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Intermolecular Attractions in Liquids and Solids

Voice Thread Assignment

C-3.1 Predict the type of bonding (ionic or covalent) and the shape of simple
compounds by using Lewis dot structures and oxidation numbers.

C-3.2 Interpret the names and formulas for ionic and covalent compounds.

C-3.3 Explain how the types of intermolecular forces present in a compound

affect the physical properties of compounds (including polarity and
molecular shape).
C-5.1 Explain the effects of the intermolecular forces on the different phases of matter.

Groups must finish their post by Friday, December 5. Each student must respond to
at least three of the Voice Threads via voice or typing.

1. Get with your partners and read about your assigned topic (see below for the 7
possible topics). Use your text, my PowerPoint notes, or search online for more
information about your topic.
2. Go to
3. Look at some of the examples of Voice Thread (find Chicken Man art – done by
LEMS students)
4. Create an account
5. Create a Voice Thread. Title it with Sullivan Chem as part of the name, then the
topic (solids, metallic, etc.)
6. Find at least three pictures that represent your topic and upload them to a new
Voice Thread
7. Find supporting documents and make comments via voice or typing to complete
the assignment
8. Comment on three other projects, using the works “From this Voice Thread I

Each subcategory (letter) will receive a score between 1 and 5, 5 being excellent.
Total points earned/total points available will be your score. Additionally, you will
earn a point for each of the three comments.

1. Liquids
a. Types of intermolecular attractions between molecules (explain each and
give one example of a compound)
i. Hydrogen bonding
iii.London dispersion forces
b. Vapor pressure (explain what it is and how intermolecular attractions
affect it)
c. Boiling point (explain what it is and how intermolecular attractions affect
2. Solids
a. Compare crystalline to amorphous
b. Types of crystalline solids (give brief description and tell what is at the
lattice points of each; give physical properties of each)
i. Molecular
1. Metallic
2. Network
3. Group IV/Noble Gases
3. Molecular Solids: Find two examples. For each, show/tell the following:
a. Find a diagram
b. What is at the lattice points?
c. Determine the type of attractions between molecules
d. Give physical properties
4. Ionic Solids: Find two examples. For each, show/tell the following:
a. Find a diagram
b. What is at the lattice points?
c. Determine the type of attractions between molecules
d. Give physical properties
5. Metallic Solids: Find two examples. For each, show/tell the following:
a. Find a diagram
b. What is at the lattice points?
c. Find out why metals can conduct electricity and are malleable
d. Give physical properties
6. Network Solids: Find two examples. For each, show/tell the following:
a. Find a diagram
b. What is at the lattice points?
c. Determine the type of attractions between molecules
d. Give physical properties
7. Group IV/Noble Gas solids: Find two examples. For each, show/tell the following:
a. Find a diagram
b. What is at the lattice points?
c. Determine the type of attractions between molecules
d. Give physical properties

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