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DRDO Interview Questions Paper 1

1) Coldest planet:Pluto 2) INS Shivali is the first: 3) Which one of the following was NO indegineousl! developed":Prithvi#$%ash#$gni &) 'ull for( of S$)S *) $nthra+ is a :,irus#-acteria#...#... /) 0a%shina 1angothri is:1anga2s origin#Indian ca(p 3 antartica#...#... 4) Which of the following is a che(ical weapon:5ustard 1as#5arsh 1as#...#... 6) $ 7uestion 8ased on Coding and 0ecoding 9) $nother 7uestion si(ilar to a8ove 1:) ;uestion on series co(pletion 11) $nother series co(pletion 7uestion 12) Where is Institute of 'orensic Science":<!dera8ad 13) $ 1.= 7uestion 8ased on > and ? chro(oso(es in (ales and fe(ales Sa(ple technical 7uestions as%ed in test last !ear in CS@ : 1) -an%er2s algorith( is used for: 0eadloc% $voidance 2) $ AO of 7uestions were 8ased on generating strings fro( a given gra((ar. 3) $ circleBdot) shown in the PC- is:,cc#1rnd#Pin 1#Pin 1& &) Progra( Seg(ent Prefi+ in 5SC0OS *.: is: *) So(e IP addresses were given and the 7uestion was to select the private addess fro( itB") /) 1:-ase2 and 1:-ase* wires refers to: 4) $ 7uestion on slidingCwindow protocol 6) Which of the following re7uire a driver":dis%#cache#ra(#cpu 9) $ AO of (athe(atical 7uestions which were as%ed fro( calculusDtrigono(etr!... he 7uestions as%ed in @C@ were (ainl! fro( Control S!ste(sD Co((unications @5 and (icroprocessor 5a%e sure that u %now the fundas of (icroprocessors useful in interview also: see if u %now these 7uestions 1. Which t!pe of architecture 6:6* has" 2. <ow (an! (e(or! locations can 8e addressed 8! a (icroprocessor with 1& address lines" 3. 6:6* is how (an! 8it (icroprocessor" &. Wh! is data 8us 8iCdirectional" *. What is the function of accu(ulator" /. What is flagD 8us" 4. What are triCstate devices and wh! the! are essential in a 8us oriented s!ste(" 6. Wh! are progra( counter and stac% pointer 1/C8it registers" 9. What does it (ean 8! e(8edded s!ste(" 1:. What are the different addressing (odes in 6:6*" 11.What is the difference 8etween 5O, and 5,I" 12. What are the functions of )I5D SI5D IN" 13. What is the i((ediate addressing (ode" 1&. What are the different flags in 6:6*" 1*. What happens during 05$ transfer" 1/. What do !ou (ean 8! wait state" What is its need"

14. What is PSW" 16. What is $A@" @+plain the functions of $A@ in 6:6*. 19. What is a progra( counter" What is its use" 2:. What is an interrupt" 21. Which line will 8e activated when an output device re7uire attention fro( CPE" hen co(es the interview 7uestions as%ed in @C@ interview were funda(ental.;ustions as%ed in (! interview were: 0irector 1. Which college and universit! are !ou co(ing fro(" 2. 0id !ou appear for 1$ @" Wh! are !ou not interested in higher studies" 3. 0id !ou appear for I@S" &. 0id !ou appear for an! other 8oard interview of pu8lic sector" *. he su8Fects !ou have learned in college can 8e divided into threeC 8asic electronicsD co((uniCcation and digital logic. ell (e an! five su8Fects !ou li%e. BI told radar and navigational aidsD electronic warfareD satellite co((unicationD 8io(edical instru(entationD fuGG! electronics and 8asic digital electronics as (! su8Fects) -oard (e(8er1 B;E@S ION A@,@AC 5O0@)$ @) 1. Write the truth ta8le for full adder and i(ple(ent it in N$N0 gate onl!. 2. What2s the difference 8etween looping :s and 1s in = (ap" 3. 0ifference 8etween (icroprocessor and (icro controller &. 5icroprocessors !ou are fa(iliar with *. <ow will !ou send and receive data to a (icroCprocessor" BOne (ethod is I#O (apped I#O which is the other one") /. )adar range e7uation" 4. 0oes the radar range depend upon the fre7uenc! of the signal trans(itted" 6. What is 0oppler shift" What is its i(portance" -O$)0 5@5-@) C2 ;E@S ION A@,@AC OE1<) 1. I will (a%e two fuGG! state(ents. Pencil is long. a8le is long. What is the ter( long signif!" 2. What is a (e(8ership function" 3. What are the design criteria for ver! low fre7uenc! a(plifier" &. Can !ou (easure distance with the help of CW radar" If so how" *. <ow will !ou design a sta8le oscillator" BNot with cr!stal oscillator 8ecause te(perature affects it) /. ?ou have designed an a(plifier. $fter few da!s it is found that its gain have changed. What (ight 8e the reason" -O$)0 5@5-@)C3 B;E@S ION A@,@AC 5O0@)$ @) 1. $ plane is (oving in a circular path around the trans(itter of the radar. Will there 8e 0oppler shift detected in the radar" 2. State =eplers laws 3. Wh! there is (ore geo s!nchronous satellite"

&. he angular difference 8etween two satellites is 2 degree. What is the (a+i(u( nu(8er of satellites needed to cover the whole earth" *. What is the (ini(u( nu(8er of satellites needed to cover the whole earth" -O$)0 5@5-@)C& ;E@S ION A@,@AC 5O0@)$ @) 1. Which is the law of conservation involved in the second of =eplers" 2. Wh! do !ou e+plain elliptical or8it while stating =epler2s law" Wh! not circular or8it" 3. What are the advantages of optical co((unication" &. What are the invasive and nonCinvasive (ethods of instru(entation" 'or CS gu!s the! started with this 7uestion: What is a %e! 8oard" Where u will connec" What will happen if !ou press the %e!s".. 'or (aths gu!s the! as%ed so(e 7uestions on series.. I don2t %now (uchSo(e gu!s were selected Fust 8! descri8ing the final !ear proFect. 1. <ow can !ou design a phase detector using a >O) gate" 2. ;uestions a8t differentiator and integrator. What will happen if we increase#decrease the values of )# C" 3. how will a low#high pass filters 8ehave to different signals Hra(pD pulse etc &. 7uestions on flip flops *. Iohnson counter /. ;uestions on (icroprocessorsC what is SI5" 4. $8t !our proFect. What will happen when this#that happens to !our proFect" 6. )adarD antenna and satellite co((unication. 9. Which is the first#latest co((unication satellite" 1:. What is apogee #perige

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