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Social life requires rules , these rules act as the organizing force Legal rules but not eliminate

joins other categories of rules coexist with them, their regulatory action action intertwined with other rules . Separate each social norms . Is the basic legal rule of law. outside the normative reality , the content of any legal rules is stored a certain participating in social relations . uman behavior may remain subject to regulation and other social norms ! moral , "or example, legal rules and moral rules contain notions of common life # Legal rules with legal relations arising in their base up order right part of the social order. $ule of law is the basic balance $ule is made by reference to rules of conduct. contain rules of behavior, assign rights and obligations established correlative thresholds of %nalysis of legal rules evolve and the conclusion that they may, in addition to the rules of conduct, and other provisions , eg can contain general principles of law , definitions !definition & , explanation of legal terms description of the legal capacity etc. . Legal norm as a constituent of law is a rule of conduct imposed by 'he purpose of the state coercive legal rule or the rule of law corresponds to the right purpose , and the legal rules governing the forms are ordered and specific to the relations Signs of the legal norm . % legal rule is general and impersonal (y nature, the rule of law is a rule of general and impersonal . 'he rule of conduct prescribed by the rule is intended to apply to an indefinite number of cases )onduct prescribed typical legal rule establishes the rights and obligations participants in the legal life , the subjects of legal relations in general . *rescribing conduct typical generic rule is intended to apply in principle to a circumstances does occur, it does not apply , in principle, therefore , is achieved by applying legal rules and Legal standard is also impersonal , this time pointing out that legal Some rules may countries , both citizens and foreign citizens or stateless persons. (ut rules are only to people 'here are also rules regard to family relationships , the Labour )ode # persons in employment relations , rules governing state pensioners their addresses . generality of legal rules . legal rules governing the activity and structure of state bodies and provide , for example, So now, all rules relating to the regulation (. Legal Standard is a typical character . 'his feature shows the generality of the legal norm . %s a model of conduct, rules Subordination of conduct set out in the rule of law , is an important means ). 'he legal standard is mandatory. $ules of law, rules of conduct continuum )arbon charge Legal rules to pass from indicative to imperative of + sein + , ie what the rule of law , it would lose its very meaning of his existence as a distinct social norm in ,. 'he legal rule is a permanent force and before the repeal. Legal rule applies whenever the conditions , it provides -. 'he legal rule is prescriptive . Legal rule establishes a certain behavior , requires a certain conduct , consisting of a .n the whole , the legal rules in force up positive law society of the rules such as rules , principles, rules , definitions. distinction between legal standards and individual provisions . a& /orms principle with .

/umerous laws and )onstitution "irst , besides some provisions clear regulatory and legal obvious principle contain some provisions , which are state activity . sovereign, independent, unitary and indivisible , that 0oldova is a state of law , more than simple binding rules , they are rules that enshrine principles that guide and give "or example, many law codes or even start with a chapter entitled + 1eneral *rinciples + b & rules # definitions , rules # tas2s. set up by legal acts apply concrete individual . financial state bodies and to some extent, and other legal entities and citizens. c & individual legal rules and provisions ! the normative legal act or 'o understand the concept of legal rule is necessary to distinguish between normal Legal and individual legal act or concrete . 3nli2e the rule of law , which has the natural or legal persons identified and nominated . "rom the point of view of legal force , specific legal act is 0oreover, concrete legal acts . legal norms . Legal documents are concrete ways to implement normative acts 4.5. 'he structure of legal norm %. 'he structure of logical and legal . Legal rule has a logical organization , whatever its textual formulation or branch of law , logically a legal rule has three elements 6 the hypothesis , the provision , the penalty . spea2ing, any legal rule necessarily prescribing specific conduct # available # must in *rovision . 'he provision is that element of legal rules to be followed in the conduct of states concerned that legal rules . 7 of the aforementioned law is available behavior . Indicate the consequences of non#compliance sanction legal norm . need using state power. sanctions action applied. actually ultimately ensures compliance with legal norms, restore legal order . although state coercion . rights and freedoms of citizens . when fear increases , increase respect for the law 8 increases when the rule of law , decrease the frequency of punishment8 fear decreases when decreases respect for the law 8 decreases when the rule of law , increase the frequency of penalty etc . , etc . (. technical legal structure of the legal norm . 3nli2e logical structure , technical legal structure refers to the legal norm regulation , statute , etc. . logical# legal texts necessary to correlate articles and even laws. application , the application must match the body text of many laws. legal rules in legislative acts . 4.9. )lassification of legal rules rule of law in the system of law. normative regulation of behaviors characteristic variations influence mechanism law on human behavior , the differential mechanism of social concern that it categories of rules ! constitutional , civil, criminal , etc. . & . 'here are different classifications of rules %. )riterion branch of law. object of legal regulation and regulatory approaches . %fter the object #: regulates social relations that covered rules legal , it is the branch of law and legal institutions ! constitutional law, criminal law, )ivil electoral law , property rights , etc.&. . legal norms as constitutional, criminal , civil , etc. . (. )riteria legal force of a normative act . %nother criterion is the legal force of enactment , the legal standard ranges . %fter they have legal force rules Legal , ta2ing into account the hierarchy and form of expression laws , rules distinguish the law

rules of ,ecree of 1overnment decisions , etc. contemporary legal rules classify this criterion given the onerative , prohibitive and Legal rules onerative ! onus , oneris # sarcinaf are those expressly prescribed obligation to commit an action. categories of legal rules belongs to the vast majority of criminal law rules , many rules administrative law . committing an action. "or example , the rules prohibit committing criminal actions , but at the same time *ermissive legal rules up those who , without requiring or prohibiting a totally 'he first category is formed rules suppleness . only conduct within the limits set by law norm that establishes rules suppleness is what marriage ! norm suppleness & . that form certain rights and obligations or powers ! powers & of the legal issues . frequently found in the )onstitution , I organize different laws state structures. $ecommendation rules are as we say .nerative and prohibitive rules and called rules or categorical imperative , legal norms devices. Legal regulation device # sxiplctiv nature is characteristic of private law , .nce the scope and nature of legal norms regulating longer classified rules 1eneral rules have the widest scope , applicable to all the social relations branch 'hat law , while special rules comprise a narrower field of relationships or certain institutions, legal language general rules also called the common law . includes general civil and common law rules apply whenever a material or aspect )ode )riminal contain all the general rules of criminal field . distinct parts # the general part contains rules applicable to the whole field of criminal law and criminal matters. -xception rules are rules that deviate from the general rule , admhind rules of the common law exception to the general provisions in the "amily )ode is application of the law in that particular character rules or exceptional character will be 0ay incomplete rules are called in literature imperfect legal rules 4.;. %ction legal rules while normative acts . to have legal effectiveness . regulations, especially laws and acts of the central state organs by official publication -ntry into force of legal rules 'his entry laws force in our country, if not provided in the law , the date on which the .fficial 1azette b & 'he law !or other law & requires itself in an article , the final rule , when its entry into force . -ntry into force of official documents & . changing the previous law by an amendment or a new law , situation of legal relations arising under the old regulations , the rights won and /umerous legal relations # civil , family , wor2 , social , political and otherwise, Legal . 'he principle of non#retroactivity of legal norms % fundamental principle of action laws ! and other laws &, while is the 'his principle stems from the fact that natural law State citizens unable to submit claims a law whose provisions are not 2nown because Law no . % favorable criminal law or softer 8 (. Laws interpretative 8 %. 'he principle of criminal law enforcement more favorable !art. <& expresses a conception replaced by a new law to be applied between the two rules , one which establishes the offense

laws. (. $etroactive laws interpretative meaning that its provisions apply from the date the legality of the rule of law will establish some rules at the constitutional principle or ,iscontinued legal rules 'he exception to this temporary regulations ! temporary laws & whose term of =nown are several forms of repeal 6 $epeal ,irective , when the new law states directly what is repealed , ! a law entirely , or certain articles of the act or normative acts & , or indirect , when the new law merely states that repeal all laws or provisions of normative acts contrary to his , without is characteristic of its strict legality rule of law. 'he principle of law or termination action notwithstanding other laws or reach the If the criminal law is more favorable to be applied and humanitarian considerations which admits retroactivity of criminal law more favorable . exceptional circumstances the temporary law , provisions which apply after the deadline 4.>. %ction legal rules in place and the people %s for legal action rules in space and on people, ways very closely 3nder the principle of state sovereignty , laws and other normative acts are binding citizens of the State and all organizations, institutions , social organizations and individuals law of that state , determining the conduct of all persons in that territory , naturally , foreign countries . issuing state . 'hus, in our country , the law and normative acts of central bodies state administration acts , in principle, on the whole territory within state borders . 0oldova. the relations between the 0ember States of the federation , in principle , laws of for different subjects as private international law , international criminal law , commercial law "or example , private international law governing social relations with foreign element applicable laws and resolving conflict . to establish conflicting norms , that is the rule that provisions6 application of the law chosen by the parties . limits, regulations of the State or foreign laws when the application recognizes , b & the legal status of foreigners and stateless persons 8 c & the legal status of citizens located abroad8 d & recognizing the legal effect of acts committed in another state or application law on certain acts committed abroad. "oreign citizen or stateless persons on the territory of a state regime State of residence which gives citizens of another State in its territory. certain rights, 4 of the same law + citizens of In 0oldova they have a legal status of foreign citizens, persons without foreign citizen must obey our laws and state. the principles of democracy right # that laws and other regulations apply equally social origin , political affiliation . 'here are laws that address the content of their regulations how action laws and other normative acts in time, space and the people have a

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