the ultimate re*o(ery o/ the ,nite$ )tates o/ 4meri*a as an integral part o/ the British 9mpire-?>A 4roun$ the same time he wrote an ?<pen 0etter? to his *ollaborator #-T)tea$, e$itor o/ the Pall .all &a2ette The 1! 1 letter was not publishe$ until a/ter his $eath+ ?Please remember the key o/ my i$ea $is*usse$ with you is a )o*iety *opie$ /rom the 1esuits as to organi7ation, the pra*ti*al solution a $i//erential rate Btari//C- - - - That the work, with 4meri*a in the /ore/ront, is $e(ising tari//s to boy*ott your manu/a*tures an$ that this is the supreme Fuestion, /or 8 belie(e that 9nglan$ with /air play shoul$ manu/a*ture /or the worl$ an$, being a Free Tra$er, 8 belie(e until the worl$ *omes to its senses you shoul$ $e*lare warH8 mean a *ommer*ial warHwith those who are trying to boy*ott your manu/a*tures- - - - You might /inish the war by union with 4meri*a an$ uni(ersal pea*e, 8 mean a/ter 1"" years-?>2 #ar, it was agree$, was ne*essary- The Fuestion to be sol(e$ was what poli*y woul$ assure (i*toryTo un$erstan$ how British poli*y e(ol(e$ *oherently, it is ne*essary to un$erstan$ that the argument as we ha(e so /ar /ollowe$ it has un$erstate$ the situation in whi*h the British /oun$ themsel(es8n his book (emocratic Ideals and Reality publishe$ in 1 1 , Hal/or$ :a*kin$er polemi*i7e$ against the British aristo*ra*y an$ its minions who take their $istaste /or in$ustrialism an$ s*ien*e to the point that they /ail to e(en stu$y maps- Perhaps he was remembering an in*i$ent in(ol(ing .obert Ce*il, *abinet minister o/ the blo*ka$e o/ the 4ustro3Hungarian empire- 8n the Foreign <//i*e one $ay, Ce*il *alle$ /or a map o/ his target, then *omplaine$ to the politi*al intelligen*e spe*ialist that the long3 straggling territory o/ &ali*ia ha$ been wrongly *olore$- ?8t shoul$ be Hungarian, not 4ustrian,? Ce*il sai$?But sir, 86m /rom &ali*ia,? the spe*ialist replie$, ?an$ it is in$ee$ in 4ustria-? Ce*il pause$, then murmure$, ?#hat a /unny shape 4ustria must be-?>!

The in*i$ent o**urre$ three years a/ter Ce*il ha$ assume$ responsibility /or organi7ing the blo*ka$e o/ that *ountry- 4t Iersailles he was one o/ those responsible /or *utting o// su*h protuberan*es /rom the map o/ 4ustria#hen :a*kin$er *omplaine$ that ?e(ery e$u*ate$ &erman is a geographer in a sense that is true o/ (ery /ew 9nglishmen - - - Berlin3Bagh$a$, Berlin3 Peking - - - in(ol(e /or most 4nglo3)a5ons a new mo$e o/ thought,? he was talking about more than mere map3rea$ing- 4s he $e(elope$ the point+ ?The map habit o/ thought is no less pregnant in the sphere o/ e*onomi*s than it is in that o/ strategy- True that laisse20faire ha$ little use /or it, but the 6most /a(ore$ nation6 *lause whi*h &ermany impose$ on $e/eate$ Fran*e in the Treaty o/ Frank/urt ha$ Fuite a $i//erent meaning /or the strategi*al &erman min$ to that whi*h was atta*he$ to it by honest Cob$enites- The &erman bureau*rat built upon it a whole stru*ture o/ pre/eren*es /or &erman tra$e- </ what use to Britain un$er her northern skies was the most /a(ore$ nation *lause when &ermany grante$ a *on*ession to 8taly in the matter o/ import $uties on oli(e oilG #oul$ there not also be railway tru*ks to be returne$ to 8taly whi*h might as well return loa$e$ with &erman e5portsG?> 0ater, in (emocratic Ideals and Reality, :a*kin$er took the theme /urther.e/erring to the /ree tra$e theory o/ 4$am )mith, whi*h premise$ British sur(i(al on e*onomi* war/are an$ the hegemony o/ the British *loth in$ustry base$ upon southern ,-)- sla(e *ulti(ation o/ *otton, :a*kin$er wrote+ ?That may ha(e been a tenable theme in the time o/ 4$am )mith an$ /or a generation or two a/terwar$s- But un$er mo$ern *on$itions the &oing Con*ern, or in other wor$s, a**umulating /inan*ial an$ in$ustrial strength, is *apable o/ outweighing most natural /a*ilities- - - - #hen the stress began a/ter 1!2!, British agri*ulture wane$, though British in$ustry *ontinue$ to grow- But presently lopsi$e$ness $e(elope$ e(en within British in$ustry' the *otton an$ shipbuil$ing bran*hes still grew, but the *hemi*al an$ ele*tri*al bran*hes $i$ not in*rease proportionately-?;" :a*kin$er sli$ o(er the essential issue- By the time o/ the :*Dinley presi$en*y in 1! 2, the ,-)-, &erman, 1apanese, an$ .ussian in$ustrial $e(elopment were o(ertaking Britain- )ome statisti*s help tell the story- 8n 1!2", Britain smelte$ one3hal/ o/ the worl$6s iron an$ pro$u*e$ one3hal/ o/ the worl$6s te5tiles, but by 1! 2 Britain pro$u*e$ less of each than the ,nite$ )tates, an$ only slightly more than &ermany- Not only was this the *ase, but pig iron pro$u*tion between 1!2" an$ 1! 2 in*rease$ AA per*ent in the ,nite$ )tates an$ A" per*ent in &ermany, *reating the in$ustrial base /or e5ports an$ o(erseas *apital in(estment-

8n this same perio$, ,-)- e5ports in general e5pan$e$ >"" per*ent, an$ &erman e5ports by 1"" per*ent' Britain6s in*rease in e5ports was a mere >" per*ent- 4meri*an *ommer*e was also penetrating British *olonies at a pa*e $eeme$ e5tremely $angerous to imperial ties, lea$ing to ?4meri*ani7ation? o/ the *olonies- 4meri*a an$ &ermany, an$ e(en .ussia an$ 1apan, were $estroying Britain6s *ommer*ial an$ there/ore /inan*ial $omination o/ the worl$- This stagnation o/ British manu/a*ture was *ompensate$ /or only by the role o/ the poun$ sterling as a reser(e *urren*y, whi*h allowe$ it to operate as a looting instrument- Yet in 1!!2, by Britain6s own o//i*ial statisti*s, its national $ebt amounte$ to /ully 2-1 per*ent o/ the national re(enue as *ompare$ to the ,nite$ )tates, where the national $ebt was a mere 1-2 per*ent o/ national wealth-;1 ,n$erneath the rhetori*, the British oligar*hy knew that it was engage$ in a li/e3an$3$eath struggle against Fran*e, .ussia, &ermany, an$ the ,nite$ )tates i/ it was to maintain hegemony- That is the politi*al $o*trine behin$ :a*kin$er6s *o$e phrases- 8n (emocratic Ideals and Reality, written at the en$ o/ the First #orl$ #ar, he $e*lare$+ ?The Heartlan$, /or the purposes o/ strategi*al thinking in*lu$es the Balti* )ea, the na(igable :i$$le an$ 0ower %anube, the Bla*k )ea, 4sia :inor, 4rmenia, Persia, Tibet, an$ :ongolia- #ithin it, there/ore, were Bran$en3 burg3Prussia, an$ 4ustria3Hungary, as well as .ussia- - - - Towar$s the en$ o/ the *entury, howe(er, the &ermans o/ Prussia an$ 4ustria $etermine$ to sub$ue the )la(s an$ to e5ploit them /or the o**upation o/ the Heartlan$, through whi*h run the lan$3ways into China, 8n$ia, 4rabia, an$ the 4/ri*an Heartlan$- - - - #e ha(e $e/eate$ the $anger on this o**asion, but the /a*ts o/ geography remain-?;= 8t is only ne*essary to rea$ ?in$ustrial $e(elopment? into the *ontent o/ the wor$ ?geography? an$ :a*kin$er6s thinly (eile$ point is *lear- ,nless &ermany an$ .ussia were sub$ue$, unless their in$ustrial ba*k were broken, Britain was in serious trouble- 8/ &ermany an$ .ussia were to ally, Britain woul$ be /inishe$- This was the reality un$erlying the poli*y $ebate witnesse$ at the Coe//i*ients6 $inner table- This was the poli*y that go(erne$ the British 9mpire /rom the *lose o/ #orl$ #ar 8 through #orl$ #ar 88The poli*y ultimately a$opte$ *an be broken $own into /our parts+

1- 8mme$iately a poli*y o/ $estabili7ations was ne*essary to pre(ent allian*es between Britain6s per*ei(e$ potential enemies- )in*e Fren*h an$ .ussian ties were long3stan$ing, it was *riti*al to pre(ent a Fran*o3&erman rappro*hement- For similar reasons, a .ussian31apanese allian*e was to be a(oi$e$- 4$(ersary relations o/ intensity ha$ to be intro$u*e$ at all *ost=- 8n the me$ium term, the solution to a potential .usso3&erman a**or$ lay in en*ouraging the $issolution o/ the 4ustro3Hungarian 9mpire- 8n that way, a bu//er state o/ sFuabbling ?balkani7e$? states woul$ be establishe$ between .ussia an$ &ermany, thus pre(enting the joining o/ the ?9urasian heartlan$? in a &ran$ %esign /or in$ustrial progress>- 4lso /or the me$ium term, it was ne*essary to a$opt a ?Hamiltonian? poli*y o/ state support /or British in$ustrial war preparations- The 9mpire ha$ to be soli$i/ie$ politi*ally aroun$ a ?Hamiltonian? mo$el o/ /e$eration with some /orm o/ e*onomi* prote*tion or subsi$y to guarantee the loyalty o/ the *olonies, a poli*y that was not *ompletely *arrie$ through until the e(olution o/ the British Commonwealth a/ter #orl$ #ar 88;- For the long term, it was ne*essary to turn ba*k the *lo*k on s*ienti/i* an$ in$ustrial progress by ushering in a new $ark age o/ wars, /amine, an$ epi$emi*- #orl$ #ar 8 was to be the beginning- The $i//eren*es /ought out o(er the $inner table in 1 "> were o/ mere se*on$ary ta*ti*al signi/i*an*e be/ore the o(erri$ing poli*y obje*ti(es upon whi*h both /a*tions were agree$-

TW!: The !pen Conspiracy

66#he men of the 9ew Repu/lic will not /e s3ueamish either in facing or inflicting death #hey will have an ideal that will make killing worth0 while: like -/raham, they will have the faith to kill, and they will have no superstitions a/out death #hey will hold, I anticipate, that a certain portion of the population exists only on sufferance out of pity and patience, and on the understanding that they do not propagate: and I do not foresee any reason to suppose that they will hesitate to kill when that sufferance is a/used -ll such killings will /e done with an opiate If deterrent punishments are used at all in the code of the future, the deterrent will neither /e death, nor mutilation of the /ody- - - /ut good scientifically caused pain " $% & 'ells H-&- #ells an$ Bertran$ .ussell were two o/ the most e(il people ali(e in the twentieth *entury- The horrors they *ontemplate$ with eFuanimity /ar outshone the imaginings o/ their protOgO 4$ol/ Hitler- The propagan$a they wrote intro$u*e$ te*hniFues o/ mass manipulation $e*a$es be/ore &oebbels bragge$ about the Big 0ie- <n*e their writings are set in *onte5t, the (eil is strippe$ away- The emperor is not nake$, but he is hi$eous in his e(ilTheirs was an open *onspira*y, to repla*e what they saw as a /ailing British 9mpire with a /as*ist one3worl$ or$er, to be rule$ by an 4nglo3)a5on elite#ells6s proje*tion /or this ?New .epubli*? began with his /irst early writings o/ s*ien*e /i*tion stories, at the suggestion o/ the e$itor o/ the Pall .all &a2etteHowne$ by the Cli(e$en 4stor /amily- These stories were so e//e*ti(e as anti3s*ien*e propagan$a that he was soon intro$u*e$ into .oun$ Table *ir*les-1 Perhaps his most /amous story is the 'ar of the 'orlds, a story about an in(asion o/ earth /rom :ars- <rson #elles re3ena*te$ it on ra$io an$ *reate$ a pani* in the ,nite$ )tates when listeners thought he was $es*ribing an a*tual 1apanese in(asion- #hile it is not known whether the broa$*ast was a $eliberate stu$y o/ mass pani*, the original is an ob(ious e5ample o/ psy*hologi*al war/are-= The in(a$ing :artians are thinly $isguise$ &ermans, who interestingly tra(el in (ehi*les mu*h like tanks- BThe story was written in 1! !-C They lan$ in the British *ountrysi$e- %espite /rien$ly o(ertures to them, the

:artians are obli(ious to man as anything but an obsta*le to their *ontrol o/ the planet who must there/ore be eliminate$- The story buil$s aroun$ the ina$eFuate e//orts o/ man to $estroy or at least stop them- The aliens ha(e huge guns whi*h en(elop e(erything in their path with /ire- Finally they $o $ieHkille$ not by helpless man, but by their la*k o/ immunity to *ontagious $isease- The lowly mi*robe sa(es the $ay /or 9arth:ore signi/i*ant /rom the stan$point o/ the British aristo*ra*y is the /a*t that the :artian super ra*e *arries its superior s*ienti/i* te*hnology as mo$ules within its spa*eship, an$ the $e/ensi(e armor whi*h they wear *an only be *onstru*te$ a/ter lan$ing- 4t the point o/ lan$ing, they are most (ulnerableThus, their egglike spa*eships are *rushe$, along with their s*ienti/i* potential- #ells6s *lear message is that like the :artians6 *apability, human s*ienti/i* potential must be *rushe$Hwhile it is still in see$ /orm-> #he #ime .achine, written three years earlier, $oes $ouble $uty- 8t takes pot shots at the in*ompetent aristo*ra*y whi*h jeopar$i7es the 9mpire with its intelle*tual la7iness' at the same time it maintains that a high3te*hnology so*iety *an only be*ome e(il an$ barbarian- #e are taken /ar into the /uture, where the human ra*e has split into two spe*ies+ $es*en$ants o/ the aristo3 *ra*y who li(e abo(e groun$ as beauti/ul people, but are un/ortunately also the /ee$sto*k /or the below3groun$ $es*en$ants o/ the rest o/ so*iety, the manipulators o/ te*hnology, who alas, ugly souls, *annot e(en appre*iate the 9nglish *ountrysi$e be*ause their eyes *an no longer tolerate $aylight-; #he Island of (r .oreau, written in 1! A, $es*ribes a $o*tor who turns animals into hal/3men only to ha(e them re(ert again- They are so torture$ by the e5perien*e that they kill the $o*tor in anger? 6:onsters manu/a*ture$L6 sai$ 8, 6Then you mean to tell meH6 ? 6Yes- These *reatures you ha(e seen are animals *ar(en an$ wrought into new shapes- To thatHthe stu$y o/ the plasti*ity o/ li(ing /ormsHmy li/e has been $e(ote$- 8 ha(e stu$ie$ /or years, gaining in knowle$ge as 8 go- 8 see you look horri/ie$, an$ yet 8 am telling you nothing new- 8t all lay in the sur/a*e o/ pra*ti*al anatomy years ago, but no one ha$ the temerity to tou*h it- 8t6s not simply the outwar$ /orm o/ an animal 8 *an *hange- The physiology, the *hemi*al rhythm o/ the *reature, may also be ma$e to un$ergo an en$uring mo$i/i*ation, o/ whi*h (a**ination an$ other metho$s o/ ino*ulation with li(ing or $ea$ matter are e5amples that will, no $oubt, be /amiliar to you-6 ?@

)o %r- :oreau e5plains his metho$ to the narrator- The e(il $o*tor o/ the story is mo$ele$ a/ter a real $o*tor o/ that name, who li(e$ in Paris in the /irst hal/ o/ the nineteenth *entury an$ intro$u*e$ hashish into the literary *ir*les patroni7e$ by the .oths*hil$s- B4le5an$re %umas was a member o/ this set an$ $es*ribes his e5perien*e in the 8ount of .onte 8risto C :oreau a$ministere$ e5tremely high $oses o/ hashish to himsel/, his /rien$s, an$ unsuspe*ting mental patients who were in his *are, an$ then obser(e$ their hallu*inogeni* e5perien*es- He *onten$e$ that a $rugge$ state was i$enti*al to psy*hosis- He was parti*ularly /as*inate$ by the suggestibility o/ his subje*ts, an$ in his report o/ his work, %ashish and .ental Illness, he suggeste$ that hashish3in$u*e$ psy*hosis is use/ul in the training o/ assassins- #hile he $o*umente$ the horror o/ hashish3in$u*e$ psy*hosis, pre$i*tably enough he promote$ it as a euphori* an$, there/ore, $esirable e5perien*e-A #ells was traine$ by %r- Thomas Hu5ley, the man who *reate$ Charles %arwin, an$ #ells in turn was a /ormati(e in/luen*e in the li(es o/ Hu5ley6s gran$sons, 1ulian an$ 4l$ous- 8t is through 4l$ous Hu5ley that the story o/ %r- :oreau be*ame a reality- 4l$ous Hu5ley was responsible /or intro$u*ing %r- :oreau6s metho$ to Cali/ornia as part o/ the C84 an$ British intelligen*e proje*t :D3,ltra, whi*h /loo$e$ the *ollege *ampuses o/ the ,nite$ )tates with 0)% in the early 1 A"s- Ii*tims were gi(en the $rug, o/ten without their knowle$ge- Hu5ley, along with his *ollaborators &regory Bateson an$ Timothy 0eary, *reate$ Den Desey an$ the :erry Pranksters, an$ /rom there the ro*k3$rug *ounter*ulture was laun*he$Hnot as the natural emission o/ mo$ern youth, but as the /irst step in the *reation o/ the ?New .epubli*-?2 8t is with their plans /or a ?New .epubli*? in the ba*ks o/ their min$s that .ussell an$ #ells sat in on the Coe//i*ient Club meetings o/ 1 "> that planne$ the $estabili7ation o/ .ussia, &ermany, an$ 1apan- They ma$e no attempt to hi$e the moti(es behin$ their in(ol(ement- ,n$er the guise o/ an i$eologi*al persuasion as so*ialists, e(erything they planne$ an$ mu*h o/ what they a**omplishe$ are $o*umente$ in their own writings- To$ay6s en(ironmentalist an$ :aoist mo(ements in the #est an$ asso*iate$ ?national liberation? an$ /un$amentalist mo(ements, like that in 8ran, /in$ their roots in the operations o/ .ussell an$ #ells- ,sing as their mo$el the 1a*obin Terror o/ the Fren*h .e(olution, itsel/ stri*tly *oor$inate$ /rom 0on$on, #ells an$ .ussell6s aim was to $estroy in$ustrial *apitalism in

or$er to establish the hegemony o/ a mo$i/ie$ worl$ /eu$al oligar*hismHa new $ark ageYes, Britain was *apitalist, but sin*e the )tuart monar*hy it was (e*tore$ towar$ in$ustrial $e(elopment only to the e5tent that genuine pro3 $e(elopment republi*anism was a per*ei(e$ threat- Dey to un$erstan$ing this are the $i//erent notions o/ *re$it in 4$am )mith6s 'ealth of 9ations an$ Treasury )e*retary 4le5an$er Hamilton6s Report on the !u/ject of .anufac0 tures For )mith, issuing *re$it is a means to re(enue *olle*tion, like rent /rom lan$' /or Hamilton, *re$it is the instrument through whi*h the *iti7enry as a whole promotes national in$ustry an$ progress- #ells an$ .ussell were merely the $egenerate heirs o/ the nineteenth3*entury British imperialists who ha$ alrea$y sought to stop the growing in$ustriali7ation o/ Fran*e, &ermany, .ussia, an$ the ,nite$ )tates?8t is (ery $i//i*ult to pre(ent onesel/ /rom wishing /or another Fran*o3 &erman war to put a stop to this (e5ation,?! 0or$ )alisbury wrote in 1!!2 to his Paris ambassa$or, *omplaining o/ Fren*h mo(es to threaten Britain6s hol$ on 9gypt9(en as early as 1!!A it ha$ be*ome ob(ious to the most /ar3sighte$ members o/ the British oligar*hy that they *oul$ no longer rest se*ure in their hegemony- .epubli*an *urrents in Fran*e, &ermany, .ussia, an$ 1apan, as well as in the ,nite$ )tates, were pushing through in$ustriali7ation programs that were alrea$y o(ertaking Britain in (ital areas- 9(en more important, the rate o/ $e(elopment in these *ountries ha$ alrea$y outstrippe$ BritainTo a Ce*il, the *on/li*ts between these *ountries an$ Britain appeare$ as shi/ts in the balan*e o/ power- But the impulse towar$ poli*y alignment behin$ the *ontinuing ten$en*y /or allian*e between Fran*e, .ussia, &ermany, an$ 1apan, the /our nations in *on*ert, was not merely the hope to out/lank the British 9mpire on behal/ o/ their own *olonial pretensionsThese e5iste$- But republi*an ten$en*ies, while ne(er *ompletely hegemoni*, propelle$ these nations to a *ommunity o/ prin*iple /or in$ustrial growth an$ tra$eFren*h Foreign 4//airs :inister &abriel Hanotau5, in the mi$$le o/ his tenure in o//i*e, whi*h e5ten$e$ /rom 1! ; to 1! !, wrote an arti*le in 1a Revue de Paris, in whi*h he $e/ine$ his *olonial aims /or Fran*e+ ?4 *olony is not a /arm gi(en to the mother *ountry /or e5ploitation, whi*h has no

(alue unless it earns a rent by the en$ o/ the year- The e5pansion o/ a great power throughout the worl$ has Fuite a $i//erent *hara*ter-66 The *olonial poli*y o/ the republi*an lea$ership o/ Fran*e, .ussia, &ermany, an$ 1apan was one o/ bringing in$ustry to the *olonies- British poli*y ha$ been mo$i/ie$ sin*e the 4meri*an .e(olution, but it ha$ not *hange$ in one /un$amental- British e*onomi* poli*y was groun$e$ on pre*isely the notion o/ rent Hanotau5 atta*ke$- To sur(i(e as an empire, Britain *oul$ no longer totally suppress in$ustry as she ha$ trie$ in the Thirteen Colonies, but British *olonial poli*y was anti3in$ustry in bias, an$ *on$emne$ the ?nati(e? populations to misery, po(erty, an$ $iseaseThe /irst aim o/ British poli*y was to unseat $angerous men su*h as &abriel Hanotau5 or .ussia6s Count )ergei #itte, an$ $estroy the in/luen*e o/ republi*an *urrents in these *ountries- To $o this, the British use$ military pressure /rom without an$ sub(ersion /rom within- First Fran*e was targete$' then 1apan an$ .ussia' &ermany remaine$ the last enemyThe result o/ this e//ort was #orl$ #ar 8The *iddle "ast 'inchpin The parti*ular issue e5a*erbating Fren*h3British relations at the time 0or$ )alisbury wrote his Paris ambassa$or was a $e(eloping *on/li*t o(er 9gyptFran*e ha$ been the $ominant in/luen*e there sin*e the time o/ Napoleon6s e5pe$ition, an$ ha$ been strengthene$ with Fer$inan$ $e 0esseps6s *onstru*tion o/ the )ue7 Canal' howe(er, in 1!2@, 9nglan$ mo(e$ in1ust /i(e years a/ter the Fran*o3Prussian #ar an$ its a/termath, the anar*hist uprising known as the Paris Commune, Prime :inister %israeli ha$ been su**ess/ul in a*Fuiring ;" per*ent o/ the shares in the *anal- The waterway was parti*ularly important /or the British as a /ast route /or their opium tra$e- 8n 1!2A, ?$ual *ontrol? was establishe$ by Britain an$ Fran*e o(er 9gyptian /inan*es- 8n 1!!=, 9nglan$ use$ the o**asion o/ a nationalist rebellion in 9gypt to begin a se(enty3year ?temporary o**upation? o/ the *ountry, an$ the Fren*h were out-1" That an 9gyptian ?nationalist? mo(ement shoul$ result in the takeo(er o/ the *ountry by the British Colonial <//i*e is one in$i*ation o/ how the British operate- 8n the nineteenth as well as the twentieth *enturies, British intelligen*e in*ite$, promote$, sponsore$, an$ le$ anar*hist mo(ements, terrorists, an$ religious /un$amentalist *ults as assets o/ British poli*y-

0awren*e o/ 4rabia, $uring the First #orl$ #ar, or the less well3known )t1ohn Philby, /ather o/ British triple3agent Dim Philby,11 are the prototype o/ the British se*ret agent ?gone nati(e? who le$ these mo(ements on the s*ene- 8n general, *olonial $estabili7ations, su*h as the one in 9gypt, were run /rom the British 8n$ia o//i*e, an$ its later spin3o//, the 4rab BureauHowe(er, the .oths*hil$ /amily, with bran*hes in 9urope6s *apitals, as well as in 0on$on, maintaine$ its own pri(ate politi*al intelligen*e network, mu*h like the #ashington3base$ 8nstitute o/ Poli*y )tu$ies to$ay, separate /rom but in tan$em with the British Foreign <//i*eThe .oths*hil$s ga(e the British *ru*ial ai$ in the British sei7ure o/ 9gyptThe /amily6s sponsorship o/ Jionism pro(i$e$ a prete5t /or the British to establish Palestine as a prote*torate o/ the 9mpire- The Fren*h bran*h o/ the banking /amily, un$er the go(ernan*e o/ 9$mon$ $e .oths*hil$, spent A million poun$s in the 1!@"s to settle 1ews in agri*ultural *olonies in the area- Hal/or$ :a*kin$er e5plaine$ the (alue o/ 9$mon$6s ser(i*e to the *rown in (emocratic Ideals and Reality 8n 1 1 , he wrote about the British prote*torate o/ Palestine+ ?8n a monkish map, *ontemporary with the Crusa$es, whi*h still hangs in Here/or$ Cathe$ral, 1erusalem is marke$ as at the geometri*al *enter, the na(el, o/ the worl$, an$ on the /loor o/ the Chur*h o/ the Holy )epul*hre at 1erusalem they will show you to this $ay the pre*ise spot whi*h is the *enter8/ our stu$y o/ the geographi*al realities, as we now know them in their *ompleteness, is lea$ing us to right *on*lusions, the me$ie(al e**lesiasti*s were not /ar wrong- 8/ the #orl$38slan$ be ine(itably the prin*ipal seat o/ humanity on this globe, an$ i/ 4rabia, as the passage3lan$ /rom 9urope to the 8n$ies an$ /rom the Northern to the )outhern Heartlan$, be *entral to the #orl$38slan$, then the hill *ita$el o/ 1erusalem has a strategi*al position with re/eren*e to worl$3realities not $i//ering essentially /rom its i$eal position in the perspe*ti(e o/ the :i$$le 4ges, or its strategi*al position between an*ient Babylon an$ 9gypt- 4s the war has shown, the )ue7 Canal *arries the ri*h tra//i* between the 8n$ies an$ 9urope to within striking $istan*e o/ an army base$ on Palestine, an$ alrea$y the trunk railway is being built through the *oastal plain by 1a//a, whi*h will *onne*t the )outhern with the Northern Heartlan$-?1= 8n a later se*tion o/ the book, this mentor o/ geopoliti*an :ajor3&eneral Darl Hausho/er, *ontinue$ his argument+

?The 1ewish national seat in Palestine will be one o/ the most important out*omes o/ the war- That is a subje*t on whi*h we *an now a//or$ to speak the truth- The 1ew, /or many *enturies shut up in the ghetto, an$ shut out o/ most honorable positions in so*iety, $e(elope$ in an unbalan*e$ manner an$ be*ame hate/ul to the a(erage Christian by reason o/ his e5*ellent, no less than his $e/i*ient Fualities- &erman penetration has been *on$u*te$ in the great *ommer*ial *enters o/ the worl$ in no small measure by 1ewish agen*y, just as &erman $omination in southeastern 9urope was a*hie(e$ through :agyar an$ Turk, with 1ewish assistan*e- 1ews are among the *hie/ o/ the Bolshe(iks o/ .ussia- The homeless, brain/ul 1ew lent himsel/ to su*h internationalist work, an$ Christen$om has no right to be surprise$ by the /a*t- But you will ha(e no room /or these a*ti(ities in your 0eague o/ in$epen$ent, /rien$ly nations- There/ore a national home, at the physi*al an$ histori*al *enter o/ the worl$, shoul$ make the 1ew 6range6 himsel/)tan$ar$s o/ ju$gement, brought to bear on 1ews by 1ews, shoul$ result, e(en among those large 1ewish *ommunities whi*h will remain as &oing Con*erns outsi$e Palestine- This, howe(er, will imply the /rank a**eptan*e o/ the position o/ a nationality, whi*h some 1ews seek to /orget- There are those who try to $istinguish between the 1ewish religion an$ the Hebrew ra*e, but surely the popular (iew o/ their broa$ i$entity is not /ar wrong-?1> 8n the mi$3nineteenth *entury Jionism was hate/ul to the majority o/ 1ews, who saw themsel(es as members o/ a religion, not a nationality- Nonethe3 less, the .oths*hil$s, by supporting a (ariety o/ liberal, tra$e3union, so*ialist, an$ anar*hist organi7ations, were able to su**ess/ully penetrate the 1ewish *ommunity, parti*ularly in 9astern 9urope where ghetto *on$itions were /or*e$ upon 1ews- Through their networks in the 1ewish Bun$, they were able to in$u*e small ban$s o/ 1ews to emigrate to Palestine:ore signi/i*antly, they were able to $eploy a network o/ anar*hist terrorists, not all 1ewish- 8t was these networks to whi*h the terrorist 9mma &ol$man was *onne*te$, an$ whi*h she use$ in the attempte$ assassination o/ the ,-)- in$ustrialist Fri*k an$ the su**ess/ul elimination o/ Presi$ent :*Dinley-1; The same networks were also hea(ily in(ol(e$ in the Paris Commune- 8n the mi$$le o/ :ar*h 1!21, the Commune was establishe$, the Tuileries were burne$, an$ there was looting an$ bloo$she$ throughout the *ity, but the .oths*hil$ mansion was one o/ the /ew buil$ings to emerge uns*athe$The .oths*hil$s un$ertook to /inan*e the @ billion /ran* in$emnity le(ie$ on the Fren*h by the &ermans a/ter the Fran*o3Prussian #ar- That in$emnity

was *olle*te$ by them two years be/ore it was $ue, in 1!2@- This was time$ with %israeli6s mo(e to sei7e *ontrol o/ the *anal sto*k an$ take 9gypt /rom the Fren*h- The %u* %e*a7es, the Fren*h minister o/ /oreign a//airs, who was in the pay o/ the .oths*hil$s, learne$ that the Dhe$i(e o/ 9gypt was o//ering his shares o/ the )ue7 Canal Company /or sale- He $i$ not in/orm the Fren*h go(ernment, but alerte$ the .oths*hil$s, who in turn a$(an*e$ the money to %israeli to make the pur*hase-1@ The .oths*hil$s were rewar$e$- 8n 1!!@ Nathaniel .oths*hil$ was ma$e a peer- The .oths*hil$s were so mu*h a**epte$ that e(en in 1!!1, 9$war$ the I88, then Prin*e o/ #ales, atten$e$ a .oths*hil$ we$$ing hel$ in a syna3 gogue- 8n 1!2! Hannah .oths*hil$ marrie$ 0or$ .osebery, a *lose asso*iate o/ the Ce*ils, who later be*ame prime minister an$ was a*ti(e in Fabian *ir*lesThe Drey($s A((air Between the years 1! ; an$ 1 "@, the British se(erely $estabili7e$ the go(ernments o/ Fran*e, 1apan, an$ .ussia- 8n 1! ;, they began with the %rey/us a//air, a ?s*an$al? that was put into motion the year &abriel Hanotau5 took o//i*eBe*ause %rey/us, a Fren*h military o//i*er, was 1ewish, a wa(e o/ anti3 )emitism swept the *ountry a/ter his *on(i*tion /or selling $o*uments *on*erning Fren*h military maneu(ers to the &ermans- This ma$e Jionism appear more attra*ti(e to *re$ulous 1ews- </ greater strategi* importan*e, a growing Fren*h3&erman $etente was aborte$ an$ Fren*h pro3$e(elopment in$ustrial /or*es were put on the $e/ensi(e4s is well3known, the *ase was a /rame3up- 8n /a*t, one o/ the letters use$ as e(i$en*e against %rey/us, presume$ to ha(e been written by him, was later i$enti/ie$ as written by :ajor Hubert Henry, an agent o/ Count Fer$inan$ #alsin39sterha7y, a Catholi* Hungarian aristo*rat whose /amily ha$ been /inan*e$ by the .oths*hil$s sin*e at least the 1!;"s8n 1! >, a prete5t was arrange$ to allow the spy 9sterha7y to re*ei(e money openly /rom the .oths*hil$s- 9sterha7y was an intimate o/ P$ouar$ %rumont, e$itor o/ a (i*ious anti3)emiti* rag *alle$ 1a 1i/re Parole, whi*h ha$ been /inan*e$ by the )o*iety o/ 1esus- %rumont insulte$ a 1ewish o//i*er an$ was *hallenge$ to a $uel- His /rien$ 9sterha7y agree$ to a*t as the o//i*er6s se*on$- The .oths*hil$s then ga(e him employment as a /rien$ o/ the 1ews, $espite his *ontinuing asso*iation with %rumont-1A

9sterha7y o//ere$ his ser(i*es as a spy to the military atta*he at the &erman embassy in Paris on 1uly =", 1! ;, an$ was a**epte$- He was able to gain military in/ormation through :ajor Henry, a /rien$ who worke$ /or Fren*h :ilitary 8ntelligen*e- :eanwhile, se(eral leaks were arrange$, in*lu$ing a telegram sent to the 8talian military atta*he suppose$ly by the &ermany military atta*he, stating that the embassy was being /e$ military se*rets by a Fren*h spy i$enti/ie$ as ?%-? 4 *ir*umstantial *ase was *are/ully built up to impli*ate Captain %rey/us,ltimately, 9sterha7y was *ourt3marshale$, although he was ne(er *on(i*te$- He /le$ Fran*e an$ went to 0on$on where he was wel*ome$ an$ gi(en sympatheti* treatment in the pressThe attitu$e o/ this .oths*hil$ agent towar$ the Fren*h was re(eale$ in a letter to his mistress+ ?8/ one night 8 shoul$ be tol$ that 8, ser(ing as a Captain o/ the ,hlans, shoul$ $ie massa*ring the Fren*h, 8 shoul$ be entirely happy- 8 woul$ not harm a puppy, but 8 woul$ kill 1"",""" Fren*hmen with pleasure- This is the /east 8 $ream o/-?12 9mile Jola6s /amous arti*le ?164**use? be*ame the battle *ry /or an atta*k by liberal *ir*les against the Fren*h go(ernment /or the /rame3up an$ unjust imprisonment o/ the *aptain- Jola was only one o/ the many artists patroni7e$ by the .oths*hil$s' knowing that his arti*le was libelous, he /le$ to 0on$on be/ore its publi*ation to a(oi$ prose*ution- 8n 1! !, :ajor Hubert Henry, now in prison, *on/esse$ to the /orgeries an$ *ommitte$ sui*i$e8n )eptember 1! ;, as the Fren*h military was being han$e$ the /orge$ ?%rey/us? letter, Bertran$ .ussell was sent as atta*he to the British embassy in Paris /or a three3month spe*ial assignmentHhis /irst upon gra$uating /rom Trinity College at Cambri$ge- #hile his reports on the %rey/us a//air ha(e not been ma$e publi*, his *omment on the Fren*h to his /ian*e is striking+ ?8 shoul$ be $elighte$ i/ the whole Fren*h nation were sunk un$er the sea, an$ belie(e the worl$ woul$ be (astly the better /or it-? The real target o/ the %rey/us a//air was &abriel Hanotau5, whose poli*y was to /orge a Fran*o3&erman allian*e- He took o//i*e in :ay 1! ; an$ ser(e$ until the mi$$le o/ 1une 1! !, with the e5*eption o/ the si53month perio$ /rom No(ember 1, 1! @ to 4pril 1 1! A, when the British were su**ess/ul in /or*ing a go(ernment *risis o(er the s*an$al- But although he

weathere$ the storm, his position was weakene$ by the anti3&erman sentiment the %rey/us a//air arouse$ in the populationHanotau5 was a member o/ the mo$erate wing o/ the Fren*h .epubli*an Party, who *ons*iously mo$ele$ himsel/ on the great nation3buil$ers 1ean3 Baptiste Colbert an$ Car$inal .i*helieu, whose poli*y was $ominate$ by an internal $e(elopment program *ombine$ with *reating allian*es to $estroy the oligar*hi*al power o/ the Hapsburgs- ,n$er Hanotau56s ministry, Fran*e *onsoli$ate$ its position in North an$ #est 4/ri*a- He a**omplishe$ this by /orging a working relationship with the &ermans, who also ha$ interests in the area, so that the two nations *oul$ together out/lank Britain- Through this *ooperation, Hanotau5 was able to /or*e the re(ersal o/ an 4nglo3 Congolese treaty whi*h ha$ gi(en the Belgians a *on*ession on the Nile, in what was nominally 9gyptian3*ontrolle$ territoryHanotau5 also /orme$ a blo* with .ussia an$ Turkey to re(erse an 4nglo3 8talian Treaty, signe$ in :ay 1! ;, that ha$ gi(en 8taly *ontrol o(er 4byssinia, tra$itionally an area o/ Fren*h in/luen*e- Tunisia was another *ase in whi*h the British ha$ attempte$ to sFuee7e the Fren*h- 8n 1!2A, at the same time %israeli was able to sei7e )ue7 Canal shares, with the *onni(an*e o/ the .oths*hil$s, Britain ha$ /or*e$ a Tunisian ?*apitulation treaty? on the Fren*h- 8n 1uly 1! A, Hanotau5 won re*ognition /rom 4ustria o/ Fran*e6s spe*ial rights in Tunisia- Britain was being bo5e$ in- 8taly an$ .ussia *ame to terms, /ollowe$ by &ermany, Belgium, Hollan$, %enmark, )pain, an$ )we$en- <ne year later, in )eptember o/ 1! 2, 9nglan$ was /or*e$ to *on*e$e-1! %espite the %rey/us a//air, initiati(es /or an allian*e kept *oming /rom &ermany- 8n early 1! A the &erman /oreign se*retary (isite$ the Fren*h ambassa$or in Berlin to propose Fren*h *ooperation in ?limiting the insatiable appetite o/ 9nglan$- - - - M8tN is ne*essary to show 9nglan$ that she *an no longer take a$(antage o/ the Fran*o3&erman antagonism to sei7e whate(er she wants-? Howe(er, the respon$ing pressure /rom Britain was enormous- 1ust weeks a/ter this meeting, &ermany was publi*ly en*ouraging Britain to re*onFuer the )u$an, 4n$ in Fran*e, anti3&erman sentiment was *onstantly kept abla7e with the %rey/us a//air-1 Hanotau5 was /or*e$ out o/ o//i*e /or goo$ in 1une 1! ! through a *ombina3 tion o/ outsi$e $estabili7ation an$ a *ampaign to isolate his position in the

*abinet run by :inister /or Colonial 4//airs ThOophile %el*assO, who be*ame his su**essor as minister o/ /oreign a//airs- By <*tober, Britain6s ambassa$or in Paris, :onson, wrote ba*k to the Foreign <//i*e that ?the e5isting *on$ition o/ unrest an$ suspi*ion Bin Fran*eC is interesting to 9nglan$ on a**ount o/ the in/luen*e it may e5er*ise upon the /oreign relations o/ Fran*e-?=" Hanotau56s su**essor in o//i*e, ThOophile %el*assO, was a phony nationalist who woul$ /ollow British or$ers i/ it /urthere$ his own re(an*hist Bre(engeC ambitions against &ermany- 4s the /ormer *olonial se*retary he ha$ *onsistently worke$ to isolate Hanotau5 in the *abinet, an$ ha$ set up the Fren*h /or*e$ ba*k$own be/ore Britain in Fasho$a, 9gypt- %el*assO use$ the ironi*al en$ to the %rey/us a//air to $estroy the last remnants o/ his pre$e*essor6s poli*y8n$ee$, a/ter /irst initiating the ill3/ate$ e5pe$ition o/ Captain :ar*han$ to Fasho$a in 9gypt, %el*assO /or*e$ Fran*e into a humiliating with$rawal in /ront o/ a$(an*ing British troops- By 1! , %el*assO ha$ a**epte$ a treaty with the British establishing ?spheres o/ in/luen*e? whi*h totally e5*lu$e$ Fran*e /rom the Nile Ialley- 4s part o/ the pa*kage, %el*assO reinterprete$ Hanotau56s ?%ual 4llian*e? with .ussia into a poli*y o/ aggressi(e en*ir*le3 ment o/ &ermany-=) The shi/t was *omplete$ with %el*assO6s signing o/ the se*ret ?9ntente Cor$iale? with Britain in 1 ";The #$sso%&apan War Breaking the Fran*o3&erman allian*e an$ re3se*uring the :i$$le 9ast was not the only British strategi* ne*essity- 4sia ha$ to be brought un$er *ontrol- 1apan, un$er the restoration o/ the :eiji monar*hy, threatene$ to liberate the whole area /rom British hegemony- %espite its so3*alle$ <pen %oor poli*y, China as well as 8n$ia was a British *olony- 9(en as late as 1 =", the 8nspe*tor &eneral o/ the Chinese *ustoms ser(i*e Bthat is, the *ontroller o/ opium tra//i*C was /y treaty British- He *ontrolle$ the appointment o/ 2,@"" people, o/ whom =,""" were non3ChineseThe :eiji restoration presente$ the British with a new $anger+ 4n in$ustriali7ing 1apan, *ombine$ with a .ussia go(erne$ by republi*an /or*es, woul$ threaten the entire British hol$ on China an$ 8n$ia1apan was go(erne$ by an uneasy *oalition o/ two /a*tions- <ne, the :itsubishi, was strongly pro34meri*an- 8t was this /a*tion that brought the 9mperor :eiji to power in 1!A! aroun$ a program mo$ele$ on the

4meri*an )ystem, whi*h ha$ rea*he$ 1apan through the writings o/ 4braham 0in*oln6s a$(iser Henry Carey an$ Frie$ri*h 0ist- The :eiji poli*y was to /orm an allian*e with .ussia to in$ustriali7e 4sia an$ /ree it /rom the hi$eous *on$itions impose$ by the British, epitomi7e$ by the opium $ens /or*e$ upon the Chinese an$ others sin*e the <pium #arsThe 1apanese Prime :inister <kuma, one o/ the major lea$ers o/ his *ountry an$ /a*tion, $e*lare$ be/ore the Dobe Chamber o/ Commer*e+ ?There are >"" million nati(es in 8n$ia looking to us to res*ue them /rom the thrall$om o/ &reat Britain-?== 4s part o/ its strategy, the :itsubishi, who were *onne*te$ to 1apanese shipping interests, sought to $e(elop a 1apanese38n$ian mer*hant /leet an$ na(y in or$er to break the British stranglehol$ on Far 9astern *ommer*eHowe(er, they were oppose$ by the :itsui, a /a*tion organi7e$ aroun$ ri*e3 e5porting interests- These /or*es ten$e$ to blo* with /eu$al, lan$owners elements in the *ountry, an$ sought to a$(an*e 1apanese power by maneu(ers against .ussia' they were not a$(erse to *ar(ing up se*tions o/ China /or themsel(es in *on*ert with the British- The 9mperor an$ his *oun*illors, with whom the /inal poli*y $e*isions reste$, balan*e$ between the two /a*tionsThe geopoliti*al strategy Bertran$ .ussell outline$ towar$ 1apan in his 1 => book, #he Pro/lem of 8hina, $oes not $i//er /rom the )alisbury strategy o/ 1!!2Hi/ e5*eption is ma$e /or the British hope Bpro(en un/oun$e$C that the 1 1! re(olution in .ussia woul$ $estroy the *ountry- .ussell wrote the book upon his return /rom a trip to China, where he taught *lasses on his nominalist philosophy atten$e$ by :ao Tse3Tung an$ Chou en30ai, an$ /ormulate$ the plans /or a new $ark age that woul$ be unleashe$ by a :aoist mo(ement- .ussell wrote+ ?From some points o/ (iew, 4sia, in*lu$ing .ussia, may be regar$e$ as a unity' but /rom this unity 1apan must be e5*lu$e$- .ussia, China an$ 8n$ia *ontain (ast plains gi(en o(er to peasant agri*ulture' they are easily swaye$ by military empires su*h as that o/ &enghis Dhan' with mo$ern railways, they *oul$ be $ominate$ /rom a *enter more se*urely than in /ormer timesThey *oul$ be sel/3subsistent e*onomi*ally, an$ in(ulnerable to outsi$e atta*k, in$epen$ent o/ *ommer*e, an$ so strong as to be in$i//erent to progress-?=>

.ussell then $is*usse$ how Britain attempte$ to balan*e pie*es in the area in the perio$ be/ore #orl$ #ar 8- Typi*ally, he lie$ by omission, lea(ing out two pie*es o/ the geopoliti*al pi*ture- He $oes not mention British e//orts to $estabili7e the pro34meri*an in$ustrial3*apitalist3oriente$ go(ernment o/ Count #itte in .ussia, whi*h was seeking a**or$ with the :itsubishi /a*tion in 1apan at the time- Nor $oes he $is*lose the *yni*al position the British took in the )ino31apanese #ar, in whi*h the British en*ourage$ both si$es to /ight, with the mistaken e5pe*tation that China woul$ $e/eat 1apan- None3 theless, .ussell6s a**ount gi(es a partial sense o/ how Britain playe$ its game+ ?The )ino31apanese #ar o/ 1! ;31! @ *on*erne$ Dorea, with whose internal a//airs China an$ 1apan ha$ mutually agree$ not to inter/ere without /irst *onsulting ea*h other- Neither si$e was in the right' it was a war *ause$ by a *on/li*t o/ ri(al imperialisms- The Chinese were easily an$ $e*isi(ely $e/eate$, an$ /rom that $ay to this ha(e not (enture$ to oppose any /oreign power by /or*e o/ arms, e5*ept uno//i*ially in the Bo5er .ebellion- The 1apanese were, howe(er, pre(ente$ /rom reaping the /ruits o/ their (i*tory by the inter(ention o/ .ussia, &ermany, an$ Fran*e, 9nglan$ hol$ing aloo/The .ussians *o(ete$ Dorea /or themsel(es, the Fren*h *ame in as their allies, an$ the &ermans presumably joine$ them be*ause o/ #illiam 886s $rea$ o/ the Yellow Peril,?=; To the .ussells o/ this worl$, politi*s is a huge *hess game- The 1apanese were su**ess/ully isolate$, but a potentially $angerous *on*or$ still remaine$ between Fran*e, &ermany, an$ .ussia- .ussell himsel/ was on the s*ene in &ermany in the 1! "s, where he helpe$ shape the malleable lea$ership o/ the &erman )o*ial %emo*ra*y into a weapon against the Fran*o3&erman3.ussian allian*e- He met with )o*ial %emo*rati* party *hie/ 4ugust Bebel, writing a pro/ile o/ the party /or /uture useBebel, it has sin*e been learne$, maintaine$ top3le(el *onta*t with the British go(ernment, e(en throughout #orl$ #ar 8- #hile the )o*ial %emo*ra*y was ostensibly pa*i/ist, .ussell6s in/luen*e was mani/est- 8n 1! 1, Bebel ma$e an in/lammatory spee*h to the party6s 9r/urt Congress that $o(etaile$ pre*isely with British obje*ti(es- ?8/ .ussia, the *hampion o/ *ruelty an$ barbarity, the enemy o/ all human *ulture were to atta*k &ermany,? pro*laime$ Bebel, ?we are as mu*h an$ more intereste$ than those who stan$ at the hea$ o/ &ermany, an$ we woul$ resist .ussia, /or a .ussian (i*tory means the $e/eat o/ so*ial $emo*ra*y-?=@

.e*ounting the story o/ the war later, .ussell *ontinue$+ ?Howe(er that may be, this inter(ention Mo/ .ussia, Fran*e, an$ &ermany into the )ino31apanese #arN ma$e the .usso31apanese #ar ine(itable- 8t woul$ not ha(e mattere$ mu*h to 1apan i/ the Chinese ha$ establishe$ themsel(es in Dorea, but the .ussians $i$ not be/rien$ China /or nothing' they a*Fuire$ a lease o/ Port 4rthur an$ %alny Bnow *alle$ %arienC, with railway an$ mining rights in :an*huria- They built the Chinese 9astern .ailway, running right through :an*huria, *onne*ting Port 4rthur an$ Peking with the )iberian .ailway an$ 9urope- Ha(ing a**omplishe$ all this, they set to work to penetrate Dorea-? The .usso31apanese war was not so ine(itable- .ussell /ails to mention the Hun$re$ %ays .e/orm, whi*h was an allie$ attempt to o(erthrow the /eu$al Chinese $ynasty in 1! !- Hanotau5 an$ #itte ha$ establishe$ the .ussian3 Chinese Bank in 1! A- 8n *ollaboration with <kuma, its /irst goal was to in$ustriali7e :an*huria- These plans were thwarte$ when a British *ounter3 *oup put the %owager 9mpress ba*k on the throne#ithin weeks, <kuma was repla*e$ as prime minister by the pro3British :itsui /a*tion?The .usso31apanese #ar woul$ presumably not ha(e taken pla*e but /or the 4nglo31apanese allian*e, *on*lu$e$ in 1 "=,? .ussell a$mitte$- ?8n British poli*y, this allian*e has always ha$ a somewhat minor pla*e, while it has been the *ornerstone o/ 1apanese /oreign poli*y e5*ept $uring the &reat #ar, when the 1apanese thought &ermany woul$ win- The allian*e pro(i$e$ that, in the e(ent o/ either power being atta*ke$ by two powers at on*e, the other shoul$ *ome to its assistan*e- 8t was o/ *ourse, originally inspire$ by /ear o/ .ussia, an$ was /rame$ with a (iew to pre(enting the .ussian go(ernment, in the e(ent o/ war with 1apan or 9nglan$, /rom *alling upon the help o/ Fran*e- 8n 1 "= we were hostile to Fran*e an$ .ussia, an$ 1apan remaine$ hostile to .ussia until a/ter the Treaty o/ Portsmouth ha$ been supplemente$ by the *on(ention o/ 1 "2?The allian*e ser(e$ its purpose a$mirably /or both parties $uring the .usso3 1apanese #ar- 8t kept Fran*e /rom joining .ussia, an$ thereby enable$ 1apan to a*Fuire *omman$ o/ the sea- 8t enable$ 1apan to weaken .ussia, thus *urbing .ussian ambitions, an$ making it possible /or us to *on*lu$e an entente with .ussia in 1 "2- #ithout this entente, the entente *on*lu$e$ with Fran*e in 1 "; woul$ ha(e been useless, an$ the allian*e whi*h $e/eate$ &ermany *oul$ not ha(e been *reate$-?=A

The Down(all o( #$ssia's Co$nt Witte Britain6s su**ess in establishing the pre*on$itions /or #orl$ #ar 8 $epen$e$ upon remo(ing Count #itte an$ paraly7ing the politi*al *apabilities o/ the in$ustrial /or*es he represente$- Contrary to British propagan$a, whi*h sin*e Prime :inister Palmerston6s time ha$ been /e$ to 9uropean )o*ial %emo*rati* an$ other liberal networks, .ussia was less ba*kwar$ an$ less /eu$al in impulse than &reat BritainBeginning in 1! 1, when Count #itte be*ame /inan*e minister, .ussia embarke$ on one o/ the worl$6s most ambitious in$ustrial $e(elopment programs- His ability to $o this represente$ the positi(e potential un$erlying .ussia6s $iplomati* relations with &ermany an$ Fran*e- The most su**ess/ul pre*e$ent /or #itte6s poli*y o**urre$ thirty years be/ore, when Tsar 4le5an$er allie$ his *ountry with the 4braham 0in*oln a$ministration $uring the 4meri*an Ci(il #ar- To 0on$on6s sho*k, 4le5an$er ha$ threatene$ instant military retribution shoul$ &reat Britain enter the war on the si$e o/ the Con/e$era*y, an$ ba*ke$ this threat with the presen*e o/ warships-=2 Finan*e :inister )ergei #itte ha$ an impressi(e re*or$ o/ su**ess- 8n the spa*e o/ si5teen years, .ussia built the trans3)iberian railroa$, uni/ying its empire- The /inan*e minister intro$u*e$ monetary re/orm an$ pla*e$ the .ussian *urren*y on the gol$ stan$ar$- This /inan*ial re/orm *reate$ the *limate /or /oreign *apital in(estment, with the Baku oil /iel$s, as a$(an*e$ te*hnologi*ally as any in the worl$, as the result- Chemi*al, mining, an$ steel in$ustries were built up, an$ an unparallele$ program was institute$ to train .ussia6s peasant an$ in$ustrial work/or*e- 0enin6s ele*tri/i*ation an$ in$ustriali7ation program an$ the 1 == )o(iet3&erman .apallo tra$e an$ $e(elopment a**or$s he /orge$, were the *ons*ious *ontinuation o/ Count #itte6s program-=! 8n early 1 =" Bertran$ .ussell ha$ tra(ele$ to the )o(iet ,nion to pro/ile the newly establishe$ Bolshe(ik regime, with H-&- #ells /ollowing a /ew years later to try to $is*ourage 0enin /rom pursuing his ele*tri/i*ation program- .ussell mo$ele$ his so*ialismHan$ :ao6sHon the basis o/ the British aristo*rat6s (iew o/ the .ussian peasant, as he $es*ribe$ it in his Pro/lems of 8hina7 ?8t was on the Iolga, in the summer o/ 1 =", that 8 /irst reali7e$ how pro/oun$ is the $isease in our #estern mentality, whi*h the Bolshe(iks are

attempting to /or*e upon an essentially 4siati* population, just as 1apan an$ the #est are $oing in China- - - - <ne night, (ery late, our boat stoppe$ in a $esolate spot where there were no houses, but only a great san$bank, an$ beyon$ it a row o/ poplars with the rising moon behin$ them- 8n silen*e, 8 went ashore, an$ /oun$ on the san$ a strange assemblage o/ human beings, hal/3noma$s, wan$ering /rom some remote region o/ /amine, ea*h /amily hu$$le$ together surroun$e$ by all its belongings, some sleeping, others silently making small /ires o/ twigs- The /li*kering /lames lighte$ up gnarle$, bear$e$ /a*es o/ wil$ men, strong, patient, primiti(e women, an$ *hil$ren as se$ate an$ slow as their parents- Human beings they un$oubte$ly were, yet it woul$ ha(e been /ar easier /or me to grow intimate with a $og or a *at or a horse than with one o/ them- 8 knew that they woul$ wait there $ay a/ter $ay, perhaps /or weeks, until a boat *ame in whi*h they *oul$ go to some $istant pla*e in whi*h they ha$ hear$H/alsely perhapsH that the earth was more generous than in the *ountry they ha$ le/t- )ome woul$ $ie by the way, all woul$ su//er hunger an$ thirst an$ the s*or*hing mi$$ay sun, but their su//erings woul$ be $umb- To me they seeme$ to typi/y the (ery soul o/ .ussia, une5pressi(e, ina*ti(e /rom $espair, unhee$e$ by the little set o/ #esterni7ers who make up all the parties o/ progress or rea*tion- .ussia is so (ast that the arti*ulate /ew are lost in it as man an$ his planet are lost in interstellar spa*e- 8t is possible, 8 thought, that the theorists may in*rease the misery o/ the many by trying to /or*e them into a*tions *ontrary to their prime(al instin*ts, but 8 *oul$ not belie(e that happiness was to be brought to them by a gospel o/ in$ustrialism an$ /or*e$ labor- - - 8t was in this moo$ that 8 set out /or China to seek a new hope?Hthe :aoist mo(ement he organi7e$L= #itte ha$ worke$ to bring these peasants, who to .ussell were less sympatheti* than $ogs, into the mo$ern age8n a 1 "> report to the Tsar on the progress o/ his re/orm program, #itte ha$ written an answer to those who /eare$ that /oreign in(estment woul$ bring with it $omination+ ?Consi$ering the /a*t that the in/lu5 o/ /oreign *apital is the *hie/ means /or .ussia in her present e*onomi* *on$ition to spee$ up the a**umulation o/ nati(e *apital, one shoul$ rather wish that our legislation *on*erning /oreigners might be simpli/ie$- Histori*al e5perien*e shows that those human energies whi*h a**ompany /oreign *apital are a use/ul *reati(e /erment in the mass o/ the population o/ the most power/ul nation an$ that they be*ome gra$ually assimilate$+ mere e*onomi* ties *hange into organi*

ones- The importe$ *ultural /or*es thus be*ome an inseparable part o/ the *ountry itsel/- <nly a $isintegrating nation has to /ear /oreign ensla(ement.ussia, howe(er, is not China,?>" Count #itte6s memoran$um summari7e$ his politi*al program+ ?1- To keep the tari// o/ 1! 1 un*hange$ until the renewal o/ our tra$e treaties?=- To work in the meantime by all means /or re$u*ing the pri*es o/ in$ustrial goo$s, not by in*reasing the import o/ goo$s /rom abroa$ but by the $e(elopment o/ our $omesti* pro$u*tion, whi*h makes man$atory the in/lu5 o/ /oreign *apital?>- To postpone a lowering o/ our tari// until the time o/ the renewal o/ our tra$e treaties, so that, in turn, we *an insist upon /a(orable terms /or our agri*ultural e5ports?;- Not to impose in the meantime new restraints on the in/lu5 o/ /oreign *apital, either through new laws or new interpretations o/ e5isting laws or, especially through administrative degrees ?@- To maintain un*hange$ our present poli*y towar$ /oreign *apital until 1 ";, so that with its help our $omesti* in$ustries *an $e(elop in the meantime to a position o/ su*h strength that in the renewal o/ tra$e treaties we may be able to make genuine re$u*tions on se(eral o/ our tari// rates?A- To re(iew in 1 ";, at the time o/ the renewal o/ the tra$e treaties, the problem o/ /oreign *apital an$ to $e*i$e then whether new sa/eguar$s shoul$ be a$$e$ to e5isting legislation-?>1 <ne year a/ter Count #itte submitte$ this report, Hal/or$ :a*kin$er issue$ Britain6s reply in the /orm o/ a report to the British .oyal &eographi*al )o*iety, entitle$ ?The &eographi*al Pi(ot o/ History-? ?4s we *onsi$er this rapi$ re(iew o/ the broa$er *urrents o/ history, $oes not a *ertain persisten*e o/ geographi*al relationship be*ome e(i$entG? began :a*kin$er- ?8s not the pi(ot region o/ the worl$6s politi*s that (ast area o/ 9uro34sia whi*h is ina**essible to ships, but in antiFuity lay open to the horse ri$ing noma$s, an$ is to$ay about to be *o(ere$ with a network o/ railways- There ha(e been an$ are here the *on$itions o/ a mobility o/ military an$ e*onomi* power o/ a /ar3rea*hing an$ yet limite$ *hara*ter.ussia repla*es the :ongol empire- Her pressure on Finlan$, on )*an$in3

a(ia, on Polan$, on Turkey, on Persia, on 8n$ia, on China repla*es the *entri/ugal rai$s o/ the steppe3men- 8n the worl$ at large she o**upies the *entral strategi*al position hel$ by &ermany in 9urope- - - ?8n *on*lusion, it may be well e5pressly to point out that the substitution o/ some new *ontrol o/ inlan$ area /or that o/ .ussia woul$ not ten$ to re$u*e the geographi*al signi/i*an*e o/ the pi(ot position- #ere the Chinese, /or instan*e, organi7e$ by the 1apanese, to o(erthrow the .ussian empire an$ *onFuer its territory, they might *onstitute the Yellow Peril to the worl$6s /ree$om- - - -?>= Far better a war between the two to be /ollowe$ by a re(olution in .ussia4lrea$y as :a*kin$er wrote, #itte ha$ been remo(e$ /rom o//i*e an$ the .usso31apanese #ar was beginningFirst, #itte6s position in .ussia ha$ been un$ermine$ by the /all o/ Hanotau5 an$ <kuma- #hile the Tsar ha$ ba*ke$ his /inan*e minister6s poli*ies up until 1 ">, .ussian /oreign poli*y ha$ in*reasingly *ome un$er the sway o/ a militarist /a*tion, ni*kname$ the ?Doreans? /or their $esigns in that area- 4s a gran$$aughter o/ Kueen Ii*toria, Tsarina 4le5an$ra pro(i$e$ the point o/ entry /or British poli*y in/luen*e8n 1 "> #itte was $ismisse$ as /inan*e minister- The .usso31apanese #ar /ollowe$ in 1 ";, /anne$ by militarist /or*es in both nations, who were bankrolle$ through 0on$on an$ their .oths*hil$ an$ #arburg allies- The imme$iate issue o/ the war was *ontrol o/ Dorea->> The 1 "@ .e(olution that /ollowe$ the war began un$er the auspi*es o/ the .ussian poli*e- The pre*ipitating in*i$ent, a $emonstration le$ by Father &apon in support o/ striking steelworkers was met with poli*e (iolen*e, in what be*ame known as Bloo$y )un$ay- #hile Father &apon was $eploye$ by the Politi*al Poli*e, it was the 1ewish Bun$ that was the e//e*ti(e /or*e in organi7ing the .ussian tra$e3union mo(ement- )i$ney Hillman, /or e5ample, who be*ame the hea$ o/ the ,-)- 4malgamate$ Clothing #orkers ,nion, emigrate$ to the ,nite$ )tates in 1 "2, along with 1"",""" other 9astern 9uropean 1ews in that perio$- His *ase was typi*al- 4*ti(e in organi7ing with the Bun$ $uring the re(olution an$ /or*e$ to /lee in the repression that /ollowe$, he maintaine$ his links with the Bun$ to be*ome an 4meri*an labor lea$er->; Finan*e$ by the .oths*hil$s an$ the #arburgs, the Bun$ was a staging groun$ /or .oths*hil$ operations /rom e*onomi* war/are to terrorismH

although it in*lu$e$ in its ranks honest tra$e unionists an$ *arrie$ on organi7ing a*ti(ities- 4long with the .ussian )o*ial %emo*rati* Party, the Bun$ organi7e$ the )o(iet, *alling together $eputies /rom the )t- Petersburg /a*tories an$ representati(es o/ the army $eta*hments statione$ in the *ity8ts aim was to *hallenge the absolutist Tsarist regime, whi*h ha$ mismanage$ the war, bringing the *ountry to the (erge o/ *ollapse- The Tsar6s response was to o//er o(er$ue politi*al *on*essions an$ guarantee *onstitutional parliamentary go(ernment- 4t /irst the )o(iet, whi*h was the spearhea$ /or re/orm, ha$ the support o/ lea$ing intelle*tuals an$ in$ustrial3 ists- ,ltimately, it be*ame isolate$- The power o/ the Tsar was weakene$, without e//e*ti(e repla*ement->@ The responsibility /or this lies largely with 0eon Trotsky an$ his asso*iate, the British agent %r- 4le5an$er Helphan$, known in re(olutionary *ir*les as Par(us- Their intention was to push $estabili7ation o/ the Tsarist regime to the /arthest e5treme o/ *lass war/are- 8n his a**ount o/ the )o(iet, )*,;, written two years later, Trotsky justi/ie$ this poli*y+ ?The prin*ipal metho$ o/ struggle use$ by the )o(iet was the politi*al general strike- The re(olutionary strength o/ su*h strikes *onsists in the /a*t that, a*ting o(er the hea$ o/ *apital, they $isorgani7e state power- The greater, the more *omplete the anar*hy *ause$ by a strike the nearer the strike is to (i*tory-?>A 8n the same book, Trotsky atta*ke$ 0enin /or just the pro3in$ustrial *apitalist poli*ies 0enin was to /ollow when he assume$ power in 1 1!- The purpose o/ the re(olution as 0enin sees it, Trotsky wrote, ?will be to $emo*rati7e e*onomi* an$ politi*al relations within the limits o/ pri(ate ownership o/ the means o/ pro$u*tion-?>2 Trotsky6s /inan*ial a$(iser Helphan$ $roppe$ his le/t3so*ialist posture to assume the pro/itable *o(er o/ a war pro/iteer in Turkey, as he put into e//e*t phase two o/ the British mar*h towar$ #orl$ #ar 8Hthe $estabili7ation o/ the Balkans<n %e*ember =, 1 "@, the )o(iet ha$ a$opte$ a /inan*ial mani/esto written by Par(us, whi*h was inten$e$ to bankrupt the go(ernment an$ /or*e the *ountry o// the gol$ stan$ar$- The openly a*knowle$ge$ purpose o/ this maneu(er was ?to $epri(e the go(ernment o/ its last strength-? Par(us, in the memoran$um, atta*ke$ #itte6s system o/ en*ouraging /oreign in(est3 ments, *laiming that the money was use$ solely /or military purposes- The

memoran$um lie$+ ?For many years the go(ernment has spent all its state re(enues on the army an$ na(y-? Par(us then atta*ke$ #itte6s ?anti3 $epression /inan*ing? an$ attempte$ to pani* the publi* with the *harge that ?the go(ernment is using the small sa(er6s *apital to play the sto*k e5*hange, where that *apital is e5pose$ to risk $aily-? 8t *on*lu$e$+ ?The gol$ reser(es - - - will be re$u*e$ to nothing i/ gol$ *oin is $eman$e$ /or e(ery transa*tion-? There/ore, Par(us propose$+ ?#ith$raw all sa(ings in gol$ /rom the state bank an$ the sa(ings bank, an$ $eman$ that all wages be pai$ in gol$-?>! #itte, who ha$ been returne$ to power as part o/ the $emo*rati* re/orms, *on*e$e$ by the Tsar, remarke$ to a /rien$, ?8/ Christ himsel/ were pla*e$ at the hea$ o/ the go(ernment in the present *ir*umstan*es, no one woul$ ha(e *on/i$en*e in him-? The paralysis o/ go(ernment at the *enter pro(i$e$ the *on$itions in whi*h it be*ame possible /or the British an$ the .oths*hil$s to $eploy :uslim /un$amentalist terrorists an$ anar*hists to $estroy the pro$u*ti(e base o/ the .ussian e*onomy- 8n 1 "1, .ussia pro$u*e$ one3hal/ o/ the worl$6s oil, using the most a$(an*e$ integrate$ metho$s o/ pro$u*tion then in use- By )eptember 1 "@, three3/i/ths o/ the oil3bearing area was in ruins, in*lu$ing most o/ Baku town' o(er 1,""" wells were $estroye$, as well as most o/ the in$ustry6s physi*al plant- The parallels to the *urrent Dhomeini regime6s a*tions are not a**i$ental-> This was the result o/ a religious war between Christian 4rmenians an$ :uslims, begun in February 1 "@, that not only $e(astate$ the oil /iel$s, but resulte$ in the massa*re o/ o(er =,""" 4rmenians, who were the entrepreneurs an$ pro(i$e$ skille$ labor /or Baku- Three weeks later, the :uslims *on$u*te$ rituals o/ sel/3mutilation, *alle$ ?Chu*ksee #u*ksee,? in the *enter o/ the *ity8ran was the imme$iate base o/ operations /or this $estabili7ation o/ .ussia4 pan38slami* /un$amentalist, /ormerly prime minister o/ 4/ghanistan, 4l3 4/ghani, ha$ been installe$ in 8ran in the mi$31!!"s by British agent #il/re$ Blunt- From then until 1 "@, 8ran was in the throes o/ nearly *ontinuous *i(il war between British3*ontrolle$ :uslim /un$amentalists an$ British3 *ontrolle$ liberal *onstitutionalists- 4l34/ghani, a/ter losing power in 8ran, tra(ele$ to .ussia in 1! 1 in the *ompany o/ an 8n$ian )ikh, ostensibly to organi7e the A" million 8n$ian :uslims li(ing in .ussia as a /lank against the British in 8n$ia-;"

The High Commissioner o/ 9gypt, 0or$ Cromer, a member o/ the Baring banking /amily, resigne$ /rom o//i*e in 1 "@, o(er the $egree to whi*h too e5tensi(e a $eployment o/ :uslim /un$amentalism might *onstitute an a*tual $anger to the stability o/ British rule in 8n$ia- Cromer represente$ the more *onser(ati(e 8n$ia <//i*e, an$ 0or$ Cur7on, 8n$ia High Commission3 er, resigne$ at the same time- 0or$ )alisbury6s son, 9$war$ Ce*il, remaine$ in o//i*e as 9gypt6s ,n$erse*retary o/ Finan*e-;1 #ith its oil /iel$s $e(astate$, by 1 "A .ussia was bankrupt, an$ #itte was /or*e$ to a**ept British, as well as Fren*h, *re$itsH.ussia6s /irst major /inan*ial obligation to Britain sin*e be/ore the ,nite$ )tates Ci(il #arThis, in #itte6s wor$s, ?meant /or the whole worl$ a rappro*hement o/ .ussia with a politi*al grouping whi*h $oes not *orrespon$ to the interest o/ .ussia or &ermany-? That ?rappro*hement? le$ to the 4nglo3.ussian Con(ention o/ 1 "2, whi*h .ussell *orre*tly a*knowle$ge$, ma$e #orl$ #ar 8 possible- &ermany, whi*h ha$ re/use$ a loan to .ussia, *ompoun$e$ the stupi$ity in 1 "2 by ere*ting prohibiti(e tari// barriers against .ussian imports- #itte le/t the go(ernment in 1 "2 /or the last time-;= The +reat War Begins ?The *on$ition o/ stability in the territorial rearrangement o/ 9ast 9urope is that the $i(ision shoul$ be into three an$ not into two state systems- 8t is a (ital ne*essity that there shoul$ be a tier o/ in$epen$ent states between &ermany an$ .ussia-? )o wrote Hal/or$ :a*kin$er o/ British war aims /or #orl$ #ar 8-;> Britain6s me$ium3term strategy was to blee$ &ermany an$ .ussia in a prolonge$ war, hope/ully with Britain on the si$elines *heering, an$ then to $ismember themBalkani7ation was an ol$ British ta*k- The 4meri*an .e(olution was no sooner o(er than British agent 4aron Burr was attempting to set up a separate ?#estern .epubli*-? Following British poli*y whether they knew it or not, both Con/e$erates an$ the North6s 4bolitionists ha$ the same separatist poli*y, until 0in*oln $e/eate$ them both in the Ci(il #ar-;; The Turkish <ttoman 9mpire ha$ on*e e5ten$e$ /rom North 4/ri*a to 9gypt an$ 8raF, /rom &ree*e to Yugosla(ia an$ Bulgaria- Howe(er, /rom 1!>" onwar$, it ha$ been *hoppe$ away into Fren*h, British, &erman, an$ 8talian prote*torates- 8n 1! ! an agreement was rea*he$ between &ermany an$ the Turkish )ultan /or &erman *onstru*tion o/ a Berlin3to3Bagh$a$ .ailway-

Complete$ by 1 11, it was a boon to both &erman in$ustry an$ the Turks, putting &erman in$ustry in tou*h with the great metal resour*es o/ 4natolia, 9urope6s te5tile in$ustry in *omman$ o/ supplies o/ wool, *otton, an$ hemp /rom the Balkans, 4natolia, an$ :esopotamia, an$ opening up a route /or :i$east oil- Furthermore, all o/ these supply lines were out o/ rea*h o/ the British na(y- Not only was the &erman a$ministration o/ the railroa$ s*rupulously /air to the Turks Bwith no $is*rimination pra*ti*e$ against any *arriers on /reight ratesHa pra*ti*e uniFue /or the timeC, but the &ermans /reely o//ere$ shares in *ontrol o/ the railroa$ to Fran*e, Britain, an$ e(entually all the powersBritain oppose$ the railroa$, pre(enting Turkey /rom parti*ipating in its /inan*ing, an$ /inally pla*ing su*h great $iplomati* pressure on &ermany, that &ermany was /or*e$ to ba*k $own /rom its original poli*y /or e*onomi* re*onstru*tion o/ the area base$ upon international *ooperation- 8nstea$, un$er $uress, &ermany agree$ to the /urther $i(ision o/ Turkey into spheres o/ in/luen*e- This agreement limite$ the e5tent o/ the railway, whi*h woul$ terminate be/ore the Persian &ul/- This pro(ision ga(e the British a mono3 poly on na(igation o/ the 9uphrates an$ Tigris ri(ers, e5*lusi(e *ontrol o/ Duwait, an$ a monopoly o/ the oil resour*es o/ the area /rom :osul to Bagh$a$-;@ The total balkani7ation o/ the area into a rats6 nest o/ small, sFuabbling pseu$o3nations, not one o/ them e*onomi*ally or politi*ally (iable, was *omplete$ a/ter #orl$ #ar 8- 8t was the prototype /or the $ismemberment o/ the 4ustro3Hungarian 9mpire an$ the &erman possessionsHan$ the same was planne$ /or .ussia8t is a histori*al irony that both the British an$ the &ermans /inan*e$ British agent Helphan$3Par(us to *arry out the British balkani7ation strategy)tatione$ in Turkey, he ga(e money an$ arms to the (arious nationalist mo(ements, but his major role was in selling the so3*alle$ Par(us Plan to the &erman go(ernment- 8n a memoran$um $ate$ :ar*h , 1 1@, he propose$ that &ermany throw its support behin$ so*ialist as well as nationalist groups working against the .ussian regime, with whom they were at war- They agree$- 4n$ just as the Tsarist go(ernment was on the point o/ making pea*e in 1 12, the British sei7e$ the o**asion to $eploy Par(us6s /or*es in or$er to put the pro3war Derensky go(ernment in power-;A Par(us ha$ in$is*riminately /un$e$ both Trotsky an$ 0enin, but appropriate3 ly it was the &ermans who let 0enin, who woul$ sign a *omprehensi(e

treaty with &ermany /or joint in$ustrial $e(elopment, enter .ussia through &ermany, while Trotsky, who woul$ oppose that treaty an$ any settlement with &ermany, was release$ /rom $etention in Hali/a5, Cana$a, by the British to *ontinue the goo$ work o/ 1 "@Yet, e(en a/ter 0enin ha$ taken the reins o/ go(ernment into his own han$s, Hal/or$ :a*kin$er still /elt *on/i$ent enough to write+ ?8n 1 12 the $emo*rati* nations o/ the whole earth thought they ha$ seen a great harbor light when .ussian C7ar$om /ell an$ the 4meri*an .epubli* *ame into the war- For the time being, at any rate, the .ussian .e(olution has gone the *ommon re(olutionary way, but we still put our hope in uni(ersal $emo3 *ra*y- - - - The *ollapse o/ .ussia has *leare$ our (iew o/ the realities, as the .ussian .e(olution puri/ie$ the i$eals /or whi*h we ha(e been /ighting-?;2 :a*kin$er was then sanguine about the re(olution be*ause at the time a raging Ci(il #ar was being /ought in .ussia- The British, along with the Fren*h, the 4meri*ans, an$ &ermany, ha$ en*ir*le$ the ,-)-)-.- an$ were gi(ing logisti*al an$ military support to the Tsarist /or*es- The perspe*ti(e was to $ismantle the .ussian empire- 4s :a*kin$er wrote+ ?<ne o/ the reasons why we *ommonly /ail to appre*iate the signi/i*an*e o/ the poli*ing o/ the steppes by the Cossa*ks is that we think (aguely o/ .ussia as e5ten$ing, with a gra$ually $iminishing $ensity o/ settlement, /rom the &erman an$ 4ustrian /rontiers /or thousan$s o/ miles eastwar$- - - 8n truth .ussia, the real .ussia whi*h supplie$ more than eighty per *ent o/ the re*ruits /or the .ussian armies $uring the /irst three years o/ the war - - lies wholly in 9urope, an$ o**upies only about hal/ o/ what we *ommonly *all .ussia in 9urope- - - ?)tan$ on top o/ this brink, looking eastwar$ a*ross the broa$ ri(er below you, an$ you will reali7e that you ha(e populous 9urope at your ba*k, an$, in /ront, where the low mea$ows /a$e away into the hal/ sterility o/ the $rier steppes eastwar$ you ha(e the (a*an*ies o/ Central 4sia-? 4t this point, :a*kin$er gets $own to brass ta*ks+ ?4 striking pra*ti*al *ommentary on these great physi*al an$ so*ial *ontrasts has been supplie$ in the last /ew months by the Ci(il #ar in .ussia- 8n all North .ussia there are but two or three towns larger than a (illage, an$ sin*e the Bolshe(iks are base$ on the town populations, Bolshe(ism has ha$ little hol$ north o/ the Iolga- :oreo(er, the sparse rural settlements, *hie/ly o/ /oresters, ha(e, in their simple *olonial *on$itions, no groun$s /or agrarian

politi*al /eeling, an$ there is thus no peasant sympathy /or the Bolshe3 (iks- - - ?For these reasons it was that the 4llie$ embassies establishe$ themsel(es at Iolog$a when they retire$ /rom Petrogra$ an$ :os*ow+ apart /rom the *on(enien*e o/ alternate *ommuni*ations, with 4r*hangel an$ Ila$i(ostok, they were outsi$e Bolshe(ik .ussia?This $e/inition o/ the real .ussia gi(es a new meaning not only to the .ussia but also to the 9urope o/ the nineteenth *entury-?;! Britain6s game /or .ussia ha$ pro(e$ initially e//e*ti(e, but not su//i*ientThe logi* o/ e(ents /ollowing upon the $estabili7ation o/ Hanotau5, #itte, an$ <kuma pla*e$ Britain in alignment with the 9ntente- <nly &ermany ha$ not been broken, an$ was not to be until the ,nite$ )tates entere$ the war- Pro3&erman support in the ,nite$ )tates was su*h that without British in(ol(ement, the ,nite$ )tates *oul$ not ha(e been brought to /ight)in*e the mur$er o/ Presi$ent #illiam :*Dinley, the ,nite$ )tates go(ernment ha$ be*ome little more than another $epartment o/ the British Colonial <//i*e with the possible e5*eption o/ the tenure o/ Presi$ent Ta/t#oo$row #ilson6s $ay3to3$ay poli*y was *oor$inate$ with 0on$on4meri*an .oun$ Table member #alter 0ippmann a$mitte$ in his 1 ;; book ,-)- 'ar -ims, that the ,nite$ )tates only entere$ #orl$ #ar 8 an$ #orl$ #ar 88 to $e/en$ Britain- Ha$ &ermany not *o(ere$ its western /lank but $e*lare$ war only on .ussia, then neither Britain nor the ,nite$ )tates woul$ ha(e been $rawn into war- 4s 0ippmann e5plaine$ it+ ?#e ha(e twi*e gone to war with &ermany to pre(ent her /rom *onFuering #estern 9urope- 4lways our obje*t has been not to impose our own $ominion, but to pre(ent *onFuest- - - ?4s *ompelling e(i$en*e that the thesis is true, we may note that as long as the lan$ power o/ &ermany was *ontaine$ behin$ the barriers o/ British3 Fren*h arms, an$ o/ Norwegian, Belgian, %ut*h, )wiss an$ 8talian neutrality, &erman aggression was not treate$ as an a*tual threat to the se*urity o/ the ,nite$ )tates- #hile this western barrier was still inta*t, the ,nite$ )tates $i$ not e(en prepare /or war?But when &ermany brea*he$ the western barrier, there was an instant an$ (irtually unanimous re*ognition that the *ountry was threatene$- The

in$isputable proo/ is that the isolationists no less than the inter(entionists starte$ at on*e to arm the nation- - - ?To this threat the ,nite$ )tates rea*te$ in 1 12 as it $i$ in 1 ;=- #hen, but only when, the .ussian armies ha$ been $e/eate$ an$ &ermany ha$ a /ree han$ /or the /ull *onFuest o/ the #estHwhen, but only when, the Fren*h 4rmy was known to be in $ire straitsHwhen, but only when, the submarine *ampaign appeare$ likely to isolate and to destroy BritainH$i$ the ,nite$ )tates re/use to *ompromise any /urther on the spe*i/i* issue o/ the (iolation o/ its tra$itional rights at sea?Presi$ent #ilson *ease$ to write notes o/ protest an$ he $eli(ere$ an ultimatum whi*h meant war when it appeare$ likely that without 4meri*an inter(ention the &ermans woul$ *onFuer #estern 9urope-?; The ,nite$ )tates ha$ entere$ the war to sa(e the British 9mpire' Ce*il .ho$es6s proje*t to bring the ,nite$ )tates ba*k un$er the $ominion o/ the 9mpire ha$ su**ee$e$But the in*reasing likelihoo$ that &reat Britain itsel/ woul$ ha(e to enter the war *ause$ a new problem+ its own military potential ha$ to be built upThis was the real issue behin$ the heate$ $ebates in 1 "> aroun$ prote*tion3 ism (ersus /ree tra$e- By 1 "2, the imme$iate threat o/ a unite$ republi*an, pro3in$ustrial, *ontinental *ombination against Britain, supporte$ by the ,nite$ )tates, ha$ passe$- Nonetheless, Britain was impelle$ to prote*t her /ighting *apa*ity, in parti*ular the na(y, with a poli*y o/ support to shipbuil$ing an$ state ownership o/ oil- 4spe*ts o/ a ?Hamiltonian? *re$it poli*y were a$opte$ in the pre3#orl$3#ar38 perio$- Thus in 1 1;, #inston Chur*hill, a*ting in the interest o/ the 4$miralty, a*Fuire$ hal/ ownership o/ the 4nglo38ranian <il Company on behal/ o/ the British go(ernment, thereby inaugurating British Petroleum-@" To e5plore this mi$$le3range strategy, .oun$ Table member Fre$eri*k )*ott <li(er e(en wrote a biography o/ 4le5an$er Hamilton whi*h be*ame /ashionable in British planning *ir*les in 1 "A- #hile the book is ostensibly a stu$y o/ Hamilton6s role in /orming the ,nite$ )tates, like .oun$ Table prote*tionist poli*y itsel/, it ha$ little to $o with the 4meri*an )ystem- The Commonwealth Customs ,nion that emerge$ was merely a stop3gap attempt to *ounter a per*ei(e$ threat /rom the truly Hamiltonian republi*an ten$en*ies battling /or sur(i(al in 1apan, Fran*e, .ussia, an$ &ermany-@1

Hal/or$ :a*kin$er again ma$e the point *lear enough in (emocratic Ideals and Reality7 ?8 ha(e e5presse$ my belie/ that both /ree tra$e o/ the laisse20faire type an$ pre$atory prote*tion o/ the &erman type are prin*iples o/ empire, an$ that both make /or war- Fortunately the younger Britons re/use$ to a**ept the /ree tra$e o/ :an*hester' they use$ the /is*al in$epen$en*e grante$ to them by the :otherlan$ to pursue that e*onomi* i$eal whi*h was /oresha$owe$ by the great 4meri*an statesman 4le5an$er HamiltonHthe i$eal o/ the truly in$epen$ent nation, balan*e$ in all its $e(elopment- This $oes not in the least imply that a great international tra$e shoul$ not be $one, but it shoul$ be a tra$e so *ontrolle$ that the e//e*t o/ it is always ten$ing towar$s the balan*e aime$ at, an$ is not a**umulating, beyon$ hope o/ re*o(ery, e*onomi* one3si$e$ness-?@= The $i//eren*es between the /ree tra$ers an$ the prote*tionists were merely se*on$ary an$ ta*ti*al- From the (antage point o/ 1 1 , :a*kin$er ju$ge$ that the basi* poli*y obje*ti(e, upon whi*h both si$es were totally agree$, ha$ been won+ ?The #esterners are the (i*tors, an$ they alone are able to pre(ent the whole worl$ /rom ha(ing to pass through the *y*le so o/ten repeate$ in the *ase o/ in$i(i$ual nationsH i$ealism, $isor$er, /amine, tyranny- Pro(i$e$ that we $o not hasten to $ismantle running so*ial ma*hinery, but a**omplish our i$eals by su**essi(e a*ts o/ so*ial $is*ipline, we shall maintain the stea$y output o/ pro$u*tion, the /un$amental reality, that is to say, on whi*h now, more than e(er be/ore, *i(ili7ation rests- The $isor$er o/ a whole worl$, let us not /orget, implie$ the absen*e o/ any remaining national base as a /ul*rum /or the restoration o/ or$er, there/ore the in$e/inite prolongation o/ anar*hy an$ tyranny- 8t took se(eral *enturies to attain again to the stage o/ *i(ili7ation whi*h ha$ been rea*he$ in the .oman worl$ o/ antiFuity- - - - 8/ this war has pro(e$ anything, it has pro(e$ that these giganti* /or*es o/ mo$ern pro$u*tion are *apable o/ *ontrol-?@> The 'ong%Ter ,trategic !b-ective

4s :a*kin$er6s retrospe*ti(e makes e(i$ent, the ta*ti*al $i//eren*es /ought out at the Coe//i*ients Club were episo$i*, merely rei/i*ations o/ what were in reality two /lanks o/ the same poli*y- 8n the /inal analysis they were o(ersha$owe$ by the long3term strategi* obje*ti(e+ a new $ark age-

Thus, :a*kin$er en$e$ his book with a *all /or the $e(olution o/ urban *ulture into ?pro(in*ial *ommunities?+ ?8/ you pursue relentlessly the i$ols o/ e//i*ien*y an$ *heapness, you will gi(e us a worl$ in whi*h the young will ne(er see li/e but only an aspe*t o/ li/e' - - - all spe*iali7ation *ontains the see$s o/ $eath- 8n the growth o/ brains an$ *ontentment something /ar more subtle is in(ol(e$ than any te*hni*al e$u*ation or healthy housing- - - The one essential thing is to $ispla*e *lass organi7ation, with its battle *ries an$ merely palliati(e ten$en*ies, by substituting an organi* i$eal, that o/ the balan*e$ li/e o/ the pro(in*es, an$ un$er the pro(in*es o/ the lesser *om3 munities-?A; To /ully un$erstan$ Britain6s *ommitment to the new $ark age, it is ne*essary to turn to those who worke$ to populari7e it+ Bertran$ .ussell an$ H-&- #ellsTo most people, it is impossible to belie(e that any group o/ people, aristo*rati* or otherwise, woul$ $eliberately plot to return the worl$ to the misery o/ the $ark ages, woul$ $eliberately *ontemplate putting the worl$ through a /irst, a se*on$, an$ a thir$ worl$ war- #hat *oul$ they possibly gainG They must know that they *annot es*ape a share in the horrors they unleashTo un$erstan$ the aristo*rati* mentality is parti*ularly $i//i*ult /or the or$inary 4meri*an- <n the one han$, it is naturally repugnant, gi(en the heritage o/ the su**ess/ul establishment o/ the 4meri*an republi*' on the other han$, the insi$ious sprea$ o/ pro3British propagan$a in the ,nite$ )tates, espe*ially throughout the twentieth *entury, *on/uses the a(erage 4meri*an, who is le$ to belie(e that the British to$ay are merely amusingly e**entri*, an$ the monar*hy an$ the aristo*ra*y are irrele(ant appen$ages /rom the pastThis is a lie- The poli*ies .oun$ Table member .amsey Clark *arrie$ out in 8ran to put the ma$man 4yatollah Dhomeini in power, ostensibly in the 4meri*an interest, are i$enti*al to the poli*ies the British agent Par(us sol$ to the &erman go(ernment- The :aoist mo(ement, whi*h the British *reate$ an$ *ontrols, threatens to $etonate #orl$ #ar 888, just as Hitler, the pro$u*t o/ the British3inspire$ Thule )o*iety, let loose #orl$ #ar 88To the aristo*rat, there are, ha(e been, an$ always will be two spe*ies+ his own an$ the plebeian *attle, or as 0a$y )alisbury *alle$ humanity+ ?the great unwashe$-?@@

The aristo*rat owes his own $eepest sense o/ i$entity to his birthrightHhis /amily sub3spe*ies- He has been traine$ /rom the nursery to a warpe$ sense o/ responsibility- Not to mankin$ $oes he owe allegian*e but to /amily, the interlo*ke$ /amilies whi*h *onstitute the oligar*hy- To maintain the oligar*hy he will stop at no sa*ri/i*e- This is a .ussell or a Ce*il- The #ellses, the :ilners, the :a*kin$ers, they are the aristo*rat6s /amily retainersTo sur(i(e, the British oligar*hy must stamp out in$ustrial *apitalist republi*s or an in$ustrially (e*tore$ so*ialist republi*- )uper/i*ially, it might appear that this is ne*essary be*ause the so*ial system in BritainHby /a(oring the aristo*ra*y /or important jobs in in$ustry as well as go(ernment H the ol$ s*hool tie an$ that sort o/ thing, you knowH/a(ors me$io*rity, an$ is there/ore un*ompetiti(e- The truth is more e(il4n in$ustrially oriente$ so*iety will o/ ne*essity $e(elop what the 1apanese *all the knowle$ge3intensi(e in$ustry- 8n(ention an$ the s*ienti/i* resear*h that *reates the *limate /or su**ess/ul in(ention will be promote$- 9(eryone will be /amiliar with the e5perien*e o/ assimilating new te*hnology, whether at home or on the job- :ental li/e will be stimulate$- 9(ery *iti7en will $aily e5perien*e a Fui*kene$ sense o/ man6s unlimite$ *apa*ity /or $e(elopment- )u*h people re/use to be *attle- There/ore, /or the oligar*hy, republi*s must be $estroye$To see into the min$ o/ the aristo*rat planning out the new $ark age turn to the pages o/ Bertran$ .ussell6s 1 @1 book Impact of !cience on !ociety 8t is an aristo*rat6s justi/i*ation /or mass geno*i$e, /or the ma$ $estru*tion o/ *i(ili7ation like that *arrie$ out in Cambo$ia by the regime o/ Pol Pot, sponsore$ by :ao Tse3Tung, the trainee o/ .ussell himsel/?0i/e is a brie/, small an$ transitory phenomenon in an obs*ure *orner,? .ussell opens, ?not at all the sort o/ thing that one woul$ make a /uss about i/ one were not personally *on*erne$- - - -@A ?The $anger o/ a worl$ shortage o/ /oo$ may be a(erte$ /or a time by impro(ements in the te*hniFue o/ agri*ulture- But, i/ population *ontinues to in*rease at the present rate, su*h impro(ements *annot long su//i*eThere will then be two groups, one poor with an in*reasing population, the other ri*h with a stationary population- )u*h a situation *an har$ly /ail to lea$ to worl$ war- - - - #ar may be*ome so $estru*ti(e that, at any rate /or a

time, there is no $anger o/ o(erpopulation' or the s*ienti/i* nations may be $e/eate$ an$ anar*hy may $estroy s*ienti/i* te*hniFue-? .ussell then $es*ribes the metho$s 4l$ous Hu5ley woul$ use to *reate the $rug *ounter*ulture in the ,nite$ )tates+ ?8 think the subje*t that will be o/ most importan*e politi*ally is mass psy*hology- - - - This subje*t will make great stri$es when it is taken up by s*ientists un$er a s*ienti/i* $i*tatorship4na5agoras maintaine$ that snow is bla*k, but no one belie(e$ him- The so*ial psy*hologists o/ the /uture will ha(e a number o/ *lasses o/ s*hool *hil$ren on whom they will try $i//erent metho$s o/ pro$u*ing an unshakable *on(i*tion that snow is bla*k- Iarious results will soon be arri(e$ at- First, that the in/luen*e o/ home is obstru*ti(e- )e*on$, that not mu*h *an be $one unless in$o*trination begins be/ore the age o/ ten- Thir$, that (erses set to musi* an$ repeate$ly intone$ are (ery e//e*ti(e-?@2 He re(eals the purpose o/ the anti3nu*lear en(ironmentalist mo(ement that he initiate$+ ?The atom bomb, an$ still more the hy$rogen bomb, ha(e *ause$ new /ears, in(ol(ing new $oubts as to the e//e*ts o/ s*ien*e on human li/e- - - - 8/, howe(er, the human ra*e $e*i$es to let itsel/ go on li(ing it will ha(e to make (ery $rasti* *hanges in its way o/ thinking, /eeling, an$ beha(ing- #e must learn not to say+ 6Ne(erL Better $eath than $ishonor-6 #e must learn to submit to law, e(en when impose$ by aliens whom we hate an$ $espise, an$ whom we belie(e to be blin$ to all *onsi$erations o/ righteousness-?@! 8n 1 @ .ussell was inter(iewe$ on BBC an$ Fuestione$ about his appli*a3 tion o/ pre*isely this point- .ussell, the sel/3pro*laime$ pa*i/ist, was aske$ by his inter(iewer+ ?8s it true or untrue that in re*ent years you a$(o*ate$ that a pre(entati(e war might be ma$e against *ommunism, against )o(iet .ussiaG? .ussell replie$+ ?8t6s entirely true, an$ 8 $on6t repent o/ it now- 8t was not in*onsistent with what 8 think now- #hat 8 thought all along was that a nu*lear war in whi*h both si$es ha$ nu*lear weapons woul$ be an utter an$ absolute $isaster- There was a time, just a/ter the last war, when the 4mer3 i*ans ha$ a monopoly o/ nu*lear weapons an$ o//ere$ to internationali7e nu*lear weapons by the Baru*h proposal, an$ 8 thought this an e5tremely generous proposal on their part, one whi*h it woul$ be (ery $esirable that the worl$ shoul$ a**ept' not that 8 a$(o*ate$ a nu*lear war, but 8 $i$ think that great pressure shoul$ be put upon .ussia to a**ept the Baru*h proposal, an$ 8 $i$ think that i/ they *ontinue$ to re/use it might be ne*essary a*tually

to go to war- 4t that time nu*lear weapons e5iste$ only on one si$e, an$ there/ore the o$$s were the .ussians woul$ ha(e gi(en way- 8 thought they woul$- - - -? ?)uppose they ha$n6t gi(en way,? the inter(iewer then aske$?8 thought an$ hope$ that the .ussians woul$ gi(e way, but o/ *ourse you *an6t threaten unless you6re prepare$ to ha(e your blu// *alle$-?A .ussell6s hatre$ /or the .ussians was only mat*he$ by his *ontempt /or 4meri*ans- 8n 1 1;, he wrote to <ttoline :orrell+ ?8 /in$ the *oloure$ people Min the ,nite$ )tatesN /rien$ly an$ ni*e- They seem to ha(e a $og6s liking /or the white manHthe same kin$ o/ trust an$ ungru$ging sense o/ in/eriority- 8 $on6t /eel any re*oil /rom them-?A" 8n 1 =", .ussell wrote to her again to *omplain o/ the ?4meri*ani7ation? o/ .ussia un$er 0enin+ ?Bolshe(ism is a *lose tyranni*al bureau*ra*y, with a spy system more elaborate an$ terrible than the Tsar6s, an$ an aristo*ra*y as insolent an$ un/eeling *ompose$ o/ 4meri*ani7e$ 1ews- No (estige o/ liberty remains, in thought or spee*h or a*tion- 8 was sti/le$ an$ oppresse$ by the weight o/ the ma*hine as by a *ope o/ lea$- Yet 8 think it the right &o(ernment /or .ussia at this moment- 8/ you ask yoursel/ how %ostoe(sky6s *hara*ters shoul$ be go(erne$, you will un$erstan$- Yet it is terrible- They are a nation o/ artists, $own to the simplest peasant' the aim o/ the Bolshe(iks is to make them in$ustrial an$ as Yankee as possible-?A1 8n #he Pro/lem of 8hina, written the ne5t year, he *ontraste$ 4meri*an *i(ili7ation to the ba*kwar$ness o/ China, whi*h he /in$s *ongenial+ ?The Chinese ha(e a *i(ili7ation an$ a national temperament in many ways superior to those o/ white men- 4 /ew 9uropeans ultimately $is*o(er this, but 4meri*ans ne(er $o- They remain always missionariesHnot o/ Christianity, though they o/ten think that is what they are prea*hing, but o/ 4meri*anism- #hat is 4meri*anismG 6Clean li(ing, *lean thinking, an$ pepL6 8 think an 4meri*an woul$ reply- This means, in pra*ti*e, the substitution o/ ti$iness /or art, *leanliness /or beauty, morali7ing /or philosophy, prostitutes /or *on*ubines Bas being easier to *on*ealC, an$ a general air o/ being /ear/ully busy /or the leisurely *alm o/ tra$itional Chinese-?A=

8n his Prospects of Industrial 8ivili2ation, a report ba*k on his two trips to China, in whi*h .ussell $es*ribes himsel/ as a ?guil$ so*ialist,? that is, a /ollower o/ Ce*il .ho$es6s hero 1ohn .uskin, .ussell writes o/ the $esirability o/ a Chinese mo$el o/ so*ialism to repla*e *apitalism+ ?)o*ialism, espe*ially international so*ialism, is only possible as a stable system i/ the population is stationary or nearly so- 4 slow in*rease might be *ope$ with by impro(ements in agri*ultural metho$s, but a rapi$ in*rease must in the en$ re$u*e the whole population to penury- - - - The white population o/ the worl$ will soon *ease to in*rease- The 4siati* ra*es will be longer, an$ the negroes still longer, be/ore their birth rate /alls su//i*iently to make their numbers stable without help o/ war an$ pestilen*e- - - - ,ntil that happens, the bene/its aime$ at by so*ialism *an only be partially reali7e$, an$ the less proli/i* ra*es will ha(e to $e/en$ themsel(es against the more proli/i* by metho$s whi*h are $isgusting e(en i/ they are ne*essary-?A> He ha$ alrea$y $e(elope$ the :aoist strategy+ to en*ourage a war between the two superpowers, whi*h woul$ lea(e an open $oor /or China- 8n #he Pro/lems of 8hina .ussell spoke in pre*isely the terms :ao woul$ later use+ ?8t is not unlikely that the great military nations o/ the worl$ will bring about their own $estru*tion by their inability to abstain /rom war-? 8/ so an$ China *an keep out o/ the war, then ?China will ha(e playe$ the part in the worl$ /or whi*h she is /itte$-?A; The metho$s only allu$e$ to in 1 => were $rawn out in #he Impact of !cience on !ociety o/ 1 @1+ ?)*ien*e *an abolish po(erty an$ e5*essi(e hours o/ labor- 8n the earliest human *ommunities, be/ore agri*ulture, ea*h human in$i(i$ual reFuire$ two or more sFuare miles to sustain li/e- )ubsisten*e was pre*arious an$ $eath /rom star(ation must ha(e been /reFuent- 4t that stage, men ha$ the same mi5ture o/ misery an$ *are/ree enjoyment as still makes up the li(es o/ other animals- 4gri*ulture was a te*hni*al a$(an*e - - - the way that it was use$ shoul$ be an aw/ul warning to our age- 8t intro$u*e$ sla(ery an$ ser/$om, human sa*ri/i*e, absolute monar*hy an$ large wars- - - - Both in$ustry an$ agri*ulture, to a *ontinually in*reasing $egree, are *arrie$ on in ways that waste the worl$6s *apital o/ natural resour*es- - - - The in$isputable /a*t is that in$ustryHan$ agri*ulture in so /ar as it uses arti/i*ial /ertili7ersH $epen$s upon irrepla*eable materials an$ sour*es o/ energy- - - -A@

?4ssuming /ree mobility o/ persons an$ goo$s, it is only ne*essary that the whole worl$ shoul$ pro$u*e enough /oo$ /or the population o/ the whole worl$, pro(i$e$ the regions o/ $e/i*ient /oo$ pro$u*tion ha(e something to o//er whi*h the regions o/ surplus /oo$ pro$u*tion are willing to a**ept in e5*hange /or /oo$- But this *on$ition is apt to /ail in ba$ times- - - - )u*h *onsi$erations point to a *on*lusion whi*h, it seems to me, is too o/ten ignore$- 8n$ustry, e5*ept inso/ar as it ministers $ire*tly to the nee$s o/ agri*ulture, is a lu5ury- - - - 8/ ba$ times be*ome *ommon, it must be in/erre$ that in$ustriali7ation *hara*teristi* o/ the last 1@" years will be ru$ely *he*ke$-?AA This to .ussell is $esirable- 4s he wrote in Prospects of Industrial 8ivili2ation7 ?The $e*ay o/ in$i(i$ual passions brings with it, /irst o/ all, a $iminution o/ in$i(i$uality- 8n a thoroughly in$ustriali7e$ *ommunity, su*h as the ,nite$ )tates, there is little appre*iable $i//eren*e between one person an$ an3 other' - - - 4 lunati* who kills his wi/e with e(ery *ir*umstan*e o/ horror is a publi* bene/a*tor, sin*e he li(ens things up-?A2 The alternati(e to the 4meri*an )ystem, ah so $istaste/ul to 9arl .ussell, is China- 8n the same book, he *ontinues+ ?8n a non3in$ustrial *ommunity, 0iberal i$eals, i/ they *oul$ be *arrie$ out woul$ lea$ to a $i(ision o/ the national wealth between peasant proprietors, han$i*ra/tsmen, an$ mer*hants)u*h a so*iety e5ists at this $ay in China, e5*ept in so /ar as it is inter/ere$ with by /oreign *apitalists an$ nati(e military *omman$ers-?A! 8n his 1 @1 prospe*tus /or geno*i$e, .ussell a$mits that he /oun$ #orl$ #ars 8 an$ 88 unsatis/a*tory- To *ontinue his argument in #he Impact of !cience on !ociety7 ?But ba$ times, you may say, are e5*eptional, an$ *an be $ealt with by e5*eptional metho$s- This has been more or less true $uring the honeymoon perio$ o/ in$ustrialism, but it will not remain true unless the in*rease o/ population *an be enormously $iminishe$- 4t present the population o/ the worl$ is in*reasing at about @!,""" per $iem- #ar, so /ar, has ha$ no (ery great e//e*t on this in*rease, whi*h *ontinue$ throughout ea*h o/ the worl$ wars- - - - #ar - - - has hitherto been $isappointing in this respe*t- - - but perhaps ba*teriologi*al war may pro(e more e//e*ti(e- 8/ a Bla*k %eathA *oul$ sprea$ throughout the worl$ on*e in e(ery generation, sur(i(ors *oul$ pro*reate /reely without making the worl$ too /ull- - - - The state o/ a//airs

might be somewhat unpleasant, but what o/ itG .eally high3min$e$ people are in$i//erent to happiness, espe*ially other people6s-?2" .ussell hearkens ba*k to .uskin6s i$eal o/ a worl$ *ontrolle$ by a new me$ie(al aristo*ra*y where, as .ussell says, ?the present urban an$ in$ustrial *enters will ha(e be*ome $ereli*t, an$ their inhabitants, i/ still ali(e, will ha(e re(erte$ to the peasant har$ships o/ their me$ie(al an*estors-?21 #hy notG 9arl .ussell, like 0or$ :ilner, was a British ra*e patriot- 4n$ unlike :ilner, he was born into the top le(els o/ the oligar*hy- Thus he justi/ies himsel/+ ?4s /or publi* li/e, when 8 /irst be*ame politi*ally *ons*ious &la$stone an$ %israeli still *on/ronte$ ea*h other ami$ Ii*torian soli$ities, the British 9mpire seeme$ eternal, a threat to British na(al suprema*y was unthinkable, the *ountry was aristo*rati*, ri*h an$ growing ri*her- - - - For an ol$ man, with su*h a ba*kgroun$, it is $i//i*ult to /eel at home in a worl$ o/ - - 4meri*an suprema*y-? 4n$ #ellsG 8n his story ?The CroFuette Player,? o/ 1 >2, he wrote+ ?:an is still what he was- 8n(in*ibly bestial, en(ious, mali*ious, gree$y- :an, )ir, unmaske$, an$ $isillusione$, is the same /earing, snarling, /ighting beast he was a hun$re$ thousan$ years ago-?2= 8n 1 =!, #ells publishe$ a program an$ prospe*tus /or a /as*ist mo(ement, in*lu$ing instru*tions on how $ay3to3$ay organi7ing was to pro*ee$- 8t was *alle$ the ?<pen Conspira*y,? no $oubt to $istinguish it /rom .ho$es6s ?se*ret so*iety-? #ells sought to pro(i$e a pseu$o3religious belie/ stru*ture that woul$ repla*e the blin$ *on/i$en*e in empire the First #orl$ #ar an$ its a/termath ha$ $one so mu*h to shake- He wrote+ ?8n the past, in the history o/ e(ery *ommunity there ha(e been phases o/ moral an$ religious *on/usion- - - - Yet, it was not that the heart o/ man *hange$ /or the worse in those ages, not that there was a su$$en generation o/ (ipers, but that intelle*tual *on/usion ha$ $i(i$e$ an$ en/eeble$ that gra(er3spirite$ minority, whi*h ha$, un$er more assure$ *on$itions, sustaine$ the /aith o/ most people an$ the moral $is*ipline o/ e(eryone- - - There are many signs to$ay o(er large parts o/ the worl$ that there is a $ri/t towar$s su*h another $isintegrati(e an$ $istress/ul phase-?2> The points o/ #ells6s program /or the /uture were+

?1- The *omplete assertion, pra*ti*al as well as theoreti*al, o/ the pro(ision3 al nature o/ e5isting go(ernments an$ o/ our a*Fuies*en*e in them' ?=- The resol(e to minimise by all a(ailable means the *on/li*ts o/ these go(ernments, their militant use o/ in$i(i$uals an$ property an$ their inter/eren*es with the establishment o/ a worl$ e*onomi* system' ?>- The $etermination to repla*e pri(ate lo*al or national ownership o/ at least *re$it, transport, an$ staple pro$u*tion by a responsible worl$ $ire*torate ser(ing the *ommon en$s o/ the ra*e' ?;- The pra*ti*al re*ognition o/ the ne*essity /or worl$ biologi*al *ontrols, /or e5ample, o/ population an$ $isease' ?@- The support o/ a minimum stan$ar$ o/ in$i(i$ual /ree$om an$ wel/are in the worl$' ?A- The supreme $uty o/ subor$inating the personal li/e to the *reation o/ a worl$ $ire*torate *apable o/ these tasks an$ to the general a$(an*ement o/ human knowle$ge, *apa*ity, an$ power-?2; Bertran$ .ussell wrote to H-&- #ells a/ter rea$ing #he <pen 8onspiracy ?8 $o not know o/ anything with whi*h 8 agree more entirely-?2@ The postwar worl$ o/ N4T<, the ,nite$ Nations, the 8nternational :onetary Fun$, the #orl$ Bank, the 8nternational 9nergy 4gen*y, an$ the 4tlanti* 4llian*e ha(e gone a long way in reali7ing #ells6s plan- The Club o/ .ome3Coun*il on Foreign .elations s*enarios /or en$ing national so(ereignty an$ en/or*ing a negati(e growth rate o/ the worl$6s population /in$ their sour*e in the .ussell3#ells *onspira*y /or geno*i$e- For i/ the aim o/ #orl$ #ar 8 was to $estroy the nation3states o/ 9urope an$ the ,nite$ )tates, the British aim /or #orl$ #ar 88 was to *onstru*t the ?New .epubli*? in their pla*e-

T.#"": We Can't *ake the ,a e *istake

"It has /ecome apparent that whole masses of human population are, as a whole, inferior in their claim upon the future, to other masses, that they cannot /e given opportunities or trusted with power as the superior peoples are trusted, that their characteristic weaknesses are contagious and detrimental in the civili2ing fa/ric, and that their range of incapacity tempts and demorali2es the strong " $% & 'ells 8t was 1+=@ in the morning o/ 4ugust >1, 1 ;;- ,-)- Treasury )e*retary :orgenthau, just ba*k /rom a trip to 0on$on, was brie/ing his se*on$3in3 *omman$ Harry %e5ter #hite:orgenthau interrupte$ #hite, who ha$ been /illing him in, impatiently, ?Now wait a minute, Harry, please, 86m trying to say something i/ you will let me-? #hite stoppe$ short, surprise$, ?4ll right- &o ahea$-? ?8 wish your men woul$ atta*k the problem /rom this angle,? :orgenthau tore in, ?that they take the .uhr an$ *ompletely put it out o/ business- Now, ha(e you got itG That6s one thingHan$ also the )aar- Now the reason 8 say parti*ularly the .uhrHyou *an /in$ out (ery easily what their pro$u*tion o/ *oal an$ steel an$ that sort o/ thing is an$ *onsi$er what it woul$ $o in the way o/ helping 9nglan$ an$ Belgium i/ they stage a *omeba*k, be*ause a/ter all the .uhrHit was partly responsible /or the great unemployment in 9nglan$ an$ one o/ our problems is to put 9nglan$ ba*k on its /eet- 4n$ both o/ these stu$ies an$ all other stu$ies that 8 ha(e e(er seen are *ontem3 plating keeping the .uhr in e5isten*e- 4n$ 86$ like to approa*h the thingH /rom just putting the whole .uhr out o/ pro$u*tion- - - ?.ight, an$ the other thing is+ That6s all that an e*onomi* approa*hHthe other thing 8 hope you6(e *ome throughHyour people ha(e *ome through with is the stu$ies o/ how we6reHwhat we6re going to $o withHwith these H? :orgenthau *oul$n6t seem to get the wor$s out, so #hite as usual supplie$ them- ?9ighteen million people that you6$ put out i/ you put the .uhr out-?1 :orgenthau sense$ that e(en #hite was taken aba*k an$ hastene$ to reassure him, ?No, no- The people who are Na7i3min$e$ - - - what are we

going to $o with them until they $ie out an$ what are we going to $o with their *hil$renG? :orgenthau ha$ trouble selling his plan e(en to his subor$inates in the Treasury- <n )eptember ;, 1 ;;, the group that ha$ been set up to implement :orgenthau6s reFuest to #hite *on(ene$ with :orgenthau present- 4lso in atten$an*e were %-#- Bell, #hite, &aston, Pehle, :*Connell, an$ :rs- Dlot7- The main problem they /oresaw was that the :orgenthau Plan was going to be a (ery $i//i*ult item to sell to the 4meri*an peopleTempers were rising- :orgenthau steppe$ into the $is*ussion to *ool it $own- He spoke, ?95*use me- The Presi$ent is in *omplete a**or$ on this, an$ the thing that he parti*ularly like$ about it is the /a*t that this woul$ help put 9nglan$ ba*k on its /eet-? #hite, howe(er, was not *on(in*e$ that e(en with .oose(elt6s support they *oul$ get away with it- He *ontinue$ to maintain his obje*tion, ?#ell, 8 think that somebo$y is going to be *on/ronte$ with what to $o with 1@ million people-? :orgenthau replie$, ?8 spoke to him about it, an$ the Presi$ent sai$ what he proposes to $o with a lot o/ these people is to gi(e themHjust to /ee$ them out o/ the 4meri*an 4rmy6s soup kit*hens-? 1ohn Pehle, hea$ o/ /oreign /un$s *ontrol, pointe$ out the ob(ious /alla*y, ?How long is that going to lastG This is a problem o/ /i(e years /rom now-? :orgenthau, putting his own thoughts in .oose(elt6s mouth, sai$, ?He isn6t going to worry (ery mu*h-? Pehle again, ?He isn6t going to be able to sell that kin$ o/ program-?= He ha$ run into this problem be/ore when he trie$ to set up an operation /or <)) *hie/ 4llen %ulles, who was working with the British )pe*ial <perations 95e*uti(e, only to run into a mare6s nest in the )tate %epartment- %ulles was using the *o(er o/ the 1oint %istribution Committee to establish *onne*tions with Himmler as part o/ Chur*hill6s gamble pea*e3/eelersChur*hill an$ %ulles were bargaining /or a separate pea*e without the )o(iet ,nionHan option blo*ke$ by $e*isi(e )o(iet (i*tories in the 9astern /ront#hile this new strike3east gambit was in the win$, Na7i generals in .omania re*ei(e$ 4meri*an money pai$ in )wit7erlan$ /or the release o/ 1ews, but no 1ews were /ree$-

Now Pehle repeate$, ?He isn6t going to be able to sell that kin$ o/ program-? Herbert &aston obje*te$ to the plan- 4lthough he remaine$ with the Treasury throughout :orgenthau6s tenure, he ha$ a long history as a progressi(e politi*ian representing the :innesota /arm belt, an$ he re/le*te$ that- ?You *an6t put a /en*e aroun$ the .uhr an$ keep all the people out#hat you will ha(e to $o i/ it is to be pra*ti*al, is to sele*t some in$ustries that are to be put out o/ business-? #hite ba*ke$ up &aston- ?The only alternati(e that seems /easible to usH o/ these two, both ha(e a$(antages an$ $isa$(antagesHbut you might think o/ the alternati(e, a (ery $i//erent one, o/ making the .uhr an in$ustrial area un$er international *ontrol whi*h woul$ pro$u*e reparations /or twenty years-? But :orgenthau reje*te$ another Iersailles treaty- He replie$, ?Harry, you *an6t sell it to me at all- 8 ha(e rea$ #ells6s book on the thing- 8 ha(e been rea$ing up- You just *an6t sell it to me, be*ause you ha(e it there only so many years, then you ha(e an -nschluss an$ the &ermans go in an$ take itThe only thing you *an sell me or 8 will ha(e any part o/ is the *omplete shut$own o/ the .uhr-? &aston, $espite his years o/ e5perien*e in $irty politi*s, was horri/ie$, ?You mean $ri(ing the population outG? :orgenthau answere$, ?1ust strip it-? Now he began losing his temper, ?8 $on6t *are what happens to the population-? &aston was still unbelie(ing, ?But there is some interme$iate between those two things- 8 $on6t un$erstan$H? :orgenthau interrupte$ him, shouting, ?8 woul$ take e(ery mine, e(ery mill an$ /a*tory, an$ wre*k it-? &aston, beginning to un$erstan$, inFuire$, ?</ e(ery kin$G? :orgenthau be*ame *almer, ?)teel, *oal, e(erything- 1ust *lose it $own-? 9(en :orgenthau6s right3han$ man, %aniel Bell, ha$ $i//i*ulty a**epting the /ull s*ope o/ :orgenthau6s plan- ?You woul$n6t *lose the mines, woul$ youG? ?)ure-? Now &aston un$erstoo$ /ully, ?You woul$ lea(e agri*ultureG?

?Yes-? Harry %e5ter #hite, a *lose asso*iate o/ 1ohn :aynar$ Deynes, the ar*hite*t o/ the Bretton #oo$s monetary system o/ that year, was *on*erne$ to establish the prin*iple o/ international *ontrols- ?0ea(e it in international han$s-? :orgenthau agree$, ?Yes,? #hite, thinking it out, a$$e$, ?</ *ourse, you woul$n6t ha(e to $o a great $eal o/ $estru*tion i/ that were the poli*y- 8/ you tol$ the (arious allies that you were going to $o that an$ they *an *ome in an$ strip it, they will take a goo$ $eal o/ it away- But they woul$ ha(e to $o some $estru*tion- The problem is not the $estru*tion- The problem is the population-? :orgenthau $i$ not *onsi$er that to be a problem- )in*e he was a young man he ha$ been an asso*iate o/ the British .oun$ Table- %uring the First #orl$ #ar, he ha$ a*te$ as an emissary to 9arl &rey /or his /ather, the 4meri*an ambassa$or to Turkey- :orgenthau senior was then han$ling /inan*ial a//airs in Turkey /or the British, Fren*h, an$ .ussians- :orgen3 thau answere$, ?8 am /or $estroying it /irst, an$ we will worry about the population se*on$-?> :*Connell ha$ not spoken be/ore, be*ause he was a junior member o/ the %epartment, but now he *oul$ no longer *ontain himsel/- He ha$ Fuietly been *al*ulating what it woul$ take to /ee$ the population whi*h woul$ otherwise star(e- ?That /oo$ tonnage woul$ be enormous-? #hite was less *on*erne$, ?They raise something there themsel(es-? Pehle, who knew &ermany, proteste$, ?8n that area, not mu*h-? ?Yes, there is some,? #hite insiste$:*Connell was impatient, ?The soup kit*hen to /ee$ 1@ million people just woul$n6t be a$eFuate-? He trie$ to get them to ba*k o// /rom what he knew woul$ be geno*i$e- ?#ell, now i/ you *onsi$er an interme$iate step, :r)e*retary, re$u*e that 1= million to 2, take out all the war plantsHthe prin*ipal /a*tor *ontrolling the stan$ar$ o/ li(ingHyou ha(e about *ut their stan$ar$ o/ li(ing in hal/ or *ome pretty *lose to it by the *ontra*tion o/ steel- Now, i/ you go to nothing, the stan$ar$ o/ li(ing woul$ *ome to *lose to 7ero in that area, an$ it is either star(ation or some kin$ o/ relie/ kit*hens-?

:orgenthau brushe$ him asi$e, ?#ell, that $oesn6t bother me- Be*ause the people ha(en6t thought about these things- They ha(e to think about it $i//erently- 8/ they $on6t, the /irst thing you will ha(e is /a*tories there' then somebo$y will open a *oal mine or a steel mill an$ the /irst thing you know you will ha(e a /ull3blown war /iel$H8 am not going to bu$ge an in*h- 8 /in$ the Presi$ent a$amant on this thing-? :orgenthau lie$ in the hope o/ /inally silen*ing opposition- 8n reality, .oose(elt (a*illate$ to the en$ o/ his li/e- The Treasury )e*retary *ontinue$+ ?)ure, it is a terri/i* problem- 0et the &ermans sol(e it- #hy the hell shoul$ 8 worry about what happens to their peopleG? &aston aske$ pointe$ly, ?4re you going to $ri(e people out or let nature take its *ourse by killing in$ustryG #hat in$ustriesG 8t be*omes a *ompli*ate$ problem as to how /ar you will go-? #hite ha$ the /inal wor$, ?The establishment o/ the prin*iple is not a *ompli*ate$ problem- 8/ you $e*i$e what you are going to $o is to stop the in$ustry, you $estroy the big in$ustries an$ mo(e gra$ually $own the line when you are on the job an$ the population gra$ually mo(es out-?; The meeting a$journe$ to be *ontinue$ at >+=@ with the same people present:*Connell opene$ the $is*ussion, ?Now, 8 ha(e these /igures, an$ a map o/ the .uhr area, showing the lo*ation o/ the $eposits there, but 8 ha(en6t the whole &ermany map yet-? :orgenthau was intereste$, ?0et6s see that a minute-? ?)ome o/ the boys raise$ the point that there is a terri/i* *oal shortage an$ that you might want to *onsi$er merely permitting the .uhr *oal mines just to pro$u*e *oal,? #hite pro//ere$:orgenthau was a$amant, ?To answer you as to letting them pro$u*e *oal, that $oesn6t answer what 8 ha(e in min$- 8 starte$ out with Hopkins, who ha$ been pretty mu*h sol$ on this international i$ea o/ letting them pro$u*e some- #hen we got through lun*h he like$ this thought (ery mu*hHmu*h simpler, mu*h easier to sell- 8t isn6t important whether they ha(e an international 7one or not, just as long as they ha(e a strong poli*e /or*e- He thinks it will be mu*h easier to maintainHjust a spe*ial poli*e /or*e-

?4ll o/ these people, like the Presi$ent an$ Hopkins, as soon as you speak to them about what it means to the /uture o/ 9nglan$ imme$iately they *at*h the thing- That appeals to them right away-? #hite remaine$ sensiti(e on the Fuestion o/ international *ontrols- ?8 think i/ it is still &ermanHyou ha(e a poli*e /or*eHthe &ermans will always regar$ it as theirs an$ just ha(e the poli*e /or*e remo(e$- 8 suppose they will regar$ it as theirs e(en in an international 7one- 8t woul$ be a little easier to perpetuate it as an international 7one-? :orgenthau, on the other han$, thought that stripping &ermany e*onom3 i*ally an$ star(ing her population woul$ be su//i*ient to keep the area in *ontrol- He re/erre$ to his *on(ersation with Hopkins to support his argument, ?But when he le/t, he was thoroughly sol$ on the ghost town i$ea-? #hite reali7e$ it was a se*on$ary Fuestion- ?There are a great many /oreign workers in the .uhr- There has been a substitution, apparently, /or a lot o/ &erman workers, o/ /oreign workers, so that woul$ ren$er the problem a little less $i//i*ult-? :orgenthau returne$ to his main point- ?#hen you talk about letting them pro$u*e *oalHa/ter all, *oal is the whole basis /or their whole *hemi*al in$ustry-? &aston a$$e$ meaning/ully, ?4n$ their steel in$ustry-? :orgenthau was not to be $eterre$, ?0isten, you people aren6t going to be able to bu$ge me- 8 *oul$ run o(er an$ be $estroye$, but 8 am not going to gi(e in while 8 ha(e breath-? ?8 think we ought to go mu*h /urther, sir,? :*Connell pipe$ in sar*asti*ally, ?1ust take $ire*t metallurgy-? :orgenthau *ut him o//, ?That is all right- You start where 8 am starting, take this *oal basin, an$ these three or /our important areas, an$ just /loo$ them-? ?You mean /loo$ the minesG? &aston aske$, /labbergaste$?Yes-? ?That is (ery easily pumpe$ out,? :*Connell remarke$-

:orgenthau was losing patien*e again, ?Then take a little $ynamite-? He abruptly *hange$ the subje*t- ?#e will pursue the thing- 8 ha(e another i$ea an$ 86m going to sti*k with it- 8 ha(e the Presi$ent, 8 ha(e :rs- .oose(elt, an$ 8 ha(e Hopkins on my si$e- 8 $i$n6t ha(e that mu*h when we $i$ the (olunteer plan' 8 only ha$ the Presi$ent an$ :rs- .oose(elt-? But Pehle was not to be $e/le*te$- ?:r- )e*retary, 8 $on6t think the i$ea is to $estroy e(erything in the .uhr- That means you ha(e to say what isn6t any goo$ be*ause you *an6t $estroy e(erything all o(er &ermany-? :*Connell agree$, ?#ell, 8 woul$ like to point out just one $e(elopment whi*h might o**ur within /i(e years a/ter the ra7ing o/ the .uhr, an$ that is $ire*t metallurgy with gas /rom brown *oal an$ low gra$e3iron ores- That is right on the $oorstep, almost- Not to $is*uss the Fuestion o/ the .uhr, but 8 just want to point out that isn6t the entire answer to the steel in$ustry in &ermany- 8t woul$ be temporary- Those plants woul$ be out, but it is not at all sure that steel *an6t be pro$u*e$ all o(er &ermany where brown *oal o**urs- There are a lot o/ $eposits in &ermany- The i$ea o/ $ire*t metal /rom the ore with gas pro$u*tion /rom brown *oal is re*ei(ing a lot o/ attention- 4s a matter o/ /a*t, they are $oing it $own in %uisberg, now' we ha(e some /airly large *ommer*ial plants working here on $ire*t metallurgy-?@ :orgenthau was not to be mo(e$- 0ike .ussell an$ #ells, he was $eter3 mine$ that the &erman s*ienti/i* tra$ition was to be $estroye$, a goal he state$ emphati*ally in his book &ermany Is <ur Pro/lem, publishe$ in %e*ember 1 ;@+ ?8t will not be possible to pre(ent &erman s*ientists /rom setting up laboratories in their homes or hi$$en in barns- But it will be possible to *he*k the importation o/ s*ienti/i* eFuipment, without whi*h their work will be e5tremely slow i/ not impossible- 8t will be possible to $epri(e them o/ their organi7e$ *enters o/ resear*h, whi*h will make it $i//i*ult /or them to gain the bene/it o/ ea*h other6s e5periments- - - - The result may well be that the worl$ will ha(e to wait /or a /ew $is*o(eries o/ bene/it to health an$ well3being until they are ma$e by non3&ermans-?A ?8 *ame to know Henry :orgenthau, 1r- well only some months later a/ter he was appointe$ )e*retary o/ the Treasury,? reporte$ the New %eal historian Herbert Feis in his )*==7 8haracters in 8risis ?He was a person o/ basi* goo$ will an$ kin$ly intentions, but his min$ was slow, his sel/3 knowle$ge little an$ his sense o/ humor a$oles*ent- He was at on*e shrew$, gullible an$ suspi*ious- Two purposes were to $ominate his thought an$

a*tions+ a wish to ser(e an$ please his neighbor, /rien$, an$ boss, .oose(elt' an$ a $etermination to $own the Na7i?%espite our $i//eren*es in temperament an$ his rasping push, :orgenthau an$ 8 got along rather well in almost $aily $ealings /or Fuite a long time, /or we ha$ many (iews in *ommon- But then he grew more an$ more $issatis/ie$ with Hull6s pru$ent *on$u*t o/ /oreign a//airs an$ began to repla*e, with men o/ his own, the /inan*ial representati(es in /oreign posts whom 8 ha$ *hosen- 4n$ gra$ually he be*ame more an$ more in/luen*e$ by the (i*iously asserti(e sta// that assemble$ aroun$ him, le$ by Harry #hite-?2 The Ch$rchill Plan :orgenthau was a pawn- The e(il plan that bears his name shoul$ more appropriately be *alle$+ The Chur*hill PlanThe i$ea o/ $estroying the .uhr was not only to punish &ermanyHon*e againHby $estroying its area o/ greatest in$ustrial *on*entration- The .uhr was the in$ustrial base o/ all o/ 9urope- By le(eling it, no matter what the *osts to the population, the British woul$ go a long way in $estroying the potential /or the a$(an*e o/ in$ustrial republi*s to *hallenge its own $ying in$ustry an$ national power- Fran*e woul$ espe*ially su//er4s /or :orgenthau, when he boar$e$ the plane /or 9urope in 4ugust o/ 1 ;;, he later wrote, ?8 $i$ not e5pe*t to be*ome in(ol(e$ in the Fuestion o/ the /uture o/ &ermany- But as a result o/ the trip, 8 /oun$ mysel/ proje*te$ une5pe*te$ly in the (ery *enter o/ the &erman $is*ussions-? 8n 0on$on :orgenthau spent two hours with #inston Chur*hill, an o**asion he later $es*ribe$ to his sta//+ ?8 got a great ki*k out o/ it- He took me through his own map room - - - whi*h was Fuite a thrill- He is a great /ellow- 1ust to hear the Presi$ent shout 6Hello,6 Chur*hill sai$, is like $rinking a bottle o/ *hampagne-?! Chur*hill was a*ting on a *are/ully $rawn pro/ile o/ the ,-)- Treasury )e*retary- 8/ his plan to $ismember &ermany was to su**ee$ against the opposition o/ the 1oint Chie/s o/ )ta//, who were in *onstant *ontro(ersy with the British, i/ .oose(elt were to be *on(in*e$, then it ha$ to appear as an 4meri*an proposal- 8n /a*t, he, Chur*hill, woul$ oppose it when it was /irst raise$- .oose(elt woul$ be won to the plan by ha(ing to *on(in*e him-

:orgenthau was a goo$ *hoi*e- 4s a 1ew he *oul$ be truste$ to be anti3 &erman, but he was also pro3British- His obje*ti(es on the :orgenthau Plan were *lear+ ?8 *an tell you this,? :orgenthau tol$ Harry %e5ter #hite, ?that i/ the .uhr was put out o/ business the *oal mines an$ steel mills o/ 9nglan$ woul$ /lourish /or many years-? 8n 9nglan$ in 1 ;= he ha$ met with Chur*hill three times, an$ ha$ reporte$ in glowing terms about the British heroism an$ su//ering- 9(en Chur*hill, he sai$, ha$ been re$u*e$ to a bare subsisten*e- 4s :orgenthau tol$ it the /irst time+ Chur*hill ?was in goo$ /orm e(ery time e5*ept the night his wi/e ga(e him a supper he $i$ not like an$ so he $i$ not talk all through supper- )he sai$, 68 am sorry, $ear, 8 *oul$ not buy any /ish- You6ll ha(e to eat ma*aroni-6 :rs- .oose(elt was sitting right there- Then they ga(e us little le/t3o(er bits ma$e into meatloa/- - - -? Twenty years later, a**or$ing to Blum, :orgenthau re*alle$ the episo$e $i//erently- Chur*hill ?*alle$ his wi/e $own /or ser(ing /ish in aspi*, an$ then sank $own in his *hair /or the rest o/ the e(ening an$ *ame to li/e again only with the *hampagne-?1" :orgenthau supporte$ len$3lease wholehearte$ly although he was *on3 straine$ to keep a li$ upon British a**umulation by the )enate wat*h$og Committee to 8n(estigate the National %e/ense Program *haire$ by Harry Truman- :orgenthau ha$ $i//i*ulty in *on(in*ing the British that it was ne*essary to keep their surplus a**umulation /rom len$3lease to E1 billion i/ hell was not to break loose in the ,nite$ )tates- 4t the same time, the Fren*h ha$ been entirely *ut o// /rom len$3lease an$ the Chinese go(ernment o/ Chiang Dai3)hek was also being *ut ba*k- :orgenthau6s *omment on the Chinese an$ Fren*h *omplaints was, ?1ust as soon as we Fuit being )anta Claus we be*ome unpopular-? Chur*hill $i$ not negle*t to take a$(antage o/ :orgenthau6s willingness to *ollaborate with the 1oint %istribution Committee, whi*h was ?res*uing? only a tiny /ra*tion o/ 1ews whom it /irst *are/ully s*reene$- He was not mistaken in his pro/ile- :orgenthau was psy*hologi*ally *apable o/ *on$emning the &erman nation, man, woman, an$ *hil$, to $eath4/ter Chur*hill praise$ .oose(elt, then :orgenthau re*alle$, he ?starte$ o//, bang, on how 9nglan$ was buste$- - - - He an$ 8 got along (ery well- #e put it right on the line- - - - The interesting thing with Chur*hill wasHhe sai$H well, he was pra*ti*ally se(enty an$ it was time he ma$e pea*e with his :aker, an$ as soon as the war was o(er he woul$ resign an$ be the most unpopular man in 9nglan$- - - - 8 got the impression he wante$ the &ermans treate$ in a stern manner-?11

Harry %e5ter #hite was also on this trip to 0on$on an$ in *onstant tou*h with 1ohn :aynar$ Deynes, then atta*he$ to the British Treasury, an$ British Foreign :inister 4nthony 9$en-1= :orgenthau an$ #hite ha$ to mo(e Fui*kly' the 4meri*an 1oint Chie/s o/ )ta// ha$ alrea$y release$ a Han$book o/ :ilitary &o(ernment, whi*h outline$ poli*ies /or &ermany similar to those &eneral :a*4rthur woul$ later apply in 1apan an$ whose purpose was to get a ruine$ e*onomy an$ nation on its /eet- The 1oint Chie/s man$ate$+ ?Your main an$ imme$iate task is to get things running, to pi*k up the pie*es, to restore as Fui*kly as possible the o//i*ial /un*tioning o/ the &erman *i(il go(ernment- - - - The /irst *on*ern o/ military go(ernment will be to see that the ma*hine works an$ works e//i*iently- - - ?The highly *entrali7e$ &erman a$ministrati(e system is to be retaine$ unless otherwise $ire*te$ by higher authorities- - - - 4ll e5isting &erman regulations an$ or$inan*es relating to- - - pro$u*tion, supply or $istribution will remain in /or*e unless spe*i/i*ally amen$e$ or abrogate$- 95*ept as otherwise in$i*ate$ by *ir*umstan*es or $ire*te$ by higher authority, present &erman pro$u*tion an$ primary pro*essing o/ /uels, ores an$ other raw materials will be maintaine$ at present le(els- - - - The /oo$ supply will be a$ministere$ so as to pro(i$e, i/ possible - - - a $iet on the basis o/ an o(erall a(erage o/ =""" *alories per $ay- :embers o/ the &erman /or*es will be rate$ as normal *onsumers- - - ?)houl$ the in$igenous pro$u*ers o/ &ermany be insu//i*ient to pro(i$e su*h a basi* ration, the balan*e will be ma$e up o/ imports- - - - 4ll possible steps will be taken to insure the utili7ation o/ &erman e*onomi*, material an$ in$ustrial /a*ilities to an e5tent ne*essary to pro(i$e su*h raw materials, goo$s, supplies, an$ ser(i*es as are reFuire$ /or military an$ essential *i(ilian nee$s- - - - The main obje*ti(e o/ 4llie$ :ilitary &o(ernment in the /inan*ial /iel$ is to take su*h temporary measures as will - - - minimi7e the potential /inan*ial $isor$er - - - that is likely to o**ur - - - 8nternational boun$aries will be $eeme$ to be as they were on >1 %e*ember, 1 >2-?1> ,n$er :orgenthau6s pro$$ing, a/ter his return /rom 0on$on, .oose(elt atta*ke$ the 1oint Chie/s6 memoran$um as too so/t on &ermanyH$espite the /a*t that =""" *alories a $ay is ;"" below the minimal reFuirements- The Presi$ent lent his ear to the :orgenthau3Chur*hill Plan /or &ermany-

Howe(er, )e*retary o/ #ar )timson inter(ene$ with .oose(elt, submitting his own memoran$um on )eptember A- )timson proteste$+ ?8 *annot *on*ei(e o/ su*h a proposition being either possible or e//e*ti(e, an$ 8 *an see enormous general e(ils *oming /rom an attempt to so treat it%uring the past eighty years o/ 9uropean history this portion o/ &ermany was one o/ the most important sour*es o/ the raw materials upon whi*h the in$ustrial an$ e*onomi* li(elihoo$ o/ 9urope was base$- ,pon the pro$u*tion whi*h *ame /rom the raw materials o/ this region $uring those years, the *ommer*e o/ 9urope was (ery largely pre$i*ate$- ,pon that pro$u*tion &ermany be*ame the largest sour*e o/ supply to no less than ten 9uropean *ountries- - - - The pro$u*tion o/ these materials /rom this region *oul$ not be seale$ up an$ obliterate$ - - - without mani/estly *ausing a great $islo*ation to the tra$e upon whi*h 9urope has li(e$- - - ?8 *annot treat as realisti* the suggestion that su*h an area in the present e*onomi* *on$ition o/ the worl$ *an be turne$ into a - - - 6ghost territory-6 - - ?8 *an *on*ei(e o/ en$ea(oring to meet the misuse whi*h &ermany has re*ently ma$e o/ this pro$u*tion by wise systems o/ *ontrol or trusteeship or e(en trans/ers o/ ownership to other nations- But 8 *annot *on*ei(e o/ turning su*h a gi/t o/ nature into a $ust heap?#ar is $estru*tion- This war more than any pre(ious war has *ause$ giganti* $estru*tion- The nee$ /or the re*uperati(e bene/its o/ pro$u*ti(ity is more e(i$ent now than e(er be/ore- - - - :oreo(er, spee$ o/ re*onstru*tion is o/ great importan*e i/ we hope to a(oi$ $angerous *on(ulsions in 9urope?#e *ontemplate the trans/er /rom &ermany o/ ownership o/ 9ast Prussia, ,pper )ilesia, 4lsa*e an$ 0orraine Bea*h o/ them e5*ept the /irst *ontaining raw materials o/ importan*eC together with the imposition o/ general e*onomi* *ontrols- #e are also *onsi$ering the wis$om o/ a possible partition o/ &ermany into North an$ )outh se*tions, as well as the *reation o/ an internationali7e$ state in the .uhr- #ith su*h pre*autions, or in$ee$ with only some o/ them, it *ertainly shoul$ not be ne*essary /or us to obliterate all in$ustrial pro$u*ti(ity in the .uhr area- - - ?Nor *an 8 agree that it shoul$ be one o/ our purposes to hol$ the &erman population 6to a subsisten*e le(el6 i/ this means the e$ge o/ po(erty- This woul$ mean *on$emning the &erman people to a *on$ition o/ ser(itu$e in

whi*h, no matter how har$ or how e//e*ti(ely a man worke$, he *oul$ not materially in*rease his e*onomi* *on$ition in the worl$- )u*h a program woul$ - - - *reate tensions an$ resentments /ar outweighing any imme$iate a$(antage o/ se*urity an$ woul$ en$ to obs*ure the guilt o/ the Na7is an$ the (i*iousness o/ their $o*trines an$ their a*ts?By su*h e*onomi* mistakes 8 *annot but /eel that you woul$ also be poisoning the springs out o/ whi*h we hope that the /uture pea*e o/ the worl$ *an be maintaine$-?1; .oose(elt (a*illate$, but on )eptember 1@, he initiale$ a memoran$um, $i*tate$ by Chur*hill, whi*h restate$ the :orgenthau Plan- This o**urre$ at the 1 ;; Kuebe* Con/eren*e, where the $ay be/ore Chur*hill ha$ been han$e$ a $ra/t o/ the plan by :orgenthau- The British *hie/ o/ state preten$e$ to be outrage$, going so /ar as to say that he looke$ upon the Treasury Plan as he woul$ at *haining himsel/ to a $ea$ &erman- But by the /ollowing $ay, a/ter .oose(elt ha$ been $rawn to the $e/ense o/ his subor3 $inate an$ o/ the plan, Chur*hill6s histrioni*s were o(er- .oose(elt ha$ the $ra/t amen$e$ to in*lu$e the wor$s ?$ismantling in$ustry o/ all &ermany,? not just the .uhr an$ )aar areas- Chur*hill a$$e$ the wor$ ?pastoral? to the $ra/tThe /inal (ersion rea$+ ?The program /or eliminating the war3making in$ustries in the .uhr an$ in the )aar is looking /orwar$ to *on(erting &ermany into a *ountry primarily agri*ultural an$ pastoral in its *hara*ter-?1@ 8t is *lear why &eneral $e &aulle was not in(ite$ to the Kuebe* *on/eren*e, sin*e the Fren*h woul$ ha(e been in*lu$e$ (i*tims o/ the plan- The Chur*hill Plan woul$ ha(e returne$ &ermany to the pastoral $ark ages :a*kin$er ha$ *alle$ /or in 1 1 - But the plan $i$ not go through.oose(elt was /or*e$ to $isa(ow his own agreement to it when reports on the $ra/t were leake$ to the press by )e*retary o/ #ar )timson- 8t was an ele*tion year, an$ the .epubli*an Party *apitali7e$ on the publi* out*ry against it- Ne(ertheless, the *ompromise solution that was /inally a$opte$, while not stripping &ermany6s in$ustrial potential, *lose$ $own in$ustryThe year 1 ;A31 ;2 was known in &ermany as the ?Year o/ the Turnip-? There was no work, no *oal or oil /or home heating or pro$u*tion, no /oo$ but turnips, as &ermany lay in a trummerfeld Brubble heapC o/ ruins /rom the allie$ bombing-1A

Harry %e5ter #hite6s /rien$, 1ohn :aynar$ Deynes, $es*ribe$ his rea*tions to the Chur*hill Plan in a memoran$um $ate$ <*tober ;, 1 ;;+ ?Both :orgenthau an$ Harry #hite were *onsi$erably more intereste$ in their plan /or $e3in$ustriali7ing &ermany than in anything else- - - - 8 took the line that all plans relating to &ermany whi*h 8 ha$ seen so /ar stru*k me as eFually ba$, an$ the only matter 8 was *on*erne$ with was that it shoul$ not be the British Treasury who ha$ to pay reparations to support &ermany8 gathere$ that the plan is not Fuite as *ru$e as it appeare$ in the reports /rom Kuebe*- 4ll the same, it seems pretty ma$, an$ 8 aske$ #hite how the inhabitants o/ the .uhr area were to be kept /rom star(ation+ he sai$ that there woul$ ha(e to be brea$ lines but on a (ery low le(el o/ subsisten*e#hen 8 aske$ i/ the British, as being responsible /or that area, woul$ also be responsible /or the brea$, he sai$ that the ,-)- Treasury woul$, i/ ne*essary, pay /or the brea$, pro(i$e$ always it was on a low le(el o/ subsisten*e- )o whilst the hills are being turne$ into a sheep run, the (alleys will be /ille$ /or some years to *ome with a *losely pa*ke$ brea$ line on a (ery low le(el o/ subsisten*e at 4meri*an e5pense- How 8 am to keep a straight /a*e when it *omes to the .oun$ Table talk 8 *annot imagine-?12 ,n$erstan$ably Deynes was not o(ersensiti(e- The ar*hite*t o/ the 8nter3 national :onetary Fun$ an$ the #orl$ Bank was not only a member o/ the .oun$ Table, but ha$ been a *ollaborator o/ Na7i 9*onomi*s :inister Hjalmar )*ha*ht an$ a member o/ the 9uropean oligar*hi*al asso*iation, the Pan39uropean ,nionTwo months later, Deynes wrote a letter to a /rien$, Passant+ ?#hat /rightens me most in the whole problem is that these issues are e5tremely likely to be settle$ by those Bas 8 know by /irst3han$ *on(ersationC who ha(e not gi(en *ontinuous or *on*entrate$ thought to it- - - ?For, in /a*t, there is no goo$ solution- -ll the solutions whi*h are being talke$ about are not only ba$, but (ery ba$?No $oubt we shall re/rain /rom making the same mistakes as last time- But that is not too mu*h *om/ort-?1! Why /ersailles Deynes knew whereo/ he spoke- He ha$ been the o//i*ial British Treasury representati(e at Iersailles in 1 1 in the $elegation hea$e$ by 0or$ .obert Ce*il, the *oun*il that ?ma$e the mistake? o/ *reating the *on$itions /or

national an$ in$ustrial resurgen*es in &ermany, Fran*e, an$ .ussia- The $elegation in*lu$e$ 1an )muts, representing )outh 4/ri*a, 0or$ 0othian, the personal ai$e to British Prime :inister 0loy$ &eorge, an$ 0eo 4mery o/ the .oun$ Table4ll o/ these men woul$ be*ome members o/ the /as*ist Pan39uropean ,nionDeynes is *re$ite$ as one o/ the /irst to openly atta*k the Iersailles Treaty, protesting that its plan to *onne*t e5traor$inarily high reparations payments $eman$e$ /rom &ermany to an interlo*king set o/ war $ebt mutually owe$ by the 9ntente nations, to ea*h other but mainly to the ,nite$ )tates, was unworkable- Deynes *onten$e$ that the (i*torious powers woul$ kill the goose that lai$ the gol$en eggH by asking too mu*h o/ &ermany, the *ountry woul$ be bankrupte$ an$ unable to pay anything-1 4ll well an$ goo$, e5*ept that it was 0or$ Deynes who ha$ pri(ately worke$ out the reparations plan with Ce*il, an$ with )muts, who a$$e$ the *lause making &ermany liable /or all allie$ (eterans6 pensions4s Deynes knew well, the Iersailles Treaty was ne(er meant to work.eparations woul$ not bene/it Britain whi*h ha$ su//ere$ little war $amage8ts purpose was to *arry out the geopoliti*al goals Hal/or$ :a*kin$er $es*ribe$+ to /or*e &ermany to mar*h east again- The 4nglo34meri*an elites who *on(ene$ at Iersailles are the men who *reate$ Hitler an$ put him in power /or that purpose#orl$ #ar 8 ha$ not worke$ out as planne$- The British plan to $estabili7e the Tsar ha$ mis*arrie$ ba$ly- 0enin ha$ ri$$en to power on the *oup an$ with a /reer han$ was *arrying out #itte6s re/orm program- Fran*e, $espite the /a*t that tren*h war/are ha$ obliterate$ mu*h o/ the Fren*h *ountrysi$e, was making a spirite$ bi$ /or worl$ lea$ership an$ again *ontesting Britain in the :i$$le 9ast- &ermany was at last /ree o/ the bureau*rati* regime o/ the Daiser, gi(ing &erman in$ustrialists unrestri*te$ politi*al power /or the /irst time- The war ha$ been mu*h rougher on &reat Britain itsel/ than e(en the ?realist? British ruling *ir*les ha$ e(er pre$i*te$, an$ the ,nite$ )tates ha$ *ome out o/ the war in a stronger position than e(er be/ore8n 1 =", Bertran$ .ussell ha$ tra(ele$ to .ussia to sur(ey the $amage- He was seriously worrie$ about the possibility o/ a new ,-)-3.ussia, an$ perhaps &erman, allian*e emerging- 8n #he Prospects of Industrial 8ivili2a0

tion that he wrote upon returning /rom his trips to China an$ .ussia, he outline$ the situation+ ?8n these $ays o/ unemployment, /or e5ample, the /ear o/ &erman *ompeti3 tion woul$ make it (ery $i//i*ult /or a 0abour &o(ernment to a$opt unre3 stri*te$ /ree tra$e with &ermany- 4n$ it will *ertainly be a long time be/ore so*ialists are in a position to *reate the ma*hinery o/ international go(ern3 ment- High /inan*e, on the other han$, is rea$y to $o so, an$ is impelle$ in that $ire*tion by urgent moti(es o/ sel/3interest- 8t is easy to imagine, a /ew years hen*e, a *ombination o/ :organs in 4meri*a, the banking interests in this *ountry, )tinnes in &ermany, an$ lea$ing Bolshe(iks in .ussia, joining together in an in/ormal *ommittee to $ominate the poli*ies o/ their go(ern3 ments-? The /orm o/ the argument an$ the re/eren*e to British bankers are win$ow3 $ressing, part o/ .ussell6s *o(er as a so*ialist- 8t is not :organ who worries .ussell, but the impulse represente$ by 4meri*an in$ustrialist Henry For$4s .ussell6s partner H-&- #ells *omplaine$ o/ For$+ ?He is like )*ien*eHe proje*ts raw things into the worl$, For$ *ars whi*h re(olutioni7e the *ommon roa$s an$ the *ommon li/e o/ 4meri*ans, For$ tra*tors whi*h set *olle*ti(i7ation a/oot in .ussia-?=" .ussell a$$s a /ootnote that e5plains *learly enough his own meaning+ ?)ee a (ery interesting memoran$um prepare$ on behal/ o/ the 8n$ustrial &roup in the House o/ Commons BThe #imes, :ar*h !, 1 =>C, whi*h says >inter alia?+ 64n e*onomi* allian*e between this *ountry, .ussia, &ermany, an$ the ,nite$ )tates woul$ be impossible to resist, e(en by the /oremost military power o/ 9uropeL6 8t pro*ee$s to gi(e reasons /or regar$ing su*h an allian*e as .ussell is writing about reality- &ermany an$ the new )o(iet ,nion ha$ just signe$ a treaty abrogating all .ussian war $ebt payments to &ermany as a pre*on$ition /or putting into e//e*t a large3s*ale joint in$ustriali7ation programThe 1 == .apallo Treaty was the *ulmination o/ a joint e//ort by the &erman &eneral )ta//H&enerals &roener, (on )ee*kt, an$ :ajor (on )*hlei*herH an$ Ila$imir 0enin, )o(iet hea$ o/ state, to make in$ustrial republi*anism hegemoni*- Cooperation e5ten$e$ so /ar that the &erman &eneral )ta// was training the )o(iet &eneral )ta// in Berlin- 0ike the Bre7hne(3)*hmi$t a**or$s /or twenty3/i(e years o/ e*onomi* *ooperation signe$ in :ay 1 2!, the .apallo Treaty o/ 1 == anti*ipate$ a $esign /or in$ustrial e5pansion by both *ountries, *ouple$ with proje*ts to in$ustriali7e 4/ri*a- Dey to this was

the establishment o/ a gol$3ba*ke$ monetary system, to in*lu$e the ruble, whi*h woul$ o//er *re$its /or e5port an$ /or $e(elopment o/ in$ustry8mme$iately, the treaty o//ere$ the potential o/ a union o/ &erman te*hnology an$ organi7ing ability with )o(iet manpower an$ raw materials, a /ormi$able *ombinationNor was the )o(iet ,nion to remain the ba*kwar$ partner- 0enin in 1 =" ha$ *alle$ /or the $e(elopment o/ plans /or an ele*tri* power gri$ to *o(er all o/ .ussia an$ to be e5ten$e$ 9uropean wi$e- The .apallo a**or$ was the result o/ three years o/ in$ustrial an$ military *ooperation between the two *ountries- Drupp, like For$, ha$ alrea$y establishe$ a large tru*k $i(ision in .ussia, an$ other &erman /irms were buil$ing airplane /a*tories8n the eyes o/ .ussell an$ the British .oun$ Table, a .ussian3&erman allian*e *oul$ not be allowe$- The problem was only ma$e more *omple5 by the Fren*h Fuestion- 8t was to sol(e this array o/ problems, easily /oreseen by 1 1 , when the Bolshe(ik .e(olution *oul$ not be $e/eate$, that the Iersailles reparations poli*y ha$ been $esigne$.ussell lai$ out the new possibilities /or a$(ersary relations among the *ontinental 9uropean powers as he *ontinue$ in the same book+ ?For the present, the Bolshe(iks *annot easily be a$mitte$, be*ause they re/use to subs*ribe to the $ogma that pri(ate property is sa*re$, upon whi*h all high /inan*e preten$s to rest- But .ussia6s nee$ o/ /oreign *re$its is *ompelling the Bolshe(iks to nominal a$mission o/ the .ussian $ebt, an$ as e(eryone knows that .ussia *annot a*tually pay, a nominal a$mission may be enough to pla*ate the /inan*iers- Thus .ussia may be*ome a party to the poli*y o/ the #ashington an$ &enoa *on/eren*es- This poli*y has two si$esFrom the point o/ (iew o/ the /inan*iers, it is an attempt to pre(ent what they ha(e lent to the belligerents /rom be*oming a ba$ $ebt, an$ to /in$ in 9urope an$ 4sia /iel$s /or the in(estment o/ /resh *apital- From the point o/ (iew o/ &ermany, .ussia, an$ China, it is an attempt to re(i(e or *reate in$ustry so as to be*ome sol(ent an$ ultimately ri*h an$ power/ul- For the moment, the interests o/ the two si$es are more or less in agreement- 8t is there/ore *on*ei(able that an international go(ernment might grow up in this wayBut though *on*ei(able, 8 $o not think it is probable, /or reasons whi*h 8 will brie/ly set /orth?There is, /irst o/ all, a power/ul opposition /rom the point o/ (iew o/ a narrow nationalism- Fran*e an$ 1apan think that they *an a*Fuire more

wealth by means o/ their armies than by means o/ /inan*e' there/ore they oppose e(erything that woul$ ten$ to make pea*e se*ure- Fran*e is supporte$, /or nationalist reasons, by Polan$, C7e*ho3)lo(akia, .omania, )erbia, an$ Turkey, an$ we $are not be (ery hostile to Turkey be*ause o/ the 8n$ian :ohamme$ans- - - ?#e must say a /ew wor$s as to the relations o/ 9nglan$ an$ 4meri*a- 8t woul$ be e5*ee$ingly rash to ha7ar$ a prophe*y as to the /uture o/ 4nglo3 4meri*an relations- Ne(ertheless, it seems as i/ one o/ two things must happen, either an allian*e in whi*h the British 9mpire woul$ take se*on$ pla*e, or a war in whi*h the British 9mpire woul$ be $issol(e$- 4n allian*e woul$ only be possible i/ we sin*erely aban$one$ all /urtheran*e o/ our own imperialism an$ all opposition to that o/ 4meri*a- 8/ this shoul$ happen, an 9nglish3speaking blo*k *oul$ (ery largely *ontrol the worl$, an$ make /irst *lass wars improbable $uring its e5isten*e- Possibly the results woul$ not be (ery $i//erent i/ there were a struggle /or suprema*y between 9nglan$ an$ 4meri*a, en$ing in the $e/eat o/ 9nglan$- The %ominions woul$ in that *ase gra(itate to 4meri*a, an$ the only $i//eren*e woul$ be that the ,nite$ Ding$om woul$ belong to the 9uropean system instea$ o/ to the 9nglish3 speaking group-?== 4s .ussell was writing, not only ha$ the .apallo a**or$s between the )o(iets an$ &erman in$ustrialists gone through, but the ,nite$ )tates was also seeking e*onomi* opportunities in .ussia8n <*tober 1 =" a E> billion tra$e $eal ha$ been announ*e$ between a *onsortium o/ #est Coast in$ustrialists an$ the )o(iet ,nion- 8t was ?the single biggest or$er in the history o/ the worl$,? pro*laime$ the 9ew @ork #imes on <*tober =A, 1 ="- 8n return /or items ranging /rom @",""" tons o/ leather, @,""" sets o/ automati* blo*k systems, 1,""" grain storage ele(ators, 1,""" powerhouse installation bo5*ars, tra*tors, typesetting ma*hines, *ars, tru*ks, motors, an$ on an$ on, the .ussians o//ere$ the 4meri*ans the *oal an$ oil *on*ession /or Northeast )iberia-=> 4 man name$ #ashington Baker Ian$erlip was the spokesman /or the group- He ha$ issue$ a number o/ statements highly *riti*al o/ British propagan$a *ir*ulating monster stories about 0enin- <n <*tober =A, 1 =", the 9ew @ork #imes *arrie$ an arti*le about the )o(iet ,nion that Fuote$ Ian$erlip as saying+ ?.eports o/ rebellions an$ street /ighting are absolutely /alse, an$ are, 8 belie(e, /oreign propagan$a $esigne$ to pre(ent legitimate 4meri*an business a*ti(ity in this great .ussian market-?

<n No(ember ==, 1 =", Ian$erlip was Fuote$ again+ ?4meri*ans are now looke$ upon in .ussia as the *ountry6s only /oreign /rien$s, an$ the people remember the long histori* /rien$ship between the two nations-? The ne5t $ay another story appeare$+ ?Presi$ent #ilson is now en$ea(oring to balk tra$e with .ussia by engineering a Bolshe(ik s*are in the ,nite$ )tates- - - - 9nglan$ has a thousan$/ol$ more reasons to /ear *ommunism' yet she has just a**epte$ a tra$e agreement with .ussia-? Ian$erlip *laime$ in a %e*ember 1=, 1 =", arti*le that only as a result o/ his su**ess/ul negotiations with the )o(iets ha$ 9nglan$ an$ Fran*e raise$ their blo*ka$e against the *ountry an$ resume$ tra$e relations- He reporte$ that the British o//ere$ to buy one3hal/ o/ his *on*ession an$ un$erwrite the other hal/- 8n an arti*le *o(ere$ in the #imes two $ays later, Ian$erlip blame$ British espionage /or /or*ing him to *hange his itinerary- He *astigate$ #ilson as ?an auto*rat at the inspiration o/ the British go(ern3 ment? /or blo*king ,-)-3.ussian tra$e, an$ then, /rom the opposite (antage3 point as .ussell, moote$ the possibility o/ a war breaking out between the ,nite$ )tates an$ Britain- 8/ su*h a war shoul$ break out o(er oil rights, he suggeste$ that the ,nite$ )tates nationali7e British oil interests<n %e*ember 1>, the newspaper Fuote$ him+ ?8t is true that 8 ha(e re*ei(e$ o//ers /rom British interests, interests so *lose to the &o(ernment 8 *an mention no names- 8 $i$ not seek them an$ 8 ha(e not $ealt with them, though 8 am still being pursue$ with o//ers to enter into an arrangement-? H-&- #ells also tra(ele$ to the )o(iet ,nion while Ian$erlip was there, an$ attempte$ to spy on the 4meri*an in$ustrialist- #ells also met with 0enin, whom he le*ture$ on the proper mentality /or a so*ialist i/ he is to rebuil$ his *ountry with British appro(al- 0enin patiently e5plaine$ to #ells his plans /or rebuil$ing the e*onomy through the ele*tri/i*ation o/ in$ustry, as ea*h pro(in*e *ame ba*k un$er Bolshe(ik *ontrol-=; 8n a biography o/ 0enin, 0eon Trotsky re*or$e$ 0enin6s $isgust with the $irty little man?#hat a petit bourgeois he isL He is a PhilistineL 4h, what a PhilistineL? 0enin was reporte$ to ha(e sai$-=A Ian$erlip ha$ eFual *ontempt /or #ells- #riting on his meeting with the British ?so*ialist? in an arti*le appearing in -sia7 Aournal of the -merican -siatic -ssociation, *alle$ ?)i$elights on )o(iet :os*ow,? Ian$erlip sai$+ ?4 year ago, when the worl$6s $eman$ /or /uel oil showe$ no abatement, a /ormer o//i*er o/ the British na(y approa*he$ one o/ my 0os 4ngeles

asso*iates /or part o/ the *apital to /loat a British syn$i*ate to e5ploit )iberian oil - - - it was e(i$ent that the British were mo(ing towar$ a *on*ession /rom 0enin- #ithin twenty3/our hours we $e*i$e$ to a*t on our own a**ount- - - ?#ells seeme$ to me that patheti* obje*tHan 9nglishman out o/ rea*h o/ 9nglish *om/ort /or se(eral weeks- :oreo(er, he was $isturbe$ by 6rumors-6 6&et out o/ this *ountry as spee$ily as you *an,6 he sai$ to me in pri(ate6This town will be $ren*he$ in bloo$ within a /ortnight- 8 ha(e insi$e in/ormation-6? Ian$erlip took no hee$ o/ the stupi$ $e*eption an$ remaine$ in :os*ow to meet with 0enin+ ?8 lai$ a se*on$ proposal be/ore 0enin an$ his asso*iates#hat i/ a responsible 4meri*an businessman emerge$ /rom .ussia with a *ontra*t /or 4meri*an goo$s big enough to startle the worl$G #hat e//e*t woul$ that ha(e on the British an$ Fren*h *ompetitors o/ 4meri*aG #oul$ they permit their go(ernment to go on promoting the /utile a$(entures o/ %eniken an$ #rangel an$ the PolesG #hat e//e*t woul$ su*h a *ontra*t ha(e on the restoration o/ tra$e with .ussiaHan$ hen*e in 9urope gen3 erallyG ?The answer was ob(ious, an$ my o//er was a**epte$- #ithin ten $ays 8 *omplete$ arrangements /or the Ian$erlip )yn$i*ate to a*Fuire a /is*al agen*y /or the .ussian go(ernment in 4meri*a /or the pur*hase o/ E>,""",3 """,""" worth o/ 4meri*an goo$s within a perio$ o/ three years?)in*e then the Ding o/ &reat Britain in a spee*h /rom the Throne has a$(o*ate$ the reopening o/ .ussian tra$e-? 8n the same perio$ the 4meri*an Harry )in*lair was grante$ a *on*ession to e5plore oil in northern )akhalin, an$ in early 1 => he was gi(en the plum+ a *on*ession to $e(elop all the Baku oil- This was an e5tremely $amaging blow against the British, who were ba*king .oyal %ut*h )hell an$ .oths3 *hil$ interests in their attempts to regain the *on*essions they ha$ hel$ un$er the TsarBut by 1 =>, the British oligar*hy was beginning to re*oup its lossesHai$e$ by the *on(enient $eaths o/ three peopleFirst, ,-)- Presi$ent #arren Har$ing $ie$Hright at the point that he was mo(ing towar$ open re*ognition o/ the )o(iet ,nion- The *ir*umstan*es o/ his $eath were suspi*ious- He ha$ *ollapse$ at a speaking engagement on a

tour o/ 4laska' the atten$ing physi*ian $iagnose$ the *ause as in$igestion /rom eating tainte$ *rabs, but Har$ing ha$ eaten no *rabs on the trip- The Presi$ent began to re*o(er, went into a re(ersal, an$ $ie$ on 4ugust >, 1 =>The $iagnosis was *oronary embolism' no autopsy was per/orme$#ith Har$ing6s $eath, the situation in the ,nite$ )tates was Fui*kly re3 (erse$- The Cooli$ge a$ministration that /ollowe$ with$rew support /rom those 4meri*ans who were opening up the )o(iet ,nion- .e*ognition o/ the )o(iet go(ernment woul$ not take pla*e /or another ten years, when Frank3 lin .oose(elt *ame into o//i*e)in*lair6s *re$it was $estroye$ by a (i*ious 4bs*am3style press *ampaign against him, whi*h /eature$ the so3*alle$ Tea Pot %ome s*an$al- )in*lair was a**use$ o/ bribing 8nterior )e*retary Pall /or a *on*ession to pump oil on go(ernment lan$s /or sale to the Na(y $uring #orl$ #ar 8- )in*lair was jaile$ an$ pre(ente$ /rom taking a$(antage o/ either oil *on*ession- The )o(iets were thrown ba*k on their own resour*es to $e(elop their oil /iel$sThis was an imme$iate penalty /or them, but in the long run it was the ,nite$ )tates that lostHpoliti*ally an$ e*onomi*allyThe situation was ma$e worse with the $eath o/ 0enin in 1 =;- The *ause o/ $eath was presumably a *erebral hemorrhage stemming /rom injuries sustaine$ when he was shot on 4ugust >1, 1 1!, by the anar*hist %ora Daplan- 0eon Trotsky, in his biography o/ )talin, moote$ that 0enin *oul$ ha(e been poisone$, sin*e his $eath /ollowe$ an apparent perio$ o/ re*o(ery an$ was a**ompanie$ by symptoms asso*iate$ with poisoning-=A Certainly the British ha$ ha$ a han$ in the attempte$ assassination by %ora DaplanDaplan was a 0e/t )o*ialist .e(olutionary an$ a known asso*iate o/ )ir Bru*e 0o*khart, a British intelligen*e agent statione$ in .ussia un$er *o(er o/ $iplomati* assignment- The $esign was that the assassination woul$ *oin*i$e with uprisings in :os*ow an$ Petrogra$ organi7e$ by another British agent, )i$ney .eilly- But .eilly was late, an$ Daplan shot too soonBoth .eilly an$ 0o*khart were pi*ke$ up a/ter the attempt with in*riminat3 ing $o*uments on their persons- .eilly ate part o/ his' 0o*khart use$ his to wipe himsel/ in a prison john, remarking later that /ortunately, the papers went $own easily- 4lthough 0o*khart was ne(er /ormally *harge$ with *ompli*ity in the attempt to mur$er 0enin, he es*ape$ trial only be*ause o/ his $iplomati* status, an$ was ushere$ out o/ the *ountry-=2

8n &ermany, the thrust behin$ the .apallo a**or$s ha$ been seriously weak3 ene$ by the mur$er o/ &erman Foreign :inister %r- #alter .athenau in the summer o/ 1 ==- .athenau was a lea$ing &erman in$ustrialist, who ha$ inherite$ a *ontrolling interest in the &erman Central 9le*tri* Company an$ ha$ playe$ an important role in the &erman e*onomi* mobili7ation $uring #orl$ #ar 8.athenau was o(ertaken while $ri(ing an$ gunne$ $own by right3wing terrorists- 4lthough his mur$er o**urre$ in a perio$ o/ rising right3wing (iolen*e that peake$ with Hitler6s :uni*h Beer Hall Puts*h at the en$ o/ the ne5t year, .athenau was kille$ only three months a/ter he ha$ pla*e$ his signature on the .apallo a**or$-=! #ith the unra(eling o/ the proto3allian*es between the )o(iet ,nion an$ &ermany an$ the ,nite$ )tates, by 1 => the British ha$ alrea$y prepare$ the *on$itionsHas they ha$ prepare$ them /or #orl$ #ar 8H/or #orl$ #ar 88/ersailles Begins to Bear 0r$it 4s 0or$ Cur7on, then British /oreign se*retary, sai$, /or the British, the 0eague o/ Nations was a goo$ joke-= %isarmament was merely a *o(er /or se*ret treaties- For e5ample, Britain signe$ a se*ret agreement with &ermany in 1 >@ to (iolate the 0eague3impose$ limitations on the &erman na(y- %isarmament was also a *on(enient prete5t /or $enying Fren*h $eman$s /or a joint British, Fren*h, C7e*hoslo(ak mutual se*urity pa*tThis le/t the Fren*h with an uneasy suspi*ion that their *ountry woul$ again be turne$ into a theater /or warThe Fren*h go(ernment o/ Poin*are, in power /rom 1 1! to 1 =;, also trie$ to *ome to agreement with &ermany- The major issue between the Fren*h an$ &ermans was reparations&erman in$ustrial *ir*les, le$ by Drupp an$ )iemens, $e*i$e$ not to abi$e by Iersailles- Ha$ they satis/ie$ the $ebt an$ reparations payments $eman$e$ o/ them in 1 1 , the *ountry woul$ ha(e been re$u*e$ to a wastelan$, its in$ustry le(ele$- 8nstea$, &erman in$ustrialists rein(este$ their surplus to *apitali7e in$ustry, resulting in a signi/i*ant rise in real in*ome- 4n$ they $eliberately in/late$ their *urren*y as a way o/ $e/lating the (alue o/ paymentsThis *ause$ gra(e problems /or Fran*e- #hile Fran*e an$ Britain ha$ appro5imately the same war $ebt, Fran*e was in a worse position be*ause o/

the hea(y *osts $ue to war $amage an$ re*onstru*tion- Poin*are *oul$ a//or$ to release the &ermans /rom their reparations payments to Fran*e only to the e5tent that Fran*e re*ei(e$ *re$its /or rebuil$ing the *ountry an$ relie/ on its $ebt payments- He submitte$ a proposal to the Fren*h *abinet /or a simultaneous settlement o/ reparations an$ inter3allie$ $ebts, whi*h was appro(e$ in 1uly =!, 1 ==0or$ Bal/our personally inter(ene$ to pre(ent the submission o/ the proposal at the 0eague o/ Nations whi*h /ollowe$ therea/ter- Fran*e then $eman$e$ en/or*ement o/ &erman reparations payments by territorial an$ pro$u*ti(e guarantees- The British, now in pre*isely the position they ha$ aime$ /or when they planne$ the Iersailles Treaty, oppose$ this- They a$opte$ a liberal pose- Yes, 0or$ Deynes ha$ been right- .eparations payments were unrealisti*ally high- The Fren*h shoul$ make $o,nless the &ermans were to strip their e*onomy, it was impossible /or them to make paymentsHthe British ha$ /inally a$opte$ the prin*iple o/ prote*3 ti(e tari//s an$ pla*e$ a =A per*ent import ta5 on all &erman imports in 1 =1, a tari// that also hit the Fren*h- 8n 1anuary 1 =>, the Fren*h were $ri(en to the $isastrous step o/ o**upying the .uhr to en/or*e reparations payments- The &ermans replie$ with a near general strike in the area->" )in*e the .uhr, si5ty by thirty miles in e5tent, *ontaine$ 1" per*ent o/ the &erman population, pro$u*e$ !" per*ent o/ the *ountry6s *oal, iron, an$ steel, an$ han$le$ 2" per*ent o/ its /reight tra//i*, the year3long o**upation $estroye$ the &erman e*onomi* re*o(ery, whi*h ha$ a*tually raise$ per *apita in*ome in the *ountry about 1A per*ent abo(e the 1 1> le(elThe Fren*h e*onomy simultaneously bore the e5tra bur$en o/ the o**upation without reali7ing any e*onomi* or politi*al bene/its- <nly the British, who naturally ha$ *on$emne$ the Fren*h o**upation, bene/ite$- The Poin*are go(ernment was o(erthrown' the liberal regimes that /ollowe$ were sub3 ser(ient to the British.athenau ha$ trie$ to a(ert this $isaster at the 1 == &enoa Con/eren*e *alle$ by British Prime :inister 0loy$ &eorge- He ha$ aske$ that &ermany be gi(en a moratorium on war $ebts' he was re/use$- 8t was then that .athenau signe$ the .apallo a**or$, reporte$ly a/ter a night o/ sleepless in$e*ision- #ell he knew the politi*al risks in store /or &ermany, i/ not /or himsel/-

Following the Fren*h o**upation o/ the .hine, the &erman e*onomy *ollapse$- The &erman in$ustrialist grouping was /or*e$ to *apitulate- The reparations payments were res*he$ule$, an$ 4meri*an /un$s were ma$e a(ailable with the un$erstan$ing that the e*onomy woul$ be restru*ture$The %awes Committee, le$ by banker Charles C- %awes, representing the :organ interests, e5plaine$ its poli*y in a publishe$ report+ ?Psy*hologi*al *onsi$erations reFuire an institution whi*h shoul$ be so /ar new in its poli*y an$ a$ministration, as to $eta*h it entirely /rom the errors o/ the re*ent past an$ restore the ol$er tra$itions o/ &erman banking-?>1 Hjalmar Hora*e &reeley )*ha*ht was installe$ as hea$ o/ the *entral bank, the .ei*hsbank, to en/or*e the bloo$lettingThe *aking o( a 0ascist "cono y )*ha*ht, in his autobiography, 8onfessions of an <ld 'i2ard, bragge$ that he was known as the ?$estroyer o/ &erman in$ustry? be*ause he went ?to su*h lengths in re/using to grant *re$its that some /ailures resulte$ in in$i(i$ual bran*hes o/ &erman in$ustry-?>= His metho$s o/ e5tra*ting the loot /or his *re$itors are the same as that use$ by Fe$eral .eser(e Chairman Paul Iol*ker to$ay against the ,-)- e*onomy)*ha*ht an$ the %awes Committee imme$iately went a/ter the ba*kbone o/ &erman in$ustry+ the railroa$s- 8n 1 1>, the state3owne$ &erman railroa$ was the largest, best3maintaine$, an$ most e//i*ient in the worl$, an$ *onsiste$ o/ =2, ;" lo*omoti(es, A=,"@" *arriages, an$ A;2,1@" wagons:ost o/ this sto*k was either $estroye$ in the war, taken o(er by the 9ntente as part o/ the 4rmisti*e settlement or *e$e$ to the territories han$e$ o(er un$er the Treaty o/ Iersailles- There was almost no repla*ement o/ sto*k $uring the war, an$ imme$iately a/terwar$, a large portion was junke$ as obsoleteNonetheless, at the en$ o/ 1 => there were = , AA lo*omoti(es, A2,!"" *arriages, an$ 2=>,1"" wagons- 8n a$$ition, all trains ha$ been /itte$ with new te*hnology, su*h as e5pensi(e, *ontinuous brakes, whi*h allowe$ /or a signi/i*ant in*rease in train spee$ an$ lowere$ the a**i$ent rate- Two3thir$s o/ the entire sto*k e5isting in 1 => ha$ been built between 1 1 an$ 1 =>The railroa$ was the biggest employer in &ermany, with a work/or*e o/ 2"",""",n$er the %awes Plan, the railroa$ was mortgage$ to pro(i$e *ollateral /or international loans use$ to re/inan*e the reparations $ebt- The operation o/

the railway was taken out o/ state han$s an$ pla*e$ in a pri(ate *ompany whose sole task was to trans/er pro/its to the .ei*hsbank, an$ /rom there, $ire*tly to $ebt repayment- To in*rease re(enues, tari// rates, whi*h ha$ been kept low to support in$ustry, were raise$->> 4 report release$ by the Brookings 8nstitution emphasi7e$ the point+ ?They emphasi7e the temporary gains to be $eri(e$ by (irtue o/ the /a*t that large *apital e5pen$itures ha(e re*ently been ma$e' but they emphasi7e still more strongly the $esirability o/ raising rates an$ *on$u*ting the railroa$ system with a (iew to ma5imum earnings rather than in the interest o/ the *ountry as a whole- - - ?The Committee insists that the railways must rather be worke$ as a *ommer*ial enterprise, that is to say, with the $etermination to /i5 the rates so as to pro$u*e all the re*eipts that *an be obtaine$- They point out that both be/ore an$ sin*e the war, the tari//s ha(e been kept too low- - - - 8n /uture years we assume that, un$er *ommer*ial management, new *apital will not be spent, unless with the assuran*e that the resulting pro/its or e*onomi*s will at least su//i*e to meet the interest-?>; Hjalmar )*ha*ht was a stu$ent o/ British politi*al e*onomyHwhi*h ha$ /orme$ the subje*t o/ his $o*toral thesis- His /irst a*t upon taking o(er the .ei*hsbank was to (isit 9nglan$ to meet with :ontagu Norman, go(ernor o/ the Bank o/ 9nglan$->@ The British )ystem o/ *re$it was to be intro$u*e$ into &ermany with a (engean*e+ the British anti3*apitalist notion o/ /ree tra$e was use$ to $estroy &erman /ree enterprise' a pro3in$ustry banking poli*y woul$ be repla*e$ by asset3stripping o/ alrea$y e5isting in$ustry' in$ustrial $e*isions in the name o/ national interest ha$ been outlawe$The %awes Committee report was spe*i/i* about its intentions+ &erman e5ports woul$ be stoppe$ ?unless they *an be *on/ine$ to natural pro$u*ts o/ &ermany, su*h as those spe*i/i*ally $ealt with in the Treaty B*oal, *oke, $ye3 stu//s, et*-C an$ in the se*on$ pla*e to e5ports whi*h $o not entail the pre(i3 ous importation into &ermany o/ a large per*entage o/ their (alue - - - in or$er to pre(ent &ermany6s reentry into other markets-? The e//e*t o/ )*ha*ht6s measures on the &erman population were eFually $e(astating- 8n 1 =@, in a *oor$inate$ blit7 with the minister o/ e*onomi*s, >2,""" *i(il ser(ants were $ismisse$ in one /ell swoop- ,nemployment

a(erage$ = million, or one3se(enth o/ the working population- )tate bu$gets an$ publi* employment a*ross the boar$ were slashe$, as ta5ation was $rasti*ally in*rease$- %espite )*ha*ht6s $eman$s that the only way to sol(e &ermany6s e*onomi* problemsHthat is, satis/y its *re$itorsHwas to $ras3 ti*ally re$u*e the stan$ar$ o/ li(ing o/ the population, not until the .uhr in$ustrialists lo*ke$ out ="",""" workers in 1 =! with the state$ aim o/ $es3 troying *olle*ti(e bargaining an$ in$ustry3wi$e *ontra*ts $i$ the )*ha*ht program take /ull e//e*t- 8n the /a*e o/ mass unemployment, the tra$e unions were $e/eate$- ?How *oul$ the tra$e unions *all workers /rom their posts when they knew that millions o/ unemploye$ were waiting /or the moment when these pla*es might be*ome (a*antG?>A #ith the BrQning go(ernment o/ the ne5t year, )*ha*ht ena*te$ emergen*y measures ?For the Prote*tion o/ the &erman 9*onomy an$ Finan*es-? #ages were re$u*e$ by 1@ per*ent an$ *olle*ti(e bargaining rights were rippe$ upFas*ism arri(e$ in &ermany be/ore Hitler *ame to power4lrea$y in 1 >", on the e(e o/ the worl$ $epression o/ 1 >1, )*ha*ht was urging that Hitler be brought into a *oalition go(ernment as the only /or*e *apable o/ gouging the real e*onomy /urther, an$ le/t his post at the .ei*hs3 bank to go the ,nite$ )tates to propagan$i7e /or the *oming Na7i regime4t the Har7burg Con/eren*e o/ &ermany6s /as*ist parties in 1 >1 it was )*ha*ht who was *alle$ on to enun*iate the program /or the *oming .ei*h)*ha*ht stresse$ that his program ?rests on a /ew /un$amental i$eas- - - namely to e5tra*t /rom our nati(e soil whate(er *an be e5tra*te$ an$ /inally to work hard for an entire generation " #hen Hitler took power in 1 >>, )*ha*ht later wrote in his autobiography, ?8 aske$ him whether he insiste$ on my entry in the party as a *on$ition o/ *ooperation- To my great relie/ Hitler replie$ in the negati(e- 8 woul$ ne(er ha(e a**epte$ a subor$inate position un$er his party juris$i*tion-?>2 #ith Hitler as the en/or*er, )*ha*ht /inan*e$ a ?re*o(ery? base$ on the issuing o/ :9F< bills, stan$ing /or the :etallurgis*he Fors*hungsanstalt &mbH, a *orporate /ront group /oun$e$ by the *entral bank, the ministry o/ $e/ense, an$ the /our major armaments pro$u*ers to pro(i$e *re$it /or arms pro$u*tion- #ith )*ha*ht6s stri*t *re$it *ontrols, sa(ings an$ *ommer*ial banks were /or*e$ to in(est >" per*ent o/ their $eposits into :9F<3bills, muni*ipalities up to " per*ent, an$ similar ratios were set /or insuran*e /un$s, both publi* an$ pri(ate- #ith :9F< bills, )*ha*ht e5pan$e$ the

*urren*y >> per*ent /rom February 1 >; to February 1 >!- How was this paper empire maintaine$, sin*e war pro$u*tion pro$u*es no har$3*ommo$ity wealth /or *onsumptionG First, other in$ustry was greatly *onstri*te$- 8n spe*ial 1 >; $e*rees, to *ontrol the nation6s /iber in$ustry, /or e5ample, a >A3hour work week was impose$, new plant or *apa*ity was /orbi$$en, an$ a ban was pla*e$ on new te*hnologies- 8n(estment in *onsumer goo$s $roppe$ by =2 per*ent between 1 >> an$ 1 > ->! The e//e*t was /elt on the population, whose wage rates were /i5e$ by )*ha*ht through the state3appointe$ Trustees o/ 0abor, at the $epression le(el o/ 1 >>, whi*h was alrea$y appro5imately hal/ the wage rate o/ 1 =!, whi*h in turn was signi/i*antly below that o/ 1 1>- 4s rearmament progresse$, the wage rates $roppe$ e(en below that o/ 1 >>- )*ha*ht ha$ turne$ &ermany into a negati(e growth e*onomyH/as*ism, /or whi*h Hitler was merely the en/or*er8n his entire program, )*ha*ht was ba*ke$ by the British- )*ha*ht an$ :ontagu Norman remaine$ the powers behin$ the throne until 1 > , when the British broke /aith with Hitler an$ )*ha*htThose, like :ilton Frie$man, who *laim that )*ha*htian e*onomi*s *an be impose$ without /as*ism, lie- Hitler was )*ha*ht6s en/or*er- 8n !chacht, %itler6s .agician, written in that year, Norbert :Qhlen Fuote$ an inter(iew between )*ha*ht an$ 4meri*an *olumnist %orothy Thompson in 1 >1)*ha*ht sai$, ?No, the Na7is *annot rule, but 8 *an an$ will rule through them-?> Creating the Nazi C$lt 0loy$ &eorge, the hero o/ the Iersailles Treaty, prime minister at the hea$ o/ 0or$ Ce*il6s $elegation, re*or$e$ his /irst 1 >@ meeting with 4$ol/ Hitler in his $iary+ ?Hitler is a (ery great man-? The &erman Na7i ha$ gi(en 0loy$ &eorge a signe$ photograph o/ himsel/, an$ 0loy$ &eorge ha$ prou$ly replie$+ ?How honore$ 8 am to re*ei(e the gi/t /rom the greatest li(ing &erman-? Ba*k in 9nglan$, he wrote o/ Hitler in glowing terms, reporte$ in the (aily Express )eptember , 1 >A+ ?He is a born lea$er o/ men- 4 mag3 neti*, $ynami* personality- - - - The ol$ trust him- The young i$oli7e him-?;" Hitler was not a ?born lea$er o/ men-? He was a *reation o/ the British *ult so*iety o/ Ba(aria, rule$ by the /eu$al #ittelsba*h /amily, an$ a protOgO o/ the British3allie$ *ultist an$ geopoliti*ian :ajor3&eneral Darl Hausho/er, groome$ to *arry out Britain6s proje*t to mar*h &ermany to the east-

9(en the swastika insignia was not uniFue to the Na7is' it a$orns the gra(e o/ British imperialist 1ohn .uskin an$ *an be /oun$ on the /rontispie*es o/ .u$yar$ Dipling6s /irst e$itions- The swastika was the symbol o/ the Thule )o*iety, o/ whi*h the young Hitler was a member-;1 8n 1 1 , only /our years be/ore Hitler6s :uni*h Beer Hall Puts*h, the Thule )o*iety, *oor$inating inter*hangeable groups o/ anar*hists, ha$ in*ite$ a series o/ right3 an$ le/t3wing uprisings in :uni*h to $estabili7e the go(ern3 ment o/ %r- #alter .athenau-;= )pawne$ in Iienna /rom the *ir*les asso*iate$ with the /ather o/ Count Cou$enho(e3Dalergi, the Thule )o*iety was the &erman bran*h o/ the Theosophy :o(ement, itsel/ a British pro$u*t o/ the late 1!!"s- The )o*iety6s spiritual /ather was 9$war$ Bulwer30ytton, British *olonial se*retary $uring the British <pium #ars against China an$ later High Commissioner in 8n$ia- Bulwer30ytton was an outspoken promoter o/ the 8sis *ult, the pagan ritualisti* *ult that /orme$ the basis o/ Theosophy an$ all other British *ults to this $ay-;> Bulwer30ytton6s protOgO, satanist 4leister Crowley, who in turn traine$ 4l$ous Hu5ley, helpe$ /oun$ the British eFui(alent o/ the Thule )o*iety+ the 8sis3,rania Hermeti* <r$er o/ the &ol$en %awn- The ghost writer o/ .ein 4ampf, :ajor3&eneral Darl Hausho/er, was initiate$ as a *ontroller o/ the <r$er o/ the &ol$en %awn-;; Bulwer30ytton6s spiritual ties with Na7ism go $eeper- His /irst no(el, Rien2i, be*ame the story /or .i*har$ #agner6s /irst opera- #agner set British *ult li/e to musi*- The proto3/as*ist *omposer mo(e$ to Ba(aria, where he be*ame the *ourt musi*ian /or the #ittelsba*h /amily, who hel$ elaborate Bayreuth /esti(als where his operas were per/orme$- Hitler *laime$ to ha(e seen #agner6s (ie .eistersinger o(er a hun$re$ times-;@ 8n .ein 4ampf, Hitler $es*ribe$ seeing the opera 1ohengrin at the age o/ twel(e as the e5perien*e that *hange$ his li/e, lea$ing him to reje*t an or$inary *areer- %uring his trial a/ter the aborti(e :uni*h puts*h in 1 =>, he eFuate$ his emotion when stan$ing at #agner6s gra(e to the i$eals that ha$ moti(ate$ his attempt to sei7e the go(ernment- 8n 1 >>, (ie .eister0 singer was per/orme$ at the (i*tory *elebration o/ the Na7i sei7ure o/ power#agner was an open ra*e i$eologue an$ anti3)emite- </ his operas su*h as !iegfried, whi*h glori/y pre3Christian &erman *ults, he sai$+ ?8 pour li/e

through all your (eins' li/e is law unto itsel/- - - - #e must be bra(e enough to $eny our intelle*t-? 8n this #agner took his lea$ /rom Bulwer30ytton, whose 1!21 no(el, Bril7 #he Power of the 8oming Race, *ontaine$ nearly e(erything that #ittels3 ba*h retainer Houston )tewart Chamberlain later ha$ to say on ra*ial ?theory-? They were all o/ one *ir*le- Chamberlain was marrie$ to #agner6s $aughter Cosima- The name o/ the /irst se*ret so*iety /oun$e$ by Darl Hausho/er was the ?Iril )o*iety-?;A Hausho/er was a se*on$3generation geopoliti*an' his /ather :a5 ha$ taught the subje*t at the :uni*h Polyte*h3 ni*al )*hool- ,pon gra$uation, Darl was gi(en a royal *ommission in the Ba(arian 4rmy- 8n 1! , he was atta*he$ to the Ba(arian &eneral )ta//, an$ in 1 "; was sent to 1apan as a military atta*he- His tour o/ $uty was e5ten$3 e$ /or two years $uring whi*h time he staye$ with 0or$ Dit*hener in Bul3 wer30ytton6s 8n$iaHausho/er6s nati(e Ba(aria, the most ba*kwar$ part o/ &ermany, on the bor$er o/ 1esuit3*ontrolle$ 4ustria3Hungary, was the per/e*t bree$ing groun$ /or the *ults that be*ame the Na7i mo(ement- Hitler, although an 4ustrian *iti7en, ser(e$ in the Ba(arian 4rmy $uring the First #orl$ #ar an$ was re*ruite$ there as a low3le(el intelligen*e agent- His later subor$in3 ates ha$ similar roots- Heinri*h Himmler was a member o/ Ba(arian military *ir*les- Hermann &oering marrie$ into a )we$ish banking /amily with *onne*tions to the #ittelsba*hs an$ stu$ie$ at the ,ni(ersity o/ :uni*h- .u$ol/ Hess was a protOgO o/ Darl Hausho/er, ser(ing as his ai$e3 $e3*amp in the war an$ stu$ying geopoliti*s un$er him at the ,ni(ersity o/ :uni*h-;2 The House o/ #ittelsba*h ha$ go(erne$ Ba(aria un$er the same name /or almost 2"" years- The /amily is interbre$ not only with the Hapsburgs an$ the Hohen7ollerns Bthe /amily o/ the DaiserC, but has /amily ties to the British ruling /amily, the House o/ Hano(er#hile the #ittelsba*hs were rarely able to wiel$ power $ire*tly, $ue to their in*reasing mental in*apa*ity, they ser(e$ as an institutional base, along with the Hapsburgs, /or the 1esuit3*ontrolle$ bla*k oligar*hy- Heinri*h Himmler, whose /ather was the #ittelsba*h tutor, mo$ele$ the Na7i )), the !chut20 staffel, on the 1esuit or$er-;! From their throne, the #ittelsba*hs an$ their a$(isers *omman$e$ a (ast pri(ate intelligen*e network numbering in thousan$s to supplement their .oyal Ba(arian 4rmy, whi*h, a/ter the Prussian army, was the se*on$ largest in &ermany- #hen Ba(aria joine$ the

&erman 9mpire in 1!2", it was only with the pro(iso that it *oul$ maintain an in$epen$ent army, an$ intelligen*e an$ $iplomati* ser(i*es- Their bankers, the Thurn un$ Ta5is /amily, are allies o/ the .oths*hil$ banking group- British3born Houston )tewart Chamberlain, a $istant relation o/ the ?appeaser? Prime :inister Ne(ille Chamberlain, be*ame the power behin$ the #ittelsba*h throne until his $eath in 1 =2-; %uring its *enturies in power, this e(il /amily ha$ been responsible /or pro(oking the Thirty Years #ar in 1A"2- :a5imilian 8 o/ Ba(aria $eliber3 ately (iolate$ the pea*e treaty between Catholi*s an$ Protestants an$ $is3 pat*he$ an army to o**upy the Protestant town o/ %onauwRrth- #ithin a short time, Protestant an$ Catholi* armies were slaughtering ea*h other an$ ra(aging urban *enters throughout 9urope- Ba(aria, howe(er, was spare$ mu*h o/ the $estru*tion, be*ause the #ittelsba*h treasury helpe$ to pay the mer*enaries whom Count 4lbre*ht (on #allenstein use$ to unleash a lo*ust plague o/ peasant hor$es who were burne$ out o/ their homes an$ /or*e$ to pillage /or sur(i(al- 8t was this war that $estroye$ &ermany as a nation, re$u*ing it to a *olle*tion o/ *ompeting $u*hies, the prey o/ oligar*hs su*h as themsel(esThe #ittelsba*hs again *ame to prominen*e at the time o/ Napoleon, when they were able to in/iltrate his *omman$ stru*ture by allying with Fran*eNapoleon rewar$e$ the /amily by making Ba(aria a king$om, with them3 sel(es the *rowne$ hea$s- The Congress o/ Iienna *on/irme$ the /amily6s true loyalties' the #ittelsba*hs were allowe$ to maintain their pri7e a/ter Napoleon6s $e/eat8n the eighteenth *entury, the #ittelsba*hs *reate$ the .oyal Ba(arian ,ni(ersity o/ :uni*h as a 1esuit base /or intelle*tual *ounterinsurgen*y, a role it *ontinues to play e(en now- Ba(aria6s ba*kwar$ peasant e*onomy is the natural home /or present3$ay e*ologist3terrorist mo(ements spawne$ by the Pan39uropean ,nion, now run by <tto (on Hapsburg, the preten$er to the none5istent throne o/ the 4ustro3Hungarian empire-@" 4t the turn o/ the *entury, Ba(aria was the nest /or the Thule )o*iety an$ other e(il *ults that prea*he$ the Iolkish, anti3*apitalist, ba*k to nature i$eology, along with anti3)emite ?aryanism-? British i$eas were also *on$uite$ to the Na7i mo(ement by 8gna7ius Trebits*h30in*oln- Born o/ 1ewish3Hungarian parents, he was e$u*ate$ in Bu$apest, tra(ele$ to Hamburg, an$ /rom there to :ontreal, where he be*ame a member o/ the Chur*h o/ 9nglan$- There, while stu$ying to be an

4ngli*an, he a$$e$ 0in*oln to his name- He then went to 0on$on, be*ame a British *iti7en, an$ was ba*ke$ by a Kuaker name$ .owntree to $o popula3 tion stu$ies in Brussels- .eturning to 0on$on, he joine$ the /reemasons Bto whi*h )*ha*ht also belonge$C, an$ be*ame an employee o/ the British )e*ret 8ntelligen*e )er(i*es- He then toure$ .omania, Hollan$, China, Tibet, an$ 1apan, /inally going to Berlin in 1 1;, where he be*ame &eneral 0u$en3 $or//6s top a$(iser- Nine years later 0u$en$or// was in(ol(e$ in Hitler6s :uni*h puts*h8n Berlin, Trebits*h30in*oln be*ame a member o/ a *ult *alle$ <r$o Templi <rientis, whi*h was also power/ul in 9gypt, an$ whose high priest was 4leister Crowley, o/ Bulwer30ytton6s <r$er o/ the &ol$en %awn- 4nother member o/ the <r$o Templi <rientis *ult was .u$ol/ Hess, who ha$ been born in 9gypt4/ter the :uni*h puts*h, Hitler was imprisone$ /or nine months- Hess, who ha$ been in hi$ing at Hausho/er6s house, (oluntarily surren$ere$ himsel/, an$ was jaile$ in the same *ell with Hitler- Throughout their imprisonment, the time when .ein 4ampf was written, Hausho/er was a *onstant (isitor-@1 Hausho/er was also in tou*h with Bertran$ .ussell, an$ pre/i5e$ a *ompli3 mentary intro$u*tion to the British lor$6s book, #he Pro/lem of 8hina, when it was publishe$ in &ermany in translation that year8t was in 1 =;, when )*ha*ht be*ame the /inan*ial $i*tator o/ &ermany un$er the $ire*t super(ision o/ :ontagu Norman, that Hitler was *hosen to be*ome the Fuehrer- Be/ore his imprisonment, Hitler6s spee*hes were typi*al *ult pro$u*ts o/ the writings o/ Houston )tewart Chamberlain, o(erlai$ with rhetori* atta*king the Treaty o/ Iersailles an$ the ?stab in the ba*k? betrayal o/ military $e/eat- 8n .ein 4ampf a new strain appearsH geopoliti*s.itler's Dark Ages Progra .ein 4ampf is throughout a polemi* against the .apallo Treaty, without on*e mentioning it by name- 8n all o/ his writings, Hausho/er6s point o/ re/eren*e is Hal/or$ :a*kin$er6s 1 "; a$$ress, ?The &eographi*al Pi(ot o/ History-?@= .ein 4ampf presents :a*kin$er6s pi(ot theoryHin re(erse&ermany must *onFuer .ussia, in or$er to turn .ussia into an agri*ultural *olony /or &erman peasants who woul$ $ispla*e its in/erior )la( inhabitants- &ermany will $o this in allian*e with the British 9mpire- The /ollowing are pertinent e5*erpts /rom the bible o/ the Na7i mo(ement+

?&ermany is to$ay the ne5t great war aim o/ Bolshe(ism- - - - The /ight against the 1ewish worl$ Bolshe(ism reFuires a *lear attitu$e towar$ )o(iet .ussia- You *annot $ri(e out the $e(il with Beel7ebub- 8/ to$ay e(en /olkish *ir*les ra(e about an allian*e with .ussia, they shoul$ just look aroun$ them in &ermany an$ see whose support they /in$ in their e//orts- - - )in*e when $o /olkish men /ight with armour hel$ out to them by a 1ewish sFuireG - - - 8 openly *on/ess that e(en in the pre3#orl$3#ar 8 woul$ ha(e thought it soun$er i/ &ermany, renoun*ing - - - her mer*hant marine an$ war /leet, ha$ *on*lu$e$ an allian*e with 9nglan$ than against .ussia- - - ?)ome 4siati* jugglers, /or all 8 *are they may ha(e been real 6/ighters /or 8n$ian /ree$om,6 who at the time were wan$ering aroun$ 9urope, ha$ manage$ to sell otherwise per/e*tly reasonable people the idCe fixe that the British 9mpire whi*h has its pi(ot in 8n$ia, was on the (erge o/ *ollapse at that (ery point- - - - 8/ anyone imagines that 9nglan$ woul$ let 8n$ia go without staking her last $rop o/ bloo$, it is only a sorry sign o/ absolute /ailure to learn /rom the worl$ war, an$ total misapprehension an$ ignoran*e on the s*ore o/ 4nglo3)a5on $etermination?8, as a man o/ &ermani* bloo$, woul$, in spite o/ e(erything, rather see 8n$ia un$er 9nglish rule than any other- - - - 1ust as lamentable are the hopes in any mythi*al uprising in 9gypt - - - as a /olkish man, who appraises the (alue o/ men on a ra*ial basis, 8 am pre(ente$ by mere knowle$ge o/ the ra*ial in/eriority o/ these so3*alle$ oppresse$ nations /rom linking the $estiny o/ my own people with theirs?4n$ so we National )o*ialists *ons*iously $raw the line beneath the /oreign poli*y ten$en*y o/ our prewar perio$- #e stop the en$less mo(e3 ment south an$ west an$ turn our ga7e towar$ lan$ in the 9ast- 4t long last we break the *olonial an$ *ommer*ial poli*y o/ the prewar perio$ an$ shi/t to a soil poli*y o/ the /uture- - - ?4ll allian*es shoul$ ha(e been (iewe$ e5*lusi(ely /rom this stan$point an$ ju$ge$ a**or$ing to their possible utility- 8/ lan$ was $esire$ in 9urope, it *oul$ be obtaine$ only at the e5pense o/ .ussia an$ this meant that the new .ei*h must again mar*h along the roa$ o/ the Teutoni* Dnights o/ ol$, to obtain by the &erman swor$ soil /or the &erman plow an$ $aily brea$ /or the nation- - - ?For su*h a poli*y, there was only one ally in 9urope, 9nglan$- - - - #ith 9nglan$ alone was it possible with our rear prote*te$ to begin the new

&erman mar*h- - - - ConseFuently no sa*ri/i*e shoul$ ha(e been too great /or winning 9nglan$6s willingness- #e shoul$ ha(e renoun*e$ *olonies an$ sea power an$ spare$ 9nglish in$ustry our *ompetition- <nly an absolutely *lear orientation *oul$ lea$ to su*h a goal+ renun*iation o/ worl$ tra$e an$ *olonies' renun*iation o/ a &erman war /leet an$ *on*entration o/ all the state6s instruments o/ power in the lan$ army- - - ?The settlement o/ lan$ is a slow pro*ess o/ten lasting *enturies' in /a*t, its inner strength is to be sought pre*isely in the /a*t that it is not a su$$en bla7e, but a gra$ual yet soli$ an$ *ontinuous growth, *ontrasting with an in$ustrial $e(elopment that *an be blown up in the *ourse o/ a /ew years, but in that *ase it is more likely a soap bubble than soli$ strength- - - ?#e must again pro/ess the highest aim o/ all /oreign poli*y, to wit to bring the soil into harmony with the population?Be/ore the #ar - - - those in power *oul$ not make up their min$s to *hoose the only *orre*t solution- #hen they renoun*e$ the a*Fuisition o/ new soil - - - the result was boun$ to be an in$ustriali7ation as boun$less as it was harm/ul- The /irst *onseFuen*e o/ gra(est importan*e was the weakening o/ the peasant *lass- - - - The a*Fuisition o/ new soil /or the settlement o/ the e5*ess population possesses an in/inite number o/ a$(antages, parti*ularly i/ we turn /rom the present to the /uture- For one thing, the possibility o/ ha(ing a healthy peasant *lass as a /oun$ation /or the whole nation *an ne(er be (alue$ highly enough- - - ?#ithout a $oubt, the pro$u*ti(ity o/ the soil *an be in*rease$ up to a *ertain limit- But only up to a *ertain limit an$ not *ontinuously without en$- - - - 8t is there/ore insane to belie(e that e(ery rise in pro$u*tion pro(i$es the basis /or an in*rease in population- - - ?4nyone who un$ertakes an e5amination o/ the present allian*e possibilities /or &ermany must arri(e at the *on*lusion that the last pra*ti*able tie re3 mains with 9nglan$- - - - National $estinies are /irmly /orge$ together only by the prospe*t o/ a *ommon su**ess in the sense o/ *ommon gains, *on3 Fuests' in short, o/ a mutual e5tension o/ power- - - - 8/ we look about us /or 9uropean allies, there remain only two states+ 9nglan$ an$ 8taly- - - - <n soberest an$ *ol$est re/le*tion, it is to$ay primarily these two statesH 9nglan$ an$ 8talyHwhose most natural sel/ish interests are not, in the most essential points at least, oppose$ to the &erman nation6s reFuirements /or e5isten*e, an$ are, in$ee$, to a *ertain e5tent, i$enti/ie$ with them-?@>

#ith e(il brillian*e the British su**ee$e$ in selling their geopoliti*al $o*trine o/ the mutual $estru*tion o/ &ermany an$ .ussia to the *re$ulous Na7i /ollowing- The mass o/ the &erman people were blu$geone$ into submission8n 1 >=, just be/ore Hitler *ame to power, the &erman &eneral )ta// took power $ire*tly- No other *an$i$ate woul$ take the Chan*ellorship an$ in or$er to keep Hitler /rom that o//i*e /or e(en a /ew months, &eneral )*hlei*her, one o/ the ar*hite*ts o/ .apallo, be*ame Chan*ellor- Hitler6s ele*toral margin, ne(er a majority, ha$ slippe$ in the past ele*tion- 8/ he $i$ not take power soon, his mo(ement woul$ slip away also- 9normous amounts o/ money were nee$e$ just to support his street gangs)*hlei*her appeale$ to the Fren*h an$ the British to wai(e the Iersailles Treaty reFuirements whi*h pla*e$ a limit on the army- His plan was to Fui*kly re*ruit a *iti7ens6 militia an$ wipe out Hitler6s terrorist ban$s, whi*h woul$ ha(e /inishe$ the aspiring $i*tator- The Fren*h agree$, but the British re/use$:oney instea$ poure$ into Hitler6s *o//ers, an$ )*hlei*her *oul$ only hol$ on /or a matter o/ months- 9(en so, Hitler6s ele*toral margin in 1 >> was only ;" per*ent o/ the (oteHjalmar )*ha*ht a$mits in his autobiography that he re/use$ to support the &eneral, /in$ing his personality ?*ol$-? To )*ha*ht, &eneral )*hlei*her, unlike Hitler, was without ?soul-?@; 4/ter Hitler *ame to power, )*hlei*her *ontinue$ to try to split the Na7is an$ win the )trasser /a*tion to a saner poli*y- )*hlei*her an$ the &eneral )ta// as a whole ha$ worke$ *losely with the in$ustrial /a*tion to bring the .apallo a**or$s into being- He was pai$ ba*k- 4 year a/ter taking power, when Hitler *leane$ out the )trasser /a*tion in the ?Night o/ the 0ong Dni(es,? )*hlei*her was mur$ere$8n 1 ;" the *re$ulous woke up to /in$, to their horror an$ ama7ement, that their ally Britain was at war with them.u$ol/ Hess was now %eputy Fuehrer, working *losely with Darl Haus3 ho/er6s son 4lbre*ht, an$ a group o/ army o//i*ers an$ in$ustrial lea$ers who were $esperately trying to $eta*h &ermany /rom the sure $estru*tion they anti*ipate$- 8n 1une 1 ;1, Hess le/t Berlin, /lew to )*otlan$, to the estate o/

a /ormer British *ollaborator o/ the Na7is, #ing Comman$er the %uke o/ Hamilton, to ten$er his pea*e proposals-A@ Hess6s pea*e o//ering in*lu$e$ an agreement with 9nglan$ to e(a*uate the territories then o**upie$ by &ermany in the #est an$ in the North, to reestablish the politi*al so(ereignty o/ Norway, %enmark, Belgium, an$ Hollan$, with &ermany to keep 4lsa*e30orraine, but otherwise with$raw /rom Fran*e- 9(en this was le/t open /or /uture negotiations with Fran*e-@A &ermany was to be le/t /ree to prose*ute the war in the eastBut Hess ne(er e(en got to speak to Chur*hill, an$ was promptly impris3 one$- The British prime minister was not intereste$ in plans to shorten the war-

Bertrand #$ssell

.1+1 Wells

Coe((icient #obert Cecil in the 2345s

'ord Arth$r Bal(o$r in the 2365s

'ord Al(red *ilner in 23278 the representative o( the 9race patriots19

*ilner's kindergarten o( geopoliticians8 standing :l to r;: #obert Brand8 .erbert Ba$er8 'ionel C$rtis< iddle row: .$gh Wyndha 8 #ichard 0eetha 8 Patrick D$ncan8 &1 01 Perry8 Do$gal *alcol < (ront row: &ohn Dove8 Philip =err :'ord 'othian;8 and +eo((rey #obinson1

Coe((icient 'eo A ery

Beatrice and ,ydney Webb

Ale>ander .elphand8 a1k1a1 Parv$s

/ladi ir 'enin8 who $pset the Coe((icients' plan (or World War )1

British troops in the trenches1 British cas$alties were higher than even the realists e>pected1

Dr1 Walter #athena$8 who signed the 2366 +er an%,oviet #apallo Treaty

The 9A ericanizing9 o( #$ssia: A erican and ,oviet specialists gather ro$nd one o( the achine tools ade by the Cross Co pany o( Detroit (or a ,talingrad tr$ck plant1

&ohn *aynard =eynes :r;8 the architect o( /ersailles8 with .enry *orgentha$8 Treas$ry ,ecretary $nder 0D#8 whose na e is attached to Ch$rchill's plan to t$rn +er any into a nation 9pastoral9 in character1

The (irst eeting o( the #eichsbank with .-al ar ,chacht sitting8 third (ro le(t1

The Dawes Co ission en ro$te to +er any8 where it ordered the dis antling o( the co$ntry's railroad syste 1 #$($s Dawes is second (ro the right1

Adol( .itler

=arl .a$sho(er8 the ghost writer o( Mein Kampf, who also wrote a co pli entary introd$ction to the +er an edition o( #$ssell's Problems of China.

Plotters against Hitler whose requests for support were denied by the British:

+eneral von ,chleicher

Pastor Bonhoe((er

+eneral Beck :r; and +eneral von 0ritsch

The (or er =ing "dward /))) shakes hands with .itler in 23?@1

Neville Cha berlain signs the *$nich Pact8 the British seal o( approval (or the cr$shing o( the 9Czechoslovak sa$sage19

'loyd +eorge greets .itler8 9+er any's greatest an19

Cliveden ,et enth$siast &oseph =ennedy with Nazi (oreign inister &oachi von #ibbentrop1

Ch$rchill strides down a 'ondon street d$ring his 9delicio$s war19

The r$ins o( what was once *annhei 8 +er any1

,talingrad a(ter the battle1

British troops awaiting evac$ation at D$nkirk8 an escape per itted the British on orders (ro .itler1 ,$rvivors o( Dieppe8 *o$ntbatten's Co bined !perations' designed disaster to 9prove9 the inability o( the Allies to la$nch a second (ront in 23761

Ch$rchill and Tr$ an at Potsda 8 where the A erican President re($sed to disc$ss plans (or a new war against the ,oviet Anion8

*o$ntbatten's $rdered body lies in state in 23@3Bseveral onths a(ter he had e>posed the concept o( li ited n$clear war as a strategic (allacy1

The (irst to play the China card: Bertrand #$ssell in 236? at the National Aniversity o( Peking8 where he gave classes to *ao Tse%t$ng and Cho$ "n%lai1

0!A#: The Tr$th Abo$t .itler

"It is not possi/le to form a just judgment of a pu/lic figure who has attained the enormous dimensions of -dolf %itler until his life work as a whole is /efore us %istory is replete with examples of men who have risen to power /y employing stern, grim and even frightful methods %e has succeeded in restoring &ermany to the most powerful position in Europe It is certainly not strange that everyone should want to know 6the truth a/out %itler 6 " H'inston 8hurchill, )*=; The truth about Hitler is that he was not only *reate$ by the British an$ British3allie$ networks, but that the British go(ernment le$ by #inston Chur*hill *ontinue$ to use Hitler throughout the war- 8/ this /a*t was not *learly un$erstoo$ by the 4llie$ /or*es, it was strongly suspe*te$ in &ermany itsel/8t was thus $oubly ironi* that in 1 @A, Chur*hill was *alle$ to &ermany to re*ei(e the Charlemagne awar$- Prior to the trip he met with a /rien$ 0or$ :oran who re*or$e$ the (isit in his $iary+ ?#inston is /ull o/ his (isit to &ermany- That he, *hie/ ar*hite*t o/ &ermany6s $own/all, shoul$ be their guest, e5*ites him, but he is bothere$ by his spee*h /or 4a*hen- The Foreign <//i*e brie/ was $ri(el, rubbish' what any :inister woul$ spout- 8 ha(e to say something, but it isn6t easyYou see, Charles, it is an important spee*h- 4w/ul,? he grunte$- ?Charle3 magne worke$ /or the unity o/ 9urope, an$ that is the purpose o/ this awar$The Na7is set out to rule the worl$, an$ something went wrong-? ?They are not all $ea$L? 8 interpose$- ?You will /in$ some o/ them in your tra(els-? ?<h,? he rejoine$ lightly, ?86m a hero in &ermany- 8t6s (ery *urious-? ?8 aske$ him i/ he ha$ rea$ the .anchester &uardian The e$itor o/ the weekly (eutsche Dukunft, a member o/ the Free %emo*rati* Party, ha$ $e(ote$ a whole page to #inston6s allege$ mistakes+ e5tra*ts /rom this /ille$ nearly a *olumn on the *entre page o/ the &uardian un$er two hea$lines+ The :is$ee$s o/ )ir #inston' 4 &erman 4tta*k-6

?The author o/ the arti*le a//irme$+ Chur*hill $i$ not wage war against Hitler out o/ any i$ealisti* belie/ in /ree$om, but in or$er to maintain the balan*e o/ power- - - - Few politi*ians o/ re*ent years ha(e ma$e so many monumental mistakes as the !13year3ol$ British statesman-6 ?He ha$ $one /ar more, it went on, 6to split 9urope than to unite it- He ha$ signe$ the :orgenthau Plan, whi*h planne$ the systemati* $estru*tion o/ &erman in$ustry, he ha$ intro$u*e$ illegal partisan war/are into territories o**upie$ by the &erman #ehrma*ht- Finally, he was responsible /or the systemati* bombing o/ un$e/en$e$ &erman *ities- 8n his blin$ hatre$ o/ &ermany he ha$ gamble$ away the British 9mpire an$ $ri(en out the $e(il, Hitler, with the ai$ o/ Beel7ebub, )talin-6 The Bonn *orrespon$ent o/ the &uardian intro$u*e$ this tira$e with the remark that it ha$ the general appro(al o/ the &erman people-?1 The Fren*h were eFually in$ignant at the pro//ering o/ the Charlemagne awar$ to Chur*hill- The same $iarist notes three $ays later that :arthe Bibes*o ha$ sent sele*t gossips in 0on$on her new book 8hurchill ou le 8ourage, in whi*h she ma$e pointe$ note o/ Chur*hill6s un/ortunate phrase, ?This $eli*ious war-? 8n 1 >>, the year Hitler took power, H-&- #ells was alrea$y writing the s*enario /or #orl$ #ar 88+ #he !hape of #hings to 8ome He an$ Chur*hill were asso*iates throughout the years be/ore an$ $uring the war- Both belonge$ to a se*ret $ining *lub, similar to the Coe//i*ients, *alle$ the <ther Club, whi*h #ells joine$ in 1 >;- <n <*tober 1@, 1 ;1, this note passe$ /rom Chur*hill to #ells+ ?:any thanks /or your letter- - - - 8t is Fuite impossible /or me to $is*uss these matters outsi$e the se*ret *ir*le- - - - 8 hope howe(er you will not suppose that we $o not /a*e sFuarely all the issues, an$ will not too rea$ily aban$on the *on/i$en*e you ha(e hitherto e5presse$ in, yours truly, #-C-?= #ells6s s*enario /or the war took the /orm o/ the posthumous publi*ation o/ a $ream o/ the /uture by a %r- Philip .a(en, who was Britain6s representati(e in the 0eague o/ Nations )e*retariat at &ene(a- Not only is the *hara*ter $rawn /rom .obert Ce*il, who hel$ that position, but the s*enario is Ce*il6s also#ith the )*ha*htian $epletion o/ the &erman e*onomy be/ore him, #ells begins the book with a /ore*ast o/ the o(erthrow o/ in$ustrial *apitalism+

?This so3*alle$ para$o5 o/ o(erpro$u*tion whi*h /igures so largely in the loose $is*ussions o/ the 6postwar6 perio$ was in its essen*e a (ery simple a//air in$ee$- 1ust as the ine(itable en$ o/ a pro*ess o/ /ree *ompetition was a *onsoli$ation o/ su**ess/ul *ompetitions an$ an arrest o/ enterprise, so the ine(itable en$ o/ a sear*h /or pro/it in pro$u*tion was a stea$y re$u*tion o/ *osts- - - -?> 4s the /uture o/ the Na7i regime showe$, the en$ result o/ su*h ?*ost3re$u*tion? metho$s was the systemati* mur$er o/ those se*tions o/ the population $eeme$ ?useless eaters-? #ells $es*ribe$ the Na7i terror ta*ti*s whi*h were use$ to keep populations un$er *ontrol- He *oul$ just as well ha(e been $es*ribing the .e$ Briga$es terrorists o/ 8taly or the Baa$er :einho/ terrorists o/ &ermany to$ay#ells wrote on 0or$ Ce*il6s behal/+ ?#ar /ear sprea$ rapi$ly a/ter 1 >"%arkness re*apture$ the no*turnal town- 6Nightli/e6 be*ame stealthy an$ obs*ure with an in*reasing taint o/ *riminality- 4ll *i(il hospitals an$ all pri(ate $o*tors ha$ $isappeare$ /rom the worl$ by 1 ;@- - - -?; #ells then portraye$ the sa$isti* aristo*rati* mentality *apable o/ $eliber3 ately bringing the worl$ to a new $ark age- )ays %r- .a(en+ ?9(en at its outset in 1 1;31! this new war/are was e5traor$inarily un*ongenial to humanity- 8t $i$ not e(en satis/y man6s normal *ombati(e instin*ts- #hat an angry man wants to $o is to beat an$ bash another li(ing being, not to be shot at /rom ten miles $istan*e or poisone$ in a hole- 8nstea$ o/ $rinking the $elight o/ battle with their peers, men taste$ all the in$is*riminating terror o/ an earthFuake- - - -?@ H-&- #ells, like #inston Chur*hill, supporte$ liberal /as*ism- 4s #ells tol$ a 1uly 1 >= sele*ti(e <5/or$ )ummer )*hool au$ien*e+ ?8 am asking /or a liberal Fas*isti, /or enlightene$ Na7is-?A Thus #ells, as most British ruling *ir*les $i$, praise$ the regime o/ 8taly6s :ussolini+ ?The Fas*ist $i*tatorship o/ :ussolini in 8taly ha$ something in it o/ a more en$uring type than most o/ the other supersessions o/ parliamentary meth3 o$s- 8t rose not as a personal usurpation but as the e5pression o/ an organ3 i7ation with a purpose an$ a sort o/ $o*trine o/ its own- The intelle*tual *ontent o/ Fas*ism was limite$, nationalisti*, an$ romanti*' its metho$s, espe*ially in its opening phase, were (iolent an$ $rea$/ul' but at least it

insiste$ upon $is*ipline an$ publi* ser(i*e /or its members- 8t appeare$ as a *ounter mo(ement to a *haoti* labour *ommunism, but its support o/ the still3sur(i(ing monar*hy an$ the Chur*h was Fuali/ie$ by a *onsi$erable bol$ness in han$ling e$u*ation an$ pri(ate property /or the publi* bene/itFas*ism in$ee$ was not an altogether ba$ thing' it was a ba$ goo$ thing' an$ :ussolini has le/t his mark on history-?2 #ells *ompare$ the )o(iet system to :ussolini6s /as*ismHun/a(orably#hile the )o(iet ,nion is a *olle*ti(e so*iety, o/ whi*h he appro(e$, ?There was a hea(y loa$ o/ $emo*rati* an$ eFualitarian *ant upon the ba*k o/ the .ussian system- - - - )o /rom 1 =! the $ate o/ the First Fi(e Year Plan, in spite o/ a great $ri(ing3/or*e o/ enthusiasti* $e(otion, .ussia went *lumsily, hea(ily, an$ pretentiously- - - - 4 /urther ba$ result o/ this inera$i*able taint o/ the )o(iet system was the wi$ening estrangement o/ the .ussian pro*ess /rom #estern *reati(e e//ort- 8nstea$ o/ being allies they be*ame oppo3 nents- - - -?! #hat #ells an$ Chur*hill /oun$ intolerable was )talin6s *ommitment to in$ustriali7e .ussia with the Fi(e Year Plan- Chur*hill, in a /ulsome statement o/ praise /or :ussolini that appeare$ in the 0on$on #imes o/ 1anuary =1, 1 =2, ma$e *lear the hopes the British ruling *ir*les ha$ /or /as*ism+ ?8 *oul$ not help being *harme$, like so many other people ha(e been, by )ignor :ussolini6s gentle an$ poise$ bearing an$ by his *alm an$ $eta*he$ poise in spite o/ so many bur$ens an$ $angers - - - a large part o/ my *on(ersation with )ignor :ussolini an$ with Count Iolpi turne$ upon the e*onomi* position o/ the 8talian wage earner- - - - 8 was (ery gla$ to hear an$ ha(e it pro(e$ to me by /a*ts an$ /igures that there is a $e/inite impro(ement month by month o(er the pre*e$ing year- 8t is parti*ularly satis/a*tory that this shoul$ be so, at a time when e(ery e//ort is being ma$e to maintain a stri*t an$ sa/er stan$ar$ o/ 8talian /inan*e, to uphol$ the national *re$it an$ e5*hange, an$ to meet all obligations pun*tually- No $oubt some bran*hes o/ in$ustry are su//ering at the present time, an$ you ha(e some $i//i*ulties like e(ery other *ountry- - - ?8 will, howe(er, say a wor$ on the international aspe*t o/ Fas*ismo95ternally, your mo(ement has ren$ere$ a ser(i*e to the whole worl$- - - 8taly has shown that there is a way o/ /ighting sub(ersi(e /or*es whi*h *an

rally masses o/ people- - - - )he has pro(i$e$ the ne*essary anti$ote to the .ussian poison-? 8/ *ombatting the ?.ussian poison? was the geopoliti*al game3plan /or #orl$ #ar 88, #ells6s !hape of #hings to 8ome makes *lear that this was but the prelu$e to the new $ark age+ ?The $issolutions an$ regroupings o/ people that were going on through this perio$ ha(e always attra*te$ the attention o/ the so*ial philosopher- The *ommon man ha$ lost his /aith in a /rien$ly &o$, his *on/i$en*e in so*ial justi*e an$ his e$u*ational an$ so*ial ser(i*es- He was out o/ employment an$ stirre$ by unsatis/ie$ appetites- The time3honore$ li/e o/ work an$ /amily interests ha$ be*ome impossible /or a growing majority?#hat we now *all so*ial nu*leation was /ailing' the grouping o/ human beings in /amilies an$ working *ommunities was not going on- They be*ame resti(e an$ troublesome- The so*ial *on/i$en*e an$ $is*ipline that ha$ pre(aile$ throughout the nineteenth *entury $eteriorate$ (ery rapi$lyThere was a swi/t /all in so*ial se*urity?Phases o/ /e(er ha(e o**urre$ time without number in human history, phases o/ unsettlement an$ *on/use$ moti(ation, *lottings an$ $ri(es an$ migrations o/ population- Perio$s o/ tranFuil assuran*e are the e5*eption through the ages- But in the past it has usually been the e5haustion o/ /oo$ supplies, pestilen*e or some *ruel in(asion that has broken up the so*ial te5ture an$ ma$e humanity lawless again- This new $isintegration was o/ a $i//erent *hara*ter- 8t was $ue in the /irst pla*e to an in*rease rather than a $iminution o/ material an$ energy in the so*ial s*heme- 8t was a pro*ess o/ e5pansion whi*h went right through the ina$eFua*y o/ tra$itional law an$ go(ernment-? To$ay the e*ho o/ #ells6s (i*ious lie that in$ustrial progress *auses politi*al $estabili7ation an$ so*ial *haos *an be hear$ in 8ran, where British asset 4yatollah Dhomeini is lea$ing the >" million people o/ that *ountry ba*k to me$ie(al barbarity#ells tra*es the beginning o/ this so*ial $isintegration to the 1a*obin terror o/ the Fren*h .e(olution, a terror organi7e$ by British se*ret intelligen*e to $estroy the republi*an *oalition that ha$ been organi7e$ aroun$ the (i*tori3 ous 4meri*an .e(olution- He *ontinues+

?The $isintegrati(e /or*es were alrea$y e(i$ent in the eighteenth *entury' they be*ame (ery *onspi*uous in the Fren*h .e(olution an$ the subseFuent so*ial an$ politi*al $isturban*es but they only rose to a plain $omination o/ the *ontrolling /or*es a/ter the #orl$ #ar- - - ?4/ter the /ailure o/ a regime o/ sa(age punishment un*ertainly in/li*te$, a/ter the e5*esses o/ the /irst Fren*h .e(olution, a/ter phases o/ mob (iolen*e in e(ery 9uropean *apital, an$ en$less other mani/estations o/ this outpa*ing o/ so*ial *ontrol, the ma*hinery o/ go(ernment $i$ by an e//ort a$just itsel/ to the new *on$itions- - - - For a time then the worl$, or at any rate (ery *onsi$erable areas o/ it, was almost as sa/e as it is to$ay- - - - But the #orl$ #ar broke $own many o/ the inhibitions o/ (iolen*e an$ bloo$3 she$ that ha$ been built up $uring the progressi(e years o/ the nineteenth *entury- - - - )o the stage was set /or a lawless phase-?1" #ells then pro*ee$s to $es*ribe, albeit impli*itly, the British role in *reating an$ using mo$ern3$ay terrorism- 0ike the 1a*obin mo(ements be/ore them, the Du Dlu5 Dlan an$ the se*ret so*ieties #ells mentions are *reations o/ British intelligen*e, o/ten with the ai$ o/ the .oths*hil$ networks?The hol$3up in /or*e be*ame bol$er an$ more /reFuent- - - - Di$napping was not *on/ine$ to ki$napping /or ransom- - - - No man, woman or *hil$ that 6mattere$6 went about 6unsha$owe$6 a/ter 1 ;"- - - - The Pro/it3Capitalist )ystem was absolutely in*apable o/ *ontrolling the unemployment it ha$ e(oke$ an$ the belligeren*e it stimulate$- - - - There is no real $istin*tion in nature between the pro*esses that le$ up to this *haoti* nu*leation o/ human beings about gangs an$ organi7ations /or /rankly *riminal purposes an$ those whi*h le$ to prote*ti(e asso*iations /or the illegal maintenan*e o/ se*urity an$ or$er - - - su*h as - - - the Du Dlu5 Dlan in 4meri*a, the multi3 tu$inous se*ret so*ieties o/ 8n$ia, China, an$ 1apan, the Communist Party whi*h *apture$ .ussia, the Fas*ist who *apture$ 8taly, the Na7i who *apture$ &ermany- - - -? 4s #ells in$i*ates, as early as 1 >>, the British were planning /or what he e5pe*te$ to be a twenty3year3long war using airplanes an$ biologi*al war/are- He was remarkably a**urate, e(en writing a book be/ore #orl$ #ar 88 pre$i*ting atomi* war/are by the mi$3*entury?8n &reat Britain a group o/ these e5perts Bun$er the lea$ership o/ 0or$ 0ouis :ountbattenHC-#-C be*ame e5*ee$ingly busy in what was *alle$

me*hani*al war/are- The British ha$ /irst in(ente$, an$ then ma$e a great mess o/, the tank in the #orl$ #ar, an$ they were a tena*ious people- - - The British $ream o/ the ne5t $e/initi(e war seems to ha(e in(ol(e$ a torrent o/ this ironmongery tearing triumphantly a*ross 9urope- - - - The British an$ the Fren*h e5perts, an$ presently the &ermans, also worke$ (ery har$ at the /ighting aeroplaneHthe British an$ &ermans with the greatest su**ess' the aerial torpe$o, *ontrollable at immense $istan*es- - - - But there was a *ertain hesitation about the use o/ $isease germs- 8t is easy to $istribute them but har$ to limit their /iel$ o/ a*tions- - - -?11 He then writes o/ gas war/are as it woul$ be use$ in *on*entration *amps, saying+ ?8t ranks in horror with the story o/ ju$i*ial torture or the story o/ ritual *annibalism, but its inhumanity is more striking be*ause o/ its nearness to our own times- 0ike those ol$er instan*es, it brings home to us the supreme nee$ /or soun$ *ommon general i$eas to hol$ together human a*ti(ities- 8t tells how thousan$s o/ *lear an$ a*ti(e min$s, ea*h in$isput3 ably sane, *oul$, in an atmosphere obsesse$ by plausible /alse assumptions about patrioti* $uty an$ honour, *ooperate to pro$u*e a *ombine$ result /antasti*ally /utile an$ *ruel- - - ?<ther war poisons /ollowe$ upon this in(ention, still more $ea$ly+ mer*i3 /ul poisons that kille$ instantly an$ *ruel *reeping poisons that impla*ably rotte$ the brain- - - - 4n$ to assist these *hemi*als in their task o/ what %r#oker *alls 6mass mur$er6 there was a *ollateral resear*h into in*en$iary substan*es an$ high e5plosi(es- - - - The *urious by3pro$u*t o/ Permanent %eath &as is what is now known as the )terili7ing 8nhalation- - - -?1= #ells was not simply spe*ulating, but was intimate with those working to *reate su*h poisons- He was a /oun$ing member o/ the British )*ien*e &uil$, along with mi*roba*teriologi*al war/are e5pert )ir .ay 0ankesterHe was also a *lose /rien$ o/ 1-B-)- Hal$ane, who $espite his membership in the British Communist Party, ha$ top se*urity *learan*e an$ worke$ in *hemi*al an$ biologi*al war/are resear*h $uring an$ between both worl$ wars an$ through the 1 @"s-1> 4/ter this $is*ussion o/ /uture metho$s o/ $eath, #ells shi/ts his subje*t to Hitler6s rise to power, pre$i*ting the Night o/ the 0ong Dni(es+ ?The number o/ people kille$ or seriously injure$ in riots an$ *i(il *on/li*ts in

&ermany, or mur$ere$ /or politi*al reasons, between 1 >= an$ 1 >A amounte$ to something o(er rather than un$er thirty thousan$-?1; 8n a *urious passage he $eals with the embarrassing /a*t that the Na7is ha$ a$opte$ the Table6s spe*ial symbol, the swastika, as their own+ ?<ne little point that illustrates his MHitler6sN general ignoran*e an$ essential /eeble3 min$e$ness was the a$option o/ the )wastika, the running *ross, as the emblem o/ the Na7is- This brisk, silly little sign is o/ (ery ol$ origin, an$, as we ha(e note$ in the earlier stages o/ this summary o/ history, its ornamental use was one o/ the asso*iate$ *hara*teristi*s o/ that type o/ Neolithi* *ulture, that *ulture o/ brownish an$ $ark3white warm3water peoples, /rom whi*h the early *i(ili7ations sprang- 8t is har$ly known in *onne5ion with the so3 *alle$ Nor$i*s or with negro peoples, an$ it is no way e5pressi(e o/ an 64ryan6 *ulture- <l$ writers use$ to $e*lare it was the 6symbol6 o/ the sun-?1@ 8n$ee$, the *ult o/ the ?Chil$ren o/ the )un? was /lourishing in 9nglan$ at the time- The Prin*e o/ #ales, soon to be*ome 9$war$ I888, whose Na7i sympathies were notorious, was a lea$ing member- 8ts a*ti(ities splashe$ through the so*ial pages o/ the newspapers an$ maga7ines, the *ult o/ the Chil$ren o/ the )un in*lu$e$ 9$wina :ountbatten, wi/e o/ the Prin*e6s top ai$e, 0ouis :ountbatten, the :it/or$ sisters Bone a mistress o/ Hitler, the other the wi/e o/ <swal$ :osley, a thir$ the no(elist Nan*y :it/or$, an$ the last, 1essi*a, a populari7er o/ $eath *ults in Cali/orniaC, 4l$ous Hu5ley, an$ his /ellow 9ton gra$uates &eorge <rwell an$ &uy Burgess, the last a British spy who penetrate$ the )o(iet ,nion un$er *o(er o/ being a spy /or the D&BThe post #orl$ #ar 8 Chil$ren o/ the )un who pose$ as ?rogues? an$ ?$an$ies? were the $egenerate heirs o/ the generation o/ the sun3worshiping <r$er o/ the &ol$en %awn, like .u$yar$ Dipling an$ )omerset :augham who were more $is*reet pe$erasts-1A These men ha$ also been instru*tors to #ells, who worke$ with Dipling in British intelligen*e in the o//i*e o/ #ar Propagan$a $uring the First #orl$ #ar- #ells6s asso*iation with Dipling, howe(er, goes ba*k e(en /urther- 4 letter /rom Dipling to #ells $ate$ 1anuary =1, 1 "=, written /rom Capetown, where Ce*il .ho$es ha$ just $ie$ three months be/ore, sur(i(es in the #ells ar*hi(es- Dipling wrote+ ?8 am immensely please$ that you are in the game too, a/ter the i$iots ha(e gone *ursing an$ swearing an$ pre(ari*ating they6ll begin to take sto*k o/ the situation then they6ll *all you an$ me hysteri*al liars an$ a /ew other *hoi*e

names an$ they6ll $o about /i(e per*ent o/ the things they might ha(e $one years ago an$ not Min$e*ipherableN on the Min$e*ipherableN /or another three generations-?12 Dipling6s swastika3ins*ribe$ no(els are all about the ?great game? o/ British intelligen*e, where the sport is to smoke opium, $ress outlan$ishly, an$ go nati(e- Dipling6s no(el 4im is about the re*ruitment an$ training o/ a young boy as a se*ret agent who operates within Bu$$hist an$ :uslim *ults, but on a $eeper le(el it is a *ult homose5ual no(el, an$ the book was a *ult /etish /or the Chil$ren o/ the )un up to the point that #ells wrote his *ritiFue o/ the Na7i use o/ the swastikaThe aristo*ra*y6s *ult a*ti(ities were a $e*a$ent game pro(i$ing a so*ially a**eptable milieu in whi*h to openly /launt homose5uality an$ $rug useBut they also o//ere$ a means to assimilate agents su*h as Hu5ley an$ <rwell who use$ the *ult belie/ stru*tures an$ pagan ritualsHalong with $rugsHas the means to brainwash /as*ist an$ anar*hist *a$re- Homo3 se5uality, pe$erasty, $rugs are ne*essary tools /or the sub(ersion o/ republi*s- That these metho$s were parti*ularly agreeable to the British ruling *lass was merely an a$$e$ a$(antage- 0ike to$ay6s gay rights an$ ra$i*al lesbian women6s mo(ements, an$ the pro3abortion mo(ement, they are meant to ero$e the in$i(i$ual6s sense o/ moral i$entity, his or her sense o/ soul- )ensual grati/i*ation is promote$, espe*ially among (ulnerable a$oles*ents#ells6s !hape of #hings to 8ome is /as*ist propagan$a, but it is more- The man who began by writing s*ien*e /i*tion pre$i*te$ that #orl$ #ar 88 woul$ begin in 1 ;" an$ in Polan$- His pre$i*tions were to be reali7e$ almost to the letter- 8n his s*enario, a Polish 1ew shi/ts his $ental plate, while waiting /or a train to pull into a station in %an7ig- 4 Na7i sol$ier misinterprets the gesture, thinking it an insult- This pro(okes an in*i$ent whi*h es*alates into #orl$ #ar 88, not too unlike the a*tual bor$er in*i$ents use$ by the Na7is to justi/y aggression- The pla*e is right, Polan$, an$ the $ate is o// by monthsThis is to be a limite$ war- 8t will be /ought mostly in the air, an$ Britain will remain neutral-1! The war is $e*lare$ o(er in 1 ;2, but *ontinues spora$i*ally through 1 ; - But the en$ has yet to *ome- 4s #ells tells it+ ?The atta*k began in the best style without a $e*laration o/ war- The /irst line o/ a$(an*e *onsiste$ o/ a (ariety o/ in/luen7a - - - impo(erishing /e(ers, that were highly in/e*tious an$ impossible to *ontrol un$er war *on$itions-

The $eplete$ strength o/ the belligerent populations, a $epletion $ue to their re$u*e$ an$ $isorgani7e$ nourishment an$ the *ollapse o/ their sanitary ser(i*es, ga(e these in/e*tions /ull s*ope' they kille$ some millions an$ $iminishe$ the alrea$y lowere$ (itality o/ the great populations still /urtherThat lowering o/ the general (itality was /ar more important than the a*tual mortality- Cholera an$ buboni* plague /ollowe$, an$ then, /i(e years an$ more later, when the worst seeme$ to ha(e passe$, *ame the *ulminating atta*k by ma*ulate$ /e(er-?1 This was the long3term strategi* obje*ti(e o/ the British as they entere$ a$(an*e$ preparations /or #orl$ #ar 88- 4s #ells summe$ it up+ ?The imme$iate *auses o/ the worl$ *ollapse in the twentieth *entury were /irst monetary ina$aptability, se*on$ly, the $isorgani7ation o/ so*iety through in*rease$ pro$u*ti(ity, an$ thir$ly, the great pestilen*e-? #ells s*he$ule$ his global pan$emi* /or 1 @A- He anti*ipate$ the $eath o/ hal/ the human ra*eFor the ne5t ="" pages, his book $es*ribes how the (i*torious oligar*hy *onsoli$ates its politi*al rule o(er the new ser/s#ells6s an$ Chur*hill6s pre$i*tions /or the ne5t worl$ war $i//ere$ not at allTre(or3.oper, who worke$ in British intelligen*e $uring the )e*on$ #orl$ #ar, an$ was a *lose /rien$ o/ Chur*hill, a$mitte$ that when Chur*hill wrote appro(ingly o/ Hitler in 1 >@, he knew (ery well what was the truth about Hitler- Tre(or3.oper writes+ ?8n the early $ays o/ Na7ism, Hitler showe$ a politi*al genius whi*h we are in $anger now o/ /orgetting, but whi*h it is (ery important we shoul$ remember- His ultimate purpose was in$ee$ *lear to those who $i$ not willingly $e*ei(e themsel(es+ he aime$ at the $estru*tion o/ 9uropean *i(ili7ation by a barbarian empire in *entral 9uropeHthe terrible hegemony o/ a new, more permanent &enghi7 Dhan+ 6a new %ark 4ge,6 as :rChur*hill *alle$ it, 6ma$e more sinister, an$ perhaps more protra*te$, by the lights o/ per(erte$ s*ien*e-6 ?=" The Protectors #riters an$ obser(ers o/ British poli*y between the two wars split British ruling *ir*les into three groupings+ at one e5treme, the Cli(e$en )et who

openly en$orse$ Hitler' in the *enter, the appeasers like Ne(ille Chamberlain' an$ at the other si$e the un*ompromising /oe o/ Hitler, #inston Chur*hill, joine$ by 0or$ .obert Ce*il, 0or$ :ountbatten, an$ othersThe only truth to su*h an assessment is that in$ee$ the Cli(e$en )et were enthusiasti* supporters o/ Hitler, e(en up to the beginning o/ the war?<pponents? o/ Hitler, su*h as Chur*hill an$ 0loy$ &eorge were eFually responsible /or maintaining him in power- 4s in the /irst worl$ war, the only points o/ $i//eren*e were ta*ti*al- The Cli(e$en )et sought an allian*e with Hitler an$ :ussolini against the )o(iet ,nion- 4s be/ore, #ells, .ussell, an$ the ,topians hope$ that Britain woul$ be able to stay neutral- Chur*hill an$ :ountbatten *orre*tly pre$i*te$ that Britain woul$ ha(e to *ome into the war to make sure that Hitler was *ontaine$4ll si$es were agree$ on a s*enario /or the Thirty Years #ar, with the #ittelsba*h /amily again supplying the spark- This time there must no mistake- .ussia must be *rushe$- The in$ustrial might o/ Fran*e an$ &ermany must be $estroye$- 4meri*a an$ 1apan must throw themsel(es into war against ea*h otherCli(e$en, the home o/ the 4stor /amily, pro(i$e$ a meeting pla*e /or the e5treme pro3Hitler /a*tion, whi*h was in pra*ti*e inter*hangeable with the .oun$ Table- The 4stors, originally 4meri*an, bought their way into the British aristo*ra*y, a seat in Parliament, an$ *ontrol o/ the 1ondon #imes, the </server, an$ the Pall .all &a2ette 8t was the last that ga(e #ells his start as a writer-=1 #hen young #illiam 4stor, e$u*ate$ at 9ton an$ <5/or$, inherite$ his title /rom his late /ather, who ha$ bought it as the *rowning point in his li/e, he was /or*e$ to mo(e up to the House o/ 0or$s /rom his seat in the Commons- 4 parliamentary pri(ate se*retary to the Home <//i*e, an$ a *hairman o/ the .oyal 8nstitute o/ 8nternational 4//airs, 4stor was in the inner *ir*les o/ go(ernment- 4long with Phillip Derr, the later 0or$ 0othian, 4stor /orme$ the British .oun$ Table-== 4s the 9ew @ork #imes reporte$ at the time in a hal/3truth, ?The so3*alle$ Cli(e$en )et are wi$ely regar$e$ as the most in/luential o/ &ermany6s sympathi7ers in 9nglan$- - - - The apparent strength o/ &ermany6s *ase in this *ountry *omes /rom the /a*t that &ermany6s best /rien$s are to be /oun$ in the wealthiest 6upper *rust6 o/ British li/e- - - - 1oa*him (on .ibbentrop,

&ermany6s /oreign minister, knew his 9nglan$ better than some o/ his *riti*s when he urge$ Britain to join his anti3Communist *rusa$e-? Typi*ally, the #imes was *o(ering /or the /a*t that Hitler was their pawn-=> 8n$ee$, 0or$ 0othian an$ the 4stors worke$ *losely with (on .ibbentrop, whom they ha$ re*ruite$ ba*k to &ermany /rom Cana$a- Together they /orme$ an 4nglo3&erman Fellowship, whi*h *ir*ulate$ Na7i propagan$a in 9nglish- 4mong the members o/ the Fellowship were H-&- #ells an$ .oths*hil$ asso*iate )ir 9rnest Cassell?But the best work $one /or the pro3&ermans was $one by 0a$y 4stor hersel/ in her /reFuent parties,? reporte$ the 9ew @ork #imes ?Hither *ame 0or$ Hali/a5, now /oreign minister, here *ame the :arFuess o/ 0othian, a /ormer 0iberal, now one o/ the lea$ers o/ the be3ni*e3to3&ermany s*hoolPrime :inister Chamberlain an$ his wi/e were weeken$ guests-?=; The Cli(e$en )et was reporte$ aroun$ the worl$ to be the real *enter o/ British3poli*y making $uring the Chamberlain perio$- ?The British go(ernment has gi(en its blessing to Hitler6s impen$ing anne5ation o/ &erman3speaking C7e*hoslo(akia, it was learne$ here to$ay /rom sour*es *lose to Cli(e$en,? reporte$ the 'ashington Post si5 months be/ore the Na7i in(asion o/ the *ountry- 0ater, as Chamberlain was negotiating o(er the /ate o/ C7e*hoslo(akia with Hitler at :uni*h, the 4stors6 #imes publishe$ a (i*ious atta*k against the *ountry, warning the C7e*hs that they were /ailing to make the &ermans *om/ortable- The e$itorial o/ )eptember !, 1 >! state$+ ?The stinking C7e*h sausage shoul$ be *rushe$-?=@ )i5 months be/ore, at a point when Hitler was trying to /or*e the &erman &eneral )ta// to agree on an atta*k o/ C7e*hoslo(akia, Prime :inister Chamberlain hel$ a press *on/eren*e with the outspoken Nan*y 4stor at Cli(e$en- There he state$ that Britain was seeking a pa*t to in*lu$e &ermany an$ 8taly, an$ that he /a(ore$ the breaking up o/ C7e*hoslo(akia4t that time he state$ that &ermany ha$ the right to anne5 the )u$eten $istri*ts, then part o/ C7e*hoslo(akia- This press *on/eren*e, whi*h re*ei(e$ wi$e publi*ity, o**urre$ on :ay 1"-=A But as the Cli(e$en )et was pushing Hitler into /urther aggressions, resistan*e to him ha$ not been Fuelle$ in &ermany- 1ust /i(e $ays be/ore Chamberlain6s press *on/eren*e, &eneral Be*k, &erman Chie/ o/ )ta//, ha$ *ir*ulate$ an appeal through lea$ing military *ir*les $eman$ing that they

join him in open opposition to Hitler to either /or*e him to ba*k $own or ser(e as a rallying point /or a mo(ement to o(erthrow him- Be*k wrote+ ?4ll sin*ere an$ responsible &ermans, where(er they may be pla*e$ in high positions, must $o their utmost to pre(ent war with C7e*hoslo(akia, whi*h will lea$ to a worl$ war an$ to the en$ o/ &ermany- The e5isten*e o/ our nation is at stake- History will regar$ all these men as *riminals i/ they /ail to a*t- Their $uty o/ obe$ien*e *eases at the point where their knowle$ge, their *ons*ien*e an$ their sense o/ responsibility /orbi$ them to *arry out an or$er- 8/ their a$(i*e an$ warnings are unhee$e$, they ha(e the right to a*t an$ $uty to resign- 4*ting together they *an make war impossible- They will thus ha(e sa(e$ their *ountry /rom $ire*t ship3wre*k- 95*eptional times *all /or e5*eptional a*tions-?=2 Chamberlain6s press *on/eren*e un$er*ut Be*k- The appeaser ha$ not only *on$one$ Hitler6s *rushing o/ C7e*hoslo(akia, but ha$ inter(ene$ in the &erman /a*tion /ight to make sure that &ermany woul$ in(a$eBe*k was /or*e$ to resign, but his su**essor, &eneral Fran7 Hai$er, along with Colonel <ster, was prepare$ to take *o(ert a*tion in *oor$ination with the ouste$ general- Their plan was to sei7e the .ei*h Chan*ellery by a surprise assault on the )) guar$s, then o**upy all o/ the ra$io3*ommuni*a3 tions *enters an$ strategi* points in Berlin- Hitler woul$ be arreste$ an$ remo(e$ /rom Berlin- &oering, &oebbels, an$ Himmler woul$ also be arreste$-=! The generals were able to gain support /rom the Comman$er o/ the Berlin :ilitary region, an$ the Berlin Chie/ o/ Poli*e, along with two o/ his top subor$inates- 4s Chur*hill himsel/ sai$, ?There was no possibility o/ a hit*h- 4ll that was reFuire$ /or a *ompletely su**ess/ul *oup was Hitler6s presen*e in Berlin-?= Be/ore *arrying out the *oup, 9wal$ (on Dleist3)*hmen7in was sent to 0on$on to in/orm the British go(ernment o/ their plans- He saw )ir .obert Iansittart, 0or$ 0loy$, an$ #inston Chur*hill- These men all argue$ against the *oup, *laiming that Britain woul$ rather attempt a *ompromise with Hitler6s mission8n 1 @=, Chur*hill ga(e his own a**ount o/ the (isit+ ?There was a &erman, 8 *an6t remember his name, who *ame to Chartwell be/ore the war- - - - The

&erman sai$ that the &enerals woul$ turn out Hitler i/ Britain took a strong line' i/ she $i$ not, then Hitler woul$ pre(ail- - - - Hitler arri(e$ in Berlin /rom Ber*htesga$en on the morning o/ )eptember 1;- Hai$er hear$ o/ this at mi$$ay, an$ imme$iately went o(er to see #it7leben an$ *omplete the plans- 8t was $e*i$e$ to strike at eight that same e(ening- 4t ; p-ma**or$ing to Hai$er, a message was re*ei(e$ in #it7leben6s o//i*e that :rChamberlain was going to /ly to see the Fuehrer at Ber*htesga$en- - - - 8t was a**or$ingly $e*i$e$ to $e/er a*tion, an$ await e(ents - - - another e5ample o/ the (ery small a**i$ents upon whi*h the /ortunes o/ mankin$ turn-?>" 4$miral Canaris, Chie/ o/ &erman :ilitary 8ntelligen*e an$ *o3*onspirator with the generals, upon hearing the result o/ Chamberlain6s (isit, remarke$ bitterly, ?#hy sen$ emissaries to 0on$on i/ this is the resultG?>1 Chur*hill wrote the /ollowing letter, at the insisten*e o/ the &erman &eneral )ta//, to (on Dleist, whi*h arri(e$ be/ore the announ*ement o/ Chamber3 lain6s (isit+ ?:y $ear )ir, ?8 ha(e wel*ome$ you here as one who is rea$y to run risks to preser(e the pea*e o/ 9urope an$ to a*hie(e a lasting /rien$ship between the British, Fren*h an$ &erman people /or their mutual a$(antage?8 am sure that the *rossing o/ the C7e*hoslo(ak /rontier by &erman armies or air*ra/t will bring about a renewal o/ worl$ war- 8 am *ertain as 8 was at the en$ o/ 1uly 1 1; that 9nglan$ will mar*h with Fran*e, an$ *ertainly the ,nite$ )tates is now strongly anti3Na7i- 8t is $i//i*ult /or the $emo*ra*ies in a$(an*e an$ in *ol$ bloo$ to make pre*ise $e*larations, but the spe*ta*le o/ an arme$ atta*k by &ermany upon a small neighbor an$ the bloo$y /ighting that will /ollow will rouse the whole British 9mpire an$ *ompel the gra(est $e*isions?%o not, 8 pray you, be misle$ upon this point- )u*h a war on*e starte$, woul$ be /ought out like the last to the bitter en$, an$ one must *onsi$er not what might happen in the /irst /ew months, but where we shoul$ all be at the en$ o/ the thir$ or /ourth year- 8t woul$ be a great mistake to imagine that the slaughter o/ the *i(il population /ollowing upon air rai$s woul$ pre(ent the British 9mpire /rom $e(eloping its /ull manpower through, o/ *ourse, we

shoul$ su//er more at the beginning than we $i$ last time- But the sub3 marine is pra*ti*ally mastere$ by s*ienti/i* metho$s an$ we shall ha(e the /ree$om o/ the seas an$ the support o/ the greater part o/ the worl$- The worst air3slaughter at the beginning, the more ine5piable woul$ be the war8ne(itably, all the great nations engage$ in the struggle, on*e starte$, woul$ /ight on /or (i*tory-?>= Chur*hill o//ere$ no support, only warnings o/ the war he was thus guaran3 teeing woul$ take pla*e- The generals6 *oup was *alle$ o//9(en a/ter the ?$eli*ious war? ha$ begun, in 1 ;=, the &ermans trie$ to make *onta*t with the British as part o/ plans to o(erthrow Hitler- The 0utheran pastor %ietri*h Bonhoe//er *ame to 0on$on to meet with Foreign :inister 4nthony 9$en- He submitte$ lists o/ groups asso*iate$ with the resistan*e against Hitler insi$e &ermany- )abine 0eibhol73Bonhoe//er tol$ the story o/ his $is*ussions with the British in her autobiography+>> ?9$en6s answer was total reje*tion- - - - Nothing was e5pe*te$ /rom the &erman resistan*e anymore- 8t was /orgotten that the *ompromise poli*y /ollowe$ by the 9nglish at :uni*h ha$ pre(ente$ a *oup $6Otat at that time8n e5pressing his $isappointment in his reply to :r- 9$en, the Bishop Fuote$ the wor$s Chur*hill ha$ uttere$ in the House o/ Commons on the 1>th o/ :ay 1 ;"+ 68t is our poli*y to wage war against a monstrous tyranny ne(er surpasse$ in the $ark lamentable *atalogue o/ human *rimes-6 8/ there are men in &ermany Bwrote the BishopC also rea$y to wage war against the monstrous tyranny o/ the Na7is /rom within, is it right to $is*ourage or ignore themG? But Bonhoe//er6s (isit to 9nglan$ ha$ taken pla*e be/ore the (i*tory o/ )talingra$, when it was by no means *lear that the )o(iets woul$ su**ee$ in beating ba*k the &erman o//ensi(e8n 1uly 1 ;; again, high3ranking military lea$ers *onspire$ to o(erthrow Hitler- 4 bomb was plante$ in his hea$Fuarters, but /aile$ to kill him when the Fuehrer ha$ le/t his seat- Twenty thousan$ people were either e5e*ute$ or imprisone$ in the roun$3up that /ollowe$- #hen Chur*hill was Fues3 tione$ in Parliament about British /ailure to support any o/ these e//orts, he replie$ that the go(ernment ha$ a $eliberate poli*y o/ not $ealing with &erman nationalist lea$ersHwho were *onsi$ere$ to be a greater e(il than Hitler-

8t went /urther- Chur*hill was willing to maintain negotiations with Himmler, who was a*ting on behal/ o/ Hitler, throughout the war- Negotia3 tions were *on$u*te$ by &eneral )tephenson6s )pe*ial <perations 95e*uti(e an$ 4llen %ulles in &ene(a- The lines were kept open in *ase it pro(e$ /easible at any point /or the British to openly ba*k the &erman armies in a new $ri(e to the eastThe ,haping o( the War to Co e Chur*hill6s e//orts to maintain Hitler in power throughout the war while publi*ly raising the *ry against that ?monstrous tyranny? re/le*te$ the $angerous $uality in British poli*y throughout the $e*a$e lea$ing to Britain6s se*on$ worl$ war- How were the British to *reate, sponsor, an$ turn their own Frankenstein monster to the 9ast without the sten*h o/ su*h a poli*y gaining the British the opprobrium o/ the $emo*ra*ies, o/ whi*h &reat Britain assume$ lea$ershipG Furthermore, on*e the &erman &eneral )ta// was rebu//e$ by Chur*hill, it woul$ wage the war to win- 8ne(itably they woul$ mo(e to prote*t their #estern /lank- #hile Hitler hel$ ba*k /rom in(a$ing 9nglan$, he was a*ting against pressure /rom his &eneral )ta//How to *ontrol Hitler, or more pre*isely his &eneral )ta//, was the only point o/ $i//eren*e between Chur*hill an$ the Cli(e$en )et- The British role in or*hestrating Hitler6s rise to power is $o*umente$ in the publishe$ writings an$ inter(iews o/ the .oun$ Table members- :eetings o/ the group were hel$ alternately at the 4stor6s Cli(e$en estate or at the Ce*ils6 Hat/iel$ House- 0or$ 0othian, along with 4stor, the lea$er o/ the Cli(e$en )et, was a /oun$ing member o/ the .oun$ Table group0othian ha$ been traine$ by the ?realist? /a*tion o/ the Coe//i*ients Club /ight be/ore the First #orl$ #ar- &etting his start in politi*s as a protOgO o/ 0or$ :ilner in )outh 4/ri*a, he was one o/ the bright young men ni*kname$ :ilner6s Din$ergarten- #hen :ilner $ie$, he was gi(en the responsibility o/ a$ministering Ce*il .ho$es6s huge /ortune, an$ was the hea$ o/ the .ho$es s*holarship program /or young 4meri*ans4 Catholi*, 0othian was also a part o/ the 1esuit networks into Britain an$ there/ore well3eFuippe$ to *arry out the work o/ .ho$es6s 1esuit3mo$ele$ ?se*ret so*iety-? He took a lea$ing role in go(ernment $uring both worl$ wars, in the /irst as 0loy$ &eorge6s personal ai$e' in the se*on$ as British ambassa$or to the ,nite$ )tates-

He was also a kook- He *on(erte$ to Christian )*ien*e an$ $ie$ in the early years o/ the war when he /aile$ to seek me$i*al treatment /or a ki$ney ailmentHbut not be/ore he /oun$e$ the 8hristian !cience .onitor $uring one o/ his earlier trips to the ,nite$ )tatesIiewing Hitler as the great bulwark against the )o(iets an$ *ommunism, 0or$ 0othian sought to establish an open British3Na7i allian*e- <n 1anuary = , 1 >@, he ha$ a personal meeting with Hitler, the minutes o/ whi*h he reporte$- 0othian Fuotes himsel/ speaking to Hitler+ ?There was no /eeling o/ an5iety in 9nglan$ in regar$ to &ermany- The 9nglish $i$ not regar$ &ermany as a mena*e to themsel(es- But this /a*t $i$ not sol(e the problem /rom the 9nglish point o/ (iew- The $anger /or 9nglan$ was that i/ war broke out in 9urope, it *oul$ s*ar*ely be lo*alise$, 9nglan$ woul$ be $rawn in- That was the *entral lesson it $rew /rom 1 1;31 1!- 4n agreement with &ermany alone woul$ not sol(e 9nglan$6s problem- #hat 9nglan$ wante$ was a politi*al agreement whi*h woul$ stabilise 9urope say /or ten years- - - - Kuote$ .ho$es6s (iewH,-)-4-, 9nglan$, an$ &ermany woul$ together preser(e pea*e o/ the worl$- - - - agree$ with Fuehrer that *oopera3 tion between &ermany, ,-)-4-, an$ 9nglan$ pro(i$e$ soli$ /oun$ation /or 0eague o/ Nations-? 0othian again (isite$ Hitler on :ay ;, 1 >2, an$ on the same $ay met with Hermann &oering- The /ollowing are taken /rom 0othian6s inter(iew with &oering+ ?0othian sai$ that he entirely agree$ about the importan*e o/ 4nglo3&erman *ooperation /or pea*e- He thought that there were two main Fuestions /a*ing 9nglan$ an$ &ermany+ 9astern 9urope an$ the *olonial an$ e*onomi* Fuestion?Nationality was a basi* /a*tor to be re*kone$ with- #hat were &ermany6s relations with 9astern 9uropean nations going to beG 8/ &ermany *hose the right metho$H/or it was a Fuestion o/ metho$Han$ he un$erstoo$ that national so*ialism re*ognise$ the right o/ all nationalities to in$epen$en*eH British publi* opinion woul$ be reassure$ an$ *on/i$en*e woul$ be stabilise$?:r- 9$en ha$ shown that British (ital interests $i$ not lie in this sphere- 4t 0eamington /or the /irst time an attempt ha$ been ma$e to re$e/ine British poli*y in terms o/ reality- 8n that spee*h the Foreign )e*retary with the appro(al o/ the Cabinet ha$ $e/ine$ the points /or whi*h &reat Britain

woul$ go to war an$ a $e/inition o/ these (ital interests was regar$e$ an important *ontribution to pea*e- They were+ B1C The integrity o/ the British 9mpire- B=C The se*urity o/ Fran*e an$ Belgium against unpro(oke$ aggression- B>C 9gyptHthe )ue7 Canal- B;C 8raF-?>; <n the ne5t $ay 0othian met with )*ha*ht, who tol$ the British (isitor o/ a meeting he ha$ ha$ earlier with 0eo 4mery, o/ the Coe//i*ients Club an$ an ol$ /rien$ o/ 0othian6s- 4s 0othian reporte$ it+ ?)*ha*ht pro*ee$e$ to allu$e to 4mery6s a$(i*e to &ermanyHyou *an6t ha(e *olonies, but 9astern 9urope lies be/ore you- This was most inhuman a$(i*e- #hile 9nglan$ sits in the mi$st o/ pea*e an$ plenty, &ermany was being a$(ise$ by 9nglishmen to make war against 9astern *ountries to $i(ert her energies /rom *onstru*3 ti(e tasks- &ermany $i$ not inten$ to $o so-?>@ 0othian *ir*ulate$ these minutes as part o/ his a*ti(ities o/ the pro3Na7i 4nglo3&erman Fellowship' there/ore they $o not represent what a*tually took pla*e8n 1une 1 > , only three months be/ore the outbreak o/ war, a pri(ate meeting took pla*e at Cli(e$en with Iis*ount Hali/a5, the British Foreign )e*retary, an$ 4$am (on Trott 7u )ol7, who reporte$ ba*k to the Na7is o/ the $is*ussion+ ?0othianHasking that he shoul$ not be mentione$ as the originator o/ the i$eaHha$ suggeste$ that i/ it were e(en now possible 6/or the Fuehrer to gi(e Bohemia their /ull national in$epen$en*e ba*k again on *on$ition o/ an e//e*tual limitation o/ their armaments an$ e*onomi* *ooperation with &ermany, su*h an a*tion woul$, in his (iew, ha(e a re(olutionary e//e*t on British publi* opinion, an$ *onseFuently on the /ree$om o/ a*tion o/ the British &o(ernment an$ on worl$ opinion in general- Hitler woul$, with one blow, $isarm his bitterest enemies abroa$, restore *on/i$en*e in 9urope, an$ thereby len$ to the British $esire /or un$erstan$ing, whi*h was still honestly /elt, a unanimity it ha$ ne(er known- - - - 8/ &ermany led, but $i$ not $ominate Central an$ 9astern 9urope, the #estern 9uropean nations *oul$ then /eel reassure$ about their politi*al in$epen$en*e- 9nglan$34meri*a Bwhi*h 0othian naturally likes to regar$ as oneLC an$ &ermany, as the only real &reat Powers, *oul$ then jointly shape an$ guarantee the /uture o/ worl$ politi*s- This pi*ture o/ the /uture ha$ o**upie$ his min$ a/ter his *on(ersations with the Fuehrer, an$ he still *oul$ not belie(e it was /inally impossible-?>A

But /or all his insisten*e on the Fuestion o/ a British3Na7i allian*e, 0othian *oul$ just as easily swit*h si$es in the $ebate- Both 0othian an$ #illiam 4stor were *lose asso*iates o/ )ir )amuel Hoare, who as Foreign )e*retary in )eptember 1 >@ was the man3on3the3spot /or the British go(ernment in the *risis that arose when :ussolini in(a$e$ 9thiopia->2 0othian ha$ worke$ $ire*tly un$er Hoare as un$erse*retary o/ the 8n$ia <//i*e in 1 >1, where 0othian also worke$ with )ir %onal$ :a*lean, /ather o/ %onal$ :a*lean who with &uy Burgess an$ Dim Philby be*ame the British )e*ret 8ntelli3 gen*e )er(i*es6 triple agents into the )o(iet ,nion- The $ebate between 0othian an$ Hoare in 1 >@ on the :ussolini Fuestion in$i*ates that the $ebates in British ruling *ir*les about *ontaining either Hitler or :ussolini in(ol(e$ shi/ting /a*tional allian*es#hen :ussolini in(a$e$, Hoare $eli(ere$ a /iery spee*h at the 0eague o/ Nations 4ssembly, assuring the worl$ that Britain woul$ be se*on$ to none in meeting her obligations to *olle*ti(e se*urity by ba*king san*tions against 8taly- Then he turne$ aroun$ an$ with 0a(al o/ Fran*e attempte$ to negotiate a se*ret settlement with 8taly to $ismember the 4/ri*an nation#hen this *ame to light, Hoare was /or*e$ to resign /rom o//i*e8n <*tober, 0othian ha$ written to Hoare pri(ately to urge military a*tion against 8taly in or$er to *ut its *ommuni*ation with 9ast 4/ri*a- 8n a letter he $eplore$ the Hoare30a(al agreement in the same terms that Chur*hill use$ against the appeasement o/ Hitler+ ?The whole worl$ has rea$ the re*ent pea*e o//er as a proo/ that we ha(e gone so/t an$ are unwilling to /ight (ehemently either /or the 0eague or /or oursel(es-?>! 4t the en$ o/ the )e*on$ #orl$ #ar, H-&- #ells wrote a s*or*hing atta*k on Hoare, his /ormer *olleague in the 4ir :inistry in the 1 ="s- The atta*k appears in Exasperations7 #he 1ast #estament of % & 'ells, Exercises in Enanswera/le 8ontradiction, (isrespect, and Indictment, #ells6s testimony o/ $espair at the /ailure on*e again o/ British strategy- 8t remains an unpub3 lishe$ manus*ript gathering $ust in his ar*hi(es- 8t was too bitterly honest#ells atta*ks Hoare /or so openly /un$ing Hitler through Fran*o in )pain that it be*ame a s*an$al $uring the war- Citing #he Fourth !eal, a book written by the pro3Na7i *ultist Hoare, #ells says it was ?written by a man who has probably $one more mis*hie/ through his insensiti(e (anity an$ witless a*ti(ity than any other man ali(e, )ir )amuel Hoare 888- 8n those $ays British poli*y was (iolently anti3Bolshe(ik- - - - %ynasti* reasons may

ha(e enhan*e$ the anti3Bolshe(ism o/ our Foreign <//i*e in that *ase- - - Hoare has been pouring money an$ materials into &ermany via this horrible little 6anti3Bolshe(ist6 protOgO, who ne(er hesitates to insult e(erything /or whi*h we *laim to be /ighting, an$ whate(er he may say or $o in his inter(iews with )ir )amuelH*on/irms his lou$, ru$e, o//ensi(e noise- His Blue %i(ision is /ighting against our allies in .ussia now- The .ussians are taking )panish prisoners an$ asking us Fuestions about it- 4n$ e(ery *ra7y woul$3be $i*tator in )panish 4meri*a /eels assure$ by our toleration o/ Fran*o that he may $o likewiseH#ashington an$ Britain seeming to enjoy the /un o/ it- 4n$ HoareG Hoare is still being $iplomati* in )pain- - - - 8n 8taly we are in unpleasantly o$i/erous *ompany- - - - Finally, why is not Cairo, that *esspool o/ kinglets, prin*es, potentates, *on*ession hunters an$ the like, *leane$ up nowG 8t smears Britain $isgustingly-?> But as a member o/ the bra7enly pro3Hitler :oral .earmament :o(ement in the late 1 >"s, #ells was speaking stri*tly /rom hin$sightThe )panish operation to whi*h #ells allu$es throws a spotlight on the beginning o/ the *areer o/ Dim Philby, the triple agent o/ British intelligen*e who is now a general in the )o(iet D&B- Philby was working in )pain un$er*o(er as a reporter /or 4stor6s #imes atta*he$ to Fran*o, an$ helpe$ out with Hoare6s $irty $ealings- Philby6s /ather, H- )t- 1ohn, a long3time agent3 in3pla*e in )au$i 4rabia, was asso*iate$ with the 4stors in the 4nglo3 &erman Fellowship, as were his son Dim, &uy Burgess, an$ 0or$ .e$es3 $ale, /ather o/ the *ultish :it/or$ sisters- Dim Philby was so pro3Na7i that he embarrasse$ the (aily #elegraph reporter Darl .obson, who later re*olle*te$ long *on(ersations o(er *ar$s an$ $i*e in whi*h Philby woul$ rant about the Communist *onspira*y+ Communism was the *oming worl$ power an$ must be /ier*ely resiste$- Ne(ertheless, he ha$ at the time thorough *onne*tions to the .ussell3#ells3:ao networks, telling .obson that China woul$ go *ommunist#hen Philby went to work openly with British intelligen*e $uring the war, he was gi(en *omman$ o(er the 8berian subse*tion o/ )e*tion I, hea$e$ by a /ormer 8n$ian Poli*eman, as were most top3le(el positions in :83@ an$ :83A- The se*tion also in*lu$e$ :al*olm :uggeri$ge, Hugh Tre(or3.oper, an$ &raham &reene- Philby began his intelligen*e *areer with Bertran$ .ussell6s Frien$s )er(i*e Committee res*ue operation in 4ustria, when he le/t Cambri$ge in 1 >>-;" These networks sele*ti(ely res*ue$ those

&ermans with *onne*tions to British intelligen*e an$ numbers o/ &erman 1ews, who were then *oer*e$ into the ser(i*e o/ the British intelligen*eParti*ularly in pea*etime, the British ten$ to work through pri(ate intelligen*e networks, an$ to the present $ay, these relie/ an$ pa*i/ist networks remain at the *ore o/ the British )e*ret 8ntelligen*e6s terrorist operations- 8n the last $ays o/ 1 1;, pa*i/ist .ussell, along with 0or$ Hal$ane working out o/ Cambri$ge, /oun$e$ the Fellowship o/ .e*on*ilia3 tion, a pseu$o3Christian group that worke$ with the power/ul se*ular No3 Cons*ription Fellowship, o/ whi*h .ussell was *hairman /or the last two years o/ the war- .ussell also worke$ with the Kuaker3asso*iate$, but in$epen$ent, Frien$s )er(i*e Committee, /orme$ in Britain an$ the ,nite$ )tates at the war6s en$- 4long with the Fellowship, the Frien$s )er(i*e Committee was in(ol(e$ in a mammoth relie/ e//ort le$ by Herbert Hoo(er.ussell6s links to the Kuakers began with his /irst marriage to a Phila$elphia Kuaker who also intro$u*e$ him to the Fabians, an$ he was a /reFuent guest le*turer at the Kuaker Bryn :awr College8n the Frien$s )er(i*e Committee, Philby6s anti*ommunist right3wing /as*ism an$ .ussell6s ?le/t? /as*ism meet- The Frien$s )er(i*e Committee was the /irst group to ere*t a*tual sla(e3labor *amps- The *amps6 sloganH )trength Through 1oyHwas *o3opte$ by the Na7is an$ bla7one$, along with other slogans su*h as #ork :akes Free$om, on the entran*e to 4us*hwit7Through their Berlin *enter, the 4meri*an Frien$s )er(i*e Committee laun*he$ a youth mo(ement proje*t whi*h in the 1 ="s ha$ alrea$y enrolle$ >"",""" &erman youth in work3*amp labor proje*ts- #hen the Na7is *ame to power, they took o(er the apparatus an$ *alle$ it the Hitler Youth :o(e3 ment- 8t *ontinue$ to be sta//e$ by Kuakers throughout #orl$ #ar 88-;1 4n eFually nasty pseu$o3religious mo(ementHo/ the right3wing (arietyH was the :oral .earmament :o(ement, set up by H-&- #ells an$ 4rthur Bal/our on the o**asion o/ the #ashington %isarmament Con/eren*e-;= From the :oral .earmament :o(ement *ome to$ay6s :ooniesThe nominal lea$er o/ the group was Frank Bu*hman, a 0utheran minister in a poor se*tion o/ Phila$elphia who was taken up by Kuaker *ir*les there an$ *on$uite$ $ire*tly to British *ontrol- He tra(ele$ to 9nglan$ in 1 "! an$ /rom there was sent on a tour o/ 4sia through the Y:C4 mo(ement- 4/ter meeting with #ells an$ Bal/our in 1 =", when they were part o/ the British

$elegation to the #ashington %isarmament Con/eren*e, he was sent to <5/or$ ,ni(ersity, where he was groome$ /or the ne5t two years- Bu*hman spent the ne5t years in *onstant tra(el- He was a /reFuent (isitor o/ the 1ap3 anese :itsui /amily, Heinri*h Himmler, .u$olph Hess, an$ 0or$ HamiltonBu*hman6s *o(er was to hol$ re(i(al meetings, whi*h he organi7e$ aroun$ a strange blen$ o/ born3again Christian /un$amentalism, Theosophy, an$ e*umeni*ism /or goo$ measure- He *ame un$er publi* atta*k /or his open anti3)emitism, his ego3stripping *on/essional metho$s, an$ his a$(o*a*y o/ sla(e3labor work briga$es8n 1 >! he /orme$ the :oral .earmament 4sso*iation while (isiting &ermany- 8t was enthusiasti*ally pro3Hitler- The :arFuess o/ )alisbury, 1ames Ce*il, was one o/ its most highly respe*te$ patrons, along with one o/ his brothers-;> The re*or$ o/ Ce*il in(ol(ement in the :oral .earmament 4sso*iation goes beyon$ the time that the Ce*ils a*te$ as the power behin$ the throne to oust Ne(ille Chamberlain as prime minister an$ repla*e him with #inston Chur*hill- Ce*il remaine$ an a*ti(e patron o/ the <5/or$ &roup, as the so*iety was known in Britain, until his $eath in 1 ;2- He was not ignorant o/ Bu*hman6s Na7i *onne*tions- <n /irst meeting with the re(i(alist lea$er, Ce*il note$ that Bu*hman was ?on the *losest terms with Himmler in &ermany-?;; 8n February 1 >!, as Ce*il an$ Chur*hill were publi*ly *hallenging Prime :inister Bal$win6s poli*y o/ appeasement towar$ Hitler, Ce*il was organi73 ing a ?house party? at Hat/iel$ /or the <5/or$ &roup to meet with lea$ing members o/ go(ernment *ir*les /rom among the aristo*ra*yHan$ /un$ing the &roup6s a*ti(ities- 8n 4ugust 1 >A, Bu*hman ha$ been wi$ely publi3 *i7e$ /or saying to an 4meri*an newspaper+ ?8 thank hea(en /or a man like 4$ol/ Hitler who built a /ront line o/ $e/en*e against the anti3Christ o/ *ommunism-? 4t the ?house party? in Hat/iel$, 0or$ .obert Ce*il *ongratu3 late$ the &roup on ha(ing ?in(este$ the ol$, simple Christ gospel with a new (i(i$ness parti*ularly e//e*ti(e with people who ha(e lost or ne(er knew it-?;@ 8n 1 >2 )alisbury issue$ a spirite$ $e/ense o/ Bu*hman+ ?There ha(e been no $oubt *riti*ism o/ *ertain metho$s o/ this great mo(ement, an$ these *riti*isms may or may not be justi/ie$- 8 ha(e here no *on*ern with minor

$etails, but 8 will say with *on/i$en*e that the spirit whi*h is behin$ the e//ort o/ the <5/or$ &roup in this meeting or elsewhere is not justly open to *riti*ism-?;A 8n 1 ;", the war alrea$y begun, )alisbury wrote this tribute to them+ ?8n Papua, the hearts o/ wil$ tribesmen ha(e been tou*he$- 6&o$ is our *hie/,6 they say, an$ when their pagan neighbors atta*k them they no longer /ight' they *o(er their eyes with their han$s an$ there is a pause, an$ the war3 painte$ warriors /a$e away-?;2 The &roup aske$ )alisbury to inter(ene so that :oral .earmament o//i*ers in the British 4rmy $uring the war woul$ be permitte$ to wear $istin*ti(e uni/orms an$ be gi(en spe*ial tra(el allowan*e- )alisbury $i$ not a**e$e, but $i$ re*ommen$ that they be allowe$ to ser(e in the army unmoleste$- 8n 1 ;1 he ba*ke$ their reFuest that the &roup6s key personnel be $e/erre$ /rom *ons*ription' through )alisbury, the reFuest was grante$-;! 4ll this time the Ce*ils ha$ been pushing /or British rearmament /or warFrom 1 ;" to 1 ;@ )alisbury was the *hairman o/ a han$3sele*te$ group o/ parliamentarians who /orme$ a #at*hing Committee o(er the ne5t three go(ernments, two o/ whi*h the Ce*ils ha$ put in power- The Ce*ils6 poli*y was /inely balan*e$ between pushing Hitler an$ :ussolini to war with the )o(iet ,nion, an$ making sure that both *ountries woul$ be $estroye$ in the war- There was no *ontra$i*tion /or them between moral an$ military rearmament8n 1 >A, Hugh Ce*il spoke /or them all when he wrote about the 8talian *onFuest o/ 9thiopia+ ?The 8talian go(ernment has kille$ an$ is about to take possession- Frien$liness to 8taly woul$ seem to British opinion morally intolerable' an$ what is morally intolerable is not politi*ally e5pe$ient-? Two years later, 1ames6s son .obert, who ha$ been parliamentary un$er3 se*retary, resigne$ with 4nthony 9$en as a show o/ opposition to Chamber3 lain6s appeasement poli*y- He wrote at that time+ ?8 $on6t like the prime minister6s poli*y- The impression he gi(es o/ tru*king to the $i*tators, is, 8 belie(e, $isastrous- 8t makes us ri$i*ulous in the eyes o/ the worl$- 8t takes the heart out o/ our real /rien$s an$ pro(i$es us, at the best, with some (ery un$epen$able new ones in e5*hange- 8t alienates 4meri*an opinion too, whi*h is o/ essential importan*e at the present time- Nor $o 8 think that it lessens the $anger o/ war- But at any rate it must be gi(en a /air trial, an$

that it is *ertainly ha(ing- 8n the meantime, 8 am Fuite happy *ulti(ating roses at Cranborne- The results are both Fui*ker an$ more satis/ying-?; His un*le .obert Ce*il thought that the Chamberlain go(ernment was showing mi$$le3*lass timi$ity- The aristo*rats, on the other han$, ?were all /or singeing :usso6s bear$-? &wen$olyn Ce*il $es*ribe$ 0othian6s /rien$ 0or$ Hali/a5, who ha$ repla*e$ 4nthony 9$en at the Foreign <//i*e, as ?a poor ol$ mi$$le3*lass monster BwhoC *oul$ not be e5pe*te$ to know any better-?@" 4s soon as war broke out in )eptember 1 > , Ce*il ha$ Chur*hill re*alle$ to o//i*e as First 0or$ o/ the 4$miralty- 0or$ 1ames )alisbury6s #at*hing Committee /orme$ at the time in*lu$e$ .obert Ce*il' #illiam 4stor' 0or$ Hailsham, the /ormer 0or$ Chan*ellor' 0or$ 0loy$, a /ormer High Commis3 sioner /or 9gypt' %u// Cooper, a *lose asso*iate o/ Chur*hill6s' 0eo 4mery' Harol$ :a*millan, who woul$ be*ome a postwar prime minister' Harol$ Ni*olson, a /oun$ing member o/ <swal$ :osley6s /as*ist New Party an$ a (i*e3presi$ent o/ #ells6s /as*ist Fe$eration o/ Progressi(e 8n$i(i$uals' )alisbury6s son .obert Ce*il' his *ousin 0or$ #olmer- No /ewer than si5 :-P-s an$ two peers who were members o/ the #at*hing Committee be*ame members o/ Chur*hill6s /irst go(ernment-@1 The story o/ 9$war$ I888 illustrates the $i//i*ulty these *ir*les sometimes ha$ in $rawing the /ine line- 9$war$6s asso*iation with the .oun$ Table3 Cli(e$en )et $ate$ be/ore #orl$ #ar 8- 8n 1 "" he ha$ been in(ol(e$ in a grotesFue in*i$ent in(ol(ing #illiam 4stor6s nobility3inspiring /ather- 4stor ha$ insulte$ an o//i*er who ha$, unin(ite$, a**ompanie$ the Countess o/ <5/or$ to a musi*ale 4stor ha$ hoste$- He issue$ a noti*e in the 1uly =, 1 "" Pall .all &a2ette7 ?#e are $esire$ to make known that the presen*e o/ Captain )ir Berkeley :ilne o/ the Na(al an$ :ilitary Club, Pi**a$illy, at :r- 4stor6s *on*ert last Thurs$ay e(ening, was not in(ite$-? #hile the /uture Ding &eorge I took umbrage, the then Prin*e o/ #ales ostentatiously in(ite$ 4stor to the royal bo5 on the /ollowing e(ening-@= 9$war$ ha$ to be remo(e$ not only be*ause he was an unstable *ultish a$mirer o/ the Na7is, as $istin*t /rom the rest o/ the lea$ing British ruling *ir*les who *ontrolle$ the *ults- 8n his year in power as king, 9$war$ was mo(ing to assume a*tual power as a $i*tatorial monar*h, an$ as a *ult hero, he was positione$ to $o it- 4s 0or$ :ountbatten a$mitte$ in his memoirs+

?)ome o/ the ol$er generation $isappro(e$ o/ him- But he was the i$ol o/ the younger generation- His sympathy with the or$inary people was so e(i$ently genuineHwhether they were sol$iers $uring the war, or unem3 ploye$ $uring the %epression?There was a strong /eeling the new Ding woul$ $o somethingHno one *oul$ say whatHabout the so*ial injusti*es whi*h were so plenti/ul at the time-? The king6s biographer writes+ ?#here /oreign poli*y was *on*erne$, the Ding $i$ not $isguise his opinions an$ attempte$ to en/or*e them on the &o(ernment in a manner unknown /or o(er a *entury- He not only attemp3 te$ in a pro3&erman sense, to in/luen*e 9$en o(er the .hinelan$ o**upa3 tion - - - he also sent /or Bal$win- - - - The Ding sai$+ 68 sent /or the P: an$ ga(e him a pie*e o/ my min$- 8 tol$ the ol$ so an$ so that 8 woul$ ab$i*ate i/ he ma$e war- There was a /right/ul s*ene - - - There won6t be a war-6 ? Bal$win was among those who were openly pushing /or 9$war$6s ab$i*ation, an$ he e(en went so /ar as to organi7e the &o(ernor3&eneral o/ Cana$a an$ the 4ustralian High Commissioner to threaten se*ession i/ the king were not remo(e$- Chur*hill, who was *losely asso*iate$ with the king6s best /rien$ :ountbatten, took a publi* posture o/ $e/en$ing the king' but the Ce*ils ma$e the $e*ision to remo(e him4/ter his ab$i*ation, 9$war$ staye$ with the .oths*hil$ /amily in 4ustriaHe also met with the Na7is in )pain an$ with Hitler himsel/ in 1 >2- 8t was e(en /eare$ that he woul$ settle in &ermany when war broke outThe Pan%"$ropean Anion 9$war$ I888 was not to be a /as*ist $i*tator, /ar less a :osley or a #ellsThis woul$ ha(e meant the loss o/ politi*al *ontrol o/ the oligar*hy itsel/)u*h $rasti* steps were not ne*essary in Britain where republi*an opposition ha$ been Fuelle$ long ago- #hat was reFuire$ was an international oligar*hi*al *ontrol *enterHthat woul$ a*t on behal/ o/ British interestsThis was the Pan39uropean ,nion- Foun$e$ in 1 =>, it was the *onne*ting link between the British aristo*ra*y an$ the 9uropean bla*k nobility *entere$ aroun$ the ally o/ the #ittelsba*hs, the Hapsburgs, the only royal house to whi*h the British royal /amily was not relate$- #ithin the ,nion were *ombine$ the 4ngli*an an$ Hapsburg 1esuit /as*ist ruling networks- 8t

is the only major /as*ist prewar organi7ation that has persiste$ to the present $ay-@> The ,nion6s /oun$er, Count .i*har$ Cou$enho(e3Dalergi, was parti*ularly use/ul to the British in the years be/ore #orl$ #ar 88- ,nlike Hitler, who ha$ to *onten$ with nationalist /a*tions within &ermany, Dalergi was /ree to atta*k the *on*ept o/ national so(ereignty itsel/- These *ir*les pushe$ the i$eology o/ #orl$ Fe$eralismHthe spirit behin$ Ce*il6s 0eague o/ Nations Has the alternati(e to the in$ustrial republi*s o/ 9urope an$ the ,nite$ )tates- The #orl$ Fe$eralist Pan39uropean ,nion, /or e5ample, $ominate$ Bertran$ .ussell6s 8nternational Pa*i/ists Congress in Berlin in 1 =;- The Pan39uropean ,nion was laun*he$ in 1 => with the publi*ation o/ Dalergi6s book Paneuropa, $e$i*ate$ ?to the youth o/ 9urope-? 8n true Chil$ren o/ the )un /ashion, 1,""" membership *ar$s were $istribute$ bearing the ,nion6s symbol+ a re$ *ross an$ the yellow sun o/ 4pollo- Dalergi $es*ribes how the organi7ation got its start+ ?4t the beginning o/ 1 =; we re*ei(e$ a *all /rom Baron 0ouis .oths*hil$- <ne o/ his /rien$s, :a5 #arburg /rom Hamburg, ha$ rea$ my book an$ wante$ to get to know us- To my great surprise, #arburg spontaneously o//ere$ us A",""" gol$ marks, to ti$e the mo(ement o(er /or its /irst three years- 8 suggeste$ to him that we spen$ hal/ o/ it in 4ustria, an$ the other hal/ in &ermany- #e agree$ on the two trustees who woul$ a$minister this money+ Pri(y Coun*ilor Frits*h /rom the %res$ner Bank woul$ be the trustee /or &ermany, an$ Ii*e3Presi$ent Bros*he o/ the 4ustrian Dre$itanstalt /or 4ustria?:a5 #arburg, who was one o/ the most $istinguishe$ an$ wisest men that 8 e(er *ame into *onta*t with, ha$ a prin*iple o/ /inan*ing those mo(ements, towar$s whi*h he /elt sympatheti*, only in the beginning' later, they shoul$ learn how to help themsel(es- 4lthough he remaine$ a *on(in*e$ Pan 9uropean /or his entire li/e, an$ we were boun$ by a warm /rien$ship up until his $eath in 1 ;A, he no longer ha$ any share in /inan*ing the mo(e3 ment- But his spontaneous o//er o/ ai$ at the beginning was o/ $e*isi(e importan*e /or its rapi$ e5pansion- The 4ustrian go(ernment pla*e$ at our $isposal beauti/ul an$ representati(e rooms in the Iienna Ho/burg Mthe 8mperial Pala*eN /or our *entral o//i*e- From then until the $ay o/ the -nschluss the a$$ress remaine$+ Paneurope, Ho/burg, Iienna-? 4 &erman se*tion o/ the ,nion was soon /orme$' its lea$ing member was Hjalmar )*ha*ht- 8n 1 =@, Dalergi *ame to 9nglan$, where .ho$es

asso*iate #i*kham )tee$, now *hie/ e$itor o/ the #imes, was his sponsorThe *ir*le that /orme$ aroun$ Dalergi in*lu$e$ .amsey :a*%onal$, .obert Ce*il, 4rthur Bal/our, 0or$ 0othian, 0ionel Curtis, &eorge Bernar$ )haw, an$ H-&- #ellsCoe//i*ient 0eo 4mery be*ame one o/ Dalergi6s *losest an$ most (aluable *ollaborators- Dalergi writes o/ him+ ?4s the Colonial :inister he ha$ a $e*isi(e share in the *onstru*tion o/ the 9mpire- 8n the truest sense o/ the wor$ a *iti7en o/ the 9mpire, he was /amiliar with all *ontinents an$ was eFuippe$ with en*y*lope$i* knowle$ge- 4mery spoke 1A languages- He was one o/ the *le(erest an$ most *onstru*ti(e hea$s in the 9mpire, an$ in $e*isi(e moments he ha$ gi(en his /atherlan$ inestimable ser(i*e- %uring the )e*on$ #orl$ #ar, he ga(e the initial push /or Chamberlain6s /all an$ /or the *alling o/ Chur*hill- 4s the :inister /or 8n$ia in the #ar Cabinet, he ha$ pre(ente$ the outbreak o/ a re(olution there- - - - 8t was 4mery who won his (ery ol$ /rien$ an$ s*hool *omra$e #inston Chur*hill to the Pan 9uropean i$ea-? 8n 1 > the British P9, Committee was o//i*ially /oun$e$ un$er 4mery6s *hairmanship, with %u// Cooper as presi$ent- 8n 1 ;", Dalergi emigrate$ to the ,nite$ )tates, where he was in(ite$ to speak be/ore the 4meri*an bran*h o/ the .oun$ Table, the New York Coun*il on Foreign .elations- His theme was+ i/ Hitler *onFuere$, then there woul$ be a /as*ist 9urope- 8/ )talin *onFuere$, then there woul$ be a Bolshe(ist 9urope- 8/ Chur*hill *onFuere$, then there woul$ be a 9urope un$er 4nglo3)a5on lea$ershipDalergi6s /irst book written in 1 =; is the aristo*rati* *omplement to .ein 4ampf 4s in Hitler6s mani/esto, written at the same time, Dalergi begins by railing against the .apallo a**or$s an$ a//irming his a$miration an$ loyalty to &reat Britain+ ?8t woul$ be a serious an$ irreparable mistake o/ the Pan 9uropean mo(ement to put itsel/ in opposition to 9nglan$ or to allow itsel/ to be misuse$ /or anti39nglish goals- - - - 9nglan$ has another interest, whi*h *onsists o/ pre(enting the .ussian worl$ power /rom pressing in to the *oast o/ the North )ea- But i/ Pan39uropa $oes not *ome into being, then the .ussian3&erman *ombination is only a matter o/ time- Then .ussia woul$ not only $ire*tly threaten 8n$ia, but the British 8slan$s too- - - -

?4 great $anger is *reate$ - - - by the .ussian orientation towar$s a *ouple o/ 9uropean states, abo(e all, towar$s &ermany- To$ay, &ermany is politi*ally *loser to the .ussian 9mpire than to the #estern states- 8t signe$ the .apallo /rien$ship treaty with .ussia- - - - 4 large number o/ &ermans hope to tear up the Iersailles Treaty an$ partition Polan$ on*e again- This &erman orientation towar$s .ussia /orms one o/ the greatest $angers /or the /uture o/ 9urope- For &ermany6s merger with the .ussian group o/ states woul$ make the .hine the boun$ary ri(er /or 9urope- - - - The Pan 9uropean i$ea woul$ be burie$ /or goo$- - - - Pressure /rom Fran*e is basi* /or the &erman .ussophilism- - - ?Be*ause Pan 9uropa has $ouble the number o/ inhabitants that .ussia has, it *an always, when it is unite$, ha(e an army $ouble the strength o/ .ussia6s- 4$$itionally, be*ause o/ its highly $e(elope$ in$ustry, it has a military a$(antage o(er .ussia, that *annot be e(aluate$ highly enough, /or in the /uture, the $e(elopment o/ a *ountry6s te*hnology will be more essential /or its *on$u*t o/ war than the number an$ bra(ery o/ its troops-? Dalergi6s *ult writings ma$e him attra*ti(e to Britain6s $egenerate Chil$ren o/ the )un as well as to the 9mpire men- 8n 1 =2 he wrote %ero or !aint, in whi*h he $e(elope$ his aestheti*+ The 9uropean ?is the born me$iator o/ the worl$, the tea*her an$ the intelle*tual FQhrer?Hi/ it $is*o(ers its own soul an$ $oes not su**umb to 4meri*anism?The (i*tory o/ 4meri*anism o(er the 9uropean soul means 9urope6s *ons*ious reje*tion o/ its tra$ition, the substitution o/ a te*hni*al training /or a humanist e$u*ation, the substitution o/ a *ulture o/ Fuantity /or a *ulture o/ Fuality, the substitution o/ number /or /orm- - - - 8t means the reje*tion o/ romanti*ism an$ o/ all the beauty, whi*h 9urope has to thank the irration3 alism o/ its soul /orL? )oun$ing like the 7ero3growth *ounter*ulture *ultists o/ to$ay, Dalergi *ontinues+ ?The healthy human being, whose instin*ts are not trouble$ by arti/i*ial moral systems an$ whose *ons*ien*e is not poisone$ by a si*k li/e, submits himsel/ to these laws an$ seeks to /ul/ill them in the *ourse o/ his li/e style- - - - The si*kness o/ the 9uropean soul *an only be heale$ through the *on(ales*en*e o/ the 9uropean bo$y- The bo$y is the $oor to the soul- - - - 8/ the 9uropean6s bo$y remains si*k an$ weak, ugly an$ $irty, then

its soul *annot *omprehen$ the laws o/ li/e- There/ore, we must heal, strengthen, ennoble an$ puri/y the bo$y-? Besi$es the ob(ious measures, he also suggests the use o/ *osmeti*s /or men- He *lassi/ies reality as either mas*uline or /eminine- ?:an is a *hil$ o/ time, woman is a *hil$ o/ spa*e-? From that proposition, Dalergi *alls /or a return to ?the original $ualism-? He lists the *ategories#ime energy strength power activity activeness struggle movement dynamics romanticism animal Europa straight line hero .an !pace harmony form /eauty contemplation passivity love calm statics classicism plant -sia circle saint 'oman

His e*onomi* goals are+ ?)e*uring the ne*essary minimum stan$ar$ o/ li(ing /or e(eryone, an$ only se*uring the ma5imum stan$ar$ o/ li(ing /or those most /it-? The so*iety he $es*ribes is not unlike 4l$ous Hu5ley6s Brave 9ew 'orld7 ?The e*onomi* army will ha(e /irst ma$e its *onFuest when it will ha(e

gaine$ by /ighting /or all e*onomi* human rights /or 9uropeans an$ at the same time /or the )outh )ea 8slan$ers- ,p until then it is our e*onomi* $uty, to work with patien*e an$ resignation in that pla*e in the great army where /ate has pla*e$ us- #e will not *on*ern oursel(es with e5a*tly where this work is- 9(en Her*ules ha$ to *lean the 4ugean stables, an$ he is a mo$el /or us, that there is heroism in e(ery pie*e o/ work, e(en in the lowest an$ most $espi*able- 8t is the /orm o/ the struggle that is most opportune an$ whi*h is more noble than /ighting between people, be*ause it $oes not injure, but re$eems-? Then, he outlines the task the Pan39uropean ,nion is to /ul/ill+ ?The trage$y o/ the 9uropean situation lies in the /a*t that it possesses no aristo*ra*y that *oul$ *arry authority - - - a return to nobility o/ bloo$ is impossible- - - - The goal o/ e$u*ation is the e$u*ation o/ gentlemen- - - - 4s a transitional measure an intelle*tual House o/ 0or$s *an be /orme$-? 8n his 1 >= book Revolution through #echnology, he elaborates his perspe*3 ti(e /or a new me$ie(alism+ ?The so*ial bon$age o/ mankin$ rea*hes its peak in the mo$ern large *ity, be*ause here the pressures an$ the o(erpopulation are the most oppres3 si(e- - - - The so*ial pressures in the *ountrysi$e are somewhat less oppres3 si(e than in the *ities, an$ they are least oppressi(e in thinly populate$ *ountries, su*h as &reenlan$ an$ )au$i 4rabia- For here a person *an still un/ol$ in spa*e, without /alling imme$iately into *on/li*t with so*ietyThere/ore, there are still some remnants o/ personal /ree$om- - - - The roa$ to ethi*al anar*hy lea$s right through go(ernmental *oer*ion, the roa$ to te*hni*al leisure lea$s through /or*e$ labor- - - - <ne o/ the greatest missions o/ te*hnology is the liberation o/ mankin$ /rom the labyrinth o/ the large *ity- Te*hnology an$ in$ustry will $estroy it again- - - - 8n its /a*ilities, the *ity o/ the /uture will resemble the *ity o/ the :i$$le 4ges - - - an$ he who is not *on$emne$ to li(e in the *ity be*ause o/ his o**upation will go to the *ountrysi$e- <ur *i(ili7ation is a *ulture o/ the major *ities' there/ore it is a marsh3plant, born by $egenerate$, si*kly an$ $e*a$ent people, who ha(e (oluntarily or in(oluntarily en$e$ up in this $ea$3en$ street o/ li/e-? ,n$erstan$ably, this philosophy was *ongenial to #inston Chur*hill, who relie$ upon Hitler to bring in a new $ark age- 8n 1 ;A, he *ollaborate$ with Cou$enho(e3Dalergi to re/orm the Pan39uropean ,nion-

Prolonging the 9Delicio$s War9 <n*e Chur*hill is pla*e$ in this *onte5t, the i$ea o/ him in general *ir*ula3 tion as the re$oubtable war lea$er $uring the )e*on$ #orl$ #ar is no longer *re$ible, an$ the e(i$en*e o/ his *on$u*t $uring the war a//irms this4s early as 1 ;=, 4meri*an &eneral :arshall wishe$ to open a *ontinental ?se*on$? /ront in or$er to relie(e the pressure on the )o(iets- This plan was sabotage$ by the British who *on(in*e$ 4meri*an opinion that an o//ensi(e *oul$ not su**ee$- To pro(e their point, the British $eliberately sa*ri/i*e$ three elite Cana$ian units, A,""" o/ whom, A! per*ent, were kille$, woun$e$, or *apture$- These men were put ashore in %ieppe, Fran*e, in 1uly 1 ;= only to be mowe$ $own by Na7i troops, who ha$ been /orewarne$ by leaks /rom 0on$on3run guerrilla units insi$e Fran*e- This $e/eat was use$ to /or*e the 4meri*an &eneral )ta// to ba*k $own /rom pressing /or the se*on$ /ront an$ a**ept instea$ an 4/ri*an o//ensi(e- This ha$ the joint e//e*t o/ allowing the &ermans to maintain their mur$erous pressure on the )o(iets, while at the same time assuring Britain6s hol$ on its :i$east an$ 4/ri*an assets-@; The British a*tually turne$ &erman planes on bombing missions against 0on$on in the early part o/ the war- The planes were in ra$io tou*h with &erman agents working within Britain' these agents ha$ been roun$e$ up at the beginning o/ the war, but le/t in pla*e as British $oubles- The British there/ore were /ee$ing &erman pilots their instru*tions through these agentsThey $eliberately mis$ire*te$ the pilots in or$er to ha(e a pretense /or bombing the &erman *i(ilian population in retaliation later- This poli*y was only stoppe$ by rebellion /rom British military intelligen*e agents who *oul$ not stoma*h ?playing &o$? against their own /rien$s, neighbors, an$ relati(esChur*hill *onsi$ere$ the rai$s use/ul as morale3buil$ers /or the British populationForeign :inister 4nthony 9$en /urther a$mitte$ that the British were not bombing in$ustrial but *i(ilian sites in &ermany- He justi/ie$ this poli*y, whi*h allowe$ the war to *ontinue, as a way o/ breaking &erman *i(ilian morale in or$er to /or*e an early surren$er- 4s he well knew /rom Britain6s home e5perien*e, un$er those *ir*umstan*es, morale was strengthene$ by su*h ta*ti*s in &ermany, as it ha$ been in 9nglan$-

?The British bombing o//ensi(e against &ermany was generally represente$ in publi* as being aime$ at military3in$ustrial *on*entrations su*h as /a*tories, oil plants, $o*kyar$s, marshalling yar$s, et*- 8n /a*t, sin*e 1 ;=, with the *onsent o/ the go(ernment, the poli*y ha$ been a$opte$ o/ a$$ing to su*h targets the $eliberate atta*k on *entres o/ population, to un$ermine &erman *i(ilian morale- - - - :r- 9$en in 1 ;= pri(ately a$(o*ate$ the sele*tion o/ 6smaller towns o/ un$er 1@",""" inhabitants whi*h are not too hea(ily $e/en$e$He(en though these towns *ontain only targets o/ se*on$ary importan*e,6 a poli*y supporte$ by others as the only way o/ bringing home 6to the *i(ilian population o/ &ermany the horrors o/ war-6 ?@@ The bombing o/ %res$en was the most hi$eous result o/ this poli*y- For /orty3eight hours, this *ity, the *ultural *enter o/ eastern &ermany, was phosphorous bombe$- The $amage was greater than the $estru*tion o/ Hiroshima an$ Nagasaki *ombine$- 4t the time o/ the /ire3bombing, %res$en was the site where 2"",""" es*apees /rom the )o(iets an$ allie$ prisoners o/ war were *on*entrate$- <(er 1A",""" people were kille$ in the bombing o/ the *ity whose $estru*tion ha$ no military (alue /or the prose*u3 tion o/ the war-@A 8n$i(i$ual bomber pilots pre/erre$ prison senten*e to making themsel(es the instrument o/ this poli*yTo make sure that the war $i$ not en$ prematurely, the British $i$ not o//er the &erman generals any opening to stop the war short o/ un*on$itional surren$er- .oose(elt is reporte$ to ha(e sai$+ ?8t is easy to belie(e that a *amarilla o/ &erman &enerals might ha(e $ispla*e$ Hitler an$ sue$ /or pea*e at almost any time a/ter the Norman$y lan$ing ha$ they not been $isheartene$ by the stony bleakness o/ ,n*on$itional )urren$er-?@2 %i$ the British plan to enter the war or was this purely the result o/ mis*al3 *ulationG From the time in 1 > when Hitler signe$ a non3aggression pa*t with the )o(iet ,nion, it was *lear that he planne$ to guar$ his western /lank by atta*king Fran*e- 4s soon as the British bowe$ to Hitler at :uni*h in 1 >!, the &erman generals knew that war was ine(itable- They $eman$e$ the mo(e into Fran*e- 9(en so, it was Hitler who stoppe$ the &erman a$(an*e when the British army *oul$ ha(e been wipe$ out a/ter the battle o/ %unkirk, allowing the army to es*ape by sea- Hitler $i$ this o(er the protest o/ his &eneral )ta//-

The )e*on$ #orl$ #ar was not a limite$ war- #ithout the inter(ention o/ the ,nite$ )tates an$ the )o(iet ,nion against the Na7is, Britain woul$ ha(e been $estroye$- 4s it was, e(en $espite their mis*al*ulation, /or the British the war was a ta*ti*al su**ess- 4t least 1! million *i(ilians ha$ been kille$, an$ another 12 million men were kille$ in battle- </ these, the )o(iet ,nion su//ere$ A-1 million sol$iers kille$ an$ 1; million woun$e$, an$ they lost 1" million *i(ilians who were kille$- &ermany lost A-A million ser(i*emen kille$, 2-= million woun$e$, an$ 1-> million were missing- Britain6s war $ea$ was >@2,"""The war was a strategi* $e/eat- The )o(iet ,nion ha$ not only won the war against &ermany, but *ame out o/ the war the strongest power in 9uropeThe ,nite$ )tates ha$ reje*te$ the :orgenthau Plan whi*h ha$ at least promise$ to keep &ermany $estroye$- The British war aim /or #orl$ #ar 88 Has in #orl$ #ar 8Hha$ not been a*hie(e$-

0)/": Dropshot: World War ))) .as Beg$n

>a? #he Enited 4ingdom is presently in a period of transition from war to peace !he is struggling under a /urden of international financial and domestic economic pro/lems, a serious manpower shortage, and political insta/ility in the empire It is unlikely that the Enited 4ingdom will /e a/le to finance another war effort as great as the last one #he use of atomic weapons in a strategic air campaign against the E ! ! R is considered essential to the provision of ade3uate initial destructive capa/ilities to that air effort #he extent to which its 3uantitative use will influence the composition, si2e, deployment, and the employment of strategic air forces depends on !oviet counter measure development For planning purposes herein it is assumed that the development of atomic munitions in the E ! ! R will give the E ! a slightly 3uantitative advantage, on (0(ay, in the order of ), to ) .E#RI8 #<P !E8RE# <P <P <P From President #o -ll 8in8s ,)GG)H2 #otality -ll ack Personally End message '% ,)GG,2 This s*enario was not a $erange$ /antasy pro$u*tion o/ H-&- #ells- This was an operational plan $rawn up by the ,-)- 1oint Chie/s o/ )ta// in 1 ; /or #orl$ #ar 888- 8t $i$ not represent a *ommitment on their part to war, but by that time the Col$ #ar ha$ begun, the )o(iets ha$ just e5plo$e$ a hy$rogen B/usionC bomb, an$ the 4meri*an military was /a*e$ with the task o/ assessing ,-)- prepare$ness /or a possible *on/rontation with the )o(ietsFor years they ha$ been resisting British pressure to engage in ?pre(3 entiti(e? war against the )o(iets either by a $ire*t *ontinuation o/ the )e*on$ #orl$ #ar or by a preempti(e nu*lear strike- 4meri*an military estimates were that war with the )o(iets woul$ be $isastrous, but the $iplomati* situation was stea$ily worseningThe s*enario was release$ to the publi* in 1 22 un$er the Free$om o/ 8n/ormation 4*t- 4nthony Ca(e Brown $es*ribes the war planning o/ that perio$ in his book (ropshot7 #he -merican Plan for 'orld 'ar III -gainst Russia in )*;I 4s he $o*uments, %ropshot was not the /irst su*h plan8n 1 ;@, &eneral 9isenhower, then Comman$er3in3Chie/ o/ ,-)- /or*es, $rew up a plan *alle$ Totality-1 This was a /a*tional inter(ention against

intelligen*e *hie/ 4llen %ulles an$ #inston Chur*hill, who ha$ been maneu(ering with Heinri*h Himmler to keep the Na7i army inta*t an$ turn it east against the )o(iets- Totality $emonstrate$ *on*lusi(ely that the ,nite$ )tates woul$ not win a *on(entional lan$ war in 9uropeHi/ /or no other reason than that neither the ,nite$ )tates troops or the publi* ba*k home woul$ ha(e tolerate$ it- There was wi$esprea$ /eeling against the blatant attempts o/ the British to use the ,nite$ )tates to poli*e their *olonial empire- 4n$ the )o(iet ,nion ha$ won high regar$ /or its magni/i*ent /ight against the Na7is, typi/ie$ by the battle o/ )talingra$- 4meri*an troops who met the British ha$ *ontempt /or the ser(ility o/ the a(erage British sol$ier an$ hatre$ /or their arrogant o//i*er *orps- They /elt at home with the typi*al .ussian with whom they /raterni7e$9isenhower6s plan, Totality, showe$ that 4meri*an military *apability in 9urope ha$ alrea$y been $ismantle$ to a le(el at whi*h any plan to /ight the )o(iets woul$ ha(e meant sure $e/eat4t the 1 ;@ Pots$am *on/eren*e, Chur*hill was trying to get Presi$ent Truman to blo* with him against the )o(iets, but Truman woul$ ha(e none o/ it- The 4meri*an Presi$ent re/use$ the pri(ate meetings, without )talin, that Chur*hill was pushing /or- Pre(iously, when he ha$ been in the )enate, Truman ha$ been a *onstant stumbling blo*k /or :orgenthau- 4s hea$ o/ a )enate o(ersight *ommittee he ha$ $eman$e$ a *are/ul a**ounting o/ len$3 lease to the British- He was no less suspi*ious now-= %uring this *on/eren*e, Chur*hill learne$ that the British (oter ha$ not /oun$ the war so $eli*ious- Clement 4tlee was (ote$ into o//i*e as 0abour Party prime minister an$ took o(er /rom Chur*hill while the *on/eren*e was in pro*ess- Yet, also $uring the Pots$am *on/eren*e the news *ame that the ,nite$ )tates ha$ just e5plo$e$ its /irst atom bombHwhi*h woul$ soon be use$ against Hiroshima an$ Nagasaki- Now Chur*hill ha$ a *ounter against 9isenhower- No nee$ /or a lan$ war in 9urope- Bomb themL Fiel$ :arshall 4lanbrooke was part o/ the British $elegation to the *on/er3 en*e an$ has le/t a re*or$ in his $iary o/ Chur*hill6s new, more power/ul wunderwaffen, but as his entry shows, Chur*hill ha$ been /ully brie/e$+ ?He ha$ absorbe$ all the minor 4meri*an e5aggerations an$ as a result, was *ompletely *arrie$ away- 8t was now no longer ne*essary /or the .ussians to *ome into the 1apanese war' the new e5plosi(e alone was su//i*ient to settle

the matter- Furthermore, we now ha$ something in our han$s whi*h woul$ re$ress the balan*e with the .ussians-?> Chur*hill, like Bertran$ .ussell, wante$ to use the bomb in a preempti(e /irst strike against the )o(iets be/ore they too ha$ a nu*lear *apability0or$ 0ouis :ountbatten, Comman$er o/ the )outh 9ast 4sian Comman$, was also present at Pots$am- He was less mani* than Chur*hill in his appraisal o/ the situation- #hen Chur*hill in/orme$ him that the bomb ha$ been $roppe$ on Hiroshima, :ountbatten thought a mistake ha$ been ma$e4s he later wrote in his memoirs+ ?8 was appalle$ at the 1apanese being gi(en a *han*e to surren$er be/ore being *ompletely $e/eate$ in the /iel$ - - an$ it seeme$ to me that this was rather $angerous /or the /uture- - - - 8 ha$ rather $i//erent i$eas /rom &eneral :a*4rthur about how the 1apanese shoul$ surren$er- - - - 8 was $etermine$ that they shoul$ lose /a*e-?; The real threat :ountbatten saw was that the ,nite$ )tates woul$ support the pro3in$ustrial :itsubishi /a*tion to regain power in 1apan, an$ on*e again make republi*an 1apan the mo$el that Britain6s *olonial possessions woul$ emulate- This o/ *ourse was pre*isely the poli*y &eneral :a*4rthur, as hea$ o/ the o**upation /or*es, *arrie$ out, applying the same prin*iple the 4meri*an &eneral )ta// ha$ been pre(ente$ /rom *arrying out in &ermany:a*4rthur also $isagree$ with the bombing o/ Hiroshima an$ Nagasaki, but /rom the e5a*tly opposite point o/ (iew- He thought that the $e(astating e//e*ts o/ the bomb on the *i(ilian population woul$ *reate a groun$3swell o/ rage in the 1apanese against the 4meri*ans, whi*h woul$ $is*re$it his o**upation poli*y an$ make it more $i//i*ult to a**omplish the rapi$ trans3 /ormation o/ the *ountry- :a*4rthur knew only one $ay in a$(an*e o/ the Hiroshima bombing that it was to o**ur- 4/ter the bombing o/ Nagasaki whi*h /ollowe$ he hel$ a press *on/eren*e- 8t was *lear that the 1apanese *oul$ no longer hol$ out an$ that the surren$er was just a matter o/ $ays, ne(ertheless, like Truman at Pots$am, he $emonstrate$ his soli$arity with the *ountry6s )o(iet allies- 8n a prepare$ statement, he sai$, ?8 am $elighte$ at the .ussian $e*laration o/ war against 1apan- This will make possible a pin*er mo(ement whi*h *annot /ail to en$ in the $estru*tion o/ the enemy8n 9urope, .ussia was on the eastern /ront, the 4llies on the west- Now the 4llies are on the east an$ .ussia on the west, but the result will be the same-?@

This was a $ire*t an$ $eliberate rebuttal o/ Chur*hill an$ his poli*ies to keep the )o(iets out o/ the Pa*i/i* war:ountbatten was in $isagreement both with the 4meri*ans an$ with the ,topians on his own si$e, in whose ranks Chur*hill now numbere$- ?8 was Fuite sure, in 1 ;@,? he later wrote, ?that it was no goo$ /ighting against the new ti$e o/ 4sian nationalism' 8 was sure that the thing to $o was to try an$ make the Nationalists our /rien$s- This was easier /or me than some-?A #hile :ountbatten $i$ not $isagree with Chur*hill on a preempti(e /irst strike against the )o(iet ,nion as long as the )o(iets $i$ not ha(e the bomb, he, like :a*kin$er be/ore him, ne(er /ell into the .obert Ce*il3H-&- #ells trap o/ belie(ing that a war *oul$ be won with won$er weapons- He un$er3 stoo$ that a war against the )o(iets woul$ not be a limite$ war- ,sing &ermans as the groun$ troops to /ight the .ussians ha$ not su**ee$e$ in two worl$ wars' :ountbatten turne$ to a Pa*i/i* strategyBritain woul$ play the China *ar$The a$(antages were two/ol$- 8/ :ao *oul$ be brought to power, ba*kwar$ China woul$ be*ome the i$eologi*al mother /or the .ussell3#ells bran$ o/ so*ialism aroun$ the worl$- Further, the :aoists *oul$ be e5pe*te$ to use their population in human3wa(es Bas they $i$ in military a*tion against Iietnam in 1 2 C- 8n this plan, the Chinese people were *attle to be*ome *annon /o$$er, but nonetheless, a $eployable hor$e to be turne$ against Dorea, Iietnam, Cambo$ia, 1apanHan$ to be turne$ against the )o(iet ,nion as the $etonator o/ a thir$ worl$ war to be /ought between the )o(iets an$ the ,nite$ )tates- )u*h a war might be /ought out on the groun$ in 4sia with the 4meri*ans, lea(ing 9uropeHan$ BritainHrelati(ely uns*athe$:ountbatten6s mur$er in 1 2 by a /a*tion o/ British intelligen*e Bun$er *o(er o/ 8rish terroristsC is proo/ that the $i//eren*es between the kook3 utopian an$ the realist /a*tions are bitter an$ $eep- This time there is no margin /or error- But in the years imme$iately a/ter #orl$ #ar 88, these $i//eren*es ha$ not yet be*ome so seriousThe British were *lear on one thing+ the nu*lear war they proje*te$ must not in(ol(e Britain- 8n 1 @2, British %e/ense :inister %un*an )an$ys issue$ this assessment+ ?8t must be /rankly re*ogni7e$ that there is at present no

means o/ pro(i$ing a$eFuate prote*tion /or the people o/ this *ountry against the *onseFuen*es o/ an atta*k with nu*lear weapons-?2 ?8n the years a/ter 1 @A,? wrote :ountbatten, ?it be*ame sa$ly apparent that power, in the military sense, really lay in the super3statesH4meri*a an$ .ussia, with China beginning to *ome /orwar$ /ast- <ur /oreign poli*y has been /or*e$ to re*ogni7e this more an$ more-?! By ?re*ogni7e? shoul$ be rea$ ?*ongratulate oursel(es? sin*e this was pre*isely British poli*y, an$ :ountbatten6s in parti*ular, sin*e 1 ;@- 4t this time :ountbatten was working on the te*hniFues o/ ?broken3ba*k? war/are whi*h was meant to /ollow the $estru*tion o/ the #est by nu*lear weapons, <nly in the last year o/ his li/e $i$ :ountbatten *ome to reali7e the /ull enormity o/ the blun$er o/ British /oreign poli*y- Britain woul$ not es*ape $e(astation in a thir$ worl$ war- The insane )*hlesinger3Br7e7inski s*en3 ario o/ a preprogramme$ ta*ti*al nu*lear war whi*h woul$ be restri*te$ by a gentleman6s agreement to $elimite$ targets was a utopian /antasy- 4 war with the )o(iet ,nion woul$ mean a total war whi*h the oligar*hy woul$ not sur(i(e- :ountbatten sai$ it an$ he was kille$8n 1 ;> he was more sanguine- He ha$ been sent to the 4sian theater when it was *lear that the se*on$ /ront whi*h the .ussians were urgently $eman$ing to relie(e pressure on them woul$ be postpone$- :ountbatten himsel/ *oul$ take *re$it /or the $elay- His spe*ial operations teams in 9urope ha$ a**omplishe$ the %ieppe massa*re, an$ the se*on$ /ront was postpone$ to an in$e/inite /utureHnot to be reopene$ until 1 ;;- 9(en then allie$ troops were $i(erte$ to )i*ily, to be $eploye$ $ire*tly against &er3 many only when the )o(iet troops began rolling /orwar$, with :ontgomery pushing /or a ra*e against the )o(iets to Berlin- :ountbatten6s job in the war o/ the Pa*i/i* was to prote*t imme$iate *olonial interests an$ to prepare the groun$work /or the long3term British China strategy8n this task, he *ame up against ,-)- &eneral 1oe ?Iinegar? )tilwell in a hea$3on *lash- :ountbatten re/use$ to open the Burma roa$' there/ore Chiang6s /or*es *oul$ not be supplie$ by lan$, to e//e*ti(ely $eploy against the 1apanese- :ountbatten6s re/usal to open the roa$ pre(ente$ what /or the British woul$ ha(e been a premature (i*tory, shortening the war, an$ the entren*hing o/ the 4meri*ans be/ore Britain was in a position to $eploy major /or*es to the area-

Furthermore, it woul$ turn the Chinese against the outwar$ enemy an$ $i(ert them /rom the *i(il war that was alrea$y in progress- )tilwell6s e(ery e//ort was aime$ at bringing :ao into Chiang6s go(ernment in or$er to a*hie(e a strong national go(ernment- 4t e(ery point at whi*h the 4meri3 *ans ha$ pre(aile$ upon Chiang an$ :ao to *ome to terms, the British woul$ sen$ a$(isers to :ao6s *amp to en*ourage the *ommunist lea$er to hol$ out /or better terms-1" 8roni*ally, )talin $i$ not trust :ao e(en then an$ was in /ull agreement with the ,-)- poli*y to strengthen Chiang#hen :ountbatten trie$ to sabotage the 1apanese surren$er terms an$ keep the 1apanese army inta*t, using it against )ukarno6s liberation /or*e, 4meri3 *an publi* opinion was outrage$- 4meri*an &-8-s woul$ not be brought into another war to preser(e British, %ut*h, or Fren*h territorial possessions, as .oose(elt ha$ (owe$ to his son $uring the Yalta *on/eren*e-11 4t the en$ o/ the war, :ountbatten was pla*e$ in *harge o/ the /inal phase o/ Britain6s *enturies3long o**upation o/ its jewel *olony 8n$ia- 4s Ii*eroy he was gi(en plenipotentiary powers by the Crown- %espite the opposition o/ :ohan$as &an$hi an$ 8n$ira &an$hi6s /ather 1awaharlal Nehru, :ount3 batten /or*e$ through the $i(ision o/ the nation o/ 8n$ia into Pakistan, 8n$ia, an$ @"" other prin*ipalities whi*h were gi(en the option o/ in$epen$en*e or /e$eration with 8n$ia or Pakistan, as they *hoseThis balkani7ation plan worke$ out just as geopoliti*ian :ountbatten ha$ /oreseen- Two wars /ollowe$ in 8n$ia a/ter in$epen$en*e in 1 ;2, in whi*h 1" million people were ma$e re/ugees- 9stimates are that ="",""" to 1 million people were kille$ in the *ourse o/ a year- 1ust as the British supporte$ the e(il *ultist :ao rather than Chiang, in this *ase they use$ the same :uslim Brotherhoo$ networks that ha$ been e//e*ti(e in $estroying .ussia6s Baku oil /iel$s in 1 "@ an$ $estabili7ing Persia- 4t the same time they playe$ on the (enality o/ the petty potentates o/ the so3*alle$ in$epen$ent prin*ipalities- These enormously wealthy Hin$u :aharaji ha$ been kept in pla*e as part o/ the British plantation a$ministration- :ount3 batten was well3/itte$ /or the job- 8n the early part o/ the war, he ha$ been pla*e$ in *harge o/ Combine$ <perations whi*h ran partisan guerrilla operations /or the 9uropean theater an$ *oor$inate$ both *ommunist an$ non3*ommunist resistan*e organi7ations that more /reFuently were at war

with ea*h other rather than with the Na7is-1= Dim Philby an$ &uy Burgess, Hugh Tre(or3.oper, an$ :ountbatten6s spe*ial /rien$ 8an Fleming were all in(ol(e$ in these )pe*ial <perations- 1ames Bon$6s e5pertise *an be tra*e$ to this asso*iation- :ountbatten was parti*ularly intereste$ in the $e(elop3 ment o/ military te*hnology an$ ele*troni*s- BHe is also the in(entor o/ the use o/ 7ippers /or men6s /lies an$ elasti* shoela*es- </ himsel/, he on*e sai$+ ?The really important thing about me is - - - that 8 am the man who *ure$ lameness in horses-?C1> :ountbatten6s /amily *onne*tions ma$e him a$mirably suite$ /or intelli3 gen*e work- He was a great3gran$son o/ Kueen Ii*toria, an$ his /ather, who was &erman born, ha$ been gi(en the title o/ prin*e by the &ran$ %uke 9rnest 0ouise o/ Hesse, who was the only &erman prin*e to speak out against an 4nglo3&erman *on/rontation $uring the First #orl$ #ar- The Hesse /amily, o/ *ourse, ha$ long3stan$ing ties with the British- They not only supplie$ the British with Hessian troops $uring the 4meri*an .e(olu3 tion, but they ga(e them the .oths*hil$s as well:ountbatten6s /ather ha$ worke$ un$er Chur*hill $uring the First #orl$ #ar, an$ :ountbatten an$ Chur*hill ha$ worke$ together *losely in the perio$ between the two wars, as well as $uring the se*on$ war itsel/Howe(er, a/ter Pots$am, they began to $raw /urther an$ /urther apart, as Chur*hill be*ame obsesse$ with /or*ing an imme$iate *on/rontation with the )o(iet ,nionChur*hill6s answer to the rebu//s to him at Pots$am was the Col$ #arTruman ha$ to be brought to heel- <n 4ugust =1, 1 ;@, Truman ha$ su$$enly *an*ele$ len$3lease, two3thir$s o/ whose /un$s were going to Britain- <n %e*ember A, 1 ;@, he ha$ e5a*te$ interest /or a loan to the British, an$ then only un$er the *on$ition that the poun$ sterling was to be ma$e /ully *on(ertible to gol$ within twel(e months at the parity o/ E; to the poun$- The British were so outrage$ that ninety3eight members o/ Parliament (ote$ against a**epting the loan- 8/ this *ontinue$, Britain woul$ be bankrupt- #ith its ba*kwar$, obsolete in$ustrial base, an$ ser/3traine$ labor /or*e, Britain *oul$ only /un*tion as a major power with the /ull /inan*ial, politi*al, an$ military ba*king o/ the ,nite$ )tates- Truman must /all in line-

4s .oun$ Table member 1oseph Frankel wrote in British Foreign Policy, )*J;0)*I=, ?<nly the *ol$ war with the )o(iet ,nion ma$e their M,-)-N strategi* interest *on(erge with those o/ the British, ma$e them really *on*erne$ with the British-?,1; &ree*e ga(e Chur*hill the opportunity to tou*h o// the Col$ #ar- Two partisan groups ha$ operate$ in &ree*e $uring the &erman o**upation, known by the initials 904) an$ 9%9)- 904) was a pro3*ommunist organi7ation with mass support- 9%9) was a /as*ist grouping supporte$ openly by the British an$ le$ by Colonel Jer(as- 4rme$ *lashes were /reFuent between the two groups- 8n February 1 ;@, an agreement was ma$e in whi*h both groups $isarme$ un$er a non3*ommunist *i(ilian go(ernment- The British then rearme$ the 9%9), whi*h promptly use$ its new weapons to open a reign o/ terror in the *ountry- #hen the 904) respon$e$, its members were arreste$' *i(il war began to rage)talin ga(e no support to 904) in 1 ;; when they ha$ ma$e a bi$ /or power, an$ /ully supporte$ the Iarki7as agreement in whi*h both 904) an$ 9%9) were /or*e$ to a**ept $isarmament, but now he rea*te$ to the British pro(o*ation by ba*king 904)-1@ #ith the *i(il war in &ree*e as his ba*k$rop, Chur*hill ma$e his /amous spee*h in Fulton, :issouri, in 1une 1 ;A)talin, he sai$, borrowing a phrase /rom a spee*h by 1oseph &oebbels in 1 ;@, is lowering an ?8ron Curtain? between the )o(iet blo* an$ the #est-1A The Col$ #ar was onYet Chur*hill yearne$ /or a hot war as soon as possible- <n 4ugust !, 1 ;A, he ha$ a *on(ersation with a /rien$, Charles :*:oran #ilson :oran, who note$ it in his $iary#inston spoke gloomily o/ the /uture- :oran aske$ him, ?%o you think there will be another warG? #inston sai$, ?Yes-? :oran, remembering the in*re$ible e5e*uti(e $e*ision taken right a/ter the First #orl$ #ar to postpone the /uture war /or ten years Bthe British a*tually waite$ /ourteen yearsC, aske$, ?You mean in ten years timeG?

Chur*hill by now ha$ a better gauge on the opposition than in 1 ;@ an$ was prepare$ to postpone the warHbut not that long- He was alrea$y /ear/ul that he woul$ miss the great o**asion- He answere$, ?)ooner, se(en or eight years- 8 shan6t be there-? :oran was sho*ke$- ?You mean a war between .ussian an$ her satellite *ountries an$ the 4nglo3)a5on *ountriesG? Chur*hill e5plaine$, ?Yes, with Fran*e an$ )*an$ina(ia an$ Belgium an$ Hollan$ on our si$e-? :oran la*ke$ Chur*hill6s willingness to a**ept the *onseFuen*es o/ atomi* war- ?How *an 9nglan$ take part in an atomi* war when she is so smallG? Chur*hill was rea$y with the same answer his *ollaborator Bertran$ .ussell ha$- ?#e ought not to wait until .ussia is rea$y- 8 belie(e it will be eight years be/ore she has these bombs-? His /a*e brightene$- ?4meri*a knows that @= per*ent o/ .ussia6s motor in$ustry is in :os*ow an$ *oul$ be wipe$ out by a single bomb- 8t might mean wiping out > million people, but they woul$ think nothing o/ that-? He smile$- ?They think more o/ erasing an histori*al buil$ing like the Dremlin-? Chur*hill was re/erring to the /a*t that )e*retary o/ #ar )timson ha$ pre(aile$ in remo(ing Dyoto as one o/ the possible atom3bomb target *ities in or$er to preser(e its templesChur*hill6s *igar ha$ gone out an$ he /umble$ in his po*kets /or a mat*h?The .ussian go(ernment is like the .oman Chur*h- Their people $o not Fuestion authority-? :oran ma$e a passing re/eren*e to Pots$am- Chur*hill, re*olle*ting that Harry Truman ha$ re/use$ to see him pri(ately, without )talin6s presen*e, sighe$, ?4h, that was when the blow /ell-? He sai$ nothing /or a little while, an$ then obser(e$, hal/ to himsel/, ?8t was a blow-? Harry Truman, with the /ull support o/ the ,-)- &eneral )ta//, was unwilling to go to war with the )o(iet ,nion-12

<n <*tober =;, :oran an$ Chur*hill got together again- :oran *alle$ at Hy$e Park &ate an$ #inston was /ull o/ his spee*h in the Commons on the $anger o/ the .ussian 4rmy, whi*h ha$ not been $emobili7e$?The situation is gra(e,? Chur*hill *on/i$e$ in :oran- ?You mean there might be war in two or three years timeG? :oran aske$?Perhaps sooner than that, perhaps this winter- They ha(e twel(e $i(isionsThey *oul$ mar*h to the 4tlanti* in a /ew weeks- The )wiss are most perturbe$- <nly the atomi* bomb keeps the .ussians ba*k- They6re making ro*kets to /ire on us when they get to the *oast-?1! ,n$er the impetus o/ Chur*hill6s /ears, in 1 ;! the ,-)- 1oint Chie/s o/ )ta// authori7e$ the writing o/ the /irst global emergen*y war plan, Charioteer, that again $emonstrate$ the irrationality o/ his strategy-1 The plan *alle$ /or the ,nite$ )tates to+ ?8nitiate strategi* air operations as soon as possible a/ter the outbreak o/ hostilities by laun*hing a *on*erte$ atta*k employing atomi* bombs against go(ernmental, politi*al, an$ a$ministrati(e *enters, urban in$ustrial areas, an$ sele*te$ petroleum targets within the ,)). /rom bases in the western hemisphere an$ the ,nite$ Ding$om-66 The ,nite$ )tates woul$ use >>> atomi* bombs against the )o(iet ,nion, whi*h $i$ not yet possess atomi* weapons- 9(en so, the *on*lusions o/ the 1oint Chie/s were that there were no guarantees that the )o(iet ,nion woul$ be $e/eate$8n 1 ; , the )o(iet ,nion e5plo$e$ its /irst atomi* bomb- %ropshot was the elaborate$ response- %ropshot *al*ulate$ a war to take pla*e in 1 @2, but at the same time a stu$y o/ the )trategi* 4ir Comman$ was *ommissione$0ieutenant &eneral 1-9- Hull pro$u*e$ the report, ?9(aluation o/ 9//e*ti(e3 ness o/ )trategi* 4ir <perations,? whi*h reporte$ that+ ?8n the e(ent o/ war in 1 @", the 4ir For*e *an BaC *omplete the atomi* phase o/ the planne$ strategi* air o//ensi(e' BbC pro(i$e ina$eFuate air $e/ense /or the ,nite$ )tates an$ 4laska' B*C initiate mobili7ation an$ training-? 4s 4nthony Ca(e Brown *orre*tly sums up+ ?8/ the Hull an$ 4n$erson reports are a**epte$ as being in the realm o/ a**urate /ore*asting an$ analysis, then the aerial *ampaign as planne$ *oul$ not ha(e su**ee$e$- 8t

was true that appalling $amage *oul$ ha(e been in/li*te$ on .ussia, but only at appalling loss to the ,-)- 4ir For*e- Presumably Truman, the Cabinet, an$ the 1oint Chie/s woul$ ha(e a**epte$ this loss, but woul$ )4C ha(e $one soG 8/ the e(i$en*e o/ #orl$ #ar 88 an$ the Iietnam #ar has (ali$ity, air *rews are prepare$ to a**ept serious losses up to a point- But as was $emonstrate$ a/ter the terrible losses su//ere$ by the .oyal 4ir For*e Bomber Comman$ at Nuremberg $uring the rai$ o/ >"3>1 :ar*h 1 ;;, a /orm o/ mutiny sprea$s through e(en elite /or*es when *asualties be*ome *atastrophi*Han$ as the abo(e /igures show, %ropshot losses woul$ ha(e been *atastrophi*-=" ?9(en assuming that )4C woul$ ha(e stu*k to its task, there remains that *onsi$erable bo$y o/ e(i$en*e that through la*k o/ bases, *rews, air*ra/t, sto*kpiles, an$ transportation, the *ampaign probably woul$ not ha(e su**ee$e$- 8n that *ase it is not unreasonable to postulate that %ropshot woul$ ha(e /aile$- 4n$ what woul$ this ha(e meant i/ war ha$ broken out in 1 @2Hor at any other time $uring the perio$ that %ropshot was being *on*ei(e$ an$ writtenG? ">ercise in *ass Brainwashing These prospe*ts $i$ not $aunt Chur*hill, but hot war was not essential to the British purpose- 4 prolonge$ *ol$ war woul$ initially ser(e to soli$i/y the 4nglo34meri*an allian*e- This time, the ,nite$ )tates was targete$ to be*ome the mar*her lor$ /or British worl$ hegemony- This time the ,nite$ )tates woul$ be turne$ into a /as*ist stateChur*hill an$ .ussell were *lose asso*iates- Pa*i/ist .ussell6s *all /or bombing the )o(iets was in no way *ontra$i*tory with his more /amous Ban the Bomb :o(ement- The anti3bomb mo(ement was ne(er more than a thinly $isguise$ atta*k against s*ien*e- 8ts aim was not to arouse the publi*6s *ons*ien*e against a thir$ worl$ warHbut mass brainwashing o/ the population, parti*ularly its youth, against s*ien*e- The air you breathe is tainte$ with ra$iation- You will get *an*er- Your *hil$ren will be born with geneti* $e/e*ts- Your homes will be $estroye$ by bombs- #ho is to blame /or thisG )*ientists- The meetings hel$ by )4N9 groups were e5er*ises in the manipulation o/ mass hysteria4 little book by Bertran$ .ussell publishe$ by the Philosophi*al 0ibrary in 1 @ $o*uments his purpose- .ussell wrote+

?)*ien*e has in*rease$ man6s *ontrol o(er nature, an$ might there/ore be suppose$ likely to in*rease his happiness an$ well3being- This woul$ be the *ase i/ men were rational, but in /a*t they are bun$les o/ passions an$ instin*ts?First, in$ustrialism still has great parts o/ the earth6s sur/a*e to *onFuer.ussia an$ 8n$ia are (ery imper/e*tly in$ustriali7e$' China har$ly at all- 8n )outh 4meri*a there is room /or immense $e(elopment- - - - :o$ern in$ust3 rialism is a struggle between nations /or two things, markets an$ raw materials, as well as /or the sheer pleasure o/ $ominion- The labor whi*h is set /ree /rom pro(i$ing the ne*essaries o/ li/e ten$s to be more an$ more absorbe$ by national ri(alry- - - ?)*ientists in(ent *ontinually more elaborate metho$s o/ atta*k an$ $e/enseThe net result o/ their labors is to $iminish the proportion o/ the population that *an be put into the /ighting line, sin*e more are reFuire$ /or munitionsThis might seem a boon but in /a*t war is nowa$ays primarily against the *i(ilian population, an$ in a $e/eate$ *ountry they are liable to su//er just as mu*h as the sol$iers-=1 ?The worl$ be*omes more an$ more o/ an e*onomi* unity- Be/ore (ery long the te*hni*al *on$itions will e5ist /or organi7ing the whole worl$ as one pro$u*ing an$ *onsuming unit- 8/, when that time *omes, two ri(al groups *onten$ /or mastery, the (i*tor may be able to intro$u*e that single, worl$3 wi$e organi7ation that is nee$e$ to pre(ent the mutual e5termination o/ *i(ili7e$ nations- The worl$ whi*h woul$ result woul$ be, at /irst, (ery mu*h $i//erent /rom the $reams o/ liberals or so*ialists' but it might grow less $i//erent with the lapse o/ time- There woul$ be at /irst e*onomi* an$ politi*al tyranny o/ the (i*tors, a $rea$ o/ renewe$ uphea(als, an$ there/ore a $rasti* suppression o/ liberty- But i/ the /irst hal/3$o7en re(olts were su**ess/ully represse$, the (anFuishe$ woul$ gi(e up hope, an$ a**ept the subor$inate pla*e assigne$ to them by the (i*tor in the great worl$3trust- - - 0i/e at /irst might be unpleasant, but it at least woul$ be possible, whi*h woul$ be enough to re*ommen$ the system a/ter a long perio$ o/ war/are-?== 8n 1 ;@, .ussell was jubilant when he learne$ that the bomb ha$ been $roppe$- 8n the &lasgow Forward, un$er the title ?The Bomb an$ Ci(ilisation,? he wrote his poli*y /or a Na7i ,nite$ )tates+

?8/ 4meri*a were more imperialisti*, there woul$ be another possibility, less ,topian an$ less $esirable, but still pre/erable to the total obliteration o/ *i(ilise$ li/e- 8t woul$ be possible /or the 4meri*ans to use their position o/ temporary superiority to insist upon $isarmament, not only in &ermany an$ 1apan, but e(erywhere e5*ept in the ,nite$ )tates, or at any rate in e(ery *ountry not prepare$ to enter into a *lose military allian*e with the ,nite$ )tates, in(ol(ing *ompulsory sharing o/ military se*rets?%uring the ne5t /ew years this poli*y *oul$ be en/or*e$' i/ one or two wars were ne*essary, they woul$ be brie/, an$ woul$ soon en$ in $e*isi(e 4meri3 *an (i*tory- - - - But 8 /ear that respe*t /or international justi*e will pre(ent #ashington /rom a$opting this poli*y-?=> That )eptember, in a pri(ate letter to his mistress &amel Brenan, he ma$e his meaning unmistakable+ ?.ussia is sure to learn how to make it- 8 think )talin has inherite$ Hitler6s ambition /or worl$ $i*tatorship- <ne must e5pe*t a war between the ,-)-4an$ ,-)-)-.- whi*h will begin with the total $estru*tion o/ 0on$on- 8 think the war will last thirty years, an$ lea(e a worl$ without *i(ilise$ people, /rom whi*h e(erything will ha(e to be built a/reshH a pro*ess taking BsayC @"" years- - - - There is one thing an$ only one whi*h *an sa(e the worl$, an$ that is a thing whi*h 8 shoul$ not $ream o/ a$(o*ating- 8t is, that 4meri*a shoul$ make war on .ussia $uring the ne5t two years, an$ establish worl$ empire by means o/ the atomi* bomb- This will not be $one-?=; He $i$ not remain inhibite$ /rom open a$(o*a*y o/ preempti(e war /or (ery long- 8n 1 ;@, he was writing in the maga7ine 8avalcade an arti*le on ?Humanity6s 0ast Chan*e,? in whi*h he sai$+ ?8 shoul$, /or my part, pre/er all the *haos an$ $estru*tion o/ a war *on$u*te$ by means o/ the atomi* bomb to the uni(ersal $omination o/ a go(ernment ha(ing the e(il *hara*teristi*s o/ the Na7is- - - - There might be a perio$ o/ hesitation /ollowe$ by a*Fuies*en*e, but i/ the ,-)-)-.- $i$ not gi(e way an$ join the *on/e$eration Mrenoun*ing its national so(ereigntyH C-#-N, a/ter there ha$ been time /or mature *onsi$eration, the *on$itions /or a justi/iable war, whi*h 8 enumerate$ a moment ago, woul$ all be /ul/ille$4 casus /elli woul$ not be $i//i*ult to /in$-?=@

8n :ay 1 ;!, .ussell wrote to a ,-)- pro/essor, %r- #alter :arseille- 8n the letter he re/le*te$ on the assessment by the ,-)- 1oint Chie/s o/ )ta//(espite his "radicalism," Russell was still privy to the top0secret deli/era0 tions of governments, .ussell wrote+ ?8 ha(e rea$ your paper with great interest- 8 agree entirely with all the un$erlying assumptions- 4s soon as .ussia reje*te$ the Baru*h proposals, 8 urge$ that all /a(ouring international *ontrol o/ atomi* energy shoul$ /orm an allian*e, an$ threaten .ussia with war unless .ussia agree$ to *ome in an$ permit inspe*tion- Your proposal is, in e//e*t, the same, /or the *ompulsory inspe*tion you a$(o*ate woul$ be, legally, an a*t o/ war, an$ woul$ be so (iewe$ by the )o(iet go(ernment?%uring the past year, *on(ersations with pro/essional strategists ha(e slightly mo$i/ie$ my (iews- They say that in a /ew years we shall be in a better position, an$ that .ussia will not yet ha(e atomi* bombs' that the e*onomi* re*o(ery an$ military integration o/ #estern 9urope shoul$ be *arrie$ /urther be/ore war begins' that at present neither air power nor atomi* bombs *oul$ pre(ent .ussia /rom o(er3running all #estern 9urope up to the )traits o/ %o(er' an$ that the most $angerous perio$ /or us is the ne5t two years- These (iews may or may not be *orre*t, but at any rate they are those o/ the best e5perts?There are some things o/ whi*h 9uropeans are more (i(i$ly *ons*ious than 4meri*ans- 8/ .ussia o(erruns #- 9urope, the $estru*tion will be su*h as no subseFuent re3*onFuest *an un$o- - - - 8 ha(e no $oubt that 4meri*a woul$ win in the en$, but unless #- 9urope *an be preser(e$ /rom in(asion, it will be lost to *i(ilisation /or *enturies?9(en at su*h a pri*e, 8 think war woul$ be worth while- Communism must be wipe$ out, an$ worl$ go(ernment must be establishe$- But i/, by wait3 ing, we *oul$ $e/en$ our present lines in &ermany an$ 8taly, it woul$ be an immeasurable boon?8 $o not think the .ussians will yiel$ without war- 8 think all Bin*lu$ing )talinC are /atuous an$ ignorant- But 8 hope 8 am wrong about this-?=A These are the thoughts o/ pa*i/ist .ussell, organi7er o/ an international mo(ement to ban nu*lear weapons, /oun$er o/ the Bertran$ .ussell Pea*e Foun$ation, ar$ent *hampion o/ human rights, who set up a #ar Crimes

Tribunal to try the ,nite$ )tates be/ore the bar o/ publi* opinion /or the war in Iietnam- Here is what he ha$ to say about the hy$rogen bomb+ ?8 $o not agree with those who obje*t to the manu/a*ture o/ the hy$rogen bomb- 4ll arguments /or a unilateral limitation o/ weapons o/ war are only logi*ally $e/ensible i/ *arrie$ to the length o/ absolute pa*i/ism, /or a war *annot be worth /ighting unless it is worth winning- - - ?The ne5t war i/ it *omes will be the greatest $isaster that will ha(e be/allen the human ra*e up to that moment- 8 *an think o/ only one greater $isaster+ the e5tension o/ the Dremlin6s power o(er the whole worl$-? This was written /or 'orld %ori2on in 1 @" on the Fuestion ?8s a Thir$ #orl$ #ar 8ne(itableG? 8n 1 @;, .ussell retoole$ himsel/- 8n that year, with the *ooperation o/ 4lbert 9instein, he /orme$ the Pugwash :o(ement o/ s*ientists against the use o/ atomi* weapons- <ut o/ .ussell6s nu*lear $isarmament mo(ement *ame to$ay6s en(ironmentalist3terrorists-=2 #hile .ussell was belate$ly en route to buil$ing his le/t /as*ist mo(ement /or /uture use, Chur*hill ha$ alrea$y in 1 ;A helpe$ to re*onstru*t the right3 wing /as*ist Pan39uropean ,nion, in anti*ipation o/ the war to *omeHis work has born /ruit' to$ay the Pan39uropean ,nion is at the *enter o/ operations to $estroy the growing republi*an lea$ership o/ Fran*e an$ the Fe$eral .epubli* o/ &ermany an$ repla*e these nation3states with a 9urope o/ the regionsP9, hea$ Cou$enho(e3Dalergi ha$ not *hosen to spen$ the war years un$er the *ontrol o/ a Hitler regime at war- He emigrate$ to the ,nite$ )tates where he lai$ the basis /or the postwar emergen*e o/ his bran$ o/ one3worl$ /as*ism- 8n 1 ;1 he manage$ to a*Fuire a tea*hing position at New York ,ni(ersity, where he set up a resear*h seminar on a ?9uropean Post3#ar Fe$eration-? The seminar /un*tione$ as hea$Fuarters in e5ile /or the mo(ement- But Dalergi /oun$ the ,nite$ )tates une5pe*te$ly un*ongenial Han$ pro3)o(iet to boot- Four $ays a/ter the opening o/ the Fi/th Pan3 9urope Congress, hel$ in New York City in 1 ;>, his sponsor Chur*hill ga(e a ra$io a$$ress in whi*h he plea$e$ /or a ?single 9urope as the goal o/ postwar politi*s-?=! This ga(e the ,nion a nee$e$ boost, but not until

Dalergi6s return to 9urope in 1 ;A $i$ the mo(ement e//e*ti(ely reestablish itsel/- Fas*ism was not popular in the ,nite$ )tates $uring #orl$ #ar 888n 1 ;A Chur*hill spoke in Juri*h an$ en$orse$ the Pan39uropean ,nion, *alling /or a unite$ 9urope as a bulwark against *ommunism- The spee*h was reporte$ throughout the 9uropean press- 4**or$ing to Dalergi, ?Chur*hill6s Juri*h spee*h $i$ more /or our mo(ement than the largest *on/eren*e *oul$ ha(e $one,?= 4 /ew $ays later, Fiel$3:arshal )muts, the )outh 4/ri*an prime minister who inaugurate$ the poli*y o/ aparthei$, issue$ a similar $e*laration be/ore the Belgian parliament- <tto (on Hapsburg, the ,nion6s *urrent hea$, has maintaine$ the )outh 4/ri*an *onne*tion an$ is a /reFuent *ontributor to the *ountry6s press%uring the early part o/ #orl$ #ar 88, as Hapsburg was le*turing in 4mer3 i*a, Count Cou$enho(e3Dalergi was buil$ing the basis /or what woul$ be*ome the :ont Pelerin )o*iety an$ the Center /or %o*umentation an$ 8n/ormation out o/ his .esear*h )eminar at New York ,ni(ersity- )ponsors o/ the .esear*h )eminar in*lu$e$ #illiam C- Bullitt, 9usta*h )eligman o/ the Jionist /inan*ier /amily, Henry :orgenthau, an$ 1ohn %a(is, represent3 ing both :organ an$ British banking interests- 8t was in /a*t %a(is who insiste$ in 1 =1 that the New York Coun*il on Foreign .elations be so name$ rather than a$opting the more transparent title, the New York bran*h o/ the .oyal 8nstitute o/ 8nternational 4//airsTowar$ the en$ o/ the war 0u$wig (on :ises, the Iiennese e*onomist, began working with the Pan39uropean ,nion- 8n 1 ;2 (on :ises, together with another 4ustrian e*onomist3in3e5ile Frie$ri*h 4ugust (on Hayek, who taught at the 0on$on )*hool o/ 9*onomi*s /rom 1 >1 to 1 @", merge$ their networks to /orm the :ont Pelerin )o*iety in )wit7erlan$- The :ont Pelerin )o*iety organi7e$ a worl$wi$e network o/ e*onomists all *ommitte$ to /urthering the appli*ation o/ British ?/ree tra$e? /as*ist e*onomi*s- The )o*iety6s most notable su**ess was its *urrent *hairman :ilton Frie$man6s program /or the Chilean $i*tator Pino*het- The ,-)- a//iliate o/ the :ont Pelerin )o*iety, the Heritage Foun$ation, among other a*ti(ities, is the author o/ the poli*y to rip up the transport in/rastru*ture o/ the ,nite$ )tates by $eregulating the airlines, tru*king, an$ shipping in$ustries-

8n 1 2 , a/ter the #ittelsba*h /amily ha$ gi(en him #est &erman *iti7enship, <tto (on Hapsburg won a seat in the 9uropean Parliament, representing the Christian )o*ialist ,nion o/ /as*ist Fran7 1ose/ )trauss0e/t an$ right /as*ism *ome together in the *urrent )trauss *ampaign in &ermany to remo(e Chan*ellor Helmut )*hmi$t /rom power- The )trauss3 Hapsburg right3wing mo(ement in &ermany is (iable only to the e5tent that the )o*ial %emo*rati* Party is split internally an$ its go(ernment partner, the Free %emo*rati* Party, is weakene$- To $o this, the en(ironmentalist le/t, in some *ases $eploye$ /rom the basement o/ the *astles o/ the $egenerate nobility, a*ts as a battering ram against )*hmi$t6s )o*ial %emo*rati* PartyHapsburg takes to the 9uropean Parliament the :a*kin$er poli*y /or the Balkani7ation o/ 9urope into a ?9urope o/ the .egions-? The ?pro(in*ial states? Hal/or$ :a*kin$er *alle$ /or woul$ be /eu$al baronies whi*h woul$ be hel$ together by .ussell an$ #ells6s one3worl$ go(ernment<n /oreign poli*y too, the Pan39uropean ,nion remains the (oi*e o/ British geopoliti*al poli*y, as Hapsburg ma$e *lear in a 1anuary 1 2 inter(iew with the Executive Intelligence Review >" The Fuestion was aske$+ ?You ha(e just returne$ /rom China- How $o you (iew their role internationallyG? Hapsburg replie$+ ?The Chinese will be eminently use/ul *ontaining the )o(iet ,nion- You know, the Chinese are not really *ommunists an$ *ertainly not like the .ussians- They are National )o*ialists- That is, not like the Na7is, but, you know, with stress on both 6national6 an$ 6so*ialist-6 ? Hapsburg was then aske$+ ?%oes that mean that an allian*e with China woul$ ten$ to e//e*ti(ely engage the .ussians in the 9ast while gi(ing 9urope the breathing spa*e to strengthen its stan$ against the 9ast blo* /rom hereG? ?That6s it e5a*tly,? Hapsburg sai$- ?95*ept it woul$ not $o to trust the Chinese too mu*h-? #$ssell's Chinese Dark Age #hen :ao Tse3Tung /inally su**ee$e$ in $ri(ing out Chiang Dai3)hek in 1 ; , &reat Britain was the /irst nation to o//i*ially re*ogni7e the new

:aoist regime- The mo(ement that ha$ taken power was the *reation o/ Bertran$ .ussell, Chur*hill, an$ the 9uropean 1esuit oligar*hy, whose *hie/ spokesman is (on Hapsburg- To$ay the British are openly en*ouraging Chinese military aggression against Iietnam, 8n$ia, an$ the )o(iet ,nion' an$ the British go(ernment is the only #estern nation to openly sell Peking the most a$(an*e$ military weaponry- China is the mo$ern mo$el /or a /as*ist state /ar more horrible than Na7i &ermany be*ause it is base$ upon a *ompletely ba*kwar$ e*onomy an$ a brutali7e$ populationPeking is not only Britain6s strategi* *ar$ against the )o(iet ,nion- The :aoist regime has thrown a nightmare o/ a new $ark age o(er one3thir$ o/ the worl$6s population- The Chinese themsel(es a$mit that :ao6s ba*k3to3 the3lan$ Cultural .e(olution took the li(es o/ >" million Chinese people, many o/ them by sui*i$e- 8n Cambo$ia, the Peking3sponsore$ regime o/ Pol Pot mur$ere$ > million Cambo$ians out o/ a population o/ 2 million in the most wanton $estru*tion o/ *i(ili7ation in the mo$ern age- #hat is *riti*al about the mass mur$er in Cambo$ia, state$ a Polish reporter on the s*ene a/ter the liberation o/ the *ountry by Iietnam, is the worl$ outlook that ine(itably engen$ere$ su*h heinous *rimesThe worl$ outlook is that o/ Bertran$ .ussell who traine$ :ao in philoso3 phy' is that o/ Chur*hill who worke$ to bring the same $estru*tion upon 9urope- To$ay Britain an$ its puppet Carter a$ministration in the ,nite$ )tates *ontinue to support the Pol Pot regime, whi*h was organi7e$, /un$e$, an$ *ontrolle$ by Peking, an$ kept in power by =",""" Chinese troops statione$ in Cambo$ia- #oul$ su*h people hesitate to unleash #orl$ #ar 888G Not only $i$ Bertran$ .ussell in*ul*ate the aristo*rati* (ision o/ a $ark age in :ao, but the presi$ent o/ Cambo$ia un$er Pol Pot, Dhieu )amphan, was e$u*ate$ at the )orbonne in Paris by networks put in pla*e there by :ountbatten6s Combine$ <perations group $uring #orl$ #ar 88- The e(il e5istentialist 1ean3Paul )artre an$ his *riminal *oterie were in(ol(e$ with the British3organi7e$ Fren*h resistan*e units- 4-1- 4yer, a logi*al positi(ist traine$ by .ussell, was one o/ the /irst )pe*ial <perations people to lan$ in Paris a/ter the &ermans were $ri(en out->1 From the time in 1 2@ when the Dhmer .ouge ?liberate$? Phnom Penh until the Iietnamese entere$ the *ity /our years later, Pol Pot an$ 8eng )ary

mur$ere$ almost hal/ o/ the Cambo$ian population an$ $estroye$ in one blow =,""" years o/ Dhmer *i(ili7ation->= <n*e Phnom Penh, the *apital *ity o/ the *ountry, was the most beauti/ul *ity in )outh an$ )outheast 4sia#hen the Iietnamese *ame, it was a ghost town- No one li(e$ there- <n 4pril 12, 1 2@, the entire population o/ the *ityH= million peopleHwas /or*e$ to e(a*uate within twenty3/our hours an$ mar*h to the *ountrysi$eThey ne(er returne$- Husban$ an$ wi/e were separate$ /rom ea*h other an$ /rom their *hil$ren permanentlyThe aim o/ the Pol Pot regime was to $estroy all mani/estations o/ *ulture an$ *i(ili7ation- 4ll intelle*tuals were imme$iately kille$- 4ny person who *oul$ speak another language or *oul$ rea$ was mur$ere$- #hen Pol Pot took power there were 2"" Fuali/ie$ physi*ians in the *ountry' to$ay there are se(enty- #hen more than 1,""" intelle*tuals respon$e$ to Pol Pot6s appeal to return to their homelan$, they were gra*iously es*orte$ /rom their planesHthen taken to a *amp an$ mur$ere$- <nly si5ty3/i(e sur(i(e$Hospital eFuipment was $estroye$- Phnom Penh6s hospital was turne$ into a literal pig sty- The National 0ibrary, /ille$ with pri*eless treasures o/ an*ient 4sian *ulture, was ransa*ke$, its *ontents either shippe$ to Peking or $estroye$- The National Bank was bombe$' *urren*y was outlawe$- Cars were burne$ or simply sho(e$ to the si$es o/ the roa$ where they were le/t to rust- #hen the Iietnamese entere$ Cambo$ia, not e(en kit*hen utensils *oul$ be /oun$' they too ha$ been $estroye$ be*ause they were *onsi$ere$ a te*hnology9(eryone was $ri(en to work on the lan$- 8n that*he$ roo/ ?$ormitories? with the men an$ women segregate$, the people o/ Cambo$ia were /or*e$ to $o the work o/ animals to make the *ountry a granary /or Peking- :ost $ie$ o/ star(ationTuol )leng use$ to be a s*hool outsi$e Phnom Penh- 8t was turne$ into a *on*entration *amp /or intelle*tuals, important politi*al lea$ers, artists, an$ s*ientists- Be/ore being put to $eath prisoners were torture$ with ele*tri* sho*k, /or*e$ to $rink urine, beaten- The Dhmer .ouge kept a *are/ul re*or$ o/ those mur$ere$, with pi*tures o/ their $ea$ bo$ies- 8n Tuol )leng an$ one other *amp, Tokhamau, alone, between 1",""" an$ 1=,""" people were mur$ere$, to be burie$ anonymously in mass gra(es-

8n 1 2@ :ao sent Pol Pot his *ongratulations- Ha$ .ussell been ali(e he woul$ ha(e joine$ with :ao when he sai$+ ?Comra$es, you ha(e s*ore$ a splen$i$ (i*tory- 1ust a single blow an$ no more *lasses- The rural *ommunes with poor an$ mi$$le peasants o/ the lower layer all o(er Dampu*hea shall *onstitute our /uture-?>> 8n the months imme$iately pre*e$ing the Iietnamese entry into the *ountry, rumors were /lying /ast that all Cambo$ians woul$ soon be mur$ere$ to make room /or Chinese who woul$ *ome settle the *ountry an$ make it a base o/ military operations against )outheast 4sia- The rumors were ba*ke$ by the /a*t that the Dhmer .ouge ha$ begun to massa*re entire (illages in$is*riminately<r$ers *oul$ ne(er be Fuestione$ un$er the Pol Pot regime, e5*ept on pain o/ $eath- 4ll or$ers took the /orm o/ ?4ngkar says-? - - - No one e(er knew what ?4ngkar? B?organi7ation? in 9nglishC meant or who it wasThe :aoist regime o/ Pol Pot brought the <rwellian horror o/ )*+J ali(e&eorge <rwell ha$ written his book o/ a /as*ist /uture in 1 ; , the year :ao *ame to power- 0ike #ells6s s*ien*e /i*tion pro$u*tions that pre*e$e$ his work, )*+J was no mere /antasy but a blueprint /or the /as*ist so*iety his British aristo*rati* masters inten$e$ to *reate<rwell was re*ruite$ to British intelligen*e when he le/t 9ton to join the poli*e ser(i*e o/ the British *olonial a$ministration in 8n$ia in the 1 >"sHe *ontinue$ to ser(e as an intelligen*e o//i*er when he a*ti(ely organi7e$ /or the Trotskyist mo(ement $uring the )panish Ci(il #ar an$ propagan3 $i7e$ /or Trotskyism therea/ter- 8t is British intelligen*e *ontrol that makes the Trotskyist an$ :aoist *ir*les in$istinguishable to$ay in #estern 9urope an$ the ,nite$ )tates- They are unite$ in their a$(o*a*y o/ homose5uality, $rug use, anar*hist (iolen*e, their ugly $eployment against in$ustrial progress, s*ien*e, an$ te*hnology through the en(ironmentalist mo(ement, an$ nesting pla*es /or har$3*ore terrorist *riminals<n the sur/a*e, <rwell6s no(el was an atta*k on )talinism- But the so*iety he $es*ribes $oes not e5ist in .ussia an$ ne(er $i$- <rwell was writing a s*enario /or so*ial organi7ation $uring .ussell6s proje*te$ new Thirty Years #ar- 4ppropriately the no(el is situate$ in 0on$on, where the language is $ouble3speak-

He $es*ribes a so*iety in whi*h Chur*hill6s poli*y has won the $ay- 4uster3 ity an$ war are *ontinuing /a*ts o/ li/e+ ?4t this moment, /or e5ample, in 1 !; Bi/ it was 1 !;C, <*eania was at war with 9urasia an$ in allian*e with 9ast 4sia- 8n no publi* or pri(ate utteran*e was it e(er a$mitte$ that the three powers ha$ at any time been groupe$ along $i//erent lines- - - - The enemy o/ the moment always represente$ absolute e(il, an$ it /ollowe$ that any past or /uture agreement with him was impossible-?>; People li(e$ in an impo(erishe$ barra*ks3like e5isten*e+ ?#inston ha$ taken up his spoon an$ was $abbling in the pale3*olore$ gra(y that $ribble$ a*ross the table, $rawing a long streak o/ it out into a pattern- He me$itate$ resent/ully on the physi*al te5ture o/ li/e- Ha$ it always been like thisG Ha$ /oo$ always taste$ like thisG He looke$ aroun$ the *anteen- 4 low3 *eilinge$ *row$e$ room, its walls grimy /rom the *onta*t o/ innumerable bo$ies' battere$ metal tables an$ *hairs, pla*e$ so *lose together that you sat with elbows tou*hing-?>@ He $es*ribes the poli*y to be /ollowe$ in Cambo$ia+ marriage was /orbi$$en- The hero o/ the story, name$ #inston in a sly re/eren*e to Chur*hill, /alls in lo(e an$ be*omes a rebel- He then joins a terrorist grouping whi*h is run by the state6s intelligen*e *hie/, <6BrienHjust as the British run the 8rish .epubli*an 4rmyThe Brotherhoo$ operates by terrorist rules that he an$ his girl/rien$ must agree to+ ?You are prepare$ to gi(e your li(esG? ?Yes-? ?You are prepare$ to *ommit mur$erG? ?Yes-? ?To *ommit a*ts o/ sabotage whi*h may *ause the $eath o/ hun$re$s o/ inno*ent peopleG? ?Yes-? ?To betray your *ountry to /oreign powersG? ?Yes-?

?You are prepare$ to *heat, to /orge, to bla*kmail, to *orrupt the min$s o/ *hil$ren, to $istribute habit3/orming $rugs, to en*ourage prostitution, to $isseminate (enereal $iseasesHto $o anything whi*h is likely to *ause $emorali7ation an$ weaken the power o/ the PartyG? ?Yes-? ?8/, /or e5ample, it woul$ somehow ser(e our interests to throw sulphuri* a*i$ in a *hil$6s /a*eHare you prepare$ to $o thisG?>A #inston is prepare$, but o/ *ourse, like the book, it6s all a put3on- #inston has betraye$ himsel/ to <6Brien an$ is pla*e$ in prison where he is brainwashe$ by metho$s similar to those whi*h were a*tually use$ by the Chinese- He begins to i$enti/y with his *aptor, <6Brien, who in turn enjoys talking philosophy with himHerein lies the point o/ the book- <6Brien e5plains the new $ark age to #inston+ ?The /irst thing /or you to un$erstan$ is that in this pla*e there are no martyr$oms- You ha(e rea$ o/ the religious perse*utions o/ the past- 8n the :i$$le 4ges there was the 8nFuisition- 8t was a /ailure- 8t set out to era$i*ate heresy, an$ en$e$ by perpetuating it- For e(ery hereti* it burne$ at the stake, thousan$s o/ others rose up- #hy was thatG Be*ause the 8nFuisi3 tion kille$ its enemies in the open, an$ kille$ them while they were still unrepentant' in /a*t, it kille$ them be*ause they were unrepentant- :en were $ying be*ause they woul$ not aban$on their true belie/s- Naturally all the glory belonge$ to the (i*tim an$ all shame to the 8nFuisitor who burne$ him- 0ater, in the twentieth *entury, there were the totalitarians, as they were *alle$- There were the &erman Na7is an$ the .ussian CommunistsThe .ussians perse*ute$ heresy more *ruelly than the 8nFuisition ha$ $one4n$ they imagine$ that they ha$ learne$ /rom the mistakes o/ the past' they knew at any rate, that one must make no martyrs- Be/ore they e5pose$ their (i*tims to publi* trial, they $eliberately set themsel(es to $estroy their $ignity- They wore them $own by torture an$ solitu$e until they were $espi*able, *ringing wret*hes, *on/essing whate(er was put into their mouths, *o(ering themsel(es with abuse, a**using an$ sheltering behin$ one another, whimpering /or mer*y- 4n$ yet a/ter only a /ew years, the same thing ha$ happene$ o(er again- - - - #e $o not make mistakes o/ that kin$-?>2 4/ter a perio$ o/ /urther torture o/ #inston, <6Brien *ontinues the $is*us3

sion- This e(il s*ene reeks o/ the sa$o3maso*histi* inner li/e o/ a gra$uate /rom the British publi* s*hool- #hen <rwell atten$e$ 9ton, the top aristo3 *rati* s*hool in Britain, $is*ipline was a$ministere$ by stu$ents rather than the /a*ulty- Corporal punishment was the rule- The ol$er stu$ent monitors beat the younger ones, *alle$ /ags, with sti*ks- This *aning by /aggots was an essential ingre$ient o/ the training at su*h s*hools- By *reating a per3 (erse, homose5ual *ult en(ironment, the stu$ents were traine$ to be*ome part o/ an oligar*hy *apable o/ or$ering the e5termination o/ three million Cambo$ians- The symbol o/ the /aggot is not *oin*i$entally i$enti*al to that o/ the /as*istHa bun$le o/ woo$ sti*ks or fasces <6Brien, like .ussell, is a philosopher?8 tol$ you, #inston,? he sai$, ?that metaphysi*s is not your strong point-? He pause$, an$ /or a moment assume$ again his air o/ a s*hoolmaster Fuestioning a promising pupil+ ?How $oes one man assert his power o(er another, #instonG? #inston thought- ?By making him su//er,? he sai$?95a*tly- By making him su//er- <be$ien*e is not enough- ,nless he is su//ering, how *an you be sure that he is obeying your will an$ not his ownG ?Power is in/li*ting pain an$ humiliation- Power is in tearing human min$s to pie*es an$ putting them together again in new shapes o/ your own *hoosing- %o you begin to see, then, what kin$ o/ worl$ we are *reatingG 8t is the e5a*t opposite o/ the stupi$ he$onisti* ,topias that the ol$ re/ormers imagine$- 4 worl$ o/ /ear an$ trea*hery an$ torment, a worl$ o/ trampling an$ being trample$ upon, a worl$ whi*h will grow not less but more mer*i3 less as it re/ines itsel/- Progress in our worl$ will be progress towar$ more pain- The ol$ *i(ili7ation *laime$ that they were /oun$e$ on lo(e an$ justi*e- <urs is /oun$e$ upon hatre$- 8n our worl$ there will be no emo3 tions e5*ept /ear, rage, triumph, an$ sel/3abasement- 9(erything else we shall $estroyHe(erything- 4lrea$y we are breaking $own the habits o/ thought whi*h ha(e sur(i(e$ /rom be/ore the .e(olution- #e ha(e *ut the links between *hil$ an$ parent, an$ between man an$ man, an$ between man an$ woman-?>! 4t the en$ o/ the s*ene <6Brien repeats the $o*trine o/ #ells6s %r- :oreau+ ?#e *ontrol li/e, #inston, at all its le(els- You are imagining that there is

something *alle$ human nature whi*h will be outrage$ by what we $o an$ will turn against us- But we *reate human nature- :en are in/initely malleable- <r perhaps you ha(e returne$ to your ol$ i$ea that the proletar3 ians or the sla(es will arise an$ o(erthrow us- Put it out o/ your min$- They are helpless, like the animals- Humanity is the Party- The others are outsi$e H they are irrele(ant-?> The 1 !; so*iety o/ pain is #ells6s ?New .epubli*? where pain ?will be a$ministere$ s*ienti/i*ally-? The World Brain The present /as*ist s*enario /or the ,nite$ )tates is base$ upon the <rwell3 Cambo$ia mo$el o/ so*ial *ontrol- 8t is only ne*essary to repla*e ?4ngkar? with the unseen but ubiFuitous Fe$eral 9mergen*y :anagement 4gen*yH whi*h manages e5er*ises in mass brainwashing base$ upon a series o/ emergen*ies that *on$ition the population to higher $egrees o/ stress- To e5treme utopian kooks like .ussell, the Fuestion ?whether or not a thir$ worl$ warG? is irrele(ant- To the realist it is a prime *onsi$eration, a gra(e risk to be a(oi$e$- But whether by nu*lear *ata*lysm or mass brainwashing, the goal o/ the unite$ British oligar*hy is a new $ark ages8n 1 "=, in his work -nticipations of the Reaction to .echanical and !cientific Progress upon %uman 1ife and #hought, a /a(orite o/ #inston Chur*hill6s, #ells lai$ out the strategy the British ha(e /ollowe$ to rea*h their 1 !; goalThe ?<pen Conspira*y,? #ells began, ?will appear /irst, 8 belie(e, as a *ons*ious organi7ation o/ intelligent an$ Fuite possibly in some *ases wealthy men, as a mo(ement ha(ing $istin*t so*ial an$ politi*al aims, *on/esse$ly ignoring most o/ the e5isting apparatus o/ politi*al *ontrol, or using it only as an in*i$ental implement in the attainment o/ these aims- 8t will be (ery loosely organi7e$ in its earlier stages, a mere mo(ement o/ a number o/ people in a *ertain $ire*tion, who will presently $is*o(er with a sort o/ surprise the *ommon obje*t towar$ whi*h they are all mo(ing- - - -;" ?4 *on/luent system o/ Trust3owne$ business organi7ations an$ o/ ,ni(ersities an$ reorgani7e$ military an$ na(al ser(i*es may presently $is*o(er an essential unity o/ purpose, presently begin thinking a literature, an$ beha(ing like a )tate - - - a sort o/ outspoken )e*ret )o*iety - - - an

in/ormal an$ open /reemasonry- 8n all sorts o/ ways they will be in/luen*ing an$ *ontrolling the apparatus o/ the ostensible go(ernments-?;1 The *urrent Carter a$ministration6s embra*ing o/ Peking an$ its *ommitment to play the ?China *ar$? is but one in$i*ation o/ how /ar #ells6s plan has been *arrie$ out- But this year a more ominous sign appeare$ with the publi*ation o/ a book entitle$ #he -3uarian 8onspiracy by :arilyn Ferguson that pro*laims its inspiration to be #ells6s open *onspira*y- The book $es*ribes the $e(elopment o/ kook ?4Fuarian? networks in the ,nite$ )tates who will usher in the Hu5leyan ?Bra(e New #orl$? in whi*h super3 stition an$ irrationality will make the 4meri*an population *ompletely malleable- The $eath *ult o/ high priestess 9li7abeth DQbler3.oss is use$, along with putting the population through alternating perio$s o/ e5treme stress an$ ?trans*en$ental? rela5ation, to *reate ma5imum $isso*iation an$ /inally apathy as the /ull horrors o/ 1 !; are unleashe$1 <n the higher le(el o/ *ontrol, sin*e 1 "=, the British oligar*hy has *reate$ numerous interlo*king institutionsH/rom the 4spen 8nstitute to the Ta(i3 sto*k 8nstitute, to the Brookings 8nstitution, to the New York Coun*il on Foreign .elations an$ its more notorious spin3o//, the Trilateral Commission Hin a loose asso*iation o/ men whose outlook is that o/ the British oligar3 *hy- 0ike the 1esuits, the British ha(e *on*entrate$ on the uni(ersities as the *ontrolling *enters o/ intelle*tual thought- 4s #ells outline$ in a No(ember 1 >A spee*h be/ore the .oyal 8nstitute o/ 8nternational 4//airs, what the oligar*hy reFuires is a ?#orl$ 9n*y*lopae$ia-? ?4t /irst the reali7ation o/ the ine//e*ti(eness o/ our best thought an$ knowle$ge stru*k only a /ew people, like :r- :aynar$ Deynes, /or e5ample,? #ells sai$- ?8t is s*ien*e an$ not men o/ s*ien*e that we want to enlighten an$ animate our politi*s an$ rule the worl$- - - - 8 want to suggest that something , a new so*ial organi7ation, a new institutionHwhi*h /or a time 8 shall *all 'orld Encyclopaedia - - - This #orl$ 9n*y*lopae$ia woul$ be the mental ba*kgroun$ o/ e(ery intelligent man in the worl$- - - - )u*h an 9n*y*lopae$ia woul$ play the role o/ an un$ogmati* Bible to #orl$ *ulture8t woul$ $o just what our s*attere$ an$ $isoriente$ intelle*tual organi7ations o/ to$ay /all short o/ $oing- 8t woul$ hol$ the worl$ together mentally- - - 8t woul$ *ompel men to *ome to terms with one another- - - - 8t is a super uni(ersity 8 am thinking o/, a #orl$ Brain' no less- - - - ,ltimately, i/ our $ream is reali7e$, it must e5ert a (ery great in/luen*e upon e(eryone who

*ontrols a$ministrations, makes wars, $ire*ts mass beha(ior, /ee$s, mo(es, star(es an$ kills populations- - - - You see how su*h an 9n*y*lopae$ia organi7ation *oul$ sprea$ like a ner(ous network, a system o/ mental *ontrol about the globe, knitting all the intelle*tual workers o/ the worl$ through a *ommon interest an$ *ooperating unity an$ a growing sense o/ their own $ignity, in/orming without pressure or propagan$a, $ire*ting without tyranny-?;= 8n a memoran$um $ate$ No(ember >", 1 >A, written to his *o3*onspirators, #ells was more /orthright+ ?The ,ni(ersities an$ the asso*iate$ intelle*tual organi7ations throughout the worl$ shoul$ /un*tion as a police of the mind " Bemphasis in originalC The British not only *arrie$ out #ells6s <pen Conspira*y, but through .obert Hut*hins in the ,nite$ )tates literally *arrie$ out #ells6s *all /or a #orl$ 9n*y*lopae$iaHut*hins6s own outlook was e5presse$ in this sly statement o/ 1 ;1+ ?Hitler was right in hol$ing be/ore the &erman people an i$eal higher than *om/ortHe knew he *oul$ not gi(e them that- He o//ere$ them instea$ a (ision o/ gran$eur an$ ra*ial suprema*y- These are /alse go$s- )in*e they are /alse, they must /ail in the en$- But Hitler was hal/ right-?;> Hut*hins ha$ been presi$ent o/ the ,ni(ersity o/ Chi*ago sin*e 1 = ' howe(er, in the same year that #ells ma$e his #orl$ 9n*y*lopae$ia a$$ress, Hut*hins re*ruite$ #illiam Benton, a :a$ison 4(enue whi7 ki$ in a$(ertising, to *ollaborate in pa*kaging a huge en*y*lopae$ia promotional *ampaign- The pa*kage ha$ three *omponents+ /irst, a great books seminar series that Hut*hins ha$ institute$ at the uni(ersity whi*h lumpe$ together 1"" books to be stu$ie$ in$i(i$ually, out o/ their histori*al *onte5t, as sel/3 e(i$ent *lassi*s' worse still, a 1esuit34ristotelian *olle*tion o/ the 1"" ?&reatest 8$eas o/ the #estern #orl$? was pa*kage$ in a two3(olume !yntopicon: /inally, Hut*hins an$ Benton resurre*te$ the nearly $e/un*t Encyclopaedia Britannica whi*h they markete$ to the 4meri*an publi* through an installment buying plan-;; To set their intelle*tual agents in pla*e, the British assemble$ *a$re who migrate$ to the ,nite$ )tates in the late thirties, to take key positions in e(ery 4meri*an uni(ersity- #hile the masses o/ 1ews an$ other politi*al re/ugees were *yni*ally re/use$ permission to emigrate to any #estern

nation or to Palestine /rom &ermany, a sele*t number who either ha$ been agents or showe$ promise o/ be*oming so, were release$ to the #est through Bertran$ .ussell6s Fellowship o/ .e*on*iliation relie/ networksThe brainwasher Durt 0ewin is one e5ample o/ ?intelle*tuals? brought to the ,nite$ )tates' Henry Dissinger is another e5ample o/ an agent in the making permitte$ to *ome to 4meri*a- 4 not untypi*al *ase was that o/ 9instein6s Hungarian *ollaborator 0eo )7ilar$, who was an open spokesman /or the Pan39uropean ,nion, who organi7e$ the emigration o/ &erman s*holars an$ s*ientists, an$ emigrate$ to the ,nite$ )tates in 1 >2, /rom 9nglan$, where he was temporarily lo*ate$-;@ Bertran$ .ussell pulle$ together these emigre networks in a series o/ ?,nity o/ )*ien*e? *on/eren*es hel$ ea*h year in the $e*a$e o/ the thirties in a $i//erent 9uropean *apital- 4tten$e$ by Niels Bohr, 9arl .ussell himsel/, an$ lea$ing members o/ the Iiennese positi(ist *ir*les, the *on/eren*es outline$ the epistemologi*al basis /or the <ne #orl$ Brain #ells ha$ en(isage$Their metho$ was the elaboration o/ the $is*ipline o/ systems analysis3 operations resear*h, *ombine$ with opinion3mol$ing an$ polling te*hniFues8n 1 2=, 9r(in 0as7lo, a member o/ the ,nite$ Nations 8nstitute /or Training an$ .esear*h, publishe$ Introduction to Philosophy in whi*h he e5plains the metho$ $e(elope$ at .ussell6s ,nity o/ )*ien*e *on/eren*es- The se*tion Fuote$ here is a typi*al e5er*ise in $ouble3think- 0as7lo gi(es the ugly Na7i justi/i*ation /or the oligar*hy6s *rimes+ any a*tion is permissible when it is a Fuestion o/ sur(i(al- He writes+ ?The property 6goo$ness6 has been attribute$ to the state o/ optimum a$aptation o/ natural3*ogniti(e systems, an$ the Fuestion now arises whether a$aptation itsel/ is goo$- The answer is, o/ *ourse, that it is as goo$ inasmu*h as e5isten*e /or the systems is goo$' a$aptation is a pre*on$ition /or e5isten*e- The 6open Fuestion6 *an then be presse$ by asking, is existence goo$G 8/ this Fuestion is answere$ by a $isembo$ie$ .easonHa non3natural, alienate$ sel/, intuiting goo$ness or looking in on the pro*esses o/ being an$ be*oming /rom some position su/ specie aeternitatis, the answer will entail an in/inite regressHwhate(er is sai$ *an be /urther Fuestione$ with regar$ to goo$ness- But i/ the Fuestion is answere$ by a

natural system, maintaining himsel/ in the natural worl$ against great o$$s, the answer is an unFuali/ie$ Bthough not ne*essarily e5plaine$C yes ?Natural systems are programme$ to maintain themsel(es in a potentially hostile me$ium, in states o/ /antasti* improbability- )u*h an entity, when /a*e$ with the Fuestion, 6is e5isten*e goo$G6 *orre*tly answers, 6it is,6 sin*e his entire *onstitution is su*h that it is $ire*te$ towar$ maintaining an$ impro(ing it- - - - The (alue o/ e5isten*e is programme$ into the writer6s %N4 *o$e$ *ells, whi*h instru*t the pro$u*tion o/ millions o/ *ells in his organism to operate /ee$ba*k *ir*uits maintaining bo$y temperature, ion *on*entration, energy supplies, an$ the stru*tural *on/igurations, the parameters o/ whi*h $e/ine his organism-?;A 8/ the writer is programme$ to ra*ism, then, as 0as7lo $oes, he will en$orse the notion that in$ustrial $e(elopment must not be importe$ to $e(eloping nations but that instea$ they shoul$ be limite$ to ?appropriate? ba*kwar$ te*hnology- 4/ter all, the only e5isten*e in Fuestion is the e5isten*e o/ the oligar*hy, whi*h both the oligar*hs an$ themsel(es are programme$ to belie(e is the /inal goo$<ne3worl$er 0as7lo6s ,N8T4. is the *hil$ o/ the ,nity o/ )*ien*e *on/eren*es, an$ the gran$*hil$ o/ .obert Ce*il6s one3worl$ /e$eralist 0eague o/ Nations-;2 <nly as this operation an$ the worl$ outlook asso*iate$ with it has e5ten$e$ its hol$ on the *enters o/ power in the ,nite$ )tates, has %ropshot turne$ into a real possibility-

&ere y Bentha in residence at the Aniversity o( 'ondon1 The head on the st$((ed body is ade o( wa>1 Bentha 's act$al $ i(ied head is below1

"instein with British% sponsored Cionist Chai

Weiz an :l1;

&1B1,1 .aldaneBBritish host to Albert "instein1

Niels Bohr8 the #$ssell protege who worked to destroy the potential o( physicists

"rwin ,chroedinger

Werner .eisenberg

Tho as .$>ley

&$lian .$>ley :2; at the Cleveland Coo

8gnatius 0oyola, /oun$er o/ the paramilitary se*ret3intelligen*e organi7ation, the )o*iety o/ 1esus



0rancis Bacon

)saac Newton

The (o$nding o( the British #oyal ,ociety8 which was odeled on Bacon's ew !tlantis

1ohn .uskin

Charles Babbage



Aldo$s .$>ley

The ($t$re o( h$ anity $nder the New Dark Ages: a Per$vian peasant n$ bed and e$phoric (ro the coca leaves he is chewing carries rocks $p a o$ntain1

,)D: The British C$lt o( ,cience

"-fter closing the curtain she conversed with me for some time, and then walked across the room to where .iss 8ook was lying senseless on the floor !tooping over her, 4atie touched her, and said, 6'ake up, Florrie, wake up5 I must leave you now 6 .iss 8ook then tearfully entreated 4atie to stay a little time longer 6.y dear, I can6t: my work is done &od /less you,6 4atie replied, and then continued speaking to .iss 8ook For several minutes the two were conversing with each other, till at last .iss 8ook6s tears prevented her speaking Following 4atie6s instructions, I then came forward to support .iss 8ook, who was falling on to the floor, so//ing hysterically I looked round, /ut the white ro/ed 4atie had gone " -ccount /y British physicist 'illiam 8rookes of a seance held with the deceased daughter of the pirate %enry <wen de .organ 8n time the Ii*torian s*ientist #illiam Crookes be*ame so $emente$ that it was sai$ o/ him ?,bi Crookes, ibi spooks-?1 The poor /ellow was intro$u*e$ by an ele*tri*al engineer to the ?other si$e? in the 1!2"s a/ter his brother ha$ $ie$- %espite o/Hor perhaps be*ause o/Hhis ob(ious mental in*apa*ity, he was knighte$ in 1! 2 an$ awar$e$ the <r$er o/ :erit in 1 1"- He was presi$ent o/ the )o*iety o/ Psy*hi*al .esear*h /rom 1 1> to 1 1@The )o*iety ha$ been /oun$e$ in 1!!= at the instigation o/ Henry )i$gewi*k, 4rthur Bal/our6s brother3in3law, 1-1- Thomson, )ir <li(er 0o$ge, an$ the physi*ist 0or$ .ayleigh- 8ts parti*ipants in*lu$e$ 4rthur Bal/our himsel/, Bertran$ .ussell6s un*le 4rthur .ussell, an$ the :arFuess o/ )alisbury- )ean*es su*h as the one $es*ribe$ with Crookes an$ Datie woul$ o/ten in(ol(e the use o/ $rugs, sometimes a$ministere$ without the knowle$ge o/ the (i*tims, in the /orm o/ in*ense4mong British s*ienti/i* *ir*les, su*h spiritualism was rampant- )ir <li(er 0o$ge, the /amous ele*tri*al theorist, a member o/ the .oyal )o*iety an$ presi$ent o/ the British 4sso*iation /or the 4$(an*ement o/ )*ien*e just be/ore his $eath in 1 ;", publishe$ his a**ount o/ the importan*e o/ ether s*ienti/i*allyHan$ as the mo$e o/ *ommuni*ation with the spirit worl$9arlier, he publishe$ *on(ersations with his son, who ha$, prior to the *on(ersations, been kille$ in the First #orl$ #ar- 0or$ .ayleigh6s son, who was both a s*ientist an$ s*ienti/i* biographer, *arrie$ the tra$ition prou$ly

into the 1 ;"s, ser(ing as a high o//i*ial o/ the )o*iety o/ Psy*hi*al .esear*h in (arious *apa*ities0or$ .ayleigh was another brother3in3law o/ 4rthur Bal/our6s- He was $ire*tor o/ the Ca(en$ish 0aboratory, presi$ent o/ the .oyal )o*iety, an$ a Nobel 0aureate- He also ser(e$ as the presi$ent o/ the )o*iety /or Psy*hi*al .esear*h in 1 1 - .ayleigh6s presi$ential a$$ress to the )o*iety in*lu$e$ the /ollowing remarks+ ?To my min$ telepathy with the $ea$ woul$ present *omparati(ely little $i//i*ulty when it is a$mitte$ as regar$s the li(ing- 8/ the apparatus o/ the senses is not use$ in one *ase, why shoul$ it be nee$e$ in the otherG?= 1-1- Thomson, who su**ee$e$ .ayleigh as $ire*tor o/ the Ca(en$ish 0aboratory, won the Nobel Pri7e /or his allege$ $is*o(ery o/ the ele*tron by using a Crookes tube- He also *on$u*te$ sean*es, with the 8sis *ultist :a$ame Bla(atsky an$ 9usapia Palla$ino among the parti*ipants- 4nother o/ Thomson6s $is*o(eries was the e//i*a*y o/ the primiti(e metho$ o/ /in$ing water, upon whi*h subje*t he note$+ ?There is no $oubt o/ the reality o/ the $ousing e//e*t-?> He ser(e$ as a (i*e3presi$ent o/ the )o*iety#hen the British attempte$ to *apture the Curies in 1 ";, they persua$e$ the *ouple to parti*ipate in a sean*e with 9usapia Palla$ino who ha$ been *erti/ie$ by 0o$ge an$ his *olleagues to be a genuine pur(eyor o/ psy*hi* phenomena- )kepti*al o/ the pro*ee$ings, the Curies turne$ on the lights an$ e5pose$ the *hara$e-; This earne$ them the s*orn o/ 1-1- Thomson who $e*lare$+ ?The people who pro$u*e them Mpsy*hi* phenomenaN are (ery psy*hi* an$ impressionable, an$ it may be as unreasonable to e5pe*t them to pro$u*e their e//e*ts when surroun$e$ by men o/ s*ien*e arme$ with $eli*ate instruments, as it woul$ be /or a poet to be e5pe*te$ to pro$u*e a poem in the presen*e o/ a Committee o/ the British 4*a$emy-?@ The higher e*helons o/ the British s*ienti/i* establishment were thus at the *enter o/ $irty operations asso*iate$ with the /ormation o/ mysti*al *ultsThe promotion o/ spiritualism was more broa$ly use$ to sprea$ a *limate o/ irrationalism- For .ussell6s en(ironmentalist mo(ement to take hol$ internationally, /or Hitler6s brownshirts to mar*h in the thirties, the s*ienti/i* worl$ outlook an$ the *ommitment to progress at its /oun$ation ha$ to be $estroye$- )*ien*e ha$ to be /or*e$ into the mol$ o/ o**ultismHBritish empiri*ism-

The .igh Priest ?.eligion an$ )*ien*e are two aspe*ts o/ so*ial li/e, o/ whi*h the /ormer has been important as /ar as we know anything o/ man6s mental history, while the latter, a/ter a /it/ul /li*kering e5isten*e among the &reeks an$ 4rabs, su$$enly sprang into importan*e in the si5teenth *entury, an$ has e(er sin*e in*reasingly moul$e$ both the i$eas an$ institutions among whi*h we li(e-?A Bertran$ .ussell wrote this in 1 >@, in a book, Religion and !cience, whi*h was a popular summary o/ his proje*t to $estroy &erman an$ Fren*h s*ien*e /rom within- The in$ustrial hegemony o/ Fran*e, &ermany, 1apan, an$ the ,nite$ )tates o(er Britain sin*e the mi$3nineteenth *entury was integrally *onne*te$ to the *on*omitant growth o/ what the 1apanese name$ the ?knowle$ge3intensi(e? in$ustry- 8n$ustrial resear*h an$ $e(elopment were $ire*tly *onne*te$ to the theoreti*al s*ien*esThe most important s*ientist o/ the late nineteenth *entury was the &erman mathemati*al physi*ist at &Rttingen ,ni(ersity, Bernhar$ .iemann, whose theoreti*al work *arrie$ on the tra$itions o/ Carl Frie$ri*h &auss an$ the s*ientists *onne*te$ to the P*ole Polyte*hniFue, most notably 0a7are Carnot an$ &aspar$ :onge- To all o/ these men s*ien*e an$ religion were intimately *onne*te$- They were *ommitte$ republi*ans, whose purpose was to use s*ien*e to *reate the material *on$itions in whi*h the *iti7ens o/ a republi* *oul$ be /ree$ /rom brute labor an$ po(erty- :ore than that, they un$erstoo$ that the s*ienti/i* outlook was the essential worl$ (iew o/ a republi*an *iti7en- 4 brutali7e$ peasant or a lumpeni7e$ *ity3$weller is an easy prey to be organi7e$ into a 1a*obin mob or into a /un$amentalist *ultNot so the man or woman who has the e5perien*e o/ parti*ipating in the buil$ing o/ his nation /or himsel/, an$ most important, /or his *hil$ren.iemann6s work was only possible in a &ermany in whi*h the impulse /or in$ustrial progress laun*he$ by Frie$ri*h 0ist, the &erman3born 4meri*an *iti7en who returne$ to &ermany to buil$ the &erman railways, was, i/ not hegemoni*, ne(ertheless a $etermining /or*e in the national li/e- The impo(erishe$ .iemann6s early $eath /rom tuber*ulosis is a tragi* a*know3 le$gment o/ the /ailure o/ republi*an in$ustrial ten$en*ies to *ontrol national politi*al li/e- &erman a$(an*es in *hemistry an$ metallurgy parallele$ the a*hie(ements o/ .iemann, #eber, an$ &auss in ele*tro$ynami*s an$

mathemati*al physi*s as a whole- The threat o/ &erman in$ustry whi*h $ominate$ the $is*ussions at the )t- 9rmin6s Hotel $ining table in 1 "> woul$ not ha(e been possible without the work o/ &erman s*ien*e4t issue was not the proli/eration o/ mere s*ienti/i* in(ention- Kuestions o/ basi* s*ienti/i* resear*h were ine5tri*ably joine$ to politi*s- 95emplary is the *ase o/ the 4meri*an Thomas 9$ison- 9$ison *on*ei(e$ o/ the appli*a3 tion o/ ele*tri*ity as the singularity whi*h *oul$ trans/orm e*onomi* li/e' there/ore he wage$ a su**ess/ul /ight to /or*e the a$option o/ *entral power stations throughout the ,nite$ )tates- But his British3allie$ :organ /inan3 *ial ba*kers insiste$ upon the *onstru*tion o/ small generators to a*t as lo*al power sour*es- <nly the inter(ention o/ the &erman ele*tri*al in$ustry, with alternate /inan*ing, sa(e$ the $ay /or 9$ison- 9$ison /oresaw the integration o/ in$ustrial systems, lighting, an$ mass *ommuni*ations- Ha$ the :organs won the battle, ele*tri*ity woul$ ha(e been limite$ in appli*ation an$ hel$ ba*k man a**or$inglyThe British s*ien*e establishment has always $epen$e$ upon its intelligen*e operations /or sur(i(al- These ha(e range$ /rom sabotage o/ s*ien*e, like .ussell6s en(ironmentalist mo(ement, to in$ustrial an$ s*ienti/i* espionage4t the start o/ the )e*on$ #orl$ #ar, the British ha$ an a$(an*e$ nu*lear *apability, whi*h was then shippe$ o(er to the ,nite$ )tates to be*ome the :anhattan Proje*t- But this is a *ase in point o/ how the British worke$The British nu*lear e//ort was mainly sta//e$ by &erman re/ugee s*ientists, (i*tims o/ the British3*reate$ Na7i mo(ement8t woul$ be a mistake, howe(er, to *ompletely $is*ount British s*ien*e- The e5treme kooks o/ the .ussell (ariety ha(e not $ominate$ British poli*y until the *urrent go(ernment o/ :argaret That*her- 4s Hal/or$ :a*kin$er un$er3 stoo$, Britain ha$ to maintain an in$ustrial *apability o/ its own in or$er to sur(i(e- This ne*essarily implie$ maintaining a s*ienti/i* *apabilityBut s*ien*e is tolerate$ by the British only in a pe*uliarly $istorte$ /orm9pistemologi*ally, it must be purge$- 8t must be re$u*e$ to an empiri*al ?s*ien*e-? The Neoplatoni* s*ienti/i* worl$ (iewHwhi*h shows that man6s mastery o/ the uni(erse through a series o/ su**essi(e appro5imations o/ knowle$ge is akin to the *reation o/ the uni(erse by &o$, that true s*ien*e is man6s bon$ to the $i(ineHis intolerable to these men- The appli*ation o/ s*ien*e to a$(an*e so*iety to su**essi(ely higher te*hnologies in whi*h man

is gra$ually /ree$ /rom brute repetiti(e labor is likewise anathema- )*ien*e must be hi(e$ o// /rom general li/e, pre/erably to the *on/ines o/ semise*ret military appli*ations- )*ientists working in su*h an establishment must be housebroken to be*ome the han$mai$ens o/ the oligar*hy- <ne o/ Bertran$ .ussell6s /irst major assignments was the *reation o/ the *on$itions in whi*h &erman s*ientists *oul$ sa/ely be ma$e use/ul to their British masters- To $o this, .ussell ha$ to *reate an anti3s*ien*e mo(ement /rom the top $own4lbert 9instein an$ 9rwin )*hroe$inger were two o/ his most important (i*tims.ussell wrote three books upon lea(ing Cambri$ge, ea*h o/ whi*h was a well3*al*ulate$ atta*k on 9uropean *ontinental s*ien*e- 8n 1! @ he wrote Foundations of &eometry, in 1 "" the Philosophy of 1ei/ni2, an$ in 1 1" he *omplete$ Principia .athematica, whi*h he ha$ begun in *ollaboration with 4l/re$ North #hitehea$ in 1 "1- These books lai$ the philosophi*al groun$work /or his inter(ention into the s*ienti/i* *areer o/ Niels Bohr who shape$ the mo$ern theory o/ Fuantum me*hani*s- Bohr6s theory put irration3 ality on a Fuasi3s*ienti/i* basis by stating as a gi(en that it is impossible /or s*ientists to e(er un$erstan$ the *ausal *onne*te$ness o/ the physi*al uni(erse9a*h o/ .ussell6s books was aime$ at a *are/ully *hosen target- His metho$ was simple+ to $estroy the Neoplatoni* *ontent o/ the thought o/ these s*ientists by restating their work in a saniti7e$ /orm *ompatible with British empiri*ism- )*ien*e was to be un$ermine$ by intelle*tual sub(ersion running in parallel with politi*al operations against the most important republi*an opponents o/ the oligar*hy8n the Foundations of &eometry, .ussell took the work o/ .iemann an$ &auss an$ turne$ it on its hea$- .iemann, *arrying /orwar$ the impli*ations o/ &auss6s thinking, ha$ lai$ the /oun$ations o/ an anti39u*li$ean physi*al geometry- .ussell turne$ this into a ?non39u*li$ean? geometry- .iemann ha$ shown that all a5iomati* systems, all systems base$ on a /i5e$ set o/ rules whi*h lay the basis /or logi*al $e$u*tion, are inherently /alla*ious' .ussell uses the /a*t that 9u*li$ean an$ non39u*li$ean geometries are mutually *ompatible pre*isely be*ause they are a5iomati* to assert the prima*y o/ a5iomati*s o(er physi*s- .eality is se*on$ary' it is the rules that *ount- Consisten*y rather than rationality be*omes the basis /or .ussell6s antis*ien*e-

Non39u*li$ean geometries are base$ on a $enial o/ 9u*li$6s /i/th postulate whi*h states that parallel lines, howe(er /ar e5ten$e$, will ne(er meet- Non3 9u*li$ean geometries whi*h are a5iomati*ally sel/3*onsistent assert either that no parallel lines e5ist Bellipti*al geometryC, or that parallel lines $o interse*t Bhyperboli* geometryC- 4ll three geometriesH9u*li$ean, ellipti*, an$ hyperboli*Hassume that spa*e has a *onstant *ur(ature- This being the *ase, they *an be *ompare$ to ea*h other on a one3to3one basis, an$ there3 /ore, they *an be *orrelate$ to a 9u*li$ean geometry- <n this basis, .ussell laun*he$ his *o(ert atta*k on .iemann- .ussell *laime$ that spa*e is ?9u*li$ean in the small-?2 His argument is similar to the line o/ reasoning whi*h says that the *ir*le is really a polygon sin*e it is the limit o/ all many3 si$e$ polygons.iemann has taken *onstantly *ur(e$ spa*e, simple non39u*li$ean geo3 metries, as a heuristi* $e(i*e to show how the notion o/ the *ur(ature o/ spa*e might be $e(elope$- He ha$ showe$ a way o/ e5ten$ing &auss6s two3 $imensional measure o/ *ur(ature to a three3$imensional spa*e.ussell use$ this heurism to per(ert .iemann6s meaning.iemann ha$ written+ ?8/ one premises that bo$ies e5ist in$epen$ently o/ position, then the measure o/ *ur(ature is e(erywhere *onstant' then /rom astronomi*al measurements it /ollows that it *annot $i//er /rom 7ero' - - - If, however, /odies have no such nondependence upon position, then one cannot draw conclusions a/out relations of measure in the indefinitely small from those in the large 8n that *ase, the *ur(ature *an ha(e at e(ery point arbitrary (alues in three $ire*tions, pro(i$e$ only the total *ur(ature o/ e(ery portion o/ spa*e be not appre*iably $i//erent /rom 7ero- - - - Now, howe(er, the empiri*al notions on whi*h spatial measurements are base$ appear to lose their (ali$ity when applie$ to the in$e/initely small, namely the *on*ept o/ a /i5e$ bo$y an$ that o/ a light3ray' a**or$ingly, it is entirely *on*ei(able that in the in$e/initely small the spatial relations o/ si7e are not in a**or$ with the postulates o/ geometry an$ one woul$ in$ee$ be /or*e$ to this assumption as soon as it woul$ permit a simpler e5planation o/ the phenomena-?! This is pre*isely the situation in Fuantum physi*sHanti*ipate$ by .iemann /i/ty years be/ore .ussell wroteHwhi*h 9instein grapple$ with unsu**ess3 /ully in his attempt to *onstru*t a uni/ie$ /iel$ theory- 8/ we are to *ompre3

hen$ the relationship o/ matterlike parti*les an$ the ra$iant energy /iel$s o/ whi*h they are a partHthe parti*le3/iel$ $ualityHthen spa*e is not an empty bo5 in whi*h parti*les mo(e at will- The physi*al geometry o/ the uni(erse $etermines relati(isti* spa*e3time $imensions whi*h are not e(erywhere the same8t is the task o/ the s*ientist to /in$ the appropriate geometry with whi*h to $es*ribe any gi(en physi*al spa*e- <nly then *an a parti*le be $es*ribe$ or measure$0ike the work o/ all great s*ientists, .iemann6s geometry implies an$ is $eri(e$ /rom a Neoplatoni*, humanist worl$ (iew- He re$e/ines the or$inary notion o/ $imensionality in terms o/ an or$ering prin*iple su*h that ea*h new $imension subsumes those that went be/ore it- Thus, spa*e itsel/ be*omes a new $imension, or mani/ol$, when *ompare$ to a two3$imen3 sional sur/a*e- :oreo(er, any lower3or$er mani/ol$, su*h as a sur/a*e, *an only be un$erstoo$ /rom the (antage point o/ the higher mani/ol$- 4 line /or e5ample, *an be $e/ine$ as the interse*tion o/ two plane /igures, but i/ one is restri*te$ to plane geometry, 9u*li$ean geometry, a line is a5iomati*ally un$e/inable8t is here that .iemann6s geometry interse*ts philosophy, or more pre*isely, is $eri(e$ /rom philosophy- 8/ one *onsi$ers the three or$ers o/ the uni(erse, the lowest or$er mani/ol$Hthe inorgani*Hmay be labele$ n, the $omain o/ (egetable an$ animal li/e nK), an$ that o/ man nKG The pro*ess by whi*h these mani/ol$s e(ol(e$ out o/ one another *an be *alle$ 9 #e un$erstan$ what is terme$ physi*s only /rom the (antage point o/ nKG, whi*h subsumes 9 #e apprehen$ physi*al obje*ts an$ the laws o/ their interrelations only as they are me$iate$ through our per*epti(e apparatus- Nonetheless, sin*e we are a part o/ the uni(erse, we *on/irm the *orre*tness o/ s*ienti/i* laws through the e//i*ien*y o/ man6s pra*ti*e- Te*hnology is the proo/ o/ s*ienti/3 i* truth- But te*hnologies are appropriately *ontinuously superse$e$- )o, too, is any gi(en bo$y o/ s*ienti/i* laws- There/ore, s*ienti/i* truth is not lo*ate$ in any parti*ular bo$y o/ law, but in the pro*ess o/ their generationPlato *alle$ this the hypothesis o/ the higher hypothesis- Furthermore, sin*e the uni(erse has e(ol(e$ /rom n, to nK), to nKG, then the $etermining *hara*teristi* o/ man, that whi*h $istinguishes him /rom all animals, his ability to reason, must in its own operation re/le*t uni(ersal pro*ess- :an6s

ability to in*rease his knowle$ge, )*ien*e, is e(olution within the $omain o/ nKG :an6s ability to un$erstan$ this pro*ess allows him to $ire*tly per3 *ei(e 9 The great 4rab s*ientist ibn )ina e5presse$ this as the relationship between knowle$ge, the known, an$ the knower- Christianity un$erstan$s it as the moral ne*essity o/ man to rea*h out to Christ, who was at on*e &o$ an$ man-1" 8n his paper <n the %ypotheses 'hich Enderlie the Foundations of &eometry, .iemann wrote+ ?8n a *on*ept whose (arious mo$es o/ $etermination /orm a *ontinuous mani/ol$, i/ one passes in a $e/inite way /rom one mo$e o/ $etermination to another, the mo$es o/ $etermination whi*h are tra(erse$ *onstitute a simply e5ten$e$ mani/ol$ an$ its essential mark is this, that in it a *ontinuous progress is possible /rom any point in only two $ire*tions, /orwar$ or ba*kwar$- 8/ now one /orms the thought o/ this mani/ol$ again passing o// into another entirely $i//erent, here again in a $e/inite way, that is, in su*h a way that e(ery point goes o(er into a $e/inite point o/ the other, then all mo$es o/ $etermination thus obtaine$ will /orm a $oubly e5ten$e$ mani/ol$- 8n a similar manner, one obtains a triply e5ten$e$ mani/ol$ when one represents to onesel/ that a $ouble e5tension passes o(er in a $e/inite way into one entirely $i//erent, an$ it is easy to see how one *an prolong this *onstru*tion in$e/initely- 8/ one *onsi$ers his obje*t o/ thought as (ariable instea$ o/ regar$ing the *on*ept as $etermin3 able, then this *onstru*tion *an be *hara*teri7e$ as a synthesis o/ a (ariabil3 ity o/ nS) $imensions out o/ a (ariability o/ n $imensions an$ a (ariability o/ one $imension-?11 .iemann was totally *ons*ious o/ the *onne*tion between physi*s an$ philosophy as he makes *lear in his Philosophical 9ote/ooks, in whi*h he wrote+ ?Free$om, that is, not the ability to initiate things in an absolute sense, but to $e*i$e between two or more gi(en possibilities- 8n or$er that $e*ision through /ree will is possible, in spite o/ the totally $eterminate laws o/ the a*tion o/ the *on*eptions, one must assume that the psy*hi* me*han3 ism itsel/ has or at least, in the *ourse o/ its $e(elopment, assumes the *hara*teristi* Fuality o/ bringing about the ne*essity o/ the latter-?1= Free$om is not anar*hy, it is reali7e$ in terms o/ law/ul ne*essity- Free$om is the bringing into being o/ a new higher3or$er mani/ol$-

.iemann was a part o/ a republi*an grouping in &ermany, whi*h in*lu$e$ politi*al thinkers su*h as 0ist, Beetho(en, an$ the great &erman playwright an$ historian Frie$ri*h )*hiller- This grouping i$enti/ie$ with the /oun$ing o/ the 4meri*an republi* as the establishment o/ the prin*iples o/ the Neoplatoni* worl$ outlook in go(ernment.iemann was also a *lose stu$ent o/ 0eibni76s works, an$ it is there/ore no surprise that .ussell6s ne5t target /or atta*k was the great se(enteenth3 *entury s*ientist, mathemati*ian, an$ politi*al lea$er8n his Philosophy of 1ei/ni2, .ussell lays *laim to 0eibni7 with an in*re$ible lie- .ussell states+ ?#e shall /in$ also many more minor in*onsisten*ies than in the earlier part o/ the system, these being $ue *hie/ly to the $esire to a(oi$ the impieties o/ the 1ewish 4theist B)pino7aC an$ the still greater impieties to whi*h 0eibni76s own logi* shoul$ ha(e le$ him-?1> 8n other wor$s, $rain the Neoplatoni* essen*e o/ 0eibni76s thought /rom his work, an$ you *an re*onstru*t 0eibni7 into an immoral logi*al3positi(ist.ussell writes+ ?The prin*ipal premises o/ 0eibni76s philosophy appear to me to be /i(e- </ these some were by him $e/initely lai$ $own, while others were so /un$amental that he was s*ar*ely *ons*ious o/ them- 8 shall now enumerate these premises, an$ shall en$ea(or to show, in subseFuent *hapters, how the rest o/ 0eibni7 /ollows /rom them?The premises in Fuestion are as /ollows+ ?8- 9(ery proposition has a subje*t an$ a pre$i*ate?88- 4 subje*t may ha(e pre$i*ates whi*h are Fualities e5isting at (arious times- B)u*h a subje*t is *alle$ a su/stance ? ?888- True propositions not asserting e5isten*e at parti*ular times are *ontingent an$ syntheti*- The latter $epen$ upon /inal *auses?8I- The 9go is a substan*e?I- Per*eption yiel$s knowle$ge o/ an e5ternal worl$, i-e-, o/ e5istents other than mysel/ an$ my states-? Then .ussell says+ ?The /un$amental obje*tion to 0eibni76s philosophy will be /oun$ to be the in*onsisten*y o/ the /irst premise with the /ourth an$ the

/i/th' an$ in this in*onsisten*y, we shall /in$ a general obje*tion to :ona$3 ism-?1; .ussell a$$s an appen$i5 to the book, in whi*h he *ites Fuotations o/ 0eibni7 again taken out o/ *onte5t- 9(en so, two o/ the Fuotations, howe(er, i$entity the /o*us o/ .ussell6s hysteri*al a(ersion0eibni7 i$enti/ies the preeminen*e o/ man6s soul in the rigorous s*ienti/i* or$ering o/ the uni(erse- 0eibni7 says+ ?#e must not *on/oun$ or in$i//er3 ently mi5, with other /orms, !pirits, or the reasonable soul, whi*h are o/ a higher or$er, an$ ha(e in*omparably more per/e*tion than those /orms burie$ in matterHwhi*h in my opinion are to be /oun$ e(erywhereHbeing like little go$s in *omparison with these, being ma$e in the image o/ &o$, an$ ha(ing in them some ray o/ the %i(ine 0ight- For this reason, &o$ go(erns spirits as a prin*e go(erns his subje*ts, an$ in$ee$ as a /ather *ares /or his *hil$ren' while, on the other han$, he $eals with other substan*es as an engineer works with his ma*hines- Thus spirits ha(e spe*ial laws, whi*h put him abo(e the re(olutions o/ matters through the (ery or$er whi*h &o$ has pla*e$ there' an$ it may be sai$ that e(erything else is ma$e only /or them, these re(olutions themsel(es being arrange$ /or the /eli*ity o/ the goo$ an$ the punishment o/ the wi*ke$-?1@ .ussell6s se*on$ re(ealing Fuote /rom 0eibni7 is as /ollows+ ?You ask me my $e/inition o/ soul 8 reply that soul may be employe$ in a broa$ an$ in a stri*t sense- Broa$ly speaking, soul will be the same as li/e or (ital prin*iple- 8-e-, the prin*iple o/ internal a*tion e5isting in the simple thing or mona$, to whi*h e5ternal a*tion *orrespon$s- 4n$ this *orrespon$en*e o/ internal an$ e5ternal, or representation o/ the e5ternal in the internal, o/ the *omposite in the simple, o/ multipli*ity in unity, really *onstitutes per*eption- But in this sense soul is attribute$ not only to animals but also to all other per*ipient beings- 8n the stri*t sense, soul is employe$ as a nobler spe*ies o/ li/e, or sentient li/e, where there is not only the /a*ulty o/ per*ei(ing, but in a$$ition to that o/ /eeling, inasmu*h, in$ee$, as attention an$ memory are a$$e$ to per*eption1ust as, in turn, min$ is a nobler spe*ies o/ soul, i-e-, min$ is rational soul, where reason, or ratio*ination /rom uni(ersality o/ truths, is a$$e$ to /eeling4s, there/ore, min$ is rational soul, so soul is sentient li/e, an$ li/e is per*epti(e prin*iple-?1A .ussell6s thir$ book, Principia .athematica, is an atta*k upon &eorg Cantor, who, along with Feli5 Dlein, was the lea$ing proponent o/

.iemann6s work- Cantor use$ .iemann6s treatment o/ the higher or$ering prin*iple to $e(elop a prin*iple /or *onstru*ting an or$ere$ series o/ in/inite numbers- This or$ere$ series o/ trans/inite numbers he *ompare$ to an or$ere$ series o/ uni(ersal *on*epts- Thus he $istinguishe$ a true in/inite, whi*h *orrespon$s to a uni(ersal, with a ba$ in/inite, whi*h is a mere *ontinuing enumeration o/ parti*ularsHone an$ one an$ then one more on into in/inity-12 Cantor e5pli*itly relates his own work in the *ontinuing /a*tional struggle between Neoplatonists an$ the oligar*hist 4ristotelian /a*tion, whi*h $enies the e5isten*e o/ uni(ersals- .ussell, the nominalist 4ristotelian, $es*ribes his own purpose in writing the Principia7 ?The prin*iple whi*h enables us to a(oi$ illegitimate totalities may be state$ as /ollows+ 6#hate(er in(ol(es all o/ a *olle*tion must not be one o/ the *olle*tion-6 ? 8/ .ussell ha$ sai$, ?4ll British oligar*hs lie,? a**or$ing to his logi* this woul$ ha(e been a para$o5i*al, impermissible statement- The so3*alle$ para$o5 in(ol(e$ he *alls the ?(i*ious *ir*le prin*iple-?1! .ussell6s solution is to $eny the e5isten*e o/ trans/inites- 8n truth, ha$ .ussell ma$e su*h a statement it woul$ ha(e represente$ a singularity whi*h bri$ge$ two geometriesHthat o/ oligar*hi* publi* propagan$a an$ that o/ their own sel/3knowle$ge o/ their e(il pursuits- 4n$, in /a*t, it is only /rom un$erstan$ing the higher3or$ere$ geometryHthe Neoplatoni* s*ienti/i* worl$ outlookHthat we are able to unra(el their lies.iemann $es*ribe$ the problem o/ the singularity in his Philosophical 9ote/ooks7 ?Finite things, imaginable things- 8n/inite things, *on*eptual systems whi*h lie on the bor$ers o/ the imaginable-? 8t is the bor$erline singularities, apparent para$o5es, whi*h /or*e s*ientists to $e(elop new *on*eptions by $emonstrating that higher3or$ere$ geometries are in(ol(e$ that o(erlap in the para$o5i*al singularity- The pro*ess whi*h allows both geometries to *oe5ist $e/ines the subje*t matter /or s*ienti/i* stu$y, the resolution o/ the apparent /iel$3parti*le para$o5es o/ Fuantum ele*tro3 $ynami*s-1 .iemann6s work was not only broa$ly theoreti*al- 8n 1!@! he submitte$ a paper to the British .oyal )o*iety, #he Empirical 1aw of Electrodynamical Effects The paper was reje*te$ by 1ames Clerk :a5well on behal/ o/ the )o*iety /or the spe*ious reason that .iemann ha$ not pro(en the inter3

*hangeability o/ two in*lu$e$ integrals- 8n point o/ /a*t, the paper was not only a *omplete anti*ipation o/ :a5well6s eFuations, but his presentation o/ the laws o/ the ele*tromagneti* /iel$ eFuations in terms o/ retar$e$ potential was superior to that o/ :a5well an$ lai$ the a*tual basis /or work in the /iel$- :a5well6s so3*alle$ $is*o(eries were no better than plagiarism-=" But .iemann went beyon$ :a5well- His work in the /iel$ o/ hy$ro$ynam3 i*s is still authoritati(e to$ay- 8n 4ugust 1 ; , at a symposium on ?Prob3 lems o/ Cosmi*al 4ero$ynami*s,? the mathemati*al physi*ist 1ohn (on Neumann sai$, *on*erning the e5isten*e an$ uniFueness or multipli*ity o/ solutions o/ the aero$ynami*al eFuations- ?To this $ay, the only $egree o/ generality that we possess is the *lassi*al $is*ussion by .iemann, an$ this (ery stri*tly in the isentropi* *ase- 8n this *ase at least .iemann pro(e$ that there are no $is*ontinuities- He also ga(e the e5a*t *on$itions un$er whi*h there *an be a solution at all an$ he pro(e$ that in those *ases there is only one- )o he pro(e$ that the number o/ solutions is either 7ero or one- He also showe$ that it is 7ero in general, i-e-, unless *ertain Bin/initely manyC (ery stringent *on$itions are satis/ie$- Thus, unless the initial state o/ the gas /ul/ills some (ery parti*ular *on$itions, the B*ontinuousC solutions will *ease to e5ist a/ter some $e/inite /inite time- .iemann also in/erre$, essen3 tially by physi*al insight, what happens when the *ontinuous solution *eases to e5ist- He ma$e it (ery plausible that a $is*ontinuity o/ a *ertain type, a 6sho*k wa(e6 $e(elops-?=1 .iemann6s 1!@ paper on sho*k wa(es to whi*h (on Neumann re/erre$ was, in /a*t, /un$amental to the weapons resear*h o/ the 1 ;"s an$ 1 @"s, lea$ing to the $e(elopment o/ the atom an$ hy$rogen bombs-== 9(en to$ay, the paper takes s*ientists to the /rontiers o/ knowle$ge' its metho$ology plays an important role in attempts at un$erstan$ing the $ynami*s o/ the implosion pro*esses in laser /usion an$ in large3s*ale astrophysi*al phenomena, su*h as the *reation o/ a no(a or superno(aThe e5tent o/ .ussell6s $eployment against s*ien*e is re(eale$ by two e5traor$inary /a*ts- First, be/ore 1 2=, when 9$war$ Teller /or*e$ the $e*lassi/i*ation o/ *ertain *riti*al *on*epts in laser /usion, .iemann6s 1!@ thoughts on sho*k wa(es an$ isentropi* *ompression woul$ ha(e been *lassi/ie$ as military se*rets by the ,-)- 4tomi* 9nergy Commission, i/ they were presente$ in *onne*tion with Fuestions raise$ by problems o/ inertial *on/inement /usion-

)e*on$, $espite o//i*ial British $isparagement o/ .iemann6s work, his writings are the subje*t o/ intensi(e se*ret stu$y o/ British laboratories su*h as that at 4l$ermaston- )e*retly, the British a*knowle$ge .iemannHnot Ba*on or NewtonHas the /ather o/ mo$ern s*ien*e, but they seek to limit a**ess to his work to the *hosen /ew- Thus, in British an$ 4meri*an uni(ersities, the tea*hing o/ physi*s is bow$leri7e$ to the point where .iemann6s work is in*omprehensible to the a(erage stu$ent- 8t is ne*essary /or the oligar*hs to $estroy s*ien*e at its roots, while still making use o/ the /ruit- There was no way the British oligar*hy *oul$ $ispense with s*ien*e an$ still a*hie(e its geopoliti*al military aims' there/ore, it was ne*essary to appropriate the work o/ parti*ularly &erman s*ientists, while at the same time $estroying the epistemologi*al basis upon whi*h any new, e(en more threatening .iemanns might $e(elop8n the ,nite$ )tates to$ay, so3*alle$ military )o(iet s*ienti/i* se*rets are *lassi/ie$, whi*h are publishe$ /reely in the )o(iet ,nion- #ho is the enemy who is being kept in the $arkG The 4meri*an s*ienti/i* *ommunityFurthermore, by treaty arrangement, no *lassi/ie$ material may be release$ in the ,nite$ )tates without prior British appro(al- 8n*re$ibly, a spee*h by )o(iet 4*a$emi*ian .u$ako( to an 4meri*an au$ien*e o/ s*ientists, $es*ribing )o(iet a$(an*es in *ontrolling ele*tron beams, was subseFuently *lassi/ie$ in the Enited !tates Yet it was the )o(iets who were sharing their breakthroughs with 4meri*an s*ientists- The *lassi/i*ation was arrange$ un$er British pressureThe British popular analogue o/ this suppression is the way .ussell6s en(ir3 onmentalist mo(ement is use$ as a *o(er /or $eploying anar*hist terror networks to storm nu*lear power plants on the prete5t that nu*lear power is $angerous- The myth is sprea$ that nu*lear bomb3making is a ba*k3garage hobby- There/ore, to pre(ent the wi$esprea$ *ir*ulation o/ $o3it3yoursel/ bomb kits into the han$s o/ terrorists, basi* s*ien*e must be *lassi/ie$)*ien*e, says the oligar*h, must take pla*e in the $ark- Curtail its appli*a3 tions, suppress theoreti*al $e(elopment- )*ien*e is thus prune$ at its roots an$ its bran*hes le/t to witherThe Case o( Albert "instein Far more *riti*al to the $estru*tion o/ basi* s*ien*e than a British <//i*ial )e*rets 4*t or the eFui(alent is the atta*k on those s*ientists who seek to

employ .iemann6s metho$- The British *an only tolerate s*ientists who apply, but $o not repli*ate his work by applying his metho$- The hy$ro3 $ynami* approa*h /oun$ in .iemann6s work was /irst *oherently $e(elope$ by 0eibni7 an$ then /ully brought to bear on the entire spe*trum o/ physi*s problems in the eighteenth *entury by the Bernoullis, 9uler, 0agrange, an$ the great s*ientists o/ the P*ole Polyte*hniFue, an$ it remaine$ *entral to the *ontinental s*ien*e tra$ition in 9urope through the 1 >"s- 8t /oun$ a /inal most $e(elope$ e5pression in the $e*a$e a/ter #orl$ #ar 8, in the *ollabora3 tion between the mathemati*ians an$ physi*ists at the 8nstitute /or 4pplie$ :e*hani*s at the ,ni(ersity o/ &Rttingen- ,n$er the lea$ership o/ Feli5 Dlein, %a(i$ Hilbert, Herman :inkowski, Carol .unge, an$ later on, .i*har$ Courant in mathemati*s, an$ 0u$wig Pran$tl an$ his assistants an$ stu$ents in hy$ro$ynami*s an$ aero$ynami*s, an e5traor$inary synthesis in mathemati*al physi*s was a**omplishe$- To$ay there are only /aint e*hoes o/ their work an$ isolate$ outposts *arrying on this tra$ition-=> These are the men .ussell set out to $estroy- The *on$ition in &ermany a/ter the First #orl$ #ar ma$e the task easier- 8n the twentieth *entury, it was the work in hy$ro$ynami*s inspire$ by the &Rttingen tra$ition that ma$e the *riti*al breakthroughs that enable$ the harnessing o/ nu*lear energy- This is unknown to the a(erage person- But who $oes not know 4lbert 9insteinG 4n$ who, i/ lu*ky enough to ha(e rea$ e(en a popular a**ount o/ mo$ern s*ien*e, $oes not know that Fuantum physi*s has $emonstrate$ that in the /inal analysis reality is unknowable, sin*e the smallest Fuanta o/ matter *an ne(er be pre*isely pinne$ $ownHas state$ in the ?un*ertainty prin*iple-? )pa*e an$ time $o not e5ist an$ i/ they $i$ you *oul$ ne(er tell e5a*tly where they were anywayL This is only a slight *ari*ature o/ the e5tension o/ .ussell6s early e//orts against s*ien*eThe *ase o/ 4lbert 9instein is e5emplary- The theory o/ relati(ity, both spe*ial an$ general, $epen$e$ $ire*tly upon the a**omplishments o/ .iemann- 9instein6s work, in *ollaboration with his tea*her :inkowsky, was important, but not, *ontrary to myth, groun$3breaking- <n the *ontrary, what is popularly thought o/ as his a**omplishment in $is*o(ering the )pe*ial Theory o/ .elati(ity, was alrea$y in*orporate$ in the writings o/ both Hen$rik 4ntoon 0orent7 an$ 1ules Henri Poin*are- 9instein6s a*tual a*hie(ement was the thorough3going e5tension o/ this work on an a5iomati* basis, whi*h posite$ the *onstan*y o/ the spee$ o/ light as a /un$amental a5iomHbe*ause all $etermination o/ the spa*e an$ time *oor$inates o/ an

obje*t are, in the last analysis, only measurable by ele*tromagneti* units, an$ these measurements are $etermine$ by parti*le3/iel$ intera*tions, whi*h, in turn, are e//e*te$ by the motion o/ the obje*t to be measure$These parti*le3/iel$ intera*tions are su*h that it is impossible to $etermine the relati(e spee$ o/ the earth an$ a beam o/ light, e(en though it woul$ appear that the spee$ *oul$ be $etermine$ at will by (arying a beam o/ light in the $ire*tion o/ the earth6s motion or at an angle to it in or$er to *hange the relati(e (elo*ity o/ the light9instein $e(elope$ a heurism to e5plain that sin*e the spee$ o/ light is to all intents an$ purposes *onstant, then spa*e an$ time measurement will be (ariable- 8/ one pla*es an obser(er in the mi$$le o/ a train *ar, an$ another obser(er in the same position on the groun$ be/ore the train begins to mo(e, an$ one marks o// eFual $istan*es on both si$es o/ the two obser(ers, an$ then *reates a $e(i*e to $etonate an e5plosi(e at these pointsHthen when the train is in motion, an e5plosion whi*h seems to the obser(er on the groun$ to o**ur simultaneously on both si$es o/ him, will not appear that way to the obser(er in the train- 8nstea$, he will belie(e that the e5plosion on the si$e towar$ whi*h he is mo(ing o**urre$ /irst- 8/ he *annot obser(e his own motion, then he will be /or*e$ to assume that the marke$3o// $i//eren*es were not in /a*t eFual- )in*e it is impossible to $etermine (ariation in the relati(e (elo*ity o/ light, this is in /a*t the *ase /or spa*e3time measurement.ussell an$ his asso*iates use$ 9instein6s work to $is*re$it s*ien*e by preten$ing that the inter$epen$en*e o/ spa*e an$ time measurement an$ the interrelationship o/ matter an$ energy o(erturne$ the laws o/ *ausalityFirst, it was ne*essary to lioni7e 9instein- He was in(ite$ to 0on$on, where the Iis*ount Hal$ane was his host- 4s the spiritualist )ir <li(er 0o$ge $es*ribe$ it, ?Hal$ane $i$ /or 9instein what )pen*er $i$ /or %arwin-?=; He a$opte$ him- 8n Hal$ane6s pala*e at Cloan, he ha$ only two pi*tures on the walls+ one o/ his mother, the other o/ 9instein- 4t $inner, 0or$ 4sFuith note$, ?#hen Hal$ane e5plaine$ relati(ity at a $inner party, gra$ually a *lou$ $es*en$e$ until e(en the *an$les lost their lighting power in the *omple5ities o/ Hal$ane6s e5planations-?=@ 8n 1 =1, ?Tubby? Hal$ane arrange$ the so*ial roun$ o/ e(ents to whi*h poor 9instein was subje*te$, writing his mother $aily to keep her in/orme$ o/ all the $etails- Hal$ane6s homose5ual nastiness *omes through in this note to

her+ ?The Ding6s se*retary, 0or$ )tam/or$ham, talke$ to me o/ it last night-? Then /our $ays later, ?The so*ial worl$ is beginning to worry /or in(itations to meet 9instein, an$ 8 am sternly re/using two smart la$iesHwhi*h 8 ha(e no $oubt they think rather brutal-? Two $ays later, ?8 ha(e repelle$ 0a$y Cunar$, who wante$ to get up a party /or 9instein-? Howe(er, a pla*e was reser(e$ /or the *ultist an$ /uture host o/ the /leeing .u$olph Hess, &eneral )ir 8an HamiltonThe aristo*ra*y playe$ with 9instein with an e(il *yni*ism- The 4r*hbishop o/ Canterbury was to be a guest at one o/ these $inners, an$ he appeale$ to 0or$ )an$erson, /or many years a high Foreign <//i*e o//i*ial, /or a brie/ing on 9instein6s theory- )an$erson, in turn, wrote to the physi*ist 1-1- Thomson, ?8 am or belie(e mysel/ to be, in an interme$iate state, roaming the lawns an$ mea$ow lea(es hal/way $own- 8 there/ore o//ere$ to write /or the 4r*hbishop a short sket*h o/ what 8 imagine$ to be the pith o/ the theory in its more elementary /orm- 8 en*lose it with his *omment- 8t is, o/ *ourse, (ery ina$eFuate, but 8 /an*y that as /ar as it goes, it is not entirely at (arian*e with 9instein6s argumentHsome o/ his /ollowers an$ *riti*s seem to me to go /urther- But 8 shoul$ ha(e been sorry to mislea$ the 4r*hbishop- %o you think you *oul$ glan*e through it, or ask some e5pert to $o so, an$ write a short note o/ any gross errorsG? Thomson oblige$, an$ the 4r*hbishop *ame to $inner prepare$ with his *on(ersational sto*k- 4s he reporte$ on the e(ent+ ?8 ha(e ne(er seen a more typi*al s*ienti/i* lion in appearan*eHhe might ha(e been prepare$ /or the role on the stageHa mass o/ long bla*k hair tosse$ ba*k, an$ a general appearan*e o/ s*ienti/i* unti$iness, but he was mo$est an$ Fuiet to talk to, an$ $is*laime$ a great $eal o/ what is attribute$ to him-? 4t one point $uring the $inner, the 4r*hbishop Fuerie$ 9instein, ?0or$ Hal$ane tells us that your theory ought to make a great $i//eren*e to our morale-? But 9instein merely replie$, ?%o not belie(e a wor$ o/ it- 8t makes no $i//eren*e- 8t is purely abstra*t s*ien*e-? The 4r*hbishop6s wi/e, howe(er, re$u*e$ the less3*ontrolle$ :rs- 9instein to gales o/ laughter when she $is*usse$ the ?mysti*ism? o/ 9instein6s theory-=A 8n*re$ibly, the 4r*hbishop himsel/ *ir*ulate$ this story, to the embarrass3 ment o/ British physi*ists like 4rthur 9$$ington, who wrote, ?8 *an well un$erstan$ hastily shearing o// the subje*t- 8n those $ays one ha$ to be*ome

an e5pert in $o$ging persons who mi5e$ up the /ourth $imension with spir3 itualism- But surely the answer nee$ not be preser(e$ as though it were one o/ 9instein6s most perspi*a*ious utteran*es- The non seFuitur is ob(ious-? .ussell was 9instein6s /irst publi*ist, in the 0on$on maga7ine -thaeneum, an$ in 1 =@ he wrote #he -B86s of Relativity .ussell prepare$ the groun$ /or *on/usion with e5planations like the /ollow3 ing+ ?9(eryone knows that i/ you are on an es*alator you rea*h the top sooner i/ you walk than i/ you stan$ still- But i/ the es*alator mo(e$ with the (elo*ity o/ light, you woul$ rea*h the top at e5a*tly the same moment whether you walke$ or stoo$ still-?=2 This is a tra(esty o/ the *ru5 o/ 9instein6s theoryHthe eFui(alen*e o/ matter3 energy B9Tm*=C- The inertial mass o/ an obje*t in*reases with its (elo*ity relati(e to an ele*tromagneti* /iel$' there/ore nothing *an e5*ee$ in (elo*ity the apparent (elo*ity o/ light itsel/- The spee$ o/ light is a limiting (elo*ity.ussell6s image is $esigne$ /or ma5imum *on/usion, sin*e the man in the mo(ing system, the es*alator, is su$$enly *atapulte$ to a system at rest, the top o/ the es*alator- #ere a stairway to be pla*e$ on a spa*eship mo(ing *lose to the spee$ o/ light, in the $ire*tion o/ the stairs, a man *limbing the stairs woul$ barely seem to mo(e- The $istan*e he tra(ele$ woul$ be /oreshortene$ *ompare$ to the spee$ light *an tra(el, 1!A,""" miles in one se*on$- Howe(er, i/ the motion o/ the ship were uni/orm, the man himsel/ woul$ not register the hun$re$s o/ thousan$s o/ miles he was tra(eling, any more than we register the earth6s motion8n the same book, .ussell $istorts 9instein6s argument that it is impossible to $etermine the simultaneity o/ e(ents by merely obser(ing their o**urren*e, sin*e motion is relati(e, to an argument against law/ulness in the uni(erse.ussell writes+ ?Causation, in the ol$ sense, no longer has a pla*e in theoret3 i*al physi*s- - - - The *ollapse o/ the notion o/ one all3embra*ing time, in whi*h all e(ents *an be $ate$, must, in the long run, a//e*t our (iews as to *ause an$ e//e*t, e(olution, an$ many other matters- For instan*e, the Fues3 tion whether, on the whole, there is progress in the uni(erse, may $epen$ upon our *hoi*e o/ a measuring o/ time- 8/ we *hoose one out o/ a number o/ eFually goo$ *lo*ks, we may /in$ that the uni(erse is progressing as /ast as the most optimisti* 4meri*an thinks it is' i/ we *hoose another, eFually goo$ *lo*k, we may /in$ that the uni(erse is going /rom ba$ to worse as /ast

as the most melan*holy )la( *oul$ imagine- Thus optimism an$ pessimism are neither true nor /alse, but $epen$ upon the *hoi*e o/ *lo*ks-?=! To a *ultist who *on(erse$ with Datie, this might seem plausible' to 9in3 stein an$ any normal person, this is simple gibberish%espite his *ontempt /or these British bu//oons, 9instein /oun$ himsel/ in politi*al *ollaboration with them- 4 pa*i/ist, he was $rawn into Ce*il6s orbit an$ ser(e$ with the 0eague o/ Nations, as he later worke$ with .ussell6s Pugwash :o(ement9instein also be*ame a lea$ing spokesman /or the Jionist *ause, working with Chaim #ei7mann#ei7mann was a .ussian 1ew who ha$ emigrate$ to 9nglan$ be/ore the war an$ be*ome a nationali7e$ British subje*t- %uring the war, he ha$ ma$e major *ontributions as a bio*hemist to the $e(elopment o/ the e5plosi(e *or$ite with his $is*o(ery o/ a parti*ular strain o/ ba*terium that *oul$ synthesi7e a*etone- He be*ame the $ire*tor o/ the 4$miralty 0aboratories un$er 4rthur Bal/our, who as First 0or$ o/ the 4$miralty, ha$ issue$ the Bal/our Pro*lamation whi*h *ommitte$ &reat Britain to supporting the establishment o/ a 1ewish homelan$ in Palestine-= 9instein6s *on(ersion to Jionism o**urre$ at the *lose o/ #orl$ #ar 8- By his own a**ount, he ha$ pre(iously been un*on*erne$ with either 1ewish a//airs or religion as su*h- 8t is impossible to know his moti(es, but he ha$ known bitter po(erty in )wit7erlan$, when upon gra$uation /rom the )wiss Fe$eral 8nstitute o/ Te*hnology, the best te*hni*al s*hool in 9urope, he was unable to /in$ work as a s*ientist- BContrary to myth, 9instein was not a poor stu$ent' he re*ei(e$ a gra$e o/ ;- 1 out o/ a possible A-"-C He was apparently bla*kballe$ out o/ personal spite, be*ause he was outspokenly *riti*al o/ some pro/essors who /aile$ to keep up with new $e(elopments in physi*s- #hile in s*hool, he was unaware o/ the animosity he ha$ pro3 (oke$, an$ renoun*e$ his &erman *iti7enship /or )wiss- He a*hie(e$ an eminent position in the &erman s*ienti/i* worl$ only a/ter a har$ struggle4s the &ermany o/ 1 1 was in *haos, the British were o//ering 9instein an assure$ position as an internationally re*ogni7e$ s*ientist at a time when the Berlin ,ni(ersity was shut $own an$ the /uture o/ &erman s*ien*e looke$ bleak- 9instein6s position seeme$ again in jeopar$y, an$ he *oul$ not reje*t the bait->"

4lrea$y that year, the British go(ernment /inan*e$ an e5pe$ition to make obser(ations $uring an e*lipse o/ the sun to test the &eneral Theory o/ .elati(ity' the e5periment pro(e$ su**ess/ul- 4s the 1ondon #imes reporte$ it+ ?But it is *on/i$ently belie(e$ by the greatest e5perts that enough has been $one to o(erthrow the *ertainty o/ ages, an$ to reFuire a new philoso3 phy o/ the uni(erse, a philosophy that will sweep away nearly all that has hitherto been a**epte$ as the a5iomati* basis o/ physi*al thought-?>1 9instein was the only &erman s*ientist allowe$ at the war6s en$ to atten$ international s*ienti/i* gatherings- ,ntil well into the 1 ="s, &erman s*ientists were ostra*i7e$ be*ause o/ ?&erman war guilt-? 9instein himsel/ parti*ipate$ in a /our3man war *rimes tribunal to re(iew &erman atro*ities in BerlinBy 1 >", 9instein was writing on Jionism+ ?First, howe(er, the anti3 )emitism an$ the ser(ile $isposition among us 1ews in our own ranks woul$ ha(e to be *ombatte$ by more knowle$ge- - - - There will be anti3)emitism in the sense o/ a psy*hologi*al phenomenon as long as 1ews *ome into *onta*t with non31ews- - - - 8/ 8 *at*h sight o/ an e5pression like 6&erman *iti7en o/ the 1ewish /aith6 8 *annot help smiling a little sa$ly- - - - 8s this sin*ereG Can the 64ryan6 /eel any respe*t /or su*h un$erhan$e$ /ellowsG?>= These statements were wi$ely *ir*ulate$ throughout &ermany by Haus3 ho/er6s anti3)emite networks- :ass lea/lets were issue$ a**using the &eneral Theory o/ .elati(ity o/ being a 1ewish plot- Patheti*ally, Nobel Pri7e winner Phillip 0enar$ le$ Na7i rallies against 9instein an$ the relati(3 ity theory, be/ore he $ie$ in an insane asylum- The &erman s*ienti/i* *ommunity was shaken to its *ore->> 9instein6s asso*iation with Jionism *ost him an important inter(ention into the key s*ienti/i* battle o/ the $ay- 9instein was a major *onten$er against Niels Bohr, a protOgO o/ .ussell, whose s*hool was attempting to turn physi*s into a /ar*e with its ?un*ertainty prin*iple-? The main arena /or the battle was the *on/eren*es sponsore$ by the Belgian )ol(ay Foun$ation9instein was /or*e$ to gi(e up atten$an*e at the thir$ )ol(ay *on/eren*e in or$er to a**ompany #ei7mann on a /un$raising tour o/ the ,nite$ )tates9instein ha$ not wante$ to make the trip with #ei7mann- Then Durt Blumen/el$ $eli(ere$ a telegraphe$ $ire*ti(e to 9instein /rom #ei7mann9instein Fuerie$ Blumen/el$, ?How is it that you are asking me to publi*i7e

an i$ea that you $o not wholehearte$ly supportG Besi$es, 8 *onsi$er the role whi*h is e5pe*te$ o/ me an unworthy one- 8 am not an orator- 8 *an *ontrib3 ute nothing *on(in*ing, an$ they only nee$ my name whi*h is now in the publi* eye-?>; Blumen/el$ simply rerea$ #ei7mann6s or$ers, an$ then sai$+ ?8t is irrele(ant that we know what is ne*essary /or Jionism to$ay- #e both know too little o/ all the /a*tors in(ol(e$- #ei7mann represents Jionism- He alone *an make $e*isions- He is the presi$ent o/ our organi7ation, an$ i/ you take your *on(ersion to Jionism seriously, then 8 ha(e the right to ask you, in %r#ei7mann6s name, to go with him to the ,nite$ )tates an$ to $o what he at the moment thinks is ne*essary-?>@ 9instein sa$ly answere$+ ?#hat you now say is right an$ *on(in*ing- #ith argument an$ *ounterargument we get no /urther- To you #ei7mann6s telegram is a *omman$- 8 reali7e that 8 mysel/ am now part o/ the situationTelegram #ei7mann that 8 agree-?>A Hen*e 4lbert 9instein was pre(ente$ /rom inter(ening against Bohr on that o**asion%espite the politi*al an$ so*ial *ontrol e5erte$ upon him by the British, 9instein ne(er *apitulate$ to these e(il sub(erters on the issue o/ s*ien*e#hen .ussell6s man Bohr attempte$ to lo*ate irrationality at the *ore o/ the uni(erse, on the basis o/ the suppose$ly errati* an$ unknowable beha(ior o/ the ele*tron, 9instein *ategori*ally answere$+ ?&o$ $oes not play $i*e-? The uni(erse is not rule$ by the *ult &o$$ess Fortune who spins the wheel o/ *han*eThe Anti%,cience )deology For the British 9instein was a sometimes use/ul pawn' their major operation was to *reate Niels Bohr6s theory o/ Fuantum me*hani*s8n 1 11, 0u$wig #ittgenstein an$ Niels Bohr *ame to Cambri$ge to pla*e themsel(es un$er the in/luen*e o/ .ussell, who ha$ be*ome presi$ent o/ the 4ristotelian )o*iety that year- #ittgenstein was an engineering stu$ent, an$ Bohr ha$ just re*ei(e$ a $o*toral $egree /or stu$ies in the ele*tron theory o/ metals- Together the three men laun*he$ the logi*al positi(ist mo(ement, whi*h set itsel/ as the arbiter o/ s*ienti/i* truth+ a s*ienti/i* truth is an

empiri*ally (eri/iable /a*t->2 By this *riteria, a moral ju$gment *an ne(er be either true or /alse- <nly someone ignorant o/ philosophy *oul$ *onsi$er Bertran$ .ussell an e(il manL .ussell6s Religion and !cience o/ 1 "" is the popular (ersion o/ logi*al positi(ism- 4/ter asserting the *on/li*t between religion an$ s*ien*e, whi*h logi*al positi(ism *laims to e5ist, .ussell $e/ines their $i//eren*e- First, he re$u*es Christianity to $ogmatism, an a5iomati* set o/ belie/s, thereby subsuming Christianity un$er the 4ristotelian /a*tion warring against it /rom within- He then i$enti/ies s*ien*e as the pra*ti*e o/ British empiri*ism, that is, the 4ristotelian s*hool o/ s*ien*e.ussell there/ore writes+ ?The way in whi*h s*ien*e arri(es at its belie/s is Fuite $i//erent /rom that o/ me$ie(al theology- 95perien*e has shown that it is $angerous to start /rom general prin*iples an$ pro*ee$ $e$u*ti(ely, both be*ause the prin*iples may be untrue an$ be*ause the reasoning base$ upon them may be /alla*ious- )*ien*e starts, not /rom large assumptions, but /rom parti*ular /a*ts $is*o(ere$ by obser(ation or e5periment- From a number o/ su*h /a*ts a general rule is arri(e$ at, o/ whi*h, i/ it is true, the /a*ts in Fuestion are instan*es- - - - )*ien*e thus en*ourages aban$onment o/ the sear*h /or absolute truth, an$ the substitution o/ what may be *alle$ te*hni*al truth, whi*h belongs to any theory that *an be su**ess/ully employe$ in in(entions or in pre$i*ting the /uture- 6Te*hni*al6 truth is a matter o/ $egree+ a theory /rom whi*h more su**ess/ul in(entions an$ pre$i*tions spring is truer than one whi*h gi(es rise to /ewer- 6Dnowle$ge6 *eases to be a mental mirror o/ the uni(erse, an$ be*omes merely a pra*ti*al tool in the manipulation o/ matter-?>! By this *riterion, he asserts, there is no s*ienti/i* basis /or reje*ting spiritualism, although he /in$s it more probable that the e5perien*es the Psy*hi*al )o*iety relates are $ue to e5trasensory per*eption phenomena- 8n this (ein he writes+ ?There is, howe(er, one aspe*t o/ the religious li/e, an$ that perhaps the most $esirable, whi*h is in$epen$ent o/ the $is*o(eries o/ s*ien*e, an$ may sur(i(e whate(er we may *ome to belie(e as to the nature o/ the uni3 (erse- - - - 8nso/ar as religion *onsists in a way o/ /eeling, rather than in a set o/ belie/s, s*ien*e *annot tou*h it-?>

.ussell has outline$ the ?s*ienti/i*? basis /or the *reation o/ *ults, like the <r$er o/ the &ol$en %awn an$ similar elements o/ the Na7i belie/ stru*ture4/ter lying that Plato6s 4*a$emy $i$ not possess the ru$iments o/ $ynami*s Hwhi*h e(en the otherwise $ishonest British s*ien*e historian Heath $is3 putes, a$mitting that Plato6s 4*a$emy pro$u*e$ a te5t, Elementary .echan0 ics, whi*h was the basis /or 4r*hime$es6 workH.ussell goes on to an e(en more outrageous smear against 1ohannes Depler- He $is*usses Depler6s $is*o(eries o/ the laws o/ planetary motion, whi*h in*lu$e$ e(ery essential /eature o/ Newton6s so3*alle$ $is*o(ery o/ the law o/ gra(itation+ ?The *hara*ter o/ Depler6s intelle*t was (ery singular- He was originally le$ to /a(or the Coperni*an hypothesis almost as mu*h by )un worship MLN as by mere rational moti(es- - - - This is an e5treme e5ample o/ a not in/reFuent o**urren*e in the history o/ s*ien*e, namely, that theories whi*h turn out to be true an$ important are /irst suggeste$ by *onsi$erations whi*h are utterly wil$ an$ absur$-?;" Depler was o/ *ourse a $e(out, Neoplatoni* Christian who was le$ to his $is*o(eries by the notion o/ a gra(itational /iel$ e5isting between the sun an$ planets- He base$ this notion on the work o/ the 9nglish s*ientist #illiam &ilbert, who was stu$ying magnetism- Depler mistakenly assume$ that gra(itation was an e5ample o/ magnetism, but su*h a /irst appro5ima3 tion is har$ly wil$ an$ absur$- .ussell6s propagation o/ *ultism is bare/a*e$Ne5t, a/ter a treatment o/ $emonology an$ wit*h*ra/t whi*h seeks to /i5 in the min$ o/ the rea$er the i$entity between )atanism an$ Christianity, he pro*ee$s to atta*k not only the notion o/ man6s soul but the *ore o/ his personal i$entityHa ne*essary step in any brainwashing pro*ess- ?)oul an$ bo$y, in the s*holasti* philosophy Bwhi*h is still that o/ .omeC, are /oth su/stances," .ussell begins- ? 6)ubstan*e6 is a notion $eri(e$ /rom synta5, an$ synta5 is $eri(e$ /rom the more or less un*ons*ious metaphysi* o/ the primiti(e ra*es who $etermine$ the stru*ture o/ our languages- - - - The metaphysi*al *on*eption o/ substan*e is only an attempt to gi(e pre*ision to what *ommon sense means by a thing or a person- - - - ,n$er 0o*ke6s in/luen*e, his /ollowers took a step upon whi*h he $i$ not (enture+ they $enie$ the whole utility o/ the notion o/ substan*e- - - - 8t was, howe(er, reje*te$ by Hume, an$ has gra$ually been e5tru$e$ both /rom psy*hology

an$ /rom physi*s-?;1 .ussell, o/ *ourse, /in$s himsel/ in the nominalist tra$itionHe then $es*ribes how he an$ Bohr *ooke$ up the /rau$ o/ Fuantum theory Hnot to be *on/use$ with the a*tual e5isten*e o/ Fuantum e//e*ts in physi*s.ussell writes+ ?Take /irst the bo$y- )o long as the *on*eption o/ substan*e was retaine$, the resurre*tion o/ the bo$y meant the reassembling o/ the a*tual substan*e whi*h ha$ *ompose$ it when ali(e on earth- The substan*e might ha(e passe$ through many trans/ormations but ha$ retaine$ its i$entity- 8/, howe(er, a pie*e o/ matter is nothing but the assemblage o/ its attributes, its i$entity is lost when the attributes *hange, an$ there will be no sense in saying that the hea(enly bo$y, a/ter the resurre*tion is the same 6thing6 that was on*e an earthly bo$y- This $i//i*ulty, o$$ly enough, is e5a*tly parallele$ in mo$ern physi*s- 4n atom, with its atten$ant ele*trons, is liable to su$$en trans/ormations, an$ the ele*trons whi*h appear a/ter a trans/ormation *annot be i$enti/ie$ with those that ha$ appeare$ be/ore9a*h is only a way o/ grouping obser(able phenomena, an$ has not the sort o/ 6reality6 reFuire$ /or the preser(ation o/ i$entity through *hange-?;= .ussell aims /or the $estru*tion o/ all *on*eptions o/ uni(ersal, thus re$u*ing the uni(erse to the lawless anar*hism he sponsore$ in his politi*al li/e?The results o/ the aban$onment o/ 6substan*e6 were e(en more serious as regar$s the soul than as regar$s the bo$y,? .ussell *ontinues- ?They showe$ themsel(es, howe(er, (ery gra$ually, be*ause (arious attenuate$ /orms o/ the ol$ $o*trine were, /or a time, thought to be still $e/ensible- First the wor$ 6min$6 was substitute$ /or the wor$ 6soul,6 in or$er to seem to a(oi$ theologi*al impli*ations- Then the wor$ 6subje*t6 was substitute$, an$ this wor$ still sur(i(es, parti*ularly in the suppose$ *ontrast between 6subje*ti(e6 an$ 6obje*ti(e-6 4 /ew wor$s must, there/ore, be sai$ about 6subje*t-6 ?There is ob(iously some sense in whi*h 8 am the same person as 8 was yester$ay, an$, to make an e(en more ob(ious e5ample, i/ 8 simultaneously see a man an$ hear him speaking, there is some sense in whi*h the 8 that sees is the same as the 8 that hears- 8t thus *ame to be thought that when 8 per3 *ei(e anything, there is a relation between me an$ the thing+ 8 who per*ei(e am Bsubje*tC an$ the thing per*ei(e$ is the 6obje*t-6 ,n/ortunately it turne$ out that nothing *oul$ be known about the subje*t+ it was always per*ei(ing

other things, but *oul$ not per*ei(e itsel/- - - - 8t be*ame e(i$ent that 6phe3 nomena6 ha(e whate(er reality we *an know o/, an$ there is no nee$ to assume a superior bran$ o/ reality belonging to what *annot be per*ei(e$-? 4/ter $estroying the *on*ept o/ min$, .ussell restates the assumptions o/ Bohr6s theory+ ?4**or$ing to Fuantum me*hani*s, it *annot be known what an ele*tron will $o in gi(en *ir*umstan*es' there are a $e/inite set o/ alter3 nati(es open to it, an$ it *hooses sometimes one, sometimes another- #e know in what proportion o/ *ases one *hoi*e will be ma$e, in what proportion a se*on$, or a thir$, an$ so on- But we $o not know any law $etermining the *hoi*e in an in$i(i$ual instan*e-? For .ussell, mysti*ism an$ s*ien*e are on *ommon groun$8/ the rea$er has a**epte$ .ussell6s argument so /ar, then he is prepare$ to be initiate$ into the *ult- 4s .ussell e5plains it+ ?From a s*ienti/i* point o/ (iew, we *an make no $istin*tion between the man who eats little an$ sees hea(en an$ the man who $rinks mu*h an$ sees snakes- 9a*h is an abnormal physi*al *on$ition, an$ there/ore has abnormal per*eptions- Normal per*eptions, sin*e they ha(e to be use/ul in the struggle /or li/e, must ha(e some *orrespon$en*e with /a*t' but in abnormal per*eptions there is no reason to e5pe*t su*h *orrespon$en*e, an$ their testimony, there/ore, *annot outweigh that o/ normal per*eption-?;> Nonetheless, .ussell smugly notes+ ?The mysti* emotion, i/ it is /ree$ /rom unwarrante$ belie/s, an$ not so o(erwhelming as to remo(e a man wholly /rom the or$inary business o/ li/e, may gi(e something o/ (ery great (alue-? 4t this point, .ussell /oresha$ows the bestiality o/ the en(ironmentalist mo(ement he woul$ be instrumental in shaping+ ?8 *ome now to the last Fuestion in our $is*ussion o/ Cosmi* Purpose, namely+ is what has hap3 pene$ hitherto e(i$en*e o/ the goo$ intentions o/ the uni(erseG The allege$ groun$ /or belie(ing this, as we ha(e seen, is that the uni(erse has pro$u*e$ ,)- - - - 8s there not something a tri/le absur$ in the spe*ta*le o/ human beings hol$ing a mirror be/ore themsel(es, an$ thinking what they behol$ so e5*ellent as to pro(e that a Cosmi* Purpose must ha(e been aiming at it all alongG #hy, in any *ase, this glori/i*ation o/ :anG How about lions an$ tigersG They $estroy /ewer animals or human li(es than we $o, an$ they are mu*h more beauti/ul than we are- How about antsG They manage the Corporate )tate mu*h better than any Fas*ist- #oul$ not a worl$ o/

nightingales an$ larks an$ $eer be better than our human worl$ o/ *ruelty an$ injusti*e an$ warG The belie(ers in Cosmi* Purpose make mu*h o/ our suppose$ intelligen*e, but their writings make one $oubt it- 8/ 8 were grante$ omnipoten*e, 8 shoul$ not think :an mu*h to boast o/ as the /inal result o/ my e//orts-?;; There speaks a man to whom the $estru*tion o/ billionsHperhaps in a Bla*k %eath on*e e(ery generationHwoul$ not seem implausible8n the /inal analysis, /or .ussell, there is no su*h thing as goo$ an$ e(il?Kuestions as to 6(alues6Hthat is to say, as to what is goo$ or ba$ on its own a**ount, in$epen$ently o/ its e//e*tsHlie outsi$e the $omain o/ s*ien*e, as the $e/en$ers o/ religion emphati*ally assert- 8 think that in this they are right, but 8 $raw the /urther *on*lusion, whi*h they $o not $raw, that Fuestions as to 6(alue6 lie wholly outsi$e the $omain o/ knowle$ge-?;A %o men like Bal/our an$ .ussell belie(e in the *ults they spawnG Probably not- But they are true *ultists- Theirs is the truly satani* *ult, the pursuit o/ e(il in an$ /or itsel/- 8s the writer o/ pornography a pornographer himsel/G He may not /in$ the books he pro$u*es eroti*ally stimulating, but his is the min$ that pro$u*es pornography- He may think he has merely *le(erly mastere$ the s*ien*e o/ $e*eption- Not so- He is more $egra$e$ than the most patheti* o/ his (i*tims.ussell6s logi*al positi(ism lai$ the basis /or $e(eloping mo$ern *lini*al brainwashing- 4ppropriately, the Ta(isto*k 8nstitute, home o/ the British psy*hologi*al war/are $i(ision, is lo*ate$ on .ussell /amily propertyTa(isto*k6s most /amous gra$uate was .u$olph Hess, who, upon his return to &ermany a/ter the war, *oul$ remember e(ents only as /ar ba*k as twel(e $ays in the past- The 8nstitute is the think tank /or .ussell6s ra$i*al 1a*obin mo(ements+ the belie/ stru*ture o/ the terrorist )ymbionese 0iberation 4rmy, /or e5ample, is tra*e$ ba*k to the work o/ its $ire*tor Briga$ier3 &eneral 1ohn .awlings .ees, an$ *urrent Ta(isto*k psy*hiatrist .-%- 0aing pioneere$ the proposition that s*hi7ophrenia is not a mental illness but a so*ially superior /orm o/ so*ial protest0inguisti*s is .ussell6s nominalism elaborate$ into a brainwashing tool- The terrorist promoter Noam Chomsky was /irst tutore$ in the s*hool o/ 0u$wig #ittgenstein6s Blue Book, with the trans*ript o/ his le*tures at Cambri$ge ,ni(ersity- #ittgenstein begins+

?#hat is the meaning o/ a wor$G ?0et us atta*k this Fuestion by asking, /irst, what is an e5planation o/ the meaning o/ a wor$' what $oes the e5planation o/ a wor$ look likeG ?The way this Fuestion helps us is analogous to the way the Fuestion 6how $o we measure a length6 helps us to un$erstan$ the problem 6what is length-6 ?The Fuestions 6what is length,6 6what is meaning6, 6what is the number one,6 et*- pro$u*e in us a mental *ramp-?;A The Case o( "rwin ,chroedinger #ith logi*al positi(ism as their weapon, .ussell an$ Niels Bohr use$ pure thuggery to abort the magni/i*ent s*ienti/i* a**omplishments o/ the &erman physi*ist 9rwin )*hroe$inger, an$ *apture the young &erman s*ientist #erner Heisenberg- 8n the en$, only 9instein oppose$ themThe pro*ess that Bohr an$ his Copenhagen )*hool o/ physi*s put Heisenberg through is $o*umente$ by Heisenberg in his book Physics and Beyond, Encounters and 8onversations 9(en in 1 21, when he ha$ himsel/ broken away /rom logi*al positi(ism, Heisenberg ha$ no insight into the e(il o/ men like Bohr, whom he still a$mires- Yet the re*or$ he lea(es is there to be rea$#hile he was still at :uni*h ,ni(ersity, Heisenberg *ame into tou*h with Bohr6s new theory- 4t /irst he /oun$ it *rass an$ unbelie(able- 4bout it, he then sai$, ?But 8 ha(e some reser(ations on that s*ore- For while we $etermine the path Mo/ an ele*tronN itsel/ by *lassi*al Newtonian metho$s, we use Fuantum *on$itions to a**ount /or its stability, thus /lying in the /a*e o/ Newtonian me*hani*s- 4n$ when it *omes to ele*trons jumping /rom one orbit into the ne5tHas the theory $eman$sHwe are *are/ul not to spe*i/y whether they make high jumps, long jumps, or some other sorts o/ jump-?;2 Heisenberg was Fuite right, although he was Fui*kly brought into line by Bohr- 8n 1 1>, a/ter working un$er the gui$an*e o/ 1-1- Thomson an$ then .uther/or$, Bohr ha$ $e(elope$ a mo$el to e5plain the /a*t that atomi* ra$iation $i$ not /orm a *ontinuous spe*trum but was instea$ Fuanti7e$ into a $e/inite array o/ ?spe*tral lines? o/ $istin*t /reFuen*y-

8n his mo$el, ele*trons ha$ the possibility o/ *ir*ling a nu*leus in a number o/ $i//erent orbits, analogously to the *ir*ulation o/ the planets aroun$ the sun- These orbits represent (arying stationary states, whi*h *orrespon$ to $i//erent energy le(els- The spe*tral lines o/ the atom are emitte$ when the atom un$ergoes a transition /rom one stationary state to the other, at whi*h time the ele*tron will ha(e shi/te$ to a new orbitBohr6s ?e5planation? *ontra$i*ts the basi* assumption o/ *lassi*al me*hani*s that an ele*tron whi*h /ollows an ellipti*al orbit shoul$ be *ontinuously ra$iating energy, while otherwise utili7ing *lassi*al metho$s- Bohr maintaine$ that su*h a *ontra$i*tory e5planation was a**eptable- )in*e his mo$el worke$ to e5plain the phenomena o/ spe*tral lines' the *lassi*al theory was a**eptable in appli*ation otherwise- Nor $i$ he attempt to e5plain why his stationary states shoul$ e5ist- )in*e the min$ $oes not e5ist, why botherG;! Para$o5es always $e(elop as s*ien*e a$(an*es- They in$i*ate the ne*essity /or a shi/t to a new geometry, to $e(elop a higher3or$ere$ (iewpoint- The point is not that Bohr6s /irst e5planations *oul$ not resol(e the para$o5es that emerge$ between the *ontinuous wa(e3like nature o/ ele*tromagneti* ra$iation, an$ its $is*rete, Fuantum3like beha(ior, but that Bohr $ogmati*ally asserte$ that these para$o5es nee$ not, shoul$ not, an$ woul$ not be re3 sol(e$- 4**or$ing to his ?Complementarity Prin*iple,? it was ne*essary to entertain /un$amentally *ontra$i*tory (iews o/ the physi*al uni(erse at one an$ the same time8n Bohr6s 1 >; *olle*tion o/ essays, -tomic #heory and the (escription of 9ature, appears a 1 =2 arti*le in whi*h he writes+ ?The Fuantum theory is *hara*teri7e$ by the a*knowle$gment o/ a /un$amental limitation in the *lassi*al physi*al i$eas when applie$ to atomi* phenomena- The situation thus *reate$ is o/ a pe*uliar nature sin*e our interpretation o/ the e5perimen3 tal material rests essentially upon the *lassi*al *on*epts- Notwithstan$ing the $i//i*ulties whi*h, hen*e, are in(ol(e$ in the /ormulation o/ the Fuantum theory, it seems, as we shall see, that its essen*e may be e5presse$ in the so3 *alle$ Fuantum postulate, whi*h attributes to any atomi* pro*ess an essential $is*ontinuity, or rather in$i(i$uality, *ompletely /oreign to the *lassi*al theories an$ symboli7e$ by Plan*k6s Fuantum o/ a*tion-

?This postulate implies a renun*iation as regar$s the *ausal spa*e3time *oor$ination o/ atomi* pro*esses- - - - The *ir*umstan*e, howe(er, that in interpreting obser(ations use has always to be ma$e o/ theoreti*al notions entails that /or e(ery parti*ular *ase, it is a Fuestion o/ *on(enien*e at whi*h point the *on*ept o/ obser(ation in(ol(ing the Fuantum postulate with its inherent ?irrationality6 is brought in- - - - This situation woul$ seem *learly to in$i*ate the impossibility o/ a *ausal spa*e3time $es*ription o/ the light phenomena- <n one han$, in attempting to tra*e the laws o/ the time3spatial propagation o/ light a**or$ing to the Fuantum postulate, we are *on/ine$ to statisti*al *onsi$erations- <n the other han$, the /ul/illment o/ the *laim o/ *ausality /or the in$i(i$ual light pro*esses, *hara*teri7e$ by the Fuantum o/ a*tion, entails a renun*iation as regar$s the spa*e3time $es*ription-?; 8n 1 ==, Heisenberg met Niels Bohr, an$ Bohr began the pro*ess o/ in$o*trinating the young s*ientist in his *onstru*ts /or the /un$amental irrationality o/ the uni(erse- 4t their /irst en*ounter, Heisenberg $es*ribe$ the nationalist youth mo(ement o/ whi*h he was a member, later re*or$ing the *on(ersation in Physics and Beyond7 ?Perhaps we sometimes imagine oursel(es in the me$ie(al role o/ tra(eling s*holars, an$ *ompare the *atastrophe o/ the last war an$ the subseFuent politi*al stri/e with the hopeless *on/usion o/ the Thirty Years #ar, whi*h in spite o/ its horrors is sai$ to ha(e inspire$ many o/ these songs- 4 /eeling o/ kinship with that age seems to ha(e sei7e$ young people all o(er &ermany8 remember being stoppe$ in the street by an unknown boy, who aske$ me to join a mass meeting o/ young people in an an*ient *astle- 4n$, in$ee$, when 8 got there, s*ores o/ young people were alrea$y streaming towar$ the pla*e, whi*h stan$s in a most pi*turesFue spot in the )wabian 1ura an$ looks $own /rom an almost (erti*al ro*k into the 4ltmuhl Ialley- 8 was Fuite o(er*ome by the /or*es generate$ at this spontaneous gathering, mu*h as 8 was on the /irst o/ 4ugust 1 1;- <therwise, our Youth :o(ement has (ery little to $o with politi*al issues-?@" To Heisenberg, Bohr must ha(e represente$ an an*horing in a perio$ o/ *haos- The romanti*ism o/ the youth mo(ement prepare$ him well /or the *ultism o/ Bohr, who respon$s to Heisenberg6s story+ ?8sn6t it un*anny or perhaps 8 shoul$ say mar(elous, how mu*h magi*al power the ol$ images retainG That a/ter so many *enturies they shoul$ still a//e*t people, without written laws or e5ternal *oer*ionG #e spoke yester$ay o/ monasti* (ows,

an$ the monk6s /irst two rules are highly *ommen$able- Nowa$ays they amount to mo$esty an$ a willingness to a$opt a somewhat har$er, more *ontinent li/e- But 8 hope you won6t stress the thir$ rule, obe$ien*e, too soon or else there may be $angerous politi*al *onseFuen*es- You know that 8 think /ar more highly o/ the two 8*elan$ers, 9gill an$ Njal, than o/ the masters o/ your Prussian or$ers-?6@1 Heisenberg pla*e$ himsel/ un$er Bohr6s guar$ianship- Four years later, Heisenberg met 4lbert 9instein, who trie$ to *ra*k through the shell o/ logi*al3positi(ism in whi*h he was burying his own work- Heisenberg reporte$ on the *on(ersation+ 9instein tol$ him, ?#hat you ha(e tol$ us soun$s e5tremely strange- You assume the e5isten*e o/ ele*trons outsi$e the atom, an$ you are probably Fuite right to $o so- But you re/use$ to *onsi$er the orbits, e(en though we *an obser(e ele*tron tra*ks in a *lou$ *hamber- 8 shoul$ (ery mu*h like to hear more about your reasons /or making su*h strange assumptions-?@= 9instein was atta*king the /a*t that the Bohr theory pla*es the ele*tron in one or another gi(en so3*alle$ orbit without a**ounting /or how it might tra(el /rom one to another- )in*e logi*al positi(ism $eman$s that only phenomena be a**or$e$ reality, why, by their own philosophy, are Bohr an$ Heisenberg permitte$ to $es*ribe phenomena they *annot obser(eG Heisenberg replie$, ?#e *annot obser(e ele*tron orbits insi$e the atom, but the ra$iation whi*h an atom emits $uring $is*harges enables us to $e$u*e the /reFuen*ies an$ *orrespon$ing amplitu$es o/ its ele*trons- 4/ter all, e(en in the ol$er physi*s, wa(e numbers an$ amplitu$es *oul$ be *onsi$ere$ substitutes /or ele*tron orbits- Now, sin*e a goo$ theory must be base$ on $ire*tly obser(able magnitu$es, 8 thought it more /itting to restri*t mysel/ to these, treating them, as it were, as representati(es o/ the ele*tron orbits-? ?But you $on6t seriously belie(e,? 9instein proteste$, ?that none but obser(3 able magnitu$es must go into a physi*al theoryG? Heisenberg twitte$ 9instein about the /a*t that he pa*kage$ relati(ity theory in a /orm *ompatible with logi*al positi(ism- 9instein simply answere$ that that ha$ been a mistake he woul$ not repeat- But 9instein was /ighting /or the /uture e5isten*e o/ s*ien*e when he tol$ Heisenberg, ?But on prin*iple, it is Fuite wrong to try /oun$ing a theory on obser(able magnitu$es alone- 8n

reality, the (ery opposite happens- 8t is the theory whi*h $e*i$es what we *an obser(e-?@> Heisenberg was shaken by the $is*ussion, but not shaken loose /rom Bohr6s hol$- ?Bohr has taught me that one *annot $es*ribe this pro*ess by means o/ tra$itional *on*epts,? Heisenberg tol$ 9instein, ?that is, as a pro*ess in time an$ spa*e- #ith that, o/ *ourse, we ha(e sai$ (ery little, no more, in /a*t, that we $o not know- #hether or not 8 shoul$ belie(e in light Fuanta, 8 *annot say at this stage- .a$iation Fuite ob(iously in(ol(es the $is*ontin3 uous elements to whi*h you re/er as light Fuanta- <n the other han$, there is a *ontinuous element, whi*h appears, /or instan*e, in inter/eren*e phenom3 ena, an$ whi*h is mu*h more simply $es*ribe$ by the wa(e theory o/ lightBut you are o/ *ourse Fuite right to ask whether Fuantum me*hani*s has anything new to say on these terribly $i//i*ult problems- 8 belie(e that we may at least hope that it will one $ay?Perhaps we must imagine the transitions /rom one stationary state to the ne5t as so many /a$e3outs in a /ilm- The *hange is not su$$enHone pi*ture gra$ually /a$es while the ne5t *omes into /o*us, so that, /or a time, both pi*tures be*ome *on/use$ an$ one $oes not know whi*h is whi*h- )imilarly, there may well be an interme$iate state in whi*h we *annot tell whether an atom is in the upper or lower state-?@; The answer 9instein ga(e to this was $e(astating, although the be/u$$le$ Heisenberg ne(er re*ogni7e$ it- 9instein warne$+ ?You are mo(ing on (ery thin i*e, /or you are su$$enly speaking o/ what we know about nature an$ no longer about what nature really $oes- 8n s*ien*e we ought to be *on*erne$ solely with what nature $oes- 8t might (ery well be that you an$ 8 know Fuite $i//erent things about nature, but who woul$ be intereste$ in thatG Perhaps you an$ 8 alone- To e(eryone else, it is a matter o/ *omplete in$i//eren*e- 8n other wor$s, i/ your theory is right, you will ha(e to tell me sooner or later what the atom $oes when it passes /rom one stationary state to the ne5t-?@@ 9instein o//ere$ only a *riti*ism o/ Bohr6s metho$- )u$$enly, in 1 =A, a /ar more serious threat emerge$ against the Bohr3.ussell operation- 9rnest )*hroe$inger put /orwar$ an alternate theory whi*h a**ounte$ /or all the phenomena taken into a**ount by the Bohr theory, but su//ere$ /rom no

$is*ontinuities- Heisenberg summari7e$ )*hroe$inger6s theory in the same book+ ?8n )*hroe$inger6s mo$el, the stationary states o/ an atomi* shell are *ompare$ with the stationary (ibrations o/ a system, /or instan*e o/ a (ibrating string, e5*ept that all the magnitu$es normally *onsi$ere$ as energies o/ the stationary state are treate$ as /reFuen*ies o/ the stationary (ibrations- The results )*hroe$inger obtaine$ in this way /itte$ in (ery well with the new Fuantum me*hani*s, an$ )*hroe$inger Fui*kly su**ee$e$ in pro(ing that his own wa(e me*hani*s was mathemati*ally eFui(alent to Fuantum me*hani*s' in other wor$s, that the two were but $i//erent mathe3 mati*al /ormulations o/ the same stru*tures- Nee$less to say, we were $elighte$ by this new $e(elopment, /or it greatly strengthene$ our *on/i$3 en*e in the *orre*tness o/ the new mathemati*al /ormulation- :oreo(er, )*hroe$inger6s pro*e$ure lent itsel/ rea$ily to the simpli/i*ation o/ *al*ula3 tions that ha$ se(erely straine$ the powers o/ Fuantum me*hani*s-? )o /ar, so goo$, but, ?,n/ortunately, howe(er, the physi*al interpretation o/ the mathemati*al s*heme presente$ us with gra(e problems,? Heisenberg *ontinues- ?)*hroe$inger belie(e$ that, by asso*iating parti*les with material wa(es, he ha$ /oun$ a way o/ *learing the obsta*les that ha$ so long blo*ke$ the path o/ Fuantum theory- 4**or$ing to him, these material wa(es were /ully *omparable to su*h pro*esses in spa*e as ele*tromagneti* or soun$ wa(es- )u*h obs*ure i$eas as Fuantum jumps woul$ *ompletely $isappear-? The /un$amental irrationality at the base o/ the s*ien*e that Bohr proje*te$ woul$ $isappear- There/ore, /or Bohr, )*hroe$inger must re*ant or be $estroye$4s Heisenberg says, ?8 ha$ no /aith in a theory that ran *ompletely *ounter to our Copenhagen *on*eption an$ was $isturbe$ to see that so many physi*ists greete$ pre*isely this part o/ )*hroe$inger6s $o*trine with a sense o/ liberation?Now )*hroe$inger6s interpretationHan$ this was its no(eltyHsimply $enie$ the e5isten*e o/ these $is*ontinuities- Thus when an atom passes /rom one stationary state to the ne5t, it was no longer sai$ to *hange its energy su$$enly an$ to ra$iate the $i//eren*e in the /orm o/ an 9insteinian light Fuanta- .a$iation was a result o/ Fuite a $i//erent pro*ess, namely, o/

the simultaneous e5*itation o/ two stationary material (ibrations whose inter/eren*e gi(es rise to the emission o/ ele*tromagneti* wa(es, e-glight-?@A Heisenberg in(ite$ )*hroe$inger to le*ture at the ,ni(ersity o/ :uni*h#hen he sei7e$ on the /a*t that )*hroe$inger6s theory $i$ not e5plain Plan*k6s ra$iation law, he was taken to task by the physi*ist #ilhelm #ien who sharply rebuke$ him saying, as Heisenberg reporte$ it, ?that while he un$erstoo$ my regrets that Fuantum me*hani*s was /inishe$ an$ with it su*h nonsense as Fuantum jumps, the $i//i*ulties whi*h you mention will be sol(e$ by )*hroe$inger in the (ery near /uture-?@2 )*hroe$inger himsel/ re*ogni7e$ the short*omings o/ his /irst appro5ima3 tion, but it was the approa*h he an$ #ien were /ighting /or8t was *lear to Heisenberg that by himsel/ he *oul$ not *ontain )*hroe$inger, an$ he *alle$ on the master- Bohr then in(ite$ )*hroe$inger, along with Heisenberg, to spen$ part o/ )eptember in Copenhagen-@! ?Bohr6s $is*ussions with )*hroe$inger began at the railway station an$ were *ontinue$ $aily /rom early morning until late at night,? reporte$ Heisenberg?)*hroe$inger staye$ in Bohr6s house so that nothing woul$ interrupt the *on(ersations- Bohr was normally most *onsi$erate an$ /rien$ly in his $ealings with people, he now stru*k me as an almost remorseless /anati*, one who was not prepare$ to make the least *on*ession or grant that he *oul$ ha(e been mistaken- 8t is har$ly possible to *on(ey just how passionate the $is*ussions were, just how $eeply roote$ the *on(i*tions o/ ea*h, a /a*t that marke$ their e(ery utteran*e- 4ll 8 *an hope to $o here is to pro$u*e a (ery pale *opy o/ *on(ersations in whi*h two men were /ighting /or their parti*ular interpretation o/ the new mathemati*al s*heme with all the powers at their *omman$-? Heisenberg then $es*ribes the s*ene- )*hroe$inger spoke+ ?)urely you reali7e that the whole i$ea o/ Fuantum jumps is boun$ to en$ in nonsenseYou *laim /irst o/ all that i/ an atom is in a stationary state, the ele*tron re(ol(es perio$i*ally but $oes not emit light, when, a**or$ing to :a5well6s theory, it must- Ne5t, the ele*tron is sai$ to jump /rom one orbit to the ne5t an$ to emit ra$iation- 8s this jump suppose$ to be gra$ual or su$$enG 8/ it is gra$ual the orbital /reFuen*y an$ energy o/ the ele*tron must *hange

gra$ually as well- But in that *ase how $o you e5plain the persisten*e o/ /ine spe*tral linesG? Bohr interrupte$ him, shaking, ?#hat you say is absolutely *orre*t- But it $oes not pro(e that there are no Fuantum jumps- 8t only pro(es that we *annot imagine them, that the representational *on*epts with whi*h we $es*ribe e(ents in $aily li/e an$ e5periments in *lassi*al physi*s are ina$eFuate when it *omes to $es*ribing Fuantum jumps- Nor shoul$ we be surprise$ to /in$ it so, seeing that the pro*esses in(ol(e$ are not the obje*ts o/ $ire*t e5perien*e-? )*hroe$inger *aught the re$ herring- ?8 $on6t wish to enter into long arguments about the /ormation o/ *on*epts,? he rejoine$, ?8 pre/er to lea(e that to the philosophers- 8 wish only to know what happens insi$e an atom-? They *ontinue$ arguing, an$ /inally )*hroe$inger sai$, ?8/ all this $amne$ Fuantum jumping were really here to stay, 8 shoul$ be sorry 8 e(er got in(ol(e$ with Fuantum theory-? )*hroe$inger be*ame so upset with the $is*ussions that he $e(elope$ a high /e(er, but still Bohr hammere$ away to /or*e him to re*ant- Heisenberg $es*ribes the s*ene+ ?#hile :rs- Bohr nurse$ him an$ brought him in tea an$ *ake, Niels Bohr kept sitting on the e$ge o/ the be$ talking at )*hroe$inger+ 6But you must surely a$mit that-6 ? The impasse was not resol(e$ by this meeting- )i5 months later in 1 =2, Heisenberg sa(e$ the $ay- He enun*iate$ his ,n*ertainty Prin*iple, whi*h showe$ that it was impossible to measure both the momentum an$ position o/ a parti*le beyon$ a *ertain /i5e$ amount+ the pro$u*t o/ that un*ertainty o/ measurement o/ ea*h *an not be less than Plan*k6s *onstant4s *on$itions in &ermany worsene$, Bohr6s thuggery su**ee$e$ in blu$geoning &erman s*ientists into lineHe(en )*hroe$inger- 1ewish s*ientists in parti*ular were pla*e$ un$er great pressure- To be pla*e$ outsi$e o/ &ermany, they ha$ to be a**eptable to Bohr an$ .ussell, who ran the emigre apparatus /or s*ientists- 9rwin )*hroe$inger emigrate$ to %ublin, 8relan$By the postwar perio$, he was so /ar broken as to write in 1 @A, in the book 'hat is 1ife"7

?Yet ea*h o/ us has the un$isputable impression that the sum total o/ his own e5perien*e an$ memory /orms a unit Fuite $istin*t /rom that o/ any other person- He re/ers to it as 68-6 'hat is this I" ?8/ you analy7e it *losely you will, 8 think, /in$ that it is just a little bit more than a *olle*tion o/ single $ata- - - - 4n$ e(en i/ a skille$ hypnotist su**ee$3 e$ in blotting out entirely all your earlier reminis*en*es, you woul$ not /in$ that he ha$ kille$ you 8n no *ase is there a loss o/ personal e5isten*e to $eplore- Nor will there e(er be-?@ To sur(i(e as a physi*ist in a $is*ipline now $ominate$ by Bohr an$ .ussell, )*hroe$inger ha$ to renoun*e his own ?reminis*en*es-? He no longer e(en $eplore$ the brainwashing to whi*h he was subje*te$- He ha$ been so $estroye$ that he en$e$ the pie*e with a /ootnote in praise o/ the e(il $rug3 promoting *ultist 4l$ous Hu5ley+ ?The point o/ (iew taken here le(els with what 4l$ous Hu5ley has re*entlyHan$ (ery appropriately *alle$ Perennial Philosophy His beauti/ul book is singularly /it to e5plain not only the state o/ a//airs, but also why it is so $i//i*ult to grasp an$ so liable to meet with opposition-?A"

,"/"N: The British Don't )nvent8 They Copy

"4nowledge is power #hat was the dominant thought of Bacon6s -tlantis #he greatest of the !cientific Etopias #hat Etopia of Bacon6s has produced more in the way of real conse3uences than any other Etopia that was ever written " $% & 'ells The s*ene is Hei$elberg' a s*ienti/i* *olloFuium- The *hairman is Nobel Pri7e winner an$ opponent o/ 9instein6s relati(ity theory, Phillip 0enar$- He has a strange habit- #hen any aspe*t o/ his work is being $is*usse$ in the seminar, he will interrupt to say an5iously, ?4n$ who $i$ that /irstG? He is Fui*kly reassure$ by the speaker, who respon$s, ?Herr &eheimrat, you $i$ that /irst-? <n these o**asions 0enar$ woul$ answer, ?Yes, 8 $i$ that /irst-? )o the British physi*ist 4n$ra$e, a *olleague o/ 9rnest .uther/or$6s, remem3 bere$ the s*ene- .uther/or$6s a**ount *ontinues+ ?<n one o**asion 8 remember, howe(er, to the speaker6s 6Herr &eheimrat, you $i$ that /irst,6 0enar$ replie$, 6No, 1-1- Thomson $i$ that /irst- He really $i$ that /irst-6 0enar$ mu*h resente$ that the /irst $is*o(ery that the ele*tri*ity release$ by light *onsiste$ o/ ele*trons was o/ten *laime$ /or 1-1, Thomson, whereas he a*tually ha$ prior publi*ation-?1 This was not a uniFue *ase- The British .oyal )o*iety was establishe$ as an in$ustrial espionage so*iety, a**or$ing to the blueprint lai$ out by Fran*is Ba*on in his 9ew -tlantis = The )o*iety has always /un*tione$ as a *o(er /or other intelligen*e operations, but its main purpose was an$ is to *ontrol the $e(elopment o/ basi* s*ien*e an$ its appli*ationsThe )o*iety6s /irst major *rime was its atta*k on &ott/rie$ #ilhelm 0eibni7, whom it a**use$ o/ stealing his own $is*o(ery o/ *al*ulus- To bolster the *laim that 8saa* Newton was the in(entor o/ the *al*ulus, they went so /ar as to re*onstru*t Newton6s suppose$ work papers, $ating them be/ore 0eibni76s publi*ation o/ his work, the papers /or whi*h ha$ been suppose$ly $estroye$ by /ire- Newton6s own publishe$ work shows that he was a*tually working on the problem o/ e5trapolating in/inite series- Newton asserte$ that a *iphere$ senten*e he sent to 0eibni7 whi*h re/erre$ to ?/lu5ions? was the

impetus /or 0eibni76s own $is*o(eries- The absur$ity is lai$ bare by the /a*t that Newton6s /lu5ions were alrea$y imbe$$e$ in the work o/ his own tea*her, 8saa* Barrow8t was not the /lu5ion or the $eri(ati(e that was the real issue, howe(er0eibni7 lai$ the basis /or .iemann6s /uture work by his elaboration o/ $i//erential eFuations as the basis /or the stu$y o/ the topology o/ ele*tromagneti* an$ gra(itational /iel$s /rom the point o/ (iew o/ /lui$ $ynami*s- This was the *on*eptual basis /or the appli*ation o/ his work to the $e(elopment o/ the steam engine an$ *ombustion engine, both proje*ts in whi*h he was $ire*tly in(ol(e$-> Barely ha$ the .oyal )o*iety been /orme$ when it pulle$ its /irst royal the/t+ it $eliberately pre(ente$ the in$ustrial appli*ations o/ steam power /or nearly 1"" years by appropriating an$ suppressing the work o/ the Fren*hman %enis Papin, who, in a *ollaborati(e e//ort with 0eibni7, ha$ in(ente$ a pa$$le3wheel $ri(en by steam in 1A "- 4 member o/ the )o*iety, he publishe$ many papers on his in(ention in Britain an$ abroa$- But in 1A the )o*iety awar$e$ an e5*lusi(e patent to one 9nglishman, Thomas )a(ery, /or his $esign o/ the ?/ire engine-? )a(ery6s engine $i$ not work, but by 12"2, Papin ha$ *onstru*te$ a steam3 boat, whi*h he planne$ to sail to 9nglan$ to bring to the )o*iety- He got as /ar as Hano(er, when a mob was $eploye$ to stop him, protesting that his in(ention woul$ take away the employment o/ or$inary boatmen- His boat was $estroye$-; The ne5t year he submitte$ a $es*ription o/ his in(ention to the )o*iety+ ?Proposition by %r- Papin, *on*erning a new in(ente$ boat to be rowe$ by oars, mo(e$ with heat?8t is *ertain that MitN is a thing o/ great *onseFuen*e to be able to apply the /or*e o/ /ire to sa(e the labour o/ man' so that the Parliament o/ 9nglan$ grante$ some years ago, a patent to 9sFuire )a(ery, /or an 9ngine he ha$ in(ente$ /or that purpose' an$ his Highness Charles, 0an$gra(e o/ Hesse, has also *ause$ se(eral *ostly e5periments to be ma$e /or the same $esignBut the thing may be $one se(eral ways, an$ the ma*hine trye$ at Cassell $i//ers /rom the other in se(eral parti*ulars, whi*h may a//or$ a great $i//eren*e in the Fuantity o/ the e//e*t- 8t will be goo$, there/ore, to /in$ out *learly what *an be $one best in that matter, that those whi*h will work

about it may surely know the best way they are to *hoose- 8 am /ully persua$e$ that 9sFuire )a(ery is so well3min$e$ /or the publi* goo$, that he will $esire as mu*h as anybo$y that this may be $one?8 $o there/ore o//er, with all $uty/ull respe*t, to make here an 9ngine, a/ter the same manner that has been pra*tise$ at Cassell, an$ to /it it so that it may be applie$ /or the moving of ships This 9ngine may be trye$ /or an hour an$ more, together with some other metho$s ma$e a/ter the )a(eryan metho$- The Fuantity o/ the e//e*t shoul$ be *ompute$ both by the Fuantity o/ water $ri(en out o/ ea*h ma*hine an$ by the height the sai$ water *oul$ as*en$ to- - - ?8 wish 8 were in a *on$ition to make the sai$ Cassellian 9ngine at my own *harges' but the state o/ my a//airs $oes not MallowN me to un$ertake it' unless the .oyal )o*iety be please$ to bear the e5pense o/ the Iessel *alle$ .etort in the $es*ription printe$ at Cassell' but a/ter that 8 will lay out what is ne*essary /or the rest, an$ 8 will be *ontent to lose the e5pense, in *ase the *ontri(an*e o/ the 0an$gra(e o/ Cassell $oth not as mu*h again as that o/ 9sFuire )a(ery' but in *ase the e//e*t be as 8 promise, 8 $o humbly beg that my e5pense, time an$ pains, may be pai$, an$ 8 re*kon this to amount to 1@ poun$s sterling- 8/ the .oyal )o*iety be please$ to honor me with their *omman$s upon su*h *on$itions, the /irst thing to be $one is to let me see the pla*e where the :a*hine must be set, an$ 8 will work /or it with all possible $iligen*e an$ 8 hope the e//e*t will yet be mu*h greater than 8 ha(e sai$-?@ The re*eption the .oyal )o*iety ga(e Papin is $es*ribe$ in the #ransactions of the 9ewcomen !ociety, Iolume 12, 1 >A31 >2+ ?Papin, then at Cassell, submitte$ with his paper, a reFuest /or /i/teen guineas to *arry out e5periments, but the .oyal )o*iety, like our own, $i$ not han$ out /i/teen guineas at a time- 8nstea$, the matter was re/erre$ to )a(ery in 12"!, an$ in his letter o/ *riti*ism turning $own Papin6s $esign, there is a passage in whi*h he $amne$ the *ylin$er an$ piston, saying it was impossible to make the latter work be*ause the /ri*tion woul$ be too greatL?A They $estroye$ the man as well as his ma*hine- Papin *ame to 9nglan$ to argue his *ase, an$ in 121= (anishe$ without a tra*e- This was at the height o/ the )o*iety6s *ampaign against 0eibni7- Fi/ty years later New*omen ?in(ente$? an earlier, in/erior (ersion o/ Papin6s steam engine- 8n$ustrial

$e(elopment was $eliberately hel$ ba*kHonly to be let loose a/ter the *risis o/ the 4meri*an .e(olution4meri*an s*ientists re*ei(e$ similar treatment /rom the .oyal )o*iety, as Benjamin Franklin was to *omplain bitterly- 4 British s*ientist #atson is *laime$ by the British to ha(e $is*o(ere$ the true *hara*ter o/ ele*tri*ity as a ?/lui$? whi*h is positi(e or negati(e in e//e*t a**or$ingly as it is in surplus or in $e/i*itHjust months a/ter Franklin6s own $is*o(eries- 9(en i/ true, this is an epistemologi*al hoa5- Benjamin Franklin *oine$ the wor$ ele*tro3 stati*s to $es*ribe a new $is*ipline whi*h en*ompasse$ the biosphereH/rom the *ontainment o/ lightning to the /un$amental *omposition o/ matter- Not /or nothing was he re(ere$ throughout 9urope as the /ather o/ ele*tri*ity an$ the mo$ern Prometheus-2 Franklin in his -uto/iography reports another the/t- 4n 4meri*an *ollabor3 ator o/ his, Thomas &o$/rey, submitte$ an impro(e$ $esign /or a nauti*al Fua$rant to the )o*iety- The ne5t year, the $esign was publishe$ by a British member o/ the )o*iety name$ Ha$ley- To$ay the Fua$rant is known as Ha$ley6s Kua$rant-! The same kin$ o/ /rau$ re(ol(es aroun$ the syntheti*ally *reate$ /igure o/ :i*hael Fara$ay- Fara$ay was a se*on$3rate e5perimenter who was use$ as a prop by the )o*iety an$ by 1ames Clerk :a5well to lay *laim to s*ienti/i* eminen*e, while appropriating the a*tual $is*o(eries o/ .iemann an$ $ownplaying those o/ &auss, 4mpere, an$ <erste$- .iemann6s work was suppresse$ un$er the *o(er o/ Fara$ay6s so3*alle$ a**omplishments- The British lu$i*rously *laime$ that Fara$ay6s banal notion o/ lines o/ /or*e lai$ the basis /or mo$ern /iel$ theory- Yet no more lu$i*rous are the *lassi/i*a3 tion poli*ies o/ British s*ien*e to$ay, where e(ery s*ienti/i* a$(an*e is *lassi/ie$ to be*ome the property o/ the 4l$ermaston #eapons 8nstitute, where .iemann6s work is pore$ o(er in se*re*y1oseph Henry, the 4meri*an s*ientist who be*ame the /irst $ire*tor o/ the )mithsonian 8nstitution, ma$e most o/ the $is*o(eries attribute$ to Fara$ay Hin*lu$ing the *on*ept o/ the magneti* in$u*tion o/ ele*tri*ity- But neither Henry nor Fara$ayHnor 9$ison a/ter themHwas a s*ientist' they were e5perimenters- Howe(er, in the *ase o/ the sel/3in$u*tion o/ ele*tri*ity, Fara$ay *laime$ *re$it /or the $is*o(ery a/ter Henry (isite$ his laboratory an$ e5plaine$ the e//e*t to the British ?s*ientist-?1"

8n 1!2" the se(enth %uke o/ %e(onshire, a Ca(en$ish an$ a Chan*ellor o/ Cambri$ge ,ni(ersity establishe$ an en$owment /or a physi*al laboratory at the uni(ersity, to be *alle$ the Ca(en$ish 0aboratory a/ter the strange eighteenth3*entury British s*ientist Henry Ca(en$ish- The 0aboratory was the site o/ Niels Bohr6s postgra$uate work, an$ its /irst $ire*tor was 1ames Clerk :a5well, who was gi(en the job on *on$ition that he re*on$ition the papers o/ Henry Ca(en$ish /or publi*ation-11 Ca(en$ish was an e**entri* semire*luse who was rarely seen e5*ept at meetings o/ the .oyal )o*iety or o**asionally at the home o/ its presi$entHe was known to be so terri/ie$ o/ strangers that he woul$ run straight home i/ *on/ronte$ by one- 9(en a*Fuaintan*es were a$(ise$ not to look $ire*tly at him while talking to him-1= 0ike his pre$e*essor Newton, Ca(en$ish a$opte$ the pe*uliar pra*ti*e o/ not publishing at the time o/ his allege$ $is*o(eries, e5*ept /or one theoreti*al arti*le on ele*tri*ity an$ an e5perimental pie*e on the ele*tri* eel- <nly in 1!2 were the works publishe$ on whi*h his reputation was to be ma$e, to substantiate the *laim alrea$y *ir*ulate$ in the 1!@"s that ?Ca(en$ish ha$ really anti*ipate$ all those great /a*ts in *ommon ele*tri*ity whi*h were subseFuently ma$e known to the s*ienti/i* worl$ through the in(estigations an$ writing o/ the *elebrate$ Coulomb an$ other Fren*h philosophers-?1> This in$ee$ was 1ames :a5well6s *laim in the e$ite$ *olle*tion o/ Ca(en$ish6s papers he /inally pro$u*e$Ca(en$ish was in(ol(e$ in another priority $ispute $uring his li/etime- He *laime$ to ha(e $is*o(ere$ the *hemi*al *omposition o/ water, as 1ames #att *laime$ also- The $is*o(ery ha$ in /a*t been ma$e by the Fren*h s*ientist 4ntoine 0a(oisier- %r- #illiam Blag$en, a British army surgeon who tra(ele$ between Paris an$ 0on$on, an$ was also a se*retary o/ the )o*iety, was in /reFuent *onta*t with 0a(oisier an$ relaye$ the $is*o(ery to Ca(en$ish- Then, as se*retary o/ the .oyal )o*iety, Blag$en ?superinten$e$ the printing o/ Ca(en$ish an$ #att6s papers, in whi*h *ertain errors o/ $ate were permitte$ to o**ur, /or whi*h he was more or less responsible-? Blag$en, who o/ten tra(ele$ in the *ompany o/ 0or$ an$ 0a$y Palmerston, was ultimately e5pelle$ /rom Fran*e in 1!"> /or his espionage a*ti(ities-1; Fren*h an$ &erman s*ientists at the time were Fuite angry with the British *laim, although 0a(oisier re/use$ to press the issue- The physi*ist an$

member o/ the P*ole Polyte*hniFue 4rago later *harge$ Ca(en$ish with $e*eit an$ plagiarism- 8n a letter to 4rago, 4le5an$er (on Humbol$t wrote in 1!;" that not only Ca(en$ish but also Fara$ay ha$ not been responsible /or what they *laime$ as original workBlag$en6s *lose /rien$ an$ /ellow spy was Benjamin Thompson, Count .um/or$, the New Hampshire3born spy against the 4meri*an .e(olution who was knighte$ by &eorge 888- 8n 9nglan$, Thompson was ma$e a *olonel in the British army an$ a member o/ the .oyal )o*iety- He then marrie$ 0a(oisier6s wi$ow- 8n 12!; he settle$ in :uni*h, where he be*ame joint minister o/ war an$ poli*e /or the #ittelsba*h /amily, who ga(e him the title Count .um/or$-1@ By the early nineteenth *entury, the situation ha$ gotten so ba$ insi$e Britain that the British were no longer Fuali/ie$ e(en to *opy the work o/ *ontinen3 tal s*ientists- The situation was so $ire that only one subje*t in the empire, a )*otsman name$ 1ames 8(ory, *oul$ e(en un$erstan$ *ontinental mathe3 mati*s- #hen this uniFue ability was $is*o(ere$, 8(ory was imme$iately appointe$ to a pro/essorship at the .oyal :ilitary College-1A The strategi* importan*e o/ the s*ienti/i* $e*line /or the 9mpire *annot be un$erestimate$- The s*ientists groupe$ aroun$ the P*ole Polyte*hniFue in Fran*e an$ their *ollaborators at the ,-)- #est Point 4*a$emy ha$ trans3 late$ the a**omplishments o/ 0eibni7 an$ men like 9uler, who worke$ in his tra$ition, to buil$ superior steam engines, ships, an$ weapons- 8n just one e5ample, a New 9nglan$ Yankee won the pri7e o//ere$ by the British 4$miralty /or $e(eloping a na(igator- The pri7e ha$ been o//ere$ by the 4$miralty /or twenty3/i(e years, an$ in all that time not one British subje*t *oul$ be /oun$ to take up the *hallenge- Nathaniel Bow$it*h, who *orres3 pon$e$ with an$ $e/en$e$ *ontinental s*ientists, parti*ularly 0apla*e, /inally $i$ the job-12 8/ $ue appre*iation is gi(en /or 0eibni76s *riti*al role in establishing mathe3 mati*al physi*s, it is not too mu*h o/ an e5aggeration when )usan Cannon, otherwise an apologist /or the British, writes in her !cience in 8ulture, #he Early Bictorian Period7 ?Physi*s itsel/ was in(ente$ by the Fren*h aroun$ the year 1!1"31!>"- #ith regrets that :althus $ie$ so young, 8 woul$ name 4mpere, Carnot, Fourier, an$ Fresnel as among the /irst physi*ists- - - %uring the 6mobili7ation o/ sa(ants,6 physi*al s*ientists ha$ *lustere$ aroun$

the mathemati*ian an$ engineer &aspar$ :onge, who more or less ran the a//air- The /oun$ing o/ the P*ole Polyte*hniFue, not :onge6s i$ea alone, but :onge6s institution as it *ame into being, /urnishe$ a *enter where :onge6s *ir*le - - - *oul$ regroup an$ also rea*h a new generation o/ stu$ents-? #ith this s*ienti/i* elite, 0a7are Carnot ha$ put an en$ to Britain6s 1a*obin terror, sei7ing the go(ernment /rom the e(il .obespierre, rallying Fren*h republi*an /or*es, an$ *reating the basis /or Napoleon6s (i*torious armiesThe same pro*ess was going on in &ermany, where the two Humbol$t brothers su**ess/ully establishe$ a &erman s*ienti/i* poli*y whi*h *reate$ &Rttingen ,ni(ersity as the institution whi*h woul$ shelter &auss, #eber, .iemann, an$ Feli5 Dlein, an$ /oster the &erman *hemi*al, engineering, an$ ele*troni*s in$ustries4s /or Britain, 1ohn Hers*hel, the royal astronomer $uring this perio$, wrote+ ?The en$ o/ the eighteenth an$ the beginning o/ the nineteenth *entury were remarkable /or the small amount o/ s*ienti/i* work going on in Britain, espe*ially in its more e5a*t $epartments- :athemati*s were at a last gasp, an$ astronomy also- - - - The *hilling torpor o/ routine ha$ begun to sprea$ itsel/ o(er all those bran*hes o/ )*ien*e whi*h wante$ the e5*itement o/ e5perimental resear*h-?1! The situation ha$ to be re(erse$ Fui*kly- Cambri$ge ,ni(ersity was *hosen as the *enter /or a $elphi* s*ien*e re(i(al in Britain- By $elphi* is meant the British *ons*ious imitation o/ the metho$ pra*ti*e$ by the Cult o/ 4pollo an$ espe*ially the use the *ult ma$e o/ its <ra*le at the Temple o/ %elphiThe <ra*le was /ame$ /or gi(ing ambiguous pre$i*tions- Two parties to a $ispute woul$ (isit her' ea*h woul$ seek to interpret the <ra*le6s wor$s to a$(antage- The priests o/ 4pollo manipulate$ these interpretations so that all parties woul$ *on(erge to the point o/ (iew the priesthoo$ ha$ alrea$y $e*i$e$ upon- This is the $elphi* metho$ o/ opinion3mol$ing' the $ebating so*iety /a(ore$ by 4ristotelians is a training groun$ /or its use-1 The pra*titioner is to be*ome /a*ile in twisting any argument to his a$(antageThe /inal result o/ the Bohr3)*hroe$inger $ispute was a *lassi* e5ample o/ the te*hniFue- )*hroe$inger was le$ to agree that sin*e his approa*h an$ Bohr6s *oul$ be represente$ by mathemati*al eFuations that were eFui(alent, there/ore, they were *omplementary to ea*h other, rather than $iametri*ally oppose$ to one anotherHas was the *ase an$ as )*hroe$inger initially

state$- 8n an earlier perio$, :a5well applie$ the same metho$ to justi/y *omparing Fara$ay6s banalities to &auss an$ #eber6s true /iel$ theory- The same mathemati*al eFuations *an $es*ribe either, there/ore they are synony3 mous- The /inal stage o/ the pro*ess is to banish theory altogetherHthe mo$ern te5tbook approa*h to physi*s+ ?:a5well6s theory is his eFuations, perio$-? 8n the early nineteenth *entury, a group o/ Cambri$ge stu$ents were $ire*te$ to a*tually learn some s*ien*e- 1ohn Hers*hel himsel/ was in the best position, sin*e his /ather ha$ migrate$ to 9nglan$ /rom Hano(er, the home o/ 0eibni7, where the el$er Hers*hel was an a**omplishe$ astronomer an$ *ourt musi*ian- Charles Babbage, his asso*iate at Cambri$ge an$ therea/ter, ma$e a tour o/ the *ontinent, an$ through Hers*hel, be*ame pri(y to 0eib3 ni76s work on the *al*ulating ma*hine, whi*h without a*knowle$gment, he was to *arry /orwar$Hers*hel, Babbage, an$ a /ellow s*ien*e stu$ent at Cambri$ge also /orme$ the &host Club an$ the 4nalyti*al )o*iety at the uni(ersity-=" 4$am )e$ge3 wi*k /oun$e$ a philosophi*al so*iety an$ later en*ourage$ the /ormation o/ the Con(ersation )o*iety, otherwise known as the 4postles, whi*h in turn spun o// the :etaphysi*al )o*iety an$ the 4ristotle )o*iety-=1 9ntran*e into the *lubs signi/ie$ the initiate as a member o/ the British elite- Bal/our, .ussell, an$ Deynes were all members o/ the 4postles, as was Dim Philby an$ &uy Burgess in the ne5t generation4/ter tra(eling to )t- Petersburg, Berlin, an$ Paris to stu$y the work o/ 0eibni7, Babbage returne$ to 9nglan$ to write #he Principle of Pure (eism in <pposition to the (otage of the Eniversity as the /irst (olume pro$u*e$ by the 4nalyti* )o*iety- The Cambri$ge grouping $eman$e$ the intro$u*3 tion o/ the stu$y o/ $i//erentials into the *al*ulus Bthe $ notation, $5, $y, $7, *ustomarily use$ sin*e in 4nglo34meri*an as well as *ontinental s*hoolsC-== 8n 1!>", the Cambri$ge elite put /orwar$ Hers*hel as the presi$ent o/ the .oyal )o*iety- Things in the king6s s*ienti/i* *ontrol *enter ha$ rea*he$ su*h a pass that the %uke o/ )usse5 was its presi$ent- 4t the time the %uke was also a notorious *ultist an$ the &ran$ :aster o/ the :asons Bas 9$war$ I88 woul$ also be*omeC- The )o*iety ha$ be*ome an aristo*rati* *lubH ine//e*ti(e /or e(en $elphi* purposes- %e/eate$ in their takeo(er bi$, the Cambri$ge grouping $e*i$e$ to /orm the British 4sso*iation /or the

4$(an*ement o/ )*ien*e- The /irst meeting o/ the new 4sso*iation was opene$ by .e(eren$ Har*ourt, who as presi$ent o/ the Yorkshire Philosophi3 *al 4sso*iation hoste$ the meeting- BPhysi*s in 9nglan$ was still known as natural philosophy-C .e(- Har*ourt began his spee*h+=> ?8 propose then, &entlemen, in the /irst pla*e, that we shoul$ /oun$ a British 4sso*iation /or the 4$(an*ement o/ )*ien*e- - - - 8 $o not rest my opinion, &entlemen, o/ this want upon any *omplaint o/ the $e*line o/ s*ien*e in 9nglan$- 8t woul$ be a strange anomaly i/ the s*ien*e o/ a nation were $e*lining, whilst the general intel3 ligen*e an$ prosperity in*reases- There is goo$ reason, in$ee$, to regret that it $oes not make more rapi$ progress in so /a(orable a soil, an$ that its *ulti(ation is not proportionate to the a$(antages, whi*h this *ountry a//or$s, an$ the immunity /rom (ulgar *ares whi*h a mature state o/ so*ial re/ine3 ment implies- But, in no other than this relati(e sense, *an 8 a$mit s*ien*e has $e*line$ in 9nglan$-? This politi* woul$ ha(e seeme$ amusing e(en to his au$ien*e, *onsi$ering the bitterness o/ the *ontro(ersy at the time- 8n$ee$, s*ien*e in 9nglan$ ha$ *ollapse$ to su*h an e5tent that e(en Babbage hel$ up :i*hael Fara$ay as a prime e5ample o/ s*ienti/i* in*ompeten*e- Fara$ay boaste$ that he *oul$ not /ollow the work o/ the Fren*h physi*ist 4mpere be*ause he knew no *al*ulus- #hen 4iry was aske$ to *omment upon Babbage6s atta*k on Fara$ay, he sai$ he ha$ no basis o/ e(en ju$ging Fara$ay as a s*ientist- ?86(e always known Fara$ay as a mysti*,? he sneere$-=; ?Curse their neuroti* souls,? was the response o/ Cambri$ge geologist 4$am )e$gewi*k on the Fara$ay *ontro(ersy-=@ Fara$ay6s mysti*ism was by no means uniFue- His mentor, Humphrey %a(y, /ame$ /or isolating *hlorine among other a*hie(ements in *hemistry, was /inan*e$ in his early work by :an*hester $rug interests- #orking with opium3user Coleri$ge, his $is*o(eries were the by3pro$u*t o/ testing (arious into5i*ating ?laughing gases-? 4$ministering *hlorine gas to himsel/ one $ay, to test its pleasurable e//e*ts, %a(y almost kille$ himsel/-=A These stu$ies were more *onne*te$ to British spiritualism than to British in$ustry Hsu*h gases were a$ministere$ to subje*ts un$er the guise o/ in*ense, ren$ering them, o/ *ourse, highly suggestible-

Har*ourt6s spee*h *ontinue$+ ?8 am not aware, &entlemen, that in e5e*uting su*h a plan we shoul$ intru$e upon the pro(in*e o/ any other institutionThere is no )o*iety at present e5isting among us, whi*h un$ertakes to len$ any gui$an*e to the in$i(i$ual e//orts o/ its members, an$ there is none perhaps whi*h *an un$ertake it- - - ?The el$est o/ our s*ienti/i* institutions *ontemplate$, in its origin, the obje*ts whi*h we now propose to pursue- The /oun$ation, &entlemen, o/ the .oyal )o*iety, was an attempt to re$u*e to pra*tise the splen$i$ /i*tion o/ the New 4tlantis- The same *omprehensi(e min$ whi*h /irst $e(elope$ the true metho$ o/ interpreting nature, sket*he$ also the /irst $raught o/ a national 4sso*iation /or un$ertaking, by a system o/ $istribute$ an$ *om3 bine$ e5ertion, the labours o/ that work+ 6By this - - - way, my 0or$s, ha(e 8 propose$ to ere*t the a*a$emi* /abri* o/ this islan$6s )alomon house, mo$elle$ in New 4tlantis, an$ my en$s are only to make the worl$ my heir-6 ?These $esi$erata by no means ha(e yet been /oun$ o/ supplying in an a$eFuate $egree' an$ s*ien*e, e(en to the present $ay, *an s*ar*ely be sai$ to possess more than fractions of men The .oyal )o*iety $i$ not attempt to e5e*ute this part o/ Ba*on6s plan' but in other respe*ts it *opie$ as *losely as possible, the mo$el o/ the six days 8ollege 8t was not an asso*iation o/ in$i(i$uals throwing their *ontributions *asually into a *ommon sto*k, but a bo$y politi* o/ philosophers a*ting in a *orporate *apa*ity an$ with system3 ati* (iews, allotting to its members their respe*ti(e tasks, an$ *onjun*ti(ely $ebating an$ *onsulting /or the a$(an*ement o/ knowle$ge- 8t ha$, in the /igurati(e language o/ Ba*on, its merchants of light, who were $ispat*hing in (arious $ire*tions at home an$ abroa$, to gather in/ormation an$ bring ba*k spe*imens o/ nature' it ha$ its depredators who were $epute$ to e5amine histories o/ *ountries, an$ to Fuestion the tra(ellers who ha$ (isite$ them, in or$er that Fueries might be /rame$ whi*h were a$$resse$ to the )o*iety6s *orrespon$en*e in /oreign lan$s, among whom Consuls an$ 4mbassa$ors were prou$ to be numbere$- - - ?But the (igor o/ these e5ertions soon $e*line$, an$ within thirty years we /in$ 0eibni7 suggesting to one o/ the original /oun$ers o/ the .oyal )o*iety that it wante$ new warmth to be in/use$ into its *onstitution, an$ re*om3 men$ing that it shoul$ be remo$elle$ a/ter the e5ample o/ the Fren*h 4*a$emy-

?0eibni7 in$ee$ ha$ no right to *onsi$er a )o*iety e//ete, whi*h within a /ew years ha$ eli*ite$ a work /rom Newton, that e*lipse$ the /ame e(en o/ the great &erman philosopher-? The tra$ition o/ s*ienti/i* espionage establishe$ by #illiam Ce*il6s nephew Fran*is Ba*on ha$ been reasserte$- 4n$ in$ee$, while :a5well was poring o(er #illiam Ca(en$ish6s papers, Heinri*h Hert7 (eri/ie$ the e5isten*e o/ ra$io wa(es, while working as the assistant o/ Hermann (on Helmholt7, who was e5ten$ing .iemann6s work in /lui$ $ynami*s- 4t the same time, other workers, primarily in &ermany, were per/e*ting the apparatus an$ *arrying out the e5periments that le$ to the $is*o(ery o/ the ele*tron in 1! 28n Britain, 0or$ .ayleigh, who /ollowe$ :a5well at Ca(en$ish, was making a name as a ghost hunter, an$ his su**essor 1-1- Thomson split his time between the laboratory an$ sean*es&ermany, meanwhile, was $e(eloping pure an$ applie$ resear*h /a*ilities *apable o/ making $is*o(eries o/ importan*e both to in$ustrial a$(an*es an$ to a /un$amental un$erstan$ing o/ nature- &eissler per/e*te$ (a*uum pumps su//i*iently to allow others to *arry out in(estigations o/ *atho$e raysPhillip 0enar$ impro(e$ the *atho$e ray tube, laying the basis /or .oent3 gen6s $is*o(ery o/ those rays known anonymously in Britain as U3rays, but otherwise i$enti/ie$ to *ontinental s*ientists, appropriately, as .oentgen rays-=2 The $ispute between Thomson an$ 0enar$ o(er the ele*tron was not merely o(er pre*e$en*e- 4s a *on/irme$ 4ristotelian, Thomson *laime$ that ele*3 trons, whi*h he preten$e$ to ha(e $is*o(ere$, were /un$amental parti*les0enar$, like )*hroe$inger a/ter him, saw them as states o/ an ele*tromag3 neti* /iel$Thomson was awar$e$ priority /or $is*o(ering the ele*tron- Howe(er, his e5periment repeate$ work $one earlier by Hert7 an$ 4rthur )*huster, whose e5periments $i$ not *on*lusi(ely i$enti/y the ele*tron- 0enar$ ha$ re/ine$ their e5periments- The se*on$ *ase was more blatant- Thomson *laime$ *re$it /or $is*o(ering that ultra(iolet light *oul$ liberate ele*trons /rom metalli* sur/a*es- 0enar$ e5pose$ the /rau$ in the le*ture he ga(e when he re*ei(e$ the Nobel Pri7e+

?:y /irst $etaile$ *ommuni*ations on the subje*t appeare$ in the !it2ungs0 /erichte der 4aiserl -kademie der 'iss 2u 'ien /or 1 th <*tober 1! - 8n the %e*ember issue o/ #he Philosophical .aga2ine o/ the same year, 1-1- Thomson publishe$ stu$ies ?<n the mass o/ the ions in gases at low pressure6 in whi*h the photo3ele*tri* e//e*t is in(ol(e$ although its *entre is still sought in the gas a$ja*ent to the irra$iate$ plate, as the remarks on p- @@= in$i*ate- 8n the same author6s book 8onduction of Electricity through &ases, =n$ e$-, 1 ">, p- 1" , my publi*ation is $ate$ one year later than just mentione$ sin*e a later reprinting >-nn Physik M1 ""N >@ , where it is e5pressly marke$ as a reprintingC, an$ not the original is *ite$-?=! The s*ienti/i* the/t that Thomson *arrie$ out re*ei(e$ the /ull ba*king o/ the British establishment- &enuine s*ienti/i* a*hie(ement *oul$ not be tolerate$ in Britain, an$ it was not- Yet to be a *o(er /or espionage an$ sub(ersion o/ s*ien*e, Britain6s s*ienti/i* reputation ha$ to e5ist- There/ore, as Fran*is Ba*on sai$, i/ you *an6t in(entH*opyThe British Theory o( Annat$ral ,election The most /amous pro$u*t o/ the B44) Cambri$ge proje*t to pump some bloo$ into British s*ien*e was Charles %arwin6s 1!@ publi*ation o/ the <rigin of !pecies 4s with most theories the British got their han$s on, the person6s name atta*he$ to it ha$ (ery little to $o with its a*tual origin%arwin was a stu$ent at Cambri$ge un$er Pro/essor Henslow, who, along with )e$gewi*k, /orme$ a *hapter o/ the 4sso*iation at the uni(ersity- His ol$er brother, 9rasmus, was a member o/ the 4postles' Charles was a member o/ )e$gewi*k6s Philosophi*al )o*iety- 8n 1!>@, when %arwin returne$ /rom his /i(e3year (oyage aboar$ the Beagle, these men together *on*o*te$ his so3*alle$ theory o/ e(olution, whi*h they then $eman$e$ he publish- 8t took twenty3/our years o/ pressureHuntil 1!@ Hbe/ore %arwin /inally publishe$-= B8t is generally a*knowle$ge$ that the British subje*t 4l/re$ .ussel #alla*e simultaneously $is*o(ere$ that man is merely one in a long *hain o/ animal e(olution, an i$ea #alla*e publishe$ in his 1!@! .alaysian !tudies 8n 1!2@, #alla*e also publishe$ three essays on .iracles and .odern !uper0 stition: his notorious *ultism ma$e it $i//i*ult to promote him->"C

The theory o/ natural sele*tionHthe sur(i(al o/ the /ittestHis meant to pro(e that man is born o/ )atan, an animal a/ter all, his pretensions to reason $elusory- From this it /ollows that man has no right to *laim the biosphere /or his own- The en(ironmentalist mo(ement /ollows straight /rom this (ariant o/ 1esuit theology, an$ not surprisingly, 1ulian Hu5ley, the gran$son o/ Thomas Hu5ley, wrote a pre/a*e to 1esuit i$eologue Teilhar$ $e Char$in6s #he Phenomenon of .an i$enti/ying their (iewpoint o/ e(olution as i$enti*al->1 The e(olution o/ the biosphere to pro$u*e man no more makes man an animal than it makes him a (egetable or a ro*k- The British theory o/ e(olution was the natural *onseFuen*e o/ Britain6s long tra$ition to $estroy s*ien*e as the knowle$ge o/ the ?higher hypothesis?Hthe law/ulness o/ man6s *reati(e powers- ,nlike his sponsors, %arwin himsel/ ha$ insight into the /alla*iousness o/ his theory, when he remarke$ in the <rigin of !pecies that the only thing that ma$e him think he might not be *orre*t was the per/e*tion o/ the human eye->= 8t was the intention o/ the men aroun$ %arwin to *reate a /alse alternati(e between s*ien*eH%arwin6s (iew o/ e(olutionHan$ religionHreligion as a /un$amentalist interpretation o/ the <l$ Testament o/ the Bible, thus trapping many honest Christians into (ehement opposition to the notion o/ the e(olutionary $e(elopment o/ the uni(erse- The /amous )*opes Trial in the ,nite$ )tates showe$ how the theory $i$ $ouble $uty to un$ermine both s*ien*e an$ religionHowe(er, it is probably an injusti*e to as*ribe the theory to %arwin, who was merely the *on(enient tool o/ the three 9nglishmen who shoul$ be gi(en *re$it /or it+ 1eremy Bentham posthumously, /or inspiring it' Herbert )pen*er, as its true author' an$ Thomas Hu5ley as the major protagonist /or the theory an$ the man who /or*e$ %arwin to set pen to paper1eremy Bentham, the liberal agent o/ 0or$ )helburne, prime minister at the *lose o/ the .e(olutionary #ar with 4meri*a, was the H-&- #ells o/ his $ay8n 12;!, his mentor, %a(i$ Hume, ha$ written Essays 8oncerning %uman Enderstanding, whi*h put /orwar$ the anti3Christian notion o/ man6s bestiality as primary to his nature- Hume wrote+ ?But though animals learn many parts o/ their knowle$ge /rom obser(ation, there are also many parts o/ it, whi*h they $eri(e /rom the original han$ o/

nature' whi*h must e5*ee$ the share o/ *apa*ity they possess on or$inary o**asions' an$ in whi*h they impro(e little or nothing by the longest pra*ti*e an$ e5perien*e- These we $enominate instincts, an$ are so apt to a$mire as something e5traor$inary an$ ine5pli*able by all the $isFuisitions o/ human un$erstan$ing- But our won$er will, perhaps *ease or $iminish, when we *onsi$er, that the e5perimental reasoning itsel/, whi*h we possess in *ommon with beasts, an$ on whi*h the whole *on$u*t o/ li/e $epen$s, is nothing but a spe*ies o/ instin*t, or me*hani*al power, that a*ts in us un3 known to oursel(es, an$ in its *hie/ operations is not $ire*te$ by any su*h relations or *omparisons o/ i$eas, as are the proper obje*ts o/ our intelle*tual /a*ulties- Though the instin*ts be $i//erent, yet still it is an instin*t-?>> From his Fuarters at )helburne6s estate, Bentham $ire*te$ the 1a*obin terror o/ Fran*e, an$ he was ma$e an honorary member o/ the Fren*h 0egislati(e 4ssembly- 0ater, he *oor$inate$ the British *ampaign to $ismember the )panish 9mpire with the *reation o/ ?national liberation? mo(ementsBentham6s puppet )imon Boli(ar ?liberate$? Colombia an$ Iene7uela by mur$ering hun$re$s o/ *a$re organi7e$ into networks asso*iate$ with Benjamin Franklin an$ with the 4meri*an .e(olution- He was a /reFuent *orrespon$ent with 4n$rew 1a*kson, an$ when the traitor 4aron Burr was /or*e$ to /lee the ,nite$ )tates he /oun$ re/uge at Bentham6s house->; 8n 12!", Bentham wrote -n Introduction to the Principles of .orals and 1egislation, whi*h represente$ a justi/i*ation /or the 1a*obin terror he woul$ unleash an$ pro(i$e$ the basis /or the *onstitutions o/ many o/ the ?liberate$? *ountries o/ )outh 4meri*a- He wrote+ ?Nature has pla*e$ mankin$ un$er the go(ernan*e o/ two so(ereign masters, pain and pleasure 8t is /or them alone to point out what we ought to $o, as well as to $etermine what we shall $o- <n the one han$, the stan$ar$ o/ right an$ wrong, on the other the *hain o/ *ause an$ e//e*ts, are /astene$ to their throne- They go(ern us in all we $o, in all we say, in all we think' e(ery e//ort we make to throw o// our subje*tion, will ser(e but to $emonstrate an$ *on/irm it- 8n wor$s a man may preten$ to abjure their empire' but in reality he will remain subje*t to it all the while- The principle of utilityHthe greatest happiness or the greatest felicity prin*ipleHre*og3 ni7es this subje*tion, an$ assumes it /or the /oun$ation o/ that system, the obje*t o/ whi*h is to rear the /abri* o/ /eli*ity by the han$s o/ reason an$ o/

law- )ystems whi*h attempt to Fuestion it, $eal in soun$s instea$ o/ senses, in *apri*e instea$ o/ reason, in $arkness instea$ o/ light-?>@ This pro$u*t o/ the British 9nlightenment was a member o/ the :e$men3 ham Chur*h, a :ani*hean *ult that pra*ti*e$ $e(il worship- Prominent members o/ the House o/ 0or$s an$ *abinet were members o/ this ?*hur*h,? whi*h in 12A> was /or*e$ to $isban$ into *lan$estine semise*ret so*ieties known as Hells3Fire Clubs, a/ter an embarrassing in*i$ent+ a Bengal ba3 boon, $resse$ up as the $e(il, broke out o/ the *hur*h to terrori7e lo*al resi$ents->A The ra$i*al Bentham *ampaigne$ /or the legali7ation o/ $rugs, an$ also publishe$ an argument in /a(or o/ pe$erasty that went+ sin*e men *an a//or$ to waste semen Bsin*e they pro$u*e more than su//i*ient to ensure a *ontinuing populationC, they shoul$ be /ree to per/orm se5ually as they *hooseBentham himsel/ ha$ e(en si*ker habits- His $iary is ri/e with entries like the /ollowing+ ?8 be*ame (ery intimate on*e with a *olony o/ mi*e- They use$ to run up my legs an$ eat *rumbs /rom my lap- - - - :y /on$ness /or animals e5pose$ me to many jokes- 4n a*Fuaintan*e o/ #ilson ha$ *ome to $ine with me- He ha$ seen two beauti/ul asses an$ one ha$ been name$ :iss 1enny- 4t For$ 4bby there was an ass o/ great symmetry an$ beauty to whi*h 8 was mu*h atta*he$ an$ whi*h grew atta*he$ to me, ea*h /on$ling the other-?>2 His s*heme /or the re/orm o/ the poor laws, the Panopticon, shoul$ en$ /ore(er the myth that British liberalism or ra$i*alism is anything other than /as*ism- Bentham propose$ to *reate a joint sto*k *orporation to be mo$ele$ on the 9ast 8n$ia Company an$ /inan*e$ by the Bank o/ 9nglan$, whi*h woul$ *onstru*t work prisons that the *orporation woul$ then run at a pro/it- These *on*entration *amps woul$ be $i(i$e$ into two *ategories+ one to house the unemploye$ an$ the other /or *on(i*te$ *riminalsThe prison was $esigne$ as a /i(e3story *ir*ular stru*ture9a*h /loor was $i(i$e$ like a pie into eight *hambers- 4t the mi$$le o/ ea*h /loor was a *ir*ular *hamber with see3through mirrors /rom whi*h the guar$s *oul$ obser(e the prisoners, while they saw only a re/le*te$ image-

9a*h *hamber was eFuippe$ with primiti(e /a*tory eFuipment- 9a*h ?workben*h? was $esigne$ to /ol$ $own into a table on whi*h the prisoner *oul$ be ser(e$ his meal- 4t night this ben*h woul$ be /ol$e$ again to be*ome a sleeping sur/a*e- <n*e *ommitte$ to his *hamber, the (i*tim was ne(er to lea(e ali(e->! This *ost3e//e*ti(e system, like 0o*ke6s proposal be/ore him, in*lu$e$ the humane *are o/ *hil$ren o/ the inmates- They were to be pro(i$e$ with see3saws, *hutes, swings, an$ other toys whi*h woul$ work like trea$mills to operate a *entral generator that woul$ power the /a*toryBentham publishe$ this plan an$ *ir*ulate$ it at his own e5pense to e(ery member o/ Parliament- 8t waite$ /or two *enturies /or the Frien$s )er(i*e Committee to a$opt it as the mo$el /or &erman work *amps- <nly in one signi/i*ant $etail $i$ the )er(i*e Committee an$ later Na7i *amps $i(erge /rom the original- Bentham suggeste$ a motto o(er the entran*eway to rea$+ ?Ha$ they been in$ustrious while /ree, they nee$ not ha(e $ru$ge$ here like sla(es-?> The gates abo(e the Na7i *amps bore the motto+ ?#ork :akes Free-? To$ay Bentham resi$esHalbeit in stu//e$ /ormHat the ,ni(ersity o/ 0on$on, where until 1 2> he was wheele$ out to atten$ e(ery $ire*tors6 meetingHerbert )pen*er, a member o/ the inner elite o/ the British .oyal )o*iety, was born in 1!="- 4s a young man, he was pi*ke$ up by anar*hist ra$i*al *ir*les who sprea$ anti*apitalist propagan$a an$ re*ruite$ terrorists on the basis o/ it- .eturn to the joys o/ merrie ol$e 9nglan$H$uring the years o/ the Bla*k %eathHthey $eman$e$- This grouping inspire$ Thomas Carlyle, #illiam :orris, an$ 1ohn .uskin- The main i$ea these men prea*he$ was the e(ils o/ *apitalism, the moral turpitu$e o/ *apitalists, an$ the superior humanism o/ aristo*rats- These were the initiators o/ the Pre3.aphaelite aesthetes, who likewise glori/ie$ the :i$$le 4gesNee$less to say, this $ark ages promotional *ampaign was $e(elope$ mainly /or e5port- <ne o/ its major (i*tims was the unhappy Darl :ar5, who ne(er appre*iate$ the /un$amental $i//eren*e between British *apitalism, in whi*h in$ustrialism was an un/ortunate by3pro$u*t o/ the $rug tra$e an$ $e/en$ing the 9mpire, an$ the genuine republi*an in$ustrialism o/ the 4meri*an )ystem-;"

:ar5, at least, was *ommitte$ to progress, e(en i/ he wrongly assume$ that there *oul$ be progress only un$er so*ialism- <n the other han$, )pen*er, Carlyle, an$ .uskin prea*he$ an e(il :aoist so*ialism whi*h atta*ke$ in(ention as un/air *ompetition' the nurturing o/ in$ustry as monopolism' in(estment in in$ustrial $e(elopment as stealing /rom the workers- #here be/u$$le$ :ar5 was *lear on the (i*iousness o/ :althusianism, whi*h he atta*ke$ all his li/e, )pen*er, .uskin, an$ Carlyle, an$ their heirs, the so*ialist Fabian )o*iety, were :althusian i$eologues- Their so*ialism meant the $estru*tion o/ hal/ the worl$6s population' the so3*alle$ /air $istribution o/ property in their anti3in$ustrial workers6 ?para$ise? was the spur to rampaging 1a*obin mobs- Dill, $estroy, steal- 8t6s yours anyway- Take it)pen*er6s $o*trine o/ the sur(i(al o/ the /ittest was the basis /or %arwin6s work- For )pen*er, it was the justi/i*ation /or :althusian e*onomi*s, /or the British *olonial system that loote$ populations aroun$ the worl$- 8n/erior ra*es must not be allowe$ to populate at the e5pense o/ the superior ra*esThe poor must a**ept misery an$ $isease as nature6s way o/ *hoosing the best- ?9(olution has an inherent limit,? )pen*er sai$- 8n*re$ibly, )pen*er was an opponent o/ Bentham6s, be*ause, he sai$, Bentham pla*e$ too great a stress on so*ial *ontrol, thereby $enying the so*ially ne*essary pro*ess o/ natural sele*tion-;1 )pen*er, like .ussell, was the *omplete anar*hist- 8n this respe*t an$ in this alone $oes he $i//er /rom later Fabian enthusiasts- But as the Na7i mo(ement pro(e$, /as*ism begins as a /usion o/ a spe*trum o/ groupings /rom e5treme anar*hist to e5treme totalitarian, just as *olle*ti(ist #ells an$ anar*hist .ussell *ollaborate$ happily- The key to /as*ism is its a*ti(ity against in$ustry an$ s*ien*eYet, in his 1!@" !ocial !tatics, )pen*er trie$ to pass himsel/ o// as a promoter o/ progress- ?The ultimate $e(elopment o/ the i$eal man is logi*ally *ertain,? he *laime$, ?as *ertain as any *on*lusion in whi*h we pla*e the most impli*it /aith' /or instan*e that all men will $ie- - - - Progress, there/ore, is not an a**i$ent, but a ne*essity- 8nstea$ o/ *i(ili7ation being arti/i*ial, it is a part o/ nature' all o/ a pie*e with the $e(elopment o/ the embryo or the un/ol$ing o/ a /lower-?;= #ith phrases like these )pen*er was pushe$ upon in$ustrialists in the ,nite$ )tates, like 4n$rew Carnegie, to goa$ them into *on/rontations with labor-

.uskin6s generali7ations o/ )pen*er6s i$eas, howe(er, ha$ a more (i*ious twist- .uskin put /orwar$ a ra*ialist solution+ the superior 4ryan ra*e woul$ $ominate other less /it ra*es, taking up Dipling6s ?white man6s bur$en-? By appeal to %arwin, it *oul$ e(en be propose$ that some ra*es ha$ not yet *ompletely e(ol(e$ to be*ome humanThe Devol$tion o( the .$>leys By /ar the /oremost propagator o/ the theory o/ natural sele*tion was Thomas Hu5ley, gran$/ather o/ 4l$ous an$ 1ulian- His own /ather was hea$master at the elite 9aling )*hool- Thomas was traine$ as a surgeon, but be/ore taking up pra*ti*e, set sail aroun$ the worl$- The men on the *ruise Has on %arwin6s BeagleH$i$ a (ariety o/ intelligen*e work, in*lu$ing /in$ing new $rugs an$ suitable lo*ations /or their *ulti(ation-;> 8n 1!@", with no ob(ious a**omplishments to his name, Hu5ley was ma$e a Fellow o/ the .oyal )o*iety, at the young age o/ twenty3si5- Fi(e years later, along with Cambri$ge 4postle member an$ Christian so*ialist Fre$eri*k %ennison :auri*e, he /oun$e$ a #orking :an6s College, where he le*ture$ in s*ien*eThe ?#orking :an6s :o(ement? ha$ nothing to $o with tra$e unions but with .uskin6s guil$ so*ialism- 8n the name o/ turning ba*k the *lo*k to an era o/ rural i$ioti* bliss, they were pre*ursors o/ the Hitler youth mo(ement4long with ?working man6s *olleges,? worker3owne$ an$ 3operate$ *ompanies were /oun$e$ to pro(e the e//i*a*y o/ low te*hnology- 8n 1!2;, .uskin, then tea*hing $rawing at Balliol College, <5/or$, laun*he$ a )t&eorge Company, whi*h operate$ with han$i*ra/t labor as an alternati(e to ma*hinery- The *ompany was mo$ele$ a/ter the ?/ree 8talian towns o/ the thirteenth *entury? an$ .uskin kept a master roll whi*h $es*ribe$ his purpose+ ?The master was a Tyrant, but not a $espot+ he e5er*ise$ Dingship /or the bene/it o/ the )tate-?;; This early en(ironmentalist mo(ement also teste$ itsel/ by buil$ing a roa$Hwith manual *ooperati(e laborH/rom <5/or$ to Ferry Hinksey- 4mong the buil$ers was 4l/re$ :ilner- 0ater, .uskin /orme$ a han$sewing linen *ompany, whose *ult tra$emark was the .osi*ru*ian symbol, a rose-;@ Hu5ley sai$ o/ himsel/ that the two greatest in/luen*es on his intelle*tual li/e were the 9gyptian *ultist )ir #illiam Hamilton an$ the me$ie(alist Thomas Carlyle- )peaking be/ore the 1!2A *entennial *elebration to mark the

opening o/ 1ohns Hopkins ,ni(ersity in Baltimore, :arylan$, Hu5ley ma$e known his hatre$ o/ progress+ ?8 *annot say that 8 am in the slightest $egree impresse$ by your bigness, or your material resour*es, as su*h- - - - #hat is to be the en$ to whi*h these are the meansG - - - You an$ your $es*en$ants ha(e to as*ertain whether this great mass will hol$ together un$er the /orms o/ a republi*, whether states rights will hol$ out against *entrali7ation, without separation' whether *entrali7ation will get the better, without a*tual or $isguise$ monar*hy-?;A 4s the nearly o//i*ial spokesman /or the re*luse %arwin, Hu5ley *ombine$ in his person the s*ienti/i* an$ intelligen*e elite o/ his $ay- Not only was he to be*ome a presi$ent o/ the British 4sso*iation /or the 4$(an*ement o/ )*ien*e, but he was a lea$ing member o/ the :etaphysi*al )o*iety, an organi7ation that brought together the <5/or$ 9ssayists an$ the Cambri$ge 4postles with a /ew sele*t re*ruits who were o/ neither organi7ation- 8t was at one o/ the meetings o/ this )o*iety, /orme$ in 1!A , that he *oine$ the term agnosti*ism, to label his se*ular (ersion o/ the anti3Christian gnosti* religionHin whi*h tra$itional (alues are *alle$ into $oubt-;2 The atheist $enie$ &o$- The agnosti* $enie$ man6s ability to know anything+ 8s there a &o$G Perhaps yes, perhaps no- 8t6s all a matter o/ taste, ol$ *hapBe/ore the B44) in 1!2; he outline$ the tenets o/ hisHan$ later .ussell6s Hagnosti*ism+ ?No e(i$en*e *an be /oun$ /or supposing that any state o/ *ons*iousness is the *ause o/ *hange in the motion o/ matter o/ the organ3 ism- - - - The min$ stan$s relegate$ to the bo$y as the bell o/ the *lo*k to the works, an$ *ons*iousness answers to the soun$ whi*h the bell gi(es out when it is stru*k-?;! 8n 1!!;, Herbert &eorge #ells was gi(en a s*holarship by the 0on$on %epartment o/ 9$u*ation to stu$y at the Normal )*hool o/ )*ien*e in )outh Densington-; He a**epte$ eagerly, /or his tea*her /or the /irst years was to be Thomas Hu5ley- Hu5ley6s subje*t was biologyHthe origins, meaning, an$ purpose o/ li/e- The poor *onsumpti(e #ells, the son o/ ser(ants, was *apti(ate$ by the man who woul$ $are to take on the establishmentHin the person o/ the Bishop o/ <5/or$- #ells reports the /ollowing s*ene+ The Bishop o/ <5/or$ aske$ Hu5ley, with a sar*asti* smile, ?8s it through your gran$mother or your gran$/ather that you *laim $es*ent /rom a (enerable apeG?

Hu5ley replie$+ ?8/ 8 am aske$ whether 8 woul$ *hoose to be $es*en$e$ /rom the poor animal o/ low intelligen*e an$ stooping gait, who grins an$ *hatters as we pass, or /rom a man, en$owe$ with great ability an$ splen$i$ position, who shoul$ use these gi/ts to $is*re$it an$ *rush humble seekers a/ter truth, 8 hesitate what answer to make-?@" #ells was one o/ Hu5ley6s three top stu$ents- His year6s training with Hu5ley o(ersha$owe$ e(ery other /ormati(e in/luen*e in his li/e- Hu5ley was #ells6s *alling *ar$ to the 4sters6 Pall .all &a2ette, whi*h /irst publishe$ his stories, an$ then to /ellow :etaphysi*al )o*iety member 4rthur Bal/our an$ the .oun$ Table inner *ir*les#ells pai$ ba*k his $ebt to Thomas Hu5ley by initiating his gran$sons 4l$ous an$ 1ulian into Britain6s elite- 8t is #ells who Hu5ley *re$its with intro$u*ing him to his mission in li/e+ the *reation o/ the *ounter*ulture- 8/ 4leister Crowley was Hu5ley6s guru, #ells ha$ alrea$y pointe$ the way- 4s Hu5ley put it+ ?4ll ha(e ser(e$, in H-&- #ells6s phrase, as %oors in the #all- 4n$ /or pri(ate, /or e(ery$ay use there ha(e always been *hemi*al into5i*ants- 4ll the (egetable se$ati(es an$ nar*oti*s, all the euphori*s that grow on trees, the hallu*inogens that ripen in berries - - - ha(e been use$ by humans /rom times immemorial- 4n$ to these natural mo$i/iers o/ *ons*iousness mo$ern s*ien*e has a$$e$ its Fuota o/ syntheti*s- - - - For unrestri*te$ use the #est has permitte$ only al*ohol an$ toba**o- 4ll the other *hemi*al %oors in the #all are labele$ %ope-? 4t a spee*h in Chi*ago honoring the *entenary o/ %arwin6s <rigin of !pecies, 4l$ous ga(e a spee*h that woul$ ha(e ma$e his gran$/ather prou$+ ?The means o/ bio*hemi*al *hanges pro$u*e enormous an$ re(olutionary e//e*ts upon the min$- - - - 4n$ what shoul$ we think o/ the e5periments *reate$ by the 6mental mo$i/iers6 Bwhi*h areC e5periments o/ a worl$ trans/orme$ by an unimaginable beauty, ri*h o/ pro/oun$ beauty, ri*h o/ pro/oun$ meaning, /ull, in spite o/ su//ering an$ $eath, o/ an essential joy, a $i(ine joyG? This man, whom the poor, beaten )*hroe$inger *ame to a$mire, pro*ee$e$, a/ter Fuoting /rom the 8n$ian Drishnamurti, to elaborate on the ne*essity o/ applying psy*hologi*al te*hniFues to go(ernment+ ?To whi*h e5tent an$ in whi*h *ir*umstan*es is it possible to make use o/ the $es*en$ing way as a

path towar$s the spiritual trans*en$en*e o/ the 8G - - - #hen the shell o/ the 8 has been broken, an$ there begins to be a *ons*iousness o/ the 6being other6 subliminal an$ physiologi*al whi*h un$erlies the personality, it sometimes happens that we ha(e a temporary glow, but re(ealing this state o/ 6being other6 whi*h is the /un$ament o/ the isolate$ being, we are not aware o/ the (arious non38 to whi*h we are asso*iate$, the organi* non38, the sub*on3 s*ious non38, the *olle*ti(e non38 o/ the psy*hi* milieu- - - - 4ny e(asion /rom the state o/ isolate$ 8, e(en by means o/ a $es*en$ing roa$, allows the 8 a momentary awareness o/ the non38 at ea*h o/ its le(els, in*lu$ing the highest le(els-?@1 Hu5ley was the pioneer in reali7ing .ussell6s *all /or mass psy*hology to be*ome the most important s*ien*e o/ the /uture- 8n between the two worl$ wars, both 1ulian an$ 4l$ous were asso*iate$ with Ta(isto*k6s 1ohn .awlings .ees an$ the *ultural anthropologist Bronislaw :alinowski in a proje*t *alle$ ?:ass <bser(ation-? This was an anthropologi*al stu$y o/ the British 8sles mo$ele$ on similar stu$ies o/ so3*alle$ primiti(e so*ieties- The book in*lu$e$ a stu$y o/ the psy*hology o/ people6s smoking beha(ior, an$ a stu$y o/ the Coronation o/ &eorge I8 as a primiti(e ritual-A= These stu$ies were the groun$work /or Bertran$ .ussell6s Ta(isto*k 8nstitute ?Bra(e New #orl$? proje*t /or the ,nite$ )tatesHthe :D3,ltra proje*t to put 4meri*an youth on $rugsHu5ley was to be the *oor$inator- 8n 1 >2 he lo*ate$ himsel/ in the kook *enter 0os 4ngeles- 4lrea$y a *on/irme$ $rug user, he *laims to ha(e been intro$u*e$ to mes*aline in 1 @= by his :D3,ltra *ollaborator %r- Humphrey <smon$Han e(ent he $es*ribe$ as /ollows+ ?By a series o/, /or me, e5tremely /ortunate *ir*umstan*es 8 /oun$ mysel/, in the spring o/ 1 @>, sFuarely athwart that trail- <ne o/ the sleuths ha$ *ome on business to Cali/ornia- 8n spite o/ se(enty years o/ mes*aline resear*h, the psy*hologi*al material at his $isposal was still absur$ly ina$eFuate, an$ he was an5ious to a$$ to it- 8 was on the spot an$ willing, in$ee$ eager, to be a guinea pig- Thus it *ame about one bright :ay morning, 8 swallowe$ /our3tenths o/ a gram o/ mes*aline $issol(e$ in a hal/ a glass o/ water an$ sat $own to wait /or results- - - ?Hal/ an hour a/ter swallowing the $rug 8 be*ame aware o/ a slow $an*e o/ gol$en lights- The being o/ Platoni* philosophy- - - - He *oul$ ne(er, poor

/ellow, ha(e seen a bun*h o/ /lowers shining with their own inner light an$ all but Fui(ering un$er the pressure o/ the signi/i*an*e with whi*h they were *harge$' *oul$ ne(er ha(e per*ei(e$ that what rose an$ iris an$ *arnation so intensely signi/ie$ was nothing more, an$ nothing less, than what they were Ha transien*e that was yet eternal li/e, a perpetual perishing that was at the same time pure Being, a bun$le o/ minute, uniFue parti*ulars, in whi*h, by some unspeakable an$ yet sel/3e(i$ent para$o5, was to seem a $i(ine sour*e o/ all e5isten*e- - - - The Beati/i* Iision, !at 8hit, -nanda, Being34waren3 ess3BlissH/or the /irst time 8 un$erstoo$, not on the (erbal le(el, not by in*hoate hints or at a $istan*e, but pre*isely an$ *ompletely what those pro$igious syllables re/erre$ to- 4n$ then 8 remembere$ a passage 8 ha$ rea$ in one o/ )u7uki6s essays- 6#hat is the %harma3Bo$y o/ the Bu$$haG6 BThe %harma3Bo$y o/ the Bu$$ha6 is another way o/ saying :in$, )u*h3 ness, the Ioi$, the &o$hea$-C The Fuestion is aske$ in a Jen monastery by an earnest an$ bewil$ere$ no(i*e-?@> Not only $rugs, but the sprea$ o/ Jen Bu$$hism an$ *reation o/ *ults like Hare Drishna *an be lai$ to Hu5ley6s a**ountThis statement was not publishe$ in some obs*ure *ounter*ulture rag, but in the !aturday Evening Post How many hun$re$s o/ thousan$s o/ 4meri*ans rea$ that parti*ular issue o/ the /amily maga7ine at their morning break/ast tableG How many o/ their *hil$ren then went on to /ollow the open $oor to the $rug *ounter*ulture o/ the 1 A"s an$ 1 2"sG 8n this arti*le, whi*h *an be *alle$ the mani/esto o/ the 0)% *ult, Hu5ley $e*lare$ that publi* en/or*ement o/ anti$rug laws shoul$ an$ woul$ be resiste$- He wrote+ ?8n many so*ieties at many le(els o/ *i(ili7ation, attempts ha(e been ma$e to /use $rug into5i*ation with &o$ into5i*ation- 8n an*ient &ree*e, /or e5ample, ethyl al*ohol ha$ its pla*e in the establishe$ religion- %ionysus, or Ba**hus, as he was o/ten *alle$, was a true $i(ini3 ty- - - - Complete prohibition o/ all *hemi*al *hanges *an be $e*ree$, but *annot be en/or*e$-? Hu5ley then hints at the real oligar*hi*al purpose behin$ his *reation o/ a $rug *ulture+ ?Now let us *onsi$er another kin$ o/ $rugHstill un$is*o(ere$, but probably just aroun$ the *ornerHa $rug *apable o/ making people happy in situations where they woul$ normally /eel miserable- )u*h a $rug woul$ be a blessing, but a blessing /raught with gra(e politi*al $angers- By mak3

ing a harmless *hemi*al euphoria /reely a(ailable, a $i*tator *oul$ re*on*ile an entire population to a state o/ a//airs to whi*h sel/3respe*ting human beings ought not to be re*on*ile$-?@; 8n the 1 @"s, Hu5ley be*ame the lea$er in the proje*t, *o$e3name$ :D3 ,ltra, run jointly by British intelligen*e an$ the ,-)- Central 8ntelligen*e 4gen*y /rom 1 ; to 1 A> to massi(ely $ose the population with su*h a ?*hemi*al euphoria-? 0)% itsel/ was /irst synthesi7e$ in )an$o7 0aboratory in Basel, )wit7erlan$' howe(er, its beha(ioral e//e*ts were not $is*o(ere$ until 1 ;>- Throughout the war, 4llie$ an$ 45is *omman$s engage$ in resear*h to per/e*t *hemi*al as well as biologi*al war/are metho$s- 4mong these were both the lethal *hemi*al agents now known as ?ner(e gases,? an$ the nonlethal agents /or in*apa*itation known as ?psy*hotropi* $rugs-?@@ 0)% was intro$u*e$ to the ,nite$ )tates through a number o/ $o*tors, one o/ whom was %r- 1oel 9lkes, who ha$ worke$ on ner(e gases in Britain $uring #orl$ #ar 88, an$ was one o/ the /irst to e5periment with 0)% there in 1 ; - 8n 1 @2, he establishe$ a resear*h *enter at )t- 9li7abeth6s Hospital in #ashington, %-C-, mo(ing on to 1ohns Hopkins, where sin*e 1 A> he has hea$e$ the $epartment o/ psy*hiatry an$ beha(ioral s*ien*es-@A 4nother $o*tor who brought 0)% to 4meri*a was %r- Harol$ 4bramson, who stu$ie$ in Berlin be/ore the war- He was in the Te*hni*al %i(ision o/ the ,-)- 4rmy Chemi*al #ar/are )er(i*e- 4s part o/ the :D3,ltra Proje*t, he a$ministere$ 0)% to &8 Prank <lson, while working as a biologi*al war/are resear*her at Camp %etri*k- <lson was not in/orme$ be/orehan$, an$ he be*ame so $epresse$ by the e5perien*e that he *ommitte$ sui*i$eThe *ase *ause$ a s*an$al whi*h opene$ the proje*t to publi* s*rutiny twenty years later-@2 Cultural anthropologists :argaret :ea$ an$ her husban$ &regory Bateson were both in(ol(e$ in :D3,ltra- 4bramson a$ministere$ 0)% to Bateson in 1 @A' later Bateson establishe$ the 0)% resear*h *enter at the Palo 4lto Ieterans 4$ministration Hospital in Cali/ornia-@! %r- <smon$, the ol$ /amily /rien$ o/ the Hu5leys who ga(e 4l$ous mes*aline in 1 @=, was traine$ at the National Hospital in Kueens )Fuare, 0on$on- 8n his !chi2ophreniaH- 9ew -pproach, he populari7e$ the theory that 0)% is the i$eal $rug to pro$u*e mass psy*hosis-

4s %r- <smon$ an$ hun$re$s o/ me$i*al an$ so*ial s*ientists teste$ 0)% un$er laboratory *on$itions, Hu5ley, along with 4lan #atts, prepare$ the targete$ 4meri*an population with arti*les su*h as ?The %oors o/ Per*ep3 tion-? The proje*t was *oor$inate$ /rom the Ta(isto*k 8nstitute, along with the 4meri*an 4*a$emy o/ 4sian )tu$ies in )an Fran*is*o, whi*h promote$ (arieties o/ 4sian pseu$o3religious *ults, an$ the 9salen 8nstitute, where primal s*ream therapy an$ similar brainwashing te*hniFues were use$ to break $own the parti*ipants6 sel/3respe*t an$ *on/i$en*e in a**epte$ so*ial an$ ethi*al norms o/ beha(ior-@ The most /amous 0)% hustler, Timothy 0eary, was a protOgO o/ 4l$ous Hu5ley- The two men met at )tan/or$ ,ni(ersity, where 0eary ha$ been $ire*tor o/ psy*hologi*al resear*h at the Daiser Foun$ation Hospital in <aklan$- 8n 1 A" 0eary joine$ the /a*ulty at Har(ar$' the same year 4l$ous be*ame a (isiting pro/essor o/ the humanities at :8T- 4t Cambri$ge 0eary, Hu5ley, an$ <smon$ hel$ roun$3table symposia on the signi/i*an*e o/ religion in the mo$ern age- 0eary began a proje*t at the :assa*husetts Corre*tional 8nstitute at Con*or$, to a$minister $rugs to unsuspe*ting inmates- #ith 0eary at Har(ar$ at the time was the )tan/or$ gra$uate psy*hologist .i*har$ 4lpertHto$ay known as Baba .am %ass-A" Hu5ley returne$ to the #est Coast, where unsuspe*ting stu$ents /rom )tan/or$ ,ni(ersity were re*ruite$ to be pai$ guinea pigs /or the $rug resear*h programs- Not only were their rea*tions to in$u*e$ s*hi7ophrenia monitore$, but a *ore group o/ /uture operati(es was *ulle$ /rom the (olunteers- 4mong them was Den Desey-A1 Hu5ley worke$ with Deith %itman, who $ispense$ 0)% to him an$ others /rom his post as $ire*tor o/ the hospital6s al*oholism *lini*- Desey was gi(en an unlimite$ supply o/ 0)% /rom %itman, whi*h he then $ispense$ to his asso*iates- Desey was joine$ by .i*har$ 4lpert an$ 1erry &ar*ia- <ut o/ this setting *ame the :erry Pranksters an$ the &rate/ul %ea$- Desey6s Pranksters were /amous /or a$ministering the ?9le*tri* Dool 4i$ 4*i$ Test? to large groups o/ a$oles*ents atten$ing ro*k *on*erts gi(en by the &rate/ul %ea$, or otherwise in tou*h with the Pranksters, as the group toure$ the ,nite$ )tates- BThe &rate/ul %ea$ still operate in an intelligen*e *apa*ity- 8n 1 2A, they were $ispat*he$ to per/orm in 9gypt upon the reFuest o/ %umas :alone, an e5pert o/ the National #ar College-CA=

Bertran$ .ussell an$ 4l$ous Hu5ley worke$ together- 4s early as 1 >2 they ha$ *o3sponsore$ the Pea*e Ple$ge ,nion, whi*h was e//e*ti(ely pro3Na7i<ne o/ the more bi7arre i/ terrible pro$u*ts o/ their *ooperation was the .e(eren$ 1im 1ones1ones was the son o/ a prominent Du Dlu5 Dlan lea$er- 4s /or himsel/, he was originally attra*te$ to the )o*iety o/ Frien$s an$ soon /oun$ himsel/ in .ussell6s Fellowship o/ .e*on*iliation, whi*h sponsore$ his e$u*ation at Butler College- The Fellowship training in*lu$e$ a trip to Bra7il to stu$y nati(e $rug *ult pra*ti*es /irst3han$1ones6s People6s Temple, howe(er, /ollowe$ the same general gui$elines as the Hare Drishna an$ similar *ults, whi*h Hu5ley ha$ been promoting along with British )8) agent Christopher 8sherwoo$- 1ones was gi(en a Temple in 8n$ianapolis by a .abbi :auri*e %a(is, otherwise known /or his *laim to ?$eprogram? youngsters who ha(e been trappe$ into *ults like 1ones6s-A> 8n 1 A@, 1ones mo(e$ his 1""3person /ollowing to northern Cali/ornia to ,kiah, a pa*i/ist *ult *enter- The ostensible reason /or the migration was to /in$ a pla*e that woul$ be sa/e in *ase o/ nu*lear atta*k8n 1 21 the *ult mo(e$ its hea$Fuarters to )an Fran*is*o, where it pur*hase$ a site /or its new Temple, /ormerly owne$ by the Du Dlu5 Dlan an$ known as the 4lbert Pike :emorial Temple- 1ones be*ame part o/ the politi*al ma*hine *entere$ aroun$ Cali/ornia go(ernor 1erry Brown, boasting that he *oul$ mobili7e =,""" people to any $emonstration at a moment6s noti*e, an$ =",""" gi(en time to prepare- 4t the same time that he mo(e$ to )an Fran*is*o, he also set up an a//iliate in &uyana, where he ha$ pur*hase$ a plantation-A; The mass sui*i$e o/ "" people on or$ers /rom 1ones in &uyana sho*ke$ the worl$ at the en$ o/ 1 2!- Their $eaths must be lai$ at the $oor o/ 4l$ous Hu5ley an$ his pawn Timothy 0eary, the men who intro$u*e$ $eath worship into *ult rites- 4/ter working with Hu5ley at Har(ar$, 0eary went on to set up an$ hea$ the 8nternational Fe$eration /or 8nternal Free$om Psy*he$eli* Training Center in Jihuatanejo, :e5i*o, in 1 A>- There, o(er a two3year perio$, parti*ipants woul$ take 0)% an$ then rea$ alou$ /rom the Tibetan Book o/ the %ea$, translate$ by 0eary-A;

4 Ta(isto*k 8nstitute publi*ation, Etopiates, e(aluate$ the 0eary e5periment in an arti*le by .i*har$ Blum an$ his asso*iates- They *on*lu$e$+ ?8n$ee$, the $eath e5perien*e attitu$e was a *entral *onsi$eration o/ the *enter6s pro/iling- 4/ter an 0)% e5perien*e, one group showe$ that+ 6)ome now /elt *on(in*e$ that there is no $eath, that li/e is really *ontinuous $espite physi3 *al *hange- %eath to them now seems simply *ontinuation towar$ the mysti*al goal o/ oneness with &o$- - - - 4sso*iate$ with lessene$ an5iety, greater a**eptan*e - - - o/ $eath-6 ?A@ 1ones manipulate$ "" people to *ommit sui*i$e in e5a*tly the same way8nitiates were /or*e$ to parti*ipate in sui*i$e $rills, $rinking kool3ai$ that might or might not *ontain poison- 0eary6s work pro(i$e$ the *ru*ial e5periment /or the 1ones *ult mur$ers' just as the highly publi*i7e$ 1ones massa*re is to be the *ru*ial e5periment /or the 4meri*an so*iety as a wholeHu5ley ape$ his mentor #ells in using the no(el to proje*t his real goalsThe en$3pro$u*t o/ the *ounter*ulture Hu5ley *reate$ is his blueprint /or a $rug3*ontrolle$ utopia, Brave 9ew 'orld, written in 1 >=- 4si$e /rom the use o/ $rugs /or so*ial *ontrol, there are two interesting /eatures to his bookFirst, the (arious so*ial *lasses are bre$ $i//erently in e5tra3uterine nurturing, so that the lower *lasses who $o whate(er remains o/ in$ustrial maintenan*e are, like the :orlo*ks in #ells6s #ime .achine, a lower biologi*al spe*ies- )e*on$, Hu5ley puts /orwar$ the 4l$ermaston poli*y4n islan$ e5ists to whi*h so*ial rebels are e5ile$- The Controller, one o/ the se*ret ruling group that runs Bra(e New #orl$ Bthe real hero o/ the book who is intro$u*e$ only in its last twenty pagesC, e5plains the islan$6s purpose+AA ?The /ourth se*retary went out an$ returne$ with three green3uni/orme$ /ootmen- )till shouting an$ sobbing, Bernar$ was *arrie$ out? 6<ne woul$ think he was going to ha(e his throat *ut,6 sai$ the Controller, as the $oor *lose$- 6#hereas, i/ he ha$ the smallest sense, he6$ un$erstan$ that his punishment is really a rewar$- He6s being sent to an islan$- That6s to say, he6s being sent to a pla*e where he6ll meet the most interesting set o/ men an$ women to be /oun$ anywhere in the worl$- 4ll the people who, /or one reason or another, ha(e got too sel/3*ons*iously in$i(i$ual to /it into *ommunity3li/e- 4ll the people who aren6t satis/ie$ with ortho$o5y, who6(e

got in$epen$ent i$eas o/ their own- 9(eryone, in a wor$, who6s anyone- 8 almost en(y you, :r- #atson-6 ?Helmholt7 laughe$- 6Then why aren6t you on an islan$ yoursel/G6 ? 6Be*ause, /inally, 8 pre/erre$ this,6 the Controller answere$- 68 was gi(en the *hoi*e+ to be sent to an islan$, where 8 *oul$ ha(e got on with my pure s*ien*e, or to be taken on to the Controllers6 *oun*il with the prospe*t o/ su**ee$ing in $ue *ourse to an a*tual *ontrollership-6 ? )*ien*e is to be *lassi/ie$, hi$$en away to be pra*ti*e$ on an islan$- The Controllers, like the priests o/ 4pollo an$ the 1esuits, present the mira*les o/ s*ien*e as magi* to the be/u$$le$ 7ombie primiti(es o/ the Bra(e New #orl$- 8n *reating the *ounter*ulture, Hu5ley was a Controller1ulian Hu5ley was regar$e$ as 4l$ous6s ?straight? brother, but the goal o/ his work was i$enti*al- 1ulian be*ame a pro/essor o/ 7oology at Dings College in 0on$on, a/ter pre(iously tea*hing at .i*e College in Te5as- Here, both he an$ 4l$ous were part o/ <ttoline :orrell6s *ir*le, in whi*h Bertran$ .ussell was also a parti*ipant- 4nother member o/ this group, the poet 9(an :organ, 0or$ Tre$egar, on*e in(ite$ 1ulian /or a two3week holi$ay in #ales, where the 0or$ e5hibite$ beha(ior that shows the se5ual pra*ti*es o/ 1eremy Bentham still /lourishe$ e(en in the best *ir*les-A2 8n 1 =@ writes 1ulian+ ?9(an ha$ a pre$ile*tion /or e5oti* *reatures- )oon a/ter a groom arri(e$ in haste an$ sai$ that his pet baboon ha$ es*ape$ /rom its stall an$ was roaming the stables in a threatening manner- - - - The baboon was *ertainly alarming, snarling an$ showing its teeth- But he *oa5e$ it into a *orner, an$ 9(an *aresse$ it until it *alme$ $own- 4n$ so we returne$, the baboon in e5*ite$ nake$ness, per*hing on 9(an6s $inner3 ja*kete$ shoul$er *ontente$ly mun*hing a *arnation it ha$ snat*he$ /rom his button3hole- 4 strange sight in that lu5urious $rawing room' it ma$e me think o/ $e*a$ent .oman emperors in$ulging in slightly obs*ene masFuera$es-? The ne5t year, 1ulian began working with H-&- #ells on a !cience of 1ife, whi*h he an$ #ells6s son were to *o3author8n 1 =! he joine$ the )o*iety /or Psy*hi*al .esear*h- Hu5ley *on*urre$ that most sean*es were /ake inso/ar as they $i$ not e(oke the $ea$, but he hel$

that they were genuine e5amples o/ the phenomena o/ mental telepathyThis new o**ultism, so3*alle$ e5trasensory per*eption stu$ies, is a main /eature o/ *urrent British s*ienti/i* espionage, run jointly with proje*ts to $emonstrate the suppose$ e5isten*e o/ *reatures /rom outer spa*e, uni$enti3 /ie$ /lying obje*ts, an$ the like- 8n 1 >;, Hu5ley was name$ $ire*tor o/ the 0on$on Joo-A! Hu5ley was a *lose *ollaborator o/ 1-B-)- Hal$ane an$ .ussell in the Pug3 wash :o(ement to brainwash s*ientists to a**ept en(ironmentalism- He an$ Hal$ane also inter(ene$ into the )o(iet 0ysenko *ontro(ersy to atta*k )o(iet s*ien*e as in*ompetent-A But his most important assignment was the $ire*torship o/ the ,nite$ Nations 9*onomi*, )o*ial, an$ Cultural <rgani7a3 tion, establishe$ as the international me$ium /or the propagation o/ #ells an$ .ussell6s anti3s*ien*e i$eology an$ population *ontrol programs- 4s ,N9)C<6s /irst $ire*tor /rom 1 ;A to 1 ;!, Hu5ley establishe$ the British $ark3age poli*y as the /oun$ation o/ the organi7ation,N9)C< is thus the mother institution /or the en(ironmentalist mo(ement, putting /orwar$ the ra*ist $o*trine that the Thir$ #orl$ shoul$ be gi(en ?appropriate te*hnology?Hwin$mills an$ solar powerHrather than in$ustryThrough ,N9)C<6s a(owe$ ?ai$ /or national liberation mo(ements,? the organi7ation a$mits to *on$uiting E=-1 million to su*h mo(ements in the /is*al year 1 2 31 !"- 4n$ it is un$er the auspi*es o/ ,N9)C< that mass sterili7ation $ri(es were laun*he$ throughout 4sia an$ 0atin 4meri*a-2" <ne o/ Hu5ley6s *losest asso*iates was the 1esuit Teilhar$ $e Char$in, with whom he *laime$ to agree on e(ery essential matter- 1ust be/ore his $eath in 1 @@, Char$in atten$e$ a *on/eren*e at 4(erell Harriman6s 4r$en House in New York on the subje*t o/ the ?,nity o/ Dnowle$ge-? Present were Niels Bohr an$ 1ulian Hu5ley-21 8n 1 =>, Char$in /ollowe$ Bertran$ .ussell to China, where he stu$ie$, an$ /ostere$, the most ba*kwar$ ten$en*ies he *oul$ /in$- Thus he wrote+ ?#hen 8 *ame to China 8 hope$ to /in$ a reser(oir o/ thought an$ mysti*ism that woul$ bring /resh youth to our #est- 8 now ha(e the impression that the reser(oir is 6blo*ke$-6 The Chinese are primiti(e people Bbeneath their (arnish o/ mo$ernity or Con/u*ianismC-" He regaine$ hope later when a missionary to Tibet whom he en*ountere$ ?manage$ slightly to raise the (eil o/ *oarse materialism beneath whi*h 8 ha$

lost all hope o/ /in$ing in China the /aintest spark o/ true mysti*ism- He showe$ me how the Chinese ha(e been *oarsene$ by their Con/u*ianism, whi*h is a mere *o$e o/ pra*ti*al ethi*s /or the establishment o/ a *om/ort3 able so*ial li/e- - - - But si$e by si$e with this empiri*ism - - - he assure$ me there e5iste$ - - - the ol$ Bu$$hist preo**upation to soun$ the rhythm o/ the worl$, to establish a perspe*ti(e o/ its *ountless e(olutions, to await the supreme Bu$$ha who is to re$ress all things- )u*h assuran*es, *oming /rom a man who has an intimate knowle$ge o/ China, *on/irme$ me in my ol$ hope that we *oul$ perhaps learn /rom the mysti*s o/ the Far 9ast how to make our religion more 6Bu$$hist6 instea$ o/ Con/u*ianist-?2= Char$in en$orse$ /as*ism be/ore #orl$ #ar 88, although he $eplore$ Hitler6s e5treme nationalism- 8n the same (ein, he wrote+ ?Dipling seems to me a thir$ 6harmoni*6 o/ the same basi* note, just as #ells, in his (arious no(els, is the s*ienti/i* *iti7en o/ the physi*al an$ biologi*al uni(erseHDipling is the 9nglish *iti7en o/ the inhabite$ li(ing worl$- - - - 8n pra*ti*e he feels the whole earth7 his books make you li(e with animals, they make ships an$ lo*omoti(es speak, they make you /eel with the eastern soul, gi(e you an insight into a theosophi*al e5isten*e, sen$ you on a (oyage through all the *ountries o/ the worl$- He has a way o/ talking about the $esert an$ the joy o/ being alone an$ /ree in it, that rings true- Pra*ti*ally speaking, his moral attitu$e is the same as #ells+ his religion is that o/ human e//ort-?2> Char$in returne$ /rom China in 1 ;A, to work with 1ulian Hu5ley on their mutual proje*t o/ ?/urthering human e(olution-? He terme$ it ?anthropo3 genesis,? the so*ial e(olution o/ man to /as*ism, with ju$i*ious measures o/ totalitarianism an$ in$i(i$ualism- 8n his answer to a ,N9)C< *ir*ular on the ?.ights o/ :an an$ %emo*ra*y,? Char$in $e(elope$ this theme+ ?There is only one e5planation /or this, that these two apparently *ontra$i*tory /orms o/ the so*ial i$eal simply *orrespon$ to the two natural *omponents Bpersonali7ation an$ totali7ationC whose *ombination $etermines biologi*al3 ly the essen*e an$ progress o/ anthropogenesis- - - - Biologi*ally, 8 repeat, there is no true $emo*ra*y without a balan*e$ *ombination o/ two *omple3 mentary /a*tors, that, in their pure state, are e5presse$, the one in in$i(i$ual3 ist, the other in totalitarian, regimes-? 4n$ in a letter to ,N9)C<6s 1aime Torres3Bi$et, Char$in showe$ that the lessons o/ the )e*on$ #orl$ #ar ha$ not at all ero$e$ his *on/i$en*e in Dipling6s Na7i ra*ist $o*trines- He wrote+ ?The (arious 6ra*es6 o/ man

Binso/ar as we *an still $istinguish between them in spite o/ their *on(er3 gen*esC are not biologi*ally eFual but $i//erent an$ *omplementary Blike *hil$ren o/ the same /amilyC- - - - Further, i/ some min$s, insu//i*iently humani7e$ /oun$ themsel(es sho*ke$ by the /a*t that, in mankin$6s a$(an*e, there are not only 6better en$owe$6 in$i(i$uals but also 6better en$owe$6 groups, 6lea$er3groups6Hnee$ that $isturb usG - - - 8n so*iology, as in physi*s, there are laws we *annot tri/le with-?2; 8t is no *oin*i$en*e that in 1 1= Teilhar$ $e Char$in, the originator o/ ?anthropogenesis,? was gi(en the uniFue opportunity to gi(e pra*ti*al *on/irmation to Charles %arwin6s theory o/ e(olution- 8n )usse5, 9nglan$, the /ossil remains o/ the ?Pilt$own :an? were $is*o(ere$ by an amateur naturalist, Charles %awson- This remarkably brutish3appearing missing3link an*estor was wi$ely publi*i7e$, although $oubters Fuestione$ the $istan*e o/ bones /rom one another in the /in$, an$ some *urious /eatures o/ the jaw8n 1 1>, Char$in, who was a physi*al anthropologist, as well as a priest, was *alle$ in- 8t was he who ma$e the *lin*hing $is*o(ery o/ a *anine tooth-2@ The /ossil was $ate$ by *omparati(e geologi*al metho$s- <ther /ossils at the site, elephants, hippos, an$ so on, *on(erge$ on the early Pleisto*ene perio$- This transitional brute *apti(ate$ the publi* min$ an$ $ominate$ the theory o/ human e(olution until 1 @>Hwhen it was *on*lusi(ely pro(e$ to be a /rau$- 8n the interim /orty years, when the Pilt$own :an ha$ been kept un$er lo*k an$ key in the British :useum basement, e5perts were only allowe$ to see a plaster *ast o/ the /ossil8n 1 @>, the growing e(i$en*e o/ /rau$ be*ame o(erwhelming- 8t turne$ out that the Pilt$own :an was not e(en a /ossil- The (ault o/ the skull was that o/ a mo$ern human, perhaps a /ew hun$re$ years ol$- The jaw ha$ belonge$ to a *himpan7ee or orangutan o/ more re*ent (intage- 8n /a*t, the jaw was not e(en /ossili7e$ but was staine$ bone- Yet all o/ the e5perts o/ Ding 9$war$6s *ourt thought it was a /ossil- Not only were the bones super/i*ially staine$, but the teeth were /ile$, an$ e(ery other /ossil that ha$ been /oun$ in the pit ha$ also been transporte$, staine$, an$ reworke$- The hippo *ame /rom :alta, an$ so on- This kin$ o/ operation reFuire$ a /airly high $egree o/ e5pertise an$ a**ess to materials to sustain the /rau$- 4n$ sin*e Fuestions at the time o/ the /in$ were silen*e$, the /rau$ must ha(e ha$ ba*king at the highest le(els-

The Pilt$own :an was e5pose$ by the 0eakeys an$ their theory o/ 4/ri*a as the home o/ man- The British ha(e attempte$ to pass o// the hoa5 as a prank by %r- )ollas, but o/ *ourse, e(en i/ it ha$ been a prank, there is no e5plana3 tion /or the /orty3year e//ort o/ the .oyal )o*iety to suppress the truth#hile the /in$ ga(e the British another ?/irst,? the earliest known man3ape, their purposes were broa$er- The *ult symbol o/ the baboon was to loom large to *on(in*e man that he was ma$e not in the image o/ Christ, but o/ the ape- The sel/3e(olution o/ the uni(erse to the emergen*e o/ the potential /or reason, man, was to be $egra$e$ to the ritual per/orman*es o/ the Hells3Fire Club- :o$eling itsel/ on the ape, no won$er the British oligar*hy $i$ not in(entL

")+.T: The #oots o( British #adicalis

"In the name of 8hrist crucified, I swear to /urst the /onds that yet unite me to father, mother, /rothers, sisters, relations, friends: to the 4ing, magis0 trates, and any other authority, to which I may have sworn fealty, o/edience, gratitude, or service I renounce - - - the place of my /irth, henceforth to exist in another sphere, I swear to reveal to my new superior, whom I desire to know, what I have done, thought, read, learnt, or discovered, and to o/serve and watch all that comes under my notice I swear to yield myself up to my superior, as if I were a corpse, deprived of life, and will I finally swear to flee temptation, and to reveal all I succeed in discovering, well aware that lightning is not more rapid and ready than the dagger to reach me wherever I may /e " <ath taken /y an initiate into second degree of the secret order of the !ociety of Aesus The 1esuits, ha(ing in nearly all .oman Catholi* *ountries su**ee$e$ in be*oming the e$u*ators o/ the young - - - were able to moul$ the youth/ul min$ a**or$ing to their se*ret aims,? reports the 9n*y*lope$ia o/ .eligious Dnowle$ge, *ompile$ in 12" -) ?8/ then, a/ter a number o/ years, they $ete*te$ in the pupil a blin$ an$ /anati* /aith, *onjoine$ with e5alte$ pietism an$ in$omitable *ourage, they pro*ee$e$ to initiate him' in the opposite *ase, they e5*lu$e$ him- The proo/s laste$ twenty3/our hours, /or whi*h the *an$i$ate was prepare$ by long an$ se(ere /asting, whi*h, by prostrating his bo$ily strength, in/lame$ his /an*y, an$ just be/ore the trial a power/ul $rink was a$ministere$ to himThen the mysti* s*ene beganH$iaboli*al apparitions, e(o*ation o/ the $ea$, representations o/ the /lames o/ hell, skeletons, mo(ing skulls, arti/i*ial thun$er an$ lightning, in /a*t, the whole paraphernalia an$ apparatus o/ the an*ient mysteries- 8/ the neophyte, who was *losely wat*he$, showe$ /ear or terror, he remaine$ /ore(er in the in/erior $egree' but i/ he bore the proo/ well, he was a$(an*e$ to a higher gra$e?4t the initiation into the se*on$ $egree the same proo/s, but on a gran$er s*ale, ha$ to be un$ergone- The *an$i$ate, again prepare$ /or them by long /asting, was le$ with his eyes ban$age$ into a large *a(ern, resoun$ing with wil$ howlings an$ roarings, whi*h he ha$ to tra(erse, re*iting at the same time prayers spe*ially appointe$ /or that o**asion- 4t the en$ o/ the *a(e he ha$ to *rawl through a narrow opening, an$ while $oing this, the ban$age

was taken /rom his eyes by an unseen han$, an$ he /oun$ himsel/ in a sFuare $ungeon, whose /loor was *o(ere$ with a mortuary *loth, on whi*h stoo$ three lamps, she$$ing a /eeble light on the skulls an$ skeletons range$ aroun$- This was the Ca(e o/ 9(o*ation o/ the Bla*k Chamber, so /amous in the annals o/ the Fathers- Here, gi(ing himsel/ up to prayer, the neophyte passe$ some time, $uring whi*h the priests *oul$, without his being aware o/ it, wat*h his e(ery mo(ement an$ gesture- 8/ his beha(ior was satis/a*tory, all at on*e two brethren, representing ar*hangels, presente$ themsel(es be/ore him without his being able to tell when*e they ha$ so su$$enly starte$ upHa goo$ $eal *an be $one with properly /itte$ an$ oile$ trap3 $oorsH an$, obser(ing per/e*t silen*e, boun$ his /orehea$ with a white ban$ soake$ with bloo$, an$ *o(ere$ with hieroglyphi*s' they then hung a small *ru*i/i5 roun$ his ne*k, an$ a small sat*hel *ontaining reli*s, or what $i$ $uty /or them- Finally, they took o// all his *lothing, whi*h they *ast on a pyre in one *orner o/ the *a(e, an$ marke$ his bo$y with numerous *rosses, $rawn with bloo$- 4t this point, the hierophant with his assistants entere$, an$, ha(ing boun$ a re$ *loth roun$ the mi$$le o/ the *an$i$ate6s bo$y, the brethren, *lothe$ in bloo$3staine$ garments, pla*e$ themsel(es besi$e him, an$ $rawing their $aggers, /orme$ the steel ar*h o(er his hea$4 *arpet being then sprea$ on the /loor, all knelt $own an$ praye$ /or about an hour, a/ter whi*h the pyre was se*retly set on /ire' the /urther wall o/ the *a(e opene$, an$ the air resoun$e$ with strains, now gay, now lugubrious, an$ a long pro*ession o/ spe*tres, phantoms, angels, an$ $emons /ile$ past the neophyte like the 6supers6 in a pantomime-? 8t was now that the *an$i$ate took the oathThese pra*ti*es were still largely in e//e*t as late as the 1 ="s, a**or$ing to an a**ount by .enO FQlRp3:iller in the Power and !ecret of the Aesuits = There was a reason why Ce*il .ho$es wante$ to mo$el his ?se*ret so*iety? on the 1esuits- )in*e their in*eption in 1@=2, the 1esuits ha(e operate$ as one o/ the most e//e*ti(ely sub(ersi(e tools o/ the oligar*hy- First, it must be un$erstoo$ that the )o*iety o/ 1esus is not a religious or$erHbut an intelligen*e agen*y, with no allegian*e e5*ept to the oligar*hy- The traine$ /anati*ism o/ its members is $ire*te$ not towar$ &o$, but towar$ the return o/ the worl$ to the $ark ageHwhen a *ultist priest *oul$ reign supreme o(er the min$s o/ his superstitious /lo*k- <perating un$er e(ery *on*ei(able guiseH/rom *rusa$ing Catholi*ism an$ the 8nFuisition to eFually /er(i$ Protestantism to the British3promote$ atheism o/ the 9nlightenment to

to$ay6s Theology o/ 0iberationHthe 1esuits represent a stri*tly hierar*hi*al, paramilitary agen*y- Their metho$sHan$ sometimes their personnelH pro(i$e$ the basis /or British intelligen*e- The metho$ is the *ru*ial /a*torThe pro*ess o/ training towar$ the gra$uation o/ a 1esuit agent is base$ upon the Book of the !piritual Exercises, written by the or$er6s nominal /oun$er 8gnatius 0oyola- 8t begins *on(entionally enough with a $eman$ /or ?inner /ree$om in respe*t o/ temporal possessions, troubles an$ a//e*tion? as a pre*on$ition /or me$itation- But the pro*e$ure o/ me$itation is uniFue0oyola was prou$, as he tol$ a brother :anares o/ the or$er, o/ his ability to /in$ &o$ at will- 8t is a matter o/ spiritual e5er*ise, just as physi*al /itness $eman$s bo$ily e5er*ise-> The e5er*ises are training in sel/3hypnosis- 4s FQlRp3:iller $es*ribes it+ ?This point o/ (iew $estroye$ the hitherto pre(alent belie/ in the spe*ial (o*ation o/ the /ew, ele*t persons- Hosts o/ pious people, who ha$ ne(er re*ei(e$ a 6re(elation,6 now saw be/ore them a way by whi*h they might rea*h per/e*tion, with no less *ertainty than those whom &o$ ele(ate$ to Himsel/ in the /ire o/ mysti*al e*stasy?8n his Exercises, 8gnatius has a**urately $elineate$ this way, $es*ribing *are/ully all the regions, the (alleys, heights an$ $epths to be tra(erse$- He has in$i*ate$ the pla*es where the pilgrim may take his ease, an$ those other pla*es where a steep as*ent is to be e5pe*te$, the si$e tra*ks that lea$ astray, the threatening pre*ipi*es an$ $angerous abysses- Here an$ there are signposts an$ milestones, so that the wan$erer may know how great a $is3 tan*e he has put behin$ him, an$ how near or /ar is the goal?9(erywhere along the way there are /amiliar pi*tures, bathe$ in a light whi*h is the (ery light o/ earth- To the en$, the $is*iple is allowe$ the use o/ his earthly senses, an$ he is ne(er reFuire$ to $i(est himsel/ o/ his humanityFor the Exercises, unlike the mysti*al writings whi*h taught that to rea*h &o$ it was ne*essary to e5tinguish seeing an$ hearing, images an$ like3 nessesHen$ea(or to lea$ man to the highest goal with the ai$ o/ his natural *apa*ities?8gnatius a(ails himsel/, in espe*ial, o/ the power o/ imagination' he tries to awaken in his pupils Fuite $e/inite pi*torial representations, all with the obje*t o/ intensi/ying the power o/ $istinguishing between right an$ wrong *on$u*t- For man6s progress to per/e*tion must be base$ on this ability to

$istinguish right /rom wrong' but we are perpetually halting between two possibilities, right or wrong, goo$ or ba$, Christ or )atan, usually unable to be sure o/ always *hoosing what is right?He who goes through 0oyola6s !piritual Exercises has to e5perien*e hell an$ hea(en with all his senses, to know burning pain an$ blesse$ rapture, so that the $istin*tion between goo$ an$ e(il is /or e(er in$elibly imprinte$ in his soul- #ith this preparation, the e5er*itant is brought to the great 6ele*3 tion,6 the *hoi*e between )atan an$ Christ' it is to the ele*tion that a*tual li/e will bring him again an$ again, an$ it is on this that his goo$ or ba$ *on$u*t will *onstantly $epen$?8t is through images that 8gnatius stri(es to assist mankin$ towar$ per/e*3 tion' /or e(ery $ay an$ /or e(ery hour o/ the $ay the Exercises pres*ribe e5a*tly what representations the e5er*itant has to e(oke, an$ o/ what ai$s to this en$ he has to make use- To$ay, /our hun$re$ years a/ter the birth o/ the Exercises, the mo$ern psy*hologist will no $oubt regar$ many o/ these late me$iae(al representations as antiFuate$ an$ *onseFuently ine//e*ti(e' but he will not be able to withhol$ a$miration /rom the $eep psy*hologi*al knowle$ge with whi*h un$erstan$ing, imagination an$ will ha(e been ma$e to *ooperate in the Exercises From this point o/ (iew, the Exercises o/ 8gnatius is a**laime$ to this $ay as a psy*hologi*al masterpie*e?The (i(i$ representation o/ 9(il is a*hie(e$ in the !piritual Exercises by terrible pi*tures o/ hell, while &oo$ is symboli7e$ by the earthly li/e o/ Christ, whi*h the e5er*itant must represent to himsel/ stage by stage as i/ it were a realisti* Passion play- The /inal 6ele*tion6 is $epi*te$ $ramati*ally as two belligerent armies+ the militant hor$es o/ )atan oppose the 6stan$ar$ o/ Christ-6 ?First o/ all, hell is represente$ in all its horror, /ille$ with the wailing *row$s o/ the $amne$- 8n this e5er*ise, the pupil has in the /irst pla*e 6to see with the eye o/ the imagination the length, brea$th an$ $epth o/ hell6' but the other senses must *ooperate, /or it is written in these pe*uliar $ire*tions with their pre*ise $i(ision into 6points-6 ? 6The /irst point *onsists in this, that 8 see with the eye o/ imagination those enormous /ires, an$ the souls as it were in bo$ies o/ /ire-

? 6The se*on$ point *onsists in this, that 8 hear with the ears o/ the imagination the lamentations, howlings, *ries, the blasphemies against Christ <ur 0or$ an$ against all His saints? 6The thir$ point *onsists in this, that 8 smell with the sense o/ smell o/ the imagination the smoke, brimstone, re/use an$ rotting things o/ hell? 6The /ourth point *onsists in this, that 8 taste with the sense o/ taste o/ the imagination the bitter things, the tears, sorrows an$ the worm o/ *ons*ien*e in hell, ? 6The /i/th point *onsists in /eeling with the sense o/ tou*h o/ the imagina3 tion how these /ires /asten upon an$ burn souls-6 ? The )o*iety o/ 1esus was /orme$ in 1@=2 at the ,ni(ersity o/ Paris, a**or$3 ing to its o//i*ial history- 0oyola *ame /rom a minor )panish noble /amily atta*he$ to the ba*kwar$ /a*tion o/ Kueen 8sabella in the *ourt o/ Fer$inan$ an$ 8sabella- His /amily was $ispla*e$ at *ourt shortly a/ter her $eath- He then atta*he$ himsel/ as a pro/essional sol$ier to the armies o/ Na(arre but was lame$ by a *annon bullet an$ presumably then un$erwent a religious *on(ersion- 8t is likely that he ha$ alrea$y establishe$ *onne*tions to the power/ul &enoese /inan*ier *ir*les in 8sabella6s entourage8n any e(ent, he /inally arri(e$ at the ,ni(ersity o/ Paris, the bastion o/ 4ristotelian s*holasti*ism- #ith /inan*ing /rom a %ut*h mer*hant, 0oyola was able to enti*e Peter Faber an$ Fran*is Ua(ier, who were e5*ee$ingly poor, to his *ause- 4long with two )paniar$s, 0ayne7 an$ )almeron, he tra(ele$ to 8taly-; 8/ 0oyola was something o/ a 1im 1ones guru /igure who prea*he$ to *row$s o/ hysteri*al women, his new *ompanions were well3 traine$ 4ristotelian s*holars- 0ayne7 an$ Faber were assigne$ by the pope to tea*h theology at the ,ni(ersity o/ .ome- #ithin ten years, by the $e*a$e o/ the 1@;"s, the /ollowers o/ the 1esuit or$er were alrea$y $isperse$ to e(ery part o/ the globe as oligar*hi*al intelligen*e agents- Their relations with the papa*y (arie$, as the papa*y passe$ between the han$s o/ the Neoplatoni* /a*tion, whi*h sought to suppress them, an$ the &enoese oligar*hi* /a*tion, whi*h they ser(e$-@ 0oyola was groome$ with the *ult wis$om that /lourishe$ well be/ore the .oman 9mpire, an$ the reign o/ 1ulius Caesar, to whi*h the 8talian oligar3 *hi* /amilies prou$ly tra*e$ ba*k their /amily tree- #hile there are un3

$oubte$ly many goo$ Catholi*s who /in$ themsel(es within the 1esuit or$er, 1esuitism is no more Catholi*ism than the gnosti* bible is ChristianThe 1esuits mo$el themsel(es on 4ristotle, who was an agent o/ the %elphi* priesthoo$ o/ 4pollo, an$ ser(e$ the anti3Platoni* oligar*hs within Persia an$ 9gypt who sought to take o(er &ree*e, working with traitorous net3 works within &ree*e itsel/- 8t is 4ristotle who arrange$ the mur$er o/ the Platoni* 4*a$emy6s pupil, the *ity3buil$er 4le5an$er the &reatThe )o*iety o/ 1esusHas the %elphi* priesthoo$ whi*h 4ristotle ser(e$H operate$ on many le(els simultaneously- The initiation rites $es*ribe$ woul$ no $oubt be the well3remembere$ minatory horror, to whi*h a 1esuit *an return in moments o/ stress as an emotional ben*hmark an$ warning not to betray the or$er- The Exercises pla*e a barrier be/ore the min$ o/ its (i*tim an$ a true knowle$ge o/ &o$, to whom man is joine$ by the bon$s o/ reason- <n a $eeper le(el, the Exercises pro(i$e the training /or an agent who is to pra*ti*e elaborate $e*eptions- He must be able to summon emo3 tion at will, to play his part- The British publi* s*hool, with its apparently irrational rituals, is but a pale re/le*tion o/ 1esuit in$o*trination<n*e he has passe$ through this training, the 1esuit *an create *ults- This was Ua(ier6s mission1ust as the &enoese use$ Columbus to reopen the 4meri*as Barme$ with a**urate maps an$ two sets o/ logbooks, one /or his preten$e$ journey to the 8n$ies an$ one to re*or$ his progress towar$ his a*tual $estination in the CaribbeanC, so Ua(ier was sent to 8n$ia in 1@;1, an$ other 1esuits were $ispat*he$ to ea*h one o/ their )panish outposts-A The aim o/ Ua(ier6s e5ploratory mission to &oa was to strengthen the *ourt o/ 4kbar, who was running the *ountry /or the Portuguese- He also tra(ele$ to 1apan an$ was trying to rea*h China when he $ie$- He was /ollowe$ by other members o/ the or$er, whose purpose was a *ultist /usion o/ the Hin$u an$ :uslim religions with Christianity as a *ounterweight to the :uslim opposition- 8n the se(enteenth *entury, the 1esuit lea$er .obert $e Nobili su**ee$e$ in *reating the Hin$u *ult that woul$ ser(e as the basis /or Theosophy two *enturies later an$ the Hare Drishnas to$ay-2 The 1esuit maga7ine 9ew Review, publishe$ in Cal*utta, has the /ollowing lau$atory a**ount o/ his work+

?%e Nobili6s a$option o/ Hin$u $ress an$ o/ the Brahmin $iet, his toleration o/ Hin$u so*ial *ustoms Bin*lusi(e o/ *asteC, his re*lusion /rom missionaries who *onsorte$ with the lower *astes, his resort to Hin$u s*riptures /or argu3 ment are all well known- - - - %e Nobili6s s*holarly preo**upations taught him a new metho$ o/ prea*hing Christianity, whi*h was not so mu*h to $enoun*e Hin$uism as to e5poun$ his tea*hing in the manner o/ a sannyasi or guru- He woul$ /irst speak o/ the transitoriness o/ earthly things, the *ertainty o/ $eath, the justi*e o/ rewar$ an$ punishment, an$ a/ter this general $is*ussion he woul$ go on to prea*h the positi(e $o*trines o/ Christianity-?! 8n 1A1A the 1esuits were brought be/ore the 8nFuisition /or their highly unortho$o5 $oings in China- There they ha$ impresse$ the royal *ourt with their mo$ern *alen$ar an$ *lo*ks that *oul$ make a**urate astronomi*al obser(ations- 4s the 1esuits be*ame more highly pla*e$ in *ourt *ir*les they /ashione$ a syntheti* Chinese *ult, whi*h en*ourage$ an*estor worship1esuit /uneral ser(i*es in*lu$e$ *ustomary Chinese sa*ri/i*es to the $ea$' they taught the story o/ Christ without the *ru*i/i5ion- 8n the eighteenth *entury, they took this syntheti* Christian3Con/u*ianismHTaoism or the #ayHba*k to 9urope- The 1esuits worke$ with the Chinese se*ret so*ieties, like the #hite 0otus )o*iety whi*h to this $ay is a*ti(e in $rug3running- 8n 1A;;, the or$er *onspire$ with the ba*kwar$ :an*hu $ynasty to o(erthrow the :ing $ynasty an$ a*te$ as :an*hu *ourt a$(isers /rom that time on with a poli*y to keep China /rom be*oming part o/ the burgeoning 9uropean in$ustrial $e(elopment- Bertran$ .ussell *ontinue$ their lega*y#ith a$(isers strategi*ally pla*e$ in China an$ 8n$ia, the 1esuits possesse$ *onsi$erable power on behal/ o/ the &enoese throughout 4sia- 8n the late si5teenth *entury the British ha$ /oun$e$ a 0e(ant *ompany, later to be *alle$ the British 9ast 8n$ies Company- 4t its in*eption in humanist 9li7a3 bethan 9nglan$, this *ompany *hallenge$ the &enoese /or tra$e in oils, spi*es, an$ te5tiles- 8n 1A"2, the *ompany sent #illiam Hawkins to the *ourt o/ the :oghal emperor to reFuest that the 9nglish be permitte$ to establish a tra$ing $epot in 8n$ia- 4/ter Portuguese 1esuits present at the *ourt attempte$ to poison him, Hawkins beat a hasty retreat-1" The real tra$e in Portuguese 8n$ia was $rugs- The Far 9astern opium tra$e ha$ alrea$y e5iste$ a thousan$ years be/ore, as re*or$e$ in 4rabi* works- 8n the eighth *entury, with 4rab *onFuests, it was intro$u*e$ into 8n$ia where it

is /irst mentione$ in )anskrit me$i*al writings- By the early si5teenth *entury, when the Portuguese arri(e$ on the s*ene, opium was e5tensi(ely *ulti(ate$- The tra$e was so lu*rati(e that one Portuguese *onFuista$or wrote home+ ?8/ your Highness woul$ belie(e me, 8 woul$ or$er poppies - - to be sown in all the /iel$s o/ Portugal an$ *omman$ a/yam BopiumC to be ma$e, whi*h is the best mer*han$ise that obtains in these pla*es - - - an$ the labourers woul$ gain mu*h also, an$ the people o/ 8n$ia are lost without it, i/ they $o not eat it' an$ set this /a*t in or$er, /or 8 $o not write your High3 ness an insigni/i*ant thing-?11 ,n$er the in/luen*e o/ the Portuguese an$ later the %ut*h, the :oghal empire $egenerate$ into an in*reasingly brutal ta53/arming system- <ne horri/ie$ 9nglish tra(eler in the early se(enteenth *entury reporte$ o/ a go(ernor who personally *ut a peasant in two hal(es with his swor$ /or /ailing to *ulti(ate an$ sow a /iel$- The :oghal emperor 4urang7eb is sai$ to ha(e sent these instru*tions to his o//i*ers+ ?4t the beginning o/ the year in/orm yoursel/ as /ar as possible about the *on$ition o/ e(ery peasant, an$ whether they are engage$ in *ulti(ation or are abstaining /rom it - - - i/ it be /oun$ that, in spite o/ ha(ing means to *ulti(ate, an$ o/ a /a(ourable season, they are abstaining /rom *ulti(ation, then you shoul$ urge an$ threaten them, an$ make use o/ /or*e an$ the whip-?1= 4urang7eb was thir$ in su**ession /rom 4kbar an$ rule$ /rom 1A@! to 12"2 with 1esuit a$(isers- 4s the *ulti(ation o/ opium repla*e$ /oo$ *rops, /amine was /reFuent an$ *annibalism not in/reFuentThroughout their history, the 1esuits ha(e use$ the *loth o/ the habit as the *o(er /or the mol$ing o/ ba*kwar$ peoples into a /or*e *apable o/ unleash3 ing so*ial *haos- 8n North 4meri*a in the eighteenth *entury, the 1esuits *oul$ be /oun$ en*ouraging 8n$ian ban$s on both si$es o/ the British an$ Fren*h )e(en Years6 #ar to ra(age the homes o/ 4meri*an *olonists-1> 8n )outh 4meri*a the or$er establishe$ its own 1esuit stateHin what is now ParaguayHthat pre/igure$ the :aoist so*ialism o/ Bertran$ .ussell- Pro3 *laiming that the ?sa(age is noble,? they /orba$e the nati(e population to learn )panish or Portuguese- They went so /ar, a**or$ing to the &erman historian Frie$ri*h )*hiller, that they promise$ the 8n$ians that a man who kille$ a /oreigner *oul$ *ount on ha(ing a wi/e in hea(en, but i/ he kille$ two /oreigners, he woul$ be rewar$e$ with two wi(es-1; 8n this para$ise o/

*ommunism, the nati(es were allowe$ to own nothing, as they sla(e$ at plantation labor to enri*h 1esuit *o//ers- 4ll was lost when the rumor sprea$ that there was gol$ un$er Paraguayan lan$, an$ the )panish an$ Portuguese took o(er the a$ministration, a/ter /ighting a battle against 1;,""" 1esuit 8n$ian troops-1@ There is no *oin*i$en*e in the /a*t that the )o*iety o/ 1esus an$ Cal(in6s Protestant mo(ement were /oun$e$ at the same time- Both 0oyola an$ Cal(in were traine$ together at the ,ni(ersity o/ Paris, the bastion o/ 4ristotelian rea*tion against the re/orm mo(ement o/ the Catholi* Neo3 platoni* 9rasmus- Far /rom being a militant or$er $ire*te$ against Protest3 antism, the )o*iety o/ 1esus worke$ with the Cal(inists in an insi$e3outsi$e operation to $estroy the power o/ the Neoplatoni* /a*tion within the Catholi* Chur*h, whi*h was a$(an*ing the .enaissan*e o/ Car$inal Ni*holas o/ Cusa an$ %ante- #hile the humanist politi3ue ten$en*y in 9urope sought to reunite the humanist /a*tions within an$ without the Catholi* Chur*h, the 1esuits propelle$ the Protestant rea*tion to the *orruption o/ the papa*y by selling papal in$ulgen*es, this time through the *on/essional- The religious wars that ensue$ throughout 9urope wrought $e(astation upon the nation3 states o/ Fran*e an$ &ermany- 9*onomi*ally, Fran*e $i$ not re*o(er /rom the religious wars until the eighteenth *enturyThe worl$ outlook o/ the 1esuits an$ Cal(in is i$enti*al- #hereas the Cal(inist prea*he$ an openly $egra$e$ (iew o/ man, the 1esuit e5istentialist $i$ so sub(ersi(ely- 8n his /amous mani/esto a$$resse$ to the 9mperor Charles I an$ the prin*es o/ the Holy .oman 9mpire, Cal(in a**use$ Catholi*s o/ being unable ?to un$erstan$ how great are the woun$s whi*h our human nature has borne sin*e the Fall- #ith us, they a$mit the e5isten*e o/ original sin, but minimi7e its importan*e by regar$ing the power o/ man as merely impaire$, an$ not totally $estroye$- #e, on the other han$, maintain that our nature is so *orrupt that it is Fuite in*apable o/ goo$- - - #e *on(in*e man o/ his wret*he$ness an$ o/ his powerlessness, an$ thus bring him into a state o/ true humility, so that he is $epri(e$ o/ all *on/i$en*e in his own powers an$ puts his trust in &o$ alone-?1A Cal(in $enie$ the e//i*a*y o/ goo$ works, or e(en the appeal to &o$ /or &ra*e, to raise a man to &o$ an$ sal(ation- 0oyola *ulti(ate$ the same $egra$e$ image o/ man through the opposite approa*h- Cal(in6s mirror image, he stresse$ /ree will- :an *hooses between goo$ an$ e(il- Base$ on

4ristotle6s 9icomachean Ethics, the or$er elaborate$ the in/amous $o*trine+ the en$ justi/ies the means- Furthermore, a $ee$ *oul$ only be ju$ge$ a**or$ing to the intention o/ its author- %i$ he /reely will the *onseFuen*es o/ his a*tG #ith this ability to reinterpret Christian responsibility to li(e a**or$ing to the pre*epts o/ natural law, an$ to *arry out &o$6s will in pra*ti*e, the 1esuit /ather *on/essor be*ame (irtually all3power/ul to the superstitious- He, an$ he alone, *oul$ grant absolution /or sin- Thus 0oyola wrote to a $is*iple, )imon .o$rigue7 at 0isbon, that as /ather3*on/essor he must a*t towar$ the penitent in su*h a way ?that /rom the moment he lea(es the *on/essional, he is $ispose$ to return to it Fui*kly- )en$ no one away $eje*te$-?12 8magine the $elight o/ the typi*al $egra$e$ aristo*rat who is reassure$ that e(en in the *ase o/ the most reprehensible *arnal a*ts he is blameless i/ he a*te$ /rom passion- He $i$ not ?gi(e way to them o/ his own (olition-? 8n the grip o/ (iolent passion one is not *apable o/ /ree will- 4 sin in su*h a *ase be*omes minorTake the /ollowing *ase $es*ribe$ in the 1esuit &ury6s .oral #heology+ ?From moti(es o/ re(enge, Pomponius, unseen by anyone, shoots at :aurus6s goat as it is browsing Fuietly in its master6s /iel$' instea$ o/ the goat, whi*h is unhurt, he hits an$ kills :aurus6s *ow, as, unbeknown to him, it lay beneath the he$ge- #hat is Pomponius6s liabilityG? )ays the 1esuit, none- He $i$n6t inten$ to shoot the *ow, so he has no guilt on that s*ore, an$ he inten$e$ but $i$ not kill the goat, so again he bears no guilt-1! This *ase3by3*ase stu$y metho$ is typi*al o/ 1esuit moral theology, whi*h is a *ompen$ium o/ su*h instan*es to ser(e as a gui$e /or the *on/essionalThe 1esuit6s gui$e is a *ari*ature o/ the 1ewish Talmu$, whose en$less pre3 s*riptory a$(i*e likewise $enies man6s *apa*ity to reason an$ make moral $e*isions- For e5ample, in the Talmu$ we /in$+ ?8/ a $og or a goat jumps o// a roo/ an$ breaks something, then the $amage must be ma$e goo$ sin*e it is in the nature o/ these animals to jump- 8/, howe(er, a $og steals a *ake bake$ on the *oals an$ runs o// with it to a heap o/ *orn, eats the *ake an$ sets /ire to the heap o/ *orn through a li(e *in$er a$hering to the *ake, then the owner o/ the $og must make /ull *ompensation /or the *ake but only to the e5tent o/ hal/ /or the *orn-?1

The 1esuits $eliberately (iolate the new $ispensation o/ Christ, in the New Testament, whose aim is to raise man to the le(el o/ reason wherein he rea*hes out to know Christ6s mind in or$er to gain the ability to make moral $e*isions4nother 1esuit theologian Busenbaum wrote+ ?4 person, without *onstraint or ne*essity, per/orms an a*tion whi*h he knows will normally bring about stimulation o/ the /leshHas, /or e5ample, when, /rom *uriosity, he rea$s or listens to something e(ilHhe is guilty only o/ a minor sin, i/ no intention an$ no risk o/ assent e5ist- 8/ he has any justi/iable reason /or his a*tion he *ommits no sin at all-?=" Both the 1esuit an$ Cal(inist thus prea*h that man has no ability, there/ore no responsibility, to li(e on the le(el o/ reason- This was 4ristotle6s justi3 /i*ation o/ his trea*hery against &ree*e an$ his atta*k on the Platoni* 4*a$emy- 8n his Repu/lic, Plato lai$ the /oun$ation /or Neoplatoni* Christianity, $i(i$ing humanity into three kin$s o/ souls- The lowest, ma$e o/ bron7e, is the soul o/ a man who must gi(e in to his primiti(e instin*tsThe sil(er3soule$ person tries to li(e morally a**or$ing to law but *annot /in$ moral law within himsel/' this is the person who /ollows the Talmu$The gol$en3soule$ person has knowle$ge o/ the truth /rom within himsel/He has risen to the le(el o/ reason- The bron7e soul is like the grasping *hil$- The sil(er soul has a *hil$ within him, but he $is*iplines that *hil$ to seek his rewar$s only /rom morally a**eptable beha(ior- The gol$en soul has grown to the /ull stature o/ a man who knows joy /ecause, like Christ, he a*ts /or mankin$- The purpose o/ true Christianity an$ humanist 1u$aism has always been to bring man up to the le(el o/ the gol$en soulThe e(il 1esuits *orrupte$ their /lo*k to a purpose- #hereas pre(iously people went to *on/ession as an in/reFuent solemn a*t, the 1esuits intro$u*e$ the /reFuent *on/ession as a way o/ li/e /or the erring sinner- )in*e they Fui*kly be*ame the *on/essors o/ the aristo*ra*y an$ royal houses o/ 9urope they were in a pri(ilege$ position to gain intelligen*e whi*h they *oul$ then a*t on to a$(antage o/ their &enoese sponsorsThey intro$u*e$ more inno(ations+ eFui(o*ation an$ mental reser(ationThe /irst means that it is permissible to pra*ti*e $e*eption by mis$ire*tion' the $eliberate ambiguity $oes not *onstitute lying- The se*on$ states that i/ all else /ails, the liar *an *laim that he has mental reser(ations- 0ying with

mental reser(ations is justi/ie$ when the in$i(i$ual $oes not /eel he shoul$ be aske$ to tell the truthL But only the /ather3*on/essor *an $e*i$e the $egree to whi*h *ir*umstan*es are e5tenuating o/ sinFrom its beginning, not only $i$ the or$er $e(elop its *orrupt ?liberation? theology, but the se*reti(e 1esuits ha(e traine$ an$ $eploye$ terrorists an$ assassins- 4t the Coun*il o/ Trent o/ the 1@;"s, 0oyola6s asso*iate 0ayne7 put /orwar$ the rationale /or the 1a*obin terror o/ the /uture Fren*h .e(olu3 tion- He $e*lare$ that so(ereign power was originally in(este$ in the people an$ (oluntarily $elegate$ by them to the monar*h- There/ore they were /ree to $epose him i/ the monar*h /aile$ to go(ern a**or$ing to their wishes- The *riterion /or o(erthrowing a monar*h, a**or$ing to 0ayne7, is not whether he is ruling a**or$ing to prin*iples o/ natural law, Christianity, but whether he pleases the masses4t the time, 0ayne76s point was a not3too3(eile$ threat to the British throne' there/ore his argument *ontinues that this *on$ition applies most parti*ularly to the *ase where the ruler o/ a Catholi* *ountry /alls away /rom the /aith whi*h alone *an pro*ure sal(ation, an$ so brings about the eternal $amna3 tion o/ all o/ his subje*ts- The $o*trine was ma$e more e5pli*it by the 1esuit :ariana, who was a tutor to Philip 888 at the )panish *ourt- He promulgate$ (e rege et regis institutione, whi*h turne$ 0ayne76s theory into a justi/i*a3 tion /or tyranni*i$e-=1 8/ a so(ereign is $espoti*, then the people are justi/ie$ in assassinating him- The proper pro*e$ure is to assemble the people an$ (ote on the *ase' howe(er, sin*e this is sel$om /easible, e(ery in$i(i$ual *iti7en is justi/ie$ in presuming on the agreement o/ the people an$ taking a*tion- Thus the mur$er o/ Henry 888 by a %omini*an monk, a*ting un$er 1esuit gui$an*e, was justi/ie$The assassin .a(illia* who mur$ere$ Henry 8I, the king who ha$ /inally brought pea*e to a Fran*e ra(age$ with the religious wars, also a*te$ on 1esuit or$ers- The *rime o/ Henry 8I was to seek to blo*k with republi*an /or*es in 9nglan$ /or a joint strategy to $e/eat the Hapsburgs an$ their *olonial poli*ies an$ en$ the power o/ 8talian /inan*e-== To *arry on their work, the 1esuits were en*ourage$ to assume $isguises1esuit un$er*o(er agents were permitte$ to marry an$ to pra*ti*e the Protestant as well as 8n$ian an$ Chinese religions- Thus in )we$en in 1@2; a 1esuit in/iltrate$ the regime in the guise o/ a 0utheran theologian- 4/ter

winning o(er the king to Catholi*ism, the 1esuit an$ the king together planne$ a $e*eption to *on(in*e the *ourt to *on(ert- 4 $ebate was stage$ in whi*h the ?0utheran? $e/en$e$ 0utheranism so sel/3*riti*ally that the king was ?/or*e$? to *ome to the $e/ense o/ the Protestant religion- Howe(er, the ?0utheran? /inally *on(in*e$ himsel/ o/ the error o/ the 0utheran religion an$ beste$ the king in the argument, as was prearrange$- Thus were stu$ents enti*e$ to (isit this open3min$e$ theologian, an$ so on-=> 8n .ussia, the 1esuits insinuate$ themsel(es into the *ourt, mur$ere$ Boris &o$uno(, an$ trie$ to palm o// a monk as his su**essor- This %emetrius *laime$ to be a son o/ 8(an the Terrible an$ rule$ until his *onspi*uous support /or the 1esuits e5pose$ him to suspi*ion an$ then $is*o(ery8n *ollaboration with Ba(aria6s House o/ #ittelsba*h, the 1esuits sparke$ the *on/lagration known as the Thirty Years #ar when they en/or*e$ the restri*3 tion o/ Protestant /ree$om- Pla*ing themsel(es at the ser(i*es o/ the Haps3 burgs, they mar*he$ into Bohemia when the war $e/eate$ the republi*an /a*tion there- Be/ore the war, Bohemia, with its *apital Prague, home o/ 1ohannes Depler, ha$ been a *enter o/ 9uropean s*ien*e an$ *ulture- The 1esuits burne$ books, kille$ intelle*tuals, an$ hurle$ the *ountry into a nightmare o/ terror3en/or*e$ 4ristotelian rea*tion-=; The &es$it ,$bversion o( Britain 4ll o/ this is more or less openly a**ounte$ /or in the 1esuits6 own writingsBut nowhere $o they tell the real se*ret o/ their sub(ersion o/ Britain8t is not to ane*$otes about 1esuit priests *on$u*ting masses se*retly in 9li7abethan 9nglan$ that one must look- Nor to tales about :ary, Kueen o/ )*ots, although she was the mother o/ 1ames )tuart- The plots an$ *ounter3 plots to bring her to power an$ return 9nglan$ to Catholi*ism were a mere smokes*reen /or the real 1esuit operation- 8n Britain their main operation was to *reate a ?Protestant? /a*tion against the Tu$or humanists, who were allie$ with the Fren*h politi3ues 8t is to the Ce*il /amily that we must turn our attention9nglan$ was not always rule$ by the likes o/ the aristo*rati* gentlemen who gathere$ aroun$ .obert Ce*il at the Coe//i*ients Club in 1 ">- The 4meri3 *an republi* has its roots in the 9nglan$ o/ Henry I88, who brought the nation3buil$ing poli*ies o/ 0ouis U8 o/ Fran*e to 9nglan$- His *hosen

su**essor an$ el$est son 4rthur $ie$ prematurely, lea(ing the *rown to the $emente$ Henry I888- The pitiable Henry I888 was a pliable tool /or the &enoese bankers who ha$ been $ri(en /rom power/ul positions o/ in/luen*e by his /ather- %uring his reign, the in$ustrial impetus o/ the *ountry was slowe$ an$ $e/i*its repla*e$ surpluses, as Henry /ought a /ruitless war against Fran*e, $estroying the 9uropean republi*an allian*e 9rasmus an$ his networks ha$ brought together- Finally, by breaking with the pope, Henry weakene$ 9rasmus6s *ollaborators in the Chur*h- The stage was set /or the 1esuitsThe Ce*il /amily rose /rom the lowly position o/ ser(ants to the househol$ o/ Ding Henry I888 to eminen*e un$er 9li7abeth, on the shoul$ers o/ #illiam Ce*il who was e$u*ate$ at Cambri$ge- #illiam Ce*il an$ his nephew Fran*is Ba*on are *orre*tly *re$ite$ by British historians /or establishing respe*ti(ely the gui$elines /or mo$ern British /oreign poli*y an$ /or British s*ien*e poli*y-=@ #hether #illiam Ce*il was an a*tual 1esuit or not is a moot point' his metho$s an$ the *ir*le that sponsore$ him wereCe*il insinuate$ himsel/ as an a$(iser to the young king 9$war$ I8, who su**ee$e$ Henry I888, stan$ing opposite to 1ohn %u$ley- 8n 1@@> 9$war$ was kille$ by arseni*- The line o/ su**ession then went to :ary Tu$or, the el$est $aughter o/ Henry I888- )he, howe(er, was a Catholi*, marrie$ to Philip 88 o/ )pain- 9nglan$6s humanists rightly /eare$ that her reign woul$ put the *ountry un$er the 8nFuisition an$ 1esuit *ontrol, sin*e the &enoese banking *ir*les aroun$ 8sabella ha$ regaine$ their power o(er the )panish monar*hy /ollowing the $eath o/ Fer$inan$-=A The humanist /a*tion, groupe$ aroun$ the %u$ley /amily, $e*i$e$ to bypass the su**ession, reje*ting the option o/ putting 9li7abeth in power with a *oup- )he was an unknown /a*tor an$ ha$ been raise$ partly by her rela3 ti(es, the Catholi* Howar$ /amily- Their plan was to marry one o/ %u$ley6s sons to 0a$y 1ane &rey, a *ousin o/ Henry I888, an$ install them as king an$ Fueen- The *oup was in pro*ess when #illiam Ce*il se*retly re(oke$ the or$ers to mobili7e troops, sowing *on/usion in the humanist ranks, an$ warne$ :ary- The plot was /oile$The *ountry was on the (erge o/ *i(il war, whi*h ha$ threatene$ sin*e Henry I886s $eath- :ary hersel/ was probably kille$ by humanist /or*es- 8t is likely that her suppose$ ?neuroti* /i5ation? on pregnan*y resulte$ in the

$eli(ery o/ a *hil$, who was then either kille$ or anonymously han$e$ o(er /or a$option- Philip an$ :ary ha$ sent out announ*ements o/ the birth o/ a sonHbe/ore that *hil$ $isappeare$ /rom history- Philip le/t 9nglan$ ne(er to return, an$ 9li7abeth *ame to power-=2 Through all this, #illiam Ce*il sur(i(e$ to be*ome her )e*retary o/ )tate-=! 1ohn %u$ley6s son .obert sur(i(e$ the e5e*ution o/ his /ather an$ brothers to assume power as 9li7abeth6s *lose a$(iser an$ sometime lo(er-= By temperament, 9li7abeth 8 was an 9rasmian- 4 highly e$u*ate$ Neo3 platoni* who regularly amuse$ hersel/ by translating /rom the &reek, an$ an a**omplishe$ musi*ian, she ne(ertheless la*ke$ the moral will o/ a humanist prin*e- #hile personally in*lining towar$ the humanist %u$ley /a*tion, she *ontinuously tempori7e$ un$er pressure, (a*illate$, an$ *ompromise$- This be*ame more $angerous as her age in*rease$' parti*ularly a/ter .obert %u$ley6s mur$er by 1esuit agents, 9li7abeth be*ame progressi(ely sus*ep3 tible to /lattery- )*hiller6s portrait o/ her in .ary !tuart is to the point Bso mu*h so that )tephen )pen$er a$mits that he has not only translate$ the play /rom the &erman to 9nglish but rewritten it to make 9li7abeth a heroineLCCe*il not only maintaine$ his position, but he enhan*e$ it- Howe(er, the real power behin$ the power behin$ the throne was the 1esuit Horatio Palla3 (i*ini, o/ the 8talian bla*k &uelph nobility an$ Ce*il6s *losest /rien$ an$ /inan*ial ba*ker- Palla(i*ini ha$ *on(erte$ /rom .oman Catholi*ism, taken a Protestant wi/e, an$ settle$ in 9nglan$, where he be*ame the banker /or the *rown an$ /or members o/ the aristo*ra*y->" His power in*rease$ proportionately as the Fugger /inan*ier /amily was bankrupte$ $uring the *ourse o/ the %ut*h rebellion against )pain- To be sure, the Fuggers ha$ their share o/ the e(il )panish tra$e, but unlike the &enoese, they ha$ another, progrowth si$e an$ ha$ in(este$ hea(ily in &erman mining an$ in$ustry- 8n 9nglan$, they were *losely allie$ with Thomas &resham, 9li7abeth6s /inan*ial agent an$ a lea$ing member o/ the %u$ley /a*tion8n a /oresha$owing o/ the Thirty Years #ar, the 1esuits pro(oke$ Protestant resistan*e in Hollan$ by a$(ising their tool, Ding Philip o/ )pain, to institute repressi(e measures against 9nglan$6s allies- 8n the *haoti* *on$itions o/ war, 4ntwerp, the pre(iously thri(ing *ommer*ial *enter an$ entrepot /or Britain, was $estroye$Hto be repla*e$ by 4mster$am- 8n 4ntwerp the

Fuggers ha$ been the establishe$ *enter /or *re$it' 4mster$am belonge$ to the &enoeseCe*il6s 1esuit /oreign poli*y was politely terme$ balan*e3o/3power politi*s.emarkably similar to present3$ay geopoliti*s, his strategy was to weaken Fran*e by en*ouraging Protestant $issension within the *ountry an$ $isrup3 tion at its bor$ers' $o the same in &ermany' an$ *ontinue $iplomati* negotiations with )pain as a way o/ $is*iplining Fran*e- He supporte$ the Protestant *ause but ne(er to the point o/ (i*tory- The war in Hollan$ *ontinue$ o(er $e*a$esThe /a*tional situation within 9li7abeth6s *ourt woul$ appear to ha(e broken $own three ways- The thir$, #alsingham /a*tion, whi*h allie$ mostly with the %u$ley group, /ought /or a /oreign poli*y that woul$ wage a Protestant holy war- 8n reality, #alsingham merely set the stage /or Ce*il, while *on3 /using %u$ley an$ 9li7abeth- The test o/ the situation *ame a/ter %u$ley6s mur$er by the 1esuit Blount /amily- Two Blount brothers se$u*e$ %u$ley6s se*on$ wi/e an$ her $aughter by a pre(ious marriage' %u$ley6s e5pe*te$ outrage be*ame the prete5t /or his mur$er->1 Throughout 9li7abeth6s *hil$less reign, the su**ession Fuestion was upper3 most, with 1ames )tuart the humanists6 major worry- 9li7abeth ha$ ma$e se(eral attempts to marry .obert %u$ley- Both Ce*il an$ #alsingham ha$ pre(ente$ it, going so /ar to $is*re$it %u$ley that they mur$ere$ his /irst wi/e an$ then trie$ to throw suspi*ion on %u$ley /or the *rime- B)ir #alter )*ott perpetuate$ the lying (ersion o/ the story in his no(el 4enilsworth, but sin*e $i(or*e in 9nglan$ was easily obtaine$ an$ bigamy was not *onsi$ere$ a *rime, %u$ley woul$ ha(e been the last person to kill his wi/e-C>= 8n a last attempt to /orestall 1ames6s su**ession, 9li7abeth an$ the %u$ley /a*tion trie$ to groom %u$ley6s stepson, the 9arl o/ 9sse5, /or the role o/ ele*te$ king- Together #alsingham an$ Ce*il *orrupte$ him#alsingham hel$ his power o(er 9sse5 by marrying o// his $aughter to himCe*il6s two nephews, 4nthony an$ Fran*is Ba*on, who ha$ been pla*e$ by their un*le in #alsingham6s intelligen*e ser(i*e, were $ire*te$ to e5ert their immoral in/luen*e o(er him- They were well3Fuali/ie$- 4nthony ha$ been threatene$ with e5pulsion /rom Burgun$y /or pra*ti*ing so$omy on young boys, an$ Fran*is was a notorious pe$erast->>

4t the same time, Palla(i*ini e5ten$e$ 9sse5 unlimite$ *re$it to maintain his swelling entourage- #hen 9sse5 ran $eeper an$ $eeper into $ebt, the ?bla*k? noble pressure$ him to $eman$ more an$ more /inan*ial patronage /rom 9li7abeth to pay ba*k the $ebt- 4t the same time Ce*il6s son .obert atta*ke$ 9sse5 in *ourt /or his ob(ious pro/liga*y- #hen 9li7abeth trie$ to rein in 9sse5, the stage was set- Fran*is an$ 4nthony Ba*on *on(in*e$ him that, i/ he ma$e an imme$iate bi$ /or power, he woul$ re*ei(e support /rom the 1esuit networks they ha$ establishe$ *onta*t with on the *ontinent an$ /rom the *ountry at large- 4t the point the *oup was about to take pla*e, Fran*is Ba*onH/ollowing his un*le6s pre*e$entHwith$rew an$ e5pose$ the plot- 9sse5 was behea$e$Thus 1ames )tuart6s roa$ to the throne was ensure$- .obert Ce*il ha$ been in *ontinuous se*ret negotiations with 1ames, who was king o/ )*otlan$, the entire time->; 1ames 8 was a patheti* /igure, surroun$e$ by agents /rom birth- #hile he was a pro/esse$ Protestant, the /amily was always a tool o/ the 1esuits against the Tu$ors- 1ames6s su**essor, Charles 8, was attempting to reinstate 1esuit3Catholi*ism through the in/amous pra*ti*es o/ 4r*hbishop 0au$ at the time he was $ri(en /rom power- His son, Charles 88, was restore$ to power a/ter the Commonwealth only on *on$ition that he be a Protestant monar*h' on his $eathbe$ he re(eale$ himsel/ to be a Catholi*- His brother, 1ames 88, who then be*ame king, was openly Catholi*- The reigns o/ the /our )tuarts a**omplishe$ the /inal $estru*tion o/ the humanist /or*es in 9nglan$- Those /or*es regroupe$ in the New #orl$, where, with Fren*h, &erman, an$ .ussian support, they a**omplishe$ the 4meri*an .e(olutionFrom the moment 1ames 8 as*en$e$ to the throne, Britain be*ame the home groun$ /or the oligar*hi* *onspira*y to $estroy republi*anism an$ in$ustrial *apitalism- First, this meant the $estru*tion o/ real s*ien*e in 9nglan$ itsel/9li7abethan s*ientists ha$ been in the /ore/ront o/ s*ienti/i* $is*o(eryThomas Harriot was one o/ 9urope6s lea$ing mathemati*ians an$ astrono3 mers- #illiam &ilbert, whose stu$y o/ magnetism is the /irst statement o/ mo$ern /iel$ theory, *orrespon$e$ with 1ohannes Depler- Tu$or s*ientists *onstru*te$ a na(y that surpasse$ e(ery na(y in 9urope, be*ause o/ the maneu(erability o/ its ships an$ the re$u*e$ ratio o/ seamen to ship spa*e, an inno(ation that lessene$ mortality /rom $isease on shipboar$- The

Tu$ors $e(elope$ a superior ballisti* *apability an$ a superb *on/i$en*e in their s*ienti/i* seamanship that allowe$ them to $ispense with the tra$itional baggage o/ lan$ army aboar$ ship an$ galley sla(es below who ha$ to *ompensate /or the shortage o/ win$ power by rowing->@ These two e5amples $isplay in only *on$ense$ /orm the (ast array o/ the 9li7abethan s*ienti/i* an$ engineering a**omplishments- These a*hie(e3 ments were ma$e possible by the poli*ies o/ Henry I88, who $e(elope$ the system o/ royal patents to support in$ustry- This $ire*t patronage o/ in$ustry by the go(ernment was *ontinue$ until the $eath o/ 9li7abeth- ,n$er the )tuarts, the pro*ess was re(erse$- 8n$ustry an$ *ommer*e were systemati3 *ally milke$ to support the pro/liga*y o/ the aristo*ra*y an$ the *rownFran*is Ba*on was the apologist /or this poli*y- He himsel/ was so patently $ishonest that 1ames 8 ha$ to remo(e him /rom the o//i*e o/ 0or$ Chan*ellor /or his open selling o/ ju$i*ial $e*isions- Ba*on6s book 9ovum <rganum is su*h an embarrassing *olle*tion o/ nostrums that e(en his a$mirers are /or*e$ to apologi7e /or it- %espite Ba*on6s *laims that he is anti34ristote3 lian, his book is a $ire*t *opy o/ 4ristotle6s ?s*ienti/i*? workHonly the pre$i*ates are up$ate$- The key to the book is /oun$ not in the absur$ lists that purport to $emonstrate the in$u*ti(e metho$, but in its obsessi(e atta*ks on #illiam &ilbert:ore important is his book 9ew -tlantis 8n the style H-&- #ells later *opie$, Ba*on wrote a /able in whi*h he put /orwar$ a number o/ proposals that le$ $ire*tly to the /ormation o/ the .oyal )o*iety an$ the )*ottish .ite Freemasons- The 9ew -tlantis was the *ontemporary statement /or the new $ark ages poli*y- 1ust as the ol$ 4tlantis *i(ili7ation was $estroye$, so Ba*on propose$ to sink 9uropean republi*s by a *al*ulate$ poli*y to $estroy s*ien*eBa*on6s hero is shipwre*ke$ in the )outh )eas an$ there $is*o(ers an islan$ whose inhabitants pra*ti*e a new syntheti* religion that *ombines 1u$aism, gnosti* Christianity, an$ Chinese an*estor worship- The main house o/ worship is known as )alomon6s House- The islan$ is not only a *ult *enter, but the hea$Fuarters o/ an international intelligen*e agen*y whi*h uses s*ien*e as a *o(er, as the 1esuits were $oing at the time in China- Ba*on $es*ribes how they are to operate+>A

?9(ery twel(e years there shoul$ be set /orth out o/ this king$om two ships, appointe$ to se(eral (oyages' that in either o/ these ships there shoul$ be a mission o/ three o/ the Fellows or Brethren o/ )alomon6s House, whose erran$ was only to gi(e us knowle$ge o/ the a//airs an$ state o/ those *ountries to whi*h they were $esigne$ an$ espe*ially o/ the s*ien*es, arts, manu/a*tures, an$ in(entions o/ all the worl$- - - - Now /or me to tell you how the (ulgar sort o/ mariners are *ontaine$ /rom being $is*o(ere$ at lan$' an$ how they must be put on shore /or any time, an$ *olour themsel(es un$er the name o/ other nations?His unne*essary to anyone /amiliar with the 1esuit pra*ti*e o/ eFui(o*ation4mong the /irst *onseFuen*es o/ Ba*on6s antis*ien*e utopia was the *hartering o/ the British .oyal )o*iety by Charles 88 in 1AA=- #ith its /oun$ing, the *ult o/ s*ien*e was /irmly establishe$ in Britain- The .oyal )o*iety not only *arrie$ out operations against republi*an s*ientists su*h as &ott/rie$ #ilhelm 0eibni7, but e(en suppresse$ the s*ienti/i* resear*h o/ its own members- Both the .oyal 4stronomer Flamstee$ an$ the )o*iety6s own se*retary .obert &- Hooke were sa*ri/i*e$ to *reate the reputation o/ 8saa* Newton,nlike Ba*on, Newton was at least a se*on$3rate s*ientist- But a *ursory e5amination o/ his so3*alle$ major a**omplishments in establishing a worl$ system e5poses the preposterousness o/ any *laim on his behal/ to s*ienti/i* eminen*e- Not only was it Hooke an$ Christiaan Huygens who ha$ the major insight o/ synthesis both in the *ase o/ opti*s an$ on the nature o/ gra(ity, but, o/ *ourse, it was Depler who $is*o(ere$ the ?laws,? not Newton- )in*e Huygens was a %ut*h *iti7en who li(e$ in Fran*e he *oul$ be o(erlooke$, but Hooke was a bit more embarrassing- He ha$ *ommuni3 *ate$ his thoughts to Newton on gra(itation only in pri(ate *orrespon$en*e, so there was little that he *oul$ $o to pre(ent Newton6s publi*ation o/ the .athematical Principles of 9atural Philosophy without proper attribution to himsel/- Hooke was able, howe(er, to pre(ent the publi*ation o/ Newton6s <ptics until a/ter his $eath, sin*e his own .icrographia pre$ate$ Newton6s work->2 Newton6s atta*ks on Hooke are o/ se*on$ary importan*e, merely ser(ing to establish Newton6s own la*k o/ *re$entials as a top3ranking s*ientistNeither is the atta*k on Flamstee$ o/ histori*al importan*e, e5*ept as it $emonstrates how at this early perio$ the 9nglish monar*hy systemati*ally

establishe$ *ontrol o/ all s*ien*e within its grasp in or$er to sti/le an$ bureau*rati7e it- Poor Flamstee$ re*ei(e$ the same treatment mete$ out to nu*lear physi*ists to$ay- His pri(ate working papers were sei7e$ an$ *lassi3 /ie$ by the .oyal )o*iety as *rown property- ,n$er Newton6s presi$en*y o/ the )o*iety, all o/ British s*ien*e *ame un$er his $ire*t *ontrolThe )o*iety6s major *on*ern an$ its major *rime was its atta*k on 0eibni7, whom it /eare$ not only be*ause o/ his in$epen$ent s*ienti/i* a*hie(ements, but be*ause he ha$ le$ in *reating a*a$emies in Berlin, Paris, an$ .ussia that /un*tione$ as true s*ienti/i* *enters- The republi*an networks 0eibni7 establishe$ throughout 9urope were the networks that Benjamin Franklin woul$ use a hun$re$ years later to win *riti*al /lanking support /or the 4meri*an .e(olution an$ e5ten$ the 4meri*an /ight to 9urope8t was 0eibni76s s*ienti/i* worl$(iew that the *ultists o/ the .oyal )o*iety sought to $estroy- 8n 1A 2, 0eibni7 wrote <n the Eltimate <rigin of #hings, whi*h epitomi7es the philosophy o/ a republi*an- He wrote+ ?4n$ in a$$ition to the general beauty an$ per/e*tion o/ the works o/ &o$, we must re*ogni7e a *ertain perpetual an$ (ery /ree progress o/ the whole uni(erse, su*h that it a$(an*es always to still greater impro(ement B*ultureC8t is thus that e(en now a great part o/ our earth has re*ei(e$ *ulti(ation an$ will re*ei(e more an$ more- 4n$ although it is true that sometimes *ertain parts o/ it grow up wil$ again or again su//er $estru*tion an$ $eterioration, this ne(ertheless must be un$erstoo$ as we interprete$ a//li*tion abo(e, that is to say, this (ery $estru*tion an$ $eterioration lea$s to some greater result, so that we pro/it in some way by the loss itsel/?4n$ as to the possible obje*tion that i/ it were so the worl$ ought long ago to ha(e be*ome a para$ise, the reply is rea$y- 9(en i/ many substan*es ha(e alrea$y rea*he$ great per/e*tion, ne(ertheless, on a**ount o/ the in/inite $i(isibility o/ the *ontinuum, there always remain in the $epths o/ things slumbering parts whi*h must yet be awakene$ an$ be*ome greater an$ better, an$, in a wor$, attain a better *ulture- 4n$ hen*e progress ne(er *omes to an en$-?>! Newton, in his Principles, put /orwar$ his $egra$e$ *ounterposition- He sai$ o/ &o$+

?This most beauti/ul system o/ the sun, planets, an$ *omets, *oul$ only pro*ee$ /rom the *ounsel an$ $ominion o/ an intelligent an$ power/ul Being- - - - This Being go(erns all things, not as the soul o/ the worl$, but as 0or$ o(er all' an$ on a**ount o/ his $ominion he is wont to be *alle$ 0or$ &o$ - - - or ,ni(ersal .uler, /or &o$ is a relati(e wor$ an$ has a respe*t to ser(ants' an$ %eity is the $ominion o/ &o$ not o(er his own bo$y, as those imagine who /an*y &o$ to be the soul o/ the worl$, but o(er ser(ants- But a being, howe(er per/e*t, without $omination *annot be sai$ to be 0or$ &o$' /or we say, my &o$, your &o$, the &o$ o/ 8srael, the &o$ o/ &o$s, an$ 0or$ o/ 0or$s' but we $o not say my 9ternal, your 9ternal, the 9ternal o/ 8srael, the 9ternal o/ &o$s' we $o not say my 8n/inite, or my Per/e*t' these are titles whi*h ha(e no respe*t to ser(ants-?> 0eibni7 s*orne$ Newton6s metho$ as o**ultism+ ?Thus the an*ients an$ mo$erns who a(ow that gra(ity is an occult 3uality, are right i/ they mean thereby that there is a *ertain me*hanism unknown to them, by whi*h bo$ies are impelle$ towar$ the *enter o/ the earth- But i/ their notion is that this transpires without any me*hanism, by a simple primitive property, or by a law o/ &o$ whi*h brings about this e//e*t without any intelligible means, then it is a senseless o**ult Fuality, whi*h is so (ery o**ult that it *an ne(er be *leare$ up, e(en though a )pirit, not to say &o$ himsel/, were en$ea(or3 ing to e5plain it-?;" 8n$ee$, Newton was the pro$u*t o/ a *ultist *ir*le that prominently /igures among its ranks 1ohn 0o*ke an$ .obert Boyle- These men pri(ately repu$i3 ate$ Christianity in /a(or o/ trinitarianism, a syntheti* 1u$aism-;1 This ?permissi(e? 1esuit i$eology *ame to be known in the Chur*h o/ 9nglan$ as 0atitu$inarianismH/or a loose interpretation o/ the Bible- Newton himsel/ $e(ote$ thousan$s o/ manus*ript pages to interpreting the <l$ Testament Book o/ %anielHe, 0o*ke, an$ Boyle were also pra*ti*ing al*hemists- 0o*ke, who was a me$i*al $o*tor, /a(ore$ his patients with reme$ies su*h as the /ollowing one $es*ribe$ /or ki$ney $isease in a letter written in 1A!1+ ?Three stone Fuart jugsH/ill them with urine o/ a patient as it is ma$e, stay them *lose, bury them a yar$ un$ergroun$ an$ lay a tile o(er them that the earth /all not *lose upon them' an$ so bury them in the earth- This was $one to the Countess o/ )ha/tesbury without her knowing it an$ she ha$ not /rom that time till now any o/ those (iolent nephriti*al pains she was wont to ha(e-?;=

This Bertran$ .ussell o/ his $ay ha$ eFually ?s*ienti/i*? empiri*al metho$s /or $ealing with the problems o/ surplus population0ike Bentham a/ter him, 0o*ke propose$ to re/orm the 9li7abethan poor law to sol(e the problem o/ useless eaters- His proposal was ?that all men soun$ o/ limb an$ min$ abo(e /ourteen an$ un$er /i/ty, begging in maritime *ounties outsi$e their own parish without a pass shoul$ be arreste$ an$ sent to the ne5t seaport town, there kept at har$ labor till some o/ His :ajesty6s ships *oming in or near there, gi(en an opportunity o/ putting them on boar$, where they shall ser(e three years, un$er stri*t $is*ipline- - - ?:en abo(e /i/ty or maime$ to be sent to the workhouse /or three years at har$ labor an$ /or *hil$ren, pauper s*hools shoul$ be set up in e(ery parish to enable both mothers an$ *hil$ren to work pro$u*ti(ely- - - - Chil$ren shoul$ ha(e their belly/ul o/ brea$ $aily - - - an$ to this may be a$$e$, without any trouble in *ol$ weather, i/ it be thought to be nee$/ul, a little warm water gruel' /or the same /ire that warms the room may be ma$e o/ use to boil a pot o/ it- - - - BBy this meansC *omputing all the earnings o/ a *hil$ /rom three to /ourteen years o/ age, the nourishment an$ tea*hing o/ su*h a *hil$ $uring the whole time will *ost the parish nothing-?;> The person o/ #illiam Petty, one o/ the a*knowle$ge$ /oun$ers o/ the .oyal )o*iety, $o*uments the 1esuit input into the .oyal )o*iety- Petty *ame /rom a se*ret 9nglish Catholi* /amily- 8n 1A>! he smuggle$ himsel/ abroa$ an$ entere$ the 1esuit *ollege o/ Caen, where he stu$ie$ /or two years- He returne$ to 9nglan$, but $uring the *i(il war he again /le$ to the *ontinent, where he worke$ with the 1esuit Father :ersenne- He returne$ to 9nglan$ to /orm the .oyal )o*iety-;; 8/ Petty was not himsel/ publi*ly asso*iate$ with the *ult o/ Freemasonry, one year a/ter the *hartering o/ the .oyal )o*iety, his *ollaborators in the )o*iety /oun$e$ a &eneral 4ssembly o/ :asons- Freemasonry woul$ ser(e the British as the se*ular analogue to the 1esuit se*ret intelligen*e so*ietyThree .oyal )o*iety members, 9lias 4shmole, 1ohn Theophilus %esaguliers, an$ Christopher #ren, are *re$ite$ with establishing what is known as spe*ulati(e masonry, to $istinguish it /rom *ra/t guil$ masonry- 4**or$ing to their o//i*ial history, they /use$ with a *ra/t mason group whose main lo$ge was in )*otlan$ an$ tra*e$ itsel/ to .ome- This woul$ imply that within the buil$ing *ra/ts masonry, there e5iste$ an a*tual *ult thatHlike the

8talian bla*k nobilityHha$ sur(i(e$ /rom the .oman perio$-;@ )*otlan$ ha$ been a 1esuit stronghol$ sin*e the time :ary )tuart be*ame Kueen, an$ the 1esuits were interwo(en with these se*ret so*ieties4n earlier /orm o/ the :asons was the .osi*ru*ians, an ?9gyptian? hermeti* *ult- .obert Flu$$, who is the /irst known 9nglish .osi*ru*ian, li(e$ $uring the reign o/ 1ames 8- 8n 121;, a manus*ript by the Prin*e o/ Hesse was pub3 lishe$ by 0e Couteul5 $e Canteleu a**using the 1esuits o/ ?using the myster3 ies o/ the .ose3Croi5-?;A 8n the eighteenth *entury, the .osi*ru*ians merge$ with the :asonsThe earliest masoni* rites, whi*h are still use$ /or the lower $egrees, *entere$ aroun$ the /igure o/ Ding )olomon, who employe$ an arti/i*er in brass name$ Hiram to *onstru*t the Temple in 1erusalem- .e/eren*e to this appears in the Bible' howe(er the :asoni* myth elaborates the legen$- 4 *onspira*y takes pla*e between apprenti*es an$ the master masons, o/ whom Hiram is one- Hiram is kille$ in a (ain attempt to learn the *ra/t se*rets- His hi$$en bo$y is /oun$ an$ *eremonially ?raise$-? <nto this was gra/te$ the 9gyptian *ult o/ 8sis- The *ult o/ 8sis is more than =,""" years ol$ an$ is the mother *ult o/ e(ery pseu$oreligious orgiasti* *ult that /ollowe$ in its wake- The Ptolemies, who took o(er 9gypt when 4le53 an$er was mur$ere$ by 4ristotle, re(ampe$ the 8sis *ult /or use as an instru3 ment o/ :e$iterranean3wi$e politi*al an$ *ultural sub(ersion-;2 8n the /orm in whi*h it was propagate$ in the .oman 9mpire the 8sis myth tells o/ the mur$er o/ <siris, who is both brother an$ lo(er to 8sis, by the jealous )et- 4t a $inner party *on(ene$ /or the *rime, )et lures <siris into a *o//in, whi*h he then seals an$ hurls into the Nile ri(er- 8sis sear*hes /or her lo(er an$ re*o(ers the bo$y, but )et then tears the *orpse into /ourteen pie*es an$ s*atters them throughout 9gypt- 8sis re*o(ers all but one pie*e, <siris6s phallus- This she repla*es with a sil(er repli*a- They *on*ei(e a son Horus, who $e/eats )et in battle- Howe(er 8sis prote*ts her a$mirer )et, who takes the shape o/ a serpent, allowing him Ban$ there/ore the prin*iple o/ e(ilC to remain ali(e-;! Cult rituals are *elebrations o/ these e(ents0ike the *ults o/ 4pollo an$ %ionysus, the 8sis *ult is the /orerunner o/ the ro*k3$rug /esti(als o/ to$ay- 4s one historian reports+ ?The a*ts or gestures that a**ompany the in*antations *onstitute the rite o/ 8sis- 8n these $an*es, the beating o/ $rums an$ the rhythm o/ musi* an$ repetiti(e mo(ements

were helpe$ by hallu*inatory substan*es like hashish or mes*al' these were *onsume$ as a$ju(ants to *reate the tran*e an$ the hallu*inations that were taken to be the (isitation o/ the go$- - - - Possibly be*ause they ga(e the illusion o/ satis/ie$ $esires, an$ allowe$ the innermost /eelings to es*ape, these rites a*Fuire$ $uring their e5e*ution a /ren7ie$ *hara*ter-?; 8t was to sa(e mankin$ /rom this e(il that Christians prea*he$ the &ospelIery early the attempt was ma$e to reintro$u*e the *ults $ire*tly into Christianity through the gnosti*s an$ the :ani*heans- The gnosti*s li(e$ at the same time as )aint Paul, who $enoun*e$ their lea$er )imon :agus- 8n their (ersion o/ the gospels, now again gaining *ir*ulation as the gnosti* bible, they prea*he$ the glori/i*ation o/ sensuality- 8n this per(ersion o/ religion, the serpent B)etC be*omes a positi(e go$ who opposes 1eho(ah6s $enial o/ the /ruit o/ material bliss to man:ani*heanism, whi*h /lourishe$ some *enturies later at the time o/ )aint 4ugustine, resurre*te$ the same prin*iple- 4ll matter is inherently e(il4$am an$ 9(e are not the o//spring o/ &o$ but o/ the $e(il' howe(er &o$ an$ the $e(il *oe5ist as eFual $eities)till later the *ult o/ :ariolatry $istorte$ the notion o/ the TrinityH&o$ the Father, Christ, an$ the Holy )piritHto a trinity o/ the Father, :other, an$ )on, with :ary B8sisC the *entral /igure o/ worship-@" The :asons $roppe$ the Christian *o(er an$ re(erte$ to the an*ient rite o/ 8sisHusing the same kin$ o/ luri$ *ult rites as the 1esuitsFreemasonry began in 9nglan$ as a pro3)tuart grouping- #hen 1ames 88 was /or*e$ to /lee 9nglan$ Freemasons went with him to Fran*e to /orm the nu*leus o/ a *onspiratorial so*iety on his behal/- The mur$er o/ Hiram was a *on(enient symbol /or the behea$ing o/ Charles 8- The 1a*obite *onspira3 tors who supporte$ )tuart pretensions to the throne in*lu$e$ 1esuits- 4s .enO FQlRp3:iller e5plains it+ ?The remarkable *ir*umstan*e that the earliest lists o/ members Mo/ the /irst 9nglish mason lo$gesN *ontaine$ the names o/ se(eral 1a*obites is e5plaine$ by the assumption that the 1esuits ha$ sought to misuse Freemasonry /or the restoration o/ the Catholi* )tuarts#hen, too, in 12>2, :i*hel .amsey intro$u*e$ the so3*alle$ 6higher $egree6 into Freemasonry, this soon *ame to be regar$e$ as a 1esuit intrigue-?@1 .amsey was a )*ot who ha$ been *on(erte$ to Catholi*ism by the 1esuit Fenelon, tutor to the preten$er 1ames )tuart- The 1esuit sub(ersion o/

9nglan$ was probably the or$er6s most su**ess/ul operation- Ne(ertheless, /rom the time o/ the &lorious .e(olution that brought #illiam an$ :ary o/ <range to the 9nglish throne, it is appropriate to talk o/ -nglo0Aesuitism The 1esuit or$er is a han$mai$en o/ oligar*hyHnot its master- The )tuart $ynasty, like the later 9$war$ I888, was $ispossesse$ be*ause 1ames 88 was not /it to rule- The %ut*h banking interests who $es*en$e$ upon 9nglan$ with #illiam were the same 4mster$am banking interests #illiam Ce*il ha$ a*te$ as the politi*al broker /or- Through the perio$ o/ the )tuarts, the reign o/ #illiam an$ :ary, an$ the a**ession to power o/ the Hano(ersHall o/ them relate$ to Henry I888Ha British oligar*hy was *onsoli$ate$ whi*h be*ame o(er time an in$epen$ent /or*e in worl$ politi*s- 8t emerge$ as the /irst among eFuals o/ the 9uropean aristo*ra*y o/ the 8talian bla*k nobility, the Hapsburgs, the Hohen7ollerns, the <rlOanist /a*tion in Fran*e, an$ the .ussian aristo*ra*y- The British oligar*hy still retaine$ its own spe*ial interests- To $e/eat republi*an in$ustrial /or*es in &ermany, it woul$ not hesitate to sa*ri/i*e the Tsar, the Daiser, an$ the Hapsburg monar*hy- 4n$ i/ the Ce*il /amily no longer owes its allegian*e to the 1esuit or$er, their 4ristotelian worl$ outlook is i$enti*al with that o/ their /ormer mastersThe #ise o( British &acobinis #illiam Fit7mauri*e Petty, )e*on$ 9arl o/ )helburne an$ gran$son o/ #illiam Petty, like$ to appear as pro34meri*an an$ a sponsor o/ the 9nlightenment- 4lthough he was British prime minister at the *lose o/ the 4meri*an war /or in$epen$en*e, his importan*e lies in his a*ti(ities behin$ the s*enes- )helburne was known to his *ontemporaries as the 1esuit o/ Berkeley )Fuare-@= <ut o/ the intelligen*e networks that this mentor o/ #illiam Pitt the Younger organi7e$ *an be tra*e$ the /ree3tra$e sub(ersion o/ the young ,nite$ )tates an$ the 1a*obin Terror the British wiel$e$ against the allies o/ the 4meri*an .e(olution in Fran*e)helburne /orme$ aroun$ himsel/ a *oterie that in*lu$e$ the i$eologues 4$am )mith, %a(i$ Hume, 1eremy Bentham, an$ 1ames an$ 1ohn )tuart :ill, an$ he use$ the $elphi* metho$ to penetrate the Neoplatoni* networks who were /orging the 4meri*an .e(olution in the ,nite$ )tates an$ on the *ontinent4s e(en )amuel Coleri$ge in his Biographia 1iteraria makes note, the 1esuit origins o/ the 9nlightenment were barely $isguise$- Coleri$ge makes the

/ollowing pointe$ obser(ation o/ Hume, who stu$ie$ with the 1esuits at 0a FlV*he+ ?8n *onsulting the e5*ellent *ommentary o/ )t- Thomas 4Fuinas on the Parva 9aturalia o/ 4ristotle, 8 was stru*k at on*e with its *lose resem3 blan*e to Hume6s 9ssay on 4sso*iation- The main thoughts were the same in both, the order o/ the thoughts was the same, an$ e(en the illustration $i//ere$ only by Hume6s o**asional substitution o/ more mo$ern e5amples8 mentione$ the *ir*umstan*e to se(eral o/ my literary a*Fuaintan*es, who a$mitte$ the *loseness o/ the resemblan*e, an$ that it seeme$ too great to be e5plaine$ by mere *oin*i$en*e' but they thought it improbable that Hume shoul$ ha(e hel$ the pages o/ the angeli* %o*tor worth turning o(er- But some time a/ter :r- Payne, o/ the Ding6s mews, showe$ )ir 1ames :a*kin3 tosh some o$$ (olumes o/ )t- Thomas 4Fuinas, *hie/ly /rom the /a*t, that the (olumes ha$ belonge$ to :r- Hume, an$ ha$ here an$ there marginal marks an$ notes o/ re/eren*e in his own han$writing- 4mong these (olumes was that whi*h *ontains the Parva 9aturalia, in the ol$ 0atin (ersion, swathe$ an$ swa$$le$ in the *ommentary a/orementione$L ?@> BNominalist Bertran$ .ussell, a presi$ent o/ the 4ristotelian )o*iety, woul$ later ha(e high praise /or %a(i$ Hume, an i$eologi*al asso*iation that woul$ rightly gain .ussell the *hara*teri7ation o/ an 4nglo31esuit-C )helburne6s protOgOs 1ames :ill, 1eremy Bentham, an$ 1ohn )tuart :ill $e(elope$ the se*ular eFui(alent o/ 1esuitism+ British ra$i*alism- 4ll that Bentham6s utilitarianismHthe greatest goo$ /or the greatest numberHor 1ohn )tuart :ill6s marginal utility theory o/ e*onomi*s la*ke$ was the *on/essional- 4s a /orerunner o/ 1ohn %ewey6s pragmatism an$ .ussell6s te*hni*al truth, utilitarianism lo*ate$ gree$ as the motor /or*e o/ history, at the same time the British were buying up e(ery gree$y politi*ian an$ ra$i*al *ra7y in sightBy no later than 12A>, )helburne ha$ alrea$y *on*o*te$ the greatest sub3 (ersi(e ta*ti* o/ all, ?/ree tra$e? i$eology, whi*h he was to use against the Hamiltonian #hig /or*es in the ,nite$ )tates, the 0a/ayette /or*es in Pran*e, an$ the 0ist /or*es in &ermany?Free tra$e? was a typi*al nominalist tri*k- Pi*k a name that soun$s like /ree enterprise an$ then run a $elphi* operation to *on(in*e the honest pre*apital3 ist that they are one an$ the same- The i$ea was that Fran*e, &ermany, an$ the ,nite$ )tates shoul$ be kept open as a /ree market in whi*h the British

*oul$ $ump their own manu/a*ture$ goo$s, e(en at pri*es below *ost i/ ne*essary- The ,nite$ )tates was to pro$u*e *otton, toba**o, sugar, an$ wheat /or e5port' Fran*e, wines' &ermany, too was to be an agrarian nationTo put su*h a poli*y through, the British ha$ to sa*ri/i*e their own e*onomy in two ways- #hile wheat Bknown then as *orn on the *ontinentC was prote*te$ in Britain $uring the war perio$, national agri*ulture was to be sa*ri/i*e$ to pro(i$e a market /or the /arm pro$u*e o/ the hope/ully semi3 *olonial rest o/ the worl$' se*on$, the British e*onomy itsel/ woul$ be*ome in*reasingly skewe$ to the pro$u*tion o/ *onsumer goo$s- Thus by 1! >, *otton goo$s e5ports ma$e up =! per*ent o/ British manu/a*turing e5ports' in &ermany *otton goo$s e5ports were only @-2@ per*ent o/ its total manu/a*ture$ goo$s e5ports-@; 8n 12A> )helburne lai$ out Britain6s geopoliti*al strategy to 4$am )mith in a *arriage ri$e to 0on$on $es*ribe$ in the /amily biography-@@ The two o/ them $is*usse$ the British /ailure to genuinely win the )e(en Years #ar $espite nominal (i*tory, $ue to the hea(y *ost o/ *on$u*ting the war an$ maintaining the *olonial empire- 8n or$er to right this, )helburne argue$, the Thirteen Colonies shoul$ be gi(en partial sel/3go(ernment, within the em3 pire, but assume a mu*h hea(ier ta5 bur$en- 4ll nati(e 4meri*an in$ustrial $e(elopment woul$ be ruthlessly suppresse$- This woul$ be sol$ to the *olonialists with a populist anti3monopoly *ampaign smearing pro3in$us3 trialists as swin$lers out to bilk the poor /armer<n the same *arriage ri$e, )helburne propose$ that )mith also un$ertake the stu$y o/ the .oman 9mpire as a mo$el /or the British, a proje*t whi*h he in turn passe$ o(er to 9$war$ &ibbon- 1ust as the rapa*ious .oman 9mpire, lo*ustlike, strippe$ the rest o/ the worl$ o/ its pro$u*e, $estroye$ *ommer*e an$ in$ustry, to set up a sla(e3labor plantation system in their pla*e, so too woul$ the British- The .omans use$ *ults to brainwash populations into submission' so too woul$ the British- 4n open3$oor, /ree3tra$e poli*y /or $rugs was *entral to the su**ess o/ the plan4s )mith writes in 'ealth of 9ations on )helburne6s $esign /or 4meri*a+ ?8t has been the prin*ipal *ause o/ the rapi$ progress o/ our 4meri*an *olonies towar$s wealth an$ greatness, that almost their whole *apitals ha(e hitherto been employe$ in agri*ulture- - - - #ere the 4meri*ans, either by *ombina3

tion or by any other sort o/ (iolen*e, to stop the importation o/ 9uropean manu/a*tures an$ by thus gi(ing a monopoly to su*h o/ their own *ountry3 men as *oul$ manu/a*ture the like goo$s, $i(ert any *onsi$erable part o/ the *apital into this employment, they woul$ retar$ instea$ o/ a**elerate the /urther in*rease in the (alue o/ their annual pro$u*e, an$ woul$ obstru*t instea$ o/ promote the progress o/ their *ountry towar$s real wealth an$ greatness- This woul$ be still more the *ase, were they to attempt in the same manner to monopoli7e to themsel(es their whole e5portation tra$e-?@A Those who argue that )mith6s 'ealth of 9ations is the basis o/ 4meri*an e*onomi* poli*y are lying- The 4meri*an .e(olution was /ought /or the right to in$ustrial progress- The 'ealth of 9ations was an$ remains the mani/esto /or the looting poli*y o/ the British )ystem o/ e*onomi*s- 4s )mith *ontinues to write on the poli*ies o/ the Bast 8n$ia Company+ ?The 9nglish *ompany has not yet ha$ time to establish in Bengal so per/e*tly $estru*ti(e a system-? The re/eren*e is to the %ut*h who burn spi*es to *reate an arti/i*ial shortage- ?The plan o/ their go(ernment, howe(er, has ha$ e5a*tly the same ten$en*y- 8t has not been un*ommon, 8 am well assure$, /or the *hie/, that is, the /irst *lerk o/ a /a*tory, to or$er a peasant to plough up a ri*h /iel$ o/ poppies, an$ sow it with ri*e or some other grain- The preten*e was, to pre(ent a s*ar*ity o/ pro(isions' but the real reason, to gi(e the *hie/ an opportunity o/ selling at a better pri*e a large Fuantity o/ opium, whi*h he happene$ then to ha(e upon han$- - - - The ser(ants o/ the *ompany ha(e upon se(eral o**asions attempte$ to establish in their own /a(our the monopoly o/ some o/ the most important bran*hes, not only o/ the /oreign, but o/ the inlan$ tra$e o/ the *ountry- - - ?Nothing, howe(er, *an be more $ire*tly *ontrary to the real interest o/ those *ompanies, *onsi$ere$ as the so(ereigns o/ the *ountries whi*h they ha(e *onFuere$, than this $estru*ti(e plan- 8n almost all *ountries the re(enue o/ the so(ereign is $rawn /rom that o/ the people- The greater the re(enue o/ the people, there/ore, the greater the annual pro$u*e o/ their lan$ an$ labour, the more they *an a//or$ to the so(ereign- 8t is his interest, there/ore, to in*rease as mu*h as possible that annual pro$u*e- But i/ this is the interest o/ e(ery so(ereign, it is pe*uliarly so o/ one whose re(enue, like that o/ the so(ereign o/ Bengal, arises *hie/ly /rom a lan$ rent-

?That rent must ne*essarily be in proportion to the Fuantity an$ (alue o/ the pro$u*e, an$ both the one an$ the other must $epen$ upon the e5tent o/ the market,?@2 There/ore, the 9nglish /ought the <pium #ar in China to /or*e the Chinese to allow the importation o/ opium into their *ountry- 8mpli*it in )mith6s argument is the *ommitment o/ the British go(ernment to *reate a multi3 billion $ollar $rug market not only in 4sia, but in 9urope an$ 4meri*a as well- To$ay that tra$e brings in o(er E="" billion a year to the British /inan*ial oligar*hyThe pre$i*tions o/ )mith6s asso*iate Parson Thomas :althus /ollow $ire*tly /rom the looting poli*ies )mith sets /orth- :althus, who taught in the 9ast 8n$ia Company College, *laims that there is a natural limit to the numbers o/ people who *an be maintaine$ without /amine, plague, an$ e*onomi* *ollapse- )u*h natural limits are $etermine$ by the poli*ies o/ the British )ystem whi*h en/or*es the *ulti(ation o/ poppies rather than /oo$ an$ whi*h $enies nations the te*hnologies that superse$e the limits o/ so3*alle$ natural resour*es8/ )helburne6s /ree tra$e sub(ersion was resiste$ by the 4meri*an republi*, it was all too su**ess/ul in Fran*e- The Fren*h34meri*an allian*e that ha$ brought *riti*al /lanking a*tion to the 4meri*an .e(olutionary #ar was broken on the 12!A Free Tra$e Treaty between Fran*e an$ Britain- The treaty, whi*h resulte$ in the $umping o/ Britain6s manu/a*ture$ goo$s on Fran*e, $estroye$ Fran*e as the most in$ustriali7e$ nation o/ 9urope, an$ opene$ the path to the $estabili7ation known as the Fren*h .e(olution-@! ,ntil 12 ;, with the en$ o/ the 1a*obin Terror an$ the establishment o/ the P*ole Polyte*hniFue by 0a7are Carnot, the Fren*h .e(olution was a $estabili7ation operation run jointly by the British oligar*hy an$ the 1esuits8/ the 4meri*an .e(olution ha$ been /ought an$ won by the Neoplatoni* networks /orge$ by 0eibni7 an$ brought into a*tion by Benjamin Franklin, the Fren*h .e(olution was the result o/ the British31esuit 9nlightenment that was *reate$ to $estroy 0eibni76s s*ienti/i* work an$ neutrali7e his networks8t is no a**i$ent that Ioltaire, the great populari7er o/ Newton, an$ %anton an$ .obespierre, who *reate$ the terror that $estroye$ the republi*an /a*tion o/ the :arFuis $e 0a/ayette in the Fren*h .e(olution, were all pro$u*ts o/ the same 1esuit *ollege-@ 4s an 4ristotelian *ompen$ium o/ ?knowle$ge,?

the Fren*h 9n*y*lope$ia was a 1esuit proje*t- ?The )o*iety o/ 1esus may pri$e itsel/ on the /a*t that it was the /irst to pro(e that religion an$ humanity are *ompatible,? :ontesFuieu wrote in #he !pirit of the 1aws H, #ith the 9nlightenment, the 1esuits, who publi*i7e$ the works o/ .ousseau an$ Ioltaire in their journal, emerge$ in their /ull ra$i*al atheismThe Fren*h .e(olution was patterne$ on the same human wa(e ta*ti*s Bertran$ .ussell woul$ use in China, mobili7ing the peasant hor$es an$ the poorest, most *riminal elements o/ the *ity o/ Paris as the battering ram against /irst the Bourbon monar*hy an$ then against republi*anism itsel/0ike .ussell, the *ons*ious mo$el o/ the 1a*obins an$ their i$eologi*al sponsors was China8n the eighteenth *entury Father %uhal$e wrote the wi$ely *ir*ulate$ (escription of the 8hinese Empire Ioltaire, while a stu$ent at the 1esuit *ollege at Clermont, wrote his Essay on .anners, whi*h *ontains a long *hapter in praise o/ Chinese institutions- 8n it he suggests that rather than sen$ missionaries to China, the Chinese shoul$ be in(ite$ to she$ the light o/ Chinese *ulture in 9urope- The 9n*y*lope$ist %i$erot, also e$u*ate$ by the 1esuits, wrote that in intelle*t, wis$om, an$ philosophy, China *oul$ *ompete with the ?most enlightene$ *ountries o/ 9urope-?A1 %r- Kuesnais, the /oun$er o/ the Fren*h physio*rati* s*hool, whi*h lo*ates agri*ulture rather than in$ustry as the sour*e o/ man6s wealth, publishe$ a stu$y of (espotism in 8hina The *oor$inating agen*y /or the Fren*h $estabili7ation was the Freemason 0o$ge o/ the Nine )isters o/ Paris, whose &ran$ :aster was the %u* $6<rlOans, hea$ o/ that bran*h o/ the Fren*h aristo*ra*y that a*te$ as a *on$uit /or Baring money an$ British politi*al $esigns into Fran*e- 4s FQlRp3:iller makes *lear, the Nine )isters be*ame the home groun$ o/ the 1esuiti*al propagan$ists o/ the 9nlightenment+ ?8n spite o/ the hostility o/ the Chur*h, whi*h is e5presse$ espe*ially in the papal bulls o/ *on$emnation - - - the Freemasons hel$ their groun$, an$ entere$ into an allian*e with the 9nlightenment, whi*h was as sin*ere as it was e//e*ti(e- The lea$ers o/ the 9nlightenment, :ontesFuieu, $64lembert, %i$erot, an$ shortly be/ore his $eath, Ioltaire, were members o/ the Parisian 0o$ge, at the Nine )isters-?A= )o too were %anton an$ .obespierre-

8/ Benjamin Franklin was also a member o/ the 0o$ge $uring his /i(e3year stay in Fran*e, it was as part o/ the 4meri*an re(olutionary use o/ Free3 masonry as a *o(er /or its own se*reti(e organi7ing an$ as a *ounterintelli3 gen*e operation against the enemy1uly 1;, 12! , is inappropriately *elebrate$ as the national holi$ay o/ Fran*e- The lumpeni7e$ Parisian mob that storme$ the Bastille was organi7e$ by %anton, an$ arme$ with guns taken /rom the gunnery o/ the %u* $6<rlOans- The e(ent in whi*h the hea$s o/ guar$smen were *arrie$ through the streets on pikes be*ame the mo$el /or the Fren*h terror in whi*h the brutali7e$ masses o/ ParisHun$er the $ire*tion o/ the obese %anton an$ the bloo$thirsty :aratHbe*ame the /inal arbiter o/ the *ourse o/ the .e(olu3 tion-A> )houl$ it be surprising then to /in$ that %anton was in the pay o/ the %u* $6<rlOans or that :arat up until his $eath in 12 > was able to slip to 9nglan$ perio$i*ally whene(er the situation got too hot in ParisGA; )helburne pose$ as the sponsor an$ prote*tor o/ the 9nlightenment in 9nglan$, an$ his agent 1eremy Bentham kept up a stea$y *orrespon$en*e with members o/ the Fren*h 4ssembly like Brissot $e #ar(ille, also in the pay o/ the %u* $6<rlOans, an$ $ire*te$ their a*tions- The aim was to ensure that the Fren*h .e(olution woul$ in no way *reate the kin$ o/ *onstitutional republi* that ha$ been /oun$e$ in the ,nite$ )tates- ,n$er the guise o/ atta*ks on the monar*hy, )helburne6s agents blo*ke$ to pre(ent the *reation o/ a strong e5e*uti(e power to set the nation6s goals an$ lea$ in their reali7ation- The powers o/ a Presi$ent, as man$ate$ by the 4meri*an Constitution, woul$ not be *reate$ /or Fran*e until the Fi/th .epubli* o/ Charles $e &aulle- 8nstea$, the Fren*h 1a*obins insiste$ that all power remain in the 4ssembly, whi*h in the last resort *oul$ always be physi*ally threatene$ an$ e(en in(a$e$ by the mob%anton an$ his hen*hman :arat are the pre*ursors o/ .ussell6s :aoism%anton is the man responsible /or $ri(ing 0a/ayette out o/ Fran*e- %anton ra(e$ in 12 =+ ?8t is only by a great national uphea(al that we ha(e ma$e the $espots retreat- )o /ar we ha(e only been waging 0a/ayette6s sham war' we must wage a more terrible war-?A@ )o began the reign o/ terror, whi*h perpetrate$ the mass slaughter o/ republi*ans on the prete5t that they ha$ aristo*rati* ties- :arat le$ the *harge o/ the Parisian mob with wor$s that *oul$ be hear$ in 8ran to$ay+ ?#hen a man la*ks e(erything he has the right

to take what others ha(e in super/luity- .ather than star(e, he is justi/ie$ in *utting another6s throat, an$ $e(ouring the palpitating /lesh-?AA 8n the terror these men unleashe$ in the name o/ reasonHNewtonian reason H0a/ayette6s *losest asso*iates were guillotine$- The *ollaborator o/ Franklin was $ri(en into e5ile an$ into the $ungeons o/ the Hapsburgs, who imprisone$ him with the appro(al o/ British Prime :inister #illiam PittBeetho(en6s Fidelio $ramati7es :a$ame $e 0a/ayette6s years3long sear*h /or her husban$ through 9urope6s prisons to /in$ him an$ share his imprison3 mentHthus *reating a storm o/ popular outrage whi*h /inally /ree$ him /rom the e(il ?Pi7arro-?A2 8/ it ha$ not been /or the Thermi$or o/ 0a7are Carnot, Fran*e woul$ ha(e $rowne$ in its own bloo$ to the mighty satis/a*tion o/ the British oligar*hyThe British use o/ 1a*obin ta*ti*s $i$ not en$ with the Thermi$or- 4/ter the Congress o/ Iienna in 1!1@, the British oligar*hy supporte$ the rea*tionary Holy 4llian*e with the right han$ with /un$s /rom the Baring brothers- 4t the same time it establishe$ a subsi$iary intelligen*e ser(i*e run by the .oths*hil$s that /un$e$ an$ pushe$ ra$i*al 1a*obin3style insurre*tions against the monar*hs o/ the Holy 4llian*e, with the intent o/ *ar(ing up the ?liberate$? /ormer *olonies o/ other empires8n the mi$st o/ the worl$ e*onomi* *risis o/ 1!1 31!==, the British a$opte$ a balan*e o/ power poli*y o/ trying to pit the 4llian*e an$ the ra$i*al 1a*obins against one another, aiming to but*her the 0a/ayette34meri*an networks in the *ross/ire- The Constitutionalists in )pain mo(e$ to o(erthrow the Bourbon king in 1!=", at the same time that the Bourbon monar*h o/ Naples /a*e$ insurre*tion- 8n 1!=1, the &reeks rebelle$ against the )ultan o/ Turkey, whi*h en$e$ in the brutal massa*re o/ the &reek inhabitants o/ the 8slan$ o/ Chios- 8n )outh 4meri*a, insurre*tions, rebel3 lions, an$ liberation mo(ements un$er )imon Boli(ar, )an :artin, an$ Bernar$o <6Higgins took power in the /ormer *olonial hol$ings o/ )pain an$ Portugal- 8n all these ?insurre*tions? the agents o/ 1eremy Bentham ha$ a lea$ing han$- The networks *reate$ by Franklin an$ 0a/ayette were brutally massa*re$ in 8taly, 0atin 4meri*a, an$ )pain either by the /or*es o/ the 4llian*e or the insurre*tionists themsel(es-A! The re(olutions o/ 1!;! were *arrie$ out on the same mo$elHwith Henry 1ohn Temple, Iis*ount Palmerston, $ire*ting the a*tion- 4s a Tory, Palmer3

ston was nominate$ 0or$ o/ the 4$miralty in 1!"2, be*ame )e*retary /or #ar in 1!" , swit*he$ to the #hig Party in 1!>" with the *hange in a$min3 istration an$ be*ame )e*retary /or Foreign 4//airs, an o//i*e he hel$ e5*ept /or a si53month perio$, until 1!@1- 4s a *lose asso*iate o/ Bertran$6s gran$3 /ather, 0or$ 1ohn .ussell, #hig Prime :inister, he $ire*te$ the re(olutions o/ 1!;! as a way o/ $estabili7ing 9urope to Britain6s a$(antage- ,sing the :asons as the (ehi*le /or *ontrol, he *reate$ the anar*hist mo(ements *alle$ Young 8taly, Young Polan$, Young 9nglan$ Bun$er the super(ision o/ %is3 raeliC, an$ Young )wit7erlan$- His Young 4meri*a was the *o(er /or the agents *entere$ aroun$ 4ugust Belmont who plotte$ the 4meri*an Ci(il #ar-A 8t is appropriate to mention the *ase o/ Darl :ar5-2" :ar5 was *reate$ by the British, who *ontrolle$ him through *otton magnate Fre$eri*k 9ngels an$ British :useum $ire*tor %a(i$ ,rFuhart- :ar5 was groome$ as a spokesman o/ ?rational? anti3in$ustrial *apitalism- That his pro$e(elopment Neoplatoni* impulses /reFuently broke through their *ontrolHas in the *ase o/ :ar56s support o/ 4braham 0in*olnHwas not their /ault- :ar56s story e5empli/ies the way in whi*h British ra$i*al mo(ements weakene$ the Neoplatoni* networks o/ republi*anism- 4lthough :ar56s home town o/ Trier ha$ been a hotbe$ o/ /erment in support o/ Franklin an$ the 4meri*an .e(olution, an$ although :ar5 $isplaye$ his own Neoplatoni* *ommitment to s*ien*e an$ progress throughout his li/e, he was rope$ in by the British ra$i*al mo(ement to i$enti/y so*ialismHa mo(ement *ontrolle$ by Britain Han$ not *apitalism as the only (ehi*le /or progress, an$ thus was le$ to regar$ the 1a*obins as the pre*ursors o/ ?s*ienti/i* so*ialism-? 0ikewise, he was le$ by 9ngels to belie(e that the British )ystem is the only /orm o/ *apitalism<//ere$ /ree a**ess to the British :useum, :ar5 was /e$ *on(enient $o*u3 mentation by %a(i$ ,rFuhart, the )t- 1ohn Philby o/ his $ay, to *harge 0or$ Palmerston with being in the pay o/ the .ussiansL But /or Palmerston, :ar5 ha$ (alue as the lea$ing /igure o/ a rational bran$ o/ so*ialismHas oppose$ to the rabi$ nihilism o/ )tirner, Prou$hon, an$ BakuninHto thus *apture a broa$er spe*trum o/ the pro3republi*an mo(ement-21

Beyond &acobinis : The AE$arian Conspiracy 8n its *reation an$ use o/ :uslim /un$amentalism, ra$i*al so*ialism, an$ terrorism, the British oligar*hy is playing the same game to$ay as it playe$ in the nineteenth *entury- #ith the Carter a$ministration in power, they ha(e gone a long way towar$ reali7ing Ce*il .ho$es6s $ream o/ gaining *ontrol o/ the ,nite$ )tates- Now they operate /reely out o/ #ashington, as well as out o/ 0on$onBut within the oligar*hy, the same /a*tional $i//eren*es that erupte$ at the Coe//i*ients $inner table split their ranks to$ay- Now the stakes are higherDooks Carter an$ Jbigniew Br7e7inski *an plunge the worl$ into nu*lear $estru*tion unless they are kept un$er a *onstant *ontrolTo$ay, the irrationalist ten$en*ies unleashe$ by the kooks are threatening a wa(e o/ mass psy*hosis on a s*ale mat*he$ only by the .oman 9mpire- The 1 !" book by :arilyn Ferguson, #he -3uarian 8onspiracy, *an be *onsi$3 ere$ the kook mani/esto- Ferguson $es*ribes the mass brainwashing o/ the 4meri*an populationHthrough $rugs, *yberneti*s, e5trasensory per*eption, primal s*ream therapy, transa*tional therapy, bio/ee$ba*k, me$itation, trans*en$entalism, holisti* me$i*ine' in short, all the kook spin3o// *ults o/ the $rug *ounter*ulture o/ the 1 A"s an$ 1 2"s- )he a*knowle$ges that the 4Fuarian *onspira*y is the ?<pen Conspira*y? o/ H-&- #ells#hat is at stake here is more than the use o/ the unwashe$ en(ironmentalist mo(ement as a battering ram against in$ustry an$ s*ien*e- The issue is to $estroy the human soul o/ the 4meri*an peopleHtrans/orming the ,nite$ )tates into the Bra(e New #orl$ that 4l$ous Hu5ley set as his goal when he starte$ the $rug *ounter*ulture in the ,nite$ )tates in 1 >2Ferguson prou$ly *laims that the 4Fuarian *onspira*y has sei7e$ at least =@ million 4meri*ansHin*lu$ing those in the top ranks o/ go(ernment- ?There are legions o/ *onspirators- They are in *orporations, uni(ersities, an$ hospitals, on the /a*ulties o/ publi* s*hools, in /a*tories an$ $o*tors6 o//i*es, in state an$ /e$eral agen*ies, on *ity *oun*ils, an$ the #hite House sta//, in state legislatures, in (olunteer organi7ations, in (irtually all arenas o/ poli*y3 making in the *ountry-?2= Toute$ as a new ?mysti* religion,? the 4Fuarian *onspira*y is the Na7i embra*e o/ irrationality- Psy*hosis is /or*e$ upon the in$i(i$ual, using

many $i//erent metho$sHin*lu$ing $rugs, sensory $epri(ation, primal s*ream therapy, an$ other /orms o/ tortureHuntil the in$i(i$ual surren$ers his or her min$, e(entually be*oming a *onspirator alsoFerguson $o*uments that the *ult has penetrate$ the top e*helons o/ go(ern3 ment, in$ustry, an$ the Pentagon- ?4wareness? is now a reFuire$ part o/ training /or the arme$ /or*es-2> )he i$enti/ies Jbigniew Br7e7inski, the National )e*urity a$(iser, as a *onspirator, *iting Br7e7inski, who regar$s 8slami* /un$amentalism as a ?bulwark against *ommunism,? as saying+ ?This is why the sear*h /or personal religion, /or $ire*t *onne*tion with the spiritual- - - - ,ltimately, e(ery human being, on*e he rea*hes the stage o/ sel/3*ons*iousness, wants to /eel that there is some inner an$ $eeper meaning to his e5isten*e than just being an$ *onsuming, an$ on*e he begins to /eel that way, he wants his so*ial organi7ation to *orrespon$ to that /eeling- - - - This is happening on a worl$ s*ale-?2; There is no Fuestion that the 4Fuarian *onspira*y is aime$ at $estroying the ,nite$ )tates as a nation- Ferguson prou$ly *ites the kook erosion o/ the ,-)- military+ ?8n many ways the military, with its guarantee$ /inan*ial base, has more opportunity to /un$ inno(ation than any other institution1im Channon, a lieutenant *olonel in the army publi* a//airs o//i*e in 0os 4ngeles, *reate$ a hypotheti*al First 9arth Battalion, a /uturist (ision o/ what a trans/orme$ military might be like- The sol$iers o/ the First 9arth Battalion seek non$estru*ti(e metho$s o/ *on/li*t resolution- Their /irst loyalty is to their planet- 4/ter Channon intro$u*e$ the notion at an army think3tank in Iirginia, he was inun$ate$ with reFuests /or more in/ormationThe army6s Task For*e %elta authori7e$ him to prepare a multime$ia presentation o/ the First 9arth Battalion, an i$ea that seems to generate the response #illiam 1ames *alle$ 6the moral eFui(alent o/ war,6 a sense o/ purpose as urgent as the *on/rontation o/ $anger, but without the (iolen*e?Task For*e %elta, itsel/ the army6s tool /or inno(ation an$ transition, in*lu$es systems theorists, semanti*ists, an$ spe*ialists in personal growth an$ the psy*hology o/ stress-?2@ Ferguson hersel/ runs a Congressional Clearinghouse /or the Future in whi*h o(er a hun$re$ ,-)- senators an$ representati(es are gathere$ /or monthly brainwashing sessions-

But, o/ *ourse, :arilyn Ferguson $i$ not *onjure up the 4Fuarian *onspira*y by hersel/- Her book is but a populari7ation, written un$er the $ire*tion o/ #illis Harman, the author o/ the stu$y that is the real 4Fuarian *onspira*yH a :ay 1 2; stu$y by the )tan/or$ .esear*h 8nstitute entitle$ 8hanging Images BContra*t Number ,.H B;! C3=1@", Poli*y .esear*h .eport W;X;-2;C, prepare$ by the ).8 Center /or the )tu$y o/ )o*ial Poli*y, #illis Harman, %ire*tor-2A The >1 3page mimeographe$ report was prepare$ by a team o/ /our3teen resear*hers an$ super(ise$ by a panel o/ twenty3three *ontrollers, in*lu$ing :argaret :ea$, B-F- )kinner, 9rwin 0as7lo o/ the ,nite$ Nations, )ir &eo//rey Ii*kers o/ British intelligen*e, an$ others- 8t was $one in tan$em with the Ta(isto*k 8nstituteThe )tan/or$ stu$y begins with the argument that the /un$amental *on*ep3 tion o/ what mankin$ is, an$ the ?image? that mankin$ has o/ itsel/, $eter3 mine the beha(ior o/ mankin$- To *hange mankin$6s beha(ior away /rom in$ustrialism into ?spiritualism,? one must /irst /or*e a *hange in mankin$6s ?sel/3image,? its /un$amental *on*eption o/ what mankin$ is- To Fuote+ ?8mages an$ /un$amental *on*eptions o/ human nature an$ potentialities *an ha(e enormous power in shaping the (alues an$ a*tions in a so*iety- #e ha(e attempte$ in this stu$y to+ ?B1C 8lluminate ways our present so*iety, its *iti7ens, an$ institutions ha(e been shape$ by the un$erlying myths an$ images o/ the past an$ present?B=C 95plore with respe*t to *ontemporary so*ietal problems the $e/i*ien*ies o/ *urrently hel$ images o/ mankin$ an$ to i$enti/y nee$e$ *hara*teristi*s o/ /uture images?B>C 8$enti/y high3le(erage a*ti(ities that *oul$ /a*ilitate the emergen*e o/ new images an$ new poli*y approa*hes to the resolution o/ key problems in so*iety- - - ?#e use 6image o/ man6 Bor man3in3the3uni(erseC to re/er to the set o/ assumptions hel$ about the human being6s origin, nature, abilities an$ *hara*teristi*s, relationships with others an$ pla*e in the uni(erse- 4 *oherent image might be hel$ by any in$i(i$ual or group, a politi*al system, a *hur*h or a *i(ili7ation - - - most so*ieties ha(e an image o/ man whi*h $e/ines his so*ial nature, /or e5ample- - - - 4n image o/ man is thus a &estalt per*eption o/ humankin$, both in$i(i$ual an$ *olle*ti(e, in relation to the

sel/, others, so*iety an$ the *osmos- - - - For most, howe(er, assumptions about the nature o/ human beings are hel$ sub*ons*iously- <nly when these hi$$en assumptions are re*ogni7e$ an$ brought into awareness is an 6image o/ man6 *onstru*te$- #hen the image can /e examined carefully and with perspective, to /e retained, discarded or changed " The ).8 report pro*ee$s to $e*lare that in our present so*iety, the ?image o/ in$ustrial an$ te*hnologi*al man? is obsolete an$ must be ?$is*ar$e$?+ ?:any o/ our present images appear to ha(e be*ome $angerously obsoles*ent, howe(er- 4n image may be appropriate /or one phase in the $e(elopment o/ a so*iety, but on*e that stage is a**omplishe$, the use o/ the image as a *ontinuing gui$e to a*tion will likely *reate more problems than it sol(es- - - - )*ien*e, te*hnology an$ e*onomi*s ha(e ma$e possible really signi/i*ant stri$es towar$ a*hie(ing su*h basi* human goals as physi*al sa/ety an$ se*urity, material *om/ort an$ better health- But many o/ these su**esses ha(e brought with them problems o/ being too su**ess/ulH problems that themsel(es seem insoluble within the set o/ so*ietal (alue3 premises that le$ to their emergen*e- - - - <ur highly $e(elope$ system o/ te*hnology lea$s to higher (ulnerability an$ break$owns- 8n$ee$ the range an$ inter*onne*te$ impa*t o/ so*ietal problems that are now emerging pose a serious threat to our *i(ili7ation- - - - 8/ MourN proje*tions o/ the /uture pro(e *orre*t, we *an e5pe*t the asso*iate$ problems o/ the tren$ to be*ome more serious, more uni(ersal an$ to o**ur more rapi$ly-? There/ore, ).8 *on*lu$es, we must *hange the in$ustrial3te*hnologi*al image o/ man /ast+ ?M<urN analysis o/ the nature o/ *ontemporary so*ietal problems lea$s to the *on*lusion that - - - the images o/ man that $ominate$ the last two *enturies will be ina$eFuate /or the post3in$ustrial era-? The ).8 planners point out that the in$ustrial nation3state is the one support3 ing the image o/ ?e*onomi* man,? but that 66the in$ustrial state at this point has immense $ri(e but no $ire*tion, mar(elous *apa*ity to get there but no i$ea o/ where it is going- )omehow the break$own o/ the ol$ images has seeme$ to lea$ more to $espair than to a sear*h /or new images- %espite the pessimism implie$ by a lagging $ominant image, there are numerous in$i*ations that a new, anti*ipatory image o/ humankin$ may be emerging+

Y Youth in(ol(ement in politi*al pro*essesY #omen6 liberation mo(ement' bla*k *ons*iousness, et*Y Youth rebellion against so*ietal wrongsY 9merging interest in so*ial responsibility o/ businessY The generation gap implying a *hanging para$igmY The anti3te*hnologi*al bias o/ many young peopleY 95perimentation with new /amily stru*tures an$ interpersonal relation3 shipsY The emergen*e o/ *ommunes as alternati(e li/estylesY The emergen*e o/ the *onser(ationXe*ology mo(ementY 4 surge in interest in 9astern religious an$ philosophi*al perspe*ti(esY 4 renewe$ interest in ?/un$amentalist? ChristianityY 0abor union *on*erns with Fuality o/ the work en(ironmentY 4n in*reasing interest in me$itation an$ other spiritual $is*iplinesY The in*reasing importan*e o/ ?sel/3reali7ation? pro*esses?These $isparate tren$s $o not, when taken in$i(i$ually, signi/y the emer3 gen*e o/ a new image o/ human being' yet when they are *onsi$ere$ *olle*ti(ely, they suggest substantial so*ietal stirrings whi*h may e(entually emerge into a new an$ gui$ing image-? 8s the 4Fuarian *onspira*y to be the reali7ation o/ H-&- #ells6s plans /or a worl$ ?poli*e o/ the min$G?

N)N": ,cience8 Philosophy and #ep$blicanis

"-ll Europe is on our side of the 3uestion, as far as applause and good wishes can carry them #hose who live under ar/itrary power do nevertheless approve of li/erty, and wish for it: they almost despair of recovering it in Europe: they read the translations of our separate colony constitutions with rapture: and there are such num/ers everywhere who talk of removing to -merica, with their families and fortunes, as soon as peace and our independence shall /e esta/lished, that it is generally /elieved we shall have a prodigious addition of strength, wealth and arts, from the emigrations of Europe: and it is thought that, to lessen or prevent such emigrations, the tyrannies esta/lished there must relax and allow more li/erty to their people %ence it is a common o/servation here that our cause is the cause of all mankind, and that we are fighting for their li/erty in defending our own It is a glorious task assigned us /y Providence: which has, I trust, given us spirit and virtue e3ual to it, and will at last crown it with success " HBenjamin Franklin 4new age was $awning /or mankin$- 4meri*a was to be a mo$el /or republi*ans e(erywhere- The *elebration o/ that (i*tory still rings /orth in the musi* o/ :o7art an$ Beetho(en an$ the poetry o/ )*hiller- For the /irst time in *enturies, a humanist, republi*an ten$en*y took power in its own name- The %u$ley /a*tion in Tu$or 9nglan$, or the Colbertistes in Fran*e, *oul$ use those regimes to make real stri$es /orwar$, to buil$ mines an$ *anals, to support new in$ustries an$ in*rease *ommer*e, to e$u*ate masses o/ the people, but always they worke$ through the /i5e$ institution o/ the monar*hy, the weakness o/ the monar*h, an$ the e(er present problem o/ here$itary su**essionThe great histori*al a$(antage o/ the ,nite$ )tates, its Constitution, was the (i*tory that *onsoli$ate$ the republi* a/ter the /ighting ha$ stoppe$The ,-)- Constitution establishes the /oun$ing /athers as a Neoplatoni* humanist ten$en*y beyon$ any reasonable $oubt, an$ e5poses as /rau$ the *ontention that Franklin, 4le5an$er Hamilton, an$ &eorge #ashington were part o/ the jesuiti*al, Freemasoni*, 9nlightenment *urrent that ra(age$ Fran*e-

The Constitution $etermine$ that the /e$eral nation woul$ be go(erne$ un$er the *on*eption o/ natural law, rather than ephemeral politi*al preju$i*e- 4s state$ in its Preamble, the Constitution was so /rame$ that+ ?#e, the people o/ the ,nite$ )tates, in or$er to /orm a more per/e*t union, establish justi*e, ensure $omesti* tranFuility, pro(i$e /or the *ommon $e/ense, promote the general wel/are, an$ se*ure the blessings o/ liberty to oursel(es an$ our posterity, $o or$ain an$ establish this Constitution /or the ,nite$ )tates o/ 4meri*a-? The new go(ernment was pro(i$e$ with strong e5e*uti(e powers in the presi$en*y an$ a *onstitutional basis against whi*h all *ongressional $e*isions *oul$ be appeale$' it was establishe$ as a trust /or its posterityThis was no so*ial *ontra*t, no me$iation or bargain between opposing interests, no jesuiti*al, Talmu$i*, Ni*homa*hean ethi*s- This was the reali7ation in li/e o/ the proje*t to /orm *onstitutional republi*s whi*h Plato $e(ote$ himsel/ toThe British )ystem operates by a so3*alle$ unwritten *onstitution, whi*h means that politi*al $e*isions *an only be appeale$ to a bo$y o/ in*oherent past pre*e$ents- This irrational, anar*histi*, /ree tra$e in justi*e is the *o(er /or the la*k o/ justi*e- 4s Plato himsel/ note$, a *onstitutional go(ernment is not the highest /orm o/ a republi*- But /or a republi* to /oun$ itsel/ only upon prin*iples o/ natural law whi*h are presume$ to be sel/3e(i$ent gui$es to the *iti7enHwithout the nee$ o/ a *onstitution as a me$iating bo$y o/ positi(e lawH$eman$s the highest moral an$ intelle*tual Fualities o/ the *iti7enry- Plato $i$ not /in$ su*h a *iti7enry in his $ay, nor ha(e we yet- 4 bo$y o/ positi(e, *onstitutional law is a ne*essary gui$e to a republi*- 4 parliamentary aristo*ra*y su*h as Britain, whi*h operates without a *onstitution, is not abo(e law, but beneath it4le5an$er Hamilton not only playe$ a major role in $ra/ting the Constitu3 tion, but as the /irst )e*retary o/ the Treasury, he wrote three $o*uments that put /orwar$ the /un$amentals o/ the 4meri*an )ystem o/ politi*al e*onomyThe go(ernment woul$ not be sha*kle$ by British /ree tra$e $o*trines, but woul$ support /ree enterprise, with a *ommitment to in$ustrial $e(elopmentThe *ountry woul$ $e*isi(ely reje*t a /uture o/ rural i$io*y as 0or$ )helburneHan$ his 4meri*an spokesman Thomas 1e//ersonHyearne$ /orHamilton6s .eports on :anu/a*ture, Cre$it, an$ Banking to the Congress are the three $o*uments that, with the Constitution, lai$ the /oun$ation /or the

republi*- Hamilton6s /oun$ing o/ the First National Bank o/ the ,nite$ )tates establishe$ a national *re$it poli*y whi*h to this $ay $istinguishes 4meri*an /rom British banking- 4s one 4meri*an banker re*ently e5presse$ this point upon his return /rom a *on/eren*e in 0on$on, it is the ten$en*y o/ the British banks to sei7e *ollateral at the /irst opportunity, to perpetrate the pro*ess o/ asset3stripping' 4meri*an bankers will make e(ery e//ort to res*ue a *ustomer who is in trouble by reorgani7ing his $ebt in or$er to keep in$ustry a/loatHamilton6s Report on the !u/ject of .anufactures is more than a statement o/ e*onomi* poli*y' it is the putting /orth o/ prin*iples that $etermine$ that $espite e(ery internal sub(ersion by the British, e(en to the present $ay 2" per*ent o/ the 4meri*an people still maintain, i/ pain/ully, a sense o/ nation3 al purpose an$ a *ommitment to progress, an$ thus re(ile the en(ironmental3 ists an$ /in$ men like #ells an$ .ussell abhorrent psy*hoti*s- This is the bulwark against the 4Fuarian *onspira*yThe signi/i*ant /a*t o/ national li/e that res*ues the 4meri*an *iti7en /rom the /orelo*k3tugging obs*urity o/ the typi*al British subje*t, is that progress has been a presume$ ba*k$rop to national li/e- No 4meri*an *oul$ sur(i(e by reli(ing the li/e o/ his /ather, /ar less his gran$parents6- 9a*h generation was e5pe*te$ to ?get ahea$-? The Fualities o/ min$, alertness, in(enti(eness, the ability to assimilate new skills, to Fui*kly be*ome a**ustome$ to new te*hnologies are pre*isely those Fualities that assure that e(ery *iti7en *an ha(e a moral *ertainty about his own human i$entity- The British aristo*rat looks into his mirror an$ sees there a *hattering baboon- Not so the republi3 *an 4meri*an who *an gauge his own worth against real a**omplishmentsHamilton6s Report on .anufactures o/ 12 1 was not merely a proposal that the go(ernment support in$ustry, nor a rebuttal o/ 0or$ )helburne6s plans to turn the ,nite$ )tates into thirteen semi*olonies by /or*ing the *ountry to be*ome an agrarian nation' it was a humanist mani/esto8n replying to the proposition that agri*ulture is more pro$u*ti(e than any other in$ustry, Hamilton wrote+ ?<ne o/ the arguments ma$e in support o/ the i$ea may be pronoun*e$ both Fuaint an$ super/i*ial- 8t amounts to this Hthat in the pro$u*tions o/ the soil, nature *ooperates with man' an$ that the e//e*t o/ their joint labour must be greater than that o/ the labour o/ man alone-

?This, howe(er, is /ar /rom being a ne*essary in/eren*e- 8t is (ery *on*ei(able, that the labor o/ man alone lai$ out upon a work, reFuiring great skill an$ art to bring it to per/e*tion, may be more pro$u*ti(e, in value, than the labour o/ nature an$ man *ombine$, when $ire*te$ towar$s more simple operations an$ obje*ts+ 4n$ when it is re*olle*te$ to what an e5tent the 4gen*y o/ nature, in the appli*ation o/ the me*hani*al powers, is ma$e au5iliary to the prose*ution o/ manu/a*tures, the suggestion, whi*h has been noti*e$, loses e(en the appearan*e o/ plausibility-?1 Ialue, as Hamilton states, is lo*ate$ in man6s ability to *omman$ an$ e5ten$ the /or*es o/ nature- Hamilton $e*isi(ely reje*te$ the i$ea o/ appropriate te*hnology as un34meri*an- Pro$u*ti(e labor *omman$s *apital, *ontrols high te*hnology' labor3intensi(e jobs that ?/ree? man /rom $epen$en*e on ma*hinery re$u*e man to the le(el o/ a beast o/ bur$en, to the le(el o/ Bentham6s ass8t is this *on*ept o/ (alue that is the basis /or law, be*ause it guarantees the *on$itions un$er whi*h the republi*an /orm o/ go(ernment *an su**ee$The majority o/ *iti7ens o/ a republi* must be *apable o/ re*ogni7ing an$ a**epting the lea$ership o/ men who will make politi*al $e*isions base$ upon the $i*tates o/ reason4s Plato knew well, the bron7e3soule$ peasant, with a (o*abulary o/ perhaps @"" wor$s, $oes not ha(e that *apability, but is naturally sus*eptible to being manipulate$ by the bestial *ultists, su*h as the 4yatollah Dhomeini- How *an a peasant *ontemplate his own reason until he has brought it to use by being taken outsi$e the repetiti(e roun$ o/ his li/e an$ into the in$ustrial age, both $ire*tly through intro$u*tion to a higher le(el o/ *onsumer an$ pro$u*er goo$s, an$ in$ire*tly through his *hil$ren who mo(e to an urban en(ironment an$ transmit that new *ulture ba*k to the peasantG The .ussellite /a*tion o/ to$ay, #illy Bran$t, .amsey Clark, an$ the ,-))tate %epartment team now ruling in 8ran, ha(e *oine$ an in*re$ible new wor$+ ethnocide This is suppose$ to be the ?*rime? o/ bringing a rural, ba*kwar$ peasantry up to the le(el o/ #estern in$ustrial *ulture- Their ethnic primiti(e, bestial *ult superstitions ha(e been taken away /rom them by intro$u*ing them to mo$ern te*hnology an$ s*ien*e- This is the *rime /or whi*h the Dhomeini go(ernment wishes to try the $epose$ )hah- He

intro$u*e$ nu*lear power into 8ran, an$ is there/ore guilty, along with the #estern nations, o/ ethno*i$e against the *ountry6s ba*kwar$ peasantryBy that *riterion, 1esus Christ an$ the Christian Fathers are guilty o/ ethno3 *i$e, be*ause they /ought to e5tirpate the hi$eous .oman *ults- )o is :ohamme$- )o too, %ante, who *reate$ the 8talian language so that an illiterate peasantry *oul$ ha(e a language in its own tongue Fuali/ie$ to ennoble their thinking an$ e5press the highest thoughts o/ whi*h man is *apable- )hakespeare is also guilty o/ this *rime4 republi* *annot sur(i(e unless the majority o/ its *iti7ens are e$u*ate$ at least to the le(el o/ sil(er souls- 8n %ante6s wor$s, i/ they ha(e not le/t the 8n/erno o/ mere sensual e5isten*e to at least enter the $oors o/ PurgatoryThe in$i(i$ual in Purgatory will not ha(e gi(en up the pursuit o/ earthly joy, but he will be go(erne$ in that pursuit by what he un$erstan$s to be moral prin*iple- He will look /or his rewar$s /or a job well $one- <nly a small Neoplatoni* elite, the philosopher kings, the appropriate lea$ership o/ a republi*, will ha(e passe$ beyon$ Purgatory to Para$ise-= These are the gol$en souls, whose rewar$ is $ire*tly in their own ability to *reate /or mankin$, whose earthly rewar$s are important only be*ause they allow a higher a**omplishmentHamilton6s report set the poli*y that *reate$ the ne*essary *on$itions to pre(ent the /ormation o/ a peasantry in the ,nite$ )tates- By a pro*ess o/ internal impro(ements, the 4meri*an /armer, the pioneer, be*ame an in$ustrialist o/ the lan$, ne(er a peasant- The same poli*y assure$ that the *ity worker, parti*ularly the emigrant, who as Franklin pre$i*te$ /lo*ke$ to the new worl$, woul$ not $e(elop as a *lass in itsel/- The typi*al British worker, i/ aske$, i$enti/ies himsel/ as o/ a lower *lass, a worker- This is his i$entity- The 4meri*an reje*ts this /i5e$ peasant sense o/ himsel/- He i$enti/ies himsel/ as mi$$le *lassHa *iti7en- He re*ogni7es nationalHnot *lassHinterest, as the basis /or his politi*al $e*isions, so long as the nation is reasonably *ommitte$ to progress- <nly in times o/ se(ere e*onomi* stagnation $oes this republi*an i$entity, law/ully, break $own- But at those times the in$ustrialist also has *ease$ to think as a republi*an an$ is narrow3 ly /o*use$ on his own mere sur(i(al- 8t is the e*onomi* stagnation o/ the last thirty years that has *reate$ the sus*eptibility to the .ussell3Hu5ley $rug *ult among the urban population, who see no hope o/ integrating themsel(es into the ?4meri*an $ream-?>

Plato6s metho$, the hypothesis o/ the higher hypothesis, an$ the pra*ti*al ne*essity /or progress are *orrelate$ in a republi*- 4s Plato shows in his #imaeus, it is the pra*ti*e o/ real s*ien*e whi*h uni/ies them-; The s*ientist stu$ies the uni(erse by a su**ession o/ hypotheses- He knows the uni(erse by his ability to /ormulate a *ontinuous su**ession o/ impro(e$ appro5ima3 tions- He tests their (ali$ity pra*ti*ally in the $omain o/ e*onomi* progressHamilton6s Report was the appli*ation o/ Plato6s metho$ to the pra*ti*e o/ the new republi*- His /ormulations reste$ on the pra*ti*al a**omplishment o/ the Fren*h :inister Colbert, who was responsible /or laun*hing the in$ustrial $e(elopment o/ Fran*e un$er 0ouis U8I, making it the lea$ing in$ustrial *ountry until the nineteenth *entury' an$ on the theoreti*al $is*o(eries o/ &ott/rie$ #ilhelm 0eibni7, who /irst /ormulate$ the ne*essity /or a *ombine$ high rate o/ *apital /ormation an$ a rising stan$ar$ o/ li(ing as the pre*on$ition /or republi*an politi*al e*onomy<(er the years, Hamilton6s 4meri*an )ystem has been an open subje*t o/ $ebate, to be $e/en$e$ by the #hig *urrent in 4meri*an politi*s an$ to be atta*ke$ an$ sub(erte$ by the British3$ire*te$ 1a*obin3$emo*rat ten$en*y o/ Thomas 1e//erson an$ 4n$rew 1a*kson- But almost /rom its writing, $espite the later important e//orts o/ 9$gar 4llan Poe an$ others, the Platoni* *on*eptions on whi*h that poli*y was base$ began to be burie$ an$ obs*ure$ as the politi*al le(el o/ the *ountry $e*line$- <nly in the last ten years ha(e these assumptions basi* to the sur(i(al o/ the nation been re(i(e$ in the writings o/ 0yn$on H- 0a.ou*he, 1r- 0a.ou*he has taken the 0eibni7 /ormulation o/ politi*al e*onomy an$ ma$e that the e5pli*it basis /or the solution to the Fuestion ?How $o we know what is trueG? By $emonstrating that in$ustrial $e(elopment is the /inal proo/ o/ s*ienti/i* *orre*tness, 0a.ou*he has $e(elope$ the premises o/ Hamilton6s report to show that the Fuestion o/ s*ien*e is the issue to$ay upon whi*h the /ate o/ posterity $epen$s- He has gi(en a rigorous basis to the a(erage 4meri*an6s horror at the ?right3to3$ie? mo(ement an$ similar geno*i$al $ark ages perspe*ti(es whi*h /ill the popular press- #e nee$ a growing population to make an$ reali7e s*ienti/i* $is*o(eries at the a**elerating rate ne*essary /or human sur(i(al0ro &e((erson to #oosevelt

The weakness o/ the ,nite$ )tates, e(en in its beginnings, is epitomi7e$ by the a**eptan*e o/ Thomas 1e//erson as Presi$ent, although he oppose$ e(ery

prin*iple /or whi*h the republi* was establishe$- 1e//erson, an asso*iate o/ )helburne an$ a *o(ert supporter o/ Burr, /ully en$orse$ )helburne6s attempt to turn the ,nite$ )tates into a plantation e*onomy- 1e//erson6s ugly *hara*3 ter an$ his *laim to publi* o//i*e both were roote$ in his asso*iation with the sla(e3owning southern planter *lass whi*h aspire$ to be*ome an aristo*ra*y-@ The southern planters, with notable e5*eptions like &eorge #ashington, ha$ supporte$ the re(olution, but their goal was to gain a $egree o/ /inan*ial an$ politi*al /le5ibility /rom their British *re$itors, not to establish an in$ustrial3 ly (e*tore$ republi*- Their per*ei(e$ interest an$ 0or$ )helburne6s *oin*i$3 e$- 8n*reasingly, a se*tion o/ New 9nglan$ shipping interests was brought into allian*e with southern plantation owners- These /amilies, like the New 9nglan$ .ussells, were *ut into the British 9ast 8n$ies $ope tra$e an$ were gi(en the /ran*hise on shipping sla(e3labore$ *otton /rom the )outh-A The Tory *ity o/ New York a*te$ as a *re$it agen*y /or the City o/ 0on$onHere the :organs were establishe$ by the Baring brothers- Here 4ugust Belmont *ame to a*t as an agent /or the .oths*hil$s an$ set up the Baru*hs, the 0oebs, an$ the )eligmans as in(estment bankers who woul$ run the southern *otton tra$e- Here, in 1!;>, si5 years a/ter Belmont arri(e$ in the *ity, the B6nai B6rith was /orme$ as the instrument o/ these .oths*hil$ banking networks-2 New York City was also the *enter o/ operations /or the traitor 4aron Burr, whose Bank o/ :anhattan was *reate$ as the *ounter to Hamilton6s National Bank-! This asso*iate o/ 1eremy Bentham an$ Thomas 1e//erson is the real /oun$er o/ the %emo*rati* Party as the 1a*obin opposition to the Fe$eralistsThe $estru*tion o/ the pro34meri*an 0a/ayette ten$en*y in Fran*e by the 1a*obin Terror was use$ by the British to *on/use 4meri*an Fe$eralists like 1ohn 4$ams, presenting these patriots with the /alse alternati(es o/ either the Fren*h terror or British /ree tra$e- 4s the ,nite$ )tates su//ere$ e*onomi3 *ally /rom the British blo*ka$e, traitors sur/a*e$ to urge *oming to terms with the BritishThe geopoliti*al aim o/ the British was to ?balkani7e? North 4meri*a- They sponsore$ Burr6s attempt to set up a separate western *olony, an$ /e$ e(ery separatist ten$en*y in the new nation- Northern abolitionists as well as southern planters /oun$ a spiritual home in 0on$on- The mysti*al trans*en3 $entalists le$ by 0ong/ellow an$ the en(ironmentalist Thoreau were

sponsors an$ sometimes /un$ers o/ the ra$i*al abolitionists like #illiam 0loy$ &arrison, who *alle$ upon the North to se*e$e /rom the )outh, or the lunati* 1ohn Brown, who sparke$ the bloo$y sla(ery war in DansasYet, $espite the internal sub(ersion an$ e5ternal e*onomi* war/are run against the ,nite$ )tates by the British, the pre$ominant ten$en*y in the *ountry, e(en in perio$s o/ retrogression su*h as the 1a*kson presi$en*y, was $e/ine$ by the #hig *urrent that /ought /or the 4meri*an )ystem- The ,nite$ )tates maintaine$ the highest rate o/ litera*y in the worl$- The musi* o/ :o7art an$ Beetho(en was per/orme$ throughout the *ountry- )*hiller6s plays as well as )hakespeare6s were playe$ on popular stages- The le(el o/ *ulture was so high that, e(en as early as the se*on$ Continental Congress, a proposal that &erman be*ome the national language was $e/eate$ by only one (ote- :ost 4meri*ans were not only literate but bilingual, an$ &reek an$ 0atin were *ustomarily taught in se*on$ary s*hools- The 4meri*an /rontier is appropriately *hara*teri7e$ not by the image o/ ba*kwoo$s ba*kwar$ness painte$ by the 1a*obin historian Fre$eri*k Turner, but by the tall /igure o/ 4braham 0in*oln, the magni/i*ent pro$u*t o/ that *ulture- 8/ 0in*oln was by an$ large a sel/3e$u*ate$ man, the resour*es an$ inspiration /or that e$u*ation *ame /rom the #hig *ir*les in whi*h he mi5e$, an$ /rom the #hig perio$i*als like those e$ite$ by :athew an$ Henry Carey an$ 9$gar 4llan Poe- The /rontier an$ the entire *ountry were $ominate$ by a spirit o/ growth an$ in(enti(eness' opportunity was e(erywhere4braham 0in*oln $e/eate$ Britain6s attempt to use the e(il o/ sla(ery to $i(i$e the nation in two, but his assassination by masoni* an$ 1esuit networks was $isastrous /or the nation- The pea*e3winning strategy he /ought /orHto integrate the )outh as soon as the war en$e$ into the Northern in$ustrial e*onomyHwas sabotage$ by ra$i*al .epubli*ans who use$ the same in$e/ensible argument Henry :orgenthau promote$ a/ter #orl$ #ar 88+ guilt an$ the nee$ /or retribution- The )outh was le/t open to *arpetbaggers to strip it, an$ sla(ery was repla*e$ by a more impo(erishe$ plantation system-1" #orse still, $espite the /ight put up by Henry Carey a/ter 0in*oln6s $eath, the )eligmans took *ontrol o/ Presi$ent ,lysses &rant,n$er their pressure, the ,nite$ )tates resume$ spe*ies payment in 1!2>, *ausing a sharp $e/lation an$ restri*tion o/ *re$it a(ailable /or in(estmentNot only was the #hig strategy /or the )outh $estroye$, but in$ustry in the North was /or*e$ to *ontra*t- 4s a result there was mass labor unrest, whi*h

seeme$ to pit worker against *apitalist an$ le/t the /iel$ wi$e open /or British anar*histsThe Ci(il #ar was the last great (i*tory against the British by #hig /or*esBy 1 1", the *ountry ha$ so /orgotten its own roots that the pompous tra(esty, Theo$ore .oose(elt, *oul$ stan$ be/ore an 9nglish au$ien*e at 0on$on6s &uil$hall in 1 1" an$ say+ ?8n 9gypt you are not only the guar$ians o/ your own interests, you are the guar$ians o/ the interests o/ *i(ili7ation- Now, either it is or it is not your $uty to establish an$ to keep or$er- 8/ you /eel that you ha(e not the right to be in 9gypt, then, by all means get out o/ 9gypt?Hso that the ,nite$ )tates *oul$ pi*k up the white man6s bur$en to poli*e the $rug tra$e- But, i/ the British stay, .oose(elt a$monishe$, ?show that you are rea$y to meet in e(ery $ee$ the responsibility whi*h is yours-?11 4n$ the greatest 4meri*an general o/ the twentieth *entury, %ouglas :a*4rthur, *oul$ *ite Theo$ore .oose(elt as a great Presi$entL By the time .oose(elt ma$e that spee*h the threa$ o/ Neoplatoni* thought that ha$ linke$ one generation to the ne5t sin*e the /oun$ing /athers ha$ been snappe$- The /a*t that 0in*oln an$ :*Dinley ha$ been assassinate$ was important, but not $e*isi(e- There was no longer an institution in the ,nite$ )tates that resemble$ the Neoplatoni* *ross34tlanti* networks o/ Benjamin Franklin, #ashington, an$ Hamilton- #hig impulses remaine$, but they were subterranean, unable to resist the growing British hegemony o(er the ,nite$ )tates go(ernment- The ,nite$ )tates ha$ been a threat to the sur(i(al o/ the oligar*hy, a bea*on to republi*ans e(erywhere- #ith the presi$en*y o/ Theo$ore .oose(elt, the ,nite$ )tates began to be turne$ into a puppet ally o/ the British aristo*ra*y- .ho$es6s proje*t *oul$ su**ee$The #oots o( the A erican #evol$tion Now in this perio$ o/ the most $ire *risis the ,nite$ )tates has /a*e$ sin*e the Ci(il #ar, it is time to pi*k up the threa$ o/ humanist thought that built the 4meri*an republi*- From the se(enteenth *entury onwar$, there ha$ been a humanist /or*e in the ,nite$ )tates that rea*he$ ba*k to the s*ienti/i* an$ politi*al networks organi7e$ by 1ean3Baptiste Colbert an$ &ott/rie$ #ilhelm 0eibni7, an$ that re*ogni7e$ its own an*estry an$ purpose-

0eibni7 stan$s out as the s*ientist an$ politi*al lea$er who ga(e $e*isi(e singular impulse to this ten$en*y- <(er the entire sweep o/ known history, there ha(e been a han$/ul o/ in$i(i$uals who ha(e ma$e a uniFue an$ irrepla*eable *ontribution to the human spe*ies+ Plato, the Christian Fathers, Ni*holas o/ Cusa, %anteHan$ a /ew others- 0eibni7 is one o/ these- He was part o/ the *urrent begun by %ante an$ re3inspire$ by Ni*holas o/ Cusa that initiate$ the great Florentine .enaissan*e- 4s the si5teenth *entury $rew to a *lose, )hakespeare, :arlowe, Depler, Bruno, an$ &alileo all *ontribute$ to the humanist *ounter3*onspira*y to the e(il &enoese 1esuit allian*e that soon was to sei7e *ontrol o/ 9nglan$- 8n 0eibni76s own time, Colbert pro(i$e$ the in$ustrial impulse to the $e(elopment o/ Fran*e- Yet 0eibni7 was uniFue' he *an properly be sai$ to be both the /oun$er o/ mo$ern s*ien*e an$ the /oun$er o/ mo$ern politi*al e*onomy-1= 1ust as 0eibni7 $rew out the impli*ations o/ what ha$ otherwise been algorithms, merely use/ul /ormulas, an$ elaborate$ the $is*ipline o/ *al*ulus, so he /oun$e$ the s*ien*e o/ $ynami*s by lo*ating the *ru*ial importan*e o/ energy rather than simple /or*e as a $eterminant o/ physi*al pro*esses- This a**omplishment was $ire*tly *onne*te$ to his work with steam an$ *ombustion engines8t was not as a result o/ this work that he *ame to /ormulate the /un$amental Fuestion o/ politi*al s*ien*e that must be sol(e$ in pra*ti*e at ea*h gi(en stage o/ human $e(elopment+ How must pro/it be rein(este$ to guarantee the highest possible rate o/ *apital /ormation while maintaining the highest possible stan$ar$ o/ li(ing /or the populationG The re(erse was the *ase4ll o/ 0eibni76s major a*hie(ements /ollowe$ /rom his theorem o/ per/e*tion, whi*h he elaborate$ /rom Plato6s metho$+ )in*e &o$ is all3wise an$ all3power/ul he must ha(e *reate$ the uni(erse per/e*t' there/ore the uni(erse must be sel/3perpetuating B&o$ is not Newton6s *lo*k3maker who must *onstantly inter(ene with mira*les to rewin$ the uni(erseC- How then is &o$ presently e//e*ti(e in the uni(erseG 4n$ how *an one a**ount /or the e5isten*e o/ e(ilG 0eibni76s answer to the apparent para$o5 is that the uni(erse is both per/e*t an$ per/e*tible- 4t e(ery gi(en stage &o$ has *hosen an optimal geometry whi*h ma5imi7es per/e*tion /or the whole- This per/e*tion is not a summa3

tion o/ in$i(i$ual goo$s- &o$ is not 4$am )mith6s ?in(isible han$,? an$ he $oes not operate the utilitarian *al*ulating ma*hine to $etermine the greatest goo$ /or the greatest number- The uni(erse as a whole has a per/e*tibility that is $etermine$ by ma5imi7ing the rate o/ progress towar$ the per/e*tion o/ whi*h it is *apable- 9(il e5ists as the short*omings o/ any e5isting le(el o/ $e(elopment- &o$ inter(enes in the uni(erse to $etermine whi*h o/ all possible /uture worl$s is most per/e*t an$ there/ore to be reali7e$ as the ne5t step in the uni(ersal line o/ worl$ $e(elopment- 8t was this per/e*tion theorem whi*h 1esuit trainee Ioltaire blaspheme$ as moral in$i//erentism when his %r- Pangloss in 8andide greets e(ery possible mis/ortune with the homily+ This is the best o/ all possible worl$s&o$6s inter(ention into the uni(erse must o**ur at the points o/ singularity that *onne*t two or$ers o/ law/ulness in the present reality an$ /uture possibility- The agen*y o/ that inter(ention is s*ienti/i* $is*o(ery- Through one su*h signi/i*ant breakthrough the *ourse o/ the uni(erse as a whole *an be *hange$- Behin$ any set o/ gi(en rules whi*h seem to $es*ribe the uni(erse, any a5iomati* assumptions, any gi(en le(el o/ $e(elopment or te*hnology, there lie both the possibility an$ the ne*essity /or /uture $e(elopment- No gi(en a5iomati* assumptions *an $es*ribe the real pro*ess o/ uni(ersal per/e*tion- .iemann6s treatment o/ higher3or$er mani/ol$s is the *ons*ious elaboration o/ 0eibni76s per/e*tion theorem, The brea$th o/ 0eibni76s a*hie(ements, spanning s*ien*e, politi*al e*onomy, an$ philosophy, was *riti*al /or his ability to reshape the humanist mo(e3 ment so that it *oul$ su**ee$ in the task he put /orwar$+ the *reation in the new worl$ o/ a republi* /ree o/ the /etters o/ the ol$, unhin$ere$ by monar*hi*al /orms, *oloni7e$ by Neoplatonists- #hile this proje*t was not his alone, he ga(e it /inal shape an$ built those networks whi*h woul$ pro$u*e Benjamin Franklin an$ pro(i$e the international /ramework /or the su**ess o/ the 4meri*an .e(olution un$er Franklin6s gui$an*e- 8n Berlin, )t- Petersburg, an$ Paris, 0eibni7 laun*he$ s*ienti/i* a*a$emies as the *ore institutions /or the emerging republi*an ten$en*ies in those nationsTo ha(e the *on/i$en*e to take on su*h a task, to ha(e a su//i*ient sense o/ internal authority to take responsibility /or being &o$6s instrument to *hange the worl$, it is ne*essary to ha(e an in$epen$ent gauge /or ju$gment- 8t was the appli*ation o/ his theoreti*al breakthroughs to pra*ti*al a**omplishment that ga(e 0eibni7 the in$epen$en*e an$ *on/i$en*e in his own ability to

$etermine natural law an$ to resist the weight o/ slan$er an$ bla*k operations the British .oyal )o*iety organi7e$ against him- 4 politi*al lea$er *annot be gui$e$ by opinion, *annot rest on the appro(al o/ his peers /or support- He must be right, know that he is right, an$ a*t on the basis o/ that knowle$ge&eneral %ouglas :a*4rthur kept a /rame$ Fuotation /rom 4braham 0in*oln in whi*h 0in*oln $e*lare$ his in$i//eren*e to popular applause+ ?8 $o the (ery best 8 know how- - - - 8/ the en$ brings me out all right what is sai$ against me won6t amount to anything- 8/ the en$ brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing 8 was right woul$ make no $i//eren*e-?1> Benjamin FranklinHnotable s*ientist, politi*al theorist, an$ re(olutionary politi*ianHwas the 4meri*an lea$er most like 0eibni7- Boston, where he was born, was settle$ by a Neoplatoni* elite whose ?theo*rati*? *on*eption o/ the state was *losely mo$ele$ on Plato6s Repu/lic The original /oun$ers o/ :assa*husetts *onspire$ with 1ohn :ilton an$ the Commonwealth Party in 9nglan$ to transplant their otherwise $e/eate$ Tu$or .enaissan*e /a*tion to the New #orl$- 4/ter the $eath o/ Cromwell, the *olony *ame un$er hea(y atta*k /rom the British, who use$ e*onomi* an$ politi*al pressure an$ internal sub(ersion to suppress the Neoplatoni* lea$ership- The /amous )alem wit*h*ra/t epi$emi* was the result o/ the prea*hing o/ a British /un$amentalist minister who toure$ the *ountry- By the eighteenth *entury, :assa*husetts ha$ /allen into a /ortress mentality, whi*h Franklin among others resente$, but the original impulse ha$ not been lost- Franklin le/t Boston /or the /reer en(ironment o/ Phila$elphia, whi*h was establishe$ by the 9nglish Kuaker Penn /amily an$ ha$ a large &erman settlement-1; 1ames 0ogan, the Penn /amily agent /or the Commonwealth o/ Pennsyl3 (ania, was a man o/ signi/i*ant a**omplishment as both a *lassi*al s*holar an$ a s*ientist- He maintaine$ *orrespon$en*e with 9uropeans in the 0eibni7 networks in the Fren*h an$ &erman a*a$emies, whose journals publishe$ his *riti*isms o/ Newton6s Principia an$ his (arious mathemati*al arti*les, whi*h were boy*otte$ by the .oyal )o*iety-1@ #hen Franklin *ame to Pennsyl(ania 0ogan re*ogni7e$ his promise, en*ourage$ his politi*al $e(elopment, an$ urge$ him to begin his e5periments with ele*tri*ityTo *ompare Franklin with 0eibni7 is to see at on*e the major (ulnerability o/ the 4meri*an .e(olution- Franklin in writing the report o/ his ele*tri*al

e5periments takes a number o/ jibes at the inane Newton who gloate$ ?8 $o not make hypotheses-? 8n /a*t, Franklin $eliberately re*or$s his own in*orre*t hypotheses, *ommenting that they will help /uture in(estigators /ully as mu*h as his happier $is*o(eries, by pointing out wrong pathways to be a(oi$e$, an$ by showing the mental pro*ess he /ollowe$ whi*h le$ him to make *orre*t hypotheses- Yet Franklin ne(er $is*o(ere$ the hypothesis o/ the higher hypothesis, Plato6s metho$, as his subje*t- Nor $i$ 4le5an$er Hamilton or &eorge #ashingtonTheir work is groun$e$ in a *ommitment to progress, to natural law, but their /ailure to make e5pli*it the Neoplatoni* epistemology behin$ that *ommitment was a (ulnerability, whi*h ma$e possible the slan$er that they were pro$u*ts o/ the 1esuit 9nlightenment- This weakness be*ame glaring in the *ase o/ 1ohn 4$ams, who relie$ on politi*al repression rather than mass e$u*ation to resist 1a*obinism, an$ who /aile$ to i$enti/y the British enemy behin$ these Burr operations- 9(en more $isastrous, this weakness allowe$ Thomas 1e//erson an$ the worse 4n$rew 1a*kson to be *onsi$ere$ as Fuali/ie$ /or the presi$en*y o/ the ,nite$ )tatesBenjamin Franklin was *ast in the mo$el o/ &-#- 0eibni7, but he was not a 0eibni7, an$ by that $i//eren*e the ,nite$ )tates was weakene$8t was this weakness, *arrie$ /orwar$, that has allowe$ Ce*il .ho$es6s .oun$ Table jesuiti*al *onspira*y su*h a large measure o/ su**ess in the ,nite$ )tates to$ay' whi*h has ma$e *re$ible the politi*al *an$i$a*ies o/ in$i(i$uals like &eorge Bush an$ 9$war$ Denne$y who state a publi* pre/eren*e /or the British parliamentary system o(er the ,-)- Constitution8t is this whi*h has allowe$ the Denne$y ma*hine an$ the .oun$ Table Coun*il on Foreign .elations su*h latitu$e in using the antis*ien*e en(ironmentalist mo(ement to shut $own in$ustryCreating a New #enaissance %uring the *ourse o/ the nineteenth *entury, the potential /or an international republi*an allian*e e5iste$ only to be repeate$ly shattere$- The Cin*innatus )o*iety /orme$ by &eorge #ashington, the :arFuis $e 0a/ayette, an$ Baron (on )teuben representing &erman republi*ans, ha$ the promise o/ being the international Neoplatoni* elite whi*h *oul$ bring su*h an allian*e about' but the Fren*h re(olution $estroye$ that imme$iate potential- The basis /or su*h an allian*e has only been /irmly re3*reate$ o(er the past /i/teen years

with the /oun$ing by 0yn$on 0a.ou*he o/ the 8nternational Cau*us o/ 0abor Committees as a new Cin*innatus )o*iety- This time there is no margin /or error, no tolerable epistemologi*al weakness- The /ate o/ humanity, literally, hangs in the balan*e0a.ou*he himsel/ is (ery mu*h the pro$u*t o/ these times, although his personal Fuali/i*ations an$ his training pla*e him sFuarely in the Neoplatoni* tra$ition- 0ike 0eibni7, whom he stu$ie$ *are/ully in a$oles*en*e, 0a.ou*he is both a s*ientist an$ a politi*al e*onomist- 0ike Franklin, he was born o/ New 9nglan$ Kuaker parents- 8t was not an unimportant part o/ 0a.ou*he6s training /or the *riti*al international role he plays to$ay, that he ha$ e5perien*e *ombating Bertran$ .ussell6s networks at an early age-1A 0a.ou*he6s parents were in(ol(e$ in a battle o(er many years to pre(ent the Frien$s )er(i*e Committee /rom misappropriating /un$s whi*h ha$ been le/t in trust to the )o*iety o/ Frien$s /or the /urtheran*e o/ the Christian reli3 gion-1A This prin*iple$ struggle subje*te$ him an$ his /amily to the kin$ o/ targete$ harassment that taught him to re*ogni7e a British $irty operation at a young age- :ore important, his parents6 staun*h #hig *onser(atism ga(e him a more intimate *onne*tion with that tra$ition than many other less /ortunate people o/ his generation- But he also learne$ early that this tra$ition was not su//i*ient to win the ,nite$ )tates /rom the path o/ liberalism an$ $isaster0a.ou*he6s su**ess in rebuil$ing a Neoplatoni* institutionHa/ter ="" years in whi*h the tra$ition su//ere$ attrition an$ a /i/ty3year perio$ in whi*h e(en the remnants o/ su*h an institution $i$ not e5ist in the ,nite$ )tatesH*omes /rom the Fuality o/ his own s*ienti/i* breakthrough- Through his elaboration o/ Plato6s prin*iple, 0a.ou*he has been able to make the metho$ o/ the higher hypothesis $ire*tly a**essible to his own imme$iate asso*iates an$ by appli*ation to the broa$er publi*- His importan*e as an 4meri*an politi*al lea$er an$ now a presi$ential *an$i$ate is un$oubte$, but the major signi/i*an*e o/ his work is international- 8t is by the appli*ation o/ his metho$ to the solution o/ the international monetary *risis that 0a.ou*he has lai$ the basis /or the /inal $e/eat o/ the British geopoliti*al strategy /or a new $ark age-

8n 1 2@ 0a.ou*he propose$ the /ormation o/ an 8nternational %e(elopment Bank, whi*h woul$ repla*e the 8nternational :onetary Fun$-12 8n pla*e o/ the 8:F oligar*hi*al poli*y o/ re$u*ing the worl$6s population by = billion people in the $e(eloping se*tor, the new bank woul$ /un*tion as an international Hamiltonian bank, issuing *re$it to the in$ustrial #estern nations an$ 1apan an$ 8n$ia to support their e5port o/ high3te*hnology *apital goo$s to the Thir$ #orl$- 8n other wor$s, the 0a.ou*he poli*y is e5pli*itly ethno*i$e+ the e5port o/ the potential /or in$ustrial $e(elopment to the un$er$e(elope$ nationsThe a**elerating ten$en*y /or a se(ere in$ustrial $epression in the a$(an*e$3 se*tor nations woul$ be re(erse$- The $e(eloping nations woul$ be res*ue$ /rom a sel/3perpetuating situation in whi*h they were re$u*e$ to being semi3 agrarian *olonies o/ the #est, to be within a twenty3year perio$ on the roa$ to parity with the #est in$ustrially- 8mme$iately the 8:F poli*y o/ withhol$ing *re$it to the Thir$ #orl$ /or imports ne*essary to support li/e on the prete5t o/ /or*ing the repayment o/ outstan$ing $ebt woul$ be halte$)u*h $ebt merely represents the /ailure o/ #estern nations to e5port te*hnology at a su//i*ient rate in the pastHwhere it is not the *al*ulate$ result o/ *olonial e5ploitation0a.ou*he6s proposal, *ir*ulate$ to lea$ers o/ e(ery 9uropean *ountry, the )o(iet ,nion, an$ throughout the Thir$ #orl$, *alle$ /orth an imme$iate response- His /ormulation was *oherent with the 1 A2 humanist $o*ument issue$ by Pope Paul, the Populorum Progressio 8t /oun$ a response in the best thinking o/ a *ir*le o/ 9uropean lea$ers in*lu$ing /ormer asso*iates o/ &eneral $e &aulle, Fren*h presi$ent &is*ar$ $69staing, #est &erman Chan*ellor )*hmi$t, )o(iet Chairman Bre7hne(, an$ the &erman banker 1uergen Ponto, who was mur$ere$ /or his pioneer e//orts in implementing 0a.ou*he6s 8%B proposal- This was the threa$ o/ the .apallo agreement on an augmente$, international s*ale- 8n a perio$ in whi*h not only $epression an$ mass star(ation, but a possible global thermonu*lear *on/li*t loom imminent, this time .apallo *annot be sabotage$- 8n 1uly 1 2! &is*ar$ an$ )*hmi$t announ*e$ their *reation o/ a 9uropean :onetary )ystem, whi*h woul$ in its /irst stage a*t to stabili7e international *urren*y, an$ in its se*on$ planne$ phase be*ome the instrument /or un$ertaking pre*isely those *re$it3e5ten$ing poli*ies 0a.ou*he ha$ put /orwar$ in his 8%B poli*y $o*ument-

4t the time o/ the 4meri*an re(olution, the so(ereignty o/ the new nation $epen$e$ not only on its own arme$ militia- Benjamin Franklin ha$ su**ee$e$ in bringing together a 0eague o/ 4rme$ Neutrality in 9urope that threatene$ to make the re(olutionary war into a worl$ war, i/ the British $i$ not grant the *olonies their /ree$om- Now the new Cin*innatus )o*iety has *reate$ the embryo o/ an international allian*e whi*h *oul$ $e/eat the British, gi(en su//i*ient resolution o/ the lea$ership o/ that allian*e#ere it not /or the e5isten*e o/ 0a.ou*he6s alternati(e to the British $ark age poli*y, there is no Fuestion that the ,nite$ )tates woul$ be /inishe$ as a republi*, an$ humanity as a whole threatene$ with nu*lear e5tin*tion or at the least hi$eous *ultural retrogression as the *onseFuen*e o/ a new perio$ o/ wars8n his Introduction7 Plato and the 9ew Political !cience, 0a.ou*he i$enti/ies the importan*e he pla*es upon Plato6s metho$- He writes+ ?Platoni* i$eas, properly so terme$, take as their subje*t the *hara*teristi* /eatures o/ the mental pro*esses by whi*h hypotheses *on*erning empiri*al s*ienti/i* knowle$ge are /orme$- 8t is there/ore su*h Platoni* i$eas whi*h rightly appear (ery mo$ern to in/orme$ rea$ers to$ay- - - - #e, to$ay, must pursue the same metho$ i/ we are to arri(e, at last, at abstra*tion o/ sets o/ prin*iples whi*h a**ount /or the or$ere$ *ourse o/ the history o/ *i(ili7ation in the past, an$ into the /uture- Here is the pra*ti*al importan*e o/ historiog3 raphy to e(ery *iti7en, whether a publi* o//i*ial or an in$i(i$ual man or woman la*king any *onspi*uous status in publi* a//airs- #hat we $oHor /ail to $oHin the present, in our here an$ now, $etermines how we an$ others shall li(e in our own personal /uture an$ in the /uture o/ our posterity<ur a*tions $o not entirely $etermine su*h *onseFuen*es' others, present an$ /uture, will also shape the *ourse o/ history?#hat the /uture will be *an be a$$u*e$ impli*itly /rom the *hara*teristi* /eatures o/ those assumptions whi*h are (ariously e5pli*itly an$ unwittingly embe$$e$ in the pre(ailing weight o/ in$i(i$ual $e*isions- 8/ we are not to play roulette with the /ate o/ present an$ /uture generations, i/ we are to gi(e assure$ meaning to our in$i(i$ual li(ing an$ ha(ing li(e$, we must know that we ha(e $is*o(ere$ an$ are sel/3go(erne$ by e//i*ient knowle$ge o/ the sets o/ prin*iples whi*h $o in /a*t go(ern the histori*al pro*ess- 8t is so to $etermine the present an$ /uture that we $e(ote oursel(es to rigorous stu$y o/ the past- #e *annot a$$u*e e//i*ient prin*iples /rom the i$iosyn*rasies o/

the so*ial or$er as $e/ine$ by the here an$ now- #e *annot attribute wis$om to mere pre(ailing opinions o/ the present, whether s*holarly or (ulgar- #e must know those prin*iples whi*h trans*en$ all 6heres an$ nows,6 an a*hie(ement whi*h *an be e//e*te$ by no other metho$ than the poeti* prin*iples employe$ by Plato-?1! 0a.ou*he6s /irst major breakthrough was to re*on*eptuali7e 0eibni76s per/e*tion theorem in terms o/ mo$ern physi*s an$ its appli*ation to politi*al e*onomy- He $enie$ that the )e*on$ 0aw o/ Thermo$ynami*s is globally appli*able to the uni(erse- #hile any gi(en physi*al system will ten$ to run $own, to be*ome in*reasingly entropi*, the uni(erse as a whole is, in his wor$, negentropi*-1 9rwin )*hroe$inger ha$ re*ogni7e$ that li/e is negati(ely entropi*, but he ha$ re/use$ to take the step whi*h woul$ ha(e broken him /ree /rom the *ontrolle$ en(ironment *reate$ /or physi*s by .ussell an$ Bohr- )*hroe$3 inger reasone$ that li/e must be an unimportant negati(ely entropi* anomaly in the entropi* uni(erse at large- Not 0a.ou*he- )in*e li/e is not entropi*, an$ the sel/3e(olution o/ the uni(erse is e5presse$ at its highest potential by man, then the uni(erse *annot be entropi*- This prin*iple o/ negentropy imme$iately applies to politi*al e*onomy, sin*e ea*h su**essi(e stage o/ the sel/3e(olution o/ the uni(erse has been a**ompanie$ by a higher3or$ere$ energy throughput- 8n the same way ea*h su**essi(e stage o/ human history has been *hara*teri7e$ by a higher per *apita utili7ation o/ energy, an$ this energy has itsel/ e(ol(e$ to be*ome more ?energy $ense-?=" The progress /rom woo$3burning to the *ombustion engine to the absolute ne*essity o/ a nu*lear /uel3powere$ te*hnology is the law/ul re/le*tion o/ the negentropi* pro*ess o/ uni(ersal $e(elopment- To re(erse that tren$ an$ burn woo$ *hips to$ay is to $eliberately *ourt biologi*al holo*aust an$ /amine8n the same arti*le on Plato6s metho$, 0a.ou*he $is*usses how his /irst theoreti*al breakthrough was base$ on his stu$y o/ the work o/ 0eibni76s stu$ent Bernhar$ .iemann- He *ontinues+ ?The writer6s (ery spe*ial Fuali/i*ations in writing this intro$u*tion /low /rom his su**ess/ul breakthrough in sol(ing the hitherto unsol(e$ but *ru*ial problem o/ theoreti*al an$ applie$ e*onomi*s Bthe problem o/ $e(eloping a pre$i*ti(e nonlinear mo$el /or e*onomi* $e(elopment whi*h re*ogni7es the rate o/ te*hnologi*al $e(elopment as primaryHC-#-C- - - - 4lthough use has

been ma$e by others o/ subsume$ /eatures o/ Bernar$ .iemann6s $is*o(eries in relati(isti* physi*s, the essential breakthrough, represente$ in .iemann6s /amous 1!@; habilitation paper on /un$amental physi*al hypotheses, has not been generally *omprehen$e$- 95emplary o/ that la*k o/ *omprehension is the *ase o/ 4lbert 9instein an$ his *ollaborator Hermann #eyl, who mis3 takenly regar$e$ the 9instein general relati(ity program as 6.iemannian-6 8n /a*t, the 9instein program $eals only with one alternati(e, $egenerate *ase o/ the kin$ o/ uni(erse spe*i/ie$ by .iemann6s notion o/ /un$amental physi*al hypotheses?Through ai$ o/ Cantor6s $e(elopment o/ his own notion o/ the trans/inite, it was ma$e *lear to the writer that the nK) generati(e prin*iple o/ the .ie3 mannian *on*eption *orrespon$e$ to the generation o/ su**essi(e trans/inite or$erings, an$ not anything like an in*rease in the number o/ $egrees o/ /ree$om in the or$inary sense o/ aprioristi* (arieties o/ non39u*li$ean physi*al geometries- The re*ognition o/ this impli*ation o/ .iemann6s work en*ourage$ the writer to a$opt a similar approa*h to solution o/ the problem o/ $eterministi* e*onomi* mo$els?This has two $ire*t impli*ations /or /uller appre*iation o/ the Platoni* *on*eption o/ both the higher hypothesis an$ the $iale*ti*al ontology whi*h /lows /rom the higher hypothesis- First, .iemann6s notion o/ /un$amental physi*al hypothesis is a partial rea//irmation o/ the Platoni* *on*eption /or physi*s- Con(ersely, the $i//i*ulties whi*h ha(e atten$e$ generally /aile$ e//orts to *omprehen$ .iemann are the result o/ e$u*ational an$ relate$ in$o*trination o/ physi*ists in an anti3Platoni* epistemologi*al worl$3 outlook- )e*on$, it is, as we shall summari7e the proo/ /or this, only in a proper approa*h to e*onomi*s stu$ies that man is able to pro(e the relati(e truth or /alsehoo$ o/ s*ienti/i* *on*eptions in general?The /irst point is more easily set /orth i/ we *onsi$er the se*on$ point be/orehan$?The /alla*y o/ all e*onomi* $o*trines e5isting prior to the present writer6s post31 @= elaboration o/ his own $is*o(ery is that the e//ort to $i(ine $eterministi* mo$els /or poli*y3making takes either monetary $ata or other parti*ulars as i/ they were sel/3e(i$ent $ata- :o$els, either simultaneous linear eFuations or eFui(alent pro*e$ures, are *onstru*te$ on the basis o/ these assumptions- 4 basi* mo$el is *onstru*te$ on the assumption o/ no

signi/i*ant te*hnologi*al trans/ormation o/ the system $es*ribe$- Then, at best, an e//ort is ma$e to a**ount /or the e//e*ts o/ intro$u*ing te*hnologi*al trans/ormations to su*h mo$els- The /alla*y o/ this pro*e$ure ought to be ob(ious?4s 4le5an$er Hamilton pro(e$, in prin*iple, in his 12 1 Report on the !u/ject of .anufactures to the ,-)- Congress, the sole possible sour*e o/ *ontinuing wealth o/ a so*iety is increases of the productive powers of la/or 8t is that increase, an$ that in*rease alone, whi*h is the sour*e o/ wealth' there/ore, that increase must /e the primary datum of any economic model 8n other wor$s, only a phase3spa*e $atum o/ an e*onomy *an yiel$ a non3 para$o5i*al a**ounting o/ the e*onomy?Con(ersely, the e//ort to $ebate matters *on*erning te*hnologi*al progress in terms o/ a**ounting3oriente$ mo$els is absur$, an$ *an yiel$ only absur$ answers- - - ?4s man $e(elops beyon$ a beastlike /orm o/ hunting an$ gathering, he $oes so through te*hnologi*al inno(ations- #ith ea*h stratum o/ so*ial pra*ti*e so $e/ine$, there is an asso*iate$ $e/inition o/ what are ostensibly man3 altere$ primary resour*es /or the so*iety in that te*hnologi*al stratum- 8n this way, e(ery so*iety en*ounters a marginal3resour*es so*ial *ost /a*tor, whi*h boun$ing *on$ition is o/ no go(erning signi/i*an*e e5*ept with respe*t to that an$ more primiti(e le(els o/ te*hnology?95amining this pro*ess in terms o/ the thermo$ynami* *hara*teristi*s o/ the (arious le(els o/ te*hnologi*al progress sin*e the <l$ )tone 4ge *ultures, this pro*ess has the /ollowing thermo$ynami*al *hara*teristi*s- 4t /irst gri$$ing o/ the $ata, we obser(e a rise in the per *apita throughput o/ use/ul energy /or pro$u*tion, an$ hen*e also *onsumption- #ith a /iner gri$$ing, we a$$u*e an e5ponential ten$en*y Bse*ularlyC /or rise in this rate o/ in*rease o/ per *apita energy $ensities?There is a /urther, *ru*ial *onsi$eration?95amining the pro*ess more *losely, we note that the total energy throughput o/ pro$u*tion has two aspe*ts- <ne aspe*t is the energy per *apita *onsume$ ostensibly in merely maintaining the so*iety an$ its asso*iate$ mo$e o/ pro$u*tionHas i/ in a /i5e$ te*hnologi*al mo$e on the same s*ale o/ pro$u*tion- The other aspe*t is the 6/ree energy6 *omponent

per *apita- This is the margin o/ energy whi*h in*reases the 6re$u*ing potential6 o/ the so*iety Ban$ pro$u*tionC, enabling o(er*oming o/ marginal3 resour*es limitations, an$ is the margin o/ throughput on whi*h e5pansion an$ Fualitati(e $e(elopment o/ the so*iety an$ its mo$e o/ pro$u*tion $epen$s?4s so*iety a$(an*es Bse*ularlyC, this ratio o/ 6/ree energy6 to total energy must in*rease- Howe(er, the per *apita throughput merely to maintain in$i(i$uals an$ the mo$e o/ pro$u*tion also in*reases as we progress /rom lower to higher te*hnologies- The *ombine$ in*rease o/ this base3line throughput with higher ratios o/ 6/ree energy6 to total energy throughput we term negentropy - - - #e li(e in a uni(erse whose essential nature, whose law/ul or$ering is su*h that we, with our negentropi* e5isten*e, are an integral part o/ that uni(erse- The /un$amental law/ul or$ering o/ the uni3 (erse there/ore *orrespon$s to those aspe*ts o/ human beha(ior whi*h *orrespon$ $ire*tly to the prin*iples re/le*te$ in *omprehension o/ the higher hypothesis-? 0a.ou*he6s su**ess in *reating a Neoplatoni* institution /rom s*rat*h woul$ seem properly astonishing were it not /or the eFui(alent su**ess o/ his .oun$ Table opponents in atta*king the (ery *apa*ity o/ #estern *i(ili7ation to repro$u*e itsel/ by sprea$ing the (irus o/ the ro*k3$rug *ounter3*ulture among young people in 9urope an$ the ,nite$ )tates- 4$oles*ents are being re*ruite$ to %ionysian *ult e5isten*e /ully as e(il as that o/ the .oman empire- Hal/ o/ the stu$ents in some eighth gra$e *lasses in the ,nite$ )tates alrea$y smoke marijuana regularly, perhaps permanently injuring their brains, as well as their imme$iate *apa*ity /or *on*eptual thought, their potential /or maturing to a$ulthoo$- The rest tolerate the soun$ o/ ro*k musi*, *on(in*e$ by propagan$a that this is a legitimate e5pression of youth i$entity- B8t shoul$ not be /orgotten that the Beatles re*ei(e$ the open support o/ the monar*hy-C Parents who /a*e this phenomenon with $espair are eager to learn how this *oul$ ha(e happene$ to their *hil$ren, who is responsible, but most important, what *an be $one to res*ue them8n a perio$ in whi*h ra(ing en(ironmentalists $ominate the go(ernment at the highest le(els, a pro3in$ustrial program is important, but not su//i*ientThis time the epistemologi*al /oun$ations o/ the republi* must be ma$e e5pli*it- This generation o/ *hil$ren must be res*ue$H/rom $rugs, /rom ro*k musi*, /rom pornography, /rom blan$ishments to be*ome homose5ual

Hby being *aught up in a national resurgen*e- The musi* o/ Beetho(en an$ :o7art, an$ the poetry o/ )hakespeare an$ )*hiller must on*e again resoun$ throughout the lan$- )*ien*e, not Newton, must be taught in the *lassroom9(ery 4meri*an must parti*ipate in a new renaissan*e- 4l$ous Hu5ley *oul$ pra*ti*e his e(il on 4meri*an *hil$ren only be*ause the 4meri*an population was (ulnerable to that e(il- The ,nite$ )tates will be *hange$ when it is again rule$ by men an$ women who un$erstan$ Plato6s metho$0a.ou*he *on*lu$es his arti*le with these wor$s+ ?There is not a 6/or*e o/ e(il6 inherent in the worl$- There is rather man6s /ailure to rise out o/ in/antile bestiali7ation- :ankin$ *reates its own e(il by *linging to its mothers6 skirts, by re/using to grow beyon$ the in/antile state o/ bestial preo**upation with in/antile3egotisti*al sensuality?8t is an interesting an$ /ruit/ul philologi*al3histori*al /a*t that the Christian 6)atan6 is no one but the :i$$le 9astern /orm o/ the Phrygian 6%ionysus-6 The 6)atan6 o/ Christianity is alternately the <rphi*3%ionysia* *ults o/ &reek3Helleni* *ulture an$ the <siris3Horus *ults o/ Ptolemai* 9gypt- The Christian 6)atan6 or 6#hore o/ Babylon6 is the high priestess o/ 8sis who is *urrently the ranking o//i*ial o/ the British 4shmolean Freemasonry an$ British :ost Ienerable :ilitary an$ Hospitaller <r$er o/ the Dnights o/ )t1ohn o/ 1erusalem, who is also the person o/ (eneration /or the 8sis3,rania Hermeti* <r$er o/ the &ol$en %awn, The personality who has the mis/ortune to enjoy su*h titles is the British monar*h, ?The Christian 6)atan6 is a man3*reate$ agent o/ the *ause o/ the bestiality represente$ by a$ult persons who re/use to loose their *hil$ish grip on their mothers6 skirts- - - ?The oligar*hi*al rule has ha$ se(eral inter*onne*te$ problems o(er the ages- 4lthough the oligar*hi*al i$eal is 7ero growth, a halt to all s*ienti/i* an$ te*hnologi*al progress, the oligar*hs ha(e been /or*e$ to make *on*es3 sions to te*hnologi*al progress, most emphati*ally in the $omain o/ military te*hnology, an$ the nee$ to $e(elop the logisti*al strength, the general in/rastru*ture, to support that military strength?Be*ause mankin$ is human, humanity asserts itsel/ through the pores o/ opportunity- The gree$ o/ the oligar*hs promotes tra$e an$ pro$u*tion- The nee$ o/ arms against $angerous /oes *reates opportunities /or te*hnologi*al inno(ations- The so*ial /or*es $e(elope$ by su*h a*ti(itiesHwith re*urring

emphasis on *olonies an$ 6mar*her lor$s6Hha(e turne$ against their oligar3 *hi*al masters- ,sually, this insurgen*y against establishe$ oligar*hs has been *ategori*ally un*ons*ious o/ the prin*iples o/ the higher hypothesis, e5*eptHin 9uropean history sin*e .ome, as Neoplatoni* Christianity an$ Neoplatoni* 8slam ha(e maintaine$ an$ $isseminate$ su*h knowle$ge?Thus a *ertain $egree o/ su**essi(e $e(elopment asserts itsel/ $espite e(en the hegemony o/ oligar*hi*al rule an$ poli*ies?8n this pro*ess, te*hnologi*al $e(elopment is asso*iate$ with an a$(an*e3 ment in the Fuality o/ human knowle$ge an$ e5isten*e, an$ with so*ial /or*es whi*h i$enti/y themsel(es with the bene/its o/ a poli*y o/ *ontinue$ te*hnologi*al progress?Thus, that pro*ess whi*h *an be *omprehen$e$ only /rom the stan$point o/ the higher hypothesis asserts itsel/ through the un*ons*ious a*tion o/ the *reati(e3mental spe*ies3potentialities o/ human beings- 1ust as in/antilism Be(ilC /in$s its institutional /orms, so the pro*ess o/ progress /in$s its institutional /orms?The problem o/ mankin$ is not that e(il is an ine(itable permanent institution an$ /or*e in the worl$- The problem is that so*iety is not yet or$ere$ a**or$ing to the *ons*ious prin*iple o/ the higher hypothesis?This prin*iple must ha(e a *ons*ious agen*y, the Platoni*3Neoplatoni* elites- 8t is to the e5tent that su*h elites e5ist as an e//i*ient agen*y, an$ that su*h elites *ontribute a higher rate o/ progress to the /or*es otherwise engage$ in /ostering progress, that we may, at last, era$i*ate the power o/ 6)atan6 /rom the or$ering o/ the a//airs o/ nations-? The e(il men an$ women who argue$ o(er what kin$ o/ sa*ri/i*es woul$ be $eman$e$ o/ the worl$6s population to sa(e the 9mpire, at )t- 9rmin6s Hotel in 1 ">, still ha(e their han$s on the international le(ers o/ power- Their poli*ies ha(e alrea$y brought us two worl$ wars- <nly i/ enough people $e*i$e to mo(e against their *onspira*y soon, will they be stoppe$ /rom ushering in a new $ark age-

Chapter !ne: Bertrand #$ssell Walks !$t <pening 3uote7 Herbert &eorge #ells, a$$ress to 11th 8nternational P9N Club Congress, %ubro(nik, Yugosla(ia, H-&- #ells 4r*hi(es, ,ni(ersity o/ 8llinois, ,rbana' also appeare$ in .anchester &uardian, 1une A, 1 >>1- The abo(e s*ene is a *on$ensation o/ se(eral separate $inners o/ the Coe//i*ients Club base$ on the /ollowing+ H-&- #ells, Experiments in -uto/iography BNew York+ :a*millan Co-, 1 >;C, pp- A@"3AA>Bertran$ .ussell, Portraits from .emory and <ther Essays BNew York+ )imon an$ )*huster, 1 @AC, pp- !13!>Beatri*e #ebb, <ur Partnership B0on$on+ 0ongmans, &reen an$ Co-, 1 ;!C, pp- =123>AA- Hal/or$ 1- :a*kin$er, (emocratic Ideals and Reality BNew York+ #-#- Norton an$ Co-, 8n*-, 1 A C, pp- 5iii, 1;"H-&- #ells, #he 'ay the 'orld is &oing7 &uesses and Forecasts of the @ears -head B0on$on+ 9rnest Benn 0t$-, 1 =!C, pp- 11@31=>H-&- #ells, #he 9ew .achiavelli BNew York+ %u//iel$ an$ Co-, 1 =2C, pp>1;3>;"Bertran$ .ussell, #he -uto/iography of Bertrand Russell BBoston+ 0ittle, Brown an$ Co-, 1 A2C, (ols- 1, =&-D- Chesterton, %eretics BNew York+ 1ohn 0ane Co-, 1 "@C, p- !1=- #ells, Experiments in -uto/iography, p- A@>>- 1ohn Terraine, #he 1ife and #imes of 1ord .ount/atten, BNew York+ Holt, .inehart an$ #inston, 1 !"C, pp- 1131>;- ?0or$ :ountbatten+ Ban Ta*ti*al #eapons,? Executive Intelligence Review, B1 2 C A+==@- Denneth .ose, #he 1ater 8ecils BNew York+ Harper an$ .ow, 1 2@C, pp1; 31@1-

A- 8bi$-, p- 1; 2- 8bi$-, pp- !@3!A!- )tephen 9- Doss, 1ord %aldane7 !capegoat for 1i/eralism BNew York+ Columbia ,ni(ersity Press, 1 A C, pp- >13A;' also+ #ebb, <ur Partner0 ship, p- >>@- .ose, #he 1ater 8ecils, p- 1 A1"- 8bi$-, p- 1 211- 8bi$-, pp- 1311"1=- 8bi$-, p- =A;1>- 8bi$-, p- =>"1;- 8bi$-, p- 1>A1@- 8bi$-, p- 1>A1A- 8bi$12- #ells, Experiments in -uto/iography, pp- 2>32A1!- .ose, #he 1ater 8ecils, p- 1A!1 - 8bi$-, pp- =>A3=>2="- 8bi$-, pp- =>23=>!=1- 8bi$-, p- =>===- #ebb, <ur Partnership, p- = 2=>- 8bi$=;- #ells, Experiments in -uto/iography, pp- A@"3AA>=@- #ells, #he 9ew .achiavelli, pp- 1 131 ;=A- 8bi$-, p- =2 =2- .ussell, #he -uto/iography of Bertrand Russell, (ol- 1, pp-

1"@31" =!- .onal$ #- Clark, #he 1ife of Bertrand Russell BNew York+ 4l/re$ 4Dnop/, 1 2AC, pp- =;;3=;@= - .ussell, #he -uto/iography of Bertrand Russell, (ol- =, p- 2>"- .oy F- Harro$, #he 1ife of Aohn .aynard 4eynes BNew York+ Har*ourt Bra*e an$ Co-, 1 @1C, pp- 12"3121>1- 1ohn 9- Den$le, #he Round #a/le .ovement and Imperial Enion BToronto+ ,ni(ersity o/ Toronto Press, 1 2@C, pp- A3!>=- 1ohn :arlowe, 8ecil Rhodes7 #he -natomy of Empire B0on$on+ Paul 9lek Books 0imite$, 1 2=C, pp- 23!>>- 8bi$-, p- >;- Donstan$inos Dalimtgis, %a(i$ &ol$man, 1e//rey )teinberg, (ope, Inc 7 Britain6s <pium 'ar -gainst the Enited !tates BNew York+ The New Benjamin Franklin House Publishing Co-, 8n*-, 1 2!C, pp- =31"@>@- 0ea$ing .ho$es s*holars hol$ key e$itorial *ontrol positions in lea$ing ,-)- newspapers an$ other me$ia, $ominate ,-)- /oun$ations, think tanks, in*lu$ing /oreign poli*y an$ military strategy institutions, an$ hol$ key positions in the ,-)- banking *ommunity, the ,-)- go(ernment an$ $iplo3 mati* *orps an$ in the permanent ,nite$ Nations sta//- For e5ample, in 1 @ , the /ollowing were .ho$es )*holars+ 1-B- <akes, e$itorial boar$, 9ew @ork #imes' 1-B- Dnapp, (i*e presi$ent, 8nternational Bank /or .e*onstru*3 tion an$ %e(elopment' 1-#- )ears, lawyer /or Brown, Brothers Harriman Co-' F-)- Bryant, assistant se*retary o/ %e/ense, Pentagon' .-)- Tha*keray, Chie/ )ystems 4nalysis, %ire*tor <perations 4nalysis <//i*e N<.4%, Colora$o )prings' %ean .usk, presi$ent, .o*ke/eller Foun$ation- 9-::*Petrie, Rhodes !cholarship #rust, -ddresses and <ccupations of Rhodes !cholars up to (ecem/er )*I* B<5/or$+ .ho$es House, 1 @ C>A- :arlowe, 8ecil Rhodes, pp- A;3A@>2- 8bi$-, pp- =1"3=11>!- .ose, #he 1ater 8ecils, pp- 1@>31@;-

> - :a*kin$er, (emocratic Ideals, pp- ="3==;"- 8bi$-, pp- 1;;31;@;1- ,npublishe$ work by .obert Cohen, 1 2!, New York City;=- :a*kin$er, (emocratic Ideals, pp- 11"3111Chapter Two: The !pen Conspiracy <pening 3uote7 H-&- #ells, -nticipations of the Reaction to .echanical and !cientific Progress Epon %uman 1ife and #hought, in #he 'orks of % & 'ells B0on$on+ T-F- ,nwin an$ Co-, 1 =;C, (ol- ;, pp- =@!3=@ 1- #ells, Experiments in -uto/iography, p- >"!=- ,npublishe$ letters in the H-&- #ells 4r*hi(es at ,ni(ersity o/ 8llinois, ,rbana, re(eal that #ells sol$ broa$*asting rights /or ?#ar o/ the #orl$s? in a$(an*e to Columbia Pi*tures /or E1@" in or$er to test out mass psy*hologi3 *al war/are>- H-&- #ells, #he 'ar of the 'orlds BNew York+ Berkley Publishing Co-, 1 A;C;- H-&- #ells, #he #ime .achine BNew York+ Berkley Publishing Co-, 1 @2C@- H-&- #ells, #he Island of (r .oreau BNew York+ Berkley Publishing Co-, 1 2>C, p- A A- The 1esuit3linke$ %r- :oreau stu$ie$ e5tensi(ely the histori*al uses o/ nar*oti* massages to turn poor peasants into $emente$, /anati* terrorists0ike terrorist *ontrollers o/ to$ay, %r- :oreau *laime$ his interest in the subje*t was stri*tly a*a$emi*, an$ la*ke$ the e(il, terrorist3generating intentions that su*h knowle$ge was linke$ to in the past+ ?8n the $istant past, *ertain people, nowa$ays *on(eniently *lassi/ie$ as hallu*inating ma$men, ha$ the i$ea that through *ertain pra*ti*es they *oul$ *ommuni*ate with $iaboli* powers- 8n or$er to go to the sabbaths an$ be a$mitte$ to )atan6s *ourt, it was /irst ne*essary to submit to a magi* anoint3 ing- - - - 9(en in the $ays o/ wit*h*ra/t, nar*oti*s were not always use$ /or $iaboli* purposes- - - - The psy*hoti*s o/ our time who most resemble the

sor*erers o/ the past ha(e been gi(en the name demonomaniacs be*ause o/ the *onne*tions they *laim to ha(e with the $e(il- - - - The sor*erers hallu*inate$ only when they *ame un$er the to5i* in/luen*e o/ the stupe/ying ointments- 8t was mostly at night that they per/orme$ their peregrinations an$ their /antasti* $an*es an$ that hell hel$ its orgies- #hen they *ease$ to see the spe*ta*les they ha$ parti*ipate$ in, the /alse *on(i*3 tions relate$ to them persiste$, be*ause these *on(i*tions were e*hoe$ in their /aith an$ in their religious *on(i*tions, an$ be*ause their $elirious impressions ha$ been so (i(i$ that they *oul$ not help belie(ing in them as i/ they were real- #e know that strength o/ these belie/s, as $eeply roote$ as the pathologi*al /a*t /rom whi*h they $eri(e, that ma$e these poor /anati*s bra(e the stake an$ most $rea$/ul tortures-? %r- :oreau is now *re$ite$ as the /ather o/ psy*hopharmo*ology- To$ay6s e5perts in terrorism an$ psy*hopharmo*ology, an international network base$ out o/ the Ta(isto*k 8nstitute, also *laim their $etaile$ interests in su*h stu$y an$ e5perimentation are stri*tly a*a$emi* in spite o/ the ob(ious hi$eous pra*ti*al politi*al uses o/ su*h ?a*a$emi*? stu$ies- )tu$ents o/ *onspira*y shoul$ note that both H-&- #ells an$ Bertran$ .ussell state$ their intentions o/ laun*hing an open politi*al conspiracy, in whi*h the most hi$eously amoral *onspiratorial intentions woul$ be openly publishe$ un$er the $emur o/ stri*tly a*a$emi* stu$ies1a*Fues31oseph :oreau $e Tours, %ashish and .ental Illness, translate$ by &or$on Barnett, Ph-%- BNew York+ .a(en Press, 1 2>C, pp- i5355i, 1"=31"@2- Dalimtgis et al-, (ope, Inc , pp- >A>3>2!!- .enO 4lbre*ht3Carrie Britain and France7 -daptations to 8hanging 8ontext of Power B&ar$en City, N-1-+ %ouble$ay, 1 2"C- 1a Revue de Paris, 1anuary 1! A1"- :ark Bur$man, unpublishe$ report, New York City, 1 2 11- Bru*e Page %a(i$ 0eit*h, #he Phil/y 8onspiracy BNew York+ %ouble$ay an$ Co-, 1 A!C 1=- :a*kin$er, (emocratic Ideals, p- ! 1>- 8bi$-, pp- 12>312;-

1;- :*Dinley was assassinate$ )eptember A, 1 "1, at the Pan 4meri*an 95position in Bu//alo, by 0eon C7olgos7, one o/ 9mma &ol$man6s *ra7e$ lo(er3stu$ents- The ne5t $ay, the hea$lines o/ the paper in )t- 0ouis where 9mma &ol$man was hi$ing, rea$+ ?4ssassin o/ Presi$ent :*Dinley an 4nar*hist- Con/esses to Ha(ing Been 8n*ite$ by 9mma &ol$man- #oman 4nar*hist #ante$-? 9mma &ol$man was arreste$ the ne5t $ay, at whi*h point a lea$ing arti*le in the same paper state$+ ?4nar*hists must be e5terminate$- - - - 9mma &ol$man has been allowe$ to ply her tra$e o/ mur$er too long- )he shoul$ be /or*e$ to share the /ate o/ her $upes-? 4lthough 9mma &ol$man a$mitte$ her i$eologi*al *ontrol o(er C7olgos7, she was release$ /rom jail within a week9mma $e/en$s her anar*hist protOgO+ ?He BC7olgos7C *ommitte$ the a*t /or no personal reasons or gain- He $i$ it /or what is his i$eal, the goo$ o/ the people- That is why my sympathies are with him,? The e5pli*it anti3 republi*an belie/ stru*ture Bthe ?i$eals?C 9mma &ol$man $rumme$ into her many terrorist3lo(er protOgOs is *lear /rom a letter o/ 4le5an$er Be*kman, who attempte$ to assassinate Henry Clay Fri*k, the 4meri*an in$ustrialist, to 9mma shortly a/ter C7olgos76s assassination o/ :*Dinley+ ?8 $o not belie(e that 0eon BC7olgos7C6s $ee$ was terroristi*- - - - The s*heme o/ politi*al subje*tion is subtle in 4meri*a- Though :*Dinley was the *hie/ representati(e o/ our mo$ern sla(ery, he *oul$ not be *onsi$ere$ in the light o/ a $ire*t an$ imme$iate enemy o/ the people- The real $espotism o/ republi*an institutions is /ar $eeper, more insi$ious, be*ause it rests on the popular $elusion o/ sel/3go(ernment an$ in$epen$en*e-? 9mma &ol$man6s anar*histi* networks atta*ke$ republi*an *ity3buil$ing /a*tions internationally, with attempts to assassinate 9uropeans an$ 4meri*ans an$ 0enin- 8n 1 12, Trotsky in(ite$ 9mma &ol$man to join with him in the ?re*onstru*tion? o/ .ussia, as he le/t New York City- ?#e will surely meet there,? Trotsky instru*te$ her be/ore $eparting9mma &ol$man6s anar*hist networks were /un$e$ by the Jionist )eligman /amily, the &uggenheim /amily, an$ other anglophile #all )treet /amilies linke$ to a treasonous pro3Con/e$era*y tra$ition $ating ba*k be/ore the 4meri*an Ci(il #ar- Her /irst anar*hist *onta*t a/ter arri(ing in the ,nite$ )tates was a member o/ the Henry )treet settlement house in New York City8n 9urope, her anar*hist networks o(erlappe$ with the neo3:althusian

mo(ement, whi*h also in(ol(e$ H-&- #ells an$ Bertran$ .ussell- 9mma &ol$man met .ussell, whose Bertran$ .ussell Foun$ation later supporte$ the growth o/ anar*hist3terrorist groupings, in 1 =" in :os*ow where they agree$ upon the nee$ to blo*k the in$ustriali7ation o/ that *ountry, by whate(er means ne*essary9mma &ol$man, 1iving .y 1ife BNew York+ 4l/re$ 4- Dnop/, 1 >;C1@- Bur$man report1A- Ni*holas Halas7, 8aptain (reyfus7 #he !tory of a .ass %ysteria BNew York+ )imon an$ )*huster, 1 @@C, pp- 1>, ;12- 8bi$-, p- 11>1!- 4- 4- Heggoy, #he -frican Policies of &a/riel %anotaux )+*J0)+*+ B4thens, &a-+ ,ni(ersity o/ &eorgia Press, 1 2=C1 - &eorge &oo*h, Franco0&erman Relations BNew York+ .ussell an$ .ussell, 1 A2C="- Heggoy, -frican Policies =1- &- :i*hon, #he Franco0Russian -lliance7 )+*)0)*)I BNew York+ Howar$ Fertig, 8n*-, 1 A C==- Bertran$ .ussell, #he Pro/lem of 8hina BNew York, The Century Co-, 1 ==C, pp- 1=;31=@=>- 8bi$-, p- 1=>- .ussell6s *lasses /or :ao an$ Chou en30ai are note$ in+ Clark, #he 1ife of Bertrand Russell, p- >! =;- .ussell, #he Pro/lem of 8hina, pp- 1=A31=2=@- Bertran$ .ussell, &erman !ocial (emocracy7 !ix 1ectures B0on$on+ 0ongmans, &reen an$ Co-, 1! AC' also Clark, #he 1ife of Bertrand Russell, pp- A>3A;=A- .ussell, #he Pro/lem of 8hina, pp- 1=231=!=2- Donstantin &eorge, ?The ,-)-3.ussia 9ntente that )a(e$ the ,nion,? #he 8ampaigner B1 2!C =+ @3>>-

=!- 0yn$on H- 0a.ou*he, 1r-, 'ill the !oviets Rule in the )*+,s" BNew York+ The New Benjamin Franklin House Publishing Company, 1 2 C= - .ussell, #he Pro/lem of 8hina, pp- 1=31;>"- Barbara Fra7ier, ?.ussia6s Fight /or the 4meri*an )ystem,? 9ew !olidarity 1" B4pril =2, 1 2 C' also Barbara Fra7ier, ?)ergei #itte6s 4meri*an )ystem .e(olution in .ussia,? 9ew !olidarity 1" B:ay = , 1 2 C' also see Ion 0aue, ?4 )e*ret :emoran$um o/ )ergei #itte on the 8n$us3 triali7ation o/ 8mperial .ussia,? Aournal of .odern %istory =A B:ar*h 1 @;C>1- Ion 0aue, ?4 )e*ret :emoran$um-? >=- :a*kin$er, (emocratic Ideals, pp- =A"3=A1>>- %-)- Crist, ?.ussia6s Far 9astern Poli*y in the :aking,? Aournal of .odern %istory, =; B)eptember 1 ;=C>;- :atthew 1osephson, !idney %illman7 !tatesman of -merican 1a/or B&ar$en City, N-Y-+ %ouble$ay an$ Co-, 1 @=C>@- Barbara Fra7ier, ?How Britain )abotage$ .ussia6s Capitalist .e(olu3 tion,? 9ew !olidarity 1" B1une 1=, 1 2 C>A- 0eon Trotsky, )*,; BNew York+ Iintage Books, .an$om House, 1 21C, p- =@=>2- 8bi$-, p- >1;>!- 8bi$-, pp- ==@3==2> - .obert Tol/, Russian Rockefellers B)tan/or$, Cali/-+ Hoo(er 8nstitute Press, 1 2AC, pp- 1@"31A;;"- 1-%- Henry, Baku, -n Eventful %istory B0on$on+ Constable, 1 "@C, pp1; 3=";;1- .ose, #he 1ater 8ecils, pp- =";3="2;=- Fra7ier, ?#itte6s 4meri*an )ystem-? ;>- :a*kin$er, (emocratic Ideals, p- 1@!-

;;- %on Phau, ?The Trea*hery o/ Thomas 1e//erson,? #he 8ampaigner B1 !"C 1>+ = ;@- Carroll Kuigley, #ragedy and %ope BNew York+ :a*millan an$ Co-, 1 AAC, p- 1!;A- ,npublishe$ manus*ript, Tessa &ol$berg, New York City;2- :a*kin$er, (emocratic Ideals, pp- A, A!;!- 8bi$-, pp- 11@311 ; - #alter 0ippmann, a top #ellsian in the ,nite$ )tates, base$ the name o/ his maga7ine 9ew Repu/lic on H-&- #ells6s brutal *on*ept o/ the New .e3 publi*- #alter 0ippmann, E ! 'ar -ims B0on$on+ Hamish Hamilton, 1 ;;C, pp- =>3=!@"- )our*e+ British Petroleum, 0on$on@1- F-)- <li(er, -lexander %amilton7 an Essay on -merican Enion BNew York+ Putnam, 1 =1C@=- :a*kin$er, (emocratic Ideals, pp- 12@312A@>- 8bi$-, p- 12 @;- 8bi$-, pp- 12231!A@@- .ose, #he 1ater 8ecils @A- Bertran$ .ussell, #he Impact of !cience on !ociety BNew York+ )imon an$ )*huster, 1 @>C, p- 1@@2- 8bi$-, pp- = 3>"@!- 8bi$-, p- 2@@ - Bertran$ .ussell, #he Future of !cience and !elf0Portrait of the -uthor BNew York+ Philosophi*al 0ibrary, 1 @ C, pp- !13!>A"- Clark, #he 1ife of Bertrand Russell, p- == A1- 8bi$-, p- >!"-

A=- .ussell, #he Pro/lem of 8hina, p- =>>A>- Bertran$ .ussell, #he Prospects of Industrial 8ivili2ation B0on$on+ &eorge 4llen an$ ,nwin, 0t$-, 1 =>C, p- =2>A;- .ussell, #he Pro/lem of 8hina, pp- =A@3=AAA@- .ussell, Impact of !cience, pp- @1, !3 AA- 8bi$-, pp- 1"131"=A2- .ussell, Prospects of Industrial 8ivili2ation, p- ;=A!- 8bi$-, p- @@A - Think tanks to$ay use the /ourteenth3*entury Bla*k %eath, or buboni* plague, whi*h *ut the population o/ 9urasia $own to one3Fuarter o/ its pre(ious si7e, as the mo$el /or ?*ontrolle$ $isintegration-? Both the .an$ stu$y by 1a*k Hirs*hlei/er B)anta :oni*a, Cali/-, 1 AA+ ?%isaster an$ .e*o(ery+ the Bla*k %eath in #estern 9urope?C, an$ the Prin*eton stu$y BPrin*eton ,ni(ersity Press, 1 22+ ?The Bla*k %eath in the :i$$le 9ast,? :i*hael %olsC present the Bla*k %eath as a mo$el both /or the perio$s /ollowing nu*lear war an$ /ollowing biologi*al war/are2"- .ussell, Impact of !cience, pp- 1"=31";21- 8bi$-, pp- 1"=31">2=- .ussell, Impact of !cience 2>- H-&- #ells, #he 8ro3uet Player BNew York+ Iiking Press, 1 >2C, pp- 1 3="2;- H-&- #ells, #he <pen 8onspiracy7 Blueprints for a 'orld Revolution B0on$on, Ii*tor &ollan*7, 1 =!C, pp- 1;31@2@- 8bi$-, pp- 11>311;2A- #- #arren #ager, % & 'ells and the 'orld !tate BFreeport, New York+ Books /or 0ibraries Press, 1 A1C, pp- 1 231 !-

Chapter Three: We Can't *ake the ,a e *istake <pening 3uote7 H-&- #ells, -nticipations of the Reaction to .echanical and !cientific Progress Epon %uman 1ife and #hought BNew York+ Harper an$ Brothers, 1 "=C, p- >1;8- Henry :orgenthau, 1r-, .orgenthau (iary >&ermany? B#ashington, %-C-+ ,-)- &o(ernment Printing <//i*e, 1 A2C, pp- ;A"3;A==- 8bi$-, pp- ;!>3; 1>- 8bi$;- 8bi$@- 8bi$-, pp- ; 23@"=A- Henry :orgenthau, 1r-, &ermany Is <ur Pro/lem BNew York+ Harper an$ Brothers, 1 ;@C, pp- 2;32@2- Herbert Feis, )*==7 8haracters in 8risis BBoston+ 0ittle an$ Brown, 1 AAC, p- 1"A!- 1ohn :orton Blum, Roosevelt and .orgenthau7 - Revision and 8ondensation from the .orgenthau (iaries BBoston+ Houghton :i//lin Co-, 1 2"C, pp- @AA3@A!- 8bi$-, p- @2 1"- 8bi$-, pp- ;!=3;!>11- 8bi$-, pp- @A!3@2"1=- 8n 1 @> 4ttorney &eneral Brownell announ*e$ that the liberal Harry %e5ter #hite ha$ been smuggling $o*uments to the *ommunists $uring the same perio$ he ha$ worke$ in the F%. a$ministration as :orgenthau6s 4ssistant in the Treasury, an$ later as %ire*tor o/ the ,-)- :ission to the 8nternational :onetary Fun$ un$er Truman- ?Harry %e5ter #hite was known to be *ommunist spy by the (ery people who appointe$ him to the most sensiti(e important position he e(er hel$ in go(ernment ser(i*e-? That woul$ ha(e brought #hite in *onta*t with two other ?*ommunist? spies+ Dim Philby an$ Burgess :*lean, operating at the same time out o/

#ashington, %-C- #hite6s *lose ties with 1ohn :aynar$ Deynes suggest that like Philby an$ :*lean, #hite was a*tually a British triple agent%wight %- 9isenhower, #he 'hite %ouse @ears7 .andate for 8hange )*;=0 )*;H B&ar$en City, New 1ersey+ %ouble$ay an$ Co-, 1 A>C, pp- >1;3>1@1>- Blum, Roosevelt and .orgenthau, pp- @2;3@2@1;- 8bi$-, pp- @!!3@ "1@- 8bi$-, pp- @ ;HA"21A- 1ohn Ba*ker, #he (ecision to (ivide &ermany7 -merican Foreign Policy in #ransition B%urham, N-C-+ %uke ,ni(- Press, 1 2!C, pp- 1">31"@12- 1ohn :aynar$ Deynes, Essays on Aohn .aynard 4eynes B0on$on+ Cambri$ge ,ni(ersity Press, 1 2@C, p- 1 @1!- 8bi$1 - 1ohn :aynar$ Deynes, #he 8omplete 'ritings of Aohn .aynard 4eynes, Bolume LBI, -ctivities )*)J0)*)*7 #he #reasury and Bersailles B0on$on+ )t- :artins Press, 1 21C="- H-&- #ells, 'orld Brain B0on$on+ :ethuen an$ Co-, 8n*-, 1 >!C, p- 11"H-&- #ells e5presses his /ears o/ 0enin6s plans /or in$ustriali7ing .ussia in an inter(iew re*onstru*te$ years a/ter his 1 =" inter(iew with 0eninB#ellsC ?4n$ the in$ustry has to be re*onstru*te$Has /un$amentallyG? B#ells re*ounting 0enin6s answerC ?%i$ 8 reali7e what was alrea$y in han$ with .ussiaG - - - the 9le*tri/i*ation o/ .ussiaG? B#ells in retrospe*tC ?8 *annot see anything o/ the sort happening in this $ark *rystal o/ .ussia, but this little man M0eninN *an' he sees $e*aying railways repla*e$ by new ele*tri* transport, sees new roa$ways sprea$ing through the lan$, sees new an$ happier *ommunist in$ustriali7ation arising again-? H-&#ells, Russia in the !hadows, Bolume GH, #he 'orks of % & 'ells B0on$on+ T-F- ,nwin an$ Co-, 1 =2C, pp- @2!3@2 Parti*ularly #ells /eare$ a .apallo allian*e ai$ing .ussian in$ustriali7ation8n 1 =! he wrote+ ?There is nowa$ays, howe(er, mu*h more $anger than there e(er was be/ore that some strange new out*ast *ountry, )o(iet .ussia,

/or e5ample, with &erman s*ien*e to help her-? H-&- #ells, #he 'ay the 'orld is &oing7 &uesses and Forecasts of the @ears -head B0on$on+ 9rnest Benn 0imite$, 1 =!C, p- 1;==1- .ussell, Prospects of Industrial 8ivili2ation, p- "==- 8bi$-, pp- "3 >=>- ,npublishe$ resear*h on Ian$erlip by 9ri* Nelson, New York City, base$ on the /ollowing sour*es+ Fran*is .ussell, #he !hadow of Blooming &rove BNew York+ :*&raw3Hill Book Co-, 1 A!C, pp- @! 3@ 14n$rew )in*lair, #he -vaila/le .an BNew York+ :a*millan Co-, 1 A@C, pp=!@3=!A%a(i$ Ho$ges )tratton, -l/ert B Fall and the #eapot (ome -ffair Bunpublishe$ $o*toral thesis, ,ni(ersity o/ Colora$o, 1 @@C, pp- 1= 31>20ouis Fis*her, <il Imperialism7 #he International !truggle for Petroleum BNew York+ 8nternational Publishers, 1 =AC, pp- 1@@31!1=;- #ells, Russia in !hadows, pp- @2!3@2 =@- 0eon Trotsky, !talin7 -n -ppraisal of the .an BNew York+ Harper an$ .ow, 1 ;1C, pp- >@@, >2A3>!1=A- .- H- Bru*e 0o*khart, .emoirs of a British -gent B0on$on+ :a*:illan 0on$on 0t$-, 1 2;C, pp- >""3>;"' also+ .- H- Bru*e 0o*khart, #he (iaries of !ir Ro/ert Bruce 1ockhart Bolume ), )*);0)*=+ BNew York+ )t- :artin6s Press, 1 2>C=2- 0o*khar$, (iaries =!- .onal$ #- Clark, #he 1ife and #imes of -l/ert Einstein BNew York+ #orl$ Publishing Co-, 1 21C, p- = == - Kuigley, #ragedy and %ope, p- =!2>"- 8bi$-, pp- =!=3=!>, >"@3>12-

>1- Charles &- %awes, - Aournal of Reparations B0on$on+ :a*:illan an$ Co-, 0t$-, 1 > C, p- >@=>=- Hjalmar Hora*e &reeley )*ha*ht, 8onfessions of #he <ld 'i2ard BBoston+ Houghton :i//lin Co-, 1 AAC, p- 1 >>- Charles &- %awes, - Aournal of Reparations B0on$on+ :a*:illan an$ Co-, 0t$-, 1 > C, pp- >=13>2@, ;1>3;@">;- Brookings 8nstitution, Investigations in International Reconstruction7 &ermany6s 8apacity to Pay B#ashington, %-C-+ Brookings 8nstitution, 1 =>C>@- )*ha*ht, 8onfessions, pp- 1!131!>>A- Costas 45ios, ?Final )olution+ The )*ha*htian 9*onomy o/ the Thir$ .ei*h,? #he 8ampaigner B1 2@C!+1;3;1>2- 8bi$>!- 8bi$> - Norbert :uhlen, !chacht7 %itler6s .agician, the 1ife and 1oans of (r %jalmar !chacht BNew York+ 0ongmans, &reen an$ Co-, 1 > C, p- (iii;"- %iana :osley, - 1ife of 8ontrasts B0on$on+ Hamish Hamilton, 1 2!C, p1=2;1- Dalimtgis et al-, (ope, Inc , p- 12>;=- Kuigley, #ragedy and %ope, pp- A1, =>>;>- Dalimtgis et al-, (ope, Inc , pp- 1!=3=1A;;- 8bi$;@- 8bi$;A- 8bi$;2- ,npublishe$ report by 0onnie #ol/e an$ .obert Cohen, 1 2!, New York City;!- 8bi$-

; - Durt )en$tner, Rupprecht von 'ittels/ach B:Qn*hen+ .- P/lau, 1 @;C@"- Henry Channon, #he 1udwigs of Bavaria B0on$on+ :ethuen an$ Co-, 0t$-, 1 >>C@1- #ol/e an$ Cohen, unpublishe$ report@=- :a*kin$er, (emocratic Ideals, @>- 4$ol/ Hitler, .ein 4ampf BBoston+ Houghton :i//lin Co-, )entry 9$ition, 1 A=C, pp- 21, 1>>31;=, =>>3=>;, A1!3A=", A@23A@ @;- )*ha*ht, 8onfessions @@- #ol/e an$ Cohen, unpublishe$ report- Hess must ha(e /elt right at home at the %uke6s, whose gran$/ather ha$ also belonge$ to an 9gyptian *ult- 4 per/er(i$ 8sis worshiper, he bought a sar*ophagus /or his burial,n/ortunately, e5ten$e$ to /ull length, he was too tall /or the *o//in, so he pra*ti*e$ $ying with his /eet $rawn up- Nonetheless, when he $i$ $ie, his legs were stret*he$ out- The problem was sol(e$ by amputating his legs an$ mummi/ying them separately- He was interre$ with his legs, but with his *ulti* resurre*tion in /ull /orm seriously jeopar$i7e$@A- #ol/e an$ Cohen, unpublishe$ reportChapter 0o$r: The Tr$th Abo$t .itler <pening Muote7 :osley, - 1ife of 8ontrasts, p- 1=A1- Charles :*:oran #ilson :oran, 8hurchill #aken from the (iaries of 1ord .oran7 #he !truggle for !urvival )*J,0)*H; BBoston+ Houghton :i//lin Co-, 1 AAC, pp- 2;"32;1=- 1 ;1 unpublishe$ letter /rom #inston Chur*hill to H-&- #ells, H-&#ells 4r*hi(es, ,ni(ersity o/ 8llinois, ,rbana>- H-&- #ells, #he !hape of #hings to 8ome BNew York+ :a*millan Co-, 1 >>C, p- ;=;- 8bi$-, p- ;2@- 8bi$-, p- 2@-

A- H-&- #ells, -fter (emocracy, -ddresses and Papers on the Present 'orld !ituation B0on$on+ #atts an$ Co-, 1 >=C, p- =;2- #ells, #he !hape of #hings to 8ome, p- 1=;!- 8bi$-, pp- 1=A31>;- 1ondon #imes, 1anuary =1, 1 =2, H-&- #ells 4r*hi(es, ,ni(ersity o/ 8llinois, ,rban a1"- #ells, #he !hape of #hings to 8ome, pp- 1>;31>A11- 8bi$-, pp- 1;131;@1=- 8bi$-, pp- 1@;31A11>- Carol Cleary, unpublishe$ work, New York City, 1 221;- #ells, #he !hape of #hings to 8ome, pp- 1!=31!>1@- 8bi$1A- :artin Burgess &reen, 8hildren of the !un7 - 9arrative of the "(ecadence" in England after )*)+ BNew York+ Basi* Books, 1 2AC, pp- ;3 A, 1=, ;!3; , @ 3A1, 12", =1 , ;>@12- ,npublishe$ letter /rom .u$yar$ Dipling to H-&- #ells, H-&- #ells 4r*hi(es, 1 "=, ,ni(ersity o/ 8llinois, ,rbana1!- #ells, #he !hape of #hings to 8ome, pp- 1 =31 >1 - 8bi$-, pp- =" , =>"="- H- .- Tre(or3.oper, #he 1ast (ays of %itler BNew York+ :a*millan Co-, 1 ;2C, pp- =>13=>==1- Har(ey <6Connor, #he -stors BNew York+ 4l/re$ 4- Dnop/, 1 ;1C==- 8bi$-, pp- >A>3;A=, ;!!=>- 8bi$=;- 8bi$-

=@- 8bi$-, pp- ;;=3;@>=A- 8bi$-, p- ;@==2- 4n$re Brissau$, 8anaris BNew York+ &rosset an$ %unlap, 1 2;C, pp1"!311==!- 8bi$= - #inston Chur*hill, #he !econd 'orld 'ar7 #he &athering !torm, vol I BBoston+ Houghton :i//lin Co-, 1 ;!C, p- >1=>"- 8bi$-, pp- >1=3>1>>1- Brissau$, 8anaris, p- 112>=- 8bi$-, pp- 11@311A>>- )abine 0eibhol73Bonhoe//er, #he Bonhoeffers7 Portrait of a Family BNew York+ )aint :artin6s Press, 1 21C, pp- 11A31A >;- 1- .- :- Butler, 1ord 1othian >Philip 4err? )++G0)*J, B0on$on+ :a*:illan an$ Co-, 0t$-, 1 A"C, pp- >;@3>;A>@- 8bi$-, p- >@=>A- 8bi$-, p- =>">2- <6Connor, #he -stors, p- ;> >!- Butler, 1ord 1othian, pp- 12A3=1"> - ,npublishe$ original manus*ript /or Exasperations, the 1ast #estament of % & 'ells, Exercises in the -rt of Behement Enanswera/le 8ontradic0 tion, (isrespect and Indictment, 1 ;=31 ;;- H-&- #ells 4r*hi(es, ,ni(er3 sity o/ 8llinois, ,rbana;"- Page et al- #he Phil/y 8onspiracy BNew York+ %ouble$ay an$ Co-, 1 A!C, pp- ;AH@=, 1;"31;1;1- 4meri*an Frien$s )er(i*e Committee 4nnual .eports, 1 = 31 @";=- ,npublishe$ work by De(in Coogan on Frank Bu*kman, 1 2231 2!, New York City-

;>- 8bi$;;- .ose, #he 1ater 8ecils, pp- @31"";@- 8bi$-, pp- A3 2;A- 8bi$-, p- !;2- 8bi$-, p- 1"1;!- 8bi$; - 8bi$-, pp- 1"=31">@"- 8bi$-, p- 12 @1- 8bi$-, p- 12 ' also #agar, H-&- 'ells and the 'orld !tate, pp- 1 231 !@=- <6Connor, #he -stors, pp- >2"3>21@>- The entire se*tion on Count .i*har$ Cou$enho(e3Dalergi an$ the Pan 9uropean ,nion is base$ on a series o/ unpublishe$ papers by 4ngelika Beyreuther, #iesba$en, #est &ermany, 1 2!31 2 - These reports were base$ on the /ollowing works o/ Cou$enho(e3Dalergi+ -del B0eip7ig+ P- .einhol$, 1 =>C 8rusade for Pan0Europe: -uto/iography of a .an and a .ovement BNew York+ &- P- Putnam6s )ons, 1 ;>C #he (efense of 'estern 8ivili2ation BNew York+ 1 ;>C Ein 1e/en fNr Europa BDoln, Berlin+ Diepenheuer an$ #its*h, 1 AAC Europa Erwacht5 BJQri*h+ Paneuropa3Ierlag, 1 >;C EuropOische Briefe BBerlin+ Paneuropean ,nion 1 >!31 ;"C (ie EuropOische 9ation B)tuttgart+ %euts*he Ierlags34nstalt, 1 @>C Europe .ust Enite B0on$on+ Pan9uropa 9$itions 0t$-, 1 ;"C From 'ar to Peace B0on$on+ Cape, 1 @ C #he Future of Europe and -merica BNew York, 1 ;=C

(er &entleman BJQri*h+ Thomas3Ierlag, 1 @>C %eld oder %eiliger B#ien+ Paneuropa Ierlag, 1 =2C -n Idea 8on3uers the 'orld B0on$on+ Hut*hinson, 1 @>C 4ampf um Europa -us .einem 1e/en BJQri*h+ 4tlantis3Ierlag, 1 ; C 4ommen die Bereinigten !taaten von Europa" B&larus+ Paneuropa Ierlag 4-&-, 1 >!C 4rise der 'eltanschauung B#ien+ Paneuropa3Ierlag, 1 =>C 1os vom .aterialismus5 B#ien+ Paneuropa Ierlag, 1 >1C .emorandum on the European Muestion and -merica BNew York, 1 ;@C .utterland Europa BJQri*h+ Thomas Ierlag, 1 @>C Pan0Europa B#ien+ Paneuropa Ierlag, 1 @>C Pan0Europa7 (ie EuropOische !eele B0eip7ig+ &- 4- &lo*kner, 1 =!C Pan0Europa )*GG /is )*HH B#ien, :Qn*hen+ Herol$, 1 AAC Peace -ims as 'ar 'eapons BNew York+ 1 ;=C Praktischer Idealismus7 -del0#echnik0Pa2ifismus B#ien+ Paneuropa Ierlag, 1 =@C Revolution durch #echnik B#ien+ Paneuropa3Ierlag, 1 >1C #otaler .ensch, #otaler !taat B#ien+ Herol$, 1 A@C Iom 9wigen Drieg 7um &rossen Frie$en B&Rttingen+ :usters*hmi$t3Ierlag, 1 @AC 'eltmacht Europa B)tuttgart+ )eewal$ Ierlag, 1 21C @;- 4nthony Ca(e Brown, Bodyguard of 1ies BNew York+ Harper an$ .ow, 1 2@C, pp- 2=3 ", =;@3=;A@@- %- C- #att, Britain 1ooks to &ermany7 British <pinion and Policy #owards &ermany !ince )*J; B0on$on+ 1 A@C, p- >>-

@A- 1ohn Tolan$, #he 1ast ),, (ays BNew York+ Bantam Books, 1 A@C, p1@"@2- #- H- :*Neill, -merica, Britain and Russia B<5/or$+ <5/or$ ,ni(ersity Press, 1 @>C, p- =21Chapter 0ive: Dropshot: World War ))) .as Beg$n <pening 3uote7 4nthony Ca(e Brown, (ropshot, #he Enited !tates Plan for 'ar with the !oviet Enion in )*;I BNew York+ %ial Press, 1 2!C, pp- ==, ;=, !@3!A1- 8bi$=- Herbert Feis, 8hurchill, Roosevelt, !talin BPrin*eton, New 1ersey+ Prin*eton ,ni(ersity Press, 1 @2C>- .obert Cohen, unpublishe$ work, New York City, 1 2!;- Terraine, #he 1ife and #imes of 1ord .ount/atten, pp- 1= @- Fra7ier Hunt, #he Entold !tory of (ouglas .ac-rthur BNew York+ %e(in34$air Co-, 1 @;C, p- > 2A- Terraine, 1ord .ount/atten, p- 1;=2- 8bi$-, pp- 12A3122!- 8bi$-, p- 12!- Hunt, Entold !tory, p- >!21"- Terraine, 1ord .ount/atten, pp- 1"1311>11- 8bi$-, pp- 1=>31>"1=- 8bi$-, pp- 2 3 1>- 8bi$-, p- 1!!1;- Blum, Roosevelt and .orgenthau, p- A>A1@- Carroll Kuigley, #he 'orld !ince )*=* BNew York+ Collier Books, 1 A!C, pp- 1>@, =>A-

1A- Tolan$, #he 1ast ),, (ays, p- 1 12- :oran, 8hurchill, pp- >>23>>!1!- 8bi$1 - Brown, (ropshot, pp- A, =;3= ="- 8bi$-

=1- .ussell, Future of !cience, pp- 231===- 8bi$-, pp- >=3>>=>- 8bi$-, p- @1!=;- Clark, 1ife of Bertrand Russell, p- @1!=@- 8bi$-, p- @="=A- 8bi$-, pp- @=>3@=;=2- The /irst Pugwash, No(a )*otia, en*ounter met in 1uly 1 @2 at the summer resi$en*e o/ Cyrus 9aton, a *lose /rien$ an$ $is*iple o/ Bertran$ .ussell, an$ an in$ustrial magnate *onne*te$ to the .o*ke/ellers- The Pugwash en*ounters, le$ by Bertran$ .ussell, attra*te$ many notable s*ientists in both the 9ast an$ #est into a ?Ban the Bomb? mo(ement, whi*h with time, gra$ually be*ame totally antinu*lear an$ en(ironmentalist orient3 e$, like the Bertran$ .ussell Foun$ation1oseph .otblat, ?4 Tribute to a :an Behin$ a :o(ement? 9ature B1 2 C =2 + >A23>A!=!- ?Count (on Hapsburg+ China is 6national so*ialist,6 ? Executive Intelligence Review B1 2AC A+ >"3>== - 8bi$>"- 8bi$>1- 4bolhassan Bani3)a$r, the /oreign minister o/ 8ran, also got his $o*torate /rom the )orbonne ,ni(ersity in Paris a/ter writing a thesis on agrarian re/orm- Bani3)a$r tol$ 1e .onde on No(ember 1", 1 2 +

?Teheran is a monstrous, parasiti*al *ity, whi*h absorbs by itsel/ hal/ the national *onsumption, an$ poses an abusi(e bur$en on the state bu$get- #e will $epopulate it by *reating in the pro(in*es in$ustrial an$ agri*ultural pro$u*tion units-? :ark Bur$man, ?#ho is 4bolhassan Bani3)a$rG? Executive Intelligence Review, B1 2 C+ >13>;>=- &anesh )hukla, ?8n$ian 1ournalist Tells o/ Horror,? Executive Intelligence Review, B1 2 C+ >!+ 1 3=1>>- ?The Chinese Conne*tion,? Executive Intelligence Review B1 2 C >!+ =!3= ' also same issue ?Tuol )leng, &ra(eyar$ o/ Dampu*hea6s 9lite,? pp==3=>>;- &eorge <rwell, )*+J BNew York+ Har*ourt Bra*e an$ Co-, 8n*-, 1 ; C, p- >1>@- 8bi$-, p- @=>A- 8bi$-, p- 1;=>2- 8bi$-, pp- =" 3=1">!- 8bi$-, pp- =1 3=="> - 8bi$-, p- ===;"- H-&- #ells, -nticipations of the Reaction of .echanical and !cientific Progress Epon %uman 1ife and #hought BNew York+ Harper an$ .ow, 1 "=C, p- =!@;1- 8bi$- pp- = !3>"";=- H-&- #ells, 'orld Brain, pp- 23=1>;>- 1e//rey )teinberg, ?.obert Hut*hins+ Creator o/ an 4meri*an <ligar*hy,? #he 8ampaigner 11+ 2;;;- 8bi$-, pp- 2>322;@- 1oergen 1oergensen, ?The %e(elopment o/ 0ogi*al 9mpiri*ism,? International Encyclopedia of Enified !cience B1 @1C -

;A- 9r(in 0as7lo, Introduction to !ystems Philosophy7 #oward a 9ew Paradigm of 8ontemporary #hought BNew York+ Harper an$ .ow, 1 2=C, pp- =223=2!;2- Criton Joakos, ?The ,N8T4. Plan+ 4 New 8nterregional <r$er,? Executive Intelligence Review B1 2 C A+="3==Chapter ,i>: The British C$lt o( ,cience <pening 3uote7 )ir #illiam Crookes, Researches in the Phenomena of !piritualism B0on$on+ The Psy*hi* Bookshop, 1 =AC, p- 1=21- 1-1- Thomson, Recollections and Reflections B0on$on+ &- Bell an$ )ons, 0t$-, 1 =AC, pp- >2 3>!>=- 8bi$-, p- 1@!>- 8bi$-, p- 1@ ;- .obert .ei$, .arie 8urie BNew York+ 9- P- %utton an$ Co-, 8n*-, 1 2;C, pp- 1;@31;A@- 1ohn )*hoono(er, ?)*ien*e an$ )pooks+ The )pirit o/ 8saa* Newton,? Fusion, B1 2 C =+ A13A@A- Bertran$ .ussell, Religion and !ociety B0on$on+ <5/or$ ,ni(ersity Press, 1 ;2C2- Bertran$ .ussell, -n Essay on the Foundation of &eometry B0on$on+ %o(er Publi*ations, 1 @AC, pp- A>32"- .ussell states+ ?.iemann has /aile$ to obser(e, what 8 ha(e en$ea(ore$ to pro(e in the ne5t *hapter, that, unless spa*e has a stri*tly *onstant measure o/ *ur(ature, &eometry woul$ be*ome impossible' also that the absen*e o/ *onstant measure o/ *ur(ature in(ol(es absolute position, whi*h is an absur$ity- - - - From this *on*lusion, 8 must entirely $issent- 8n (ery large spa*es, there might be a $eparture /rom 9u*li$' /or they $epen$ upon the a5iom o/ Free :obility' but in the in/initesimal, $epartures /rom 9u*li$ *oul$ only be $ue to the absen*e o/ Free :obility, whi*h, as 8 hope my thir$ *hapter will show, is on*e an$ /or all impossible-?

!- Bernhar$ .iemann, <n the %ypotheses 'hich 1ie at the Foundations of &eometry, *an be /oun$ in &erman in his Colle*te$ #orks, &esammelte .athematische 'erke, e$- H- #eber, pp- =@;3=A - 0yn$on H- 0a.ou*he, ?8ntro$u*tion+ Plato an$ the New Politi*al )*ien*e,? #he 8ampaigner B1 2 C 1>+ 1;3>=1"- 8bi$11- .iemann, <n the %ypotheses 'hich Enderlie the Foundations of &eometry 1=- Bernhar$ .iemann, ?Fragments o/ a Philosophi*al Contents,? 1ames Cleary, trans-, #he 8ampaigner, B1 2AC + !31"=1>- Bertran$ .ussell, Philosophy of 1ei/ni2 B0on$on+ &eorge 4llen an$ ,nwin, 0t$-, 1 2@C, p- @1;- 8bi$-, p- =A@1@- 8bi$1A- 8bi$-, p- =AA12- .iemann, ?Fragments,? #he 8ampaigner, p- !1!- 4l/re$ North #hitehea$ an$ Bertran$ .ussell, Principia .athematica BCambri$ge+ Cambri$ge ,ni(ersity Press, 1 A;C, p- >21 - .iemann, ?Fragments,? #he 8ampaigner, pp- !3 -

="- Carol #hite, Energy Potential BNew York+ Campaigner Publi*ations, 1 22C=1- ,we Parpart, ?.iemann %e*lassi/ie$+ His :etho$ an$ Program /or the Natural )*ien*es,? Fusion B1 2 C=+=;==- 8bi$=>- Parpart, ?.iemann %e*lassi/ie$,? Fusion, p- > =;- .onal$ Clark, #he 1ife and #imes of -l/ert Einstein BNew York+ The #orl$ Publishing Company, 1 21C, pp- =2=3=2>-

=@- 8bi$-, p- =2>=A- 8bi$=2- Bertran$ .ussell, #he -B8s of Relativity B0on$on+ &eorge 4llen an$ ,nwin, 0t$-, 1 A!C, p- =!=!- 8bi$-, p- 1>A= - Clark, 1ife of Einstein, pp- >2;3;">>"- 8bi$-, pp- =123==1, >22>1- 8bi$-, pp- ==23=>>, =>2>=- 8bi$-, pp- ;=@3;>">>- 8bi$-, pp- =A>3=AA, ;21>;- 8bi$-, p- >!=>@- 8bi$>A- 8bi$-, p- >!>>2- 4llan 1anik an$ )tephen Toulman, 'ittgenstein6s Bienna BNew York+ )imon an$ )*huster, 1 2>C' Bertran$ .ussell, -uto/iography of Bertrand Russell BBoston+ 0ittle, Brown, Z Co-, 1 A!C' Clark, #he 1ife of Bertrand Russell >!- .ussell, Religion and !cience, pp- 1>31@> - 8bi$-, p- 12;"- 8bi$-, pp- =A3=2;1- 8bi$-, pp- 11;3112;=- 8bi$-, pp- 112311!;>- 8bi$-, pp- 11!31=1, 1@=, 1!!;;- 8bi$-, pp- ==13===;@- 8bi$-, p- =>"-

;A- 0u$wig #ittgenstein, Preliminary !tudies for the 6Philosophical Investigations6 &enerally 4nown as the Blue Book and Brown Books BNew York+ Harper an$ .ow, 1 A;C, p- 1;2- #erner Heisenberg, Physics and Beyond, Encounters and 8onversa0 tions, 4rnol$ 1- Pomerans, trans- BNew York+ Harper an$ .ow, 1 21C, p- >A;!- Philosophical .aga2ine, B1 1>C =A+ 1, ;2A, !2@; - Niels Bohr, -tomic #heory and the (escription of 9ature BNew York+ :a*millan, 1 >;C@"- Heisenberg, Physics and Beyond, p- @>@1- 8bi$-, pp- @>3@;@=- 8bi$-, p- A=@>- 8bi$-, p- A!@;- 8bi$-, pp- A23A!@@- 8bi$-, p- A!@A- 8bi$-, p- 2=@2- 8bi$-, p- 2>@!- 8bi$-, pp- 2>32; /or what /ollows@ - 9rwin )*hroe$inger, 'hat is 1ife" B0on$on+ Cambri$ge ,ni(ersity Press, 1 A C, p- AA"- 8bi$Chapter ,even: The British Don't )nvent8 They Copy <pening 3uote7 H-&- #ells, unpublishe$ 131 3> broa$*ast /rom )y$ney 4ustralia, H-&- #ells 4r*hi(es, ,ni(ersity o/ 8llinois, ,rbana, 8llinois1- 1-B- Birks, e$- Rutherford at .anchester, B0on$on+ Heywoo$ an$ Co-, 1 A=C, pp- =!3= -

=- Fran*is Ba*on, -dvancement of 1earning and the 9ew -tlantis, Thomas Case, e$,, B<5/or$+ Frow$e 0t$-, 1 1>C>- Carol #hite, ?The .oyal )o*iety,? Fusion, B1 2231 2!C 1+ ;;3@>;- Philip Ialenti, ?0eibni7, Papin, an$ the )team 9ngine+ 4 Case )tu$y,? Fusion B1 2 C >+ =A3;A@- 8bi$-, p- ;=A- 8bi$2- Bernar$ Cohen, Benjamin Franklin BNew York+ Charles )*ribner6s )ons, 1 2=C!- Benjamin Franklin, -uto/iography and <ther 'ritings - Carol #hite, Energy Potential 1"- Per*y %unsheath, - %istory of Electrical Power BCambri$ge, :ass+ :-8-T- Press, 1 A=C, pp- A=, =3 211- 9gon 0arsen, #he 8avendish 1a/oratory7 9ursery of &enius B0on$on+ 9$mun$ #ar$, 1 A=C1=- &eorge #ilson, #he 1ife of the %onora/le %enry 8avendish B0on$on+ Ca(en$ish )o*iety, 1!@1C, pp- 1A231A 1>- Henry Ca(en$ish, Electrical Researches, 1ames C- :a5well, e$B0on$on+ Cambri$ge ,ni(ersity Press, 1!2 C1;- #ilson, #he 1ife of %enry 8avendish, p- 1=;1@- 0- Dellner, -lexander von %um/oldt B0on$on+ <5/or$ ,ni(ersity Press, 1 A>C, pp- 1!!31! ' )anborn C- Brown, Benjamin #hompson, 8ount Rumford BCambri$ge, :ass-+ :-8-T- Press, 1 2 C, pp- @!, !31"21A- 4le5an$er :a*Farlane, 1ectures on British .athematicians of the )*th 8entury BNew York+ 1ohn #iley an$ )ons, 1 1AC, pp- 1"12- 1ohn Pi*kering, Eulogy on 9athaniel Bowditch, President of the -merican -cademy of -rts and !ciences, delivered /efore the -cademy, .ay

G*, )+=+ BBoston+ Charles 0ittle an$ 1ames Brown, 1!>!C, pp- AA3A!, !>3 1"11!- :a*Farlane, 1ectures on British .athematicians, p- 1>1 - :ary &ilbertson, ?The %elphi Te*hniFue+ #riting <// )*ienti/i* %is*o(ery,? Fusion B1 2 C =+ ;"3;2="- :aboth :oseley, Irasci/le &enius7 - 1ife of 8harles Ba//age, Inventor B0on$on+ Hut*hinson an$ Co-, 1 A;C, pp- ;@3@1, A13A;=1- )usan Cannon, !cience and 8ulture, #he Early Bictorian Period BNew York+ )*ien*e History Publi*ations, 1 2!C, pp- 11@311A==- :a*Farlane, 1ectures on British .athematicians, p- 1"=>- .e(- Har*ourt, British -ssociation for the -dvancement of !cientists, Report of the .eetings, (ol- 13>, 1!>1=;- Cannon, !cience and 8ulture, p- @!=@- 8bi$-, p- > =A- 1a*Fues 1oseph :oreau, %ashish and .ental Illness, &or$on 1- Bank, :-%-, e$- BNew York+ .a(en Press, 1 2>C, p- ==2- )ir 9$mun$ #hittaker, - %istory of the #heories of -ether and Electricity BNew York+ Harper an$ Brothers, 1 A"C, (ol- 8, pp- >>@3>AA=!- Philip 0enar$, Nobel 0e*ture, 1 "@= - Cannon, !cience and 8ulture, pp- @;3@2>"- 4l/re$ .ussell #alla*e, .iracles and .odern !piritualism, B0on$on+ 1! AC>1- Pierre Teilhar$ $e Char$in, #he Phenomenology of .an, Bernar$ #ill, trans- BNew York+ Harper an$ Brothers, 1 @ C, pp- 1131!>=- Charles %arwin, <rigin of !pecies BTotowa, N-1-,+ .oman an$ 0ittle/ish, 8n*-, 1 2 C-

>>- Hume, %a(i$, Essays 8oncerning %uman Enderstanding in %ume7 !elections, Charles #- Hen$el, 1r- BNew York+ Charles )*ribner6s )ons, 1 =2C>;- :a*k, :ary P- Aeremy Bentham7 -n <dyssey of an Idea BNew York+ Columbia ,ni(ersity Press, 1 A>C>@- 1eremy Bentham, #he 'orks of Aeremy Bentham, 1ohn Bowering, e$B9$inburgh+ #illiam Tait, 1!;>C>A- 4u$rey #illiamson, 'ilkes7 - Friend of 1i/erty BNew York+ .ea$er6s %igest Press, 1 2;C, pp- >"3;=>2- Bentham, #he 'orks, (ol- 11, p- =2 >!- :a*k, Aeremy Bentham, pp- ;"=3;";> - 8bi$-, pp- =1>3=1;;"- .i*har$ Ho/sta$ter, !ocial (arwinism in -merican #hought BBoston+ Bea*on Press, 1 A@C, pp- >13@";1- 8bi$;=- Herbert )pen*er, !ocial !tatics: or the 8onditions Essential to %uman %appiness BNew York+ %- 4ppleton an$ Co-, 1!A C, pp- 2 3!";>- #illiam :artin$ale, 8oca, 8ocaine, and its !alts, B0on$on+ H-D- 0ewis, 1!!AC, pp- =23>@;;- )ir 9$war$ T- Cook, #he 1ife of Aohn Ruskin, BNew York+ :a*millan Co-, 1 11C, pp- >=@3>!1;@- 8bi$;A- Thomas Hu5ley, 4$$ress on ,ni(ersity 9$u*ation, 8ollected Essays, (ol- 888 BNew York+ %- 4ppleton an$ Co-, 1! AC;2- Peter 4llen, #he 8am/ridge -postles7 #he Early @ears, B0on$on+ Cambri$ge ,ni(ersity Press, 1 2!C, pp- =123=1!;!- Thomas Hu5ley, ?<n the Hypothesis that 4nimals are 4utomata an$ its History,? 8ollected Essays

; - H-&- #ells, -uto/iography, p- 1>!@"- 0o(at %i*kson, H-&- #ells, %is #ur/ulent 1ife and #imes BNew York+ 4l/re$ Dnop/, 1 2;C, pp- @;13@;=@1- 4l$ous Hu5ley, Perennial Philosophy, B0on$on+ Charto an$ #in$us, 1 ;AC, pp- =3 A@=- Charles :a$ge, e$- .ass </servation, First @ear6s 'ork, )*=IP=+, with an essay on a nationwi$e intelligen*e ser(i*e by Bronislaw :alinowski B0on$on+ %rummon$, 1 >!C@>- 4l$ous Hu5ley, ?The %oors o/ Per*eption,? 8ollected Essays BNew York+ Harper an$ Brothers, 1 @!C, pp- >=!3>>"@;- 8bi$-, p- >;1@@- :D3,ltra Files, Central 8ntelligen*e 4gen*y B1 @>3@2C@A- Frank 4y$, e$-, (iscoveries in Biological Psychiatry BNew York+ 1- P0ippin*ott an$ )ons, 1 2"C@2- 4ennedy !u/committee %earings on Biomedical and Behavioral Research B1 2@C, pp- 1""@311>=@!- Dalimtgis et al-, (ope, Inc @ - 4lan #atts, In .y <wn 'ay BNew York+ .an$om House, 1 2=CA"- H- <smon$, Enderstanding Enderstanding BNew York+ Harper Brothers, 1 2;CA1- Thomas #ol/e, Electric 4ool0-id -cid #est BNew York+ Bantam Books, 1 A CA=- 8nter(iew with sour*e at the National #ar CollegeA>- 1e//rey )teinberg, ?The Big Names Behin$ the %eath Cult,? Executive Intelligence Review @+ !3=! B1 2!CA;- 8bi$A@- .i*har$ Blum et al-, #he Etopiates B0on$on+ Ta(isto*k PressC-

AA- 4l$ous Hu5ley, Brave 9ew 'orld BNew York+ Harper an$ .ow, 1 =!C, p- 1@;A2- 1ulian Hu5ley, .emories B0on$on+ &eorge 4llen an$ ,nwin 0t$-, 1 2"C, pp- 1;2, !31">, 11;311@, 1; A!- 8bi$-, pp- 1@@, 12;, =>"A - 8bi$-, pp- A@, 11;, 1=@, =!=3=!22"- Criton Joakos, ?The <ne3#orl$ Conspira*y,? Executive Intelligence Review B1 2 C A+ 1!3==21- 0etter /rom 1ulian Hu5ley in #he #imes, :ar*h 1>, 1 @12=- Teilhar$ $e Char$in, Phenomenology 2>- 8bi$-, p- =2 2;- Clau$e Cuenot, #eilhard de 8hardin7 - Biographical !ketch BBaltimore+ Heli*on, 1 A@C, p- >""2@- ,npublishe$ manus*ript by Philip .ubinstein, 1 2 , New York CityChapter "ight: The #oots o( British #adicalis <pening 3uote7 0a$y Kueensborough, <ccult #heocracy BHawthorne, Cali/-+ The Christian Book Club o/ 4meri*a, 1 2AC1- 0a$y Kueensborough, <ccult #heocracy, p- >1;=- .enO FQlRp3:iller, #he Power and the !ecret of the Aesuits BNew York+ Iiking Press, 1 >"C, p- @>- 8bi$-, p- A;- 8bi$-, p- A@@- 8bi$-, pp- >132AA- 8bi$2- FQlRp3:iller, #he !ecret of the Aesuits, pp- =""3==!-

!- 8bi$- FQlRp3:iller, #he !ecret of the Aesuits, p- =@=1"- %a(i$ 9$war$ <wen, British <pium Policy in 8hina and India B4r*hon Books, 1 A!C, p- =11- Philip #oo$ru//, #he .en 'ho Ruled India B0on$on+ 1- Cape, 1 @>C1=- 8bi$1>- FQlRp3:iller, #he !ecret of the Aesuits, p- =211;- Helga Jepp30a.ou*he, ?0et ,s 0aun*h an 4meri*an )*hiller7eit,? BNew York+ Citi7ens /or 0a.ou*he, 4pril 1 !"C1@- FQlRp3:iller, !ecret of the Aesuits, p- = ;1A- 8bi$-, p- !212- 8bi$-, p- 12>1!- 8bi$-, p- 1!11 - 8bi$="- 8bi$-, p- 1;2=1- 8bi$-, p- >"2==- 8bi$-, p- >123>1!=>- 8bi$-, p- >1!3>=>=;- C-I- #e$gewoo$, #he #hirty @ears 'ar B0on$on+ 1- Cape, 1 >!C=@- Carol #hite, ?The British .oyal )o*iety,? pp- ;;3@>=A- Conyers .ea$, .r 'illiam 8ecil and Mueen Eli2a/eth B0on$on+ 1onathon Cape, 1 @@C=2- Conyers .ea$, 1ord Burghley and Mueen Eli2a/eth BNew York+ 4l/re$ 4- Dnop/, 1 A"C=!- 8bi$-

= - FQlRp3:iller, !ecret of the Aesuits, pp- >;;3>;@>"- Fer$inan$ Brau$el, %istory of the .editerranean BNew York+ Harper an$ .ow, 1 AAC>1- 1ohn Temple 0ea$er, 1ife of !ir Ro/ert (udley BNorthumberlan$+ Floren*e &- Barbera, 1! @C>=- 8bi$>>- Catherine %rinker Bowen, Francis Bacon BBoston+ 0ittle, Brown, an$ Co-, 1 A>C>;- .ea$, 1ord Burghley and Mueen Eli2a/eth >@- .i*har$ %ea*on, Aohn (ee7 !cientist, &eographer, -strologer, and !ecret -gent to Eli2a/eth I B0on$on+ F- :uller, 1 A!C>A- Fran*is Ba*on+ 9ew -tlantis 8n Famous Etopias BNew York+ Tu$or Publishing Co-, 1 >2C>2- Frank :anuel, - Portrait of 9ewton BCambri$ge, :ass-+ Har(ar$ ,ni(ersity Press, 1 A!C, pp- 1>>31A!>!- &ott/rie$ #ilhelm 0eibni7, 1ei/ni2 !elections, Philip P- #i$ener, e$BNew York+ Charles )*ribner6s )ons, 1 @1C, pp- >@;3>@@> - !ir Isaac 9ewton6s .athematical Principles BBerkeley+ Cali/-+ ,ni(ersity o/ Cali/ornia Press, 1 A=C (ol- 88;"- 8bi$-, as Fuote$ in appen$i5 by Florian Cajori;1- 9- )trauss, !ir 'illiam Petty, B0on$on+ The Bo$ley Hea$, 1 @;C, pp11"3111;=- Denneth %ewhurst, Aohn 1ocke7 - .edical Biography B0on$on+ #ell*ome Histori*al :e$i*al 0ibrary, 1 A>C, p- =";;>- Peter &ay, #he Enlightenment BNew York+ )imon an$ )*huster, 1 2>C, pp- 31"2;;- 9- )trauss, !ir 'illiam Petty, pp- =@, =!, > -

;@- 0a$y Kueensborough, <ccult #heocracy ;A- 4**or$ing to an arti*le by Harry 0ebelson, in <mni maga7ine, in 1anuary 1 !", pp- 11A3112+ ?The 8sis *ult may also be responsible /or the phenomenon o/ what people belie(e to be ,F<s-? 0ebelson writes+ ?<(er a perio$ o/ 1= years e(i$en*e /rom !,""" *ases o/ *attle mutilationH*on3 si$ere$ by ,F< /ans as absolute proo/ o/ ,F< a*ti(ityHthroughout the )outhwestern ,nite$ )tates, ha(e been asso*iate$ with well3/inan*e$ 8sis $eath *ult a*ti(ities, eFuippe$ with unmarke$ heli*opters an$ tranFuili7er guns- )atani* 8sis *ult a*ti(ity has been in(estigate$ by law o//i*ials o(er the same perio$ o/ time in :ontana, 8$aho, 4rkansas, an$ Cali/ornia- 0aw o//i*ials /rom Cas*a$e County in 4pril 1 2A $is*o(ere$ an 68sis6 *ult site 2@ yar$s up the si$e o/ a mountain near Butte, :ontana- The site in*lu$e$ a *omplete *ir*le o/ ro*ks A1 /eet in *ir*um/eren*e, en*ir*ling a natural pit ;-@ /eet $eep with a /ire pit in the *enter *omplete with ins*ribe$ stone tablets with /i(e3pointe$ stars, swastikas, an$ the wor$ 68sis-6 The an*ient 68sis6 *ult o/ 9gypt use$ the *ow as a symbol an$ *on$u*te$ *attle3mutilation as part o/ its sa*ri/i*ial $eath rituals-? ;2- :olly Dronberg, unpublishe$ report, 1 2!, New York City;!- Kueensborough, <ccult #heocracy ; - Paul &halioungui, #he %ouse of 1ife7 .agic and .edical !cience in -ncient Egypt BNew York+ )*hram 9nterprises, 0t$-, 1 2;C@"- 0yn$on H- 0a.ou*he, 1r-, ?#hat is 8sisG? #he 8ampaigner B1 2!C 11+1=31>@1- FQlRp3:iller, !ecret of the Aesuits @=- 0or$ 9$mun$ Fit7mauri*e, 1ife of 'illiam, Earl of !hel/urne B0on$on+ :a*:illan an$ Co-, 1!2AC@>- )amuel Coleri$ge, Biographia 1iteraria, 1- )haw*ross, e$- B0on$on+ <5/or$ ,ni(ersity Press, 1 "2C, p- 2>@;- Fit7mauri*e, 1ife of 'illiam, Earl of !hel/urne @@- 8bi$@A- 4$am )mith, 'ealth of 9ations BNew York+ %ulton Press, 1 2!C-

@2- 8bi$@!- 0in$a Frommer, ?How British 1a*obinism %estroye$ the Fren*h .e(olution,? 9ew !olidarity, B!C 1une 2, 1 22@ - 4- <wen 4l$ri$ge, Boltaire and the 8entury of 1ight BPrin*eton, N-1-+ Prin*eton ,ni(ersity Press, 1 2@CA"- :ontesFuieu, #he !pirit of the 1aws A1- Kueensborough, <ccult #heocracy A=- FQlRp3:iller, !ecret of the Aesuits, p- ;>AA>- Frommer, ?How 1a*obinism %estroye$-? A;- 8bi$A@- 8bi$AA- 8bi$A2- %onal$ Phau, ?Fi$elio+ Beetho(en6s Celebration o/ the 4meri*an .e(olution,? #he 8ampaigner B1 2!C11+;=3;AA!- Cynthia .ush, unpublishe$ report, )eptember 1 2!, New York CityA - Dalimtgis, et al-, (ope, Inc 2"- .obert Cohen, unpublishe$ report, :ar*h 1 !", New York City21- 0yn$on H- 0a.ou*he, 1r-, 'hat Every 8onservative !hould 4now -/out 8ommunism BNew York+ The New Benjamin Franklin House Publishing Company, 8n*-, 1 !"C2=- :arilyn Ferguson, #he -3uarian 8onspiracy B0os 4ngeles+ 1- P- Tar$ier, 8n*-, 1 !"C2>- 8bi$2;- 8bi$2@- 8bi$

2A- #illis Harman, 8hanging Images, .eport o/ )tan/or$ .esear*h 8nstitute, 1 2;Chapter Nine: ,cience8 #ep$blicanis 8 and Philosophy <pening 3uote7 Nathan &- &oo$man, Benjamin Franklin Reader BNew York+ Thomas Crowelis Company, 1 21C, p- A;;1- Nan*y )pannaus an$ Christopher #hite, #he Political Economy of the -merican Revolution, BNew York+ Campaigner Publi*ations, 1 22C, p- >!"=- 0yn$on H- 0a.ou*he, 1r-, ?#hat 4re the 0abor Committees To$ayG? #he 8ampaigner, B1 2 C1>+;=3@A>- 0yn$on 0a.ou*he, 'ill the !oviets Rule in the )*+,s" BNew York+ The New Benjamin Franklin House Publishing Company, 1 2 C;- Criton Joakos, trans-, #imaeus, #he 8ampaigner, B1 2 C 1>+ >@32;@- %onal$ Phau, ?The Trea*hery o/ Thomas 1e//erson,? #he 8ampaigner B1 !"C 1>+ ;3>=A- Dalimtgis et al-, (ope, Inc , p- ;"2- Paul &ol$stein, ?B6nai B6rith, British #eapon 4gainst 4meri*a,? #he 8ampaigner B1 2!C 11+ 1A3=A!- Phau, ?The Trea*hery o/ Thomas 1e//erson-? - 4llen )alisbury, #he 8ivil 'ar and the -merican !ystem BNew York+ Campaigner Publi*ations, 1 2!C, pp- 132=1"- 8bi$11- #illiam :anners, #heodore Roosevelt and 'ill BNew York+ Har*ourt, Bra*e, an$ 1o(ano(i*h, 1 A C, p- 1@ 1=- 0yn$on H- 0a.ou*he, ?The )e*rets Dnown <nly to the 8nner 9lites,? #he 8ampaigner B1 2!C11+@32=1>- #illiam :an*hester, -merican 8aesar BNew York+ %ell Publishing Co-, 1 2!C, pp- >A 3>2"-

1;- Benjamin Franklin, -uto/iography and <ther 'ritings, pp- 1@31!11@- Philip Ialenti, ?The .oyal )o*iety an$ the Politi*s o/ Priority,? Fusion B1 !"C >+ @3A1A- 0yn$on 0a.ou*he, #he Power of Reason, BNew York+ New Benjamin Franklin House Publishing Company, 1 2 C, pp- >@3;!12- 0yn$on 0a.ou*he, %ow the International (evelopment Bank 'orks BNew York+ Campaigner Publi*ations, 1 2@C1!- 0yn$on 0a.ou*he, ?8ntro$u*tion+ Plato an$ the New Politi*al )*ien*e-? 1 - Negentropi* re/ers to a system whose energy is rising at a rising rate- 8t *ounters the )e*on$ 0aw o/ Thermo$ynami*s, whi*h states that all systems Hin*lu$ing the uni(erseHare inherently entropi*="- 0yn$on 0a.ou*he, Basic Economics for 8onservative (emocrats BNew York+ New Benjamin Franklin House Publishing Company, 1 !"C, pp- ;13 !1-

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