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Introduction Kawas is combined cycle Power plant having 4 GTs along with associates WHRBs and !Ts "ontrol system o# Gas Turbine is !peedtronic mar$%I& which is G' design( GT !)*'T+ "H'"K! Be#ore "ontrol system issues the order to start the GT, it will chec$ series o# !a#ety re-uirement #or the GT( When all chec$s are .K then it will display Ready To !tart message to the .perator Gas turbine start up chec$s "ompressor Inlet thermocouple%"TI/ 0 1 are within 02(4 deg "( IG& position is 3 20 deg and 4 25 deg( 604H/ is 7rop i(e(( !peed is 48(5 9 6ub oil Temp :ormal ; < =:> .verspeed bolt is Reset( Gas turbine start up chec$s :o #lame is present &entilation relie# damper is open( Trip oil pressure is .K ;<2 HG 0, ,2 1 <2*6 0, ,2> 6i-uid #uel stop valve is close 6i-uid #uel stop valve is not open Gas turbine start up chec$s )ll "ompressor Bleed valves are .P': /aster protection 64 is reset ;?ero> 6ogic agreement among the 4R!T3 "ontrollers( )ll should be healthy 7" motor #or @@=' voltage is .K( ;brea$er should be .:> Gas turbine start up chec$s )ll vibration sensors are enabled HR!G ;Boiler> damper is close "ustomer permissive ;I# any> 7iagnostic Tests are .** Gas Turbine !tart Ap "hec$s In case o# Gas #uel selection% !top ratio valve position is more then %5(B0 9 and less then 5(B09 !ervo current is less then %2 ma

Gas control valve position is more then %@(B0 9 and less then 5(CC9 !ervo current is less then %2(C ma Inter valve pressure is more then %C(55 bar Gas Turbine !tart up "hec$s In case o# li-uid #uel selection% 6i-uid #uel #low voltage is more then %C( 5 vdc and less then DC( 5 vdc !ervo current is less then %C(5 ma &alve position is more then %B(2@ 9 and less then 0C9( )ll communication lin$s are .K &ibration !ystem Healthiness I# all vibration sensors o# GT or Generator are #aulty or disabled , it will issue :ormal !E7( 'ach sensor is monitored through 6imit value monitor( When sensor is showing less then C(B mmEsec, it declares #aulty( )uto Trans#er o# *uel Gas turbine can run on B)!' load with #ollowing #uelF Natural gas HSD NGL/nap t a Trans#er *rom Gas to H!7 Gas Pressure 6ow !etting at 0B(@ bar #alling( Gas Purge valves improperly close( This is derived #rom inter valve pressure switch which is set at 45 psi(

Trans#er *rom :G6Enaphtha to H!7 :ap pressure low( 6ess then 4 bar( :ap tan$ level low( High%tech tan$ level low( :o Hightech pump running( )tomising air di##erential pressure low( ;40 bar> &entilation trouble Telltale lea$age( :ap #low low ;4 (5 $gEsec> G"H #ailure :ormal shutdown( Trans#er *rom H!7 to :G6Enaphtha H!7 tan$ level low(

!hut 7own There are two ways to stop the machine in case process parameter goes out limit or mal#unction( :.R/)6 !T.P( In this mode #uel is gradually reduced and machine is unloaded and put to turning gear( !tress will be less in this mode(

'/'R'G':"+ !T.P( In this mode #uel is immediately stop( !tress will be HIGH in this mode Iac$ing .il Trouble This protection is chec$ing #or healthiness o# Jac$ing oil system( I# Jac$ing oil pressure is low or pump not running it issues the shutdown order( This protection is applicable only i# speed is less the @(4 9 and sha#t is not at rest( 6oad Tunnel Temp High *or monitoring temp( .# load tunnel one thermocouple is provided% TTIB( Be#ore synchronisation i# load tunnel temperature is more then 2B0 deg " it issues the normal stop order( This may occur in case o# #an #ailure or eKcessive lea$age #rom eKhaust compartment to load compartment( Inlet )ir *ilter /onitoring )t the inlet o# compressor #ilters are provided to have good -uality dirt #ree air( *or monitoring the status o# #ilter -uality, .n line monitoring is provided through 7P transmitter ( In case #ilter 7P raises to 055CP) ;0<2 mmwc>, It will issue normal shut down( Tor-ue "onverter /onitoring Tor-ue converter is provided to have variable power at the accessories gear side( In tor-ue converter, drain valve is provided #or draining oil( Without power drain valve is open( I# drain valve is #ound closed with out power, it will issue normal !E7( !tarting 7evice /onitoring I# gas turbine is Ready To !tart, control system will issue order to start cran$ing motor I# the sha#t does not brea$ away ; speed 4C(C< 9 > within 2C seconds o# cran$ing motor starting , it will issue normal shut down( This may occur due to either improper adJustment o# tor-ue converter or Gen( bearing li#ting is not enough( )tomising )ir Temp High To monitor the )tomising air temp one temp switch% < )) is provided in the inlet o# the cooler circuit( I# )tomising air temperature eKceed 025 deg " #or more then 0C sec it will issues the normal stop order Gen( !tator Winding Temp High In each phase o# generator winding ,two number o# RT7 ;Pt%0CC> are provided #or temp monitoring I# temperature ready any o# the RT7 rises above 05C deg " the it will issue :ormal !hut down order( Warren Pump 6ub( "ircuit There are two protection #or 6i-uid #uel pump sa#ety(

6ub oil tan$ level high( This protection is provided to ta$e care o# seal #ailure( In case o# seal #ailure, #uel will be passing towards 6ub oil side, hence tan$ level may rise( 6ub oil pressure is low ;@5 psi> will result in normal shutdown o# GT Gas Purge "ircuit /onitoring ! "n GT #s runn#ng $n gas %u"l, gas n$&&l" purg" 'al'"s ar" ("pt )l$s"d* B"t+""n the two purge valves ;&)%02%0 1 > one pressure switch <2PGH is provided to monitor the intervalve pressure( I# intervalve pressure rises above 45 psi, it will trans#er the GT on H!7 automatically( But some reason, i# it #ails to achieve the trans#er with in 45 sec( GT will be shutdown( H!7 Tan$ 6evel /onitoring In case GT running on H!7 and tan$ level o# tan$ goes below low level, it trans#er to :G6 In case low level switch #ails to trans#er, very low level switch will issue the normal shutdown( /aster Protection Trip Protective status trip Pre%ignition trip Post%ignition trip /anual Trip Trip #rom 6ocal panel push button Trip #rom ""R bac$ up des$ push button Trip #rom ""R operator video station *ire Trip In Gas Turbine at di##erent location *ire sensors are provided( Basically they are temperature sensors( !et point #or )uK( and turbine compartment is 20< deg "( *or 6oad tunnel sensors set point is 50C deg "( )uK(( "ompartment ( pairs Turbine "ompartment 2 pairs 6oad "ompartment( pairs Two sensor #rom same compartment senses the #ire it will trip the GT

6ub .il Protection *or monitoring the healthiness o# the lub oil system% 2 nos( o# pressure switches are installed( .ne switch is provided at the outlet o# the pump header ;be#ore &PR0> and two switches are provided at the generator side( Pr( 6ow !witch;4(@ bar> provided at the outlet o# lub oil header will give lub oil pressure low( Two switches very low switches provided at the generator end are having setting o# C(55 bar

In case lub oil pressure low is persisting and any one switch o# pressure very low is also set turbine will TRIP Both the very low switches are set turbine will TRIP

&ibration Protection 'ach bearing is monitored by vibration sensor;s>( In case vibration level goes above 0 (B mmEsec, operator will get alarm In case vibration eKceed the 5(4 mmEsec, turbine will be automatically

TRIP !tart up *uel 6imitationEProtection 7uring start up #uel control is utmost important In case o# gas #uel i# we get the position #eedbac$ o# !top%ratio valve is more then @(< 9 will trip the machine( This protection is basically given to avoid sudden in rush o# gas in case o# pressure rise( Practically this will happen i# o## base s$id Gas valve is not reset( !tart up Protection%6i-uid *uel To ta$e care o# eKcessive #uel during start up, #uel #low ;*=> is compared with set point C(< $gEsec( I# #low is higher be#ore #lame scan, it will trip the turbine This may happen because o# LairM in the #uel circuit( )ir in the #uel circuit results in higher RP/ o# #low divider( #uel #low calculation is based on RP/ o# #low divider speed( "ommunicator *ailure I# communicator #ails, operator does not have much monitoring support, hence i# during start up i# communicator #ails be#ore 85 9 speed level GT will trip to avoid any damage due to lac$ o# in#ormation( 6i-uid *uel 6ow Pressure Trip I# GT is running on li-uid #uel and li-uid #uel pressure drop below 25 psi ; (B5 bar> GT will trip( Gas *uel 6ow Temp Trip Gas #uel temperature at the inlet o# gas turbine is monitored through the temp( switch( I# this switch senses the temp low ;4 0C deg "> it will trip the GT, i# it running on Gas #uel(

Gas !crubber 6evel To avoid any gas contamination carried in the turbine, #inal scrubber is provided Just be#ore shut o## valve( 7ue to condensation in the scrubber, i# the level o# the scrubber rises above certain level, gas turbine will trip( 6i-uid 6ea$ 7etection in GeneratorE'Kciter .ne level switch is monitoring the high level and remaining two are monitoring very high level(

In case o# high level detected )larm shall be generated( In case either switch detect very high level it will issue trip order( HR!G Protection This protection is provided to protect the HR!G in case o# 7ivertor damper #ailed to close when HR!G protection is acting( Time delay o# 4C sec( is provided( Ha?ardous 6ea$ 7etection To monitor the #uel lea$% Gas and 6i-uid ,detection system is provided in )uK( and Turbine compartment( In case lea$ detection 3 C 9 o# 6'6, it will generate alarm( In case lea$ detection 34C 9 o# 6'6, it will Trip the GT Pre%Ignition Trip 7uring start up ;:. *6)/'> I#F

*uel !ervo *ault .R 'mergency 7" Pump Ander voltage It will Trip the GT 6ub .il Temp Protection *or monitoring the lub oil temperature, three Temp switches are provided( Temp High is set to BC 7eg " and Temp &ery High are set at @C 7eg "( In case o# any one switch senses the very high temp and temp high alarm is persisting, it will Trip GT I# both the very high temp switches are set , GT will Trip(

"omp( Bleed &alve Protection 7uring start up, any o# the #our bleed valve is not .P': up to operating speed, GT will trip( .verspeed Protection 'lectrical .ver speed F Turbine sha#t speed is eKceed the set point %00C9 , GT will Trip( )s a bac$ to the 'lectrical .verspeed protection, /echanical .verspeed Bolt is provided( This bolt is calibrated at 00 9 speed( It Wor$s on centri#ugal #orce Gas Purge 6ine /onitoring 7uring gas #uel #iring, i# either o# the purge valve ;&)02%0 1 > is :ot "lose then GT will trip( This protection is provided to avoid miKing o# gas and hot o# compressor discharge( *lame Protection Gas turbine is having #our nos( o# *lame !canners( To $eep GT running at nos( o# *lame should be present( In case 3 scanner does not sense the #lame, GT will Trip .n 6oss o# *lame

'Khaust Temp Protection In order to have the better li#e o# the turbine , Temp o# the turbine inlet is to be maintained at the design value( To ensure the the TIT within the limit, temp( re#erence%TTRN is calculated( This re# TTRN is compared with the median eKhaust TTN/( I# TTN/ is higher by 02(8 deg ", Temp High alarm shall be generated( 'Khaust High Temp Trip I# TTN/ is more then TTRND (5 then GT will trip on 'Khaust Temp High( In case o# TTN/ 3 <05 deg " then also GT will trip( This is provided as a Bac$up protection( 'Khaust TE" .pen 7uring acceleration, TTN/ is monitored and i# value is #ound below 0 0 7eg ", GT will Trip( This protection is provided to ensure that 'Khaust Thermocouples are in service 'Khaust Temp !pread To monitor the healthiness o# the combustor spread among the eKhaust thermocouples are monitored( These spreads are compared with the allowable spread, i# they meet #ollowing conditions GT will trip 'Khaust !pread Trip 7e#inition o# di##erent spreadF !P0O7i##erence o# Highest and 6owest TE" !P O7i##erence o# Highest and nd 6owest !P2O7i##erence o# Highest and 2rd 6owest In case o# #ollowing condition GT will Trip a#ter 8 !ec delay( 'Khaust !pread Trip !P03TTNP6 1 !P 3C(@PTTNP6 1 !P0 and !P are adJacent( !P035PTTNP6 1 !P 3C(@PTTNP6 and !P and !P2 are adJacent !P23TTNP6 )cceleration /onitoring 7uring start up i# the acceleration is less then 49 #or one sec the GT will trip( This is applicable up to operating speed only IG& Protection IG& is having dual #unctionsF "ontrolling the inlet air -uantity #or "ompressor protection "ontrolling the eKhaust temperature in case o# combined cycle mode( I# IG& position is less then 5C degree at operating speed then GT will TRIP I# re#erence #or IG& and actual #eedbac$ o# IG& position is having more then B(5 deg then also GT will Trip

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