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CPAC Doctrines Adrift October 2013? Are Justice, the responsibility to Protect & Peace eepin! "issions contributin!

to Peace? #ouise Arbour President and C$O %nternational Crisis &roup '(russels, (el!iu") since 200* +, -i!h Co""issioner for -u"an .i!hts 200/ 0 2001 Justice of 2upre"e Court 1*** 3 200/ 4ho5s ta Jud!e? 6ran nar6 6iduciary responsibly accountable nefarious in leptocrats naturally appropriate ri!hteously 6anatical

7ell e" 8889$uchrestrions9co" Ain5t 7hat a Caution A:oidance intuiti:e necessary truths 7yrannical holy appropriatin! trilateral a Co""ission aspirin! usury to increase oppressi:e nuances fro" *0; tithe http<==8889youtube9co"=results? search>?uery@trilateralAco""issionAdocu"entary&o?@trilateral&!s>l@youtube919190l1092BC19BC239092*3/ 29109C9093939091/39B3D9BE19C909990909991ac919119youtube9sl7F32.$On8 http<==8889youtube9co"=results? search>?uery@cancerAcuredAinAcanadaAbutAbi!Aphar"aAsaysAnoA8ay&o?@CancerAcured&!s>l@youtube9 19093Di3*E0l*92**19132/D9091C/*392*9119090909093D193CC3920 11E2913909990909991ac919119youtube9/Gch!cGtoHA Cancer cure but no soup for you 6ree ener!y but no 7esla soup for you http<==8889youtube9co"=results? search>?uery@teslaAfreeAener!y&o?@7esla&!s>l@youtube919093Di3*l2E0l/E0i3E0E0i3E09/1D191/3/90911*3/9D 9D9090909092*/91D/920393909990909991ac919119youtube90 Ii2>D!$A+ 4e "ust use all resources on ar"a"ents to sa:e hu"anity fro" i"po:erish"ent leadin! to eFtinction http<==8889youtube9co"=results? search>?uery@ar"a"entsAconspiracy&o?@Ar&!s>l@youtube919093Di3*E0l2E0i3E0lB9122101912DB/C90913312 *911919090909092**9D1D920292909990909991ac919119youtube9fOJKB0D6%&L La in! 28iss cheese of Popes 28iss &uard by MO. of C Mueen5s O8n .ifles occurrin! friendly Coherency 'Currency) Canada sets the pace of the race 7he rise of popular sanity

.AC$ .eality Al"i!hty Consecrated $le"ent http<==8889scribd9co"=doc=11003B21B=%talian0politicians0a!ree0to0aid0a!ainst0last0.atH0Pope -oly #and $$Fcedrin -eadaches 28itHerland -ooE -o"e of offshore Eac 0ha""ers KK2 K Katican Kaults 2 Kictory http<==8889youtube9co"=8atch?,.@1&feature@endscreen&:@GD#>FB.-$/s 3 in the red stars creditin! self 8889A"en139co" 2$72 2anctity $Fponential 7aF0e:adin! 2ancti"onious http<==en98i ipedia9or!=8i i=2pecial<2earch?search@PopeA28issA!uard&!o@&o L+66#$2 Lulroney unscrupulous fiduciary fli!ht lobbyis" essential subterfu!e 8889Da"a!eControl9co" Do"ino a "a!nani"ous attorney !eneral escape Constitution orations neuterin! tradition rule of la8 Jeeps us on rations lest +,C#$ 2AL &-O272
+nited ,ations Co"plicit #ucidly $Fplicit 2"o e and Lirrors &lass -ouse Occupants 2ubstanti:e 7hic 2no8balls

http<==8889scribd9co"=doc=1C*C2/201=%-0%n:isible0-and0say0-i0to0"y02olar0&host0friend http<==8889scribd9co"=doc=12B2*0C1B=6oot0in0Louth0De0Eure0De0facto0CA7C-A##0Affliction0 Doublethin N7hy in!do" co"eN Lc Pi! Lusical Chairs Puppets in !lo""in! Puppets in &o:ernance Ledia $lusi:es

P%& L$
7he re?uest for &odOs in!do" to co"e is usually interpreted as a reference to the belief, co""on at the ti"e, that a Lessiah fi!ure 8ould brin! about a Jin!do" of &od9 7raditionally the co"in! of &odOs Jin!do" is seen as a di:ine !ift to be prayed for,

not a human achievement.

7his idea is fre?uently challen!ed by !roups 8ho belie:e that the Jin!do" 8ill co"e by the hands of those faithful to 8or for a better 8orld9 %t is belie:ed by these indi:iduals that JesusO co""ands to feed the hun!ry and clothe the needy are the Jin!do" to 8hich he 8as referrin!9

P%& L$O4
Puppets in &o:ernance Ledia $lusi:es Opposition 4eb Consistent debates for fair share in the di::y up of the loot 8ith unani"ous consent %f their -$ 3 -u"ans $nsla:ed are not 8or in! their luFury sche"atics syste"ically fails %##2 %n:ariably #uFury #o!istics 2ubterfu!e ,$42 ,e:er $ndin! 4ar 2tory %sn5t it .ich 8e all pay the Political .eli!ious %"plicit Co"plicit $Fplicit

Political .eli!ious %nsidious Capitalist $"perors #i e other financial e"pires in history, 2"ith clai"s the conte"porary "odel for"s alliances necessary to de:elop and control 8ealth, as peripheral nations re"ain i"po:erished pro:iders of cheap resources for the i"perial0centers0of0capital9

P1Q (elloc esti"ated that, durin! the (ritish $nclosures, Nperhaps half of the 8hole population 8as proletarianN, 8hile rou!hly the other NhalfN o8ned and controlled the "eans of production9 ,o8, under "odern Capitalis", J949 2"ith clai"s fe8er than D00 people possess "ore 8ealth than half of the earth5s population, as the 8ealth of 1=2 of 10percent of the +nited 2tates population rou!hly e?ual that of the lo8er *00percent9 http<==8889youtube9co"=8atch?:@+bACC&fB?0c

http<==8889scribd9co"=doc=1CD10BB//=4$04hite0$l"er0,ay04hite0$lephant0$arth0.aised0Pope0Lerry0 Len

R so lon! to hu"anity "u""y S shit up and eat your brains Ho"bie dearest S there is a scarcity 88898oto s9co" 4iHard of the outhouse no8s shit

6ore:er in su""ary Tin !oin! for8ardU S e:er attenti:e to &o ahead (ac up due process Laybe 8e should ha:e another loo at the 8isdo" of the accused in:esti!atin! self http<==8889youtube9co"=8atch?:@+bACC&fB?0c

http<==en98i ipedia9or!=8i i=Mueen;2Cs>O8n>.ifles

6acts "ust ha:e root 2 ta e root &od coherency NCatch 22N "ust ha:e se"blance 2 catch do& chase tail

-u"anity Cut to the chase 8ith the cuttin! ed!e TECE PNTR RCR
7rial $rror Cause $ffect Pro!ressi:e ,ature 7hou!ht .eason .etrospect Constant .ecalibration
Da"a!e Control Due Process




1. Not experienced but knowable Philosophy independent of human experience of phenomena but within the range of knowledge 2. ystical !elating to mystical or supernatural experience and therefore beyond the material world

&o ahead (ac up Due Process

(ri!ht #i!ht of 7ruth Trans is a Latin noun or prefix, meaning "across", "beyond" or "on the opposite side".
Another conspirac investigation !ol"s# but $e%re &uite certain the cro$n $ill be !ound as solid as a stone $all

7he !radual, often unconscious, absorption of no8led!e or ideas throu!h continual eFposure
Outside .outine (oF %ntrinsic 7ruths .e:erse Os"osis Psychosis

Poacher Cycler

rather than deliberate learning

7ruths -olistic %nteracti:e .etrospect 7ranscendental $lectro"a!netis" $nsla:ers ,e"esis

8889Orbit.op139co" 2pea in! up no8 8ill eFperience 6or!i:e the" #ord 8ho no8 co"prehend

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