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Temas de Fsica 3: Teora de Grupos

Especialidad Ciclo Semestre Profesor : Fsica : Electivo : 2013-1 : Roland Weingartner Clave Crditos Teora Requisitos : FIS326 : 4.5 : 4 horas/semana :



Since groups are the mathematical language of symmetries in nature, its importance as a theoretical tool in science and engineering is evident. The course gives an introduction in group theory for natural scientists and engineers and its basic applications to science and engineering. The focus lays on representation theory of finite groups. But also Lie groups are addressed on a basic level. Comprehensive exercises, also as examples, to deepen the learned content are provided. II. OBJETIVOS

The principle aim is to provide the student with the basic knowledge of group theory. After successfully passed the course the student should be able to read and understand publications which use group theoretical descriptions, i. e. literature on solid state physics, etc. Also the active use of the learned methods will be trained. III. PROGRAMA ANALTICO 1) Basic Concepts: Definition of groups and subgroups. Concept of conjugate classes cosets. Introduction to iso-/ and homomorphism. Presentation of examples of finite groups, i. e. point groups in molecular and solid state physics, and continuous groups, like matrix groups (SO(3), SU(n) ), etc. 2) Representation theory: Introduction to the concept of representation theory of groups, i. e (ir-) reducible representations, direct sum, Schurs Lemmas, great orthogonality theorem, character tables, projectors, basis of representations, etc. 3) Applications: Symmetries in tensor descriptions, vibrational modes in solids and molecules (reduction of dynamical matrix), selection rules, Wigner-Eckart theorem, Clebsh-Gordan coefficients, douple groups, crystal field, translational symmetry in crystals, Fourier series, special functions.

4) Lie-groups and Lie-algebras: Application to the rotational group in quantum mechanics, etc.


BIBLIOGRAFIA Wu-Ki Tung: Group theory in physics. An introduction to symmetry principles, group representations and special functions in classical and quantum physics, World Scientific (1993) M. Hamermesh: Group theory and its application to physical problems. (1959) T. Inui, Y. Tanabe, Y. Onodera: Group theory and its applications in Physics., Springer Series in Solid-State Science 78 (1976)



The course will given as a traditional lectura. The practica will contain exercises to check the knowledge of the student. Additional homework, approx. given once a week, give the student the possibility to practice the learned knowledge.



En este curso se aplica la modalidad de evaluacin 2, que establece que el promedio se calcula con la siguiente frmula: Nota Final = (3 Ex1 + 4 Ex2 + 3 Pa) / 10 Donde: Exi = Examen isimo Pa = Promedio de prcticas Tipo a, sin considerar la menor nota

San Miguel, Marzo de 2013


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