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RSA DELTA 1998 - 99 Coursebook Evaluation

Name of Book Author(s) Publisher Year of Publication : : : : ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

LOGISTICAL FACTORS 1. Is the cost of the book within the institute's budget? 2. h!t !ddition!" in#est$ent is %e&ui%ed? Think about cassettes, video, CALL, etc. '. (ow e!si") c!n the book be bought both now !nd "!te%? Will the delay in receiving the book be acceptable? Is it likely to remain in print? *. +oes the book fit "oc!" schedu"e %e&ui%e$ents? ,-+AGOGICAL FACTORS 1. (ow is the %!tion!"e of the book %e!"ised? Does the material re lect the stated rationale o the authors and publishers? I not, !hy not? 2. +oes the %!tion!"e of the book fit th!t of the "oc!" cu%%icu"u$? '. (ow do the diffe%ent co$.onents tie togethe%? Think about e"ercises, units, and books. *. h!t "!ngu!ge is co#e%ed? Does the book give the students ade#uate practice in the language they are re#uired to master? /. +oes the book %ec)c"e "!ngu!ge f%e&uent") enough? 0. h!t ski""s !%e co#e%ed? Does the book give the students ade#uate practice in the skills they are re#uired to master? 1. h!t t!sks !%e co#e%ed? Does the book give the students ade#uate practice in the tasks demanded by the curriculum? 2. h!t to.ics !%e co#e%ed? Does the book cover topics included in the curriculum? Does the book avoid topics !hich are culturally unacceptable?

RSA DELTA 1998 - 99 Coursebook Evaluation 3. (ow !uthentic is the $!te%i!"? Does the material give students realistic e"posure to the language? 14. h!t is the book's !..%o!ch to testing? Does the book meet local testing re#uirements? Is the rationale o the tests in keeping !ith that o the book? 11. h!t is $issing f%o$ the book? Dra! up a list o the book$s shortcomings based on the above analyses. Do its advantages out!eigh its disadvantages? (56A7 FACTORS 1. 2. '. h!t te!che%s !%e e8.ected to use the book? Is the book aimed at teachers similar to those employed? h!t is the te!che%s' %o"e? Does the book re#uire teachers to adopt un amiliar roles? h!t guid!nce does the book gi#e to te!che%s? Does the teachers$ book help teachers? *. (ow e!si") c!n the book be !d!.ted? Look at the list o the book$s shortcomings. Take a unit at random. %o! many e"ercises !ould you omit, adapt or supplement? Is an inordinate amount o !ork involved in supplementing and adapting the book ? /. (ow f%e&uent") do te!che%s need to .%e.!%e tests? Is an inordinate amount o !ork involved in supplementing and adapting the book$s tests? 0. i"" the book !..e!" to !nd $oti#!te ou% students? Is the book &user-friendly ?& 2. i"" ou% te!che%s use the book in the w!) en#is!ged? 1. (ow e!si") c!n students find thei% w!) !%ound the book?

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