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1 An Andromedan Perspective on Galactic History Alex Collier Contents 1. Part One 2. Part Two 3. Part Three !

!ltimedia"#.htm by Alex Collier Global $ings Con%erence& A!g!st "''" ()ranscribed *!ne& "''+, %rom -xopolitical*o!rnal $ebsite .panish version Alex Collier is a contactee with a race of human lookin extraterrestrials from the constellation of An!rome!a. "e first be an to ex#erience extraterrestrial contact !urin his chil!hoo! u# to his mi!$teens. After the ex#eriences sto##e! o%er a #erio! of se%eral years& which inclu!e! military ser%ice as a helico#ter #ilot in the '.(. Army& the contact ex#eriences resume! in 1)*+. "e met with two An!rome!ans who became his mentors an! took him on boar! their s#ace %ehicles inclu!in a lar e extraterrestrial mother shi# where he was ex#ose! to the teachin s of the An!rome!ans o%er a three month #erio!. The An!rome!ans a%e him information about cosmic s#irituality& life in the uni%erse& an! ,arths alactic history. -ditorial /ote This was Alex Colliers final lecture before his retirement from the '-O lecture circuit in 2..2. /t has ne%er been #ublishe! before. /t !eals with information i%en to him by his An!rome!an extraterrestrial contacts concernin 0alactic "istory. The information is %ital for un!erstan!in the historical inter%ention by extraterrestrials. /n%esti ations con!ucte! by the Chief ,!itor of the ,xo#olitics 1ournal #oint to the cre!ibility of Alex Collier as someone who has #hysically interacte! with extraterrestrials. 2any thanks to Alex Collier for #ermission to transcribe an! #ublish his #resentation. All attem#ts ha%e been ma!e to transcribe this #resentation as accurately as #ossible. Transcribe! by Teri Calla han *!ne "''+ Abbreviations 3AC $ Alex Collier4 35 $ au!ience 6uestion4

0ntrod!ction 2y name is Alex Collier& / want to thank you %ery much for comin & this is oin to be a %ery s#ecial treat for me. / lo%e these small& intimate settin s here& these li%in room ty#es of thin s. / am %ery comfortable an! when / am in my element / like to talk& an! / am !efinitely in the moo! for a talk fest. The information that / share! this mornin & / am oin to o o%er it a ain& briefly& because / went throu h it so 6uickly an! some of you werent there. ,ssentially what we are oin to be talkin about is the 22 3extraterrestrial4 races. The book that will be rea!y this s#rin is oin to be calle! 78efen!in (acre! 0roun! //& ,T 229. / ha%e been wantin to !o this book for ten years an! now its time to !o it. )he reason it1s time is that there is so m!ch going on in o!r solar system that we all need a score card. / ho#e to be able to share the knowle! e that has been share! with me as to who these bein s are an! how they relate s#ecifically to earth& to us. /n a nut shell& we are a com#osite of a lot of !ifferent races& 22 to be exact. /t is a #hysiolo ical fact that there are 22 !ifferent bo!y ty#es on the #lanet. An! that is the result of the extraterrestrial races. / cannot share e%erythin that / ha%e in two hours& because / am sharin the sta e toni ht with 2ike :uss. ;ut / will be aroun! an! a%ailable& an! the information will be #ut on the website. <ou will ha%e it as soon as it is !one& an! #roofe! an! e!ite!. There will be a boun! book %ersion of that& but by then you will alrea!y ha%e the information. /f it is somethin that you want to #urchase at that #oint to i%e to frien!s& it will be a%ailable. /t will be for free& none the less. /m not oin to o into how it all starte! for me& for thirteen years / ha%e been tellin that story an! / refuse to tell that story any more. /f you want to know& you can o to the website& all the information is there& inclu!in ;ook One& which you can !ownloa! for free. =ow& earth history& we are tau ht a %ery& %ery shallow %ersion of earth history. >e are also tau ht that we e%ol%e! from a sin le cell& that essentially we were an acci!ent. All of us are ?ust an acci!ent. (omethin ha##ene!& somethin really weir! but yet somethin miraculous ha##ene! to a cou#le of chim#an@ees an! ta$!a here we areA /t shoul! be so sim#le. /n fact& / like the real %ersion much better than the concocte! %ersion. >hat / am oin to start with is some of the earth timelines of history an! / am oin to blow throu h s#ecific #erio!s an! ?ust mo%e it throu h to #ro%e a #oint. This will be much more s#ecific in the book.

-arth %ormation& we will start with the Precambrian time& 2.3 billion years ago to 332 million years ago.

3 -arth ta!ght history The earth is formin & alon with other #lanets in the solar system. ,arth is bein born& life is awakenin . The first tectonic #lates are be innin to mo%e. -un us& #lants& animals an! or anisms are !e%elo#in an! the atmos#here is becomin enriche! with oxy en. Andromedan ta!ght history

An ancient race& 4nown as the 5o!nders& who the Andromedans and the Pleiadians believe are an ancient race called the Paa )al& is on an
en ineerin #ro ram whereby en%ironments of #lanets an! terra$formin is bein !one. They are !oin this to make these #lanets an! star solar systems suitable an! habitable for or anisms an! for life& ren!erin ecosystems that are fille! with hy!ro en& oxy en& methane& an! ammonia. ,cosystems& some bein oxy en& some bein methane& some bein ammonia& an! some bein hy!ro en. These are all ases for the intro!uction an! coloni@ation of micro$or anisms& manites an! all ty#es of life forms. (elf$re#licatin machinery an! the bombar!ment by comets an! #lanetoi!s to chan e the rotation an! the chemistry of the #lanets. >e will et to the self$re#licatin machinery here in a little bit. The #ractice an! en ineerin of remo%in moons to alter a #lanets rotation an! mo%in #lanets closer an! further from their suns to either !ecrease or increase ra!iation recei%e! by the #lanets. =ow / want you to know that that s#ecific en ineerin fate of mo%in #lanets closer an! further away from the sun& mo%in moons& a!!in moons is a #ractice that is absolutely in full swin to!ay throu hout the alaxy an! in other alaxies. /t is solar system buil!in . This ha##ens a lot. )here are races& even the Andromedans& that are capable o% creating a solar system. All #ro?ects& it a##ears& were !esi ne! to enter many star systems an! many #lanetary bo!ies habitable for or anic life. (mall machines ha%e been !isco%ere! that were built so lon a o that no one really knows for sure who built them. They cannot be re#licate! an! no one knows exactly how they were built. / will i%e you an exam#le of the An!rome!ans. )he Andromedans are approximately 26 to 23 h!ndred years more advanced than we are technologically. )hat1s in o!r years. A year for us e6uals 3B+ !ays. This is one rotation aroun! our sun. The An!rome!ans count years in a com#letely !ifferent way. /n fact almost all the extraterrestrials !o. /n their conce#t of a e& what they consider a year is when every cell in their body has been %!lly d!plicated& replicated. =ow if we !i! that one year wo!ld be e7!al to seven years in o!r body. 0t ta4es approximately 62 years %or their bodies in o!r time to replicate every cell in their body. .o it is har! to i%e you exact !ates of when they say somethin ha##ene! to #ut it into our timeline of years. /n reality& if / say it was C thousan! years a o& its a lot lon er than that. 8!t they have had a very hard time explaining to me in o!r earth time& beca!se they don1t deal with the concept o% time. They ?ust !ont. /m i%in you these numbers in earth years ?ust to i%e you an i!ea of how %ast our history is.

C Ama@in ly these machines still work. The machines !o not ha%e a name in the ,n lish lan ua e. They !ont e%en ha%e a symbol that we coul! com#rehen!. 0t has been explained to me that it is an anti9matter machine. 0t creates matter. 0t creates molec!les which then creates atoms& which then creates physicality. And these are act!al machines. They are like com#uters where you can #ro ram it for what you wantD an! this machine will literally brin it forth an! manifest it& an! there it is& #hysically there. /f each one of us ha! one of these machines& it woul! be like winnin the lottery e%ery !ay. 2ike likes to !o E>s. "e coul! make himself a new E> as soon as the new mo!els came out& as soon as he knew what he wante!. / coul! create a babysitter so that my wife an! / coul! o out. Apparently there are seven o% these act!ally wor4ing and seven di%%erent races have one. These are archeolo ical fin!s& !isco%eries& these atom$makin machines& for lack of a better wor!. )here is one here on the planet. They also !isco%ere! a!%ance! buil!in com#lexes& %ery lar e machinery an! com#lete terra formin ecosystems. ,arthlike or anic life is much less common than hy!ro en as ecosystems in our alaxy because we are limite!& oxy en FO2G ecosystems& are limite! to the eolo ical #resence of water. -or O2 life forms& which e%erythin is on this #lanet& there has to be water. The most #recious thin that we ha%e is our ecosystem& our bios#here. The secon! most #recious thin we ha%e is of course the water.

+ 8ootes A member o% the :rsa a;or 5amily )he constellation 8ootes& the Herdsman& is a s!mmer constellation. )he act!al meaning o% 8ootes is the <x =river& b!t d!e to the constellation1s proximity to the two bears >:rsa a;or and inor?& it is also re%erred to as the 8ear =river. >hen we et to /ibir!& our entire #lanet use! to be fresh water. The oceans were salinate!. And it was the /ibir! %rom the star system o% 8ootes that did that beca!se they wanted to control the water. )hey salted the sea. At the time that they !i! this there was only CH fresh water& an! they ha! total control o%er it. 0t too4 6@ years to completely salinate the oceans. An! it also a%e time for all the life forms in the water to a!a#t %ery slowly. ;ut we coul!nt !rink the water after that. This is all in our years& that is the only way / will #resent this to youD otherwise it will et too confusin . "y!ro en ecosystems are much more abun!ant as is methane because they are not com#licate! ecosystems. <" ecosystems are very complex& the most complex in the galaxy. Archeological evidence& records and legends point to the 5o!nders& the Paa )al& as the creators and careta4ers o% this galaxy. )his disappearance and/or extinction o% the 5o!nders appears to be deliberate. An! what that means is& how its been ex#laine! to me& we all know what !isa##earance means. )o the Andromedans& when they re%er to extinction& i% there is no physical record o% them on third density& they are extinct on third density. )hat doesn1t mean that they are gone. /t coul! be that they ascen!e! or e%ol%e! to a hi her fre6uency or they !ro##e! !own to a hi her fre6uency to create thir! !ensity an! when they were !one they left. ;ut they are extinct on thir! !ensity. /n sharin this #articular information that / will be sharin in the next year it is im#ortant to try to stretch yoursel%es to think holo ra#hically here. There are so many im#lications to this information an! it is !ifficult to try to ex#ress that because the ,n lish lan ua e is so limitin & to try to i%e you a conce#t of how this was all !one. $hen the Paa )al apparently le%t according to the archeological record& other li%e %orms& sentient li%e %orms& reptilian& h!man& plasmic& methane li%e %orms all began to appearA and do appear in o!r galaxy in %!ll %orm. =ow ?ust think about that& they a##ear in full form. That means that they came from some#lace else or they were brou ht from some#lace else. )here was no millions and millions o% years o% evol!tion into this. An! this is the same #roblem that our archeolo ists ha%e on #lanet earth. They kee# es#ousin e%olution& but there is ;!st no proo% o% evol!tion in the geological& archeological record. )here ;!st isn1t. )hings appear %!lly %ormed. 0t1s amaBing st!%%.

/ow are the Paa )al archangels& are the Paa )al the godsC

B /obody 4now what they are which is why they ;!st re%er to them as the 5o!nders& because they !ont know. )hey don1t 4now. )he Andromedans do say that there is a DcreationE& DcreatorE. They& in their tra!itions& say that it !oes not carry a !ominant male fre6uency. /n their o#inion& it carries a !ominant female fre6uency. /n their o#inion& an! / tell you they are real men&D the creator is a o!!ess. /t !oes exist. (o we blew throu h that. The Paleo@oic ,ra& ++C million years a o to 2C+ million years a oI a !ramatic ex#losion of !i%erse& m!lti9celled animals. )hey p!t that beca!se s!ddenly everything is there& it1s in the geological record. )hey don1t 4now how it got there& where it came %rom& b!t its there& so they ;!st say D$ell& it ;!st exploded& there it isFG All these di%%erent things show !p o!t o% nowhere. .pecies appear with all living animals and species appear within a %ew million years. A ain& there is no e%olutionary #rocess here. They ?ust be in to see them in the archeolo ical recor!& an! each existin on !ifferent #arts of our mo!ern continents. =ow at the time that this was ha##enin & the /orth and .o!th Pole were di%%erent. )he planet was literally lying on its side. 0t had already had a pole shi%t& one o% its many pole shi%ts. )his is where the physical north and so!th pole rotate !s!ally %ollowing a magnetic pole shi%t& i% it is done on its own. /f it !oesnt !o it on its own that is because a #lanetoi! or an asteroi! has hit the #lanet& ma!e it roll an! then what ha##ens is& the ma netic #oles will either correct it o%er time an! make the #lanet rotate back& or the ma netic #oles will follow. / !o not un!erstan! the mechanics of that. )he west coast o% /orth America ran east and west along the e7!ator. A%rica was the .o!th Pole. (u!!enly& d!ring this period "23 million years ago& H'I o% all marine and animal li%e becomes extinct: animal li%e& not plant and %a!na& marine and animal li%e. <ou woul! think that if somethin !ramatic ha##ene! that e%erythin woul! be affecte!. (/<)-: Pre Genesis J:J .atan destroyed it., ;ut that is not what ha##ene!. /t was mammal an! animal life. )he same period& 322

million to "23 million: the -) history& the Andromedan -) history. Kaces in the solar system began to develop space travel. 2ost are only able
to tra%el within their own star systems. (ome& howe%er& are able to tra%el outsi!e of their res#ecti%e systems an! ha%e be un contact an! !isco%ery of other cultures. )he start o% trade within .tar .ystems begins. )rade ro!tes are established and negotiated. )he sharing o% technology has beg!n and the development o% new systems o% space travel has also beg!n beca!se now the space colonies& the di%%erent races that have been established here that came in %!lly %ormed have %ig!red o!t how to get o%% their own planets and now they are tal4ing to other people getting di%%erent perspectives and the are sharing ideas and sharing opinions.

K /%e not touche! on this an! / wont touch on it in this lecture& b!t there were also a lot o% mis!nderstandings that went on here& especially between the hydrogen c!lt!res and the <" c!lt!res. An! / will ex#lain why there were some misun!erstan!in s later on when we et into this. )reaties were %orged between star systems and races. <ne partic!lar race o% sentient beings which was m!ch more advanced in space travel& set o!t to explore the galaxy& that is the Alpha =raconian& the Cia4ar. They were the %ery first& accor!in to the An!rome!ans& to actually et off #lanet. An! they were at the time the most a!%ance!. They are an incre!ible race. They ?ust ha%e some incre!ibly ri!iculous #re?u!ices an! biases. ;ut that !oesnt take anythin away from the fact that as a c!lt!re they have done some incredible things and a lot o% other races have learned %rom them as well. )heir spacecra%t& at the time& were hollowed o!t moons and planetoids& which they re%!rbished& b!ilt o!t& created their own internal ecosystems and %itted with prop!lsion. (ome of that usin fuel& which is not oil like we ha%e here& but it was some kin! of a el that was mine! in their star system. An! they create! kinetic ener y en inesD its a ty#e of electricity in my un!erstan!in . )he esoBoic -ra& which is "23 million years ago to @3 million years ago:

-arth history 2eso@oic means mi!!le animals. /t is the time in which the world1s %a!na changed drastically. 0t didn1t change be%ore& b!t now s!ddenly it does. And great change in terrestrial vegetation. )he dinosa!rs evolved& well& they show !p o!t o% nowhere& and evolve in the )riassic and then *!rassic -ras& only then to become extinct. Another planet hitting asteroid hits the -arth in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of what is now known as Columbia. =ow& were they !eliberateJ /o one seems to 4now i% they were or not. 8!t what is interesting is that every time the planet gets hits with an asteroid or there is a pole shi%t& there is a radical change in the -arth or its ecosystem an! what ha##ens is it becomes more an! more frien!ly for human life. 2CC million years a o we ?ust coul! not li%e on this #lanet. There were ?ust too many thin s out there that woul! ha%e hurt us. -xtraterrestrial History "23 million years ago to @3 million years ago: any planetary civiliBations have %!ll space travel. 0nterplanetary trade is extremely well establishedD the nee! for natural resources increases an! causes the exploration o% the galaxy by advanced sentient beings.

* .pace travel has been in progress and trade %or over J+ million earth years at this pointA 1K million years. Look at what we ha%e accom#lishe! in C thousan! years. An! we know we ha%e been hel! back an! we also know that there is technolo y that has been hi!!en from us. )he most well established star races are the Cia4ar o% Alpha =raconis or =raco& the <rion star civiliBations and the Lyra Mega star system. Coloni@ation is in full swin . 2any #lanetary alliances set u# rules of coloni@ation an! are reachin further an! further out into the alaxy. (o here 2C+ million years a o our star brothers& our ancestors& because they are& because we are the sum total of 22 of these races& our ancestors alrea!y ha! s#ace tra%el )hey were setting !p r!les o% coloniBation amongst themselves. /t is ?ust ama@in to me.

)he discovery o% space highwaysA what o!r scientists theoriBe to exist as wormholes. )here are space highways. )he discovery o% these is made d!ring this period. )o date& J+ have been discovered in o!r galaxy alone& J+
wormholes. An! for those who !ont know what we are talkin about& this is our alaxy 3#oints to star chart4& the little !ots are the stars& an! what yo! have are t!nnels that go to di%%erent parts o% the galaxy. *!st to give yo! a little example& our scientists theori@e that if you can ta# into one you are on the other si!e of the alaxy in no time& in a blink. Li4e the movie D.targateE. .everal o% these connect to other galaxies. An! we all ha%e to assume that at least one of these connectin tunnels woul! be to the An!rome!an 0alaxy& which woul! be o%er here. (o you ha%e a hole& you ha%e a hole here& now you ha%e a way to et here& incre!ibly fast. (o it is not a situation where you et into your rocket an! by the time you reach you !estination e%eryone is !ea! of ol! a e& because the alaxy is hu e an! it is ex#an!in all the time. 8!t as the galaxy expanded many o% these t!bes o% %oc!sed time& that1s the Andromedan perspective o% what a wormhole is: t!bes o% %oc!sed time. / cannot ex#lain it to you any more than that. / !o ha%e some notes that are still store! away in a stora e unit in another state where they ha%e ha! to be #ut for safety an! / ha%e not otten them yet. /n fact there are three boxes of notes& lets not e%en o there. .ome o% these t!bes have snapped& in other words& as the galaxy expanded& there were brea4ages in these wormholes& or space highways. =o alactic races to the #resent time& an! this is as of 11 months a o ,arth time& 4new how they were b!ilt or who b!ilt them and they can1t be repaired& because we !ont know how they were built. /obody 4nows how they were b!ilt. )here is an ass!mption by many that the 5o!nders created them. >hich is how they were able to !o all of the terra formin an! eco$buil!in in the alaxy in #re#aration for life to be intro!uce! here. There is an assum#tion that thats who built it. )he tr!th is we don1t really 4now %or s!re. /t coul! ha%e been built by somebo!y from before them& we !ont know. Accor!in

) to the Andromedans& third density& as we 4now it& is "J billion years old. )he :niverse that we 4now o%& which incl!des all o% the dimensions& is "J trillion years old in -arth years& which is a staggering n!mber. According to the Andromedans only two o% the wormholes have not snapped in o!r galaxy. .o o!t o% the J+& two are still %!lly operational. As tra!e increase!& the s#rea! of life forms also takes #lace. )he experimentation o% transplanting li%e %orms and vegetation is in %!ll swing. /ow let1s go bac4 to the dates. "23 million to @3 million years ago <!r extraterrestrial ancestors are now transplanting the vegetation and li%e %orms %rom other systems to other star systems. The trans#lantin of life forms is only with life that has #otential. =ow what their actual !efinition of what that #otential is& / cant tell you because / !ont know. ;ut accor!in to oraney this #otential can only !e%elo# in com#lex ecolo ies. An! by far the most com#lex ecolo y or ecosystem in the alaxy is O2& oxy en base!& which is what we are. )r!ly complex ecosystems only occ!r in a relatively small n!mber o% planets in the galaxy. /ow that might be several billion planets& but when you take into account how many suns an! how many actual star systems we ha%e& it is in fact& a small amount e%en thou h to us we woul! say 7 y God& there1s two h!ndred billion earths o!t thereJM Thats a sta erin number to us. ;ut in the bi sco#e of thin s it is actually a %ery small amount& because the hy!ro en ecosystems by far out wei h all the others. /t follows that a com#lex& #lanet wi!e ecosystem is the next most %aluable thin in the 'ni%erse to consciousness. (#ecies& howe%er& come an! o. ;ut a truly rich bios#here will en!ure as lon as it is not com#romise!. =inosa!rs& birds& %r!it trees are bro!ght to o!r solar system and transplanted on the three ecosystems in o!r solar system. )hey are: -arth& ars and :ran!s. All developed extraterrestrial races have already impressed on their civiliBations that conservation o% bio9spheres was and is simply a necessity. )his is "23 million to @3 million years ago. They were alrea!y teachin their chil!ren about conser%ation of the ecosystem. The Caino@oic ,raI B+ million years a o to #resent. >e are oin to et throu h this an! then we are oin to et really !own into some fun stuff. -arth )a!ght History (ometimes calle! the a e of mammals& because the lar est lan! animals an! mammals show u# at this time. /t is also calle! the a e of flowerin #lants& the a e of insects& the a e of fish an! the a e of bir!s. Andromedan )a!ght History Our solar system is bein %isite! more an! more. Three %ery com#lex ecosystems exist

1. here alrea!y& we%e alrea!y co%ere! that. )he %irst %!ll time sel%9contained bio9sphere& called an D-denE& an! /m oin to use that wor!& because that1s what the <rion1s called it& that1s what the /ibir! called it& and that1s what the Pleiadians called it. An ,$8en& which is like a ar!en. /ts a fully trans#lantable bio$s#here& ha%in e%erythin they nee! to exist somewhere else. >e !o not really a##reciate how smart our ancestors are& because they !ont always tra%el in %ery lar e s#acecraft. ;ut what they ha%e learne! to !o is tra%el li ht an! make sure that whate%er it is they nee! they ha%e or they can row. /ow& virt!ally every mother ship has an internal ecosphere. >e see the scout craft. $e see the %o!r& the %ive& and the h!ndred mile cra%t. )he h!ndred mile cra%t may have some 4ind o% an ecosphere inside o% it& beca!se it has a crew and that crew needs to eat& so they will create a par49li4e setting and ecosphere inside those spacecra%t. 2ost of the craft that ha%e hit the ,arth are ?ust little scout shi#s. 0% a h!ndred mile mother ship hit the -arth& we wo!ld have a pole shi%t and everybody wo!ld 4now abo!t it. ;ut the %ery lar e shi#s& / will i%e you the exam#le of the An!rome!an mothershi#. )hey are complete spheres and on the inside they are complete worlds !nto themselves. 0n the center o% these cra%ts& and they may have as many as three& they will have ecosystems& par49li4e& as big as "J miles long. )he one that 0 saw was "J miles %rom one end to the other. 0t (the mothership, was H'' miles and %or me to literally see every inch o% that ship wo!ld ta4e "3 years& that1s how big it was. /t ha! e%erythin . 0n these par4s yo! co!ld not even tell yo! were in a spacecra%t& yo! wo!ld thin4 that yo! were in a par4& A ora "ills California& :ocky 2ountain =ational Park& Central Park Falthou h / woul!nt necessarily want to han out thereG but without the crime. (/<)-: any people invited onto these motherships saw the same things.,

An! they are com#lete unto themsel%es everything is grown aboard the cra%t. (o& when they come here an! they sen! a team !own to the surface of a #lanet an! they say& 7Ok& we are settin u# an ,!en& because were oin to lea%e a team of you here to research the #lant life& the eolo y of the #lanet& the minerals& what it has.9 $hat they do is they literally drop as many as J" type cylindrical antennas. )hey plant these antennas down into the gro!nd& at least a mile& into the gro!nd. And when they %lip these things on& they connect. And when they connect they create a dome& a %re7!ency dome. (/<)-: 5o!nd !nder the earth& and !nder Great $all o% China and in <ceans have recently started broadcasting in "'J"., An! then all they !o is they unloa! the #lants& the fruit trees& e%erythin they nee!& an! this bios#here is exactly to match their #hysiolo y. /t !oesnt ha%e too much oxy en& it

11 !oesnt ha%e too much carbon& an! its exactly what they nee!. /t can e%en be hy!ro en because then& once they lea%e they ?ust wear a s#ace suit an! they can o out an! !o their work. ;ut when they come back from !oin their work& they come back to their bio$ s#here an! its like li%in on the home #lanet. This is what / am talkin aboutD this is what an ,!en is. This is what Kichard Hoagland has been talkin about all those years& with the dome str!ct!resD this is what these thin s are these thin s were for& exactly. /ts oo! stuffD it i%es me the chillsA )he very %irst one was %o!nded in what is now /orth America& along what is now 4nown as the /ew exico9AriBona border. And it was %o!nded by and established by the Cia4ar& which are a hydrogen based li%e %orm& so they had to have something li4e this. "y!ro en is a asD it is not somethin we can use. Our #hysiolo y woul! not allow us to breathe it an! li%e in an en%ironment like that. 8!t hydrogen beings tend to be very large& a little bit slower in movement& their body %re7!ency& the rhythms o% their bio9system tend to be m!ch slower than <"& an! the one thin about hy!ro en base! life forms is that they cannot o faster than the s#ee! of li ht in s#ace tra%el. O2 ha%e been known to o four times the s#ee! of li ht. Thats been a real #roblem for the hy!ro en base! bein s. /n lectures years a o& / talke! about how #re?u!ice is an extraterrestrial #ers#ecti%e. All the #re?u!ices we ha%e& we%e learne!. >e%e forme! some of our own& b!t the initial Dnot li4ing any o% yo!r own raceE was ta!ght to !s by these g!ys millions and millions o% years ago. )his %irst -den was created #HH&+'J earth years ago by the Cia4ar in /ew exico/AriBona border. )he reptilians still %ancy the desert. )his bio sphere was %irst inhabited by the reptilians civiliBation is a caste system. 0t is a monarchy& b!t it is also a caste system and yo! will %ind that it is st!nningly similar to those in -ngland where yo! have royalty. No! have the o%%icer class& which is yo!r d!4es& yo!r earls. )hen yo! have yo!r peasants who do all the dirty wor4& who literally do all the wor4. 0t is exactly li4e that. Accor!in to oraney& this first bio s#here was built by the officer class of re#tilian bein s an! they were the first to stay here. /t was not actual royalty. An! somethin else he a!!e! as an after thou ht is that they !o not ex#erience chil!hoo!. Thats #robably why they are all tweake!. $ars o% en%orcement /n the human race a war of enforcement is where someone& whether it is a human race or a re#tilian race or a hy!ro en breather& or an oxy en breather or a methane breather or an ammonia breather. /f they cross the line an! !o somethin so se%ere& they will literally o to war to enforce a #unishment& to enforce somethin & a restriction& they will !o that.

$hat is going to be happening here in o!r solar system in the next co!ple o% years is being classi%ied as a war o% en%orcement.
/t is not a #olice actionD they are coming in to 4ic4 b!tt& because they ha%e crosse! the line. An! we are not the only star systemD there are 21 other star systems that are ha%in

12 the exact same #roblem that we are ha%in . )hey want all regressive presences o%% o!r planet and the moon& completely o!t o% here& end o% storyD they want them out of here. /f it is true that the moons of 2ars are no lon er in orbit aroun! 2ars an! that they are in fact in orbit aroun! ,arth& then somethin ma?or is about to ha##en. O: Arent #eo#le seein themJ AC: A##arently they are& #eo#le are takin #hoto ra#hs& an! #eo#le are seein it. /& myself& ha%e not& but / li%e too close to 8en%er an! there are a lot of city li hts. ;ut there are #eo#le back east who say they are seein them& an! #eo#le in ,uro#e who are seein them. The solar ecli#se in Turkey& se%eral years a o& ,uro#ean re#orters who were takin #ictures& ot #ictures of these two ob?ects. An! when they were blown u# they look exactly like Phobos an! 8eimos& followin the moon. They are both s#acecraft& an ol! hollowe! out #lanetoi! con%erte! with an ecos#here on the insi!e an! #ro#ulsion on the outsi!e. /ts an ol!er mo!elD you can fin! them on any oo! use! s#acecraft car lot. FLau hterG. Accor!in to oraney& an! this was many years a o before their alle e! re$entry into our atmos#here or ra%itational fiel!& 2oraney ha! sai! that the last time that Phobos s#ecifically& he !i!nt mention 8eimos& ha! entere! the ,arths atmos#here or ra%itational fiel! is when the reat #la ue be an. There are all kin!s of recor!s of s#acecraft flyin thou h s#ace at this time& $illiam 8rambly 7The o!s of ,!en9 has it in his book. They talk about star shi#s flyin throu h s#ace !ro##in the s#ores. /ts a wee!in out. / want to co%er a cou#le of other thin s before / et to the other races. =olphins and $hales /n our alaxy they are honore! as sentient animals. They are brilliant #hiloso#hers an! #oets. An! we think they are ?ust bi & !umb fish& but a##arently they are absolutely ama@in & ama@in mammals. They ha%e the a!miration of many of the ol! races for their beautiful son s an! storytellin . They ha%e le en!ary stories of the whale !ream& which is the cetacean race memory. (o they tell stories about their linea e& which they call 7whale !ream9. /f the humans of earth make extinct these s#ecies& they will ha%e no stan!in in the alaxy. F(tar TrekG. (ome of these writers are clue! in. / !ont know where they are ettin this stuff& but they are totally !iale!. An! the same for !ol#hins. >e !ont know their lan ua eD its an extremely so#histicate! lan ua e& more so#histicate! than the ,n lish lan ua e. /ts a trinary lan ua e& which is why we !ont un!erstan! it& because we are so one$ !imensional in our lan ua e. $hales an! dolphins ori inate! in Cy nus Al#ha. (maller star systems which orbit aroun! the central suns of 8aneb& (i!ar& 8enaia an! Al!eria are where they come from.

13 The lar est #o#ulation of whale an! !ol#hin life is ri ht here. >ithin this collection of smaller stars are thousan!s of star systems. They wante! to mi rate& they wante! to ex#lore other worl!s& an! they wante! to a!! to the whale !ream.

Cy nus Al#ha& PD !enominate! =eneb that means in Arab the tail of oca. Of ma nitu!e 1.33 it is a white su#er iant that is to 3&2.. years li ht of us an! B.&... times reater than our (un /t is a s#ectacular su#er iant. They were brou ht here millions of years a o an! they are recor!in . 2y un!erstan!in is that when they birth the youn they teach them the son an! the son is the story of their linea e an! the history that they ha%e learne! of the home worl! that they are on. Thats the son that they sin . They are sin in the son of the linea e. /ts one ri ht after the otherD they teach them e%erythin they know. /ts absolutely ama@in . 3Continue! on Part 2...4 (e%eral thousan! years later& actually a cou#le hun!re! years later& Orion establishe! an ,!en here from the Orion star system.


0n <rion they come %rom Kigel and 8etelge!se& that1s these systems here (pointing to the <rion Constellation,. )he star we call Kigel& the <rion1s name %or this planet is DCyclopisisE. 0n their tong!e& it is called Cyclopisis. $henever they go to a %ormal %!nction o% a galactic event where there are other star races there the proper way that they introd!ce themselves& an! this is what the An!rome!ans !o an! a##arently its tra!ition an! it was !one an! e%eryone& whether they are enemies or not ha%e a ree! to these s#ecific intro!uction tra!itions so that there are no misun!erstan!in s. (o they ha%e create! tra!itions an! e%erybo!y !oes it& no matter what& this is what they !o. No! introd!ce yo!rsel%A yo! give them yo!r %!ll name& any ran4 or o%%ice& and the star system that yo! are %rom. (o& 7Alex Collier& father F/ !ont ha%e a rank or an officeG& .ol .ystem& )erra 6.9 That is how / woul! #ro#erly intro!uce myself& so whoe%er it is that / am intro!ucin myself to& knows who / am an! where / am from. 0% yo! are an extra9terrestrial& most o% them are telepathic& there%ore& they are giving the same in%ormation b!t as they are giving the in%ormation they are also %lashing star maps beca!se that is what is in their head. And the other races immediately ac4nowledge that beca!se they get all that.

1+ <rion established their %irst -den in what is now called G-!romaniG China. )he date: +@6&J6" years ago. (hortly thereafter Ca#ella& also #art of 'rsa 2a?or& 'rsa 2inor& the Capellans established their %irst %!ll operational -den +2J&"6+ years ago and theirs was established at the base o% t. Nogan in so!thern Chile. FCerro <o an& one of the hi hest #eaks on Tierra !el -ue o& rises to only 2&CB) m $ *&1.. ftG /ext are the Megans >no& this is not a plant9eating race? they are %rom Mega& they are also 4nown to !s as the Lyrans& who are literally o!r h!man ancestors. )hey established their %irst colony +'J&@33 years ago in /orth A%rica& along what is now 4nown today as the Libyan//iger border. And 0 want yo! to 4now that on an archeological perspective& in -thiopia there are absol!te amaBing things yet to be d!g !p there that have been le%t behind& that the cavemen did not b!ild. =ext we ha%e the Cassiopeians: @'2&''6 years ago. )his is an entirely insectoid sentient race as Algeria /orth A%rica. /ext is D8!teseE 3s#ellin uncertain4I /ibir! we 4now them today. )hey established their %irst -den 3#3&J66 years ago in Cairo& -gypt. )hen <rion sent another team here #+&6'' years ago& which was established in Perth& A!stralia. The ,arth was not in the #osition that it is layin in now. /f you were to take the #lanet as it is to!ay an! literally lay in on its si!e this is where they were coloni@in & but these are the locations that we know to!ay. .ome o% the colonies& a%ter they had been here %or some time& they pac4ed !p and they le%t& they got all the in%ormation they wanted. ;ut the ,arth is in constant flux. 2any of these are hy!ro en$base!& hy!ro en$breathin extra$terrestrial races. (o when they o to their home #lanets& its !ull com#are! to the %ery com#lex eco$systems that O2& oxy en$breathers ha%e an! li%e with.

1B They are extremely fascinate! an! accor!in to 2oraney what they were tryin to !o was to not only stu!y the %e etation an! life forms here in oxy en breathin eco$systems but they were also tryin to enetically mani#ulate them so that they coul! take them home an! make them hy!ro en. Thats what a lot of this was about. This is where they became master eneticists& tryin to con%ert O2 life forms to hy!ro en life forms. ;ecause we are blesse!& oxy en breathers are blesse! with %ery com#lex& ma nificent eco$systems.

Lyrans came bac4 #6&2'' years ago. Has anyone ever been to 8as7!e co!ntryC )heir lang!age& nobody 4nows where their lang!age came %romA it is an ancient Lyran tong!e that has s!rvived& its extra$terrestrial. /f fact all of them are& but that one is still really close to the ori inal ton ue. <rion came bac4 again +6&2J2 years to 8raBil. t. /eblina on the border o% MeneB!ela and

+J&H66 8C: Lem!ria is %o!nded as a collective colony. 2any of these races !eci!e! 7Ok& lets ?ust #ool our resources.9 An! they mo%e! their ,!ens to a continent in the Pacific. )hose star nations were: 1. Lyrans 2. (irius A 3. Pleia!esI races from& C. Tey eta an! +. 2ero#e s#ecifically B. Those two star systems 3from Pleia!es N #oint to star mount4. $ell a lot o% people are %ascinated with the Pleaidians& well 01m not. ;ut /m oin to be talkin about them in a little bit. 'rsa 2inor an! ;utese 3other two star systems4&

1K which is =ibiru Fthis is K1&)33 ;CG Lemuria is establishe! as a collecti%e colony& so now e%erybo!y is workin to ether. /ts a oo! si n& howe%er it !i!nt last. 3+&@'' 8C Atlantis is %o!nded. .omewhere between the establishment o% Lem!ria and the establishment o% Atlantis the Pleiadians get pissed o%% and they leave & a misun!erstan!in . )hey come bac4 to the star system and Atlantis is %o!nded. 0t is the Pleiadians again& the /ibir!& Alderbarans& Antariaens& the Hayades& a gro!p %rom .agitari!s and the Andromendans ma4e a g!est appearance. >ith the exce#tion of =ibiru& all of these are O2s that establish Atlantis. (ome of them of =ibiruan tribe are oxy en breathers because they come %rom .iri!s. ;ut those that come from ;utese are hy!ro en. They can still o#erate an! function as lon as they wear a helmet. 6J&'J+ 8C: Lem!ria is destroyed in war. "+&@'6 8C: Atlantis is destroyed. O: (o in #re%ious time frames that you a%e as 7years a o9 you meant ;CJ <es& it was in my notes& / a#olo i@e& / take full res#onsibility for that& / meant 7;C9. / am not oin to o into the whos an! the whats an! the hows an! why they !estroye! each other.

Lets talk about the races.

1* Let1s tal4 abo!t the Cia4ar& Alpha =raconis& the ancestral line o% the re#tilian races in our alaxy. The Ciakar themsel%es& accor!in to le en!& do not 4now exactly where their home system is either. )hat1s how big the :niverse is or the galaxies are. According to the Andromedans there are a h!ndred billion galaxies 4nown and mapped in the 4nown :niverse . /f we can et a KO11 franchise in each alaxy we woul! ha%e it ma!e& or a coffee sho#& e%en better& le ally a!!icti%e stimulants& lets ?ust !o that. / am ?ust oin to i%e you some thin s about se%eral of the races. )he Cia4ar: an absol!te amaBing race& the oldest 4nown reptilian race in o!r galaxy. )hey are& in %act& the only genetic line o% their 4ind that is not extinct. >hen we talk about that& thats extinct& they ha%e foun! remnants of others that came after but were extinct. 2ost of the re#tilian ci%ili@ations that we know to!ay& in ;utese& Orion& Ca#ella are all enetic mani#ulate! half bree!s of the ori inal Ciakar race. )hey stand J#9"3 %eet tall and can weigh !p to "&3'' po!nds. )hey are li4e )yrannosa!r!s Kex. )hey are monsters. )hey have blac4 leathery brown scale bellies& they have m!ltiple abdomens& they have whis4ers along their chin and ;aw line. )hey have a mating claw and m!ltiple tong!es. 01m going to give yo! some very speci%ic in%ormation. )hey lay eggs and what is called a battle hormone is !sed to accelerate the birthing process. They are a !uality. This is why ancestral females !i! not #artici#ate in war& because if they !i!& there woul!nt be anybo!y there to hel# with the e s. They also ha! to be there to secrete this hormone. / am only sharin with you what / know about them. .tronger yo!ng %emales were expected to de%eat and 4ill older and wea4er leaders in rit!al combat. )he Cia4ar race is r!led and managed by genetic lineage. 0enetic linea e always follows the mother& because you always know who the mother is& you !ont always know who the father is. /n that #articular line the als ha%e all the say. K!led by the monarchy o% a 7!een genetic lineage they are one o% the most power%!l races in the galaxy. )hey have some o% the greatest military might that has ever been seen in the galaxy and most o% the clan members are Bealots and will do anything %or the glory o% their clans& o% their lineage. )hey have been the chie% enemy o% all h!man races in this galaxy in past con%licts. A ain& we are tal4ing abo!t hydrogen breathers vs. oxygen breathers. They ha%e three s#inal columns. One s#ine is locate! %entrally near the

1) stomachD the other two are locate! !orsally on the left an! on the ri ht of the Ciakars bo!y. (#inal columns ?oin near the !orsal of the eometric center at the extreme #osterior of the trunk to form a lon an! %ery #owerful tail. /nsi!e of the han!s are claws of the Ciakar are ?elly$like sacks that excrete the %arious hormones an! substances when the Ciakar is arouse!& either for sex or for battle. The #rimary #ur#ose of these en@ymes is to initiate encrustin of s#erm. There is an ama@in amount of life out there. )hey loo4 at !s and they thin4 we are beasts as well& honestly. =ow& / am oin to talk about the Lyrans. >hen / am talkin about the Lyrans an! the human race as a whole& / am talkin about us an! our ancestors an! all the ancestors of the ancient Lyran enetic line. ;efore / e%en et to that / am ?ust oin to rea! the first sentence that / ha%e on humans. )he H!man Kace is !n!s!al in having all o% its member1s races derive %rom one genetic line. )hat is an amaBing thing. =ow& lets talk about the Lyrans an! then we can talk about the humans some more. )heir s4in color is amber& bl!e and/or red. The color of the stars in their #lanetary systems is what cause! their skin tint to chan e& !e#en!in on the fre6uency an! the 'E& ultra%iolet scale of their stars. )hey are o% mammalian descent. )hey are the only h!man race to have %!ll empathy senses and %!ll psionic abilities and have experienced D7!ant!m probability control.9 /m still workin on what that means you ha%e to remember these are extraterrestrial races who know all this stuff.

)hey are also considered today a retired race that has very little interco!rse with other main civiliBations. 0n the past& on -arth& they were 4nown as 8odhisattva.
They ha%e been known to monitor an! #ro%i!e ui!ance for some #lanetary systems. (ome #lanetary systems to!ay see them as their #rotectors an! ui!es. They are worshi#e! in other wor!s. >hat is interestin is that the Lyrans pre%er to live on ringed worlds. )hey have a pre%erence %or it. On the An!rome!an Council they are known as an el!er race& which carries reat #resti e on the Council& beca!se extra9terrestrial civiliBations& ladies and gentlemen& really pay close attention to genetic lineage. =ow we are oin to talk to the human race as a whole& how the Andromedans see the h!man race. )he h!man race is !n!s!al in having all o% its member races derive %rom one genetic line.


This accounts for the remarkable casual interactions of the reat human ci%ili@ations& but for better or for worse& human alactic ci%ili@ations& e%en if they com#ose a sin le clan ha%e !i%erse e%olutionary histories. ,ach culture is %ery !ifferent in the way they ha%e e%ol%e!. =ot as a s#ecies& but as a culture. 2isun!erstan!in s an! conflicts ha%e occurre!. Tra!itions exist to minimi@e the likelihoo! of misun!erstan!in s an! to lesson the ne ati%e conse6uences of any miscommunications that mi ht occur. (o they were sentient enou h to know that they ha! to #ut thin s in #lace to try to minimi@e human %s. human war. /n a!!ition& the beha%ior of in!i%i!uals !oes reflect on the s#ecies an! the clan. )his is an Andromedan h!man race sharing this with !s that the actions o% individ!als o% those races do re%lect on the entire clan. =one are faulte! for #olite or #ro#er beha%ior. /nformality is always at risk of bein misconstrue! or miscommunicate!. The tra!itions of human interaction were !e%elo#e! by the ancestors o%er the a es. $hen an elder race insists that a new civiliBation observe traditionsA %or example: )he Andromedans come down they introd!ce themselves& they say Do4& boys& it1s time to go to the show.E )he show being the Andromedan Co!ncil& we are being as4ed to be invited to the Andromedan Co!ncil. >hat they will !o is they will teach us the tra!ition& the #ro#er way of intro!ucin yourself& of actin before all these ci%ili@ations& because you will be misinter#rete! if you walk in 7<o& man& wha@ ha##eninJ9 <ou will be com#letely misun!erstoo!. /t hel#s the youn races buil! a culture that will function well in alactic ci%ili@ation& as well as hel# uarantee that this youn race will become a %irtuous an! #ro!ucti%e member of the 0alactic Commonwealth. That is exactly 2oraneys %erbia e& / took it wor! for wor! N the 0alactic Commonwealth. 0t is important that all h!mans be as polite as possible. This hel#s both the youn an! the ol! cultures& because many of the old c!lt!res are socio9biologically dependent on rit!al. They ha%e become so con!itione! that this is ?ust the way you !o it. )hey traditions are so deeply embedded that they are not going to change. >e ha%e that same situation here on our #lanet. And can be psychologically dist!rbed by in%ormal and r!de behavior. 0% the occasion calls %or it apologiBe and then spea4 only when spo4en to. /ever to!ch a %ellow elder race person !nless yo! are speci%ically as4ed to. That lea!s me to somethin 0 was ta!ght when 0 was bro!ght on board and 0 met other races. )his is what the Andromendans do when they meet another race. And 0

21 was ta!ght to teach this to everyone here which 01ve done& and 0 am going to do it again. $hen yo! have a contact and yo! are standing be%ore an extra9terrestrial or extra9 terrestrials yo! stand yo!rsel% s7!are& yo! bow& never ta4ing yo!r eyes o%% o% them and yo! say: D0t is the manner and c!stom when entering my space that permission be as4edE. <ou say it %ery clearly& because what you are !oin is you are !eclarin your so%erei nty an! you are !eclarin your s#ace. Alri ht& because we are not that well thou ht of& so it is im#ortant to !o somethin like this. <ou ha%e ten secon!s to make a oo! first im#ression. 7/t is the manner an! custom when enterin my s#ace that #ermission be aske!.9 $e wo!ld have to say it verbally. )hey wo!ld probably respond telepathically. O: An! if we !i!nt say thatJ AC: There is always the #ossibility that your s#ace woul! be %iolate!. )he Greys >=ows? woul!& absolutely. ;ut nobo!y knows to !o that. An! besi!es they woul!nt a##roach you that way& they always steal yo! o!t o% bed beca!se they are little %rigging cowards. =o& / !ont ha%e any char e on that. ost h!man galactic races have three lang!ages and these di%%erence mar4ers are: %ormal& in%ormal and di%%erential. )he di%%erential apparently is what is !sed in a lot o% politics& galactic politics. )he %ormal is when yo! are addressing yo!r own race& li4e state o% the !nionA it is also when yo! are tal4ing to elders. 0% 0 am a yo!ng )erran and 0 am addressing an elder o% my race& 0 am to !se the %ormal. The informal& is informal& 7<o bloo!& wha@ ha##eninJ9 )he in%ormal mar4er is not !sed ever in p!blic. Always ask if both #arties are comfortable with the informal lan ua e. / woul! ha%e to say& 72ike& !o you min! if / talk trashJ9 An! 2ike woul! ha%e to say& 7(ure& man& talk trash.9 Then we are both a ree! an! / can talk trash. /ts #robably a ba! exam#le.


The formal marker is always use! in #ublic& because you always want to re ar! your #artner in con%ersation as worthy of res#ect. 1. 2. 3. C. The #resti e of a mature race is always sub?ect to !ebate. The first measure of the eneral rule of #resti e is number one the a e of the race. The secon! in!ex is the races linea e. /t all comes back to enetics. The thir! in!ex is the number an! si@e of the race or the clan or the tribe. /n stan!ar! intro!uctions& always inclu!e i!entification by full name& s#ecies name& any rele%ant titles& an! your home #lanetary system. +. (#ecies name an! #lanetary system& (ol& Terra 3I because our star is known as (ol. >e are Terra& which is thir! #lanet from the sun. 0% yo! were in ars yo! wo!ld say D.ol& )erra 2.E


0 am going to tal4 abo!t the Greys& the =owsA =9<9$ is how the Andromedans re%er to them. )he =ows are the Ketic!l!ms (%rom the constellation o% Qeta Ketic!l!m, . )he Andromedan word %or this partic!lar race& when twea4ed and converted into -nglish is =ows& they are 4nown as the =ows. )hey are a militant race 4nown to be very hostile to h!mans. H!mans have never been able to s!ccess%!lly negotiate with the =ows. / am sure that o!r military wished that they 4new abo!t this in the 3'1s. )hey made agreements& they signed treaties& and the =ows have never 4ept one o% them& b!t they are so technologically advanced that we are having a hell o% a time getting rid o% them. They are known in the inner circles as a #ain in the ass. FThats informalG. 2ost a%oi! them at all cost. )hey have little empathy& i% any at all& %or h!man races. An! belie%e that unworthy s#ecies will one !ay be exterminate!. )hey have participated in all D$ars o% -n%orcement.9 / want you to hol! that thou ht. >e will come back to that. )he original ones are hydrogen. )he little ones& who do most o% the dirty wor4& are o% co!rse& ;!st organic clones. They ha%e been enetically bre! to !o the !irty work in O2 atmos#heres. )hey have participated in all the $ars o% -n%orcement declared by

2C the reptilian alliances. "umans ha%e also ha! >ars of ,nforcement& an! ha%e been attribute! with three acci!ental extinctions in the last ten thousan! years. 3Au!ience member asks& whoJ4 The 8ows.

Let me read it again. )he Greys have participated in all $ars o% -n%orcement declared by the reptilian alliances and have been attrib!ted with three accidental extinctions in the last ten tho!sand years. /t !oesnt say who& so / am not oin to say it was humans because / !ont know
that. The fact that they exterminate! a race is enou h for me. )hey are !nder investigation %or excessive genetic manip!lations o% at least two races& yo!r -arth race being one o% them. 3,!itorial =oteI 2issin material en!s here. /t may not be ina##ro#riate to s#eculate that some extraterrestrial rou# !i! not want you to rea! from the start of this transcri#t to this #oint4 An! somethin else he a!!e! as an after thou ht is that they !o not ex#erience chil!hoo!. Thats #robably why they are all tweake!. $ars o% en%orcement /n the human race a war of enforcement is a war when someone& whether it is a human race or a re#tilian race or a hy!ro en breather& or an oxy en breather or a methane breather or an ammonia breather. 0% they cross the line and do something so

severe& they will literally go to war to en%orce a p!nishment& to en%orce something& a restriction& they will do that. $hat is going to be happening here in o!r solar system in the next co!ple o% years is being classi%ied as a war o% en%orcement. (/<)-: Al 8iele4 )ime )raveled into the %!t!re "+2H was shown that the Keptilians came down to -arth and ate most all the people in the cities o% the world., /t is not a #olice actionD they are coming in to 4ic4 b!tt& beca!se they have crossed the line. And we are not the only star systemA there are "J other star systems that are having the exact same problem that we are having.
They want all re ressi%e #resences off our #lanet an! the moon& com#letely out of here& en! of storyD they want them out of here. 0% it is tr!e that the moons o% ars are

no longer in orbit aro!nd

ars and that they are in %act in orbit aro!nd


-arth& then something ma;or is abo!t to happen.

O: Arent #eo#le seein themJ AC: A##arently they are& #eo#le are takin #hoto ra#hs& an! #eo#le are seein it. /& myself& ha%e not& but / li%e too close to 8en%er an! there are a lot of city li hts. 8!t there are people bac4 east who say they are seeing them& and people in -!rope who are seeing them. The solar ecli#se in Turkey& se%eral years a o& ,uro#ean re#orters who were takin #ictures& ot #ictures of these two ob?ects. And when they were blown !p they loo4 exactly li4e Phobos and =eimos& followin the moon. )hey are both spacecra%t& an old hollowed o!t planetoid converted with an ecosphere on the inside and prop!lsion on the o!tside. /ts an ol!er mo!elD you can fin! them on any oo! use! s#acecraft car lot. Accor!in to oraney& an! this was many years a o before their alle e! re$ entry into our atmos#here or ra%itational fiel!& 2oraney ha! sai! that the last time that Phobos speci%ically& he didn1t mention =eimos& had entered the -arth1s atmosphere or gravitational %ield is when the great plag!e began. )here are "&''o Greys living on Phobos There are all kin!s of recor!s of s#acecraft flyin thou h s#ace at this time& $illiam 8ramley& )he Gods o% -den& has it in his boo4. )hey tal4 abo!t star ships %lying thro!gh space dropping the spores. 0t1s a weeding o!t. )hey Came )o -arth illions <% Nears A o To (#rea! The Poison Of "atre!& >ar An! Catastro#he. )hey Are $ith :s .till. "uman history is a seemin ly en!less succession of bloo!y conflicts an! !e%astatin turmoil. <et& inex#licably& in the li ht of astonishin intellectual an! technolo ical a!%ancement& 2ans #ro ress has been halte! in one crucial areaI he still in!ul es the #rimiti%e beast within an! makes war u#on his nei hbors.

2B As a result of se%en years of intense research& >illiam ;ramley has uncon%ere! the sinister threa! that links humanitys !arkest e%ents from the wars of the ancient #haraohs to the assassination of 1-P. /n this remarkable& shockin an! absolutely com#ellin work& ;ramley presents dist!rbing evidence o% an alien presence on -arth extraterrestrial visitors who have conspired to dominate H!man4ind thro!gh violence and chaos since the beginning o% time& a cons#iracy& which continues to this %ery !ay. / want to co%er a cou#le of other thin s before / et to the other races. =olphins and $hales /n our alaxy they are honore! as sentient animals. They are brilliant #hiloso#hers an! #oets. An! we think they are ?ust bi & !umb fish& but a##arently they are absolutely ama@in & ama@in mammals. They ha%e the a!miration of many of the ol! races for their beautiful son s an! storytellin . They ha%e le en!ary stories of the whale !ream& which is the cetacean race memory. (o they tell stories about their linea e& which they call 7whale !ream9. /f the humans of earth make extinct these s#ecies& they will ha%e no stan!in in the alaxy. F(tar TrekG. (ome of these writers are clue! in. / !ont know where they are ettin this stuff& but they are totally !iale!. An! the same for !ol#hins. >e !ont know their lan ua eD its an extremely so#histicate! lan ua e& more so#histicate! than the ,n lish lan ua e. 0t1s a trinary lang!age& which is why we don1t !nderstand it& beca!se we are so one9dimensional in o!r lang!age. $hales and dolphins originated in Cygn!s Alpha. .maller star systems& which orbit aro!nd the central s!ns o% =eneb& .idar& =enaia and Alderia& are where they come %rom. )he largest pop!lation o% whale and dolphin li%e is right here. >ithin this collection of smaller stars are thousan!s of star systems. They wante! to mi rate& they wante! to ex#lore other worl!s& an! they wante! to a!! to the whale !ream. )hey were bro!ght here millions o% years ago and they are recording. 2y un!erstan!in is that when they birth the youn they teach them the son an! the son is the story of their linea e an! the history that they ha%e learne! of the home worl! that they are on. Thats the son that they sin . They are sin in the son of the linea e. /ts one ri ht after the otherD they teach them e%erythin they know. /ts absolutely ama@in . 3Continue! on Part 3...4


Hydrogen li%e beings %elt threatened by <" li%e %orms beca!se <" li%e %orms have a m!ch %aster rhythm. Hydrogen can only travel at near space light speeds. )hey cannot go beyond that. <"1s can go as %ast as 2 times the speed o% light. H"1s are m!ch smaller and slower and more n!mero!s beca!se o% a higher %re7!ency o% s!itable bio9spheres. )here is trade between oxygen and hydrogen breathers b!t very disastro!s wars have been %o!ght between these two civiliBations in the past. The An!rome!an Council is hel! in the star system of& the constellation of& An!rome!a. An! it is here at Fmi roshJG This is where the An!rome!an Council is hel!. This is also where the star systems of Qenitae FJG exist. This is where the An!rome!an #eo#le li%e. The Andromedan Co!ncil was created to st!dy migration and to try to limit contact between hydrogen and <" races and hence& to stop con%lict between the two great orders o% organic li%e. Communication between the two s#ecies at times remains 6uite !ifficult. Thats how it ot starte!. O. 35uestion about talkin with hydrogen li%e %orms an! sho!ld yo! tal4 very slowly4 AC: Nes& yo! sho!ld. And yo! absol!tely want to !se the %ormal& polite lang!age so that nothing yo! say is mis!nderstood. No! will 4now that beca!se they will be wearing some 4ind o% an apparat!s over their nostrils and those nostrils co!ld be almost anywhere& depending !pon the species. 0% they are wearing a s!it or some type o% a helmet& then yo! can ass!me that it is Hydrogen& or ethane& or Ammonia& beca!se i% it is an <"& he will not need that apparat!s. The An!rome!ansI these are ?ust some brief notes an! then we are oin to !o some 6uestions. They are tou h& honorable& coura eous fi hters. )hey b!ild massive ships to environmentally resemble worlds: com%ortable& solid& end!rable cra%t Fthese are my own wor!sG. They are mo!el alactic citi@ens. They are res#onsible to a fault. They tell you they are oin to !o somethin D they will !o it& e%en at reat cost to themsel%es. They are %ery acti%e in alactic #olitics an! en?oy consi!erable influence in alactic institutions. /nstitutions ha%e been set u#& es#ecially with O2 ci%ili@ations. )hose instit!tions are:

2* 1. 2. 3. C. The /nstitution of Ci%ili@e! >arfare '#liftment Fthey !ont use the wor! 7ascension9G 2i rations Fwhich is coloni@ationG Tra!itions.

They are %ery #atient& thou htful an! abo%e all& careful. They ha%e been res#onsible for the official sto##a e of hostilities in many wars an! assiste! in the with!rawal of all forces that were in those conflicts. '#liftment. A lot of #eo#le here on ,arth in the =ew A e circles talk about ascension& b!t nobody really 4nows what the ascension is. They know that there are hi her !ensities an! that all of us are stri%in to reach a hi her fre6uency in the ho#es that we will mo%e into a more e%ol%e! society& become more e%ol%e! oursel%es an! become more ex#an!e! consciousnesses& because sometimes thir! !ensity is ?ust too !amn har!. / acknowle! e all that. All of that is correct an! there is archeolo ical e%i!ence in the alaxy of races that ha%e actually chan e! their fre6uency an! mo%e! to a hi her le%el. That is a fact& but it is not calle! ascension. 0t is called D:pli%tmentE and apparently none o% the races that have done this have done it by themselves. They ha%e always ha! someone hel# them out of the mess they are inD reach !own an! basically mentor them to the next le%el.

O: 8oes that mean that they !ont ha%e a #hysical bo!y anymoreJ AC: =o& they have a physical bodyA there is physicality in all the dimensions. There it is. <ou !ont ?ust mo%e u# to fourth !ensity an! fifth !ensity an! now you are this little clou! blowin with the bree@eD its not like that at all. 0t is as solid as this& it1s ;!st completely di%%erent. )he physicality is di%%erent.

2) The #hysicality is much bi erD it is on a much ran!er scale. )he color spectr!m where we live now is +" di%%erent %re7!encies o% color. 5i%th density is J"6. There are colors& thin s that / ha%e seen that / cant ex#lain. There is ?ust no way& because there is nothin here to com#are it to. / want to !o 1+ minutes of 6uestions an! then / am oin to turn it o%er to 2r. 32ike4 :uss. O: / want to ask about the 8o ons an! that whole (irian thin & where the =ogon tribe in A%rica say they comm!nicated with the .irians. AC: They ha! ma#s before we e%en knew that (irius existe!. / am not aware of that at all& that they ha%e an actual fishtail& no. O: <ou mentione! the '#liftment. 8o we know who or if we are bein hel#e! with the '#liftment. AC: / think that is a !efinite #ossibility. Masais said to me once be%ore he crossed over that o!r speci%ic terran race was one o% the most promising h!man species that they had seen in a very long time. 8es#ite all of the other cra#& we were one of the most #romisin . "owe%er& /m i%in you my own o#inion now& base! on what / know& / !ont know this as fact. ;ut& if the Andromedan Co!ncil does what they are planning to do next year and try to remove all regressive extra9terrestrial presences o%% the planet and the moon& i% they do in %act do that& orenay has said that they are planning to ;!st sit !p in space& we will all see them& an! ?ust watch us for two to four years in our time. >hat they want to !o& is they want to see how we are oin to react with each other when we are not bein mani#ulate!. >ill we& in fact& come to etherJ )he point that 0 made this morning was there was a period o% 6'' years where there was act!ally no extra9terrestrial intervention and what happenedC $e d!sted o%% the monarchies o% -!rope and we created the :nited .tate o% America. )he :nited .tates o% America& Ladies and Gentlemen& was never s!pposed to happen. 0t was an accident. 0t was never s!pposed to happen. The Koyal 5amilies o% -!rope who are connected to the extra9terrestrial lineages were never s!pposed to loose control& never. An! once America o#ene! u# Pan!oras ;ox& a lot of #eo#le followe!. ;ecause we ha! all been sick of the tyranny& an! we still are. O: /s there anythin you want to say about sha#e$shiftin & the :oyalty& 8raconians& that sort of thin J AC: / ha! this con%ersation earlier as well& with a member of our au!ience. (ha#e$

3. shiftersI !oes technolo y exist where someone can create a holo ra#h aroun! themsel%esJ <es& the technolo y !oes exist. /s that technolo y #resently bein use! on ,arthJ The answer to that is no. Can a #erson& a re ressi%e entity take o%er a human bo!yJ The answer to that is absolutely yes. And the process is act!ally very simple. )hey abd!ct someone& they bring him to death very slowly& and the moment his last breath& his essence& leaves the body& they replace it with another. .everal moments later& that body will rise o%% the table& it will be the same physical body& b!t inside& it has a completely di%%erent agenda& beca!se now it is a di%%erent so!l. )hat technology does exist. O: $o!ld yo! call that a wal49inC AC: Nes& 0 wo!ld. O: >oul! they ha%e the memory of the ori inal bo!yJ AC: <es& they !o. ;ut my un!erstan!in is that there is anywhere from three to se%en months where there is a transition #erio!. An! enerally& when it ha##ens to a ma?or fi ure& they will be out of the limeli ht or be %ery rarely seen& because they are still a!?ustin . Lets talk about that some more. The wor! isI / saw him turn into a re#tilian& / actually saw the re#tilian. Thats #robably %ery true. (/<)-: )ibetan Lobsang Kampa too4 over an -nglishmen1s body who wanted to commit s!icide. 0n the spirit!al world they disconnected his silver cord and hoo4ed the )ibetan on4s silver cord to that body. )hey called it )ransmigration.,

31 That !oesnt mean that they are actually re#tilian an! they are usin technolo y to look like human bein s. /t is a human bo!y. ;ut you ha%e to remember somethin . Keptilians are not !sed to the extremes o% emotionsA they don1t have emotions li4e we do. 0n %act many o% the h!man races o!t there don1t have the extreme o% emotions that we do. (o what ha##ens is that if there is a situation where the bo!y ets excite!& because it is a human bo!y& that is what is !oes. /t is this hu e antenna. $hen is gets excited the reptilian so!l inside doesn1t 4now how to act& so he probably either gets %rightened& or he gets alarmed. An! when he !oes that& because they are extremely #owerful souls you see a #ro?ection of themsel%es in their auric fiel!& you will see it& beca!se they are not !sed to the emotions. )hey don1t 4now how to handle it and that is part o% the transition period. Thats what / ha%e been tol!. O: Can an original reptilian have sex with a h!man beingC AC: Neah& b!t no o%%spring will come o% it. /f there is offs#rin it is because there was a enetic mani#ulation. O: >hy woul! they !o it thenJ AC: / actually !ont know that it actually has been !one& but it can an! they !o ha%e a #hallic. O: / ha%e run into that with some #eo#le. AC: Coul! be. 2aybe they ha%e been watchin humans !o it& they see the hei htene! emotion an! #assion& the rush that we et at that moment& an! they are tryin to ex#erience it themsel%es. O: They seem to be attracte! to !ifferent races on ,arth& why& are they !ifferent combinations of this 22 or whatJ AC: <es& they are. O: 8o you know what aliens are whatJ AC: >e know some of them. / am not #re#are! to talk about that toni ht& but we will !o it really& really soon. / #romise within #robably C weeks& it will be u# on the website. /m extremely moti%ate! to create a scorecar!& so e%erybo!y knows who e%erybo!y isD es#ecially if this thin is comin !own. >e nee! to know& or at least the information nee!s to be a%ailable. Those who want to know will fin! it.

32 O: <ou !ont ha%e to answer this& but are the Caucasians all from one stream& or are we a mixture as wellJ AC: >e are a mixture& we all are. >e are all a "ein@ +K. >ith a mo!erate to oo! tem#erament when we are left alone an! not #ro%oke!. O: )here is some s!ggestion that we will ta4e the planet bac4. AC: /t is oin to be han!e! to us& but what we !o with it after that will be entirely our res#onsibility. $e will be handed bac4 the planet& 0 4now %or a %act that disc!ssions o% a download o% all o% h!manity has and is being tal4ed abo!t& where everybody is given exactly the same data o% who we are& where we are %rom& who these beings were and how we have been manip!lated. They are oin to basically say& ok& here is the truth& an! / !ont know how many #eo#le are oin to be able to han!le it. /f that ha##ens& they ha%e talke! about it. / know that there will be some contact of some sort after the extraction occurs. Then they are oin to with!raw an! they are oin to watch us. =ow& we will be totally self$res#onsible for this. 8e#en!in on what it is that we !o with each other an! with our own eco$s#here& bio$ s#here& if we are not res#onsible& they are not oin to hel# us. O: That was the alactic !ebate. AC: Nes& it is exactly the galactic debate and that is the compromise they came to. )hey don1t honor themselves& they don1t honor each other& and they don1t honor their home& what is their val!e. )hat is exactly what was presented. )hey have been manip!lated %rom the get9go. O: >hat if it is a few #eo#le that take the res#onsibility& but not the ma?orityJ AC: Thats why / am kin! of ho#in that they are oin to !o the !ownloa!. ;ecause e%erybo!y will know an! all of us will be startin on #a e one. /t woul! be a hu e hel#. O: 8i! you say this is oin to ha##en next yearJ AC: The !ate that they a%e me was A!g!st J"& "''6. The reason they ha%e i%en me that !ate& that s#ecific !ay& an! / !i!nt know about this until a cou#le years a o& why that !ate& was. remember the Philadelphia -xperiment and they sent the -ldridge thro!gh time and they ripped a hole in timeC (/<)-: )he .yrians did it.,

)hey created a portal that was never s!pposed to be there. .ome o% the regressive races that are here and have been in other places in the


galaxy were s!c4ed in thro!gh that time hole and they are literally o!t o% their own time.
An! the i!ea is to roun! them u# an! literally say& OP& we are either oin to take care of you here an! now or you are oin to be allowe! to o back throu h that hole& because it o#ens on that !ay. (/<)-: AL 8iele4 said the .irians opened the 2' year hole in the .pace )ime Contin!!m& in order to bring in h!ge 8attle Cr!isers& %or the )ime $ar they are %ighting., O: /s it B. yearsJ AC: Nes& so when that hole opens they are going to have the opport!nity to bac4 to their time to where they belong. The ho#e is that they will !o it an! the thou ht is that they actually will !o it. <nce that hole closes there are apparently galactic

races that have been recr!ited %rom o!tside o!r galaxy who 4now how to %ix it. And they are already here& apparently& and as soon as that hole closes they are going to seal it %orever so that it never opens again.
/t !i!nt cause #roblems ?ust for usD it cause! #roblems for e%erybo!y because it create! a bri! e between two !ifferent times. O: >hat will we ex#erience on that !ayJ AC: Thats a reat 6uestion. Thats a really& really reat 6uestion an! / ha%e absolutely no i!ea. All / can tell you is that unless / hear otherwise / will be takin that !ay off of work. /f it has been #ost#one!& / will o to work. /f / ha%ent hear! any chan e in the sche!ule& / will not be oin to work that !ay. O: /s there any correlation between this e%ent an! the a##roachin of Planet RJ AC: That is a reat 6uestion too. Planet RI two years a o& an! / am on the recor! as #uttin this on the website& a #ortion of the /ibir!an 5amily& the -n4i line& approached the Andromedan Co!ncil and as4ed %or permission to enter o!r solar system to retrieve mining e7!ipment and other materials that they had le%t behind when they le%t here. )here was a considerable amo!nt o% debate. The An!rome!an ci%ili@ation itself was staunchly a ainst it because the /ibir!ans are not 4nown %or 4eeping their word. "owe%er& the Andromedan Co!ncil itsel% r!led <R. >e will allow them in. An! they are in fact comin . $hat is coming is not a

planetA it is an intelligently g!ided planetary siBe cra%t. 0t can mane!ver& it can change direction& it can come and go anywhere it wants.

3C 0t is not in an orbit& li4e we have been ta!ght. O: (o it cant hurt us. AC: 0t can h!rt !s& i% it comes too close to !s. 0ts %ield will ca!se a lot o% problems here. (/<)-: "'J" :. military told their troops they will have to evac!ate all coasts o% America& beca!se o% the %looding o% the coasts and disappearance o% .tates& when /ibir! comes near !s& and "'' mph winds and damage will occ!r., O: /s it as bi as they sayJ AC: (ure. )he Andromedans have told me o% races that have mother cra%t

%rom the Andromedan Galaxy that are twice the siBe o% *!piter that ho!se over a billion beings on it. Thats ama@in D / cant ima ine bein stuck with
the same #eo#le. Let me finish the /ibir! thin . They are comin & whats oin to ha##en& / ha%e no i!ea. / can honestly tell you this& thou hD the An!rome!ans ex#ect them not to kee# their wor!& to ?ust #ick u# their minin materials. !ch o% that mining material is in the rings o% .at!rn %or the record. (/<)-: Clar4 cClelland .C< /A.A told me he saw the photo o% the =ar4 .tar Alien made planet o!tside o!r .olar .ystem that is H' times largest than o!r .!n with a .tarship =is4 J million miles in diameter in %ront o% it., ,xactly what is a re ressi%eJ "ow !o they know who is a re ressi%e extra$terrestrial or hybri!J The An!rome!ans monitorD when they sen! in their teams to start stu!yin a #lanet& a race& for in!uction& for mentorin & what they do is they monitor their chains o% tho!ghts. An! it is by their chains of thou ht that they can tell who is e%ol%e!& whos re ressi%e& whos bene%olent& whos em#athetic& etc& etc& by the chains of thou hts. )hey have technology that literally is more than a pict!re o% a brain wave. 0t1s li4e a photocopier. 0t literally ta4es a brainwave and ta4es a pict!re o% an intent and o% a tho!ght. And i% they see a chain o% tho!ght that is very regressive& they are mar4ed and they 4now exactly where they are and who they are on this planet. They know exactly. An! they are not the only onesD there are other races that are #art of the Council. )here are 6# di%%erent races in o!r solar system and ;!st o!tside o% it right now. An! they are all sharin !ata an! they are ?ust waitin to fin! out what is oin to ha##en here. O: Like "itler woul! be consi!ere! a re ressi%eJ AC: "e woul! be consi!ere! a re ressi%e& but is he a walk$inJ /f he is not a walk$in& he staysD we will ha%e to !eal with him. /f he is a walk$in he is out of here& because he is not the birth soul. Are we all clear on thatJ


O: $hat abo!t the 0ll!minatiC

(/<)-: Coins on ars s!r%ace have photo o% a person with the )riangle and eye in the middle o% it on their %oreheads.,

0nvolved with destr!ction o%

ars " /!clear $ars one on each side o%



AC: any o% them are wal49ins. 8!t there is one %amily and 0 have been told not to say& beca!se it wo!ld get me in a lot o% tro!ble. (/<)-: KothschildsF, ;ut / am oin to tell you the circumstances. )here is one %amily where the children are birthed o% a line and when the child reaches three years o% age the exchange ta4es place. This same family is basically use! as a carrier. They are not the actual enetic linea e& but they ha%e been #ro##e! u# to be the enetic linea e. 8o you follow what / am sayin J They ha%e been #ro##e! u# to be the actual linea e because that is the linea e that this #articular race has chosen to walk into. O: -or bree!in #ur#osesJ AC: Nes& %or breeding p!rposes& than4 yo!. 0 didn1t want to come right o!t and say it beca!se it gives me the creeps. O: .ome 0ll!minati will be removed and some will not be removedC AC: )he wal49ins will be removedA the act!al alien genetic beings will be removed. 0% they are act!ally tr!e terrans and they are ;!st sons1 a bitches& we are st!c4 with them beca!se that is o!r race. The fact that they ha%e a mental #sychosis is not a #roblem that the An!rome!an Council wants to !eal with. >e nee! to !eal with that. >e nee! to take res#onsibility for our own race. An! a ain is oes back to the tra!itions. The actions of an in!i%i!ual are a reflection on the clan an! the s#ecies. An! that is what they li%e by. There is oin to be a bi learnin cur%e for us if this all oes !own the way it mi ht o !own. / honestly !ont know. O: /s there some kin! of mark so they know who is re ressi%eJ AC: $hat 4ind o% a mar4C )hey don1t need a mar4& they have their brain waves& they have their chains o% tho!ght. $hat they do is they pl!g it in. )hey have their own type o% satellite machinery and they pl!g in this brain wave %re7!ency. And their comp!ters& which are incredible& monitor every move they ma4e. And they are recording every tho!ght and every action that they ma4e. And they are recording every tho!ght and every action that they ma4e. An! they will answer for it. O: 8o you think that those that are in this room an! other rooms similar that you are talkin to that the reason for it is that we will #ossibly be there to hel# with the transitionJ AC: / woul! think so. Peo#le are not oin to know how to #rocess the !ownloa!s. Li4e yo!r devo!t *ewish people& yo!r devo!t Christians& they are going to have a really

3K hard time transitioning with this in%ormation& beca!se all o% their belie% systems are going to implode. An! they are oin to nee! to #rocess this an! it is oin to be one hell of an interestin ex#erience for all of us. <rganiBed religion will be gone& it will be gone in a heartbeat. (/<)-: Al 8iele4 Near "+2H in the %!t!re said same things& no more religions on -arth., O: (ome #eo#le listenin to you are oin to think you are a lunatic. AC: / ha%e been tol! that& but fortunately my wife an! my chil!ren !ont think so an! thats really all that matters. )hey are going to see extra9terrestrials& they are

going to see very large spacecra%t& and they are going to see h!ndreds and h!ndreds o% miles& maybe tho!sands o% miles o% mother ships in the s4y.
Are they oin to look at me an! say& 7/ !ont really see that9J An! then who is in !enial hereJ / think that there is a mo%e to really e!ucate #eo#le an! / think that there are elements within worl! o%ernment that are bene%olent& that are really tryin to sol%e a %ery !ifficult #roblem& that are tryin to hel#. / think that is why the =isclos!re Pro;ect has been allowe! to et off the roun!& because for those of us that ha%e been stu!yin this information that is the smokin un. That whole thin is about the s#eakers& its about the uys tellin their stories& its not about .tephen Greer. / want to make that crystal clear. 0 thin4 .tephen has done everybody a great service b!t it is not abo!t him. /t is about the uys on the ta#e that are #uttin it on the line. 2y wife an! / talk about this stuff at !inner. >e ha%e ha! 2ike 3:uss4 o%er to the house se%eral times. >e talk about it an! the frustration for us is how !o we et this information out thereJ /ts har!. All / can !o is offer it. / cant make a li%in at this& thats for sure.


O: ;ecause we belie%e we ha%e taken the initiati%e woul! it be #ossible that the An!rome!ans may want to also inclu!e us as s#okes#eo#leJ AC: / ha%e been talkin to them for 1+ years about a!!in more #eo#le to the list. 2y un!erstan!in is that many #eo#le in the next se%eral years are oin to be contacte!. ;ut !e#en!in on the extra$terrestrial linea e that is !ominant in your #hysicality it will be that clan or that star system race that will contact you. That is how it is !oneD its all about the linea e. Out there& an! it is here& it really is. This has been a #leasure for me. / et a lot of this off my chest an! my hea! Fmaybe the hair will row back nowAG / ?ust want to say thank you. Ket!rn to Contents

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